Vice-Chancellor's Review


Transcript of Vice-Chancellor's Review

Contents 1 校長報吿

Vice-Chancellor's Review

7 領導層嬗變

Leadership Evolution

13 學術發展

Academic Development

27 研究


35 服務香港 放眼世界

Service to Hong Kong and the Wor ld

41 教職員


47 學生


57 教學輔助設施

Academic Support Facilities

69 捐贈與賬目

Donations and Accounts
































Vice -Chance l l o r ' s Review 校長報告 1





























校長報吿 Vice-Chancellor's Review 2

Vice-Chancellor's Review

A b i l ingua l , b i cu l tu ra l and comprehensive ins t i tu t ion of h igher learning, The Chinese

U n i v e r s i t y o f H o n g K o n g has con t i nued to a i m at excellence i n i ts va r i ous pu rsu i t s i n


Quality Teaching and Learning Qua l i t y teaching and learn ing constitutes a major aspect

of the Univers i ty 's quest for excellence. Wel l -de f ined teaching

staff rec ru i tmen t a n d assessment procedures are i n place to

ensure staff qua l i t y and w i l l be rev iewed f r o m t ime to t ime.

Teachers are encouraged to seek peer suppor t i n teaching. I n

t ime, this m a y lead to the use of peer rev iew for assessment.

A n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t mechan ism to ensure qua l i t y l ies i n the

Univers i ty 's external and v is i t ing examiner systems, for these

examine rs can p r o v i d e exper t adv i ce on the d e s i g n a n d

i m p r o v e m e n t of the academic cur r i cu la . The se t t ing u p of

t h e T e a c h i n g D e v e l o p m e n t U n i t a n d a T a s k Fo rce o n

Teach ing a n d L e a r n i n g Q u a l i t y are also concrete steps to

safeguard qua l i t y i n teaching and learn ing.

M o r e r e c e n t l y , e f f o r t s h a v e been m a d e to f u r t h e r

i m p r o v e the process of s tudent course eva lua t ion , w h i c h has been m a d e a c o m p u l s o r y

exercise since 1993-94. A tho rough rev iew of the eva luat ion po l icy and its imp lementa t ion

i n 1994-95 resul ted i n a n e w set of eva lua t ion gu ide l ines w h i c h came in to effect i n 1995-

96. I n the same year , course e v a l u a t i o n resul ts s ta r ted to be used i n the Un i ve r s i t y ' s

appraisa l of its teaching staff fo r substant ia t ion and p r o m o t i o n purposes.

A Teaching and Learn ing Qua l i t y Process Rev iew conducted b y the Un ivers i ty Grants

Commi t t ee i n January 1996 f o u n d substant ia l ev idence that The Chinese Un i ve r s i t y has

a lways s t r i ven to n u r t u r e a cu l t u re o f q u a l i t y teach ing a n d to create an e n v i r o n m e n t

conduc ive to qua l i t y learning.

Excellent Research Performance The Un i ve r s i t y f u l l y realizes that t h r o u g h research n e w k n o w l e d g e w i l l be created

b o t h for i ts o w n sake and to enr ich teaching a n d learn ing . I n 1995-96 staff members of

th is u n i v e r s i t y have aga in been ex t reme ly successful i n b i d d i n g for ea rmarked grants

f r o m the H o n g K o n g Research Grants Counc i l (RGC), the largest research f u n d i n g source

i n the te r r i to ry . W e have ma in ta ined ou r lead i n h a v i n g the h ighest cumu la t i ve n u m b e r

of projects ra ted 'excellent' by the RGC since its i ncep t i on 一 12 ou t of a to ta l 27 f r o m a l l

t e r t i a r y i ns t i t u t i ons . B o t h the a m o u n t a w a r d e d a n d the n u m b e r of research pro jects

Vice-Chance1lor's Review 校長報告 3

suppor ted have also increased s ign i f i cant ly over the years.

Quality A d m i n i s t r a t i o n F o l l o w i n g the government ' s amb i t i ous po l i c y of e x p a n d i n g the te r t ia ry educa t ion

sector to p rov ide undergraduate places at local ter t iary inst i tu t ions to about 18 per cent of

the el ig ib le age g roup , the Un i ve rs i t y has experienced, over a six-year pe r iod beg inn ing

i n 1989, a 50 per cent increase i n undergraduate enro lment . To cope w i t h this t remendous

g r o w t h i n size a n d to sa feguard the q u a l i t y of educa t i on as w e l l as of a d m i n i s t r a t i v e

services, w e have m o v e d t o w a r d s decen t ra l i za t ion since 1991. The one- l ine budge t , a

performance-based f u n d i n g methodo logy , was imp lemented i n the faculties and academic

departments i n 1995-96 after a lmost one and a hal f years of consul ta t ion and preparat ion.

I t w i l l be extended to major admin is t ra t ive un i ts i n 1996-97. Constant rev iews of the one-

l i n e b u d g e t w i l l be u n d e r t a k e n to ensu re p r o p e r checks a n d ba lances as w e l l as

accountabi l i ty i n the use of pub l i c funds.

Concurrent w i t h the in t roduc t ion of the new f u n d i n g mode l , a new account ing system

was i m p l e m e n t e d d u r i n g the year to he lp s t reaml ine the b u d g e t i n g , accoun t ing , a n d

repo r t i ng processes. Th is state-of-the-art on- l ine system has great ly enhanced ef f ic iency

i n the day- to-day r u n n i n g of the w h o l e un ivers i ty .

These concerted efforts ref lect the Univers i ty 's l ong- te rm c o m m i t m e n t to the qua l i t y

and ef f ic iency of i ts services.

New Incentives To Excellence P r o v i d i n g f r e e d o m a n d space fo r b o t h teachers a n d s tuden ts to excel m a r k s the

cornerstone of the Univers i ty 's academic strategy. I n 1995-96 the Un ive rs i t y took var ious

measures to r e w a r d qua l i t y per fo rmance and p r o v i d e incent ives for greater excellence.

I n add i t ion to the Vice-Chancel lor 's Discret ionary Fund, extra f u n d i n g was made available

on a compet i t i ve basis for such a purpose. These inc lude the One- t ime Suppor t F u n d i n g

Scheme fo r i n i t i a t i ves tha t can enhance the compet i t i veness a n d pe r f o rmance of the

Un ive rs i t y , and the Special F u n d for Professor ial A p p o i n t m e n t s w h i c h suppor ts ef for ts

to recru i t i n te rna t i ona l l y r e n o w n e d professors to p r o v i d e academic leadersh ip. I n the

f i rs t one- t ime suppor t exercise, over HK$84 m i l l i o n was al located to 15 proposals over a

three-year per iod. T h o u g h most of the projects are st i l l i n var ious stages of deve lopment ,

they are expected to p roduce p romis ing results i n the years to come. A n add i t iona l HK$24

m i l l i o n was earmarked for u p g r a d i n g laboratories and other teaching and safety facil it ies.

The Un i ve r s i t y w i l l con t inue to f i n d w a y s to encourage in i t i a t i ve and r e w a r d excellent '

per formance.

校長報告 Vice-Chancellor's Review 4

Emphasis on Language Proficiency

The year 1995—96 also saw c o n t i n u e d e f fo r t s t o w a r d s i m p r o v i n g the l anguage

pro f ic iency of students. The Univers i ty 's overa l l language enhancement p r o g r a m m e was

rev iewed, and H K $ 4 m i l l i o n was al located to the colleges to suppor t n e w exper iments to

i m p r o v e the students' s tandard of Eng l ish and Chinese. W i t h the assistance of the Engl ish

Language Teach ing U n i t , three facul t ies — business adm in i s t r a t i on , eng ineer ing , a n d

social science — have d r a w n u p p i l o t language enhancement p rogrammes w h i c h cater to

the specific needs of thei r undergraduate students. HK$3.6 m i l l i o n has been al located for

the i n t r o d u c t i o n of these p rog rammes i n 1996-97.

Language enhancement p r o g r a m m e s f o r o ther facu l t ies are i n the p ipe l i ne . The

U n i v e r s i t y is also exp lo r i ng ways to m a x i m i z e use of the Independen t Lea rn ing Centre

faci l i t ies w i t h the a im of m a k i n g self-access language learn ing an impor tan t al ternat ive to

f o r m a l c lassroom teaching.

Thanks To All I a m h a p p y to wi tness the t remendous i m p r o v e m e n t s that have taken place i n this

un ivers i ty . I t has gained prestige bo th i n H o n g K o n g and outs ide of it. A so l id f ounda t i on

has been l a i d fo r the Un ive rs i t y to cont inue e v o l v i n g in to a comprehens ive and m o d e r n

academic i ns t i t u t i on that w i l l serve H o n g Kong , Ch ina , and the g lobal c o m m u n i t y .

O n the eve of m y re t i rement I take th is o p p o r t u n i t y to p a y persona l t r i bu te to the

m a n y peop le , i n pa r t i cu la r m y col leagues at the U n i v e r s i t y , w h o have g i v e n me the i r

suppor t , encouragement and guidance d u r i n g m y n ine years as vice-chancellor. I t is their

h a r d w o r k , cooperat ion, a n d ded ica t ion to the p u r s u i t o f academic excellence that have

made our achievements possible and that h o l d the key to the Un ivers i ty 's f u tu re success.

I a m de l i gh ted that Prof . A r t h u r L i has been chosen to lead the U n i v e r s i t y i n to the

21st century . I have every conf idence that , w i t h Prof . L i as the n e w vice-chancel lor , the

U n i v e r s i t y w i l l be w e l l - e n d o w e d to exp lo re n e w f ron t ie rs a n d w i l l p l ay an even m o r e

s igni f icant ro le i n the deve lopment of h igher educat ion d u r i n g this impo r tan t t ransi t ional

pe r iod i n the h is to ry of H o n g Kong.

Charles K. Kao

Vice-Chancel lor

31st Ju ly 1996

Vice-Chancellor's Review 校長報告 5

領導層嬗變 Leadership Evolution


Vice-Chancel lor Designate 李國章教授



接 替 高 錕 校 長 出 掌 校 政 。 )

Prof. A r t h u r K . C. L i (The University Council announced on 21st October 1995 Prof. Li's appointment as Vice-Chancellor of the University to succeed Prof. Charles K. Kao from 1st August 1996.)



