University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · .. MMfciMi jr -- Tir "f " ii iwiMM wcawgaEy; II milMMM...

" ii iwiMM w cawgaEy; jr -- Tir "f .. MMfciMi II milMMM MUMH T" " pvntjj) ?Pr?jl?j9iHHHKBHflHIBw?C! jrTs cr?WV-- zT'z?r ' '''"? "" rT'w Tr"1 VVi HKpSHlBwnBHVir'' 'StS ?Fvra? aEtT 'T "yrSIHBKBHwi' vHi ntfVTwrs- jT'Ti' ,'-.1- ' f;-- i m--'- ? m"T"yy t'v 1 I 3 n , ;viMaiu oQjC 1C i&tlii Lhwwj fco SSOttKW -- "" jr 1 'MBS VOL. V. NO. 684. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 18i);5. PRICK 5 CENTS. "V. THE DAILY BULLETIN NUNTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON BXCEI'T SUNDAY 1IY THE Dally Bulletin PubllsMng Co., L'd., AT THE OFFICE, Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollar A Yeak. Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknts a Month, in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IB PUBLISHED B3VEJK.-2- - TXJB3SDA.Y At Fouu Dollaiis a Year to Domestic, and Five Dollar to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IN SUPERIOR HTYI.K. J60 -- W DOTH TELEPHONES tW 250 P. 0. BOX 8D. Address letters for the paper " Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause dolay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Managor. Business Cards. LEWEKS & COOKE, IlUPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMllIIll AND ALL KINDS OF BuiLDINfl MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Buildinu Materials OK RVKllY KIND. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers ani Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HAOKFEKD & CO., General Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. "W. MACFABIiANE & CO., Importers anii Commission Merchants. Kaahumauu Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer anii General Business Aciknt. Mahukona, Koliala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., MaNUPACTURIKCI ANII I.MPORTINd JEWELERS. 02 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manukacturinu Jeweler anu Watch- maker. Kukul Juwelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. OK LONnON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, AlIENTS FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Enuinkh, Swiar Milw, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brash, and" Leah Cahiiniih. Machinery of Every Description Madu to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Bhieksmithing. Job Work executed ut Short Notice. O. D. RIPLEY, AROHITHOT, Compluto plans and tiiiecllluations for every ik'ncriplion of building. Coniriiuls druwii and careful NitpurliiUiiniuiicuuf given whuii nulrcd. Call mid uxauilnu plans, Nmv duHlgiiH. Moleru buildings. Olllcu, Roomo.Hpreckuls1 Block. MntimlTcl. 20d, IM. G. IRWIN & CO. (Lixniteca.) OFFER FOH SALE FERTILIZERS Af.EX. CROSS A SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. Wo are also prepared to take orders for 1A&33V3. 1ST. 01ilacitSsOo.'a Fertilizers, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL! IMF" Tills is a simerior Paint Oil. con suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, and surface. n lusting scd sItli ilrier bnllianov colors. gives splendid lloor Lime, Cement, REFINED SUa AKS, SALMON, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef PARAFI'INIi PAINT CO.'S Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Paint Especially designed for Vacuum Pans. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE NSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, 86,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, 84,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, 86,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 8125,947,290.81. C. 0. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Wm. (i. Irwin & Co. Wm. O. Irwin, Clans Sprcckcls, W. M. Glllhrd, Theo. O. Porter to it a (LIMITED) President Manager - - - - Secretury Tieasurer ...... Auditor Siga.r Factors -- AND Commission Agents. AOUNTS or Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile ANII Commission Agents J.O. Carter . .Pre (1. 11. ItobertMJM. . . E. F. lIMioi W. F. Allen Him. C. R, Bishop . B.C. Allen . Ii, WuiwrlwiiHo.i m and aud THU tldeiit and Manager Treasuier . Hccrutary Auditor .'. , Directors DAILY AND WEEKLY IA Hawaiian Newspapers Loading Journals in tlio Kingdom. .The "Daily Hawaii Holomua," Has the Lirgosl Circulation on the Islands and is the Best .Medium for Advertising. Mr. Tuns. K. Nathaniel will receive all advertisements and transact all business matters. CSr-Omci- "Brenig Block," corner Nuuanu and Quean street (upstairs). &Hi-- tf Union Gas Engine Co. (Incorporated May 1(1, 181)2.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE- - Regan Vapor Engines PACIFIC GAS ENGINES. Horizontal it Upright, Stationary & Marine, Gas ft Gasoline Engines, Pumps it Launches. GIS-- tf JOS. TINKER,, Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islands. CHAS. T. Notary Public lor the Island of Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt it Scott's Freight and Parcel Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. REAL ESTATE BROKER ani GENERAL AGENT. Bell SIS-- - 38 Merchant st. THLEPHONE l ISO P. O. Box 415 Honolulu. The Best Lunch in Town. Tea suaci Ooffee AT HOURS. I. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS UAND. HC. J. NOLTE, Pcop. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Or. J. "Waller, Manager. It can bo proved Any day That the T Daily Bulletin lias the Largest Circulation Of any paper In Honolulu. Business Nun Slick a 1; ALL 81 III Dar. H. OX -- -. yBcK . . . MK WEEKLY BULLETIN- '- COL-llliin- a of InliiriwlliiL' l(n,ll,i Mm,..r. Iilttiida.Hj uiuilud to foreign oountriu, 5. H. 8. Moorc, Bupt. Vx 11, Taymiii, Pres. Rision Iron Works, San Francisco, BUILDERS Cal. Improved Sugar Machinery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery Irrigating Water Works purposes of capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Pluming FTJMFS, MATHESON LOOK-JOIN- T PIPE, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc., further particulars logues, address Risdon Iron Works, Francisco, California. tU TELEPHONES Mutual HI GOAL At McKinley Prices! Departure Bay Coal 13 J T03ST Delivered Honolulu FREE. EUSTACE & CO. C9 Ring phonos. OF- .- For and any Etc., AT Etc. Etc. For and cata San Bell HF- - to anv part of ui No. Ill on Both Tele-5SU-l- m c. j. McCarthy, Real Estate & Collection Agency AOENT FOR Cincinnati Safe & Lock Co. 35 Merchant &., Cummins Block. HUSTACE & CO., DEALERS IN "WOOD and COAL. -- ALSO White and Black Sand Which wo xvill sell at tho Very Lowest Murket Rates. Bell 414 - - TELEPHONE Mutual 414 Honolulu Carriage Co. BOTH TEL. No. .m Stand: Comer Fort & Merchant Sis. Hacks can be had at any hour of the day up tu 12 o'clock at night, on terms to suit the times. Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 62, G3, 67, 70, 73, 97, 19G EDWIN A. JONES Has opened an olllcc. for transacting all hulnc!"S lu connection xvith Trusts, Purchaso and Sale of Bonds, Stock and Real Estato, And is prepared to Audit Accounts, Olllee; No. 12 Merchant street, olllcu lately occupied by the Into Jona. Austin. P. 0. Box ST.. W. H. BTONE, -- A.O OOTJOSTT JL3STT. 1 AWN MOW i : P. 0. Ilox 17. TO LET Illh j day, week or TO LET I1Y Till i nun t It Itiiiialrluu. Cleanliig'and Sliiiipeiilug dune; Duplicate PieciMfiirill"hed wlienreiulied. MaehineH called and ictiirued. Aln, llupalrliig tliirdeu llue-l- n fuel, do anything i iH'ciurv nrouiiii inn inmsu or biaiue. Ring up Mutuiil TeleplioiHi 15'J. 6rt-t- l N. F. 1IUROKS8. PacificMaiiS.S.Co. -- AND THE Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. Tor YOKOHAMA aud BOHGKONG. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolul i on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates; Stmr "GAELIC".... Stmr "BELL 10" Stmr "CHINA".. Stmr "OCEANIC".. Stmr "CHINA"... Stmr "OCEANIC".. Stmr "CHINA" . . Stmr "OCEANIC".. Stmr "CHINA".. . Stmr "OCEANIC"., Stmr "CHINA" 207 for can .April 11, ..Max IWM ....I uly 11, I8!KI . .iVUg. I, IS'.M ....Sept. IS, lblH Oct. 10, lb! ....Nov. 'J7, 1MW . . .Dcc'J'i, 1NU Feb. 0, lrtll . ... March n, l!)l ....Aprjl Iti, lMli For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the abox-- o Companies will call at Honolulu on their xvay from Hong- kong and Yokohama to the abo-- e port on or about the following dates: Stmr "CHINA" Apiiiii, 1NM Stmr "OCEANIC" Muv 7, 1MB Stmr "GAELIC" . .. .Max-SJ- , lNi.i Stmr "CITY OF PUKING" Tumi 15, 1MM Stmr "CHINA" lime 1!, 1S1I.I Stmr "BELUIC" lune 'J7, ls'lM Stmr "J'EUU" lulv 7, 1MB Stmr "OCEANIC" .. .lulv 17, IMII Stmr "CITY OF RIO DIM AN El ItO" .lulv IM, IMW Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. II, IMl! Stmr "CITY OF PEEING".. ug. 15, ls!M Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 'r, INK! Stmr "CHINA" .Nov. Ii, Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. t, IMI'J Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" Ian." INK Stmr "OCEANIC"... . cell. 1'.', INK Stmr "CHINA" Stmr "GAELIC" ..March Ib'.ll .. May II, IN) I RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO VIIKO-- II X.M.X. Cabin JloU 00 Cabin, round trip I inontlii '.'25 00 Caliin, round trip 12 month-- . 202 SO European Steerage... h.') V) run mi: n. 'HP UllMI-Kll.S- $17.r 00 202 .r0 :tlli '.'.- -. 100 00 tW Passcngcr-- t paying full fare will bo allowed 10 peicent olV'return fare if return- ing xxilhin txxelve month-'- . VB For Freight and Puisagi- - apply to H. HAGKFELD & CO., tf Agents. Baldwin Locomotives. The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands ci:i,i:iiiixti:u Baldwin Locomotives FROM THE WORKS OF Burham, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Poiin., Are now prepared to gix'o Estimates aud receive Orders for thu--- Engines, of any size "and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works ARE NOW MANUFACTURING STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE PARTICULARLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which have recently been recuix'ed at Uicm) IslauiU, and wo will Imvu pleasure ill furnishing plantation agents and managers xvith paiticulars of same. The Superiority of thco l.oeoinotix'e'" over all other makes Is known not only here hut is acknowledged throughout the United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. TO PLANT LOVEUS ! r.V m isn't INKS 'Jl, "U1E UNDEIISKINEI) DESIIIES TO llOtify tile public t II tl t III' Is Illlip.llLlI to 1'iopagiito mix hlllll III I 111', Mil till iil- - Bush by (Iraftlug, lliiddiug, Ringing, or other IIU'l llxln. So p.ixuielits will be ie- - iUiied until they are well rooted, wbieu xvill take fiom i week lu six iiuttit li. lu ll- - genii", Now in ihe nun- tin liulles to make presenti. whether exotic- - to her friend. 1 w III alo iiuder-tak- e In eiadieale nil liisectH that pie.x upon or Mick the nip fiom treeii and other x'lge-tuble- which en be expelled fiom .) tu ii liourn; uix'Uie no pa,x. tar Tho t'olleu and Orntige fiiuill) a specialty. Addrnau W. L.. Uii-l- Uullutin Ollke. Wife's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. 0. WtMiBn, Pres. S. B. Rose, See. Uai-t- . J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu nt2 !. m., touching at Lnhalna, Mmilaca Bay and Makena the fiunediiy; Mahukona, Knwuihaoand tho following dav, arriving at Illlo at midnight. Redlining leaves Hllo, touching at same day; Kaxvaihae a. m.j 10.. M.; Makena 4 i xi.; Maahiea Bay tl p. m.; Lahaina 8 p. m. the following day; arrix'ingnt Honolulu il a. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. ARRIVES AT HONOLULU: Saturday - Mar. S ftp- - No Freight will be received after 12 noon on day of sailing. Stmr. CLATTDINE, DAVIES. Commander, Will leave Honolulu overy Tuesday at fl p. M., touching at Knliuliil, Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Ivipaliulu. IScturning xvill an ixc at Honolulu every Sunday morning. 1)3- - No Freight xvill I xi. yi .ij of "ailing. be received after ('oiiiitnres must Ik at the :i iitliitir to reecix'e their if xx i xvi.l not Inld ! after Mich Fieigbt has bten landed. While the Company will U'-- e due dili-giiu- e in handling Live Muck, we decline t iHiiiiiu1 any lexpon-Ibillt- in eae of the lii'.'. ol Mime. The f'ompary xxill not be rcspon-iliI- for Money or Jewelry unle-- placed in the care of Puri-eis- . Oceanic Steamship Go. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco : The New and Fine Al Steel Stcamhip "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company xvill be due ill Honolulu from Sdne and Auck- land on or about April 6th, And xx il! 'envo for the above port with Mailsand on orabout that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The Nexv and Fine At Steel Steamship " ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company be due at Honolulu, from San n or about April 7th, And xvill bax'e prompt despatch with Mails and Passenger.-- , for the abox-- c ports. The iindurigiic(l are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. XV For further particulars regarding Freight or Pa-sa- apply to WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Gonoral Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time TaTole. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrix'e Honolulu fiom S. F. THROUGH LINE. Francisco for Sidney. lluniihihi. (( OF AT meifco, Leave Honolulu for S. F. Mar. HJ Mar. SI Apr. 1!J Apr. Si From San tflrrii'c will From Sydney for San Francii-co- . Leiuc lloutilnlu. ALAMEDA, April 7 MARIPOSA, April II MARIPOSA, May fllMONOWAI. May I Gram FANCY i DRESS o GOODS KA MAILE STORE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15tli Sviss Musliu Figured Dross Goods, All-wo- Crepes, Froticli UoUluos, Ulilldron's Uats aud Douuots, . French Organdies, Etc, Cto. OTMw Scraps of FnBhion. Pttrplo and violet yauzo voils aro tho vory nowest stjlo. A jewel fastened on tho forohoad by a gold who is worn by London souiet' xvomen. Silver candles with palo green shades and gold candles with whito silk shades are some of the waxlight effect m. Girls who dress thoughtfully as well as elaborately aro apt nowadays to put rakish or flamboyant hats under taboo for church. Corslets aro as fashionable as over, and they aro made of all kinds of materials wool, silk, velvet, brocade, embroidery and laco. A novelty in tiro screens is painted on ground glass, which has a milky ollect, with a design ol forns, tlog-woo- d blossoms and sunfloxvors, framed in bamboo. Tho newest forks and spoons aro of gold xvith Dresden China handles. They aro so pretty that tho admiring housewife finds an excuso for placing odd ones upon her table in addition to putting ono at every plate. A pretty present for a busy woman is a whito slate framed in gold with a pencil suspended to it. This hangs beside her dressing case and upon it eacli morning she writes what she expects to do during tho day. A. high-backe- gilded throne chair, upholstered in scarlet brocade and banded xvith royal embroidery, is the 'roe's egg" of the moment. Tho iiigli-cla-i- s bric-a-bra- c dealers cannot import them fast enough, orders be- ing far in advance of the supply. A favorite trimming for Lenten toilets of black armuro, faillo and Victoria silk is tinoly xvatorod moire Francais. These trimmings consist of a single extra wide baud or sov-er- al narrow bands arouud tho bot- tom o tho hkirt, xvith tho addition of full sleeves, cuffs, plastron and empire girdle. Many of tho now pockot-book- s aro made large enough to hold a hand- kerchief, as xx'oll as a fow cards and money, as few dre.-se- s aro made with pockets. The most favored aro tho morocco books of all tints, from cream and pearl white, gray and tan to mutch the gown, Kussiau bluo, dark bluo and very brilliant rod. Card cases come to match tho port-monnui- o, yet it is a convenience to have both in one. ,-- A delightful mixture for porfum- - ing clothes that are packed away, and which is said to keep out moths also, is made ns follows: Pound to a powder one ounce each of cloves, caraway seed, nutmeg, mace, cinna- mon and Tonquin beans, and as much orris root as will equal tho weight of tho foregoing ingredients put together. Little bags of muslin should lie lilled xvith this mixture and placed among the garments. Whito orchids still make tho most fashionable bridal bouquet. Next come lilies of the valley and white tones, unless, as often happens, tho bride has some especially tondor as- sociation xvith another Uoxvor. A re- cent bride carried a largo bunch of white violets, because it xvas pleas- antly whispered about that tho first llower tho groom gax'o her was a sin- gle white violet Ihoy had found on a country stroll in tho first days of their acquaintance. A New Amusement. "I have invented a new amuse- ment," said a young lady the other day in the Cincinnati Enquirer. "It is nothing more or less than a pro- gressive pio pjirty, and I'll tell you how it goes. J geuerallr have eiirht couples. Instead of havhifr the game in tho parlor 1 givo it in tho diningrooin. There aro four tables spread, simply in whito, with a big jug of milk in tho coutor of oach, and set with four platen. Everybody being seated, 1 tap a little boll and a xvaiior comes marching in xvith a tray, on which he bears sixteen pieces of pie, each on a separate plate, of course. Each guest is served with a piece. They can have any kind thoy like best, pioviding tho youug man and tho young lady composing a couple take tho same kind. Then I tap the bell again and everybody eats. The couple that gets through first goes to the head of the table, replacing a couple, who take their places. 1 generally givo four rounds lor a game, aud in case of a tie 1 lot tliom try it once more. Thoy may drink till the milk they like, of course. .Sometimes it gets very oxcitiug. Some xvill eat sparingly at first, but come in like forty in the home- stretch. Others will do just tho opposite. Thoy all pronounce it a great success, and my parties have grown vory popular. Tho only thing that handicaps us is the scar- city of good pio at this time of tho year. It would makoyou open your eyes to see what rapid pio-eato- some of our girls are getting to bo." Sumo as a Dynamo. .lowolor Your wnleh is magne- tized. Have you boon near a dynamo or riding on the electric cars re- cently! 1 i in Hickoy -- No; but I've boon or -- calling n good deal ou n very at- tractive youug lady. I'uch. "Tho people of this vicinity insist on having Chamberlain's Cough Houtpily ami do not want any other," says John V. Hishop, of Portland .Mills, Indiana, That Is right. Thoy know il to bo superior to any other for colds, aud us a preventive aud euro for croup, and why should thoy not insist upon having it. W) cent bottles for sale by all deulors. Bon- bon. Smith A; Co., agents for tho Ha-wuii- Islands. Jktf" .k .,'feat-- ' "A i ii 3 V W- - m

