UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle orantllanna ve satirda duru~larma dikkat edilerek yazdmas1m amaylayan koklii bir sanattlr. Bu sanat ile giiniimiize kadar say1s1z kitap, levha vb sanat eseri ortaya y1kanlm1~tir. Bu eserlerin yok biiyiik bir k1sm1 diinya miizelerinde ve kiitiiphanelerinde ozenle korunmakta veya te~hir edilmektedir. Bir k1sm1 ise ozel koleksiyonlarda yer almald:adir. Belli vas1flara sahip kam1~ kalem, renginin kahc1 olmas1 ve ak1§kanhk k1vammm saglanmas1 iyin oldukya zahmetli siireylerden geyerek hazirlanan is miirekkebi, ayik tonda renklendirilmi§ ve yiizeyi ahar, miihre gibi i~lemlerle parlat1lm1§ el yap1m1 kag1tlar hat sanatm temel malzemeleridir. Bunlann yam s1ra pek yOk yard1mc1 malzeme de hat sanatmda kullamlmaktadir. Ancak malzemelerin belli ozelliklere sahip olmas1 §arttir ve bunlann hazirlanmas1 da hat egitiminin zorlu bir paryasm1 olu§turur. Hat egitimi yakla§tk 14 astrdtr geleneksel usullere gore, hoca-talebe ili§kisiyle devam etmektedir. Yaygm olarak kullamlan 10-12 civanndaki yaz1 ye~idi arasmda sadece siiliis- nesih gibi en yok tercih edilen yaz1 ye~itlerinde icazet (diploma) almmas1 iyin bile en az 6-7 ydhk diizenli bir me§k donemi gerekmektedir. Bu siireci tamamlayan bir ogrenciye, hattathkta aranan asgari ahlak ve adab kriterlerine de uyuyorsa hocas1 tarafmdan "icazet" verilir. icazet alan ki§i art1k eserlerine imza (ketebe) koyabilir ve tale be yeti§tirebilir. Ancak icazet almI§ olmak iyi bir hattat olmak iyin yeterli olmay1p ydlar boyunca siirekli ph§mah, kendini geli§tim1eli ve hocas1yla ili§kisini siirdiirmelidir. Bu gibi pek yOk usul ve kaideden habersiz olarak 1994 ydmda nk'a dersleriyle ba§lad1g1m hat egitiminin ardmdan 2002 ydmda "siiliis-nesih icazetnamesi" ald1m. Daha sonra celi divani, divani ve ta'lik yaz1lan111 me§k ettim. Uluslararas1 hat yan§malarmda 5 odiil almt§ olmakla birlikte, Dubai (BAE) Uluslararas1 Mushaf Projesi'ne 6 kez i§tirak ettim. Biryok uluslararas1 sergiye hat eserlerimle katlldtm. 2005 ytlmda S.0. Giizel Sanatlar Fakiiltesi Geleneksel Tiirk Sanatlan Boliimii'nde akademik hayata ba§layarak hat sanatl iizerine doktora tezimi verdim. Aynca hat sanattyla ilgili kitap, kitap boliimii, makale ve teblig yazarhg1, konferans, belgesel, editorliik, kiiratorliik gibi biryok bilimsel ve sanatsal faaliyette bulundum. Halen Marmara Oniversitesi ilahiyat Fakiiltesi Tiirk islam Sanatlar1 Tarihi Anabilim Dah'nda dofent olarak gorev yapmaktayrm. T.C. Cumhurba§kanhg1 Milli Saraylar idaresi Dam§manlar Komitesi iiyeligi ve Albaraka Sanat Akademisi hat hocahg1 gibi gorevleri de siirdiirerek hat sanatlyla ilgili muhtelif etkinliklere devam ediyorum. Bu resmi gorevler kapsammda halen yakla~1k 90 ki~iye uygulamah hat dersleri, her donem ortalama 100 ki~iye de hat sanatI tarihiyle ilgili teorik dersler vermekteyim. Hat sanatmm gelecek ku§aklara dogru bir §ekilde aktanlmas1, yeni hattatlar yeti§tirilmesi, bu alanla ilgili ar~iv yah~malan, bilimsel yaymlar, sanatsal sergiler yapilmas1 ve hat sanatmm biitiin diinyaya dogru bir §ekilde tamt1lmas1 iyin yaba sarfedilmektedir. Sonuy olarak;Hat Sanatmm, insanhgm Somut Olmayan Ktiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi'ne kaydettirilmesini destekliyorum. Marmara Oniversitesi ilahiy t Fakiiltesi Ti.irk Siisleme ve Hat San an Bilim Dah Ba~kam


Page 1: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle



Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle orantllanna ve satirda duru~larma dikkat edilerek yazdmas1m amaylayan koklii bir sanattlr. Bu sanat ile giiniimiize kadar say1s1z kitap, levha vb sanat eseri ortaya y1kanlm1~tir. Bu eserlerin yok biiyiik bir k1sm1 diinya miizelerinde ve kiitiiphanelerinde ozenle korunmakta veya te~hir edilmektedir. Bir k1sm1 ise ozel koleksiyonlarda yer almald:adir. Belli vas1flara sahip kam1~ kalem, renginin kahc1 olmas1 ve ak1§kanhk k1vammm saglanmas1 iyin oldukya zahmetli siireylerden geyerek hazirlanan is miirekkebi, ayik tonda renklendirilmi§ ve yiizeyi ahar, miihre gibi i~lemlerle parlat1lm1§ el yap1m1 kag1tlar hat sanatm temel malzemeleridir. Bunlann yam s1ra pek yOk yard1mc1 malzeme de hat sanatmda kullamlmaktadir. Ancak malzemelerin belli ozelliklere sahip olmas1 §arttir ve bunlann hazirlanmas1 da hat egitiminin zorlu bir paryasm1 olu§turur.

Hat egitimi yakla§tk 14 astrdtr geleneksel usullere gore, hoca-talebe ili§kisiyle devam etmektedir. Yaygm olarak kullamlan 10-12 civanndaki yaz1 ye~idi arasmda sadece siiliis­nesih gibi en yok tercih edilen yaz1 ye~itlerinde icazet ( diploma) almmas1 iyin bile en az 6-7 ydhk diizenli bir me§k donemi gerekmektedir. Bu siireci tamamlayan bir ogrenciye, hattathkta aranan asgari ahlak ve adab kriterlerine de uyuyorsa hocas1 tarafmdan "icazet" verilir. icazet alan ki§i art1k eserlerine imza (ketebe) koyabilir ve tale be yeti§tirebilir. Ancak icazet almI§ olmak iyi bir hattat olmak iyin yeterli olmay1p ydlar boyunca siirekli ph§mah, kendini geli§tim1eli ve hocas1yla ili§kisini siirdiirmelidir.

Bu gibi pek yOk usul ve kaideden habersiz olarak 1994 ydmda nk'a dersleriyle ba§lad1g1m hat egitiminin ardmdan 2002 ydmda "siiliis-nesih icazetnamesi" ald1m. Daha sonra celi divani, divani ve ta'lik yaz1lan111 me§k ettim. Uluslararas1 hat yan§malarmda 5 odiil almt§ olmakla birlikte, Dubai (BAE) Uluslararas1 Mushaf Projesi'ne 6 kez i§tirak ettim. Biryok uluslararas1 sergiye hat eserlerimle katlldtm. 2005 ytlmda S.0. Giizel Sanatlar Fakiiltesi Geleneksel Tiirk Sanatlan Boliimii'nde akademik hayata ba§layarak hat sanatl iizerine doktora tezimi verdim. Aynca hat sanattyla ilgili kitap, kitap boliimii, makale ve teblig yazarhg1, konferans, belgesel, editorliik, kiiratorliik gibi biryok bilimsel ve sanatsal faaliyette bulundum. Halen Marmara Oniversitesi ilahiyat Fakiiltesi Tiirk islam Sanatlar1 Tarihi Anabilim Dah'nda dofent olarak gorev yapmaktayrm. T.C. Cumhurba§kanhg1 Milli Saraylar idaresi Dam§manlar Komitesi iiyeligi ve Albaraka Sanat Akademisi hat hocahg1 gibi gorevleri de siirdiirerek hat sanatlyla ilgili muhtelif etkinliklere devam ediyorum. Bu resmi gorevler kapsammda halen yakla~1k 90 ki~iye uygulamah hat dersleri, her donem ortalama 100 ki~iye de hat sanatI tarihiyle ilgili teorik dersler vermekteyim.

Hat sanatmm gelecek ku§aklara dogru bir §ekilde aktanlmas1, yeni hattatlar yeti§tirilmesi, bu alanla ilgili ar~iv yah~malan, bilimsel yaymlar, sanatsal sergiler yapilmas1 ve hat sanatmm biitiin diinyaya dogru bir §ekilde tamt1lmas1 iyin yaba sarfedilmektedir. Sonuy olarak;Hat Sanatmm, insanhgm Somut Olmayan Ktiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi'ne kaydettirilmesini destekliyorum.

