Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot,...

2020 君悅婚宴套餐 於優雅瑰麗的君悅廳慶祝您們的婚禮 中式晚宴每席 10 12 港幣$14,388 西式晚宴每位港幣 $1,280 準新人尊享 入住行政客房 1 奉送香檳鮮果朱古力及翌日雙人早餐 精美宵夜供新人於晚宴後享用 3 小時豪華花車連司機接送服務 新人奉茶儀式 晚宴安排 酒店廚師精心設計婚宴菜譜特惠酒水套餐及開瓶費優惠 3 層精美裝飾結婚蛋糕 5 磅鮮果忌廉蛋糕 祝酒用香檳 1 提供檯布椅套及餐桌擺設系列供選擇 奉送每檯酒席新鮮花卉裝飾及接代處新鮮花卉裝飾 免費使用無線麥克風 2 免費使用投影儀及屏幕 賓客優惠 於君悅廳免費安排 5 檯麻雀並附送咖啡和茶 免費代客泊車 (車位 5 每個 5 小時) 賓客入住酒店可享折扣優惠 如欲預訂及查詢請聯絡會議宴會業務部電話: +852 2584 7068 電郵:[email protected]以上價目需加 10% 服務費本酒店保留更改價格之權利而不另作通知有效期由 2020 1 1 日至 2020 12 31

Transcript of Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot,...

Page 1: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

2020 君悅婚宴套餐 於優雅瑰麗的君悅廳慶祝您們的婚禮

中式晚宴每席 10 至 12 人,港幣$14,388 起

西式晚宴每位港幣 $1,280 起


入住行政客房 1 晚,奉送香檳、鮮果、朱古力及翌日雙人早餐


3 小時豪華花車連司機接送服務




3 層精美裝飾結婚蛋糕

5 磅鮮果忌廉蛋糕

祝酒用香檳 1 瓶



免費使用無線麥克風 2 支



於君悅廳免費安排 5 檯麻雀並附送咖啡和茶

免費代客泊車 (車位 5 個,每個 5 小時)


如欲預訂及查詢,請聯絡會議宴會業務部,電話: +852 2584 7068 或 電郵:[email protected]

以上價目需加 10% 服務費,本酒店保留更改價格之權利而不另作通知。

有效期由 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2020 年 12 月 31 日

Page 2: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,



4 小時享用鮮橙汁、汽水、礦泉水及啤酒



4 小時享用精選紅或白葡萄酒、鮮橙汁、汽水、礦泉水及啤酒



Redvale, Shiraz, South Eastern Australia, Australia 2017 Redvale, Chardonnay, New South Wales, Australia 2018


4 小時享用特選紅或白葡萄酒、鮮橙汁、汽水、礦泉水及啤酒



Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley, France 2017

如欲預訂及查詢,請聯絡會議宴會業務部,電話: +852 2584 7068 或 電郵:[email protected]

以上所有價目需加 10% 服務費,以每席 10-12 人計。


有效期由 2020 年 1 月 1 日至 2020 年 12 月 31 日

Page 3: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

Joy Wedding Dinner Menu


Barbecued whole suckling pig 玉簪明蝦球

Stir-fried prawn filled with choy sum, Yunnan ham 菜膽北菇燉雞

Double boiled chicken soup, bamboo pith, Chinese mushroom 銀蘿釀鮑魚昆布汁

Stewed turnip filled with abalone, pork, shrimp, sea tangle sauce 青花椒焗南極鱈魚

Baked sustainable toothfish, green Sichuan pepper 脆皮蒜香雞

Deep-fried crispy chicken, garlic, pickle 菠蘿海鮮炒香苗

Fried rice, seafood, pineapple 雲腿上湯麵

Egg noodle in superior soup, Yunnan ham 百年好合紅豆沙

Boiled red bean cream, lily bulb, lotus seed 君悅甜點心

Chinese petit four 中國茗茶

Chinese tea HK$14,388 plus 10% service charge per table of 10-12 persons * Valid until 31 July 2020


本酒店將於宴會或會議舉行 60 天前確實上述菜單之價格及各項目。

In the case of unforeseeable market price fluctuations for any of the menu items, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong reserves the right to alter the above Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items. The Hotel undertakes to guarantee the Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items two months prior to your event.

Page 4: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

Harmony Wedding Dinner Menu


Barbecued whole suckling pig 碧綠甜桃炒蝦球

Stir-fried prawn, caramel walnut, vegetable 濃湯雞絲燴海珍

Braised dried seafood soup, chicken 碧綠鮮鮑甫扣花菇

Braised sliced abalone, Chinese mushroom, vegetable 黃金香檳焗南極鱈魚

Baked sustainable toothfish, pumpkin puree, salty egg yolk, Champagne 脆皮龍崗雞

Deep-fried crispy ‘Long Kong’ chicken, pickle 富貴五福炒香苗

Fried rice with shrimp, barbecued pork, crab meat, conpoy, mushroom 鮮菇黑豚肉醬拌麵

Stewed noodle, Iberico pork, straw mushroom 椰汁紫米露湯圓

Coconut cream with purple glutinous rice, sesame dumpling 君悅甜點心

Chinese petit four 中國茗茶

Chinese tea HK$15,388 plus 10% service charge per table of 10-12 persons * Valid until 31 July 2020


本酒店將於宴會或會議舉行 60 天前確實上述菜單之價格及各項目。

In the case of unforeseeable market price fluctuations for any of the menu items, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong reserves the right to alter the above Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items. The Hotel undertakes to guarantee the Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items two months prior to your event.

