Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The...

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will ...continued on page 3 Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2014 Scotiabank Marathon Participants Raise $29,158 for the Care Centre For a third year, family mem- bers, staff, Board members, youth, volunteers and community mem- bers walked or ran in the Scotiabank Marathon on October 19. “We have broken new ground in community involvement at the Care Centre,” says Sandy Lo- maszewycz, Executive Director. Our Campaign brought together 4 gen- erations of Ukrainian Canadians, from 12 to 78 years of age, and the successors of 4 immigration waves of Ukrainians. Their fundraising ef- forts were supported by over 450 community members. Close to 240 persons attended the Scotiabank Marathon Campaign kick-off event, our first Ukrainian Village BBQ this past summer and we received in- kind donations from 30 local busi- nesses. “We are very, very happy that the Care Centre means so much to so many community members.” We would like to thank our presenting sponsor Cardinal Funeral Homes for supporting the efforts of the Care Centre with the Marathon. We would also like to recog- Anna Martyniw our top fundraiser. Participants of the 2014 Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon. Our Youth Participants 4th Annual Family Day Celebrations On October 5, residents, families and volunteers celebrated the importance of family. The afternoon was packed with musi- cal performances by Mikhail and Roman Boutenko and Solomiyka and Chrystyna Salamaszek followed by light refreshments. The event was organized by the Family Council and the Recreation Department of the Care Centre.

Transcript of Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The...

Page 1: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

...continued on page 3

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Українсько-Канадський Осередок Опіки - Зима 2014

Scotiabank Marathon Participants Raise $29,158 for the Care Centre

For a third year, family mem-

bers, staff, Board members, youth,

volunteers and community mem-

bers walked or ran in the Scotiabank

Marathon on October 19.

“We have broken new

ground in community involvement

at the Care Centre,” says Sandy Lo-

maszewycz, Executive Director. Our

Campaign brought together 4 gen-

erations of Ukrainian Canadians,

from 12 to 78 years of age, and the

successors of 4 immigration waves

of Ukrainians. Their fundraising ef-

forts were supported by over 450

community members. Close to 240

persons attended the Scotiabank

Marathon Campaign kick-off event,

our first Ukrainian Village BBQ this

past summer and we received in-

kind donations from 30 local busi-

nesses. “We are very, very happy that

the Care Centre means so much to

so many community members.”

We would like to thank our

presenting sponsor Cardinal Funeral

Homes for supporting the efforts of

the Care Centre with the Marathon.

We would also like to recog-

Anna Martyniw our top fundraiser. Participants of the 2014 Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon. Our Youth Participants

4th Annual Family Day Celebrations

On October 5, residents, families and volunteers celebrated the importance of family. The afternoon was packed with musi-cal performances by Mikhail and Roman Boutenko and Solomiyka and Chrystyna Salamaszek followed by light refreshments. The event was organized by the Family Council and the Recreation Department of the Care Centre.

Page 2: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in your will2

Dear Brothers and Sisters – our Honoured Seniors!

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,

good-will among men!” (Lk. 2:14)

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

With great joy we again draw near to the great

feast of the Nativity of Christ, remembering the coming

into the world of the Son of God. The entire Christian

world solemnly glorifies and magnifies the Birth of the

Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls

the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

manifested in the flesh” (1 Tim. 3:16). With the Nativity

of Christ mankind again has the opportunity to be made

worthy of union with God, for having granted salvation to

man, the Lord, through faith, abides in our hearts. The Na-

tivity of Christ shows us that God does not abandon the

world, but cherishes it. God not only cares for the world

as a whole, but for every person individually as well.

I extend heartfelt greetings to all the residents,

staff members, and directors of the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre and the St. Demetrius Residence on the oc-

casion of the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, which

brings us heavenly joy. May Christ, born in Bethlehem, fill

our hearts with great joy, and may we in turn prayerfully

thank the Lord and Ruler-of-all for His boundless love and

mercy to all of us!

From the bottom of my heart I wish all of you a

joyful and merry celebration of the feast of the Nativity,

good fortune and the experience of God’s goodness in

the new year of 2015.

With God’s blessing,

+ANDRIY, Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

Дорогі Брати і Сестри – Вельмишановні Сеньйори!

“Різдво Твоє, Христе Боже наш, засвітило світові світло розуміння, в нім бо ті, що звіздам служили, від звізди навчилися поклонятися Тобі, Сонцю Правди, і пізнавати Тебе, як Схід з висоти. Господи, слава Тобі.”