Transcript of University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · .. MMfciMi jr -- Tir "f " ii iwiMM wcawgaEy; II milMMM...

  • " ii iwiMM wcawgaEy;jr -- Tir "f.. MMfciMi II milMMM MUMH T"" pvntjj) ?Pr?jl?j9iHHHKBHflHIBw?C! jrTs cr?WV--zT'z?r ' '''"? "" rT'w Tr"1 VVi HKpSHlBwnBHVir'' 'StS ?Fvra? aEtT 'T "yrSIHBKBHwi' vHintfVTwrs- jT'Ti' ,'-.1- ' f;-- i m--'-? m"T"yy t'v

    1 I3 n



    1C i&tliiLhwwjfco SSOttKW-- "" jr 1'MBS

    VOL. V. NO. 684. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 18i);5. PRICK 5 CENTS.





    Dally Bulletin PubllsMng Co., L'd.,


    Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

    SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollar A Yeak.Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknts aMonth, in advance.



    B3VEJK.-2- - TXJB3SDA.YAt Fouu Dollaiis a Year to Domestic,and Five Dollar to Foreign Subscribers.


    J60 --W DOTH TELEPHONES tW 250P. 0. BOX 8D.

    Address letters for the paper " EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause dolay in at-tention.DANIEL LOGAN, Editor and Managor.

    Business Cards.




    Fort Street, Honolulu.

    WILDER & CO.,

    Dealers in Lumiier, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt and Buildinu Materials


    Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


    Importers ani Commission Merchants.

    Fort Street, Honolulu.

    H. HAOKFEKD & CO.,

    General Commission Agents.

    Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.

    G. "W. MACFABIiANE & CO.,

    Importers anii Commission Merchants.

    Kaahumauu Street, Honolulu.


    Auctioneer anii General Business Aciknt.

    Mahukona, Koliala, Hawaii.

    WENNER & CO.,


    02 Fort Street, Honolulu.


    Manukacturinu Jeweler anu Watch-maker.

    Kukul Juwelry a specialty. Particularattention paid to all kinds of repairs.

    Mclnerny Block, Fort Street.


    OK LONnON.

    H. W. Schmidt & Sons,



    Steam Enuinkh, Swiar Milw, Boilers,Coolers. Iron, Brash, and" Leah


    Machinery of Every Description Madu toOrder. Particular attention paid to Ships'Bhieksmithing. Job Work executed utShort Notice.

    O. D. RIPLEY,

    AROHITHOT,Compluto plans and tiiiecllluations forevery ik'ncriplion of building. Coniriiulsdruwii and careful NitpurliiUiiniuiicuuf

    given whuii nulrcd. Call miduxauilnu plans, Nmv duHlgiiH. Molerubuildings. Olllcu, Roomo.Hpreckuls1 Block.

    MntimlTcl. 20d,

    IM. G. IRWIN & CO.




    Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

    Wo are also prepared to take orders for

    1A&33V3. 1ST. 01ilacitSsOo.'aFertilizers,

    Insuring prompt delivery.

    BOILED LUCOL!IMF" Tills is a simerior Paint Oil. con

    suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, and


    n lustingscd sItli ilrier

    bnllianov splendid lloor

    Lime, Cement,REFINED SUa AKS,


    Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


    Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

    Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

    Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

    lasting Paint

    Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.


    LIFE and



    Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, 86,219,458.98.

    London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 84,317,052.

    Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

    Assets, 86,124,057.

    New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, 8125,947,290.81.

    C. 0. BERGER,

    General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

    Wm. (i. Irwin & Co.

    Wm. O. Irwin,Clans Sprcckcls,W. M. Glllhrd,Theo. O. Porter

    toit a


    President Manager- - - -Secretury Tieasurer...... Auditor

    Siga.r Factors-- AND

    Commission Agents.

    AOUNTS or

    Oceanic Steamship Company,



    General Mercantile


    Commission Agents

    J.O. Carter . .Pre(1. 11. ItobertMJM. . .E. F. lIMioiW. F. AllenHim. C. R, Bishop .B.C. Allen .Ii, WuiwrlwiiHo.i





    tldeiit and ManagerTreasuier

    . HccrutaryAuditor

    .'. , Directors



    Hawaiian Newspapers

    Loading Journals in tlio Kingdom.

    .The "Daily Hawaii Holomua,"

    Has the Lirgosl Circulation on the Islandsand is the Best .Medium for


    Mr. Tuns. K. Nathaniel will receive alladvertisements and transact all businessmatters.

    CSr-Omci- "Brenig Block," cornerNuuanu and Quean street (upstairs).

    &Hi-- tf

    Union Gas Engine Co.

    (Incorporated May 1(1, 181)2.)


    Regan Vapor Engines

    PACIFIC GAS ENGINES.Horizontal it Upright,

    Stationary & Marine,Gas ft Gasoline Engines,

    Pumps it Launches.

    GIS-- tf

    JOS. TINKER,,Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

    CHAS. T.

    Notary Public lor the Island of Oahu.

    Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-bor Contracts.

    Agent to grant Marriage Licenses, Hono-lulu, Oahu.

    Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt itScott's Freight and Parcel Express.

    Agent for the Burlington Route.


    Bell SIS-- -

    38 Merchant st.

    THLEPHONE l ISOP. O. Box 415


    The Best Lunch in Town.

    Tea suaci OoffeeAT HOURS.



    Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS UAND.


    KING ST.

    Wholesale and Retail Butchers



    Or. J. "Waller, Manager.

    It can bo proved

    Any day

    That the


    Daily Bulletin

    lias the



    Of any paper

    In Honolulu.



    Slick a








    -- -.


    . . .

    MK WEEKLY BULLETIN- '- COL-llliin- aof InliiriwlliiL' l(n,ll,i Mm,..r.Iilttiida.Hj uiuilud to foreign oountriu, 5.

    H. 8. Moorc, Bupt. Vx 11, Taymiii, Pres.

    Rision Iron Works,

    San Francisco,



    Improved Sugar Machinery


    Pumping Machinery

    Irrigating Water Works purposesof capacity.

    Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Pluming




    further particularslogues, address

    Risdon Iron Works,Francisco, California.


    GOALAt McKinley Prices!

    Departure Bay Coal

    13 J T03STDelivered Honolulu


    EUSTACE & CO.C9 Ring


    OF- .-

    For andany



    Etc. Etc.

    For and cata



    HF-- to anv part of

    ui No. Ill on Both Tele-5SU-l- m

    c. j. McCarthy,

    Real Estate & Collection Agency


    Cincinnati Safe & Lock Co.

    35 Merchant &., Cummins Block.

    HUSTACE & CO.,


    "WOOD and COAL.-- ALSO

    White and Black Sand

    Which wo xvill sell at tho Very LowestMurket Rates.

    Bell 414 - - TELEPHONE Mutual 414

    Honolulu Carriage Co.BOTH TEL. No. .m

    Stand: Comer Fort & Merchant Sis.

    Hacks can be had at any hour of the dayup tu 12 o'clock at night, on terms

    to suit the times.

    Hacks Nos. 33, 45, 62, G3, 67, 70, 73, 97, 19G

    EDWIN A. JONESHas opened an olllcc. for transacting all

    hulnc!"S lu connection xvith

    Trusts, Purchaso and Sale of Bonds,Stock and Real Estato,

    And is prepared to Audit Accounts,

    Olllee; No. 12 Merchant street, olllcu latelyoccupied by the Into Jona. Austin.

    P. 0. Box ST..

    W. H. BTONE,


    1 AWN MOW



    P. 0. Ilox 17.

    TO LET

    Illhj day, week or

    TO LET I1Y Tilli nun t It Itiiiialrluu.

    Cleanliig'and Sliiiipeiilug dune; DuplicatePieciMfiirill"hed wlienreiulied. MaehineHcalled and ictiirued. Aln, llupalrliigtliirdeu llue-l- n fuel, do anything iiH'ciurv nrouiiii inn inmsu or biaiue.Ring up Mutuiil TeleplioiHi 15'J.

    6rt-t- l N. F. 1IUROKS8.


    -- AND THE

    Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


    Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolul i on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates;

    Stmr "GAELIC"....Stmr "BELL 10"Stmr "CHINA"..Stmr "OCEANIC"..Stmr "CHINA"...Stmr "OCEANIC"..Stmr "CHINA" . .Stmr "OCEANIC"..Stmr "CHINA".. .Stmr "OCEANIC".,Stmr "CHINA"



    .April 11,..Max


    ....I uly 11, I8!KI. .iVUg. I, IS'.M

    ....Sept. IS, lblHOct. 10, lb!

