
VERBS Verbs (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek, namun mungkin juga untuk menunjukkan keadaan. Verbs biasanya menjadi Predikat dari suatu kalimat. Contoh: Henry comes from London. My brother studies in America. She is very beautiful. They are diligent. MACAM-MACAM KATA KERJA 1. Finite Verb (Kata Kerja Biasa) Ciri-ciri Kata Kerja Jenis ini adalah sebagai berikut: Bila dipakai dalam kalimat tanya dan negative perlu memakai kata kerja bantu do, does atau did. Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tense. Biasanya mempunyai bentuk-bentuk: Infinitive Present Participle Gerund Past Tense Present Tense Past Participle Contoh: Ms. Anne reads a novel. (Infinitive) Ms. Anne is reading a novel. (Present Participle) Does Ms. Anne read a novel? Ms. Anne read a novel. (Past Tense) Ms. Anne has read a novel. (Past Participle) 2. Auxiliary Verbs (Kata Kerja Bantu) Yaitu kata kerja yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk menyatakan tindakan atau keadaan, atau berfungsi untuk 1

Transcript of Verbs

Page 1: Verbs

VERBSVerbs (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subyek, namun mungkin juga untuk menunjukkan keadaan. Verbs biasanya menjadi Predikat dari suatu kalimat.


Henry comes from London. My brother studies in America. She is very beautiful. They are diligent.

MACAM-MACAM KATA KERJA1. Finite Verb (Kata Kerja Biasa)Ciri-ciri Kata Kerja Jenis ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Bila dipakai dalam kalimat tanya dan negative perlu memakai kata kerja bantu do, does atau did.

Bentuknya dapat berubah-ubah oleh tense. Biasanya mempunyai bentuk-bentuk: Infinitive Present Participle Gerund Past Tense Present Tense Past Participle


Ms. Anne reads a novel. (Infinitive) Ms. Anne is reading a novel. (Present Participle) Does Ms. Anne read a novel? Ms. Anne read a novel. (Past Tense) Ms. Anne has read a novel. (Past Participle)

2. Auxiliary Verbs (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Yaitu kata kerja yang digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja lain untuk menyatakan tindakan atau keadaan, atau berfungsi untuk melengkapi fungsi gramatikal. Kata Kerja Auxiliary adalah:

Is, am, are Was, were Do, does, did Has, have, had


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Can, could May, might Will, would Shall, should Must Ought to Had better Need, Dare (Dapat juga berfungsi sebagai Kata Kerja Biasa)

3. Linking Verbs (Kata Kerja Penghubung)Yaitu kata kerja yang berfungsi menghubungkan antara subject dengan complement-nya. Kata yang dihubungkan dengan subject tersebut dinamakan subject complement. Jika kata Kerja Penghubung tersebut kita gantikan dengan be (am, is, are, was, dll.), maka maknanya tidak berubah.Linking Verbs yang umum adalah:

be (am, is, are, was, dll.) look stay appear become         remain taste feel     seem   smell grow   sound


The actress is beautiful. Alex looks serious. (= Alex is serious). The cakes smell delicious (=the cakes are delicious).

4. Transitive Verbs (Kata Kerja Yang Membutuhkan Objek)Yaitu kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat atau melengkapi makna kalimat.Kata kerja Transitive diantaranya adalah: Drink, watch, read, fill, open, close, dllContoh:

He watches the film. (Kalimat ini tidak akan lengkap, jika "the film" kita hilangkan. Orang lain akan bertanya-tanya - menonton apa?, maka watch (menonton) membutuhkan object agar makna kalimat tersebut dapat dipahami).

The man cuts the tree.


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5. Intransitive Verbs (Kata Kerja Yang Tidak Membutuhkan Objek)Yaitu adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek, karena sudah dapat dipahami dengan sempurna makna kalimat tersebut.Kata-kata kerja yang termasuk Intransitive verbs diantaranya adalah: Shine, come, sit, boil, sleep, fall, cry, dll.Contoh:

The baby cries. My mother is sleeping. The water boils.


Ada juga beberapa kata kerja yang dapat berfungsi sebagai transitive maupun intransitive verbs.


He drops his bottles. (transitif) The rain drops from the sky. (intransitif) The contestants still misunderstood then. (transitif) The contestants still misunderstood. (intransitif) They grow the rubber trees. (transitif) Rice grows in the fertile soil. (intransitif)

Ada beberapa verb intransitive yang memakai Objective Noun yang mempunyai satu kesatuan makna dengan kata kerjanya. Objeknya disebut Cognate Object.