Page 5: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

Bliss Wedding Dinner Menu


Barbecued whole suckling pig 香酥釀蟹蓋

Deep-fried crab shell filled with crab meat, onion 花膠松茸燉雞

Double boiled chicken soup, fish maw, matsutake mushroom 鮑魚海參一品鍋

Braised abalone with sea cucumber, mushroom, vegetable 鴻運麒麟龍躉

Steamed sustainable giant garoupa, Yunnan ham, red capsicum 脆皮茶皇雞

Tea smoked chicken, crispy leaves 蛋白四寶炒香苗

Fried rice, egg white, crab meat, roasted duck, mushroom 上湯鮮蝦煎粉果

Deep-fried shrimp dumpling in soup 紫米露湯圓伴朱古力布甸

Red glutinous rice cream with glutinous dumpling, chocolate pudding 君悅甜點心

Chinese petit four 中國茗茶

Chinese tea HK$16,688 plus 10% service charge per table of 10-12 persons * Valid until 31 July 2020


本酒店將於宴會或會議舉行 60 天前確實上述菜單之價格及各項目。

In the case of unforeseeable market price fluctuations for any of the menu items, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong reserves the right to alter the above Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items. The Hotel undertakes to guarantee the Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items two months prior to your event.

Page 6: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

Euphoria Wedding Dinner Menu


Barbecued whole suckling pig 香酥響螺卷

Deep-fried sea conch roll, pork, mild curry 金瑤芙蓉帶子

Steamed egg white, scallop, crispy conpoy 碧綠明蝦球

Sautéed fresh prawn, vegetable 松露鷓鴣燕窩

Braised bird’s nest soup with black truffle, partridge 砂鍋花菇雙喜鮑

Braised abalones, Chinese mushroom, vegetable in clay bowl 清蒸海老虎斑

Steamed fresh tiger garoupa, soy sauce 香焗芝麻雞

Baked chicken with sesame, pickle 脆米魚湯海鮮泡飯

Crispy rice with seafood in soup 韮王蝦子撈蛋麵

Braised egg noodle, chive, shrimp roe sauce 桃膠杏仁茶

Almond cream with peach resin 君悅甜點心

Chinese petit four 中國茗茶

Chinese tea HK$18,888 plus 10% service charge per table of 10-12 persons * Valid until 31 July 2020


本酒店將於宴會或會議舉行 60 天前確實上述菜單之價格及各項目。

In the case of unforeseeable market price fluctuations for any of the menu items, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong reserves the right to alter the above Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items. The Hotel undertakes to guarantee the Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items two months prior to your event.

Page 7: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,

Paradise Wedding Dinner Menu

錦繡龍鳳 脆皮乳豬鵝肝脆蓮藕 香椿拌帶子拌甜蜜鮮草花 Suckling pig, foie gras terrine with crispy lotus root Marinated scallop with toon sauce Deep-fried fresh cordyceps, honey, chilli 終生之盟 香辣茄子燴龍蝦 Stewed Boston lobster, eggplant, minced pork, chilli 花好月圓 紅燒鳳尾官燕 Braised bird’s nest soup, prawn 佳偶天成 石鍋原隻鮑魚千千層 Slow cooked whole abalone, layer beancurd, vegetable in stone bowl 喜慶呈祥 紫氣金針拌海龍皇 Steamed sustainable giant garoupa, enoki mushroom, Yunnan ham 才子佳人 玫瑰茶香太爺雞配瑤柱鴨粒荷葉飯 Smoked rose soy chicken, pickle Fried rice, roasted duck, conpoy, mushroom wrapped in lotus leaf 百年好合 Deluxe Dessert Platter 甜蜜紅棗酥配桂花梨子雪耳及玫瑰雪糕 Red date puff pastry Osmanthus glazed pear cremeux, snow fungus, goji berry Rose ice cream 君悅甜點心 Chinese petit four 中國茗茶 Chinese tea HK$23,688 plus 10% service charge per table of 10-12 persons * Valid until 31 July 2020 由於市場價格的浮動,香港君悅酒店保留更改以上菜單價格及各項目之權利。

本酒店將於宴會或會議舉行 60 天前確實上述菜單之價格及各項目。

In the case of unforeseeable market price fluctuations for any of the menu items, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong reserves the right to alter the above Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items. The Hotel undertakes to guarantee the Chinese Wedding Dinner Menu price and items two months prior to your event.

Page 8: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,


Page 9: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,



Page 10: Wedding Salons Package - Grand Hyatt Hong Kong...Tour de Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot, Bordeaux, France 2016 Cellier Leonard de Vinci, Sauvignon Blanc, AOC Touraine, Loire Valley,