Marmara Oniversitesi ilahiy t Fakiiltesi

Ti.irk Siisleme ve Hat San an Bilim Dah Ba~kam

Page 2: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle


Hattathk is a deep-rooted art cares for writing line aesthetic of letters, dimensions, proportions to each other and its standing in the line. By means of this art countless book, slab and other artworks have been produced up to now. Most of the artworks are preserved carefully or exhibited in world museums and libraries. Some of them are placed in private collections. Reed pen with special features is mi.irekkebi (lampblack ink) which passes troublesome process in order to ensure flowability consistency and stands its colour permanently, handmade paper coloured in light tone and glazed with organic substances in order to be soft, bright and straight by using special tool called mtihre are the basic tools used in art of hat. In addition to this, there are many helping materials which are also used for the art of hat. However, it is essential to having special features and producing of these materials forms a tough part of hat traini

Hat training has been continuing on the traditional ways for 14 apprentee relationship. Among the most common 10-1 iting writing style of hat stiltis-nesih, it takes at least 6-7 years re receive ratification icazetname (ijazatnamah). After and if he succeeds to satisfy the moral values he is giv on the trainee has gained authority to add his ketebe trainees. However, taking the ijazatnarrgth is nots should work for years and also has to 1""0 ,.,.,,.r,u master.

eans master-stly preferred k (meshk) to

·ning successfully master. From now

s/her works and can train ttat (calligrapher) he/she

good relations with his/her

Without knowing the rules and principl~s;so entioned above I started with nk' a ( one of the hat writing styles) lessonstfo hat 94. I received "ijazatnamah of stiltis-nesih" writing style in 2002. AfterthatT':sfµdied/4;wo on celi divani, divani and ta'lik writing styles. I have received 5 prizes iriinternationalScompetitions. I participated in Dubai (UAE) International Koran Project sixtimes. I involved/many international exhibitions with my artworks.

I started my academic Fine Arts Faculty Department of Traditional Turkish Arts of Sel<;uk University and issertation. Moreover, I have taken part in many academic and artistic activitie .. t such as writing books, book parts, articles, or edicts, giving speeqlf~~"fo confe i:tmentaries, being editor and curator. At present, I work as an associate': fessor e Fae of Theology Department of History of Turkish-Islamic Arts at Marmara tµyersity. ontinue different kinds of activities related to hat like Member of Presidential Na(ional Palac;es Administration Advisors Committee and hat master of Albaraka Art Academy. Accorcf to these formal duties, I have been giving hat applied lectures to 90 trainees and also I give the t oretical lecture of the history of hat to the average of 100 trainees for each semester.

Efforts have been done in order to transmit the tradition to the next generations correctly, training of new calligraphers, archive works, academic publications, art exhibitions and introducing the hat to the world. As a result, I support to inscribe art of hat to Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Associate Prof. Dr. Fatih OZKAFA Faculty of Theology/Marmara University

President of the Turkish Decorative and Hat Arts Science Branch (signed)

Page 3: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

Somut Olmayan Kulturel Mirasin Korunmast Hukumetler Aras1 Komitesine;

Tirya·kiart: Sat'fat Gale'risi sahibi ve Hattat Mtize'hhi'be kimHgrmle Hat sanatmrn- ta~1yrc1s1, uygulay1c1s1 birde aktanc1s1 olmaktay1m. 40 y1ld1r bu sanatla bizzat me~gulum. Eserler Gretmenin

yaninda dersler verip talebe yeti~tirmekteyim. icazet verdim. Kadim bir sanat olan hat sanatinin h::ic:c:::ic: rirlrli l<11r::1ll::1nn1 n/fr,:,tirb::.n h11 c:::1n::1t1n c:nc:\/::11 ldilti'1r,:,I \IP nc:iknlniik fa\lrl::1l::1nn1 f,:,lc:,:,f,:,c:ini hi77::it ··----- -· - · -· · ·- ·-· ·-···· · - o · --· · -~-· · -- --.. ·- -··· --- , - · · ·-·--· · -· -- .--·· · -·-, ··, . .... , - · -·- · ·· .. ·- ·-- • --· •• -- -·----

hissederek vaiayarak daha gu9!u baglarla 9ah§malanm1z1 surdQruysn,12, Ggrenciligi c;:ok uz1,m suren

gayretgerektiren bu sanatm mutfagmda GretHen kag1lterbiyelenmesi,murakka yaprmr kam,~ ve

murekkeb tedarigi konusunda faaliyetlerimiz devam ediyor. Bu rninvalde dUnyan,n her ko~esinden

hattatlara hizmet sunmaktay,z.

T.C. Kultur ve Turizm bakanl1g1 bunyesinde duzenlenen "Dosya haz1rl1k ve Yaz1m1 11

toplant1sma kattlmt§ bulunmaktay1m. Hat sanatmm II Somut Olmayan Kulturel Miras, Temsili

Listesine 11 dahil edilmesini umut ediyor ve destekliyorum.


Tiryakiart Sanat Galerisi

Nam,k Kemal Mah. Cengiz Topel Cad.

Degirmen Sok. No:55/4

0mraniye / istanbul



Ayten TiRYAKi Namtk Kemal Mh. Cengiz Topel Cd Degirmen !!l

No:55/4 Umraniye-lst Umraniye VD 628 991 815!!8

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To lntergovermental Commite of Protection of

lntenglbie cuitunel Heritage;

As i am the owner of Tiryakiart Gallery and I am also calligrapher and illimunator.

calligraphy to younger generation.

I care about the tradition of icazet and i gave icazrJt tto my 10 students. While we are

teaching serios and sensetive rules of this art to students,

We are alsc) working atronger by feeling the benefits of social, cuiturel and psychoiogicai side

of this art we are still give services about making 1-r1Urilkka and rnaking ahar fort his art whlch needs a

lot of passion and hardwork in the process of being student.

Therefore we are getting in touch with calligraphers from all around the World.

I joined the meeting named "dosya haz1rl1k ve yaz1m1 "Which Organized By The Ministry ot

Cuiture and Turizm o'f Republic of Turkey.

I wish that The art of the calligraphy joins the "list of intangib!eheritape of Turkish Culture"

and i support it.

Best regards. 19j02/2.020

Nam,k Kemal Mah. Cenglz T'opel C:ad.

Ornraniye / istanbul

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• ' '



Klasik Sanatlar Dernegi, somut olmayan kiilturel miras degerlerimizden olan geleneksel sanatlanmlZI korumak, desteklemek, yaygmla~tirmak, nitelikli bir ~ekilde faaliyet ve egitimlerini yapmak, kamuoyunda bu sanatlara olan ilgiyi arttlrmak, sanatlanm1z1 dogru bir ~ekilde gelecek nesillere aktarmak, sanatkiirlanmlZI maddi ve manevi olarak desteklemek amac1yla 2007 y1h itiban ile faaliyetlerini silrdilrmektedir. 2018 y1hnda somut olmayan kiilttirel miras alanmdaki yah~malanm1z sebebiyle UNESCO akredite ettigi sivil toplum kurulu~lan arasmda yer ald1k. istanbul, Ankara ve izmit'te faaliyetlerimizi geryekle~tirmekteyiz.

Ttirkiye genelinde Genylik ve Spor Bakanhgma ait tum yurtlarda sanat egitimi vermekteyiz. 1 U sta 10 <;irak Projesi kapsammda 10 ytl iyinde be~ bin gencimize klasik sanatlanm1zm farkmdahgm1 arttlracak egitim, ktiltilr, sanat gezileri dilzenledik.

$imdiye kadar, Dernegimiz tarafmdan geryekle~tirilen egitimleri ba~anyla bitiren 257 ki~i mezun olmu~tur. Dernegimiz, sanatkiirlan maddi manevi alanda destekleyerek koleksiyonlar olu~turmu~, kapsamh dijital kiltuphaneler kurmu~ ve envanterler yapm1~tir. Resmi ve ozel kurumlara sanat dam~manhg1 da yapan dernegimiz, 51 adet sanat kitab1 yaymlam1~, 223 adet sempozyum, panel, seminer geryekle~tirmi~ ve 553 adet sergi aymt~tir.

Bu faaliyetler yeryevesinde, biryok resmi ve ozel kurumla imzalad1g1 protokoller kapsammda faaliyetlerini ve sanat dam~manhklanm yilriltmektedir.

Dernegimizin hilsn-i hattm gelecek ku~aklara aktanlmas1 ve ya~at1larak korunmas1 kapsammda yaptlg1 faaliyetlerden baztlan ~unlardir:

• 2007 y1h itiban ile muhtelif zamanlarda muhtelifbakanhklar arac1hg1 ile ortakla~a "1 Usta 10 <;1rak" projesi kapsammda yilzlerce gencimize sanat egitimleri yaptlk.

