Unani Medicine

ANNEXURE 2 (vi) Unani Medicine- Areas of Strength (Application) [Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H] 1. AMRAZ-E-ANAFDISEASE OF SINUS (i) Iltehab-e-Tajaweef-e-Anaf (SINUSITIS) 2. AMRAZ-E-RIYA (PULMONARY DISORDER) (i) Zeequnnafas (BRONCHIAL ASTHMA) 3. AMRAZ-E-AMA(GASTRO INTESTINAL DISORDERS) (i) Is-hal-e-Atfal (INFANTILE DIARRHOEA) (ii) Is-hal-e-Muzmin (CHRONIC DIARRHOEA) (iii) Zusantaria Mewi (AMOEBIC DYSENTERY) (iv) Deedan-e-Ama (HELMINTHIASIS) (v) Qarah-e-Meda wa Isna-e-Ashri (DUODENAL ULCER) 4. AMRAZ-E-KULIYA (RENAL DISORDER) (i) Hasatul Kuliya wa Masana (UROLITHIASIS) 5. AMRAZ-E-GHUDOOD-E-GHAIRNAQILA (ENDOCRINE DISORDERS) (i) ZIABETUS SUKKARI (Diabetes Mellitus) 6. AMRA-E-QALB (CARDIAC DISORDER) (i) Kasrat-e-Shahmuddam (HYPERLIPIDEMIA). 7. AMRAZ-E-MAFASIL (JOINT DISORDERS) (i) Wajul Mafasil ( RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS) 8. AMRAZ-E-JILD (SKIN DISORDERS) (i) Bars (Vitiligo) (ii) Nar-e-Farsi (Eczema) (iii) Daussadaf ( Psoriasis ) 9. AMRAZ-E-TARSEELI (COMMUNICABLE DISEASE) (i) Daulfeel (FILARIASIS) (ii) Humma-e-Ijamia (MALARIA) (iii) Humma-e-Aswad (KALA AZAR). (iv) Iltehab-e-Kabid (INFECTIVE HEPATITIS) Annexure 2 (vii) List of medicines (List of compound formulations from NFUM I, Standards approved by UPC) Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H 1. Anoshdaru 2. Araq-e-Afsanteen


Unani Medicine

Transcript of Unani Medicine

ANNEXURE 2 (vi) Unani Medicine- Areas of Strength (Application)

[Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H]

1. AMRAZ-E-ANAFDISEASE OF SINUS (i) Iltehab-e-Tajaweef-e-Anaf (SINUSITIS) 2. AMRAZ-E-RIYA (PULMONARY DISORDER) (i) Zeequnnafas (BRONCHIAL ASTHMA) 3. AMRAZ-E-AMA(GASTRO INTESTINAL DISORDERS) (i) Is-hal-e-Atfal (INFANTILE DIARRHOEA) (ii) Is-hal-e-Muzmin (CHRONIC DIARRHOEA) (iii) Zusantaria Mewi (AMOEBIC DYSENTERY) (iv) Deedan-e-Ama (HELMINTHIASIS) (v) Qarah-e-Meda wa Isna-e-Ashri (DUODENAL ULCER) 4. AMRAZ-E-KULIYA (RENAL DISORDER) (i) Hasatul Kuliya wa Masana (UROLITHIASIS) 5. AMRAZ-E-GHUDOOD-E-GHAIRNAQILA (ENDOCRINE DISORDERS) (i) ZIABETUS SUKKARI (Diabetes Mellitus) 6. AMRA-E-QALB (CARDIAC DISORDER) (i) Kasrat-e-Shahmuddam (HYPERLIPIDEMIA). 7. AMRAZ-E-MAFASIL (JOINT DISORDERS) (i) Wajul Mafasil (RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS) 8. AMRAZ-E-JILD (SKIN DISORDERS) (i) Bars (Vitiligo) (ii) Nar-e-Farsi (Eczema) (iii) Daussadaf (Psoriasis) 9. AMRAZ-E-TARSEELI (COMMUNICABLE DISEASE) (i) Daulfeel (FILARIASIS) (ii) Humma-e-Ijamia (MALARIA) (iii) Humma-e-Aswad (KALA AZAR). (iv) Iltehab-e-Kabid (INFECTIVE HEPATITIS)

