€¦  · Web...

历历 历历历── 西() The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya ), 1921 历 7 历 2 历 历历 4历历 ,:1921 历 7 历 2 历历历 1 历 1931 历 1 历 11 历历历 15 历 1939 历 1 历 8 历历历 18 历 历历历历历 1940 历 11 历 17 历历历 19 历 历历 ,( 1903-1978 历历 》《 75 历 1906-1981 历历 ), 历历 1921-1940 历 历 历 历 、、, 2016 历 4 历 20 历 ,一。 2016 历 5 历 29 历历 30 历 历 95 历历历历历历历 2016 历 历历历历历历历 历历历历历历历历历历历历 《》《 历 95 历历 历 、, 2历历 ,。 历历 1921 历历历历历历历历历历历历历历历 英英 1921 英 7 英 2 英英英英英英英英英英英英 167 英 英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英 英英英英英英英英英 英英英英英英英英 ,, 。 , ; 英英英 英英英 1921英英英英英9英 英 英 英 英 英 英 英 英 英 英 英 ,:(、)、(、)、(、 Tan Swi Chan英英 英英英英英英英 )、( 英英 )、(、Samuel Fung 英 英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英 )、(、)、(、)、()、(),。 历历 历历 英英英英英英英英英英英英“ 英英” 英 英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英 ,。 英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英 英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英英 英英英英英英英英英英英英英 英英英英英英英英 ,,。, 1922英 英 英 英 英 ,一,、 英英英英英 体,,, 1925英英英英英 英英英英英 英英英 英英英英英英英英英 (),。 1932英英英英英英英英 ,,, ,。 1

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历史马来西亚中华总商会(中总)前身──英属巫来由中华商会联合会(The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya),创始于 1921年 7月 2日。经过中总多方历史资料收集,以及 4份战前大会议案录重要历史原始文件的发现,即:1921年 7月 2日之第 1期议案录、1931年 1月 11日之第 15期议案录、1939年 1月 8日之第 18期议案录以及 1940年 11月 17日之第 19期议案录,加上来自《槟州中华总商会钻禧纪念特刊(1903-1978)》与《新加坡中华总商会75周年纪念特刊(1906-1981)》的史料佐证,包括英属巫来由中华商会联合会章程、1921-1940年大会日期、地点、出席代表与议决案,中总于 2016年 4月20日召开的中央理事会会议,一致通过正式修订中总成立年份。2016年 5月 29日至 30日,配合中总 95周年会庆晚宴及 2016中总经济大会在雪兰莪万达酒店的召开,中总在会场展出《中总历史走廊》和出版《缅怀 95、放眼世界》特刊,展出第 2次世界大战前的中总历史图片和档案资料,缅怀先贤的卓越贡献。

创始1921年成立英属巫来由中华商会联合会英属巫来由中华商会联合会首届大会,于 1921年 7月 2日在当时位于吉隆坡茨厂街 167号的雪兰莪中华总商会举行时,会议主席是时任槟榔屿中华总商会会长林有道,也就是大会的召集人。大会的召开是为了结合力量,集思谋策应对当时马来亚面对的商业与金融紧缩;并将议案书写成请愿书,提呈给三州府(海峡殖民地)总督兼四州府(马来联邦)政务总裁纪廉墨爵士。请愿书也证实 1921年大会共有 9处中华总商会参与,即:新加坡(佘来吉、王会仪代表)、槟城(林有道、李振和代表)、马六甲(沈鸿柏、Tan Swi Chan代表)、雪兰莪(叶隆兴、朱嘉炳代表)、霹雳(梁燊南、Samuel Fung代表)、峇株巴辖(甄宝臣、陈桃枞代表)、瓜拉庇朥(叶祖那、林光挺代表)、文冬(致函表示支持)、关丹(致函表示支持),这些商会为中总早期共同发起者。


