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独立写作考试形式一、考试时间:30 分钟二、话题作文三、字数要求:300 以上(400 左右)

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利弊类一 、 标 志 词 : should, …is better than…, …is more important than …, which would you


二、答题角度:该不该,好或坏三、同意与否:今天应该下雨吗?四 、 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should play sports


事实类一、标志词:无二、与利弊类题目非此即彼三、答题角度:是不是,存不存在四、同意与否:今天下雨了吗?五 、 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students now play sports




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一、经典错误:把事实题当做利弊题二、几个容易跑偏的题举例1、A or D? Advertisements are exaggerated.

2、A or D? People now pay too much attention on their dressing and looking.

3、A or D? Young people now are less dependent on their parents than they were in the past.



找出多个受益方与受损方一、对谁好?对谁不好?二、举例1、A or D? Parents should help their children do homework.

2 、 A or D? Universities should offer students better job preparation before they start


3、A or D? Working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a

week with shorter hours.


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便利 (convenience)

一、节省时间 (save time, not time-consuming)

二、时间灵活 (time is flexible)

三、就近解决 (short distance)

四、提前完成 (keep the schedule ahead)

健康 (health)

一、充分休息 (enough rest)

二、营养均衡 (balanced nutrition)

三、体育锻炼 (body exercise, sports)

四、远离疾病 (away from diseases)

安全 (safety)

一、食品安全 (food safety)

二、人身安全 (body safety)

三、财产安全 (property safety)

四、生活稳定 (stability, sustainability)

情感 (affection, love, feeling)

一、亲情 (family love, family accord)

二、友情 (friendship)

三、爱情 (love)

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四、人际关系/社会圈子 (interpersonal relationship, social circle)

成功 (success)

一、成就感 (a sense of achievement)

二、荣誉感 (a sense of honor)

三、自信 (self-confidence)

四、尊敬 (respect)

品格 (virtue)

一、诚实 (honesty)

二、勤奋 (diligence)

三、独立 (independence)

四、体贴 (considerateness)

五、团队精神 (team spirit)

六、坚韧不拔 (persistence, tenacity)

环保 (environment protection)

一、环境污染 (environment pollution)

二、全球变暖 (global warming)

三、滥砍滥发/植树造林 (deforestation, afforestation)

学习 (learning)

一、必修科目 (compulsory course)

二、选修科目 (optional course)

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三、在线课程 (on-line course)






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题型分类 2

一、有比较: more than; as … as…;


一般比较1、A or D? Spending money on traveling is better than saving money for future use.

2、A or D? People can take care of their family members better when living in big cities than

in the countryside.


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一、提示词:more … than, today, in the past





题型分类 3


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二、含绝对词 (best, only, always, never, completely, all, most important)





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论证方法一、推荐 5段式,中间写 3段;二、绝对论证(一边倒);三、让步论证;四、折中。


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让步论证一、两个分论点指向支持方,一个分论点背离支持方;二、“万金由”解法1、A 好,A 好,但A也有不好;2、A 好,A 好,但 B也好。三、拆分法解法1、A1 是这样,A2 是这样,但A3 是例外;2、A1 不是这样,A2 不是这样,但A3 是例外;3、让步后一定要对让步内容进行削弱和反驳。



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折中一、AB 都好;二、一样重要;三、看情况。


利弊类主题句一、直陈“利”或“弊”;二、举例1、Working at home is more convenient.

2、Traveling makes people healthier.

3、Allowing children do their work independently helps build confidence.

事实类(拆分法)主题句一、直陈“XX”符合条件;二、Consider XX;二、Seniors can be better taken care of when living in big cities.

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避免婉转冗长一、不用冗长模板:the first reason here should be …

二、适宜用短句,长句较婉转,如1、If people often go travel, they will be healthier.

2、When we talk about old people, I think they can be better taken care of if they live in the

big cities.




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绝对词类一、带有 best, only, most important, completely, never, always, nothing 的题目都可以分为此类;二、统一思路1、先承认合理性,再反驳绝对性;2、先让步段,再支持段。2010.05.08NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for parents to teach their children about responsibility is to have them care for an animal.

 There are many ways that parents can teach their children responsibility, such as chores and extra-curricular activities. But one of the most effective ways to teach children responsibility is to let them take care of their own pet.

No matter what kind of pet, giving children the responsibility of taking care of a pet teaches them how to be independent and self-reliant. Instead of depending on their parents to feed the pet, children realize that the pet will go hungry if they do not feed it. This is better than giving chores, like sweeping the floor, because if a dog is hungry, it will demand food.

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Children can easily ignore an unswept floor. Sometimes when parents take care of all of their child’s needs, then the child does not learn how to be independent and how manage without his parents around. Having a pet makes children learn about these responsibilities.

Raising a pet also teaches children how to keep a schedule and plan ahead. Pets need to be fed morning and night and sometimes their cages need to be cleaned once a week. The requirements for taking care of a pet automatically teach children how to arrange their schedule. For example, if the family is going on a trip, the child must plan ahead and find a neighbor or friend to feed the dog while they are away. Pets help teacher children how to manage time.

In addition, being responsible for a pet can also teach children how to take care of the world. Humans have a great responsibility to take care of all the world’s creatures, not just pets. If a child has a pet, he can learn firsthand about this responsibility. Children become attached to their pets and when pets die, they come to understand the meaning of death. With this emotional connection to animals, children learn how to be more understanding when it comes to environmental issues that threaten animals and their habitats.

When a child learns how to take care of a pet, he learns how to be responsible. Taking care of a pet teaches children independence and self-reliance, time management skills, and how to care for the environment. (363 words)

2011.12.17NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.

Honesty is a good quality to find in friends. A lot of people say a loyal and honest friend is the best kind of friend. I believe that a friend should be as honest as possible; however there are some situations when honesty is not the best policy.

First and foremost, a friend should strive to be as completely honest as possible. There are some people in the world who always tell the truth, regardless of the situation. Everybody has at least one friend like that. These are good friends because their honesty makes them reliable. If you are in any situation where you need support, turning to this kind of friend is the most comforting. You know that no matter what they say, it is the truth.

On the other hand, there are some friends that find it very hard to tell the truth. For example, I

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have one acquaintance that can never tell the full truth. She always says whatever she thinks the other person wants to hear. So if I ask her if she wants to make plans, so always says she is free. When it comes time for us to meet, she always remembers that she cannot come. I would not call her a true friend, because she is not reliable. There are some people that find it hard to be completely honest, but I usually do not consider them my friends.

The best kinds of friends are those who are honest. Honest friends are more reliable and trustworthy. However, sometimes complete honesty can hurt a friend, so a white lie, or a variation of the truth, is acceptable. While it is possible to always say the complete truth to a friend, sometimes it is not recommended. (542 words)

2011.8.20NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.

There are a lot of things that companies can do to make their business more successful. I think one of the easiest ways for a company to generate a lot more business and profit is to invest in the training of their employees in matters of efficiency and proficiency.

An employee that is trained better produces better results. Of course, a boss will hire a person with skills, but additional company training creates more competent and more reliable employees. For example, I know that when computers were first introduced into my father’s company, many employees did not know how to use them.

The documents produced using the new computers were error-filled and unusable. So my father’s company paid for IT people to come and train the employees. The IT training was expensive, but by the end of the year the employees had become masters of the computer and were working twice as fast.

Another policy my father’s company introduced when they brought in new computers was to create a system that demanded more efficiency. With the new computers, workers got more done in less time. They were also given an additional incentive for finishing work ahead of the deadline. They even turned it into a competition. Each month, the employee with the most accomplished would receive a free dinner. By encouraging its employees to work faster, the company saved money and resources.

