Underlag för presentation på engelska av forskarutbildning ... · PDF fileramen...

UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Enheten för kvalitetsutveckling och universitetspedagogik (KUUP) Vårterminen 2013 Underlag för presentation på engelska av forskarutbildning på webben vid UU Peter Reinholdsson Hur arbeta med enhetlighet i terminologi och stilnivå vid presentation på engelska av for- skarutbildning på webben i ett universitetsövergripande syfte? Detta är den utmanande problemställning som arbetsgruppen ”Forskarutbildning på webben” står inför. Med anledning av detta har ett underlag tagits fram för att kasta ljus över den flora av engelska termer och begrepp som används rörande forskarutbildning i olika sammanhang utgående från motsvarande svenska företeelser. Underlaget vilar på en genomgång av diverse litteratur, skrifter och länkar beträffande forskarutbildning och handledning på internationell, nationell och lokal nivå. Ett axplock av detta material återfinns i de referenser och bilagor som bifogas. Nedan följer några reflektioner kring hur man skulle kunna närma sig materialet ifråga. I ett inledande skede känns det angeläget att synliggöra några exempel på svenska termer och begrepp relaterade till forskarutbildning och de stipulativa motsvarigheter som återfinns inom det engelska språkområdet. Utgående från Universitets- och högskolerådets nätversion av svensk-engelska ordbok samt Egídius (2006) (och till viss del, som historisk referens, svensk-engelsk ordbok för utbildningsområdet från 1996 (Engelska institutionen vid Stock- holms universitet i samarbete med Högskoleverket) har jag gjort en första inventering. Denna inventering har sedan tematiserats och kontextualiserats i ljuset av hur dessa termer och begrepp figurerar i praktiken eller operationaliseras inom det högre utbildningsområdet. Resultatet av ovannämnda inventering återfinns i tabellform i bilaga 1. Denna jämförande översikt syftar till att ge ett reflektionsunderlag kring hur svenska termer och begrepp kan hanteras när det gäller forskarutbildning och handledning i internationella sammanhang. Tematiseringen avser den svenskspråkiga kolumnen med avseende på utbildningstruktur (t.ex. forskarnivå), finansieringsform (t.ex. doktorandtjänst) och aktör (t.ex. doktorand). Ordningen är således inte tänkt att vara alfabetisk. Tanken är snarare att försöka relatera till motsvarande engelska termer och begrepp på ett samlat och översiktligt sätt. De engelskspråkiga kolumnerna har jag valt att rubricera utgående från följande fyra kate- gorier: Europeisk engelska (avpassad utifrån Bologna-processen), akademisk engelska (praxisgemenskap, högre utbildning), brittisk-engelska (utbildningssystem), amerikansk- engelska (utbildningssystem). Ledordet är kontextualitet (snarare än lexikalitet) med avseende på hur det engelska språket används inom det högre utbildnings- och forsk- ningsområdet i internationellt, nationellt och lokalt hänseende.

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Page 1: Underlag för presentation på engelska av forskarutbildning ... · PDF fileramen för Bologna-processen lyftes fram. 4 Jag har valt att med gul ... önskar jag peka på ... Cumming,

UPPSALA UNIVERSITET Enheten för kvalitetsutveckling och universitetspedagogik (KUUP) Vårterminen 2013

Underlag för presentation på engelska av forskarutbildning på webben vid UU

Peter Reinholdsson

Hur arbeta med enhetlighet i terminologi och stilnivå vid presentation på engelska av for-skarutbildning på webben i ett universitetsövergripande syfte? Detta är den utmanande problemställning som arbetsgruppen ”Forskarutbildning på webben” står inför.

Med anledning av detta har ett underlag tagits fram för att kasta ljus över den flora av engelska termer och begrepp som används rörande forskarutbildning i olika sammanhang utgående från motsvarande svenska företeelser. Underlaget vilar på en genomgång av diverse litteratur, skrifter och länkar beträffande forskarutbildning och handledning på internationell, nationell och lokal nivå. Ett axplock av detta material återfinns i de referenser och bilagor som bifogas. Nedan följer några reflektioner kring hur man skulle kunna närma sig materialet ifråga.

I ett inledande skede känns det angeläget att synliggöra några exempel på svenska termer och begrepp relaterade till forskarutbildning och de stipulativa motsvarigheter som återfinns inom det engelska språkområdet. Utgående från Universitets- och högskolerådets nätversion av svensk-engelska ordbok samt Egídius (2006) (och till viss del, som historisk referens, svensk-engelsk ordbok för utbildningsområdet från 1996 (Engelska institutionen vid Stock-holms universitet i samarbete med Högskoleverket) har jag gjort en första inventering. Denna inventering har sedan tematiserats och kontextualiserats i ljuset av hur dessa termer och begrepp figurerar i praktiken eller operationaliseras inom det högre utbildningsområdet.

Resultatet av ovannämnda inventering återfinns i tabellform i bilaga 1. Denna jämförande översikt syftar till att ge ett reflektionsunderlag kring hur svenska termer och begrepp kan hanteras när det gäller forskarutbildning och handledning i internationella sammanhang. Tematiseringen avser den svenskspråkiga kolumnen med avseende på utbildningstruktur (t.ex. forskarnivå), finansieringsform (t.ex. doktorandtjänst) och aktör (t.ex. doktorand). Ordningen är således inte tänkt att vara alfabetisk. Tanken är snarare att försöka relatera till motsvarande engelska termer och begrepp på ett samlat och översiktligt sätt.