Тропар Різдва Христового

Христос Рождається! Славімо Його!

У день радісного свята Різдва Христового, всі християнські серця у всьому світі наповненні піснею ангелів “Слава на небі Богу,а на землі мир між людьми благовоління”. Різдво Христове відкриває нам Божественну Правду. Христове Євангелія навчає нас любити один одного, нести один одного тягар, допомагати бідним немічним, ділитися всім тим , що посилає нам Господь. Тому радіймо Різдвом Христовим! Звернімо наші серця до Вифлеємських ясел! Святкуймо всі разом цей день, що Господь нам дав, щоб духовно народитися і відродитися у Христі. Сердечно вітаю всіх Вас мешканців, працівників і провідників Українсько-Канадського Осередку Опіки і Пансіону Св. Димитрія з нагоди Христового Різдва. Нехай Вифлеємська радість наповнює ваші серця і перебуває у ваших домівках! Від усієї душі бажаю всім Вам радісних Різдвяних Свят і щасливого Нового 2013 року Божої благості.

З Божого Благословення,

+АНДРІЙ, Єпископ Східньої Єпархії Української Православної Церкви в Канаді

Page 3: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Orthodox and Catholic Bishops

“Glory to God in the highest Heaven,

and on earth peace for those he favours” (Luke 2; 14)

Christ is Born!

With our beautiful traditions and Christmas car-

ols, we proclaim to all people that Christ is Born! We are

moved to Glorify Him by our faith hope and love.

Many of us will remember warm Christmas gath-

erings with family and loved ones as a time of profound

joy and hope, a time when the future held so much prom-

ise. Today, as we contemplate our life’s journey, we find

countless indications of God’s boundless love for us. His

mercy and care continue to inspire and sustain us, and in

response to the Father’s generous love, we are moved to

be generous and kind to our brothers and sisters.

I extend my sincere greetings to the Director,

members of the administration, the caregivers, and the

residents of the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre. May

the Divine Infant bless you and all your families with His

peace, love and life.

Let us Glorify Him!

+ Stephen Chmilar, Eparch

“Слава во вишніх Богу й на землі мир людям його вподобання” (Лк. 2, 14)

Христос Раждається!

В Різдвяний час ми нашими чудовими традиціями й колядами оспівуємо перед світом що Христос народився. Наше бажання прославити Його виражає нашу віру, надію і любов. Багато з нас пригадує собі минулі Різдвані Свята з рідними і близькими. Це був час глибокої радости і надії. Сьогодні коли ми роздумуємо про нашу земну мандрівку, ми спостерігаємо доказів Божої любови до нас. Його опіка і милосердя піддержують і заохочують нас і ця безмірна любов Бога до нас приводить нас бути зичливими і щедрими до наших братів і сестер. В цей радісний час кoли ми святкуємо Христове народження, я сердечно молюсь щоб ми наново відкрили наші сeрця до Божої присутности в нашому життю. Складаю сердечні побажання Пані Директорці, всій адміністрації, працівникам та мешканцям Осереку Опіки. Хай Боже Дитя щедро благословить Вас і всіх Ваших своїм миром, любою і життям.

З Нами Бог!+ Стефан Хміляр, Єпарх

...continued from page 1

nize our Scotiabank Marathon Com-

mittee; Christine Coote, Anna Den-

kova, Nika Goutor, Roxanne Gural,

Helen Kerekes and Edward Szpular

for their hard work in spearheading

the promotion of the Campaign and

organizing our 1st Ukrainian Village

Barbeque. Special thanks to Zenia

Stellato, family member and volun-

teer who made 36 traditional Ukrai-

nian wreaths (vynke) that our partic-

ipant proudly wore at the Marathon.

Thank you to our 5km, half

and full marathon walkers/runners;

Family Members: Inessa Abysheva

and her daughter Sophia Moiseev,

Roxanne Gural, Helen Kerekes and

her daughter Christine Kerekes, Anna

Martyniw, Marusia Migus, Madam

Justice Lydia Olah and her sister Ok-

sana Wells, Kevin Pletch and his son

Shaun Pletch, Edward Szpular, Na-

dia Wegierak; Staff: Blanca Allende,

Olena Beliavsky and her daughter

Susanna Beliavsky; Christine Coote,

Darka Dankowych, Anna Denkova,

Anna Do, Irina Filipski and her two

sons- Pavel and Gregory Filipski, Ma-

ria Shehda, Kathy Snow, Teresa Wier-

zbicka; Board Members: Fred Bab-

bie, Bohdan Bodnaruk, Sylvia Kowal,

Roman Winnicki, Nadia Woloshyn,

Marta Yurcan; Volunteers: Mary

Szypka, Olha Tytsyak, Ulyana and

Daniel Goutor, Lydia Moorehead;

Community members: Andrew Car-

dinal, Adrian Hrendus , Katherine

Mamalyga and her daughters Alex-

andra and Vanessa Mamalyga, Ste-

ven Trinca.




