Yes We Do Foundation Overview

WE 團隊合作 Team work YES 自信自强 Self confidence DO 社會責任感 Social responsibility


Yes We Do Foundation Overview

Transcript of Yes We Do Foundation Overview

WE團隊合作Team work

YES 自信自强 Self confidence

DO社會責任感Social responsibility


知行夏令營由知行教育基金會(香港註冊慈善團體)於 2010 年開始發起,旨在組織培養海外優秀大學生赴中國落後地區交流,並以暑期夏令營的形式為初等教育兒童提供系統素質啓蒙教育的慈善項目。

Yes We Do is a project run by the Yes We Do Foundation which aims to improve the quality of elementary education in rural China. The Program selects volunteers from top university students in Hong Kong, Macau, overseas regions and the Mainland, and arranges for them to go to remote areas in Mainland China to provide extracurricular activities for underprivileged children.


To promote well-rounded personal development among children in underdeveloped areas

·培養孩子們對多種技能的興趣 To nurture interests beyond book learning

·增強孩子們面對困難的勇氣和信心 To enhance willingness and confidence to face challenges

·鍛煉孩子們的溝通和表達技巧 To improve communication and presentation skills

·培養友愛互助的合作精神等 To promote the value of friendship and teamwork

我們的宗旨 | Our Mission

重要里程 | Key Milestones 夏令營項目時間表 | Annual Time Table

發起機構討論確立專案目標及發展方向Leading organizations discussed cooperation and established the Foundation mission

成立專案理事會Yes We Do project committee established

確立夏令營專案方案Yes We Do Summer Camp proposal developed

完成第一次夏令營項目(2010)資金募集Fundraising for 2010 Summer Camp

第一次夏令營活動啟動2010 Summer Camp in 3 schools implemented

2010 夏令營總結及評估Review conducted for the 2010 camp

2010 夏令營項目審計完成Project audit for 2011 completed

2011 夏令營資金募集Fundraising for 2011 Summer Camp

2011 營前在港培訓Pre-camp training in Hong Kong

2011 夏令營活動開營2011 Summer Camp implemented in 4 schools

於香港註冊成為慈善團體Registered as a charity organization in Hong Kong

建立了 4 個項目執行委員會,鞏固基金會的組織架構Organization structure strengthened with the establishment of four executive committees

上一年財務審計      年度工作計劃Annual audit for the previous year  Annual work plan


確立合作學校及學生選拔Select partner schools and participating students

志願教師招募及甄選Recruit volunteer teachers

志願教師分組備課Course preparation

志願教師行前集中培訓 夏令營項目開展Pre-camp training Summer camp

總結 / 評估 / 彙報 / 致謝活動Review and report to supporters

20099 月

20102 月

20101 月

20104 月

20108 月

201010 月

20111 月

20113 月

20117 月

20118 月

201111 月

201111 月









To enrich the life experience of overseas professionals and university students through mentoring children in underdeveloped areas

·體驗山區教育發展現狀 To experience life in rural China

·探索及實踐素質教育的理念 To explore quality education in the more difficult    educational environments of underdeveloped regions

·增強自身合作、抗壓、溝通等綜合素質 To facilitate self-improvement particularly in teamwork,    communication and stress management

1 月

2~5 月

3~6 月

4~5 月

6~7 月

7~8 月

9~12 月

項目簡介Program Overview

發起機構 /Leading Organizations

海外中國青年論壇 / Overseas Young Chinese Forum

資本集團香港員工支持團 / The Employee Supporters of Capital Group Hong Kong Office

香港清華同學會 / Tsinghua Alumni Association of Hong Kong

項目理事會 /Board of Directors

舒暢女士 / Ms. Chang SHU



Overseas Young Chinese Forum,Ph.D. in Economics

(UK) ,Currently works at the Hong Kong Monetary


李波先生 / Mr. Bo LI



Overseas Young Chinese Forum,Doctor of Economics and

Vocational Law (USA) ,Currently works at Peking


鄭路先生 / Mr. Lu ZHENG



Overseas Young Chinese Forum,Ph.D. in Sociology

(Stanford University),Currently works at Texas A&M


李子木女士 / Ms. Zimu LI, Christine



The Employee Supporters of Capital Group Hong Kong

Office,Master of Economics (The Chinese University of

Hong Kong) ,Currently works at Capital Group

耿春亞先生 / Mr. Chunya GENG



Tsinghua Alumni Association of Hong Kong, Master

of Materials Engineering (City University of Hong

Kong), Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering

(Tsinghua University), currently works at Eastspider


Name/Organization 捐款人 / 機構:________________________________________

Donations Amount Cash | Cheque | Deposit HKD | USD | RMB捐款金額:______________________ 現金 | 支票 | 存款 港幣 | 美金 | 人民幣 Telephone Email    Address電話: ________________ 電郵:________________  地址:______________________________________

