Wood CE 2012 hong kong public election [campaign for CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the govt 2012]

A-1 political campaign objective HK CE 2012 – 2017 public election


reporters and TV producers may contact [email protected] andrew wood running for HONG KONG CE administration TV reporters, election committee, 2012, TILL 2017 ONLY

Transcript of Wood CE 2012 hong kong public election [campaign for CHIEF EXECUTIVE of the govt 2012]


political campaign objective

HK CE 2012 2017 election



Chinese translation >> www . tiny . cc / webtran or ppt Email contact

English to chinese translation

[email protected] : TV executive producers Reporters Election Committee 1200 members Chamber of commerce for trade



Solutions to provide solution , rather than pure vision to promote hong kong trades, business development LEGCO and DISCTRICUT council members Bimonthly, encourage internship or visiting to the corresponding government department to ENSURE legislation regarding infrastructure, social welfare are carried out as directive /goals as the legislature itself. Currently, many of the legislations passed may loss its target audience when funding are towards the inertia and bureaucracy of the govt depts.

political campaign objective - Continued


to be the last 2 or last 3 contenders to 2012 to 2017 election gaining the professional and industries / federation vote for the 2012 CE election ( to utilize their professional effort in organizing wood administration ) attain reporters liaison for various social issue and get their voice in providing govt with opinion

political campaign objective


Besides youtube .


education currently, children of civil servants will get enormous grants for auto-scholarship for their further studies will release 10% of those govt sponsor scholarships , so as to letting students who take IELTS, Australia and Canada overseas public exam to get those 10% scholarship rebuild disproportion school campus like DBS, wah yan etc for multiple school relocation programme


Health care medicine Introduce universities applied mathematics statisticians into the hospital authority management to balance resource utilization / quality of life / side effect of medication / misdiagnosis (true positive result / false negative result of medical tests, differential diagnosis ) and let public have a choice --- gradual reduction of family members of health care in which their family household earn more than 25K as they could afford health care in the private market or subsidized bed in the public hospitals


Health care medicine Offer community centre centralized repeat prescription visit This will enhance better life and diet requirement for same group of elderly people, diabetic etc and provide seminar talk as our HA will limit the choice of medication in those group of people anyway


professional examination high school students and working professionals, if they get more than 2B and 1C grade In public examinations HKEA (examination authority) will provide students with 50% off and professional with 20% off their attempts (2 attempts) to take professional / English / university entrance examination of overseas e.g. Australia, Canada As this will encourage international trade and local professions to get more international recognized , university entrance , finance and speciality international examination and recognition


2012 to 2017 only and give liberty democracy a chance in 2017 CE election (next) next CE of hong kong should only hold position till 2017 only support younger generation like lee sing hong for upcoming 2016 LEGCO seat to promote more younger members in LEGCO


energy stimulus package grants will be given to consumer / business products that improve fuel efficiency of buildings materials , electrical appliances to encourage more development in this area (putting research into production of energy efficient products)


technology Modify a TST museum theme so as different companies (in diff countries) to showcase their cell phone and building technology This would encourage the advance of creativity nurture amongst hong kong and become tourist attractions


Tourism / immigration Encourage companies to organise retirees tours to china to lessen the burden of social work in hong kong as we could encourage case workers to work in those estate projects in china too Immigration policy should encourage parents with hong kong degrees to give birth or bring their younger families in Hong Kong, otherwise, the spur in non-citizen birth rate will affect various budget in hong kong in 10 to 20 years time Easier to control those immigration of the educated group via local universities applications


tax break will only be given to 3 or more voting members / students with registered address to those property In effect, those companies or individual who own property will not enjoy tax break when relief measures are given during fiscal years announcement

tax break on property stamp duties


SET UP community projects funding for NGO and

Universities appliy-able projects Rather than set up govtfunding, universities could monitor startup project, NGO-initiated projects to test out the effectiveness of various initiatives to help the poverty public in need e.g. provide computing and tutoring and meal facility in community centre for subsidized nursing and meal facility for the children in some community district


e.g. encourage salesman training by airport staff for customer interaction, inventory management, point of sales accounting to the 15 45 age groups and encourage supermarket, fast food shop to provide younger demographic of their front-line staff to assist more young people to get Employment in those chain shop rather than letting too many older people work for the front line and deprive young generation employment opportunity


5 years prize rewarding scheme for govt dept / NGO that come up with better resource / funding more efficient (direct) utilization to achieve greater efficiency, Govt staff / NGO case worker could tackle the inefficiency resource usage within govt services

Reward / SCOR system for govt dept


Each university would have designated funding BUDGET to transfer their technology, machinery for producing better made, precision engineering products for SME (small medium enterprise companies) in hong kong as current funding philosophy is letting the university profs choose their own partnership, this way, it will engage the university to use its resources to promote business growth and development for SME in Hong Kong

SME business to enjoy university research effort


Simplified chinese translation


-- (e.g. IELTS plusoversea SAT for high school students)

technology museum , /






[ ] 10% , *


/ -- ( ) true positive, false negative, true negative, flase positive medical test result 90% accurate test only lead to find out 60% correct diagnosing population

-- -


-- : / 20 ,50%



- 2017 (HKBN , now, icable) e.g.


/ H o l l y w o o d alike mountain sign LED e.g. HONG KONG TIM MA bridge Could use solar or wind power too [ ]


andrew WOOD

neat solutions


Andrew qualification Gained doctorate course acceptance Computing business qualification Got all A grades in university entrance examination Have got more than 10 universities offers after Advance Level include Medicine, pharmacy, business, logistics from Many universities in the world



Thank you for finishing this political objective and political agenda Hope to get more electronic media airtime please contact me via electionwood @ g m a i l . com Hope to get more reporters and trade federation support ! ! T H ANKS!