Page 4: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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The Care Centre SAYS Farewell to Dr. Jerry Zownir and

Welcomes 2 New Physicians

The Care Centre says fare-

well to Dr. Jerry Zownir, a dedicated

physician of the Care Centre for over

11 years. We would like to extend

our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Zownir

for his outstanding contribution to

quality care for our residents. He is

missed by residents, families and

staff at the Care Centre.

The Care Centre is pleased to

welcome two new physicians Dr. Da-

vid Bitonti and Dr. Paula Gretsinger.

Dr. David Bitonti recently

joined the team of physicians at

the Care Centre. Originally from To-

ronto, he completed an undergradu-

ate B.Sc degree in Cell Biology and

Neuroscience at McGill University.

He then attended medical school

2014 ChristmasBazzar Raised

Over $3,000

Volunteers of the St. De-

metrius Development Corporation

raised over $3,000 for the Care Cen-

tre through their Annual Christmas

Bazaar. Our sincere appreciation to

all the donors and community mem-

bers who made this event possible.

To donate or to volunteer for next

year’s Bazaar please contact Irena

Dounets at 647-725-0874 or for

more information.

at Queens University. This was fol-

lowed by a medical residency in

Family Medicine at McMaster Uni-

versity, Waterloo Regional Campus

in Kitchener, Ontario. He currently

works as a hospital-based physician

at Rouge Valley Health System in ad-

dition to his duties at the Care Cen-


Originally from Manitoba, Dr.

Paula Gretsinger completed her pre-

med at the University of Winnipeg

and her medical training at the Uni-

versity of Manitoba. She also com-

pleted two years of postgraduate

training including a year of surgery.

She has a full-time family practice in

Scarborough in addition to working

in the operating room at Rouge Val-


Protect Yourself from the Flu For most people recovery

from influenza (the flu) will take a

week to 10 days, but for our vulnera-

ble seniors getting the flu may result

in more severe complications, such

as pneumonia.

The Care Centre has dedi-

cated staff who provide ongoing

education and training to all staff

and volunteers on infection control

methodologies. We run campaigns

to encourage our staff to get the flu

vaccine to protect themselves, their

families and our seniors from the flu.

Through our efforts, we are proud to

be one of the highest ranked long-

term care homes in the Greater To-

ronto Area to have the fewest respi-

ratory outbreaks in 2013.

Each year up to 7 million

Canadians get the flu. On average

12,000 Canadians are admitted to

hospital due to complications and

approximately 3,500 Canadians die

from the flu.

Vaccination is the safest, lon-

gest-lasting and most effective way

to prevent the flu. Toronto Public

Health recommends that everyone

older than 6 months should get the

flu vaccine and it is especially impor-

tant for people who are at higher risk

of complications.

Flu shots can protect you

and your loved one’s health. Speak

to your health care provider, phar-

macist or local health unit about get-

ting the vaccine.

Three simple steps to pro-

tect yourself and others from the flu:

• Clean your hands frequently

and thoroughly

• Keep your hands away from

your face

• Clean and disinfect surfaces

and objects that you touch of-


Page 5: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

Annual Memorial Service for Loved Ones whose lives included the

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre

Our annual Memorial Service is an opportunity for family and friends to take a moment out of their hectic lives to honour their loved ones. Since opening in 1996, we have cared for over 700 seniors. Please join us and view our Remembering Our Residents wall, located in the lobby. The wall gives family members and friends an opportunity to create a perpetual tribute and reminder of their loved one for friends, family, staff and the community to see.

WWhen you visit the Care Centre and attend our 2015 Day of Remembrance, your heart will be warmed with the knowledge that your loved one will be remembered forever. Please contact Development Office at 647-725-0844 to add your loved one to the wall or with any additional questions.


Saturday, MARCH 21, 2015, 10AM

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Renovations Completed

After a long summer of drill-

ing and hammering, the St. Demetri-

us Residence’s ambitious renovation

project is finally completed!

