TUGAS SPA 5_16 Sefetember 2010_Pengajuan Judul97-2003

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    NIM : H1B106019

    1. Judul :

    Manga(Komik) Center di Banjarmasin

    2. Nama Dosen Pembimbing :

    a) Indah Mutia ST, MUDb) Anna Oktaviana ST, MT


    3. Alasan pemilihan judul :

    Manga adalah sebutan untuk komik dalam bahasa Jepang. Seperti yang

    kita ketahui, komik banyak diminati dari kalangan anak-anak hingga remaja.

    Baik bertemakan horror hingga komedi.

    Mungkin di kota besar seperti Banjarmasin, komik hanya bisa

    diperjualbelikan atau disewakan di rental-rental buku.

    Namun dengan adanya Manga Center, maka para peminat tidak hanya

    sekedar membeli, membaca namun juga belajar bagaimana menciptakan

    komik. Di Manga Center juga tidak hanya memperjualbelikan komik namun

    juga memperjualbelikan barang-barang yang berhubungan dengan komik-

    komik tersebut. Bahkan kini di Jepang terdapat sebuah Museum Internasional

    Manga dan fakultas khusus untuk jurusan manga di sebuah univesitas di


    Minat para pembaca komik tidak hanya sampai disitu. Akhir-akhir ini

    para remaja mengadakan event yang bertemakan manga. Yaitu Cosplay.

    Sebuah event yang berasal dari Jepang, dimana para peserta yang mengikuti

    event tersebut menggunakan kostum yang sama persis dengan tokoh yang

    ada di komik.

    4. Tema :

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    Manga Center adalah sebuah tempat untuk memfasilitasi aktivitas

    pembelajaran, aktivitas ekonomi/jualbeli juga hiburan. Oleh karena itu, tema

    yang akan saya ambil adalah tema: Education and Entertainment.

    5. Studi banding / referensi :

    a. Mengenai judul (Manga Center di Banjarmasin) :

    About Manga (sumber: www.wkipedia.com)

    Manga ( ) (baca: man-ga, atau ma-ng-ga) merupakan

    kata komik dalam bahasa Jepang; di luar Jepang, kata tersebut

    digunakan khusus untuk membicarakan tentang komik Jepang.

    Mangaka ( ) (baca: man-ga-ka, atau ma-ng-ga-ka) adalah

    orang yang menggambar manga.

    Manga di JepangMajalah-majalah manga di Jepang biasanya terdiri dari

    beberapa judul komik yang masing-masing mengisi sekitar

    30-40 halaman majalah itu (satu chapter/bab). Majalah-

    majalah tersebut sendiri biasanya mempunyai tebal

    berkisar antara 200 hingga 850 halaman. Sebuah judul

    manga yang sukses dapat terbit hingga bertahun-tahun

    seperti " / Jojo no Kimy na Bken / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure / Misi Rahasia". Umumnya,

    judul-judul yang sukses dapat diangkat untuk dijadikandalam bentuk animasi (atau sekarang lebih dikenal dengan

    istilah ANIME) contohnya adalah seperti Naruto, Bleach dan

    One Piece.

    Beberapa manga cerita aslinya bisa diangkat

    berdasarkan dari novel / visual novel, contohnya adalah

    "Basilisk" (tidak beredar di Indonesia) berdasarkan dari

    novel " , Kga Ninpch" oleh Futaro Yamada,

    yang menceritakan pertarungan antara klan ninja

    Tsubagakure Iga dan klan ninja Manjidani Koga. Ada juga

    yang mengangkat dari segi sejarah, seperti sejarah Tiga

    Kerajaan (The Three Kingdom) seperti Legenda Naga

    (Ryuuroden) dan sejarah-sejarah Jepang, kadang ada yang

    memakai nama yang benar benar ada, ada juga yang

    memakai tokoh fiktif

    Setelah beberapa lama, cerita-cerita dari majalah itu

    akan dikumpulkan dan dicetak dalam bentuk buku

    berukuran biasa, yang disebut tankbon (atau kadangdikenal sebagai istilah volume). Komik dalam bentuk ini

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    biasanya dicetak di atas kertas berkualitas tinggi dan

    berguna buat orang-orang yang tidak atau malas membeli

    majalah-majalah manga yang terbit mingguan yang

    memiliki beragam campuran cerita/judul. Dari bentuk

    tankbon inilah manga biasanya diterjemahkan ke dalambahasa-bahasa lain di negara-negara lain seperti Indonesia.

