TOU OE.OJ,lOU - · ICQ:rll ....

S89 , . 'Emppoq TOU - OE.OJ,lOU - En. £{,oTa8dac; .. AIJ,lEV.KC,V EpyWV Ka. •H ;rru(}fli il lO Afei.i :rrt Tl1l1 bu{!(!o?]v, btl cooYQOda<; ;cal Avo, At,uevl Ko v 19"101), C1£t(]I-.H't1j:; 'l'd,I.UW; , tFt"e"l () tJC17] t; vno t' tl1.oVO'W' yow/av w <; neo!:' nh .. oal- COVIa :rolic U axtrrcov; O'IJVTeAeO"'ra<; ciO'qlaJ..eia<; I ..avn Q I'tItO<mij, "ai xa8dJ , n})I p.eylUty)v dllo- nTIJ(Jao jlb 1pl 'U1.CUV yvwO'ro ii &"'TG; loii ,ueyllrrov (JELrJJ."" of) UVVTe.uarov . I. Eloa.ywyt, E{VQL yvw(Jy6v On, '[600'11 1') OO"OV Kat f) OIEU9uv- '0'1" tv t@ xroPQJ l.1L a e; OEIOj..LIKf!C; oovriOECO<; ot ... Elval atCl9EpaL 'H bntt:r..<. uvau; ToD O't:lO'JloD o.TtO 1J11otv j..L£XPL I.wl t; Jl, EYtO' t t1C; "'/lilC; ICQ:rll jJiav t'iyvcoo1ov hciatou: Kal J.1tTQ- t: E PLOlhKl)V cruvo.ptTl<1lV, tv@taUlOXP6vOJI; IJETapaAl..e- tat t 6 £Jti'ltEOQV £vepYElac; tfle; O'ElOj..LIJCf!C; OUVaJlEeo<; Kala 360°. EIVQ l ouvu-rov OTlA.aoT'j 0 C1£IC1jlO<; va jlHUP6:A.'O tvto<; t).o.xi- OWl) XPOVOl) to t7tl1tEOOV Evtpytiac; tOO, tTlv t1t' auto\) OltU- OUVO'IV Kat cpoptiv, K1l96:K; Kai n'lv lvtaO'Lv TOO KilL vn t1tIlVEp· I t:ta l. '{1; t K tOUTOU, OEv elvill oovatil il J.1a911jlatlK1'! EKcppa<nC; l-HU:C; oov"O'eu>o:;. napa. taOtll, Etjle9a UIt0XPEOljlE:VOL yo. dO'ayayroJ.1£v El<; tovuno- ).oYIOJ..lOV tvo<; fpyoo tilv emppoilv oton nO)"A.aKIC; o£IO'J..lOn)..i)KToo<;; ItEPIOXI.i.<; fl tnI1tOVTlOI; t6)v fpywv tlval KlltaOtpeRtIKi). Kat6)Ttpm. 1'lnapotkru I.uJ.b- Tl "ltpClY KIITO -rpon:ov J..IE- 900lKOV -rOv el.VtlO'E10J.1IKOV \mo).oYl0l-'0v elolKwe; 1.110,<; KUTl1- yopiW; epywv Tel. &notu U(;?iO'tuvrUl -rov Kivoovov tf'le; thatpo- Kat ci>I; £IvaL t"a A.1)U!VIKa (M(l)A.Ol, KPll- 1t Lo6T01I01, tolXOt 6.v''Uonl KA.It . o J.( Q.KPlj)ilc; 6/lU>O:; ElO'ayooYll 1'1\, OtIOJ.1IKfi<; tOV tlt owytOIlOv npolnt09&TEI tnV yv(OO"lV 6:1tUPIlLtnt"W<; tf'lc; KU- lw9uvoeroc; Tl)<;; ywviru;><;; 00'; ItPOC; TOV tfle; jJ.O.8TllJ.CLnKf'lc; O"1JvajYtt;OWC; Tfle; abTfI<;. 'H KateU9ovO'I:; J.11W; 0810IltKf'le; OOVflO"EW<; elvaL aYVCOO"tOC;, OU- vO;J.1 s 9a 61l00l; tic; Ktl9E tpyov, VO; 1tpOO- Otop(O"ooj.l£v -r6:e; 1t)..SOV OUO"jJEVtO"t"Spc.u; at 01tOfal ouvu-rov vo; ElvaL J.1la ltep1oO"on:pul, uvaMyCDc; T(l)V PO"/UtlV Mpavdw.; lit; 't6 96: Kata t6:<; oiacpopoo<; KUTaOlCeoaO'rucw; 0180- 96voel<; TOU, 'R yoovia, cOc; np6<;; 'tov intO 'tT]V oTtolav 9a svepynOU 1'1 O"tIOlllKn OOva/lle;. ouvatov va J.lttaaaA.Mtal, 00<; npoav6<ptp- 9T), Kata tilv SL6:PK£IQV opaoewc; Q1tO 360°, eIvUl St ayvCOO"tOe; tKlio"COTe n tlJ.1" tf'lc; ywvlUl; {)frO t1')v o1tolav 9Ct. Ka\ 1') J.16ylO'tll O"ttOlllKn MVllolC;. 00. tpeovf)OOOjlEV A.Ol1tOV KUHI)'I"EPOO Kat 9a t{lpooJ.lEV {)'!to Ito(ac; YOlvlru;. liv aV6pYiloti n l-JEY(O'tl1 OEIOJ.lllCn 86v"l)ol<; tl Q:VtOXtl KCLI 1'1 £uat li9Ela 'toO 90. J.I£lro900v TtepIO'oo'tEPOV. 'Ev t"olaUtti 6A nOLaL al KIlt"OYtEpat 'tljlat au.lOv : "Ooov t"11V yvGlow tf'lc; )Ja9TlJ.laTtKi"]<; tKqlPO:OSOOC; ti'Jc; tm- taxuvo£ooe; TOO Oe:IO/lOO 6:A.)"ro(; ttlV yv{bolv t1)<; l-'E"taSol..f'I<; t"ot} OSIO"jlLKOt} O"OV'I"£)..£OTOO, aOtl1 elvQl ayvwotO<; Kat otv MVlltQI va Katoo'l"Spoo O/lroc; 6:n08tUeVUE'I"aL. a1tUlt"Eital 1l0VOV f) toO /lEylO'TOO O"EIO)JtKOO CI\lVt£/..-e- O'tOO. 0eoopG:l OlCOItIJ.10V, ltplv dotA.8oo eIS1K(;jc; de; 'l"OV 6:vn- O"E10IJIKOV On:OI..CYyIOJ.lOV Tf'!<; Kat 6.vt"oxfle; t"Oc; MOO- kou KPTllt150ToIxou, va tpeovi)ow 1tplbtov 'l"nv blpponv tOO o"E10"j.100 tnt tf'!e; 6:VToxf'le; Kat tbota9€lac; yevlK&<;; ochllatoc; 'to onotov Klv8uveUti EI<;; avatp01tr,v I..OYCP OUVclllEooV OLaqlOpooV olw96vO"EWV £Ttl t"00 ai:yl"OO tTtl7ttSoo KtllJtVWV, iva 6 tPOltOC; oume; (m0)..OY10/l00 tqlapl-Joa9(l Kilt t1t1 6.)"40,, nUpEjl- qltpalv lpywv, 2. 'Emppoi( TOO in\ TOO CJuvn,\[ . CJToO 6.0+0- Ada.; K lVOVTI Kal bTl Tfl/i TQCJLWC; oA TOO nolioC; A aWJ.1QTOC; l: - EO-TOO a 1'l OUOIlEV£Ottpa KQ'I"IlKOpOqlOe; Sla'l"ojJil O'chllatO, 1: 1tI..UTOOl; to'ou ItpO<;; TnV J.1ov6:5a TUXoUcrllC; 1l0PCJlf'le;, t1tt TOO tm- Tttoou tf'!<; oltolac; opoOv 01taOal at 00v,,9£1e; Slac.po- prov 01E08ovO'eoov Kat CJlOp6)v . AB 1'] a6:al<;; au'l"o\) KEljl&V11 tTtI opt1;ovTiou E1tl1ttOOU nAa- '1"001; ioou 1I:p6e; TnV J.lovMa. ' Ent tf'l<; otlltOIlf'!<; TIlU'I"ll; tVEP'YEI OtlOJ.1IKT] &6vaJ.ll<; O'EIOI.lLKOO oovTe)..EOto\) £l = feu, 1) Ev91l MAX s, = E 6rt0 yoovlav cp we; npoe; tOV 6pll;;ovta, 'EKUyoo crUO" CnJvrETaYJ.Levrov T(l)V yEOOJ.letplK(bv O"t'ot- Xdrov toO O'ro)JatOl; Kat tlOV 50v6:J.1EWV TO xA\tI Kat TG)V OIEO- 96vOErov tf'!; OOVU/lEOOc; to OAK 00<; '1"0 c:rxf' 1. 1.1. 'EmpP<rl\ -roD (T£lCJJ100 hi 'tOO cruVttA.ECJ"tOO K 90. tptovr,OW)..t.EV tvtaMa: nO III n tltlPPOtl O'EIOjJIICf'!C; oov6:- tvepyoool1C; tnl 'toO a&toO tltl1ttooo d tnl Tflc; tUOta- 8Eic.u; tvavTt OIDJ..IOtOC; 1: (I:X. 1) Kat imo nolav yoo- vlllv <p mUtT] ; 0 O'uvTEMO't11e; 6:olpaMiw; K ylvE'I"al U6:XtaTo<;. "'Eatoo V = 13 1 + O. + 0 3 +, .. G y il O"1Jvto'l" VT] t(l)V oova/lerov euO'tageiar;, Etc; OTIJ.1.ETov tcpaplloyflc; n. UUVTE'taY/ltvOlv XV, \jIV Kat n = fl. + n, + 0, + '. + ny il OUVlO"taJ..ltVTl t"(bv OUvQ.J.ltWV QVlltP07tf")<; £I; OTljJ£Tov tqlaj:j..IO- yf")c; n, OUVtEtayJ.1t.vwv Xn' \tin· KaUowllEv M1 Kat Tae; p01ta<; £ilO"tagehu; Kat QVaTporrfl; ToD aVBU vepys(cu; Ti"]e; ouv6:J.1£Wc;, 'l"0t'£ 0 O'uvTEMO'l"nC; aO"(;?a- Mlae; lvovn avuTp01tfiC; elval MO Ko = _ _1 - (1 ) MO 2 #EO"TI 'tropa On tn:cvepyet 0810J.llK1l O"EIO"J.lIKOO OUV'TE- M;O"t'oD E t 61t6 ywv[av m<; npCk; tOV AO, TOTE linuO"al at bt to\) ac:blJ.CLtOC; OEIO'jltKUl SUVallelC; 90. £Ivai Kat OjlOPPOn:Ol 'ttlv O ' SIO"IlIKr,V OUValllV. - ' l'Cvvfl9Tl TO hoc 1 9] 0 d .; 'Hp<iKl..tlo.V Kp;rt" ... "s.a1"!1 no.l..l1·'- ' HpilKAElOIJ Kpnr" .. . I{QTllx.CDV T"V DtOH f o. O toO 1(01} M'l XlLVIKOO 'l oll I ,M.n . 1:6 195-4. 'AoxoAdrul d Jl6 OcOOI!.KII ' 1:1nlO T1'lV AljJGII ,KOIi TUjJ&iou 'Hpo.d. elo\l Kprn"o; . I("o.( l1'iy I: rrlnA.1:1jI1Y hl'WY 1:41

