TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE . The Amer ican Israelite....

4 TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE . T , | , I |,. the august bod y in the national Capitol the Congre ss any of their literary pro - Hon . Jacob H. Bohiff , New York , A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE JEWISH Samson Rap hael Hir ech the organ of stories from Je wish lif e an d other Mi The Amer ican Israelite. *• --¦ -~- - . *>«*>»> ¦» ° f ^ ¦ —- V >?^"L»» ^ *>, . *„, , *™>™* pbess - ssi? arr^^STs it^r ; four "- °< *. 2: genuine convert , deserTiog of the con. against others are welcome and respect- rf( , r/ r 6 ' appeared fro m 1867 to 1882 , 32 page s IsratliliscKt Mon a Use!,^, "I ISAAC M. WISE , Stow, fidence p laced in him . The re should full y soli cited. Matters on which we j u |j m Freiberg, Cincinnati , Vice Preti- Addenda to a Paper by I saac M. W ise, oc t avo . I t was cont inued by the son of Monthl y, " edited b y D Hofl hU>l1 _ ' . be no tri fling and no white-washing in disagree among ourselves must be dia- dent ' ' Read Before the Press Congress Us founder , I saac Hir sob , in Hanover to literary supp lement to the "p ° ? 0, * LEO WISE & CO ., this matter , it mus t be sifted down to cussed in Con lerence , no t in the World ' s I sidore Busoh , St . Louis , Virr Prtii - in Chicago , May 2 7th. 1886 as a we ekly of 8 papa , withi the M in fucr ^ w ^- al* ,/, . „/ same tend encies, when i t waa merged in , . „» «-„„„;„ r n '" -Ju do, ^- ^^^ D ahed truth. Congress. '" Hon. Solomon Hir sch , Portland , Ore. , „, (1EHIAN . J0 UBNiLB . the W*^ which appeare d An Mainz a, ^f„ * £«« Jr the ^e ; offi ce: N. W . Cor. Fifth and Vine BU. _ u ^T ., TWENTY-FIFTH ASM VERSA RY OF ^ ^' " ^' /W. Y U,,/ W U nm , (see Israeht.) HoSmann , a quart erl y ' pur e " ; nd . 8. - D». ST«.«» ^ «rf D««, D<» /W rf TMJJ I "7 e £d OKPIIA Jud ge Simon Rosendale , Albany, a 16 j aeh uw I1 ., is a weekl y, de- and critical , on Talmud ^ a D( lT c Cincinnati , »., June 15 , I8»3. ^¦"' at *• ^-|«™J " f B«>» . ' A8¥LtM . ' ' \ Y oa w gtrau9g New Yofk , . ^^ Wlft - i>k -Jaraeliiish voted to the relig ious «* »«J inter- leal literature. . called to the chan - of Egyptology at the Hon. Oscar W . Stra« £ »« £ ork Annf tJ Ceairal Q for Hieto e8U of Judaism , pub shed at , 2Q p w JUBSCRIPTlO n PRICE , PE h fEAR . . . . $4 00 Cniversity of Lei pzi g, althoug h the new Beg i nning on Jul y 15 th and oon tinu- j7 B ° ah Sn p ^ i lUbTg Pa literature and Culture of Israelite * , " by P' u »B . iB ' b f K : ^ ^^ 7 £' in the P ° 1Uh Jewi »» jar gon (see in V * lUl m ^ 40fl profe ssor is but thirty-two years old , is ing during the three days thereafter , Mayer Sulzber ger . Philadel phia. I saa c M. Jost (the histori an ) appea red Tb» is. * *«** . 3Se * ' with belle- th **«» <*»»ot er. , puh lJ/J miSD 10 EUW. 0U T OT 100 Bn ] 8rB elite . and an ti-Semitism is most the officers , t rus tees and supporters of Gen. Lewie Seasoogood , Cincinnati . weekly at Frankfurt o. t . M from 1839 ^^ *J% J^£d£ , pays much Mn0e ™™ in Chicago , by N P B '^ ttms 0K ADVKKTISI> ,, domina nt in the king dom of Sa,ony , the ^ Orp han Asy lum a t C,eve- ^bi J^ * Cinoin oat L *«« . 8 pages quarto , double col- £• ^ ^ eon ^/. ^f-^Ura o^^ ton pltm^tary Evol ution. .Dd owi.i.r.e,, MX) and especiall y in i ts commercia l metro- land ().. will celebrate the twenty-fifth ^bi D*vid l-hilipso n , Unoinnali. has weekl y a page or two devoted to ° ng lllerar J men . B-tmthaiii Ma mmal Birih . Dcaih/i (..- ,«,h ' u) i c3 r> w . r. v. i n j . . r ,. - r ^ «»ooi Otiarles Levi , Unoinnatt. 2. Sen CAannnta/i is th e name of one of famil y li terature. 16 pages quarto , 30. Preste, Die Wiemr i. i ^"^ ' ^^ luj - So wa s Dr. Ernst Fraenkel called ann .ver sary of the foundation of the Kabbi Jose ph Silverman , New York , the most important publications as far d 3e oolTioVs J. /u. ** , "Vienn a Illu strat e ) " ¦ *' Adv ertUemenui of congregation. . «,.!.¦«, mhrr- to a medical chair at the I niversity of institution. 11 ia impossible to express Rabbi Tobias Shanfarber , Baltimore , as rabbinical lore . researoh and criticism t it "V«nr Pre8B . " an <> r gft° <or politic, 8W1Sl1 *i »ordend , lei op unitomi, um««i|i|- i tirealau . and he al so is an Israelite . It in adequate terms the good that th is Rabbi Eaail G . Hirsoh , Chicago. are concerned . It appeared in Szege- \1. Jahrhuch fucr itrainten r ear m 80j enoe and jJT . =om- tpaoe ot two Inched and publl ahyd eni-li »ivk '" ~«h«»"> '°""° **" 6""" »"» "" D.kK! !„.»„ « U«.». r>k! —_- j- ti i j & ioeo u Rnnb fnr Israelites With Calendar . bel lO- . T » u«»igQ in tercaU SSlordered d i.conti.iued. The cbar^ f.. r .ho ig one of the strangest p henomena , home has done durin g the past quarter R»bb. Is aac S Moses Chica go din , Hungary, from and after 1858 by * °°* j *!luT- fi n on tribntion a his- b ^ Leo Pem - a PP ews weekl y 8 i DCe ]H ?. inM is two doiian fo r ew ij taMrii uu . W I1...H I * f , u " « ubb uuu o u r e o F «» 4 r R abbi JosupH Stolz , Chicago , Leopold Loew , aa a monthly of Jewish trl stio and soientifio con tn ouuonB , nis in Vienni t / »'oc e in? , regard to the comber of time * |nii>i»iieii. wniJ e the wildest ami -oemiti sm ia ram- of a centur y It has taken thousands c—.«/„_ ~s ,i. r ¦ / rt. .«„ - ,i , .. , j , , , < . tnHmil and bioirraohioal sketches , and oftcer. oJ comrreg .iion. a re r eqm-u -d to u-»r k . n , . . . , . . ' a oBU lur ' , , , ., " " Secretary of the Jo,»t Committee on the theology and became a weekly later on , toriMi mq Diograpu »" »"" R thi < in mind when giving iheii oniem itiiiry pant in Germany and Aus tria , Jewish of the poorest class of children and has J ewish Congreta. a treasury in which some of the ablest retrospective review ot tne year , ny iBiaor ?n .^an™ * n^e^^ teachers are consUntl y called up to the made of them intelli gent and honora - Arran gemen ts have been made to ac- men deposited their choice j ewels of Busoh , Vienna 1842 to 1848 ; annaa ^ 31. Reform , Dit , an or gan ol radical jyo ^u* th e pubH ^ w^. ..v.n. u.c.r hi ghe8t ^^ ftt ^ Mata of learn . hu mm &nd women who ^ ^ ^ ^ ^. ^ ^ HoW 0iklan (J thought . 2"S£uS when M^s ' h h^i left flo w ' of Toledo , ^ a b n 7 d **J * rom-uiiiNTART md memorial rwonition. nf mg, to teach and educate the very cream homes and every useful walk in life all corner of Drexel and Oakwood Boule- B Europe , in 1854 as "Das Wiener Jah r- Qatmann ( now of Syracus e , N ^ y^ »ny naiiire whau oever are fmblWi Bd in the 0f the German youth. It seems that over the land , children tha t without Ta rd s The rate wil l be for lodgings A - - B *' > Dtr Iir aelitishe , an "Israel- buoh , " by Josep h Wertheimer and Leo- appeared weekly every Frida y i n nnX m chi^ e oV^oS^h " ^ m " tte r ' " a the brainless fury of the rabble can not the tender care received there would |] 50 a day for each person , two or Ui ' h , MeB f^g er " b 7 Mo »tz B«um > a pold Kompe rt , later on and to date by Hn then in Bonn , from 1875 to i sgj . ¦ .K v. - r.ut~ u r w i u j j. - . j J, IT r j Boboolmaatert ' paper , quite orthodox 8 Szanto. After the idea of Mar ch abl y conducted an , d well suDDo rtoH k Rat ,™ for r..«i'. .AV AOVEKTis EMENTH »*... lm P alr the br (kln of lhe J eW8 h '¦W ' y »»"¦ pondemned to ignc more in a room , and $1 50 each ad- and oautio UB| W8/ published at Bonn . Ts48 Mr. iusoh also edited and pub- sympa thizin g liter ati. PP d by know n on app iieaiion. « . ranee and poverty, and possibly to even diti onal a day for breakfast and tabic 1879 , five to six years . lished the weekly "Centralorgan fuer ' l 0 . n.,eri. R UIJ .rt b ea. V cr.<.e De 8 ln Ui. Tt-MDAv next at 9: 30 A. M., beg in. „,«, things. Mote dinner in the evenin g. All who D. Qlau ben sfreihei t " up to December of the * nflri , - , f p>ver , o.r readen will coarerafsTor apo n both the nine teenth annual public examma- This anniversar y should be marked in tend to be presen t will do well to ap- d n , . fl OY, „,„ „,„, . f same year , and with M. Letteri s "Zei- «'' \ "" ?"" » ^ P^'od'ca! for ssssissa-j a-aK r^: 2z vr^* r-m rt ^i *" p, y ' o ' h, ho t, p,op "" onre ,nd » ~^=r, p o«' s^ J ?tr;'^e; D 5 sawsip!^* . the college building, 484 W . btn b t. dinary. It should be attended by every secure accommodations. ap peared in Jul y, 1855 , as a belietristic jo 48 Shortl y after his arrival in New Berlin , appeared in Bayreu th l^o ^ (• oMi n-NKATtoNH not Bigiicd hj - the writer will Cincinnati , ()h io, to which all friend s of friend of the institution who can possi- » * ¦ supp lement to the Israelite , and ap- York he edited and publi shed in New 1845 . to n^lmff iowS^FeJSi^Vix learning and rel i g ious knowled ge are bl y be present. And just as we give A CHRI STIAN'S VIEWS. pears yet every week without mtorru p- York for the months of A pril , May and 33 . ffinoi ( 2 ) a monthl y n.„,iB .p scU. r W,„e, t o, the p uM i.her . respectfull y invited . The examination generous gi fts to our friends when their We have published a number of Eb ? I.a2c M. Wise iJ n °^w by Leo ' i^T^ ^^- ^^ V^l ^ ^ ^T' ?£' ^ [ °^ „. B „,.„. ta the ge„,ra , .gent o, will be continued daily from 9 30 a „. silver weddillg dfty comeB around , 80 ]et paper8 preBen i g the rea80n why Jewa w£ 1 *£?££ i a 'SLSlS It ="2* J ta The Wti'S aS uS 3? I> ^?i colni L "" 7^ *" ^ paper ^ , t^,,., m i. ,, u,re,t,. to , , ;3 (, and irom 2 to 5 , «. fll Fri- evePy geDer0U8 8on aDd daug h t er of a 'J hated , as seen from a Jewish poin t was founded and ' edited by Isasc M. 2^^ L^ to ta» ^ NE WS ITEMS dBy f tt l23 °'' M " ben the fir8 1 ftcade - Israel contribute a special donatio n , be- of Tiew; we therefore print below an w «e . with the assistance of Wolf Roth- oanti ie business his occupa tion. the editor ' s sermons and editori al «£ mic degree will be conferred in the col- sides their regular con tribution . to make expression of opinion from the other MaxTilienthal S to 1870 ' lator on Uter ° D the " Ja A krbuch " ^ ni f? duction s , all of a polemical n at ure , » W« wonia be much oWigcd to those ol out lege chapel on five students graduating great the festival of the good mothe r Bide which is interesting even thoueh bv S Sonneschein 1872 to 187') and s P read ln Austria and Germany and is favor of the radical reformato r y atsnd. -^3 S SS * from the Preparatory Depar tment , and who has taken to her hearf and reared wfdo not a ree ^tHhe '; Zr T 11 ) L ^ X* £2 ™4£ als^h y K/T" L^i ^ SSSrf T : £ S^TK ^Fj *** ' ^ ^^Z *2:L rZu to "rM-T ^ 7 30 , m. in the Ben e Yesh u r- m lovb g kindne8 g gome fir6 or 8il poiot8 . Henry Zirndor f and G. Deutsch . It al- **£. ^^ f V£2S 1851 EST " ^ °PP ° nenU W " e ^~ "Mi Yodea/' car eoi AgniUr LlUry , U n (Plum Street) Temp le, five students thousand orphaned infant s, and cared Li vings™* Mon t Mav 18 1893 7 ay8 . naa " ltaln ^ d its belletn stio charac and l852 b M Bre alauer ; the several ^^ l S^^ M^^r n ta will be ordained Rabbi, the second for lhem BO well and B0 w isel y that To the Ed ltor o, the l8BAEUTE ' ' ' ^1^ " and ' t t^ ^l Zff ^^.^.^" a^Srt S ^O l^-h SKld^ Balt imore ^ Before Monda y noon to acad emic degree being conferred on def tt h or weakness has caused almos t Pib:-A Hebrew friend of mine has reform in Judaism , always alike. !* T j ' k ri r,,, J i,W ers ' Mag szine , " by Ludwi g Philinn Mn cSiSl't. m orftn Be at. , them. Rev. Dr. G otthe U , of the Emann- none of them to (all by the wayside. «»« l^^ *»•» »^ » ^nti le and ' ay ?t tSt kJ 18U to * —*U P" 1 ^ of p ' edago Kd C,e BSore "Sonda y noon. el TwB le of New York i wU , deliver Tfa , Q festivities f Christian , the anndry letters and ar- ¦ tur by N. Bruel l , *ran fcturt , homiletic value , ap peared three years i„ ¦t. I.oul>. -Betore Mon (U7 noon to 7M N. , J ln « Iu » program oi me esuviues Ucleg m your very abJe pap er on the 5_ ^./^ fZ J ndenthons , " Echo of Ju- 18 ya , . A . , Magdeburg 1834 to 1836 , as th e nre- l^ eU Av* the laureate oration Doors open at 7 wlU be found in our advert ing ool- sore subject of anti-Semitism. We have daism , " an ei ght page quarto newspaper , " . ^.Aa , a semi-annual periodical our ^ r to t 8 h6 A(/ ^ ^ ^ ^SStSckT ^ST . bew " n n f.1 y aSr Br^k sa. ' « The college celebrates this year umnB . _ been struck with the fact that all the edited by Emil Her zfel d, in the interes t r " religious , mor J and pedagog ic in- dmthum) ( g ee in Z)| by tbe man £ cmcairo. -Betore Tuesday noon to Americ an "2"i Yomtof . ^^ ~* reall y important contributions on the of Judaism and especial ly the B' nai formation , " by J . Hememann , was 0h amp ioned the cause of Jud aism as an tajeme, No. 320 Dearborn et. , Rooms 716, 716 ^^ JEWISH RELIUI0U8 CONGRESS , subjec t . have been from Jewish pens , B' rith and other fratern ities , appears in started in Berlin 1817 and continued to ^^ author poet and tr analal er of •an Antonio , xe«^Bcfore Frida y Ey e . The Bec01ld num ber of the JVair YU- Bnd U nBB come a , b ? ut that he , ha8 New York every Frida y since Septem- 1823 ; then after an interruption under the BiWe fronl 1836 to 1 890 to "Alamo . " ,.r <t t"L i- j s™.,.(. re flt»i, i... «« n t n„t iu f«i asked me to say somethin g to you fro m her , 1892 ; by Robert Blum. the title of "Archiv des Judenthum s, ^___ < ___ ^^ : ^_^ = _ === !=:s= _ ro, l , "Lamp of Israel , ' has reached us. Secretary Stol z has sent out the fol- my Qwn Bfefld poTn6. TtHa -thiB 1 do Berlin , I8SS to 1M3, alwaya in the 35. AWwuf J yfftndUJUh .i hra- . This is, as mentioned before , a Jewish lowing : witb a . reat defl j of p ieagujg jf on ] y my f- octavo form. eltU scke , IsraeFti sh Librar y lor the 8 r.M -atB.Ks leaving their homes for language , a step- *' T '' ' 3 " ' ;! "' ^"' poor words may do anything to remove C. Fuell horn . Das , " The Cornuco p ia, " a ]9 Jude D(T .. The Jew " periodical **" ? and / he 11 Y ? Ut ^ " W ! th a weekl y the summer , can have their addresses * 6 * . ' F / v^t* . C' haki.k- c ii.- vney. r/<r- /' r«(ctei< . [ he un h r otherIv feeline be tween Jew weeklv j ournal of a devotional nhU L f ' , ' / . ., ' , P er ? d . Ica l su pp lement called Fe,ero i, t ,.d , by R . ° " , , f OT, ., v daug hter of the Sanscrit , published in Tl(0MA6 B l)lnAX. rretuure , , Lyman j tne , ?, ? . . . r V. e f llng , , ^ ^. ew wee K;1 y J ournal *»* a devotional char- shee ts in defense ol civd and religious Klein anneared in Main z 1 silo changed , wi thout charge , as fre'iuenil y ^ ^^ Mazcawkar & «* «. Srminry. b.nj. . f tnd Chr . ,Btla P whl ^ I 'eel and which actor , with the tenden cy of reforming liberty i by Gabriel Biesser , appeared in ^ lem - a PP earea ln *»"" lsll,) as de sired. Bend both old and new ' •' ' TOP WADIITC rftlirBBW U'VirilDV y ° -^ t0 ™} m ?L de P lom , P ublw worshi p and private devotion , by Mtona l832 t o 1835 . It was the first 36. Sulamtth , a month l y for " the ad- .. pB Co. , most likel y for the special benefi t THE WORLD S CONGRESS ALAILlARY The article of Dr. Moses , of Louisville , 8. W. Kosenfeld ; appeared in Bamberg and mo8t powe rlul plea by a Jewi sh vancement of culture and humanit y ' of tp e Be"«< hrael - It is a neatl y print- ofr THE WORLt ,.s COLUMBIAN P olished in your issue of Ma y 4th , has 1835 and 1836 . - jurist and statesma n in behal f of the ^ J>avi d Frankel and I. Wol ' , began - - sd sheet and quite a curiosity to us . In EXPOSITION OF 1893 seemed to me the most weighty of the 7 . FreitagaLcnd , Da; " Friday Even- rights of Jews and all other non-Chris- to appear in Dessau LsOi i , wa s cont in- A way out in Logan , Cache Oounty, ^^ ^ the globe by the Je wish ' series-I was goin g to say the most ing » a weekl y magazine for the famil y, tians , as men and citiiens , from the ued by D. Fran k el alone seven years V tah , Mr. A. N. Bosenbaum , a cora h- & , u DEpARTMENT QF REU QI0N . JJ ^- ^ ^2^^ Sn* to ^j3 IT*" *^ ^^ '^f' B ^ d *™} of n ^ and n0t °' ^33 * ' * T^L U^?^ " * t cionist . is publishi ng a semi-weekl y, the ' o fvpraf niVISlOV OF THB - regara as an impert inence, i admit to ^ted D y Leopold Stem . superseded b y mercy and so-call ed humani ty. 8 , 1833 . It w\s a reformator y organ of ll n N L for the enlightenmen t of reachee now from the Pft C,fi ° to lhe At " T Fwi?i CKVRC?r th<S f^ 68 ' f^u . h P ° . Wer Ul indl0t ; the "I« ae«^e Volkslehrer , " by Leo l K literar y value. X»/.-» A-i/io.. . for tbe en ngntenmen i antiC i from the Atlantic to India in alt JEWISH CHL RC3 . meBt as to the Christian intolerance of po]d 8tein and 8, Suesskind which con- r . ' n , qt * n- *i, .. e Saints and Sinners. possible lan ^ua ees the Hun earian «»e Jew during the " middle ages , " bar - uined also ohoice swrnons I^d scien 20 ' AV0(A Fai«im, "Occurrences of 37 Syn agoge, Die, the "Sy na gogue a ^- possi ble languages , the Hungarian , ,,„.„ , MAnM nt the Joint commit.. , of bario in that as in most respects "We Hfi„ ™-^r T^Jf ZSS L ^, T a the Time " is the name of a semi-weekl y religious semi-month l y for " mstr uct.ot. m.. ,^-.. Quaruu. late of Rumanian , Polish . Russian and Mor- the w^r,^ A„ .... rj ... a co,, ^ *Wl agtinst God aTman . and JJH "^JT h^^ S^ "; 'J«l» O*™" P-P- . ¦ *» lBaa " *"**> ^. edification o, laraeli tea " by L . Ad- Peo ^r .1 was elec ted Assistant Rab bi * ^«*-' - J ^°" ^ d ^ The —' *.¦>.»-. .- .h. w U r,-: the re is no wip Tng out the cursed re„ %£SLSSmS? YroT mO to f ioh W*?' f ° U ° *™ < in J ^" ^^ £1 " from 1?? "^ i-eona , hi , was el w.Lo p- .^burut Chinese is missing to complete the ring. ord. It onl y remains for us to obliter- isiO . Roumania , 1855 . appeare d in Jttunic from 18J , to mi to Rev . Dr. Mayer , in t he 1 ug ^ m j gnt fin up this gap by sub stitut- In accordance wi th the authorit y vest- ate so far as may l ?e its equally cursed u , t 21. Kantor , Der Juedische , the Jew- v . Reform Congreg ation. The gen tleman ' ; f th j , th ed in us by the World ' s Con gress Aux- consequences , which have been visited o„w,pa ¦ ¦* ri ^ "h Cantor , " a weekly eight pages quarto , 38 . VoUuzatong, J». ;lMt . a small is a native of New Y ork , a gradua te of ™8 one ot ne ^rgon papers lor we Qf Wor ]( j. B Coi umbian Ex 0 . on U8 in thiB iatte r day . "The fathers J; , Gc f * r Phan 'anschen Lr.hre , the by H . Blaustein , appeared in Bromberg , Der iodical oublished in New York everv he Hebre w I' nion College clas s 1801 , Ch '^ -»»* ha - th - ln «»»- sition we . the undersi gned , representi n g have eaten sour gra pi and the chil- •&££ *> «*^ aean £»"•*' ^ Prussia , from Ifffto -qSQO , an orga 6 n ^a>Ty P K Top to w^^ and t L^ m ; ;„„./.Li«r nf "3 or aD y h °w . that most peop le understand the Union of American Hebrew Con- dren ' s teeth are set on ed ge. " The on- «- Creizenach , appeared but one year , tor Cantors , litur gy and li turg ical music. dau {„ Polkh-JewiBh d ialect and H* and quito a prom ising scholar of -3 or ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ g„g.UonB . the Central Conference of ly missing link in Dr. Mosea' eloquen t Main. 1824. It was the pioneer at- " u £bvV characters ^ U anti reli gls ana , ^ summers. ^ American R abbis and the Local Com- statement is the demonstration of a cure "" P 1 ™' the P? bh ? discussion oi th e ,„ ohistic and soci alistic in it« Lrffincies _ _ —~ " , . mittee on a Jewish Church Congress , for the t>oor children ' s teeth. And this , «bbinical doctrine in history and prac- 22. La ubhuettc , Jhe , "The Booth , " JJ «J « a °^-!