De engelskspråkiga kolumnerna har jag valt att rubricera utgående från följande fyra kate-gorier: Europeisk engelska (avpassad utifrån Bologna-processen), akademisk engelska (praxisgemenskap, högre utbildning), brittisk-engelska (utbildningssystem), amerikansk-engelska (utbildningssystem). Ledordet är kontextualitet (snarare än lexikalitet) med avseende på hur det engelska språket används inom det högre utbildnings- och forsk-ningsområdet i internationellt, nationellt och lokalt hänseende.

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Den första kategorin emanerar från det faktum att Sverige (i likhet med ett drygt 40-tal andra länder) har varit del av den s.k. Bologna-processen1 som har syftat till att utveckla och kvalitetssäkra högre utbildning inom Europa för att därigenom stärka konkurrenskraften i termer av ekonomiska och politiska drivkrafter. Jämförbarhet, mobilitet och anställnings-barhet har varit tre honnörsord i detta sammanhang. Sedan etableringen av EHEA 2010 pågår ett intensivt konsolideringsarbete med avsikt att befästa och stärka den högre utbildningens kvalitet och konkurrenskraft sett i relation till den forskningskapacitet som efterfrågas inom Europa.2

Som illustration av hur europeisk-engelsk3 terminologi används avseende utbildning på forskarnivå (forskarutbildning) i ljuset av Bologna-processen tjänar bilaga 2. Denna text är hämtad från ett sammanhang då vikten av att introducera en tredje utbildningscykel inom ramen för Bologna-processen lyftes fram.4 Jag har valt att med gul färg markera alla termer och begrepp som kan relateras till forskarutbildningen.

Att lägga märke till är hur idén om den tredje cykeln kopplas ihop terminologiskt med dok-torsutbildningen och hur konsekvent bruket är av ”doctoral” (”PhD” och ”graduate” lyser med sin fullständiga frånvaro). Denna typ av koppling kan även i ett senare skede förekom-ma i diverse högskolepedagogiska sammanhang i samband med pedagogisk forskning och pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete. Se t.ex. Carter et al (2010) där doktorsexamen kopplas till Bologna-processens tredje cykel inom ramen för det europeiska högre utbildningsområdet. Ett annat exempel i bilaga 2 på terminologiskt överbryggande mellan högskolepolitik och forskning utgörs av begreppet ”early stage researcher”. Detta begrepp (och framför allt betydelsen av att uppfatta en doktorand som både ”student” och ”early stage researcher”) fångas upp och diskuteras i Lee (2007).

Den andra kategorin åsyftar den akademiska engelska som används i terminologiskt och begreppsmässigt hänseende inom det universitets- och högskolepedagogiska området, såväl internationellt som nationellt. Jag har redan refererat till lexikaliska företeelser (som ordböcker) men har nu i åtanke framför allt den gemenskapspraxis eller ”community of practice” (se Wenger, 1998) som ligger till grund för hur språket som sociokulturellt fenomen hanteras, förändras och utvecklas av aktörer i termer av lärande, menings- och identitetsskapande. Förändringsrörelserna går från legitimt perifert deltagande till legitimt centralt deltagande i en gemenskapspraxis.

1 Se den officiella hemsidan rörande Bologna-processen från juli 2007 till juni 2010 och arbetet i riktning mot etableringen av det europeiska högre utbildningsområdet (EHEA eller The European Higher Education Area): http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/ 2 För att närmare ta del av detta arbete med beaktande av terminologi och stilnivå, se EUA:s (European University Association) hemsida: http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policy-area/building-the-european-higher-education-area.aspx. 3 Med europeisk-engelska avser jag helt enkelt talad och skriven engelska med sociokulturella referenser och hemvist i Europa (snarare än i Nordamerika), d.v.s. i praktiken den standardmässiga form av brittisk-engelska som trakteras i Storbritannien och som ligger till grund för diverse samarbetsprojekt inom EU. 4 Texten återfinns på tidigare omnämnd hemsida rörande Bologna-processen. Se http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/actionlines/third_cycle.htm

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Förutom tidigare nämnda exempel på högskolepedagogisk forskning som rör sig i riktning mot Bologna-processens föreställningsvärld (Carter et al, 2010; Lee, 2007) och således från den föreställningsvärld och språkdräkt som har präglat det brittiska och nordamerikanska utbildningssystemet (framför allt den högre utbildningen) önskar jag peka på några ytter-ligare exempel.

I förbigående kan konstateras att fram till början på 2000-talet är det inte självklart att hitta publikationer (böcker, artiklar) med titlar som refererar till ”doctoral”. Snarare residerar uttryck som ”postgraduate research students” (Graham & Grant, 1997), ”How to Get a PhD” (Phillips & Pugh, 2000), ”research education” (Frischer & Larsson, 2000) och ”Supervising the PhD” (Delamont et al, 1997).

Den terminologiska och begreppsmässiga brytpunkt som kommer bottnar troligtvis i de högskolepolitiska makthavarnas ökade intresse 2003 för jämförbara doktorandutbildningar och kvalitativa länkningar mellan högre utbildning och forskning inom ramen för Bologna-processen (se bilaga 2). Ett talande symboliskt uttryck för denna brytpunkt skulle kunna sägas återspeglas i den revision som Delamont et al (2004) gör när ”PhD” byts ut mot ”doctorate” (se fotnot 5).