Annexure 2 (vii) List of medicines (List of compound formulations from NFUM I, Standards approved by UPC) Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H

1. Anoshdaru 2. Araq-e-Afsanteen

3. Araq-e-Ajeeb 4. Araq-e-Ajwaiyin 5. Araq-e-Badiyan 6. Araq-e-Gaozaban 7. Araq-e-Heel Khurd 8. Araq-e-Kasni 9. Araq-e-Mako 10. Araq-e-Mundi 11. Araq-e-Nana 12. Dawa-ul-Kurkum 13. Dayaqooza 14. Habb-e-Azaraqi 15. Habb-e-Surkhbada 16. Habb-e-Ambar Momiyaee 17. Habb-e-Amber 18. Habb-e-Boht us Saut Haad 19. Habb-e-Dabba-e-Atfal 20. Habb-e-Ghafis 21. Habb-e-Hindi Mohallil 22. Habb-e-Hindi Qabiz 23. Habb-e-Hindi Sual 24. Habb-e-Hindi Zeeqi 25. Habb-e-Iyarij 26. Habb-e-Jalinoos 27. Habb-e-Jund 28. Habb-e-Kattha 29. Habb-e-Khabsul Hadeed 30. Habb-e-Momiyaee Sada 31. Habb-e-Mubarak 32. Habb-e-Munaish 33. Habb-e-Muqil 34. Habb-e-Mushil 35. Habb-e-Mushil Istisqaee 36. Habb-e-Pachlona 37. Habb-e-Pechish 38. Habb-e-Shabyar

39. Habb-e-Shaheeqa 40. Habb-e-Sil 41. Habb-e-Siyah Chashm 42. Habb-e-Suranjan 43. Habb-e-Surfa 44. Habb-e-Tabasheer 45. Habb-e-Tankar 46. Habb-e-Tap-e-Balghami 47. Habb-e-Tursh Mushtahi 48. Habb-e-Usara 49. Habb-e-ZaharMohra 50. Itrifal-e-Kabir 51. Itrifal-e-Ghudadi 52. Itrifal-e-Deedani 53. Itrifal-e-Kishneezi 54. Itrifal-e-Mulaiyin 55. Itrifal-e-Muqil Mulaiyin 56. Itrifal-e-Shahatra 57. Itrifal-e-Ustukhuddus 58. Itrifal-e-Zamani 59. Jauhar-e-Munaqqa 60. Jauhar-e-Seen 61. Jawarish-e-Aamla Sada 62. Jawarish-e-Bisbasa 63. Jawarish-e-Falafili 64. Jawarish-e-Jalinoos 65. Jawarish-e-Kundur 66. Jawarish-e-Mastagi 67. Jawarish-e-Ood Shireen 68. Jawarish-e-Pudina 69. Jawarish-e-Safarjali Qabiz 70. Jawarish-e-Shahi 71. Jawarish-e-Shahar Yaran 72. Jawarish-e-Tamar Hindi 73. Jawarish-e-Zanjabeel 74. Jawarish-e-Zarishk

75. Khamira-e-Abresham Sada 76. Khamira-e-Gaozaban Sada 77. Khamira-e-Sandal Sada 78. Khamira-e-Zahar Mohra 79. Kushta-e-Abrak Siyah 80. Kushta-e-Busud 81. Kushta-e-Gaodanti 82. Kushta-e-Hajrul yahood 83. Kushta-e-Kharmohra 84. Kushta-e-Marjan Jawahirwala 85. Kushta-e-Marjan Sada 86. Kushta-e-Nuqra 87. Kushta-e-Qalai 88. Kushta-e-Qaranul Aiyil 89. Kushta-e-Sadaf 90. Kushta-e-Sammulfar Astishaki 91. Kushta-e-Sankh 92. Kushta-e-Zumurred 93. Laooq-e-Abhal 94. Laooq-e-Badam 95. Laooq-e-Hulba 96. Laooq-e-Khiyarshamber 97. Luboob-e-Sagheer 98. Majoon-e-Arad Khurma 99. Majoon-e-Azaraqi 100. Majoon-e-Chobchini 101. Majoon-e-Dabeedulward 102. Majoon-e-Falasifa 103. Majoon-e-Fanjnosh 104. Majoon-e-Hijrul Yahood 105. Majoon-e-Ispand Sokhtani 106. Majoon-e-Jalali 107. Majoon-e-Jograj Gugal 108. Majoon-e-Kalkalanaj 109. Majoon-e-Khadar 110. Majoon-e-Kundur