^^ S™ ^t^ Mb D LfBis . of Sacramen to, Cal. , A corres pondent m Jerusalem in- B6nd fra t ernal gree tings to the Jews and if I may say so , because he fails to real- tlce - announces itself as a famil y paper . It ^^ ™^ew Yor k 1878 i us "In a shor t time I will send forma us that the Sultan ' s government friends of the Jews of all countri es. iza how sin breeds sin in the sinned- 9. Ga;eftm , Juedi sche , also called appears in Regen sbu rg, Bavaria , by 8. * v ' . WT e ' .. . p. . nn mv has again licensed Jewish real estate brok- The World' s Congress Auxiliar y of against as well as in the sinner. I t is "The Jewish Gaze tte , " established in Meyer , every Wednesday since 1883 39 . Vnlkszeitung, J uedis. •*, , "Israeli i- a p aid up Life Insura nce roncy on my tmrchaser s to acauire landed the World ' s Columbian Exposi tion has evident to him that we Gentiles hate New York 1874 by K. H . Saraaohn , is a and contains leading articles , moral and ish People ' s Gazette , " a weekl y puBli sh- life of * 200<l , for the benefi t of the He- •%,,.¦ ,1 w formall y and officiall y invited the pro - you Jews with the more vi gor because regular Jewish newpaper , in the Rus- reli gious con tributions and the current ed by I. Klingen stein , Leip zi g, 1873; bre w I nion College. ' ' And now the property in Palestine without bein g ieBBon of j uda igm to De represented at we have sinned against you . On the sian-Poli sh-German jargon and He- news , like other and similar or gans , onl y chiefl y in the interest of school s, school- collece will pr ay any ho w for Mr. Lub in ' a Mus selmen , and secures to all settlers the Parliament of Reli g ions to be held other hand his mind is not clear that brew ch aracters , the most successful of in a more popular sty le and from the masters and pedagog ics ; he was also s v . , trih utinns to tne protection of the High Porte and in the Memorial Art Palace fro m Sep- being sinned against and hated , you newpapers of this kind both here conservative stand point . It consists of the edit or of the teachers ' yearbook , long li le , lor nis annual centrum o ^ ^ ^^ ^ natives of the tember 11 to September 28 , and it be- have , following the stric t course of our and abroad. It appears now every 10 pages , double column , quarto , 10x8 Acha vah . the fund of tb e college and tbe interest ^^ ^^ ^ ^ countr y acain i»o°'es us to partici pate in this Congress poor human nature , reall y done some Thursday as a weekl y of 1 ti pages folio, inches the page. w . he takes in it are worth much more than an is op ns a T j e of all living his toric al reli g ions , that no thin gs wrong and hateful in revenge . It 22 x 14 inches in size, and the " Dail y m. 49 Wocken-Sehrift Die hrathii '-U many thou san d dollars. to fom 8 n lmmigration , and will attract ]ink in tbe ohaiD be mj ssiD& aEd the mat ters little to us in this nineteenth Gazetten " of 8 pages , same size , since 03 Morg enland , Ah. * *W , "Israelitish Weekl y " ' for the relig ious . ^ . thousands fro m Roumania , Russia and evidence be as complete as possible , that century who began the wr ong. You 1885, both edi ted by M . Jalom stein ; it -Orient , Old ^nd New , for Friends of and social int erests of Judai sm edited Rai.hi Samuel Hir schbere ol Fort Morocco. Dr Senner is not there , however man i fold our titles may be , the crucified our Master and we have burn- appears also in Chica go under the title Holy Writ , " an exegeticil monthl y, by and published by A . Treuenfel s . S tettin , * 1 a „.ni,«Hn Ttmrn le Beth thanks to the Sultan. beliefs, the hopes, the aim s we all cher- ed your rabbis Let us both kneel to the "JuediBche Courier ' week ly 8amilel p re iBWe rk , appeared in Basel then by Mori tz Rahmer . M/^ etmrg, to W a yne , Ind.. preac hed in t emple ue Rothschild founded colo- ,Bh m oommon ' ¦» muoh more lm P or - God and confe8B «»»d"» miserable since 1888 | 8 pagea d dal iy Blnoe ^ ^^ xm ^ lg4 M ,. p l eineat. : Elohim , of Br ookl yn , and made an ex- hlnce flaron Kotn8Cll,ld ,0UDaea col< ^ tant and essential than a long-stan ding sin ners . 1892 , 4 pages , same size , edited by H . "Jued isches Litt eraturblatt " a review cellen t impre ssion. When he accepte d nies on land bou ght by him for the pur- and deep-rooted intolerance has led See how the thing has worked out Weinick : beside s . the "Ibri " edited )b y ^- .,^ on "il' Ar '' /' 1 . " Zr ' u^i « * and cri ticism of conte mporary literature the invitation to app ear before the con- P*** , the tithee due the Turkish govern- mankind to believe. throug h the intermediate sta ges. You Geraon Rosenzwei g, so tha t Mr. Sara- H^miletic Mon th ly pu bhsh ed by H. and ,. us ce/knl ^ an/Fami lies tne .nv.tot on p P properties have been Another reason of not less importance found yourselve s dispersed throug h all sohn ,s now the proprietor of t wo dail- s , Pra gue, 868 edited by 8. u ,, belletriatio feuilleton chiefl y gre gation he was not aware that Dr. f v :„„„,. * . „„, urges the Jew to be properl y represented the barbarous na tions of medieval Eu- ies and three weeklies , in si ze the lar g- Sonne sohein , announced itself as an e " , 0 ' "' folkJ Wint ner wa 8 a candidate for re-election , almos t quintup led . This circumstance ftt 6 lhia Con gre88 Althou g h the histor y rope , you , a hi ghl y civilized commercial est of all Jewish newpaper s of this ° T « an f ° r P ^™ 1 theology, exegesis, ™™ " hJn nVliLd t" m S I pon lear ning this Ra bbi Hirsohberg having been broug ht to the knowled ge of j udll i9ln cover8 a period of more fol k amon g demi- sava ges whose onl y kind . All these journals are in politics theory and praxis in Jewis h homiletic s. , aMews everv Frid ay Thi s declined to allow his name to be pre- ° r Baron Edmond , he proposes to buy than 3 , 000 years , no reli gion has been object in life was distinction in war and independen t, in reli gion conservative ^ 1 " ailar ^g^ines appeared at a later jou * nal f;£e .. A ilKeQ ei ne xjtung dee ?~4 f„, , nn .iH OT«tinn R«v Dr mo™ lan d , and to advance to the more thorou ghl y mi sunderstood and the chase. You found yourselves then , with a stron g inclina tion to liberalism , daUi by ^ a 7, Ber I m fr ? f ^dap est , Kar- Judentnu u " ._.. lhe nber al W f h been rel cted government the tithes for a certain misinterpre ted. Misconce ptions of it as to-day in Eastern Euro pe , the only and quite talented in their peculiar p opu- J *" } "? *• R^- ,. of Mad gebur g. 3~^2 1^ W.nt ner has been re-elected. B d , rooted th t our8 ¦ ^ commercial class , middle between lords lar literature. (Bee in W.) man P JJ £ ^ ^^ , numoer or years, an. £,ue cscneio , 01 the humiliation to see the most enli gh t- of the soil on the one hand , and serfs 1. * ¦ fftir d i otion holding the midd le be- T. 1K new cour ae of the Ma sonic Led ge Pans , the capable administrator of the ened na tions of the world not only giv on the other. To me it appears very 10 hradli Dtl . -The Israelite " a 25 Ne " ze ' " ' Die > " New Time8 ' " a tween radic alism and conservatis m. of ( iermany which opens its porta ls to colonies, and Baron Edmond de Roth- mg credence to beliefs concernin g us simp le that you should have taken ad- central organ for ' orthodox Judais m weBk 'y fOT polilwal , reli giou s and «n „^rf m^n f«w or Gentile must be schild ' s confidential agent , has been for that have been invented by fanaticism ven tage of that exceptional position , to edited and publis he d bv Lehmann in oultnral interest , pu blished in Vienna , * l - Woc/ignsehm/i , Outerm ^ 'r '" . » all good men , Jew or Gentile , must ,- nn . t l Snftn i <l an H ih„ and have not lhe Bli gh test historical reven ge yourselves in your own way on M ain ^ from 1864 to the death of tb« b 7 Mo " z Waizn er & Son , appeared weekl y, "central or gan for all m terwt. accredited to the energetic and restle ss some time in C onstantino p le , and the foundat j on but evell 6 perBeouti our your per seoutors . "If you injure us , ^ J 1 JToo, B6* ** £" Mgnlarl y every Friday since 1860, of Judaism , " pu blished in Vienna e very labors of the ex-Gr and Master , Geheim- objec t of his visit is said to be to submit brethren upon the strength of them. shall we not be aven ged ? ' Consequent- a„n of ' iu foUn de r asTasemi weeklv of 16 edited by 8. Sz into , and after his death Fr j da y sin ce 1883 ; a politica l orga n ra th Settega st Br itish brothers , espe- the Baron ' s oBer to the government. Since the existence of our reli gion no l y you have borne , and yet bear , the re- pa _ eg quart0 double column with vari by Adol P h J ellineck , bo th writers of " hiefl y against anti-Semitism , With a ciallv Dr Strauss of course , assis ted _^ such opportunity as this has ever been putation of commercial unsornpulou s- oua in^gnlar aupp lemen ta weekly and o™™ 0 ™- This always was and is now belietristic feuilleton the curr ent newi y , , exten d ed to the Jew to set himsel f ri ght ness . Like most reputations it is mixed monlb , * This al wuv.. wax b»«i/ M th« the central or gan of Austrian Judaism. and reli gious polemics in favor ot con Mr. Settegast , ao did American bro thers That friend and respected colleague before the whole world. It would , there- of truth anr > falseh ood. There is ,-and z^Zl cf aer (see in 7A the ' uncompr o ! Il » liWal and PMgrearive in its tend- "ervatism , published and edited bv the like Mr . Fischel , of Nashville , as did who wan ts to furnish to the Con gress in fore , be criminal neg li gence did we not I say it fearlessly but , please God , chari- mising Rabbinical orthodox oruan and en °i e8 ' an< * well guarded in i ts langua ge. Rtiehsmlha-Ah gtordneUf Blocb , '20 page« al so the Iskaei -ite. But the work was Chicago a paper on "The Ori gin of tbe embrace this chance to procl aim broad- tabl y—some truth in it. Else why do ia that now although it has oonsiderabl v 10 P ages, double columns , quarto . quarto , 12x11 inches , double column, done by Bro. Settegast , to whom alone Doctrine of Messiah and its Histo ry fa»t , throu g h such men as b y their learn- five i nsurance companies discriminate improved in tone and diotion in the last o. " "H""" 1, P ° PUl ^?u g&n ;)!« 8 Ll e i . .. ., c j vr - , , , „, ¦ ln g, their ripeness of jud gmen t , th eir against Hebrew ri sks ? Why are seven- .»„ gau t and more . energetic than tbe usua l the honor is due ol having freed Mason- in J udal8m and Christi anity , is ver y character and their works will command ten ths of the legal decisions on the sub- y 20. Orient , Der Biblhch e , " Biblical reli gious newspaper , and is there fore ry in Germany f rom the dark spot of re- respectfull y requested to recon sider his general recognition and attention , what j ects of fraudulent conveyan ces and as- !'• Israelii , der Ungarische "The Orient , " an exegetic periodical b y Isaac ingr atiated in the . public favor. li gi oua intolerance , and having accom- proposition. The cotriniit tee preparing our fundamental doctrines , hopes and si gnmen ts cited by Hebrew names ? Hungarian Israelite , " edited and pub- Bernay s , appeared but one year , Munio 42 Wahrktit Die "Truth " publish- p Ushed it in these days of ant i-Semitic for the Congress has no right and no de- aims have ever been , what are the chief You have by your own hard w ork and 1»*«J ' by I gnaz W. Bak , in Buda pest , 1821 , and was rep laced in 1842 by ed by F- R oe8i ein ' St . Loui s, 1S71. f . u„ „..k. „r f.r m.r» ¦ . u- . r sp iritual contribu tions for which hum an - shrewdness , guided by circumstances trom la/o to date ; an impartia l organ Zunz s Zntsoh nlt ( See in /. ) «ditod bv H Hnnnonn h oi n whn announc furv amon g tbe pleba ol Germany. sire to propose or accept subiect s o t •; . . j L . . , L A ¦ .. . * n j 1. j . fnr all intomo ta ol i n A *iam a Kr Mu„ ' eaiiea oy a. Honnesonein , who an nuun^ Uy is indebted to ub , what is our at ti- uncontrolled by you , gained a great ror an interests 01 J udaism , a Wee fely, 97 _ _ . .. „._„„ * „, f , M j nm in nolit cs, _ polemic nature , a s the Messianic doc- tude toward other reli gions , and in what grasp on the business 6 of the world , of 8, 10 or 12 pages quarto , double col- JL^^%£T£Z £ ^^ ^KSS£Tk^S£i^ W. ha ve not heard yet . either fro m trine must necessaril y evoke such pole- respect Judaism is still indi spenBable to Some of you have—as Gentiles in your "nws, conserva tive-pro gressive in its brated professor of history and oromin the positive thei stio standpoint , a wee k " Dr Senn er or Dr. Samue l y, and are mics, (a) be tween Jews and Christians , ^e hi ghest civilization po sition would no doubt haye done- tendencies ent p hilologue in Orientalia , was at its >7 of 16 pages quarto ; in dictio n , meri t- still ie norant whether or not our and (i) among ourselves , as our men are ^r these reasons we beg leave to in- tig htened that grasp mercilessl y and 12 h radu . appears bi-monthl y in time one of the most influential week- oriou s; in theology, refor ma tory and stiu ignorant wnemer or no. our \ , 6 vite your mor al support and heart y co- u nri g hteously on them that showed you Lemberg , since 1868 , the organ of the lmo in lit»r» M ar .A ™.„„n 1 .* «wn«ntri <i in nolitin n lihnml and pro- govern ment ha. appoin ted to a respon- by no means una mmous on this po.nt. opOTatioll itl this representation of Ju- no mercy or ri ghteousness. Shall I Bkmer Israel association , the liberal and a„d count I «mo l f t U " ' SLlS liberal and p sible office a pseudonymous fug itive In the Wo rld ' s Congress of all reli g- daism for which the evenin g of Septem- jud ge you ? God forbid ! But my teeth progressive element of the Galician Is- some of the most nrominfln frth " ] ° " f from .ustice We consider it every ion s no attacft on any bod y ' s fai th or any ber 13 , 15 and 1 6 have been assigned to and yours are on edge. raelites . It is a folio sheet of 8 pages , those davs 11 w«*TnuhlilhL iI tn t!£! , 43 ' Z ^ tun<) ^ U 9 meine ) , * s . '" n from ,ut lce We consider every v d o/mas ia admissible us b y the General Commi ttee. Me n and brethr en , there is onl y one well conducted and in a moderate tone , J7 8 4c7t 0 tL aJI 5 ¦* S- . ? ' ^^ , "General Gaze tte of Judaism , an hono rable c.t.zen s duty to ascertain denomination s dogmas is adm issible , , ^ ^ by ^ Auli , j ar y ^^ thin g for us all to dd- tr y a little hard- supported by a number of home contrib- Z ;o < "" d6f tth ° f lto edlt or ln impartial organ for all Jewish intereaU , the fac ts in this case , especiall y is i t the or el se the Congress would become a aleQ a Denomina tional Congress or Con- er to fear God and love man ; try to see utors in its belie tristic department. , pu blished by Adolph Mosse and Mai duty ol the appointi ng authorities , ba ttle ground . each denomination Terence shall be hel d in Chica go for a that cruelt y and race -prejudice , and 13, Israeli i des neu ,.:ehnten J ahrhun- ., '' Bauohwi tz , edited first by i ts /°" nde r ( lur coun try can ill afford to bestow i s expected to set forth th rou gh i ts more comp lete and extended presen t s- commercial dishonesty, and priestly ly- derts , " The Israel i te of the Ninet eenth t, "' S ' , P rrsse Die J " , ' ,l ' J "' lle . "The Jewish Ludwig Phili ppson , and after hi s deal dis tinctions upon and entrust the ad- representat ive men , that which such de- tion and discussion of such theore tical ing, are all wrong, and all te nd to keep Century , " by M. Hess , the mos t radic al , r * BB ' w eekl y organ for all interests of by Gustav Ka rpele a two emme distinctwn s upo n ana entrust me aa y . practical questions as concern each us sundered and build up hatred be- periodical of its time app eared fi rst Judal8 n J . published in Berlin by [. M. authors of national and in ter nat iona l ministration of p ublic affairs to an ,m- nomination believes or maintains , and deno ^ination q and W6 bere wilh Mtend tween man and man : but that for kind- ^onthlJ ^ then wJ?lT' x*Z££ ml Sohwab and H - H^owaki , appeared reputation. It appeared firs t i n 1<J. pos ter when we have ple nty of hones t offer a to the world for the benefit and to you a heart y invi tatio n to attend and ness and sympath y and honesty and to 1841 - and then in enlar ged form reKular . ' y ever y Thursday since 1869 , in Leipzig and now in Berlin ev ery and honorable citizens for every public sal vation of mankind. We make this partici p ate in the sessions of our Deno- truthfulness , " against thes e there is no from 1842 to 1845 , in Hersfeld , pub- was €<iit ed first b y its founder , Enoch , ^" da y- This ia now the olde st Jp w office It must com e to li ght whether r esponse to that reverend colleague in minational Con gress , which will be held law. " Indi vidual ri ghteousness is the liahed by F . Schuster. Ita stren gth was J' 1 ? 60 by ? _ abbi Hildesheimer . and now by journal in the world . It has a week y \ n. sj™n«r „ien«ir»l ' wiih i hfl behalf of the honorar y secretar y of th e u nder the ausp ices of the Central Con- beg inning and consummation , the Al p ha i n its polemics and the Radical position , B ° n - Hlrsc h Hilde sheimer . This was supp lement cilled or not Dr. Senner is identical with the oen aii 01 ine Honorary secretary 01 tne ^^^ ^ Amerioan R &bbis during the and Omega of reli gion , and , to go fur- it ^k from the start and is now an ultra con- Oememdebote , Der , "The Congreg * Dr. Samuel y who is » fugitive from Joint Committees , Rabbi J osep h blob. , week beg inn i nf , Au gu 8t 23 , and which ther , it is the ba sic law of our human u [smd week , for ooriBre a ervati ve or gan , more guarded and re- tional Messenger , " of 2 , 4 or 0 pages , ju stice and to gratif y the c uriosity of of Chicago , a nd tbe secretary of the will form an official ly recogni z ed part of nature , which disregarded , neither edu- ^ ' . * ' German Hebrew typ ^ fined in . ilB laD gwage than i ts ootempo- containin g the latest news from the the in-ea t Senato r from New Ham pshire Central Conference , Rabbi Cha rles the World ' s Fair Reli giou s Con gresses , catio n nor social training, neither com- pub ii ' Bned by g Sohreiber and Dr Can rarles wit,h the 8ame tendencies . Ei ght , Jewish institutions and disti nguisbei i, mu st be ascerta ined , when ,.nd where Levi , of Ci ncinnati. We do it thus All communications may be ad- fort nor commercial policy, can avail for LoebauJ g79 ' ' , 0mel ^ twel ve or fourteen , ' pages persons ; and it had former l y a suj r 'o . . . d r essed to Rabbi Joseph Stolz , Secre- charity and peace. , do uble columns , quarto . ment called the said Dr. Senner was redee med l.y pubhc l y in order to inform all other ^ of the Joinl Committee , 41 2 War- I remain , Sir , J ' There appear s with this weekly : VoUMM Das , a popular beli etr istic the baptismal grace , so that tIk great friends , doctors , rabbis and laymen who ren Avenue , Chicago , 111. Your s mos t respectfully . 15 . Jeschwun , was a monthl y maga- Sabbat St-,„dn , " Sabbath Hours , " an il- sheet for the peop le, edi ted by Lud *i? statesman may conscientiousl y ropori to ' a re read y and willing to contri bute to B. Bettmann , Cincinnati , Pre ^dtnt. A .M. zine , publi shed in Frankfurt a. M., by lu strat ed feuilleton , con tainin g ' chiefly Phili ppson , Lei pzi g lh'S. ' i to 18»10.

