WRITING LEVEL 3 모범 답안 및 해설contents.neungyule.com/books/B6108057/pdf/NEAT Bite_W3...

WRITING LEVEL 3 모범 답안 및 해설

Transcript of WRITING LEVEL 3 모범 답안 및 해설contents.neungyule.com/books/B6108057/pdf/NEAT Bite_W3...

WRITING LEVEL 3 모범 답안 및 해설

2 · 정답 및 해설

Section 2

pp. 33~40UNIT 01

My Future Dream

직업 관련 표현

pilot 조종사, 비행사

fashion designer 패션 디자이너

novelist 소설가

architect 건축가

reporter 기자, 리포터

vet (veterinarian) 수의사

scientist 과학자

professional gamer 프로게이머

lawyer 변호사

diplomat 외교관

entertainer 연예인

pop singer 대중가수

police officer 경찰관

직업별 업무 관련 표현

fly airplanes 비행기를 조종하다

cut cloth 옷감을 재단하다

design clothing[clothes] 옷을 디자인하다

write stories[books] 글[책]을 쓰다

design buildings 건물을 설계하다

report the news 뉴스를 보도하다

treat sick animals 아픈 동물을 치료하다

examine / treat patients 환자를 진찰하다 / 치료하다

direct traffic 교통정리를 하다

arrest criminals 범인을 체포하다

make[cook] food[dishes] 음식을 만들다

Language Focus p.34


1 to join a band 2 to find my wallet

3 to look slim 4 to buy a new computer


1 must finish your homework first

2 should apologize to her

3 must not take pictures of the artwork

4 had to borrow one from his friend

Tips for Writing p.35

당신이 제대로 된 방법을 알기만 한다면 당신의 개를 조련하는 것은

더 쉽다. 가장 중요한 것은 당신은 인내심을 가져야 한다는 것이다.

단지 한두 번 시도해보고 포기해서는 안 된다. 또한, 당신은 쉬운 명

령들부터 시작해야 한다. 예를 들어, 당신의 개는 “가서 네 장난감을

가져와”보다 “앉아”를 이해하는 것이 더 쉽다.


1 I want to be a comedian. Above all, I feel good when

people laugh. It is amazing to make someone happy.

Also, I am good at impressions. I l ike imitating

famous people and animals.

2 My sister and I are different in many ways. First, we

don’t look alike. I am short and heavy, but she is tall

and slim. We also have different personalities. I am

outgoing, but my sister is very shy.

1 나는 코미디언이 되고 싶다. 무엇보다도, 나는 사람들이 웃을 때

기분이 좋다. 누군가를 행복하게 만드는 것은 멋진 일이다. 또한,

나는 흉내내는 것을 잘한다. 나는 유명한 사람들이나 동물들을

흉내내는 것을 좋아한다.

2 우리 언니와 나는 여러 면에서 다르다. 첫째로, 우리는 안 닮았

다. 나는 키가 작고 체중이 많이 나가지만, 그녀는 키가 크고 날

씬하다. 우리는 또한 다른 성격을 가지고 있다. 나는 외향적이지

만, 우리 언니는 수줍음을 매우 많이 탄다.

Writing Practice p.36


1 Sam is a pilot. He is flying an airplane.

2 Peter is a police officer. He is directing traffic at the


3 Veronica is a fashion designer. She is cutting cloth

at a table.


1 I want to be a novelist because I love writing stories.

2 I want to be an architect because I love making and

building things.

3 · 정답 및 해설

3 I want to be a lawyer because I love solving unfair



1 Thomas Edison, gave up, made great inventions

2 My role model is King Sejong. He loved people and

created Hangeul.

3 My role model is Mother Teresa. She cared about

others and helped poor people.



October 20th

In the future, I want to be a soccer player like Park

Jisung. I hope to play on the best team. Also, I want

to teach soccer to children in need after I succeed. I

think that I should practice harder to make my dream

come true.


February 2nd

In the future, I want to be a singer like IU. I hope to

be the most popular star. Also, I want to sing songs

to help others after I succeed. I think that I should

train my voice to make my dream come true.


Step 1

1 I want to be an artist.

2 I like drawing pictures. Also, I want to have my own

art gallery.

3 I will take part in many art contests and win prizes.

4 My role model is Frida Kahlo. I will become a great

artist like her someday.

Step 2

I want to be an artist in the future. I like drawing

pictures. Also, I want to have my own art gallery. So I

will take part in many art contests and win prizes. My

role model is Frida Kahlo. I want to become a great

artist like her someday.

Unit Test p.39


1 How about being a reporter? You should practice

writing and speaking to become a reporter.

2 How about being a fashion designer? You should be

interested in fashion and trends to become a fashion


3 How about being a vet? You should love animals and

study about them to become a vet.

제안을 할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현으로 ‘How[What] about ~?’, ‘Why

don’t you ~?’, ‘I recommend ~’ 등이 있다. 주어진 표현과 함께

권유나 충고를 나타내는 should나 강한 필요를 나타내는 have to를

사용하여 꿈을 이루기 위해 할 일을 함께 쓰도록 한다.


Dear Sophie,

How are you doing? I got your email. You asked

me about my dream job, so let me tell you about it.

I want to be a scientist because I love space science

and stars. My role model is Stephen Hawking. I

respect him because he made great theories about

stars. I think I should ask questions about everything

and study science hard to make my dream come



메모에 제시된 표현을 활용하여 장래희망과 이유, 본받고 싶은 사람

과 그 사람의 업적, 그리고 꿈을 이루기 위해서 해야 할 일 등이 포함

된 글을 쓰면 된다. must, have to, should 등을 사용하여 ‘~해야

한다’라는 의무나 필요의 의미를 표현하도록 한다.


Yumi went to a bookstore because Kim Yuna’s book

signing was held there. She had to wait in a long line

to meet her role model. But finally, it was Yumi’s turn,

and she could ask Kim Yuna to sign her book and

take a picture with her. It was the best day of her life.

주어진 표현과 그림 1, 2를 통해 김연아를 본받고 싶어하는 유미가

4 · 정답 및 해설

go to a theme park 놀이공원에 가다

take a picture together 함께 사진을 찍다

eat delicious food with friends 친구와 함께 맛있는 음식을 먹다

send / receive text messages 문자를 주고 받다

keep in touch 연락하고 지내다

Language Focus p.42


1 have seen Charles

2 has, finished his homework

3 has lost her umbrella and MP3 player

4 have known each other for three years


1 Everyone likes Tommy who is a singer.

2 Sue has two brothers who look a lot alike.

3 It was his father whom the boy was drawing.

4 I remember Ron whom I met at the shopping mall

last weekend.

Tips for Writing p.43



Who: with my friends

When: last week

Where: a snack bar near my school

What: ordered ramen and gimbap

Why: found a strange bug in the ramen


Who: with my cousin, Juah

When: from July 29th to August 8th

Where: Pyeongchang

What: visit my grandmother and go sightseeing

Why: haven’t seen my grandmother for a long time,

want to see the beautiful scenery of Pyeongchang

Writing Practice p.44


1 The boy who is wearing a white shirt is my friend,

김연아의 책 사인회에 가서 그녀의 사인을 받고 함께 사진을 찍었음

을 알 수 있다.


I respect J. K. Rowling the most. She wrote the

world-famous novel series, Harry Potter, and gave

people hope and courage. She never gave up even

though her book was rejected many times. I also

want to be a famous writer like her in the future.

