
l Képzelje el, hogy jó barátságot köt egy angol családdal! Ismerkedéskor bemutatja a családtagokat koruk, foglalkozás és érdeklődési körük szerint. 2. Hívja fel barátját és beszéljék meg, hogy vasárnap délután elmennek egy focimeccsre. Találkozzanak a stadionnál négykor!. Hello I’m Robert. Can I speak to Pety? Can I leave a massage? Please tell him to call me back as soon as possible. Thank you. Bye! Speaking. Hi Pety. What about football match this afternoon? Is this afternoon good for you? See you at the stadium at 4 o’clock. 3. Képzelje el, hogy az iskola előtt sétálva meglát két keresett bűnözőt. Azonnal telefonál a rendőrségre és személyleírást ad róluk. Good morning. My name is Róbert Velez. I’m from Hungary. I thing there are 2 criminals. Opposite my school at the Taban street. One of them has got glasses and he has got oval face. He is middle- age and he is tall. He has got long and black hair. He is muscular. I can’t see the other criminal, because I lost sight of him. 4. Külföldi vendége érkezik. Mutassa be városát, földrajzi fekvését, lakosságát, főbb nevezetességeit és mondja el véleményét is. Szeged is situated in the southern part of the country. It’s about 200000. My town has got a lot of historian monuments, example catedral from the seventeenth century, the Gates of heroes and Mora Ferenc Museum. River Tisza cross the city, so it has got


angol nyelvvizsga

Transcript of Vizsga


l Kpzelje el, hogy j bartsgot kt egy angol csalddal! Ismerkedskor bemutatja a csaldtagokat koruk, foglalkozs s rdekldsi krk szerint.

2. Hvja fel bartjt s beszljk meg, hogy vasrnap dlutn elmennek egy focimeccsre. Tallkozzanak a stadionnl ngykor!. Hello Im Robert. Can I speak to Pety?

Can I leave a massage?

Please tell him to call me back as soon as possible.

Thank you. Bye!

Speaking. Hi Pety.

What about football match this afternoon?

Is this afternoon good for you?

See you at the stadium at 4 oclock.

3. Kpzelje el, hogy az iskola eltt stlva meglt kt keresett bnzt. Azonnal telefonl a rendrsgre s szemlylerst ad rluk.

Good morning. My name is Rbert Velez. Im from Hungary. I thing there are 2 criminals.

Opposite my school at the Taban street.

One of them has got glasses and he has got oval face. He is middle-age and he is tall. He has got long and black hair. He is muscular. I cant see the other criminal, because I lost sight of him.

4. Klfldi vendge rkezik. Mutassa be vrost, fldrajzi fekvst, lakossgt, fbb nevezetessgeit s mondja el vlemnyt is.

Szeged is situated in the southern part of the country.

Its about 200000.

My town has got a lot of historian monuments, example catedral from the seventeenth century, the Gates of heroes and Mora Ferenc Museum. River Tisza cross the city, so it has got two parts: Szeged and New Szeged. (Two bridges join these two parts: Belvarosi and Bertalan Bridge.)

I think my town is interested, because its big. It isnt borrow in my city. My city is beautiful, because there is a lot of flowers.5. n egy riporter, a BBC-nl dolgozik. Felmrst vgez az emberek.

Are you a house wife?

How often do you -go to shopping?

-air the rooms?

-do the washing up?

-clear the table?

-iron the clothes?

-clean the windows?

Do you like your job?

Have you got any freetime?

6. Most 10 ra van. Londonba szeretne utazni. Krdezze meg, hogy mikor megy a legkzelebbi vonat, mikor rkezik meg, melyik vgnyrl indul s vegye meg a jegyet.

Good morning.

I would like a ticket to London.

Single, please And second class.

(Have you got any reductions for a students?)

How much is it?

Here you are. When does the next train leave for London?

When does it arrive?

Which platform does it leave from?

Thank you.

7 n a kvetkez hnapban szeretne Angliba utazni Calas-bl menne t komppal s egy mlva trne vissza, Krjen felvilgostst.

Im Robert Velez.

I would like a ticket to Dover.

Return, please And second class.I would go to Dover for a one month, and I would like to return for a week.

When does it start?

When does it arrive?

How much is it?