Transcript of TOU OE.OJ,lOU - · ICQ:rll ....


Emppoq TOU - OEOJlOU - En poundoTa8dac


bullH rru(fliillO Afeiirrt I(ttw~ Tl1l1 bu(o]v btl T71~ cooYQOdalt cal dltoXJ~ Avo AtuevlKov 19101) rvXOtlO7J~ C1poundt(]I-Ht1j ~lshyldIUW tFtel()tJC17]t vno ttl1oVOW yowav wlt neo nh oalshyCOVIa ~ iito)oylF~ rolic U axtrrcov OIJVTeAeOralt ciOqlaJeialt I avn QItItOltmij ai dJlaQ~iTtwC xa8dJ ~ai n)I peylUty)v dlloshynTIJ(Jao jlb1pl U1CUV yvwOro ii ampTG loii ueyllrrov (JELrJJof) UVVTeuarov

I Eloaywyt

EVQL yvw(Jy6v On [60011 1) pound1tlt6~uvlt1LC OOOV Kat f) OIEU9uvshy01 tv t xroPQJ l1L a e OEIOjLIKfC oovriOECOlt ot Elval atCl9EpaL H bnttrltuvau ToD OtlOJloD IJtta~a)JEla~ oTtO 1J11otv jLpoundXPL Iwlt JlEYtOt t1C lilC ICQrll jJiav tiyvcoo1ov hciatou Kal J1tTQshy~)Tlt1V tEPLOlhKl)V cruvoptTllt1lV tvtaUlOXP6vOJI IJETapaAleshytat t 6 poundJtiltEOQV poundvepYElac tfle OElOjLIJCfC OUVaJlEeolt Kala 360deg

EIVQl ouvu-rov OTlAaoTj 0 C1poundIC1jlOlt va jlHUP6AO tvtolt t)oxishyOWl) XPOVOl) to t7tl1tEOOV Evtpytiac tOO tTlv t1t auto) OltUshyOUVOIV Kat cpoptiv K1l96K Kai nlv lvtaOLv TOO KilL vn t1tIlVEpmiddot I ttal

1 t K tOUTOU OEv elvill oovatil il J1a911jlatlK1 EKcppaltnC l-HUC cn1O~HKiJC oovOeugto

napa taOtll Etjle9a UIt0XPEOljlEVOL yo dOayayroJ1poundv Ellt tovunoshy)oYIOJlOV tvolt fpyoo tilv OttOJlIK~V emppoilv oton nO)AaKIC l~ opoundIOJlOn)i)KToolt ItEPIOXIilt fl tnI1tOVTlOI t6)v fpywv tlval CPO~EpO KlltaOtpeRtIKi)

Kat6)Ttpm 1lnapotkru IuJb- Tl ltpClYJla-r6UEtu( KIITO -rponov JIEshy900lKOV -rOv elVtlOE10J1IKOV mo)oYl0l-0v elolKwe 1110lt KUTl1shyyopiW epywv Tel ampnotu U(iOtuvrUl -rov Kivoovov tfle thatposhyIt~ Kat 6)lcrei)OE~ cigtI poundIvaL ta A1)UVIKa ~PYIl (M(l)AOl KPllshy1tLo6T01I01 tolXOt 6vUonl pl~poundcolt KAIt

oJ( QKPlj)ilc 6lUgtO ElOayooYll 11 OtIOJ1IKfilt ampl)v6llt~ el~ tOV tltowytOIlOv npolnt09ampTEI tnV yv(OOlV 61tUPIlLtntWlt tflc KUshylw9uvoeroc Tl)lt ywviru op60eligtlt 00 ItPOC TOV 6p(~ovm Ka~ tfle jJO8TllJCLnKflc O1JvajYttOWC Tfle t1t1taXl)vOE~ abTfIlt

H KateU9ovOI J11W 0810IltKfle OOVflOEWlt elvaL aYVCOOtOC OUshyvOJ1s9a 61l00l tOKOA~ tic Ktl9E J1E)EtW~VOV tpyov VO 1tpOOshyOtop(Ooojlpoundv -r6e 1t)SOV OUOjJEVtOtSpcu at 01tOfal ouvu-rov vo ElvaL J1la ~ ltep1oOonpul uvaMyCDc T(l)V POUtlV Mpavdw lit t6 ~pyov 96 ~Xtl Kata t6lt oiacpopoolt KUTaOlCeoaOrucw 0180shy96voellt TOU

R yoovia cOc np6lt tov opi~ovta intO tT]V oTtolav 9a svepynOU 11 OtIOlllKn OOvalle ouvatov va JlttaaaAMtal 00lt npoav6ltptpshy9T) Kata tilv SL6PKpoundIQV opaoewc autf~ Q1tO 0deg t~ 360deg eIvUl St ayvCOOtOe tKlioCOTe n tlJ1 tflc ywvlUl )frO t1)v o1tolav 9Ct ~Kol14gtetl Ka 1) J16ylOtll OttOlllKn MVllolC

00 tpeovf)OOOjlEV AOl1tOV KUHI)IEPOO Kat 9a tlpooJlEV )to Ito(ac YOlvlru liv aV6pYiloti n l-JEY(Otl1 OEIOJlllCn 86vl)ollt tl QVtOXtl KCLI 11 pounduatli9Ela toO ~pyoo 90 JIpoundlro900v TtepIOootEPOV Ev tolaUtti 6A 1teurop~ntOx1EI nOLaL al KIltOYtEpat tljlat aulOv

