Tutorial Flashing Hp China Tanpa Box Flasher

download Tutorial Flashing Hp China Tanpa Box Flasher

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Transcript of Tutorial Flashing Hp China Tanpa Box Flasher

TUTORIAL FLASHING HP CHINA TANPA BOX FLASHERBagi teknisi hp, ini tentu menjadi satu peluang bisnis servis untuk memperbaiki kerusakan hp cina tersebut. Teknisi umumnya memakai Box Flasher yang saat ini banyak beredar di pasaran antara lain Spiderman, MCN, Infinity, Avator Volcano,dll.Akan tetapi bagi teknisi hp yang berkantong tipis seperti saya he he he bisa menggunakan cara ini.Langsung saja kita ke Tkp :

Berikut ini contoh tampilan FlashTool versi 5.1144.00.00:

Flashing hp china tanpa box,support untuk jenis mtk bahkan yang terbaru sekalipun. baik ponsel Nexian, Mito, Cross, htc, Venera, Nokia China, jika memakai ic MTK dan sudah diketahui tombol bootnya maka bisa memakai tool ini.

Langkah yang pertama yang bisa di lakukan adalah :

1.Klik Download Agent: isi dengan file MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin2. Klik Scatter/Config File: isi sesuai dengan File Firmware hp cina yang ingin di flashing, biasanya filenya berbentuk Scattxt3. Klik Options Pilih Baudrate: 9216004. klik USB Download/Readback.5.Klik Format (FAT), pilih Do Not Format FAT: Jika anda tidak ingin memformat, pilih Format FAT: jika ingin memformat.6. Klik tombol Format: Jika anda ingin memformat7. Klik tombol Download untuk memulai proses Flashing.8.Setelah hp (terpasang battery) dikoneksikan ke kabel download maka tekan tombol power hp, agar proses flashing bisa dimulai.9.Jika anda menggunakan kabel USB maka anda harus mengetahui tombol booting hpnya misal: tombol menu atau navigasi atas/kiri (tombol ini berbeda-beda di tiap merk hp)10. Tekan tombol booting tersebut sebelum hp dikoneksikan ke kabel USB yang sudah tersambung ke komputer/laptop anda. Jika tombol booting yang anda tekan benar maka proses flashing otomatis dimulai saat hp dikoneksikan ke kabel USB.11. Lepas hp dari kabel usb/download. Sebaiknya lepaskan battery sebentar dan pasang kembali untuk test menghidupkan hp kembali. Jika hp rusak karena software maka seharusnya hp anda sudah normal.Adapun alat-alat yang di gunakan adalah :1.kabel usb2.Flashtool Mtk v5.1140.00.00bisa downloaddi sini3.Driver bisa di downloaddisini4.Tombol boot hp yang akan di flash bisa di downloaddisini

Demikian penjelasan seputar flashing untuk hp cina yang menggunakan IC CPU MTK/Mediatek dengan usb.Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil dan sukses.amien.he he he..