The more competent and better trained a company’s employees are, the less likely they will

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make errors in their work. A company that does not have well trained employees has to rely on the department managers for quality control. If a company trains employees better, then the department manager does not have to spend as much time correcting the mistakes of his employees.

This gives the manager more time to focus on other projects. Google gives its managers, and even its employees, time to focus on their own projects. This freedom has led to technological innovations that generate millions of dollars in profit for Google each year.

An employee that is trained better produces better results. Of course, a boss will hire a person with skills, but additional company training creates more competent and more reliable employees. For example, I know that when computers were first introduced into my father’s company, many employees did not know how to use them.

The documents produced using the new computers were error-filled and unusable. So my father’s company paid for IT people to come and train the employees. The IT training was expensive, but by the end of the year the employees had become masters of the computer and were working twice as fast.

By spending a little money on training and organizing its employees, a company can benefit greatly from the end results. The more successful a company, the more benefits a company can give its employees. As a result, employees work harder for the company and help the company become even more successful. (390)

今昔对比类一、科技的发展;二、环境的污染;三、观念的扭转;四、福利的完善。2010.10.30NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are now easier to become educated than in the past.

The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have seen the development and advancement of

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many fields and areas of society. Education is an area that has developed tremendously in the past hundred years. The rise of the middle class, the standardization of education, and the opening of many more schools has made it possible for more people now than in the past to get an education.

In China specifically, education reform began with the opening up and reform period of the 1980’s. During this time China also opened up its economy and changed from a state run economy to a market economy. A market economy in China has made it possible for the development of the middle class. Historically throughout the world, education belonged to the social elites. People from the lower class, which always outnumbered the upper class, did not have the money or resources to become educated.

The middle class is a group of people who are not necessarily the elites of society, but have the money to pay for education. Since the 1980’s, the middle class has been rapidly growing, increasing ten-fold the number of children who have the opportunity to get an education.

With the rise of the middle class, also comes an increase in pressure on the government. Since more people can afford education, more pressure is put on the government to provide teachers and schools for the children of the middle class. The government is then spurred into action to increase funding and resources for education nationwide. This has then prompted the opening of schools in many areas beyond the major cities and the training of many new teachers. More teachers and more schools mean that more people will be educated.

The government’s attention on education has helped with the standardization of education in China. This standardization has created nationwide tests that have made it so that every student, no matter his or her background or hometown, has the opportunity to attend high school and apply for college. Not only do more students have the opportunity to attend school, but they also have the opportunity to continue their education further than previous generations.

The rise of the middle class, the increased involvement of the government, and the standardization of education has made it so that more people, now than ever, have the opportunity to become educated. (390 words)

2010.09.25 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

Parents continue to be a constant source of support for their children, no matter what age. Technology and changing society however has changed the dynamic of society. Social trends

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indicate that today’s youth are more independent from their parents than previous generations.

A main reason that young people today are less dependent on their parents is the development of technology. This creates independence at a young age. Whereas in previous generous, parents would chaperone and accompany their children places, cellphones have changed that habit. Now parents are not as concerned about where their children are every minute of the day, because they can be easily contacted through cellphones.

Parents also do not worry about their children’s safety as much, because they know that if anything goes wrong, their children can easily call for help. Technology has also made children more independent for the mere fact that they are, as experts have termed it, “natives” to the technology age whereas their parents are all “immigrants”. Although parents are usually well versed in using the latest technology, young people automatically have a better understanding of these devices and are therefore much more independent when it comes to navigating themselves in the technology age.

In addition, globalization has created a generation of internationally minded youth, who see going abroad and exploring the world as a real possibility. Young people studying and working abroad is a lot more common than it was in our parents’ generation. Rather than continuing to live at home and work in one’s hometown, youth look beyond the comfort of their hometown to find better job opportunities in larger cities at home and overseas. When my father was young, he went with a program to study abroad and that was a very uncommon thing.

However most if not all of my friends and classmates have spent some amount of time studying abroad. Learning about the world and exploring the world has made young people more independent.

Granted, in today’s economy there are a lot of situations in which children cannot find good enough jobs to afford to move away from home. This people continue to live at home and do not have as much of an opportunity to gain independence. After all, they still have to depend

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on their parents for food and a place to live. While this situation is very common in our generation, it does not mean that if these young people had a chance, they would choose to continue living dependent on their parents.

Every parent will of course always support their child if need be, but blazing one’s own trail and being able to live independently is very important to people in society. Self-reliance is something society applauds. This combined with the independence that technology and the globalization of society has created a generation of youth that are less dependent on their parents than previous generations.(481 words)

利弊类一、找出多个受益方和受损方;二、“万金由”提示思路。2011.8.5NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for your friend to ask you for help (suppose you are good at the subject) than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination.

Examination scores have a huge impact on people’s future education and job opportunities. There are lots of different ways people try and study to prepare for exams. I often help my foreign friends study for the HSK. If a friend comes up to me and asks whether he or she should find a tutor, I always tell them that I will help them study. Studying with me is better because tutors are too expensive, they often don’t have much time in their schedules, and they are not as invested in my friend’s success as I am.

Finding a good tutor in Beijing is pretty difficult. On top of that, even the best tutors cost a lot. Studying for a Chinese language test is no exception. A lot of people think that since foreigners usually have a lot of money, they can charge a lot for tutoring. If you go to a coffee shop, you can often find a foreigner studying with a Chinese language tutor. Sometimes I can’t help but overhear their class. I am usually not impressed with the tutor’s quality of teaching.

The shame of it is that the foreign student usually doesn’t know Chinese well enough to

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realize that his or her tutor is not very good. Since I study Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, I can tell. So, I always tell my friends to come to me first.

Another reason that I usually tell my friends to come to me instead of finding a tutor is because I have a really flexible schedule. Chinese language tutors usually fill their schedules with classes. Some of them are even students, so they really only have time to meet with a student once a week. I am also a student, but I can always make time for my friends. Anyway, helping my friends study is more like having fun and hanging out than the other classes I teach.

Finally, as their friend, I certainly care more about their success than any tutor would. Chinese language tutors oftentimes only take on students to gain experience and to earn money. They often have no personal feelings for their students and therefore don’t go above and beyond what is required of their job. As their friend, I believe I would be the better teacher. I care about what happens to them and I am willing to sacrifice some of my free time to help them.

In conclusion, my advice is that if you need help studying for an exam, it is better to find a friend who is knowledgeable about the exam subject rather than finding a tutor to help you study. (441 words)

2010.11.5NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending money on traveling is better than saving money for future use.

There are so many interesting places to see and learn about in the world. Traveling helps you discover things not only about other cultures and people, but also about yourself. Life is short and I believe getting out and traveling the world is a better way to live than just sitting around at home, worrying about spending one’s savings.

My grandparents had a very hard life. They grew up during the Great Depression. Later on, they were able to live a comfortable life, but they were always worried about wasting money. When they retired, rather than spending their free time traveling and visiting their relatives all over the country, they just stayed at home, because they were too worried about spending money. Consequently they lead very boring lives.

My neighbors are the complete opposite. When they retired, they traveled the world. Now they are in their nineties, but they seem fifteen years younger. Traveling has made them more active and healthier in their old age.

Traveling can also create opportunities to make money. I have a friend who decided to go

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traveling around Europe the summer after she graduated. During her trip she was able to make contacts with a lot of companies. Now she has a high paying job in a leading international company. Most people choose to not travel after school because they need to save money, but my friend chose to spend her money wisely. If she had not gone on that trip, she would not have found such a good job. Her choice to travel paid off.