8 Tartson lmnybeszmolt nyaralsrl. Mondja el, hogyan szervezte meg az utat, (utazsi iroda, repljegy, pnzvlts, szllsfoglals stb.) s milyen hres pleteket, helyeket ltott. Ezeket mutassa be pr szval.

Last summer I went to France.

The travel agency arranged my air ticket.

Then I went to Bank and there I changed my many.

My travel agency secured accommodation for me.

I went to Disnepland. I saw the Eiffel tower and Notre-Dame.

Notre-Dame is a famous church.

Eiffel tower is the highest point of Paris.

When we climbed on Eiffel tower the wind was blowing and view was very beautiful.

9.Tartson lmnybeszmolt a hotelrl, ahol eltlttt nhny napot. (szoba, TV, telefon, br) s milyen, rderes esemny trtnt nnel?(a msik szobba nyitott vagy elhagyta kulcst)

I stayed one week at the Star Hotel.

It is a good hotel, because I had got a big beautiful room.

I had got TV and telephone.

But the telephone was very expencive.

Oh and yesterday when I went to breakfast I left my key. When I finished breakfast, I went to reception and I looked for key, but I didnt found it. Then I went to lift. I found key in the lift. It was on the flour.

10. Mutassa be kedvenc filmjt vagy azt a filmet, amit utoljra ltott! (hol, mikor ltta; mirl szl, hol s mikor jtszdik, fszereplk, tetszett-e, ajnlja-e?)

I saw Gladiator last month.

I saw it on the computer.

I dont like it, because the men cut the other mens head.

It was about gladiators. They go cross Italy and fight with romans.

No. I do not recommend this film.

I do not remember the actors names.

11. n jegyet szeretne rendelni az egyik sznhzi eladsra. Hvja fel a sznhzat!

Good evening. Id like to order a ticket for Romeo and Julia at 10 oclock.

I would like to set somewhere in the middle at the back.

Good. Will you keep these tickets until 9 oclock? The name is Mr. Brian Garrett.

How much is it?


12. Egy angol vendg rkezik nhz. Vigye el egy magyaros vendglbe. Ajnljon magyaros teleket, s ha kell, magyarzza el, ezek mibl llnak.

Lets go and find a place to eat in.

Could you recommend Gulash?

Its a traditional Hungarian food.

Its delicious.

Its from meat, pepper, fat, salt and onion.

13. Szeretn lakst hosszabb idre kiadni. Jellemezze lakst!

14. Foglaljon szllodai szobt kt szemly rszre. n olyan szobt szeretne, amelyhez frdszoba is tartozik s a szoba ablakai a tengerre nznek. rdekldjn, hogy van-e erkly illetve krdezze meg azt is, hogy a szoba rban benne van-e a reggeli.

Good morning. Im Robert Velez. I would like to book two double rooms.

I would like the room with bathroom.

I would like room with a view of sea.

And is breakfast included?

With or without a balcony?

How much are these?

Here you are.

15.Egy klfldi informcit kr ntl. A Nagyruhznl tallkoznak s a Postra szeretne eljutni.

At the first corner turn right. Go along Krsz Street. The post is at the Szchenyi square.

Gladly. Bye.

16.A postn jr, ahol fel szeretne adni egy helyi ajnlott levelet, s egy csomagot Angliba (lgipostn).

Good morning. I would like to post this registered letter to local.

And there is one more thing. Here is a parcel to post to Canterbury with air mail.

How much are these?

Bye.17. Magyarzza el egy klfldinek, hogy hogyan kell a nyilvnos telefonflkket

You mast insert 50Ft coin in the slot or you must use a phone card. Pick up the receiver and wait for the dialling tone. (Then you can type a telephone number). Then you can speak.

18 Kapott egy knyvet, de ugyanez a knyv mr megvan otthon. Vigye vissza a knyvesboltba!

Good morning. Im Robert Velez.

Yes. I bought a book in this shop. Im very stupid, because I forget, that I have got this book.

My friend gave this book for my birthday last month. So I have got 2 books.

I want to give back one of them to you if its possible.

Good. (Here you are.)

Oh you are very kind.

Good bye.

19.Elmegy a boltba, ahol egy liter tejet, ngy zsemlt, fl kil almt s egy kil paradicsomot szeretne venni.

Good morning.

Yes, Id like one bottle of milk and for rolls.

What kind of fruit have you got?

Id like half kilogram of apple.

How much are these?

Thank you.