Daftar tombol boot :1. mito 277 mtk6252 , tombol boot bintang readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002. mito 355 mtk6252, tombol boot ijo readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000003. mito 318 mtk6252, tombol boot pojok kanan atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000004. mito 611 mtk6253 , tombol boot pojok kanan atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000005. mito 833 touch mtk 6253 , tombol boot pojok kanan bawah atau tombol matikan panggilan readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000006. mito 866 mtk6235b nand flash , tombol boot pojok kanan atas diatas tombol game readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000007. mito 380 mtk6252 , tombol boot del atau enter8. mito 588 mtk 6252 boot tombol pojok kanan atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000009. MITO 699 MTK6252 BOOT TOMBOL KEMBALI readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000010.MITO 8900TV MTK6235b boot tombol volume bawah NFB readback 0x00000000 length 0x0800000011.MITO 305 MTK6253 BOOT TOMBOL CALL1 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0100000012.mito 670 tombol boot tengah13.mito 311 mtk6253 boot tombol kembali/sebelah kiri tombol merah/on off readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0100000014.mito 9700 game mtk6235b boot colok usb saja[gak tekan apa2] nand flash readback start address hex 0x00000000 length 0x0800000015.mito 255 mtk6252 tombol boot bintang atau pagar readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000016.mito 388 mtk6252 tombol boot bintang atau pagar readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000017.mito 312 mtk6252, tombol boot pojok kanan atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000018.MITO 322 MT6252 boot key tombol "play/pause" read back 0x008000019.mito 899 colok usb saja20.mito new 188 tombol boot arah panah bawah.21.mito 670 touch mtk6235 colok usb saja readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0800000022.mito 336 mtk6252 boot tombol bintang,pagar,0,pojok kanan atas,tombol navigasi tengah readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000023.mito 808 nand flash mtk6236 boot tombol tengah (panah)24.mito 877 mtk6236 boot colok usb saja1.nexian g912 mtk 6225 boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x020000002.nexian g922 mtk 6225 boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x020000003.nexiAn tap 868 tekan tombol call,masukin usb.4.nexian g801 xl,MTK 6235,boot mode tekan space5.nexian g923 mtk6225 boot tombol Q6.nexian touch G311 MTK6252 tombol boot tengah readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000007.nexian g821 mtk6235 nand flash, boot tombol 'space' readback start address hex 0x00000000 length 0x040000008.nexian nex g777 boot tombol Q9.nexian G869 boot tombol menu10.nexian g911 mtk6225 boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0200000011.nexian g722 mtk6225. boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0200000012.nexian g522 mtk 6225 boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0100000013.nexian g238 mtk 6252 tombol boot * readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000014.nexian nx- G965 MT 6236 boot layar touchscreen15.Nexian G262 tombol boot navigasi / panah ke atas.. >>> yg dari SINI16.nexian G965 MTK6236 NAND FLASH , NFB,TOMOL BOOT MENU readback start address hex 0x00000000 length 0x0800000017.nexian g900 mtk6225 boot tombol q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0200000018. nexian G798 MT6235B nfb tombol boot spasi readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0400000019.NEXIAN G501 MTK6225 BOOT TOMBOL Q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0100000020.NEXIAN T-901 tombol bootnya angka 321.nexian g315 mtk6252 tombol boot sebelah kiri readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000022.Nexian Thunder W755 Boot mode : Tombol Q23.nexian g233 tombol boot SPACE24.Nexian g311t boot tombol call25.nexian 315 mtk 6252 tombol boot kiri (call)1.CROSS CB83CT MTK6253 BOOT TOMBOL CALL BERDIRI readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000002.CROSS CB83AT MTK6253 BOOT TOMBOL HIJAU DIATAS TOMBOL 1 2 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000003.cross CB83DT boot tombol kiri gulir4.Cross p1 mtk 6252,,succes format, bootloader tombol panah atas5.cross cb85t mtk6253 tombol boot call/hijau readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000006.Cross CB83ET tombol boot pojok kiri atas7.Cross P1Q tombol boot pojok kanan atas/tombol kembali8.Cross P5T tombol boot pagar9.Cross G902T tombol boot navigasi10.Cross M2Q tombol boot pojok kiri atas11.Cross GG95DT tombol boot pojok kanan atas12.Cross P2 MT6252 boot tombol call 1 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0080000013.cross CB86T BOOT TOMBOL CALL 114.Cross G1q mtk 6253,tombol boot call 2 ( ijo yg ada titik 2 ) readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x0100000015.CROSS E5T boot tombol navigasi kiri16.Cross PD3 6252 tombol boot tengah17.CROSS E3T Boot tombol navigasi tengah arah atas, read adressNOR Flash:, Device ID = "[SPANSION] S29VS128R_T" (187), Size = 0x01000000 (16MB/128Mb)18.Cross CB80T 6252 tombol boot menu pojok kiri atas (tombol menu19.CROSS PD3 MT5252A tombol boot HOME (tombol tengah) readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.Nokia X8-00 MTK6253, boot mode volume bawah2.nokia n900 china mtk 6225 