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United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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A. AL-FAKHOORA Dynamic Futures “Scholarship and Empowerment Program”

B. Project Description

Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Programme aims at building a cadre of educated and trained leaders who are civic-minded, intellectually able, and professionally skilled to become the community, business, and national leaders of the future. The programme, which targets Palestinian postsecondary students of underserved backgrounds, avails opportunities for them to actualize their potential by overcoming socioeconomic, political and cultural limitations and enable them to become productive members in the society. Al-Fakhoora Dynamic Futures Programme is multi-faceted, with a number of inter-related components and subcomponents, all working towards the overall aim stated above. The Programme is classified in terms of four interrelated components:

• UQuality EducationU, including domestic and international undergraduate scholarships, international postgraduate scholarships, and empowerment programs;

• UStudent AffairsU, including comprehensive support services to contribute to students’

success and wellbeing through ‘Al-Fakhoora House – Students services Unit’ and the Al Fakhoora Alumni

• ULeadership and AdvocacyU, including leadership training and opportunities,

community services , as well as local and international advocacy initiatives, and opportunities for alumni to contribute as mentors and to stay connected to the programme;

• UEconomic GrowthU, including work to bridge education and empowerment activities

to economic empowerment through career counseling, on job training opportunities based on the students need, 3 months of paid internships at local businesses for Al Fakhoora graduates, and linkages with micro-finance and entrepreneurship activities.

These four areas provide a basic component structure for the Programme. However, in addition to these core areas of intervention, Dynamic Futures also works in a variety of other areas, implementing a broad range of activities. The Dynamic Futures provides its students with a full academic grant, the practical support and resources for study and membership to a celebrated Empowerment Program. Each year, the program offers 100 undergraduate degree grants and 10 master’s degree grants for study, with the grant provided lasting for the duration of the period of study. The master's degree places are often undertaken abroad, though not exclusively, while the undergraduate places remain in Gaza and the West Bank. To date, the Dynamic Futures Program has approximately

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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300 students on board and is expected to add another 350 students by the end of 2014. Under the Empowerment Program, and using online resources and face-to-face sessions; the international team supporting the program pool talent, skill and knowledge to create a varied program of lectures, activities, dialogue and experiences. The aim of this side of the Dynamic Futures Program is to create rounded individuals, with a focus on effective and respectful leadership. The advocacy element of the program is a good example. It incorporates classes in leadership skills, media, film, writing, online discussions with international friends, human rights and English language classes. These activities instill a sense of power for the students, once in possession of knowledge of their human rights, good understanding of others and skills of clear communication and expression. In addition, the program provides “Soft Skills” development element, which aims to upgrade the students’ professional skills and investigate supporting entrepreneurial initiatives that will become useful and central to their endeavors after the scholarship.

Al Fakhoora Dynamic Futures is being managed jointly through a close partnership between the IsDB and Al Fakhoora Campaign in Doha, and a field-based Programme Management Unit (PMU) executed by UNDP in Gaza. With IsDB as the administrator of funds through its trust fund division, and Al Fakhoora campaign as the direct representative of the donor, the implementation is executed by the UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP), based in Jerusalem, which is in turn represented by its Dynamic Futures PMU situated in Gaza.

C. Scope of Work

The general objective of this consultancy is to support the strategic planning and technical quality of the Programme in the area of economic empowerment for youth to ensure best practices and smooth implementation for Al-Fakhoora Dynamic Futures “Scholarship and Empowerment Program”. The specialist should demonstrate expertise in the design/ administration of economic empowerment programs, plus additional expertise in the higher education sector is a firm requirement. The Advisor position is envisaged as a key position in the Programme, with the potential for ongoing involvement over the next seven years. The specialist will be responsible for developing the Programme’s implementation plan for the Economic Empowerment Component, in order to achieve the anticipated component results, and within the agreed-upon framework for the Programme design. The specialist will also be responsible for ensuring the technical quality of all deliverables in the Component. The Economic Empowerment Component focuses on activities linking students’ education and empowerment training to tangible economic empowerment. The Component is structured by four main work packages: WBS 2210: Professional training

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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WBS 2220: Internships WBS 2230: Economic empowerment projects WBS 2240: Technical assistance for Economic Empowerment

D. Essential duties: i. Review the overall component strategy for Economic Empowerment, and related

activity reports and evaluations, and provide recommendations for the approach, design, and M&E framework

ii. Operationalize the component strategy in the form of a work plan for the coming year,

using the guidelines provided

iii. Review the Programme’s previous professional training activities and provide recommendations

iv. Support the PMU in the contracting of a partner to design and deliver the professional

training program, including a review of the partner’s proposed implementation plan.

v. Review feedback from students, and develop guidelines for the Programme’s internship program

vi. Support the PMU in the contracting of a partner to design and deliver the Programme’s

internship program, including a review of the partner’s proposed implementation plan

E. Expected Outputs and Deliverables

# Duties Deliverables / outputs Estimated duration

Review and approvals required


Review the overall component strategy for Economic Empowerment, and related activity reports and evaluations, and provide recommendations for the approach, design, and M&E framework

Brief narrative report and accompanying recommendations


2. Operationalize the component strategy in the form of a work plan for the coming year, using the guidelines provided

Annual work plan for component, including strategy and detailed activity sheets


3. Review the Programme’s previous professional training activities and provide recommendations

Compiled recommendations for the Programme’s professional training program


4. Support the PMU in the contracting of a partner to design and deliver the

Terms of Reference

Qualified local partner contracted 3 UNDP PMU

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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# Duties Deliverables / outputs Estimated duration

Review and approvals required

professional training program, including a review of the partner’s proposed implementation plan.