• Ulkemizdeki tum ~ehirlerdeki yurtlarda resmi statilde sanat egitimleri yapmaktay1z. • 257 mezun yeti~tirdik • Sanat camiasmm hukuki haklan iyin yah~malar yapmaktay1z. • Sanat eserlerinin dijital ortama almmas1 iyin tarama i~lemleri ve dijital kiltuphane

hazirlamaktay1z. • Sanatkarlarm eserlerinin sattlmas1 iyin sergi vs yah~malar yapmaktay1z.

Ktiltilr ve Turizm Bakanhg1 tarafmdan 19 $ubat 2020 tarihinde istanbul'da dilzenlenen Hilsn-i hat aday dosya ulusal hazirhk ve yaz1m toplant1sma Klasik Sanatlar Dernegi adma dernek Ba~kam Ahmet Zeki Yava~i olarak aktif bir ~ekilde kat1hm saglad1m, hilsn-i hattm koruma eylem plammn olu~turulmasma da destek verdik. Somut olmayan ktilttirel miras unsurlanm1zdan olan hilsn-i hattm UNESCO insanhgm Somut Olmayan Killtilrel Miras1 Temsili Listesine diihil edilmesi yah~malanm destekliyoruz. Bu sayede killturel kimligimizin onemli bir paryas1 olan bu sanatm daha geni~ kitlelerce de tanmmasma ve gelecek ku~aklara aktanlmasma da katk1 saglayacagm1 dil~ilnilyoruz.


Web : www.lklasilksanatlar.com / e-mail: lk'S\vi@lkla:silksa1nadar.oom Barb:aros Mahallesi, Morsiimbul S,okalk No:4, :34746 Alta~lhir / is1ta1nbull

GSM: 0545 293 0:120

22/02/2020 Unvan

Ad soyad1 Ka~e imza

Page 6: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle


Classical Arts Association has been continuing its activities since 2007 in order to safeguard cultural heritage values of traditional arts. Classical Art Association supports, organizes courses and activities, makes these arts popular and subsidizes our artist, transmits the tradition correctly to next generations. Our association has been accredited by the UNESCO in 2018 because of our intangible cultural heritage activities. We carry out our activities in istanbul, Ankara and izmit.

We give art educations at the dormitories of Ministry of Youth and Sport all across Turkey. We organized art, culture and education tours in order to raise awareness. 5 thousand teenagers participated to the tours of "One Master Ten Apprentices" project.

Up to now 257 trainees have successfully completed and gradu Association supported artists both spiritually and financifl:UY, est extensive digital libraries and made inventories. At the same tim private and state institutions. We published 51 art oks seminars and opened 553 exhibitions.

Our association continues to operate and give art cons protocols with private and state institutions.

m our educations. Our collections, founded

nsultations to both posiums, panels,

These are the some activities carried out by our association in order to safeguard and transmit the hiisn-i hat tradition to the next generati99.&:, · · ·· ··

o In the context of "One Master Te:p"f~:PP!~9.~ices'' project, we have given art educations to hundreds of teenagers with the cooperatfo%of various Ministries since 2007.

• We have given official art educatiom;.J<:j.;students staying in dormitories of all cities of Turkey.

• 257 trainees • We operate • :rµ,;order to digitaliz • •. We make efforts sue

hts of the art community we make scanning and prepare digital library.

1 itions in order to sell artworks of artists.

On behalfoL the Classical Arts Association, Ahmet Zeki Yava~i, the president, actively participated to>:/.f!jJlsn-i HatNational Nomination File Preparation Meeting" held by Ministry of Culture and Tourisni on 19th February 2019 in istanbul. We contributed to the preparation of safeguarding measuf~s plan of the tradition. We support the activities of the inscription of Husn-i Hat on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. We think that the inscription will contrubitue to the introduction of the art to the large masses and its transmission to the next generations.


President Ahmet Zeki YA V ASi

(Sealed and signed)

Web: www.klasiksanatlar.com / e-mail: [email protected] Barbaros MahaHesi, Morsilmbiil Sokak No:4, 34746 Ata1>ehir / istanbul

GSM: 0545 293 01 20

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R1za Beyammd1r

Adnn Demir Ali Kurtulmu~, 24.08.1966 Bursa dogumluyum. 2004 y1lmda hat sanat1 yolculuguma Mahmut $ahin hocam ile ba~lad1111. Hat sanatmm en C)nemli yard1mc1 malzemelerinden biri olan is mlirekkebini o donemlerde bulmakta zorlamyorduk. Mahmut Hocamm ogrencilik donemlerinde mlirekkep ile ilgilendiklerini, ihtiyac1111 kar~1layacak kadar mlirekkebi kendilerinin Urettiklerinden bahsederdi. Bizlerin de mtirekkebi temin noktasmda s1k111t1 i9erisinde olmam1zdan kaynakh olarak ben de mUrekkep imal edebilirim dti~tincesi ile ba~lad1m. Yalmzca kaynaklardan istifade edebiliyordum. Uzun y1llar istifade edebilecegimiz ustalarm olmad1g1m gordtik. 2008 y1l111dan itibaren mi.irekkep yapmaya ba~lad1m.

Unutulmaya yi.iz tutmu~ bu sanatm tekrar ya~amasma katki i9erisinde olmaya gayret gosteriyorurn. imal etmi~ oldugum is mi.irekkebi ti9 maddeden olu~maktad1r. Bunlar is yani karbon, dogal re9ine yani gum arabic ve su. Bu li9 madde kan~tmhyor, binlerce kez dovtilerek i~lemden ge9mesinden sonra mlirekkebimiz ortaya 91kiyor. Bu esnada ~unlara dikkat etmekteyiz mUrekkebin aklc1 olmas1 zamki arabinin kararmda olmas1 gerekmektedir. Hat sanatmda is mtirekkebinin kullamlmasmm nedenlerinden biri de bu mtirekkebin ytizlerce y1l ayrn ozellikte kalabilmesidir.

TUrkiye'de az say1da mUrekkep imal eden ki~i bulunmaktad1r. Hlisn-i hat sanatmm icrasmda onernli bir yere sahip olan is mUrekkebi tireticisi olarak; UNESCO Somut Olmayan Ktiltlirel Mirasm Temsili Listesine hat sanatmm kay1t edilmesini destekliyorum.


Bahar mahallesi 3. Bahar Sokak No 20 Osmangazi / Bursa

Tel: 0533 648 86 26

is Mtirekkebi yap1m imalat91s1

Demir Ali K.urtulmu~


Page 8: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

My Consent Letter,

My name is Dernir Ali Kurtulmu~. I was born in Bursa on 24.08.1966. My journey to art of hat (calligraphy) began with my master Mahmut $ahin. We had difficulty in finding the lampblack ink, which is the important subsidiary materials of hat at that time. Master Mahmut told that he was interested in producing lampblack ink, and they produced required lampblack ink. In the need of producing lampblack ink, I started in the idea of producing lampblack ink. I was only utilize sources. We observed there is not any master dealing in that issue. I began producing ink in 2008.

I put on efforts to prevent this art from disappearing. My production of 1 three components: These are; carbon which is lampback, natural water. Lampblack ink shapes after mixing these comp nts an We pay attention to fluidity of the lampblack ink and gum A the reasons using lampblack ink in the art of hat is 1 p hundreds of years.

There are few people producing lam (which has special importance in the hi.is to the Representative List of the Intangib

Address: Bahar mahallesi 3



roducer of lampblack ink pp rt the inscription of art of hat, Humanity.

Producer of lampblack ink Demir Ali Kurtulmu§


Page 9: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle


ismim Emrah YILMAZ 1986 bursa dogumluyum. Bursa'da el yap1m1 kag1t Oreticisiyim. El yap1m1 kag1t

Oretim fikri 2012 y1hnda hattat Mahmut ~ahin hocamla hat derslerine ba~lad1ktan sonra dogdu. HOsn­

i Hat sanatmda el yap1m1 kag1tlara ihtiya~ duyuldugunu fark ettim sonrasmda bu kag1t yap1mma merak

sard1m. Yalova ibrahim MOteferrika Kag1t MOzesi'nde kag1t yap1mm1 gordOm. Benim kag1t yap1m1 ile

ilgili serOvenim boylelikle ba~lam1~ oldu. 2017 y1lmda Bursa el yap1m1 kag1t atolyesini kurup hayata


Unutulmaya yOz tutmu~ bu sanatm yeniden canlanmasma katk1da bulunmanm mutlulugunu

ya~1yorum. Yapm1~ oldugum el yap1m1 kag1tlann ham maddeleri: ham pamuk, ham keten, muz lifi ham

ipek ve dut dallandir. Genellikle pamuk ve ketenden kag1tlar Gretiyorum. Orettigim bu kag1tlann

terbiyeleme ve ahar i~lerini bildigim i~in hattatlar ve mOzehhipler yapm1~ oldugum kag1tlan tercih

ediyorlar. Bu alanda kag1t Greten bildigim kadanyla TOrkiye'deki say1h atolyelerden biriyim. HOsn-i Hat

sanatmm icrasmda onemli bir yere sahip olan el yap1m1 kag1t Oretici olarak, UNESCO Somut Olmayan

KOltGrel Mirasm Temsili Listesine hat sanatmm kay1t edilmesini destekliyorum.