    ....Nov. 'J7, 1MW. . .Dcc'J'i, 1NU

    Feb. 0, lrtll. ... March n, l!)l....Aprjl Iti, lMli


    Steamers of the abox-- o Companies willcall at Honolulu on their xvay from Hong-kong and Yokohama to the abo-- e port onor about the following dates:

    Stmr "CHINA" Apiiiii, 1NMStmr "OCEANIC" Muv 7, 1MBStmr "GAELIC" . .. .Max-SJ- , lNi.iStmr "CITY OF PUKING"

    Tumi 15, 1MMStmr "CHINA" lime 1!, 1S1I.IStmr "BELUIC" lune 'J7, ls'lMStmr "J'EUU" lulv 7, 1MBStmr "OCEANIC" .. .lulv 17, IMIIStmr "CITY OF RIO DIM AN El ItO"

    .lulv IM, IMWStmr "GAELIC" Aug. II, IMl!Stmr "CITY OF PEEING"..

    ug. 15, ls!MStmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 'r, INK!Stmr "CHINA" .Nov. Ii,Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. t, IMI'JStmr "CITY OF PEKING"

    Ian." INKStmr "OCEANIC"... . cell. 1'.', INKStmr "CHINA"Stmr "GAELIC"

    ..March Ib'.ll.. May II, IN) I




    Cabin JloU 00Cabin, round trip I

    inontlii '.'25 00Caliin, round trip 12

    month-- . 202 SOEuropean Steerage... h.') V)

    run mi:


    'HP UllMI-Kll.S-

    $17.r 00

    202 .r0

    :tlli '.'.--.

    100 00

    tW Passcngcr-- t paying full fare will boallowed 10 peicent olV'return fare if return-ing xxilhin txxelve month-'- .

    VB For Freight and Puisagi- - apply to

    H. HAGKFELD & CO.,

    tf Agents.

    Baldwin Locomotives.

    The undersigned having been appointed

    Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


    Baldwin Locomotives


    Burham, Williams & Co.,

    Philadelphia, Poiin.,

    Are now prepared to gix'o Estimates audreceive Orders for thu--- Engines,

    of any size "and style.

    The Baldwin Locomotive Works



    Adapted for Plantation Purposes

    A number of which have recently beenrecuix'ed at Uicm) IslauiU, and wo will Imvupleasure ill furnishing plantation agentsand managers xvith paiticulars of same.

    The Superiority of thco l.oeoinotix'e'"over all other makes Is known not onlyhere hut is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

    Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.







    "U1E UNDEIISKINEI) DESIIIES TOllOtify tile public t II tl t III' Is Illlip.llLlI

    to 1'iopagiito mix hlllll III I 111', Mil till iil- -Bush by (Iraftlug, lliiddiug, Ringing, orother IIU'l llxln. So p.ixuielits will be ie- -iUiied until they are well rooted, wbieuxvill take fiom i week lu six iiuttit li.

    lu ll- - genii", Now in ihe nun- tinliulles to make presenti. whether exotic- -

    to her friend. 1 w III alo iiuder-tak- eIn eiadieale nil liisectH that pie.x upon

    or Mick the nip fiom treeii and other x'lge-tuble-which en be expelled fiom .) tu iiliourn; uix'Uie no pa,x.

    tar Tho t'olleu and Orntige fiiuill) aspecialty. Addrnau

    W. L..Uii-l- Uullutin Ollke.

    Wife's Steamship Co.TIME TABLE.

    W. 0. WtMiBn, Pres. S. B. Rose, See.Uai-t- . J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

    Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu nt2 !. m., touching atLnhalna, Mmilaca Bay and Makena thefiunediiy; Mahukona, Knwuihaoand

    tho following dav, arriving atIlllo at midnight.

    Redlining leaves Hllo, touching atsame day; Kaxvaihae a. m.j

    10.. M.; Makena 4 i xi.; MaahieaBay tl p. m.; Lahaina 8 p. m. the followingday; arrix'ingnt Honolulu il a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.

    ARRIVES AT HONOLULU:Saturday - Mar. S

    ftp-- No Freight will be received after12 noon on day of sailing.

    Stmr. CLATTDINE,DAVIES. Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu overy Tuesday at flp. M., touching at Knliuliil, Huelo, liana,Hamoa and Ivipaliulu.

    IScturning xvill an ixc at Honolulu everySunday morning.

    1)3-- No Freight xvillI xi. yi .ij of "ailing.

    be received after

    ('oiiiitnres must Ik at the :i iitliitir toreecix'e their if xx i xvi.l not Inld

    ! after Mich Fieigbthas bten landed.

    While the Company will U'-- e due dili-giiu- ein handling Live Muck, we decline

    t iHiiiiiu1 any lexpon-Ibillt- in eae of thelii'.'. ol Mime.

    The f'ompary xxill not be rcspon-iliI- forMoney or Jewelry unle-- placed in the careof Puri-eis- .

    Oceanic Steamship Go.

    Australian Mail Service.

    For San Francisco :

    The New and Fine Al Steel Stcamhip

    "MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company xvillbe due ill Honolulu from Sdne and Auck-land on or about

    April 6th,And xx il! 'envo for the above port withMailsand on orabout that date.

    For Sydney and Auckland :

    The Nexv and Fine At Steel Steamship

    " ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Companybe due at Honolulu, from San

    n or about

    April 7th,And xvill bax'e prompt despatch withMails and Passenger.-- , for the abox-- c ports.

    The iindurigiic(l are now prepared to issue



    XV For further particulars regardingFreight or Pa-sa- apply to

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

    Gonoral Agents.

    Oceanic Steamship Co.

    Time TaTole.LOCAL LINE.


    Arrix'e Honolulufiom S. F.

    THROUGH LINE.Francisco

    for Sidney.lluniihihi.





    Leave Honolulufor S. F.

    Mar. HJ Mar. SIApr. 1!J Apr. Si

    From San



    From Sydney forSan Francii-co- .

    Leiuc lloutilnlu.










    Sviss Musliu Figured Dross Goods,All-wo- Crepes, Froticli UoUluos,

    Ulilldron's Uats aud Douuots,

    . French Organdies, Etc, Cto.OTMw

    Scraps of FnBhion.Pttrplo and violet yauzo voils aro

    tho vory nowest stjlo.A jewel fastened on tho forohoad

    by a gold who is worn by Londonsouiet' xvomen.

    Silver candles with palo greenshades and gold candles with whitosilk shades are some of the waxlighteffect m.

    Girls who dress thoughtfully aswell as elaborately aro apt nowadaysto put rakish or flamboyant hatsunder taboo for church.

    Corslets aro as fashionable as over,and they aro made of all kinds ofmaterials wool, silk, velvet, brocade,embroidery and laco.

    A novelty in tiro screens is paintedon ground glass, which has a milkyollect, with a design ol forns, tlog-woo-d

    blossoms and sunfloxvors,framed in bamboo.

    Tho newest forks and spoons aro ofgold xvith Dresden China handles.They aro so pretty that tho admiringhousewife finds an excuso for placingodd ones upon her table in additionto putting ono at every plate.

    A pretty present for a busy womanis a whito slate framed in gold witha pencil suspended to it. This hangsbeside her dressing case and upon iteacli morning she writes what sheexpects to do during tho day.

    A. high-backe- gilded throne chair,upholstered in scarlet brocade andbanded xvith royal embroidery, is the'roe's egg" of the moment. Tho

    iiigli-cla-i- s bric-a-bra- c dealers cannotimport them fast enough, orders be-ing far in advance of the supply.

    A favorite trimming for Lententoilets of black armuro, faillo andVictoria silk is tinoly xvatorod moireFrancais. These trimmings consistof a single extra wide baud or sov-er- al

    narrow bands arouud tho bot-tom o tho hkirt, xvith tho additionof full sleeves, cuffs, plastron andempire girdle.

    Many of tho now pockot-book- s aromade large enough to hold a hand-kerchief, as xx'oll as a fow cards andmoney, as few dre.-se-s aro made withpockets. The most favored aro thomorocco books of all tints, fromcream and pearl white, gray and tanto mutch the gown, Kussiau bluo,dark bluo and very brilliant rod.Card cases come to match tho port-monnui- o,

    yet it is a convenience tohave both in one. ,--

    A delightful mixture for porfum- -ing clothes that are packed away,and which is said to keep out mothsalso, is made ns follows: Pound to apowder one ounce each of cloves,caraway seed, nutmeg, mace, cinna-mon and Tonquin beans, and asmuch orris root as will equal thoweight of tho foregoing ingredientsput together. Little bags of muslinshould lie lilled xvith this mixtureand placed among the garments.

    Whito orchids still make tho mostfashionable bridal bouquet. Nextcome lilies of the valley and whitetones, unless, as often happens, thobride has some especially tondor as-sociation xvith another Uoxvor. A re-cent bride carried a largo bunch ofwhite violets, because it xvas pleas-antly whispered about that tho firstllower tho groom gax'o her was a sin-gle white violet Ihoy had found on acountry stroll in tho first days oftheir acquaintance.

    A New Amusement.

    "I have invented a new amuse-ment," said a young lady the otherday in the Cincinnati Enquirer. "Itis nothing more or less than a pro-gressive pio pjirty, and I'll tell youhow it goes. J geuerallr have eiirhtcouples. Instead of havhifr thegame in tho parlor 1 givo it in thodiningrooin. There aro four tablesspread, simply in whito, with a bigjug of milk in tho coutor of oach,and set with four platen. Everybodybeing seated, 1 tap a little boll and axvaiior comes marching in xvith a tray,on which he bears sixteen pieces ofpie, each on a separate plate, ofcourse. Each guest is served with apiece. They can have any kind thoylike best, pioviding tho youug manand tho young lady composing acouple take tho same kind. Then Itap the bell again and everybodyeats. The couple that gets throughfirst goes to the head of the table,replacing a couple, who take theirplaces. 1 generally givo four roundslor a game, aud in case of a tie 1 lottliom try it once more. Thoy maydrink till the milk they like, of course..Sometimes it gets very oxcitiug.Some xvill eat sparingly at first, butcome in like forty in the home-stretch. Others will do just thoopposite. Thoy all pronounce it agreat success, and my parties havegrown vory popular. Tho onlything that handicaps us is the scar-city of good pio at this time of thoyear. It would makoyou open youreyes to see what rapid pio-eato-some of our girls are getting to bo."

    Sumo as a Dynamo..lowolor Your wnleh is magne-

    tized. Have you boon near a dynamoor riding on the electric cars re-cently!

    1 i in Hickoy -- No; but I've boonor -- calling n good deal ou n very at-tractive youug lady. I'uch.

    "Tho people of this vicinity insiston having Chamberlain's CoughHoutpily ami do not want any other,"says John V. Hishop, of Portland.Mills, Indiana, That Is right. Thoyknow il to bo superior to any otherfor colds, aud us a preventive audeuro for croup, and why should thoynot insist upon having it. W) centbottles for sale by all deulors. Bon-bon. Smith A; Co., agents for tho Ha-wuii-


    Jktf" .k .,'feat-- '



    ii 3


    W- -


  • y3MBMBMWWWWWHHWfir y ' "ttiFW t ff 'n wnfeiAP vi




    Govornmont Lands In Kuala andKahoahuna, N. Hilo, Hawaii.

    On THURSDAY, March no, isiw, at 12o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alli--olanl Hale, will bo sold nt Publio AuctionKour (4) Sections of l.nml in Kunlii niul

    r Kahoahuna, N. Hilo, Hawaii, as follows:Section 1 Containing an area of ISiVi

    Acres. Upsot price $ UKJ.Section 2 Containing an ureu of :)7.7

    Acres. Upset price $1811.Houtlon 3 Containing an area of 10. U

    Acre". Upct price $'J03.Section ! Containing an area of 0.03

    Acres. Upset price $13.It is conditioned that the purchaser of

    the abovo Lots shall pay the eot of surveyand plotting of same. Full information Inthis regard can be obtained upon applica-tion to tho .Land Otltee, Interior Depart-ment. J. A. KING,

    Minister of the interior.Interior OfUce, Feb. ., lJ.I.

    057- - It


    Throo Tracts of Oovernment Landsin North Hilo.

    On THURSDAY, March at), 1WU, at 12o'clock noun, at the front entrance uf Allt-ola- ni

    Hale, will bo sold at l'ublio Auctioa,Three Tracts of Government Lands in Ma- -ulauiki, North Hilo, Hawaii, viz.:

    Tract 1 Containing an area of -'1 07-1-Acres. Upset price $103.

    Tract 2 Containing an area of 18Acres. Upsot price $91.50.

    Tract 3 Containing an area of 13 0Acres. Upset price 09.93.

    It is conditioned that the purchaser ofthe above Lots shall pay the cost of surveyand plotting of same. Full information inthis regard can be obtained upon applica-tion to the Land Olllce, Interior .Depar-tment. J. A. KING,

    Minister of the Interior.Interior Olllce, Feb. 21, 1893.

    059-- It



    Land inHawaii.

    North Hilo,

    On THURSDAY, March 30, 189:!, nt 12o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alii-oia- ni

    Hale, will be sold at Public Auction,310 2-- Acres of Hush and Woodland about

    li miles above main road in the Districtof North Hilo, Hawaii.

    The Government reserve the Right-of-Wa- yfor a rond through this Land.

    It is conditioned that the purchaser ofthe above laud shall pay oot of Mirvey andplotting of same. Full information in thisregard can be obtained upon application tothe Land Olllce, Interior Department.

    Upset price $310..T. A. KING,

    Minister of the Interior.Interior OtHce, Feb. 25, 189J.

    COO-- It


    Of a Government LandHawaii.

    in Hilo,

    On MONDAY, April 3, 1893, at 12 o'clocknoon, at the front entrance of AliiolauiHale, will be sold at Public Auction, theLease of a portion of the Government Landof Kuapoko, makai of tho Governmentroad in Hilo, Hawaii, containing an areaof 15 Acres a little more or le.--s.

