Unit 2 Cloning warming up and speaking. Do you enjoy watching TV series ? Have you ever seen Journey...

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What is clone ?

Transcript of Unit 2 Cloning warming up and speaking. Do you enjoy watching TV series ? Have you ever seen Journey...

Unit 2 Cloning warming up and speaking Do you enjoy watching TV series ? Have you ever seen Journey To The West ? What is clone ? Clone, also called reproduce asexually ( / ), is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single parent, without using the normal reproductive ( ) process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent. clone Natural clone Man-made clone Natural clone is one that occurs from the parent in a natural form of cloning without human help. Man-made clone is one that produced through human intervention( ). cactus strawberry twins pendulum orchid( ) natural cloning examples Man-made cloning examples the important events in cloning history In 5000B.C. ( ) Human Beings began to choose the best seeds from some kinds of crops. That was the beginning of controlling life according to humans will. In 1952: Cloning tadpole ( ) The American scientists created a copy of tadpole by means of using a tadpole cell. This tiny tadpole has become the first kind of cloning animal. In 1978: The first case of tube infant ( ) appeared. A British doctor used the sperm of a man and fertilized( ) it in a test tube( ). Then transplanted( ) the embryo( ) into the womb( ) of a healthy mother. The first tube infant called Louis appeared. In 1996, the famous sheep Dolley was cloned successfully Dolley and the Father of Dolley Lanwilmut ( . ) In 1998 A series of things were cloned. The scientists in Hawaii University cloned over 50 mice. Some private institutions ( ) successfully cloned little oxen. In 2002, the scientists of A&M University in USA has bred the first cloned cat in the world. Nowadays : Cloned dog, mouse, rabbit, goat, ox, pig appeared. China become the seventh country that has the ability to clone pigs. China has succeeded in using embryonic cell to clone many animals. Quiz Natural clone Man-made clone strawberry Is it natural clone or man-made clone? identical dogs Natural clone Man-made cactus twins T or F questions 1 Clone can be from both natural clone and man-made clone. 2 The sheep, named Kitty was the first successful clone of a mammal( ). T F 3 Only strawberries and cactus( ) are natural clones. F 4 Since Dolley,researcher have cloned a number of large and small animals including goats,cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits and dogs. 5 A parent can clone a child who is dying of a terminal illness ( ). T F Enjoy one play Background : A man has lost his left hand, one day his friend tells him the news that a doctor can transplant one new hand for him... The play happens like this Guessing : What will the doctor say at the end of the play ? Is cloning good or bad for us ? Advantages Disadvantages Group 1 and 2 Group 3 and 4 Mini-Debate Are you interested in the topic of cloning ? Do you believe that we will have cloned human soon ? Do you think a cloned human should have human rights ? Do you support medical cloning ? Speaking Interview about cloning Situation: A reporter from China Daily is interviewing three famous scientists about their opinions of cloning. Do you think it is wise? Whats your opinion of ? I think you should I agree with you that I would never accept Please preview reading comprehension and get some information about Dolley Homework