Millet Mah. 7204 Sokak yuksekoba safir park sitesi

No:52 DOkkan:28


TEL: 0542 2241516

El Yap1m1 Kag1t Ustas1

Page 10: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

My Consent Letter,

My name is Emrah YILMAZ. I was born in Bursa in 1986. I'm a handmade paper producer. The idea of producing handmade paper emerged after I started the lessons of my master Hattat (Calligrapher) Mahmut Sahin. I realized that the handmade paper is required in Htisn-i Hat art then I become curious about it. I observed the producing of paper in ibrahim Mtiteferrika Paper Museum in Yalova. Therefore my adventure of paper producing has started.

I am happy for contributing to the revival of this art which is sunk · materials of my handmade paper are: raw cotton, raw linen, banana fib tree branches. I generally produce my papers from cotton and li hattats and muzehhip (illuminator) because of my kngwledge substances) paper and its finishing process. My atelier i'.s which produce handmade paper in Turkey. As a haQ;qgia in the htisn-i hat art practice) producer, I supp" Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritag

Address: Millet Mah. 7204 Sokak No:52 Dilkkan:2 Yildmm/ BURSA

Mobile : 0542 224 15 1

ecial importance rt of hat, to the

Handmade paper producer Emrah YILMAZ


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/97-6 '1tl,ru14 bC(_rlcid;J,m HAT7 .S:a11aftnr,) fot-1. .S<-1.l?qf,YJ

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Page 12: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

To Secretary General of UNESCO,

I started HATT (Calligraphy) art in 1976; I took lessons and received ijazadnama from Hattat (Calligrapher) Hamit Ayta~ and Prof. Dr. Ali Alpaslan the last remaining ring of this art since Ottoman times. I continue my works. I'm the servant in the art valley, trained 7 generation of students, proud bearer of tradition, practitioner, and transmitter.

I did searches, made documentaries, participated national and international introductory activities in order to introduce hiisn-i hat to a wider mass, make it beloved and "bute to provide persistency for the humanity. Also I held more than 450 exhibitions.

I observe and think that the art of hat is very important with t method which educates people to be beneficial for the,Ihµmani expressed my opinions at the nomination file preparation r,:1~:~:.D:nF,

I find the inscription of Husn-i Hat on the UNESC Heritage of Humanity very important from the constituents of the art of Hat.

ntangible Cultural and surviving the

I give my greetings for your activities that ce on safeguarding cultural identity, best regards.

Fuat Ba~ar (Signed)

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Uzun y1llar silren bir 9aba sonucunda belirli bir ~amaya gelebildigim Husni Hat Sanat1, ben ve bu alandaki diger sanat9ilar a91smdanbir kulttirel devamhhk unsuru, 8. ytizy1ldan beri devam eden bir gelenegin bugune ta~mmas1dir. Bu sanat uzun ge9mi~i sayesinde farkh 9aglarda ya~am1~ insanhgm ortak miras1d1rve nesiller arasmda kiiltfuel baglar kurmaktad1r.

Yilmadan 9ah~mak, sab1r, sayg1 gibi erdemleri geli~tiren bu sanatm ogrenme stireci aym zamanda insanhgm gtinilmtizde ihtiya9 duydugu ban~, ho~goru, insana sayg1 gibi gibi temel degerleri de i9eren 90k yonlil bir geli~im fosatl sunmaktadu. Bu nedenle bir9ok hattat bu sanatl yeni nesillere aktarmak i9in 9aba gostermektedir.

Son y1llarda ozelliklegen9lerin hilsni hat sanatma olan ilgisininciddi oranda arttlg1 gorulmektedir.Bu ilginin kapsamh bir koruma plamyla buytik bir firsata donu~ebilecegini dti~tinmekteyim.Kat1hm saglad1g1m aday dosya 9ah~malan sonucunda sunulan aday dosya biz miras ta~1y1c1lan i9in 90k onemlidir.

Bu 9er9evede, Husni Hat "insanhgm Somut Olmayan K-Ult-Urel Mirasmm Temsili Liste"sinekaydedilmesini umut.ediyor ve gonlilden destekliyorum.


Adres: istiklal Mah. Lise Sok. Y1ld1zkent Sitesi D BlokNo:15 -Omraniye istanbul

Hanife Alpaydzn

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Making many efforts lasting years, I reached a specific level in the Husn-i Hat tradition. For me and other artists in this field, it is a kind of cultural continuity element, starts from the 8th century and carries it today. Because of its long past, this art is a common heritage of humanity of people lived in different times. It establishes cultural ties among the generations.

The learning process of this art which improves the virtues of workin, respectfulness; presents and opportunity of multi-directional improv tolerance and respect which modern world requires today. Therefore, m make efforts to transmit this tradition to next generations.

It is observed that the interest of young generation considerably. I think that this can be converted t measures. The submission of the nomination dossi process is of great importance for us, the bearers oft

In this context, I hope and. wholehe Representative List of the Intangible C l H

Best regards

essly, patience, as peace, ligrapher)

is increased iled safeguarding o the preparation

of husn-i hat to

Hanife Alpaydm (Signed)

Page 15: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

R1za Beyan1md1r

1937 yilmda Erzurum' da dogdum. 1964 yilmdan itibaren hattat Halim Ozyaz1c1, Hamit Aytac; ve Kemal Batanay'dan hat sanatl me~k ettim. 1975'te Hamit Aytac;'tan Siiliis ve Nesih, 1981 y1lmda Kemal hocamdan Ta'lik ve Rik'a yazilannda icazet ald1m.

1977 y1lmda A.-0. ilahiyat Camii'nin yazilanm yazmak ic;in Erzurum'da, 1981 'de islam Te~kilatI'nm yaz1lanm yazmak ic;in Cidde'de 1983'de Mescid-i Nebi'nin yazilannm restorasyonu ic;in Medine'de gorevlendirildim. 1982'de ilk ki~isel sergimi istanbul'daki islam Tarih Sanat ve Kiiltlir Merkezi'nde ac;tim. Yurt · ic;inde ve yurt d1~mda diizenlenen pek c;ok sergiye i~tirak ettim. Ulusal ve uluslararas1 birc;ok yan~mada jiiri iiyelikleri yaptlm. 2010 yilmda Kiiltiir ve Turizm Bakanhg1 tarafmdan UNESCO Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Mirasm Korunmas1 Sozle~mesi kapsammda olu~turulan Ya~ayan insan Hazineleri Ulusal Envanteri' ne dahil edilerek Ya~ayan insan Hazinesi olarak ilan edildim.

1976 yilmdan beri hat dersleri vermekte ve talebe yeti~tirmekteyim. Yurt ic;inde ve yurt d1~mdan olmak iizere sayilar1 60'1 gec;en talebelerim benden icazet ald1.

Bu mirasm bir ta~1y1c1s1, aktanc1s1 olarak, Hiisn-i Hat sanatmm; insanhgm Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Liste' sine kaydedilmesine nza gosteriyor ve destekliyorum.


Adres: <;aml1ca Cami Ferah Yolu Sk. No:87 34692 -0 skiidar/istanbul Tel: 0533 382 35 80

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My Consent Letter,

I was born in Erzurum in 1937. I took hat (Islamic calligraphy) lessons from hattats (calligraphers) Halim Ozyaz1c1, Hamit Aytac; and Kemal Batanay. I received ijazadnama from Hamit Aytac; in stiltis (Thulut) and nesih (nask) writing styles in 1975 and from my master Kemal ta'lik (ta'liq) and rik'a (riq'a) writing styles in 1981.

I was assigned to draw the "hat"s of Ankara.University Theology Mosqu Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah in 1981 and restoration of the "hat"s of 1983. I opened my first personal exhibition at the Centre of Islamic Hist istanbul in 1982. I participated numerous domestic and internati jury member in many competitions organized at home ,u,.1,-,._..,,,.

Living Human Treasure of the Living Human Treasure ir,y~•:n:o Tourism in the context of UNESCO Convention for Heritage.

I have been giving hat (Islamic Calligrl;),phy) less domestic students received ijazadnamci

zurum in 1977, A in Medina in

Art been a

than 60 foreign and

As a practitioner, bearer I give my ..,v,..,..,,, ..

the Representative List of the i:lscription of Htisn-i hat tradition to Humanity.