    Term Lease for 15 years.Upset price $s0 pur annum, pajable

    in advance..1. A. KING,

    Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, March 3, 1893.



    Of Governmont Lots No. 74 and No.75, Esplanade, Honolulu, Oahu.

    On WEDNESDAY, April 12, 1893, at 12o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alii-ola- ni

    Hale, will bo sold at Public Auctiontile Lease of Government Lots No. 74 and75, Esplanude, Honolulu, Oahu, contain-ing an area of 10,000 sijuaie feet, a littlemore or less.

    Term Lease for 10 years.Upset price $300 per annum, payable

    semi-annual- ly in advance.J. A. KING,

    Minister of tho Interior.Interior Olllce, March H, 189J.

    071-- It


    Tho Lease of the Government La'ndof Kepuhi, Falolo, Oahu.

    On MONDAY, April 3, 1893, at 12 o'clocknoon, nt the front entrance of AiiiolaniHale, will be sold at Public Auction, thoLease of the Government Lund of Kepuhi,Pulolo, Oahu, containing an urea of 1125-1- Acres a little more or less.

    Term Lease for 15 years.Upset price $70 per annum, payable

    semi-annual- in advance.J. A. KING,

    Minister of the Interior.Interior Olllce, March 3, 1893.

    000-- lt


    All IJrandH must, by law, boprior to July 1, 1893, or they will be

    forfeited, and can thereafter be appro-priated by any one.

    Registration on Oahu shall be made atthe Interior Olllce,

    On the othui Islands it shall be done atthe Ollle s of tho several Sherill's,

    G. N. WILCOX,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior Olllce, Dec. 2, 1892. 6s9-t- f


    Holders of WHter Privileges, or thosepuying Water Hales, ure hereby notifiedthat the Hours for lining water for irriga-tion purposes are from (J to H o'clock a, m.,and i to 0 o'clock r. m., until further notice,

    JOHN C. WHITE,Supt, Honolulu Water Works.

    .Approved :U. N. Wim'ox,

    Minister of the Interior.I Honolulu, H. 1 Juu, 6, 1693.

    . ..pi 017-t- f

    ". jku.-- . !.JP'vWf!'f'v'?v mrWf'f ? pwym iwinnuii hmwjii.'Ji '' a 'i:

    GoVKnSMKNT HoUHK, 1HoNoi.i'M), March 20, 1893.

    Notice Is hereby gjvon thatWILLIAM FOSTER, Ki.,HON. ALBERT Fit AN0I8 JUDD andCECIL DROWN, lN.i.,

    have been appointed Commissioners fortho purpo-- c of Revising and Codifying thel'eual Laws of the Hawaiian Islands inaccordance with tho provisions of an Actof the Hawaiian LegMaluro approvedAnn. (, ISO.', providing therefor.

    U70:tt-1- 3 1t

    Govr.itNMr.NT HmtsK, 1Ho.Nnun.U, Match 20, 189J. f


    Is hereby given that His Kxeel- -


    hai been appointed a Commissioner ofCrown Lands of the Hawaiian Island'svlco Mr. 1'. O. Jonc,

    The Doai'd now counts of .1. A. King,T. 0. Porter and 0. 1'. laukca.

    070 3 It


    I'ledyed to neither Sect nor Parly,But Kstublished for the Benefit of All.

    SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1893.

    Thero is said to bo singing to-gether of a discordant kind alreadyamong tho journalistic stars boom-ing tho now evening paper. A fowassessments for expenses will reducethem to a silence that may bo felt.

    The community will expect thonew Marshal to ferret out and putan end to the depredations of thonumerous fraternity of vagrants whohave begun a fresh campaign ofsneak thieving and house enteringin Honolulu.

    Mr. Emmeluth is ono of tho lead-ing spirits in tho aspirants for journ-alistic distinction. If his paperprove no more popular than ho waswhen ho asked for the pcoplo's votesit will bo a while beforo it attractspatronage from business men whorequiro readers for their advertise-ments. Perhaps, howovor, tho paperis to bo distributed in charity.

    An impertinent letter signed, "Geo.J. Hit oilfield," which appeared inyesterday's Advertiser has causedmore comment than it was worth.It bore tho brand of "vagabond" onits face. The only man namedHitchiield in Honolulu denied theauthorship of tho letter. Tho fact istho name was deliberately forgedand its author should bo behind thebars of a coll. llo tried to palm oira reply to Mr. Crowley's letter overforged initials in this oflico to-da-and, when told he could not replyanonymously in "abusive terms to acorrespondent who had signed histrue name, ho deliberately forgedthe nanio "Hitchfield" to his letter.As his real name is Crick, ho wastold that tho fraud would not work.And tjds is the kind of cattle lotloose on an unsuspecting publicthrough agitation of tho spoilspolicy.

    Tho Nebraska Legislature has re-fused to oiler a bounty to tho far-mers raising sugar beets for the factories. Tho State Journal publishedat Lincoln sa3s this refusal "may ormay not bo a detriment to tho sugarbeet industry under the circum-stances, in tho end, though it willprobably defer tho building of anybeet sugar factories in tho State fortho present." It also says that, iftho now administration and Con-gress carry out tho Chicago tariffplanks, it will bo necessary, for thopurposes of revenue, to roimposo thothree-cen- t tax on sugar. In thatcase tho Journal says thoro will bono trouble in the matter of securingcapital for the establishment of thebeet sugar industry in Nebraska.From the foregoing it would scornthat the federal bount3' on the sugaritself has not boon sulliciont tosecure tho establishment of tho bootsugar industry on a prosperousscale.


    An article in tho Chicago Tribunecompares tho di Huron t situationswhen Cleveland took olllce in 1885and tho beginning of his presentadministration. Tho campaign of1881 was notable for its bitter per-sonalities. That of 1892 was a dig-nified and impersonal ono which loftno scars. Tho Tribune sa3-- s thoro isreason to believe that his first victorywas duo to tho counting of votes forhim in Now York which wore actual-ly cast for General But lor. Whoroas,in 1892 Mr. Cleveland had a greatand undisputed majority of the elec-toral votes, and ho got it chiefly be-cause of his own personal strength.Eight years ago ho was a novice.Now he has "four years of experiencebehind him--yo- nrs in which ho mademail' blunders, but in which helearned much. Ho has also learned tokuow tho Democratic party betterthan he did, as is shown by the su-periority of tho Cabinet of 189.'Jover that ol lb;. riio articlo re-fers to the change in Congress, thoDemocrats having gained control ofthe Senate as well as the House. Itpoints out that Cleveland is moremaster of himself now than before.In his first term ho forgot hiu pro- -

    tnieo not to try for n second. Now,without tho ghost of a show for nthiid lorin, "whutuvur errors ho maycommit will not grow out of sub-serviency to party bossism." On thoothur hand, --Mr. Cleveland's positioneight years ago was in mauy respectsmore desirable than it is lo-da- '.Neither the currency quest ion northo tariff question was one of greatimportauro then. Now while thesequestions are of supreme moment,Cleveland has to act with his partydivided on both of them. Eightyears ago there were no foreign com-plications. To-da- y tho Behring Seaand Hawaiian questions liavo to bofaced for decisive and final action.The Tribune concludes, in view ofthe great issues confronting Clove-lan- d

    at the outset of his administra-tion, that ho would bo wise if ho call-ed an extra session of Congress. Thistho latest news intimates ho is notgoing to do. Howovor, tho com-parison botwoon tho two periodsdrawn by tho Tribune is interestingas a standing point from which totake in the procession of Atnoricaupolitics moving past, guided by thonow experienced hand of PresidentCleveland.


    st. Andrew's oatheuhal.The services of tho cathedral con-

    gregation of St. Androw's Cathedralfor Palm Sunday, will boas follows: Holy coinmuniou at t5:!!0a.m., and also at 11 a. in.; sermon andspecial music will bo rondorod at tholatter service Tho evensong withsermon will commence at 7:30 p.m.


    Tho services of the Second Con-gregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral

    Palm Sunday, will bo asfollows: 'Jilt") a.m., morning prayerwith sermon; Vouito, Anon in A;Benedicite, Birch, in D; Jubilate,Tours in F; hvmns 1)8 and 219; an-tho-

    "The Pillars of tho Earth arotho Lord's," by Tours. (5 p.m.. Even-song with sermon and confirmationby the Bishop; Magnificat. Ebdon inC; Nunc Dimittis, Tours in F; an-them, "How Lovely aro Thy Mes-sengers," by Mendelssohn; hymns81!) and 215. Kov. Alox. Mackintosh,pastor. All aro cordially invited totheso services.


    Sunday Services (J andLow Masses. English sermon atthe 7, a. m. Mass, every Sundayduring the whole year. 10 a.m.,High Mass, with sermon in Por-tuguese and Hawaiian. 2 p.m.,Rosary and Catechism, d p.m., inwinter season (November to Febru-ary), 1:30 p. m. in summer season(February to November), Benedic-tion of tho M. B. Sacrament.

    Weekly Services (5 and 7 a. m.,Low Masses.


    Reorganized Church of JesusChrist of Latter Day Saints, Mili-la- ni

    Hall, rear of Opera House. Ser-vices will bo hold Sunday as follows:10 a. in., Bible class; 11:15 a. m. and7:30 p. m., preaching, by Elder J.C. Clapp. Subject, "The SpiritualGift of tho Gospel. Why aro tiieynot enjoyed by the churches of to-day as anciently.


    Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. PublicWorship at 11 a.m. and at 7:30 p.m.Preaching in tho morning by thopastor. In tho evening tho I?ov. Dr.Lucas will preach on "UnreasonableScepticism." Young People's Socie-ty of Christian Endeavor at (5:30p.m. All aro cordially invited tothose services.


    Seventh Day Advontist Church,corner Punchbowl and Borotaniastreets, in G. West's cottage. Sab-bath school, 1:30; social meeting after Sabbath school. Bible readingevery Sunday evening. Everyonewelcome.


    Evangelistic services will bo eon-duct-by tho Y. M. C. A. in Bethel

    hall on Saturday and Sunday at 7:30p. in,

    Y. 51. O. A. HALL.

    Evangelistic services in tho Y. M.C. A. hall, (5:30 to 7:15 p.m.

    a -Tho strongest recommendation

    that any articlo can have is tho en-dorsement of tho mothers of thotown. When tho mothers recom-nion- d

    it you may know that thatarticlo has moro than ordinary merit.Here is what tho Conterville, SouthDakota, Citizen editorially ofan articlo sold in their town: "Lrompersonal experience wo can say thatChamberlain's Cough liomedy hasbroken up bad colds for our chil-dren. Wo aro acquainted witli manymothers in Conterville who wouldnot bo without it in the house for agood many times its cost, and arorecommending it everyday." 50 centbottles for sale by all deafors. Bon-so- n,

    Smith & Co., agents for the Ha-waiian Islands.

    Subscribe for the JMily Bulletin, uOcents ver month.


    I1UAKI2 ANDAHOltKi:, All in (,'(""1rumlltiou, Altiily lit thlttotllcu. (178-l-




    i ' y f ri.'NOTICE OF SALE.

    rpilK UNJ)KltSI(l.N'KI) HHKOTOKOUKJ. lining IjUHiiuisft at lloiiokiiu, Hawaii,Ims llils day fculil IiIh untiio riliH'k of

    lloi'M', Cuttle, Curtx, Uullitlnc,anil Hook AivouiiIm uf wliulMiuvur naliuctu Kuonj; Vcu Uioiij,', unci is aliiuo uutliii-rlc- il

    tui'ollni't oulbtamliiiu an'omitx.(KlBiiod) TANfl BIJK,

    (KI-h- v Uy Mi-u- H!ik,

    TO LET

    I AWN MOWKHS TO 1IY THKu tiny, wruk or immtlr ItuimlrliiH,

    Weaning and KlnirpuuliiK iliuiuj DupllniluI'irairtfimiUhuil uliun rcijiiliuil. Mat'lilmmntllcil for anil rutitriiuil. AUo, ltiulrlii(;(liirilcn lluii-- In flint, cap ilu anythingni'coMiry itruuuil tliu lioui--o or oialilo,itliiu un Mutual Ti'kiiiliouti Vtl.

    Wi-t- J N, V. HUllUKBH.

    Sotnlnary Girls' Concert.

    Tho following intorostimr vtroirramwill bo rondorod at tho entortain-mon- t

    at Kawaiahao church thisevening:1. Overture "Knchunttnciit".. Rosinl

    Orchestra.2. Chorus-(- a) "Maikal W'aipio"

    Llllnokalaul(b) "Liko Van Lehua"

    LlkellkoKawaiahao Girls.

    3. Solo-"8had- ...OsgoodMiss Greenwood.

    1. Duet "Breezes uf the Night" .GounodMissos Hale and Durgois.

    H. Solo-"T- hy Sentinel Am ln...v. WatsonMr. Wakefield.

    (1. Violin 8olo-(8olcc- tod)Mis l'aty.

    7. Solo "Why Do the Heathen Rngo".' Messiah

    Mr. KllL'llsll.8. Solo (Solcctcd)

    Mrs. l'aty.0. Chorus-"Mala- nai and Warble"

    Kamchamcim Glee Club.10. Solo "Una Voci I'oca Fa" Hosslnl

    Miss lturgess.11. Guitar Solo Mr. Ordway12. Flute 8olo-"M- oses In F.gypt" . .

    Rossini. Mr. L. ltarsoli.

    13. Quintette "Hells of Avcrdovey".Venables

    Misses Dale and Burgess, Messrs. English,Wakelleld and Booth.

