Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job

Transcript of Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Page 1: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Unit 8

Section A

There’s a Lot More to Life

than a Job

Page 2: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.


Background information

New words and expressions


Text study


Page 3: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Associate's degreeAssociate's degree Back课文 小结 写作导入



An associate’s degree is a degree awarded

by community colleges, junior colleges, and

some bachelor’s degree-granting colleges

and universities in Canada and the United

States upon completion of a course of study

equivalent to the first two years in a four-

year college or university.

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Page 4: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Social SecuritySocial SecurityN H C E

Social Security is the US government system

of benefit payments, especially to retired

and disabled people and survivors.

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Page 5: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Richard WagnerRichard WagnerN H C EBack课文 小结 写作导入

Richard Wagner (1813-1883) is a famous German composer and writer. As a composer, he is well-known for his 13 operas and numerous other compositions. Besides his activity in composition, Wagner wrote an astonishing number of books and articles, ranging from theories of opera to political programs.


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Page 6: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Richard Wagnerwas undoubtedly one

of the leading figures of the 19th century. He inspired

not only musicians and composers but also

leaders in many fields.

Richard WagnerRichard WagnerN H C EBack课文 小结 写作导入


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Page 7: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Oscar WildeOscar WildeN H C E

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), the son of an eminent Dublin surgeon, was among the outstanding Victorian dramatists. He is renowned for a brilliant series of domestic comedies: Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892), A Woman of No Importance (1893), and An Ideal Husband (1895).

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Page 8: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Watch & DiscussWatch & Discuss


Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:

Video watching

2. 2. How can we realize the life value?

1. What is the meaning of life?key




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Page 9: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Forest Gun

Page 10: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

What is the meaning of life?What is the meaning of life?



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For more

The meaning of life has long been a controversial issue. For those who have practical minds, life means getting a lucrative job, earning more money and living a comfortable life. This view seems to have become more prevalent among young people in a time of increasing competition. Impressed with this idea, more and more undergraduates

focus most of their minds on such subjects as will give them an edge in job hunting or holding, and the prospective graduates give higher priority to salary, power or fame when it comes to looking for jobs. In their eyes, a good job will place themselves on the way to the best proof of their lifelong worth. Obviously, it’s not wise of young men to

expect only to be rich, nor is it good for them to direct their attention solely toward power and fame. As a matter of fact, there is more to life than what a job can bring to one. We get jobs not just for survival, but, more important, for the sake of rendering service to the society and the people around us. Just as we see from the video, Forest Gun donated his money to

the church, charity and the family of his friend’s when he got rich. He got a deeper insight into happiness only when the other people lived in happiness. Besides, there was more for him to pursue in life because life, to his mind, is a continued struggle to be what one is not and to do what one ever pined for but found no way then to realize.

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For moreFor more

Page 11: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

For more

How can we realize the life value?How can we realize the life value?


To find the true meaning of life has been an unending quest, which has pushed us to try any possible means. Some find its meaning by seeking the interests of their own, others find its meaning through such illegal ways as bribery, stealing or embezzlement. But, in effect, the best way is to render service to the society, the country and the world. As a wise

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man says, “he is unworthy to live who lives only for himself.” The video in fact offers us a good example. Forest Gun overcame every obstacle and devoted himself to the society with a strong will. Some people thought he was foolish and strange, but he stuck to his belief and finally accomplished it. A great man used to say “Life is half spent

before we know what it is”. This is a good indication of the truth that not every person is aware of the meaning of life before he gets old enough. Therefore, as college students, we must have a deep insight into the meaning of life through our practical life experience and get rid of any false illusion. Besides, we must acquire adequate knowledge; foster our ability

to work independently, and grow ourselves into intellectual maturity, thus paving the way for a successful career. More importantly, we must develop our moral sense, which includes the sense of responsibility and the sense of devotion. Only in this way can we live a meaningful life.

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1. formal a. 正式的

informal a. 不正式的

2. poll n. [C] 民意测验,民意调查3. resident a./

n.居住(在某地)的 ; [C] 居民

4. compute n. 计算 , 算出5. consumeristic a. 消费主义的

6. accordingly ad. 因此,所以 ; 相应地7. popular a. 受欢迎的;通俗的 , 大众的8. accounting n. 会计学 ; 借贷对照表 ; 清算帐

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9. humanity n. (the ~ties) 人文学科; [U] 人类; [U] 仁爱;人道

10. ethnic a. 民族的;种族的11. enroll v. (BrE) 登记;注册 enrollment n. [C] 注册人数; [U] 登记 ,注

册12. elementary a. 初级的 , 小学的;基本 /基础

13. secondary a. (教育)中等的;次要的14. specialization n. (BrE) [U] 专门研究;专修15. maturity n. [U] 成熟

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16. corporation n. [C] 公司17. agency a. [C] 机构; [C] 代理机构18. confine n./vt.