While I believe it is better to spend your money for traveling, one must be careful not to waste your money traveling. When traveling, it is very easy to spend money like water and come back at the end of the trip totally broke. This is not a very good situation. I think people should spend their money to enrich their lives. However, the best way to travel I believe, is to travel on a budget.

For example my friend went to Thailand and spent the entire trip staying in five star hotels. Her hotels were so comfortable and convenient that she never got the chance to explore Thailand. Then she came back home and had no money. Basically, her trip was a waste of time.

I think life is short and people should get out and explore the world when the have the chance. Sitting around worrying about having to save the money for some unexpected emergency, or for a car that you might not ever buy, is not a very fulfilling way to live life. (438 words)

2011.7.8NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that will help you when you are in need. Use specific examples to support your answer.

I once saw a sign that said, “Friends are the family you choose for yourself.” Sometimes we have friends that are really fun to be around, but that does not qualify them as good friends. The best kinds of friends are the ones that are like family, the ones that will always be there for you when you need a hand.

Fun friends are not always true friends. When I was in middle school, my best friend was a girl who was fun and very popular. Everybody wanted to be her friend. I felt really special because she let me sit next to her at lunch. She was really fun to be around, but whenever I really tried to talk to her, it seemed like she was ignoring me. After a while I realized that she really was not interested in anything I had to say. This made me feel like I was not a very interesting friend and lowered my self-esteem.

I did not realize at the time that friends should never make you feel that way. As I got older, I

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realized that that kind of friendship is poisonous and therefore began choosing my friends more carefully.

In addition, people that are quiet can also be fun. I realize that when finding friends you cannot “judge a book by its cover.” In high school I found a group of friends that at first seemed quiet and not very fun. However, we shared a lot of the same hobbies and after getting to know them better, I realized that they were really fun girls. Unlike my friends in middle school, these girls are caring and interested in what I have to say. When I have problems at school, they always take time to listen to me. Maybe they are not as outgoing as some people, but I know they truly care about me.

Recently, I moved away from my hometown. When I moved away, I quickly realized who my true friends were. I tried to keep in contact with my all of my friends. I wrote to my fun and outgoing friends, but they never replied to my letters. My quiet friends were the most faithful correspondents. I was lonely when I first moved away and they helped me feel not so lonely. Moving away helped me learn who my true friends are.

My best friends are like my sisters. They are fun to be around, but most importantly they are loyal and supportive. Whenever I have a bad day, I give one of them a call and they always make me feel better. I know from experience that sometimes the most fun and outgoing people are not always the best kind of friend.

2011.9.16NADo agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should choose the same career as their parents. Use specific examples to support your answer.

My parents raised me to believe that I could do anything I wanted to do. I have not been pressured by my parents to choose a specific career path or even study a specific subject. They believe that if I am happy with what I do for my career, then I will be successful. I do not think parents should make their children follow in their career footsteps. A child should be allowed to follow their own heart when it comes to choosing a career.

My father is a biology professor at a university. Many of his undergraduate students plan to continue on to medical school and become doctors. While some of his students feel very passionate about becoming a doctor, a significant portion are studying medicine only because their parents want them to be like them and become doctors. Some of these students are clearly not happy studying pre-medicine and do not do very well on their exams.

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Not only are these students studying something they do not want to study, but they also are not very successful at school. Poor performance at university will certainly affect the success they have in their careers. Parents should let their children choose for themselves.

On the other hand, there are certain situations where a child actually wants to have the same career as his or her parents. My sister, for example, is an art teacher, just like my mom. My mom was very good about not forcing us to do art, but she did teach us how to love it. My sister now teaches art at a high school and loves it. In this case I think regardless of your parents’ careers, if you love something you should do it.

Admittedly, there are some circumstances when it is expected that the child will take over the family business or trade. For example an important aspect in the survival of traditional Chinese folk art is the ability to pass it on to the next generation. Recently the government has seen the inheritance of the craft of traditional folk art as vital to the preservation of traditional Chinese culture. traditions and business.

The most famous folk artists are concerned that once they are gone, nobody will know how to do their craft. Many master craftsmen pass down their craft to their children. In these kinds of situations I would hope that children would feel some sort of responsibility to carry on the family traditions and business.

For the most part I think that children should be able to choose their own career path, regardless of their own parents’ career. If you love what you do, you will be successful. (443 words)

2011.11.19NASome jobs pay a high salary but require employees to leave their family and friends. Some jobs pay a lower salary but allow employees to stay near their family and friends. Which job would you prefer? Why?

In today’s economy, not everybody has the luxury to be selective about their jobs. Some people must take whichever option is available, which sometimes means taking jobs that are far away from family and friends. However if I had a choice, I would choose the lower paying job that is closer to my family.

While some people might argue that sacrificing living far away your family is worth the extra pay, this does not necessarily guarantee financial gain. A person forced to live away from his family could very easily spend all of the extra money he earns on traveling back and forth to

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see his family. Not to mention the added expense of having two different houses to pay for and other added expenses that families living together can split between two incomes. The monetary advantage of taking the higher paying job can be easily undercut by the additional expenses that incur when living between two households.

The monetary advantage of taking the higher paying job can be easily undercut by the additional expenses that incur when living between two households.

In addition to there not necessarily being a guarantee of the higher salary job actually ‘paying off,’ the emotional toll far outweighs any material advantage. Living away from friends and family is a challenge that takes its toll over time. I job that initially sounds like a good offer can easily become an emotional burden.

Somebody who misses her family might come to resent her job and wish they were closer to her family. This would probably lead poor job performance and less success at work. Maybe if somebody starts with a low paying salary closer to home, she will still be just as satisfied because she is closer to friends and family. A person’s emotional satisfaction can have a positive impact on his or her job performance, which could possibly lead to a promotion and a raise.

Granted, there are some job opportunities that offer such a good salary that you cannot refuse, no matter how far away from your family the job is. Many people immigrate to other countries for this exact reason. A better job can offer a better life and maybe more opportunities for you and your family. Also, sometimes choosing the better paying job is the only opportunity to provide enough for your family.

Although there are some extenuating circumstances, I still would prefer to choose a job closer to home than farther away, regardless of the salary.(391 words)

2010.9.24NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Colleges and universities should offer students better job preparation before they start working. Use specific reasons to support your choice.

Nowadays, how to get a better job is a popular topic among students and parents. Some people believe that colleges and universities should offer students better job preparation

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before they start working. Personally, I support the idea, because job support programs would benefit not only the student, but also the university and in turn society.

First, better job preparation benefits students seeking better jobs. For example, thanks to the help of the training courses at my school, I now work as an editor for a multimedia production company. When I was sophomore, the office of employment guidance in my university offered a course called job preparation for students. The course taught us how to choose our careers, how to plan our future and how to apply and interview for jobs. With the skills I learned in this course, I found a job before graduation.

Second, better job preparation benefits the fame of the university. For instance, the competition of education has greatly increased in recent years. If universities can offer students better job preparation before they begin to work, more and more students will want to apply to these universities. Job preparation programs will also create more successful graduates, who will want to donate more money to their former university. More funding will allow the university to improve their facilities and hire better teachers. As a result, the whole level of university will rise, and the reputation of university will grow.

Finally, better job preparation benefits society as a whole. For example, better job preparation will prepare students to enter the workforce with more ambition, inspiring them to create more advanced products. For example, when my cousin was a senior at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, the school helped him to find a part-time job of composing piano music.

He really liked this job, and he realized his passion for composing music for radio and television studios. If he had not done this internship, he would have never realized his potential. More inspired workers means a more productive economy, which in effect strengthens society. Therefore, better job preparation in universities is not only important to students and schools, but also to society.