    Untuk beberapa judul (yang sukses) bahkan telah/akan

    dibuat versi manusia (Live Action, atau kadang disingkat

    sebagai L.A. di jepang), beberapa judul yang telah diangkat

    menjadi Live Action adalah Death Note, Detektif Conan,

    GeGeGe no Kintaro, Cutie Honie, Casshern, DevilMan,

    Saigake!! Otokojuku dan lain lain

    Lebih lanjut sebagian judul juga akan dibuat remakekembali secara internasional oleh produsen di luar negara

    Jepang, seperti Amerika, yang membuat film Live Action

    Dragon Ball versi Hollywood (20'th Century Fox), dan

    kabarnya juga akan dibuat versi live action dari Death Note

    oleh pihak produser barat.

    Berdasarkan jenis pembaca

    Manga yang khusus ditujukan untuk anak-anak disebutkodomo () untuk anak-anak.Manga yang khusus ditujukan untuk (Wanita) dewasadisebutjosei () (atau redikomi) wanita.Manga yang khusus ditujukan untuk dewasa disebutseinen () pria.Manga yang khusus ditujukan untuk perempuan disebutshjo () remaja perempuan.Manga yang khusus ditujukan untuk laki-laki disebutshnen () remaja lelaki.

    Dua penerbit manga terbesar di Jepang adalahShogakukan () dan Shueisha ().

    Gaya penggambaran

    Rata-rata mangaka di Jepang menggunakan gaya/stylesederhana dalam menggambar manga. Tetapi, gambarlatar belakangnya hampir semua manga digambarserealistis mungkin, biarpun gambar karakternya benar-benar sederhana. Para mangaka menggambar sederhanakhususnya pada bagian muka, dengan ciri khas mata besar,

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    mulut kecil dan hidung sejumput. Ada juga gayamenggambar Lolicon maupun Shotacon.

    Tidak semua manga digambarkan dengan sederhana.Beberapa mangaka menggunakan style yang realistis,

    walaupun dalam beberapa elemen masih bisadikategorikan manga. Seperti contohnya Vagabond, karya Takehiko Inoue yang menonjolkan penggunaan arsir,proporsi seimbang dan setting yang realistis.[rujukan?] Tetap,Vagabond dikategorikan manga karena gayapenggambaran mata, serta beberapa bagian yang simpel.Manga juga biasa digambar dalam monochrome dangradasinya yang biasa disebut tone.

    Untuk komik jangka panjang atau yang memiliki ratusanvolume, umumnya seiring dengan perkembangan waktu,para mangaka akan mengalami perubahan goresan yangcukup signifikan. Contoh yang umum di Indonesia mungkinkaraya Hojo Tsukasa yang dari Cat Eyes berubah menjadiseperti dalam City Hunter. Atau karya lain Ah ! My Goddessyang dimulai sejak 1988 dan sampai sekarang masih terusberjalan. One Piece and Naruto pun cukup berubah biladibandingkan pada goresan volume volume awal.


    Doujinshi adalah sebutan bagi manga yang dibuat olehfans manga tersebut yang memiliki alur cerita atau endingyang berbeda dari manga aslinya. Para fans ini biasamendistribusikannya dari tangan ke tangan, dijual secaraindie di toko doujinshi, atau mengikuti konvensi akbardoujinshi yang biasa disebut Comiket. Disini dijual ribuan judul doujinshi tiap tahunnya. Pengunjungnya bisamencapai 400.000 orang.