    11. Chorus (a)"JublleoSarotte(b) "Ka Nnnl o ka Puklpiku"Kawaiahao Girls."Hawaii 1'onoi."

    Gallant Undorstudios.

    She All tho world's a stago.Ho And tho men in societ' aro

    tho undorstudios of their wives'cavaliers. Judge.



    For Coughs & Colds.John F. Jones, Edom.Tex. .writes-- I

    have used German Syrup for thepast six years, for Sore Throat,Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chestand Lungs, and let me say to any-one wanting such a medicineGerman Syrup is the best.

    B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.TeMn.,writes : I have used your GermanSyrup in my family, and find it thebest medicine I ever triedfor coughsandxolds I recommend it to every-one for these troubles.

    R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, ofCharleston, 111., writes: After tryingscores of prescriptions and prepara-tions I had on my files and shelveswithout relief for a very severe cold,which had settled on my lungs, Itried your German Syrup. It gaveme immediate relief and a perma-ue- nt

    cure. CDG. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer,

    Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A.




    AT THE




    Per S. S. Australia.

    At the Beaver SaloonH. J. Nolte, Proprietor.


    Steamship Co.SAN FRANCISCO.





    nut mi: Almvi: tout ok

    Wednesday, March 29th,

    A.T IST003ST.Tho uniliii'slnncd urn now iiroimroil to

    Nsuu Through Tluketn from this city to allnoluti in thu United Htato.

    Kor further i.irtlculuri regarding Kielghtor I'asMigu unply to

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,(UMlt (ii'iiural Agents.

    Hi. --A.3DI.IR.lli-g- s to nidify tho nulilto that h has re-

    ceived ior B. K, "Monownl" anKleKtuit Ahxortiiient of

    Ladles', Children's & Gent's

    Boots it07i-a- Shoes

    Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'fl

    Saturday, March 26, 1S9S.

    Has it ever occurred to youthat the Islands are getting atremendous amount of freeadvertising? Has it ever occurred to you that it would bebetter if the representative ofone of the foreign newspapersnow"sojourning here wouldadhere closer to the truth andto the principle of investigat-ing rumors before publishingthem rather than publish firstand be called a scorner of thetruth afterward? Better forthe community "and the paperrepresented. It has to us andwe're not alone in the opinion.

    The generous ant' generaladvertising the country hasreceived during the past twomonths will Help us in manyways and injure certain indivi-duals in others. It will bringcapital to the country and tou-rists to our shores. It willcreate a demand for Kodaksand bring globe trotters hereto view, what the representa-tive of one San Francisco paper has made them believe, isthe most available spot onearth for Parkhursting cranksand the hotbed of intrigue anddeception. The Bureau ofAnnexation has proven itself abetter advertising channel thandid the Bureau of Information,but then the latter dealt mostlyin climate and scenery. Thetourists now here proclaim thisa veritable eden, a paradise,the condensation of every-thing necessary to make lifepleasant and bearable, and thesociety feature hits them hard.Instead of the "half naked na-tive" who carts treasures fromtne raiace tney lound an in-telligent well-dresse- d people.Instead of native women run- -nino- - the streetsdress

    regardless ofthey found them cos

    tumed in dresses by Worthand hats by Virot. Instead ofthe "two an' ha'penny" shopsin whose windows they expect-ed to see curios and tapa theyfind in our store the embodi-ment of everything new andornamental. They find in it alarger and better displayedassortment of house furnishinggoods than they ever saw in acity of three times the size inthe United States. We don'tlike to boast but when suchdecayed substance as latelyappeared in a San Franciscopaper is placed under ourolfactory organ we are forcedto do it and to murmer a gen-tle protest.

    Does anyone suppose thatthe people who read the arti-cles referred to believe theywould find in far off Hawaii aplow half so good as the Hen-dry Breaker? Dfd any ofthem expect to find in this re-puted slow going communitya firm with snap and gingerenough in its composition totake hold of a new fangledthing like the Aermotor anddrive every other wtndmill outof the market? We trow not !

    We like advertising whetherit be free or paid but give us abit of truth in it. Let it beknown that the countryabounds in milk and honey;that the land in some parts ofthe Islands produces coffeethat will cause the SouthAmerican article to blush. Letthem know that our establish-ment contains a completestock of implements necessaryto the proper cultivation of thesoil and that we compete withthe manufacturers in price.Tell them that there is a hard-ware company in Honoluluwith ideas just a few weeksahead of the times, and thepeople who come here to stayand control politics can gettheir outfit cheaper in Hono-lulu than they could backhome. All they need bring isa paid-u- p subscription to theirhome paper and a celluloidcollar; and if newspaper cor-respondents come to 1 lawaiiand find they left a reticulefull of truth back home willcall on us- - we will give thema supply, "Now is the timeto subscribe,"

    Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'dOpposite. Sprcoki'lb' Mod;,

    Fort Street.

    TEMPLE OF FASHIONOoruer Fort & Hotel Streets.

    O-- IR, nsr ID

    Opening of Spring Goods !


    117 Cases of New GoodsPersonally selected


    whichof Invited.

    FO-F- t this w"e:e:Great specialties

    Hnnilionie Lino of New Di'ilcm Inl'ANUY SATEENS, SlIAlMCl) SILK. KIWKCTS tW At

    The Uitcst Oloth InWASH MATUIUAL (OliALLY Uri'IUTS - At

    Latest Design1)INDIA DKAPEUIKS, WIDE T" At

    S. EHHLIOH,Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., .... Honolulu, H. I.THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.

    IMPORTS Ex " TKA.3STSIT- JTJST fiNTDID -Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Bran, line and coarse; Middlings,


    GOLDEN GATE & WHITE LILY FLOUR,liavo licuns, Bbl. Salmon, Fairbanks' Lard,

    Knulo Milk. Libbv's C. 0. &Libbv'h Lunch Toinmc. Underwood's Picnic Lobsters.

    it. It. Chicken, Vienna Sausage, Oysters, Clams,Corn, "Lion" Corn,

    Log Cabin Muplo Syrup,' Royal Baking Powder.

    Cal. French Prunes, Dried Apples, Evaporated Apples,Dried Peaches, Dried Aprleiit-"- , Almonds Walnuts,

    liaisinsin Whole, and Duxes; Morgan's Sapolio,

    Medium, Saloon Pilot, Soda, Assorted & Ofher Fancy Crackers.INCLUDING YARIED ASSORTMENT GENERAL GROCERIES.

    New Zealand Potatoes & Onions, Received Ex "Alameda"'


    To Let Lease.


    rpWO NICELY EUR-J- Lni-h- Rooms at No.

    4 Garden Line, vervWfci-- tf

    TO LET

    HOUSE OFroom, on Magazine

    street, with Bathroom, lat-ent W. I'., ele. Commandsone oi the line-.- t views in Honoluluto (477-t- f) J. M. VIV

    TO LET

    BLOCK EIIOMBE-lelani- astreet ear;-- , a

    Cuol and Convenient Cot- -time nix Kooins. Larco 3


    Lot, Huum.E. 11. HENDRY,

    at Hardware Co.'s btoro.i7-- tf

    NICE COTTAGE ONA Berctania street, nearPiikol containing

    'X Bedrooms. Bath

    which Is



    V, ',,




    51 J

    ' JTjfflJStable Apply to

    street,, Diningrooni, Pantry and Kitchen,Servant's room, Carriage House, Stable, etc..Tramciiis pass every 'Iti minutes. Apply atolllce of paper. 4Sti-- tf


    rpHE COTTAGE AT NO.JL King stiect, latelyoccupied by Mr. S. Levy,eontniniiiL''.'! Bedrooms. Par



    lor, Dining-room- , Kitchen Bathroom;l,i Artnuini, Wntitr n ill (in.

    particulars and terms, apply toABR. FERNANDEZ,

    013-t- f at E. O. Hall it Sons'.

    SINGLE BARRELA Breech LoadingShot Gun. Address"N.," ..Iliee.

    07()-:- it"kT


    THE ANNUAL M EKT1NG EAT Stockholders of Inter-Islan-dSteam Navigation (LM),day, following Olllcers Diiectors

    elected ensiling year

    W.B. Godfrey .,J.W. H. McLean...1. L. McLean..T. V. llobron ..



    II. Godfiey. .1. Kim,V. U. P. A.


    aro now out


    "Yum-Yum- "


    JtiMiignmi stovo folisii,




    andMtfiltlit i'itr.1.l'"or




    were tho



    hold thisand

    . President,

    ... .Secretary,. Treasurer,

    IIO.MIII Ol' lUltlX'TOlHi







    G. Wilcox,Schacfor.

    Mi'LKAN,Secretary 1. I, ti.

    1 March IftDl.UbU-'.'-

    Executor's Notice Creditors.

    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THEJL Firnt Circuit. -- In Probate. In mut- -'

    of A'lll of Maria O'Sulliviin, (e- -'I'i'iiM'il, The undesigned glvus notice that

    been appointed E.ecutiir of tholast Will anil ol Maria O'Sulll- -van, late of Honolulu, decein-cd- , andlieieby nntilles Creditors of mid MarinD'Sillllvau to liiuhiut their lospcctivoclaims duly verilled, with plotter voucher-,- ,to him, at Huio of I). 0. llall A' Hon, inHonolulu, within bl luonthn from thisduto, or will bo forever hai'icd.

    AllRAUA.M PKRNANDUZ,LMu'iitoriif Will of Maria O'Sulliviin,

    ileceaned.: D.ilcd this I'Uth day of .March, 1MJ),


    Jul I'finthiil nmtly awl pfumjitlyexecuted the. Bulletin Ojjico,

    an liiHncction


    Wlttl. .....ta !l,i,n.M.lllllUJ O .LJllllVL,


    iUas-on'- s Blacking,

    20c. Yard

    15c. Yard

    20c. Yard


    Candles, Table Salt, Cotl'ee in Tins & Papers.


    IN lm








    W. H.N. Co.



    tliutor the

    he has







    Bruco & .A. J. Cartwright.

    o lm of LeaseAt Prices- - to Suit the Times.

    riMIATJL and

    Two-stor- y


    jsto. 1.commodiousJ! rick ISiuklmg

    n! f I'lmt .! (if (Iriitinluformerly the residence of the late H. J.Hart, situate on Nuuanu Avenue belowSchool street. Terms easy. 023-- tf

    NOTE Beforo seeking or closing bar-gains clsewhure, it will pay you to scan ourcolumn, and to at onco consult the under--signed at their olllce.

    4J6We keep property in first-cla- ss con-dition. Our terms are moderate and aslandlords wo will always be found reason-able in our dealings.

    19F Apply in eacl case toBRUCE or A. J. CARTWRIGHT,

    'Cartwright Building," Merchant Btreet.540-t- f

    Golden Me Bazaar

    W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.

    Our Optical Department stillgoes along in Hie even tenor of itsivay despite all opposition. Everyday wcjit somebody either with apair of Eyeglasses for 25c, andonce in a while we get as high as$2,00. We can't go higher be-cause that is the best pair of crys-tals you can buy and why paymorcf The reason is that we donot need any special two weeks'study of the question because ourinstrument, the EYEMETER, isso simple that its lest is absolute.Doesn't matter if your eyes arcmyopic, astigmatic or any otherattic, that instrument gets thereevery time.

    Typewriters' Supplies,Toilet Soap, Hair it Cloth Brushes,

    Cioiiuet Sots, Lawn Tennis Supplies.Guitars from if I up, Banjos, Violins,


    Sewing MachinesOn the Instalment Plan, ulni Fur Runt

    Domeatlo IaaiiionsA largo biinply of Popular Novels.

    A well utiMirtcil stock of Bound Books ,

    to milt all ages at publishers' rates.

    Children's Books from 5c. up,Sots Ilawallau Staniya $1.75 & $4.00.

    Sheet Music Ordered by Every Steamer.


  • i


    Time Table



    l.eavo Honolulu.. .0:15Arrlvo Honoiiliuli.7:20liOnvo Honoullull..7:30Arrlvo Honolulu. .8:115

    Honolulu ........


    Sundays oxconted. f SaturdaysSaturday's oxocptcd.






    nv c. J.



    !? H n tn oTIS. & rift H IS

    I? &,



    l'KAni. OlTV LOCAL.

    l.eavo G:105Arrlvo CityI.cnvoArrlvo



    and Moon.LYONS. a.m. a.m. 'a.m.20. (I 14 6 14 11 00, 1 0021 7 11 0 00,11 40 2 30

    i In. in.22 8 22 0 B0. 0 102J 1) (W S 20 1 20124 10 00 10 00, 2 00



    il.m. ll.ln25 11 30 11 20 00 10

    12 00. U 35 5 00





    --AMINES ISTEWS.Arrivals.

    Satuiuiay, MarchKiuau Hawaii

    Cummins KoolnuMokolli Molokai

    llishop L.ilminaKaala WnianaeIwnlaui KauaiWaialealo llamakua

    Departures.vnimiAY, March

    ship Potter, Meyer,Francisco

    Vessels Leaving Monday.Cummins Koolau

    Mokolii MolukaiWaialealu Hananuiulu


    Cargoes froni Island Forts.Kinau bags sheep,

    horse, potatoes,ozsundries.


    ubor, hogs,

    Bishop bagsmolasses.

    Iwalani bags pkgssundries.



    Corwin, Fcron, Ewing,









    n n o i.i0 11 10 111

    0 12 u 200 12 ....

    0, 0 12 2!)

    13 3069 0 13, 27

    First of tlio Moon on tlio 2tth ntllli. liiln. n. in.

    Time 111 28m. 34s. p.m. oftlmo, which la tlio samo as 12b. Oui.