Transcript of TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE . The Amer ican Israelite....

4 TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE .T, | , I |,. the august bod y in the national Capitol the Congre ss any of their literary pro - Hon . Jacob H. Bohiff , New York , A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE JEWISH Samson Rap hael Hir ech the organ of stories from Jewish lif e and other MiThe Amer ican Israelite. *« *• --¦ -~- -. • *>«*>»> ¦» °f

— ¦—- V>? "L»» *>,. *„,, *™>™* pbess- ssi? arr^^STs it^r ;


"- °< *. 2:genu ine convert , deser Tiog of the con. against others are welcome and respect- rf(,r /

r • 6 ' appeared fro m 1867 to 1882, 32 pages IsratliliscK t Mona Use!,^, "II S A A C M. WISE , Stow, fidence placed in him . The re should full y solicited. Matters on which we j u|jm Freiberg, Cincinnati , Vice Preti- Addenda to a Paper by Isaac M. W ise, octavo . I t was cont inued by the son of Monthl y," edited by D Hofl hU>l1_ ' . be no tri fling and no white-washing in disagree among ourselves must be dia- dent ' ' Read Before the Press Congress Us founder , I saac Hir sob , in Hanover to literary supp lement to the "p

° ?0, *LEO WISE & CO ., this matter , it mus t be sifted down to cussed in Con lerence , no t in the World ' s I sidore Busoh , St. Louis , Virr Prtii - in Chicago , May 2 7th. 1886 as a weekly of 8 papa , withi the M in fucr w

- al*,/,.„/ same tend encies, when it waa merged in , . „ » «-„„„;„ r n ''" -Ju do,^- ^^ D ahed truth. Congress. '"

Hon. Solomon Hir sch, Portland , Ore. , „, (1EHIAN. J0 UBNiLB . the W* which appeare dAn

Mainz a,

^f„ *£«« J r the ^e ;

offi ce: N. W . Cor. Fifth and Vine BU. _ u ^T ., TWENTY-FIFTH ASM VERSA RY OF ^'" ^' /W.

Y U,,/ WUnm , (see Israeht.) Ho Smann , a quart erl y

'pur e " ;

nd . 8.- D». ST«.«»^ «rf D««, D<» /W rf TMJJ I "7e£d OKPIIA

Jud ge Simon Rosendale , Albany, a 16 j aehuw I1 ., is a weekly, de- and critical , on Talmud ^ aD( l T cCincinnati , »., June 15 , I8»3. ^¦"'

at *• ^-|«™J "f B«>» . ™ '

A8¥Lt M . ' '

\Yoa w gtrau9g New Yofk , . ^ Wlft -i>k -Jaraeliiish voted to the relig ious «* »«J inter- leal literature.