자신이 가장 존경하고 본받고자 하는 인물에 대해 그 사람이 누구이

며 어떤 일을 했는지, 존경하는 이유가 무엇인지에 대해 글을 쓰는 문

제이다. 글을 완성한 후에는 중심 내용을 전달하는 주제문과 이를 뒷

받침하는 문장들로 단락이 유기적으로 구성되어 있는지 확인하도록


pp. 41~48UNIT 02

My Good Friends

친구 사귀기 관련 표현

buddy 친구

schoolmate 학교 친구

classmate 학급 친구

roommate 같은 방 친구

best[close] friend 가장 친한 친구

childhood friend 어린 시절 친구

true friend 진정한 친구

make[have] friends 친구를 사귀다

be friends with ~와 친하다, 친하게 지내다

make friends through the Internet 인터넷으로 친구를 사귀다

meet in person[face to face] 직접 만나다

get to know someone ~를 알게 되다, 지인이 되다

친구와의 활동 관련 표현

chat with friends 친구와 수다를 떨다

play rock-paper-scissors 가위바위보를 하다

5 · 정답 및 해설

each other

3 who were wearing white shirts were playing rock-


그림에서 분홍색 모자를 쓴(wear) 남학생은 축구 골문 앞에서 물

을 마시고(drink) 있으며, 두 명의 여학생은 그네에 앉아(sit on the

swings) 이야기를 나누고(chat) 있다. 흰 셔츠를 입은(wear) 남학

생 두 명은 가위바위보를 하고(play rock-paper-scissors) 있다.


October 27th

Today, I went to a theme park with Jihye.

We have waited for today for so long! We have been

friends for a long time, but we have never been to

a theme park together before. We ate ice cream

and took pictures together. We also bought cute

hairbands and wore them all day.

It was so much fun!

그림을 보면 친구와 놀이공원에 가서 아이스크림을 먹었고 사진을 찍

었으며, 머리띠도 사서 쓰고 다녔음을 알 수 있다. 이날을 무척 기다

려왔다는 일기의 앞부분을 통해 오랫동안 친구로 지냈지만 함께 놀

이공원에 가본 적이 없다는 내용을 쓸 수 있다. 이때 경험을 나타내는

‘have[has] + v-ed’형태의 현재완료형을 적절히 사용하도록 한다.


Seungki was playing a computer game after school.

He didn’t notice that time passed fast because

he was enjoying the game so much. It was 6:50

p.m. when he looked at the clock. Suddenly, he

remembered a birthday party for his friend who he

was really close with. He ran to the party, and luckily,

he arrived on time.

그림 1에서는 컴퓨터 게임에 열중하고 있는 승기의 모습을, 그림 2에

서는 시계를 보고 친한 친구의 생일파티가 기억나서 당황하는 승기의

모습을 볼 수 있다. 주어진 표현을 통해 그림 3은 승기가 늦지 않게 달

려가서 다행히 제시간에 도착했거나 혹은 열심히 뛰어갔지만 늦어서

친구에게 미안했다는 결론을 추론할 수 있다. 관계대명사를 활용하여

문장 내 가리키는 대상이 반복되지 않고 자연스럽게 연결되도록 한


Mike. He is putting a book in(to) his bag.

2 The girl who is wearing a red skirt is my friend, Lucy.

She is waving her hand.

3 The boy who is wearing black pants is my friend,

Dominic. He is holding a soccer ball.

4 The girl who is wearing a blue jacket is my friend,

Nora. She is making a ‘V’ sign with her hand.

5 The girl who is wearing a green blouse is my friend,

Rachel. She is reading a book at her desk.


1 Jake, online, seen, in person, sent, six months

2 Grace is my blog friend. I have seen her only in

pictures, but we have been online friends for a year.


1 became classmates, we were in the sixth grade,

have known her for four years

2 introduce my friend, Junha. We first met each other

when we were six years old. We have lived in the

same town for ten years.


Step 1

Who: with Hyemin

When: last winter vacation

Where: Blue Mountain Ski Resort

What: take part in a ski camp for teenagers

Why: learn to ski and enjoy the snow

Step 2

I had a great time with Hyemin last winter vacation.

We went to Blue Mountain Ski Resort and took part

in a ski camp for teenagers together. It was really

exciting because I learned to ski and enjoyed the

snow. It is my best memory with a friend.

Unit Test p.47


1 who was wearing a pink cap was drinking some

water in front of the soccer goal net

2 who were sitting on the swings were chatting with

6 · 정답 및 해설

시험 대비 관련 표현

make a study plan 학습계획을 세우다

make a study group 스터디 그룹을 꾸리다

mainly study a textbook 교과서 위주로 공부하다

organize a notebook 노트를 정리하다

review course materials 교재를 복습하다

appear[be asked] on an exam 시험에 나오다

get high grades on exams 시험에서 높은 점수를 받다

Language Focus p.50


1 There are some neighbors that I haven’t met.

2 I heard a strange sound which[that] came from


3 Rick is my friend that goes to the same school as


4 Claire often breaks the rules which[that] all students

agreed to follow.


1 are not supposed[allowed] to park

2 are allowed to use

3 are not supposed[allowed] to watch

4 are supposed to offer

Tips for Writing p.51




(1) It shows my identity as a student.

It keeps students from behaving badly.

(2) It saves money.

Students don’t have to buy lots of clothes.


Introduction: My family went camping by a river last



(1) We enjoyed being in nature.

There were various flowers and fish.

(2) We had the most delicious food.

My father cooked special dishes for us.

Conclusion: It was my happiest time with my family.



I think that it is good to make friends through the

Internet. First, you can be friends with someone who

lives far from you. Also, you can get to know a variety

of people. So I think that making friends online is



I think that it is bad to make friends through the

Internet. First, you can’t be sure about the person

whom you are talking with. Also, it is hard to have

true friendship with only casual talk. So I don’t think

that making friends online is good.

주어진 표현을 활용해서 온라인으로 친구를 사귀는 것의 장점(멀리

사는 사람과도 친구가 될 수 있음, 다양한 사람을 알게 됨)과 단점(이

야기하고 있는 사람이 누구인지 확실치 않음, 가벼운 대화만으로는

진정한 우정을 쌓기 힘듬) 중 하나를 선택하여 글을 쓰는 문제이다.

관계대명사 등을 활용하여 다양한 문법 구조를 써보도록 한다.

pp. 49~56UNIT 03

School Rules

학교 규칙 관련 표현

make[set up] rules 규칙을 세우다

follow / break school regulations 교칙을 지키다 / 어기다

have your hair neat and trim 머리를 깔끔하고 단정하게 하다

wear[put on] a name tag 명찰을 달다

wear school uniforms properly 교복을 단정하게 입다

wear black shoes / sneakers 검정색 구두 / 운동화를 신다

punishment 벌, 처벌

write a letter of apology 반성문을 쓰다

get penalty points 벌점을 받다

7 · 정답 및 해설

Step 2

I think that teens should not wear makeup. First of all,

it can disturb studying if students are too interested

in their appearance. Also, it has a bad effect on their

skin. Most makeup products are for adults, and they

are not good for teens’ skin. So I don’t think that it is

okay for teens to wear makeup.

Unit Test p.55


1 The restrooms in our school smell bad. I recommend

cleaning them twice a day.

2 It is too hot in the classrooms with only fans. I recom-

mend installing air conditioners.

3 The lockers are not big enough. I recommend

replacing them with bigger lockers.

주어진 표현을 활용하여 학교 시설의 문제점을 설명하고 그에 맞는

방안을 ‘I recommend ~’ 또는 ‘How[What] about ~?’ 등의 표현

을 이용하여 제안하는 메시지를 쓰도록 한다.


Re: Help me English experts!! ID: bangforever

Hi! Here are some study tips: First, you should read

the main passages in your textbook several times.

Most questions that appear on exams are about the

main passages. Second, study with your friends. If

you study in a group, you can ask your friends about

the parts that you don’t understand. I’m sure that you

will get a higher grade this time!

주어진 단어를 활용하여 영어 시험 성적을 올리기 위해 교과서의 본문

을 여러 번 읽고, 친구들과 함께 공부하라는 내용의 답변을 쓰면 된다.


I want to make a class rule that helps students be

nice to each other. The words that we use when

talking to our classmates are the most important

things. Students who use bad words or say mean

Writing Practice p.52


1 You are not allowed to wear high heels. You must

wear sneakers.

2 You are not allowed to wear colored socks. You

must wear white or black socks.

3 You are not allowed to wear accessories. You must

wear a name tag on your chest.


1 electronic equipment, keeps us from studying,

cellphones and MP3 players

2 We are not supposed to wear uniforms which[that]

are altered. So short skirts or tight pants are not

allowed in our school.

3 We are not supposed to eat snacks which[that] make

the classrooms dirty. So chewing gum is not allowed

in our school.