University Officers

Appointed/Elected during The Year 副校長




Prof. P. W. L i u (from 1st October 1995)


Dean of Medic ine



Prof. Joseph C. K. Lee (from 1st July 1996)

Leadership Evolution 領導層嬗變 7


University Officers Appointed/ Elected during the Year

社會科學院院長 Dean of Social Science




Prof. Fanny M . C. Cheung (from 1st August 1995 to 19th May 1996)





Prof. Richard M . W. Ho (from 11th June 1996)


Univers i ty Dean of Students




Prof. K. M . Chan (from 1st August 1995 to 31st July 1996)

領導層壇變 Leadership Evolution 8


New Members Joining The University Council


Elected b y the Senate



Prof. Tunney Lee (from 1st August 1995)


Elected by Members of the Legislative Counci l f r om among their o w n number



The Hon. Chan Kam- lam (from 20th October 1995)



Dr. the Hon. Law Cheung -kwok (from 20th October 1995)



Dr. the Hon. John W i n g - l i n g Tse (from 20th October 1995)

Leadership Evolution 領導層嬗變 9


New Members Joining The University Council

由大學評議會選任 Elected b y the C o n v o c a t i o n f r o m a m o n g i ts o w n m e m b e r s


( 自 一 九 九 六 年 六 月 廿 九 日 起 )

Ms. Lina Hau-yee Yan (from 29th June 1996)


Outgoing Council Members 大學向三位卸任校董致謝:

A vote of thanks to three outgoing Council members: 張妙清教授

( 一 九 九 六 年 五 月 十 九 日 卸 任 )

Prof. Fanny M. C. Cheung (membership ended on 19th May 1996) 詹德隆先生


Mr. T. L. Tsim (membership ended on 31st July 1996) 王賡武教授


Prof. Wang Gungwu (membership ended on 31st December 1995)

研究所所長* Directors of Research Institutes*

亞太工商研究所 Asia-Pacif ic Ins t i tu te of Business 楊瑞輝 Leslie Young

理工研究所 Ins t i tu te of Science and Techno logy 麥松威 Thomas C. W. Mak

香港亞太研究所 H o n g K o n g Ins t i tu te of As ia-Pacif ic Studies 楊汝萬 Yeung Yue-man

人文學科研究所 Research Inst i tu te for the Human i t i es 劉述先S. H. Liu

香港教育研究所 H o n g K o n g Ins t i tu te of Educat ional Research 盧乃桂 Leslie N. K. Lo

香港生物科技研究所** H o n g K o n g Inst i tu te of Biotechnolog**

張彥 Albert Y. Chang

中國文化研究所 Ins t i tu te of Chinese Studies 陳方正F. C. Chen 以一九九六年七月卅一日紀錄為準

As at 31st July 1996


A n independent research centre on the C U H K campus to promote biotechnological industr ies in H o n g K o n g

數學研究所 Ins t i tu te of Mathemat ica l Sciences 楊振寧C. N. Yang 丘成桐S. T.Yau


As at 31st July 1996


A n independent research centre on the C U H K campus to promote biotechnological industr ies in H o n g K o n g

領導層嬗變 Leadership Evolution 10


Unive rs i t y Officers 1995-96

Chance l lo r His Excellency the Rt. Hon. Christopher Patten 彭定康

Pro-Chance l lo r Yuet-Keung Kan 筒悦強

(until 29th February 1996)

Vice-Chance l lo r Charles K. Kao 高錕

Pro-V ice-Chance l lo rs Ambrose Y. C. King 金耀基

P. W. L i u廖柏偉

(from 1st October 1995) Kenneth Young 楊綱凱

Treasurer Alice Kiu-yue Lam 林李翹如

H e a d o f C h u n g C h i Col lege Rance P. L. Lee 李沛良

H e a d of N e w As ia Col lege P. C. Leung梁秉中

H e a d of U n i t e d Col lege Lee Cheuk-yu 李卓予

H e a d o f Shaw Col lege Yeung Yue-man 楊汝萬

D e a n of the Graduate School Kenneth Young 楊綱凱

D e a n of A r t s Ho Hsiu-hwang 何秀煌

D e a n of Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Lee Kam-hon 李金漢

D e a n o f Educa t i on Leslie N. K. Lo 盧乃桂

D e a n of Eng inee r i ng Omar Wing 周昌

D e a n o f M e d i c i n e Arthur K .C .L i 李國章

(until 21st January 1996) Joseph C. K. Lee 李川軍

(Acting Dean from 22nd January to 30th June 1996; elected Dean of Medicine from 1st July 1996)

D e a n o f Science Lau Oi -wah柳愛華

D e a n o f Socia l Science Fanny M. C. Cheung 張妙清

(until 19th May 1996) Kenneth K. L. Chau 周健林

(Acting Dean from 20th May 1996)


Jacob S. K. Leung 梁少光

Regis t rar Ho Wan Siu-Wan何溫小雲

(Acting Registrar until 10th June 1996) Richard M. W. Ho 何文匯

(from nth June 1996)

L i b r a r i a n Michael M. Lee 黎民頌

Bursar David A. Gilkes

U n i v e r s i t y D e a n o f Students K. M. Chan陳啟明

Leadership Evolution 領導層嬗變 11

學術發展 Academic Development







1995-96 was the f irst year of a new fund ing t r iennium, i n wh i ch the government's

target of p rov id ing first-year first-degree places for 18 per cent of the relevant age group

i n H o n g Kong had to be met. Accord ing ly , the enrolment of both undergraduate and

postgraduate students in the University continued to grow, and reached 10,460 and 2,394

respectively by the end of December 1995.

1995-96 also saw the graduat ion of the f i rst batch of graduates f rom the fu l l - t ime

B.Sc. programme in environmental science and the two-year fu l l - t ime B.Ed, programme

i n p r imary education, as we l l as the f irst student intake for the four-year fu l l - t ime pre-

registration nursing programme.

新 設 課 程

New Programmes of Studies


















A c a d e m i c D e v e l o p m e n t 學 術發展 13

Alongside the increased intake in existing programmes, one new undergraduate and

11 new postgraduate programmes were introduced in 1995-96. They are:

Pre-registration B.Nurs. programme

M.Phi l , programme in environmental science

M.Phi l . programme in food and nutr i t ional sciences

M.Phi l , programme in mechanical and automation engineering

M.Sc. programme in computer science and engineering

M.Sc. programme in computer science

Master of Nurs ing programme

Master of Public Health programme

Master of Architecture programme

Ph.D. programme in translation

Ph.D. programme in mechanical and automation engineering

Ph.D. programme in history

Some 12 new programmes have also been planned for introduction in 1996-97. Several

have already been approved by the Universi ty Senate, namely the M .Ph i l . programme in

pharmacy, Postgraduate D i p l o m a i n nurs ing, M.Sc. p rog ramme in f inance, M.S.Sc.

programme in communicat ion, Ph.D. programme in nursing, and Ph.D. programme in



Improvement of Courses and Teaching












學術發展 Academic Development 14




The Un ivers i ty constant ly ensures that a l l its staff members are sensit ized to its

pr imary funct ion of p rov id ing quali ty education to students. In the course of 1995-96 the

Univers i ty cont inued to rev iew its systems regular ly w i t h a v iew to further improv ing

their effectiveness under changing circumstances. A Teaching and Learn ing Qua l i t y

Process Review (TLQPR) was conducted for the Un ivers i ty by the Univers i ty Grants

Committee of Hong Kong in January 1996, wh ich prov ided an impetus for the University

i n regard to both teaching and learning. The recommendations of the TLQPR Panel were

carefully examined and, where appropriate, fo l lowed up on by the University.

I n the l ight of the rap id ly changing socio-economic and pol i t ical condit ions of the

local communi ty as we l l as the decl ining standards in both Chinese and English among

students, extra attent ion was given to the Universi ty 's b i l ingua l education i n 1995-96.

The Univers i ty has been actively addressing this d i f f icu l t task, given the constraints of

l im i ted resources on the one hand and l im i ted students' t ime on the other. Apar t f r om

expand ing the p r o v i s i o n of e lect ive language courses and mu l t i - f ace t language

enhancement activities organized by the Independent Learning Centre, a w ide range of

outs ide-c lassroom language enhancement act iv i t ies were he ld by the Un ivers i ty 's

constituent colleges to help students improve their language abil i ty.

Three English proficiency courses were offered i n the summer of 1996 to provide an

add i t iona l Engl ish- learning oppor tun i t y for students w h o fel t the need for language

improvement but could not enrol into such courses dur ing regular terms owing to heavy

coursework or t imetable clashes. The prov is ion of language enhancement programmes

was also extended to postgraduate students i n 1995-96 w i t h the inclusion of two short

language sessions in the induct ion programme for newly-admit ted postgraduate research


W i t h a v i ew to p romo t i ng greater awareness among students of the need to be

proficient in both Chinese and English and to acquire a w o r k i n g knowledge of both, the

faculties of business administration, engineering, and social science w i l l introduce English

for Specific Purposes courses as required courses for their f irst-year students start ing

f rom 1996-97. This w i l l be on a p i lot basis. The Univers i ty also plans to introduce in the

near future language enhancement programmes i n other faculties to cater to the specific

needs of their students.

Academic Development 學術發展 15


Academic Exchange
























員,並積極參與Univers i ty Mobi l i ty in Asia and the Paci f ic、亞太區高等教育網絡、國際教




Links w i t h Chinese academic institutions were further strengthened dur ing the year.

The Univers i ty p layed host to more than 100 academic and leadership delegations f rom

partner institutions in mainland China. Faculty and staff exchanges were arranged through

more than 30 fo rma l agreements w i t h major universi t ies and research organizations.

Exchange agreements were established or renewed w i t h Tsinghua Univers i ty , Beij ing


An exchange agreement being signed between the faculties of medicine at CUHK and the University of Alberta, Canada

學術發展 Academic Development 16

Med ica l Un i ve rs i t y , Be i j ing Un i ve rs i t y of Posts a n d Te lecommun ica t ions , Un i ve r s i t y of

In te rna t iona l Business a n d Economics, Zhe j iang Un ive rs i t y , and W u h a n Un ivers i t y .

The Un ive rs i t y also cont inued to expand its l inks and cooperat ive efforts i n teaching

and research w i t h other centres of excellence abroad. T h r o u g h exchange p rog rammes ,

b i l a t e ra l a n d conso r t i a l agreements , a n d research coope ra t i on , s tuden ts a n d f a c u l t y

benef i ted f r o m v is i ts to par tner ins t i tu t ions the w o r l d over a n d re turn-v is i ts f r o m the i r

counterpar ts to The Chinese U n i v e r s i t y . D u r i n g the year the U n i v e r s i t y r e n e w e d a n d

extended the i m p o r t a n t re la t ionsh ip w i t h the U n i v e r s i t y of Ca l i fo rn ia System; a special

H o n g K o n g 1997 p rog ramme has been in i t ia ted to ma rk the 30th anniversary of cooperat ion

and exchange between the t w o inst i tu t ions.

I n the area of s tudent exchange, the U n i v e r s i t y cu r ren t l y conducts over 30 b i la tera l

or consort ia l s tudent exchange p rog rammes w i t h overseas partners. I n 1995-96, some 90

i n c o m i n g exchange students f r o m d i f fe ren t par ts of the w o r l d a t tended the Un ivers i t y ' s

academic p r o g r a m m e s . O v e r 80 o u t g o i n g C U H K exchange s tuden ts bene f i t ed f r o m

extended s tudy i n Japan, Korea, Canada and the U n i t e d States. M a n y other students also

par t i c ipa ted i n shor t - te rm overseas experiences i n d i f fe ren t countr ies.

The Univers i ty 's Graduate School con t inued to a d m i t h igh ly -qua l i f i ed students f r o m


New Asia students visit Yale University


Chung Chi students get a glimpse of the planned development of Pudong, Shanghai, during a visit to Fundan University

Academic Development 學術發展 17

outs ide H o n g K o n g i n to a l l areas of the postgraduate p r o g r a m m e ; m a n y of these come

f r o m educat iona l and research ins t i tu t ions i n m a i n l a n d China.

C o n t i n u i n g facu l ty exchange p rog rammes were sponsored i n cooperat ion w i t h The

Br i t ish Counci l , the Fu lbr igh t Program, and the Associat ion for Southeast As ian Inst i tut ions

of H i g h e r Lea rn ing ( A S A I H L ) . N e w facu l ty exchange p rog rammes were conc luded w i t h

the U n i v e r s i t y of Ca l i fo rn ia , San D iego a n d the Center fo r M e d i a Studies at C o l u m b i a

Un i ve rs i t y i n N e w Y o r k C i ty .