111. Majoon-e-Lana 112. Majoon-e-Masikul Baul 113. Majoon-e-Muluki 114. Majoon-e-Musaffi-e-Khoon 115. Majoon-e-Nankhwah 116. Majoon-e-Najah 117. Majoon-e-Piyaz 118. Majoon-e-Rahul Momineen 119. Majoon-e-Sangdana Murgh 120. Majoon-e-Suhag Sonth 121. Majoon-e-Supari Pak 122. Majoon-e-Talkh Deddani 123. Majoon-e-Teewaj 124. Majoon-e-Ushba 125. Majoon-e-Zabeeb 126. Marham-e-Basaliqoon 127. Marham-e-Dakhliyun 128. Marham-e-Ejaz 129. Marham-e-Gulabi 130. Marham-e-Jadwar 131. Marham-e-Kafoori 132. Marham-e-Khanazeer 133. Marham-e-Kharish 134. Marham-e-Raal 135. Marham-e-Raskapoor 136. Marham-e-Ushaq 137. Qurs-e-Anjabar 138. Qurs-e-Deedan 139. Qurs-e-Gulnar Farsi 140. Qurs-e-Kahruba 141. Qurs-e-Mulaiyin 142. Qurs-e-Sartan 143. Qurs-e-Zarishk 144. Raughan-e-Babuna Sada 145. Raughan-e-Banafsha 146. Raughan-e-Chahar Barg

147. Raughan-e-Haft Barg 148. Raughan-e-Ispand 149. Raughan-e-Jauzmasil 150. Raughan-e-Kadu Shireen 151. Raughan-e-Kahu 152. Raughan-e-Khashkhaash 153. Raughan-e-Laboob-e-Saba Barid 154. Raughan-e-Laboob-e-Saba 155. Raughan-e-Maghz-e-Tukhm-e-Kadu 156. Raughan-e-Malkangni 157. Raughan-e-Qaranful 158. Raughan-e-Qust 159. Raughan-e-Sanan 160. Raughan-e-Seer 161. Raughan-e-Sudab 162. Raughan-e-Suranjan 163. Raughan-e-Surkh 164. Sharbat-e-Anar Shireen 165. Sharbat-e-Unnab 166. Tiryaq-e-Arba 167. Tiryaq-e-Nazla 168. Zimad-e-Sumbul ut teeb 169. Zimad-e-Tehal

Annexure- 2 (viii) List of Single drugs included in the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India