Ooov 6qlop~ t11V yvGlow tflc )Ja9TlJlaTtKi]lt tKqlPOOSOOC tiJc tmshytaxuvopoundooe TOO OeIOlOO ~ 6A)ro( ttlV yvbolv t1)lt l-EtaSolfIlt tot OSIOjlLKOt OOVIpound)poundOTOO aOtl1 elvQl ~vtpoundM~c ayvwotOlt Kat otv MVlltQI va KIl90ptol~ ~ KatoolSpoo Olroc 6n08tUeVUEIaL a1tUltEital 1l0VOV f) YV(l)Ol~ toO lEylOTOO OEIO)JtKOO CIlVtpound-eshyOtOO 0eoopGl OlCOItIJ10V ltplv dotA8oo eIS1K(jc de lOV 6vnshyOE10IJIKOV OnOICYyIOJlOV Tflt EultftQ9eill~ Kat 6vtoxfle tOc MOOshykou ~ KPTllt150ToIxou va tpeovi)ow 1tplbtov lnv blpponv tOO oE10j100 tnt tfe 6VToxfle Kat tbota9eurolac yevlKamplt tvo~ ochllatoc to onotov Klv8uveUti EIlt avatp01trv IOYCP OUVclllEooV OLaqlOpooV olw96vOEWV poundTtl t00 aiylOO ~JlOOC tTtl7ttSoo KtllJtVWV iva 6 tPOltOC oume (m0)OY10l00 tqlapl-Joa9(l Kilt t1t1 6)40 nUpEjlshyqltpalv lpywv

2 Emppoi( TOO aLICJ~OO in TOO CJuvn[CJToO 60+0shyAda K lVOVTI 6voTpon~ Kal bTl Tfli TQCJLWC oA TOO nolioC A aWJ1QTOC l

-EO-TOO a 1l OUOIlEVpoundOttpa KQIIlKOpOqlOe SlalojJil OchllatO 1 1tIUTOOl toou ItpOlt TnV J1ov65a TUXoUcrllC 1l0PCJlfle t1tt TOO tmshyTttoou tflt oltolac opoOv 01taOal at 00v9pound1e OOV6lpoundI~ Slacposhyprov 01E08ovOeoov Kat CJlOp6)v

~EO[oo AB 1] a6allt aulo) KEljlampV11 tTtI opt1ovTiou E1tl1ttOOU nAashy1001 ioou 1Ip6e TnV JlovMa

Ent tfllt otlltOIlflt TIlUIll tVEPYEI OtlOJ1IKT] amp6vaJlllt OEIOIlLKOO oovTe)EOto) poundl = emiddot feu 1) Ev91l MAX s = E 6rt0 yoovlav cp we npoe tOV 6pllovta

EKUyoo crUOTIlJla CnJvrETaYJLevrov T(l)V yEOOJletplK(bv OtotshyXdrov toO Oro)JatOl Kat tlOV 50v6J1EWV TO xAtI Kat TG)V OIEOshy96vOErov tf OEIOJLIKfl~ OOVUlEOOc to OAK 00lt 10 crxflJla 1

11 EmpPltrl -roD (TpoundlCJJ100 hi tOO cruVttAECJtOO K

90 tptovrOW)tEV tvtaMa nO III n tltlPPOtl OEIOjJIICfC oov6shyjlpound~ tvepyoool1C tnl toO aamptoO tltl1ttooo d tnl Tflc tUOtashy8Eicu tvavTt 6vaTP01tfl~ OIDJIOtOC 1 (IX 1) Kat imo nolav yooshyvlllv ltp Op60E~ mUtT] 0 OuvTEMOt11e 6olpaMiw K ylvEIal

U6XtaTolt Eatoo V = 131 + O + 0 3 + Gy il O1JvtolajltshyVT] t(l)V oovalerov euOtageiar Etc OTIJ1ETov tcpaplloyflc n UUVTEtaYltvOlv XV jIV Kat n = fl + n + 0 + + ny il OUVlOtaJltVTl t(bv OUvQJltWV QVlltP07tf)lt poundI OTljJpoundTov tqlajjIOshy

yf)c n OUVtEtayJ1tvwv Xn tinmiddot ~Av KaUowllEv M1 Kat M~ Tae p01talt poundilOtagehu Kat QVaTporrfl ToD OrolaTO~ aVBU Sn[~ vepys(cu Ti]e oE10J111(f~ ouv6J1poundWc l0tpound 0 OuvTEMOlnC aO(ashyMlae lvovn avuTp01tfiC elval

MO Ko = _ _1 shy (1 )

MO 2

EOTI tropa On tncvepyet 0810JllK1l ouvajJl~ OEIOJlIKOO OUVTEshyMOtoD Et 61t6 ywv[av ~ mlt npCk tOV t1~ova AO

TOTE linuOal at bt to) acblJCLtOC OEIOjltKUl SUVallelC 90 poundIvai napa~)l1Aol Kat OjlOPPOnOl 1tp6~ ttlv OSIOIlIKrV OUValllV

- lCvvfl9Tl TO hoc 19]0 d HpltiKltloV Kprt sa11 6lrtk~ noll1middot- A~III HpilKAElOIJ Kpnr IQTllxCDV TV DtOH f oO APXI~lXolillCo(I toO 1(01 MlXlLVIKOO loll I Mn 16 195-4 AoxoAdrul dJl6 OcOOIKII 11nlO ~e T1lV AljJGIIKOIi TUjJampiou Hpodelol Kprno CT~I ~ltU1eY I(o( l1iy IrrlnA11jI1Y I(QTcraKt)~ AI~EYIKdlv hlWY ~y 141

590 IcmCl-pptor 1969


1 shy

f ~n ngt~

I I - 0t

11 Gi ___L-_=_

Gf n2 --1

~~ ~y -

-- 1


A Bvva~poundL~ aUal elva ct EO) Et Wj a[ lHtolal ~v ltpOshy

KElJltV(jl Elval 6vatpo1t~t H O1lVlOtal-EVTl lOOtCUV ehal R E = lt (EO + tn) (2)

-Av into9pound(j0)Ilpoundv 1a~ Blv6)ul~ G Kal QJ Kaat1OU~ pound1[10 br(shyJ

mBov d ti)~ aOT1lC ltpOpilc Kat Ele to Oll-eTa tqgtaPlloyf)r trov ton OUVtcrtUIleuroVl1 100100V Q = EG + EU i bull ail dVOl Ka9cfOl btl to 6 Kat EtC TO crtHlelov n ICCIIlEVOV JIampf CtSU00 TIl Kat nO_

~Av M lit Kal IIltjo dVaL a (J)vtefUYI-U~Va tOe n Pn 1) 1tOAtKl1

an60tllOlC oinou uno to) O11l-4poundlou A oVQlpoTtijr Sx S a penal t(bv G Kat Q j Aa)1~CvbjJpoundvaL xa9hClll npar to nd ax 1tp~ fO IX 6covW X Kal + lCal S A v DOTtilv fir Q ~ ltpamp to A toE Sa h OJIuv

R = Et middot Q

Qx = 1G X + 1n x = S

Qo= 1G 0+ 1n lt1-= Sx


poundIC lU)V OItOlOOV npoKufttpoundl

s x=Q

Sx lt1- = Q (31

SA Prr = - Qshy

Ele T(111 CtV(J)tpoundpoo n-pMTAov tUYXciVpoundL tin at Q Kal Hrhouv to


T yn

bull~____~~______~~-L____~______~~~~ ____________ ~o X 3 C2 C A

+shy L L +-+ L I

QUT6 CJl~iov tCPQP~OYi1t n 01tpoundP KaJoO~EV crEICJ~LKOV KtVtpOV toO OW~ctTOt

R A v M r KQtpoundOOO)lpoundV Tliv P01ttiv TPjt Rr cix 1tp6t to A Kat M M2 tru P01t(lt poundoOtC9Etalt Kat 6valponf1lt Kala Tilv (Jlly~lil opaoEillt loD oELo~OO TOtE Oa poundXOOfJEV


M t = M~ + ME 01pound 6 OUVtEMoT~lt aOcpa4(cu yiVe tClL


RAv KaMOoo)lpoundv p 11lV aTtoOtaow wO A Q7t6 Tflv OELO)lIIC1)V Mva)llv Rr TOt e M r - RE p = Et P Q 6 oe MOt (4) yVEtClL