. called to the chan - of Egyptology at the Hon. Oscar W . Stra« £ »«£

ork AnnftJ Ceairal Q for Hieto e8U of Judaism , pub shed at , 2Q p w

JUBSCRIPTlO n PRICE , PE h fEAR . . . . $4 00 Cniversity of Leipzi g, althoug h the new Beginning on Jul y 15 th and oontinu- j 7B°ah Sn p

^ilUbTg Pa literature and Culture of Israelite *," by P 'u»B.iB' b

f K:

^ 7£' in the P°1Uh Jewi »» jar gon (see in V* lUl m 40f l profe ssor is but thirty-two years old , is ing during the three days thereafter , Mayer Sulzber ger . Philadel phia. I saac M. Jost (the histori an ) appea red Tb» is .* *«**. 3Se*' with belle- ™ th **«» <*»»oter. , puh lJ/JmiSD 10 EUW. 0U T OT 100 Bn ]8rB elite . and an ti-Semitism is most the officers , t rus tees and supporters of Gen. Lewie Seasoogood, Cincinnati . weekly at Frankfurt o. t. M from 1839 ^ *J% J £d£ , pays much Mn0e ™™ in Chicago , by N

PB '^

ttms 0K ADVKKTISI> , , domina nt in the king dom of Sa,ony , the ^ Orp han Asy lum at C,eve- ^bi J ^

* W£ Cinoin oatL *«« . 8 pages quarto , double col- £ •


^/.^f-^Ura o^^tonpltm^tary Evolution. .Dd owi.i.r .e,, MX) and especiall y in i ts commercia l metro- land () . . will celebrate the twenty-fifth ^bi D*vid l-hilip son, Unoinnali. has weekly a page or two devoted to °ng lllerar J men .B-tmthaiii Ma mmal Birih . Dcaih/i (..- ,«,h ' u) i c3 r> w . r. v. i n j . . r , . - r

«»ooi Otiarles Levi, Unoinnatt. 2. Sen CAannnta/i is the name of one of famil y li terature. 16 pages quarto , 30. Preste, Die Wiemr i. i" ' ^ P°luj

- So was Dr. Ernst Fraenkel called ann .ver sary of the foundation of the Kabbi Joseph Silverman , New York , the most important publications as far d3e oolTioVs J. /u. **, "Vienn a Illu strat e )" ¦*'

Adv ertUemenui of congregation. . «,.!.¦«, mhrr- to a medical chair at the I niversity of institution. 11 ia impossible to express Rabbi Tobias Shanfarber , Baltimore , as rabbinical lore .researoh and criticism t i t "V«nr Pre8B ." an <>rgft° <or polit ic, 8W1Sl1

*i»ordend , u« lei op unito mi, um««i|i|- i tirealau . and he also is an Israelite . I t in adequate terms the good that th is Rabbi Eaail G . Hirsoh , Chicago. are concerned . It appeared in Szege- \1. Jahrhuch f u c r itrainten r ear m 80jenoe and jJ T . • =om-tpaoe ot two Inched and publl ahyd eni-li »ivk '" ~«h«»"> '°""° **" 6""" »"» "" D.kK ! !„.»„ « U«.». r>k! —_ - j - ti i j & ioeo u Rnnb fnr Israelites With Calendar .bellO- . T » • u«» igQ in tercaUSSlordered d i.conti.iued. The cbar ^ f.. r .ho ig one of the strangest phenomena , home has done durin g the past quarter R»bb. Is aac S Moses Chica go din , Hungary, from and after 1858 by *°°* „j *!luT-fin „ontribntion a his- b Leo Pem - aPP ews weekl y 8i DCe ] H ?.inM is two doiian fo r ew ij taMrii uu . W I1.. .H I * f , u" « ubb uuu o u r e o F«» 4 r R abbi Jos upH Stolz , Chicago , Leopold Loew , aa a monthly of Jewish trl stio and soientifio contnouuonB , nis in Viennit / »'oce in ? ,

regard to the comber of time * |nii>i » iieii. wniJ e the wildest ami-oemitism ia ram- of a centur y It has taken thousands c—.«/„_ ~s , i. r ¦ / rt. .«„ - ,i , .. , j , , , < . tnHmil and bioirraohioal sketches , andoftcer. oJ comrreg .iion. a re reqm-u -d to u-»r k . n , . . . , . . ' a oBU lur ' , , , .," " Secretary of the Jo,»t Committee on the theology and became a weekly later on, toriMi mq Diograpu ™ »" »"" Rthi < in mind when giving iheii oniem i t i i i ry pant in Germany and Austria , Jewish of the poorest class of children and has J ewish Congreta. a treasury in which some of the ablest retrospective review ot tne year , ny iBiaor?n .^an™*n^e^ teachers are consUntl y called up to the made of them intelli gent and honora - Arran gements have been made to ac- men deposited their choice j ewels of Busoh , Vienna 1842 to 1848 ; annaa ^

31. Reform , Dit , an organ ol radi cal

jyo ^u* th e pubH ^ w^. ..v.n . u.c.r highe8t ^

ftt Mata of learn . hu mm &nd women who ^ ^. HoW 0iklan (J thought .

2"S£uS when M^s'

h h^i left flow 'of Toledo, abn7d **J *

ro m-uiiiNTART md memorial rwonition. nf mg, to teach and educate the very cream homes and every useful walk in life all corner of Drexel and Oakwood Boule- B Europe , in 1854 as "Das Wiener Jah r- Qatmann ( now of Syracus e, N

^y^»ny naiiire whau oever are fmblWi Bd in the 0f the German youth. It seems that over the land , children tha t without Tards The rate wil l be for lodgings A - -B*'' > Dtr Iir aelitishe , an "Israel- buoh ," by Joseph Wertheimer and Leo- appeared weekly every Frida y in B«

nnXm chi e oV^oS^h" m"tte r ' " a the brainless fury of the rabble can not the tender care received there would |] 50 a day for each person , two or

Ui'h ,

MeBf^ger" b7 Mo»tz B«um > a pold Kompe rt , later on and to date by Hn then in Bonn , from 1875 to i sgj. ¦ .K v. - r . u t ~ u r w i u j j . - . j J , IT r j

Boboolmaatert ' paper , quite orthodox 8 Szanto. After the idea of Mar ch ably conducted an,d well suDDo rtoH kRat ,™ for r.. «i ' . .AV AOV E KTis E M E NTH »*... lm Palr the br (kln of lhe J eW8 h™ '¦W'y »»"¦ pondemned to ignc more in a room , and $1 50 each ad- and oautio UB| W8/ published at Bonn. Ts48 Mr. iusoh also edited and pub- sympathizin g liter ati.

PP d byknow n on app iieaii on. « — . ranee and poverty, and possibly to even ditional a day for breakfast and tabic 1879 , five to six years. lished the weekly "Centralorgan fuer' l0 .n.,eri. R UIJ . r t bea . V cr.<.e De .« 8 ln Ui.

Tt -MDAv next at 9:30 A. M., begin. „,«, things. M ote dinner in the evening. All who D. Qlaubensfreihei t" up to December of the * nflri , - , fp>ver , o.r readen will coa rerafsTor apon both u« the nine teenth annual public examma- This anniversar y should be marked in tend to be presen t will do well to ap- d n , . „ fl OY, „,„ „,„, „. f same year , and with M. Letteri s "Zei- • « ' '

\ " "„ ?"" » P^'od'ca! forssssissa-ja-aK r^:2zvr^* r-mrt^i*" p,y 'o 'h, hot,p,op"" onre ,nd »~^=r,po«'s J?tr;' e;D5 sawsip! *

. the college building, 484 W . btn bt. dinary. It should be attended by every secure accommodations. appeared in Jul y, 1855 , as a belietristic j o 48 Shortl y after his arrival in New Berlin , appeared in Bayreu th l^o ^(•oM in - NKATtoNH not Bigiicd hj- the writer will Cincinnati , ( ) h io, to which all friend s of friend of the institution who can possi- » * ¦ supp lement to the Israelite , and ap- York he edited and publi shed in New n ^lmff iowS^F eJSi^Vix learning and rel igious knowled ge are bl y be present. And just as we give A CHRI STIAN'S VIEWS. pears yet every week without mtorru p- York for the months of April , May and 33. ffinoi ( 2 ) a monthl y n.„ ,iB.pscU. rW,„e,t o, the p uM i.her . respectfull y invited . The examination generous gi fts to our friends when their We have published a number of Eb ?I.a2c M. Wise iJ n°^w by Leo'

i^T^^^-^^V l ^T' ?£'

[°^„. B„,.„. ta the ge„,ra , .gent o, will be continued daily from 9 30 a „ . silver weddillg dfty comeB around , 80 ]et paper8 preBenig the rea80n why Jewa w£ 1 *£?££ ia 'SLSlS It ="2* J taThe Wti'SaS uS 3?I> ^?i colni L

"" 7 *" paper , t^,,., m i. ,,u,re ,t ,.

to , ,;3 (, and irom 2 to 5 , «. fll Fri- evePy geDer0U8 8on aDd daug h ter of a'J hated , as seen from a Jewish poin t was founded and' edited by Isasc M. 2^ L to ta» ^NE WS ITEMS dBy ftt l 2 3 °' ' M "ben the fir8 1 ftcade - Israel contribute a special donatio n , be- of Tiew; we therefore print below an w«e. with the assistance of Wolf Roth- oanti ie business his occupation. the editor 's sermons and editori al «£• mic degree will be conferred in the col- sides their regular contribution .to make expression of opinion from the other MaxTilienthal S to 1870 •' lator on

Uter °D the " JaA

krbuch " ^ni

f ? duction s, all of a polemical nat ure , »

W« wonia be much oWigcd to those ol out lege chapel on five students graduating great the festival of the good mothe r Bide which is interesting even thoueh bv S Sonneschein 1872 to 187') and sPread ln Austria and Germany and is favor of the radical reformato r y atsn d.

-^3SSS * from the Preparatory Depar tment , and who has taken to her hearf and reared wfdo not a ree ^tHhe'; Zr T 11 ) L ^ X*£2 ™4£ als^hy K/T" L^i SSSrfT

: £ S^TK ^Fj ***'

^^ Z *2:L rZu to "rM-T 7 30 , m. in the Bene Yeshu r- m lovbg kindne8 g gome fir6 or 8il poiot8 . Henry Zirndor f and G. Deutsch . It al- **£. ^ f V£2S 1851 EST " °PP °nenU W"e ^~"Mi Yodea/' car eoi AgniUr LlUry , Un (Plum Street) Temp le, five students thousand orphaned infant s, and cared Li vings™* Mon t Mav 18 1893 7

ay8. naa "ltaln^d its belletn stio charac and l852 b M Brealauer ; the several

^^lS^ M^^rn ta will be ordained Rabbi, the second for lhem BO well and B0 wisely that To the Edltor o, the l8BAEUTE ' ' '

^1 "and ' t t^ ^l Zff ^^. . "a^Srt S ^Ol^-hSKld^Baltimore Before Monda y noon to acad emic degree being conferred on deftt h or weakness has caused almos t Pib:-A Hebrew friend of mine has reform in Judaism , always alike. !*T j' k ri r,,, J i,W ers ' Mag szine ," by Ludwi g Philinn Mn

cSiSl't. m orftn Be at. , them. Rev. Dr. G otthe U, of the Emann- none of them to (all by the wayside. «»« l *»•»

» » ^nti le and ' ay ?tt tStkJ 18U to * —*U P"1 of p'edago KdC,e

BSore"Sonda y noon. el TwB le of New York i wU, deliver Tfa , Q festivities f Christian , the anndry letters and ar- ¦• tur by N. Bruel l , *ran fcturt , homiletic value , appeared three years i„¦t. I.oul>.-Betore Mon(U7 noon to 7M N. ,

J ln« Iu » program oi me esuviues Ucleg m your very abJe paper on the 5_ ^./ fZ„ J ndenthons , "Echo of Ju- 18ya

, . A . , Magdeburg 1834 to 1836 , as th e nre-l^eU

Av* the laureate oration Doors open at

7 wlU be found in our advert ing ool- sore subject of anti-Semitism. We have daism ," an eight page quarto newspaper , ". ^.Aa , a semi-annual periodical our^r to t8h6 A (/ ^^SStSckT^ST. bew"n


yaSr Br^k sa.' '¦ « The college celebrates this year umnB. _ been struck with the fact that all the edited by Emil Her zfeld, in the interes t '°r "religious , mor J and pedagog ic in- dmthum) ( gee in Z ) | by tbe man £cmcairo. -Betore Tuesday noon to Americ an "2"i Yomtof . ^ ~* reall y important contributions on the of Judaism and especial ly the B'nai formation ," by J . Hememann , was 0hampioned the cause of Jud aism as antajeme, No. 320 Dearborn et. , Rooms 716, 716

^ JEWISH RELIUI0U8 CONGRESS , subjec t . have been from Jewish pens , B' rith and other fratern ities , appears in started in Berlin 1817 and continued to ^ author poet and

tr analal er of•an Antonio , xe«^Bcfore Frida y Ey e . The Bec01ld num ber of the JVair YU- Bnd f° U nBB come a,b?ut that he, ha8 New York every Frida y since Septem- 1823 ; then after an interruption under the BiWe fronl 1836 to 1 890

to "Alamo ." , . r < t t " L i- j s™.,.(.re flt»i, i... ««nt n„t iu f«i asked me to say somethin g to you fro m her , 1892 ; by Robert Blum. the title of "Archiv des Judenthum s,^___ <

___ ^^: _^

=_===!=:s=_ ro, l , "Lamp of Israel ,' has reached us. Secretary Stol z has sent out the fol-

my Qwn BfefldpoTn6. TtHa -thiB 1 do Berlin , I8SS to 1M3, alwaya in the 35. AWwuf J yff tndUJUh . i hra-. This is, as mentioned before , a Jewish lowing : witb a .reat deflj of pieagujg jf on]y my f- octavo form. eltU scke, IsraeFti sh Librar y lor the

8r.M -atB.Ks leaving their homes for language , a step- *' T' ' ' 3" ' ;!"' ^"' poor words may do anything to remove C. Fuell horn . Das , "The Cornuco pia,"a ]9 Jude D (T ..The Jew " periodical **" ? and




" W

!th a weekl ythe summer , can have their addresses * 6 *. ' F /v^t*. C'hak i . k - c ii. - v n ey . r/<r- /' r«(ctei<. [he un hrotherIv feeline between Jew weeklv j ournal of a devotional nhU L • f ', ' / . ., ' , Per ?d.Ica l supplement called Fe,ero i,t ,.d, by R.° ™ " , , f „ „OT,.,v daug hter of the Sanscrit , published in Tl (0MA6 B l ) l nAX. rretuure , , L y man j tne, ?,? . .. r V.efllng

, , ^.ew wee K;1y J ournal *»* a devotional char- sheets in defense ol civd and religious Klein anneared in Main z 1 silochanged , wi thout charge , as fre 'iuenily

^ Mazcawkar & «*«. Sr minry. b.nj . . ftnd Chr.,BtlaP whl

I 'eel and which actor , with the tenden cy of reforming liberty i by Gabriel Biesser, appeared in ^lem- aPP earea ln *»"" lsl l , )

as desired. Bend both old and new '• ' ' TOP WAD I I T C rftlirBBW U ' Vir i lDV y°-

*° t0™}


dePlom , Publw worshi p and private devotion , by Mtona l832 to 1835. It was the first 36. Sulamtth , a month ly for " the ad-. . p B

Co. , most likel y for the special benefi t THE WORLD S CONGRESS ALAILlARY The article of Dr. Moses, of Louisville , 8. W. Kosenfeld ; appeared in Bamberg and mo8t powerlul plea by a Jewi sh vancement of culture and humanit y 'of tpe Be"«< hrael - It is a neatl y print- ofr THE WORLt ,.s COLUMBIAN Polished in your issue of May 4th , has 1835 and 1836. - jurist and statesma n in behal f of the

J>avi d Frankel and I. Wol ' , began- - sd sheet and quite a curiosity to us . In EXPOSITION OF 1893 seemed to me the most weighty of the 7. FreitagaLcnd , Da; " Friday Even- rights of Jews and all other non-Chris- to appear in Dessau LsOii , wa s cont in-A wa y out in Logan , Cache Ooun ty, ^ the globe by the Je wish ' series-I was going to say the most ing » a weekl y magazine for the famil y, tians , as men and citiiens , from the ued by D. Fran k el alone seven years

V tah , Mr. A. N. Bosenbaum , a cora h- &

, u DEpARTMENT QF REU QI0N . JJ ^- ^2^ Sn* to j3 I T * "* • ^ '^f' B

^d *™} of


and n0t °' ^33

* '* T^L U^?^" *

tcionist . is publishi ng a semi-weekly, the ' „ ofv p r a f n iVI S lOV OF THB - regara as an impert inence, i admit to ^ted D y Leopold Stem . superseded b y mercy and so-call ed humani ty. 8, 1833 . It w\s a reformator y organ of

ll n N L for the enlightenmen t of reachee now from the Pft C,fi° to lhe At " T Fwi?i CKVRC?r

th<S f^

68' f^u

.h™ P°.Wer Ul indl0t ; the "I« ae«^e Volkslehrer ," by Leol K literar y value.X»/.-» A-i/io .. . for tbe enngntenmen iantiC i from the Atlantic to India in alt JEWISH CHL RC 3 . meBt as to the Christian intolerance of po]d 8tein and 8, Suesskind which con- ™ r . ' „ n , qt * n- *i, ..eSaints and Sinners. possible lan ^uaees the Hun earian «»e Jew during the "middle ages," bar - uined also ohoice swrnons I^d scien 20' AV0(A Fai«im, "Occurrences of 37 Syn agoge, Die, the "Sy na gogue a

^- possi ble languages , the Hungarian , ,,„.„ , M A n M nt the Joint commit.. , of bario in that as in most respects "We Hfi „ ™-^r T^JfZSS L , T a the Time" is the name of a semi-weekl y religious semi-month ly for " mstr uct.ot.

m.. ,^-.. Qua ruu. late of Rumanian , Polish . Russian and Mor- the w^r, A„....rj ...

a co,,

*Wl agtinst God aTman. and JJH "^J T h^^S^";


O*™" P-P- . ¦*» lBaa" *"**> ^.edification o, laraeli tea " by L . Ad-

Peo^r .1 was elected Assistant Rab bi * ^«*-'- J ^°" ^


The —'*.¦>.»-.