S.No. Name of the drug Part Botanical Name

1. Aak Dried Leaves Calotropis procera ( Ait)R.Br.

2 Aamla Dried mature fruit Emblica officnalis Gaertn.

3 Asgand Dried mature roots Withania somnifera Dunal.

4 Asl us Soos Dried stolon and root Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.

5 Atees shireen Dried tuberous root Aconitum heterophyllum Wall ex. Royle

6 Babchi Dried ripe fruits Psoralea corylifolia Linn.

7 Badiyan Dried ripe fruits Foeniculum vulgare Mill.

8 Balela Dried ripe fruits Terminlia belerica Roxb.

9 Baobarang Dried mature fruit Embelia ribs Burm.f.

10 Belgiri Dried pulp of fruits Aegle marmelos Corr.

11 Chiraita Whole plant Swertia chirata Ham.

12 Darchini Dried inner bark Cinnamommum zeylanicum Blume

13 Fufal Dried ripe seed Areca catechu Linn.

14 Gilo dried stem Tinospora cordifolia (Wild) Meirs

15 HalelaZard Dried pericarp Terminalia chebula Retz.

16 Heel Khurd . Dried fruits Elettaria cardamomum(Linn)Maton

17 Hilteet Oleo gum/ resin Ferula foetida Regel.

18 Jauzbuwa Dried seed /Kernels Myristica fragrans Houtt.

19 Kababchini Dried seed Piper cubeba Linn.

20 Kalonji Dried Seeds Nigella sativa Linn.

21 Kamila Glands&Hairs(fruits) Mallotus philipinensis Muell. Arg.

22 Kaner . Dried leaves Nerium indicum Mill

23 Karanj Seeds Pongamia pinnata (Linn)Merr.

24 Katan Dried Seeds Linum usitatissimum Linn.

25 Khar e Khasak Khurd

Dried fruits Tribulusterrestris Linn.


26 Khiyar Shanber Pulp(Dried fruits) Cassia fistula Linn.

27 Kishneez Dried fruits Coriandrum sativum Linn.

28 Kulthi Dried Seeds Vigna unquiculata (Linn) walp

29 Lodh Pathani Dried stem bark Symplocos recemosa Roxb.

30 Mainphal Dried fruits Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb)Keay.

31 Muqil Exudate Commiphora wighti(Arn.) Bhand

32 Panbadana Seeds Gossypium herbaceum Linn.

33 Poste Gular Dried bark Ficus racemosa Linn.

34 Qaranful Dried flowers Syzgium aromaticum (Linn)Merr& L.M.Perry

35 Qinnab Dried leaves Cannabis sativa Linn.

36 Qust Dried Roots Saussurea lappa C,B.Clarke.

37 Sana Dried leaves Cassia angustifolia Vahl.

38 Sazaj Hindi Dried leaves Cinnamomum tamala (Buch.Ham.)Nees& Eberm

39 Sheetraj (Hindi) Dried roots Plumbago zeylanicum Linn.

40 Sibr Dried juice(Leaves) Aloe barbadensis Mill.

41 Sumbul ut Teeb Dried rhizomes Nardostachys jatamansi DC.

42 Tagar Dried rhizomes Valeriana wallichi DC.

43 Zanjabeel Dried rhizomes Zingiber officinale Roxb

44 Zard Chob Dried rhizomes Curcuma longa Linn.

45 Zard Siyah Dried fruits Carum carvi Linn.

Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H

Annexure 2 (ix) Unani Drugs used in Dispensaries & Hospitals

[Source: Unani Pharmacopoea, Department of ISM & H]


