Windows Azure Mobile Services を使った Android/iOS アプリケーションの構築

Windows Azure Mobile Services を使った Android/iOS アプリケーションの構築 佐藤直 @satonaoki Windows Azure テクニカルエバンジェリスト 本マイクロソフト株式会社 章太 @shosuz テクニカルエバンジェリスト 兼 MTC アーキテクト 本マイクロソフト株式会社


ABC 2013 Spring

Transcript of Windows Azure Mobile Services を使った Android/iOS アプリケーションの構築

  • 1. Windows Azure Mobile Services Android/iOS @satonaoki @shosuzWindows Azure MTC

2. Windows Azure 3. Traffic ManagerConnect Virtual Network (Public Preview)(Public Preview)(Public Preview) MediaAD Services Azure CDN Active Directory (Preview)(Preview) RDB HPC Blob Table Datasync(Preview) Import/Export PIT Restore (Limited Preview)RDB Hadoop Service (Preview)Virtual MachinesWebsitesMobile ServicesCloud Services (Public Preview) (Public Preview) (Public Preview) Windows Azure 4. Windows AzureMobile Services 5. Windows 8iOSWindows Phone 8Android 6. Github started with MobileServices for Android 7. Github started with MobileServices for iOS 8. SQL 9. 10. 11. Windows 8(2)(3) (1)(3) 12. 13. Live Connect Index 14. 15. Windows 8iOSWindows Phone 8Android 16. Appendix 17. Windows 8Windows Phone 8 SDKiOS SDK SDKAndroidSDK Web 18. JSON T-SQL (10 Float(53))BitDateTimeDateTimeOffset(3) Nvarchar(max) 19. your apps for Twitter login with Mobile Services 20. Supported Modules + Globalsfunction read(query, user, request) { query.where(function (userId) { mssql return this.UserId == userId; }, user.userId); request request.execute();} consolefunction read(query, user, request) { push query.where(function (userId) { return this.UserId == userId && tables (this.Category == "Fiction" || this.Category == "Action") && this.Rating > 2; }, user.userId); statusCodes request.execute(); } 21. Windows 8/Phone 8var table = iOS MobileService.GetTable ;var Apartments = await table.where(a => a.Bedrooms > 2).ToListAsync();table = [client getTable : @apartment]; NSPredicate* pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@bedrooms > 2];Android () [tableReadWhere : pred completion : ^(NSArray* results,MobileTable table =NSInteger count, service.gettable(Apartment.class);Nerror* err) {List apartments =// table.where() }];.gt(bedrooms, 2).select(); 22. push.wns push.mpns 23. Live Connect Index 24. Windows 8CurrentChannel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicaionAsync();Windows Phone 8CurrentChannel = new HttpNotificationCannel(ApartmentPushChannel);CurrentChannel.Open();CurrentChannel.BindToShellToast();Server Side Scriptmpns.sendToast(channel.uri, New Apartment Added, apartment.address);wns.sendToat02(channel.uri,{text01 : New Apartment Added, text02 : apartment.address, }); 25. Visual Studio Intellisense Identity Provider 26. Windows 8 / Windows Phone 8If (MobileService.CurrentUser == null) {var user = await MobileSevice.LoginAsync (MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Twitter);iOSIf (client.currentUser == nil) {[client loginViewControllerWithProvider : @twittercompletion : ^(MSUser* user, NSError* err) { //}];} 27. 28. - 29. 10 1 GB SQLWA SLA S 33% 30. $() ( VM)S S 99.9% Web 31. Resources 32. Mobile Services Developer Portal 34 33. Event BuddyiOSTic Tac Toe LeaderboardiOS/AndroidFeedback iOS/Android 34. MiniBlog 35. 37