Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4

February 2015 Issue 4 FREE TOP 10 Buying Wine Online Bottled Romance: Canadian Love Potion 一瓶滿的浪漫: 加拿大的Love Potion Wine Spotlight: Château Margaux’s Paul Pontallier 聚光燈: 瑪歌酒莊的釀酒師 Paul Pontallier 十大酒品網購平台


Hong Kong's only truly honest and unbiased bilingual wine magazine for young aspiring wine lovers.

Transcript of Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4

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February 2015Issue 4 FREE

TOP 10BuyingWineOnline

Bottled Romance:CanadianLove Potion一瓶滿的浪漫:加拿大的Love Potion

Wine Spotlight: Château Margaux’sPaul Pontallier聚光燈:瑪歌酒莊的釀酒師Paul Pontallier


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Over 38 booths of food and wine from around the world, wine school, live entertainment and so much more. Come and join us celebrate!

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Now that January is finally over, all of you that resolved to give up

alcohol for the month can now get back into the wine bars of Hong Kong and enjoy a nice glass of wine; something I am sure you missed over the last 31 days! For those, like us here at Wine Times HK who did not do so (or would even con-sider doing) then it’s another month ahead of great wines, wine dinners, tastings and, of course Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year celebra-tions.

This month, we considered writing a cover story on the best places to take your loved one out for Valentine’s Day but as we think it’s a day best suited to romanticism at home rather than spending your hard earned money on a set menu that is not worth the price and where cheap Champagne is generally part of the deal we didn’t! Instead we have a feature on a wicked wine from Canada’s Legend Estate Winery – at least we went with a heart shaped theme!

Also among the pages of this issue is an interview with leg-endary winemaker Paul Pon-tallier of Bordeaux’s Château Margaux, our “Top 10 Online Wine Websites” so you can get your wines easily with just a click of a mouse and Stephy tells you why you should not worry too much about getting the Valentine’s Day wine pair-ing exactly right.

Of course, other than having just celebrated the dawn of a new year, we also celebrated our editor Christie’s birthday

this last month - I am sure she had a few as she likes a drink now and again! Check out her story on what to drink over the upcoming Chinese New Year as she finds some special wines to celebrate the festivities with. I am sure you will find her recommendations intriguing!

We had a nice semi-busy but productive January with the visit of the eccentric Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon Vine-yards and one of his ‘partners in crime’, the “King of Con-drieu” Yves Cuilleron – two of the notorious “Rhone Rang-ers”. We also hung out with American Zinfandel producer Pete Seghesio and had a stun-ning dinner with him in Ocean Terminal’s LUCQUES tavern – I am sure most of you saw the photos on Facebook!

So, as we endeavour to wave good-bye to the tumultuous year of the horse, we welcome in the year of the Goat which we hope will bring all peo-ple a year full of reward and plenty. But remember, it’s not a right, it has to be earned. So spend some time as this year ends for some quiet self reflec-tion, see how you can improve on what you did last year and make amends for what you got wrong. Let me take this opportunity to wish all wine lovers and their friends and family “Kung Hei Fat Choy” and a happy and prosperous year of the goat – oh yeah, and a Happy Valentine’s Day to all lovers out there! Cheers!



為了今期WTHK雜誌的封面故事,我們原本考慮介紹最適合情侶共度浪漫一夜的餐廳,最後我們卻改變主意—於一餐龐大灑辛勞工作得來的金錢,吃下喝掉價錢與質素不成正比的食物及香檳,怎能與愛侶在家中自製浪漫相比!於是,我們決定向讀者介紹這枝來自加拿大酒莊Canada’s Legend Estate Winery的氣泡玫瑰紅酒,它有點「邪惡」,不過至少它瓶身上的心形圖案與情人節十分配合!

除封面故事外,今期雜誌也會介紹來自波爾多Château Margaux酒莊的頂尖釀酒師Paul Pontallier,也向各位介紹「十大酒品網購平台」,讓你輕按幾下滑鼠便購得想喝的美酒,而Stephy則告訴你為何不用擔心在情人節晚上選錯葡萄酒。雖然我們剛剛才為新一年來臨而慶祝過,但上月也恰巧是我們WTHK編輯Christie的生日,怎能不好好慶祝一番呢?相信在慶生時,也會喝上她一直喜歡的酒呢!讀讀她所寫有關農曆新年的文章,你定會從她有趣的建議中取得靈感,找到特別的酒品,在新年期間試試看呢。

我們過了一個忙碌而充實的一月,先是與兩位聲名聲名鵲起的「Rhone遊俠」會面,就是來自美國加州酒莊Bonny Doon Vineyards的「另類」釀酒師Randall Grahm,以及他的最佳拍檔、被稱為「Condrieu(法國孔德里約產區)之王」Yves Cuilleron。之後,我們又與美國加州Zinfandel的釀酒師Pete Seghesio,在海港城海運大廈的美國菜餐廳LUCQUES tav-ern,開懷地吃了一頓豐富的晚餐,相信你們已在Facebook看到照片了!

讓我們跟馬年揮手說再見,展望羊年是有回報及豐收的一年,不過要緊記,這可不是招手就來,而是要努力爭取的。所以,我們應作年終的自我檢討,決心糾錯,才能彌補曾經做錯過的。在此,我向愛酒的讀者說聲恭喜發財,事事順景。噢,對了,也祝願有情人的各位能度過一個美好的情人節。乾杯! (Christie Chan譯)

Drink Up, Hong Kong!香港飲勝!

Ali NicolFounder of Wine Times Hong KongA local Hong Konger who has been working in the wine business for over 15 years. Obviously loves wine and wants to share all the lovely wines with every-one.

Contact us via email at [email protected]

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Contents 目錄

p19 Tasting Panel

p33 Desert Island Wines

p7 Love Potion by Legends Estate











The Wine Doctor:Resurrecting the Ancient Drink of Gods: Mead酒博士專欄:復興天神的美酒:蜂蜜酒

“Join us for Tasting”Panel: Korea vs. Germany

飲食擂台:韓國 對 德國

Hello Wine World走進酒世界

Not that hard to steal a heart 情人節之偷心術

Hey sunshine darlings! Lemme tell ya 'bout

Californian wines認識產自美國加州的葡萄酒

Desert Island Wines出走何用帶上酒?

Drink Up, Hong Kong!香港飲勝!


Bottled Love: Canadian Love Potion一瓶滿的浪漫:加拿大的Love Potion

Give the Goat wines to celebrate羊年有「禮」

Top 10 Wine Retail Websites十大酒品網購平台

38Chef Chat with Stephy 當Stephy遇上主廚

36Wine Spotlight: Château Margaux’s Paul Pontallier聚光燈:瑪歌酒莊的釀酒師Paul Pontallier

Macau:Simple, No Frills Eating澳門:吃得一切從簡

Whine-On: Ask us whatever you like!



48Recruitmentin the wine business行業人才招聘

p38 Making of Turnip Cake

p36 Château Margaux’s Paul Pontallier

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A lot happened in the beginning of 2015 that made January slip away in a blink. I caught a fever for two weeks but had to be cured as soon as pos-

sible because I had a birthday party to attend – yes my own birthday party which 40 friends were coming. Fortunately I felt fine before my birthday arrived and had an awesome birthday with my beloved ones. How can we celebrate without Champagne? We simply can’t! Here I would like to share what I had for my birthday – Pommery Brut Silver NV from France – my choice of having fun! It tastes dry and crispy with moderate acidity that matches non sweet tooth drinkers like me. That’s why I fell for it for the first sip, and ended up drinking 4 magnum bottles of it at the party (Of course we drank a lot of other liquors). I truly thank all my lovely friends for taking their time with me and being beside me, making me feel so special about myself. Well, curious about how the party ended up? I describe it as “awesome” - and now read that again as “drunk”! The more you drink the more fun you have so it couldn’t have gone any other way!

Upcoming Chinese New Year in February is I am sure something people are looking forward to as there are 4 public holidays in a row! Though I have no plans for the holidays ahead, it cannot be better to spend more time with family and friends. My family and I have our own traditions for CNY and our CNY routine goes like this: On the first day of CNY, the whole family gather up to have congee for lunch implying no matter we are poor or rich (in Chinese culture congee is considered food for the poor), we stay together as a family with highs and lows. Then we spend the afternoon gambling at home (under $10 each bet). Maybe it does not sound so much fun but it is for us! Spending time with ones you love is simply satisfying.

Now let’s wave goodbye to the Horse and welcome the Goat; wishing everyone a healthy body, a successful ca-reer and most importantly a smile on the face every day!


後不需在身體抱恙下過了一個狂歡盡興的生日!過生辰又怎能少了香檳?在此我希望與各位讀者分享,產自法國的Pommery Brut Silver香檳,就是我慶祝生日的選擇!它的味道清新,酸度適中,最適合不喜甜的我,難怪我對它一「嚐」鍾情。於是,我跟好友們共喝了整整四枝大酒瓶(Magnum)的香檳(當然還有其他更多的酒,主要是烈酒)。我感激每位知己好友,把我放在你們心中重要的位置,「當我最快樂時替我高興」,你們每一位都是我的特別嘉賓,我想跟你們說聲謝謝!至於我生日當晚有喝醉嗎?文首已留下伏筆—把生日派對形容為「狂歡盡興」,你該猜得到吧!

接下來二月份,最令人值得期待的就是農曆新年,原因只為整整四天的假期!雖然沒有特別的度假打算,但多點與家人親友共聚總令人覺得滿足,而對我來說,假期特別適宜在家中享受入廚樂,同樣為我帶來滿足感。在送馬迎羊之際,恭祝讀者們身體健康,歡欣洋溢,喜氣「羊羊」! Christie Chan

Editor 編輯

Not sure how everyone’s New Year’s resolutions are going but I’d say mine is going pretty well

thus far! At least I am doing more outdoor activities like, hiking, biking and running. At the same time, I’m also trying my very best to get back to my healthy diet with more greens and less meat. It might sound a bit boring to some of you yet without a healthy body (both physically and mentally), there’s really nothing much you can do.

Speaking of Chinese New Year, I love it; this is certainly my favourite Chinese festival because all of my relatives will come back to Hong Kong and I do enjoy such big group of family for a reunion - it warms the cockles of my heart. When I was small, my grandma was the one who did all the preparation work for Chinese New Year dinners and, in my eyes, her turnip cake was really amaz-ing and was definitely the best of the best which no one could compete with and made this dish so meaningful.

Apart from Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day is also another highlight of February’s celebrations. Actually, I’m not too keen on all those “commercialised romantic celebration tricks”, especially flowers. Seriously, I rather use that amount of money for a nice bottle of wine and to enjoy the romantic and precious moment without anyone staring or checking what gifts I have received from my beloved one.

Before saying goodbye to my year (I’m a horse in Chi-nese zodiac), and welcome the year of Goat, I would like to wish everyone good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year!






Stephy PoonPR Executive 公關

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WTHK wishes our readers a Happy Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy!


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一瓶滿的浪漫:加拿大的Love Potion

Bottled Love:Canadian Love Potion

Of all the things that come

to mind when you think of Canada, ro-mance is probably not one of them (unless you count cuddling up to

a loved one during the long, cold and dark

winter nights!). However, Ontario wine-maker Paul Lizak of Legends Estate

Winery is giving wine lovers the chance to taste some of Cana-

da’s bottled love in the form of its iconic sparkling Rosé wine,

The Love Potion. It’s not just the label that’s sexy; the

wine’s a smoky-eyed sul-try little minx just waiting

to be popped and devoured...

Text by Ali Nicol

Photography by Ali Nicol &

Christie ChanImages: Legends

EstateModel: Alison Christ

Shooting Location: La Cabane (Shin Hing Street)

如果加拿大是一本書,你大概找不着「浪漫」一詞(除非你認為在又長又寒冷的黑夜裏,抱着愛人入睡已是十分浪漫的事)。來自加拿大安大略Legends Estate酒莊的釀酒師Paul Lizak,把愛釀成氣泡玫瑰紅酒,讓愛酒的你也嚐到加拿大的浪漫!這酒的酒標設計性感火辣,就像是個化了煙燻妝,姿態撩人而帶點壞的女孩,正等待被打開及吞下...譯文:Christie Chan攝影:Ali Nicol & Christie Chan圖像:Legends Estate模特兒:Alison Christ 拍攝地點:La Cabane (善慶街)

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Canada over the last handful of decades has embraced more

than a million Chinese as Canadian and many of these have migrated back to differing regions of Greater China in recent times as the prosperity of Hong Kong and other Chinese regions have prospered despite fears of what Chinese rule might look like in post-1997 Hong Kong. Our city is home to over 300,000 Canadian passport holders and although the last census here does not reflect this number - because it does not recognise dual nationality and if you are a Canadian Chinese in Hong Kong then you are Chinese - there is a huge Chinese Canadian population as compared to most other nationalities (dual or not).