Considering the above analysis, it is clear that universities should offer students better job preparation before they start working, because it benefits the student, university and society. (389 words)

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2010.11.13 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? To improve the quality of university education we should spend more money the salaries of university professors. 

There has been widespread debate among educators about effective ways to improve the quality of higher education. Some people believe that giving professors a pay raise will improve the quality of education, especially higher education. However, I think that such a suggestion is impractical because there are other ways to improve education, perhaps even more useful, better than increasing the salaries of professors. More importantly, it may cause another problem before improving the quality of higher education.

First, in order for universities to improve the quality of higher education , more financial

resources should be diverted into increasing the chances of interaction between students and the professor, rather than spending the money on salaries. In other words, more teachers should be hired to raise the quality of education.

In fact, if classes are smaller, students will be less distracted by their classmates during class, they will be able to get more attention from the professor and they will have more opportunities to express their ideas about the course with the professor. Clearly, smaller class sizes due to more professors would play an important role in enhancing the quality of education than the improvement of the pay structure of professors.

Second, with some funds allocated for a pay raise awarded to professors, universities may be forced to cut back on other expenditures, depriving students of important learning opportunities, such as studying overseas through exchange students programs to broaden their cultural understanding. Similarly, renovation projects could lose funding as well, inconveniencing thousands of students and professors. Obviously, when it comes to enhancing the quality of tertiary education, priorities should be determined in order to make the best use of already insufficient financial resources.

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Admittedly, a pay raise awarded to professors may indirectly improve their teaching quality, because with fewer financial worries, professors can channel more efforts into their research and teaching. For example, when my English professor received a pay raise, he was able to stop working part-time as a literary editor for an English magazine. He was then able to devote more time to preparing class and, as result, his teaching great improved.

However, not all professors will spend more time improving their teaching skills after receiving a pay raise. Worse still, there may be some side effects when such a pay-raise policy is implemented. I believe that there are even more pressing educational needs, and that giving professors a pay raise would not be the most effective way to improve the quality of education in universities. (416 words)

2010.12.11NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Working three days a week with longer hours is better than working five days a week with shorter hours.

Whether to work longer hours for three days in a week or to work shorter hours for five days in a week is a difficult decision, because each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, I would rather work longer hours three days a week, because such an arrangement enables me to take longer trips and quenches my thirst for knowledge.

First, working longer hours three days a week gives me four consecutive days for traveling. In fact, with four full days, it is easier for me to visit the famous sites of neighboring countries, such as Japan, Thailand or Singapore. For example, last month I went to Kyoto, a city which is full of ancient and historical sites. Even though I stayed there for only four days, its dazzling array of ancient temples and exquisite gardens captivated me.

Having a four day weekend that allows me to travel more often is a perfect schedule for me. With only three working days in a week, traveling and learning about other cultures is no longer just wishful thinking.

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Working longer hours for three days in a week also helps me find four uninterrupted days to attend classes. In fact, with a schedule requiring five working days a week, it is difficult for me to arrange time to take courses. For example, I went to a drama workshop in Shanghai last year. It took me three continuous days to finish the workshop course. If I had had to work five days a week, it would have been impossible for me to attend the workshop. Undoubtedly, a three-day work schedule has its distinct advantages.

Admittedly, many people believe that working shorter hours five days a week is a better option. First, if they work shorter hours during a day, they have more time to exercise daily. Second, shorter working hours during the day means a lighter workload and less stressful life. However, as a young man in my early twenties, I am very confident in my own health, because no matter how tired I am after work, I still make myself go jogging for twenty minutes in order to keep fit.

In fact, jogging every day not only strengthens my heart but also helps reduce the stress from working those long hours. Therefore, when it comes to choosing between working longer hours three days a week and working shorter hours five days a week, I definitely choose the former without hesitation. This kind of work schedule helps live a more active and enriching life. (422 word)

2011.2.11NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.

Many parents today have a tendency to prevent their children from making choices that the parents believe to be wrong. This protective instinct has certain benefits; however, I still think letting children choose their own path and learn from their mistakes is a better parenting method.

First of all, allowing children to blunder and explore life is an indication of trust from the parents. If kids are told every time not to do something, whenever parents find there could be potential risks and mistakes, the children will think their parents have no faith in their ability. However, when parents give permission to their children, such as going out with friends

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alone, managing their own spare time, or finding a part-time job, children will see that their parents respect them and they will learn how to succeed with this independence.

Even if they make mistakes, like getting a tattoo or drinking alcohol, parents can give them appropriate guidance and show support to encourage them to mend their mistakes. In this way, a healthy relationship will develop between child and parent, making the job of parenting easier. This is especially useful during the difficult period of adolescence, when children are particularly rebellious.

Besides, letting children experience mistakes is the best way to learn why they stumble. Then, they will learn not to make the same mistake twice. This principle applies to many situations when one is growing up. For example, one of my friends used to date a construction worker. Her mother really was uncomfortable about this relationship and thought they would not have a happy ending. However, her wise mother did overreact and forbid her daughter from seeing this man. 

Instead, my friend’s mother ignored this relationship and hoped that my friend would figure out the best choice in the end. Soon, my friend found out that she did not have much in common with her boyfriend, and in the end she really did not like spending a long amount of time together with him. So they broke up. After this experience, my friend realized that mutual interest and educational background is essential when choosing a partner.  

Admittedly, parents can help children avoid making fatal mistakes, such as doing drugs or becoming addicted to things like gambling. It seems that those who are kept under their parents’ wings will of course experience an easy childhood, but will have learned nothing about how to cope with problems when they reach adulthood.

However, children who experience setbacks tend to have stronger and tougher personalities, which assist them in their future development. Teenagers who have had difficulties will be well prepared when they confront reality, will not be beat down easily, and will be more likely to succeed in the future.

In conclusion, if parents want their children to survive and thrive in the, it is wise to let children make mistakes and learn from real lessons. (485 words)


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一、分析原因;二、拆分举例。2011.12.9NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life.

Our job and our social life both have a huge impact on our happiness. They both help us define how successful and fulfilling our lives are. However I think that in terms of overall happiness, our jobs have more of an impact than our social lives.

The main reason that our jobs have more impact is that they largely determine our social lives. If you have a busy job that requires you to work long hours, then you most likely do not have much of a social life. Obviously if you are unhappy, then it is because your job has prevented you from having a social life, not that your actual social life has made you unhappy. Your job can also be where much of your social life comes from. After all, the people that you see the most during the week are your coworkers. It makes sense to have a social life that largely includes your coworkers.

In general, there are many examples of how your situation at work can affect your happiness, regardless of your social life. Take the main character in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Even though he had a loving and supportive family, the salesman was still could not find happiness. He was so upset about his failure at his job as a salesman that nothing else could outweigh it. Success at work is also a huge factor in determining how successful one is in life. In essence, your job defines you. Therefore, if you are happy at work, then you are, by definition, happy in life.

The last reason that your work affects your happiness more than your social life is because you spend more of your time during the week working than socializing. Monday through Friday, you spend your whole day in the office. The only time you have to socialize is the few hours in the evening and on the weekends. The rest of your time is spent in the office or commuting to the office. If calculated by hours, then the number of hours you spend being happy or unhappy at work determines whether you are more happy or unhappy in your life.

Our happiness is determined by many things. Even though we derive much happiness from out social life, our job and the success associated with our career has the most influence on our overall happiness. (397 words)

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2010.10.9NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside.