1.1 Humma -e- Haad ( Acute fever)

1. Habb-e-Bukhar

2. Qurs-e-Kafoor

1.2 Humma-e-Ijamia (Malarial fever)

3. Habb-e-Mubarak

4. Sufoof Satte Gilo

5. Habb-e-Karanjwa

1.3 Humma-e-Wabayee (Viral Fever)

6 Qurs-e-Ghafis

1.4 Humma-e-Muzmina (Chronic Fever)

7. Safoof-e-Tabasheer

8. Qurs-e-Sartan

1.5 Humma-e-Mevi (Typhoid)

9. Sharbat -e-Khaksi

10. Khameera Marwareed


2.1 Nazla Zukam (Common Cold)

11. Tiryaq Nazla

12. Kameera Khashkhash

2.2 Anaful Anza (Influenza)

13. Laooq-e-Sapistan

14. Habb-e-Surfa

2.3 Iltehab-e-Tajaweef Anaf (Sinusitis)

15 Itrifal Ustukhuddus

16 Khameera Gaozaban Sada

17 Jawarish Jalinoos

18 Kushta-e-Marjan Sada

2.4 Waram -e- Lauzatain (Tonsilitis)

19 Sharbat Toot Siyah

20 Kushta-e- Busud

21 Habb-e-Gule Pista

2.5 Shaheeqa (Whooping Cough)

22 Habb-e-Shaheeqa

23 Habb-e-Hindi Sual

24 Sharbat-e-Ejaz

2.6 Ruaf (Epistaxis)

25 Qurs-e- Habis

26 Qurs-e-Gulnar

2.7 Waram -e-Shobatian/Sual Muzmin (Bronchitis)

27 Sharbat -e-Sadar

2.8 Zatur riya (Pneumonia)

28 Kushta-e- Qaranul aiyal

29 Laooq Katan

30 Qairooti Arad Karasna

31 Sharbat Zufa

2.9 Zeequn Nafas ( Asthma)

32 Habb-e-Hindi Zeeqi

33 Kushta -e-Abrak Siyah

34 Majoon Rahulmomineen

35 Habb-e-Zeequn Nafas

36 Habb-e-Sammul Far

2.10 Diq -e-Rewi ( Pulmonary Tuberculosis)

37 Habb-e- Sil

38 Muffareh Barid Jawahir Wali


3.1 Zof-e-Qalb (Cardiac weakness)

39 Dawaul Misk Motadil Sada

40 Khameera Abresham Hkm. Arshad wala

41 Habb-e-Jawahir

3.2 Waj ul Qalb ( Angina and Myocardial Infartion)

42 Muaffreh Barid Qawi

43 Arq-e-Bed Mushk

44 Mufarreh Yaqooti Motadil

3.3 Zaghtuddam Qawi ( High Blood pressure)

45 Qurs Dawaul Shifa

46 Arq-e- Chobchini

47 Majoon-e-Seer

48 Majoon Chob Chini

3.4 Zaghtuddam Zaeef (Low Blood pressure)

49 Jawahir Mohra

50 Dawaul Misk Motadil Jawahirwali

51 Khameera Gaozaban Anbari Jawahir wala


4.1 Faqruddam (Anaemia)

52 Habb-e Khubsul Hadeed

53 Majoon Khubsul Hadeed

54 Kushta-e- Faulad

4.2 Nazfuddam (Bleeding)

55 Sufoof Habisuddam

56 Sharbat Anjabar

4.3 Fasaduddam (Impure Blood)

57 Itrifal Shahatra

58 Majoon Ushba

59 Arq Musaffi-e-Khoon Qawi


5.1 Zofe Hazm wa ishteha (Loss of Appetite & Digestion)

60 Habb-e-Tursh Mushtahi

61 Arq-e- Badiyan

62 Jawarish Anarain

63 Jawarish-e-Jalinoos

5.2 Humoozate Meda (Acidity)

64 Habb-e-Tabashir

65 Qurs-e-Hazim

66 Habb-e-Kabid Naushadri

67 Safoof-e-Hazim

68 Namak -e- Sheikhur Rais

5.3 Qai wa Ghasyan (Nausea &Vomiting)

69 Arq-e- Ajeeb

70 Sikanjbeen Lemuni

71 Habb-e-Zahar Mohra

72 Jawarish Ood Tursh

73 Jawarish-e-Tamar Hindi

5.4 Kasir-e- Riyah (Antiflatulent)

74 Habb-e- Hilteet

75 Jawarish Kamooni

76 Arq-e- Ajwayin

77 Majoon-e-Kasir-e-Riayah

78 Aab-e-Murawaqain

5.5 Dafe Tashannuj (Antispasmodic)

79 Majoon Nankhwah

80 Barshasha

81 Jawarish-e-Bisbasa

5.6 Is-hal (Diaorrhoea)

82 Habb-e- Raal

83 Habb-e- Hindi Qabiz

84 Sufoof Chutki

85 Anoshdaru

86 Jawarish Mastagi

87 Jawarish -e- Aamla