Hattat Hasan ~ELEBi (Signed)

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R1:za Beyammd1r

Geleneksel Husn-i hat sanatm1 ustadlanmdan uzun y1llar me~k ederek ogrenmeye sa'y u gayret

gosterdim. Bu gelenegin bir parc;:as1 olmak ic;:in ahlaki ve teknik temellerinde sabit kadem olmak


Ders vermekte oldugum muhtelif mekanlarda hat sanatma merak vermi§ dostlanm1zla birlikte

vakitler gec;:irip sanat1m1zin daha ileriye ta~inmas1, daha c;:ok sanat gonullusunun haberdar olmas1,

haberdar olanlann da geleneklerden kopmamas1 adina c;:all~malanm1z1 surdurmekteyiz.

Aday dosya c;:ali§malannin Husn-i hat sanatinm gelecegi ac;:1s111dan faydal1 oldugunu du~unmekteyim.

Bu sebeple Husn-i hat sanat1nin insanl1gin Somut Olmayan Kulturel Mirasmin Temsili Liste'sine

kaydedilmesinin sanatm gelecegine katk1 saglayacagma inaniyorum.

Husn-i hat sanatinin acizane bir icrac1s1 olarak "insanligin Somut Olmayan Kulturel Mirasmin Temsili

Liste"sine kaydedilmesine nza gosteriyor ve destekliyorum.


Fevzi <;:akmak Mh, Osman Ozkuc;:uk Sk, No:7-9 D:9

l<Llc;:ukkoy/GOP /iSTANBU L


Mahmut ~AHiN

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I put on great effort to learn the art of hat from my masters by practicing called me~k (meshk) throughout many years. In order to be a part of this tradition it is required to obey to the moral and technic basis of the tradition.

We gather with art volunteer friends in various locations and give effort in order to progress and spread the tradition; as well as trying to prevent any decrease in the numbe volunteers.

I consider that the nomination process will be beneficial for the Thefore I believe that the inscription of the hiisn-i hat totthe Repr Cultural Heritage of Humanity will contribute the future of art

As a bearer of hiisn-i hat I give my consent Representative List of the Intangible Cultural

Best regards

of hiisn-i hat to

Mahmut ~AHiN Hattat


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Geleneksel hat sanat1 (hlisn-i hat), benim ic;in sadece bir hobi degil aym zamanda yiizy1llard1r devam eden kiiltiirel bir devamhhgm parc;as1, birlikteligin, kar~1hkh saygmm ve gelecege umutla bakmanm temel arac;lanndan biridir. Kendine ozgii ahlaki prensipleri olan bu gelenegin ban~, toplumsal dayam~ma ve yard1mla~ma kiiltiiriinii destekleyen pek c;ok yonii bulunmaktad1r.

Bir hattat olarak, iistatlanmdan ogrendigim bilgileri gene; ku~aklara aktarmak ic;in ozel bir c;aba sarf etmekteyim. Son y1llarda ozellikle genc;lerin geleneksel hat sanatma olan ilgisinin de ciddi oranda artt1g1 goriilmektedir. Bu ilginin kapsamh bir koruma plamyla biiyiik bir firsata donii~ebilecegini dii~iinmekteyim. Bu nedenle, kat1hm saglad1g1m aday dosya c;ah~malan sonucunda sunulan aday dosya biz miras ta~1y1c1lan ic;in umut vericidir.

Bu baglamda, Geleneksel Hat Sanatmm "insanhgm Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi"ne kaydedilmesini umut ediyor ve goniilden destekliyorum.


IL~ /V Ad- Soyadz

Hattat Mehmet MEMjS

Adres: Camili Mah. Ay9icegi Vadisi, 1670 Ada, L-2 Blok, D: 6 Adapazan / SAKARYA /

TURKIYE ([email protected])

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Traditional art of hat (husn-i hat) is not just a hobby for me but at the same time a means of cultural identity throughout centuries, togetherness, mutual respect and looking for the future with hope. The tradition bears distinctive moral values which supports peace, culture of solidarity and welfare.

As a hattat (calligrapher), I give special effort to transmit the knowledge I learned from my masters to the next generations. It has been observed recently that the interest of youth to traditional art of hat has been increased. I consider that this interest can be turn into an op with detailed safeguarding measures. Therefore, the nomination of the candidate file ,,,,,.,,t,,-,,no::,1-,,r1 is an encouraging stage for us the tradition bearers.

In this context, I wholeheartedly support and hope for the t Hat to the "Representative List of the Intangible Cultura:11,tteritag

Best regards.

Address: Camili Mah. Ayc;:icegi Vadisi, 1670 Ada, TURKEY ([email protected])

Hattat Mehmet MEMi~ (Signed)

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Riza Beyammd1r

Hat sanatm1 Ustad1m Prof. Dr. Fevzi Giinii9'ten ogrendim ve yakla~1k 15 senedir ba~anh bir sanatkar olmak i9in gayret etmekteyim. Bu sanatm ahlaki ilkelerine ve temel ogretilerine bagh olman1z ve siirekli talim yaparak elinizi zinde tutman1z gerekmektedir.

istanbul D skiidar' da "Zembil Sanat" ad1yla kurmu~ oldugum atolyemde haftada bir giin Ucretsiz dersler vererek talebe yeti~tiriyor ve sanatlm1zm talep ettigi ti.im estetik unsurlan goz oniinde bulundurarak eserler Uretiyorum. Ulusal ve uluslararas1 sergilere ve programlara i~tirak ediyor, bu vesileyle hem diger miras ta~1y1cllar1yla olan ileti~imimi geli~tiriyor hem de Hat sanatma ili~kin bilgi ah~veri~inde bulunuyorum. Ozellikle karma sergilerin, sanatkarlann birbirini tammas1 adma 90k onemli oldugunu dii~Uniiyorum.

Aktif bir ~ekilde kat1ld1g1m aday dosya hazirhk 9ah~malarmdan once Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Miras ta~1y1c1s1 tamt1m kartma sahiptim. icra ettigim sanat1 lay1k1yla temsil etme gayretinde bulunmaktay1m. Simdi de sanat1m1zm insanhgm Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Miras1mn Temsili Listesi'ne kaydedilmesinin bu sanatm giivence altma almmasma 90k biiyiik katk1 saglayacagma inan1yorum.

Bu mirasm bir ta~1y1c1s1 olarak, kiiltiirel kimligimin bir par9as1 olan Hat sanatmm "insanhgm Somut Olmayan Kiiltiirel Mirasmm Temsili Listesi"ne kaydedilmesine nza gosteriyor ve destekliyorum.



Mimar Sinan Mahallesi Evliya Hoca Sokak No:2 Kat: 3-4 Uskiidar / iSTANBUL

jmza Ad-Soyad

Mustafa Cemil Efe

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My Consent Letter,

I learned the art of hat from my master Prof. Dr. Fevzi Giiniic;, and I have been making effort to be a successful artisan for 15 years. It is required to stick moral values and basic principles of this art and we need to continuously practice in order to keep our hand fit.

In the alelier that I sat up in istanbul/Uskiidar named "Zembil Art"; I give free lectures and train students as well as producing artworks taking into consideration all t ssary aesthetic elements of our art. I participate national and international exhibitio · s therefore I increase my relationship with other bearers as well as exchanging in£ to art of hat. I consider that group exhibitions in particular are very im ,e of the artists.

Besides my active participation to the "Hiisn-i Nomination File National Preparation Meeting" Bearer Card. I endeavour to thoroughly represent th · our art to Representative List of the gible ensure its viability.

As a bearer, I give my consent and sup our cultural identity, to Representativ

Best regards.

MimarSinan Evliya Hoca Soka No:2 Kat:3-4 Uskildar / istanbul

·c Calligraphy Cultural Heritage

elieve the inscription of anity will contribute to

·. of hat, one of the components of ultural Heritage of Humanity.

Mustafa Cemil Efe (Signed)

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UNESCO Somut Olmayan Ktilturel Mirasm Korunmas1 Htikilmetleraras1 Komitesi'ne,

Hat, geleneksel islami yaz1 sanat1, kadim bir ge9mi~e sahip sanatlammz ic;inde en onde gelmektedir. Hat sanatmm birbirinden guzel ornekleri ecdad1m1z tarafmdan yuzy11lard1r icra edilmi~tir. Bu gelenek giiniimtizde de usta sanatkarlarla devam etmektedir.

istanbul hat sanatI ic;in tarih boyunca onemli bir merkez olmu~tur. Cok say1da hattatm ya~ad1g1 istanbul, aym zamanda, mtirekkep, kalem, kag1t ve diger bir9ok ihtiyacm tiretilip temin edilebildigi bir yerdir.

Kirk yil once tam~t1g1m hat sanatmda kullamlan malzemelerin uretimine yonelik c;alt~malara ilk zamanlarda kendi ihtiya9lanm1 kar~1lamak 0zere ba~lad1m. Zaman ic;erisinde bu c;ah~malar ilerleyerek yurtic;i ve yurtd1~mdaki sanatc;Ilann ihtiyac;lanm kar~1layan Tiryakiart Sanat Galerisinin kurulmas1m saglad1.