執行委員會 /Executive Committee

籌款及財經事務委員會 Committee of Fundraising & Finance 李子木 Zimu LI, 魏力 Li WEI, 蘇馳 Chi SU

宣傳事務委員會 Committee of Community Relations耿春亞 Chunya GENG, 崔武梅 Wumei CUI

培訓事務委員會 Committee of Training & Teaching Support程曉強 Xiaoqiang CHENG, 鄭路 Lu ZHENG

策略發展委員會 Committee of Strategy & Development舒暢 Chang SHU, 李波 Bo LI

四川省什邡市中羽博愛小學Sichuan Shifang Zhongyuboai Elementary School

四川省什邡市實驗中學Sichuan Shifang Experimental Middle School

重慶市武隆縣羊角中學Chongqing Wulong Yangjiao Elementary Middle School

安徽省天柱山中心小學Anhui Tianzhu Mountain Central Elementary School

合作學校 /School/staff






我們的優勢與特色What Makes Us Different

不因循,我們注重鍛煉孩子的溝通和表達 Enhance communication and presentation skills


Encourage willingness and confidence to face challenges


Promote the value of friendship and teamwork

創新的素質教育課程Innovative extra-curricular activities

各方反饋 Feedback


Nurture interests beyond book learning


觀理事及捐款人 | Board members & Donors



I am deeply touched by the passion of the volunteers and students at the camp. To all of them, this meaningful event will be a

memorable experience and have a huge impact on their future. (Xun MU, Donor)




There were many touching moments, and I had to fight back my tears all the way through

the closing ceremony. Many parents and local school teachers told us that

the students have become more positive, open and caring

after the summer camp. (Chang SHU, Board




嚴格甄選,確定志願教師,篩選率約 10:1

根據特長、愛好等因素將志願教師分為 5 個備課組,


合作及領導力 | 社會及價值觀 | 溝通與實踐

文化與藝術 | 身體素質培訓

Alumni 會長組織志願教師召開網絡會議







Face-to-face interview

Strict selection procedure (resulting in an admission rate of 1 in 10);

Volunteers divided into 5 subject groups based on specialties and interests; Group leaders selected to coordinate course


Cooperation & Leadership - Society & Values - Communication &Practical activities - Arts & Culture - Health & Fitness

Academic Director chairs internet conferenceson course preparation

Complete the production of the curriculum booklet;

Volunteers gather in Hong Kong for one-week focused training;

Teaching rehearsal with committee members;

Finalize teaching plans upon further group discussions and incorporate inputs from specialist trainers, local teachers and committee members

telephone interview

良好的團隊構成 | Strong Volunteer Team

·志願教師來自香港、澳門、海外及內地最優秀大學 Volunteer teachers come from Hong Kong,    Macau, overseas regions and top universities in   Mainland China

·各類專業的志願教師配合為課程帶來豐富的知識儲備不 同學歷志願教師取長補短,各司其職 Volunteers from different year groups and different majors in universities with different strengths

*Based on first years’ information

美国 USA

英国 UK

香港 HongKong

内地 ( 清华 / 北大 )Tsinghua & Peking University





優秀的志願教師團隊Volunteers selected from top university students globally

擁有一種以上體育或藝術專長 79% With special training in at least one sport or art area有教育相關的社會服務經歷和經驗 58% With volunteering experience曾擔任校級組織的學生領袖 51% With leadership experience


·廣泛選擇各類參營學生,有教無類 Select local students from diversified backgrounds for     participating in the summer camp

·與學校簽訂責任書,明確雙方角色職責 Sign Memorandum of Understanding with partner schools  to clearly define individual responsibilities

·資助當地教師培訓,延續素質教育理念 Sponsor training of local teachers with a view of extending  the reach of the summer camp

嚴謹的支援學校協同 Extensive Commitment to Partner Schools

當地教師 | Local teachers

YesWeDo 項目,我覺得是獨樹一幟的。他通過精心構建的一個開放、平等、人文而創意的課堂,有效地為我們的山區孩子提供了理想、信念、合作、


I think ‘Yes we do’ is a very unique project. It creates an open and equal class environment, and encourages long-term vision,

faith, cultural pursuits as it promotes well-rounded personal development among children in underdeveloped areas. (Jiansheng CUI,

Principal in Anhui)


商、逆商同樣重要……因此我相信,如 Yes we do 目的、形式等為促進孩子綜合素質與技能提升的、著眼於人未來發展,使孩子終生受益的活動,


I think the prime aim of education is to help children establish strong responsibility and morality. Education should emphasize well-

rounded personal development. The Yes We Do project, I believe, is a good example of implementing well-rounded personal

development. It promotes self-confidence and teamwork among the students and focuses on future development of the students.

(Shuhua YAN, Head teacher in Sichuan)

志願教師 | Volunteer teachers

夏令營已經結束,但這場知識與希望的傳遞不會結束。It's not the end. It's not even the beginning of the end. It's just the end of the


“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the

beginning” Yes, we have already left the students for this year, but I don’t think it is

the end. I hope the students will continue the “Happy Book Corner”,

and retain a life-long passion for reading. (William GUO,

volunteer teacher to Anhui, University of

Central Lancashire, UK)3.