The hallways of all 15 floors

and the front lobby have new car-

pets, wallpaper and lighting. Hand-

rails and new signage make it easier

for tenants to get around. A wonder-

ful addition to the renovations will


be the new furniture selected for

the front lobby waiting area and

benches for each floor, purchased

through the generous donation of

Mrs. Delores Buka- Huculak.

“The aesthetics and the con-

venience of it are in a perfect match.

Our building is now much more

beautiful, welcoming, brighter and

more functional,” some of the ten-

ants have commented.

Page 6: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

ly Auto Recyclers who accept the

donation of old vehicles on behalf of

charities across Canada. 100% of the

proceeds come to the Care Centre.

CharityCar has been trained

to dispose of the environmentally

hazardous materials in vehicles that

have reached the end of their useful

lives. Following treatment “high de-

mand” vehicles are dismantled, and

“highly requested” useable parts are


Go to: http://www.stdeme- donate/index.php

Will Bequest A Bequest is a gift that is

made through your will that in-

structs your executor(s) to leave one

or more of your assets to the Care

Centre. It allows you to make a sig-

nificant donation upon death that

you may not have been able to make

during your lifetime. The Charitable

Will Bequest can be cash, securi-

ties (stocks or bonds), real estate, or

other tangible personal property.

Your estate will receive a tax receipt,

which is applied to the final income

tax return.

Does your workplace support United Way?

Is employee giving to sup-

port United Way part of your an-

nual charitable giving plan? Did you

know you can designate your United

Way donation to the Ukrainian Cana-

dian Care Centre, while still counting

towards your workplace goal?

When completing your do-

nation form for the United Way, in-

dicate that you would like your do-

nation to be designated to us. Our

charitable registration number is

124076555RR0001. If you have any

questions or would like to learn

more about this option, please con-

tact your United Way Workplace Co-

ordinator or call the Development

Office at 647-725-0843.

Got an unwanted vehicle?

Donate it to the Care Centre!

Make that old car live again

in the form of a donation through

CharityCar! The Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre is proud to be a member

of, licensed eco-friend-

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Thank You Very Much! Дуже дякую! At this time of year, we want to express our sincere appreciation to all of our supporters for their thoughtful-


Our costs to care for our seniors goes above and beyond funds received through the government and resi-

dents accommodation fees. We rely on the generosity of our community and donors to help us provide first quality

care and exceptional programs and services for our seniors in our clean and bright Home!

Here are some ways you can support the Care Centre.

Join our “Home with a Heart” Monthly

Giving Club Regular monthly gifts pro-

vide us with a reliable source of

funding to go that extra mile in car-

ing for our seniors. As a member of

the “Home with a Heart” Club, you

are helping seniors experience qual-

ity care and life enriching programs

and services.

Your annual tax receipt will

be consolidated and sent at the be-

ginning of the next calendar year.

Please join our doctors, manage-

ment, staff, volunteers, and other

“Home with a Heart” Club members.

By donating through our

“Home with a Heart” monthly giving

program you are making a thought-

ful and lasting investment in seniors

care and the Ukrainian Canadian

Care Centre.

This program allows you

to donate on a monthly basis and

shows your continuous dedication

towards eniors care.

Join the “Home with a Heart”

Club by making your monthly dona-

tion online! Or call the Development

Office at 647-725-0843.

Page 7: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Publicly Traded Stocks and

Mutual Funds Donating stocks, bonds and

mutual funds is the most tax-effec-

tive way to make a donation. You

can give a gift of publicly traded

securities to the Ukrainian Cana-

dian Care Centre and be taxed on

only half of the gain. When trans-

ferring listed securities or mutual

funds always ensure the securities

are transferred directly to the Ukrai-

nian Canadian Care Centre. If you

sell the securities or redeem mutual

funds, and then donate the cash to

the Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre,

there is no tax benefit to you as you

will be taxed on the cash received by

the Care Centre.

Life Insurance Policies

Giving with life insurance is

a creative way to donate to the Care

Center while allowing you to make

a significant gift that you might not

otherwise be able to give. There are

several ways to make a gift of Life In-

surance to the Care Centre:

• By naming the Ukrainian Cana-

dian Care Centre the owner and

beneficiary of your existing or

new policy, you will receive an

immediate tax receipt for the

cash surrender value. The Care

Center can either cash in the pol-

icy, or hold the policy until the

full value is paid out.