A s fo r s h o r t - t e r m exchange a n d o r i en ta t i on p r o g r a m m e s , par tners i n c l u d e d The

H e n r y Luce Founda t i on , Yale Un i ve rs i t y , U n i t e d Board for Chr i s t i an H i g h e r Educa t ion

i n As ia , The Counc i l o f Foundat ions , Yale-China Associat ion, a n d L i n g n a n Foundat ion .

The U n i v e r s i t y is a m e m b e r of the Assoc ia t ion of C o m m o n w e a l t h Univers i t ies , the

In te rnat iona l Assoc ia t ion of Univers i t ies , A S A I H L , a n d the H o n g Kong -Amer i ca Center.

I t also par t ic ipa tes ac t ive ly i n the act iv i t ies of the U n i v e r s i t y M o b i l i t y i n As ia a n d the

Pac i f ic , the As ia -Pac i f i c H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n N e t w o r k , the I n s t i t u t e f o r I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Educat ion , A S I A N e t w o r k , and the Assoc ia t ion of In te rna t iona l Educators.

I n foster ing a r icher academic and research env i ronmen t and enhanc ing the cu l tu ra l

and inte l lectual l i fe o n campus, the Un ive rs i t y w i l l cont inue to deve lop exist ing academic

ties w h i l e seeking n e w relat ionships.

學術發展 Academic Development 18

文 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Arts











• The Engl ish Language Teaching Un i t (ELTU) developed a coherent and

comprehensive p lan for Engl ish language enhancement for a l l C U H K

students, and expanded its English for Specific Purposes courses to cater

to the needs of students i n nursing, social wo rk , sociology, and business

administrat ion.

• The Department of Chinese Language and Literature introduced Chinese

prof ic iency courses for students of part- t ime degree programmes.

• The faculty and its constituent departments started publ ish ing di f ferent

k inds of refereed journals: The Chinese Academic Journal, Asian Journal of

English Language Teaching, Historia, and CUHK Journal of Humanities.

• Local area networks were established i n the Departments of Japanese

Studies, Music , and Rel ig ion as we l l as the ELTU to promote the use of

comput ing technology i n teaching and research.

Academic Development 學術發展 19

工 商 管 理 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration










•獲撥經費開設「商管溝通技巧」科目, 一九九六年入學之專業會計學課







• A new BBA student exchange agreement was s igned w i t h Western

Business School ; a n e w M B A s tuden t exchange agreement w i t h

Melbourne Business School was also proposed.

• A two-year par t - t ime M.Sc. p rog ramme i n f inance was approved for

implementat ion i n 1996-97. The programme is expected to f i l l a market

niche and attract students of h igh calibre.

• A ma jo r c u r r i c u l u m r e v i e w was l aunched for the i n teg ra ted BBA

programme. I n addi t ion to options in general business, general finance,

and general decision sciences and managerial economics, new options

in China business, f inancial engineering, business economics, operations

m a n a g e m e n t , a n d m a n a g e m e n t i n f o r m a t i o n systems have been

approved. Students are n o w al lowed to indicate their concentration area

i n the f i rst te rm of the f i rst year, and change their choice later w i t h o u t

penalty. This w i l l enable students to have a clearer ident i ty, and facilitate

greater interaction between students and teachers and among students


• Funding was secured for a course in communicat ion for business studies,

to be offered as a requi red course for students admi t ted i n 1996 to the

professional accountancy and integrated BBA programmes.

• Premises adjacent to the M B A T o w n Centre were purchased, mak ing i t

possible for the par t - t ime M B A p rog ramme to expand its intake f r o m

approximately 60 to 90 f r o m 1996-97. The entire T o w n Centre was also

renovated to prov ide a better teaching environment.

• A certificate course in China market ing offered joint ly by the Asia-Pacific

Institute of Business and the Trade Development Counci l was upgraded

to a d ip loma course.


The MBA Town Centre after renovation

學術發展 Academic Development 20

教 育 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Education













• The faculty's newly established Teaching Development Un i t launched a

series of activities to improve the quali ty of teaching on campus: induct ion

courses f o r n e w teachers a n d p o s t g r a d u a t e research s t u d e n t s ,

partnerships w i t h selective departments/uni ts to explore more effective

means of l ea rn ing and teaching, and workshops b y i n te rna t iona l l y

famous educationists.

• The faculty 's postgraduate d ip l oma i n educat ion p rog ramme and the

fu l l - t ime B.Ed. p rog ramme i n p r i m a r y educat ion establ ished f o rma l

l inkages w i t h local secondary and p r i m a r y schools to sol ic i t d i rect

professional i npu t f r o m the best pract is ing teachers.

• The B.Ed. p rogramme i n p r i m a r y educat ion produced its f i rst batch of


• The Physical Educat ion Un i t organized an intervarsi ty meet — the f irst

of its k i n d — for student-athletes of C U H K , Pek ing Un ive rs i t y , and

Nat iona l Ta iwan Univers i ty .

• I n association w i t h the H o n g K o n g Inst i tu te of Educat ional Research

and the H o n g K o n g P r imary Educat iona l Research Associat ion, the

faculty organized an international conference on basic education entit led

'Nur tu r ing Competent Teachers for Basic Education'. Other international

conferences organized du r i ng the year were 'Vocational and Technical

Educat ion for 2000', 'Special Educat ion' , and 'Educat ion and Nat iona l

Ident i ty — H o n g Kong Education in the 1997 Transit ion'.



禮嘉賓。 Prof. Felice Lieh Mak, chair of the Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications, officiates at the opening ceremony of the International Conference on Basic Education'

Academic Development 學術發展 21

工 程 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering













• The f a c u l t y successfu l ly s t r e a m l i n e d courses o f f e red b y v a r i o u s

departments to avo id over lapping.

• The computer engineer ing p rog ramme was rev ised to inc lude more

hardware and digi ta l systems courses. A Silicon Graphics Inc. Laboratory

was set u p i n the Department of Computer Science and Engineer ing to

support teaching and research i n computer graphics and v i r tua l reality.

• The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

f inalized preparations for a concentration stream in financial engineering,

to be offered in conjunction w i t h the Faculty of Business Administ rat ion.

• A Faculty Adv iso ry Board was fo rma l ly established to give advice and

guidance on the academic and professional development of the faculty.

I t comprises four representatives f r o m local indust ry and four external


• The I n f o r m a t i o n N e t w o r k i n g Laborator ies was set u p to engage i n

sponsored research, technology transfer, and consultancy in in format ion

network design and network services.

• A 2,000,000-eV accelerator wo r t h HK$8 mi l l ion was installed for ion beam

analysis and semiconductor materials research.


The Silicon Graphics Inc. Labo ra to r y

學術發展 Academic Development 22

醫 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine




Above: First batch of M . P h i l . in nursing Below: Promotion of the docu-drama

series, 'Tides of Life'













• The Department of Nurs ing launched a fu l l - t ime pre-registration B.Nurs.

p rog ramme and p roduced its f i rst batch of Masters of Ph i losophy i n


• The Depa r tmen t of Pharmacy f i na l i zed prepara t ions of an M .Ph i l .

p rog ramme i n pharmacy, to be launched i n 1996-97. Its f i rs t batch of

B.Pharm. graduates started thei r i n te rnsh ip i n local pharmaceut ica l

factories and hospitals.

• The Department of Commun i t y and Family Medicine launched a Master

of Public Hea l th programme.

• A n Accident and Emergency Medic ine Academic Un i t was established

and attached to the Department of Surgery.

• A n academic cooperation agreement was signed w i t h the Univers i ty of

Alberta, Canada.

• The facul ty established the f irst MEDLARS (Medical Li terature Analysis

and Retrieval Systems) Centre and Medical In format ion Transfer Station

i n H o n g Kong.

• The Depar tment of Paediatrics launched the f i rst successful paediatr ic

allogeneic b lood stem cell transplant i n Southeast Asia.

• The facu l ty p roduced a medica l docu-drama series 'Tides of Life' for

broadcast on TV.

• Departments in the facul ty started developing telemedicine w i t h other

As ian countries and the UK.

Academic Development 學術發展 23

理 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Science







• The B.Sc. programme i n env i ronmenta l science produced its f irst batch

of graduates.

• A l l M.Phi l . programme in food and nutr i t ional sciences was launched to

complement the recent ly i n t roduced undergraduate p rog ramme on

related subjects.

• The D e p a r t m e n t of M a t h e m a t i c s f u r t h e r e x p a n d e d i ts a p p l i e d

mathemat ics stream in to a computa t iona l and app l ied mathemat ics

stream to reflect the increasing importance of computat ion mathematics

in modern society.

• The Depar tment of Physics i n t roduced a facu l ty course i n scienti f ic

commun ica t ion to i m p r o v e the commun ica t i on ski l ls of science and

engineer ing students, for purposes of un ive rs i t y studies and fu tu re





Above: Staff and students of the B.Sc. programme in environmental science

Below: Science students introduce academic programmes and facilities to sixth formers

學術發展 Academic Development 24

社 會 科 學 院 重 要 發 展

Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science



Above: Great China Conference on Communication and Economics Development

Below: Workshop on Therapeutic Groups in Medical Settings



( i ) 加強與國內傳媒教育院校的聯繫,並成為國際傳媒研究協盟的創辦


( i i )出版實習月刊《大學線》,取代《新沙田》;《大學線》與英文實

習月刊 V a r s i t y 已放上萬維網;

( i i i )出版半年刊《薪傳》,加強系方與校友和學生的溝通;

( i v ) 合辦兩岸三地「傳播與經濟發展研討會」。


( i ) 舉辦第七屆華文及其他亞洲語文之認知研究國際會議;

( i i ) 贊助中國科學院心理研究所出版季刊《中國心理學學報》。





• The Depar tment of Archi tecture in t roduced an M.Arch. programme.

• The Department of Journal ism and Communicat ion

(i) extended and reinforced linkages w i t h media education insti tut ions

i n China and joined the International Consort ium on Media Studies

as a found ing member;

(ii) launched a Chinese pract icum U-Beat to replace New Shatin. Both

U-Beat and its Eng l ish counterpar t Varsity are avai lable on the

Wor l d -w ide Web;

(i i i) l a u n c h e d a b i a n n u a l n e w s l e t t e r , The Channel, to f a c i l i t a t e

communicat ion between the department, a lumni , and students;

(iv) co-sponsored the Greater China Conference on Communicat ion and

Economic Development.

• The Department of Psychology

(i) hosted the Seventh In te rna t iona l Conference on the Cogn i t i ve

Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages;

(ii) started co-sponsoring the pub l ica t ion of Acta Psychologica Sinica,

the l ead ing psycho logy j ou rna l i n Ch ina, w i t h the Ins t i tu te of

Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

• The D e p a r t m e n t o f Soc ia l W o r k sponso red t w o m a j o r t r a i n i n g

workshops, one on Fami ly Therapy and Chinese Families and the other

on Therapeutic Groups i n Medical Settings.

• The Department of Sociology started a Course-Specific Teachers Train ing

Programme sponsored by the Ford Foundat ion to enable young teachers

f rom selected universities in China to vis i t the department and be trained

in the design and teaching of sociology courses.