What is it about Canada that makes it such an appealing place? High standards of living, residential area safety

and close-knit communities, being an English speaking country and a high number of Chinese living there all add to the attraction for sure – but how come so many are emigrating back and how come so few have brought any modicum of Canadian culture back to Asia with them? We are talking about Canadian food and drink; and in particular wine.

Canadian wine is yet to become or garner anything but a look of scepticism on most peoples’ faces here in Hong Kong. “They make ice wine” is the most commonly heard comment when people are asked about Canadian wine; and yes they do. They are famous for ice wine but it’s not all that they make. There are wines made in Canada from most, if not all international grape varieties yet ice wine is what has put them on the world wine map. Much like New Zealand with




提到加拿大的葡萄酒,大部分香港人對此一臉茫然,充其量也只能指出加拿大的冰酒比較聞名。沒錯,加拿大的冰酒的確享負盛名,但其實不只限於冰酒,加拿大更近乎釀有生長於世界各地所有的葡萄品種。不過,釀造出優質冰酒無疑令加拿大成為世界著名葡萄酒產區的一員,就如紐西蘭釀造出招牌的Sauvignon Blanc般,大部分國家需要先踏出第一步,專注釀造出一種具知名度的葡萄酒,才能逐步發展葡萄酒產業。話雖如此,加拿大的釀酒史已達200年以上,甚至比紐西蘭的更長,但卻未能與紐西蘭一樣,於短時間內打響名堂,目前更只在躊躇踏上第二步。究竟是甚麼造成兩者的區別?


今年二月,情人節和農曆新年必定是城中熱話(我們另載有相關文章),所以今期WTHK雜誌的封面故事,特寫了來自加拿大酒莊Legends Estate Winery釀造的Sparkling Love Po-tion,原因不只在於瓶身設計有着情人節專屬的心形圖案,更因為它是我們在月前美酒佳餚節(Wine and Dine Festival)上嚐到的好酒,認為它值得我們公諸同好。

The Legends Estate Winery由Paul Lizak主理,他的祖父母於1946年建立了一個佔地12英畝的小果園,經過近70年來的發展,現時供Paul釀酒的果園已擴展至200英畝,其位置為尼加拉瓜半島的安大略湖(Lake Ontario,

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its Sauvignon Blanc, most countries need a first step to get them onto the ladder and Canada has achieved this with its ice wine production. However, Canada has been making wine for over 200 years – much longer than New Zealand. So how come New Zealand has risen to fame in such a short amount of time while Canada is still trying to haul itself onto the second step?

Part of this problem is the lack of knowledge and understanding of ice wine itself and, overall of Canadian wine in general. They make undoubtedly some of the best sweet wines on the planet, yet people in Asia are still adverse to drinking sweet wines and there are even less dry table wines available to Hong Kong people than there are people who know anything about ice wine. But the number of Canadian wines in the city are growing

the Niagara Peninsula)的堤岸,是被視為全國最佳葡萄酒產區之一。Paul所釀造的葡萄酒,首個年份為2000年,始後這酒便屢屢獲得國內國外的葡萄酒獎項。來到今天,他多年來的努力終於取得成果,他釀造出14個年份的葡萄酒得到國際認同,同時也在亞洲被視為「走在前端」的加拿大葡萄酒。

Paul所釀造的葡萄酒種類頗多,包括氣泡酒、紅酒、白酒以及冰酒,然而系列當中的氣泡玫瑰紅酒Love Potion(愛情魔藥)、白酒Truth(真相)以及紅酒Dare(大膽)最為搶眼(當中紅白兩酒均是由他設計混合葡萄品種組合)。這些酒的酒標設計獨特,由加拿大安大略紋身工作室Studio 123 Tattoo的知名紋身師Bob Paulin所設計,與時下喜歡紋身的年輕人不謀而合。

「Love Potion的酒樽及酒標是特別為了吸引年輕人注意而設計,我們希望令年輕一代也對葡萄酒更感興趣。這枝酒充滿玩味,比較容易入喉,也適合所有人的口味。」Paul說。

Love Potion以Chardonnay葡萄為主,有着櫻桃和木莓的香氣,酒的顏色比一般玫瑰紅酒較深。不過,這酒的口感層次豐富,餘韻帶有適中良好酸度,使人想再多喝一杯。

– albeit slowly – as people look further afield for wines that do more than just boost one’s ego; people are looking as much for wines that taste good these days as look good on a table with their friends and here is where Canada can capitalise on both a hunger for something new and a population of Canadian Chinese that should be looking more so for a taste of home.

Now, this is the February issue of Wine Times HK, a month when most would be scribing about Valentine’s Day or Chinese New Year (don’t worry, we have other pages for that) and our cover wines were chosen not just because the bottle of the Legends Estate Winery Sparkling Love Potion has a heart on the bottle, but also because it was a wine we discovered at the recent Wine and Dine Festival and a wine we thought merited more exposure.

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Paul Lizak

The Legends Estate Winery is run by Paul Lizak whose grandparents founded a 12 acre fruit farm in 1946. Almost 70 years on Paul is making wines from a now 200 acre plot on the banks of Lake Ontario, a place that has become known as one of the best winemaking regions in the country – the Niagara Peninsula. Paul’s first vintage was in 2000 and since then has gone on to win a number of both Canadian and International medals for his wines. Now, 14 vintages on, the fruits of his hard work are paying off as the wines gain international acceptance and are one of the forerunners for Canadian wines in Asia. Paul makes a range of wines which includes sparkling, red, white and ice wines but it was his Love Potion (sparkling Rosé), Truth (white) and Dare (red) wines (both Proprietors blends) that really grabbed our attention. The labels are actually designed by renowned Canadian tattoo artist Bob Paulin of Studio 123 Tattoo in Ontario and are something that most certainly resonates with today’s tattooed youth.

“The packaging for the Love Potion was designed as something that would be interesting to the youth as we wanted something engaging and something that would make them more interested in wine”, says Paul. “The Love Potion is all about having fun. It’s something that’s easy to drink and suitable for everyone”.

The Love Potion is a Chardonnay based wine with aromas of cherry and raspberry and a slightly deeper




釀自加拿大酒莊Legends Estate的葡萄酒快將於本港酒零售商Schmidt Vinothek有售。

colour than most would expect from a rosé. However, it has complexity on the palate and has a finish with good acidity immediately making you want to drink more of it. “The Truth and Dare concept was about good and evil. Everybody has that kind of truth and dare image on each shoulder - the little devil and the little angel”, Paul goes on to say. “Young people love these wines but older people drink them too; what I have found is that it brings back their youthful and fun personalities – which I think is amazing!”

Both wines have immediate appeal on the shop shelf and, for what look like experiments in marketing design are extremely good, easy drinking wines. The white is very feminine and floral whilst the red is simple and easy drinking. There’s no doubt that Paul has made these wines to be drunk rather than over-thought which means they are perfect for the everyday wine drinker and perfect for people who are new to wine itself.

“There’s more to Canada than just ice wine; we’re New World just like everyone else. But even so we are a cool climate appellation and people need to understand that”, concludes Paul. “I think the future of Canadian wine has a huge potential. It’s about getting out there and being an educator and showing what we do and how well we do it”.

Legends Estate Wines will soon be available from Schmidt Vinothek stores city-wide.

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R.I.P.Serge Hochar20.11.1939 - 31.12.2014

“Wine is a miracle of the nature and life.” — Serge Hochar, May 2012

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Valentine’s Day; that day of the year where guys are nervously planning

how to impress the one they love while girls are anxiously waiting for someone they love to ask them out for a romantic date at a fancy restaurant or a memorable candlelight dinner at home. You will try your best to ensure your plans are perfect for such a special occasion, especially for those who are going to use Valentine’s Day as the chance to make a love confession to someone they love, thus you don’t want to ruin it by making any silly mistakes; keep it simple with gifts, food and wine. Although we cannot help with the gifts or flowers you are going to buy to win you beloved one’s heart, we can of course offer you some tips for wine and food!

We believe that a successful food and wine pairing meal is the ticket to winning your beloved one’s heart on Valentine's Day. Therefore, before going to a wine shop or taking a look at the wine list and potentially struggle with what kind of wines you should go for, you better think of the




如果你選擇在當天晚餐前點叫半打生蠔,我們絕不會感到意外,因為有催情作用的生蠔,稱得上是情人節「必吃」的菜式之一。即使你不是烹飪高手,也可輕易親自主理這道菜:只需要清潔洗刷和打開蠔殼,放在冰塊上,加幾塊檸檬和一個生蠔雞尾酒醬汁便可,步驟簡單而準備時間短。不愛生蠔吃的你,也可以考慮選擇其他海鮮類的冷盤,例如吞拿魚和白蜆,配搭香檳或白酒,較易掌握和出錯機會也較低。配搭生蠔或海鮮的話,挑選一瓶乾身Blanc de Blancs香檳(單一以Chardonnay葡萄釀製的香檳)或者「Brut」(乾身)香檳。對氣泡酒興趣

food you are going to pair it with first.

Since oysters are traditionally known as an aphrodisiac which has made them become a “must have” dish for Valentine's Day, we won’t be surprised if you choose to get things start off with a half-a-dozen oysters on ice. Oysters are easy to prepare and make at home even if you’re not a good cook. All you need to do is shuck and keep them on ice then serve with a cocktail sauce and some lemon segments. Even if you not a fan of oysters, it is always nice to get things started off with some seafood such as clams or tuna and pair with them some champagne or white wine. To pair with oysters and other raw seafood, look for good dry Blanc de Blancs Champagne (usually exclusively made from the Chardonnay grape) or go for a “Brut” (dry) Champagne. If you’re not a fan of bubbles, then you may also try Chablis or Sancerre from France which are crisp and at times fruity but with a minerality that suits seafood perfectly. These wines combine the minerality

Not that hard to steal a heart情人節之偷心術

Text by Stephy Poon撰文:Stephy Poon

Page 17: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 15

and creaminess in the oysters and help to cleanse your palate for the coming up dishes. And to be frank, I wonder which girl doesn’t like champagne and which guy doesn’t like oysters, aren’t they just unbeatable?

When it comes to the main course you might want to have a bottle of red so as to win your beloved one’s heart a step further. Well, once again, you have to figure out what kind of food you and your sweet one are going to have, fish or meat? It’s common for girls to go for fish when guys go for a steak. And then here is the awkward scenario: what if your date told you she wants a glass of red to pair with her salmon when you think fish can only go with white? Hush. Take a deep breath. In fact, fish is not a must to pair with white wines. For example, grilled salmon can go well with light-bodied and low tannin wines with fruity flavours such as Pinot Noir. Yet, if she orders a salmon with butter and cream sauce, an oaked full-bodied Chardonnay will be a better choice to match with the weight of the fish and the sauce that goes with it. For guys who go for a rich fatty cut, such as Rib-eye steak, a bold and high tannin red wine like an Italian Barolo or Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley would work well to cut off the fattiness inside your mouth.

On such a romantic date, finishing your meal with a touch of dessert and a tiny glass of sweet wine is something that shouldn’t be missed. Of course, chocolate and wine, two of the world’s most romantic food for Valentine’s Day could be the ‘Ace up your sleeve’ that generates the heart stopping “I love you” whisper from your date. Generally speaking you just need to remember one rule when you’re choosing the wine to pair with chocolate: the chocolate should not be sweeter than the wine. That means darker and less sweet the chocolate will pair better with a concentrated, bold and dry red such as a tannin-driven Cabernet Sauvignon or a rich-tasting Port. Other sweet wines like, Cream Sherry or Pedro Ximénez, Late harvest Tokaji and Muscat all can be your choice to enhance the romantic feel of that night. If you and your date both have a sweet tooth, then go try the PX Sherry; this sticky and sweet fortified dessert wine will give you and your date a rich and luscious feeling which is simply irresistible and made you two want to kick off your shoes and cuddle in bed.

As long as you and your love enjoy the time spent together, there isn’t much to worry about. Just relax, your Valentine will most certainly appreciate the effort you make for them.