(~s) 界限 ,范围;把 ······ 限制于

19. occupation n. [C] 工作;职业 20. render vt. 给予 ,提供;使得 ,使成为 21. institution n. [C] 机构 22. revelation n. [U] 泄露,揭示; [C] 揭露的事 23. deduction n. 扣除,扣除额;演绎,演绎法24. preferable a. 更好的;更合适的

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不同的 , 多样的a.29. diverse

艺术的;与艺术有关的a.28. artistic

[C] 贡献; [C] 捐助 , 捐款n.27. contribution

[C] 工会 , 联合会; [U] 联合n.31. union

[U] 智慧 , 睿智n.30. wisdom

目光短浅的;近视的a.32. short-sighted

难以置信的a.26. incredible

(BrE) [U] 文明n.25. civilization

更可取地;更好地ad. preferably



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33. accumulate vt. 积累

34. depict vt. 描绘;描述35. puzzle vt./n. 使迷惑 , 使费解; [C] 难题 ,

谜36. intercom n. [C] 内部通话系统

37. distinguish v. 辨别;区分

38. roommate n. [C] 室友;住同室的人39. classical a. 古典的

40. FM n. [U] 调频

be wasted on sb. 被浪费在某人身上

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if only 但愿;要是 ······ 就好了well off 富裕的at a low 处于低水平be meant to do sth. 应该做某事read of 读到;从 ······ 得知only to 不料;反而;结果却in the long run 从长远来看send in 派(人)去Macon 梅肯 ( 美国乔治亚州中部城

市 )

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Robins Resident Center 罗宾斯住宿中心Baxter 巴克斯特(人名)Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡 · 王尔德( 1854-190

0 ,爱尔兰作家、诗人)

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Page 19: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

There’s a Lot More to Life than a JobThere’s a Lot More to Life than a Job

Para. 1 It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. Para. 2 Reading a survey report on first-year collegestudents, I recalled the regret, “If only I knew then what I know now.”




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Page 20: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 3 The survey revealed what I had

already suspected from informal polls of

students both in Macon

and at the Robins

Resident Center:

If it (whatever it may

be) won’t compute and

you can’t drink it, smoke it

or spend it, then “it” holds little value.

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Page 21: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 4 According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today’s college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.



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Page 22: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 5 Not surprising in these hard times,

the students’ major objective “is to be

financially well off”. Less important than

ever is developing a meaningful philosophy

of life. Accordingly, today

the most popular course is

not literature or history

but accounting.

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Page 23: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 6 Interest in teaching, social service and

the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic

and women’s studies. On the other hand,

enrollment in business programs, engineering

and computer science is way up.

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Page 24: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 7 That’s no surprise

either. A friend of mine (a

sales representative for a

chemical company) was ma

king twice the salary of college instructors d

uring her first year on the job—even before

she completed her two-year associate degre


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Page 25: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 8 “I’ll tell them what they can do with

their music, history, literature, etc.,” she was

fond of saying. And that was four years ago;

I tremble to think what she’s earning now.

Para. 9 Frankly, I’m proud of the young lady

(not her attitude but her success). But why

can’t we have it both ways? Can’t we

educate people for life as well as for a

career? I believe we can.

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Page 26: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 10 If we cannot, then that is

a conviction against our educational

system—kindergarten, elementary,

secondary and higher. In a time of

increasing specialization, more than

ever, we need to know what is truly

important in life.

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Page 27: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 11 This is where age and maturity

enter. Most people, somewhere

between the ages of 30 and 50, finally

arrive at the inevitable

conclusion that they were

meant to do more than

serve a corporation, a

government agency, or


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Page 28: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 12 Most of us finally have the insight

that quality of life is not entirely determined

by a balance sheet. Sure, everyone wants to

be financially comfortable, but we also want

to feel we have a perspective on the world

beyond the confines of our occupation; we want

to be able to render service to our fellow men

and to our God.

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Page 29: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 13 If it is a fact that the meaning of life

does not dawn until middle age, is it then not

the duty of educational institutions to

prepare the way for that revelation? Most

people, in their youth, resent the Social Security

deductions from their pay, yet a seemingly few

short years later find themselves standing

anxiously by the mailbox.

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Page 30: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 14a While it’s true all of us need a

career, preferably a prosperous one, it is

equally true that our civilization has

collected an incredible amount of

knowledge in fields far removed from our

own. And we are better for our

understanding of these other contributions

—be they scientific or artistic.

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Page 31: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 14b It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

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Page 32: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 15 Weekly we read of unions that went

on strike for higher wages, only to drive their

employer out of business. No company, no job.

How short-sighted in the long run.