Tiryakiart sanat galerimizde bu ihtiyac;lann temm1 ve uretimini icra etmekteyiz. Sundugumuz kag1t, kalem, miirekkep, altm ve diger birc;ok sanat malzemesine sanat91lanm1z kolayca ula~abilmektedir. Hizmetlerimiz arasmda "ahar" yap1m1 (farkh olc;u ve ozellikte kag1tlann klasik ustilde ni~asta ve yumurta ile terbiyelenmesi ve sonrasmda mtihre ile parlatilmas1) ve "murakka" yap1mm1 (kendi hazirlad1gumz murakkalar 0zerine kag1tlarm yap1~tmlmas1) sayabiliriz. Hattatlanm1zm aharh kag1tlara yazd1g1 orijinal yaz1larmm bu ~ekilde murakkasm1 yapararak tezhip sanat1 ile stislemeye hazir hale getinnekteyiz.

Klasik sanatlanm1za altyap1 olu~turan sec;kin malzemeleri sanatkarlara sunarak ve c;ah~malannda yard1mc1 olacak en uygun malzemeleri sec;meleri konusunda tecrubelerimizi payl~arak, aym zamanda ahar, murakka gibi zaman alan uygulamalan ustlenerek onlara sanatlanna odaklanmak ic;in daha fazla zaman kazandird1g11mza inamyorum.

Sanatlanm1z ve ozellikle hat sanat1m1zla ilgili as1rlardir stiregelen bilgi ve becerilerin gelecek nesile aktanmmm onemine inamyorum. UNESCO Somut Olmayan Ktilttirel Mirasm Temsili Listesine hat sanatmm da kay1t edilmesini destekliyor ve nza gosteriyorum.


Adres: Tiryakiart Sanat Galerisi Nam1k Kemal Mah. Cengiz Topel Cad. Degirmen Sokak No:55/4 Dmraniye / istanbul Web sitesi: tiryakiart.com.tr

6 4 I .0 1, W '2-,Q


Page 24: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle

To UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,

The art of hat, traditional Islamic calligraphy, has deep-rooted history and is the most precious one. Our ancestors, hat masters of past generations, have produced magnificent examples of artworks throughout centuries. This tradition has continued by efforts of hat masters.

The city of istanbul has been a center for hat throughout the history due to the fact that a great number of artists has lived and practiced here. The materials such as lampblack ink, reed pen, paper and other materials are produced and obtained in istanbul.

I met with the art of hat forty years ago. Firstly I started to prepare art materials for my own calligraphy practices then it slowly evolved into an establishment of Tiryakiart Gallery which helps domestic and foreign artists needs as well.

At Tiryakiart Gallery, we provide art supplies and services for traditional art practitioners. We offer artists an easy access to a wide range of materials such as handmade papers, pens, lampblack ink, gold etc. chosen from the best sources around the world. Our services include ahar making (the sizing of paper with natural materials like starch or eggs using traditional methods, afterwards they are burnished) and producing murakka (making (the mounting of papers on handmade cardboard prepared). Hat artists bring us their work on traditionally sized papers and trust us with the murakka. These works become ready for the application of tezhib ( decoration of the work with the art of illumination, using gold and various colors ).

We are to provide artists with special supplies and technical services that make up the basics of traditional arts. I believe that, we enable artists to focus on their art by sharing our expertise on materials best suited for their needs and help them to save time by offering services like the "ahar" and "murakka" making required for their artworks.

I believe the importance of transmitting centuries of the knowledge and skills of arts especially the art of hat to next generation. Therefore, I fully support the nomination of hat to inscribe UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Best regards,

Address: Tiryakiart Sanat Galerisi Nam1k Kemal Mah. Cengiz Topel Cad. Degirmen Sokak No:55/4 0-mraniye / Istanbul TURKEY Web site: tiryakiart.com.tr

?/4, oJ, ~ Z,.O Ozkan TiryaJd


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Hat sanatm1 ve ona bagh olan dif.;er gelenekli sanatlanm1z1 1955 y1lmdan bu yana ogremneye

9ah~t11n ve hocam Necmeddin Okyay'm (1883--1976) icazetini 1960 ydma ald1m. Goziirndeki rahats1zhk dolay1siyle, bu sanatia fiilen ugra~ma..'11 90k silrmedi. Ben de kendimi hat ve hattatlara dair ara~tirmalara verdim. 30'u kitap olmak ilzere S00'il a!jkm ne9r:iyat1m vard1r,

Arap asilh hadlerden olu~an hlisn-i hat, istanbul"un fethinden (1453) soma zaman i~:inde Osmanh TUrklerinin elinde manevi taraflyla milli bir karakter kazanm1~, glinU giiniinden ala olarak XX. yiizyila kadar gelmii?tir, Harf bi9imine gore farkh vas1flar ve isimler kazanan hat, adma hattat denHen sanatkfufar tarafindan kag1d uzerine uyguland1g1 gibi, abide ve binalarm

d1~mda da kitabe ~eklinde yer alrnaktad1r, Bu sebeble husn-i hattm Somut Olmayan KilltD.r Mirasmm Temsili listesinde yer almasmm bu sanata katkt sag]ayacagm.1 ilmid ediyorum. Bu

giinkii gem; nesiller de husn~i batla me~gul olup faaliyetierini surdunnektedir1er.

Amlan miramn bir milntesibi olarak kiiltiir kimligimizin miihim bir pan;as1 say1lan hUsn-i hattm "insanhgm Somut Ohnayan Killtiir Miras1 Temsili" listesine kaydedi]mesine nza gosteriyor ve destekliyorum.

Prof.Ugur DERMAN

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I have been involved in mastering the art of calligraphy and other related traditional arts since 1955, and received a calligrapher's licence from my teacher Necmeddin Okyay (1883·-1976)

in 1960. Because of a problem with my eyesight, I did not practice for long. Instead, l dedicated myself to studying calligraphy and calligraphers from an academk viewpoint, and have published more than 500 works including thirty books.

Based upon Arabic letters, the art of calligraphy with its spiritual dimension gradually acquired a national character in the hands of the Ottoman Turks after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453, ever improving until the twenty-first century. Different styles of

script evolved as the k~tters took difforent forms. The art was practiced by calligraphers on paper, but also inscribed onto buildings and r:nonuments, For this reason I hope that the recognition of calligrnphy as an element of our Intangible Cultural Herita.ge wili contribute to the art, as the younger generations continue to practice it

As one deeply committed to the: preservation of said heritage, I consent to and support the incorporation of calligraphy, an important part of our cultural identity, as a representative of Humanity's Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Prof. Ugur DERMAN


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HUsn-i hat egitimimi, istanbul'da hattat Ali RU~tu Oran ve hattat Ali Selc;uk Erkurt ile tamamlayarak 1990 y1hnda sUIUs ve nesih yaz1lannm icazetini ald1m. Hattat Ali Alparslan'm talik yaz1s1 derslerine devam ederek kendisinden istifade ettim. Yakla~1k 30 y1I ken di atolyemde fiilen hUsn-i hat sanatmin ta~IyIc1s1, uygulay1c1s1 ve aktanc1s1 olmaya gayret ettim. Bin (1000) den fazla esere, yurt ic;inde ve yurt d1~1nda elli (50) tane caminin yaz1 projesine imza att1m. HUsn-i hat egitimi almak isteyenlere geleneksel usulde ders verdim ve ders vermeye devam ediyorum. 2006 yilinda, husn-i hat sanatinm tarihi seyri, teknigi,

malzemelerin haz1rlanmas1, noktalama oic;uleri ve me~kleri ic;eren "RUHi HENDESE" (matematigin ruhu) isimli kitap hazirlay1p yayinlad1m. Halen hUsn-i hat sanatmin ya~amasI ve gelecek nesillere sagl1kli bir ~ekilde aktanlmas1 ic;in gayret etmekteyim.

HUsn-i hat, kelime olarak "guzel yaz1" aniarnma gelmektedir. HUsn-i Hat sanatin, uygulayanlara da "Hattat" denilmektedir. islam yaz1s1, onbe~ asirdir bUyUk bir dikkat ve gayretle geli~tirilerek gUzel sanatlar seviyesine yUkseltilmi~tir. Ozellikle Osmanl1 Devleti, bUtun gUzel sanatlara oldugu gibi, hUsn-i hat sanatrna da ozel bir ilgi gostermi~ ve hattatlar, padi~ahlardan hususi iltifat gormU~lerdir. HUsn-i hat sanat1, usta-c;1rak ili~kisi ile gUnUmUze kadar saghkli ~ekilde aktanlm1~ geleneksel bir sanatt1r. Bir hattatrn yeti~mesi y1llar ister. Sabir, azim ve kabiliyet egitimin temel esaslandir. HUsn-i hat sanatinm kendine mahsus bir geometrisi oldugu gibi, tumUyle olc;Ulere ve kurallara dayalidir. Her yaz1 c;e~idine gore kurallar ve olc;U sistemi degi~mektedir. Egitim sUreci ic;erisinde harfler, harf karakterleri, olc;uler, kurallar, yaz,da estetik bilgisi, kullanilan malzemeler ve malzemelerin haz1rlanmas1 ogretildigi gibi, c;e~itli davrani~ bic;imleri, sanat ahlak1 ve edepte ogretilmektedir. Eski ustadlar, hUsn-i hat sanat1rn tarif ederken "RUHi HENDESE" (matematigin ruhu), ve "MOREBBi" (terbiye edici) gibi ifadeler kullanm1~lard1r.

