Wangshan The Most Beautiful Village In Suzhou

Wangshan The most beautiful village in Suzhou by Changcy by Changcy

Transcript of Wangshan The Most Beautiful Village In Suzhou

Wangshan The most beautiful village in Suzhou

by Changcyby Changcy


旺山村 Wangshan Village

旺山村位於蘇州西南 8 公里處。圍繞著天然山林,田園村落及民宿環抱其中,有清新的空氣 ,健行小徑,是一個忙碌城市人們趨之若鶩的休閒尋夢園。

Wangshan Village located about 8 km southwest of downtown Suzhou, surrounded in natural forests, rural villages and farmer’s inn, with fresh air and hiking tracks..., It is a recreation dream land for the busy city people.

旺山村地理位置( 地圖來自口碑網

Map of Wangshan Village Wangshan


竹韻軒山莊 Bamboo House restaurant

寶華寺 BAUER Temple

阿達嶺景區 Adaling tourism area

Have a nice Day…..