Implementation plan vetted and finalized

5. Review feedback from students, and develop guidelines for the Programme’s internship program

Compiled recommendations for the Programme’s intership program



Support the PMU in the contracting of a partner to design and deliver the Programme’s internship program, including a review of the partner’s proposed implementation plan

Terms of Reference

Qualified local partner contracted

Implementation plan vetted and finalized


F. Results Measurement

Programme performance will be measured against Immediate Outcome 2.2: Educational opportunities for targeted youth effectively linked to economic productivity of families:

• 2.2a. Proportion of beneficiaries gainfully working (overall/ and in areas relevant to their field of study)

• 2.2b. Proportion of beneficiaries graduated in fields identified as having strategic opportunities • 2.2c. Student self-assessment of employability, disaggregated by year of study • 2.2d. Proportion of non-working alumni (i) aware of and (ii) accessing career/ entrepreneurship

support services or training • 2.2e. Proportion of non-working graduates successfully participating in internships • 2.2f. Total annual participation in alumni activities • 2.2g. Number of Programme-financed DEEP projects effectively operating

2.2f. Number of economic empowerment policy-related initiatives (roundtables, workshops, papers) implemented

The Quality of the advisor’s work will be measured upon the delivery of the component strategy and design that meet the above mentioned indicators.

G. Institutional Arrangement

a) The individual consultant will directly work with UNDP Al-Fakhoora Dynamics Program

Management Unit, and s/he will be directly responsible to, reporting to, seeking approval/acceptance of output from Program Manager.

b) The individual consultant should prepare reports according to the listed deliverables above. The reports should be prepared according to the standards and professional formats.

c) The individual consultant should present the institutional development plan for UNDP PMU and local partners.

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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d) The individual consultant wills liaise/interact/collaborate/meet with UNDP PMU, UNDP local partners and donors representatives (if necessary).

e) The program will provide facilities and logistical support for the individual consultant within the specified scope of work. This will only include facilities and logistical support for meetings, presentations, working groups’ discussion and training.

H. Duration of the Work

a) The duration of contract is 12 months, and the duration of performing each deliverables

illustrated in details at section E (Expected outputs and deliverables).

b) The effective working days for the overall assignment is up to 22 working days. The identified working days and the identified sub-assignments will be assigned to the contracted individual consultant by UNDP PMU.

c) UNDP PMU and Program Implementing Partners have (3 – 5 days) lead time for each deliverable to review outputs, give comments, and certify approval/acceptance of outputs.

I. Duty Station

a) The individual consultant will work from home, with possibility of travel to Gaza city

and Qatar.

b) The individual consultant may visit the students’ universities for any activity related to the course of work.

J. Qualifications of the Successful Individual Consultant

a) Masters or higher (PhD preferred) in Education Development, Business, Social Work or related field

b) Minimum of 15 years progressive experience in the field of Development

c) Minimum of 10 years international experience in development contexts, and at least 5 years in post-conflict contexts or fragile states

d) Experience working with major donors (UN system is an asset)

e) Familiarity with results-based management principles, logic models, and related tools

f) Fluent English (written and spoken)

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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g) Sound judgment and character

h) Demonstrated expertise in the development and implementation of student affairs programs, plus at least one of the following areas:

Entrepreneurship training Workforce/ employability training Internship program development/ administration Development of private sector educational partnerships Micro-finance and poverty alleviation projects Youth empowerment Social work

Desirable Qualifications

a) PhD preferred in Education, Development, Business, Social Work, or related field

b) Working knowledge of Arabic (bilingual preferred) c) Experience in Gaza and/ or the surrounding region d) Extensive experience with the development and administration of a variety of

economic empowerment program models

K. Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

The individual consultant must submit the financial proposal that include his/her Daily Fee (knowing that UNDP will pay to contracted individual consultant according to assigned working days for each sub-assignment) knowing that: i) The daily fee must be “all-inclusive”; and

ii) An individual consultant Time Sheet must be submitted by the individual consultant,

duly approved by the UNDP program manager, which shall serve as the basis for the payment of fees.

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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1. Introduction UNDP/PAPP seeks technical proposals from qualified individual consultants with internationally acquired experience and expertise to provide individual consultancy services as an Economic Empowerment Specialist. 2. Documents comprising the Technical Proposal Interested individual consultant must submit the following documents/information, which comprises the Technical Proposal:

(i) Provide personal CV including all qualifications and past experience in similar projects; (ii) Explain why you are the most suitable for the work; (iii) Provide a work-plan on how you will approach and conduct the work; (iv) Submit two (2) sample reports/project document or relevant deliverables; (v) Submit at least two (2) up-to-date recommendation letters; and, (vi) Completed financial proposal form, found under Annex III.