K (5) M~ + lt p Q

middot Iva 10 K ylvu tI6XLOTOV tTteLO~ fa Mi M~ Kal Q ElvoL ltnashyOEpo On TtppoundrteL T6 yw6llpoundvov E~ p va y(VlJ )lGYloTOV To(ho OR Ilroc yivpoundTaL ~Y10tOV 6Tav QfJql6fEPOL o( 1tctp6YOVT~ eL Kot p y(VOOV ~YlaTOL

nt aVWftpc) 6)l~ oVEqgtpoundPeurolll to MAX 0t = e tv(i) t6 p to)l~6vpoundL fTlV lpoundyoT1 tOU tl)lTlv 610V tcil3u tfiV eeow 1Pjt U1tOteLvo() allt An = Prr 100 opeoyoov(OU 1PlYOOVOU rIA p Rr

Ev tOlairtu 6~roc nEpLTttrooEl ~ RI 1 nA amp[~ 10 n Kal1 roomiddot via opaOpoundugtc toO OELO)lOO eo pound1 VQ1 CIl = nA~ = 0gt


0 rUftCgtlt (5) yivetaL 1618

M1 (6)M JNIe = ------shy

Mg + lt P Q n

EnELoti tslJrolt P Q= S4 6 tUf[O~ (6) ytVEtQln


Kal 11 yoovia PI tvepyeac toO OEI0)100 Ti ovncr101xoOcra de to MINK euro tVQl

S-I ipl = (il ~= Smiddot ltat (8)


EvOn 0lt 6l = PI lt 2rr

Aea or al j Otev6tJvO~ fat OHOjlOV elvaf ~dOflot btl t~V flA d~ TO fJttaIl- IXOl KEVT~V fl xed I (]WIJltilt~ amp6vQIlLS tVshyeoxnat cl~ to 7lgwwv tctQQn7fLoQWV lOft 0 oVV1poundAel1t7ilt duq1O)daS ylvera e)dltalolt

At auvLOtooaaJ t6te toO e eCt slvQJ

Sx to = e sbull A


EneloT) tl OElallLKyt OOVQIlIC aa Elval nQVTOlE KUapoundtO~ t7d tilv An etc to CiTlIlpound[OV n Civet t6 K dVal MIN ) Kat ETtE1 8t to n euroIvaL (JtCtgepov oTJJ1ETov t~ctpt6JJlCvov IlOVD euroIC tGlv own9rov QUVullerov toi) OOOJ1CttOC IJl ClWTEraYIltvcu

Sx (10)tn= Cf

Ka9totaral cpavep6v (OX 1) on tl otEo9uv(uC foD cretOlloO oushyOE1to-r6 e[val ouvat6v va dVUI Korcuc6plXPoc ii 6Pl~6vtloc Ol6tl t6tE t6 n nptnEI va poundopiontlll tnt taD a~ovalt X 11 lIl nptnpoundL

rr 011) ro = 0 i1 0) - 2 QvtI01olxcult npCiYJIQ onpoundp oev pound[val

OOVl1tOV va cnlJlBtl Efp ooov t6 a11J1ErOV EqlapllOris 1iis OUVlshy(1taJleV11s tOOV 50VUIJEooV EupiaKe1al EK16s t(i)v 0~6voov Ax Kal AjI Kal En tis bWpCVEioo XAlIl tuvpoundnoolt

rrdeglt w = P lt 2

np6011)OV tuYXaVEt Oll h tGlv oVWttpw OnOAOYL0Jl(i)V tl 51~ushyeuvmo taD aSloJlOl1lh tv ExOjlE t6 MINK dQI ovpoundltapt11tOs toO E

22 ElllppOq tot OtlOllOt Erd tflo t6crtro~ llo8b1 qA

eo tpsUvf)OO)jlEV EvtaQ9a nola tl buppoi] OStajll)(ii~ ouvoshyIJpound()J~ EV6PYOoo11lt Ent t oO autoD E1ttneOoo 6 btl tis taCffiffil noMs a A OOOj1aros t (ax I) Kal urro nOlav yoovlav cp 8paatwl aih11 y[vstat IJsrlar11

~Av )(aiacojlEv P 1l1v KQtC11C6pucpov aUVlatWaClv tiJs aUVtatClshy)ltvlt tOOV OUVCtjlsO)v V Kat 0 Kal lt 1tlv ct1t6arao lv Tf1s 1OliJo riJlt crovlo1Olev11lt tQUTT)lt IJEtCt tilt AD ano t OO A t6tE 010 rrA6tOlt 11lt OtatOIliJlt AS [aov It titv JlOVaOa Kal JIiJ)(olt L TJ t6mo ToO noMlt A Sa eiVaL

p ( - ~) (100)A P 2

a = L + 6 ----L- - shy

tQUts AD) TO 7tAEOV Ent)ov toD A lCai M e tllV ponilv tnlt

P ltblt rrpOO to C~ t6te hEIOTi Me = P ( 23L -~) SahWIlEV

A MC a =-w- (11)

Brat ~ Taa lOU 7toi56 A YE1I)Cw~ i5lct rVlovaa i5mJa~E G1 )cai 01 Elva tart fJ-euro TtlV TaOIv dc TO atho mlPciQv A ijTC neoshy

ieXerm be jlOv7)r rijl qomj TOtinOV pound0 leo TO OX(]OV Tot

1Zveijvo Ctmiddot

EuvEnOOeliv a KaAeuroaWIlEV tftV taotv taD nooolt A n)v rrposhy

EPXOJlevTlV h ti)v ouv6JlEWV G j Kal OJ Kat O~ Tily tao LV tTJv npoEPXOjlEV11V EK tilt OelCJjllKno OUvaIJEtuo HI t6n tnEloTJ tCJXUEl 6 N6IJltX tilt tna))TlAiae Sa poundxrojJpoundY


1va tl a A ylVTJ jlqlat11 hE10i n a~ dvat atCl6Epa npEnEl

It O~ fiTOl TJ EK tfllt aE1O~IKiJ0 ouv6jlEffiI rrpOEpXOjltVTl taate va yivU ~Eriatll

middotEo~ 6~ox lt1gt npamp C ~ po~ T~ RE Elvac

MC = R~ fl R Ev9p PR tl arr60ta01lt mD C1 ano

T~ R T6teuro MG = RE PR

A MC Rt PR Pft Q degE =- w- = 6 L = 6 --~ (11~)

Iva 1 O~ ytvu jley(CJill pound1tEloil Q Kat L sfval CJTU9Epo 1tpe1tEt to ytV6IJ6VOV PR va rtvu jlEYlatOvel

ToCto 6IJrolt yivEra l j1tYLCJtOV 6tQV 6~qllrrEpOL ol napoyovtEl y(vouv IJpoundYlOtOI

Elval 61JO)s MAX 6 = E the Kai MAX RI = R = euro Q EVt t6 PR yvEtal jlEylOtOv 6tav AaPtI ttlv 9EalV tit (mOtEIVOUshycrTls n Ce toO 6pSoywv(ou tP1YOOVOlgt RI PRo nct middot

Ev TOla6tl] 6~(J)lt nEpmtoocrsl 11 RE L TIC stlt t6 n EnE toil Bt ycov(a nC~A = a Kai llA = w b taD tPlYroVOU ArrC

L mvw rr rrc = - 3- auv (6 __ )- gtgt=0- 2

6tE 6 tunolt Ilf yivE tat

A 4middot Q aUI W iAX aE = - Lshy auv(tl )

Ote Kat TJ (lla) 90 orooTJ to ~poundYlotov ttlt (fA HtOl

A A [IR auvw (11y)MAX a = deg0 + L au (6 - )

~ld 016690 01 OELOjlOO fl = a - 2rr


a) EnELotldeg 0 lt 6 lt n elval Kat EvtaOea npocpaVElt hI

rr rr - 2 lt P lt2 rr rr

Kat 060poundnOTE PI = - T (jIl = 2 816 to)( autoult EV tQ

rrp011yoUjlevl napay pocpQl 2 J 6va(jlEpo~tvOu J6yoUSmiddot

f) Av 6 = lt) T6t6 TJ R so B1Epxsral EIC TOO nooolt A lCal

A 4RMAX a = a~ + L auv w

4R SfI MAX a~ = a + L _ x


591 Itmt~ppIO 1969

y) ITp6oll Ov cal evmD8a TUnaVEL ~n 1) OlEu8uvm -mC aeashycr~o) 0 flv AxoJ1ev 11 MAX cr A ElvQI avpounde~fPrrlrolt TOO middote