Family members provide us with a sense of belonging and always stand firmly behind us. Some people argue that the countryside is an ideal place for people to take care their family members, because the environment there is much more suitable for one’s health. I disagree. As for me, big cities are the best place for people to look after their family.

First, medical care and education is more affordable for people in the city. There are more work opportunities in big cities than in the countryside. Besides, wages are better in cities. People can usually earn two or three times more working the same job in a city than they can in a town or village. Better wages and more affordable services guarantees that the basic needs and living conditions of family members are better in the city.

Second, elderly people can be better taken care of when if they live in big cities. Since older people are more vulnerable to disease and sickness, living in the city is better because they can receive better medical care. In the case of a medical emergency, it is better to live in a city, where there is always a hospital or infirmary nearby. If an emergency happens, such as heart attack, people who live in the city do not have to worry about driving a long distance to reach the nearest doctor.

Third, children can be better educated in big cities. For one thing, many top high schools and universities are located in big cities. For instance, in China, the most influential universities, like Tsinghua University, can only be found in Beijing. For another thing, zoos, parks, museums and libraries are easily accessible if you live in a big city. Students who live in the city can more easily visit the city library, or the zoo. These learning opportunities outside the classroom are important for a child’s development.

All in all, due to the greater chance of a good material life, better medical and better educational opportunities for children, living in the city is the best choice for people who want to support their family. (354 words)

2010.10.22NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Since the world has changed so much in the past fifty years, advice our grandparents can give us is not useful.

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There is a common expression that goes, “with age comes wisdom.” Wisdom is the ability to use your past experience to make good decisions about your future. Regardless of how much the world has changed in the past fifty years, I still believe the advice my grandparents can give me is good.

My grandparents have had a lot of experiences and survived a lot of hardships. When my great grandmother died young, my grandmother had to grow up fast and help raise her brothers and sisters. This was during the Great Depression, when people had to save every penny just to be able to get by. My grandmother has talked with me about how she got through these hard times, and by listening to her stories I have learned many valuable lessons.

I have learned to value the things that I have and to work hard for things that I want. When it comes to taking care of my family, I always ask my grandmother for advice.

My grandparents are also a good resource for advice, because they have been around longer and, therefore know more of the world. In my studies, I may have had the opportunities to travel all over the world. While both of my grandfathers have not traveled as much as me, that does not mean they have not experienced the world. During World War II, both of my grandfathers were stationed abroad.

They not only lived in Europe for a long period, but they also were able to interact with troops of foreign armies. They did not have the educational opportunities that I have had, but that does not mean that I know more about the world than they do.

Admittedly, there are some areas in which I cannot go to my grandparents for advice, namely technology. Cell phones and computers were not around until my grandparents retired, so they have never had to use this kind of technology for work or study. While my grandparents have tried to keep up with the times, they are certainly not experts. Whenever I visit my grandmother, for example, she always asks me to fix her computer. I would say the only thing I cannot go to my grandparents for advice is anything concerning technology.

Even though there are certain areas in which my grandparents are not that well informed, this does not mean that they do not have good or useful advice. Grandparents’ wisdom from the experiences they have had can give us insight and help us make decisions. (422 words)

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2011.3.4NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important problems affecting our society today can be solved within our lifetime.

The problems that face our society today are so numerous that the thought of being able to solve them in my lifetime seems daunting. Long standing societal problems continue to exist. New problems, brought on by modern development, continue to grow as the world develops more and more. I do not believe these problems can be solved in my lifetime, but I believe we should do as much as possible so that they can be solved during our children’s lifetime.

Certain societal problems have existed since the beginning of civilization. Poverty and hunger have affected society ever since it developed. In ancient scripts, such as the Bible or the Torah, feeding the needy and poor was common practice. Today, there are still many programs dealing with helping impoverished people. I walk down the streets of the city and know that this is still a serious problem our society faces today.

Poverty and hunger can be caused by many things out of our control like natural disasters or wars. I do not think these kinds of problems will ever be solved, let alone solved in my lifetime.

Another serious problem facing our society today is global warming. With the rapid development of countries, such as China, and the longstanding industrial economies of countries, such as the U.S., the release of greenhouse gases has reached toxic levels. In the past hundred years, humans have done more damage to the environment than they have in the thousands of years preceding it. Something needs to be done to stop global warming, but people cannot agree on the best solution.

I believe we should stop using oil, but not everybody agrees. I think that only when the world’s oil sources run out will people agree on a possible solution. However, I don’t think that will be in my lifetime.

Even though many problems that affect our society will not be solved in my lifetime, I still believe that we should try. If not to make society in our lifetime a little better, at least to help make society in our children’s lifetime better. Poverty will always be around, but that does not mean we cannot do anything to make it so that there are less poor people than before. While I know our generation will not solve the problem of global warming, saving the earth starts with small acts, like not using plastic bags or not wasting water.

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Today, there are many societal problems. Some problems might have solutions, but I do not think that we will find the solution to the most serious problems in society in our lifetime. (435 words)

2011.3.11NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people's lives has already taken place.

It has been argued that despite the continued advancement of science and technology, our lives have changed in a way that is more tremendous than ever. I, however, disagree.

First, environmental problems are still on the waiting list. Technology-dominated industrialization has generated such problems as global warming, acid rain and urban smog, all of which have given rise to a series of adverse effects—climate change, death of aquatic life and respiratory diseases. Although the quality of life has improved, there are still many things that could be improved in China, like safety and living conditions. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that ecocide is still a real and ever-present danger?

Second, world peace still hangs by a thread. Take the Iraq War for example. It broke out eight years ago and since then Iraqis have been living in hell. Their homes are torched and destroyed and their families have been torn apart. It is certain that they have not received all the benefits of advanced technology. Superpowers are busy with nuclear experiments, but this advanced technology has brought anything but world peace. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that some people on this planet are still in great agony?

Last, the pace of life is increasingly faster and shows no sign of slowing down. Undoubtedly, development in IT industries and communication devices has enabled people to enjoy more convenient lives. However, it is also the seemingly almighty technologies that have put people in suffering. Wherever you go, cell phones make it possible for your boss to spot you and give you more work, whether you like it or not.

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Computers, which give companies the ability to teleconference and conduct online interviews, have turned our homes into a mere extension of our offices. If the most significant transformation in living standards has taken place, how is it possible that people now are still suffering from deprived sleep, unbalanced diet and strained family relations?

All in all, science and technology have been and will continue to develop, but the fundamental transformation of our lives has not yet taken place. (366 words)

2011.3.19NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.

Movies and television are often accused of affecting young people adversely. Thus some people conclude that the negative effects of entertainment media far outweigh the benefits. I disagree.

Admittedly, entertainment media has had certain negative effects on children. Increasing scenes of violence and pornography have caused imitation among teenagers. Since teenagers are particularly impressionable at that age, anything they are exposed to could seriously impacts their perception of reality.

According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Adolescent Delinquency Association, after polling hundreds of young criminals aged 12 to18, most respondents claimed that they copied violent behavior learned from television shows or movies. Thus, to some extent, TV and movies are responsible for the problematic behavior of some teenagers.

However, television and movies also benefit children. For one thing, educational TV programs and documentaries are instrumental in teaching children in an interesting way. Unlike textbooks and ordinary class activities, movies provide can teach children about subjects in different and more interactive ways. Take my sister for example. She is majoring in zoology.

According to her, watching the Discovery Channel as a little girl first made her interested in nature and animals. The Discovery Channel’s vivid pictures and lively footage helped her gain more knowledge about a variety of rare species and learn to appreciate the beauty of wildlife. Without the aid of television, the tedious description from textbooks would have

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hardly aroused any interest in my sister when she was young.