1 make a study plan, prepare well for exams in every


2 I think that you should make a study group. Then you

can ask your friends about the parts that you missed

in class.

3 I think that you should mainly study your textbooks.

Then you can understand and memorize important

parts that may be asked on an exam.


1 Her notebook caught on fire, and she was very

embarrassed. Luckily, the fire was put out soon but

she found the desk was burned.

2 The window broke and Tony’s teacher saw it. They

had to clean the bathroom for two weeks as a



Step 1

1 disturb studying

too interested in appearance

2 a bad effect on skin

products for adults

8 · 정답 및 해설

open 개방적인

convenient 편리한

get / search information 정보를 얻다 / 검색하다

communicate freely 자유롭게 의사소통하다

meet various people 다양한 사람들을 만나다

learn at a low cost 저렴하게 배우다

online class 온라인 수업

online shopping 온라인 쇼핑

Internet addiction 인터넷 중독

incorrect information 잘못된 정보

junk[spam] mail 스팸메일

전자기기 관련 표현

appliance (가정용) 기기

refrigerator 냉장고

freezer 냉동고, 냉동실

electric rice cooker 전기밥솥

microwave oven 전자레인지

printer 프린터

MP3 player MP3 플레이어

electric fan 선풍기

air conditioner 에어컨

고장과 수리 관련 표현

break / be out of order 고장 나다

repairman 수리공

technician 기술자

customer service center 소비자 서비스센터

follow-up[after-sales] service 애프터서비스

guarantee for one year 1년간 보증하다

during a warranty period 보증기간 동안

get something repaired[fixed] ~을 고치다, 수리하다

Language Focus p.58


1 when most fruits taste delicious

2 the reason why Billy can’t come tonight

3 the city where the festival will be held

4 the day when my parents got married


1 gets his car washed

2 got his tooth pulled

3 got burned by the sun

4 got bitten by a dog

things should pay five hundred won as a punishment.

자신이 만들고 싶은 학급 규칙에 대해 어떤 규칙을 왜 만들고 싶은지,

규칙을 어길 경우 받는 처벌은 무엇인지에 대해 글을 쓰는 문제이다.



helpful in case of an emergency

I agree with using cel lphones in school. First ,

students can get useful information for studying.

They can use cellphones to look up words in the

dictionary. Also, cellphones can be helpful in case

of an emergency. They help students contact their

parents when they are in danger. So I think that

cellphones should be allowed in school.


can be used in a bad way

I disagree with using cellphones in school. First, it is

difficult for students to concentrate on lessons. If a

cellphone rings in class, it disturbs the whole class.

Also, cellphones can be used in a bad way. Students

may use text messages for cheating on a test. So I

think that cellphones should not be allowed in school.

학생들의 교내 휴대전화 사용에 대해서 찬성하는 의견과 반대하는 의

견 중 하나를 골라 자신의 견해를 제시하는 문제이다. 먼저 브레인스

토밍을 거쳐 주제에 관한 다양한 아이디어를 이끌어낸 후, 서론, 본

론, 결론의 개요에 알맞게 배열하여 글을 완성하도록 한다.

pp. 57~ 64UNIT 04

Technology around Us

인터넷 관련 표현

9 · 정답 및 해설

3 It might be a good idea to make a list of the reasons

why you should use the Internet. Then you might use

the Internet only when you need it.


1 where she left it, and she searched through her bag.

At that moment, she heard her phone ringing nearby.

It was in the pocket of her jacket!

2 why he didn’t use his own phone. He told her that

his phone was not working because the battery was



1 the sound didn’t work. He was frustrated and hit the

TV several times.

2 She thought that the refrigerator was not working

properly, so she called the customer service center.

A few hours later, a repairman came to f ix the



Step 1

1 My computer wasn’t working.

2 It showed an error message on the screen when I

turned it on.

3 It broke because it had viruses that came from junk


4 I learned that I should check the address of the

sender before opening email.

Step 2

My computer wasn’t working and that made me

upset. It showed an error message on the screen

when I turned it on. The repairman said that it broke

because it had viruses that came from junk mail. I

learned that I should check the address of the sender

before opening email.

Unit Test p.63


1 You should go out and enjoy outdoor activities. Then

you could forget about computer games.

2 You should set a time limit when you play computer

Tips for Writing p.59

Simon은 내 가장 친한 친구이다. 우리는 오랫동안 친구로 지내왔다.

우리는 같은 초등학교와 중학교에 다녔다. 우리는 학교에서 많은 시

간을 함께 보냈다. 우리는 또한 같은 동아리에 들었고 정말 재미있게

지냈다. 나는 우리의 우정이 영원히 지속될 것이라고 믿는다.


1 (1) I am terrible with technology.

(2) I just hope that I start having better luck with

electronic equipment.

2 (1) Body language has different meanings in different


(2) So we need to use body language properly

according to each culture.

1 나는 전자기기에 아주 젬병이다. 내 컴퓨터는 여러 번 고장 났다.

또한, 내가 2주 전에 산 새 휴대전화도 이미 고장이 났다. 더 심각

한 것은, 내 주변의 전자기기들이 왜 계속해서 고장 나는지 그 이

유를 모른다는 것이다. 나는 전자기기에 있어 행운이 좀 더 따르

기를 바랄 뿐이다.

2 보디랭귀지[몸짓 언어]는 다양한 문화에서 다양한 의미를 지닌

다. 예를 들어, 우리가 엄지와 검지로 원을 만드는 손동작을 하

면, 그것은 미국에서는 ‘좋아’라는 의미을 지닌다. 그러나 프랑

스와 라틴 아메리카에서 이러한 손 동작은 부정적인 의미를 지닌

다. 따라서 우리는 각 문화에 따라 보디랭귀지를 적절히 사용해

야 한다.

Writing Practice p.60


1 our lives, get lots of information, quickly, easily

2 The Internet makes the world more open. It lets us

not only communicate freely, but also meet various


3 The Internet makes studying more convenient. It lets

us learn anything not only at a low cost, but also in

an easy way.


1 set days when you can use the Internet, spend less

time using the Internet

2 It might be a good idea to have other hobbies. Then

you might become interested in something other

than the Internet.

10 · 정답 및 해설

I think that taking online classes has advantages.

First of a l l , you can take classes anyt ime and

anywhere. You don’t have to worry about a class

schedule. Also, you can learn anything at a low cost.

Online classes cost less than offline classes. So I

think that taking online classes is good.


difficult to communicate with teachers

I think that taking online classes has disadvantages.

First, it is hard to concentrate on studying. You might

just play computer games during class. Also, it is

difficult to communicate with teachers. When you

have a question, it takes time to get an answer. So I

don’t believe that taking online classes is good.

주어진 표현을 활용해서 온라인 강의의 장점과 단점 중 하나를 선택

하여 자신의 입장을 서론에서 표현하고, 본론에 들어갈 수 있는 뒷받

침 내용을 추가하여 글을 쓰는 문제이다. 글을 완성한 후에는 서론에

서 단락의 주제를 명확히 표현하고 있는지, 결론 문장을 통해 서론과

본론 내용을 다시 한 번 정리하고 있는지 확인하도록 한다.

pp. 65~72UNIT 05

Characters and Stars

캐릭터 관련 표현

animation character 만화 캐릭터

superhero 슈퍼히어로

monster 괴물

super powers 초능력

special ability 특기, 특별한 능력

cute appearance 귀여운 외모

cheerful personality 명랑한 성격

연예인과 팬 관련 표현

celebrity 유명(연예)인

games. Then you could control yourself.

3 You should put your computer in the living room.

Then you wouldn’t be able to play computer games

at night.

조언이나 충고를 할 때는 조동사 should를 쓸 수 있다. 주어진 표현

을 활용하여 어떻게 컴퓨터 게임 이용 시간을 줄일 수 있는지 함께 쓰

도록 한다.


To: the Customer Service Center

My printer is not working. There are two problems.

First of all, it makes a lot of noise when I use it. Also,

paper gets jammed in it again and again. I don’t know

the reason why it has these problems repeatedly.

I want a repairman to come and fix my printer.