不大的,可以選擇試試法國的Chablis又或是 Sancerre,兩者酒體均屬清爽,微微果香中帶點礦物味,與海鮮稱得上是一流的配搭。這兩款白酒的清爽酸度和礦物味,絕對可以為你去除生蠔的滯膩口感。認真想一想,有哪位女生是不愛香檳,而又有哪位男生不愛生蠔?香檳配生蠔簡直是「王牌組合」──無懈可撃。

至於主菜,要點叫一枝紅酒,還是白酒,去奪取伊人的歡心?有一點必須注意的是,你需清楚知道你們的主菜選擇是甚麼類型的食物,是魚類、肉類,還是其他?女生選魚類,男生則點牛扒,這畫面最平常不過的了。但這時問題來了:如果女生點叫了三文魚扒,但跟你說她想喝的是紅酒,而你知道的魚類跟白酒最為配搭,開始方寸大亂了嗎?放鬆,深呼吸。其實,魚類不一定只可以配白酒,例如烤三文魚搭配一些輕身,單寧不重且帶果香的Pinot Noir。不過要留意的是,如果她點叫的三文魚配上的醬汁是牛油和忌廉奶類的,還是選擇一瓶酒體較厚身、入桶(oaked)的Chardonnay白酒。選擇了肉眼扒作主菜的男生,應該選擇單寧重和個性剛強突出的紅酒,如意大利Barolo或加州Nappa Valley的Cabernet Sau-vignon,可平衡口腔中的肥美油份。

要為這個浪漫蒂克的晚上劃上完美句號,甜品和一小杯甜酒當然是不可缺少的。再者,情人節要有「殺手鐧」令情人為你心跳加速,說聲我愛你,那一定要準備世界上兩種最浪漫的食物:巧克力和葡萄酒。為巧克力和葡萄酒配搭時,只要記住一點:巧克力的甜度永遠不能比葡萄酒高。即是說,巧克力成份愈高和甜度低的黑巧克力,與強悍、乾身和單寧重的Cabernet Sauvignon,或是濃郁的砵酒(Port)會是較合襯的一對。其他甜酒如,奶油雪利酒(Cream Sherry)、Pedro Ximénez雪利酒、Late harvest Tokaji 和Muscat均是可增添浪漫感的選擇。若然你和伴侶都是嗜甜之人,PX雪利酒的濃郁黏口和香甜酒感,將會為你們帶來一個甜蜜的晚上,兩人只想在沙發上依偎着對方,共渡溫馨時刻。


Page 18: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


M E N ’ S B U S I N E S S L A D I E S T OY S

C H I L L E D - W I N E . C O M


Chi l led Wine HK @Chi l ledWineHK chi l ledwinehk

info@chi l +852 3565 0399

Page 19: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 17

Sorry Winos and Beer Bellies! Mead is almost certainly the beverage that first got hu-

mans drunk. Well sort of. A rather obscure alcoholic beverage in Hong Kong, Mead, or simply known as “fermented honey,” is very ancient with mysterious origins. Nonetheless it’s still a very festive drink and can warm you up during the short but cold Hong Kong winter while at the same time refresh the unbearable heat of summer.

There are reasons to believe that Mead predates the discovery of agriculture with “evidence” suggesting a time around 15,000 to 20,000 years ago in Africa. As nomadic people wandered out of Africa and into the Mediterra-nean, they took with them honey, possibly bees and, unknowingly, wild yeast. This would suggest that Mead was actually not made by humans on purpose but rather, found by accident. Bees would make their nests in holes in trees, then the rainy season would come and flood the nest. Wild yeast could possibly get mixed up in it and voila: MEAD!

Let’s imagine for a minute to be a nomadic hunter wandering in the woods and suddenly you are like: “Yum, honey!” And the next thing you know, you’re found by your fellow hunters hanging out in the mud, talking nonsense.

Tall tales aside, the delicious Mead is historically known as the drink of the Vikings, which they considered sacred and would consume before storming into battle to crush skulls. It was also used in weddings and fertility rituals, something that is believed might have inspired the term “Honeymoon”; Valentines this note is for you!

What is Mead exactly? Well, it is just the combination of three simple ingredients: honey, water, yeast. Nothing more, nothing less! The yeast ferments the sugar in the honey converting it into alcohol (and carbon dioxide) and the final result is honey Mead. As there is sweet Mead (8 - 11% al-cohol) and dry Mead (up to 18% alcohol), the fermentation time varies, but usually Mead starts showing results already after a

month. As Mead after such short time is generally very sweet, it is bottled to let a second fermen-tation in the bottle convert the remaining sugars. The time Mead ages in the bottle is up to pro-duction preferences on whether the result desired is a sweet, dry or fizzy style. In addition to that, sometimes Mead is flavoured with the addition of fruits or spic-es; just to add a bit more variety of styles. How to serve and drink Mead is very personal although in general you can do as follows: for Mead on the dry or fizzy side, make it as chilled as you would for a white wine. Sweet-er, dessert Mead will be best at room temperature, to let the full flavour, sweetness and aroma come through. Some people like to serve both dry and sweet Mead chilled over ice directly in the glass, but again, it’s really up to personal preference.

In Hong Kong, there aren’t many options for Mead, although with a bit of luck you can find a nice bottle in retail shops and online shops at a very affordable price. Maxwell Honey Mead available at is a good one to start with. Mead is also relatively easy to make as home-brew. Unfortunately I won’t explain how to make it, at least for now, but I will keep you post-ed as soon as mine is ready!







香港的蜂蜜酒供應並不多,但你仍可於一些酒品零售店或網購平台,找到價格相宜的蜂蜜酒,Maxwell Honey Mead就是其中之一,於winenthingshk.com有售。蜂蜜酒也不難自行釀製,至於如何在家中釀造,在此我不多談了,但當我的蜂蜜酒釀好時,我定會與讀者分享!       (Christie Chan譯)

THE WINE DOCTOR: Resurrecting the Ancient Drink of Gods: Mead 酒博士專欄:復興天神的美酒:蜂蜜酒

by Maurizio GalliA passionate wine aficionado and educator who believes in a non-pretentious approach to wine. Having a soft spot for ob-scure and exotic wine regions, he quickly gained a reputation of wine nerd under Red Mill’s umbrella.

Image: Online

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Page 21: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 19

Let’s rock wine tasting in a way other than with the “professionals”. Here we present to you our “keep it real” tasting panel, where we invite our read-ers to join us to taste wines and give real honest feedback. Each month, we will take wines from a particular country and take you out for dinner with your friends and all you have to do is tell us and our readers what you think of the wines and simply enjoy a delightful dinner!

Riesling is doubtlessly the best known grape pro-duced in Germany, yet this issue we also taste some other beautiful German wines with our read-ers besides Riesling. We have picked Korean food at Hansong in Tsim Sha Tsui to pair with the wines to see if it’s a hit or miss. Ready to read our readers’ thoughts about the wines? Just flip the page.

Photography & Text by Christie Chan & Stephy Poon

飲食擂台:韓國 對 德國有別於一貫刻板的專業酒評,WTHK每期的飲食擂台將邀請讀者與我們一同嚐盡美酒佳餚,讓他們寫下最真實的感受及酒評,並親身告訴所有讀者。我們每月會挑選一個國家的葡萄酒,宴請讀者和朋友們邊享用晚餐邊品嚐美酒,並即席寫下和分享對酒品的想法。


圖文:Christie Chan & Stephy Poon

“Join us for Tasting”Panel: Korean vs. German 19


Page 22: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


Tan Chiaw TzeePortfolio Manager 投資經理

Katherine WongAssistant Financial Planner


♛TOP 1Ellermann-Spiegel - Rosé Windrose

2013Colour: Pink roses

Aroma/Smell: Fruity and sexy aromaTaste: Taste of wild berries and

roses. The blend is sexyWhy do you like it? Its pink

colour is very romantic and the blend is lovely and sexy. I like the wild berry flavors. I think this wine would be

great for couples as a good aphrodisiac! Haha!

Best food pairing: Since it’s a romantic wine, I would like

to try to pair it with some-thing special, may be a choco-

late fondue!







♛TOP 2Trenz Riesling Off-Dry 2013Colour: Pale gold

Aroma/Smell: Light and bland sweetTaste: It’s mild, not too dry.

Medium-bodied with sweet apri-cot notes and a zesty aftertaste.

Why do you like it? A well balanced wine with the sweet-ness and a touch of sourness. I was surprised by the taste given the lightness of the aroma. The taste still lingers at the top of my tongue after a couple of minutes.Best food pairing: Tonight’s Grilled Prawns, Rice with Fish Roe and the Andong style

braised chicken all matched quite well with this wine.


♛TOP 1Trenz - Riesling Off-Dry 2013

Colour: Light yellowAroma/Smell: Light fruity smell

Taste: Sweet fruits with medium acidity

Why do you like it? It’s smooth and light with a good acidity.

I’d say it’s a well-balanced wine. Very easy to drink for some new drinkers like me.

Best food pairing: Light food, may be seafood or salad. It’s good with the fruit salad and

tofu dishes we had tonight.





♛TOP 2Ellermann-Spiegel Riesling Schlabberwein 2013

Colour: Pale yellowAroma/Smell: Stronger smell of

alcoholTaste: It was stronger at first but then became smoother and soother as time went by. The aftertaste of it was nice and long.Why do you like it? It has the complexity and layers. The texture of it is richer. I think people who like wine with a

creamy style would love it.Best food pairing: Light meat. I think it went well with the grilled fish and prawns we had tonight.


Page 23: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 21

♛TOP 1Ellermann-Spiegel Riesling

Schlabberwein 2013Colour: Pale yellow

Aroma/Smell: Fruity aromasTaste: Ripe apricot and peach

flavours. Medium-bodied with medium acidity.

Why do you like it? It has the creamy texture and also the just-right acidity level. The medium sweetness of this

wine is very acceptable for both gals and guys. I’m sure that it can be finished easily

with friends for any occasion.Best food pairing: Tonight’s

Grilled Prawns, Bean sprouts and Leaf Wraps and Rice, all

matched well.






♛TOP 2Daniel Pinot Noir Signature 2013Colour: Light red

Aroma/Smell: A bit of a mineral smellTaste: It’s dry but not too dry,

polished and light. Cherry and mineral flavours with a little hint

of smoke.Why do you like it? I like this wine because it is not too dry and has a mild acidity which makes people who are not Pinot Noir fans like me still find it approachable. Not complicated. It would taste even better paired with some food.Best food pairing: Besides

pairing it with meats, I think it paired quite nice with tonight’s Andong style braised chicken.

顏色:淺紅色香氣/氣味:微微礦物味味道:半乾身,輕盈易入口和順滑。櫻桃和礦物味中帶點煙燻味道。為何喜歡?我喜歡它不是太乾身,溫和的酸度,令平常不太喜歡Pinot Noir的人都會覺得它偏向平易近人,不複雜。如果有食物搭配效果會更好。最佳食物配搭:除了跟烤肉配搭外,也可跟今晚的安東燉雞配上。

Stephy PoonWTHK’s PR Executive WTHK公關

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Saiyuki KwongAccountant 會計師

♛TOP 1Daniel Riesling Signature dry 2013

Colour: Light yellowAroma/Smell: Sweet aroma

Taste: Fruity wine with some re-freshing lemon and lime taste.Why do you like it? It simply suits me! I like fruity white

wine. It reminds me of sum-mer time, very chill and relax-ing. It’s very drinker-friendly.

Best food pairing: The Grilled Prawns, Grilled Black

Cod and Chuncheon style stir-fried Chicken we had

tonight. Even just pair with some fruit.






♛TOP 2Daniel Pinot Noir Signature 2013Colour: Light red

Aroma/Smell: Fruity and slightly bitter smell

Taste: Quite light, mild and not too dry. It smells bitter than it

tasted. A bit of plum and dark fruit flavours.Why do you like it? I usually prefer red wine that is not too dry and this Pinot is rather light and smooth. I like how fruit-driven it is! The aftertaste of the wine is delightful.Best food pairing: I would like to have some dark choco-

late to pair with.

顏色:淺紅香氣/氣味:水果香氣,也帶有點苦澀氣味味道:感覺輕巧柔和,不太乾身。入口的味道沒有嗅的時候來得苦澀。有少許梅子和黑莓類果味。為何喜歡?我通常喜歡不太乾身的紅酒,這枝Pinot Noir也屬於較清新易入口的種類。我最喜歡它的偏重水果味,收尾餘韻吸引。最佳食物配搭:黑朱古力。

Page 25: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 23

♛TOP 1Trenz Riesling off-dry 2013

Colour: Light yellowAroma/Smell: Citrus fruits

Taste: It has a nice acidity with short length. The mouth feel is

smooth and creamy.Why do you like it? The acidity

is just too nice! This white is light but not too light as

you would soon forget what you just drank. I think it’s an advanced version of Daniel Riesling Signature dry 2013,

especially on the texture.Best food pairing: Starter or

appetizer like the salad we had tonight. It surely enlarges

your appetite!