Academic Development 學術發展 25

研 究










The Univers i ty has always stressed the importance of research, and expects its academic

staff to engage i n research both for the creation of knowledge and for improv ing

teaching. Research output f rom each department is systematically scrutinized, and the

outcome affects a por t ion of the departmental one-line budget.

W i th in this f ramework, the Universi ty attempts to strike a balance between def ining

broad strategic directions and al lowing staff the freedom to pursue projects of their choice.

Strategic research directions are developed through the conscious selection of areas

of strength and circumstantial advantages. The Univers i ty rewards research teams that

ident i fy important issues and that devote concerted and sustained efforts towards such

issues. However , i nd i v idua l researchers are also given the f reedom to select their o w n

research direct ion since they are the best judges of significance and feasibil i ty; new opportunities

may not in i t ia l ly be visible to those in charge of strategic planning, and diversity

is in itself a source of v i ta l i ty for the Universi ty.


Research Funding











Research 研究 27


RGC Funding to CUHK

年份 Year


No. of Projects 款項(百萬港元)

Total Amount (HK$ million)

1990-91 24 10.74

1991-92 44 22.23

1992-93 44 19.26

1993-94 57 29.61

1994-95 91 49.95

1995-96 112 53.34

1996-97 108 64.90



可 觀 的 資 助 額 顯 示 了 大 學 雄 厚 的 研 究 實



E a r m a r k e d g ran ts a w a r d e d o n a competitive

basis b y the H o n g K o n g Research

Grants Counc i l (RGC) const i tu ted the largest

source of research f u n d i n g i n 1995-96. C U H K

researchers have con t i nued to be ex t reme ly

successful i n b i d d i n g for such grants.

Other ma jo r sources of external suppor t d u r i n g the year i nc luded a di rect a l locat ion

of HK$14.9 m i l l i o n f r o m the RGC, HK$2.9 m i l l i o n f r o m the RGC Central A l locat ion Scheme

for research faci l i t ies, HK$1.71 m i l l i o n f r o m the Croucher F o u n d a t i o n for f ou r projects,


小 組 開 展 追 蹤 研 究 , 調 查 八 名 粵 語 幼 兒 的 語 法 特

點 , 建 立 多 達 十 四 兆 位 元 組 帶 標 記 的 兒 童 語 言 資 料

庫,是華語社區同類語庫中 具規模者。

Dr. Thomas Hun-tak Lee of the Department of English leads a team involving members from CUHK, HKPU and HKU in a l o n g i t u d i n a l grammatical study of the early language of eight Cantonese-speaking children, which yields a 14 megabyte tagged child language corpus, the largest of its kind in Chinese-speaking communities.

研究 Research 2S

and £ 43,522 f r o m the U K - H o n g K o n g jo in t research scheme for seven projects.

Staff members have also been successful i n t a p p i n g a l ternat ive resources to suppor t

their research. Six major projects w i t h good po ten t ia l fo r i ndus t r ia l appl icat ions attracted

f u n d i n g of HK$4.24 m i l l i o n f r o m the I ndus t r i a l Suppo r t F u n d of the I n d u s t r y and Technology

D e v e l o p m e n t Counc i l . A n o t h e r HK$3 .9 m i l l i o n was ob ta ined f r o m the H e a l t h

Services Research Commi t tee for 11 projects.

The Un i ve rs i t y cont inues to d r a w f r o m b o t h the Block Gran t and pr iva te funds and

to inject f unds i n to the Research C o m m i t t e e to s u p p o r t research i n d i f fe ren t f ields. This

amoun ted to some HK$10 m i l l i o n in 1995-96. The f u n d i n g f r o m the Un ive rs i t y was used

to top u p the RGC direct al location, suppor t the Ma in l i ne Research Scheme, p rov ide t rave l

grants fo r research postgraduate students, and f inance strategic research p rogrammes.

W h i l e the Un ive rs i t y has been successful i n a t t rac t ing ve r y substant ia l sums i n support

of m a n y research projects, i t m u s t be stressed tha t i n m a n y special i t ies there are

excellent research projects that do no t requ i re m u c h f u n d i n g .



研究結果於一九九六年刊載於財務學界 著名之《財務經濟


Prof. Larry H. P. Lang, in a joint research project entitled 'Leverage, Investment and Firm Growth', shows that a high level of indebtedness

by a firm can actually be socially advantageous because it discourages managers from undertaking poor investments. The result was published in the most prestigious financial

journal —Journal of Financial Economics in 1996.

Research 研究 29


Postdorctoral Fellows




I n the year u n d e r r e v i e w the Un i ve rs i t y launched a pos tdoc tora l f e l l ow scheme for

w h i c h HK$32 m i l l i o n has been budgeted for each of the three years i n the 1995-98 f u n d i n g

t r i enn ium. App l i ca t i ons for suppor t f r o m the scheme are evaluated w i t h reference to the

t rack record of p r i nc i pa l invest igators, the projects themselves, and the su i tab i l i t y of the

proposed fe l lows. So far 116 appo in tments have been made f r o m recent Ph.D.s of lead ing

univers i t ies a round the w o r l d , i nc l ud ing some graduates of C U H K .

盧 乃 桂 教 授 ( 右 ) 和 曾 榮 光 教 授 ( 左 ) 帶 領 教 育 學 院 研 究 人 員

調 查 本 港 中 學 的 效 能 , 開 展 香 港 歷 來 全 面 的 中 學 制 度 研 究 ,

證 實 學 校 效 力 的 確 存 在 , 而 學 習 結 果 與 多 種 因 素 有 關 。

The effectiveness of the territory's secondary schools has been place under close scrutiny by the most comprehensive survey of Hong Kong's secondary school system to-date. In a large-scale research project led by Prof. Leslie Lo (right) and Prof. Tsang W i n g - k w o n g (left), a team of researchers from the Faculty of Education confirm power of school effects and successfully link learning outcomes to a myriad of factors.

研究 Research 30


One-time Support




The f i rs t a l loca t ion exercise of the one- t ime s u p p o r t scheme fo r 1995-98 was conducted

i n 1995-96. A n aggregated to ta l o f H K $ 7 7 m i l l i o n was a w a r d e d to projects that

a i m at b u i l d i n g u p research in f ras t ruc tu re and capaci ty, m a i n l y i n the areas of telecommunications

n e t w o r k research, cancer research a n d t rea tment , b io log i ca l a n d med i ca l

sciences, mathemat ica l science, mater ia ls science as w e l l as the social sciences.



療 與 幽 門 螺 旋 菌 有 關 的 胃 潰 瘍 , 減 低 復 發 率 。

In a continuing fight against peptic ulcers 一 a rather common condition in Hong Kong — the Departments of Medicine, Microbiology, and Surgery have shown

that antibiotic treatment without acid suppression heals Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric ulcers

and reduces their recurrence rate.


體管,其截止頻率為五十吉赫, 高振動頻率為一百四十吉赫,創下世界紀錄。該晶體管



Prof. C. C Hsu from the Department of Electronic Engineering, in collaboration with Prof. Edward S. Yang of Columbia University, create a world record by fabricating a GaInP/GaAs heteros t ruc ture bipolar transistor that has a cut-off frequency of 50 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency of 140 GHz. This performance surpasses that of similar transistors made at the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, Rockwell and Lucent Technology (Bell Labs). Prof. Hsu does the epitaxial growth at CUHK and Prof. Yang prepares the device.

Research 研究 31


Research Assessment 隨著公私撥款的增加,校方有更大責任向公眾交代其研究成績。本校的科研成果曾於一






The h igh ly increased level of fund ing support r igh t ly requires a greater degree of

accountability to the public. A Research Assessment Exercise was conducted by the (then)

Universi ty and Polytechnic Grants Committee in 1993-94 and a part of the fund ing to the

Universi ty was t ied to the results of the assessment. I n much the same way, the University

moved i n 1994-95 towards a scheme of internal al location of resources to faculties

and departments that, l ikewise, contained a performance-based criterion. The practice

was continued in 1995-96.

The pr imary objective of the assessment is not

so much fund ing or comparison and competi t ion,

but prov id ing an occasion for the Universi ty to take

a serious look at itself, to understand the strengths

and weaknesses of each unit , and to set goals for the



Patent Activities








The research group led by Prof. Tony K. M. Shing of the Department of Chemistry has discovered a novel method of making alcohols, using ruthenium catalysis to dihydroxylate alkenes. This achievement is highlighted with a cover picture in Chemistry — European Journal.

研究 Research 32




A research project entitled 'Political Culture and Political Participation of the Hong Kong Chinese ‘ led by Prof, S. K. Lau

finds that the ethos of Hong Kong people embraces diverse values and attitudes: side by side an affirmation of democracy and

egalitarian values lies a strong conviction that wayward opinion and activities should be brought under control.


菌品種分解靛藍及水溶性靛藍」 。

A p p l i e d research lead ing to patentable results is increasing r ap id l y , especial ly since

a Pol icy o n Research, Consul tancies and In te l lec tua l P roper t y was adop ted to ar t iculate

the consensus w i t h i n the Un i ve rs i t y scholar ly c o m m u n i t y o n the h a n d l i n g of in te l lectual

p roper ty . As of June 1996, a to ta l of 13 appl icat ions have been considered; t w o have been

granted US patents and seven more are pend ing .

The t w o patents that were issued d u r i n g the year are en t i t l ed 'Opt ica l W a v e g u i d e

E m p l o y i n g M o d i f i e d G a l l i u m Arsen ide ' a n d ' M i c r o b i a l D e g r a d a t i o n of I n d i g o a n d Indigo

Ca rm ine w i t h Bacteria Strain'.

研 究 成 果

Research O u t p u t



Research o u t p u t — m a i n l y i n the f o r m of scho la r l y pub l i ca t i ons — covers a w i d e

area, and reflects the diverse spect rum of research act iv i t ies i n the Un ivers i ty . I n 1995-96,

a to ta l of 2,240 pub l ica t ions have been recorded.

Research 研究 33

服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World


AT The International Level


















In 1995-96, the University's faculty and

s t a f f s u p p o r t e d m a n y i n t e r n a t i o n a l

organizat ions and academic ins t i tu t ions

w i t h their expertise, prominent among them

the Wor ld Health Organization, the Institute

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the N e w York Academy of Sciences,

the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, and the Singapore

Min is t ry of Health. Univers i ty members served these bodies i n various capacities — as

members on special boards and committees, as journal editors and referees, as external

examiners of degree examinations, and as project advisers and consultants.

To enhance scholarship and promote cu l tu ra l exchange, numerous internat ional

conferences, seminars and workshops were held on the campus in the course of the year.

Major themes ranged f r o m economic and trade development along the Pacific r i m to

education and nat ional ident i ty , organic chemistry, a science park for H o n g Kong, EB



Associate professor Wang Qi of the Purple Mountain Observatory presenting to Prof. Charles Kao a photo of the minor planet that has been named after Prof. Kao as 'Kaokuen'

Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務香港 放眼世界 35

Virus-related tumours, and burns care. The University also hosted

the f i r s t Un ive rs i t i es F r i endsh ip Games fo r s tudents f r o m

mainland China, H o n g Kong, and Taiwan.

Dur ing the year, many faculty members were honoured by

different international bodies for their outstanding achievements.