Please reply soon. Thank you.


제시된 메모를 참고하여, 프린터 사용 시 엄청난 소음이 나고 종이가

걸린다는 두 가지 문제점이 있으며, 이를 해결하기 위해 수리공이 와

서 고쳐주기를 요청하는 내용을 쓰도록 한다.


Heesu went to a swimming pool with her friend.

She was sitting beside the pool and talking on her

cellphone. Suddenly, the phone slipped from her

hand and fell into the pool. She was shocked. She

pulled it out of the water quickly, but it was broken.

So she had to visit a customer service center to get it


그림 1과 2에는 희수가 수영장 풀에 걸터앉아서 통화하다가 휴대전화

를 물에 빠뜨린 상황이 나타나 있다. 그림 3에는 희수가 놀라서 휴대

전화를 재빨리 건졌지만 고장이 나서 수리를 맡겨야 했다는 내용이나

다행히 고장 나지 않아서 안심했다는 내용 등으로 추론할 수 있다.



learn anything at a low cost

11 · 정답 및 해설

있다. 그들도 가끔 보통 사람과 같기를 원하기 때문에 자신의 생

활 일부분을 숨기고 싶어한다. 또한, 그들의 사생활을 잃어버리

는 것은 유명인들뿐만 아니라 그 주변 사람들에게까지 영향을 미

친다. 스타의 친구들과 가족도 나쁜 헛소문에 의해 마음에 상처

를 받을 수 있다. 따라서, 유명인들의 사생활은 보호되어야 한다.

Writing Practice p.68


1 Powerman is a superhero with sunglasses. He is so

strong that he can lift a bus.

2 Ant Jack is an ant in a yellow shirt. He is so small

that he can hide behind an apple seed.

3 Boong is a monster with two horns. His mouth is so

big that he can eat lots of hot dogs at once.


1 a little penguin, a pilot hat, nice, has lots of fun

2 is a superhero with special abilities. It is cool that he

can shoot web from his hands.

3 is a bear in a red shirt. It is cute that he becomes

happy when he gets a jar of honey.


1 the action movie, Fighters. The action scenes are so

exciting that your stress will go away.

2 I recommend the romantic movie, Loving You. The

main actor is so handsome that you will fall in love

with him.

3 I recommend the comedy, Three Fools. The charac-

ters are so humorous that you will laugh during the

whole movie.


1 there was a specia l event . The MC sa id that

Z-Dragon would choose numbers out of a box

and give gifts in person to the people who had the


2 he didn’t give up. He uploaded his dance video

clips on some popular websites. After a few days, a

famous dancing team called him and said that they

wanted him to be a new member.


Step 1

1 singer’s job

singer / comedian 가수 / 코미디언

actor / actress (남) / (여) 배우

have[take part in] an audition 오디션에 참가하다

broadcasting 방송

lipsync 립싱크, 립싱크를 하다

performance 공연

microphone 마이크

special show for fans 팬미팅

signing 사인회

hold / wave a poster[banner] 포스터[현수막]을 들다 / 흔들다

Language Focus p.66


1 that someone was looking at me

2 that you could get this concert ticket

3 that Mike has lost his house key again

4 that there were some problems with the plan


1 It is so cold that I can’t go outside.

2 The questions were so hard that I couldn’t answer


3 The recipe for fried rice is so simple that even my

brother can make it.

4 Jon played soccer so well that he became a famous

soccer player.

Tips for Writing p.67


1 2 – 4 – 1 – 3

2 2 – 3 – 1 – 4

3 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2

1 내가 여름을 좋아하는 데에는 몇 가지 이유가 있다. 우선, 여름은

휴가 가기에 가장 좋은 시기이다. 나는 해변에 가서 시원한 물에

서 수영할 수 있다. 나는 또한 맛있는 과일들을 먹을 수 있어서 여

름을 좋아한다. 나는 수박을 즐겨 먹는다.

2 이 간단한 단계만 있으면 햄 치즈 샌드위치를 만드는 것은 쉽다.

먼저, 햄, 치즈, 빵 두 조각, 그리고 약간의 마요네즈를 준비한다.

두 번째로, 마요네즈를 빵 한 조각에 펴 바른다. 다음으로, 햄과

치즈를 빵에 올린다. 마지막으로, 다른 빵을 맨 위에 올린다.

3 나는 우리가 유명인들의 사생활을 존중해야 한다고 생각한다. 우

선, 스타들도 다른 누군가와 마찬가지로 사생활에 대한 권리가

12 · 정답 및 해설

My favorite character is SpongeBob SquarePants. He

looks like a yellow square kitchen sponge with big

eyes. His various facial expressions are so cute that

they always make me happy. Also, he is very cheerful

and energetic. That’s why I like him the most!

자신이 가장 좋아하는 만화나 영화 캐릭터에 대해 그 캐릭터의 이름,

생김새나 성격, 좋아하는 이유에 대해 글을 쓰는 내용이다.



the right to make one’s dream come true

I think it is okay for teenagers to be entertainers.

First of all, they can develop their talent at an early

age. If they start earlier, they can be more successful

when they grow up. Also, they have the right to make

their dreams come true. They don’t need to give

up their dreams just because they are young. For

these reasons, I think that it is good for teenagers to

become entertainers.


a stressful job

I don’t think teenagers should be entertainers. First of

all, they may find it hard to concentrate on studying.

Students need to finish their formal school education.

Also, becoming an entertainer is very stressful.

Teenagers are so young that they can’t stand gossip

and competition. Therefore, I don’t think that it is

good for teenagers to become entertainers.

십대의 연예계 진출에 대해서 찬성하는 견해와 반대하는 견해 중 하

나를 고른 후, 자신의 근거 하나를 추가하여 글을 쓰는 문제이다. 중

요도나 논리적 흐름 등에 따라 정보가 단락 내에 잘 배치되었는지를

확인하여 글을 완성하도록 한다.

expect singers to sing live

2 fewer music genres

focus on visually great performances

Step 2

I don’t think singers should lipsync. First of all,

singing songs is a singer’s job. Many people expect

singers to sing live. Also, there will be fewer music

genres if singers focus on visually great performances

rather than trying to sing well. Therefore, I believe

that it is not okay for singers to lipsync.

Unit Test p.71


1 was talking to fans holding a microphone

2 were putting their hands up and screaming

3 was crying and holding a banner

그림을 보면 사회자는 마이크를 들고(hold a microphone) 팬들을

향해 말을 하고(talk) 있고, 분홍색 티셔츠를 입은 남학생 세 명은 손

을 들고(put one’s hands up) 소리를 지르고(scream) 있다. 분

홍색 머리띠를 한 여학생은 울면서(cry) 현수막을 높이 들고(hold a

banner) 있다.


August 23rd

Today, I watched a very interesting sci-fi movie called

New World. The story was about the adventures of

two men looking for a new planet for humans. It was

amazing that the imaginary planet looked so real.

I heard that the film was based on the best-selling

novel of the same title. The movie was so exciting

that I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen!

포스터에 제시된 정보를 참고하여 영화 줄거리와 동명의 원작 소설,

영화에 대한 감상을 쓰는 문제이다. 감상을 나타낼 때 ‘so + 형용사/

부사 + that ... can[can’t]’를 사용하여 보다 생동감 있게 표현할 수

있도록 한다.


13 · 정답 및 해설

pp. 73~80UNIT 06

Enjoying Shopping

마트 및 쇼핑몰 관련 표현

shopping cart / basket 쇼핑 카트 / 장바구니

cash register / checkout counter 계산대

paper bag 종이 봉투

plastic bag 비닐봉지

meat section 정육 코너

fish section 생선 코너

frozen food section 냉동식품 코너

dairy section 유제품 코너

bakery section 제과 코너

produce section 농산물 코너

vegetable stand 채소 진열대

cosmetics counter 화장품 코너

online store[shopping mall] 온라인 쇼핑몰

교환과 반품 관련 표현

be broken 깨지다, 망가지다

be not working 작동이 되지 않다

be torn[ripped] 찢어지다

get stained 얼룩이 지다

be not delivered yet 아직 배달이 되지 않다

exchange something for a new one ~을 새것으로 교환하다

get an exchange for items 제품을 교환하다

ask for a refund / an exchange 환불 / 교환을 요청하다

give a full refund 전액을 환불해주다

get a refund on items 제품을 환불받다

Language Focus p.74


1 Both of them take part in

2 Most of the students arrive

3 One of the largest malls in the country is


1 Going shopping every Saturday is Jason’s hobby.

2 Taking a trip to France is my lifetime dream.

3 The bags on display are so expensive that I can’t

buy them.