.- .h.w U r , - : the re is no wipTng out the cursed re„ %£SLSSmS? YroTmO to f

ioh W*?' f°U° *™ < in J ^" ^ £1"

from 1?? "^i-eona , hi , was elw.Lo p- .^burut Chinese is missing to complete the ring. ord. It only remains for us to obliter- isiO . Roumania , 1855 . appeare d in Jttunic from 18J , to mi

to Rev . Dr. Mayer , in t he 1 u g mjgnt fin up this gap by substitut- In accordance with the authorit y vest- ate so far as may l?e its equally cursed u ,t 21. Kantor, Der Juedische , the Jew- v.

Reform Congreg ation. The gen tleman ' ; f th j , th ed in us by the World ' s Congress Aux- consequences , which have been visited o„ w , pa ¦ ¦ * r i

"h Cantor , "a weekly eight pages quarto , 38. VoUuzatong, J» . ; lMt . a smallis a native of New York , a gradua te of ™8 one ot ne ^rgon papers lor

we Qf Wor ](j .B Coiumbian Ex 0. on U8 in thiB iatte r day . "The fathers J ; , Gcf *r Phan 'anschen e, the by H . Blaustein , appeared in Bromberg , Der iodical oublished in New York everv

he Hebre w I ' nion College class 1801 , Ch' -»»*






«»»- sition we. the undersi gned, representi ng have eaten sour gra pi and the chil- •&££*> «* aean £»"•*' Prussia , from I f f ft o -q SQO , an orga6n ^a>Ty

PK Toptow^

and t L^

m ; ;„„ ./.L i«r nf "3 or aDyh°w . that most peop le understand the Union of American Hebrew Con- dren 's teeth are set on edge." The on- «- Creizenach , appeared but one year , tor Cantors , litur gy and liturg ical music. dau {„• Polkh-JewiBh dialect and H *and quito a prom ising scholar of -3 or ^.

g„g.UonB . the Central Confer ence of ly missing link in Dr. Mosea' eloquen t Main. 1824. It was the pioneer at- " u £bvV characters ^ U anti reli gls ana ,

^ summers. American Rabbis and the Local Com- statement is the demonstration of a cure "" P 1 ™' the P?bh? discussion oi the , „ ohistic and socialistic in it« Lrf fincies__—~ "

, . mittee on a Jewish Church Congress , for the t>oor children 's teeth. And this , «bbinical doctrine in history and prac- 22. Laubhuettc , Jhe , "The Booth ," JJ «J « a°^-! ^ S™

^t^Mb D L fB is . of Sacramen to, Cal. , A corres pondent m Jerusalem in- B6nd fra ternal gree tings to the Jews and if I may say so, because he fails to real- tlce - announces itself as a famil y paper . It ^^

™^ew York 1878

i us "In a shor t time I will send forma us that the Sultan 's government friends of the Jews of all countri es. iza how sin breeds sin in the sinned- 9. Ga; eftm , Juedi sche, also called appears in Regensburg, Bavaria , by 8. * v ' . > ¦WT e ' .. . p . . nn mv has again licensed Jewish real estate brok- The World' s Congress Auxiliar y of against as well as in the sinner. I t is "The Jewish Gaze tte," established in Meyer , every Wednesday since 1883 39. Vn lkszeitung, J ued is. •* , , "Israeli i-a paid up Life Insura nce roncy on my

tmrchaser s to acauire landed the World 's Columbian Exposi tion has evident to him that we Gentiles hate New York 1874 by K. H . Saraaohn , is a and contains leading articles , moral and ish People's Gazette ," a weekl y puBli sh-life of *200<l , for the benefi t of the He- • % , , . ¦ ,1 w formall y and officiall y invited the pro - you Jews with the more vigor because regular Jewish newpaper , in the Rus- reli gious contributions and the current ed by I. Klingen stein , Leip zi g, 1873;bre w I nion College. ' ' And now the property in Palestine without being ieBBon of juda igm to De represented at we have sinned against you. On the sian-Poli sh-German jargon and He- news, like other and similar organs , only chiefl y in the interest of schools, school-collece will pr ay any how for Mr. Lub in ' a Mus selmen , and secures to all settlers the Parliament of Religions to be held other hand his mind is not clear that brew characters , the most successful of in a more popular sty le and from the masters and pedagog ics ; he was alsos v . , trih utinns to tne protection of the High Porte and in the Memorial Art Palace from Sep- being sinned against and hated , you newpapers of this kind both here conservative stand point . It consists of the editor of the teachers ' yearbook ,long li le , lor nis annual centrum o

^ natives of the tember 11 to September 28, and it be- have , following the stric t course of our and abroad. It appears now every 10 pages , double column , quarto , 10x8 Acha vah .the fund of tbe college and tbe interest

^ ^ countr y acain i»o°'es us to partici pate in this Congress poor human nature , reall y done some Thursday as a weekly of 1 ti pages folio, inches the page. w .he takes in it are worth much more than an • is op ns a

Tj e of all living his toric al reli gions , that no thin gs wrong and hateful in revenge . It 22 x 14 inches in size, and the " Daily m. 49 Wocken-Sehrift Die h r a thii '- U

many thou san d dollars. to fom8n lmmigration , and will attract ]ink in tbe ohaiD be mjssiD& aEd the mat ters little to us in this nineteenth Gazetten " of 8 pages , same size , since 03 Morg enland , Ah. * *W %«, "Israelitish Weekl y" ' for the relig ious. . thousands fro m Roumania , Russia and evidence be as complete as possible , that century who began the wr ong. You 1885, both edi ted by M. Jalom stein ; it -Orient , Old ^nd New , for Friends of and social interests of Judai sm edited

Rai.hi Samuel Hir schbere ol Fort Morocco. Dr Senner is not there , however man i fold our titles may be, the crucified our Master and we have burn- appears also in Chica go under the title Holy Writ ," an exegeticil monthl y, by and published by A . Treuenfel s . Stettin ,* 1 a „.ni,«Hn Ttmrn le Beth thanks to the Sultan. beliefs, the hopes, the aim s we all cher- ed your rabbis Let us both kneel to o» the "JuediBche Courier ' week ly 8amilel preiBWerk , appeared in Basel then by Mori tz Rahmer . M/^etmrg, toW ayne , Ind . . preac hed in t emple ue

Rothschild founded colo- ,Bh m oommon ' ¦» muoh more lmPor - God and confe8B «»»d"» miserable since 1888| 8 pagea d dal iy Blnoe

^ x m lg4 M ,.p leineat. :Elohim , of Brookl yn , and made an ex- hlnce flaron Kot n8Cll,ld ,0UDaea col< tant and essential than a long-stan ding sinners . 1892 , 4 pages , same size, edited by H . "Jued isches Litt eraturblatt " a reviewcellen t impre ssion. When he accepte d nies on land bought by him for the pur- and deep-rooted intolerance has led See how the thing has worked out Weini ck : besides.the "Ibri " edited )by ^- .,^



'' /'1 . "Z r 'u ^i «* and cri ticism of conte mporary literature

the invitation to app ear before the con- P***, the tithee due the Turkish govern- mankind to believe. throug h the intermediate stages. You Geraon Rosenzwei g, so tha t Mr. Sara- H^miletic Mon

th ly pu bhsh ed by H. and ,. „usce/knl an/Fami liestne .nv.tot on pP

properties have been Another reason of not less importance found yourselves dispersed throug h all sohn ,s now the proprietor of two dail- s, Pra gue, 868 edited by 8. u

,, belletriatio feuilleton chiefl ygregation he was not aware that Dr. f v

„:„„„,.*.„„, urges the Jew to be properl y represented the barbarous na tions of medieval Eu- ies and three weeklies, in size the lar g- Sonnesohein , announced itself as an • e " "° , 0 ' " ' folkJWint ner wa8 a candidate for re-election , almos t quintup led . This circumstance

ftt6lhia Congre88 Althou gh the histor y rope, you, a highl y civilized commercial est of all Jewish newpaper s of this °T«an f°r P^™1 theology, exegesis, ™™ "

hJn nVliLd t"m SI pon lear ning this Rabbi Hirsohberg having been broug ht to the knowled ge of j udll i9ln cover8 a period of more folk among demi-savages whose onl y kind . All these journals are in politics theory and praxis in Jewis h homiletic s. ,

aMews everv Frid ay Thi sdeclined to allow his name to be pre- °r Baron Edmond , he proposes to buy than 3,000 years , no reli gion has been object in life was distinction in war and independen t, in reli gion conservative


ailar ^g^ines appeared at a later jou *nal f;£e ..A ilKeQeine xj t u ng dee?~4 f„, ,nn .iH OT«tinn R«v Dr mo™ lan d, and to advance to the more thorou ghl y misunderstood and the chase. You found yourselves then , with a stron g inclina tion to liberalism , daUi by

^a7,BerImfr ?f ^dap est , Kar-

Judentnu u „" ._.. lhe nber alW f h been rel cted government the tithes for a certain misinterpre ted. Misconce ptions of it as to-day in Eastern Euro pe , the only and quite talented in their peculiar popu-

J*"}"? *• R^-,. of Mad gebur g. 3~^2 1^W .nt ner has been re-elected. B d , rooted th t our8 ¦ commercial class, middle between lords lar literature. (Bee in W.)

man P

J J £ ^^ , numoer or years, an. £,ue cscneio , 01 the humiliation to see the most enli ght- of the soil on the one hand , and serfs 1. *¦ fftir diotion holding the midd le be-T.1K new cour ae of the Ma sonic Led ge Pans , the capable administrator of the ened na tions of the world not only giv on the other. To me it appears very 10 hradli Dtl . -The Israelite " a 25 Ne"ze '" ' Die> " New Time8 '

" a tween radic alism and conservatis m.of (iermany wh ich opens its porta ls to colonies, and Baron Edmond de Roth- mg credence to beliefs concernin g us simple that you should have taken ad- central organ for '

orthodox Judais m weBk 'y fOT polilwal , reli gious and«n „^rf m^n f«w

or Gentile must be schild 's confidential agent , has been for that have been invented by fanaticism ven tage of that exceptional position , to edited and publis hed bv Lehmann in oultnral interest , published in Vienna, *l - Woc/ignseh m/ i , Outerm ^ 'r '" . »all good men , Jew or Gentile , must , - nn .t„lSnftn i <l an H ih„ and have not lhe Blightest historical reven ge yourselves in your own way on Main from 1864 to the death of tb« b7 Mo"z Waizn er & Son, appeared weekl y, "central organ for all mterwt.accredited to the energetic and restle ss some time in C onstantino ple, and the foundat jon but evell

6perBeouti our your per seoutors. "If you injure us, J 1

J Too,B6* ** £" Mgnlarl y every Friday since 1860, of Judaism ," published in Vienna every

labors of the ex-Gr and Master , Geheim- objec t of his visit is said to be to submit brethren upon the strength of them. shall we not be avenged ? ' Consequent- a„n of ' iu foUnder asTasemi weeklv of 16 edited by 8. Sz into , and after his death Fr jda y since 1883 ; a politica l orga n

ra th Settega st Br itish brothers , espe- the Baron ' s oBer to the government. Since the existence of our religion no ly you have borne , and yet bear , the re- pa _eg quart0 double column with vari by Adol Ph J ellineck , both writers of "hiefl y against anti-Semitism , With a

ciallv Dr Strauss of course , assisted _ such opportunity as this has ever been putation of commercial unsornpulou s- oua in^gnlar aupp lemen ta weekly and o™™ 0™- This always was and is now belietristic feuilleton the curr ent newi„ y , ,

exten ded to the Jew to set himself right ness. Like most reputations it is mixed monlb , * This al wuv.. wax b»«i/M th« the central organ of Austrian Judaism. and religious polemics in favor ot conMr. Settegast , ao did American bro thers That friend and respected colleague before the whole world. It would , there- of truth anr > falsehood. There is,-and z^Zlcf a er (see in 7A the '

uncompr o! Il » liWal and PMgrearive in its tend- "ervatism , published and edited bv thelike Mr . Fischel , of Nashville , as did who wan ts to furnish to the Congress in fore , be criminal negligence did we not I say it fearlessly but , please God , chari- mising Rabbinical orthodox oruan and en°ie8' an< * well guarded in its langua ge. Rtiehsmlha -AhgtordneUf Blocb, '20 page«al so the Iskaei - i te. But the work was Chicago a paper on "The Ori gin of tbe embrace this chance to procl aim broad- tabl y—some truth in it. Else why do ia that now although it has oonsiderabl v 10 P ages, double columns , quarto . quarto , 12x11 inches, double colum n,

done by Bro. Settegast , to whom alone Doctrine of Messiah and its Histo ry fa»t , throu gh such men as by their learn- five insurance companies discriminate improved in tone and diotion in the last o. " ™ "H""" 1, P°PUl^?u


8Llei. . . . , c j vr - , , • , „, ¦ • „ • lng, their ripeness of jud gmen t , th eir against Hebrew risks ? Why are seven- „.»„ gau t and more .energetic than tb e usua lthe honor is due ol having freed Mason- in J udal8m and Christi anity , is very character and their works will command ten ths of the legal decisions on the sub-

y 20. Orient , Der Biblhch e, " Biblical reli gious newspaper , and is there forery in Germany from the dark spot of re- respectfull y requested to recon sider his general recognition and attention , what j ects of fraudulent conveyan ces and as- !'• Israelii , der Ung arische "The Orient ," an exegetic periodical by Isaac ingr atiated in the .public gioua intolerance , and having accom- proposition. The cotriniittee preparing our fundamental doctrines , hopes and signmen ts cited by Hebrew names ? Hungarian Israelite , " edited and pub- Bernay s, appeared but one year , Munio 42 Wahrktit Die "Truth " pu blish -pUshed it in these days of ant i-Semitic for the Congress has no right and no de- aims have ever been , what are the chief You have by your own hard w ork and 1»*«J ' by Ignaz W. Bak , in Buda pest , 1821 , and was rep laced in 1842 by ed by F- Roe8iein ' St. Loui s, 1 S 7 1 .f .u„ „..k. „r f.r m.r » ¦ . „ u- . r spiritual contribu tions for which hum an - shrewdness , guided by circumstances trom la/o to date ; an impartia l organ Zunz s Zntsoh nlt ( See in /. ) «ditod bv H Hnnnonn h oin whn announcfurv amon g tbe pleba ol Germany. sire to propose or accept subiect s o t •; . . j L . . , L A ¦ .. . * n j 1. • j . fnr all intomo ta ol inA *iam a Kr Mu„ ' eaiiea oy a. Honnesonein , who an nuu n ^

Uy is indebted to ub, what is our at ti- uncontrolled by you, gained a great ror an interests 01 J udaism , a Wee fely, 97 _ _ . .. „._„„ *„, f,Mjnm in nolit cs,_ polemic nature , as the Messianic doc- tude toward other reli gions, and in what grasp on the business6

of the world , of 8, 10 or 12 pages quarto , double col- JL^^%£T£Z£ ^ ^KSS£Tk^S£i^W. ha ve not heard yet . either fro m trine must necessaril y evoke such pole- respect Judaism is still indispenBable to Some of you have—as Gentiles in your "nws, conserva tive-pro gre ssive in its brated professor of history and oromin the positive theistio standpoint , a wee k "

Dr Senn er or Dr. Samue l y, and are mics, (a) be tween Jews and Christians , ^e hi ghest civilization position would no doubt haye done- tendencies ent philologue in Orientalia , was at its >7 of 16 pages quarto ; in diction , meri t-

s t i l l ie norant whether or not our and (i) among ourselves , as our men are ^r these reasons we beg leave to in- tig htened that grasp mercilessl y and 12 hradu . appears bi-monthl y in time one of the most influential week- oriou s; in theology, refor ma tory an dstiu ignorant wnemer or no. our \ , 6 vite your mor al support and heart y co- u nri ghteously on them that showed you Lemberg , since 1868 , the organ of the lmo in l i t» r» M ar .A ™.„„n 1 .* «wn«ntri <i in nolitin n lihnml and pro-govern ment ha. appoin ted to a respon- by no means una mmous on this po.nt. opOTatioll itl this representation of Ju- no mercy or ri ghteousness. Shall I Bkmer Israel association , the liberal and a„d count

