web.nmjh.tp.edu.twweb.nmjh.tp.edu.tw/file1/201410248748.docx  · Web view九年一貫能力指標....

_____________ _____________ 班班班班班班班班班班班班班班班班 Merry Christmas Look at the pictures. Write down the words. Then read the words to your partners. Christmas presents 聖聖聖聖 toy 聖聖 gift bag 聖聖聖 Santa Claus 聖聖聖聖 The Christmas wreath 聖聖 bell 聖 Christmas tree 聖聖聖 wrap 聖 Christmas Eve 聖聖聖聖聖 put 聖聖 Christmas stocking 聖聖 fireplace 聖聖 candy cane 聖聖聖 reindeer candle 聖聖 snowman 聖聖 班班 班班班班班班班 2-2-8 聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖 2-2-8-1 聖 聖聖聖聖 ,,,、。 The Christmas

Transcript of web.nmjh.tp.edu.twweb.nmjh.tp.edu.tw/file1/201410248748.docx  · Web view九年一貫能力指標....




單元教學:Merry Christmas

★ Look at the pictures. Write down the words. Then read the words to your partners.

The Christmas wreath(Ret 花圈)

Christmas presents 聖誕禮物

toy 玩具

gift bag 禮物袋

Santa Claus 聖誕老人

The Christmas wreath 花圈

bell 鈴;鐘

Christmas tree 聖誕樹

wrap 包裝;包裹

Christmas Eve 聖誕節前夕

put 放置

Christmas stocking 聖誕襪

fireplace 火爐

candy cane 拐杖糖

reindeer 麋鹿

candle 蠟燭

snowman 雪人

★ Dialogue

1. Do you like Christmas?

2. Do you celebrate Christmas?

What’s your ideal way of celebrating Christmas?

3. What’s the best present you have ever got? From whom?

4. What’s your favorite Christmas song?

5. Do you believe in Santa Claus?



2-2-8 能以簡易的英語介紹國內外風土民情。

2-2-8-1 在適當提示下,能利用學過的相關字詞和片語,描述國內的風土民情,如節慶、習俗等。