4 My f r iend who l ives in San Diego loves[ l ikes]

taking[to take] care of animals.

Tips for Writing p.75

매장에서 쇼핑을 하는 것은 여러 장점이 있다. 우선, 나는 내 눈으로

직접 물건을 볼 수 있다. 따라서 물건을 확인한 후에, 살 것인지 아닌

지를 결정할 수 있다. 또한, 환불을 받거나 물건을 교환하기도 쉽다.

내가 해야 할 것은 매장에 제품과 영수증을 가지고 가는 일 뿐이다.

이런 이유로, 매장에서 쇼핑을 하는 것은 쉽고 편리하다.


1 However, eating apples in the evening can be a bad


2 Also, you can get an additional 5% discount if you

visit us for the first time.

1 사과를 먹는 것이 건강에 좋다는 것은 누구나 알고 있다. 사과에

는 비타민 C가 풍부하기 때문에 여드름과 노화를 막는 데 도움이

된다. 하지만 사과를 저녁에 먹으면 나쁠 수 있다. 사과에는 소화

를 돕는 산 성분이 있기 때문에 우리는 사과를 아침에 먹어야 한


2 Cindy의 벼룩시장에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 저희는 옷, 전자제

품, 그리고 가구와 같은 온갖 종류의 중고물품을 갖추고 있습니

다. 돌아오는 이번 주말에 있을 저희 일주년 기념일을 축하하기

위해서, 저희는 고객님의 모든 구매품을 30% 할인해 드립니다.

또한, 처음 방문하시는 거라면, 추가로 5% 할인을 더 받으실 수

있습니다. 5번가에 있는 Cindy의 벼룩시장을 방문해보세요!

Writing Practice p.76


1 is taking her wallet out near the cash register

2 is picking up a cucumber at the vegetable stand

3 is pushing a shopping cart near the dairy section


1 two skirts, one of them has not been delivered

2 I ordered two cups from your online store, but both

of them are broken.

3 I ordered three caps from your online store, but all of

them are too big for my head.


1 received it after two days. When she opened the

box, she was shocked because most of them were

bad. So she called the seller and got a refund.

2 at a nearby snack bar and paid for it. On his way

14 · 정답 및 해설

지시문을 참고하여 구매한 운동화 두 켤레 중 한 켤레는 작아서 맞지

않는다는 정보를 포함하여 더 큰 치수의 운동화로 교환을 요청하는

내용을 쓰도록 한다. 수량을 나타내는 대명사를 ‘of + 명사’와 함께

쓸 때 주어와 동사의 수 일치에 유의하도록 한다.


A boy bought a digi ta l camera f rom an onl ine

shopping mall. Two days later, the camera was

delivered. However, it didn’t work when he tried

to turn it on. He got upset and called the seller.

The seller apologized for the broken camera and

promised to exchange it for a new one.

그림 1과 2에는 인터넷으로 구매한 디지털카메라의 전원이 켜지지

않아 당황하는 주인공의 모습이 나타나 있다. 그림 3에서는 주인공이

판매자에게 전화를 걸어 고장 난 카메라의 교환을 약속받았다거나 고

장인 줄 알았지만 알고 보니 카메라 안에 건전지가 들어있지 않았다

는 등의 내용을 추론할 수 있다.



cheaper than shopping in a store

I think that there are many advantages to online

shopping. First of all, it is convenient. You can order

items easily with one click. Also, shopping online is

cheaper than shopping in a store. You can buy the

same product at a lower price. For these reasons, I

think that buying items online is good.


impossible to see the items in person

I think that online shopping has many disadvantages.

First of all, it is hard to get a refund or an exchange.

You have to send the product back to the seller.

Also, you can’t see the items in person. They may

look good on a computer screen, but you can’t be

sure about their size, color or texture. Therefore, I

believe that shopping online is not convenient.

home, he found that he got too much change. So

he went back to the snack bar and gave the money

back to the owner.


Step 1

1 I want to sell my digital camera.

2 I bought it at Quicky Mart a year ago.

3 It’s almost new. I have only used it several times.

4 I want to sell it for 100,000 won.

Step 2

I would like to sell my digital camera. I bought it at

Quicky Mart a year ago. It’s almost new because I

have only used it several times. I want to sell it for

100,000 won. Please email me if you are interested in

buying my digital camera.

Unit Test p.79


1 I’m sorry, but I can’t go shopping with you. I have no

money because I haven’t got my allowance yet.

2 I’m sorry, but I can’t go shopping with you. I’m broke

because I went shopping last week.

3 I’m sorry, but I can’t go shopping with you. I have no

time because I have to go to a taekwondo class in

an hour.

거절을 할 때는 ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t ~’, ‘I’m afraid I can’t ~’,

‘I’d like[love] to, but I can’t ~’ 등의 표현을 사용할 수 있다. 주어

진 표현을 활용하여 거절하는 이유를 적절히 쓰도록 한다.


To Whom it May Concern,

I bought these two pairs of sneakers from your online

store on March 15th. Their product numbers are

624289 and 717197. One pair of them is smaller than

the other pair. They don’t fit my feet. So I want to

exchange them for a bigger pair.

Please reply to me as soon as possible.


15 · 정답 및 해설


1 The way[How] Sarah handled the problem

2 how[the way] my mom makes the soup taste more


3 how[the way] we communicate with each other

4 the way[how] Miller talks about his friends


1 to be 2 dating 3 to hand in

4 to set 5 calling

Tips for Writing p.83

내 생각에는, 공원 내 애완동물 출입은 허용되어서는 안 된다. 우선,

애완동물들은 공원을 더럽힐 수 있다. 애완동물의 배설물이 있으면

공원을 깨끗하게 유지하는 것이 어렵다. 또한 어떤 사람들은 동물 근

처에 있지 못한다. 애완동물들이 공원을 돌아다니며 뛴다면, 알레르

기가 있거나 애완동물을 무서워하는 사람들은 그곳에서 그들의 시간

을 즐길 수가 없다. 따라서 나는 애완동물은 공원에서 금지되어야 한

다고 생각한다.


1 I think that apples are the best fruit.

in my opinion, apples are the best fruit of all

2 From my point of view, animal testing should be


I disagree with animal testing

1 나는 사과가 최고의 과일이라고 생각한다. 무엇보다도, 사과는

값이 싸고 사기 쉽다. 우리는 사과를 언제 어느 가게에서건 찾을

수 있다. 또한, 사과는 건강에 좋다. 하루에 사과를 하나씩 먹으

면 의사를 멀리할 수 있다고들 한다. 사과에는 인간의 신체가 필

요로 하는 비타민이 풍부하다. 따라서 내 의견으로는, 과일 중에

서 최고는 사과이다.