På nationell nivå, några år senare, väljer Universitets- och högskolerådet (f d Högskoleverket) att göra sin markering genom att byta ut ”The Handbook for Postgraduate Students” mot ”Doktorandhandboken.nu” (se fotnot 6). De termer och begrepp som kommer till använd-ning andas en blandning av Bologna och akademisk engelska som faller tillbaka på högskole-pedagogisk forskning och högskolepedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete snarare än tillhörighet i något brittiskt eller nordamerikanskt utbildningssystem.

När det gäller exempel på publikationer (böcker, artiklar) som tar sikte på att diskutera och analysera olika företeelser med utgångspunkt från den föreställningsvärld och de termer som omgärdar ”doctoral” i kölvattnet på Bologna finns idag en mångfald. Den som är intresserad av strategiska frågor och strävanden att identifiera nya brytpunkter, praktiker eller tendenser inom ”doctoral education” kan med fördel läsa Boud & Lee (2008) och Walker et al (2008). Nyckelord som ”doctoral experience” finns i Bruce et al (2009) och Cumming (2009). Texter som kretsar kring ”doctoral supervision” hittas i Malfroy (2005), Lee (2007), Walker & Thomson (2010), Lewis (2001), Halse & Bansel (2012) och Delamont et al (2004). Tips på hur doktoranden kan närma sig sin doktorsexamen (”doctorate”) ges i Trafford & Leshem (2008).

De tredje och fjärde kategorierna ämnar att identifiera ett urval av de termer och begrepp som förekommer inom det brittiska respektive det nordamerikanska utbildningssystemet. I så måtto finns det en lexikalisk underton. För att ge ytterligare perspektiv har jag valt att plocka exempel på lokal nivå från Engelska institutionen vid Uppsala i syfte att illustrera hur en språkvetenskapligt förankrad institution (med engelska som undervisnings- och forsk-ningsspråk) väljer att presentera sin forskarutbildning på webben. Tre bilagor (3-5) bifogas med gult markerade termer och begrepp för att åskådliggöra hur dessa används i sitt sammanhang.

Bilaga 3 utgör en presentation av forskarutbildningen i ämnet engelska. Rubriken är ”PhD Programme in English”. Att märka är att presentationen kännetecknas av en blandning av brittisk-engelska (Br.) och amerikansk-engelska (Am.) termer och begrepp om vartannat

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vilket bidrar till en upplevelse av ojämn stilnivå och rörig terminologi. I rubriken signaleras ”PhD programme” (Br.) och därefter omedelbart ”graduate programme” (Am. ”graduate”, Br. ”programme” i stället för Am. ”program”). Vidare används under ”Admission” beteckningen ”Postgraduate Studies” (Br.) i stället för ”Graduate Studies” (Am.).

Bilaga 4 tillhandahåller allmän information om doktorandstudierna utgående från ett huvudsakligen nordamerikanskt perspektiv terminologiskt sett (”General Information on Graduate Studies). Men även i denna bilaga finns exempel på stilbrytningar och blandformer när det gäller termers och begrepps hemvist i respektive utbildningssystem. Som exempel kan nämnas förekomsten av ”PhD student” (Br.) i stället för ”graduate student” (Am.) i ljuset av att texten kretsar kring ”graduate studies” (Am.) (snarare än ”postgraduate studies” (Br.)) samt ”Director of graduate studies” (Am.) (snarare än ”Director of postgraduate studies” (Br.)). Sist men inte minst används “supervisor” (Br.) snarare än “adviser” (Am.) vilket inte förväntas inom ramen för det nordamerikanska utbildningssystemet.

Bilaga 5 utgör en översättning från svenska till engelska av språkvetenskapliga fakultetens riktlinjer på webben för antagning till forskarutbildning i ämnet engelska. Det som kan lyftas fram är att termen ”doctoral student” plötsligt dyker upp (ej PhD student eller graduate student).

Sammanfattningsvis är mitt intryck att det har skett en gradvis svängning från att nyttja termer och begrepp som på ett renodlat sätt kan spåras till antingen det brittiska eller nordamerikanska utbildningssystemet (eller i värsta fall en blandform, som i bilaga 3 och 4) till en akademisk praxisbaserad verksamhet som på ett ömsesidigt sätt tar intryck av och berikar den Bologna-inspirerade högre utbildning och forskning som erbjuds inom EHEA. Att det är den brittisk-engelska språkkulturen som slår igenom inom den högre utbildningen i Europa står helt klart i ljuset av att Bologna-processen är ett europeiskt (snarare än ett nordamerikanskt) fenomen.

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Blaxter, L., Hughes, C. & Tight, M. (2001) How to research. 2nd ed. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Boud, D. & Lee, A. (Eds.) (2008) Changing Practices of Doctoral Education. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. Se http://www.ewidgetsonline.net/dxreader/Reader.aspx?token=NMLzunT8Z8we%2f5cxO+b47Q%3d%3d&rand=1858521390&buyNowLink=&page=&chapter=

Bruce, C. , Stoodley, I. & Pham, B. (2009) Doctoral Students´ Experience of Information Technology Research. Studies in Higher Education, 34: 2, 203—221. Se http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03075070802556131

Carter, S., Fazey, J., Geraldo, J. L. G. & Trevitt, C. (2010) The Doctorate of the Bologna Process Third Cycle: Mapping the Dimensions and impact of the European Higher Education Area. Journal of Research in International Education, 9:3, 245-258. Se http://jri.sagepub.com/content/9/3/245.full.pdf+html.