The best kinds of friends are those who are honest. Honest friends are more reliable and trustworthy. However, sometimes complete honesty can hurt a friend, so a white lie, or a variation of the truth, is acceptable. While it is possible to always say the complete truth to a friend, sometimes it is not recommended. (542 words)

In addition, movies and television shows provide young people with a temporary escape from their stressful lives, full of studying. Entertainment movies can inspire creative thinking in children and teach them important values in an interesting way. By seeing flying cars in the Matrix, children can think more about future innovations in technology. Seeing martial arts in Kung Fu Panda has even made children more interested in the traditional art and history of China. From the Harry Potter series, children learn the importance of courage and friendship.

All in all, despite a few isolated cases of negative influence, I believe that the overall impact of television and movies is positive. (352 words)

2011.4.9MLDo you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It’s more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool, playgrounds).

Art museums, concert halls and recreational facilities are indispensable to any civilized society. When it comes to the issue of the arrangement of a government’s budget, some people suggest that the government should spend more of its funds on art museums and concert halls rather than on popular entertainment facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. Although investing in recreational facilities is a positive thing, I believe that art museums and concert halls carry more weight.

Admittedly, recreational facilities do need money. It is because sports enthusiasts usually outnumber lovers of art and music. For example, there are more basketball fans than piano

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players and basketball courts are always extremely crowded. Moreover, sports facilities represent a great expenditure of money and land. Usually, a standard outdoor basketball ground may cost the government around 10,000 dollars.

However, the expense of recreational facilities can mainly rely on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and famous athletes. For instance, Yao Ming, the best-known Chinese player in the NBA, could donate part of his annual income to set up a new basketball stadium, which helps cut down the governments’ budget on recreational facilities significantly. In this circumstance, the government should invest more in the establishment of arts and music halls.

Appreciating arts and music can foster our children’s interest in them. For instance, in art museums, children can observe masterpieces in person. This kind of amazing experience can never be replaced by simply watching TV at home or browsing webpages. Similarly, visiting concert halls, children can learn the names of the various musical instruments and familiarize themselves with the sound that these instruments produce.

Then, the desire to play them will be followed and the interest in music takes shape. My younger brother XQ serves as a good example. I still remember that in July 2004, our family went to the city concert hall and for the first time in his life, he saw a band of professional musicians playing. He was deeply moved by the beautiful sound and decided to learn the piano. Now, he is an outstanding student in a school affiliated with the Central Conservatory of Music.

Appreciating arts and music is a way to release stress from work and school. After working hard all day, citizens should be all to ready to accept the refreshing experience that a famous painting or a fascinating concert brings. After polling thousands of Beijing citizens, the survey, conducted by China Daily, found that 55% of the respondents aged between fifteen and forty-five chose going to museums and concert as one of the best ways to relax. This result coincides with the fact that the number of visitors to museums and concerts increase significantly during the holidays and winter and summer vacations.

To sum up, despite the fact that spending money on recreational facilities enjoys a lot of support, the government could collect the fund for them through NGOs or other channels. Whereas, due to the irreplaceable influence on education and citizen’s relaxation, art museums and concert halls deserve considerable investment. (Written by Sun Wei, 500 words)

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2011.1.30MLDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past.

The advancement of human society has changed people’s living style considerably. Living conditions are improving and the pace of life is getting faster and fast, without any sign of slowing down. Some people may say that due to all these changes, we are more happy and satisfied than we used to be. I disagree. I believe that the situation is just the opposite. This can be illustrated by examining the circumstances of children and their parents.

To begin with, children are by no means happy and satisfied. When our parents recall their childhood, we hear that every single day of their childhood was full of intriguing adventures or carefree joys. We hear nothing but sweet memories about fishing along the river, running in fields with dogs and listening to Andersen’s fairy tales until slowly falling asleep.

But awaits the children of today? They have to deal with huge pressures of school from their parents, teachers and peers. Working late on piles of homework and staying up to cram for various examinations is usually the case for them. Children have no choice but to give in to this harsh reality that childhood is no longer a gift from God but curse from hell.

What is more, parenting today is no more satisfying. Twenty years ago, our parents’ lives were simpler than today. Raising children back then did not seem to be as stressful as today and just seemed to happen in a natural way. Wives got pregnant, babies came, and children went to school. Nobody knows when things got so much more complicated and when parenthood became more of a burden than a blessing.

Now, as soon as a woman gets pregnant, she and the father must start to think about the child’s future education. They have to save money and worry about what school is the best for their child. As soon as their child starts school, parents then have to start fight to pay off the huge amount of bills that come from the daily expense of their child, including school supplies, tuition, and outside tutors.

In addition, the internet, television and movies have become new enemies to parents, since they always have to be alert and protect their children from inappropriate content. Undoubtedly, parents are facing much more difficulties and challenges than their parents,

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which of course makes them more stressed and less happy.

In conclusion, we cannot deny that the improvement of our daily lives has caused more anxiety and sorrow for people today. The example of children and parents perfectly illustrates my view of point. (429 words)

2011.2.12MLDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Now everywhere is so busy and crowded that being polite is necessary.

People today enjoy great material wealth due to hard work, but some complain that people today are less polite than they used to be. Extremists argue that people do not need to have the conventional social norms such as saying hello to other people, because those manners are a waste of time. However, I think politeness is important in many aspects of modern life.

First, in dealing relationships with family and friend, people need to be polite and considerate. Many young people today claim that they are too busy to call their parents and contact their friends. Once, I refused to spend time talking with parents, using the excuse that I had too much work. The consequence was that my mother got angry and hung up the phone.

Our relationship was strained, but I soon realized my rudeness and apologized to my mother. My mother forgave me because I showed my respect and concern for her. This situation is also true for friends. Politeness is a bond for relationships with close family members and friends.

Second, in a working environment, one needs to obey the basic social norms of courtesy for interpersonal communication. Consider a rude colleague who never says hello to other coworkers. Not many people would be willing to work with him/her, because this person does not show any basic skills or ability in dealing with people. On the contrary, a coworker who smiles and acts respectfully towards others will certainly be more popular and easier to work with. Obviously, politeness will never be out dated, no matter how busy the world becomes.

Third, in the political realm and entertainment industry, celebrities need to show a gracious

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and friendly manner in order to maintain a positive image. All politicians have a hectic agenda. But when they are giving a speech to the public, politicians need to dress appropriately and speak in a certain way. Patience when answering questions is also a must. Similarly, a famous movie star or a pop singer needs to show a friendly attitude towards any crazy fan. Otherwise, the printing media will make a big deal out of his/her unappreciative manner towards fans.

In conclusion, though the world today drives people to work like machines, politeness is a prerequisite for people to have a satisfying home life and a fulfilling career. (386 words)

2011.2.26MLDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people have no influence the decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.

The progress of our society is the result of the collective contribution of the members of our society. However, some people arbitrarily hold that there is nothing that young people can do to affect important decisions about society. I do not agree with this idea. As far as I am concerned, whether or not youth can affect these decisions depends on the circumstances.

First, consider technology. In this area, young people have the most influence on our society. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg serve as good examples. No one could deny the remarkable influence of Windows Operation System brought by Bill Gates and his team of young people innovators. Also, Zuckerburg and other co-founders of Facebook, has greatly influenced the production decisions and designs of mobile electrical devices.

Second, this logic can be also applied to environmental and wild animal protection. Most members of Wildlife Conservation Organization and Green Peace Organization are young volunteers. In the Southern Pacific Antarctic Ocean, it is young people that try to prevent the Japanese government’s approval of whaling.