Riesling Signature dry 2013的「進化版」,尤其在質感方面。



♛TOP 2Ellermann-Spiegel Riesling Schlabberwein 2013

Colour: Light yellow on the darker shade

Aroma/Smell: Light fruity aromas and it sinksTaste: Not too acidic but also not too sweet. The taste is well balanced with great smooth mouth feel.Why do you like it? It is cer-tainly not a sparkling but it feels like there are some mini tiny bubbles inside it making

it feel great in the palate. The taste is neutral that everyone can take it.Best food pairing: Seafood, for example the Grilled Seafood Platter at tonight’s dinner table.


Kelvin CoLand Surveyor 土地測量師

♛TOP 1Daniel Riesling Signature dry 2013

Colour: Lemon goldAroma/Smell: It smells like pineapple

Taste: Mild sweet, very fruity, refreshing and it has a very bal-

anced acidityWhy do you like it? It’s very

refreshing and good as a “starter wine”. Everyone can drink and finish it very quick

and open more and more bottles. It helps to warm up

your palate.Best food pairing: I really like

the fruit salad tonight with this wine. Pairing it with a

Caesar salad would be great too.






♛TOP 2Ellermann-Spiegel Rosé Windrose 2013

Colour: Pale pinkAroma/Smell: Cherry and apple blossom

Taste: Cherry and raspberry flavours with some citrus. It’s crisp and a bit dry.

Why do you like it? First, I like the design of the bottle. It’s very elegant which matched well with the colour of the Rosé. Actually I don’t usually drink Rosé because I thought it might be too girlish, but this one is not girlish at all. In fact it’s more like a dry and crisp one, guys can drink too!Best food pairing: Perfect match

with tonight’s Grilled Prawns! Person-ally, I would like to try to pair it with some French fries!


Christie chanWTHK’s Editor WTHK編輯

Page 26: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


Text by Christie Chan撰文:Christie Chan

Everywhere and everything filled with red and gold denotes the arrival of

Chinese New Year, which we Hong Kongers call Lunar New Year - or Spring Festival if you’re in Mainland China. Right after Valentine’s Day, the Year of the Goat begins on February 19, which is a legitimate excuse for more celebration with friends and family after the romantic date with your lover(s) the week before. It’s true that festivals and holidays keep everyone spending and CNY is no exception as gifting is one of the most crucial traditions for Chinese. Food is the most common category to gift as you can see there are piles of gift box sets of cookies, chocolate, nuts etc. in the supermarkets. Buying the same stuff every year is a bit boring and speaking from my personal experience, some food gift boxes my family and I receive during CNY remain unopened for the rest of the year. So here we would like to suggest some wines to gift and share – simply because we wine lovers can’t wait to




喝得到的金光閃閃金箔向來是食材的一種,相信香港人對此並不陌生,曾吃過金箔的你,有否也同樣喝過?農曆新年便是金箔氣泡酒大派用場的最佳時機,金色極為配合新年節日氣氛,用以送禮亦盡顯貴氣。這種酒並非全新產品,全球不少酒莊均有釀造(以歐洲的酒莊為主),不過在香港購買這種酒卻不是易事,當中你可在店舖或網購平台找到的兩款酒均釀自奧地利,分別是Osterreich Gold和AG Gold 23K。大部分金

drink up the joy and fun with beloved ones! Drink some shiny goldIt may sound a bit of an exaggeration to literally drink gold but when it comes to CNY it’s all red and gold so a bottle of sparkling wine with gold flakes floating in it is just a super fancy gift to give. Many wineries mainly in Europe produce sparkling wines infused with gold leaves and the product is not something new, but in Hong Kong it cannot be easily purchased everywhere - Osterreich Gold and AG Gold 23K sparkling wines are both from Austria and available in local wine shops and online. Most of the sparkling wines with gold flakes are non-vintage and are made in an easy-drinking style with only about 10% alcohol contents. It is definitely a CNY giveaway wine not just because it is luxurious and presentable; in Chinese culture gold implies wealth, so gifting this wine is auspicious with the blessing of good wealth.

We like it BIGAfter gold it has to be red;

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we are not talking about a standard bottle of 750mL red wine, but a magnum bottle containing 1.5L of wine. “The more the better” and “the bigger the better” are some of the Chinese perceptions and this is applied to almost every aspect of everything. It is not very often that we get to open a magnum bottle; after all it equals to two standard bottles of wine which cannot be easily finished by a small group of two to three people. So as we welcome CNY it is the best occasion to drink a magnum bottle because all the family members gather for festive greetings and thus there will be more than enough people to share the bottle with. Like the sparkling wine with gold flakes, it also has the “wow effect” as a gift.

Keep us in shapeThere’s no way you can give up on traditional CNY delights such as New Year Cakes (sticky rice cakes), Turnip Cakes, Taro Cakes, Tang Yuan (rice balls made with glutinous rice flour), Yau Kok (deep fried dumplings) and a lot more! But there’s also a down side – most of the food is fried or deep fried containing a lot of calories with heavy tastes – which means you have to get ready to spend more hours at the gym. But we can’t eat without drinking, can we? Picking white wines containing 9% to 12% alcohol can be a compromise because they tend to be low-calorie wines. For whites, Muscadet and Alsace Blanc from France would be great choices as these style whites go well with oily food; for reds, which contain slightly more calories than whites, Burgundy and

Barolo would be ideal wine regions to look for. Not your favourite? Never mind and just drink whatever you like and work out harder later!

Go with Chinese LiquorsHow can Chinese liquors be missed out when Chinese people had celebrated Lunar New Year with them since ancient times? Basically they are categorized into two main types, Baijiu and Huangjiu. The former is distilled and sorghum-based (but some can be distilled from Huangjiu) with above 40% alcohol and the latter is fermented from grains containing about 20% alcohol without distillation. Unless you and your family are hardcore drinkers, Baijiu sounds a little bit too much for a family reunion dinner. So Huangjiu would be a better option and among the varieties of it, Huadiao is always my favourite that can be drunk at room temperature as well as warmed. Its taste is rather sweet and matches well with seafood dishes which we would have during CNY. It is often used in Chinese cooking too and you might have already tasted it in some Chinese cuisine before. After all it might be the most easy-drinking Chinese liquor so just give a try.

Rather than wine just as a gift or a drink at a meal, it’s always the best to have friends and family to share it with. Additionally, Chinese New Year and many other festivals and holidays are reminders for us to spend more quality time with the ones we love. Remember that and we all can have a Happy Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy!



窈窕體態 人人好「求」賀年食品「以肥見稱」,年糕、蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕、湯圓、油角等,無一不油膩且含高熱量。但是,吃賀年食品不只為了應節,你真的能在美食當前堅決忍口嗎?我投降。寧可在吃過高卡路里的賀年美食後,多做運動去保持身形,總比錯過美食好!不過,在大快朵頤之際又豈能欠缺美酒?喝只含9%至12%的白酒可以是個折衷的辦法,其中所含的卡路里相對較低。白酒方面,法國的Muscadet和 Alsace Blanc會是好的選擇,低卡之餘與較油膩的賀年食品很配搭;至於相對略為高卡的紅酒,我們建議享用法國的勃艮地(Burgundy)及意大利的Barolo。上述的葡萄酒也不是你所愛的?不要緊,只管盡情喝你所愛的酒吧!一年只得一次農曆新年,在這之後多做運動便行了。



Page 28: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4



Top Grape Varieties:


Top Producers:著名酒莊

North Coast 北岸(Napa Valley 納帕谷, Sonoma County 索諾馬郡, Mendocino County 門多西諾縣)

• Home to over half of California’s wineries• Coolest temperature region of California• Napa Valley produces 4% of the regions wines

and is also a culinary tourism destination• There are more than 600 wineries in Napa

Valley as of 2014• Sonoma County is the largest producer of Pinot

Noir in the state• Vines were first planted in Mendocino County

in the 1850’s • 一半或以上的加州葡萄酒均產於此• 加州內溫度最清涼的地區• 納帕谷生產4%的加州葡萄酒,也是飲食旅

遊勝地• 至2014年為止,有超過600個酒莊位於納帕

谷• 索諾馬郡是全國Pinot Noir的最大生產區• 門多西諾縣的葡萄藤於1850年代被首次種植

Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir

Colgin Estate (Napa), Diamond Creek (Calisto-ga), Duckhorn Vineyards (St. Helena), Far Niente (Oakville), Saracina Vineyards (Hopland)



Top GrapeVarieties:


Top Producers:著名酒莊

Southern California 加州南部(Temecula Valley 蒂梅丘拉谷, San Diego County 聖地牙哥郡, Los Angeles 洛杉磯)

• The highest Californian vineyard elevation is sit-uated in San Diego at 4,400 feet above sea level

• San Diego has a temperate Mediterranean climate• The Los Angeles area is inhabited by hundreds

of celebrities, many of whom own wineries• Temecula Valley has been growing grapes for

wine since the late 1700’s, and also known for Rhone and Italian varietals

• 全加州最高海拔的葡萄園位於聖地牙哥,處於海平面4,400呎之上

• 聖地牙哥具溫和的地中海氣候• 有不少擁有酒莊的名人居於洛杉磯• 蒂梅丘拉谷自1700年代起便開始種植葡萄來


Chardonnay, Merlot, Zinfandel

Malibu Family Wines (Malibu), Bel Vino Winery (Temecula), Miramonte Winery (Temecula)



Top Grape Varieties:


Top Producers:著名酒莊

Central Coast 中海岸(Paso Robles 帕索羅布爾, Santa Barbara County 聖塔芭芭拉郡, Santa Cruz Mountains 聖塔克魯斯山脈)

• Vines in the Central Coast were first planted in the 1700’s by Franciscan Monks walking El Camino Real

• Paso Robles is emerging as the best place in California for Rhone varietals

• 80% of wines produced in the region are red wines

• 25% of all Santa Barbara County red wines are Pinot Noir

• The Santa Cruz Mountain range is one of rug-ged terrain and high elevation

• Sadly also known for many mass-produced bulk wine producers

• 方濟和尚於1700年代行經「王室大道」(El Camino Real)時,在中海岸種植了首枝葡萄藤

• 帕索羅布爾正被打造為加州最佳種植Rhone葡萄品種的地區

• 此區出產的葡萄酒逾八成為紅酒• 聖塔芭芭拉郡出產的紅酒中,25%為Pinot Noir• 聖塔克魯斯山脈地勢崎嶇,海拔亦高• 此產區不幸地也因大量釀造葡萄酒的生產商集


Zinfandel, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon

Bonny Doon (Davenport), Equinox (Santa Cruz), Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyards (Santa Cruz), Au Bon Climat (Santa Barbara County), Ridge Vineyards (Santa Clara County)26



Top Grape Varieties:


Top Producers:著名酒莊

Inland Valleys 內陸山谷(Lodi 洛迪, Sacramento Valley 薩克拉門托河谷, San Joaquin Valley 佛雷斯諾谷)

• Huge agricultural yield producing 8% of Ameri-ca’s agricultural yield

• Everything from almonds, apricots, tomatoes, asparagus and of course grapes

• Lodi hosts the annual wine fair “Zin Fest”• Sacramento Valley was founded by Spanish

explorers in the 1500’s• San Joaquin Valley stretches from Modesto in

the North to the Tehachapi Mountains in the South

• 高農產量地區,生產全美國農作物總產量的8%• 農作物包括杏仁、杏脯、蕃茄、蘆筍,葡萄當

然也在其中• 一年一度的品酒節「Zin Fest」恆常於洛迪舉行• 薩克拉門托河谷於1500年代由西班牙探險隊

所建立• 佛雷斯諾谷的範圍由北邊的莫德斯托延伸到南


Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel, Petite Syrah

E&J Gallo (San Joaquin Valley), Delicato Vineyards (San Joaquin Valley), Lodi Wine Cellars (Lodi), Bogle Vineyards (Clarksburg)

• In 2014, the United States produced 22.5 million hectolitres of wine making it the 4th largest producer of the year• 在2014年,美國成為全球第四大的葡萄酒生產國,共生產了225億公升葡萄酒• The most popular varietals drunk in the USA are: #1 Chardonnay; #2 Cabernet; #3 Merlot• 在美國最受歡迎的葡萄品種為:#1 Chardonnay;#2 Cabernet;#3 Merlot• There are wineries in all 50 states in the US, led by California, New York, Washington and Oregon• 美國的酒莊分佈於50個州份,當中以加州、紐約、華盛頓及俄亥俄為主要生產葡萄酒的州份• The United States is the largest wine retail market in the world according to the U.S. Department of Commerce• 據美國商務部的資料顯示,美國為全球最大的葡萄酒市場• Year on year, wine consumption is growing steadily in the US and they are the largest consumer of wine in the world• 按年計算,美國的葡萄酒消耗量增長穩定,同時也是全球最大的葡萄酒消耗國• Approximately two thirds of wine consumed in America is produced in America• 粗略計算,約三分二的美國葡萄酒由該國消耗• On January 1 2015, wineries in other US states can finally now ship wines into the state of Massachusetts directly to the consumer• 自2015年1月1日起,不同州份的酒莊獲准直接把葡萄酒運送到麻省的消費者手上

Page 29: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4



Top Grape Varieties:


Top Producers:著名酒莊

Sierra Foothills 謝拉丘陵(El Dorado County 埃爾多拉多郡, Nevada County 內華達郡, Calaveras County 卡拉韋拉斯縣)

• Area includes Yosemite National Park – an area of outstanding natural beauty

• Home to Lake Tahoe – the best place to go for Spring break (Easter holidays)!