3. Evaluation UPreliminary examination UNDP/PAPP will examine the Proposals to determine whether they are complete, and whether they are substantially responsive to the qualification and experience minimum requirements. A Proposal determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by UNDP/PAPP and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Applicant by correction of the non-conformity. UDetailed examination A two-stage procedure is utilized in evaluating the proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposals prior to any financial proposal being considered and compared. The technical proposals are evaluated on the basis of its responsiveness to the Terms of Reference (TOR). Below please find the evaluation form for the technical proposals. The obtainable number of points specified for each evaluation criterion indicates the relative significance of weight of the item in the overall evaluation process.

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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UEvaluation Criteria UAllocated Points

ULevel of Expertise: - Experience in specific field (five to ten years– 10; 10 to 15 years– 15; >15

years – 20 points); - Experience in similar projects of comparable size, complexity and

technical specialty (< two projects – 10; two to four projects – 20; > five projects – 30 points);

- Experience in developing countries under comparable conditions (1 to 2 countries – 5; 3 to 5 – 8; > 6 countries – 10 points);

- Experience in conducting workshops and trainings. (10 points)


UProposed Methodology: - To what degree does the applicant understand the task? Have the

important aspects of the task been addressed? Is the scope of task well defined and does it correspond to the TOR? Is the conceptual framework adopted appropriate for the task? (10 points)

- Is the presentation of the work-plan clear and is the sequence of activities

and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project? (10 points)


UQuality of work: - Quality of sample report (10 points)



In the Second Stage, UNDP/PAPP will request Financial Proposals from applicants who attained the minimum technical score of 70% of the obtainable score of 100 points in the evaluation of the technical proposals. 4. Financial Proposal UDaily Fee Approach The financial proposal shall specify a daily fee. The daily fee shall be all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the Consultant/Contractor during the contract period and shall form the amount of the resulted contract between the winning Consultant/Contractor and UNDP. No other entitlements will be considered after submission of financial proposals. Payments are made to the Individual Consultant/Contractor based on the number of days worked and certified by UNDP responsible officer.

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. 5. Award of Individual Contract The procuring UNDP entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, and to annul the solicitation process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without incurring any liability to the affected applicant or any obligation to inform the affected applicant or applicants of the ground for the UNDP’s action. Candidates not attaining the minimum technical score will be considered technically non-compliant and disqualified. Financial Proposals will only be considered if the technical proposal attains the required minimum score. The General mark or combined score for the responsive/compliant/acceptable candidates will be arrived as follows:

No Description Minimum Score

required Maximum score


A Technical proposal 49 70

B Financial proposal n/a 30


The score of the Technical proposal will be multiplied by 70%. The price score for the financial proposal will be calculated in the following manner: Where “x” is the price of the lowest proposal, and “y” is the price of any other proposal, The percentage score for price allocated to the lowest proposal will be 30 points, and to any other proposal x/y times 30. The UNDP procuring entity will award the Individual Contract to the Candidate with the UHighest Combined Technical and Financial score, subject to a satisfactory interview with the evaluation committee.U

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FORM Subject: Economic Empowerment Specialist

Your financial offer in USD shall specify a lump sum figure all inclusive, and shall take into account various expenses incurred during the contract period and shall form the amount of the resulted contract between the winning Consultant/Contractor and UNDP. No other entitlements will be considered after submission of financial proposals.

Description Professional daily fee (USD) - Excluding travel and DSA which will be paid separately

To prepare and deliver services as described in the TOR. This includes Undertaking all the tasks (&completion of all the deliverable on a day by day basis) as detailed in the relevant Terms of Reference (TOR)

Total Lump Sum (all inclusive) in USD – in numbers (on home-based basis for 22 working days : total amount = quoted daily fee * 22 )

Total Lump Sum (all inclusive) in USD – in words :

Name & signature of applicant : Date:

1) The individual consultant must submit the financial proposal that include his/her Professional

Daily Fee (knowing that UNDP will pay to contracted individual consultant according to assigned working days for each sub-assignment) knowing that:

iii) The professional daily fee must be all-inclusive ; and

iv) An individual consultant Time Sheet must be submitted by the individual consultant, duly approved by the UNDP program manager, which shall serve as the basis for the payment of fees.

2) Candidate is requested to submit the quotation on or before 26 February 2015

3) Submissions should be made either via/to e-mail address: [email protected] or to Fax No. 02-6268257 (If will be sent thru Email: File/Email size should not exceed 10 MB in a single email - quotation could be send by multiple emails as needed). Any submission of the financial proposal via any other mean will cause the whole application from the candidate to be rejected and disregarded.

United Nations Development Programme Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

الفلسطيني الشعب مساعدة برنامج/ االنمائي المتحدة االمم برنامج


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Available on Uhttp://jobs.undp.ps/U