 夏令營前期充分瞭解學校和學生情況 Intensive communication with local schools before the camp in an effort to best understand local students and conditions

·定制學校反饋表 Conduct a survey among partner schools about local students and conditions

·總結往屆志願教師經驗 Collect and review the experiences of former volunteers

·聽取多方建議 Seek opinions from different parties

·進行實地調研 Undertake field studies

4.全面的資源意見整合 Maximum Synergy of Resources




We just did what we should do, but the life of us and that of the students will benefit a great deal from our work. I am really proud of

my students and myself, and will never forget the two weeks in that camp. (Xu XING, Volunteer Teacher to Sichuan, Hong Kong





There is a saying that “It’s the small things that count in life.” and my experience in Anhui proves that. I can vividly remember

those were the happiest moments for me when the students posted messages for me at the back of the classroom, or when they

enjoyed games with me. I also loved the lively atmosphere during the classes. I think the memory of this camp will last forever in my


(Justin YAN, Volunteer teacher to Anhui, Phillips Academy Andover High School, USA)

學生及家長 | Students & Parents





We enjoyed every single day in the camp. We have experienced difficulties, frustrations, failures, and even sadness during the

two weeks, but those were all overcome by us with the help of the teachers. The interesting activities and classes gave us many

moments of joy and happiness which will stay in our memory forever. This is the most meaningful summer camp I have ever joined,

and I want to give my sincere thanks to the volunteer teachers. (Guohong CAO, student in Sichuan)



When I asked my son what he gained from the camp, he told me “I learned to be resolute, brave, confident, and never give

up.” From his words I know that my boy has learned a lot in this camp. His mum and I are so pleased to see that. (A

parent in Anhui)

充分利用往屆志願教師資源,由有經驗的 alumni 擔任教學顧問,赴各地進行實地監督及輔導Cooperation with former volunteers and appointing experienced alumni as Academic Consultants to monitor and help improve teaching quality

理事會成員、捐助者親赴現場考察及參與教學Site visit and participation in camp activities by board members and sponsors

夏令營期間定期召開座談會聽取各方意見Regular meetings during the camp to collect feedback from different participants




To support China’s elementary education with high-quality programs, Yes We Do needs donations from you. We ensure that

each and every cent of your donation will be devoted to promoting well-rounded personal development among children in China.

參與培訓 Be a Trainer


By getting involved in our training for volunteers, you too can play a role in transforming the lives of students in China. As a

trainer, you will have the opportunity to directly witness the impact of our volunteer teachers.

推薦志願者 Refer a volunteer

歡迎您推薦港、澳、臺年滿 18歲的全日制學生或海外具備相關資歷學生成為志願教師,為中國落後地區的初等教育兒童提供課堂以外的


We invite you to recommend undergraduate/graduate students and experienced high school students from all backgrounds to

be our volunteer teachers.

執行委員會 /Executive Committee

籌款及財經事務委員會 Committee of Fundraising & Finance 李子木 Zimu LI, 魏力 Li WEI, 蘇馳 Chi SU

宣傳事務委員會 Committee of Community Relations耿春亞 Chunya GENG, 崔武梅 Wumei CUI

培訓事務委員會 Committee of Training & Teaching Support程曉強 Xiaoqiang CHENG, 鄭路 Lu ZHENG

策略發展委員會 Committee of Strategy & Development舒暢 Chang SHU, 李波 Bo LI

安徽省天柱山中心小學Anhui Tianzhu Mountain Central Elementary School

敬请支持Your Contribution Makes a Difference Here

知行教育基金會 | Yes We Do FoundationCharity Number:91/11614地址 | Address:Unit 308A, Core Building 1, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong SAR電話 | Tel:+852-3586 0586 傳真 | Fax:+852-3013 9857 電子郵件 | Email:[email protected] 網站 | 

中國香港捐款(港幣)/Donating in HK Dollars

郵寄支票 /Mailing a Check

支票抬頭 /Payable to: Yes We Do Foundation Limited

郵寄地址 /Mailing Address: Unit 308A, Core Building 1, Phase 1,Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

銀行轉帳 /Bank Transfer

銀行名稱 /Bank Name:    HSBC

帳戶名稱 /Account Name: Yes We Do Foundation Limited

帳戶號碼 /Account Number: 652-092255-838

美國地區捐款(美元)/ Donating in US Dollars

郵寄支票 /Mailing a Check

支票抬頭 /Payable to: Overseas Young Chinese Forum

郵寄地址 /Mailing Address: 11423 Potomac Oaks Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA

(請在支票背面註明“to Yes We Do Foundation”/Please note "to Yes We Do Foundation" on the back of the check.)

銀行轉帳 /Bank Transfer

銀行名 /Bank Name:     Bank of America

帳戶名 /Account Name:   Overseas Young Chinese Forum

帳戶號碼 /Account Number: 446008122900

SWIFT Code: BOFAUS3N, Routing # 026009593 (美國境內匯款 US domestic wiring)

BOFAUS6S, Routing # 052001633 (國際匯款 international wiring)

中國內地捐款(人民幣)/Donating in RMB

銀行轉帳 /Bank Transfer

銀行名稱 /Bank Name: 中國銀行朝外大街支行

帳戶名稱 /Account Name: 北京市正見永申律師事務所

帳戶號碼 /Account Number: 342856035622