™I «mol f t U

"' SLlS liberal and p

sible office a pseudonymous fug itive In the World ' s Congress of all reli g- daism for which the evening of Septem- judge you ? God forbid ! But my teeth progressive element of the Galician Is- some of the most nrominfln frth"] ° "ffrom .u stice We consider it every ions no attacft on any bod y ' s fai th or any ber 13 , 15 and 1 6 have been assigned to and yours are on edge. raelites . It is a folio sheet of 8 pages , those dav s 11 w«*TnuhlilhL iI tn t!£! , 43 ' Z^tun<) ^U9meine ), *s . '" nfrom , u t lce We consider every v

do/mas ia admissible us by the General Commi ttee. Men and brethr en, there is only one well conducted and in a moderate tone, J 784c7t0 tL aJI 5 ¦* S- . ? '^ , "General Gaz ette of Judaism , anhono rable c.t .zen s du ty to ascertain denomination s dogmas is adm issible , , by Auli ,jar y ^ thin g for us all to dd- tr y a little hard- supported by a number of home contrib- Z ;o *°< "" d6ftth °f lto edltor ln impartial organ for all Jewish inte re aU ,the fac ts in this case , especiall y is i t the or else the Congress would become a aleQ a Denomina tional Congress or Con- er to fear God and love man ; try to see utors in its belie tristic department. , published by Adolph Mosse and Maiduty ol the appointi ng authorities , ba ttle ground . each denomination Terence shall be hel d in Chica go for a that cruelt y and race -prejudice , and 13, Israeli i des neu ,.:ehnten J ahrhun- ., '' Bauohwi tz , edited first by i ts /°" nde r( lur coun try can ill afford to bestow is expected to set forth th rou gh i ts more complete and extended presen ts- commercial dishonesty, and priestly ly- derts , "The Israel ite of the Ninet eenth t, "'S ' , P rrsse Die J " , ' ,l ' J"' lle . "The Jewish Ludwig Phili ppson , and after hi s dea l

dis tinctions upon and entrust the ad- representat ive men , that which such de- tion and discussion of such theore tical ing, are all wrong, and all tend to keep Century ," by M. Hess , the most radic al ,r*BB ' w eekl y organ for all interests of by Gustav Ka rpele a two emme

distinctwn s upo n ana entrust me aa y . practical questions as concern each us sundered and build up hatred be- periodical of its time appeared fi rst Judal8 nJ . published in Berlin by [. M. authors of national and in ter nat iona l

ministration of p ublic affairs to an ,m- nomination believes or maintains , and deno ^ination

q and W6 bere wilh Mtend tween man and man : but that for kind- ^onthlJ then wJ?lT'x*Z££ ml Sohwab and H - H^owaki , appeared reputation. It appeared firs t i n 1<J.

poster when we have plenty of hones t offer a to the world for the benefit and to you a heart y invi tatio n to attend and ness and sympath y and honesty and to 1841 - and then in enlar ged form reKular .'y ever y Thursday since 1869, in Leipzig and now in Berlin ev eryand honorable citizens for every public sal vation of mankind. We make this partici pate in the sessions of our Deno- truthfulness , "against these there is no from 1842 to 1845 , in Hersfeld , pub- was €<iit ed first by its founder , Enoch , ^"

day- This ia now the oldest J pw '»

office I t must com e to light whether r esponse to that reverend colleague in minational Congress , which will be held law. " Indi vidual ri ghteousness is the liahed by F. Schuster. Ita stren gth was J '1?60 by ?_abbi Hi ldesheimer .and now by journal in the world . It has a week y

\ n. sj™n«r i« „ ien«i r» l'

wi ih i hfl behalf of the honorar y secretar y of th e u nder the auspices of the Central Con- beginning and consummation , the Alpha in its polemics and the Radical position , B°n - Hlrsc h Hilde sheimer . This was supplement cilledor not Dr. Senner is identical with the oen aii 01 ine Honorary secretary 01 tne

^ Amerioan R &bbis during the and Omega of reli gion , and , to go fur- it ^k from the start and is now an ultra con- Oememdebote, Der , "The Congreg *Dr. Samuel y who is » fug i t ive from Joint Committees , Rabbi J oseph blob., week beginn inf, Au gu8t 23, and which ther , it is the basic law of our human u [smd week , for ooriBre

a ervati ve organ , more guarded and re- tional Messenger ," of 2, 4 or 0 pages,ju stice and to gratif y the curiosity of of Chicago , a nd tbe secretary of the will form an official ly recogni zed part of nature , which disregarded , neither edu-

' . * ' German Hebrew typ fined in . ilB laD gwage than its ootempo- containin g the latest news from the

the in-ea t Senato r from New Ham p shire Central Conference , Rabbi Cha rles the World 's Fair Reli gious Congresses , catio n nor social training, neither com- pub ii'Bned by g Sohreiber and Dr Can rarles wit, h th e 8ame tendencies . Eight , Jewish institutions and disti ng uisb ei

i, mu st be ascerta ined , when ,.nd where Levi , of Ci ncinnati. We do it thus All communications may be ad- fort nor commercial policy, can avail for LoebauJ g79 ' ' ,0mel

twelve or

fourteen , ' pages persons ; and it had former ly a suj r 'o. . . d ressed to Rabbi Joseph Stolz , Secre- charity and peace. , double columns , quarto . ment called

the said Dr. Senner was redee med l.y pubhc l y in order to inform all other

of the Joinl Committee , 41 2 War- I remain , Sir , J ' There appear s with this weekly : VoUMM Das , a popular beli etr ist icthe baptismal grace , so that tIk great friends , doctors , rabbis and laymen who ren Avenue , Chicago , 111. Your s mos t respectfully . 15 . Jeschwun , was a monthl y maga - Sabba t St-,„ dn , "Sabbath Hours ," an il- sheet for the peop le, edi ted by Lud *i?statesman may conscientiousl y r opori to ' a re read y and willing to contri bute to B. Bettmann , Cincinnati , Pre ^dtnt. A . M . zine , publi shed in Frankfurt a. M., by lustrat ed feuilleton , con tainin g ' chiefly Phili ppson , Lei pzi g lh ' S .'i to 18» 10.

THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. SThia journal ia favorabl y known , as YAHVI SM. with His spiritual likeness, because they that many writers and law-g ivers wished may keep alive the demons of contem pt, u. , . .. , . - o r r r c /* » i» -*fsr M the German language reaches , u derive their life fro m the breath of l ife to isolate Israel , in order to preserve in of r ace-prejudice , of historic al hatred ; Highest of all in Leav ening Power .— Latest U. b. CjOV t Kepoit

tbe stau nch champion of liberal and dr. auolf mobis, looisvillb , it . which He has br eathed into them. He its midst the world 's pricel ess blessings, with a name you may conjure up the ^ ^^enlightene d Judaism. is the Lord of the spiri t s of all flesh. Hence those utterances and enactments angel of mutual respect , of union and 10*1*

. ¦ * ^ k ¦.* ____ ^.1 9Wi Mnn Tsj, ,ii,-h, >l>n n«ll<wl tnA Among the innume rable misfortunes His divine laws of justice are bindin g born of a sp iri t of excluaiveness which universal love. ¦ ^fc ^ffk M ¦ l& iOk. MM? I T"r*% *'"F• Y*k Jew ish Timer - a week? "hioh httVe befsllen the Iwael itM Binoe °» all men , for He is the jud ge of the stand in such glaring contrast with the _ ¦. JW^^ LMmMM I l» fl l%| | W mZ" u!mnr i.n Iewi«h di»l«nt which th9V 06a8ed to form a state and a na- whole earth. He visits their transgrea spirit of universali ty of the great pro p h- «_ _ „_-» — _ »ine- *i*« e» m W^ TM ^ft^V ^P^. ¦ ^ F"**"W"k "M|* «"^ "|

^th«hJ K^

His merc y Is ex- ets and with the

cardinal ideas of Yahv- C O R R E S P O N D E N C E . ¦%¦ ¦ T % | ^T ^F

banter *- a weekiv newsnaner 1uence8 »B the nam e Judaism . In the tended over all His creatures , and He ism. Moreover , Israel thou gh idea l l y ¦ WX^mW M f^ ¦ ¦» tlbre w cnarao « , » " f * mind of the Gentiles thU name indis- graciousl y pardon s the sins of repentant the chosen messenger of Yahve to all >'E >Y YORK. ¦ ^L^^IVbT * m |JV|viaf/|AMw,th unr» .. . . . r „ solubl y associates our relig ion . which is heathens , that heed the warnings of His nations , under the given actual condi- ¦ ^"k • *-w-*^rw-v W f IIIm IH Il'P Thut tons—some in Hebrew-ap- un !yer8al in !ts deePeBt 80uroe8 and P'opheU , and re turn from their evil tion s formed a peop le and a slate , J v x * 1 1 — W h i l e looking over the fl ^L JS

*X2ag"2a2> E V ffliVlconlrio

Chioaco nub uni,< ,raal »\"s scope and tende ncy, ways. Israel is not His sole possession, strugg ling for independ ence and often "Bibli ograp h y of the Hebrew Periodical ^

P*™,18 BdUad 'bv Morris Weohsler witn tne Jew»li race , and thus stam ps From the rising of the sun to its settin g for i ts existence , surrounded on all sides Pres s ," by Rev . D r. 1. M. Wise , in last A D.C Al I PI"EI *W M fT%CImb ed »nu ™"B" * £ 22^2

• it as a tribal reli gion. Worse still , the is His name to be praised among the by hostile na tions that sough t to sub- week 's issue of the Jsiuklite , I called AJj SUiJe/ 1 CLT j rUKBg pages, , jewB themselves , who hav e graduall y nations . Abr aham , who sough t the true jugate , and even to destro y its name to wind something 1 had seen in fol i o, appears since . come to call thei r reli gion Judaism , are God , and found Hi m , was chosen to be from the face of the earth. A state of "Hakkol " (A pril , ISf i S) edited by Rev ~ ' ; ==s45. Zeitung, J vcduehe Il luitrirte , a smal l most of them misled to believe, that a blessing to all men , and throug h his mu tual hostility does not tend to M. 8. Rodkin son , and which I would Weil a school will be held on Wedne s- DENVElt , COLO.

peTiodio«l o» the Polish Jewish dialect , their faith is bound up together wi th seed should all families of the earth be awaken feelings ol amity, to foster like to imparl to my readers to-day. I day ' tbe 14tb lnBl ' al 4 P ' M at tne Hebrew char acters with illustrations , the Jewish race, that it is a reli gion for blessed. I srael was chosen to be the the ideas of universal brotherhood , refer to an exp lana tion of the expression Berkeley Lyceu m. The Cloning of J ewish Institutions forpublished in New Yor k 1887 , by A bra- Jews alone and not for peop le of any light-be arer of God 's truth , His mission- Yet in spite of all these tremendous Sabbath Haggad ol . This term is found ' _>*" J fiOO .000 has alread y been sub- tn< l Summer. — Beautl fyln R of theham Qoldfaden , U hatdjy known. other race or nationality. ar y to teach the nations the knowled ge difficul ties the sp irit of uni versality, neither in the Talmud nor in Maim on- ""' bed toward the buildin g fund of the Temple . -Sewing School for theZeituvg, Pute r-Jueditehe , jargon Ger- Yet , neither in biblical nor in post of God , and show them the way in which the belief in the unity of God and the ides. is the first to use it , refe r "" "n ' " lnal Hos pi tal , and the sum of

chlM of RusK ian i- lll|„ ll.<, _Jn in Hebrew ' characters by M. biblical, neither in Talmudi o nor in they should walk. The childr en of I s- unity of mankind was forcin g its way rin g to Toeephoth (Sabbath 87.) Ac- *]0*>t00,0 "¦¦ »>«» con tribu ted to the J " ™" ° "" ,a" lmm«raD *».

nrossman , appears in Buda pest, three much later times is the term Judaism rae l were not to enjoy special privileg es into the foreground of the national con- cording to this , it was on this Sabbath , Montehore Home for the purpose of ' > ¦

ti mes weekly and ever heard of amon g the Israelites. The and favors , but wer e to be the witnesses sciousness. In the leading minds al which immediately precedes Pesa'h , that enlargin g the edifice and other needed _} . . p „t„ iftTDOn «„„,.„ Bible speaks of the rel igion of Israel of Yahve. Israel is the servant of God , least , this spirit gained the saprem scy the Israelites were attacked by the improvements . J ON * I t/.—Kabbi W . S. F ried man¦ wf hrew chaJ ctL™ bv M ¦» ™ TV mm " Torath Yahv e." the in- that will not grow lain t nor become over all contending intere sts and ideas , Egyptian , on the 10th of N issan , but The man agers of the "Sanitarium for 6*", an in terestin g review of the pastS. TfcT arme th7ee tEL a ^ruction , or the moral law revealed by weary until He has established justice and especially after tbe great triump h rescued by a mirac le , Is it not strange Hebrew Children acknowled ge the re- year s work last Fri day evening. ItEhr enthe i . appears tnree ' ™ a Yahye . more f M u fa gtated to be the on ^ Tfae nfc

Qod ' Yahvism under the Maccabees , sough t that both Talmud s know nothing of all ceI P l » the following donations : was his closing address prior to the? ?J JS^«Ss 43 Btatute8 ' J udB»^t8 and ordinances of for the sins of the nations , he is despised ways and means to real ize itself. But this ? Previousl y ack nowleged , $716 , Hon. -™mer vacation , and was bri mful ofchar acter ana tendency as no. «.

Yahye Jn other ^ ^ we are

^ q(

& ^ ^ rf

A ^ Mr Reohele8 of CrtLOOW Jacob H . Soh.ff , f > W , Jacob S. Bern- encoura gement. He emphasized the4fi. Zeiehen der Zeit, "Signs of tbe won t to call the religion of Israel is rep- his voice is not rais ed on high, even the realization far more formidable than all believes that tbe word Sabbath in this beina er A Bro. , $100 , D. J . Einstein , necessity of a tr u ly Jewish life, and

Time," a Monthly , devoted to religion, resented as nw n»V " Yirath Yahv e," bruised reed does he not break . Laden the opposing forces mentioned above, connection does not signi f y "day of rest " » 10° i H ym an Israel , $25 ; Hon. Ferdi «poke of the work emanating fromphilosophy and society in their interre- the fear and reverence of Yahve . These with sorrows , bleeding from many Many causes , which cannot be here but week , as in Leviticus X X U I , 15 , nand Levy, Jose ph Strauss , Morris B. {,emP ie


*1- , After summing uplstions. This periodical appeared three and other kindred appellations oon- wounds , he is ordained to gather the enumerated , had concurred to develop (com pare also the Talmudio expression Baer . Ch as. Emanuel , Amy and Edw ard the benefa ta wro ught by our two kinder-years in Chicago , where its publisher tinued for many ages to stand for the lost sheep, the nations of the earth unto the ceremonial laws to stupendous di- napri -OJ ^ ra pn 'tun' ) and that the PJ au t , Charles Bernstei n , Mrs. Dai res, 8ftrt eus. Beliefs Russian Bath Associa-and editor , Dr. Chronlok , was the reli gion of Israel amon if its adhere nts. Yahve , their Fat her and Jud ge. mensions. The Jews alone who had Sabbath Haggadol , the Grt.a Week , the Mrs. Jose p hine Jacob s, Sam uel A. Suy- .' tton , hewing School , T. E. Literary 8o-prea cher of the Sinai congregation , and To distinguish it fro m Christiani ty and Such is the ideal mission of Isr ael , as gradually in a long cou rse of histori c week of redemption and joy, was not dam , $ 10 each and others at $5 and $1 j

oiety, he expresse d earnest grati tudeone year (1882) in Berlin , Germany . It Islam , the Jewish philosop hers some- conceived by his seers . Nor has the training grown into them , could make in troduced before the Crusades , at which each ; to tal , $1 . J 3 ' J. | ana asked for hea rty co-operati on dur-is original , radical , and caus tic ; month - times designate it as the faith or the be- historic life of Israel in its better days the serious att empt to shape their life time it was established as a sort of con - Rey Dr - Koh ut appeared in the ; 1D 8 the coming year.It 64 to 80 pages octavo , doubl e col- lief of tbe Jews. It was Jose phus Fla- wheneve r the conditions of the lime in accordance with them , without feel- trast to the Hol y Week of the Chris- Temp le Ahawath Chesed lor the first | the temple will be thoroug hl y reno-umns, 12 by 8 inches the page. vius, writing for the instruc tion of favored such a course , been tai thle sa to ing them as a burden . The rest of the tians , which is a week of mourning , time since his recen t illnesss on Sab- 1 v»ted and beautified during the sum-

t - 7,ji.,lr ,'fli««r f l.HW «rf i.«l l.r Greeks and Romans , who coined the its high univer sal mission. The best world , especial ly the western peop le, re- He fi nds a similar contrast to a Ch ris- oath lan t. He did not deliver a ser- ! mert „M 7™. nnhl hSed

^bv the then term Judaism , in order to pit it against wri ters in I srael had a more or lesa garded these countless strict ordiaances tian institution in the old usage of cele- »°n bu t expressed his thanks to all for The closing exercises of the Sunday

