Www.sunlike.com. 2012 年度 Online 新增功能展示 —— 天心在线 天心软件 ( 珠海 )...


Transcript of Www.sunlike.com. 2012 年度 Online 新增功能展示 —— 天心在线 天心软件 ( 珠海 )...



天心软件 ( 珠海 ) 有限公司

天心在线 天心在线是一套基于 .Net 平台并完全运行于 Internet 上的高效能 B/S 结构系

统。天心在线作为 Online ERP 系统的入口网站,用户只要通过 IE 浏览器上网就可以登入天心在线系统,同时登入公司相应的 Online ERP 系统,以进行各种 ERP 操作。

用户可以月租的形式租用 Online ERP ,不需安装、不需购买硬件,投入成本低。

Online is a B/S Structure-based ERP system that is built on .Net Platform and can work under Internet. Online ERPP combines B/S-Structured product with C/S-Structured Ⅱproduct through seamless integration with Sunlike ERP, helping various enterprises achieve greater operational efficiency and profitability. Online ERP runs through every step in Ⅱ

enterprise management from supply-chain to demand-chain including serial sub-systems such as Product Management, Marketing Management, Allocation and Distribution

Management, Maintenance Management, and Financial Management.     Online ERPP provides management application not only to enterprise headquarter but also to branch Ⅱcompany, agency, dealer, shopkeeper and other business partners. Users can easily control cross-regional goods flow, stock, sales activities and accounts at any time, further

strengthen management to customer and business activities, real-time acquire the information about distributor (dealer) and sales result. System will help enterprises set a uniform

marketing channel, ensuring the institutions at all levels to hold individual data resource at the same time.