    0s. ot time.



    25.Stnir from Miuil andStuir J A fromStmr fromStmr C H fromStmr fromStmr fromStmr from

    S 25.Am John C for San

    Stmr J A forStmi forStmr forStmr C K for Kamii

    Stmr C2G0 sugar, 18S2(U bags 23 bags corn,

    pes ouia tin


    Stmr :t41

    A.M. P.M.

    41 lsu pkgs

    siiL'ar and S7IiKgs suniiries.

    Stmr 3011 sugar and 123 bbls

    Stmr lMi sugar and 22

    Aimi VAliHiFrom Maui and per stmr :

    Mar 25 From J A Joy,W J F O JJr



    Kinau.I)r it W

    Iglick,J E Andre, It O Smith, Wav worts: JasFalkner, J W Young, T Woln-- , T Yatsu-mot- o,

    Mrs Aoe Like, A B Loebenstein, 0Notley, Miss E Mullinger, Jas Benton,Geo F Benton. B F La Hire. C E Keiimster.T W Gay, W J Koche, II F Hamersley, OJFalk.MrsCL Wight and child, Airs JVierra and 2 children, and 02 deck.

    DEi'Anrupcs.For San Francisco per bark Annie John-

    son from Hilo, Mur 21 W S Burncll.

    Vessels inH J M S Naniwa, Togo, from JapanU 8 F S Mohican from San FranciscoUSB Boston, Wiltso, from HiloAm schr Hobt Searles, I'clU,

    from Newcastle, X S WAm bit Ceylon, Calhoun, from San Fran-

    ciscoAm bktne Discovery, McNeill, from San

    FranciscoGerbk H Hackfeld, Hilgerloh, from Liver-


    Foreign Vossols Expected.UBS Ranger, from San FraneincoUSB Adaiiia, from Ban FranciscoHUMS Hyaclnthe from EsquimauHBM8 Koyal Arthur from Englandii u iu o lemerairo irotii ungiauuAm Irmgard from BaiiKrancihcoduebktne

    iuurcn -- J



    Am bktne Planter, Dow, from San Fran-cisco, duo March 21

    Am Alice Cooke from New ea&tlu, N B W,due March 25

    Am schr Lyman I) Foster, Drjcr,from Newcastle, N B W

    Am schr Puritan. Warner, fromNewcastle, NSW

    Am m schr OJga, from Ken castle. N S V,March 25--30

    Am 4-- m King Cyrus, from Newcastle, N BW, April 5--

    Am m hktno W It Hume, from New-castle, N B V, April 2.i-:- i0

    Br lik Gainsborough, from Newcastle, N SW, April O

    Ilk Lamorna, fiom Newcastle, N S W,April 2V-3-

    Ilk Amy Turner, from Ilostou, duo Hay20-3- 0

    Mis bkt Morning Star from Micronesia,due May 2.1

    llr ship Honolulu from New cast lo, N S VGer bkt Amelia from Port Towusuud

    Shipping Notes.The Hawaiian bark Manna Alii is now

    folly duo from Sun Francisco, being llldavsout

    Tho steamer Wuiulealc reports lino wea-ther at Haiunkuu. Bliu will leave ugainon Monday for Hanamaulu.

    The American ship John (' Potter wastowed to sea at noon y by the tugEleu. Bho is hound to San Francisco with2I),7(J9 bags sugar.

    II1J.O.Bulled Mar 21, bark Aimlu Johin-ou-,

    Oaptuiu ituek, for San Kiancisco. tnkiiiu'over 1700 tons of sugar, valued nt I10,2u".- -vi, ino iiiigesi cuigofrom Hilo.


    Migar over Mint

    muiukii.s .Arrivals-M- ar 15, stmr (Jluudlno, Duvies,

    from Honolulu with foreign mulls; Am :)masted schr Kva, .1 Mollo master, IK davitfrom Ban Pedro. Ualu,, to Haw llullio.ulCo,; 18. stmr ICIimu hum Honolulu; 21,stmr Kiuau from Hilo.

    Duiiurturcs Mur 15, stmr (Jluuiliiiu foruokuiu: i



    (I .1

    G 43


    0 20 10 0

    0 0 0 15 2




    V tn schr Eva,i Hag

    Kar weighing 770.SJI lb,; also 117 bids mo-lass-(2000 gullons). by 0 J Fulk, Tola!

    vuluo, lw.Yuu.3d. 18. spur Kinau for Hilo;21, stmr Kluuu for Honolulu,


    Tlio bnnd will play ntNEWS.

    KnitnniMjunru una nllornooii.

    Mr. J. E. Bush will not spoak ntthu mnss mooting t.

    Diamond Head, 12 m. Woathor,dour; wind, light southwost.

    Slock cmtifioato No. 5, Ponil CityFruit Co., is advertised as lost.

    There aro several Boloetious iii thisissuo of much interest to the ladies.

    Tho family of the lato R. B. Rick-nr- dhave a card of thanks in this


    Joso Dias offers the building occu-pied by hint as a stuldlory shop inWailufui for salo.

    The seven contestants, who willpartiuipato in tho wrestling tourna-ment to begin on April 1st, werephotographed yostorday.

    A largo number of annexationHags arrived lately from San Fran-cisco. Thoy aro American flags withan extra star for Hawaii.

    Tho Hawaiian National Band willgive a concert at Emma Square thisevening at 7:30 o'clock, during thoCivil Rights League mass mooting.

    Don't forgot tho concert atChurch this ovoning. A

    brilliant program has boon preparedand a good ovouing's entertainmentis promised.

    A young Chinese ovangolist namedTon Young loft by tho bark Tacoratho other day, to assist Row H. H.Gowon's mission among tho Chineseof British Columbia.

    Mr. "W. J. Roche arrived fromUlupalakua, Maui, on tho stoamerKinau this morning in bad Health.Mr. Rocho wont to Ulupalakua toaccept a position as teacher only


    last woeic.A practice game of baseball will

    bo played at tho League groundstills attoruoon between tho localHawaiis and a toam from tho Mohi-can and Boston. Tho gaino willbegin at 3 o'clock.

    A Chineso vegetable peddler statedin answer to a question yostordaythat thoro wore nearly four hundredvegetable gardens owned by Chinesein this city. Tho largest one, coveredan area of sixty acres.

    Tho special car for tho SecondCongiegation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral will leavo Pauoa at twenty minutes to six o'clock on Sunday ovon-ing on account of confirmation ser-vice, beginning at 0 o'clock.

    A belated sailor was rowed out tojoin tho bark Tacora starting for &catho other day. Captain Thorntontold him ho was too lato. The sailorthen asked for his baggago, whichwas thrown over the side to him.

    ho ol tlio second congre-gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral,Sunday evening, will commence at tiinstead of (5:30 o'clock, when thoBibhop will confirm a largo numberof candidates pioparod by Ror. Alex.Mackintosh. All soalb free.

    Lam Gow, who runs tho notoriousBay View Resort, was sentenced topay a tine of 200 in tho DistrictCourt this morning on a charge ofselling liquor without a license lastweek, and more particularly on Mon-day. Defendant noted an appeal.

    Fivo tourists, among them threoladies, arranged to the nativefemales' style of tripping tho lightfantastic 3'estorday. In tho eveningthey wore treated to a privato exhi-bition at a house on Qucon street,and tho ladies wore so fascinatedthat thoy immediately initiatedthemselves in tho Hawaiian .step.

    When 3'ou have read tho essay oftho Hawaiian Hardware Co. in thispaper, you will arrive at tho conclu-sion that there is moro than vol-canoes in tint, country. It is signi-fiea- nt

    to find a corporation thatdeals in an infinite variety of mer-chandise making a leading specialtyof an agricultural implement iutheir largo advertising.

    District Magistrate Foster ren-dered decision in tho Cartwritrhtburglary case this morning. Somorswas committed to tho Circuit Courtfor sentence, and Ales. Harris wascommitted for trial. As to Gus, thothird colored man concerned, therewas no evidence against him, but howas ordered to file a bond to onsurohis appearing as a witness againstHarris in the Circuit Court. It isbelieved Gus knows moro thau hocares to tell.

    Tho tiiK-of-w- matches to-nic-at tho Buret an in street Armory pro-mise to be very interesting. pull will bo between Hawaiiand Ireland, the latter team beingfrom tlio S. S. Australia. Both teamsaverage about 200-lb- to tho man.Several wagerh havo been made thattho Hawaiian team will meet theirWaterloo in contesting with thoIrish team. It is also said that the 'now-como- rs will put up S200 thatthoy will defeat tho Hawaiinns. Tlioother matches will be between Japanand Portugal, and America andGermany.

    ADVERTISING NOTES.Rooms to let with board at Hani- -

    wai, Waikiki.

    Root Beer on draught at Benson,Smith k Co.V.

    After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith it Co,, Agents.

    Sunburn lelieved at once bycumber Tome, Benson, Smil li k Co.,Agents.

    IS- .- M.i nil i?...--l L .!

    stieet. Lodging by lay, week ormonth -'- Jfic. and hUc. a night; .?!and 1 . " a week.

    Prof. I'1. Loinlmrd, A. H., will continue ghiug iuntruetiou iu privatoami iu dIu.sms.s; Fieiuih, Spanish. ' 'mill J..UIIII. jvubiuuiiuo, n ui huh niiuui,near Y. M. C. A,

    . . . --M Ig r.Ml n "5. """' "." y " vrwT' v mFmrnKKSF3r pwrwwwraHPafl wapiHi'WDW1PWJKWrfW'r 'AnrfWMi .prM-ww- ,-, W ,$ S3TW.1 V ' "ft jrf J 3TW- WMWr


    Important Invention by a Locnl Me-chanic Protectod in tho States,

    Mr. Wm. 0. Roe of Honolulu hasreceived a United States patout, torun 17 years from March 7, for animproved latho center. This inven-tion of Mr. Roe's was described iuthis paper when ho was sending for-ward his application for a patent.Tho now latho center is readily ap-plied and easy of adjustment, tobring irregular woik into a trueposition while being turned. It con-sists of an inner fixed or dead cen-ter, with a conical ceutor point, anda tnperod stom bearing part, with aconical shoulder thrust bearing.Thoro is a passage for oil throughtho device, for lubricating tho pointof action. A complete descriptionwould be too technical for most ofour loaders, but .Mr. Roo will doubt-less respond to all inquiries for in-formation. Tho most importantobject of the invention is to haveany irregular centers iu old work, orany kind of irregular work, readilyand simply centered to run truly orirregularly as desired. The inventorsa3--

    s this center is the only practicalrevolving center ho has over seen orhoard ofj and its adjustable deviceon cone is entirely new to latho andmachine men.


    Results of Number Ono in tho DailyBulletin.

    Missing word contest No. 1 in thoBulletin did not draw out a greatmany answers. Tho game seldomdoes awaken enthusiasm at tho start.In Frank Loslio's most of tho an-swers camo in within tho last day ortwo of a month given. Tho namesof tho winuors and the number ofcorrect votes of each aro givon bo-lo-

    Thoy will bo apportioned thopurso in equal shares per vote:

    O. A. Peterson, 5 votes;A. V. Gear, G votes;Robert W. Cathcart, 1 vote.Tho missing word was "equalit',"

    tho entire sentence, from page 91 ofVol. 1 of Talleyrand's Memoirs, bo-in- g

    as follows: "I ought to say bosides, that that portion of the armyso imprudently sent to tho aid oftho English Colonies strugglingagainst their mother couutry, wasimbued in tho Now World with thedoctrines of equality." The next con-test will bo opened shortly.


    Holy Week.

    Sunday Tho Skth Sunday in Lent.Palm Sunday.0:30, Holy Communion.11, Holy Communion, (Choral-)- .7:30, Eening Prayer and Sermon.

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday.

    0:30, Holy Communion.9, Morning Prayer.1:30, Evening Prayer. Except

    Wednesday, when Evening will boat 7.Good Friday.

    (5:30,11, Morning Prayer, Litany and

    Senium.1:30, Meditations and Seon Words

    from tho Cross.7:30, E oning Prayer and Sermon.



    Solicits Financial Aid From the Pro-visional Government.

    China Engine Co. No. 5 havo de-cided to reorganise as a volunteercompany. Twenty-fiv- e of tho oldmembers have enrolled their namesunder Foreman Chang Kim.

    Tho present foionianby tho company had a cowith the Board of Firo Commissionors tho result being that China Engino Company was promised Govern-ment assistance. The commission-ers, offered aid of ..")() a mouth to do-fra- y

    tho expenses of the company.Foreman Chang Kim reported

    back hissolicited morefrom tho P. G.received as yet.

    assistanceNo answer has been

    Took Them by Wholesale.

    Withorby You had better sendmo up half a dozen pairs of thcboslippers.

    Salesman Paidon me, sir, butmay 1 ask what you want so manyforf

    Withorby Triplets. Juibjo.m

    Three days is a very short time iuwhich to cure a bad case of rheu- -mat ism; but it can be done, if theproper treatment is adopted, as willbo by tho following from .lamesLambert, of Now Uruuswick, Ills:"1 was badly alllicted with rhouina- -Usui iu the hips and legs, when 1 j

    a bottle of Chamberlain'sPain Balm. It cured mo indays. 1 am all rijdit to-da- andwould insist on every ono who isalllicted with that terriblo disease touse Chamberlain's l'ain and getwell at once." fit) cent bottles forsale by all dealers. Benson Smith& Co., agents for tlio Hawaiian Isl-ands.