^T? tJ ^eto te MUu»andlri MJ e Helleni8na *• a "" th y opponent and clear insight into the fac t , that Israel and oeremoni w as unnatural and insup- brating marria ges in the open air . their kindl y interest m h.s condition. school br oug ht out a large number of°r!h ^f^S^ Jn H«H ri 823 riTa1 ' By Hellenism was under stood the had not been formed into a peop le by port able burdens. These ceremonies With the Cath olics the ceremony of } »" organw.tion t o b e known as tbe | interested ones . The children showed

i JrJ L?PKrZ , nnrn hm Tn one "ivilization , comprisin g langua ge, poetry, race affinities but by the formative and formed a wall ol separat ion between the marriage forms one of the seven Kduca tional Alliance has been formed | an easy familiarit y with the BiblicalJ 2^r\

n^bers in one ^. ^.^ manner8 i 0UBtoms un ir ying force8 0f sp iri tual kinshi p. It world and Israel. The wonder is that sacraments and m»y be oon-

the Aguilar r ree Libra

ry and the and Po ^B.blical histor y and the essen-volume, OOtavo.. and insti tution s, which , since the times was earl y recogni zed that Israel was not the sp irit of Yahvism succeeded in mak- summ»ted onl y in chur oh. With us, Heb rew Free .School Association , for I fa 's and incident als ol Judaism

Our48. Ztf a eh r ift, Wi.,senschaftliche jue r of Alexander had spread from Gre ece, what ia called a pure race , but had re- ing so many converts in sp ite of being however , i t is a secular act , a busines s V»e purpose of carryin g on the work I communit y owes much to the efficient

J vedische Theologie, a monthl y soientino its original home , over vast regions of oeived large accretions from forei gn grievousl y hamp ered in its march by transaction , and does not apperta in to done at the Hebrew Institute. The A l : corps of voluntar y teachers: Missesperiodic al for Jewish theology, by Abra- Euro pe, Asia and Africa. Josephus , tribes . Judah , the reputed father Of the the weight of lhe ceremoni al yoke, the house o' God For the sacue reas on 'i.ance will become a membershi p so- ««rj, .snevelson, Sarah Silverstein ,ham Geiger, published by an association zealous for the glory of his natio n , wish- tribe of Judah , we are informed , mar- Chris tianit y sprang into existence , and no mar riage may take on the cie ty and will collect all dues for both Uattie and barah Amter , Lottie Morse ,of Jewi sh doctors , began to appear in ed to prove to his pagan contem poraries ried a Canaanitish woman who gave started on its career with tbe intense Sabbath. '" cons tituent or ganizations. The Blanche Klein and Messrs. David Plesa-Frankfurt a. M. 1835-1836 , then in that the Jewish concep tions of God , ot birth to the ancestors of the Je wish strength of, and wi th tbe ardent enthu- \ oung Men s Hebre w Association hav- »«-, Humboldt Shlesinger and AlbertStuttgart 183S-1839, af ter an inter rup- the soul , of morali ty, enshrined in 6 clans . This simp ly signifies , that the siasm for Israel 's mission to the nations. The school year is approaching its |nf

™tl.™d ho 'i,8 "0

ln the ,nB "' I IV J *' j A ""P" ™'011 °jtion in Gre enberg, 1842-3 ; then again noble literature , were in most respects tribe of Judah grew out of a union of Freed from the trammels of ceremonial end. Tne Sunday-schools have held t u f building, the Edu cational Alliance Kabbi r ned man. One hundred and

after on interruption in Breslau superior to those of Hellenism. And to Isra eli tish and Canaanitish trib es. In law by Paul , at once it gained an im- their reception and distributed th eir "i ' con tinue H on improved lines. The ft ' ty children are in regular attendan ce,and final ly in Berlin to the last the totality of their beliefs, moral com- fact the Calebi tes, the Yerachm eelites mense advan tage over the Mother- prizes to the b. st pup ils and at the end ^ 'lowing officerB wer e elected. Isidor 1 doubt whether there is a better or-dnya of its grea t editor , 1881. This mandment s, reli gious practices and cere- and the Kenizites , thou gh formin g in- church , which dared not bre ak away of this month our public school s will . UB ' p.rf , 'S,amuel Oreen ebaum , gani zed Sunday-school anywhere.¦'Z-itsohri ft ," more than any other monial ins titutions he gave the name tegral par ts of Judah , even in later bi s- from its peculiar national forms. This also close their doors. Industri ous "" "-president

Albert Fnedla nder , ' he Sewing school dir ectors , under

per iodica ], produced and popular ized the of Juda ism. The Christian wr i ters torio times were known to have been o' was the tra gedy o' Israe l , that he had pup ils see their harvest time approac h trea8U, ,er , ^ed 'Vegelberg, secretary. the guardianshi p of our philanthro picmoder n conceptions of Judaism and eagerl y seized upon the name thus Canaani tish ori gin . Josep h married wi thin hinn«lI a universal soul and a ing, the seed they have.tended with , *' meetin g held in the Heb rew women ,«g»ve prizes to tbe Bixt y ehil-wbat is now known as the science of furnished them , in order to distin- Oanath , an Egyptian , or translated into national soul , eac h conte nding for the so much p»in * will now bring th em ln8t,tu,e j **1. Sunda y evening for th e area _ of our We st Hi de co-reli gionists

Judaisnt It instructed , liberali zed and guiah Chris tianity from the mother- the langua ge of history, the tribes of mastery and neither able to obtain it. rich fruit which they will joy full y carry Pur Pose of gwnin K members contnbut- tor their oommendBble labor . This in-enlightened the entire generation , as far reli gion from which it had sprung and Ephra im and Mena ssah received lar ge Duri ng the middle ages there was no home in the shape of pri zes and medals V. B towar '' lhp fund of the Montefiore su tution has been, in existence for oneas the German language was under- become differentiated ; they were thus Egyptian accretions . A wh ^le clan of possibility for Yah vism to spread with- of all kinds. As in lormer years a large "ome' ,r

lhe "P^' 0"'' b-BU was fairl y year out tne satisiaciory work of thestood. enabled to demonstrat e to the heathens , Simeon was called Saul , the son of the in the domain of Christendom. The number ol Jewish children nave dist in- BUed " J oe epenken of the evening pup.U will gu arant ee its continuance in

aq Vi„ , o .»m i mnnthl w rt r<r«n to who were seeking the true God , that lor Can aanitish woman , which mea ns , that it penalty for makin g converts wn s torture guishert themselves in tbe Public schools W .er *" : °nM „ „r° , "rf, ' , ' « , JZV vu^ ZlJ ?* ?J t

our wo"ZnrfreLLsXvoSn Lon ^Isra them to embrace the reli gion of I srael contained so many native elemen 8, that and dwth. Tnu. Yahvism w« sur- f„d ,mong these the children of Kus- '^

Ir ^/Vflr


Plalx -k Ool I Ben . They seem read y for every en-t£ b l l 8/SEt, ann a«ed ?n Berlin meant to become JeWB - membera of th e !t waB lookod U P « la^jgely Canaan- rouaded withu , a hi gh wall m,d« of 81Bn pare n

Bta form a large par t. Ferdinand Levv , f oj nm.«.one, Adol pb «eavor and

^sacrifice. . .. . . .

> ^lS^J« PP hated , desp ised «nd alread y persecuted i tish. Moses married a Midi aniti sh hard firml y cmenled ceremonies and i a

PthB N ormal College tbe honors L ' San «er ftnt '<«¦

A. R.d .n. Tne

H „rh f^°"^f


U8t«« «r the

Jewishfrom 1S33 to 1835. JewiBh rfto<j MoreoveT i the Jewa them, woman _ and his cbildren were ther pfore wi lhout b/ the dread ful wal , erect P ll w wer (J c^rrie () ot , b MlBB Aub p,M ifleg env elopes and subscri ption blanks were Hospi tal Association has given the con-

50. Zionswaee hter , Der , " Zion 's Watch- selves who intensel y detested the traitor of mixed-blood. The whole Mid ianiti sh fanaticism , hatred and suspicion . being valedictorian she is the reci p ient nande (1 7

Mr - Solomons who an- trac t lor tne completion ol tne buildin g,man ," an extreme orthodox weekly, by Josep hus , refr ained irom reading his clan , into which Mose s married , was Ho * could pure Yahvism dream of of the pri» * f..r Eng lish literature. The P 0"^

Unit the

appeal to


hU UJao- wtiich will be read y for occupanc ySamuel Enoch , assisted by Jacob Et tlin- works and from adopting any of his adopted into the Israelitis h nation, and making conquests ? Yet the belief 10 a young lad y is an modest as she U in- ' ly of his down-town brethren had found October 1st. lhe lru stees hav e wiselyger , appeared in Alton * 184% to 1855 , theolog ical , practical or his torical ideas, play ed an important part in the reli gi- Messi ah to oome implied not onl y th , duslrio us «n.l well worth y her honors * rea 'J y ttnd Ue"iy reB POD8e

v th fT befor '""

Th h t%till rep laced by Le.hmann 's "Israelit " in Hence the ter m Judaism coined by Jo- ous his tory of Israel. It is agreed on all future deliverance pt the Jews from the as proven by the many letters of con- " ' '°" >:A - j _ e " ™re » to

er0Penln 8 a° nospital.

Mainz and "Die Juedi sche Prea se" in sepbus remained absolutel y unknown hands that the great miss of the in- world 's hatred and cruel persecution , graiulatioo she hus received from her •—•«— ey ? ° the


te, ^T *

hBerlin * to them. It was onl y in comparativel y digenous populati on of Canaan was but also the assurance of the rei gn of competitors. I ext ract the following , ¦ ¦ , ' ' , ' B ' , L , • „„ .. „ „„„j .1. " ¦ v, . "^51 . Zeitvng, Juedi sc,,,; "Jewish ~> *»-¦ altfr *•/«-

^ *?& S^?

^ ?l™* f ? »d ™™ ^ J f*^


a report of

the public schools

J ^I ^ r ^X^^CZ ^Ul \ ti SZlette Or ean for Jewish Interests " ap- familiar with modern Chris tian litera- and their blood blended with that of hood under the sway of Yahve , the God "At the recent examination for ad- l lellm u n announced her tietroth al to Mr. East should contribute Israel v to ite„M ™ hWMbk in T,«mWo aiw.nvmni.fl ture , that they began to name their re- the conquerors. The ancestress of the proclaimed by Isr ael. , But it was a mission to the College of the oily of !,t " rJ r SbkIib of Cincinna ti. Miss F lellman „ • » „„„,.„ 8 7pears biweekly in Lember g. anenymons. ^

. (Mnd 3 t of David wag Ruth B mere dre9al | a

7far .off vUion which had New y„rk tbere wer

bfl ] m .JB of «J . d,l«t tt '^f" ».•»»«

l^T M r RB„; imi„ wilI Tnft w . „fc52. &««». »«« W^,"New But why object to this name and try dau ghter of thehated Moabitish peop le, no fea ture common with any possible the grammar schools takin g the exam- St tohi ""tir J^); Der befL the Je ^sh WcWb ConJewish Ga zette , by Dr. IVisoh , appeared to supp lant it by another , if it does most Alread y during the Babylonian c&ptiv- r eality . For the first time in many iaation ; 7*27 of these were found quali- South Beud ,jIii <I . Her man y endearing qu ali- I K !„ %_ «. " w V ' PIin Zurich 1379. fitly express the facts , the whole of those ity many conver ts were made to the re- centurie s an arena has been opaned in fied to enter. But heading tbe whol e J |«» h»ve wdll hers how of friends to whom 6™a '*? £„.£ wu , ;.T^j w?0?53. Zeitung, LUu rg Ucke, a* musical "Ifcjon. ideas and practices for which I., ligion of Israel as is evidenced by 'the this country, and in our age tor pure ltat is Isidore Delson , of Gram m ar £V&!

periodical to improve syna gogual sing- BtandB ' le il not really the religion of fao,t tha t a numerous famil y was found Yahvis m to un fold its universal nature , School No. 82 , who has been under the live Himn i?er i.. Omaha , hut that he could ¦ (jrmant8 of Tem ple Emanuel weline was published bv H erman Ehrlich , Jews and of no other race besides? Has among the returned exiles, un able to to accomplish its mission as the roi igion tuition of Fi rst Assistant Moses Moritz «tep in and win one ..f Omaha 's fair est woruen d th oreHBr jt v-.r '. olmm Th «vSeinin g, 1848 to f862. "» not our reli gion -Inquirin g Christian prove that they were of Israelitish de- of man y races and nations to gather during the pas t yea, Delson comes of ^^ 7/ ^tVfiSue-' dZted Ibe C^n

'g To he

'Zoou ^l,. , , . , . , , ,. n , . , , may ask , from its dim beginnin gs to this scent. The prop het Deutero-Isaiah wel- into its folds those Gentiles , whose Rus so-Germ an stoc k , is 16 year s old. ,n»n and surceiw hil man. mer.t of interest in Jewis h matters —54. /.eitsehnft fner die btsch icMe der day , exclusively and jealously been 'con- comes tbe strangers , who join them- reason canno t accep t the peculiar ten- and is a studen t in every fiber. He at- Under the nuuMgeim-nt of Mr. Julius Meyer R .hhi ir P1 -Hm«.n lertnrod in tha TTr. i««wJ vdm in DcMtschla iu l , "Gazette for the fined to the so-called eWn peop le, the selves to Yahve , to serve Him. Of th em ets of Chri stianity , who are separated tained 665 points out of ft possible 70(1. " tall y-ho part y was arraii Re d in honor of Mis. "¦* YT? '?. J *t!inn „- -m^history of the Jews in Germany ," by linwI deeoendent a of Abraham , Isaac He will take'to minister in His temp le, from us only by a name , He is far from wealth y, neverthele ., he ^Ji ^lJ .rTC Jl '^r Cp.T'whiX SlowshTp of Sion ' *budwig .beiger , appealed in Brun swicK and Jacob ? When did the Jews ever Several centuries la ter lar ge reg ions of The Israelites of America at least the will continue his education , as he is am- included w<si of our young folk *, 'started I

1! v > '° , !n -V- n 'S * b"ng *he Ught and tF Uth 0t th6ir reli " Babylonia wer e inha bited by native overwhelming majori ty of the enlig h t- bilious , in telli gent and industrious. " from the M .irop olit.n Cln b »boui6 p. M.ot . Hvma7 ™il«t ,d two tar A.

r S ^urfw sto iTn 'Ul6 gion, the moral ideas and laws in which Babylonians , who had become conver ted 6ned , the \r genuine American Last Sunday the pup ils of the Sun- "tf S ' un . f i t A p„ e . of Denver spent ' J.w [.h Ho^pi^A^^ lK C^m

'nati^lor me tuiure niHionan . it glories , to men ol other races and na- to the religion of Israel. The royal Isr aelites have comp le tely emanci pated day School of the United Hebrew Char- a day in the city enroiite t.. hiica i?o. , Amy Herman , the daughter of Mrs. Sadie55 Zeitsehrift fu er die reliaioese.n In- tionalities ? To these t|uestions I will family of Adiabene and many great no- themselves from the yoke of ceremonial ities held tneir annual closing exercises The d.wi.i K ^er< -iseH of t he Sahbath school , ' lerman , received the IUelson gold medal as

&t»m i. des J u den thums, "G azeite for the rep ly, not wi th the fencing logic of an blemen were prosel ytes and proved laws , hav e broken down the inner wall , at Arlingto n Hal l . The school is ex- ^..V™,!' '' !;' 'i^^ 'emp ^ ^ n'VfS?..!^ »" I tatl lK '¦ el' «!lSd«5

,Hi BhJ oY.