Cumming, J. (2009) The Doctoral Experience in Science: Challenging the Current Orthodoxy. British Educational Research Journal, 35: 6, 877—890. Se http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01411920902834191

Department of English, Uppsala University. PhD Programme in English. Se http://www.engelska.uu.se/Education/PhD_Level/?languageId=1.

Department of English, Uppsala University. General Information on Graduate Studies. Se http://www.engelska.uu.se/Education/PhD_Level/phd_general_info/

Department of English, Uppsala University. Admission: Instructions for 2012. Se http://www.engelska.uu.se/Education/PhD_Level/?languageId=1

Deuchar, R. (2008) Facilitator, Director or Critical Friend?: Contradiction and Congruence in Doctoral Supervision Styles. Teaching in Higher Education, 13: 4, 489—500. Se http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713447786

Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. & Parry, O. (1997) Supervising the PhD. A Guide to Success. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. & Parry, O. (2004) Supervising the Doctorate. A Guide to Success.5 2nd Ed. Cornwall: Open University Press & McGraw-Hill.

Egidius, H. (2006) Termlexikon I pedagogik, skola och utbildning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

European University Association. Consolidating the European Higher Education Area. Se http://www.eua.be/eua-work-and-policy-area/building-the-european-higher-education-area.aspx.

5 Observera att den andra upplagans huvudrubrik har ändrats från Supervising the PhD till Supervising the Doctorate.

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Frischer, J. & Larsson, K. (2000) Laissez-faire in Research Education. An Inquiry into Swedish Doctoral Program. Higher Education Policy, vol. 13, nr. 2, s. 131-155.

Engelska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet & Högskoleverket (1996) Svensk-engelsk ordbok för utbildningsområdet. Stockholm: Högskoleverket.

Graham, A. & Grant, B. (1997) Teaching More Students, 8 Managing More Postgraduate Research Students. Oxford: The Oxford Centre for Staff Development

Grant, B. (2001) Mapping the Pleasures and Risks of Supervision. In Rust, C. (Ed.) Improving Student Learning: Improving Student Learning Strategically. Proceedings of the 2000 8th International Symposium, 271-281. Oxford: The Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.

Grant, B. (2005) The Pedagogy of Graduate Supervision: Figuring the Relations between Supervisor and Student. Unpublished thesis. The University of Auckland, Aotearoa. New Zealand.

Gunnarson, B-L (1995) Interaction and Gender. A Study of Postgraduate Seminars at a Swedish University. TeFa nr 12. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet.

Halse, C. & Bansel, P. (2012) The Learning Alliance: Ethics in Doctoral Supervision. Oxford Review of Education, 38:4, 377-392.

Lauvås, P. & Handal, G. (2005) Optimal Use of Feedback in Research Supervision with Master and Doctoral Students. Nordisk Pedagogik, 25, 177–189.

Lewis, V. & Habeshaw, S. (2001) 53 Interesting Ways to Supervise Student Projects, Dissertations and Theses. 2nd ed. Plymouth: Technical and Educational Services.

Lee, A.M. (2007). Developing Effective Supervisors: Concepts of Research Supervision. South African Journal of Higher Education, 21, 680-693.

Malfroy, J. (2005) Doctoral Supervision, Workplace Research and Changing Pedagogic Practices. Higher Education Research & Development, 24:2, 165–178.

Phillips, E. M. & Pugh, D. S. (2000) How to Get a PhD. A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors. 3rd ed. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press.

Reinholdsson, P. (2004) Train with Care! On Developing a Supervisor Training Programme and Strategies for Managing Supervisory Issues. Rapportserie från Avdelningen för utveck-ling av pedagogik och interaktivt lärande (UPI), Uppsala universitet, 2004:4. Uppsala: Uni-versitetstryckeriet, Ekonomikum.

Smith, B. & Brown, S. (Eds.) (1995) Research Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. London: Kogan Page & The Staff and Educational Development Association.

The Official Bologna Process Website July 2007 – June 2010. Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Process. Welcome to the European Higher Education Area (as of July 2010). Se http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/

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The Official Bologna Process Website July 2007 – June 2010. Towards the European Higher Education Area. Bologna Process. Third Cycle: Doctoral Education. Se http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/actionlines/third_cycle.htm

Trafford, V. & Leshem, S. (2008) Stepping Stones to Achieving your Doctorate. Focusing on your Viva from the Start. Glasgow: Open University Press & McGraw Hill.

Universitets- och högskolerådet. Doktorandhandboken.nu.6 Se http://www.doktorandhandboken.nu/engelska/english.4.24cc9d95134182bfa4a800041.html

Universitets- och högskolerådet. Svensk-engelsk ordbok. Se http://www.hsv.se/densvenskahogskolan/svenskengelskordbok.4.47873ee11827f812de8000359.html?q=ling

Walker. G. E., Golde, C. M., Jones, L., Bueschel, A. C. & Hutchings, P. (2008) The Formation of Scholars. Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century. The Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Walker, M. & Thomson, P. (Eds.) (2010) The Routledge Doctoral Supervisor’s Companion. Supporting Effective Research in Education and the Social Sciences. London & New York: Routledge.

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Whitelock, D. M., Faulkner, D. & Miell, D. E. (2008) Promoting Creativity in PhD Supervision: Tensions and Dilemmas. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 3, 143-153.