2 내가 보기에는, 동물 실험은 중단되어야 한다. 우선, 우리는 동

물의 권리를 생각해야 한다. 그들의 생명은 사람의 생명만큼 중

요하기 때문에 우리는 그들을 존중해야 한다. 또한, 우리는 동물

실험이 인간에게 효과적인지 아닌지 확신할 수 없다. 동물은 사

람과 달라서, 실험에 대한 동물의 반응이 사람의 반응과 같을 것

이라고 확신할 수 없다. 따라서, 나는 동물 실험에 동의하지 않는


Writing Practice p.84

주어진 표현을 활용해서 온라인 쇼핑의 장점과 단점 중 하나를 선택

하여 자신의 입장을 서론에 표현하고, 본론에 들어갈 수 있는 근거를

하나 더 추가하여 글을 쓰도록 한다. 글을 다 쓰고 난 후에는 적절한

연결어의 사용과 핵심어의 반복을 통해 글이 논리적인 순서로 전개되

어 있는지 확인하도록 한다.

pp. 81~88UNIT 07

Pets and Other Animals

애완동물 돌보기 관련 표현

feed 먹이를 주다

bathe a pet / give a pet a bath 애완동물을 목욕시키다

clean a pet’s litter box 애완동물 배설통을 치우다

pick[clean] up after a dog 개의 대변을 치우다

walk a dog 개를 산책시키다

play together 함께 놀다

pet a puppy 강아지를 쓰다듬다

hold a toy in one’s mouth 입에 장난감을 물다

bite a towel 수건을 물다

wag one’s tail 꼬리를 흔들다

동물 관련 표현

mammals 포유류

reptiles 파충류

birds 조류

marine animals 해양 동물

wildlife 야생 동물

nest / burrow 둥지 / 굴

natural habitat 자연 서식지

save / protect wildlife 야생 동물을 구하다 / 보호하다

keep[lock up] an animal in a cage 우리에 동물을 가두다

endangered (동 · 식물이) 멸종될 위기에 이른

be in danger of extinction 멸종 위기에 처하다

Language Focus p.82

16 · 정답 및 해설


1 A girl is bathing her cat and it is biting a towel.

2 A girl is feeding her rabbit and it is enjoying its food.

3 A boy is walking his puppy and it is running around.


1 forget to turn the flash off, feel stressed

2 Please try not to feed any snacks to the animals. It

makes them get sick.

3 Please remember not to throw trash at the animals.

It makes them get hurt.


1 picking up trash around the park. When he went near

the trash bin, he found a small bird injured beside it.

He carefully picked up the bird and brought it to an

animal clinic. Fortunately, the injury wasn’t bad and

the vet treated the bird.

2 wanted to see the monkeys better, so she got close

to the cage. Just then, a monkey stretched out its

arm and took her glasses. She was very surprised

and asked an animal trainer for help. Fortunately,

she could get her glasses back.


Step 1

1 good for people’s mental health

make people happy

2 don’t harm people seriously

try not to bother their neighbors

Step 2

I agree wi th a l lowing people to keep pets in

apartments. Above all, it is good for people’s mental

health. Pets make people happy. Also, pets don’t

harm people seriously. Many owners try not to bother

their neighbors with their pets. For these reasons,

I think that we should allow people to keep pets in


Unit Test p.87


1 were looking at visitors through a window

2 was playing with a ball

3 was holding the baby tiger’s tail

그림을 보면 아기 사자 두 마리는 유리창에서 관람객을 쳐다보고

(look at) 있고, 한쪽 구석에서는 아기 호랑이가 공을 가지고 놀고

(play) 있다. 그 옆에서 아기 원숭이는 아기 호랑이의 꼬리를 붙잡고

(hold) 있다.


1 Why don’t you take part in a campaign? That’s one

way[how] you can let people know the importance of

wildlife protection.

2 Why don’t you try not to disturb animal nests

and burrows? That’s one way[how] you can keep

animals’ natural habitats unharmed.

3 Why don’t you volunteer to give food to animals?

That’s one way[how] you can save them from


‘Why don’t you ~?’, ‘How[What] about ~?’, ‘I recommend ~’

등의 표현으로 제안하는 문장을 쓴 후, the way[how]를 사용하여 제

시한 방법의 효과에 대해 설명하도록 한다.


Dear Bora,

Thank you for taking care of my puppy, Saekom.

I just want to tell you how to take care of him.

First, remember to feed him twice a day. Second,

remember to give him a bath every other day. Also, it

would be great if you try to walk him in the afternoon.

Saekom loves running around the park. Lastly, please

try to play with him every day.

Thanks again!


메모에 제시된 정보를 활용하여 강아지를 돌볼 때의 주의사항을 쓰면

된다. remember는 목적어가 to부정사일 경우 미래의 일을, 동명사

일 경우 과거의 일을 나타낸다. try는 목적어가 to부정사일 경우 의식

적인 노력을, 동명사일 경우 가벼운 시도를 나타낸다. 이들 동사의 목

적어 형태를 의미에 따라 적절히 구분하여 쓰도록 한다.



17 · 정답 및 해설

help a lost child 길 잃은 아이를 도와주다

push a wheelchair 휠체어를 밀다

donate 기부하다

put money into a donation box 기부함에 돈을 넣다

봉사활동 관련 표현

help younger students with their studies 어린 학생들의 공부

를 도와주다

pick up trash 쓰레기를 줍다

give out food in a soup kitchen 무료급식소에서 음식 나눠주다

help the disabled 장애인을 돕다

visit seniors in a nursing home 양로원에 어르신들을 찾아뵙다

take care of children in an orphanage 고아원에서 아이들을


Language Focus p.90


1 What bothered me was the fact that I lied.

2 Wendy showed me what she bought yesterday.

3 Doing volunteer work is what interests me the most.


1 who(m) to invite to the party

2 where to meet her friends

3 what to finish first

4 how to apologize to his girlfriend

Tips for Writing p.91

Carol은 어제 큰 실수를 했다. 그녀는 수요일까지 과학 숙제를 제출

해야 했다. 그래서 그녀는 인터넷을 검색하여 보고서를 완성했다. (과

학 보고서는 항상 어렵다.) 그녀는 미리 숙제를 끝낼 수 있었다는 것

에 기분이 좋았다. 하지만 다음날, 그녀는 자신이 파일을 저장하는 것

을 잊어버렸다는 걸 알게 되었다. 그녀는 처음부터 다시 시작해야 했

기 때문에 속상했다.


1 1행 when I first did voluntteer ...

→ When I first did volunteer …

2행 … I just go there …

→ … I just went there …

3행 I have always … brothers or sisters.

→ 전체 문장 삭제

4행 So later I started to enjoy spend …

good to learn about animals

In my opinion, it is okay to keep animals in zoos. First

of all, we can protect wildlife from going extinct. We

can take care of endangered animals in zoos. Also,

zoos are good for learning about animals. Children

can see many kinds of animals and learn about them.

For these reasons, I agree with allowing animals to

be kept in zoos.


just entertainment for humans

From my point of view, we should stop locking up

animals in zoos. First of all, zoos are not a good

environment for all animals. For example, polar

bears suffer from hot weather in zoos since they

need to live in cold areas. Also, it is just a type of

entertainment for humans. Some animals are trained

for animal shows to entertain spectators. Therefore, I

disagree with allowing animals to be kept in zoos.

동물원에 대해서 찬성하는 의견과 반대하는 의견 중 하나를 골라 자

신의 견해를 쓰는 문제이다. agree, disagree, think, believe 등의

동사 또는 in my opinion, from my point of view와 같은 표현으

로 자신의 의견을 명확하게 드러내도록 한다.

pp. 89~96UNIT 08

Helping Others

남을 돕는 것 관련 표현

offer a seat to a senior citizen / a pregnant woman

노인 / 임산부에게 자리를 양보하다

carry luggage for a senior citizen 어르신을 위해 짐을 들어드리

carry heavy packages with friends 무거운 짐을 친구와 들다

show / tell the way 길을 알려주다

hold the door for someone ~를 위해 문을 잡아주다

18 · 정답 및 해설

→ But later I started to enjoy spending …

5행 마지막 문장 마침표 추가

2 1행 서론 문장 추가 In my opinion, early English

education is good.

2행 But young students can …

→ Also, young students can …

3행 … have fun learning English?

→ … have fun learning English.

4행 … about test scores, they can practice …

→ … about test scores, so they can practice …

1 고아원에서 자원 봉사했던 경험은 무척 좋았다. 처음 그곳에서

자원봉사를 했을 때는, 그저 봉사시간만을 채우기 위해 간 것이

었다. 처음에는, 방을 치우고 어린 아이들을 돌보는 것이 힘들었

다. (나는 항상 형제나 자매가 있었으면 했었다.) 하지만 이후 나

는 그들과 함께 시간을 보내는 것을 즐기기 시작했다. 나는 다른

사람들을 도움으로써 행복해지는 법을 배웠다.