1 EppOil TOO auOloO tnl Tfjc rOcno9doCj Kol QYTOmiddot

X ll(YLKWV ~pyWY

31 Io~pokHol

TIplv poundtcrO8W)1EV de 11 av6JttU~lV toO tv J6Y4J 8tjJQtoc 86rop00)1poundV OICOnt)lOV npoc cruvToll(av Kal JtapaamtlK1jv OlEU-1(0]Ul0II laO McrAEtlltOO va 1tpota~ro)Jpoundv til 6vo)Jocrlav Cal tOV 01gtIlPOALltT)J6v tGrll XpqOljJoTtoLTl9nOO)JEVJ)V O1aluciUv )Lpoundshy

)pound8001 I(ui MaX9tVTCllV pound1( tIlt JtapouOI1lt 1lpoundEtTl t lUltOV Kat avVtpoundMcrtUlV ~r (aL tUv a1tllpUttrrrrov YEWjlEtPUC(l)V 010shy

tetro np6r oleuKpiVll0lV oe t01JtroV nappoundX0jlEV IClltrotepw 10 cr1 2 Ka1 3 titOl lltU tU7nICUr OlCllO)lW hoC MooAoU )1pound CashytUKopucpa )dTOlTtCl Kt pound16lt ICprl1tlOOlo(xou flU v 6nolwv etshy611(])lt il napoOcra MeX-E-rTl t~ua~t1 ttlV tucmi9Elav Kat ~vtO~ Xtlv E~ tTtv 1tpoundpirttfilOLV OWJllKilC Bov~opoundwe tOUtrov

OUtro aU)lpo)(lO)lEV lh~

1 Or - T6 Hhov papoe tori Texv OYKoI90u i

2 OT -= To TOlov PUpOt t(i)v yal(i)v i

3 Of = Tf)v lO9T] alV tamp yalli)v tI toO uSatOe

4 n = T~ v Ge~alv MYQl k~ l~ Seapru abullbullbull~v Ttp600eow TGlv TtAoirov

s A = TtJv BuvalHv CtvIDoeroc 100 TO i

6 AT= TtJv OUVCllIV ~vdJoeWt T(U VyCW))v i

7 F = Tn nlpoundolv btl t~ trtHpavelat eSpaoeco~ A6yltp u~ nepujIlooerot 100 KUjJCHOr 1tp6 tori atT]8alou A6tT] 9a Aajlaavpoundtot etlt jltv T6 afllpoundiov B [aT] np6e ttJv 1tleolv b (1tUe)livoe) etr ot t6 A JlTJotvn

B VO = EG + EOr - F - EAf - ZAr Tnv (JUVlcrtashyJlSvflV t(i)v KatQ~OpufProv OUVD)lampltOv QVpoundU OelojJoO

9 nt) = E0l + nS Tnv OIJv~(lTOjJSVflV tampv 6Pl~Ovtfcov 00-shyVaJlerov liveu OElOJlOO

10 Q = W + n + F + 1Of + EOr + EAr + EAT TtJv 10eoTu(tJv OuV10l0j1eVflV (ete t6 OUOjJ1K6v KeVTpov n OUVTetaYjJampVIDV In jIn) a1tOOampV TampV livpoundu 0pound10j100 Bu v~Jlerov tvepyouaampv 6jJ~ Ko9s~ trot rtp6r t6 l1t11teBov poundvepyelac tOW XAjI pound[1 t~ ltTT1JlSra sqgtaplloyfjlt trov Kat lCatd TtJV aUTnv Popav

11 8 = OO t jIf+ ndeg jIS+ EjIli + 10 jIf+ 10r jIt +x

+ lAIjI + lAi 1jI = Qljln

8 = lil xr + n xmiddot + FxF + w xl + WI xl + + IAf xi + fAJ xl = QXn

s = SA O1vID Tillt lSeallKIilt ponlilt ltbe np6oiJ d~omiddot lac X Cat jI tampv 11gtlt livw tBpoundOtl1lv Buv~

S = 8 A 11jlQ) jlerov (10) ~v9a Xl Kat Wt of OJVtttashyy~VOl ti1lv O11IlSrov ~qlapjloyf)t troy

12 = Q TtJv OSI0j11KtJV OUVajllV ttJv aV8pshyR t 8t yoOoov ele T6 OEllOjJ1K6v KtVTpov

MAX Rt = R = 8middot Q n (ouvtStaYJ1eVIDV Xn Vn) m6 ywvOV ql mr 1tp6lt t6v 6plovta XAO

13 8 - Qp TtJv p01ttJv tfj~ (SpoundQtlK~r O)vlotashy~v~ Q JJ np6bull bull6A ~vea p = ITA

14 V - V- R ~~~ Af OOVlat~jl8Va~ tlf)v KOTaKOpUshy

n - no + Rt ouvq qlI1lV Kol 6ptovdoov SUVtl)lElrov ~Sta a8~0J1oG

I~ My = tO~ x + Wr Xr T~v pon~v 0aaela dvoo Q810~OG

16 M~ - rot jI + nil jiB + FxF + fA~ xr + 1ATx7 T1v

po1tilv aV(ltp01tfjr I1vw OElOJlOO

17 MI = M~ Tilv pOTtilv e(gtotageiat IJEta ltreI shy


lB M = M~+ M t Tilv pontJv ~vatpo1tt1~ j1et~

OElCj100 ME = So S( + Ex S~ = -Evea ME tJ lm6 Tflt OSIOlIshy

o=t E SA cruv(cp-()) = Kfjt QuvaJlpoundror RE K(lt 1J6vovt R[ p TtpataAOUJ1poundV lt porn ~vu-

tp01tfr (p = 6n60taalr Tfjlt R[ 66 6 Al

MO O[ OoVTpound)poundotai aOqgtuApoundiar ~vavTl 19 Kdeg =- ovoTponie (lVE)) lCai JlpoundTa OEIOIJOOMO



V Ot OIJVtEM(lTol aOqlaJelDt f vavtl20 No = A no

6A109~oeror 5veu Kell JlEta OSIOjlOO v

N = A n

21 O~ a A A aVSU Kat jJf tel OSloJlOri taOsllaquo 1toS6r st~ 6 OTlllpoundIov A ~va p07t~t

22 I ji T6v (J)VtEApoundOTtJV tPI~~t 23 ltIJ = TtJv yrovlav oleu8uvOe~ TOO OSlOj10C ch~ 1r~

t6v alovo AO

24 (vea ~O) = ~ ) T~v yO)v lav ITAIjI

25 e (vea o~e = 2 S 2 ~ n ) TLQ-S T L-Xn

T6v YIDviov AC~n ftv8a C t6 I~KP OV TOO nushypf)volt Tf) SICltOjJ ~t AB 16 rtAtov o1tpoundX OV TOO A

R Q26 u = Vo = ---yo-

R bull QfL = lF=-no

f)1 _ 1-L+U-U1-L1

27 t = bull 1(_ t)

MAX t = I


or nvcotspro tUTtOI dVOl YSV1KOt 016 MlllAov Kol KpT]1tl06tOlshyxov EoveTtampc Kata Tllv MeJEtflV OampOV va Jlfl6cv ICrovtOl at nQshypClOlaaSI~ atnvst slvat liOX6tOl Ttpo T6 Jle1STj1EVOV 8JlYOV

Ta trVIDTEpro YeroJlpoundtplCD O-rolxeTa avaqgtepOVtOl d e ailOfIHlCl OoVTEtaYJltvwv XAjI 1) M SIpoundu9uvOIr toO OfICJ)100 etc oUalTl shyJ1a OAK 61toU b ti~rov AO s[vot tJ ~potKtamlt toO 6PI~OVfloo d1ovOt XA Kal 6 titrov AK 96 tOUtlttltal )Ie -r6v utaK6 puqlov tOlOri-rOV AIfI cbt tel oxi~ata 23

To btlrtsoov tG)v OOOtT]JloTCOV toutrov elV(l KltttlttKOPOqlOV ~t ~PxtJv T6v 1t60a QvOtp01tf)1 tori ~Pyoo Kal TEJlVOV toOtO ICBfa 1t)~TOr ToCto 11tpoundlsYTJ Ko9 600v Il BUaJlpoundvEOTSpltt 1tephCTOlmiddot 01lt SpoOampcolt torgt OSI0J100 t1tt tv6~ AfIEV11C00 ~Pyou sIval ToV tJ OftaJ1l1ctJ SUva)lllt t()ploKEtaL Sl oLavoi)not 9tOlv toO mtlk dbou ~VElPY8rOt tOO bl ToO ~1t11t~OOO tOUtou DIOn aql ~v~ ~v ~ Kaflz ~~Olt 00 fpyoo Slao~~ MYQl ~ylz~~~ 6Opavel 1tote Slv ICVSOV8U8L Kal Ctql 8Tepoo oL6n 81t tflV napl1tT(ooV (lOttJv ~XOJlElV t~ cruvflgelt Bpcboo~ bt tori ~pyou crto1llC~ oov~l-un~ Kal T~ CJpound10J11K~ fOtaOt~ hi toO aOtoO Artl1teSOU