6 Tidigare länk med titeln The Handbook for Postgraduate Students som återfanns på Högskoleverkets hemsida leder nu till Doktorandhandboken.nu.

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Bilaga 1: Exempel på termer och begrepp relaterade till forskarutbildning

Svenska Europeisk engelska (avpassad utifrån


Akademisk engelska

(praxisgemenskap, högre utbildning)

Brittisk- engelska


Amerikansk- engelska

(utbildnings- system)

forskarnivå third cycle,

third level education doctoral level, doctorate level

postgraduate level graduate level

forskar- utbildning

third cycle programme,

doctoral programme, research education

doctoral programme, doctoral education, research education

research training

PhD programme, DPhil research


graduate program, PhD program


doctoral studies doctoral studies PhD studies postgraduate


graduate studies

forskarskolor graduate schools doktorandkurs

third cycle course doctoral course postgraduate

course graduate student


doctoral dissertation doctoral thesis, doctoral dissertation

PhD thesis dissertation


doctorate doctorate doctoral degree doctor´s degree



doctoral studentship, doctoral fellowship,

postgraduate studentship,

PhD studentship


doctoral grant, study grant


doctoral student, doctoral candidate

doctoral student, doctoral candidate

postgraduate student,

PhD candidate

graduate student


research student early stage researcher

research student, early stage researcher

PhD student graduate student

skugg- doktorand

`shadow´ doctoral student,

grey-zone doctoral student


research supervisor research supervisor

PhD supervisor PhD tutor

PhD adviser, research adviser


doctoral supervisor doctoral supervisor

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Doctoral Programmes Sida l av 2

Third cycle: doctoral education

A cross Europe, the early years of the Bologna Process were focused on introducing and consolidating the bachelor and master cycles. Doctoral education as third cycle was formally introduced to the Bologna Process by Ministers meeting in Berlin in 2003 and has since become an increasing priority:

Conscious of the n e ed to promate closer Zinks between the EHEA and the ERA in a Europe of Knowledge, and of the importance of research as an integral part of higher education a cross Europe, Ministers consider i t necessary to go beyond the present focus on two ma in eyeles of higher education to include the doctorallevel as the third eye/e in the Bolagna Process. (Berlin Communique)

TheEuropean Research Area (ERA), launched in 2000, is a European Union initiative, invalving a bo ut three quatiers of the 46 countries patiicipating in the creation of the European High er Education Area (EHEA). lts ambitions, such as creating a borderless area for research and knowledge exchange in Europe and increasing research expenditure, have underpinned the growing focus of Education Ministers on the doctoral cycle.

With the Bergen Communique of2005, Ministers stressed the importance of research and research training and recognised the need to improve synergies between higher education and research.

Regarding doctoral education, Ministers made the following statements:

• Doctorallevel qualifications need to be fully aligned with the EHEA overarching framework for qualifications using the outcomes-based approach.

• Core component of doctoral training is the ad vancement of knowledge through original research.

• The normal workload ofthe third cycle in most countries conesponds to 3-4 years full time.

• Doctoral programmes should promote interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills to meet the needs of the wider labour market.

• More doctoral candidates should be encouraged to take up research careers within the EHEA.

• Participants in third cycle programmes are considered both students and early stage research ers.

On the basis of work undetiaken by the European University Association (EUA), Ministers again put doctoral candidates high on the Bologna Process agenda when they met in May 2007 in London. In the London Communique, they stressed the need to enhance provision in the third cycle and to improve the status, career prospects and funding for early stage researchers as preconditions for strengthening Europe's research capacity and improving the quality and competitiveness of European high er education.

Read more on key issues related to the latest developments in doctoral education.

Ministers invited EUA to support the sharing of experience among higher education institutions on innovative doctoral programmes emerging across Europe and on issues such as transparent access arrangements, supervision and assessment procedures, the development of transferable

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Doctoral Programmes Sida 2 av 2

skills and ways of enhancing employability. To provide a forum for sharing good practice and to contribute to the enhancement of doctoral education, EUA established in early 2008 a Council for Doctoral Education.

Upcoming events

17-18 J une 20 l O, W arsaw, Bologna Seminar on Doctoral Studies in the European High er Education Area

Past and ongoing events

30 September - l October 2008, Helsinld Bologna Seminar on doctoral candidates, with particular emphasis on the issues of funding and developing career prospects.

7-9 December 2006, Nice:Doctoral Progranunes in Europe

3-5 February 2005, Salzburg:Doctoral Programmes for the European Knowledge Society

For more information on the numerous projects carried out by the European University Association (EUA) on doctoral programmes, visit theEDA website.

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PhD Programmein English- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida l av 2

PhD Programme in English

The graduate programme in English is a four-year full-time programme. It comprises one component of course modules (90 academic credits) and one component made up ofthe dissertation (academic credits), totalinga number of240 academic credits. It is also possible to study towards a licentiate, in all 120 academic credits, with one course and one dissertation component of 60 academic credits each. The programme is divided in to three sections, on e specializing in English Linguistics, one specializing in English Literature, and one specializing in American Literature.

Admission Annanncements conceming admission to the gradnate programme will be published at Application for Admission to Postgradnate Studies. In 2013 the application date will be in the end of September, for the programme beginning in January 2014. Annanncement for 2012. lustruetians for 2012.1iiJ

The Faculty Board can only admit applicants to the gradnate programme for whom financing has been arranged for the who le period of study, normally either in the form of employment as a graduate student or by means of a graduate grant.