boot tekan tombol enter3.nokia n9 china tombol boot volume atas1.ht a15 mtk6252 , tombol boot bintang readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.ht g33 mtk6235b nand flash boot tombol bintang/q readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x040000003.ht mobile a25 mtk6253 tombol boot pojok kanan atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000004.ht g61,,tombol boot w1.gvon 111 mtk6252 boot tombol kanan atas2.gvoon330 mtk6252 dan untuk boot nya tekan call 1 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000003.gvon 890 chip NFB MTK 6235b tombol boot MENU readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000004.gvoon 677 tombol boot kembali1.MOVI B6 MTK6252 tombol boot BINTANG readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.MOVI T2 TOUCH MTK6236 BOOT TOMBOL TUNGGAL NFB readback 0x00000000 length 0x080000001.imo 9300 mtk6235 nand boot tombol volume bawah read back start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000002.imo w8000 tapi lupa type mtk berapa, type ic nfb boot tombol tengah readback 0x00000000 length 0x080000001.D-ONE DG628 chip nfb MT6235b,bootloader tombol "Q"2.D-ONE DG 758 boot = Q1.beyond b111 mtk 6252 boot tombol pojok kanan atas, atau tombol music readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.Beyond B71 tombol volume samping bawah1.visio v999 (touchscreen) tombol buat boot nya yang tengah1.SPC jazzone .. mtk 6253 tombol hijau2.SPC BOSS-3000 tombol boot volume ke bawah1.pixcom model pg20 mtk6253 boot tombol pojok kanan atas2.picxcom touch pg10 mtk6252 tombol boot hijau1.taxco m8 mtk6252 boot tombol pojok kiri atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x004000001.titan tv,boot tombol tv sm kembali readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000002.titan t778 mtk6235b tombol boot volume bawah readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000001.xp s.e.x.y. flash and readback tekan tombol dial buat boot nya1.3DPHONE touch MODEL E-1 MTK6253 tombol boot tengah readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000001.maxtron MG-276 Touch,,boot loader tekan tombol volume +2.Maxtron MG-238 tombol boot enter3.Maxtron MG-265 bootloader tombol pangil sim 14.maxtron mg-287 maxtron biasanya kombinasi 2 tombol gan, * + # atau back + navigasi1.lexus L68 mt6235 tombol boot a readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000001.asiafone AF-801 boot tombol kanan atas(diatas tombol power)readback 0x00000000 length 0x010000001.E-TOUCH D190 boot tombol menu read back start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.Sky 303, tombol boot Q atau #1.blackjelly.bj368. mtk6253 boot tombol panggilan read back start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000001.GTMOBILE GT-1 MTK6252 BOOT TOMBOL CALL2 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x004000001.maxis mx700 mtk6252 boot tombol panggilan 1(hijau 1)readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.maxis touchscreen..type mx-9000 boot mode tombol tengah/ok readback start address 0x00400000 length 0x008000001.Xcom cx80mg tombol boot pojok kiri atas1.KTOUCH H900 MTK6268B BOOT TOMBOL CALL 1 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x080000002.K-TOUCH Q981 BOOT tombol satu1.(vitell V519)thoucscren tombol bootnya tombol bawah(pas bwh tombol menu)2.Vitell V711, tombol boot angka "1"1.micxon mx12 touch mtk6252 boot tombol volume (+) readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.VENERA ego 307 mtk6252 boot tombol navigasi atas readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.venera 215 mtk6252 tombol boot ,panggil 1,panggil 2, navigasi tengah,navigasi bawah, diatas tombol fm,pojok kanan atas,tombol pause readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000003.venera 508 mtk 6252 tombol boot nvigasi kiri readback start address 0x00000000 lengt 0x008000004.venera aktiv C170 tombol angka 0 (nol)5.venera 803, tombol boot kiri atas/kanan atas/call/kanan6.venera 603, tombol boot sbelah tombol call/tombol tengah1. Skycall SC21 MTK 6253 NOR 16MB/128Mb boot Tombol Call readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x010000001.GSTAR C168 MTK6252 boot Tombol Call2 readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000002.GSTAR P81 TOUCH MTK6252 BOOT TOMBOL NAVIGASI ATAS,BAWAH,KANAN,FM,HOME,KEMBALI readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.SunBery S88 MTK 6252 NOR Boot Bintang+Power tahan 5 detik readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001)DGtel 212 mtk 6252,tombol boot camera readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.asiafone af801 tombol boot diatas tombol merah1.virtuv v79 mtk6252 boot tombol bintang readback start address 0x00000000 length 0x008000001.LSTAR LS-18 tombol boot pojok kanan atas atau tombol kembali1.comport c311 mtk 6253 tombol boot di atas tombol tv2.COMPORT TOUCH C911 MTK 6252 TOMBOL BOOT TENGAH/PANAH KEMBALI1.MBCOMM TOUCH 99TS MTK6235B NFB TOMBOL BOOT TENGAH NAND Flash:Device ID = "[HYNIX] H8BCS0PG0MBP" (85)Size = 0x08000000 (128MB/1024Mb)1.Blackberry china 8520 tombol boot # (pagar) NAND flash, address leght 0x080000001.green mobile 688, tombol boot kanan+1+5+9update tambahan tombol boot 31/03/2014 :Tombol Boot Asiafone AF123 Mtk 6252 : Soft Key Sebelah KiriTombol Boot Asiafone AF7000 Spreadtrum : CallTombol Boot Asiafone AF7997 Spreadtrum SC6530 : CallTombol Boot Asiafone AF919 Mstar : Home / Tengah

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