• A life insurance policy is pur-

chased. After one premium

payment has been made, the

Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre

is named as the owner and ben-

eficiary. You continue to pay the

premiums and receive a charita-

ble tax receipt for the premium

payments. This designation can-

not be changed.

• It may be to your advantage to

name your estate the beneficiary

of your life insurance policy, and

then make a same dollar amount

bequest in your will to the Ukrai-

nian Canadian Care Centre. You

will not receive a tax receipt for

any of the premiums paid during

your life. However, your estate

will be eligible to claim a dona-

tion for the full amount of the

insurance proceeds.

Seek Expert Advice: A life insurance representative should review in detail what would best fit your need. Before considering a gift of life insurance, you should already have satisfied any need for life insurance for the protection of your family.

Baby Point Lounge, Bloor Meat Markets, Bruno’s Fine Foods on Kingsway Mills Plaza, COBS Bloor West Village,

Daniel’s Chocolate on Kingsway Mills Plaza, Eddie’s Meat & Deli Market, Edward Szpular, Euro Deli on Runny-

mede and Bloor, EFX Salon and Spa Services at Wincott Drive, Fresh Co. on Dundas Street West, Flower Fantasy,

Fruitful Juice, Future Bakery, Golden Lion, Jo & John’s Meat Produce & Deli Ltd., Kingsway Meat Products and

Delicatessen LTD, Koota Ooma, Loblaws on Dundas Street West, Longos at Rathburn Road East Mississauga,

Medical Mart, Metro at Royal York Road, Mom’s Computer, Natalie’s Kitchen, Second Cup, Starbucks, Starsky,

Supreme Pierogies, Subway at La Rose Plaza, Swiss Chalet at Royal York and Bloor, Yellow Cup Café

Thank you to our SponsorsThe special events held in 2014 have been supported by:

Page 8: Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre - WINTER 2014 Scotiabank ... · Divine Child, Christ the Lord. The holy apostle Paul calls the Nativity of Christ “a great mystery of godliness, God

Please Remember the Care Centre with a Gift in Your Will

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Contributors: Anna Denkova, Anna Do, Marta Krywonis Layout: Anna Do

For more information, please contact the Development Office at 647-725-0843

The Central Community Access Centre (CCAC) coordinates and controls admissions to the Care Centre. To be considered for admission, you or a family member on your behalf, must complete a Placement Application Form which is available from the CCAC. The CCAC will provide a case manager to complete an assessment and facilitate the placement process. Once a bed becomes available, you will be con-tacted by the CCAC with an offer of admission. This offer must be accepteed within 24 hours and if accepted, ad-mission to the Care Centre must occur within five days. For further information, contact the CCAC at 905-763-

9928 or 1(888) 470-2222 or email [email protected].

Application to st. demetrius residence

St. Demetrius Residence accepts applications from seniors who are over 65 years of age, are Canadian residents and able to take care of themselves and their apartments. The Residence offers market value rental units and rent-geared to income (subsidized housing) units. You may be eligible for a subsidy based on family income and assets owned. For more information, please contact St. De-metrius Residence Office at (416) 243-9051 or by email [email protected].

Supportive Care Services The Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) provides funding for a program called Supportive Care Services. Through this program Personal Support Workers provide services to qualified tenants in St. De-metrius Residence to support them to live independently in the community for as long as possible. Tenants who would like more information, please contact (416) 246-7979.

Admission to the Ukrainian Canadian Care CentreThe Care Centre is honoured to receive donations from

families and friends made in tribute to the following individuals:


In Memory OfEugenia Baryckyj

Pearl Blahut

Maria Bojeczko

Victor Borsa

Steve Boyko

Veronica Dyback

Steve R. Edward

Maria Janiszewski

Walter & Estelle Jerome

Olga Korol

Helen Kulchisky

Parania Lazor

Harry Miller

Michael Mychailyshyn

Rosalia Nestorowsky

Bohdan Olenchuk

Bohdan Pasichnyk

Victor Pawlenko

Michael Rebryk

Teodor Sharko

Olga Shelegey

Mary Silkalns

Lilia Sokhetskaia

Mary Sorotschinsky

Isabel Swerbywus

Petro Worobec

Ostap Wynnyckyj

In Honour OfMary Pidkowych

From July 25, 2014 –

December 3, 2014

The Board of Directors, Management, Physicians, Staff, Residents and

Volunteers wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Рада Директорів, керівництво, лікарі, працівники, мешканці та добровольці

бажають всім вам Веселих Свят і Щасливого Нового Року!

Charitable Reg. No. 12407/6555/RR0001