Applicants are admitted to the gradnate programme in English by the Head of the Depattment under delegation from the Faculty Board and upon the recommendation of the Graduate Program Board at the department. The depattment accepts at least one applicant per year.

Structure of the program me The course modules (see Curriculum for the Graduate Programme), sometimes given in the form of seminars hut sometimes al so in the form of reading courses where students work individually, though suppmted by the supervisor, aim not only to provide deepened insights and a wide orientation in the subject area hut also to train students in applying research methodologies.

Eligibility To be eligible for admission to the graduate programme, you must fulfill both requirements for general eligibility and the special requirements that mayhave been stipulated by the Faculty Board. Y ou must also be considered of such general ability as to profit from the programme.

General eligibility To be generally eligible for the programme you should have completed a degree at advanced level, completed courses of at least 240 academic credits, at least 60 ofwhich at master's level either in English linguistics, English literature or American literature, or have acquired the equivalent competence in same other form in Sweden or abroad. The specialization at the master's level must accord with the specialization of the degree programme.

Special eligibility Applicants must fulfill the requirement for a one-year master' s degree (magisterex'canen) in English. The gradnate program contains a language proficiency test in the form of a translation from Swedish to English.

Supervision When a gradnate student has been accepted inta the pragramm e, a main supervisor is appointed, and tagether they set up an individual study plan that the student should adhere to for the duration of his or her studies. Anassistant supervisor is appointed by the Head of the Department.

Dissertation and detense The subject of the dissertation is decidedin consultation with the supervisors. The dissertation manuscript must be presented at one or more work-in-progress seminars or undergo a similar process of examination as arranged by the department.

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PhD Programmein English- Uppsala University, Sweden

The doctoral dissertation is to be either in the form of a uniform, coherent scholarly work (monograph thesis) or in the form of scholm·ly articles (cumulative thesis).

The dissettatian must be defended in English at a public disputation ceremony.


Graduate Program in English Syllabus

Uppsala University: Information to graduate students

Faculty of Languages: Information about graduate studies (in Swedish)

Human Resources Guide for doctoral students

Uppsala University student union graduate pages (in Swedish)

Sida 2 av 2

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, The Handbook for Postgracluate Students

Norstedts Dictionaries

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General Information on Graduate Studies- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida l av 5

General Information on Graduate studies 1 Organisation Responsibility for the graduate program at the Department of English lies primarily with the Head of Department, b ut routine matters have been delegated to the Director of Graduate studies.

1.1 Faculty of Languages The Department of English is part of the Faculty ofLanguages. The other three departments belonging to the faculty are the Depattment of Scandinavian Languages, the Department of Modern Langnages and the Department ofLinguistics and Philology. For fmther information regarding the faculty, see Faculty ofLanguages.

In questions concerning the graduate program, the department is subordinate to the faculty; for example, the faculty has approved the departmental syllabus for the gradnate program. The individual study plan, which is updated annually by the PhD student and the supervisor, is also meant to ensure that the faculty can monitor the graduate program at the separate departments. For further information regarding graduate programs, see Språkvetenskapliga fakulteten (in Swedish).

The faculty is headed by the Dean, as of July 1, 2008, Professor Björn Melander, and the Vice Dean, alsoas of July l, 2008, Associate Professor Anette Månsson.

Responsible for routine matters at the faculty is the Acting Senior Faculty Administrator Lars Hagborg.

1.2 Director of graduate studies The director of graduate studies is elected by the department board for a period ofthree years. The position is currently held by Dag Blanck. PhD students should tum primarily to the director with queries that cancern graduate studies, but questions of a more comprehensive and fundamental nature should be addressed to the head of department, currently Merja Kytö.

1.3 Administrative co-ordinator Queries concerning terms of employment, calculation of study grant, reporting of grades etc are to be addressed to the administrative ca-ordinator, currently Ruth Hvidberg.

2 New PhD student When a P hD student begins at the department, it is the task of the director of graduate studies to help the student to settie in. One means of achieving this is an introductory meeting with the main supervisor, representatives of the depattment and research staff, followed by meetings with the director of graduate studies. It is of great importance, however, that the PhD student takes the time necessary to become familiar not only with what cancerns the studies themselves, but also with the depattment- the new place of work. Read therefore both the general information on graduate studies (including links) presented here and the department's homepage.

A new PhD student has the right to attend the university's introduction course for newly employed staff. This course is given twice a semester and it is the responsibility of the student to apply; see Kompetensforum.

2.1 Workplace P hD students are entitled to their own workplace, bu t not to an office of their own. The right to a workplace presupposes that the greater part of the working ho urs is s pen t at the department. A student who works predominantly at home or elsewhere may be obliged to share a workplace/desk with another PhD student.

At the beginning oftheir graduate studies (during the study grant period) it is usually the case that several students share a room, but those with PhD studentship would normally not be expected to share a room with more than one other person.

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General Information on Graduate Studies- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida 2 av 5

If ergonornie aids are required for the workplace, contact Ruth Hvidberg. PhD students have the same rights as other members of staff.

2.2 Computer A computer is available for each workplace. A PhD student has a right to a computer to be ab le to cany out research projects and other assignments as effectively as possible. This also applies to software; if expensive programs are needed, the supervisor and the head of the department are to be consulted.