启航捍卫利益.利商惠民英属巫来由中华商会联合会“启航”后,即开始了中总捍卫国内华商利益与经商便利的漫长斗争。英属巫来由中华商会联合会成立最初时期,马来亚所面对的商业萧条与金融紧缩窘境,首先就是世界橡胶供过于求。为应对存货过多,1922年英殖民政府实施树胶出口限制计划,虽然对于让胶价回稳带来一定的效果,但中总认为未对华商、种植业者及马来亚整体商务带来太多实惠,若长久实施,甚至会造成损害,于是在 1925年呈交请愿书给英政府理藩部(殖民地部)大臣,要求取消橡胶限制。1932年,英政府不理陈祯禄等华人议会代表的反对,通过外侨管理条例,中总随后也向英方的威尔逊爵士呈交请愿书抗议,及争取华人各种权益。根据所翻查到的中总 1921-1940年的记录及报导,显示了它不只对政府经济政策、华商切身利益发声,也关注整体华人课题,如禁售鸦片、禁娼、在路名以及政府杂费单和通告增加中文等。中总对不同课题的申诉或意见发表,得到国内政经界和舆论重视,英政府加紧处理,俨然是马来亚华商华人的最高代表组织。

力量群策群力.以竟事功进入 1930年代,在陈祯禄等华人议会代表与国内各中华总商会取得更好的协调后,一股结合起来的力量已逐渐成形,更多华人政经界领袖成为中总的中坚力量,而中总所代表的工商界和华人心声,也更有效的被带入各级政府决策体系里。随着中总力量的崛起,各属会之间无论在应对政策变化、捍卫华商华人利益、确保讯息传播顺畅等方面,也积极通过与联合会配合,协调步伐,取得更好的效果。



扎根战后复会.延续使命二战结束,百废待举,各行各业皆待复兴。1947年 2月 23日,全马 11州区 13单位的商界精英,在吉隆坡召开战后首届大会,重新成立马来亚中华商会联合会。与马来亚沦陷前夕的名称相比较,中文名称只是少了开头的“英属”,英文名称 Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya 也仅仅拿掉“British”字眼。该次“复会”大会,通过了多项有关本区域华商华人福利的议决案,大会也议定上书英国殖民地大臣,抗议当时的马来亚宪法草案不民主和有欠平等,例如在取得公民权方面对华人不利,阻碍马来亚团结;并且新加坡不列入联邦计划内,也不利于本邦经济和行政。中总恢复成立后,由一埠一区模式扩展至以州为单位。1963年底更名为马来西亚中华商会联合会,1975年底再改为马来西亚中华工商联合会。2010年易名为马来西亚中华总商会,对外中文简称为中总,英文简称 ACCCIM早已备受国内外认可。分布国内 13州的 17 个属会陆续统称为中华总商会,同心同德,进一步提升中总品牌,继续为工商界提供最优质服务。



Formerly known as The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya (herein after refers as ACCCBM), The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) was founded on 2nd July 1921.

Based on various historical sources and documents collected by the ACCCIM, including the discovery of four (4) pre-Second World War primary historical documents, i.e. the Minutes of the First Conference held on 2nd July 1921, Minutes of the Fifteenth Conference held on 11th January 1931, Minutes of the Eighteenth Conference held on 8th January 1931, and Minutes of the Nineteenth Conference held on 17th November 1940, coupled with The Constitution, Dates, Venues, List of Attendance and Resolutions of the Conferences of ACCCBM between 1921-1940 that published in the “Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Magazine of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce (1903-1978)” as well as records of participation of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry on events and activities of the ACCCBM published in its “Souvenir Magazine in Celebration of 75 th Anniversary of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (1906-1981), ACCCIM National Council at a meeting held on 20th April 2016 unanimously resolved to officially revised its founder year.

On 29th and 30th May 2016, in conjunction with the Grand Dinner in Celebration of the 95th Anniversary of the ACCCIM and SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 held at One World Hotel, Selangor, ACCCIM set-up an ACCCIM Historical Gallery and published a Booklet on ACCCIM History to display ACCCIM historical documents and photos of the pre-second world war period, recalling ACCCIM’s history and to pay tribute to our forefathers and predecessors for their selfless dedication and contribution.


