Venza 2 psd

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  1. 1. Models A model is a sub-element of a scene. A model by itself cannot exist, except in a file ("*.ttm"-file type), nor can it be simulated by itself. A model has to be contained in a scene in order to be operational. Sebuah model adalah sub-unsur adegan. Sebuah model dengan sendirinya tidak bisa eksis, kecuali dalam sebuah file ("* .ttm" jenis-file), juga tidak dapat disimulasikan dengan sendirinya. Sebuah model harus terkandung dalam sebuah adegan agar operasional. Models are defined by a selection of scene object built on a same hierarchy tree, where the base of the tree has to be an object flagged as object is model base. They can be loaded with [Menu bar --> File --> Load model...]. It is however much easier and convenient to load a model with a drag-and-drop operation between the model browser and a scene view. Models can be saved with [Menu bar --> File --> Save model as...],
  2. 2. just make sure one single object flagged as object is model base is selected, otherwise the Save model as...-menu item will not be enabled. Model yang didefinisikan oleh pilihan adegan objek dibangun di atas pohon hirarki yang sama, di mana pangkal pohon harus menjadi obyek ditandai sebagai benda model base. Mereka dapat dimuat dengan [menu bar -> File -> Muat Model ...]. Meskipun demikian lebih mudah dan nyaman untuk memuat model dengan operasi drag-and-drop antara browser Model dan pandangan adegan. Model dapat disimpan dengan [menu bar -> File -> Save Model sebagai ...], pastikan satu objek tunggal ditandai sebagai objek basis model yang dipilih, jika tidak Simpan sebagai model ...- item menu akan tidak diaktifkan. A model is defined in following steps: attach all objects that logically belong to the model to a base object, so that the base object is the base of the model tree. check the object is model base-item in the object common properties. in the same dialog as above, check the object/model can transfer or accept DNA- item. This will simplify model re-instanciation if you modify it at a later stage. in the same dialog as above, clicking Edit model properties, you can define special overriding properties (e.g. make the whole model invisible, non-collidable, etc.). That allows to quickly disable some properties for all objects defined in the model. for all objects in the model, except for the base object, check the select base of model instead-item in the object common properties. This will protect your model: you won't be able to directly select individual objects in your model, and you will be able to manipulate your model almost as a single object. for all objects that are normally not visible, check the Don't show as inside model selection-item. This will make the model bounding box appear in the right size around the model. think about the role of the model: will you be able to attach it to some other object? (e.g. your model is a gripper that you could attach to a manipulator wrist). Or will you be able to attach some other model to it? (e.g. your model is a manipulator that could accept a gripper model). Once the role is decided, define the model's assembling behaviour. Refer also to this dynamics design consideration. Model didefinisikan dalam langkah-langkah berikut: melampirkan semua benda yang logis milik model untuk objek dasar, sehingga objek dasar adalah dasar dari model pohon. memeriksa objek adalah model dasar-item dalam obyek sifat umum. dalam dialog yang sama seperti di atas, periksa objek / model dapat mentransfer atau menerima DNA-item. Hal ini akan menyederhanakan model re-instanciation jika
  3. 3. Anda memodifikasi pada tahap berikutnya. dalam dialog yang sama seperti di atas, mengklik Edit Model properti, Anda dapat menentukan sifat utama khusus (misalnya membuat seluruh model tak terlihat, non- collidable, dll). Yang memungkinkan untuk cepat menonaktifkan beberapa properti untuk semua objek yang didefinisikan dalam model. untuk semua objek dalam model, kecuali untuk objek dasar, periksa pilih dasar model bukan-item dalam obyek sifat umum. Ini akan melindungi model Anda: Anda tidak akan dapat langsung memilih objek individu dalam model Anda, dan Anda akan dapat memanipulasi model Anda hampir sebagai objek tunggal. untuk semua benda yang biasanya tidak terlihat, periksa Jangan tampilkan sebagai dalam pemilihan model-item. Ini akan membuat kotak berlari Model muncul dalam ukuran yang tepat di sekitar model. berpikir tentang peran model: akan Anda dapat melampirkan ke beberapa objek lainnya? (misalnya model Anda adalah gripper yang Anda bisa melampirkan ke pergelangan manipulator). Atau akan Anda dapat melampirkan beberapa model yang lain untuk itu? (misalnya model Anda adalah manipulator yang bisa menerima model gripper). Setelah peran diputuskan, menentukan perilaku merakit model. Lihat juga ini dinamika desain pertimbangan. Now, individual objects build on the model base cannot be selected anymore in the scene (selecting them will select the base of the model instead), however they can still be individually selected by holding down the ctrl- and shift-key during selection, or by selecting them in the scene hierarchy. In addition to that, when the base object is selected, a stippled bounding box encompassing the whole model is displayed as can be seen in following figure: Sekarang, objek individu membangun model dasar tidak dapat dipilih lagi dalam adegan (memilih mereka akan memilih dasar model bukan), namun mereka masih bisa dipilih sendiri dengan menekan Ctrl dan menggeser-kunci selama seleksi, atau dengan memilih mereka dalam hirarki adegan. Selain itu, ketika objek dasar yang dipilih, kotak pembatas dibintiki meliputi seluruh model ditampilkan seperti dapat dilihat pada gambar berikut:
  4. 4. [Scene view and corresponding scene hierarchy view. The selected dummy is flagged as object is model base] Notice the model tag on the left-hand side of the icon of the object flagged as model base: [Model tag] [View Scene dan sesuai hirarki pandangan adegan. Boneka yang dipilih ditandai sebagai objek basis model] Perhatikan tag model yang di sisi kiri ikon dari objek ditandai sebagai model dasar: A double-click on a model tag opens the model dialog, where model properties can be adjusted. It is also good practice to collapse a model's
  5. 5. hierarchy once the model was edited in order to easily identify the number of logically grouped elements/models: Sebuah klik dua kali pada tag model yang membuka dialog Model, di mana sifat model dapat disesuaikan. Ini juga kebiasaan yang baik untuk runtuh hirarki model sekali model diedit untuk dengan mudah mengidentifikasi jumlah logis dikelompokkan unsur / model: [Scene hierarchy view displaying 5 collapsed models] Grouping several objects as a model is also important when a child script accesses the objects programmatically; remember that in V-REP, objects/models can be duplicated at any time, also during a simulation. In order for the duplicated child script to be able to access the correct objects (not the original objects but the duplicated objects), the child script should always be duplicated at the same time as the objects it accesses. One way to guaranty that is to create a model (as described above) and to make sure the child scripts that access objects in the model are associated with objects that are contained in the model. Best is to associate one child script (there might be secondary child scripts too) with the the base of the model. Refer to the accessing objects programmatically section for more information. [Scene hirarki pandangan menampilkan 5 runtuh model] Pengelompokan beberapa objek sebagai model juga penting ketika script anak mengakses objek pemrograman; ingat bahwa dalam V-REP, objek / model dapat digandakan setiap saat, juga selama simulasi. Agar script anak digandakan untuk dapat mengakses objek yang benar (bukan objek asli tapi benda diduplikasi), script anak
  6. 6. harus selalu diduplikasi pada saat yang sama dengan objek yang mengakses. Salah satu cara untuk menjamin bahwa adalah untuk menciptakan model (seperti dijelaskan di atas) dan untuk memastikan skrip anak yang mengakses obyek dalam model yang berhubungan dengan benda-benda yang terdapat dalam model. Terbaik adalah untuk mengasosiasikan satu script anak (mungkin ada skrip anak sekunder juga) dengan dasar model. Mengacu pada objek mengakses pemrograman untuk informasi lebih lanjut. In order for models to be easily combined (i.e. built on top of each other) without any additional modification, it is important to consider what role the model will be playing: will it be dynamically simulated? Will it be attached to other models, or will it accept other models attached to it? The answer to those questions will allow you to select the best object type to work as a model base. Refer to the section on designing dynamic simulations for more information. Copy and pasting a model behaves exactly like saving the model, then loading it (using however a memory buffer instead of the disk space). Models can be copied from one scene to another like any other object. Model files ("*.ttm"-files) also support drag-and-drop operations between the explorer window and the application window. Model files can also be double-clicked, in which case they will launch the V-REP application and be loaded into a default scene. Agar model yang akan dengan mudah digabungkan (yaitu dibangun di atas satu sama lain) tanpa modifikasi tambahan, penting untuk mempertimbangkan apa peran model akan bermain: akan itu disimulasikan secara dinamis? Apakah akan melekat pada model lain, atau akan menerima model lain yang melekat padanya? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih yang terbaik jenis objek untuk bekerja sebagai model base. Baca bagian pada perancangan simulasi dinamis untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Salin dan paste model berperilaku persis seperti menyimpan
  7. 7. model, kemudian loading (menggunakan namun buffer memori bukan ruang disk). Model dapat disalin dari satu adegan ke adegan lain seperti benda lainnya. File Model ("* .ttm" -files) juga mendukung operasi drag-and-drop antara jendela explorer dan jendela aplikasi. File Model juga dapat mengklik ganda, dalam hal ini mereka akan meluncurkan aplikasi V-REP dan dimuat ke dalam adegan default. The properties of a model can be individually adjusted in the model dialog. Recommended topics Related API functions Scenes Object common properties Model dialog Child scripts Sifat-sifat model dapat disesuaikan secara individual dalam dialog Model. topik direkomendasikan fungsi API terkait Adegan Obyek sifat umum dialog Model script Anak Model dialog The properties of a model can be individually adjusted in the model dialog. It can be opened with a double-click on a model icon in the scene hierarchy:
  8. 8. [Model icon in the scene hierarchy] [Model dialog] Select model thumbnail: when saving a model, a dialog pops open asking for a model thumbnail (that will be displayed in the model browser). If however you wish to save a thumbnail of your model in a different configuration (e.g. you wish to save a model of a snake robot in straight configuration, but you want the thumbnail to visualize the snake robot in a bent configuration), then you can specify the thumbnail here. Override properties: here you can disable (override) specific properties for the whole model (i.e. for all objects in the model hierarchy tree). This is convenient to quickly disable a model that takes too much calculation time for instance. See also the sections on collidable objects, measurable objects,renderable objects, cuttable objects and detectable objects, and the simSetModelProperty API function. Model content acknowledgments/Info: information related to a model. It is always good practice to acknowledge the original author of a model, or imported mesh. When a model that contains acknowledgment information is opened, it will automatically display that information. Recommended topics Models