    All hiwU of Ptinlintjpromptly executed it luw rates at thoJUtlHin


    ., A HUll.DlNG (ONSIST-- AiV. ingof I ItooniH, Klt- - 1 ..? l--olii'ii, hiuall Ilaek.vaiil and raiiljiiSi

    as u sudillcrj ohop by Join Dins,in win oiiMiiush part in mo ion u nun itii- -

    nlivo llirftf: Clmie and Sugif ' HWlti tueases. Mutual Telephone 082. On the prembes ur by htiur.

    ,1 Wulluku, Muifli 21. (iSl-l-Mechiinies' Homo, nil and til Hotel -

    ? ()N


    in:iii:i'.i. hT.ileal I'lll.iii id.

    containing n nonius, i ur--riuue Hiiiisii mid MiiImch:


    .ot inexiuiJ lent, iieni .fis pur iiioiituwuior. Aiiply tn

    MII8. V. II.' 110 ICIiitf street.


    Dostroya tho RoBidoncoVivas.

    of J.

    Tho firo department was calledout early this morning to n blaze onBeretnnia street, IMikoi andKeonumoku streets. The residenceof .). M. Vivas, PorliimHi courl in-terpreter, was burned. Uofoio theengitio arrived tlio house was a massof flames.

    Mr. Vivas states that was awak-ened between I and half-pa-st 1 byhis wife, who told him that shehoard a noise as if some ono wasmoving about in the house. Mr.Vivas thinking tho noise was madeby a burglar got up to get a revol-ver, but as ho was parsing the dining-roo- m

    ho saw a bright light throughtho space the door, t'resentlytlio flames buist through and hocalled to his wife and family to getout of tho house as it was on lire.He called out to natives on the op-posite sido of tho road for help, butthoy only blow a whistle.

    A" small bureau and a few articlesof clothing woro tlio only thingssaved. Tho houso is fully insurediu tho Fireman's Fund and Lion In-surance Companies, and tho furni-ture is partly insured.

    Chief Engineer Hustaco displayedcommendablo activity in connectionwith this firo. The vigor inspiresin the now department is marked.Thoro would have boon a dolaj ofmany minutes in getting water thismorning, if tho Chief had not takoutho precaution of going round be-forehand to look up tho

    sunken water plugs. If thorohad boon a proper hydrant at thoplaco, many seconds would havo beensaved. Chief Engineor be-gan runniug tho hro department oilstrictly business principles, and hismanagement of Honolulu's first paidfiro department reflects credit ontho Government that selected himfor tho responsible position.

    Bei'oro Thoy Camo In.Advanco agent What is the capa-

    city of your theater?Manager About 800."But you told me 2100 when I was

    hero last.""Yes, but that was before hoop-skir- ts

    camo in." IMroit Tribune.

    Hood's OuresSaved My Wife'

    Woaknoss, Nervousness,Rheum.

    114John IP. Jbiica

    Kalmua, VUili.




    .Q LlTft


    " Of ray own froo will ami accord, unbiased byanyono, ami wishing only to ilo gooil tn tlioalllictcd, I wish to tell of the good qualities ofHood's Saisaii.irlUa and Ilnod's Pills. I thinkthcro aro no mertMncs oqinl to them, and liavonrocd tlielr meilt by exin'iknee hi my ownfamily. JIv wife, llaclirl lus been nnlii tcriwith weakness. neroinues. anil sail riiiM.m. Ispent nearly all tint Ih.ul or tills wnild's mioil--fur doptn's hills a.l in Ulclui' mull wo iU tilledto tiy Hood's Sarsajiarllla. It undoubtedly

    Saved My Wlfo From tho Cravo.The salt rheum entirely healed ami she IsrrMorrd lo Rood lirnlili. I It i 0 m.inyfriends and lelatlvcs In the i'ast who will beglad to know that

    instructednfenmce Hood's SarGaparMa' HlS ClIlOll II1V Wife." JolIXW. JOVBS,

    v. asii

    company. members 1KUTIKI0ATKfinancial










    naiami, Get HOOD'S.HOOD'S PlLt--8 otli bett after dinner P'lU,

    llt dlgcitlon, cur headache Try a box. Mc.


    to Tho OF STOCK NO. 5,niuhtcun bharcs Pearl City

    Comimnv. Finder please return toGEO. lATUItaUS.

    March 2.J, 1. 0Sl-:- itCARD OF THANKS.

    rpim HEUEAVKP FAMILY OF THEJL late K. il. Kickard, deceased, dohereby heg to tender their mot .sinceree.pres-ion- s of gratitude, to the many kindfriends, whose kind, respectful sympathieswere shown by their pro-en- at thefuneral.

    llonokua, llamakua, Hawaii, Mareli 22,Ih'JJ. IJSI-- lt

    Lohengrin Beer


    Just Arrived by "Austi alia."



    Ohia Koii Firewood




    At S8 Per Cord-CAS- H

    i) i)i:i.ivi:iii:i- -i

    JOHN COLDURNhijd-'J-

    LMlTiFiiie :. Easter:.

    & CO.


    Patent Elastic Seam Drawers !

    "Vo want to cull the attentionof our patrons to a novelty which,from tho favor it has heen re-ceived with, wo believe has cometo stay and become an indibpen-sihl- c

    article of gent's funiibhing.A glnnco at the cut above willshow at once the superiority ofgoods made in this manner overthose heretofore in vogue.

    Suhivkn's Patiint cSkam Duawkus tiro provided

    witn an linprovemeiu eoiihistnigof an Elastic Lvhr.UTioN ut theinner and outer teams, whichgives elasticity in movement andcomfort in lit. Tlio dniwor-- arecut in figure outlines mid uH'ordthe wearer all the advantages ofknit goods, while retaining thesuperior comfort of woven fabric.The 1'atknt Ki.A.vnc .Si:.m,which contains no urmiKi:, re-tains it springinc.-- s nml wear-long- er

    than the other portion ofthe garment. It nmkc- - thedrawers conform to the positionof the wearer and avoids anystrain, no matter what attitudethe body assumes.

    It will also be found that thesePatknt Elastic Si:am Dkawkusare equally well adiipled to allathletic positions and allow thegreatest freedom and ease ofmotion. In the position as-sumed in the cut, not the leasttension io produced on tlTo mainportion of tho goods, while theclastic seams allow the transfor-mation of the iigtiro as seen inthe position, which would he im-possible in others without pro-ducing great strain on the goodsand friction upon the person.

    We have now u complete stockof theso goods in all sizes, andenn recommend those made oftho material known as "J i:an"to he tho coolest and best adapt-ed for those persons who do notcare to wear woolon fabrics.

    They say that there is "noth-ing new under tiie sun," hut thefellow who that was allwrong. He forgot "Gent's Furnishings, thoy re always miiK-in- g

    something new in that line.Tho latest yet, we have just

    received samples of, from theinaniifacturero. It consists ofGauze, Balbriggan, or Silk Un-der Garments with WOOL skill-fully woven into tlio hrcast andback to protect the most vitalparts of tho body from cold orchill. To tho many people whocannot wear all wool goods on


    account of tho irritation some- - itimes full, those goods will he agreat boon, as, while I hey willhavo tho advantage of wearingcotton fabric, I ho lungs and '

    hack will have a nice warm cov- -oring of wool. From the manysentiments of approval wo haveheard regarding these goods webelieve them to bo a good thingfor our clima'o, and have placedour orders for a full slock,which will be on ulo in abouttwo mouths.

    To any person desiring to seethe samples which wo haw cwill he pleased to show thcin.

    M . JtloliNERN Y

    jt1 Q4 Fort

    Latest I New Styles !


    Millinerynsrcrw ofhjn--

    N- - S. 'SASSNovelties


    New Spring Flowers!: New Ribbons!

    .nSTE-- W LACES!Latest Novelties in Children's Hats T


    New Spring Dress Materials !ni:v riiriti:n muslins, chamhuics,

    NI'.W rltr.NC'H ALL-WOO- L ClIAlLI.ns, dark ellccts;whiti: i'uinti:i) Lixr.N iuish lawns,

    xkw cotton imu:i:s cotton, chapes,

    New White Goods. Dimities, Marseilles. Etc.wi: havi: Tin: vkiiy latest in

    Laces, Embroideries & Trimmings!ALSO NI'.W LOT OF THE

    Vdeline Black StockingsCS These arc Absolutely Fast Color and will not Cro thev are pronounced

    "THK ItLST."


    20 lbs. WOf


    Nestle's 11

    o - - -



    .v ,t&.




    Your doctor

    Food 11

    $wfcj PdlWIF



    STStfully requested

    tell you Our Store and getit ia thesafest dietfor baby



    A dainty new book, The Baby, by thebest authorities on baby life, free to ecrymother who sends her address

    THOA1AS LCEMINd & COMPANY,73 Warren St., New York.



    You ireto

    S.VMi'iii: of the '




    aby Food


    -I- S A

    Pure Milk Food!And requires only the addi-

    tion of "NV to pre-pare it for use.

    Large Packages 50 Cts


    109 Fort Street, - - - Honolulu, HL I.

    Pacific Hardware


    Co, L'd0im.rYiJns Block., Port SJtreot.





    Leather Belting & Lace LeatherOK VKItY SUI'i:i!IOK QUALITY. AN INVOIGK OK

    TRON AND BRASS SCREWSto com rum; oun uni: ok si.i:s.

    Saucl Paper, Emery Cloth Sacks,O-iari- Nail Fullers, Liai-ia-- t Swivels,

    Turner's Sn-ip-s cxxicl Shears,A.-wl- s and. Tools, Oardon Trowels,

    Egg Beaters, Cork Screws, Can Openers,

    Scrub Brushes, Paints, ' Putty, Etc., Etc.

    B. IF1. EH:i-iEK,- S & CXD.S3 FORT STK.E3E3T.

    respect- -

    AlTKIt TAKINCj bl'Ol'IC ALL KlNDrf Oh

    Curtains in White, Cream and Colored IAt hall the former com,

    Velvet c& Smyrna, IR.-u.g- sIu all nirvn KH'iitlj redmed

    Woolen Goods in Plain, Striped & Plaids, Below Cost!IW 1" hut . oder liiiincn-- i lliri:aliis in all Iei.irtuieuts, -

    Vt)' Drossmakluj Undor Uio Mmiaaomont ol MISS K. 0LARK. SEJ

    Daily Bulletin, 50c. per monthV



  • Eaj.MMy w 'iP ' ! .IrrTT$'iaB





    Wf?,iJJ, ',wwsw :t"-vil- , "' vie ' '"w'1 '''' 'jit1! 'f vWEIPV ,TOTTN"iffV-,- i' n.7 MjSSjfWTfnj- - T.l msBSKS Stf', 'rf



    Steel & Iron Ranges



    Agate Ware in

    WHITE, GRAY and


    Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

    Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.





    Fresh California Roll

    g0T ALWAYS

    New Goods Received Dy Every

    All Orders faithfully uttended to.solicited and packed with care.

    LINCOLN BLOCK, King Street -

    TELEPHONE 119.



    Importers, Wholesale



    Island Solicited.

    TELEPHONE 92.- -







    E. &

    EtnciNew Received Every Packet fiom Eastern


    attended to dellveri-- to

    Island solicited.

    Bast Port &c King




    THEO. H. DAVIES CO.014-t- f


    A FIHST.OLA88 FAMILY 1IATIIINOltusort ut Waiklkl. Ti mucins pa

    Special arrangements can bn.fmade for Kumllv Picnics und 1C von

    V.ythlng Partlcu. WS-t-J

    il" i

    ustott,DEALER IN

    Fixit-mre- s


    Large Variety,SILVER-PLATE-


    Butter Island Butter

    ON HAND &$

    Steamer from San Francisco

    Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders

    Bet. Fort and AlaKea Streets.

    -- P. O. BOX

    -- P. O. ItOX lilJT


    Retail Grace

    Satisfaction Guaranteed.

    -- P. 0. HOX



    Oiiia (6 Koa


    At S8 Per Cord-CA- SH

    Itf AND m. --Wl

    JOHN F. COLBURN & CO.(Vi!l-'.l- V

    niily Hull, tin, fiO lYiifn a month,telh'md

    Provision Dealers Naval SuppliesFresh Goods by Cala. Steamer


    H. BRO,

    Frcrvisioris Feed.Hoods by tho States and Europe.


    All Orders fulthfully and (Joods uny part of thu City free.

    Orders Satisfaction guaranteed,

    Corner Streets,


    Fishbrand Clothing1Y


    1LANIWA1"XX.the gate,








    O-rooerie- s,


    OF A- -


    KALIHI-KA1- ,Close to tlio Itnilronil. Mr. Wnllcr'ft

    Jircwcry, to no lu-l- on

    Wednesday, April 5th,FROM Oiisn A. M. TO 7 1'. M.,

    Unilor tho management of Mii. 'ii,i-o- .niul Mu-"- . W'm.i.i'.ii, of Knlllil, aided by

    ninny White anil llawnilnn Ladies.

    Superintended by lli:v. KvTitnnfor Church Purposes.

    FAIRTwo Tnbles foreign nml Hawaiian; drub

    IIiimh; ltalllo; Lois und KlowerTn- -bles: li-- Cream nml Candy

    Tables; Scales; Etc.


    LUAUTwo Uliic Flap Tables Tickets '.!." Cunts.

    Ono Pink Flag Table-Tick- ets 50 Cents.

    The Hand of St. Louis College will playduring tho whole day several of their beau-tiful pieces; and the Sunday School Choirof Father Clement will sing homo of theirbeit all to make of tlio occasion notonly n lucrative day, but aKo n very enjoy-able one for everyone.