88 Sharbat-e-Belgiri

89 Habb-e-Zahar Mohra

90 Qurs-e-Zaranbad

5.7 Zaheer (Dysentary)

91 Habb-e- Pechish

92 Tiryaq Pechish

93 Sufoof Teen

94 Safoof -e-Muqliyasa

5.8 Qabz (Constipation)

95 Habb-e- Mushil

96 Qurs Mulaiyin

97 Itrifal Mulaiyin

98 Gul Qand

5.9 Bawasir (Piles)

99 Habb-e- Rasaut

100 Habb-e- Bawasir Damiya

101 Majoon Muqil

5.10 Waram-e- Kabid (Hepatitis)

102 Majoon Dabeedulward

103 Dawaul Kurkum Kabir

104 Arq-e- Mako

105 Arq-e- Kasni

5.11 Qula (Stomatitis)

106 Zuroore Kath

107 Arq-e- Badiyan

5.12 Deedane Ama (Intestinal Worms)

108 Qurs-e- Deedan

109 Itrifal Deedan


6.1 Warame Kuliya (Nephritis)

110 Jawarish Zarooni Sada

111 Sharbat Buzoori Motadil

6.2 Husate Kuliya wa Masana (Renal &Bladder Stone)

112 Majoon Hijral yahood

113 Majoon-e-Sang-e-Sarmahi

6.3 Baul Filfarash (Bed Wetting)

114 Majoon Masikul Baul

115 Majoon Kundur

6.4 Usrul Baul (Dysurea)

116 Safoof Aamla

117 Safoof-e-Naushadar

6.5 Hurqat-e- Baul (Burning Micturation)

118 Banadiq-ul-Buzoor

119 Sharbat Dinar

120 Raughan Sandal

6.6 Ehtabase Baul (Retention of Urine)

121 Safoof-e-Tabashir

122 Sufoof-ul-Amlah

6.7 Ziabetus Shakri (Diabetes mellitus)

123 Qurs Ziabetus Khaas

124 Sufoof Ziabetus Dulabi

125 Sufoof Ziabetus Qawi

6.8 Ziabetus Ghair Shakri(Diabetes insipidus)

126 Qurs Ziabetus Sada

127 Sufoof Ziabetus Sada


7.1 Zofe Dimagh wa Asab (Brain And Nervous Weakness)

128 Habb-e- Azaraqi

129 Majoon Falasifa

130 Khamira Gaozaban Jadwar Oodsalib Wala

7.2 Falij wa Laqwa (Paralysis &Facial Palsy)

131 Joshanda -e-Munzij

132 Majoon Azaraqi

133 Khamira Ustukhuddus

134 Raughan Malkangni

135 Raughan Seer

7.3 Suda (Headache)

136 Roughan-e-Gul

7.4 Shaqeeqa (Migraine)

137 Qurs-e- Musallas

138 Itrifal Zamani

7.5 Sara (Epilepsy)

139 Habb-e- Jund

140 Majoon Lana

141 Majoon-e-Najah

7.6 Sahar (Insomnia)

142 Khameera Khashkhaash

143 Raughan-e-Luboob Saba

7.7 Paz Murdagi (Mental Depression)

144 Itrifal kishneezi

145 Mufarrej Yaqooti


8.1 Busoor wa Damameel (Boils&Pimples)

146 Majoon Musaffi-e- Khoon

147 Marham-e- Gulabi

148 Raughan Kamila

149 Arq-e-Mundi

8.2 Jarb wa Hikka(Scabies & Pruritis)

150 Majoon Mundi

151 Marham Kharish

152 Marham Kafoor

8.3 Quba (Ring Worm)

153 Marham Quba

154 Arq-e- Afsanteen

155 Arq-e-Afteemoon

8.4 Bars wa Bahaq Leucoderma & Vitiligo)

156 Sufoof Bars

8.5 Harq wa Salq(Burns & Scald)

157 Marham-e- Aahak

158 Marham-e-Safaid

8.6 Qurooh wa Zakhm (Ulcers & Wounds)

159 Marham-e- Ral Safaid

8.7 Amraze Shaar (Hair Problems)

160 Raughan-e-Aamla

161 Raughan-e-Baiza-e-Murgh

162 Murabba-e-Aamla


9.1 Surate Inzal wa Jiryan (Premature Ejaculation & Spermatorrhoea)

163 Habb-e- Mumsik

164 Habb-e- Nishat

165 Majoon Arad Khurma

166 Kushta Qalai

167 Majoon-e-Salab

9.2 Qillate Mani(Oligospermia)

168 Majoon Piyaz

169 Majoon Panbadana

170 Luboob Kabir

9.3 Zof-e Bah (Sexual debility)

171 Habb-e-Jadwar