    Doujinshi sendiri kadang menjadi batu loncatanseseorang/kelompok untuk menjadi mangaka. KenAkamatsu (Love Hina, Negima) juga sering membuat dojinkaryanya sendiri. Manga yang bertema hentai biasanyaadalah dojin dari manga tertentu yang sudah terkenal.Biasanya karakter manga tersebut memang didesain untukjadi "sasaran" para dojin-ka (sebutan bagi para pembuatdojin, sama seperi manga-ka).

    Manga di Indonesia


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    Dua penerbit manga terbesar di Indonesia adalah ElexMedia Komputindo dan m&c Comics yang merupakanbagian dari kelompok Gramedia. Sekitar tahun 2005,kelompok Gramedia juga telah menghadirkan LevelComics, yang lebih terfokus pada penerbitan manga-

    manga bergenre Seinen (dewasa).

    Tedapat beberapa penerbit ilegal di Indonesia, namuntampaknya peredarannya hanya sebatas di wilayah kotakota besar, karena untuk beberapa daerah tidak ditemukankomik-komik jenis ini. Perbedaan yang mencolok daripenerbit ilegal ini, mereka tampak lebih terbuka terhadapsensor dibandingkan dengan manga terbitan Elex yangjauh lebih ketat dalam hal sensor.

    Format baca dan Kejanggalan

    Aslinya bahasa Jepang biasanya ditulis dari kanan kekiri, sehingga penggambaran manga dan ditulis dengansistem seperti ini di Jepang, yang umum disebut sebagaiistilahnya "raw" (mentah). Hal ini berbeda dengankebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia yang biasa membaca darikiri (atau sebagai patokan cover depan ada di bagian kiri)ke kanan. Sebelum tahun 2000-an, menyikapi masalahperbedaan budaya ini, ketika diterjemahkan ke dalambahasa Indonesia gambar dan halamannya umumnya di-

    flip sehingga dapat dibaca dari kiri ke kanan. Hal inimenyebabkan sering terlihat tokoh tokoh dalam komikterlihat kidal (penggunaan tangan kiri yang dominan) dansedikit aneh

    Untuk beberapa manga yang tidak mempermasalahkankeadaan terbalik ini, hal semacam ini tidak terlaludipermasalahkan, namun kerancuan menjadi sangat

    mengganggu dalam terjemahan manga genre detektifseperti Detektif Conan, Q.E.D atau Detektif Kindaichi yangsering memberikan informasi/petunjuk yang sangatmenyesatkan pembaca karena pada bagian cerita di babdepan tidak sesuai dengan hasil deduksi/kesimpulan daritokoh utama maupun fakta yang tergambar dalam cerita.Bahkan dalam suatu buku cerita, kadangkala hanya satupanel yang dibalik (pada bagian deduksi) yang semakinmemperparah inti cerita. (lihat gambar di samping)

    Manga pertama yang mepertahankan format sepertiformat Jepang asli (raw) adalah Rurouni Kenshin. Selain itu,

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    beberapa penulis komik seperti Takehiko Inoue yangmenciptakan komik Slam Dunk tidak setuju karya merekadiubah begitu saja dan minta agar karya mereka dibiarkandalam format aslinya (raw). Kini, manga-manga yang terbitdi Indonesia biasanya sudah diterbitkan dalam format

    aslinya, terutama untuk pernerbit terbitan "LEVEL COMICS"semuannya sudah mengikuti format asli RAW Jepang,kecuali untuk beberapa judul dari penerbit "Elex MediaKomputindo" yang sebagian ada yang telah mulaiditerbitkan sebelum tahun 2000-an.

    Kyoto Manga International Museum (sumber:http://www.ginkgraph.net/)

    Kyoto is the mecca of cartoon? All manga

    fans must go to the great manga museum!:

    Kyoto International Manga Museum

    (c) Tezuka Production. The

    large wooden statue of

    Phoenix was made by sculptorof Buddha statues in Kyoto.