0 l11cov Ax ea AX~ 01869uvOLV mlVtOT8 avt19ttov 1tp6~ t 6ptCovtlolt auvfl98~ aTOt1K~ 8poooCU Anl ToO l pyou 801laquoshyJlElt Kal 6 AjI AK KataK6puq0lt Kal dvtPPoftOti npcX tI)v ~opv ~ Bapufno f~~ T~~ lEv ouvsxsq Kal ICclC6~tv ~v dvwdpca ftpopavOJl8V ~ ttJv Apsuvav tflr ~ftIPPO~t toO OSlCJloO btl tfjr EOCJta98ac 1((11 ~VtOxf1lt MooAou Kat KPTlftL80tolxoo

- -

- -


q Q

I ii Gj

Q - - - 11 II

GY 1 IG~ o o_1 to--- 1- -Y-1- i2

-G Y

Q2 - shy- +- - I -I I fI I - shy A2 HG2

--- - -shy I-+- i t I 1 Ai


- jkRr_ f--- - ---

Qi Tshy




Yny Ay-


- - --Jr~1 p

GI I n

Ir RrI 1 I- - - tl L j 0c ~ C -HI

AEl xf

I tl------ X~ ____L



j _---L---Q

__ pound0_ T100 0

_ ~~_x~__ _ - - - ----f l ~2 1- - - -+-I AI-shyI

I I -- R r

I -shyL -shy

I ~

B 2 ~ C W -Hbn X


I I X F Xi

)(~t---- ---- LI II


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

590 IcmCl-pptor 1969


1 shy

f ~n ngt~

I I - 0t

11 Gi ___L-_=_

Gf n2 --1

~~ ~y -

-- 1


A Bvva~poundL~ aUal elva ct EO) Et Wj a[ lHtolal ~v ltpOshy

KElJltV(jl Elval 6vatpo1t~t H O1lVlOtal-EVTl lOOtCUV ehal R E = lt (EO + tn) (2)

-Av into9pound(j0)Ilpoundv 1a~ Blv6)ul~ G Kal QJ Kaat1OU~ pound1[10 br(shyJ

mBov d ti)~ aOT1lC ltpOpilc Kat Ele to Oll-eTa tqgtaPlloyf)r trov ton OUVtcrtUIleuroVl1 100100V Q = EG + EU i bull ail dVOl Ka9cfOl btl to 6 Kat EtC TO crtHlelov n ICCIIlEVOV JIampf CtSU00 TIl Kat nO_

~Av M lit Kal IIltjo dVaL a (J)vtefUYI-U~Va tOe n Pn 1) 1tOAtKl1

an60tllOlC oinou uno to) O11l-4poundlou A oVQlpoTtijr Sx S a penal t(bv G Kat Q j Aa)1~CvbjJpoundvaL xa9hClll npar to nd ax 1tp~ fO IX 6covW X Kal + lCal S A v DOTtilv fir Q ~ ltpamp to A toE Sa h OJIuv

R = Et middot Q

Qx = 1G X + 1n x = S

Qo= 1G 0+ 1n lt1-= Sx


poundIC lU)V OItOlOOV npoKufttpoundl

s x=Q

Sx lt1- = Q (31

SA Prr = - Qshy

Ele T(111 CtV(J)tpoundpoo n-pMTAov tUYXciVpoundL tin at Q Kal Hrhouv to


T yn

bull~____~~______~~-L____~______~~~~ ____________ ~o X 3 C2 C A

+shy L L +-+ L I

QUT6 CJl~iov tCPQP~OYi1t n 01tpoundP KaJoO~EV crEICJ~LKOV KtVtpOV toO OW~ctTOt

R A v M r KQtpoundOOO)lpoundV Tliv P01ttiv TPjt Rr cix 1tp6t to A Kat M M2 tru P01t(lt poundoOtC9Etalt Kat 6valponf1lt Kala Tilv (Jlly~lil opaoEillt loD oELo~OO TOtE Oa poundXOOfJEV


M t = M~ + ME 01pound 6 OUVtEMoT~lt aOcpa4(cu yiVe tClL


RAv KaMOoo)lpoundv p 11lV aTtoOtaow wO A Q7t6 Tflv OELO)lIIC1)V Mva)llv Rr TOt e M r - RE p = Et P Q 6 oe MOt (4) yVEtClL

K (5) M~ + lt p Q

middot Iva 10 K ylvu tI6XLOTOV tTteLO~ fa Mi M~ Kal Q ElvoL ltnashyOEpo On TtppoundrteL T6 yw6llpoundvov E~ p va y(VlJ )lGYloTOV To(ho OR Ilroc yivpoundTaL ~Y10tOV 6Tav QfJql6fEPOL o( 1tctp6YOVT~ eL Kot p y(VOOV ~YlaTOL

nt aVWftpc) 6)l~ oVEqgtpoundPeurolll to MAX 0t = e tv(i) t6 p to)l~6vpoundL fTlV lpoundyoT1 tOU tl)lTlv 610V tcil3u tfiV eeow 1Pjt U1tOteLvo() allt An = Prr 100 opeoyoov(OU 1PlYOOVOU rIA p Rr

Ev tOlairtu 6~roc nEpLTttrooEl ~ RI 1 nA amp[~ 10 n Kal1 roomiddot via opaOpoundugtc toO OELO)lOO eo pound1 VQ1 CIl = nA~ = 0gt


0 rUftCgtlt (5) yivetaL 1618

M1 (6)M JNIe = ------shy

Mg + lt P Q n

EnELoti tslJrolt P Q= S4 6 tUf[O~ (6) ytVEtQln


Kal 11 yoovia PI tvepyeac toO OEI0)100 Ti ovncr101xoOcra de to MINK euro tVQl

S-I ipl = (il ~= Smiddot ltat (8)


EvOn 0lt 6l = PI lt 2rr

Aea or al j Otev6tJvO~ fat OHOjlOV elvaf ~dOflot btl t~V flA d~ TO fJttaIl- IXOl KEVT~V fl xed I (]WIJltilt~ amp6vQIlLS tVshyeoxnat cl~ to 7lgwwv tctQQn7fLoQWV lOft 0 oVV1poundAel1t7ilt duq1O)daS ylvera e)dltalolt

At auvLOtooaaJ t6te toO e eCt slvQJ

Sx to = e sbull A


EneloT) tl OElallLKyt OOVQIlIC aa Elval nQVTOlE KUapoundtO~ t7d tilv An etc to CiTlIlpound[OV n Civet t6 K dVal MIN ) Kat ETtE1 8t to n euroIvaL (JtCtgepov oTJJ1ETov t~ctpt6JJlCvov IlOVD euroIC tGlv own9rov QUVullerov toi) OOOJ1CttOC IJl ClWTEraYIltvcu

Sx (10)tn= Cf

Ka9totaral cpavep6v (OX 1) on tl otEo9uv(uC foD cretOlloO oushyOE1to-r6 e[val ouvat6v va dVUI Korcuc6plXPoc ii 6Pl~6vtloc Ol6tl t6tE t6 n nptnEI va poundopiontlll tnt taD a~ovalt X 11 lIl nptnpoundL

rr 011) ro = 0 i1 0) - 2 QvtI01olxcult npCiYJIQ onpoundp oev pound[val

OOVl1tOV va cnlJlBtl Efp ooov t6 a11J1ErOV EqlapllOris 1iis OUVlshy(1taJleV11s tOOV 50VUIJEooV EupiaKe1al EK16s t(i)v 0~6voov Ax Kal AjI Kal En tis bWpCVEioo XAlIl tuvpoundnoolt

rrdeglt w = P lt 2

np6011)OV tuYXaVEt Oll h tGlv oVWttpw OnOAOYL0Jl(i)V tl 51~ushyeuvmo taD aSloJlOl1lh tv ExOjlE t6 MINK dQI ovpoundltapt11tOs toO E

22 ElllppOq tot OtlOllOt Erd tflo t6crtro~ llo8b1 qA

eo tpsUvf)OO)jlEV EvtaQ9a nola tl buppoi] OStajll)(ii~ ouvoshyIJpound()J~ EV6PYOoo11lt Ent t oO autoD E1ttneOoo 6 btl tis taCffiffil noMs a A OOOj1aros t (ax I) Kal urro nOlav yoovlav cp 8paatwl aih11 y[vstat IJsrlar11