In Africa, it youth that searched for evidence of poaching endangered animals and aroused the international attention to the protection of wild animal. These young people have devoted themselves to saving our planet and global authorities have increasingly recognized their influence when relevant decisions are made.

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However, the story is totally different in the field of politics in China. Currently, a majority of the country’s leaders are middle aged or above. All the affairs of states are decided by these powerful people, but common citizens especially youth have little to no say in these decision. Take warfare for example.

Some politicians make the decision to start a war and most soldiers in the battlefield are young people. They fight the enemy and shed blood for reasons that they may not quite understand. Even though they might want to stop the dispute and conflict, there is nothing they can do about it. In this case, young people have no influence in decision making.

All in all, whether young people can influence decisions that impact our society depends on the different field or situation. (356 W)

2011.5.14MLIt was easier for people in the past to identify which type of career or job would have a secure or successful future.

Job security and the possibility of success have always had a certain degree of uncertainty. Even in the most prosperous times there is always a loser. While the current state of the economy makes everybody feel less secure about their jobs and their future, I do not think that currently it is any easier or harder to determine which jobs provide the most security or chance of success.

First, there are jobs that will always have some degree of security. They might not guarantee the highest salary, but there is no danger that these jobs will ever be obsolete. For example, there will always be a need for teachers and doctors. If you can get a job as a teacher, you need not worry about losing your job. While a teacher might not make the most money, their salary is stable and guaranteed. A doctor might have more of a chance to get a higher salary, but what is for certain is that there will always be positions available for doctors.

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There are also jobs and careers that still hold a high degree of risk. A businessperson, for example, has the opportunity to be very successful and earn a lot of money. However there is always a bit of uncertainty when investing in business. One minute you can be the leading competitor in a popular business venture, the next minute you are old news.

Take for example Yahoo, the internet mogul. In the 1990s this company seemed indestructible. However, now Yahoo is like a dinosaur compared to the other internet browsers like Google. At this moment the recession in the economy may appear to make business less uncertain and less secure, but even in times of prosperity these things were never guaranteed.

Admittedly, the rapid advancement of the economy has made it so things change in the blink of an eye. One moment you and your company are on the top of the world, the next moment your stocks have crashed and you can only find a job selling used cars. Things can change so fast that it makes jobs and careers appear to be less stable than they really are. Thus, it might be more difficult to be certain of which career will provide the most stability and success. The degree to which one might be successful in a certain career may not be able to be determined, but it is still easy to tell which jobs are more secure or successful than others.

There have always been careers and jobs that will provide success and security. It is still easy to identify which careers are riskier, but the quick overturn of the economy makes it appear to be more difficult to identify which jobs are risky.

2011.1.8MLDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Food in the past was much healthier than today.

Food is a basic human necessity. As time has passed, people have raised their expectations that food is not just something that keeps away hunger. I believe that the food we eat at present is not as healthy as it was in the past.

First, the fast pace of life makes our food less healthy than before. Fast food is a good example. In the past, life was relatively easy for people. They did not need to go to all the way to their companies, transferring buses and trains several times on the way. Their daily schedules were not as filled with meetings and business trips as today.

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They could all go home to enjoy dinners prepared at home by their family members. However, presently, almost everyone has to focus most of their hours on studying or working, while still trying to squeeze in time for dinner. That is where fast food comes in. The sad truth today is that knowing about the risk of eating junk food, people still rush into KFC and McDonald’s to grab a bite in order to keep their timetable.

To sum up, despite the fact that spending money on recreational facilities enjoys a lot of support, the government could collect the fund for them through NGOs or other channels. Whereas, due to the irreplaceable influence on education and citizen’s relaxation, art museums and concert halls deserve considerable investment. (Written by Sun Wei, 500 words)

What is more, the development of modern agriculture has contributed to unhealthy food. Before modern agriculture developed, every farmer just used natural fertilizer and focused on their limited farmland. However, the population explosion inevitably led to a revolution in modern agriculture technology, which greatly increased crops yields, and meanwhile, generated many food security risks.

For instance, widespread usage of chemical pesticide and fertilizer to protected crops from harmful insects and increased production, but the residue of these chemicals directly caused many diseases, such as food poisoning, cancer, malformation and mutation.

Finally, but most importantly, overeating fatty foods has also affected our health adversely. The increase in material wealth of the entire population has created an environment of gluttony and overindulgence in food. For instance, meat, egg and milk now makes up a larger proportion of people’s diet than before, increasing the average person’s intake of calories, oil and salt. In many hospitals, rich man’s diseases, like overweight, high blood pressure and diabetes are now commonly seen. This phenomenon, though people are aware of the problem, will continue to last, for we still continue to eat unhealthy food every day.

In conclusion, our diets are less healthy than before. The faster pace of life, the development of modern agriculture and the overeating of unhealthy food has contributed to this situation. (404 words)

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机经的基础认识机经的定义机经是“机考经验”的简称;机经是考生考试结束后对考试的回忆与整理,并非真正考试题目本身;机经的内容并不绝对真实与准确。机经的编号机经的编号由日期+地区组成;日期表示了该套题目出现的时间,比如 2011.4.15,意味着该套题目于 2011年 4月 15

日曾考过;地区表示了该套题目出现的地点,中国大陆地区用 ML,北美地区用 NA;例如:2011.4.15NA表示该套题曾于 2011年 4月 15日在北美地区考到过。

机经与 TPO 的区别TPO

官方发布的历年真题;ETS 不断发布新 TPO,目前共 24套;内容精确,完整,有考题;练习的最好材料;

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2012 年北京新东方学校托福点题班预测命中记录(截止到 8 月 21 日)19/2673%


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讲海龟靠什么导航。一开始说不可能是星星,因为海龟眼神不好;也不可能是气味,因为在过程中有气味干扰但是海龟仍然能找到方向。接下来一个实验证明磁场也不可能。但是有一个结论是海龟可能 combine 几种方法,在靠近目的地的味道是有用的。最后一种解释,是海龟体内一种 DNA,它能记录海龟被孵化出的地点,也就是他们要去的地方,这是母海龟遗传给小海龟的。


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新东方点题班对阅读机经的使用按 条 理 有 序 整 理 机 经 ;

查找相应的背景知识,编撰成英文扩展阅读,这样既解决了学生缺乏相应背景知识的问题,还解决了学生对学科词汇的不熟悉的问题;指出相似话题的 TPO 文章篇目,供学生参考阅读。

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讲人们把一些野生的植物变为耕种的作物。本来人们是 gather 的,后来开始 cultivate野生植物了,因为这个野生 wheat 一长熟就落地了,怎么怎么不好,所以人们就开始用wild 植物培育出符合需要的植物。有学生问了,那得多久才能培育成功呀?教授说本来大家是觉得不要很久的,可是最后的研究表明是很久的,还提到了一个科学家做的实验。




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Please describe the benefits of keeping pets. Give details and examples to support your response.Do you think students should have learning experiences outside of the classroom, such as visiting museums and zoos. Give details and examples to support your response.