Bu mirasrn ta~Iy1c1s1, uygulay1c1s1 ve aktanc1s1 olarak, kulturel kimligimin bir parc;as1 olan "Husn-i Hat Sanatrn1n"., insanl1gm Somut Olmayan Kulturel IVlirasrnin Temsili Listesi'ne kaydedilmesine nza gosteriyor ve gonUlden destekliyorum.



Zafer mahallesi, c;am sokak, no 9/7 Bahc;elievler-istanbul

Selim Turkoglu (Hattat)

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I completed my htisn-i hat training form hattat (calligrapher) Ali Rti~tti Oran and hattat Ali Sels;uk Erkut in istanbul. I received my siilus and nesih icazetname (ijazatnamah) in 1990. I learned much from hattat Ali Alpaslan by taking talik-writing lessons. I have given efforts to the tradition as a bearer and practitioner almost 30 years. I produced more than thousand (1000) artworks, writings of fifty (50) mosques domestic and abroad. I have given hiisn-i hat trainings with traditional methods to the volunteers which still goes on. I wrote blished a book named "Ruhi Hendese" (Soul of Math) which includes historical cours of materials, punctuation measures and traditional training method calle hat in 2006. I maintain my efforts in order to keep the tradition radition correctly to the next generations.

Hiisn-i hat literally means "beautiful writing". Th hattat. Islamic writing has been evolved with care an centuries. Especially Ottoman State, as all the fine erest to hat, and hattats received special compliments from sul ns. Hiis t achieves to reach today properly through master and apprenti become a hattat. Patience, perseverance and talent are the basic pri g. ere is a special geometry for hiisn-i hat which is based totally on measur , ures and rules differ according to each writing style. The scope of the tr~irlfog rs, alphabetic characters, measures, rules, aesthetics in writing, materials ancl preparati e materials. Forms of behaviour, moral values of art and decency are also learned,;Oldill,ast r expressed husn-i hat with words such as the "Ruhi Hendese" (Soul of Math) or "Miirebbi';:'(educator).

As a bearer, practitio support to the inscrip ..... List of th Intangi)jJ~. Cultu


a master ofthis tradition, I give my consent and wholeheartedly , ... :.·sn-i Hat Art as a part of my cultural identity to Representative

· · age of Humanity

Selim Ti.irkoglu. Hattat


Zafer Mahallesi <;:am Sokak No:9/7 Bah<;elievler - istanbul

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Geleneksel Sanatlar Dernegi, 2007 y1hnda kar amac1 gutmeyen bir sivil toplum kurulu~u olarak

kurulmu~, 2018 y1hnda Somut Olmayan Kultur Miras1 7. Genel Kurulu'nda UNESCO'ya akredite STK

olarak kabul edilmi~tir.

Dernegimiz Turkiye'de geleneksel sanatlann geli~imini saglamay1, tanit1lmasma katk1da bulunmay1,

sanat bilincini yaygmla~tirmay1, bu alanda egitimi ve uretimi desteklemeyi ve geleneksel sanatlar

alanmda !;ah~an akademisyen, sanat!;I, ogrenci ve diger ilgilileri ayni !;at1 altmda toplamay1 ama!;layan

bir sivil toplum kurulu~udur.

Geleneksel Sanatlar Dernegi, bu sanatlann hak ettigi degeri gorebilmesi ve gelecek nesillere

aktanlabilmesi i~in ~e~itli etkinlikler ve yaymc1hk ~ah~mas1 yapmaktad1r. Ayni zamanda koklu bir

ge!;mi~e sahip geleneksel sanatlanm121n geli~mesi i~in !;aba gosteren sanat!;l ve akademisyenlerimizin

on plana ~•kanlarak bu alandaki ~all~malannm sanatseverlere aktanlmas1 dogrultusunda faaliyet

gostermektedir. Turkiye'de icra edilen Geleneksel Sanatlardan biri olan Hat Sanat1yla ilgili !;ah~malara

ozel bir onem vermekteyiz. Dernegimiz bunyesinde !;Ok say1da Hat Sanat!;1s1 (Hattat) bulunmaktadir.

Geleneksel Sanatlar Dernegi Hi.isn-i Hat Temah c;ah~malan:

Hi.isn-i Hat Bulu~mas1 / 2007:

Panel ve sergi a~•ll~1yla ba~layan Hi.isn-i Hat Bulu~mas1, 28 Ekim- 3 Kas1m 2007 tarihlerinde

dernegimiz tarafmdan duzenlendi. Bulu~mada 34 hattat 99 eserle bulu~mada yer ald1. Panelde

sunulan tebligler ve sanat~1lann eser goruntuleri, sergi a~,h~• ve sosyal gezilerde ~ekilen fotograflann

da bulundugu, Husn-i Hat Bulu~mas1 ismiyle bir kitap yayma haz1rland1. Hi.isn-i Hat Bulu~mas1 ayni

zamanda Gumu~ Lale Odulunun ikincisine de ev sahipligi yapt1. Hattat Hasan c;elebi, Gumu~ Lale

Odulunun sahibi oldu. Husn-i Hat Bulu~mas1 sonunda yedi farkh teblig sunulmu~tur.

Hi.isn-i Hat Sanat1m1z Sergisi / 2008:

Husn-i Hat Sanat1m1z Sergisi dernegimiz tarafmdan 30 Agustos- 30 Eylul 2008 tarihlerinde istanbul

Sanayi Odas1 Odakule Sanat Galerisinde duzenlenmi~tir.

istanbul'un Ustalan Projesi / 2010:

istanbul 2010 Avrupa Kultur Ba~kenti ajans1 i~ birligi ile haz1rlanm1~t1r. Proje kapsammda istanbul'da

geleneksel sanatlar alanmda urun veren sanat!;ilann oz ge~mi~lerinin, ileti~im ve atolye bilgilerinin yer

ald1g1 bir kitap hamlanm1~t1r.

Kitaba ek olarak hamlanan haritada da sanat~1lann atolyelerinin yer ald1g1 konumlar gosterilmi~ ve

proje i!;in ingilizce ve Turk~e olarak bir internet sitesi a!;1lm1~t1r.

istanbulunustalari.com/tr ve istanbulunustalari.com/en

www.gelenekselsanatlar.org Cihangir Mah. Purtela$ Sok. K6$e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim / iSTANBUL

+90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]

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Gelecegin Ustalan Geleneksel Sanatlar Yan~mas1 / 2013:

Gelenekse! S~n9.t9.!9.r Pernegi t~rnfmq9.11 i !(9.$!m ioi~ t9.rihlnde dQien!enen GE:?lecegin V$t~!9.n Yan~mas1 Zeytinburnu Belediyesi, TBMM, Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar Oniversitesi ve Kultur ve

Turizm Bakanhg1 katk1lanyla ger~ekle~tirilmi~tir. Yan~mac1lar, Hiisn-i Hat, Tezhip, Minyatur, Ebru, Cilt,

<;ini, Kaat1', Kalemi~i daltnda eserlerini sunmu~tur.

Gelecegin Ustalan Geleneksel Sanatlar Yar1Jmas1 / 2014:

Dernegimiz taraftndan ikincisi duzenlenen Gelecegin Ustalan Yan~mast; Zeytinburnu Belediyesi,

TBMM, Mimar Si nan Guzel Sanatlar Oniversitesi ve Kultur ve Turizm Bakanhgt destekleriyle

ger~ekle~tirilmi~tir. Hiisn-i Hat, Celi Sul us, Hiisn-i Hat Celi Talik, Tezhip, Minyatur, Ebru, <;ini ve Katt'

olmak uzere yedi dalda duzenlenen yan~maya 280 sanat~, kat1ld1. ilk 3 derece i~in para odulunun,

aynca her dalda 5 esere sergileme odulunun verildigi yan~mada 46 eser odul aid 1. Dereceye giren

eserlerin yer ald1g1 sergi ayrn yerde duzenlenirken eserler bir katalogda toplanm1~t1r. Gelecegin

Ustalan Yan~mastna ba~vuran kat1hmc1larrn yan~ma hakktnda aynntth bilgiye ula~abilecegi internet

sitesi hizmete a,;1lm1~tir.