• The region was the epicentre of the California Gold Rush

• Over 50 grape varietals are grown in the area• 超過50種葡萄品種生長於此產區• 從前加州曾有過淘金熱,此產區正時當時的淘

金熱點的最中心• 此區為太皓湖的所在地,春天時到此度假是最

好不過的事(復活節假期)!• 優勝美地國家公園位於此區,顧名思義,其自


Zinfandel, Syrah, Merlot

Perry Creek Winery (Fair Play), Pilot Peak Winery (Penn Valley), Zucca Mountain Vineyards (Vallecito), Brice Station Vintners (Calaveras County) 27

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Page 31: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 29

www.ginsbergchan.comOffers and Promotions: 8優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 7易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 6網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Ginsberg+Chan


TOP 10WineRetail


The digital age may be well and truly here but it is yet to really gain much traction with online wine sales in Hong Kong. Compared to our mainland neighbours, we spend

but a fraction of the amount of money on wine online than they do as we are yet to embrace the internet here for buying wine because we are a small city and blissfully ignorant (read happy) with the generally meagre, commercial selection we currently have at street level retail – sure there are some great retail shops in the city, but if you don’t live near one you won’t be visiting one.

That’s where the problem lies in Hong Kong. Brick and mortar retail shops are just too expensive to run – mainly because selling wines really is not that profitable – and the need to pay staff, rent, air conditioning etc even before you have sold one bottle makes it a daunting business. An online platform negates these costs and those with a little bit of savvy have already got well established wine sales websites in the city.

We worry for those that do not because the future of wine sales in Hong Kong is most certainly online (unless we see government regulation on rents or landlords suddenly grow an ounce of empathy in their bodies). Those not online as we head into 2015 will be the losers when the half time whistle blows; that is, when people stop paying extortionate restaurant prices and start bringing their own wines to dine with. As the on-trade looks to struggle its way through the second half of this decade, the future looks bright for the online trade.

So, for our Wine Times readers we have taken what we think are the best wine websites in the city – that is those from im-porters who exclusively import the brands they sell; no parallel imports, no fake wines, no scams or rip offs. We did it online back in 2013 on our website and things have changed a lot since then – designs have changed (mostly for the better but some for the worse), prices have generally gone up (but not extortionately), wine selections have got broader and new players have come to the market. So check out our Top 10 On-line Wine Retailers and next time you’re sitting in front of your computer, give them a look as you may actually be tempted to give buying wine online a try.





有見及此,今期WTHK為眾多讀者搜羅多個優質的網上購酒平台,也就是不售水貨、次貨、假 酒 , 做 誠 實 買 賣 且 提 供 獨 家 代 理 酒 品 的 網站。WTHK網站曾於2013年與讀者分享過類似的資訊,但經過時間發展,許多網站的設計現已改頭換貌(大部分比之前更好,但也有些退步了),雖然酒價上升,但葡萄酒的選擇也多了,同時也有不少新的競爭對手加入市場。現在就來讀讀《十大酒品網購平台》,說不定你讀過後,也會想試試網購酒品,享受箇中的方便與樂趣。

Ginsberg+Chan’s website has become slightly harder to use over the last year but it is still full of a great range of wines. In fact, we recommend you get on their mailing list as their offers through email are excellent. Not the pretti-est site in the city, but certainly one of the best. Look out for their excellent back vintages selections; 37/50



Page 32: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


www.cellarmasterwines.comOffers and Promotions: 9優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$800 (otherwise HK$50)送貨服務條款:購物滿$800提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$50運送費用)

Cellarmaster Wines

A vastly improved website over the last year Cellarmas-ter Wines is all about offers and promotions. An easy to use site with a decent range of wines, spirits, beers and ciders from around the world we see big things ahead for this potential market leader online. No free delivery but that seems normal in Hong Kong but overall, an excellent website. A very well justified 41/50 and one to watch in 2015.

自去年進行改革後,Cellarmaster Wines提供多不勝數的優惠及推廣,而網站設計亦非常方便瀏覽者購物。不論是產自世界各地的葡萄酒、烈酒、啤酒,還是有氣果酒,此網站通通一應俱全,可見其具發展潛力,成為行業的「一哥」。如香港一般的網購平台一樣,此網站不設免費送貨,但總而言之它是個一流的酒品網購平台,值得讀者們多加留意,所以我們給予41/50的高分。 and Promotions: 8優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 7酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: NO有否提供多種語言:沒有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,000 (otherwise HK$50)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,000提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$50運送費用)

Victoria Wines

One of the newer websites in the city with some excellent wines from around the world but especially from Spain and the New World. Good value wines are found all over the site and delivery is easy for a company that does its own deliveries (you might have seen their truck around town!) Overall, one that we would use repeatedly so it gets a good score of 39/50


Wine Shop Asia

Certainly one of the top wine websites in the city and one for a great deal of promotions and special offers. Sub-scribe to their mailing list for great offers too, especially on mixed cases. They have great marketing prowess and the site is pretty user friendly. A very respectable 40/50 to another that will certainly figure in the future of Hong Kong’s online wine scene.

想取得更多的推廣資訊及特別優惠?Wine Shop Asia定是城中最好的酒品網購平台之一,切勿忘記登記訂閱提供優惠的電郵。他們擁有強大的市場實力,網站也易於使用,相信這間公司的發展會為網上零售酒業帶來希冀,值得給予40/50的高分數。

www.wineshopasia.comOffers and Promotions: 9優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 7價格Multilingual: NO有否提供多種語言:沒有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$800 (otherwise HK$60)送貨服務條款:購物滿$800提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$60運送費)

Top 10 Wine Retail Websites




Page 33: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 31

www.kerrywines.comOffers and Promotions: 5優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 7酒品選擇Visual: 7網頁設計Pricing: 7價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Free Delivery: For purchases over $1,400 (otherwise HK$80)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,400提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$80運送費用)

Kerry Wines

Although there are very few decent – and very few overall – special offers, we still like the Kerry Wines website. Not impressed with the minimum order amount honestly but it’s likely just a reflection of the price of their wines. A good selection of non-brand name wines so you have to know what you are buying but we give it a respectable 34/50 overall.


It seems only yesterday that Slurp launched in Hong Kong but it has been a few years now. The site has not changed or evolved much in this time however although their deals on back vintage wines and wines you can find on other websites are good and priced very accommodatingly. Much more special offers available through subscription to their site but for this year we give it 39/50.


www.slurp.asiaOffers and Promotions: 8優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 7網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,000 (otherwise HK$40)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,000提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$40運送費用)


www.watsonswine.comOffers and Promotions: 7優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 9酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 6價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,600 (otherwise HK$80)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,600提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$80運送費用)

Watson’s Wine

Although it may seem hard to justify why you would buy from Watson’s online as they have so many retail shops in town, if you live in an area outside the main business districts the website offers you a wealth of wines that would never be put in a retail shop outside of town. Again, the minimum delivery price is rather high – but with the amount of fine wines on their site it should be easy to reach! 38/50

香港幾乎各區都有Watson’s Wine的實體零售店,因此你幾乎不會在他們的網購平台購酒。不過,如果你居住地點並非位於商業旺區,你可以瀏覽一下此網站,因為他們提供不少只在旺區店鋪才有售的葡萄酒。提供免費送貨的最低消費額有點高,但他們有供應的美酒多不勝數,相信購物時不難達到所需金額!分數:38/50





Page 34: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


www.pudaowines.comOffers and Promotions: 0優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 7易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: YES有否提供多種語言:有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,000 (otherwise $130)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,000提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$130運送費用)

Pudao Wines

Pudao Wines is the newest website on our list and can be forgiven for ‘finding their feet’ when it comes to special offers. There is a glaring lack of them on the site and this should be the first thing that many look for on a wine website. Expect this to change and expect Pudao (with offices all over Greater China) to be a major player in due course. 31/50 – even with no special offers.

Pudao Wines網站可謂全城最新的網站,但在網站上卻找不到任何「推廣及優惠」的蹤影。許多人瀏覽網頁時都先查看「著數優惠」,欠缺了也就令消費者的購物慾大減,明顯反映網站的不足。我們期望Pudao(其辦公室處於中國大陸)會作出改善,在不久的將來成為有實力的市場競爭者。即使沒有提供優惠,它仍然取得31/50的分數。

www.jebsenfinewines.comOffers and Promotions: 8優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 6網頁設計Pricing: 7價格Multilingual: NO有否提供多種語言:沒有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,000 (otherwise HK$80)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,000提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$80運送費用)


Jebsen Fine Wines have always had a website but it was arguably the hardest one in the city to use. Thankfully, they have changed this and the site is now much more ergonomic (but still not excellent) and they could still do with giving it a lick of paint as it’s a rather dull site with very little visual stimulation. A good selection of wines overall though and some great special offers; 35/50

Jebsen Fine Wines的網站一直都在,卻可算是一眾酒品網購平台中最難以使用、最複雜的一個,幸好他們已作出初步改變,雖然還未算得上是優秀,但總算是個「普通人能夠瀏覽閱讀」的網站。我們建議網站在設計上可添加點顏色,增強視覺效果以刺激點撃率。它提供的美酒選擇及特別優惠也算多。分數:35/50

Wine N Things

Wine N Things is a fun and colourful site with great spe-cial offers on New World wines. There are very few old word wines – which is fine if you are a purveyor of easy drinking sparkling, whites and reds from South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. They have incorporated some excellent Lebanese wines on the site too (they also have Japanese wine too) but if it’s French wines you’re looking for you won’t find them here. Great site all told; 40/50

Wine N Things網站設計吸引,其介面有趣而顏色奪目。它提供許多新世界的葡萄酒,並且也給予客戶特別優惠,不過產自舊世界的葡萄酒選擇則不多。若你喜歡產自南非、紐西蘭及澳洲、比較容易入喉的各種葡萄酒,瀏覽這網站可不會出錯!他們也供應來自黎巴嫩的葡萄酒,而日本酒也於網頁上有售。不過,如果你想買得法國葡萄酒,那你便會「食白果」了。三個字:好網站。分數:40/50

www.winenthingshk.comOffers and Promotions: 8優惠及推廣Ease of Use: 8易於使用Wine Selection: 8酒品選擇Visual: 8網頁設計Pricing: 8價格Multilingual: NO有否提供多種語言:沒有Free Delivery: For purchases over HK$1,000 (otherwise HK$120)送貨服務條款:購物滿$1,000提供免費送貨(貨款不足則收取$120運送費用)

Top 10 Wine Retail Websites      十大酒品網購平台




Page 35: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 33

When one thinks of ‘wine-hubs’, cities such as London, New

York and Sydney often spring to mind but of course, here in Asia Hong Kong is the city that holds that title. But overall around the country, drink-ing wine is concentrated in the more affluent, restaurant driven areas where people with higher disposable income dwell, work and commute to and from.