If you have queries about or problems concerning computer equipment, contact Helpdesk.

2.3 Warking hours A PhD student has standard working hours (see Arbetsgivarverket: Allmänt löne- och fOrmånsavtal kap. 4 § 14 and 29). This means that to som e extent you ma y regulate your working hours yourselfhut that you are naturally obliged to be present at the place of work to perform duties that have been agreed on, attend departmental meetings etc. For information regarding holiday rights for PhD students with a study grant, see Anställningsvillkor: setnester; for PhD studentships, see Lokalt avtal.

Plans by a PhD student to work elsewhere than at the depattment for an extensive, continuous period of time must be approved by the supervisor and the director of gradnate studies.

2.4 Part-time A PhD student has the right to work part-time, with a minimum of half-time (see Higher Education Ordinance 5 §3a. Any reduction in working hours must be disenssed with the main supervisor.

3 Terms of employment The terms of employment for students with a study grant differ fromthosefor a studentship. For information on the PhD student' s rights and obligations, see the faculty homepage.

Gradnate studies are limited to four years. During this period of time there are two essentially different forms offunding. An initial study grant (at present two years) becomes a studentship for the remaining period of time, on condition that half of the work is completed. The supervisor attests annually to the research staff (Head, Director of Gradnate Studies, Chairs of Linguistics, American and English Literature, and a PhD representative) that the P hD student' s work is pragressing according to plan, that is, that the individual study plan is being followed.

Nate that the study grant continnes for any prolongation that a student has been entitled to during the study grant period; only after that does the studentship begin.

3.1 PhD students with study grant A Ph.D. student with a study grant is not employed but is in most respects formally a student. Consequently, there is no employment agreement with the university. For information see Personalcn,delningen informerar and faculty homepage.

3.1.1 Own illness The study grant does not qualify for sickness benefits, but the study grant is retained throughout the period of illness: Personalavdelningen informerar.

It is im portant that students inform Ruth H vidberg the first day they fall il1 and on recovery fill out a sickness assurance form supplied by her. In addition, it is advisable to keep a careful nate of the dates of illness sothatthese can be entered in the individual study plan (which is updated once a year) since a period of sick leave entitles a student to an extension by the equivalent length of time.

3.1.2 Medical costs Ph.D. students with a study grant are not eligible for compensation for medical treatment, medicine or transpott for medical reasons.

3.1.3 Medical care

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General Information on Graduate Studies- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida 3 av 5

PhD students with a study grant should use the university's student health centre.

3.1.4 Health care Students with studentships are entitled to a small sum of money from the department for health care, physical fitness training etc. At present the amount is 600 SEK/semester (in the form of a reimbursement against a receipt. Check with Ruth Hvidberg).

3.1.5 lnsurance PhD students with a study grant only do not have the same insurance cover as employees, hut are covered by the insurance policies that apply to students at Uppsala University. See Personalavdelningen infOrmerar.

Purther information on insurance policies that apply to both employees and students at the universityare to be found at Försäkringsskydd.

3.1.6 Pension A study grant qualifies for pension credits in the nationalbasic pension scheme hut not for an occupational pension/life annuity from the employer.

3.1. 7 Parental leave P hD students with a study grant retain the grant throughout the period of parentalteave and then receive an extension by the equivalent length of time.

Credits for sickness benefit (SIG) earned before a study grant is awarded entitle a student to sickness and parental benefits from the Social Insurance Office. In some cases an equivalent amount will then be deducted from the study grant. See Personalavdelningen informerar.

3.1.8 Care of sick children For information, see Personalavdelningen informerar.

Inform Ruth H vidberg the same day your child falls ill. On returning to work, fill out the assurance form supplied by her.

In addition, make a note of the period of absence andenter thedatesin the individual study plan since you are entitled to an extension by the equivalent length of time.

Credits for sickness benefit (SIG) earned before a study grant is awarded entitle a student to sickness and parental benefits from the Social Insurance Office. In some cases the study grant will then be reduced by an equivalent amount: Personalcrvdelningen informerar.

3.2 Employment as a PhD student When a PhD student pragresses from a study grant to a studentship, an employment agreement is made with the university. This is renewed each year when the extension of the funding is granted.

The same rules apply as for other staff members at the department, with the exception that there is a time-limit to the position, and consequently allthat entitles a student to a prolongation should be noted, as above, in the individual study plan. '

4 Prolongation A prolongation refers here to an extension of the period of funding over and above the four years allowed for PhD studies. The period may only be extended for specific reasons, such as parental leave, sick leave, military service or duties as trade-union or student organization representatives.

The faculty regulations for prolongation are to be found at Riktlinjer. With regard to the pedagogical course, the department grants an extension ofthree weeks.

In order for the department to keep track of the period of prolongation, it is most im portant that notes are kept in the individual study plan of any entitlement to prolongation that is to be claimed for the previous year. Note that the prolongation you are entitled to during the study

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General Information on Graduate Studies- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida 4 av 5

grant period must be used (as a study grant period) before you are permitled to continue to a studentship and that the period of prolongation must be a minimum of 5 days.

5 Annual routines Each year the following documents (5.1-5.5) must be updated and handed in:

5.1 lndividual study plan Each year the PhD student should draw up/revise an individual study plan. See Individuell studieplan.