V ice -Chance l lo r Pro f . Char les K. Kao rece ived n u m e r o u s

prestigious awards i n recognit ion of his significant contributions

to f ibre optic communications: the Go ld Meda l for Engineering

Excellence awarded by the W o r l d Federat ion of Engineer ing

Organizat ions, the Japan Prize awarded by the Science and

Technology Foundat ion of Japan, and the naming of a m ino r

p lanet after h i m by the Purp le M o u n t a i n Observatory of the

Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Thomas C. W. Mak of the Department of Chemistry

was awarded the prestigious Chinese National A w a r d i n Natura l Science. Prof. Joseph Y.

N . H u i of the Department of In format ion Engineering was elected Fel low of the N e w

York-based Inst i tu te of Electr ical and Electronics Engineers. Prof. Teik E. O h of the

Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care was elected Counci l lor of the Austral ian

and New Zealand College of Anaesthesia.

服 務 香 港

On The Local Scene











主 Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn,病理學權威 Prof. Andrew Wy l l i e,知名物理學家 Prof. Leo P.

Kadanoff ,中古史學家 Prof. C. Warren Hollister 及著名心理學家 Prof. J. A. Scott Kelso 等。




Prof. Leo P. Kadanoff

服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 36

































Unive rs i t y members cont inued to be act ive i n c o m m u n i t y service. A m o n g the

numerous publ ic bodies served were the Univers i ty Grants Committee, the Hong Kong

居巢 雙鷺 Ju Chao: Two Egrets

Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務香港 放眼世界 37

Commi t tee for Pacific Economic Cooperat ion, the U r b a n Counc i l , the Hosp i ta l A u t h o r i t y ,

the Occupat iona l Safety and Hea l th Counc i l , the H o u s i n g A u t h o r i t y , the T o w n P lann ing

B o a r d , t he C o m m i s s i o n o n Y o u t h , the Spo r t s D e v e l o p m e n t B o a r d , a n d the A r t s

Deve lopmen t Counc i l .

T h e U n i v e r s i t y a n d i t s c o n s t i t u e n t co l l eges r u n a v a r i e t y o f d i s t i n g u i s h e d

p ro fesso rsh ip / fe l l owsh ip schemes w h i c h b r i n g ou ts tand ing scholars to the campus each

year. The i r pub l i c lectures a n d seminars inv igora te the in te l lec tua l c o m m u n i t y of H o n g

K o n g a n d generate benef ic ia l academic exchanges. P r o m i n e n t guests d u r i n g the year

inc luded N o b e l laureate Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, w o r l d - r e n o w n e d pathologist Prof. A n d r e w

W y l l i e , respected phys ic i s t Prof . Leo P. K a d a n o f f , em inen t h i s t o r i a n Prof . C W a r r e n

Ho l l i s te r , and d is t ingu ished psycholog is t Prof. J. A . Scott Kelso.

The local c o m m u n i t y is w e l l served by the Un ivers i ty 's School of C o n t i n u i n g Studies

w h i c h has made avai lable con t inu ing educat ion and professional educat ion p rogrammes

to the general pub l ic for the past 31 years. I n 1995-96, over 30,000 students benef i ted f r o m

the School's genera l courses a n d its va r i ous degree, d i p l o m a , cert i f icate, a n d d is tance

educat ion p rogrammes, as w e l l as jo in t p rogrammes w i t h univers i t ies i n ma in l and Ch ina

and overseas.

The A r t M u s e u m of the Un i ve rs i t y helps to enr ich the cu l tu ra l l i fe of H o n g K o n g b y

p r o m o t i n g the app rec i a t i on of Chinese art t h r o u g h i ts exh ib i t i ons , pub l i ca t i ons , a n d

seminars. Ove r 30,000 peop le v i e w e d its exh ib i t ions i n the past year. The exh ib i t i on of

T h e W o r l d of W o n g Po-yeh' featured H o n g K o n g landscapes of the 1950s and 1960s; the

'Cheng X u n Tang Col lec t ion of Pa in t ing and Ca l l i g raphy on Fans' demonst ra ted the r i ch

var ie ty of pa in t ings and ca l l ig raphy on fans by artists of the M i n g and Q i n g per iods; and

T h e A r t of Ju Chao and Ju Lian', organized i n col laborat ion w i t h the Guangdong Provinc ia l

M u s e u m and Guangzhou A r t Museum, exhib i ted 234 masterpieces by the t w o Guangdong

masters. I n add i t ion , an exh ib i t ion t i t led 'Mode rn Paint ings b y G u a n g d o n g Art ists ' , j o in t l y

o rgan i zed w i t h the H o n g K o n g Economic and T rade Of f i ce a n d the Osaka M u n i c i p a l

M u s e u m of A r t , was he ld at Osaka to p romote the apprec iat ion and s tudy of the art of the

L i ngnan School.

The Chinese Un ive rs i t y Press of fered 13 n e w tit les to the read ing pub l i c i n i ts general

books p u b l i c a t i o n p r o g r a m m e . There we re also 20 t i t les o f o r i g i n a l academic w o r k s ,

dict ionaries and teaching materials, four aud io-v isua l educat ional p rogrammes, and three

journals. They represented s ign i f icant con t r ibu t ions of k n o w l e d g e to the c o m m u n i t y at


T h e A s i a - P a c i f i c I n s t i t u t e o f Bus iness ( A P I B ) a n d t h e F a c u l t y o f Bus iness

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n c o n t i n u e d to o f fe r t a i l o r -made t r a i n i n g courses i n m a n a g e m e n t a n d

服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 38

business to assist local managers to become

m o r e ef f ic ient and effect ive. I n 1995-96 in -

house t ra in ing p rog rammes were organized

fo r the K o w l o o n - C a n t o n Ra i lway Corporation,

Sun H u n g K a i Propert ies L td . , and the

S e c u r i t i e s a n d F u t u r e s C o m m i s s i o n . A

d i p l o m a c o u r s e i n a d v a n c e d s e c u r i t i e s

m a r k e t s ana lys is was also i n t r o d u c e d f o r

m i d d l e managers . A P I B also r ev i sed a n d

p u b l i s h e d j o i n t l y w i t h the Stock Exchange

of H o n g K o n g L td . the second ed i t ion of the

Manual of Hong Kong Securities Markets. The

t h i r d ed i t i on is unde r preparat ion.

The Facu l ty o f M e d i c i n e expanded i ts

fac i l i t i es a n d enhanced i ts serv ices at i ts

t e a c h i n g h o s p i t a l , t h e P r i n c e of W a l e s

Hospi ta l . A wheelchai r bank was established

d u r i n g the year for the benef i t of ch i ld ren w i t h neuromuscu la r diseases. A p rog ramme to

o rgan ize ou t i ngs a n d recreat iona l ac t iv i t ies fo r c h i l d r e n w i t h cancer was l aunched i n

c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h the i n t e r n a t i o n a l v o l u n t a r y o r g a n i z a t i o n , C a m p Q u a l i t y . A m u l t i -

d isc ip l inary oesophageal cancer clinic was established at the Sir Y. K . Pao Centre for Cancer,

b r i n g i n g together experts of var ious special i t ies to treat pat ients.

I n d u s t r i a l s u p p o r t projects o f great re levance to the c o m m u n i t y were i n i t i a ted by

Un ive rs i t y researchers under the sponsorship of the I ndus t r y Depar tment . These inc luded

the app l ica t ion of n e w technologies to the f o r m u l a t i o n of preservat ion so lu t ion for o rgan

t ransp lan ta t i on , d e s i g n i n g h igh -capac i t y n e t w o r k i n f ras t ruc tu res fo r I n te rne t service

p rov ide rs , i n t eg ra t i ng data services o n d i g i t a l E u r o p e a n cordless te lecommun ica t ions

systems, and the deve lopmen t of a por tab le f ib re op t i ca l par t ic le s iz ing sensor fo r local

industr ies.

A n Electronic N e w s M e d i a and Pub l ish ing C o n s o r t i u m was f o u n d e d d u r i n g the year

on the in i t ia t ive of the Univers i ty . Sponsored b y the I n d u s t r y Depar tment , the consor t ium

serves as a site fo r the local med ia and p u b l i s h i n g i n d u s t r y to test electronic i n f o rma t i on

de l i ve ry , re t r ieva l and l i b ra ry services.

Last b u t not least, a tota l of 4,126 students g radua ted f r o m the Un ive rs i t y i n 1995-96.

The Chinese Un ivers i ty expects its graduates to p u t to good use the know ledge and t ra in ing

they have acqu i red i n serv ing the H o n g K o n g c o m m u n i t y .

醫 學 院 設 立 「 國 泰 愛 心 兒 童 輪 椅 庫 」

A wheelchair bank for children with neuromuscular diseases

Service to Hong Kong and the World 服務香港 放眼世界 39

教職員 staff


Staff Population



A t the end of 1995-96, the University's staff populat ion totalled 4,109, of w h o m some

950 are teaching staff. Two-thi rds of the teaching staff fa l l w i t h i n the age range of 30-50.

Most of them are of local or igin, w i t h a complement of about 35 per cent coming f rom



Distribution of Full-time Staff by Job Types/Grades 1995-96



Notes: A l l figures as at 30th June 1996 Honorary appointments are not included

Staff 教職員 41


Personnel Policies and Conditions of Service
















To meet the growing need for qual i ty staff, the Univers i ty introduced a postdoctoral

f e l l owsh ip scheme d u r i n g the year and set u p the Special F u n d for Professor ia l

Appointments for 1995-98. This special fund enables departments to appoint distinguished

professors for a term of one to three years so as to strengthen academic leadership.

M a n y personnel pol ic ies were rev iewed. A conso l ida ted Pol icy on Research,

Consultancies and In te l lec tua l Proper ty was imp lemen ted to p rov ide guidance to

Univers i ty staff and to protect the intel lectual proper ty r ights of the Univers i ty and its

employees. N e w guidelines for teaching staff appointment were d rawn up to streamline

the recruitment procedures as we l l as increase efficiency and accountability. To maintain

the qual i ty of teaching, course evaluation results have since 1995-96 become an element

i n staff appraisal exercises, p r o v i d e d that such results are channel led t h rough the

department chairs concerned w i t h due interpretation. Two teaching support grades were

reviewed: the job requirements of teaching assistants/graduate assistants were clarified;

the tutor / demonstrator grade was re-established to al low departments greater f lexibi l i ty

in the recruitment of staff.

教職員 Staff 42

The N e w Academic Titles Scheme and the Equal Terms Policy introduced in 1994-95

were in fu l l swing dur ing the year under review. Of the 832 academic staff to w h o m the

N e w Academic Titles Scheme applies, 688 have adopted the new academic titles. A l l new

teachers appointed on or after 1st August 1995 w i l l be accorded new academic titles.

Other personnel pol icy changes in the year a im at g iv ing clearer guidance to staff

members on employment outside the Univers i ty . These include a revis ion of outside

practice regulations and a review of the pol icy on remunerative publ ic service.

In response to new legislation passed by the government, the Universi ty introduced

a Sexual Harassment Policy to raise awareness of the issue and to provide procedures for

hand l ing complaints and offences on campus. I n v i ew of the new ly enacted Personal

Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the Universi ty has also taken steps to ensure compliance w i t h

the Ordinance on campus.


Staff Benefits




The new Staff Superannuation Scheme int roduced on 1st July 1995 was registered

w i t h the Office of Occupational Retirement Schemes in October the same year. The other

retirement benefit scheme, the Terminal Gratui ty Scheme for staff members on Terms of

Service (C), was also revised i n a l ignment w i t h the prov is ions of the Occupat ional

Retirement Schemes Ordinance dur ing the year, and subsequently registered.