He played the fool.                  (Dia bermain gila-gilaan). He laughs a hard laugh.            (Dia tertawa lebar). He slept a sound sleep.            (Dia tidur nyenyak). He died a miserable death.        (Dia mati melarat).

Ada beberapa verb transitive dan intransitive walaupun sudah mempunyai object tetapi artinya belum sempuma sebelum ditambah kata-kata lain.

Kata Kerja jenis ini diantaranya adalah: make, name, call, find, declare, suppose, consider, bring, give, appoint, seen, hear, dll.Contoh:

I will make you happy. I appoint him to be my assistant.

Ada juga kata kerja yang mempunyai pola sebagai berikut:


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Kata Kerja + Preposition + Object Kata Kerja + Preposition + Kata Kerja-ing


We talked about the problem. She felt sorry for coming late.

Kata-kata kerja untuk pola kedua diantaranya adalah: succeed in, think about/of, dream of, dream about, approve of, look forward to, insist on, decide against, angry with, sorry for, thanks for, dll. Ada juga Kata Kerja tertentu yang mempunyai pola sebagai berikut:

Kata Kerja + Object + Preposition + Kata Kerja-ing


They accused me of telling lies. Do you suspect the man of being a spy? I congratulated Bob on passing the exam. What prevented him from coming to the party? I thanked her for being so helpful.

6. Regular & Irregular Verbs Regular Verb adalah kata kerja yang dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan bentuk tense; dan perubahan bentuk kata kerja itu secara teratur.Contoh perubahan Kata Kerja jenis ini adalah:

Call - called - called Admit - admitted - admitted Submit - submitted - submitted Invite - invited - invited

Irregular Verb adalah kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi sama dengan regular verb, tetapi perubahan bentuk kata kerja ini secara tidak teratur.

Contoh perubahan kata kerja jenis ini adalah:

Read - Read - Read Come - came - come Begin - began - begun Sleep - slept - slept


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Indirect ObjectsThe indirect object of a verb is not directly affected by the action, but can either receive the direct object or have the action done for them.

EG: She sent James the letter. ('letter' is the direct object as it is directly affected by the action and 'James' is the indirect object as he receives the letter.)

EG: They made him dinner. ('Dinner' is the direct object as it is created by the action and 'him' is the indirect object as the dinner is made for him.)

These sentences can also be written as follows:

EG: She sent the letter to James.

EG: They made dinner for him.

The indirect object is often used right before a direct object and does not follow a preposition, as illustrated in the phrases above. If a preposition is used, then the word becomes the object of that preposition, as in the following, where to and for are prepositions and man and yourself are their objects:

We will make an offer to the man. Get a job for yourself.

Even though the indirect object is not found after a preposition in English, it can be discovered by asking TO WHOM or FOR WHOM after the verb:

Serve the old lady dinner. "Serve [dinner] to whom?  To the old lady." Direct Object adalah penderita langsung dari suatu tindakan di dalam satu kalimat. contohnya He hit the ball. Namun, kita harus berhati-hati untuk membedakan antara DIRECT OBJECT dan OBJECT COMPLEMENT:

They named their daughter Natasha.

Dalam kalimat ini, daughter adalah DIRECT OBJECT dan Natasha adalah OBJECT COMPLEMENT, yang menggambarkan atau memberikan penjelasan dari direct object-nya.

Indirect object mengindentifikasikan untuk siapa tindakan tersebut dibuat. Direct object dan Indirect object adalah orang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang berbeda. Direct object dalam kalimat berikut ini adalah yang dicetak tebal. Indirect Objek yang bercetak miring.

The instructor gave his students As. Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money. Jo-Bob sold me her boat.


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Bersamaan dengan itu, kata me (atau sama dengan kata lainnya, yaitu him, us, them) biasanya berperan menjadi Direct Object.

Bless me/her/us! Call me/him/them if you have questions.

Untuk menandai Objek langsung dan tidak langsung sangatlah mudah. Perhatikan ilustrasi berikut ini:


Andi membawakan saya sebuah buku.

Pada kalimat diatas, predikat kalimat tersebut adalah membawakan. Membawakan apa? = Buku. Maka, buku adalah OBJEK LANGSUNG (DIRECT OBJECT) dan saya adalah OBJEK TIDAK LANGSUNG (INDIRECT OBJECT)

Indirect Object dapat digunakan dalam beberapa cara.

Give some money to John. Give some money to him.

Give it to John. Give it to him.

Give John some money. Give him some money.