The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya Established in 1921.


The First Conference of ACCCBM was held on 2nd July 1921 at the Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce, No. 167, Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur. The Chairman as well as the coordinator of the First Conference was Mr. Lim Eu Toh, then the President of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the Conference was to unite the strengths, to formulate constructive proposals and remedial measures in resolving commercial and financial stringency that encountered by Malaya at that period of time. Resolutions passed at the Conference were then embodied in a Petition on Trade Depression in Malaya and submitted to Sir Laurence Guillemard, Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States.

The Petition was jointly submitted by nine (9) Chinese Chambers of Commerce, i.e. from Singapore (represented by Seah Lye Keat & Ong Hui Ghee), Penang (represented by Lim Eu Toh & Lee Chin Ho), Malacca (represented by Sim Hong Pek & Tan Swi Chan), Selangor (represented by Yap Loong Hin & Choo Kia Peng), Perak (represented by Leong Sin Nam & Samuel Fung), Batu Pahat (represented by 甄宝臣、陈桃枞), Kuala Pilah (represented by Yeap Choo Nyah & Lim Kong Thong), Bentong and Kuantan (support by written confirmation). These nine chambers were the founder members of the ACCCBM.


Protecting Interest & Promoting Favourable Business Environment for the Benefits of Merchants & Community.

The initiation of ACCCBM marked the long and winding journey of the ACCCIM in protecting the interest and promoting a favourable business environment for the Chinese merchants and businesses.

During the early days of the establishment of ACCCBM, Malaya was confronted with trade depression and commercial and financial stringency. The world rubber supplies surpassed its demands. In response to the overstocking rubber market, the British Colonial Government imposed restrictions and limitations on export of rubber to stabilize low rubber prices resulting from a glut of rubber in 1922. Even though rubber prices stabilized to some extent, ACCCBM was of the view that in the long run, it would not be benefited the industry and the entire business in Malaya. In this connection, a Petition was submitted to the British Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1925 to call for immediate removal of rubber restriction.

In 1932, the British Colonial Government ignored the opposition of Chinese representatives in the Legislative Council led by Tan Cheng Lock and passed the Aliens Bill that regulate the immigration of Aliens into the Colony and to control their residence therein. ACCCBM submitted a Memorandum to Sir Samuel Wilson on “widespread uneasiness” of the Chinese community in Malaya at the discrimination policy of the Government so as to protect the interests of the Chinese community.


According to various records and reports pertaining to ACCCBM between 1921-1940, besides Government economic policies, ACCCBM also often voice up for the interests of the Chinese merchants and expressed its views on various issues concerning the interests of the Chinese community, including the prohibition of opium smoking, abolition of brothels, to add Chinese characters on road signs and at the printing of Government bills and notices, etc. With the expressive voice often heard and much attention gained from the political and economic arena, the British Colonial Government would expedite its response and this indeed had made ACCCBM the most influential organization representing the Chinese merchants and Chinese community in general.


Collective Wisdom & Efforts, Compete for Success

In the 1930s, with more effective coordination between Chinese representatives in the Legislative Council such as Tan Cheng Lock and Chinese Chambers of Commerce, a strong united force was gradually formed. Many political and economic leaders became the central pillar of strengths for ACCCBM. The views and recommendations of the ACCCBM that reflected the voice of the Chinese merchants and Chinese community were more effectively heard and taken into consideration by Government decision-making bodies.

With the rise of the influence of the ACCCBM, its Constituent Chambers had worked closely with the parent organization so as to response timely to policies changes, protecting the interests of Chinese merchants and smooth dissemination of information.

ACCCBM not only served as a platform for local Chinese merchants, it began to receive international recognition. For example, the China Government and many business-related organizations of various provinces began to work with ACCCBM as a communication platform to gather and disseminate information.