172 Jauhar-e- Seen

173 Halwa-e- Ghee kawar


10.1 Sailanur Reham (Leucorrhoea)

174 Sufoof -e-Sailan

175 Majoon Supari Pak

176 Majoon Muqawwi-e-Reham

177 Kushta Baiza-e-Murgh

178 Majoon Mochras

10.2 KasrateTams (Menorrhagia)

179 Qurs-e- Dammulakhwain

180 Sharbat Anar Shireen

10.3 Ehtebase Tams (Amenorrhoea)

181 Habb-e-Mudirr

182 Sufoof Mudirr-e- Haiz

183 Majoon-e-Qurtum

10.4 Uqr (Sterility)

184 Habb-e-Hamal

10.5 Qillate Laban (Lack of Milk Secretion)

185 Majoon Panbadana

10.6 Hummae Nifasia (Post Partum Fever)

186 Majoon Suhag Sonth


11.1 Saman -e-Mufrit (Obesity)

187 Sufoof -e-Mohazzil

188 Safoof-e-Kishnizi

189 Dawa-e-Luk


12.1 Waj ul Mafasil va waram-e-Mafasil (Arthralgia & Arthritis)

190 Majoon Suranjan

191 Majoon Jograj Gugal

192 Raughan -e-Haft Berg

12.2 Niqras (Gout)

193 Habb-e-Suranjan

194 Raughan Suranjan

195 Habb-e-Azaraqi

12.3 Irqun Nisan (Sciatica)

196 Majoon Seer Alvikhani


13.1 Ramad (Conjunctivitis)

197 Arq-e-Gulab

198 Qutoor-e- Ramad

199 Habbe Siyah Chashm

200 Shiyaf-e-Abyaz


14.1 Wajul Uzn (Otalgia/Earach)

201 Raughan-e- Turb

202 Raughan-e- Babuna Sada

14.2 Sailanul Uzn (Otorrhoea)

203 Raughan-e- Kamila


15.1 Wajul Asnan (Toothach)

204 Raughan-e- Qaranful

205 Safoof-e-Mustehkam Dandan

15.2 Lissa Damiya (Pyorrhoea)

206 Sunoon Mukhrij-e- Rutoobat

Annexure 2 (iii) Major manufacturers in Unani Medicine

Source: CCRUM Website.

1. M/s Modi Herb Pharma, 3-4-223, Kachiguda, Hyderabad-500027 (A.P.)

2. M/s Drugs Laboratories, D-2/1, Zaidi Nagar Society, Zaidi farm, Meerut-250002

3. M/s Dawakhana Tibbia College AMU Aligarh-202002 UP Phone: 400529.

4. M/s Herbs and Herbs, B-73-74,Kalwar Scheme, Gopal Bari, Jaipur-1

5. M/s Ahmed and Co., Gulzar Houz, Hyderabad-500002 (AP) Phone:- 3531891, 3533027

6. M/s Simla Pharmacy, 19040418, Bahadurpura, Hyderabad-500264.

7. M/s Unani Products, 1036-B, Madarsa Husain Bux Street, Jama Masjid, Delhi-110006. Phone:- 3279975.

8. M/s Indian Medicine Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Mohan Distt.Almora (Via Ramnagar-244715) UP

9. M/s Iram Laboratories, H-2, Local Shopping Centre, Shakoorpur, Delhi- 110034. Phone:- 7183887.

10. M/s Swastika Drug Pharma, 211-12, Jawahar Nagar, Batela Road, Amritsar (Punjab)

11. M/s Rex (U&A) Remedies Pvt. Ltd., A-51/1, G.T. Karnal Road Industrial Area, Delhi-110033. Phone: 743209, 7216583, 7228306

Fax : 91(11) 7133458 Website: www.rexremedies.com e-mail: [email protected]

12. M/s Himachal Drug Pharma, Bazar Gandanwala, Amritsar (Punjab).

13. M/s Sadar Dawakhana, 7382, Quresh Nagar, Sadar Bazar, Delhi-110005. Phone:- 2941759.

14. M/s Hamdard Wakf Laboratories, Lal Kuan, Delhi-110006. Phone : 3213733, 3215307

15. M/s Medico Pharma, 17-2-889/11C, Madannapet, Hyderabad-500659.

16. M/s The Unani & Co., 930, Kucha Ruhulla Khan, Tiraha Behram Khan, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002. Phone:- 3277312, 3281584.