点题班口语机经样本(2)3、一个学生提议禁止在学校骑自行车,尤其在楼与楼之间,因为很窄,对行人很不安全,如果发现要罚款。听力我听得不是很清楚,一点说其实很安全,因为汽车的人很responsible和 careful。另外一点好像是专门请个人来看是否有人违章,太浪费时间和资源了。4、是讲一些职员只学习他们工作范围的知识,而不知道其他方面的知识,这样会引起不好的结果。讲一个手机公司,一个人只负责测试手机。一天发现问题,他不知道问题在哪里,因为知识的局限,引起了很多顾客的抱怨。


6、动物用两种 barrier,来跟其他动物竞争食物。一个是 chemical,当蚂蚁发现一种食物,他得

普通点题班对口语机经的处理一刀切。对所有的题目都要求学生用机经写答案,忽略了综合题(口语 3、4、5、6


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进度慢。点题班已经临近考试,不适合再用所谓的“根据机经做答案的 XX步骤或者大法”,时间已经不允许;无示范。仅有学生自己写的答案,完全达不到提分效果,需要权威老师做示范,学生反复跟读和录音才有提分效果。

新东方点题班对口语机经的使用口语 1、2 题机经内容简单清楚;资深外教撰写答案并录音;学生拿到纸版讲义和答案,跟读模仿并录音对比,反复练习,直接有效;推荐学生上点题 VIP,个性化纠正答题中存在问题。。

口语 3、4、5、6 题机经内容不完整不清楚,这是由于综合题题给信息很多,机经还原可信度降低;整理机经内容,介绍答题方法与模板;强调 TPO 的重要性;推荐学生上点题 VIP,基于 TPO 个性化解决答题中存在问题。


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关于Mima Mound 的成因。阅读:1、Native American 造的,依据是有记录显示他们造过类似的东西;2、地震,依据是有 mound 的地方土很松;3、一种老师挖的。听力反驳:1、那些地方没有任何人类留下的遗迹;2、没有任何地震的地方也有类似的 mound;3、没有人观察到那些地方有那种地鼠。


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新东方点题班对综合写作机经的使用“雁过留痕”—综合写作机经虽然不能直接用于写答案,但还是可以推荐学生在复习的零星时间阅读的。可以帮助学生对综合写作的阅读和听力产生合理预期,提高熟练度和准确度。但机经绝对不是综合写作复习的主要材料;重视 TPO 的练习—TPO值得反复练习,包括阅读、跟读听力材料还有写作。这才是综合写作复习的最重要材料。

点题班独立写作机经样本2010.9.25NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.


新东方点题班对独立写作机经的使用外教权威还原独立写作题目。例如机经里写到“一周工作三天,每天工作很长,还是一周工作五天,每天工作很短,问喜欢哪一种?”外教还原为“ Working three days a

week with long hours or working five days a week with short hours, which would you




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2月 11日、3月 4日、4月 14日、5月 26日。4、今年例外:7月 28 日;5、暑假与年底规律的判断。

点题班学生常见疑问Frequent Asked Questions(FAQs)

提问 1:综合写作部分能否用机经直接写答案呢?回答:不能

2011年 1月 8日大陆托福考试综合写作机经文本说 agriculture 的一项规定,可以帮助降低农产品价格,使消费者收益;可以以低廉的价格卖给 poor country,帮助他们解决饥饿问题;可以减少农民的失业率听力中,professor说这规定没啥用:1.每年国家要花大笔前来支持这项规定,这钱从哪儿来?taxes啊!taxes从哪儿来?纳税人纳税啊!所以里外里,消费者并没有受到什么实惠;2.富裕的国家向贫穷国家低价出售食品,那人家 poor country 自己的农民怎么办?人家竞争不过你啊,所以人家也会失业什么的……3.有些农作物不需要大批工人,比如一个 small farm,种 corn,人家就几个人就能搞定了的等等

学生根据机经准备的综合写作答卷The reading material argued that the government’s policy on agriculture is beneficial to the people. However, the listening material insisted that the policy was of no use.

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First, the author discussed how the policy would make agricultural products cheap. On the contrary, the lecturer believed that the nation would have to spend a lot of money to support this policy. But where would the money come from? It would come from taxes, which come from the people. The result is that in the end, consumers would not really benefit from this policy.

Second, the writer argued that if a wealthy country sells cheap food to a poorer country, then the problem of hunger would be solved with no loss of money to the people. In contrast, the speaker argued against this opinion, saying that farmers in poor countries would lose competition and consequently their jobs with this program.Third, the passage stated that the policy would reduce the unemployment rate. However, the professor refuted this viewpoint. She believed that the raising of certain crops does not require that many people. For example, if a small farm grows corns, only a few workers are needed to finish the job. (198 words)

2011年 1月 8日大陆托福考试综合写作听力原文Professor: I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about the agriculture subsidies. They don’t make a lot of sense to me. Here is why.

First, it is true that subsidies help keep food prices low. But the government usually spends an enormous amount of money each year on subsidies. In the United States, it costs billions of dollars a year, and all of that money comes from taxes, and most of that tax money comes from the consumers. The consumers are the ones who are supposed benefit from low food prices, but consumers don’t benefit from the subsidies at all. Sure, they are paying little less for food, but they are paying a lot more in taxes.

Second, it is true that in the short run, subsidies do help prevent world hunger, but in the long run, subsidies hurt poor countries. That is because in these countries, subsidized crops from rich countries are sold at very low prices. The prices are so low that the poor countries’ farmers cannot compete. As a result, domestic agriculture is not developed and these countries continue to be agriculturally and economically dependent. So, agriculture subsidies in rich nations undermine the long term solution to world hunger, which is the development of domestic agriculture in poor countries. 

Third, in terms of agriculture subsidies protecting domestic agriculture jobs, the experience shows it is not necessarily the case. You see, the subsidies apply only to certain types of crops, for example, to corn. Subsidizing corn farming is likely to develop huge and mega-farms, while small corn farms are not subsidized. These huge corn farms also require fewer workers per acre than small farms, forcing small farms out of business. As a result, the number of farming jobs in the United States has been declining.

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提问 2:如果发现机经和考试题目不一样,以谁为准? ……

提问 3、如果我已经报了“悲剧日”(新题)考试,是否需要更改考试日期呢? 

回答:不需要!原因有三:1、“悲剧日”不是绝对的,历史上没有 100%预测准确的人,没准人品爆发,“悲剧”变“喜剧”;2、新题日反而容易比实际水平考分高;3、要花 707.5元改考,太贵!

提问 4:那是否还需要用机经复习? 

回答:就跟考老题一样的复习,TPO 与机经结合起来的方法复习,不要管新题老题。原因有二:1、万一“悲剧”变“喜剧”,新题变老题了呢?2、仔细准备了口语部分所有预测的 1、2 题和独立写作部分,考新题又怎样?

提问 5:新题会比老题难吗? 


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提问 6:如果我在非中国大陆地区考试呢? 


提问 7:各考场有区别吗?老师管得严吗? 


托福考试临考复习材料推荐阅读:TPO+机经背景资料(比例 7:3)听力:TPO+机经背景资料(比例 7:3)口语:TPO(3、4、5、6 题)+机经(1、2 题)写作:TPO(综合)+机经(独立)词汇:TPO(自我总结)+词汇书

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托福考试教材阅读:TPO+机经背景资料(比例 7:3)听力:TPO+机经背景资料(比例 7:3)口语:TPO(3、4、5、6 题)+机经(1、2 题)写作:TPO(综合)+机经(独立)词汇:TPO(自我总结)+词汇书(红宝、10000 词等)



比如想写句子:他从成功地从逆境生还了。一般学生表达为:He survived from the difficulty successfully.


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He succeeded in surviving from the hardship.


语言点的应用:1、Nobody can succeed in graduating from a top university without enduring effort.

2、He survives the flood three years ago.

利用外教范文的几个步骤:1、通读全文,查阅可能的生词和短语;2、简单翻译成自己常用且习惯的中文;3、不看英文原文,看自己简译的中文版,自己写成英语;4、反复对照英文原文,强制记忆自己的表达误区;5、重复 3、4两个步骤,直到熟练掌握英文表达,最终目的就是学以致用。

比如:A child may easily go astray if he is frequently exposed to television.