Give John it. (Tidak biasa dipakai) Give him it. (Tidak biasa dipakai)

Perhatikan cara menempatkan 2 objek berikut ini:

Lend me some money. (Lend some money to me) Bring me a cup of coffee. (Bring a cup of coffee to me) Get me a cup of coffee. (Get a cup of coffee for me) Make me a cup of coffee. (Make a cup of coffee for me) Ask him a question. (Ask a question of him) Tell her a story. (Tell a story to her)

Pola-pola untuk menempatkan Direct Object dan Indirect Object:

Pola A

I gave him an apple. I bought her a car. I asked him a question.


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Pola B

I gave an apple to him. I explained it to him.

Pola C

I bought a car for her. I open the door for her.

Kata kerja untuk pola A dan B adalah:

write, read, show, teach, tell, sell, send, lend, bring, take, pass, give


Kata kerja untuk pola A dan C adalah:

buy, get, make, find, do, bake, cash, save

Kata Kerja untuk Pola A saja.

ask, cost, charge, wish

Kata kerja untuk Pola B saja.

explain, announce, describe, introduce, mention, prove, repeat, say, speak, report

(Ketika dipakai dengan for, berarti artinya sama dengan untuk kepentingan)

Kata kerja untuk Pola C saja

open, answer, close, change, pronounce, prescribe

Kata kerja untuk semua pola


kata Kerja yang tidak dapat dipakai oleh semua pola. (Kata Kerja Intransitif Kata kerja yang tidak membutuhkan objek)

eat, sleep, talk, walk, dll.


Page 8: Verbs

What are Past Tense Verbs?The English language has three basic tenses: past, present, and future. Within these verb tenses, there is a perfect form to indicate completed action, a progressive form to indicate ongoing action, and a perfect progressive form to indicate ongoing action that will be completed at some definite time. For example:

Simple Form Progressive Form Perfect Form Perfect Progressive FormPast took was/were taking had taken had been takingPresent take/s am/is/are taking have/has taken have/has been takingFuture will/shall take will be taking will have taken will have been taking

The purpose of past tense verbs within the English language is to express activity, action, state, or being in the past. For example:

“We visited the grocery store yesterday.” Visited is a simple past tense verb that is used to describe a completed action.

“Emily said that she went to the mall.” Said is a past perfect tense verb that describes reported speech.

“They were driving for three days.” Were driving is a past progressive tense verb that describes a previous action which took place over a period of time.

Forming Past Tense VerbsTo form past tense verbs, it’s helpful to remember these rules:

Simple Form: Although most past tense verbs end in -ed, certain verbs have irregular past tense forms that do not follow this rule.

Past Progressive Form: Use was/were with the verb form ending in -ing. Past Perfect Form: Use had with the past participle of the verb. Past Perfect Progressive Form: This tense is most often created by using had been and the

present perfect of the verb (most often the verb form ending in -ing).

Be, have, and do are the most commonly used irregular verbs, but ESL Blues has a large list of English verbs with irregular past tense forms. Unfortunately, memorizing these irregular verbs is the only way to completely master the past tense.


Although many verbs in English form their past tense with -ED, some do not. These are called irregular verbs, and they include some of the most basic verbs in English. This page will explain some of the most important patterns in forming the past tense. However, the only way to know how an irregular verb will change in the past tense is to learn all of the important verbs.


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1. The three most important irregular verbs

The three most important irregular verbs are BE, HAVE, and DO. The simple past forms for BE are different depending on the subject.

Pronoun BE HAVE DO

I was had did

You were had did

He / she / it was had did

We were had did

They were had did

2. Other irregular verbs

Other irregular verbs fall into three main categories:

Category Examples

Verbs which don't change cut - cuthit - hitfit - fit

Verbs which change their vowel get - gotsit - satdrink - drank

Verbs which change completely catch - caughtbring - broughtteach - taught

Use the base form of the verb (the infinitive without "to)

to form the present tense of most verbs (see quizzes on Present Tense) when you use the auxiliary verbs 'do,' 'does,' 'did' to form questions and negatives in the

past and present tenses:


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o She has a cat but she doesn't have a dogo -- Did you have fun?

-- Yes, I had a lot of fun.o -- No, I didn't have fun.

Use the past tense form of the verb

in affirmative statements:o She saw the movie and she liked it.

in questions when the question word (who, what, how much/many, which) is the subject:o Who saw the accident? What happened exactly? How many people went to

hospital? in all cases (affirmative, negative, interrogative) with the verb "TO BE"

o -- Were you and Bob at the party?-- I was there, but bob wasn't.