2 내 생각에 조기영어교육은 좋다. 우선, 아이들은 어릴 때 언어를

배우는 것이 훨씬 쉽다. 그들은 자신의 모국어를 배우는 것처럼

영어를 배울 수 있다. 또한, 어린 학생들은 영어를 즐겁게 배울

수 있다. 그들은 시험 성적에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없어서, 재미있

는 게임을 하면서 영어를 연습할 수 있다. 따라서 나는 어린 나이

에 영어를 배우는 것이 좋다고 생각한다.

Writing Practice p.92


1 A boy is pushing a wheelchair for an old lady in the

hospital hall.

2 A girl is putting some money into a donation box for

sick children.

3 A boy is carrying luggage for an old lady up the



1 as a student, help younger students with their

studies, help them learn how to study

2 What you can do for your community is to pick up

trash around your town. It will make the town clean.

3 What you can do for volunteering is to visit seniors in

a nursing home. It will make them happy.


Step 1

The person who(m) you helped: a Canadian girl

Place: on the street

Problem: lost her bag, didn’t know where to ask for help

Solution: police station, explained the problem

Feeling: pleased, thanked me

Step 2

I helped a Canadian girl on the street. She lost her

bag and didn’t know where to ask for help. So I

went to the police station with her and explained the

problem to the police officers. Then they tried to find

the bag by calling here and there. A few hours later,

the Canadian girl got her bag back. I felt pleased

when she thanked me.


Step 1

1 realize the importance of helping others

learn how to live well with others

2 experience a variety of situations

learn out of school

Step 2

I agree with regulations that force teens to do

volunteer work. Above all, the teens can realize the

importance of helping others. They will learn how

to live well with others in their community. Also,

they can experience a variety of situations. They will

learn many things out of school while volunteering.

Therefore, it is good to have regulations that force

teens to do volunteer work.

Unit Test p.95


1 are washing blankets with their feet

2 are painting the wall green with roller brushes

3 is sweeping near the door with a broom

그림을 보면 두 명의 여자아이들은 이불을 빨고(wash blankets) 있

고, 키 큰 남학생과 모자를 쓴 남학생은 롤러로 벽에 초록색 페인트를

칠하고(paint the wall green) 있으며, 또 다른 남자아이는 입구 주

19 · 정답 및 해설

변에서 빗자루질을(sweep) 하고 있다.


Hi, Friends!

Here is a great chance to help others! What you

will do is to make special recording books for blind

people. You just read a book aloud and record it on

a CD. You can visit the center from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

every Saturday to do this volunteer work. If you don’t

know how to start doing volunteer work, join this

program. All you need is your charming voice and

warm heart!


안내문에 제시된 봉사활동 내용, 참여 가능한 시간과 요건 등에 대한

정보를 활용하여 참여를 권하는 글을 쓰도록 한다.


Dongwon saw a tourist who seemed to be lost in a

subway station. He wanted to help her and asked her

in English where she wanted to go. But she answered

in Japanese. Since he couldn’t understand Japanese,

he pointed at the subway map. Then she showed him

the station name, and he helped her buy a ticket. He

was happy when she thanked him.

그림 1과 2에는 동원이 지하철역에서 길을 잃은 듯 보이는 여자 관광

객을 도와주기 위해 목적지를 물었으나 의사소통이 되지 않아 당황한

상황이 나타나 있다. 그림 3에서는 동원이 지하철 노선도를 가리키며

행선지를 확인하였다거나 여자가 책자 속 목적지를 보여주어서 도와

줄 수 있었다는 등의 내용을 추론할 수 있다.


I worked at a soup kitchen for homeless people as

a volunteer six months ago. I gave out food to the

homeless and washed their dishes after they finished

their meals. I felt happy when they said, “Thank you.”

to me. I learned how to live well with other people in

my community from this experience.

자신의 봉사활동 경험에 대해 시기와 장소, 활동 내용, 활동을 하고

난 후의 느낌에 대한 내용을 포함하여 쓰는 문제이다. 글을 완성한 후

에는 잘못된 부분을 수정하고 글의 논리나 구조를 검토하여 글을 다

듬는 단계를 거치도록 한다.

pp. 97~104UNIT 09

Saving Our Planet

환경 문제 관련 표현

global warming 지구 온난화

natural disaster 자연재해

air pollution 대기오염

yellow dust 황사

destruction of the ozone layer 오존층 파괴

water pollution 수질오염

water shortage 물 부족

flood 홍수

tsunami 쓰나미 (지진 등에 의한 엄청난 해일)

soil pollution 토양오염

drought 가뭄

landslide 산사태

에너지 절약 관련 표현

separate recyclable items from trash 쓰레기에서 재활용 가능

한 물품을 분리하다

use reusable paper / a reusable cup 이면지 / 재사용 가능한

컵을 사용하다

turn off the tap 수도꼭지를 잠그다

use a cup when brushing one’s teeth 양치질할 때 컵을 사용


do the laundry on a certain day 정해진 날에 세탁을 하다

unplug electronics 전자제품의 플러그를 뽑다

turn off the lights 불을 끄다

cool down food before putting it into the refrigerator 냉장

고에 넣기 전 음식을 식히다

wear long underwear 내복을 입다

20 · 정답 및 해설

Language Focus p.98


1 by turning off the lights or unplugging electronics

2 meeting my friends, playing computer games, and


3 not to use a paper cup, but to carry a reusable cup


1 Nick took a taxi not to be late for the meeting.

2 Jenny went to a hair salon to get a perm.

3 Tony studied all night to prepare for the math exam.

4 Claire threw a birthday party for her younger sister to

make her happy.

Tips for Writing p.99


1 1행 … and natural disasters, is not new.

→ … and natural disasters, are not new.

2행 They has existed for many years.

→ They have existed for many years.

2행 Today, People are …

→ Today, people are …

3행 … interested in prevent pollution … the earth

→ … interested in preventing pollution … the


2 1행 Today, people gets …

→ Today, people get …

1행 we need to …

→ We need to …

2행 … getting enought sleep.

→ … getting enough sleep.

3행 … studing longer, eating supper late, and watch


→ … studying longer, eating supper late, and

watching television.

3 1행 … that support all life forms.

→ … that supports all life forms.

2행 …, neither plants or animals …

→ …, neither plants nor animals …

2행 ... for a long time in fact, …

→ ... for a long time. In fact, …

3행 …, and play a major role in energy production

→ …, and plays a major role in energy


1 오염과 자연재해 같은 세계의 여러 심각한 환경 문제들은 새로운

것이 아니다. 그것들은 여러 해 동안 존재해왔다. 오늘날, 사람들

은 오염을 방지하는 것과 지구를 보호하는 것에 관심을 갖는다.

2 오늘날, 사람들은 그들이 전에 했던 것보다 잠을 덜 잔다. 우리는

하루에 여덟 시간의 잠을 필요로 한다. 하지만 우리들 대부분은

잠을 충분히 자지 않는다. 사람들은 더 오래 공부하고, 늦게 저녁

식사를 하고, 텔레비전을 보는 등 다른 일들을 하기 위해 잠잘 시

간을 떼어 사용한다.

3 물은 모든 생명체를 유지해주는 중요한 자원이다. 물 없이는, 식

물도 동물도 오랫동안 생존할 수 없다. 사실상, 물은 세계에서 가

장 널리 쓰이는 자원이며, 에너지 생산에 있어 주요한 역할을 한


Writing Practice p.100


1 A boy is using a cup when he brushes his teeth to

save water.

2 A girl is using a fan instead of an air conditioner to

save electricity.

3 A man is unplugging the computer to save electricity.


1 Global warming, melts, die

2 Yellow dust damages crops and causes people to

get sick.

3 Tsunamis kill people and cause buildings to collapse.


1 I suggest you separate recyclable i tems from

trash. By doing this, you can prevent the waste of


2 I suggest you use a mug instead of a paper cup.

By doing this, you can prevent trees from being cut


3 I suggest you turn off the tap when you’re not using

the water. By doing this, you can prevent water



1 they were recyclable, Jinju got a ticket for not

separating her trash and was fined 50,000 won

2 Hanna asked her mother why. Her mother explained

that she had to wait for the hot soup to cool down

21 · 정답 및 해설

before putting it into the refrigerator to save energy.