17. M/s Islahi Drug House, 75-C, Hamid Manzil, Maulana Azad Road, Mumbai-400011.

18. M/s Lari Pharma, 1, Barooel-Khana, Luchnow-226018.

19. M/s Maxo Laboratories (P) Ltd., 115, Kamla Nagar, Sri Bichhamal Building, Delhi-110007. Phone:- 2935670, 2926232.

20. M/s Gangaputra Pharmaceuticals (India) Works, Opp. Aryasamaj Mandir, Railway Road, Jind-126012 (Haryana Phone:- 23414, 21786, 21785.

21. M/s The Original Drug Co., 53, Pilakhua, District-Ghaziabad (U.P.)

22. M/s AJ Laboratories, 137-D, Pappu Colony, P.O.-Pasonda, District- Ghaziabad (U.P.). Phone:- 4635915.

23. M/s Sadar Laboratories, 606, Fakhrullah Street, G.B. Road, Delhi-110006.

24. M/s New Capital Dawakhana, T-1697, Gali Bishashwar Nath, Malkaganj Road, Subzimandi, Delhi-110007. Phone:- 7525269.

25. M/s Win Pharma, 166, Mahavir Nagar, Meerut (U.P.).

26. M/s Bharat Chemical & Pharmaceutical Laboratory, 191, Faizabad Road, Lucknow-226007.

27. M/s Mubarik Pharmaceuticals, Khunmoh, Srinagar.

28. M/s Dawakhana-Al-Hayat, Rehbaba Sahib Ali Kadal, Srinagar.

Annexure 2 (iv) Some major Unani drug suppliers


1 Deepak Bawa & Company Amritsar

2 Himalayan Traders Amritsar

3 Shekh Nazir Ahmed Kashmir

4 Rosma Overseas Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

5 Asian Drug Company New Delhi

6 Indian Drugs (Crude)

Distributors Calcutta

7 Eastern & Company Calcutta

8 Shroff Channabassapa & Sons Bangalore

9 Himalayan Herb Stores Saharanpur

10 Sami Corporation Mumbai

11 ADCO Ltd. Hoogly

12 Hill Green Company of India Calcutta

13 Jain Brothers Neemuch

14 General Mercantile Overseas Corporation Chennai

15 Money Corporation Trivandrum

16 Intra Catholic Centre Chennai

17 Deepan Trading Corporation Ahmedabad

18 Babulal Sarabhai & Company Orissa

19 All India Drug Supply Co. Mumbai

20 Jadavji Lalu Bhai & Co. Mumbai

Source: CCRUM Website

Annexure 2 (v) Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM):

The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), was established in 1979 to initiate, aid, conduct, develop and coordinate scientific research in Unani system of medicine.


The main objectives of the Council are:

?? Formulation of aims and patterns of research on scientific lines in Unani Medicine.

?? To undertake research or other programmes in Unani Medicine.

?? Prosecution of and assistance in research, and propagation of knowledge and experimental measures generally in connection with the causation, mode of spread and spread and prevention of diseases.

?? To initiate, aid, conduct, develop and coordinate scientific research in different aspects, fundamental and applied, of Unani Medicine and to promote and assist institutions of research for the study of diseases, their preventation, causation and remedy.

?? To finance enquiries and researches for the furtherance of objects of the Council.

?? To exchange information with other institutions, associations and societies interested in the objects similar to those of the council and specially in observation and study of diseases in the East in general and in India in particular.

?? To prepare, print, publish and exhibit papers, posters, pamphlets, periodicals and books to achieve the objects of the Council and to contribute to such literature.

Governing Body

The management of the Council is entrusted to a Governing Body consisting of Official and non-official members. The minister of State of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India is the President of the Governing body.