    Many people enjoy a huge number of comics freely, and see

    autographs and original drawings of famous cartoon artists in

    the museum. It must be a heaven for all manga fans, isnt it?

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    ThereThere are many autographs of famous comic artists in the museum


    Kyoto International Manga Museum was established 3 years

    ago. Since then, it has played an important role in the research

    of manga. Kyoto city and Kyoto Seika university, which is the

    leading authority of manga research, run the museum

    together. Hundreds of people visit the museum everyday.

    Wall of Manga.

    Rows of tall bookshelves of comics line the building which is a

    renovated elementary school. These bookshelves are called

    the Wall of Manga. Visitors can read 50,000 comics freely.

    Once you enter the first basement, you will feel overwhelmed

    by a large stock room. Many important comics and magazines

    are archived in it. A small exhibition which shows the history of

    manga is at the side of the room. It starts with Hokusai Manga,

    you will learn all about the history of manga. A day is not

    enough to enjoy this great museum.

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    The museum collects 300,000 items for manga research.The collection contains comics from countries outside of Japan. Some Kyoto Seika university researchers work inthe museum. They study energetically with otheragencies in the world, visitors can see their researchachievements in exhibitions. They have severalexhibitions everyday. You can check them on themuseum website.


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    only enjoy comics, but learn a lot about manga andcartoon culture. It is certainly a bastion of manga. Thespokesperson, Ms.NAKAMURA said Japanese manga havevarious themes, so all generations can enjoy them. Somevisitors enjoy the museum with family. You can enjoy the

    various aspects of manga. Please learn about manga andculture in your own way.

    Japan's manga culture is famous around the world.Kyoto Seika University's pioneering Faculty ofManga systematically teaches its essence. (Sumber :[email protected])

    Our Faculty of Manga opened in April 2006, based on theformer Faculty of Art's departments of Cartoon Art, andComic Art (Story Manga) . New courses were added inManga Production, and Animation. KSU has alsoestablished a world-class Manga research center, theKyoto International Manga Museum (see below).

    Japanese manga and anime have become firmlyestablished as dynamic new art forms, and are the focusof attention from all around the world. Despite their greatpopularity, until recently there was hardly anyopportunity to study these popular media on a systematicbasis.

    Kyoto Seika University, which pioneered Japan's firstuniversity Manga program, continues to lead all otherinstitutions in Japan with its full-scale Faculty of Manga.

    This development realizes the ultimate in systematic andcomprehensive study of this exciting field, fostering

    Kyoto InternationalManga Museum

    mailto:[email protected]://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/cartoon.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/comic.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/mangaproduction.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/animation.htmmailto:[email protected]://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/cartoon.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/comic.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/mangaproduction.htmhttp://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/3_manga/animation.htm
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    young artists and producers capable of originalexpression and creativity, and promoting the furtherdevelopment of manga culture in the world.

    Graduation exhibitions: Online catalogs 1998-2008 (click

    through to individual images of work by every graduatingstudent in each department...)

    Statistics, Faculty of Manga (May 2009):Total undergraduate enrollment: 852(M: 284; F: 568)Overseas undergraduate students: 57

    Undergraduate StudentsDetails ofundergraduate (B.A.) courses are available onourJapanese website. (In Japanese please note that allKSU classes are taught in Japanese, and the applicationprocess is also all in Japanese).

    Graduate StudentsMaster's level (and in some cases, Ph.D level) coursesmay be available through our Graduate School of Art. A

    high level of Japanese language ability (speaking,reading, writing) is required.