~Av )(aiacojlEv P 1l1v KQtC11C6pucpov aUVlatWaClv tiJs aUVtatClshy)ltvlt tOOV OUVCtjlsO)v V Kat 0 Kal lt 1tlv ct1t6arao lv Tf1s 1OliJo riJlt crovlo1Olev11lt tQUTT)lt IJEtCt tilt AD ano t OO A t6tE 010 rrA6tOlt 11lt OtatOIliJlt AS [aov It titv JlOVaOa Kal JIiJ)(olt L TJ t6mo ToO noMlt A Sa eiVaL

p ( - ~) (100)A P 2

a = L + 6 ----L- - shy

tQUts AD) TO 7tAEOV Ent)ov toD A lCai M e tllV ponilv tnlt

P ltblt rrpOO to C~ t6te hEIOTi Me = P ( 23L -~) SahWIlEV

A MC a =-w- (11)

Brat ~ Taa lOU 7toi56 A YE1I)Cw~ i5lct rVlovaa i5mJa~E G1 )cai 01 Elva tart fJ-euro TtlV TaOIv dc TO atho mlPciQv A ijTC neoshy

ieXerm be jlOv7)r rijl qomj TOtinOV pound0 leo TO OX(]OV Tot

1Zveijvo Ctmiddot

EuvEnOOeliv a KaAeuroaWIlEV tftV taotv taD nooolt A n)v rrposhy

EPXOJlevTlV h ti)v ouv6JlEWV G j Kal OJ Kat O~ Tily tao LV tTJv npoEPXOjlEV11V EK tilt OelCJjllKno OUvaIJEtuo HI t6n tnEloTJ tCJXUEl 6 N6IJltX tilt tna))TlAiae Sa poundxrojJpoundY


1va tl a A ylVTJ jlqlat11 hE10i n a~ dvat atCl6Epa npEnEl

It O~ fiTOl TJ EK tfllt aE1O~IKiJ0 ouv6jlEffiI rrpOEpXOjltVTl taate va yivU ~Eriatll

middotEo~ 6~ox lt1gt npamp C ~ po~ T~ RE Elvac

MC = R~ fl R Ev9p PR tl arr60ta01lt mD C1 ano

T~ R T6teuro MG = RE PR

A MC Rt PR Pft Q degE =- w- = 6 L = 6 --~ (11~)

Iva 1 O~ ytvu jley(CJill pound1tEloil Q Kat L sfval CJTU9Epo 1tpe1tEt to ytV6IJ6VOV PR va rtvu jlEYlatOvel

ToCto 6IJrolt yivEra l j1tYLCJtOV 6tQV 6~qllrrEpOL ol napoyovtEl y(vouv IJpoundYlOtOI

Elval 61JO)s MAX 6 = E the Kai MAX RI = R = euro Q EVt t6 PR yvEtal jlEylOtOv 6tav AaPtI ttlv 9EalV tit (mOtEIVOUshycrTls n Ce toO 6pSoywv(ou tP1YOOVOlgt RI PRo nct middot

Ev TOla6tl] 6~(J)lt nEpmtoocrsl 11 RE L TIC stlt t6 n EnE toil Bt ycov(a nC~A = a Kai llA = w b taD tPlYroVOU ArrC

L mvw rr rrc = - 3- auv (6 __ )- gtgt=0- 2

6tE 6 tunolt Ilf yivE tat

A 4middot Q aUI W iAX aE = - Lshy auv(tl )

Ote Kat TJ (lla) 90 orooTJ to ~poundYlotov ttlt (fA HtOl

A A [IR auvw (11y)MAX a = deg0 + L au (6 - )

~ld 016690 01 OELOjlOO fl = a - 2rr


a) EnELotldeg 0 lt 6 lt n elval Kat EvtaOea npocpaVElt hI

rr rr - 2 lt P lt2 rr rr

Kat 060poundnOTE PI = - T (jIl = 2 816 to)( autoult EV tQ

rrp011yoUjlevl napay pocpQl 2 J 6va(jlEpo~tvOu J6yoUSmiddot

f) Av 6 = lt) T6t6 TJ R so B1Epxsral EIC TOO nooolt A lCal

A 4RMAX a = a~ + L auv w

4R SfI MAX a~ = a + L _ x


591 Itmt~ppIO 1969

y) ITp6oll Ov cal evmD8a TUnaVEL ~n 1) OlEu8uvm -mC aeashycr~o) 0 flv AxoJ1ev 11 MAX cr A ElvQI avpounde~fPrrlrolt TOO middote

1 EppOil TOO auOloO tnl Tfjc rOcno9doCj Kol QYTOmiddot

X ll(YLKWV ~pyWY

31 Io~pokHol

TIplv poundtcrO8W)1EV de 11 av6JttU~lV toO tv J6Y4J 8tjJQtoc 86rop00)1poundV OICOnt)lOV npoc cruvToll(av Kal JtapaamtlK1jv OlEU-1(0]Ul0II laO McrAEtlltOO va 1tpota~ro)Jpoundv til 6vo)Jocrlav Cal tOV 01gtIlPOALltT)J6v tGrll XpqOljJoTtoLTl9nOO)JEVJ)V O1aluciUv )Lpoundshy

)pound8001 I(ui MaX9tVTCllV pound1( tIlt JtapouOI1lt 1lpoundEtTl t lUltOV Kat avVtpoundMcrtUlV ~r (aL tUv a1tllpUttrrrrov YEWjlEtPUC(l)V 010shy

tetro np6r oleuKpiVll0lV oe t01JtroV nappoundX0jlEV IClltrotepw 10 cr1 2 Ka1 3 titOl lltU tU7nICUr OlCllO)lW hoC MooAoU )1pound CashytUKopucpa )dTOlTtCl Kt pound16lt ICprl1tlOOlo(xou flU v 6nolwv etshy611(])lt il napoOcra MeX-E-rTl t~ua~t1 ttlV tucmi9Elav Kat ~vtO~ Xtlv E~ tTtv 1tpoundpirttfilOLV OWJllKilC Bov~opoundwe tOUtrov

OUtro aU)lpo)(lO)lEV lh~

1 Or - T6 Hhov papoe tori Texv OYKoI90u i

2 OT -= To TOlov PUpOt t(i)v yal(i)v i

3 Of = Tf)v lO9T] alV tamp yalli)v tI toO uSatOe

4 n = T~ v Ge~alv MYQl k~ l~ Seapru abullbullbull~v Ttp600eow TGlv TtAoirov

s A = TtJv BuvalHv CtvIDoeroc 100 TO i

6 AT= TtJv OUVCllIV ~vdJoeWt T(U VyCW))v i

7 F = Tn nlpoundolv btl t~ trtHpavelat eSpaoeco~ A6yltp u~ nepujIlooerot 100 KUjJCHOr 1tp6 tori atT]8alou A6tT] 9a Aajlaavpoundtot etlt jltv T6 afllpoundiov B [aT] np6e ttJv 1tleolv b (1tUe)livoe) etr ot t6 A JlTJotvn

B VO = EG + EOr - F - EAf - ZAr Tnv (JUVlcrtashyJlSvflV t(i)v KatQ~OpufProv OUVD)lampltOv QVpoundU OelojJoO

9 nt) = E0l + nS Tnv OIJv~(lTOjJSVflV tampv 6Pl~Ovtfcov 00-shyVaJlerov liveu OElOJlOO

10 Q = W + n + F + 1Of + EOr + EAr + EAT TtJv 10eoTu(tJv OuV10l0j1eVflV (ete t6 OUOjJ1K6v KeVTpov n OUVTetaYjJampVIDV In jIn) a1tOOampV TampV livpoundu 0pound10j100 Bu v~Jlerov tvepyouaampv 6jJ~ Ko9s~ trot rtp6r t6 l1t11teBov poundvepyelac tOW XAjI pound[1 t~ ltTT1JlSra sqgtaplloyfjlt trov Kat lCatd TtJV aUTnv Popav

11 8 = OO t jIf+ ndeg jIS+ EjIli + 10 jIf+ 10r jIt +x

+ lAIjI + lAi 1jI = Qljln

8 = lil xr + n xmiddot + FxF + w xl + WI xl + + IAf xi + fAJ xl = QXn

s = SA O1vID Tillt lSeallKIilt ponlilt ltbe np6oiJ d~omiddot lac X Cat jI tampv 11gtlt livw tBpoundOtl1lv Buv~