Staff Training and D e v e l o p m e n t







staff 教職員 43


A computer training course










The Univers i ty has always encouraged staff members to enhance their knowledge

and skills to cope w i t h changing job requirements and to improve career prospects. In

1995-96, over 1,700 staff members benefited f r o m di f ferent t ra in ing and development


• Staff development programmes and grants: A total of 17 teaching and administrat ive

staff members received support f rom the Universi ty or external sources in the fo rm of

scholarships, fe l lowships, special grants or t ra in ing leave to fur ther their studies,

training, or research at local or overseas insti tut ions of higher education.

• Special grants for conduct ing research abroad du r i ng summer: Grants amount ing to

HK$770,000 were approved by the University for 30 applications f rom teachers to carry

out qual i ty research outside Hong Kong in the summer of 1996.

• Conference grants: Financial assistance was given to 301 successful applicants to attend

教職員 Staff 44

academic and professional conferences overseas.

• Re imbursement of course fees: Un i t s a n d off ices were al located s ta f f - t ra in ing budgets.

A to ta l of 60 app l ica t ions f r o m staff o n Terms of Service (B) a n d (C) i n v o l v i n g fees to

the tune of HK$110,000 were app roved b y the Un ive rs i t y to he lp its employees acquire

j o b - r e l a t e d s k i l l s a n d e x p e r t i s e . S u p p o r t w a s a lso e x t e n d e d to t e a c h i n g a n d

a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s ta f f o n Te rms of Service (A ) f o r the f i r s t t i m e d u r i n g the year f o r

a t tend ing seminars, wo rkshops , and short courses.

• In te rna l t r a i n i ng p rogrammes: The Personnel Of f ice o rgan ized an Execut ive T ra i n i ng

P r o g r a m m e fo r 23 new ly - rec ru i t ed execut ive assistants a n d execut ive off icers, and a

Staff I n d u c t i o n P r o g r a m m e for 49 n e w l y - r e c r u i t e d c ler ica l a n d secretar ial staff. The

C o m p u t e r Services Centre ran t ra in ing courses for m o r e t han 1,260 staff members.

Staff 教職員 45

學生 Students


Student Admission 是年大學共錄取新生四千四百七十九名,計本科生三千一百七十八名,研究生一千三百


A total of 4,479 new students were admi t ted du r i ng the year, among w h o m 3,178

were undergraduates and 1,301 postgraduates. The increase in student intake was six per

cent, wh ich was lower than that i n 1994-95.


student Admission 1995-96


Full-time Prog. 兼讀制課程

Part-time Prog. 總人數



Undergraduates* 3,063 115 3,178 (3,019)




Diploma programmes 78 319 397


Master's programmes 449 366 815


Doctoral programmes 54 581 35 720 89 1,301 (1,197)

總人數Total 3,644 835 4,479 (4,216)

*以當年九月三十日之紀錄計算All figures as at 30th September **於一九九五至九六年度錄取之學生,包括五十名在大學教育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取者。

Number of students admitted during 1995—96, including 50 students admitted outside UGC quota

( )內為一九九四至九五年度新生人學人數Indicating 1994-95 figures


S t u d e n t P o p u l a t i o n






Students 學生 47


student Enrolment* 1995-96


Full-time Prog. 兼讀制課程

Part-time Prog. 總人數



Undergraduates 9,400 1,060 10,460 (9,760)




Diploma programmes 76 714 790


Master's programmes 655 648 1,303


Doctoral programmes 204 935 97 1,459 301 2,394 (2,208)

總人數Tota l 10,335 2,519 12,854 (11,968)

*以當年十二月卅一日之紀錄計算All figures as at 31st December **不包括八十四名在大學教育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取之學生

Excluding 84 students admitted outside UGC quota

( )內為一九九四至九五年度學生人數Indicating 1994-95 figures

A 7.4 per cent g rowth in student enrolment was registered. On 31st December 1995,

the enrolment f igure stood at 12,854, of w h o m 81 per cent were undergraduates and 19

per cent postgraduates.

The faculty of business administrat ion continued to be the largest faculty i n terms of

student enrolment, wh i le the faculty of social science registered the largest number of

undergraduate students. The ratio of male to female students in the whole university was

st i l l about 1:1, w i t h more female students at the undergraduate level, part icular ly i n the

faculties of arts, business administrat ion, education, and social science.








學生 Students 48

A to ta l of 4,126 students comp le ted the i r

studies i n 1995—96, among w h o m 3,123 were f irst

degree students, 471 postgraduate d ip loma students,

and 532 higher degree students. This brought

the total number of graduates since 1966 to 47,176.

This year also saw a 26 per cent increase in the

number of f irst-degree graduates. N inety- f ive of

them completed their studies by the end of the first

t e rm and became the second batch of undergraduate

students to graduate in the midd le of an

academic year. Mid-year graduat ion was rendered possible by

the implementat ion of the flexible credit un i t system in 1991-92.


Number of Higher Degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas Awarded

1995-96 1966-96

博士學位 Doctoral degrees 69 231 碩士學位 Master's degrees 463 4,692 文憑 Diplomas 471 7,968

總數Tota l 1,003 12,891


Number of First Degrees Awarded

1995-96 1966-96

文學士 BA 449 7,640 工商管理學士 BBA 623 6,544 教育學士 B.Ed. 259 517 工程學士 B.Eng. 279 1,100 內外全科醫學士 M.B. Ch.B. !. 138 1,083 醫學科學學士 B.Med.Sc. 10 38 護理學士 B.Nurs. 106 292 藥劑學士 B.Pharm. 30 61 理學士 B.Sc. 673 7,922 社會科學學士 B.S.Sc. 556 9,088

總數Tota l 3,123 34,285


Student Activities and Services



Activit ies and services organized by the University's Office of Student Affairs (OSA)

and the four College Dean of Students' Offices have formed a very important adjunct to

the fo rma l curr icu lum. The basic objective of their service del ivery is to help students

ident i fy and develop their best potential via various extracurricular activities, counselling

services, as we l l as incentive programmes.


Act iv i t ies


Students 學生 49











Diverse extracurricular activities were organized through

the Universi ty Student Union, the four college student unions'

and over 190 faculty and departmental societies dur ing 1995-

96. Numerous other academic associations and interest groups

on campus also organized a w ide range of cultural, social and recreational activities to

enhance students' intel lectual growth, strengthen their self-esteem, and enrich campus


C U H K students also part ic ipated i n many in ternat ional / reg ional conferences and

tournaments he ld overseas: W o r l d Universit ies Debate Championship (Cork, Ireland);

In tervars i ty Debat ing Contest between The Chinese Un ive rs i t y of H o n g K o n g and

Un ive rs i t y of Macau (Macau); In tervars i ty Debat ing Contest between The Chinese

Universi ty of Hong Kong and Zhong Shan Universi ty (Guangzhou, China); International

Varsity Debates 1995 (Beijing, China); Bestari International English Debating Tournament

'95 (Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia); Wor ld University Students Peace Summit (Japan); Harvard

Project for Asian and Internat ional Relations Conference (Korea); and the Th i rd Mode l

Asia-Pacific Conference (Malaysia).


Scholarships and F inanc ia l A i d







The CUHK Debating Team winning the Inter-postsecondary Debate for the fourth time

學生 Students 50


Bursaries and Loans (HK$ million)


Awarded through the OSA 由書院發放

Awarded through the Colleges 總計



Bursaries 0.85 0.38 1.23


Loans 2.39 1.28 3.67


Travel Loans and Summer Subsistence Loans

0.66 0.11 0.77












The year under review saw continuous growth in the provision of awards to students.

The total amount of scholarships and f inancial help g iven out i n 1995-96 was HK$26.23

mi l l ion , of wh i ch HK$17.31 m i l l i on was administered by the Off ice of Student Af fa i rs

and HK$8.92 mi l l i on by the four colleges.

A total of 1,325 Universi ty- and college-administered scholarships and prizes w i t h

an aggregate value of H K $ 16.55 m i l l i o n were awarded to students w i t h outstanding

academic achievements as an incentive for them to continue to excel i n their studies. Of

the Un ivers i ty awards, about 15 per cent carr ied a value of HK$30,750 or more each,

w h i c h was su f f i c ien t to cover the annua l t u i t i o n fee. A b o u t fou r per cent of the

undergraduates and f ive per cent of the postgraduates were offered one or more of these

Universi ty awards.

Some HK$2 m i l l i o n was granted to 72 students for par t ic ipa t ing in Un ivers i ty -

Students 學生 51

arranged exchange programmes, postgraduate studies, conferences, and study tours


I n v i ew of the sharp increase i n tu i t i on fees in recent years, there was a g row ing

demand f rom students for financial assistance. A l though the majority of the needy students

were able to obtain financial help f rom the Government Local Financial Assistance Scheme,

there were some who, for various reasons, could not benefit f r om the scheme and had to

tu rn to the Universi ty for assistance. In 1995-96, a total of HK$4.9 mi l l ion was given out,

of wh ich HK$3.67 mi l l i on was disbursed i n the fo rm of loans and the balance in the fo rm

of bursaries. In order to encourage students to make better use of the summer months by

engaging themselves i n useful courses or i n study tours, travel loans and summer loans

were offered and HK$0.77 mi l l i on was given out for these purposes.

In 1995-96, 918 students took part i n the Univers i ty and College Student Campus

Work Schemes, for wh ich some HK$1.93 mi l l i on was disbursed.

心理輔導 Psychological Counselling Service







The main functions of psychological counselling are to facilitate students' adjustment

to the University, enhance their personal development, and promote mental health w i t h i n

the campus community. Services to students may be remedial, preventive, or educational

i n nature.

In 1995-96 over 500 students sought counsell ing services or part icipated in various

programmes organized by the Psychological Counsel l ing Un i t of the Off ice of Student

Affairs. A m o n g those who received ind iv idua l counselling service, about 60 per cent were

self-referrals wh i le 30 per cent were first-year students w h o required fo l low-up service

after part ic ipat ing in the annual mental health screening exercise. The rest were referred

by other academic, administrat ive or medical staff of the Universi ty.

Groups and workshops focusing on self-enhancement and mental health education

were periodical ly organized for students; paracounselling t ra in ing and consultation was

also offered to Univers i ty staff w h o had frequent contact w i t h students.

學生 Students 52


Placement and Guidance













Median Monthly Salary of 1995 First Degree Holders


Career Field


Median Monthly Salary (HK$) 增幅

Increment %


Career Field 1994 1995


Increment %

會計 Accounting 11,500 11,500

行政 / 管理 Administration/Management 11,500 11,500 一

銀行財務Banking & Finance 11,500 12,500 8.7

電腦工程 Computer & Engineering* 11,500 12,500 8.7

保險 Insurance 10,500 10,500 一

銷售 Marketing 10,500 10,500 一

大眾傳媒Mass Media** 9,500 10,500 10.5

社會服務Social Services 17,500 19,500 11.4

教學 Teaching 16,500 18,500 12.1

貿易 Trading 10,500 10,500 —

*包括電腦系統工程、電腦程式設計、電子工程和訊息科技 Including computer engineering, computer programming, electronic engineering and information

technology **包括大眾傳播、新聞及出版

Including mass communication, journalism and publication

Students 學生 53

A survey conducted for 1995 C U H K graduates shows that nearly all graduates were

able to secure employment w i t h i n six months after graduat ion. Education, commerce

and indus t ry cont inued to be the major sectors of employment . Graduates were also

employed in the c iv i l service or public and social service organizations.