  9. 9. Environment The environment in V-REP defines properties and parameters that are part of a scene, but that are notscene objects. Environment properties and parameters are not saved when a model is saved, but only when a scene is saved. An environment defines following properties and parameters: Background colors. Fog parameters. Fog parameters are not directly interacting with scene objects, except with camerasor vision sensors if the corresponding option was selected. Ambient light Scene creation information Additional settings Recommended topics Environment dialog Texture dialog Scenes Models Scene objects
  10. 10. Environment dialog The environment dialog can be accessed with [Menu bar --> Tools --> Environment] or by double-clicking following icon in the scene hierarchy: [Environment icon]
  11. 11. [Environment dialog] Background (up / down): allows adjusting the background color of a scene. The up component corresponds to the upper part of the screen (sky), the down component corresponds to the lower part of the screen. The background colors are only visible when the fog functionality is disabled. Ambient light: allows adjusting the ambient light of a scene. The ambient light can be seen as the minimal light of a scene, it illuminates an object in the exact same way from all directions. See thesection about lights for more details about illumination of a scene. Adjust fog parameters: allows to adjust various fog parameters. Visualize wireless emissions: if enabled, then all wireless emission activities will be visualized. See the related API functions.
  12. 12. Visualize wireless receptions: if enabled, then all wireless reception activities will be visualized. See the related API functions. Maximum triangle size (absolute): this item will not affect the visual appearance of shapes. It will however affect the execution speed of most V-REP calculation modules. When performing minimum distance calculations for instance, between two entities, execution will generally be faster if both entities are composed by similar- sized triangles. The maximum triangle size value specifies how the internal representation of a shape is handled (i.e. how elaborate the shape's calculation structure is). Small sizes will increase the preprocessing time, but generally the simulation execution speed will be increased at the same time. This value sets the overall maximum triangle size, as an absolute value. See also next item and the reduce triangle size-item in the triangle edit mode. Minimum triangle size (relative): similar to previous item, but this item helps avoiding creating too large calculation structures that might potentially take very long. This value sets the minimum triangle size, as a relative value (relative to a given object's largest dimension). Save operation also saves existing calculation structures: for distance calculations, collision detections, etc. a data structure is computed at the beginning of a simulation (preprocessing), or the first time a shape is involves in such calculations, in order to speed-up calculations. Calculation of that data structure might be time consuming, so the user can chose to save it together with the scene ormodel. However one has to be aware that the additional information that will be saved is large and will result in larger files (sometimes twice as large or more). Shape textures disabled: if selected, then all textures applied to shapes will be disabled. Custom user interface textures disabled: if selected, then all textures applied to custom user interfaces will be disabled. Lock scene after next scene save: select this item if you want to lock your scene from edition/modification, script content viewing and resource export. After next scene save operation, the scene will be locked. Make sure you have saved the same scene in an unlocked state if you want to be able to modify it at a later time. Custom collision/contact response: when this item is checked, then all dynamic contact handling can be user defined, and executed via a contact callback script. Remember that this setting is related to the scene, and models will be behaving differently in a different scene. This setting is only recomended for users that know exactly what they are doing. General callback script: when this item is checked, then you will be able to handle specific user callbacks in the general callback script. The general callback script will be called when a plugin calls the API function simHandleGeneralCallbackScript. Clean-up object names: allows putting some order into object names with a hash tag. This is not necessary, but might be convenient to reduce the suffix numbers after the hash tags. Clean-up ghosts: removes all ghost objects a scene might contain. Refer also to the ghost recording functionality. Scene content acknowledgements / Info: information related to a scene. It is always good practice to acknowledge the original author of a scene, model, or imported
  13. 13. mesh. When a scene that contains acknowledgment information is opened, it will automatically display that information. Recommended topics Scenes Lights Texture dialog Custom user interfaces