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Page 33: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 16 But the most important argument for a

broad education is that in studying the

accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve

our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which

depicts a group of businessmen looking puzzled

as they sit around a conference table; one of

them is talking on the intercom: “Miss Baxter,”

he says, “could you please send in someone who

can distinguish right from wrong?”

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Page 34: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 17 In the long run that’s what education

really ought to be about. I think it can be. My

college roommate, now head of a large

shipping company in New York, not

surprisingly was a business major. But he also

hosted a classical music show on the college’s

FM station and listened to Wagner as he

studied his accounting.

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Page 35: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 18 That’s the

way it should be.

Oscar Wilde had it

right when he said we

ought to give our

ability to our work but

our genius to our lives.

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Page 36: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Para. 19 Let’s hope our educators

answer students’ cries for career

education, but at the same

time let’s ensure that

students are prepared for

the day when they realize

their short-sightedness.

There’s a lot more to life than a job.

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Page 37: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

According to a survey based on responses from nAccording to a survey based on responses from newcomers to college, today’s college students are ewcomers to college, today’s college students are more consumeristic but less idealistic than ever imore consumeristic but less idealistic than ever in history. But what the elders have learned from n history. But what the elders have learned from their life experience proves that one is meant not their life experience proves that one is meant not only to be financially well off, but also to see beyoonly to be financially well off, but also to see beyond one’s immediate needs, have a perspective on nd one’s immediate needs, have a perspective on the world around, and render service to society. the world around, and render service to society. This is where broad education should enter.This is where broad education should enter.

Main Idea of the TextMain Idea of the TextPart IPart I Part IIPart II Part IIIPart III




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Structure of the TextStructure of the Text

The passage is made up of 19 paragraphs, and,

according to the pattern “problem-solution” the

author mainly employs in his writing, it can be

roughly divided into three parts.

For detail

Page 38: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Main Idea of Part IMain Idea of Part I

Devices for its DevelopmentDevices for its Development

[Paras. 1 to 8][Paras. 1 to 8] According to a survey based on re According to a survey based on responses from college beginners, the problem with sponses from college beginners, the problem with today’s college students is that they are more contoday’s college students is that they are more consumeristic but less idealistic than before, which is sumeristic but less idealistic than before, which is just an echo of the old conviction, as a lead-in to tjust an echo of the old conviction, as a lead-in to the discussion, that youth is wasted on the young.he discussion, that youth is wasted on the young.

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Part IPart I Part IIPart II Part IIIPart IIIN H C E



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The author raises the issue through the adoption

of adduction( 引证法 ).

For detail

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Main Idea of Part IIMain Idea of Part II

Devices for its DevelopmentDevices for its Development

[Paras. 9 – 18][Paras. 9 – 18] To solve the problem with the young, the To solve the problem with the young, the author first builds up his argument that it is the duty of author first builds up his argument that it is the duty of education to help students have a perspective on the meaeducation to help students have a perspective on the meaning of life before they reach middle age. Then the authoning of life before they reach middle age. Then the author puts forward the further argument that education shor puts forward the further argument that education should teach students to see the connections between things, uld teach students to see the connections between things, see beyond their immediate needs, and render service to see beyond their immediate needs, and render service to society. The author proves his arguments with facts and society. The author proves his arguments with facts and reasons all through.reasons all through.

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Part IPart I Part IIPart II Part IIIPart III




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The author still employs the device of adduction

( 引证法 ) in solving the problem with college stu


For detail

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Main Idea of Part IIIMain Idea of Part III

[Paras. 19][Paras. 19] The essay ends up with an appeal to t

he educators to answer students’ cries for career

education and ensure that students have the educ

ation that they will wish for later in life.

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Part IPart I Part IIPart II Part IIIPart III




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The author concludes his argumentation through

the device of explanation( 释义法 ).

For detail Devices for its DevelopmentDevices for its Development

Page 41: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.


I have always felt that youth is _____ on the young. Well, ______ I have felt that way since I passed ______ age! If only I could go ____ to college now! I _____ work _____ to learn a foreign language. I would take _____ things more seriously. I would ______ more energy to develop my _____ sense. I would even study harder in the field I _________ in. Of course I can’t go back, ____ I hope you can ______ from my experience.

wastedat last

middle backwould harder



but learn

(to be continued)

Page 42: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.

Your generation enjoys an incredible amount of knowledge in _____ fields. Stand _______ on the contributions made by others! As you study ____ wisdom of others, learn ____ to think. Then use your strength to build a ______ world for the next generation. In the _____ run you will find that this way of _______ can help you become well off_________ happy.

many proudly

the how

betterlongthinkingas well as

Text Study—Summary

Page 43: Unit 8 Section A There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job.


• To be prepared for the dictation of vocabulary;

• Review this section;

• Finish the exercises of section A in the textbook;

• Write a paragraph of an argument supported by facts.