Gelecegin Ustalan Geleneksel Sanatlar Yan~mas1 / 2015:

Geleneksel Sanatlar Derneginin duzenledigi Istanbul Buyuk~ehir Belediyesi, Albayrak Grup,

Zeytinburnu Belediyesi, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanhgr ve Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar Oniversitesinin

destekledigi Gelecegin Ustalan Yan~mas1 2015, Hiisn-i Hat, <;ini, Cilt, Tezhip, Ebru, Kalemi~i, Minyatur

ve Katt' olmak uzere 8 ana dalda ger~ekle~tirilmi~tir.

Yan~maya 227 sanat~1 kat1ld1. 41 ki~ilik se~ici kurulun u~ a~amada belirledigi eserlere para odulu

verildi ve yan~ma neticesinde dereceye giren 51 eserin yer ald1g1 bir sergi hamland1.

Aynca Gelecegin Ustalan Yan~mastna ba~vuran kat1ltmc1lann yan~ma hakkmda aynnt11t bilgiye

ula~abilmeleri i~in internet sitesi a~1lm1~t1r.

www. ge/eceginustalari. org

Tiirkiye'nin Ustalan Envanter (;al,1~mas1 / 2017:

Dernegimiz Kultur ve Turizm Bakanhg1 destekleriyle "Ti.irkiye'nin Ustalan I Marmara Bolgesi"

projesinin envanter kitab1 ve web sitesini 11 Kas1m 2017 tarihinde kamuoyuna sunmu~ ve

www.gelenekselsanatlar.org Cihangir Mah. Purtela$ Sek. K6$e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim / iSTANBUL

+90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]

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tamamlam1~tir. Marmara Bolgesindeki illerde ya~ayan ve uretim yapan geleneksel sanatlar ve

zanaatlar alanmdaki ustalann envanterleri !;lkanlarak sahip oldugumuz kultur miras1 ve sanat birikimi

goruni.lr hale getirilmi~tir. Bolgesel ol!;ekte %11.3 oranmda Hat Sanatlan Ustas, oldugu belirlenmi~tir.


Dernegimiz tarafmdan Geleneksel Sanatlar konusunda farkh i~eriklerde seminerler dizisi


• Geleneksel Sanatlar Seminerleri - Hat Sanat1'nda Terminoloji / 2018 • Geleneksel Sanat Konu~malan -

Geleneksel Sanatlarda Akademik Egitim ve Usta (:irak ili~kisi /2019 • Geleneksel Sanat Konu~malan - Koleksiyonerllk/ 2019 • Geleneksel Sanat Konu~malan - Geleneksel Sanatlarda malzeme bilgisi ve Teknolojisi / 2018

Dernek !;ah~malanm121n Husn-i Hat'm korunmas1 konusunda onemli bir pay1 oldugunu du~unuyoruz.

Husn-i Hat sanatmm bir dosya olarak UNESCO tarafmdan Somut Olmayan Kultur Miras1 Temsili Listesine kaydedilmesini destekliyor ve oneriyoruz.


Geleneksel Sanatalar Dernegi

Dernek YRn~tim Kurul1.1 Baikarn

Av. Ahmet Akcan

Cihangir Mah. Purtela~ Sok. Ko~e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim / iSTANBUL +90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]

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The Association of Traditional Arts is a non profit civil organization established in 2007 and it became accredited to UNESCO as a non profit organization by the convention for the safeguarding of lntangable Cultural Heritage 7 th. General Assembly Council.

Our NGO aims at ensuring the development of traditional arts in Turkey, contributing to its promotion, spreading art awareness, supporting education and production within this domain and gathering the practicing academicians, artists, students and other interested people in traditional arts under one roof.

The Association of Traditional Arts execute activities of organization and publication in purpose to make these arts meet the value they deserve and transfer them to next generations. The association also works in purpose of promoting the artists and academicians who spend efforts for the development of our deep-rooted traditional arts and transferring their works to art lovers.

We give a special attention to Calligraphy Art - one of the branch of Traditional Arts in Turkey -And there is a lot of Masters/ Artists (Hattat) who work actively in Calligraphy Art.

The Traditional Art Association Organizations under the theme of Calligraphy Art

Calligraphy Meeting/ 2007 :

Between 28 October - 3 November, 2007, the Association of Traditional Arts initiated the Calligraphy Meeting which started with a panel and an exhibition opening. 34 masters joined with 99 art works to the meeting.

The communiques and the images of the artists' works presented at the panel, the opening of the exhibition and photos taken on the social trips were compiled in a book titled "Calligraphy Meeting". The book carries a high importance as a resource for art candidates engaged in calligraphy.

Alongside the Calligraphy Meeting, The Second Silver Tulip Award was granted to calligraphy master Hasan <;elebi in a special ceremony. At the end of Calligraphy Meeting 7 different announcement are presented.

Our Calligraphy Art Exhibition / 2008

Between 30 August - 30 September 2008, "Our Calligraphy Art" Exhibition was organized by the Association of Traditional Arts at Odakule Art Gallery of The Istanbul Chamber of Industry.

The Masters of istanbul Project/ 2010

On December 27th, 2010, in cooperation with "Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency", the Association of Traditional Arts organized. Within the scope of this project a book was prepared with the information of all masters who works on Traditional Art.

www.gelenekselsanatlar.org Cihangir Mah. Purtela$ Sok. K6$e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim / iSTANBUL

+90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]

Page 33: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle




With the map as an attachement of this book, the location of the masters studios was shown and a web page was activated in Turkish and English.

istanbulunustalari.com. tr and istanbulunustalari. com/ en

The Masters of Future Traditional Art Contest/ 2013

On November 1st 2013, the Association of Traditional Arts supported by Zeytinburnu Municipality, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, organized the contest for The Masters of the Future.

The participants presented their works in different art branches; Calligraphy, Illumination, Miniature, Marbling (Ebru), Binding, Tiling, Paper Filigree and Hand-drawing.

The Masters of Future Traditional Art Contest/ 2014

On December 20th, 2014, the Association of Traditional Arts supported by Zeytinburnu Municipality, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mi mar Si nan Fine Arts University and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism organized the second contest for the Masters of the Future.

280 artists joined the contest which composed of seven traditional arts; Calligraphy (Celi Sulus & Celi Talik), Illumination, Miniature, Marbling (Ebru), Tiling, and Paper Filigree.

Top three contestants were granted monetary prizes. Additionally, five works in each art branch were found worth of exhibiting and 46 works were awarded too.

The artists were presented their prizes in a special ceremony .The first ranking exhibited works were collected in a catalogue at the same time.

A web address was opened to service, to allow participants access the contest's detailed information.


The Masters of Future Traditional Art Contest/ 2015

In 2015, the Association of Traditional Arts supported by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Albayrak Group, Zeytinburnu Municipality, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Mimar Si nan Fine Arts University actualized the Masters of the Future Contest. The contest included the major eight traditional arts; Calligraphy, Tiling, Binding, Illumination, Marbling {Ebru), Hand-drawing, Miniature and Paper Filigree.

227 artists participated in the contest, and the winners of the monetary award were chosen by the 41-member jury through three stages. At the end, an exhibition was organized for the top 51 works.

www.ge1enekse1sanat1ar.org Cihangir Mah. Purtela~ Sok. Ko ~e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim I iSTANBVL

+90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]

Page 34: UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS … · 2020. 6. 19. · UNESCO SOMUT OLMA YAN KULTUREL MiRAS HUKUMETLERARASI KOMiTESiNE Hattathk, harflerin yizgi estetigine, olyiilerine, birbirleriyle




In addition, a web address was opened to allow access to detailed information to serve the participants of the contest.


The Masters of Turkey Inventory Project/ 2017

As Traditional Arts Association, we launched the Masters of Istanbul project in 2010 for Marmara Region with the asist of Ministry of Culture and Tourism. With the Masters of Marmara Region inventory study, we created a list of artists and masters who apply traditional arts in the region; and with this study, we have aimed to make the region's art heritage and knowledge more visible and accessible. Regionally it is identified that, there is %13 Calligraphy Masters.

turkiyeninustalari. org

The Seminars Organized by The Traditional Arts Association :

Traditional Art Seminars - The Terminology of Calligraphy/ 2018 Talks on Traditional Art - Academic Education on Traditional Art and Master-apprentice relationship / 2019 Talks on Traditional Art - Collecting/ 2019 Talks on Traditional Art- Material knowledge and Technology/ 2018

We believe that our actions have an important effect on conservation of Calligraphy Art.

We believe the importance of Calligraphy Art to be registered to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List and we support it.


Traditional Arts Association

Chairman of the Board

Cihangir Mah. Purtela$ Sok. K6$e Palas B Blok No: 1 Daire: 4 34433 Taksim I iSTANBUL +90 (212) 245 55 71-72 [email protected]