    Research Students

    The Faculty of Art accepts a certain number ofkenkyusei

    (Research Students) every semester (according to

    availability of space), providing opportunities for

    graduates to work at KSU on semi-independent study


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    Exchange StudentsExchange students are welcomed from universities withwhich Kyoto Seika University has official reciprocalagreements (listed in the order in which these links wereestablished). Please note however that Animation and

    Manga Production are new departments, and are not yetready to accept exchange students:

    ANU School of Art, National Institute of theArts,Canberra, Australia School of Art & Design, University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, USA Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles USA Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), ProvidenceUSAGlasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK Hong Ik University, Korea The Arts Academy, Turku University of AppliedArts, Finland Cooper Union, New York, USA California College of the Arts, San Francisco, USA Alto University School of Art & Design, Helsinki,Finland Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU), Utrecht, theNetherlands

    Gerrit Rietveld Academie (GRA), Amsterdam, theNetherlands Kassel School of Arts & Design, Kassel, Germany Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, UK L'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantiqu e, France L'Ecole Speciale d'Architecture, Paris, France Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture. ParisMalaquais, Paris, France

    In collaboration with Kyoto City, KSU has established theKyoto International Manga Museum, the world's largestmanga collection, in a converted school building indowntown Kyoto, as a museum, library, and researchfacility.

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    b. Mengenai tema(Education dan Entertainment) :

    Art education (Sumber : www.wkipedia.com)

    Art education is the area of learning that is based uponthe visual, tangible artsdrawing, painting, sculpture,and design injewelry, pottery, weaving, fabrics, etc. and

    design applied to more practical fields such ascommercial graphics and home furnishings. Latest trendsalso include photography, video, film, design, computerart, etc.

    Historically art was taught in Europe via the atelierMethod system where artists' took on apprentices wholearned their trade in much the same way as any guildsuch as the Masons (stonemasons or goldsmiths etc.).The first art schools were established in 400 BC Greece asmentioned by Plato. During the Renaissance formal

    training took place in art studios. Historically, design hashad some precedence over the fine arts with schools ofdesign being established all over Europe in the 18thcentury. Education in art takes place across the life-span.Children, youth, and adults learn about art in communitybased institutions and organizations such as museums,local arts agencies, recreation centers, places of worship,social service agencies, and prisons among many otherpossible venues.

    Within art schools "visual arts education" encompasses allthe visual and performing arts delivered in a standards-based, sequential approach by a qualified instructor aspart of the core curriculum. Its core is the study ofinseparable artistic and aesthetic experience and learning


    There are thousands of arts education curricular modelsor models for arts or arts-based professional developmentfor teachers that schools and community organizations

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    use. Some assert that the core discipline of Western arteducation is the practice of drawing, a model which hasexisted since the Renaissance. This is an empiricalactivity which involves seeing, interpreting anddiscovering appropriate marks to reproduce an observed

    phenomena. It can be asserted that other art activitiesinvolve imaginative interpretation.[citation needed] Others wouldassert though, that issue based approaches, such as avisual culture approach to art education, define K-12 artlearning today.

    Prominent models include:

    A sixfold model divided into "Creative-Productive, Cultural-Historical and Critical-Responsive components in Canada Discipline Based Art Education (DBAE) came to favor in theUnited States during the 1980s and 1990s, and it focused onspecific skills including techniques, art criticism and art history. Current literature in the United states has shifted away fromDBAE but many classrooms still use this model. Others haveshifted to visual culture and diversity models.Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) is a theory that began inthe 1970s in the United States. TAB suggests that students

    should be the artists and so guided on their own individualartistic interests through technique lessons and critiques, whilebeing exposed to art history as it relates to their own work. In the UK the art curriculum is prescribed by thegovernment's National Curriculum except in public or feepaying schools.

    In most systems, criticism is understood to be criteria-based-analysis established on acknowledged elements ofcomposition and principles of design which often vary intheir verbal articulation, between the different art

    discipline forms (applied, fine, performing, & etc.) andtheir many schools. Other art educational systems includethe study of Aesthetics, ontology, semantics, studio praxis(empirical investigation) and phenomenology. There is noset art education curriculum content - it is a process ofcontinual often acrimonious cultural negotiation.