Mui Wo on Lantau Island is not currently one of those places but there is a changing demographic to the town that used to be all about sandals, cans of Carlsberg, shorts and tank tops. There are a younger generation of both expats and locals moving into and living there and while the govern-ment and local entrepreneurs re-develop the town, the house prices are slowly rising bringing inhabitants that are possibly more suited to life in Mid-Levels than in a town whose majority population on a week day could well be the buffaloes.

For years the only place to get a bottle of wine in Mui Wo was in either of the two super-markets there – Wellcome and Park N Shop – but recently its first wine retail shop opened with a view to offer residents of Mui Wo more than just the average bottle of plonk that has probably been sitting on the supermarket shelf since the days of Governor Chris Patten. Of course, many resi-dents of the island as a whole do commute to work on a daily basis and many buy their wine in town, but for those that don’t and for those that need that bottle of wine last minute there is always Island Wines.

The new little shop is conve-

niently located not near the ferry pier but near the more in-habited area of Mui Wo – right next to the Silvermine Beach Resort hotel. Whilst it is not a huge shop, it does offer the wine drinker something differ-ent. There are no New World wines there so those lovers of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc can still go to Wellcome but there are an interesting array of boutique French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish wines alongside some interesting fortified wines from Crimea and sparkling wines from both Italy and the Ukraine.

Owner Andrey Bogdanov wants to have wines that people will both appreciate for their uniqueness, their ability to match well with food and their drinking ability at both beaches and barbecues. As the store is just a stone’s throw from the beach, week-end revellers often pick up a bottle of chilled white to drink while sunbathing or a bottle of red to go with that steak that’s going on the BBQ later.

One very cool thing about the shop – it sells an entire kit that enables you to make Paella. With wines in tow, grab a Paella pan, rice and saffron from the shop and get a Paella going on one of the public BBQ’s by the beach – could there be a better way to spend the summer? We think not! Al-ternatively, you can order both the kit and the wines either online or by phone and they will deliver it to your home (on Lantau only of course!)Island Wines is located at Shop G11, Silver Plaza, 8 Chung Shing Street, Mui Wo, Lantau Island (Tel: 9521 8481) and is open 7 days a week from 1pm to 8pm for both in-shop sales and home deliver-ies.

Desert Island Wines出走何用帶上酒?




多年來,在梅窩有售葡萄酒的地方只限於兩所超級市場,分別是百佳和惠康,其所供應的葡萄酒品,很可能由前香港總督彭定康時代至今一直沒有任何改變。不過,我們現為大家帶來好消息—梅窩首間酒零售店舖Island Wines開張了!雖然許多居民於市區上班,也會於順道於下班後購買酒品,但該店的葡萄酒選擇一定比超市為多,對沒有外出或急於購買葡萄酒的居民而言極為方便。

這間小店位於銀鑛灣渡假酒店旁,而非較遠離住宅地的碼頭一帶,所提供的葡萄酒也較為別開生面,包括產自法國、意大利、葡萄牙及西班牙精品酒莊的葡萄酒,更特別的是克里米亞的加烈葡萄酒,以及意大利及烏克蘭的氣泡酒。這店未有提供任何新世界葡萄酒品,喜歡紐西蘭Sauvignon Blanc的客人仍可選擇光顧超市。

店主Andrey Bogdanov希望顧客能從他所提供的葡萄酒中,欣賞到其獨特性,能夠配搭不同類型的美食,又或是帶到沙灘或燒烤時享用。店舖位置與銀鑛灣沙灘只有十步之距,不論是到沙灘曬日光浴,想要買一枝預先冷藏過的白酒的你,還是準備享受燒烤樂,需要一枝紅酒配烤牛扒的你,也能在這店找到你所需的,好好於周末狂歡一番。


Island Wines店舖地址為大嶼山梅窩涌盛街8號銀礦廣場地下G11號舖(聯絡電話:9521 8481),其營業時間為每天下午1時至晚上8時,營業時間內提供店內零售或送貨服務。

Text by Ali Nicol譯文:Christie Chan

Page 36: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4
Page 37: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 35

There are few Bordeaux chateaux as re-vered as Château Margaux. A first growth wine (Premier Cru Classé) since the incep-

tion of the 1855 Médoc Classification, the win-ery has championed and pioneered Bordeaux wines for 160 years. The forerunner in the latest pioneering winemaking and winery techniques the winery matches tradition with modernity in a bid to constantly make better wines so that Bordeaux wine lovers of the world will have a benchmark to pit the other wines they drink against.

在所有法國波爾多的酒莊中,少有如瑪歌酒莊(Château Margaux)般地位

如此受人推崇。自1855年被名列為法國的一級酒莊(Premier Cru Classé)後,瑪歌酒莊於這160年間不僅釀造出世界頂級的波爾多葡萄酒,同時也領導着此產區的葡萄酒發展。身為行內的「一哥」,瑪歌酒莊在釀酒技術方面,力圖把現代科技融合到傳統釀酒方法之中,歷年不斷釀造出更優質的葡萄酒,成為喜愛波爾多葡萄酒的人眼中的指標,令其他不少葡萄酒被比下去。

Text & Photography by Ali Nicol譯文:Christie Chan 攝影:Ali Nicol

Wine Spotlight: Château Margaux’s Paul Pontallier

聚光燈:瑪歌酒莊的釀酒師Paul Pontallier

Page 38: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


THE WINESThe Château is most famed for its red wines and namely its top wine simply called Grand Vin de Château Margaux. The wines are Cabernet Sauvignon dominant and each bottle of the top wine is a blend of Cab-ernet, Merlot and sometimes, Cabernet Franc. Grand Vin de Château Margaux wines are not cheap – they retail in Hong Kong for around HK$6,500 for the 2010 vintage. Their second wine is called Pavillon Rouge de Château Margaux and they also make a white wine called Pavillon Blanc de Château Margaux. Their ‘third wine’ is called Margaux de Château Margaux which was intro-duced to the world in 1997.

INNOVATIONChâteau Margaux is the only top French Bordeaux chateau to hold an office in Hong Kong and it is run by Paul’s son Thi-bault. Seeing the potential of business in Hong Kong, China and the Asian region overall, Château Margaux are the pioneers of Asia for Bordeaux. Recently in Hong Kong, Paul Pontallier was eager to show how innovation is an import-ant part of life at the Château as he hosted a tasting of Château Margaux’s experimen-tal wines using organic and biodynamic techniques – not to mention their continued in-terest in testing how the wines age under screw-cap.

HISTORYThe 16th century is the time when, in 1570 Pierre de Lestonnac expanded and cleared the land which the Château owned to make way for the vines that were to make this iconic wine. Fast forward 135 years and in 1705 a wine called Margose went under the hammer and was adver-tised in the London Gazette. Then, the Margaux 1771 was the first ‘claret’ to be featured in auction house, Christie’s catalogue.

Throughout the first 10 years of the 1800’s, the Château was rebuilt and earned the moniker of “the Versailles of the Médoc”. Of course, 1855 saw Napoléon III create the Médoc Classification and then, at the end of the 19th century, testing times as Bordeaux’s wine industry was brought to its knees by phyloxerra – a pest that wiped out almost all the vineyards in the area. In 1977 the Château was purchased by André Ment-zelopoulos whose daughter Corrine is now at the helm and she was joined by Paul Pontallier in 1983 who was later named Managing Director in 1990. The Château is still in the hands of Corrine Ment-zelopoulos and these days, Paul Pontallier is now Wine Di-rector and has been oversee-ing the making of these iconic wines for over 30 years.

歷史在1570年,當時瑪歌酒莊的莊主Pierre de Lestonnac擴充了酒莊中的葡萄園,從而釀造出其標誌性的的葡萄酒。事隔135年後來到1705年,葡萄酒首次在歷史中出現於拍賣會上,一枝名為Margose的葡萄酒被拍賣,其廣告更刊登於《倫敦憲報》上。其後,Margaux 1771獲赫赫有名的佳士得拍賣行(Christie’s)所特別推介,成為第一枝被拍賣的波爾多紅酒。在1800年及此後的十年間,酒莊進行修葺重建,使之被譽為「梅多克的凡爾賽宮」(the Versailles of the Médoc)。酒莊於1855年獲拿破崙三世名列為一級酒莊;到了十八世紀末,整個波爾多產區遭逢巨劫—幾乎所有葡萄園也無一幸免於名為「phyloxerra」的蟲害。至1977年,酒莊轉手予André Mentzelopoulos,其女兒Corrine為酒莊現時的掌舵人,而釀酒師Paul Pontallier則在1983年加入成為酒莊的一分子,並於1990年擔任酒莊常務總監一職。酒莊現時仍然由Corrine Mentzelopoulos主理,而Paul Pontalli-er現職為葡萄酒總監,負責管理釀酒事務已超過30年。

瑪歌酒莊的葡萄酒瑪歌酒莊以釀造紅酒聞名,其精心釀造的傑作稱為Grand Vin de Château Mar-gaux,名字簡潔直接。每枝紅酒主要以Cabernet Sauvignon葡萄品種釀造,同時混合了Cabernet和Merlot,有時也混和了Cabernet Franc在其中。Grand Vin de Château Margaux的酒並不便宜,以2010年份來說,香港零售價約為$6,500。 他 們 釀 造 的 另 一 枝 紅 酒 為 Pa v i l l o n Rouge de Château Margaux,同系列白酒為Pavillon Blanc de Château Mar-gaux,而酒莊的第三款紅酒Margaux de Château Margaux則於1997年面世。

創新意念瑪歌酒莊是唯一一間於香港設置分部的頂尖波爾多酒莊,現由Paul Pontallier的兒子Thibault營運。由於酒莊的管理層意識到香港、中國大陸以及亞洲地區的市場潛力,一直積極地在亞洲推廣波爾多葡萄酒,令酒莊當上領導先驅。近日Paul Pontallier到訪香港,為酒莊主持試酒會,跟與會者品嚐以有機及生物動力方法釀造的「試驗葡萄酒」。他在會上發表演說,指出創新意念對他個人釀酒生涯的重要性,同時也提到酒莊對葡萄酒以酒瓶扭蓋或軟木塞密封的差異何在一直感興趣。

Page 39: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 37

WTHK: WTHK: Has wine always been something you’ve been passionate about? 你一直以來也對葡萄酒充滿熱誠嗎?

PP: Yes, I was born into it because my whole family has always been involved in producing wine in Bordeaux. I was brought up in a very traditional French family and of course wine was always on our table. But I never imagined I would specialise in wine until I was 21. I was very interested in study – I was a bit of an intellectual!


WTHK: How did you end up working at Château Margaux? 你何時開始在瑪歌酒莊工作?

PP: I did my military service in Chile and spent almost two years there teaching oenology at the university there and helping a bit at the embassy. At that time, in 1981 Chilean wines were absolutely unknown but I got to know all the pro-ducers. When I was about to finish my time there I heard the news that Château Margaux was looking for somebody and although I had other projects on at the time, Château Mar-gaux is the kind of opportunity you can’t refuse. So I returned to France and I was interviewed at Margaux and after a cou-ple of months of talking I was appointed the technical direc-tor at Margaux in June 1983.


WTHK: How has life been over the last 30 years at the Château? 在瑪歌酒莊待了30個年頭,你的感覺如何?

PP: The last 30 years has just been the most extraordinary period of the 20th century. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. 1982 was a real turning point, it was a great vintage and for plenty of reasons the American mar-ket got extremely interested and all of a sudden our business changed scale and a lot of things which would not have been thinkable before became possible from then on. It was just the beginning of a lot of commercial success and an extraor-dinary row of great vintages – before that it had been twenty years of mediocre vintages. It has been a real success story which I feel very privileged to have been associated with; it was a great and fantastic time and it’s still a fantastic time today.


WTHK: Is having a permanent representation in Asia important these days? 現時在亞洲設立酒莊的恆常代表重要嗎?

PP: We very much felt it was necessary for two reasons. The Chinese market was becoming very interested in wine and we knew very little about it and at the time they knew very little about us. There was a real need for a presence to let them know who we were. Japan was a good market at the time but now we have access to the whole of China, Indo-nesia, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore and of course here in Hong Kong. It was great timing for us to get here in 2010 and it was a good moment to establish a brand. What has happened in China in the last 4 years is more-or-less equiv-alent to what has happened in Bordeaux over the last 30 years; it’s just mind blowing.


Interview Time...訪談時間

WTHK: What would you like to do when you retire? 你的退休計劃如何?