This is done in late fall (usually in November) in consultation with the main supervisor; bothare to sign the study plan before it is passed to the head of department for signature and subsequently to the faculty for inspection and signature by the senior faculty administrator.

The individual study plan acts as an instrument for monitoring the progress of graduate studies. lt is intended as a means to facilitate the assessment by the student and the main supervisor of the previous year's work, so that ad justments that may be required for the future can be made. However, the individual study plan is also a legal document which may be of great importance should a student deviate significantly from the study plan - he or she may forfeit the right to supervision and other resources, such as computer and workplace.

Deviations from the plan must be documented annually in the individual study plan so that the information can be checked. The form, "Individual stud y plan," can be downloaded at Individuell studieplan: "Mall för individuell studieplan."

5.2 Application for continued study allowance (study grant or studentship) In the course of the fall semester you must al so ap p ly for continued funding.

This application is dealt with by the departmental board for gradnate studies; of primary impotiance is the main supervisor's report to the board confirming that the graduate studies are pragressing in accordance with the study plan. The formal decision to continue the study assistance is made by the head of the department and notification of the decision is sent by Ruth Hvidberg at the end of the fall semester.

Application forms for a continuation of funding can be downloaded at Blanketter.

5.3 Activity report At the end of each semester a report on the level of activity is to be handed in to Ruth Hvidberg, who then fmwards the information to Student Records (UPPDOK). The data is compiled by the studentRecords Office and repmied to Statistics Sweden (SCB). Forms can be downloaded at blanketter. For information on how to calculate your level of activity, see Aktivitet/Försörjning. Do not forget to supply the ammal depatimental brochure "Research" and DiVA with the appropriate information.

5.4 student records (UPPDOK) Courses which are reported to Student Records are those that are included at the graduate level. 5.5 Staff consultation

PhD students are entitled to an annual consultation with a member of the depatiment administration who is not directly invalved in the graduate studies. Responsibility for the consultation taking place is delegated to the director of graduate studies. The purpose of the consultation is to discuss issues concerning duties, personal development, work environment and other matters related to working conditions.

It is important that any complaint or problem that may arise is taken up without delay; speak either to your supervisor, to the director of graduate studies or to the head of department.

5.6 student/department relations Since gradnate students are members of the depatiment, they are expected to attend depatimental meetings, such as Thursday coffee, faculty gatherings, and the Faculty ofLanguage's Happy Ho urs.

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General Information on Graduate Studies- Uppsala University, Sweden Sida 5 av 5

5.7 PhD student association The department has an active PhD student association.

6 Odisputerade forskares fond Once a y ear the department offers a sum of money from a grant, administered by the department, for PhD students. The allocation of the money is decided by the head of department on the basis of submissions from the three chairs. The amount of money available differs from year to year. Applications may be made for funding to attend a conference, for a study trip or to purchase essential materials. The allocation takes into consideration the amount applied for, the purpose stated in the application and the total sum of funding that may have been awarded previously.

7 Grants/scholarships Grants are also available; details about grants are posted on the notice board on reaching the depatiment. Uppsala University also offers a number of grants of its own; see Stipendier.

L inks

Graduate Program in English Syllabus

Uppsala University: Information to graduate students

Faculty of Languages: Information about graduate studies (in Swedish)

Human Resources Guide for doctoral students

Uppsala University student union graduate pages (in Swedish)

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, The Handbook for Postgraduate Students

Norstedts Dictionaries

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Special instructions for those who apply to the PhD program in the Uppsala University English Department using the University web application. The following is an English-language translation of the instructions for completing the application, as it appears on the home page of the Faculty of Languages. (http://www.sprakvet.uu.se/Research/Forskarutbildning/Hur_ansoker_jag_/) The application consists of the following parts

1. Completed application form for admission. See http://uadm.uu.se/digitalAssets/30/30349_ansokan_forskarniva_eng.pdf

2. A CV with official transcripts which verifies that the applicant has met both the general and special eligibility requirements to be admitted as a doctoral student at the Faculty of Languages. If needed, copies of grades from secondary school and copies of degrees from universities should be submitted.

3. Papers or essays on the C or D levels, and, if available essays from the master´s level.

4. A three to five page plan for the dissertation. The plan is an important part of the application. It should be a description of the project

you intend to carry out as a doctoral student. You may want to include the following aspects: Purpose of Study Problems and Question to be Addressed Methodology and Theory Materials to be studied Sources and Literature In addition, the plan must include: Your name and birth date (Swedish “personnummer” if available) The subject in which you are seeking a degree A preliminary dissertation title

5. It might also be useful to include a cover letter, introducing yourself. (Submit one original and three copies)

Direct the application to: Registrator Uppsala universitet Box 256 751 06 Uppsala, Sweden

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The web form for application that the link from the official announcement leads to is a generic application form used by the University for many types of positions. You should still follow the instructions from the home page of the Faculty of Languages for the completed application. Below are instructions completing the web application with the necessary materials required by the Faculty of Languages. 1. Give all the personal information asked for in top section. 2. Submit the following attachments: Letter: A one page letter of introduction (point 5 above) CV: Your current CV (point 2 above) Diplomas: Submit the relevant degree diplomas which show that you are eligible for admission into the PhD program. (point 2 above) Letters of recommendation are not necessary More documents: Here is where you upload the application form (point 1 above), your papers and essays (point 3 above) and the dissertation plan (point 4 above). If it is cumbersome to upload papers/theses you may wish to send them in paper form in three copies.