During the Japanese invasion into China, ACCCBM led the various organizations in Malaya to support the relief work. However, when the British Colonial Government imposed income tax to fund its war in Europe, ACCCBM and various organizations in the Malaya had expressed their disapproval and submitted a Joint Memorandum to the British Colonial Government. This was one of the major incidents before Malaya occupied by the Japanese.


ACCCIM Reinstated After War & Continued Its Mission


Many restorations work need to be done after Second World War. On 23rd February 1947, business elites from 13 Chinese Chambers across 11 states had its inaugural Conference in Kuala Lumpur and reinstated The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya.

Compared with the name adopted before Second World War, only the word “British” was omitted.

Resolutions pertaining to the welfares of the regional Chinese community and merchants were passed during the reinstated conference of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya. At the Conference, it also decided to submit a letter to the British Secretary of State for the Colonies to reject the new constitutional proposals which was unfair and undemocratic, particularly unfavorable in obtaining citizenship for the Chinese which hinder unity in Malaya. Singapore was also not included in the Federation which was not conducive to the administration and economics for the Federation.

After reinstatement, membership of The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya expanded into a model with Constituent Chambers in all states. In 1963, the name was changed to The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaysia, and then to The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia in 1975. It has been known as ACCCIM since then, and is widely recognized locally and internationally. ACCCIM has 17 Constituent Chambers located separately in the 13 states of the nation, and are working closely together to further enhance the image and brand name of the ACCCIM as well as to provide the best services to the business community.


英属巫来由中华商会联合会的领导Leaders of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya

林有道局绅(槟城)1921年 7月 2日首届大会主席Mr. Lim Eu Toh JP (Penang)Chairman of First Conference held on 2nd July 1921

叶隆兴局绅(雪兰莪)1921年首届大会发起人之一Mr. Yap Loong Hin JP (Selangor)One of the founder members in 1921

梁燊南局绅(霹雳)1921年首届大会发起人之一Mr. Leong Sin Nam JP (Perak)One of the founder members in 1921

林推迁(新加坡)1921年 12月 25日第 2届大会主席


Mr. Lim Chwee Chian (Singapore)Chairman of 2nd Conference held on 25th

December 1921

邱善佑局绅(槟城)1940年 11月 17日第 19届大会主席Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe (Penang)Chairman of 19th Conference held on 17th

November 1940

第 2 次世界大战前和战后的中总核心领导Core leaders of ACCCIM from pre 2nd world war to post war period

敦陈祯禄(马六甲)Tun Tan Cheng Lock (Malacca)

丹斯里拿督李光前博士(新加坡)1947年中总总会长Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Lee Kong Chian (Singapore)President of ACCCIM (1947)


敦李孝式爵士(雪兰莪)1948-1955年中总总会长Tun Sir Henry Lee Hau Shik (Selangor)President of ACCCIM (1948-1955)


Mr. (Selangor)1955-1959

拿督 陈光汉(雪兰莪)1959-1965

Dato' Chan Kwong HonDPMS. JMN, JP(Selangor)1959-1965


Tan Sri T. H. TanPMN, MP(Selangor)1965-1972


Datuk Choong Han LeongDMPN, DJN, JMN, JP(Penang)1972-1974



Datuk Koh Pen TingDSPN, DJN, AMN, JP(Penang)1974-1976


Tan Sri Lee Yan LianPSM, JMN, (HON) LLD.(Selangor)1976-1978


Tan Sri Datuk Wee Boon PingPSM. PGDK(Sarawak)1978-1998


Tan Sri Dato' Lim Guan TeikPSM, JMN, DMPN, DJN(KL & Selangor)1998-2003


Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama William Cheng Heng JemPSM, SUMW(KL & Selangor)2003-2012


拿督林国璋 (霹雳)2012-2015

Dato' Lim Kok CheongJSM, DPMP, JP(Perak)2012 - 2015

丹斯里拿督戴良业 (隆雪)2015-

Tan Sri Datuk Ter Leong YapPSM, PJN, AMN(KL & Selangor)2015-