    Some studies show that strong art education programshave demonstrated increased student performance inother academic areas, due to art activities' exercisingtheir brains' right hemispheres and delateralizing their

    thinking. Also see Betty Edwards' Drawing on the RightSide of the Brain. Support for art education, however,

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    varies greatly between communities and between schoolsin various cultures.

    Art education is not limited to formal educationalinstitutions. Some professional artists specialize in private

    or semi-private instruction in their own studios. One formof this teaching style is the Atelier Method as exemplifiedby Gustave Moreau who taught Picasso, Braque and manyother artists. Another is an artist apprenticeship in whichthe student learns from a professional artist whileassisting the artist with their work.

    United Kingdom

    Prince Albert was particularly influential in the creation of

    schools of Art in the UK. Prince Charles has created ThePrince's Drawing School in Hoxton to preserve theteaching of academic drawing.

    The Netherlands

    Art education in schools is in The Netherlands stronglyimproved by the founding of the Dutch Art TeachersAssociation in 1880 and their Magazine (in 1881). In theseventies of last century were national examinationscommon in almost all secondary schools. Over the yearsstruggles and problems, discussions about the right wayand fights for equal qualification supposedly coloured thehistory of art education in the Netherlands as in othercountries. The details however are of great interest forwho will compare these developments with those in hisown country. The painter Maarten Krabb (19082005)changed the whole approach towards children drawing

    and painting. With his books on how to educate childrenin their free expression (Hidden possibilities | VerborgenMogelijkheden (8 volumes | delen),uitbeeldingsmogelijkheden voor jonge handen (Sijthoff,Leiden 1961)) he changed the entire educationallandscape. He showed how to handle the very delicatetalents of children and how to treasure these.

    United States

    Main article: Art education in the United States

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    The study of art appreciation in America began with thePicture Study Movement in the late 19th century andbegan to fade at the end of the 1920s. Picture study wasan important part of the art education curriculum.Attention to the aesthetics in classrooms led to public

    interest in beautifying the school, home, and community,which was known as Art in Daily Living. The idea was tobring culture to the child to change the parents. Thepicture study movement died out at the end of the 1920sas a result of new ideas regarding learning artappreciation through studio work became more popular inthe United States.

    American educational philosopher and school reformerJohn Dewey was influential in broadening access to arteducation in the United States in the late 19th and early20th century.

    Since World War II, there has been an increasing in theacademic and intellectual focus of artist training throughcolleges and universities displacing quaintly bohemian,craft-intensive schools like the Art Students League ofNew York ( Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko) or BlackMountain College (Robert Rauschenberg) or the HansHofmann School of Art in Greenwich Village. By the 60's,Yale had emerged as the leading American art academy

    (Chuck Close, Brice Marden, Richard Serra, JenniferBartlett and Robert Mangold)

    Enrollment in art classes at the high school level peakedin the late 1960searly 1970s, but with No Child LeftBehind (NCLB) (which retains the arts as part of the "corecurriculum", but does not require reporting or assessmentdata on this area) there has been decline of artseducation in American public schools. The United StatesDepartment of Education now awards Arts in EducationModel Development and Dissemination grants to support

    organizations with art expertise in their development ofartistic curricula. After 2010, an estimate of 25% of thenation's public high schools will end all art programs.[citationneeded]

    National organizations promoting arts education includeAmericans for the Artsincluding Art. Ask For More., itsnational arts education public awareness campaign;Association for the Advancement of Arts Education; ArtsEducation Partnership ;

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    Professional organizations for art educators include theNational Art Education Association, which publishes thepractitioner's magazine Art Education and the researchjournal Studies in Art Education; USSEA (the United StatesSociety for Education through Art) and InSEA (the

    International Society for Education through Art).

    Current Trends in Theory andScholarship

    The domain of art education is broadening to include awider range of visual and popular culture. Current trendsin scholarship employ postmodern and visual cultureapproaches to art education, consider effects ofglobalismon the production and interpretation of images and focusrenewed interest on issues of creativity. Within the NAEA,research and publications are being geared toward issuesof learning, community, advocacy, research andknowledge.

