Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Whose value is it anyway? Unpacking assump7ons in knowledge mobiliza7on and social innova7on Dr. Anne Bergen & Dr. Bronwynne Wilton University of Guelph


Presentation by Dr. Anne Bergen & Dr. Bronwynne Wilton, University of Guelph, at 2014 Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum, June 9 & 10, 2014, Saskatoon, SK Whose value is it anyway? Unpacking assumptions in knowledge mobilization and social innovation.

Transcript of Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Page 1: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Whose  value  is  it  anyway?    Unpacking  assump7ons  in  knowledge  mobiliza7on  and  social  innova7on  

Dr.  Anne  Bergen  &  Dr.  Bronwynne  Wilton  University  of  Guelph  

Page 2: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

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A7ribute  this  work  as:      Bergen,  A.  &  Wilton,  B.  (2014).  Whose  value  is  it  anyway?:  Unpacking  assump8ons  in  knowledge  mobiliza8on  and  social  innova8on.  Presenta7on  to  the  Canadian  Knowledge  Mobiliza7on  Forum,  Saskatoon,  SK.    


Page 3: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton


Page 4: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

What  Do  We  Take  for  Granted?  •  An  assump7on  about  my  work  is  that…  –  The  research  happening  at  my  university  is  useful  to  farmers.  

–  Community-­‐university  research  partnerships  are  a  beCer  way  to  solve  complex  social  issues.  

•  An  assump7on  about  knowledge  mobiliza7on  is  that….  

•  An  assump7on  about  social  innova7on  is  that….  

Page 5: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Source:  hCp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HenrieCa_Lacks  

Value  for  Whom?  

•  Biobanks.  •  Microfinance  &  crowdfunding    

•  Social  economy  

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 6: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Impact  Can  Be  Quan7fied  

Limits  of  inferen7al  sta7s7cs.  Outcomes  vs.  outputs  

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 7: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Common  Language    Stakeholders.  (End)  Users.  Prototypes.  Unpacking.  Knowledge  mobiliza7on.      

Text  from:  wha7skt.wikispaces.com/KT+Science+Terms  

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 8: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Co-­‐Crea7on  of  Knowledge  

Par7cipa7on  vs.  Tokenism  Partnership  Authen7city  

Process  vs.  Outputs    

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 9: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Heroic  Innovators?  

Not  everyone  wants  to  innovate.  Not  all  innovators  are  heroes.  

Corollary:  Not  all  heroes  are  innovators.  

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 10: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Social  vs.  Economic  Innova7on  

Where  is  the  overlap?  Does  there  need  to  be  overlap?  

How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 11: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Social  Innova7on  ≠  Business  Innova7on  (Pol  &  Ville,  2009)  

Page 12: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Linearity  vs.  Ecosystems  Approaches  

We  approach  complex  systems  with  linear  tools  

(and  are  then  surprised  that  we  can’t  show  A  à  B  impact)  


How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 13: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

Research  Communica7ons  

Promo7on  of  ins7tu7on/organiza7on/researcher    vs.  promo7on  of  evidence.  

 Ability  to  talk  freely  about  research    (approvals  &  government  contexts)  


How  do  you  deal  with  this  issue  in  your  work?  


Page 14: Whose value is it anyway? by Anne Bergen & Bronwynne Wilton

More  Is  BeCer  Does  more  knowledge  &  more  innova7on  always  provide  more  value?  



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