As many as 1,003 organizations advertised 3,409 vacancies for fresh graduates through

the Appoin tments Service in the year ending 31st July 1996. Another 907 organizations

prov ided 5,768 vacancies for part-t ime and summer jobs for students dur ing the period.

D u r i n g the year, the Un i ve r s i t y pa r t i c ipa ted i n the n e w Joint I ns t i t u t i on Job

Informat ion System (JIJIS), wh ich is a joint effort by career centres of seven local tert iary

institutions to provide employers w i t h a one-stop shop for disseminating job information.

Students of this un ivers i ty can n o w obtain on-l ine job in fo rmat ion th rough an inter-

inst i tut ional computer network.

A se l f - in i t ia ted approach was advocated for g raduands w h e n p l a n n i n g and

implement ing their career plans. In line w i t h this policy, more self-help learning packages


Major Career Fields of 1995 First Degree Holders


Including computer engineering, computer programming and information technology

學生 Students 54

in career education including books and pamphlets, videos, cassettes, articles in periodicals,

and interactive computer software were made available for use by students.

Career talks, exhibitions, simulated interviews, current affairs discussion groups and

workshops were organized for both f inal and non-f inal year students to strengthen their

language prof ic iency, communicat ion, social and interpersonal ski l ls, and leadership

abilities. A total of 139 sessions of such guidance activities were organized in 1995-96 and

were attended by 10,933 students.

調査及出版 Surveys and Publications





• 一年級新生健康評估,以確保有潛在問題之學生能及早獲得輔導;




A p a r t f r o m the annual surveys on the emp loyment of graduates and the socioeconomic

background of new students, several other major surveys were conducted by

the University's Office of Student Affairs dur ing the year:

• a survey on the social and fami ly values of new students 1995;

• w i t h a v iew to improv ing catering services, a study on the management, service and

food qual i ty of canteens at the Benjamin Frankl in Centre;

• a health-screening exercise for first-year students for the purpose of ident i fy ing the

h igh r isk groups for early counsell ing services; and

• a survey on employers' expectations of the language abi l i ty of universi ty graduates.

Publications dur ing the year included various survey reports, three issues of Student

Affairs, eight issues of Career Newsletter, a Handbook on Scholarships & Financial Aid to

Students, and A Summary Report on the Employment Survey of 1995 G r a d u a t e s .

Students 學生 55

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities


Library Services 大學圖書館系統於是年落實多項革新服務和改善計劃,對圖書館職員和讀者來説,是忙


Many excit ing innovat ions and improvements were in t roduced to the Univers i ty

L ibrary System i n 1995-96. I t was a busy and challenging year for both l ibrary staff and



Imp lemen ta t i on of I N N O P A C

大學圖書館系統於一九九五年六月購置新的綜合性圖書館系統 INNOPAC,並在半年內


萬國商業機器主機之Dobis /E系統轉移至新系統。

新系統技術先進 , 線上目錄使用便捷,讀者可找到更多資料。自動化記錄系統也初次應




Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 57

F o l l o w i n g the acqu is i t ion of a new, in tegrated

l ibrary system — I N N O P A C — i n June 1995, the whole

b ib l iographic database of the Un ivers i ty l ib rary was

migrated to the new system in less than six months. A n d

by June 1996, a l l modu les except acquis i t ions were

migrated f rom the o ld I B M mainframe Dob is /E to the

new system.

I N N O P A C is technologically more advanced and

enables the Univers i ty to make various improvements

on l i b r a r y serv ices . Users can get m u c h m o r e

information f rom the user-friendly Online Public Access

Catalogue. The reserve book collection, the audio-visual

collection and the serials module also became automated

for the f i rst t ime. Users can n o w v i ew their loan records, renew loaned i tems, send

suggestions, and ask reference questions onl ine. They can also access other local and

overseas l ibrary catalogues f r om the main menu. E-mai l is n o w used to send circulation

notices to users.

重 整 館 藏

Relocation of Resources





To improve the use and management

of i n d i v i d u a l col lect ions, a l l

history books in East Asian languages

were consolidated and rearranged in

the m a i n l i b r a r y on the cen t ra l

campus in the summer of 1995. The

American Studies Resources Library

was relocated to the W u Chung Library at Uni ted College in August of the same year.


Library Circulation 1995-96

Books 474,152


Periodicals 12,082


Reserve Books 194,357

影音資料及其他 Audio-video Materials & Miscellaneous



Total 732,494


Holdings of the Library System as at 30th June 1996


Category 東亞語文

East Asian Languages


Western Languages



書 Books 563,094 597,237 1,160,331

期刊合訂本 Bound Periodicals 36,160 162,677 198,837


Current Periodicals 2,485 6,712 9,197

總數 Total 601,739 766,626 1,368,365

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 58


Elect ron ic Resources Cent re





A brand new Electronic Resources Centre was officially opened inside the W u Chung

Library in October 1995. I t is a synthesis of the latest i n informat ion technology and digital

l i b ra ry design. Users can make use of its mode rn electronic equ ipment to cruise the

expanding w o r l d of the v i r tua l l ibrary. C D - R O M and Internet resources are available;

seminars are regular ly r un to enable students to explore new styles of learning and tap

interesting resources around the globe.


L i b r a r y N e t w o r k i n g and In te rne t Resources




I n September 1995, the library's o w n Wor ld-wide Web (WWW) site began production,

prov id ing ease of access to l ibrary informat ion and at the same time better guides for staff

and students on accessing subject areas on Internet. Over 40 CD-ROM drives were added

to the C D - R O M network w h i c h is accessible by al l users on campus; more electronic

resources on CD-ROM, tape, or via Internet subscriptions were purchased.


User Educa t ion




To int roduce the new services and resources to users, a series of user-education

programmes and seminars were organized throughout the year; l ibrary brochures and

handouts for novice users and researchers were published; orientation programmes were

offered to freshmen and new faculty members. The overal l response of users has been

h ighly favourable.

Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 59


U p g r a d i n g of Faci l i t ies




I n the main l ibrary, the circulat ion counter was moved to the front of the bui ld ing,

vacating space for the construction of two user education rooms fu l ly equipped w i t h the

latest technology. Better signs were installed, and all f loors of the l ibrary were carpeted

dur ing the year to reduce noise and provide a better environment for study. More publ ic

space was prov ided for readers and users of computers and other machines. Facilities for

handicapped users were installed.


Technica l Processing Improvements





To achieve the target of bu i ld ing a state-of-the-art l ibrary system, the Universi ty w i l l

continue to improve speed and efficiency i n the acquisi t ion and cataloguing of l ibrary

materials, to clear backlogs and convert o ld records and b ib l iograph ic databases to

standardized internat ional formats. I t has part ic ipated i n a Chinese, Japanese, Korean

(CJK) Cooperative Cataloguing Project wh ich involves al l UGC-funded institutions. When

implemented i n 1997, the project is expected to expedite the cataloguing of CJK books

and facilitate resource-sharing w i t h other institutions.


Computer and I n f o r m a t i o n Technology Services



The Computer Services Centre (CSC) and the In format ion Technology Service Un i t

(ITSU) received strong support f rom the Universi ty in 1995-96 to tackle the ever-growing

demand on campus for services in f ive major areas: ne twork infrastructure, comput ing

facilities, in format ion services, administrat ive applications, and user support.

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 60


N e t w o r k I n f r a s t r u c t u r e











The size of the campus n e t w o r k g rew substant ia l ly d u r i n g the year w i t h the

implementat ion of new and upgraded departmental networks, wh ich now total over 70.

This network is l inked to Internet and is accessible through some 100 telephone dial-up

lines by students and staff f rom their homes. A major project on student hostel networking

started in 1995-96 and is targeted for completion by early 1997. By then the 4,300 students

l i v ing in hostels shall be able to tap into the campus and global in fo rmat ion networks

individual ly. Another important project initiated dur ing the year is the Hong Kong Internet

Exchange (HKIX) Project. Ful ly supported by the local Internet communi ty , the project

w i l l enhance Internet appl icat ion developments in H o n g Kong and serve as an integral

part of the campus network , p rov id ing users w i t h h igh speed access to local research,

educational, media, and governmental reference information.


C o m p u t i n g Faci l i t ies




N e w comput ing facilit ies instal led du r i ng 1995-96 include a new mult i-processor

U N I X server for the academic comput ing plat forms. I t is equipped w i t h abundant online

storage and fast channels, and basically serves users who need to process huge volumes

of data. Another h igh performance comput ing system was planned to cater to the needs

of computation-intensive research projects.


The homepage of HKIX

Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 61


I n f o r m a t i o n Services



The trend to disseminate Univers i ty in format ion by electronic means continued to

grow. Many academic and administrative departments input different kinds of information

in to the Campus-w ide In fo rmat ion System, w h i c h n o w contains Un ivers i ty policies,

publ icat ions, organizat ion in format ion, and research news. Such in fo rmat ion is n o w

accessible to al l v ia the Internet.


Admin i s t r a t i ve App l i ca t ions






Universi ty administrat ive applications were also overhauled in 1995—96. The system

to support the N e w Funding Mode l was extended to non-teaching departments, and an

SAP Account ing System was implemented i n July 1996 to p rov ide more streamlined

account ing procedures and h igh l y s t ructured account codes. To cut d o w n on paper

consumpt ion and speed u p in fo rmat ion disseminat ion, computer ou tpu t on selected

student-related informat ion is n o w distr ibuted through e-mail and the Wor ld-wide Web.

A cross-college and department printer-usage charging system was also launched to

faci l i tate smal l -sum payments. I n the meant ime, a large-scale admin is t ra t ion data

warehouse project for the centralization and easier access of central administrat ion data

is i n the pipeline.


U s e r S u p p o r t



Throughout the year the CSC/ ITSU ran training courses and technical seminars for

clerical and administrative staff, network administrators in the departments, and students.

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 62

Hands-on workshops and suppor t teams were also organized to ensure the smooth

runn ing of the new administrat ive systems.


Campus Deve lopment





The Univers i ty 's physical p lant has undergone remarkable development and re-development

over the past 25 years. Constructed space has been expanding by no less

than 10,000 m2 per year, and the rate has almost doubled i n the recent periods. Whi lst the

earliest efforts were concentrated on campus bu i l d i ng and the expansion of facil it ies,

more recent objectives have included the qual i ty and safety of facilities as we l l as their

modernizat ion, aesthetics, economics, and future development.

The year 1995-96 was again a hectic and p roduc t i ve year i n terms of campus

development, w i t h much groundwork laid for accommodating changes and meeting future


重點發展 Cap i ta l Projects









The Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre

Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 63


Construction site of the new science building

Dur ing the year under review, much progress was achieved in the construction of

new bui ld ings. The Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre wh ich is

near complet ion w i l l soon provide animal ho ld ing and technical support services for the

faculties of science and medicine. Other capital projects such as phase V redevelopment

of teaching bui ldings on Chung Chi campus, a new science bui lding, and two tower blocks

of staff quarters, are at dif ferent stages of progress.