    XSJ" Trains will run nt Excursion Hatesfrom Honolulu and Moanalun to theOrounds every half hour from 1) a. m. to 1r. m.; every hour from ltoSr. m.; everyhalf hour again from f to 7 r. t.

    t)& Tickets for tho I.uau niav be hadany time after TueMlay, March 1 Itli.

    tVF" Tickets for Trains (round trip),only '25 cents, will ho delivered at the Depoton the two preceding days, April ;td and1th.

    The names of nil the tallies who willplease take charge of tho dill'erent Tablesof tho Fair and l.uau will be published assoon as they are well known. (!7."-t- d

    Royal Hawaiian Opera Honse

    L. .1. Levey Lessee.J. P. Kahalcwai Stage Manager.


    Series of Interesting Incidents in

    Hawaiian History!Adapted fortbo Stage by tho H w.ui Ponoi

    DuvMATir Co., to be presented in Eng-lish by Native Ilawaiians on

    SATURDAY EVENING, April 8fb,

    Will be produced n Melo-drain- a inTwo Acts, entitled;

    "TheLady, Twilight"

    Ne-- Scenes INe-- Costumes

    Ne-- Songs IA Musical Interlude by the Company:

    Overture Hawaiian Hand

    "Landing of Lono and His Death"

    Characters by the Company.

    XSF A Set of Healistie Scenery has beenspecially designed and painted for theselopresentatioiis.

    Prices as Usual 50c, 70c. & $1.00.

    VCb- - Pox Plan open at Levey's whoreTickets can be had for all parts of thehouse. U7!KJw

    Tho following choice bit of word paintingoccurs in Hawthorne's Muible Faun:

    " Women be they of what earthly rankthoy may, however gifted with inti-lli-i-- t orgenius, or endowed with awful beauty, havealways some little handiwork ready' to 1111the tiny gap of every vacant moment. Ancedie'is familiar to thu lingers of them all.Atuieen, no doubt, plies it on occasion; thowoman poet can Use it as adroitly as herpen; tho woman's eyo, that has discovereda now star, turns from its glory to send thopolished little instrument gleaming alongtho hem of her kerchief, or to damn casualfray in her dress. And they have greatlytho advantage of us in this respect. Theslender thread of silk or cotton keeps themunited witli the small, familiar, gentle in-terests of life, the continually operating in-fluences of which do so much for the healthof tho character, and carry oil' what wouldotherwise be a dangerous accumulation ofmorbid sensibility. A vast deal of human.sympathy runs along this electriu line,stietching from tho throne to tho wickerchair of the humblest seamstress, andkeeping high and low in a species of com-munion with their kindred beings."

    Housewives, while you ply tne needle,have you ever rolleeted on the vicissitudesof life? See to it that your husbands pro-vide for the future welfare of their familiesby at once applying for a Policy in thotfQUITAlILi: LIFE ASSUltA.N'OE SO-CIETY of tho United States. No moresuitublu gift could he oll'ered to you.

    BRUCE & A. J. CAimVRIGHT,General Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

    Equitable Life Assurance Society of theUnited States.

    M, L MINER, D, Y. S,')

    Veterinary Surgeon, Physician andDentist.


    ornii: iiomts;K to 10 a. m.; :'M to :t: SO ,

    9" Ui:hiih:nci:: With l)r. V. L. Miner,llorotaiiia street.

    AH Calls Will Receive Prompt Attention.

    L. .AJDX-jEJP- Illi-g- s to notify the public thai he has re-

    ceived per S. S. ".Muiiowai" anElegant Assortment of

    Ladles', Children's & Gent's

    Boots J- - Shoes

    1Tnpardonnblo Offonsos.

    Certain sins of omission and com-mission there-- are for which thoro isneither forgivonoss nor absolution.

    A woman will forgivo tho man sholoves for snuandoring hor fortune,destroying hor poaco of mind, dis-honoring tho name ho has given hor,but woo bo unto him if ho forgets tokiss her good-by- o when he goesdown town in the morning, says thoNow York Sun. 1 lo may take off hiscent, roll up Ins shirt sleoves, tako aweek off for it, buy flowers, bonbons,theater tickets, bo so good and peni-tent that ho doesn't know himselfand has to bo introduced to his mir-ror every morning -- ho can't makothat right until' tho crack of doom.Sho never forgives and forgets that,oven if sho sa3's sho does.

    Anothor unpardonable sin is lospell a man's name wrong. Youmay trend on his toes, steal his um-brella, cheat him, give him tho wrongpoints on tho races, but don t spoilhis name wrong if you dosiro himfor a friend.

    A woman novor forgives a manfor criticising her perfume; a manhates tho follow that runs down thobrand of cigars ho likes.

    A woman may forgive tho manwho puts his umbrella down whoroit will drip all over hor in tho car;sho novor forgives tho woman thatsits down noxt to hor with a drossthat spoils hers.

    A little woman rathor likos to bocalled a pussy or a chicken by a big,goodnaturcil man, but sho never for-gives him if ho calls hor a cat or anold hen.

    Sho novor forgives tho womanthat coaxes her servants away by of-fering them bettor wages, or thowoman who knows hor ago and tollsit, or tho woman tho man sho likosadmires and praises, or tlio womanwho always looks a little finer,dresses a bit handsomer, does thingsa shade bettor than sho can horsolf.Wo all know that woman and hateher, while wo sniilo into hor oyesand kiss her good-by- , acknowledg-ing ourselves hor inferior. Nowoman sits down and bewails horinability to wear tho Astor diamondsor to rival tho famous beauties oftho world, but it is tho woman whobuys ono moro gown than wo canallbi'd, who keeps two servants whenwo have only ono, who fades ourpinks with her roses and dulls ourcharms with hor graces whom it ishard to forgive as wo would bo forgiven.

    It Greatly Relieved Him.That ho was deoply pained was

    evidenced by tho pallor of his faceand tho hoaving of his bosom.

    With ono hand ho pressed hisbrow while with tho other ho clutch-ed tho arm of tho chair. His breath-ing was labored and tumultuous andin loss than three seconds his neck-tie had worked itself above his col-lar.

    Ho was obviously distraught."Yes," the girl repeated gently,

    "1 am going to marry anothor."Ho groaned."Will you "Ho bent an appealing, moving

    glance upon hor." Toll mo who ho is?""Yes."Sho bont forward and whispered a

    namo."Thank"Tho anxious foreboding in his

    face instantly gavo place to an exult-ant joy.

    "Heaven. I foarod ho might bo afriond of mine. I congratulatewith all 1113 heart!"

    And when ho loft tho houso hisstop was light and elastic. AtlantaComtitittion.

    It Ip Just That Way.When Mrs. Sinipkins remarked

    that sho must go to the dressmaker.Mr. Simpkins said:

    "1 should think would keepawajT from dressmakers, 1113- - dear."

    "That's just liko you, Mr. Simp-kin- s.Why shouldn't 1 go to tho

    dressmaker's if I wish to, I shouldliko to know?"

    "Because, my love, U103' all havodesigns on 3011."

    And she didn't know whether tolaugh or cry. Jiufalo Erprexx.


    Decidedly a Back Number.First Chaperon What character

    does Miss Budd represent t?Second Chaperon Why, she's

    dressed as a page.First. Chaperon And MissPassoo?Second Chaperon Oh, she's a

    page, too.First Chaperon Pago two? Sho

    looks moro liko tho last loaf. .Indue.

    Moro Senses Than Five.Teacher How maii3' souses are

    there?Tommy Tucker Five.Teacher That is right. What is

    your hand raised for, Bonii3r Bloo-bunipo- r?

    B011113' Mease, ma'am, thoro havoboon eleven censuses taken so far.Juilie.

    Grover and David,

    "What do you think of SenatorHill now?" asked State Senator BillBrown of G rovor Cleveland.

    "Oh, he's a good follow," said thoPresident-elect- . "1 wouldn't say aword against him, for former',know, wo belonged to tho sanio poli-tical part3'." JU. Vernon News.

    A Chance for ICeeloy.

    "My, oh, my I""WW's tho matter?""Cleveland's Cabinet is full."

    H'unhhi!itan Utar.

    Persons who aro subject to attacksof bilious colio can almost invariablytell 1)3' their feelings, when to expectan attack. If Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrlium Komody istakuu as soon as these symptoms ap-pear, they can ward oil' thodisoaso.Such persons should always keepthe Itouu-d- at hand, ready for im-mediate iiho when needed. Two ortliroo doses of it at the right timewill save them much suH'eriug, Forsale by all dealers. Benson, Smith& Co., agents for the Hawaiian Isl-ands,

    Tho Shirt Maker's BovonRo.Hold your orders for Johnson is comingTho shirt maker In 011 tlio wayLook out for his whiskers for they nro leak-

    ingTill you hear what ho has lo say.Respect to Johnson tho bluH'er justly paidAnd noble shirt maker honored bis loblots

    shadeRut whonco tills being? that n naniu so

    meanShould join with Johnson tho shirt man,

    on a tomb bo seen.This Johnson would belter far proclaim,To future ages humble his Job lots name,Johnson and shirt maker had been well

    pair'dTho city collector nml tho city bard.Now Import all your so called shirt makersTo tako my honest living awav if you can1 eamo 10 mosc islands 10 worK iiko a manHero will 1 stay in spite of vour teethFor all kinds of shirt will I make to look



    I do all tho shirt cutting .Mint isdone at my place of business and incaso tho shirts don't give ontiro satis-faction I will nltor thorn, mako nowshirts orrofuud tho money. Allshirts that I mako will bo kopt inrepair for 2 3'ears freo of charge.

    A. L. JOHNSON,The American Shirt Maker.

    Daily Bulletin, of) cents a month,ilflivured free..


    BfeamsliipGoFor SAN FRANCISCO.




    Wednesday, March 29th,.A.T NOON.

    Tho undersigned are now prepared toissue Through Tickets from this city to allpoints in the United States.

    For further particulars regarding Freightor Passage apply to

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd.,U31-- General Agents.

    Ten Homesteads !

    FOR S-A-L- El !rpiIEUE ARE TEN OOOO SIZE HOME- -JL steads on the Waikiki road betweenHon. Chas. L. Hopkins' premises and Mr.Macfarlano's premises. These Lots are thebest unsold Lots in tho city, being part ofthoso, premises formerly owned by G. W.Keaweamahi.

    Title perlect. Deeds at the expense ofthe purchasers. Terms are easy.

    fjSF" For further particulars apply to

    WILLIAM C. ACHI.Honolulu, March ::!, MM. 082-t- f


    THE MECHANICS'WHEREAS, Union, a Corporation es-tablished under the Laws of the HawaiianIslunds, has pursuant to tlio law in suchcases iniiilo and provided, duly Hied at theOIHce of tho Minister ol the Interior, aPetition for the Dissolution of the saidCorporation, together with a certilicatethereto annexed, as required by law; nowtherefore

    Notice is hereby given to any and allpersons who havo been or aro now inter-ested in any manner whatsoever in thesaid Corporation, that objections to thogranting of the said Petition must ho tiledin the otlice of the undersigned on or be-fore WEDNESDAY, thu L'lth day of Muy,ls!KI, und that any person or persons desir-ing to be heard thereon, mnst ho in at-tendance at the ofllee of the undei signedin Aiiiblani Hale, Honolulu, at 10 o'clocka. m. of said day, to show cause why saidPetition should not bo grunted.

    J. A. KINO,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior OIHce, --March 20, ISiJ.'i.(i80-!- Jt


    VIIiTUE OF T1IKEE WIMTS OFBY Executions issued out of the CircuitCourt of tho First Circuit, on tho Hist dayof January, A. D. 18h.'S, against Cupt. Wm.Davies, defendant, in favor of E. G. Schu-mann, H. J. Giecue and J. Hopp v. Co.,plaintill's, for the sums of fiRt.o.'i, XM.7Xand .fl!)7.'J.l respectively, 1 havo levied uponami shall expose for sale at tho Police Sta-atio-

    in the District of Honolulu, Islandof Oaliu, at 1U o'clock of SATUltDAY, tlioMb day of April, A. D. lBSfl, to tho highestbidder, all tho right, title and interest ofthe said Win. Davies, defendant, in andto the following property, unless suidjudgment, interest, eostsiuid 1113' expensesbo previously paid.

    List of property for sale:Two House Lots situated in Pumihou,

    Honolulu, on Bingham and Metcalf streets.Tho llrst having an urcu of ,75 of an acre,moro particularly described in deed of Patyto Graham, recorded in Liber 711, pago.'t!)!.

    Also, Lot containing .'iO.iiOO sipiaro feet,and described in deed of Dillingham loGraham recorded in Liber Ho, page lai,both being portions of the Pasture Lot be-longing to tlioOahu College and duly con-veyed to said Win. Davies by deed iif V.II. Cornwell dated Aug. f, "lfS!), recordedin Liber lib, pago 100, together with thobuildings and appurtenances theieoii.Said property lining subject to u mortgage,however, of .f:i.7J0, to the estate of T. il.Hohron, and to 11 second mortgage Castle, dated July !, 16M, andrecorded in Liber LIS, iiuge 171.

    Also 45 Shares of the Pioneer Ilulldingand Loan Association Company, saidShares being represented by certilicateNo. IsU for .1 Shares, and by ce'rtilleato No,U'Sl for 10 Shares. Said Shares of stock,however, being subject together witli thoaforementioned Jteal Estate to thu saidmortgage to W. It. Castle.

    W. G. ASHLEY,Marshal,

    Honolulu, March 10, lt'.M.(171 fit

    For Loeul Xpwk

    Fitly proHontud

    Tako tho


    Jflvury timu.The Dully llulll7ddlverdby

    carriers for 60 cant per month,

    Upiiiii T T HTT"IX JT3L JZLj








    jf- j- --