PP: Honestly, I have not even thought about it! If it came to it I would consider semi-retirement as I have always valued teamwork and I think giving responsibility to the younger generation is important so I think it would be stupid at the age of 65 to just retire and deprive the company of the experience that has been built up. I would like to bring those many years of experience to others and I think I will have plenty to do and will certainly not start a second career. Mar-gaux deserves my full loyalty and I think it would be stupid to just stop working.


Page 40: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


There are so many snacks served for Chinese New Year, and one of these

snacks that can be easily found in Chinese restaurants and eaten throughout the year, is turnip cake. For Chinese peo-ple, this delicious savory cake simply means prosperity and fortune.

Although it’s a common dish on Chinese restaurants’ menus, when it comes to Chinese New Year, people like to have their own homemade recipe and share among family and friends. It’s just something you can’t compare with the ones at restaurants as it’s made with extra love and care. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get ready with Grace Choi Suen Mei Wah, Head Chef and Owner of Choi Choi’s Kitchen in Yuen Long to learn some tips on making the perfect moist and rich turnip cake!

February’s Chef: Grace Choi Suen Mei Wah, Head Chef and Owner of Choi Choi’s Kitchen

Dish-to-teach: Turnip Cake (Law Bak Gow) Stephy: What’s Turnip Cake for you?

Chef Grace: “Turnip cake is a very traditional Chinese dish and one of the most signature and representative dishes for Chinese Lunar New Year. I used to stand next to my mum and see how she made it when I was much younger so turnip cake is not only a dish for me but also brings back memories of my childhood.”

“Making turnip cake was like a family activity for me when I was young. Whenever I make it, it reminds me of those sleepless nights before Chi-nese New Year because I was too excited! It is a dish that you can change the ingredi-ents according to your own preferences. It’s really a happy dish for me since we usually make a few pans of turnip cake and then share with our family and friends!”


菜式,於中式酒樓不難找到它的蹤影。對中國人來說,這款美味的糕點是代表着好運和財富。雖然蘿蔔糕屬於常見菜式,但來到農曆新年,大家都會特別花心思,以自家食譜去炮製蘿蔔糕與親朋好友分享。餐廳裏吃到的,就是跟自家製的蘿蔔糕有些不同,全因有「加料愛心和心意」。還在等甚麼?快點準備好,跟蔡菜館主廚和負責人蔡孫美華(Grace Choi)去偷偷師,學習如何造出一個既充滿蘿蔔絲且香氣四溢的蘿蔔糕!


Chef Chat with Stephy當Stephy遇上主廚

Text by Stephy PoonPhotography by Christie Chan撰文:Stephy Poon 攝影:Christie Chan

Choi Choi’s Kitchen蔡菜館Address: 198 Kat Hing Wai, Yuen Long地址:錦田錦上路吉慶圍198號Tel: 3126 5109

Page 41: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 39


Fresh long radish (aka daikon/turnip)白蘿蔔


Plain rice flour粘米粉


Corn flour粟粉


Dried shrimp蝦米

4 tablespoons4湯匙

Chinese preserved sausages (Leop Cheung)臘腸


Chinese preserved bacon (Leop Yuk)臘肉


Dried scallops乾瑤柱 4-5

Chopped spring onion乾蔥切粒

2 tablespoons2湯匙

Diced garlic蒜頭切粒

2 tablespoons2湯匙

Chinese cooking wine (Shiu Jau)紹酒

1 tablespoon1湯匙


3 teaspoosns3茶匙


2 teaspoons2茶匙


1 bowl1碗

Steps1. Add plain rice flour through a sieve, mix all reserve

cooking and soaking liquid and corn flour in a big bowl and mix well. Stir it till it is smooth. Cover it.

2. In an oiled pan, stir-fried the diced garlic and then add the Chinese bacon and preserved sausages, dried shrimps, dried scallops and cooking wine for a few minutes until the pork is cooked.

3. Combine all the cooked ingredients and salt with the batter and mix well with your hand.

4. Pour the batter into the containers, cover and steam for 75-90 minutes (depends on your steamer). For the first 20-30 minutes, steam it with high heat and then lower it to medium heat. Check the water level and replenish with boiling water if necessary.

5. Cool on a rack for a few hours. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 to 4 hours.

6. Pan-fried it to golden brown and serve it with a bit of spring onion on top.

烹調步驟1. 粘米粉過篩放入大盆內,加入所有浸過乾瑤柱和蝦


2. 倒油至鑊中,炒香蒜頭,再放入臘腸臘肉粒、乾瑤柱、蝦米炒幾分鐘至半熟。

3. 把所有已炒香的材料和鹽加入米漿,用手拌勻。4. 把拌勻的米漿倒入錫紙盆,蓋上保鮮紙,蒸大約75


5. 蒸好後,置室溫待涼。放入雪櫃待3至4小時。6. 準備享用蘿蔔糕時,把其煎香至金黃色,隨意撒上


Wine Pairing Recommendations 葡萄酒搭配建議Chef Grace: “Instead of choosing red or white wines, I would like to go for something special, the handmade Chi-nese plum wine to pair with turnip cake. I think it’s an in-teresting pairing. The sweetness and sourness of the plum wine can cut off the oily and fatty feeling of the pan-fried turnip cake.”


Before you cook1. Peel the radish skin. Prepare a hand grater. Finely

shred turnips. Place them in a large pot with a bowl of water. Boil them for about 15 minutes until tender. Drain turnips and reserve the cooking liquid.

2. Soak dried shrimp and dried scallops in warm water for 30 minutes till all softened. Reserve the soaking liquid.

3. Finely chop the Chinese preserved sausages.

事前準備1. 白蘿蔔去皮以磨刨器刨絲。將白蘿蔔絲加入一碗水


2. 以暖水將乾瑤柱、蝦米浸大約30分鐘至軟身,同樣留起浸過的水。

3. 臘腸、臘肉切粒,備用。

Turnip Cake 蘿蔔糕

Page 42: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4
Page 43: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 41

Macau: Simple, No Frills Eating

澳門:吃得一切從簡Text & Photography by Ali Nicol攝影:Ali Nicol 譯文:Christie Chan

Taipa has evolved and adapted over the last 15 years; so much so that

a vast majority of the island would be unrecognisable to someone returning with pre-1999 memories. Tourism is booming and the hotel / casino industry has to take credit for this, with the pletho-ra of visiting mainland tourists alongside those from around the world visiting the former Portuguese colony each year. What was once a sleepy little island is now a thriving me-tropolis filled with shoppers, gamblers and sightseers.

One area that has however managed to keep its charm and remain somewhat au-thentic over time is Taipa old village. Although the area is buzzing with teens raising their selfie sticks and mainland shoppers looking for dried meat, the charm has remained and small shops and eateries can be found in the narrow alleyways that cross-cross the village. Restaurants are a dime a dozen in Taipa village and one that has stood the test of time is the quaint, homely Portuguese restaurant Galo.

Galo’s two floor restaurant opened in 1987 and has served a mix of authentic Por-tuguese food and Macanese Portuguese food for almost 30 years. Not much has changed internally in the restaurant over time and walking in one first notices how simple and homely the place is. There are no chairs, only stools, which tells you that it’s not a place to sit and relax in over a long afternoon; quite the opposite, it’s designed for a quick turn over of customers and when we visited Galo both floors of the place were completely full with both locals and tourists.

The extensive menu is rather old-school with pictures of each dish and on face value the prices seem rather rea-sonable. Undoubtedly these prices have risen sharply over time with the influx of tourism however they do not break the bank and there is plenty of choices of dishes to choose for the meat and seafood lover. The service is quick and efficient both on the restaurant floor and in the kitchen and food is served piping hot just moments after it is ordered. The Portuguese Bacalhau à

Domgalo Portuguese Food公雞葡國餐廳Address: 45 Rua do Cunha, R/C Taipa, Macau地址:澳門氹仔舊城區官也街45號地下Tel 電話: +853 2882 7423





Page 44: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


Brás (Cod Fish and Potatoes - $60) were lovely, not oily at all and there was a great fish flavour to the dish. They make an excellent starter as they are light and fluffy and pair lovely with a simple Portuguese beer such as Superbock. In fact, much like all over Macau, beers are cheap too - $28 – and as visiting Macau gives the feeling of being on holiday, there no excuse not to have more than one!

The restaurant lists it’s spe-cialities as Frango na Pucara (chicken with vegetables), Camarao Gigante (Giant Prawns) and Caranguejos a Macau (Macau Crabs) but we decided on a simple Salada de Tomate (Tomato and Onion salad - $50) which worked nicely with the Bacalhau and is a nice healthy option for a starter. If seafood is your thing there are all forms of fish and shellfish available including of course Portuguese Sardines ($90), crab curry (Market price) and clams in white wine sauce ($80). Meat lovers can get their steak fix but for something more interesting, try the Escalopes de Vijela (Escalopes of Veal - $85) or


舊式餐牌上的食物選擇很多,有着每道菜的相片,而價錢亦相對合理。澳門遊業發展步伐急速,餐廳無疑也會藉由加價,但絕不會使你的荷包負荷過重,而且餐牌上的選擇無不合嗜肉者及愛吃海鮮的食客的菜式。樓面及廚房均有效率,點叫食物後不消一會,熱哄哄的食物便冒着煙被端到餐桌上。葡式馬介休(Por-tuguese Bacalhau à Brás - $60)一點也不油膩,其魚味濃郁,可口非常,更因為這道菜輕而鬆化,所以適合作為前菜,再配以葡萄牙啤酒如Superbock,實在很不錯。與澳門其他餐廳一樣,這裏的啤酒價格便宜,只售$28。而到訪澳門猶如悠閒度假一般,因此又怎能只喝一杯啤酒呢!

餐牌上的特別推介為烤雞伴蔬菜(Frango na Pucara)、巨蝦(Camarao Gigante)及澳門蟹(Caranguejos a Macau),不過我們想點較健康清淡的前菜,點叫了簡單的蕃茄洋蔥沙律(Salada de Tomate - $50),與馬介休兩者相得益彰。如果你是海鮮愛好者,你會很滿意餐牌上的選擇,當中不乏各式各樣的選擇,包括葡式沙甸魚($90)、咖哩炒蟹(時價),以及白酒煮蜆($80)。嗜肉者當然可以大吃牛扒,不過可試試選擇炒小牛肉(Escalopes de Vijela - $85)或鐵板豬手(Joelho do Porco Alemao Frito - $85),這些在香港不常見的菜式可能會帶給你驚喜。

在澳門享用美食(尤其吃葡國菜),又怎能少了美酒的份兒?雖然餐應提供的葡萄酒選擇頗為過時(我們懷疑其葡萄酒的年份可能不正確!),但卻有着品質好而價格合理的葡萄酒,令食客喝到Vinho Verde(青酒)及Dao。餐廳也提供小份量玻璃瓶的特選紅、白酒—非不倫不類且極易入喉的酒,半公升的價格只為$60,一杯則為$35。不論是青酒(Vinho Verde)、白酒(Vinho Branco)、紅酒(Vinho Tinto),還是玫瑰紅酒(Vinho Rosado),餐廳均有供應,但我們建議讀者點叫小份量玻璃瓶的特選紅、白酒,雖然這酒似乎是非常便宜的葡萄酒,但其性價比極高,而且與餐廳菜式十分配搭。

the Joelho do Porco Alemao Frito (Pig’s Knuckle - $85) as these are not dishes often found in restaurants in Hong Kong.

Of course, no meal in Macau (especially if you are eating Portuguese food) is complete without a drop of wine and although the wine list is proba-bly completely out of date (we doubt the vintages on the wines are correct!) there are great, affordable options for those that fancy a drop of Vinho Verde or a nice Dao.

In fact, you can order a ‘small jar’ of house red or white wine – a non-descript wine but none the less extremely drinkable – for just $60 for half a litre or $35 for a glass. There is a selection of Vinho Verde (Green wine), Vinho Branco (White wine), Vinho Tinto (Red wine) and Vinho Rosado (Rosé wine) so they have all the bases covered, but our suggestion is just to go for the ‘small jar’ as it’s great value for money and although the wine is likely extremely cheap, it’s drinkable and goes very well with the food.

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mind-blowingly good, if you’re hungry and on a budget, Galo is a great option for some fast, quick and easy Portuguese fare.

You can find Galo easily as it is located at the old town square, these days surround-ed with modernity such as the ubiquitous Starbucks, but stepping into the place really gives a feeling of going back to colonial times. Reservations can be made but with the high table turnover it’s likely not necessary as you will be seat-ed without a hugely long wait.