Step 1

1 dangerous

be exposed to radiation

2 expensive

build and maintain a power plant

Step 2

I disagree with allowing nuclear power generation.

Above all, it is dangerous because people can be

exposed to radiation, which causes serious health

problems. Also, it is very expensive. It costs lots of

money to build and maintain a nuclear power plant.

Therefore, I don’t think that we should allow nuclear

power generation.

Unit Test p.103


1 You should turn off the tap when you’re not using the

water. You waste water by leaving the tap running.

2 You should wait patiently for the elevator door to

close. You waste electricity by pushing the button to

close it faster.

3 You should wear long underwear in winter. You

waste energy by raising the temperature indoors.

제안이나 충고를 할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현으로는 ‘You should ~’,

‘You had better ~’, ‘I recommend ~’ 등이 있다. 주어진 표현을

활용하여 제안하는 방법을 실천해야 하는 이유를 함께 쓰도록 한다.


1 was putting an empty plastic bottle into the bag

2 was picking up trash from under a big rock

3 was sweeping the sidewalk with a broom

그림을 보면 키가 큰 남학생은 빈 페트병을 쓰레기 봉투에 넣고(put)

있고, 다른 남학생은 바위 아래에 있는 쓰레기를 줍고(pick up) 있으

며 치마를 입은 여학생은 보도를 빗자루로 쓸고(sweep) 있다.


I think that we should use public transportation

more often. If we use the bus or subway, there will

be fewer cars on the street. This may decrease air

pollution. So I will take the bus when I go to school,

and walk when I go to nearby places.

자신이 생각하는 환경 보호 방법에 대해 그 아이디어가 무엇이며 그

것이 어떻게 환경 보호에 도움이 되는지, 구체적인 실천 계획은 어떤

것이 있는지에 대해 쓰는 문제이다. 병렬관계에 있는 단어나 어구 간

의 형태와 구조에 유의하도록 한다.



ways to avoid harming the environment

I think that development is more important than

protection. First of all, it makes our lives easy and

convenient. We should change the environment if we

need to. Also, there are ways to avoid harming the

environment during development. For example, wind

power generation doesn’t damage the environment

much. For these reasons, I agree with developing the

earth for our needs.


cause more natural disasters

I agree with limiting development. Above all, we

have a duty to keep the earth clean for the next

generation. It may take a long time to clean up the

earth if we pollute it too much. Also, it causes more

natural disasters. For example, floods and landslides

happen more often after we cut down trees for

development. So I think protecting the environment is

more important than anything else.

환경 개발에 대해 찬성하는 견해와 반대하는 견해 중 하나를 선택하

여 서론에서 자신의 입장을 밝힌 후, 본론에 들어갈 수 있는 근거를

하나 더 추가하여 글을 쓰는 문제이다. 완성된 글을 꼼꼼히 검토한 후

에도 언어 사용의 오류가 있을 수 있으므로 철자나 대문자, 구두점,

시제 및 수 일치, 병렬관계 등을 중심으로 한 번 더 확인하도록 한다.

22 · 정답 및 해설

는 수익으로 할 일 등을 포함하여 내용을 구성한다.

문항 번호 3/3

I was seriously scolded by my father when I was 14.

He was very upset because I lied to him. I told him that

I didn’t get my report card, but he found it in my desk

drawer. He made me write a letter of apology. (46단어)

부모님께 크게 혼났던 일에 대해 혼난 시기와 이유, 그로 인해 받았던

벌이나 꾸지람의 방식에 대한 내용을 포함하여 글을 논리적으로 구성

하도록 한다.











pp. 109~111

Actual Test 02

문항 번호 1/3

(1) •is eating an ice cream with his daughter (8단어)

• is walking with his daughter and eating an ice

cream (10단어)

(2) •are buying hairbands at a shop (6단어)

•are paying for hairbands at a shop (7단어)

(3) •are waiting for their turn on a ride (8단어)

•are standing in line for a ride (7단어)

(4) •is smiling and holding a yellow balloon (7단어)

•is grabbing a balloon in his hand (7단어)

그림 속에서 남자는 딸과 함께 아이스크림을 먹으며(eat) 걸어가고

(walk) 있으며, 교복을 입은 여학생 두 명은 가게에서 머리띠를 사고

(buy / pay for) 있다. 그리고 젊은 남자와 여자는 놀이기구 앞에서

줄을 서서(stand in line) 차례를 기다리고(wait for) 있으며, 꼬마 남

자아이는 노란 풍선을 들고(hold / grab) 웃고(smile) 있다.

문항 번호 2/3

• A boy and a girl sitting on a bench talked about

going to a movie. When the boy stood up, he found

some gum was stuck to his pants. He tried to get it

Section 3











pp. 106~108

Actual Test 01

문항 번호 1/3

그림 (1)

• You should go to bed early before midnight. If you

get enough sleep, it will be easier to wake up. (20단어)

• You should go to bed before midnight. Getting

enough sleep will help you wake up easily in the

morning. (19단어)

그림 (2)

• You should set several alarm clocks before you go to

bed. You can get up easily when they ring. (19단어)

• You should set several alarm clocks before going to

bed. You will get up when they ring loudly. (18단어)

그림 (3)

• You should ask your mother to wake you up. If she

helps you, you can get up easily. (18단어)

• You should ask your mother to wake you up. It’ll be

easier to wake up if she helps you. (19단어)

그림 (1)은 자정 이전에 일찍 잠에 들려는 모습, 그림 (2)는 여러 개

의 자명종을 설치하는 모습, 그림 (3)은 엄마에게 깨워달라고 부탁하

는 모습이 표현되어 있다. 권유나 충고를 나타내는 should나 had

better 등의 조동사를 활용하여 조언의 메시지를 쓰도록 한다.

문항 번호 2/3

I want to invite you to my school play. I t wi l l be

performed on December 13th at Daehan Middle School.

The title of the play is A Christmas Carol and I’m playing

the main character, Scrooge. If you buy tickets, all the

profits will be donated to an orphanage. (49단어)

지시문과 이메일에 제시된 내용을 통해 메일 수신대상은 친구들, 목

적은 본인(민우)이 학교에서 하는 연극 <크리스마스 캐롤> 공연에 초

대하는 것임을 알 수 있다. 제시된 포스터를 참고하여 이메일의 본문

으로 연극의 제목과 공연 장소, 본인이 맡은 역할, 연극표를 통해 얻

23 · 정답 및 해설

off, but it wasn’t helping. So he went home instead

of going to a movie. (49단어)

• A boy and a girl sat on a bench and talked about

which movie to see. When the boy stood up, he

realized some gum was stuck to his pants. He tried

to get it off and it worked! So he could go to the

movie. (46단어)

그림 (1)에는 벤치에 앉아 영화 관련 이야기를 하는 남자아이와 여자

아이의 모습이, 그림 (2)에는 벤치에서 일어서려는 남자아이의 바지

에 껌이 붙어 당황하는 모습이 나타나 있다. 따라서 껌이 떼어지지 않

아서 영화를 포기하고 집에 갔다든지, 껌을 떼서 영화를 볼 수 있었다

는 내용을 이야기의 결론으로 추론할 수 있다.

문항 번호 3/3


2. more independent

I think that studying abroad has advantages. First, you

will feel less pressure later when you take the entrance

exam for university. Second, you can become more

independent if you live on your own. Therefore, I think

that it is good to study abroad when you are a teenager.



2. feel lonely

I think that studying abroad has disadvantages. First

of all, there are difficulties because of language. It is

harder to study in a foreign language. Also, you will feel

lonely in an unfamiliar situation without your parents.

Therefore, I think that it is bad to study abroad when you

are a teenager. (52단어)

청소년 조기유학의 장점으로는 (대학) 입학 시험에 대해 압박을 덜 느

낀다는 것, 단점으로는 언어장벽으로 인해 어려움을 겪을 수 있다는

것이 제시되어 있다. 자신의 근거를 하나 더 추가하여 서론, 본론, 결

론의 순서대로 글을 논리적으로 구성하도록 한다.