    Art education programs at major research institutions thatare addressing these trends in the United States includeFlorida State University, Ohio State University, NorthernIllinois University, Pennsylvania State University, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington and the University of Illinois at


    ENTERTAINMENT (Sumber: www.wkipedia.com)


    Some people find animation to be entertaining. Similarly,some people find cartoons to be entertaining.[2]

    Cinema and theater

    Many people find cinema /or theatre and other liveperformance such as circus, plays, musicals, farces,monologues and pantomimes to be entertaining.


    Comedy provides laughter and amusement. The audienceis taken by surprise, by the parody or satire of an

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    unexpected effect or an opposite expectations of theircultural beliefs. Slapstick film, one-liner joke,observational humor are forms of comedy which havedeveloped since the early days of jesters and travelingminstrels.[3]


    Felix the Catcomic strip

    Comics contain text and drawings which convey anentertaining narrative.[4] Several famous comics revolvearound super heroes such as Superman and Batman.Marvel Comics and DC Comics are two publishers ofcomic books. Manga is theJapanese word for comic andprint cartoons.

    Caricature is a graphical entertainment. The purpose mayvary from merely putting smile on the viewers face, toraising social awareness, to highlighting the moral vices

    of a person being caricatured.

    Dance and music

    Many people find involvement in social dance to beentertaining. Some people listen to or watch musicalentertainment.


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    Games provide relaxation and diversion. Games may beplayed by one person for their own entertainment, or by agroup of people. Games may be played for achievementor money such as gambling or bingo. Racing, chess orcheckers may develop physical or mental prowess.Games may be geared for children, or may be played

    outdoors such as lawn bowling. Equipment may benecessary to play the game such as a deck of cards forcard games, or a board and markers for board gamessuch as Monopoly, or backgammon.[5] This can includeball games, Blind man's bluff, board games, card games,children's games, croquet, Frisbee, hide and seek,number games, paintball and video games.

    Other forms of entertainment

    Sporting events are a popular form of entertainment.

    Concert Lecture Magic Mass media Radio Sports StorytellingTelevision

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    A work by Shizuko Amano, a student at

    Kyoto Seika University School of

    Manga. (Shizuko Amano)


    1. ^ "Entertainment". Dictionary.com. Lexi-co PublishingGroup. 2007.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/entertainment.

    Retrieved 2007-11-30.2. ^ "cartoon - Definitions from Dictionary.com". Lexi-coPublishing Group, LLC.. 2003.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cartoon. Retrieved2007-11-30.3. ^ "comedy". From: The Columbia Encyclopedia, SixthEdition. High Beam Research, Inc.. 2007.http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-comedy.html. Retrieved2007-11-30.4. ^ "comic strip comic strip". Britannica OnlineEncyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. 2007.

    http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9106123/comic-strip.Retrieved 2007-11-30.5. ^ "Games - MSN Encarta". Microsoft. 2007. Archivedfrom the original on 2009-10-31.http://www.webcitation.org/5kwbpT4dT. Retrieved 2007-11-30.


    University Teaches Students

    How to Produce Comics

    August 14, 2002

    (Sumber :http://web-japan.org/)

    Kyoto Seika University is the only four-year institution in Japan that offers courseson creating manga(comics), and it has

    recently been garneringattention for some of its unique undertakings in the areaof manga education. The university invited a popularmanga artist to be a professor, and the courses focus onpractical instruction. The entire program is quite forward-looking and offers new possibilities for artistic educationin the era of broadband Internet access, as a system hasbeen developed that allows the teacher to correctstudents' work using the Internet, something that willfacilitate distance learning. In addition, the school isplaying a leading role in the study of fields related to

    manga, as both a manga society and a research institutedevoted to manga culture have been created. The

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    program will send its first graduates out into the world intwo years, and many people are interested to see whatkind of work these fledgling artists will produce.