In all honesty, this is cer-tainly not Macau’s best restaurant but its simple, no frills approach is a welcome attraction in a time where glitz and glamour fine dining is taking much of the spot-light off traditional styles of dining. There seemed to be no Portuguese staff on board (which doesn’t matter to be fair) but the service is efficient and fast and on the whole, friendly. Most of the staff are tri-lingual (English, Putonghua, and Cantonese) and may even speak Portuguese but what was striking was how attentive they are. The restaurant is set up of mostly tables of 6 or 8 so expect to share with another party or couple depending on how many of you there are. Whilst the food is not



Page 46: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4


Whine-on:Ask us whatever you like!讀者專欄:想問就問!

Have any doubts or questions about wine? Send us an email at [email protected] or leave a message on our Facebook page at and we will bust the answer for you!

你有任何關於酒的疑問嗎?請寄電郵到[email protected]或在我們的Facebook 專頁留言,隨便發問!我們樂意為你解開每個疑難!

Q1: Why do winemakers blend grapes to make wine? – Jimmy; Shau Kei Wan 為甚麼釀酒師會混合不同的葡萄品種去釀酒?—Jimmy;筲箕灣

Answer:Well Jimmy, mostly wines that are a blend of grapes are made because each different grape adds something unique to the wine. Sometimes, in a bad vintage a blend can be made to mask the faults in one of the compo-nents, but on the whole, grapes are blended together to give the wine the extra colour, tannin, mouth feel or elegance that it would not have if it were just a single varietal wine. Blends also are made from regions where more than one grape flourishes – unlike say Burgundy where both reds and whites are made from one single varietal. The wines that are blended together are all fermented separately and then mathematically made so to reach a standard that the winemaker is happy with. A new phenomenon that we are very interested in is ‘field blends’ where lots of different grape varieties are all grown picked, fermented and bottled together…look out for more of these on our pages in 2015.


Q2: Why do so many New World Sauvignon Blanc taste the same? – Phil; Central為甚麼許多產自新世界的Sauvignon Blanc,其味道沒甚麼差別?—Phil;中環

Answer:Good question Phil; we find ourselves asking the same question sometimes. Actually, if you are looking for a unique style of Sauvignon Blanc then you need look no further than South Africa. These days however, with the unbridled success of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (especially from Marlborough) many places are trying to emulate the style and flavour of these wines as they are ‘what people are drinking these days’. We have tried some California, Italian and Australian wines that are al-most identical in aroma and taste as the wines from New Zealand and really do disappoint as part of the fun of drinking wine is getting some excitement from the bottle rather than just a standardised taste. Whether the terroir of these regions is the same as New Zealand, it’s not for us to speculate on (we doubt it) – but it does seem that many are just making wines that they think will sell rath-er than wines with any sense of place these days.

答:好問題,我們有時也問着相同的問題。其實,如果你想喝到一瓶風格特別的Sauvignon Blanc,可試試看產自南非的。由於紐西蘭釀造Sauvignon Blanc極為成功及聞名(尤其產自Marlborough的),使其他地方的酒莊也想仿照其風格及味道,從而釀造「所有人也喜愛」的葡萄酒。我們曾試過產自加州、意大利、澳洲的葡萄酒,其香氣和味道與產自紐西蘭極為相似;當我們在開瓶時想得到驚喜,卻只換來標準化的葡萄酒,實在令人失望。或許該產區的風土氣候與紐西蘭有所相似,但這由不到我們推測(或許我們可以)—許多酒莊只釀造賣錢的葡萄酒,並非能反映產區特質的葡萄酒。

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Q3: Does China make any good wine? – Bob; Sheung Wan中國有否釀造出品質好的葡萄酒?—Bob;上環

Answer:Ah, the paradox of quality wine from China Bob! One would think that as China makes over a billion bottles of wine annually that they could manage to make some-thing that tastes more like Ribena than paint thinner but on the whole, it seems that they cannot. Certainly here in Hong Kong there are very few wines from China that are good (yes, there are drinkable ones; but good ones are hard to find). Of course, Dynasty and Great Wall wines from China feature on many of our supermarket shelves here and although they are not going to kill you, there are certainly better wines for sure. Grace Vineyard from Shanxi Province makes some good wines (we really like their Symphony White) and their reds are good food wines for sure. However, Grace is the frontrunner for Chinese wines as they have been doing it for some time now. For sure, once China learns more about how to make wine properly, expect to see some quality com-ing from the Mainland – although when this will be is anyone’s guess.

答:中國葡萄酒的質量是個矛盾:中國每年能夠生產十億枝葡萄酒,但其味道卻像利賓納多於油漆稀釋劑,似乎中國終究還是釀不出好酒。在香港,你只找到少數質量好的中國葡萄酒,當中多為「可飲用的」,但真正好的葡萄酒實在難找。你大概可以在超市中買得到中國王朝酒莊及長城酒莊的葡萄酒,雖然它們對你無害,但一定有其他比其更優質的葡萄酒。位於山西的怡園酒莊也釀造出一些好酒(我們喜歡它的白酒「協奏曲」Symphony White),其紅酒也是很好的餐酒,顯示怡園酒莊算得上是中國葡萄酒的領先者。當更多中國酒莊掌握到釀酒這門學問時,相信中國將能出產更多的好酒,至於何時才能達到這樣的目標,現階段每個人也只能猜測。

Q4: What are the major faults in wine? – Maggie; Pat Heung葡萄酒會如何「出錯」?—Maggie;八鄉

Answer:Wines can have many faults Maggie and these faults can begin with the winery and end with the consumer. TCA (the compound that creates corked wines) can be transmitted to the cork both at source and within the winery and any bottle that is sealed with a cork that has TCA taint will forever be corked. This has been a major problem for new world winemakers for many years and was a major reason for the use of Stelvin seals (screw-cap). Another fault is when a wine is ‘cooked’. This is when the wine has been stored in a place that is too hot or in direct sunlight and the wine has aged dramatically and is, on the whole, undrinkable. Oxidation is another fault (unless the wine is made in that style) and can oc-cur when the wine has been left open too long, or when the seal has not been closed properly allowing oxygen to react with the wine giving it a taste of vinegar. There are many more faults but some are highly scientific and would constitute an entire story (which we will write for you later this year!)


Q5: What does it mean “drink in moderation”? – Winnie; Choi Hung喝酒時「適可而止」是甚麼意思?—Winnie;彩虹

Answer:Actually Winnie, we don’t know about or practice such a thing! No, seriously, drinking in moderation is import-ant as it is a health issue. Drinking is not bad for you but drinking too much can lead to liver, kidney and brain problems so governments make sure that we all know more about drinking in moderation. What it means is that there is a certain amount of alcohol that is acceptable and healthy for your body while there are levels that are not. On the whole, these are not determined by a government department, more the size of your body and its capacity to break down the alcohol in your blood-stream. We would say that, in moderation, a glass of wine a day is good for you – in fact, two glasses of wine a day to be on the safe side! But what it is really saying is that you should think more about how much alcohol you consume on any given evening – but remember, wine is healthy so stick to wine and stay off the high alcohol spirits (and definitely stay away from the Baiju!)

答:真巧,我們也不知道何謂「喝酒時適可而止」!不是的,因為這關乎我們的健康,喝酒並不損害健康,但過量喝酒可以導致肝腎功能衰退,甚至影響大腦運作,因此政府積極推廣適度喝酒。我們的身體可以接受一定程度的酒精,在這之下也對健康有利,但高於這個程度的酒精,則會構成壞影響。然而,接受酒精的程度並不能由政府決定的,而是視乎個人的體形以及身體分解血液中酒精的能力。我們適宜說,每天喝一杯酒對健康有益,而事實上喝上兩杯也很安全! 這也就是說,你該視乎自己的身體狀況去決定喝多少酒。要記住,喝葡萄酒是健康的──多喝點葡萄酒,少喝點高酒精濃度的烈酒。(遠離中國白酒!)

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Page 49: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4 47


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Recruitment in the wine business人才招聘

Jobs provided by以下職位由Wine Jobs HK提供

Sales Manager營業經理Continental Wines LtdResponsibilities:- Achieve personal sales targets- Develop new sales channels and distribution networks- Look after existing client base as well as developing new


Requirements:- At least 2 years experience in the wine industry- Good command of spoken and written Cantonese and English- Passionate about wine, with good wine knowledge - holder of

WSET certificate preferred- Dynamic & creative - able to work in a fast-paced working

environment under pressure- Good organisational skills – ability to comply with targets &

deadlines- Good team player- Sound knowledge of wine business and a existing sales network- Proficiency in MS Office

Interested parties please send detailed CV and your current and ex-pected salary to [email protected] in word or pdf format.

Sales Executive (F&B)營業代表 (餐飲部)L’Imperatrice LimitedResponsibilities:- Assisting in development and opening the hotels and restaurants

accounts of the company- Assisting in developing product selling strategies- Preparation for the sales-oriented events: client visits, tastings,

wine dinners, wine estate producer's visits- Communication between purchasing & logistics team and clients

for stock movement, management and technical information of wine estates & wines

- Ad hoc duties

Requirements:- University degree holder- Good communication and presentation skill- Excellent command of languages, French is a plus- Having interest in wine is a must- Energetic, highly motivated with good organization- Good knowledge of MS Word and Excel

Interested candidates please send your detailed resume with expect-ed salary in PDF to: [email protected]

Marketing Executive市場推廣代表Altaya Wines Limited Responsibilities:- Handle events RSVP- Liaison w/Wholesale team, finance and multiple departments- Generate marketing anaysis and sales reports- Conduct market research in terms of competitors strategies- Coordinate and manage the implementation of the firm's business

development and marketing strategy and profile-building in Hong Kong market

- Plan & coordinate marketing activities to promote wine brands, events in particular

- Maintain electronic file system of marketing information consistent with firm wide approach, such as database, members activities and CRM system

- Assist with post-event follow-up activity- Communicate effectively on marketing tasks- Support the overall needs of the marketing team

Requirements:- Degree or above in Marketing or related subjects- Luxury brand and wine related discipline is preferred- Minimum 2-3 years with solid experience- Good analysis and reporting skills- Excellent command in English and Chinese- Good networking and sociability, strong interpersonal skill- Independent, organized, highly motivated and able to handle

multi-task- Strong attention to detail- Must have flexibility to work extra hours to complete projects /


Interested parties please send your resume with expected salary to email : [email protected]

Find out more wine job vacancies at



Assistant Wholesale & Corporate Manager助理批發及企業部經理A. S. Watson Retail (HK) LimitedResponsibilities:- Assisting Wholesale & Corporate Sales Manager in the business

development process- Supporting and assisting the Wholesale & Corporate sales team in

developing strategic & tactical plans- Monitoring the budget, forecast and reporting- Managing promotion activities, marketing tools & events- Plan and prepare marketing collaterals include but not limited to

tent cards, price lists, posters etc.- Event management (wine tastings, dinners & VIP functions)- Work closely with other departments (finance, marketing, buying &

logistics) to plan and delivery attractive deals and ensure excellent execution of business plans

Requirements:- University Graduate with at least 4 year sales experience in wine,

luxury product or hospitality industry- Passionate in Wine and WSET qualification preferred- Creative, enthusiastic and dynamic approach to business with a

can-do mindset- Dynamic, creative to cope with fast-paced working environment

and able to work under pressure- Excellent command of written and spoken English with good

presentation and communication skills- Good organization skills and ability to comply with targets,

budgets and deadlines- Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel- Knowledge of Photoshop is a plus- Dynamic, creative to cope with fast-paced working environment

and able to work under pressure

Interested parties please forward detailed resume stating expected salary to: Human Resources Department, A.S. Watson Retail Hong Kong, 7/F Watson House, 1-5 Wo Liu Hang Road, Fotan, N.T. or fax to

Account Manager客戶經理Jebsen Beverage Co. Ltd.Responsibilities:- Achieve sales target of private/corporate channel- Identify and develop new private/corporate customer while

managing existing customers- Collaborate with corporate customers in their customer

engagement programs- Assist in customer servicing and conducting events for Online

Shop customers

Requirements:- More than 2 years proven success in the wine industry- Bachelor Degree holder, preferably in marketing/sales- Good command in both written and spoken English and Chinese

(Cantonese and Mandarin)- Good understanding of wine knowledge and holder of WSET

certificate preferred- Excellent communication interpersonal skills- Initiative, aggressive, result oriented and self-motivated

Interested parties please submit your application via our careers website at

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Page 52: Wine Times Hong Kong Issue 4

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