,1 P ° **»" Tem P |e *-«-»»-Religious Interests of Judai sm" by /ach- advocate arguing for one side of a case, themselve s moat generous to their co- built by the hand of Talmudio and clusively a gi rls ' school . The lar ge gath - Kmuklin has yeoman ' - work in t hi» con- ' Mr. and Mm. Nicholas sieenl m- k will livearv Frankel 3 volumes 1844-47 ap- bu t fro m the depths of my reli gious con- reli gioni sts in times of misfortune. Dur- later times which have kept Jews and ering j iresent included childre n of the nwtir.n , ji n-l on all sides is re mvin ir |irai «<- j'" 'be'ared in Berlin. This was continued viction s.-A reli gion , which has moral ing the last centur y of the Second Com Gentiles apar t. True , the outer wall , Indu Btnal School , many parents and for l.u eiV „ r (H

u t w!£\if" ofT^under the title of "Monat schrift ," a mono theism for its" basis, the belief in mon wealth the relig ion of Ura el was raised by prejudice , ignorance , race friends of the pup il s and a large num- H ,, i;^,1 'i1

H a ",;, „ |, ' ,'.'( . M i, . r^i Krid a V 'hi " l . i th t ' ' ' i< ' »K» .monthl y periodic al for the histor y and one onlv God l tne maker of heaven and gaining millions o' onverta. There wa i anti path ies and reli gious fanaticism , ber of charitable ladi es and gentlemen j, , , , Mi»« Anna Sands graduated in the Newscieoceof Judaism , by /uhary Frankel earth , a rel i gion which te aches that all hardly a city in tho Roman empire , though rns uy bre nche* have been made in who are interested in communal work. V n .Wr the «u s,„,.p » ,,1 the 1 omniiu. -.- „„ ¦ York U.tiiV Seminary , she will ».e home inBreslau , from 185 1 to 1868 , and is one «¦« are descended 1 rom one firs t father which had not an lir aeliihh con ?rega- is st i|| t„ fro;n being demoli shed. But Dr. V. de .Sola Mende s addressed to tbe l^,

1;;; : ^ ;; ;;;

;;; '

^..V/eriVY i.l^un- "r V'a l. 'w in is in the most important repository of and m"t her . ana hence that all men t ion , largel y cTmooied of converts from let as at lo«t do our part to tbe best of graduates word * of congratulation. S«v- dav .Juu.- -iili in l 'aitiT «.in Hall Mr. S. lti. « e ha* returned from his Ka.ster n

Je wish learning, research and criticism, without distinction of race or climate heathendom. At the time of Paul al- our abilit y , let us iry to p^r lorm the eral of the children sang sweet songs ,.lal'10 , )nul , , T..„ nr ,. _ ¦¦/,,„„,» ¦ }ietM

. , ,., k • • m, , .. „ r - ,I t was continued after Frankel 's dea th are made like their 6rst parents in the mos t all the women in Damascus had tas k which the God of History has itn - others recited short selections , and st i l l hi „ . umiabenj and m t ik rwim ' JJ rr ' aaniu. 'l I wm is i„ j Senver amin afterb y H . Oraet i, the historian , and after ima ge and likeness of God , a fai th which embraced J udiism ' The Ph ara sees, the p08ed upon ub; let us remove every otherag ave soloson tbep iano. At the con- V-,««i 'i!

[1|u '- ":o'

rbi '.iden M««j r " ' K T ™wu™ S n f a l *" m-»th» ' h U3 i,,e»- eDgagement in tbehis demi se by Bran n and Kau fm an , proclaims that God is the author , sus- moat zealou s, the most numerous and obstacle fro m the way in which the elusion of the program lhe entire av mi« „ Kinn utmiu. Kan t era Suites.Berlin I S°3 ' tainer , law-g iver and judge of all men , pro gressive sect of Israel , are accused unive rsal sp iri t of Jahvi sm would move , semblage arose , and , after an impr essive itecitatlon- -I ' lewi n(a \»n u hty i.utle < . l r i" Mr Marru.s Krankle mon the mai l for But-

_ ' „ . . . . ., can not be tribal and n ational , o\n not by the Gospel writers of traversin g wide ftnd ai a firs t important step let us give prayer by Dr. F. de fiola Mende s , all Mim Alloa Heller le r iims.

>_^__> 51, . Zeugeist, Det, "Spmt o{ the Age, reaerve M ita store of light and moral Beas and lands , to make a convert . Still up the name Judaism which js a hind- sang the national hymn , ¦¦*, Cou ntry ^Hl ^^A ™^^ ^^ j acr sonviixe, flaa month ly periodical for Bible criticism truths for one people alone , to the ex- later , in the ninth century A. D., a ranee to the spread of our relig ion . Tis of Thee. " E ich of the children a . (j mutreii. Wm. K n e hn o . 'and radical Judaism, , by Isaac L_ Moses oluBion of all other races , leaving the Rabbi converted the royal family of the painful though the truth be, let u, not was then regaled with ice cream and Teu™ Moin with violin ouii««io ¦•Ar. M r ,

M ,J,^*li;; h ,n,Zl!u 'm-d by the'¦ advwt ofsnd others , appeared an d flourished or reat 0f the world forever to grope in Khazaars , tbe whole nobilit y and a lar ge hide it fro m ourselves , tha t many who other refreshment a . M i™, lie HaleMid nin Hey n. .1 »ni. -I Ib. Hum. By. k , << ' Savannah , Oa.,-» number of years in Chic ago , was also darkness , and to perish in corruption part o ' the common peop le to his re- would embrace our fai th , because they The child ren of the Louis Down Recitation - ' Thu World for aale " Hoyt viM '.ing Mr *. Benedict , 01 th is city, has p re-supported by lorei gn li terat i of note ; throllgh igQOr anoe of the ri ght way. li gion . Prosel yt es were always held in are alread y at one with us in belief , re- Town S*bba th and Dail y School had _ >«' • >->«»• *««le , . s..ntr Uack»onv ^bu we have no bibliograp hic notes of it Such a reli gion is bound to be universal hi gh esteem by the Israelites . It was frain from doing «,, became they do th eir closing exercises in Temp le Etn an- }£&^.&

l^! .-r *'- ** ' Ki-NXrh l Xnasurnm ^outin ^belore us and cannot fix its dates. in its existence , it mus t strive , unless it no t till Christianity, having ascended not wish to become Jews , because by uel. Mrs. Loui s awarded the prizes Mi*. Mabel H K iiman. k > - had . me of his bachelor "evenings at home "» - » belie its very motive , to bring its good the throne , forbade the Jews , on pain o f embracing Jud aism th ey believe they with encourag ing commen ts , and Mr. violin 80lo-" i i Tr r™ u '™ '' v"rt l f ¦' <-» lb ¦—C n pi- J . A. Uderer has been fi»h-

JEW8 \IM CATHOLICS. tidin gs to all men , it must pu t forth ef- death , to make or recei ve converts , that lbae their own race and nationality and A. ?. HoohsUdter addressed the school. Kwa ^- - *hy"™U ry ilLiite he a * K.™ "\ -"iC"' Sand "nnieTiSSJ uS,for ts to bestow the blessings of which it thepro sely tiz ' ng zeal of Israel was check- become adop ted into the Jewish nation The confirmation class , includim g four H nai B rlth Carl Bran deis of 1' ulaikn , pawned through here en route for

rn„„ -.A„.;„ .. »i.„ <. .j ;»; .1 r.:„_J i„ is in possession upo n all the families of ed. He tha t reads the history of Israel and race . Let us call our religion eirl s of the Ssbbath School and lour of i'iauol>uct- "Hi»ni«h i)an<» Boiero " ..Mn«io w«ki Hnin s«ick , i ;».-Mr. I. fi runth al is going ton£Sn^C b^ Hebre - the e"lh ' ta «*»T?\*¦', ?Z f

wUh an T* *?'

^1 °0D ™ C° Y""" - U » Q° «"+>*« name , it tbe Tem ple Emanuel Sisterhood , as- «< ¦ ** ^^ ,,

T Ber^k. ^ ^ ^^^^^snd the Catholics in all lands we are tneti accorrlln 8 to the tru t '18 ,fc holds , to himself tha t the leading and most en- iB simp l y the name by which our faith cended the pul pit , and were addressed ,. al( .,j io „ (.„ iy ...ntage on Beaver Street They

not /mmri«Kw 1 ot tk nablar ) ,l„nm .«. teaon tliem tne waT8 of ri ghteousnes s lightened mind s aspired to make the re- wa8 cAlled and cherished by our fore- by Rev . Dr. Siverman . Rich . Bed Blood fnie rtained frien.l a last ni ght , »-indin K up with2 T«Trf lufi™nf nI.! .r and holi ness in which they should go. ligion of Yahve the reli gion of mankind , fathers , who desi gna ted it as Yira tb On the same Sunday the closing ex a, n ap .raii, r-.niis from taking iio. ^ - „ sar- »" rlabor aie a).r ^l -Morris Meyersnn andmen !, that a deputati on Of Hebrew gen- , , ., . , . , . . . t l~ , B_ , ,, , . , . . , . ,, ¦¦-»•¦«'¦», "* . o . . . ,.l m > 1 1 j n *u unnr ln a< Ker r leanllneiH run i< t r i tm Mfv . r W ni ' iniiu w run a bicycle race ontlem en called bv aDoointment recentl y A tnbal or n":tloni11 religion , one that But it shall not be denied , that there Yahve . the reli gion of Yahve . It is the erc .ses of the Temp les Israel and Beth ftP ,1™ " *J Z,,) , iat "r Thi. K r...i i',irT du l y Jih , at I 'ablo , for *ioo a si.fe. Mr. Me-n tK l lv 1, c m i a does not cheri sh. the desire to extend were other tendencies and forces at fittest of all possible names for our re- El took place. Both were well a ttend- li .- r t hurougi . iy oin eN s.- rofui a . i»n rheum ,od Cohen hold * the »tuk> '».—Mr. Aaron Za-^t ^tZtSS ^ ^i {iB ^^lol^^^ n/L Tr1 r rk roppOBe f- * tb:; ni7CT8al aspira - li*T , ^ ,ia r the wexpT9

?f -,our ??* btd u?they Z ^ZJ tZ ' ' o^ r^^ x 9 \i ' r n z 'iz^ll:the »««<»> ti,„ ..« 01,K;o»i^/l t* nnr iAr raoe 0T PeoPle. 18 essentiall y a pagan re- tions ofour religion. There occur numer cardinal beliefs and profoundest ideas der to encourage the pupi ls of the Tem. , ¦¦

, „ _, ...._ „ M r Mike Sahel ha.s left JackaonviUe^ D^tuti Se^ ^tton T

ligion, at least it has not yet ^id itself ous passages in the Bible, mostl y how- of our fait h. I ' nder this name we pie Batb -El Sabbath ^chool to .join the ..^'' ^"Cr ^.'T.rX^Srr l%«Jl -li n.l will S^, .he cSlikfnAcchb - h rl th d t m of certain ideas which are characteristic ever in the historica l , not in the prop h- adore God as eternal and infinite exist- classes for Hebrew instruction , onl y Hum i.y all rtrnggi a n. Prin t js .-tnu. l.usines s m N . w \or ji . Gracr.patti y with th^'Te h o le

^in the of Pa 8ftni8m - etic parts , which do not bre athe this ence, aa tbe source of all being. As such children were awarded prizes who —

crue l pers ecutions lo which*

thev are What is the cardinal difference be- lofty univer sal spiri t , but betray a spiri t Yahve we worshi p Him as Omniscien t were regular attendants at the Hebrewnow subjected in several European tween Paganism and " the reli gion of la- of nation al excluaiveness. We must , Providence . Y ahve is the Creator , the classes during the year.ewmtriea ft r.d nrnmi« «d that »n far as rael or Mono theism ? Every nation in however , jud ge a reli gion and the litera- preB erver and Ruler of nature and man- During the fortnig h t ending Tuesday,lis influence extended it should be an tiquity had a supreme god of i ta own , ture in which it is embalmed , by its kind. Yahve is our King, He is our 432 app lic ations were entertained atu»ed in defense o^b«^ ^

We must go to Uw-givw , our Jud ge and Saviour . As the office of the I nited Hebrew Chart-to l^ iW^wZwM throug h my thical ancestors. Every na- the root-princi ples of every reli gion , to Yahve He revealed himsel f to Moses , ties ; the cash relief amounting to

37 per Qeflt. 8X1*0112:61*.tha t aM the rfrL ^a

' ,nTr n is S As soon as »123:i 50. Besides this the usual relief *J »- *^u 6'ion would KjL Tto «^ m his own peop le, being utterl y indifieren t whatsoever agrees with them as vital we shall be accustomed to name and a^d aid were gvven to wor th y appli- ¦ , „ . ¦ „ ,mean s at the? di.^ al to ^btt J nU

to the material and spiri tual interests and per manent , and wh atsoever con- proclaim our re li gion as Yahvism and to oint s. The rpceipU. for the fortnig ht The a m u M n - advert iM .- in i . - i U f t a n v . i l UuKin j r l o u d e r ,Semitism ' of other nations , simp ly becau se they tradicts them as a passing phase, as a call its adheren ts Yahvi sts, i t will be amounted to *5, lK4 f..r> .

"l amnn - tha t - . 1 is .7 percent singer t l i . u i any ether , " mustTh ia u '

lU t™« pk™hm ™,ii hnt were not his children and stood in no temporary aberrat ion , cau sed by the B6t free , to begin once more it* predes- !n last month s issue of the .W. n., ^ * - < i ¦

' un fn 1 1 ^- ¦ • v 1! relation to him He loved only his na- press ure of deteriorating, ad verse cir- lined career of conquest . Many gen- there is an exceeding well written and re f L., - to i t s> m c l l (as it is a we l l known ammonia powder)

millinn r ¦ V!!P -r!- ln . w


tion and WM rele ntle ssly hostile to cumstances. The chief cause in check- tiles who now shrink from rel igious fel- in tere siing article fro m the pen of the

^£S l t^\ ^^^^^ ing the universal tendency of Yahvism , lowship with us , thoug h at heart our eduor , Mr. EUinger ent itled ¦¦ .. Cbri a- rv j ,Wk n/3/ vrm ^.S people The children of his nation were was the ever-present fear that by com- oo-rel igionists , because they do not wish Progres sing T l he editor of I I |- MfiCC S" king to-day.- . Y. Tablet , (Catholic.) j£°P£ to flb hi(j Toice tQ fu , fi „ hig ing in cloflfl contact with tbe surround- to become Jews by embracin g Judaism , /ft. /An has the intention of translating L/l * * * **'*' &

* ^ command s and ordinances , to seek his ing nations the Israelites would learn will readil y flook to the banner ot Yahv- it into Hebrew , and would be pleased ifStat sokOhio , City op toijido , 1 f or an d to show their era titude to their ways and p rac tice their abomina- ism , will gladl y call themselves by the any among hi s contributors or subscnb- # _

^'j U K K ^OB^Sita . oath W ho l. ili. him for his protection. The glory of hi s tion s. and instea d of leadi ng men to the nsme of Yahve . will proudly proclaim ers would undertake the work. CrCcim t>aKl.n 2!

, POWQCr, f°l»r vP«rtner ot the flrBi of F. J. Ohb msy & Co.. , . wa9 lao tlie ,,iorv 0f the national trufl God , Would themselves be rni»led themselvfts YahvisU. Many agai n who I he will of Isaac Ickeh wmer gives ^<a ^»*aa« a_^w«.»^ a a» ^ » v " wvl

^aiia» ^ 'B Su-f5'ai ^*\uto*» ^rJ ?WU?L to worshi p idol. , and defile th emselves DO w claim kin ahip with us by vi rtue of the following behests to our cbaritab e

$"ff i?SS2S %£^tiXfo '& djsappeare nce of the peop le that peo_ with theshamele ss ioi ,uitues of hiolatr ^ Jewish P™^.-^^ ^"Z H^W "in^llilriS - "C

am °f ^ W^" ^ « >


"7'»%u-n. rnt^^li«mP,W ,

wolTl. ^^^ deg ree of .s tren gth and perfection.^&^?l£ ^^!S&"'m -

¥he Xlon

of Israel arose in

irre - ZZ *

h«ld to be , so great and im- eel to be regard ed as members of our New York , |2 .00 ; th e Home for Aged

. R .^

. ---ffiw Z^^\tl£™^ ^^oT^XZ Zm ^n


^ f ' r j : 1,^,,,^^ over ever y other ,a„ ,c e.ea r . y -hewn by

'inS' r ontaiC?h^!"J ^if*^i-l?iDi«S be, He is the God of hea ven and earth , in the heart of lhe Israelitish masses , dis sociated in thoug ht from the Jewish f- . -oa t hese l egacies are to De paia

cnJuc U . I comp e t i t i ve test , whether made in the^^M^tS^Wer 'ttCe*°' tl,e

th ; ruler of all na tion ,. All men are mi gh t be totall y extingu ished by the race. There is a tremendous , a ma K .c ,mnj Hl,at ,l y >' •*--!, by Dru


Y4CO ' Toledo ' °- His children , becau ae they are stam ped den «e darkness of the heathen world , po wer in a name ' With a nam.- ,0 , 1 l b - • \ . , . . - o! Mr s. Leopold .abo: : , ¦ 1 kl t c n e n .