    Learning to Draw, Learning to Think

    The Kyoto Seika University School of Manga was createdin April 2000, as the manga major formerly belonging tothe School of Design in the Faculty of Arts was upgraded.The school holds the view that both a sharp eye for thequirks of human behavior and polished artistic techniqueare necessary to create good work. With this in mind, theschool aims not only to train students in drawingtechniques but also to provide them with a firm groundingin the history of manga, together with a modernperspective.

    The School of Manga, which accepts 50 new studentseach year, offers courses in both "cartoon manga"(manga usually composed of one picture) and "storymanga" (manga that tell a story through a series offrames). "Cartoon manga" rely on such techniques asomission and embellishment, and they fall into categorieslike satire, humor, and exaggeration. They generallystand alone as a single picture. The school hopes toproduce artists who can create cartoons that are bothhumorous and artistic. Creating a "story manga,"

    meanwhile, requires a variety of skills, such as the abilityto construct a story and the ablility to draw. The focus ofthis course is not only on how well-drawn a work may bebut also on its imaginative power and the message itconveys. The school aims to produce both artists who canthink, and editors and writers who can draw.

    Kyoto Seika University is also continuing to study thevarious effects that manga has on society. As a result, theimportance of manga has been reexamined, and theInstitute for Manga Culture was established in July 2001.

    At the end of that month, the institute played a leadingrole in creating theJapan Society for Studies in Cartoonsand Comics (site is Japanese only) as a place whereresearchers, manga artists, critics, and others can gatherto research and debate different aspects of manga.

    Making Use of High-Tech Correction SystemA manga-correction system was recently developed jointly by Kyoto Seika University and a private-sectorresearch institute. Renowned manga artist Keiko

    Takemiya (site is Japanese only), a professor at KyotoSeika's Faculty of Arts, School of Manga, plays a leading

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    role on the development team, which has beenresearching the idea since the spring of 2001.

    When correcting manga by computer up to now, it wasnecessary for students to first input their work - which can

    range from a few pages to several dozen - into a scannerpage by page. Making corrections was a cumbersometask, as only one page at a time could be displayed, andthey had to be flipped through in order. Through thedevelopment of this new system, however, all of thepages can be placed onscreen at the same time, and thevirtual pages can even be "turned" in the same way asthose of web comics. Every stage of the work, includingthe production process and the introduction of characters,can be corrected onscreen and returned to the student.As the information can also be provided to other teachersand students and their opinions solicited, this new systemhas been well-received.

    This system was made public in January at showrooms inTokyo's Chiyoda and Shinjuku Wards connected by fiberoptics. Takemiya explained the improvements that weremade after students' suggestions were proposed to theengineers, such as being able to flip through pages asthough the work were a book. She then used the systemto correct a manga created by a student, saying, "By

    using the Net, private instruction can be given, andstudents can voice their opinions. This kind of give andtake is itself a form of educational material." Also at thedemonstration was a separate experiment, in which twostudents were at each of the demonstration locations.The four of them worked together using the system todesign an IT device.

    Popular Manga Artist Plays Key RoleTakemiya, a resident of Kamakura City, is well-known forher work on such science-fiction manga as Terra e (To

    earth). Takemiya became a professor of manga at KyotoSeika University in 2000. University President HajimeNakao expressed his hopes for the program, saying, "Thequality of manga has improved as manga has becomemore popular. Takemiya has tried to tell us somethingnew in each of her works, so she will be able to teach thestudents what is important in creating manga."

    Takemiya was born in Tokushima Prefecture in 1950, andshe began to draw manga while she was in middle school.

    She first had her work published in magazines when shewas still attending the University of Tokushima. She is

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    presently continuing her work while offering instructionand lecturing on such things as scenarios and theproduction of manga. Takemiya says, "Give and takebetween the heavens and the earth is the ideal in artisticeducation. I would like to work with foreigners as well."