In the p ipe l ine are several student hostels and new faci l i t ies for the faculties of

engineering and business administrat ion near the Universi ty Train Station. Extensions to

the Transport and Security Depot and the H o Sin-Hang Engineering Bui ld ing have also

been planned.


Renovat ion and U p g r a d i n g




其他升格改善工程如圖書館與職員宿舍設備 , 以至配電系統,香港生物科技研究院大規


Bui ld ing blocks V I I and V I I I on Chung Chi campus were thoroughly renovated in

1995-96 and w i l l soon provide much-needed day amenities for commut ing students. The

two older student hostels of Chung Chi College, Ying L i n Tang and Hua Lien Tang, also

underwent major renovation, whi le specific facilities in many other hostels were upgraded.

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 64


Re-opening of Ying Lin Tang


Renovation of building blocks VII and VIII on Chung Chi campus

W o r k is u n d e r w a y to ins ta l l mo re di rect te lephone l ines and compute r n e t w o r k systems

i n i n d i v i d u a l hoste l rooms.

M a n y facil i t ies at the l ib rary as w e l l as staff residences were renovated and upgraded,

and d i s t r i bu t i on sub-mains cont ro l c ircui ts replaced and protected against earth-leakage.

Stage engineer ing facil i t ies were insta l led at the Shaw Col lege lecture theatre, w h i l e major

f i t t i ng -ou t was carr ied ou t at the H o n g K o n g Ins t i tu te of B iotechnology.


Space Reorganization



Space was r e o r g a n i z e d at the H o S i n - H a n g E n g i n e e r i n g B u i l d i n g , L i D a k S u m

Bu i ld ing , Siu L o o n g Pao Bu i ld ing , and Sino Bu i ld ing . Plans for space reorganizat ion have

also been prepared for the Un ive rs i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Bu i l d ing , the Basic Med ica l Sciences

Bu i l d i ng , and the Science Centre Complex .

Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 65

改善及更換設備 I m p r o v e m e n t and Replacement




Decrepit fume cupboards and exhaust systems in the laboratories were gradual ly

replaced, and more storage was sought for dangerous goods. I n major bu i ld ings f i re

detection and alarm systems were reinforced. Other major replacements dur ing the year

inc luded new switchboards at electricity d is t r ibut ion stations and new automatic f ire-

extinguishers and refr igeration machines using environmental ly- f r iendly agents.

環境保護 Campus Preservat ion











W o r k on slope safety was stepped up w i t h

more frequent and extensive inspections, repairs,

w e e d i n g / a n d c l e a r a n c e . I n - d e p t h s i t e

investigation and geotechnical assessment were

c o n d u c t e d on s lopes t h a t are p o t e n t i a l l y

dangerous. Remed ia l measures and s tab i l i t y

reinforcement are being designed in consultation

w i t h geo techn ica l eng inee rs a n d r e l e v a n t

government departments. I n the meantime drainage and waste discharge systems are

being improved.

The realignment of the KCRC tracks in Pak Shek Kok was completed, lucki ly w i thout

教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 66

m u c h d is turbance to the campus. A l t h o u g h the U n i v e r s i t y succeeded i n d issuad ing the

government f r o m us ing sections of the campus for access to the Pak Shek K o k d u m p site,

basel ine m o n i t o r i n g of the Un i ve r s i t y e n v i r o n m e n t has con t i nued i n an t i c ipa t ion of the

sett ing u p of the d u m p site. To preserve the campus env i ronment , the proposed w i d e n i n g

of To lo H i g h w a y and the t empora ry Park-and-Ride scheme near the t ra in stat ion w i l l be

closely mon i to red .

Academic Support Facilities 教學輔助設施 67


Donations and Accounts



















Universi ty finances were sound and viable in the 1995-96 fiscal year, the first year of

the 1995-98 fund ing tr iennium. Income f rom government grants, tu i t ion fees and other

sources has increased by 32 per cent. A t the same t ime, expenditure w h i c h comprises

pr imar i ly salaries and teaching/research equipment costs has risen by 20 per cent. Af ter

mak ing necessary appropriat ions to bu i ld up the reserves for future use, the Univers i ty

has a small surplus to be carried forward to the remaining two fiscal years of the current

fund ing tr iennium.

For this t r iennium, government fund ing has increased by 31 per cent and remains

the Un ivers i ty ' s p r i m a r y source of income. Income f r o m tu i t i on fees w i l l increase

substantially as the government aims to recover 18 per cent of programme expenditure

through fees. I n the coming years, more of the Universi ty 's f inancial resources w i l l be

derived f rom private funds or self-financing activities and donations.

Expenditure in the academic departments increased steadily i n the past few years,

but was stabil ized in 1995-96 to about 76 per cent of the Universi ty 's annual operat ing

budget. A l though the impact of inf lat ion and cost-of-l iving adjustments on the salary and

equ ipment budgets m i g h t have lessened, its effect on the maintenance budget was

Donations and Accounts 捐贈與賬目 69

aggravated by ageing facilities and the construction of new bui ld ings on campus. The

administrat ion budget was kept at a l ow six per cent level as the Univers i ty operates an

efficient and effective system for support services.

Ant ic ipat ing a reduction in government fund ing in the next t r iennium, the University

has made adjustments in resource allocation via the New Funding Model. A l l key operating

units, academic and administrative, are now on the one-line budget system and have the

flexibility to set priorit ies for their expenditures w i th in certain budgetary constraints and

guidelines. Up-to-date and t imely financial in format ion w i l l be prov ided to management

五十萬港元或以上之捐贈 (一九九五至九六年度)

Donations of HK$500,000 or above (1995-96)


Donor 捐贈金額

Amount Donated 摘要



Mr. Anthony Y. C. Yeh 1,000,000 For general use by United College.


Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.

1,000,000 For setting up the Cathay Pacific Wheelchair Bank for children w i t h neuromuscular diseases by the Department

of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.


The Croucher Foundation 600,000 To support academic visits by scholars f rom mainland

China to the University in 1995-96.


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council

842,000 For award ing (a) 10 Sir Edward Youde Memor ia l Fellowships of $38,000 each to postgraduate research students; and (b) 21 Sir Edward Youde Memor ia l Scholarships of $22,000 each to undergraduate students in 1995-96.


Hang Seng Bank Limited 3,767,348 Contributions to the University under the Aff in i ty Card



Lee Hysan Foundation Limited

28,000,000 To support the concert hall project in phase V redevelopment of teaching buildings at Chung Chi College.



1,000,000 For purchasing medical equipment and upgrading the Burns Unit of the Department of Surgery to treat victims of the Pat Sin Range blaze.

捐贈與賬目 Donations and Accounts 70

under the new accounting system launched on 1st July 1996. Further re-engineering is

p lanned in the next phase of computer izat ion to ensure more responsive and efficient

support services. The Universi ty is fu l l y prepared to meet the f inancial challenges i n the

years ahead.

Donations in cash or i n k ind have continued to play a major role in enriching academic

programmes and facil i tating quali ty research. The Universi ty is most grateful to the many

corporations, indiv iduals, and alumni w h o have generously supported its activities over

the past year.


Donor 捐贈金額

Amount Donated 摘要



Oriental Press Charitable Fund Association

500,000 To suppor t a research project ent i t led 'Placental Ultrasonography' undertaken by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

540,000 To suppor t the 'Asia Deep Bra in S t imu la t ion for Disabling Tremor in Parkinson's Disease Programme' organized by the Department of Surgery.


Providence Foundation Limited

1,019,990 To support the Paediatric Liver Transplantation Unit and the Chi ldhood Incontinence Care Programme of the Department of Surgery.


Wei Lun Foundation Limited

500,000 To support a research project entitled 'Atherosclerosis i n the Chinese' under taken by the Department of Medicine.


The Yuen Yuen Institute 2,500,000 To support a joint research on Chinese classics of educational

significance at the University undertaken by Prof. C. Y. To of the Research Institute for the Humanities and the Institute of Chinese Studies.



Note : Donations in kind and donations under HK$500,000 received in the period are too numerous to record in this report. Details can be found in the Chinese University Bulletin published between 1995 and 1996. A l l donations listed here were accepted by the University Council before July 1996. Donations pledged/ received are in Hong Kong dollars.

Donations and Accounts 捐贈與賬目 71

資產負債表 一九九六年六月三十日 Balance Sheer at 30th June 1996

1996 1995

$'000 $'000

固定資產Fixed assets 29,402 —

投資 Investments 545,259 438,706

遞延費用 Deferred charge 188,817 281,694

流動資產 Current assets 教職員借款Staff loans 215,780 329,710

學生借款Student loans 5,763 4,044

應收張項及預付賬項Debtors and payments in advance 25,935 30,488

應收政府撥款 Government grants receivable 25,294 31,713

現金及有期存款Cash and time deposits 932,361 920,526

減 Less:流動負債 Current liabilities

1,205,133 1,316,481

借予教職員之銀行貸款Bank loans for on-lending to staff 215,780 329,710

應付賬項及應付費用Creditors and accrued expenses 499,149 595,749

714,929 925,459

流動資產淨額Net current assets 490,204 391,022

銀行建築資款 Construction bank loans (485) 一


Amount due to Staff Superannuation Scheme (1983) (95,749) (281,694)

總資產淨額Total net assets 1,157,448 829,728

相當於 Represented by

基建設施賬面值Capital fund 20,776 —

儲備金Reserves 279,248 113,099

大學教育資助委員會撥款平衡賬UGC equalization account 48,251 —

特定款項 Specific funds 809,173 716,629

資金總值Total funds 1,157,448 829,728

捐贈與賬目 Donations and Accounts 72

經常費收支賬項 截至一九九六年六月三十日止年度 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June 1996

1996 1995

$'000 $'000

經常性收入G e n e r a l income

香港政府資助 Hong Kong Government subventions 2,332,585 1,777,645

學費、入學申請費及畢業費等Fees income 370,062 265,742

利息 / 投資收益 Interest/investment income 41,749 36,845

租金 Rental recovery 38,085 33,655

雜項 Miscellaneous income 4,050 1,265

2,786,531 2,115,152

特定收入 Specific income 652,117 502,656

3,438,648 2,617,808

經常性支出 General expenditure

行政經費 Administration 146,295 118,563

教務經費Academic 2,002,016 1,686,858

校園維修 Maintenance of premises 200,024 166,327

一般教育事務經費General education 27,068 23,528

學生福利及康樂經費 Student facilities and amenities 78,359 73,690

雜項 Miscellaneous 157,417 132,098 簡單工程費用Minor works 41,816 15,769

2,652,995 2,216,833

特定支出 Specific expenditure 459,942 397,139

3,112,937 2,613,972

盈餘 Surplus for the year 325,711 3,836

轉賬自(至)Transferred from (to)

儲備金Reserves (167,527) 21,475

特定款項 Specific funds (109,933) (105,517)

淨盈餘(虧損)轉大學教育資助委員會撥款平衡賬 Net surplus (deficit) transferred to UGC equalization account

48,251 (80,206)

Donations and Accounts 捐贈與賬目 73

編輯:香港中文大學出版事務處 電話:二六零九 七二九七 圖文傳真:二六零三 六八六四 設計:黎寶翠 承印:鮑思高印刷有限公司 Complied and edited by: Publication Office The Chinese University of Hong Kong Sha Tin, New Territories (Tel: 2609 7297; Fac: 2603 6864) Designed by: Ms Stella Lai Printed by: Don Bosco Printing Company Limited