S = 8 A 11jlQ) jlerov (10) ~v9a Xl Kat Wt of OJVtttashyy~VOl ti1lv O11IlSrov ~qlapjloyf)t troy

12 = Q TtJv OSI0j11KtJV OUVajllV ttJv aV8pshyR t 8t yoOoov ele T6 OEllOjJ1K6v KtVTpov

MAX Rt = R = 8middot Q n (ouvtStaYJ1eVIDV Xn Vn) m6 ywvOV ql mr 1tp6lt t6v 6plovta XAO

13 8 - Qp TtJv p01ttJv tfj~ (SpoundQtlK~r O)vlotashy~v~ Q JJ np6bull bull6A ~vea p = ITA

14 V - V- R ~~~ Af OOVlat~jl8Va~ tlf)v KOTaKOpUshy

n - no + Rt ouvq qlI1lV Kol 6ptovdoov SUVtl)lElrov ~Sta a8~0J1oG

I~ My = tO~ x + Wr Xr T~v pon~v 0aaela dvoo Q810~OG

16 M~ - rot jI + nil jiB + FxF + fA~ xr + 1ATx7 T1v

po1tilv aV(ltp01tfjr I1vw OElOJlOO

17 MI = M~ Tilv pOTtilv e(gtotageiat IJEta ltreI shy


lB M = M~+ M t Tilv pontJv ~vatpo1tt1~ j1et~

OElCj100 ME = So S( + Ex S~ = -Evea ME tJ lm6 Tflt OSIOlIshy

o=t E SA cruv(cp-()) = Kfjt QuvaJlpoundror RE K(lt 1J6vovt R[ p TtpataAOUJ1poundV lt porn ~vu-

tp01tfr (p = 6n60taalr Tfjlt R[ 66 6 Al

MO O[ OoVTpound)poundotai aOqgtuApoundiar ~vavTl 19 Kdeg =- ovoTponie (lVE)) lCai JlpoundTa OEIOIJOOMO



V Ot OIJVtEM(lTol aOqlaJelDt f vavtl20 No = A no

6A109~oeror 5veu Kell JlEta OSIOjlOO v

N = A n

21 O~ a A A aVSU Kat jJf tel OSloJlOri taOsllaquo 1toS6r st~ 6 OTlllpoundIov A ~va p07t~t

22 I ji T6v (J)VtEApoundOTtJV tPI~~t 23 ltIJ = TtJv yrovlav oleu8uvOe~ TOO OSlOj10C ch~ 1r~

t6v alovo AO

24 (vea ~O) = ~ ) T~v yO)v lav ITAIjI

25 e (vea o~e = 2 S 2 ~ n ) TLQ-S T L-Xn

T6v YIDviov AC~n ftv8a C t6 I~KP OV TOO nushypf)volt Tf) SICltOjJ ~t AB 16 rtAtov o1tpoundX OV TOO A

R Q26 u = Vo = ---yo-

R bull QfL = lF=-no

f)1 _ 1-L+U-U1-L1

27 t = bull 1(_ t)

MAX t = I


or nvcotspro tUTtOI dVOl YSV1KOt 016 MlllAov Kol KpT]1tl06tOlshyxov EoveTtampc Kata Tllv MeJEtflV OampOV va Jlfl6cv ICrovtOl at nQshypClOlaaSI~ atnvst slvat liOX6tOl Ttpo T6 Jle1STj1EVOV 8JlYOV

Ta trVIDTEpro YeroJlpoundtplCD O-rolxeTa avaqgtepOVtOl d e ailOfIHlCl OoVTEtaYJltvwv XAjI 1) M SIpoundu9uvOIr toO OfICJ)100 etc oUalTl shyJ1a OAK 61toU b ti~rov AO s[vot tJ ~potKtamlt toO 6PI~OVfloo d1ovOt XA Kal 6 titrov AK 96 tOUtlttltal )Ie -r6v utaK6 puqlov tOlOri-rOV AIfI cbt tel oxi~ata 23

To btlrtsoov tG)v OOOtT]JloTCOV toutrov elV(l KltttlttKOPOqlOV ~t ~PxtJv T6v 1t60a QvOtp01tf)1 tori ~Pyoo Kal TEJlVOV toOtO ICBfa 1t)~TOr ToCto 11tpoundlsYTJ Ko9 600v Il BUaJlpoundvEOTSpltt 1tephCTOlmiddot 01lt SpoOampcolt torgt OSI0J100 t1tt tv6~ AfIEV11C00 ~Pyou sIval ToV tJ OftaJ1l1ctJ SUva)lllt t()ploKEtaL Sl oLavoi)not 9tOlv toO mtlk dbou ~VElPY8rOt tOO bl ToO ~1t11t~OOO tOUtou DIOn aql ~v~ ~v ~ Kaflz ~~Olt 00 fpyoo Slao~~ MYQl ~ylz~~~ 6Opavel 1tote Slv ICVSOV8U8L Kal Ctql 8Tepoo oL6n 81t tflV napl1tT(ooV (lOttJv ~XOJlElV t~ cruvflgelt Bpcboo~ bt tori ~pyou crto1llC~ oov~l-un~ Kal T~ CJpound10J11K~ fOtaOt~ hi toO aOtoO Artl1teSOU

0 l11cov Ax ea AX~ 01869uvOLV mlVtOT8 avt19ttov 1tp6~ t 6ptCovtlolt auvfl98~ aTOt1K~ 8poooCU Anl ToO l pyou 801laquoshyJlElt Kal 6 AjI AK KataK6puq0lt Kal dvtPPoftOti npcX tI)v ~opv ~ Bapufno f~~ T~~ lEv ouvsxsq Kal ICclC6~tv ~v dvwdpca ftpopavOJl8V ~ ttJv Apsuvav tflr ~ftIPPO~t toO OSlCJloO btl tfjr EOCJta98ac 1((11 ~VtOxf1lt MooAou Kat KPTlftL80tolxoo

- -

- -


q Q

I ii Gj

Q - - - 11 II

GY 1 IG~ o o_1 to--- 1- -Y-1- i2

-G Y

Q2 - shy- +- - I -I I fI I - shy A2 HG2

--- - -shy I-+- i t I 1 Ai


- jkRr_ f--- - ---

Qi Tshy




Yny Ay-


- - --Jr~1 p

GI I n

Ir RrI 1 I- - - tl L j 0c ~ C -HI

AEl xf

I tl------ X~ ____L



j _---L---Q

__ pound0_ T100 0

_ ~~_x~__ _ - - - ----f l ~2 1- - - -+-I AI-shyI

I I -- R r

I -shyL -shy

I ~

B 2 ~ C W -Hbn X


I I X F Xi

)(~t---- ---- LI II


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng


0 rUftCgtlt (5) yivetaL 1618

M1 (6)M JNIe = ------shy

Mg + lt P Q n

EnELoti tslJrolt P Q= S4 6 tUf[O~ (6) ytVEtQln


Kal 11 yoovia PI tvepyeac toO OEI0)100 Ti ovncr101xoOcra de to MINK euro tVQl

S-I ipl = (il ~= Smiddot ltat (8)


EvOn 0lt 6l = PI lt 2rr

Aea or al j Otev6tJvO~ fat OHOjlOV elvaf ~dOflot btl t~V flA d~ TO fJttaIl- IXOl KEVT~V fl xed I (]WIJltilt~ amp6vQIlLS tVshyeoxnat cl~ to 7lgwwv tctQQn7fLoQWV lOft 0 oVV1poundAel1t7ilt duq1O)daS ylvera e)dltalolt

At auvLOtooaaJ t6te toO e eCt slvQJ

Sx to = e sbull A


EneloT) tl OElallLKyt OOVQIlIC aa Elval nQVTOlE KUapoundtO~ t7d tilv An etc to CiTlIlpound[OV n Civet t6 K dVal MIN ) Kat ETtE1 8t to n euroIvaL (JtCtgepov oTJJ1ETov t~ctpt6JJlCvov IlOVD euroIC tGlv own9rov QUVullerov toi) OOOJ1CttOC IJl ClWTEraYIltvcu

Sx (10)tn= Cf

Ka9totaral cpavep6v (OX 1) on tl otEo9uv(uC foD cretOlloO oushyOE1to-r6 e[val ouvat6v va dVUI Korcuc6plXPoc ii 6Pl~6vtloc Ol6tl t6tE t6 n nptnEI va poundopiontlll tnt taD a~ovalt X 11 lIl nptnpoundL

rr 011) ro = 0 i1 0) - 2 QvtI01olxcult npCiYJIQ onpoundp oev pound[val

OOVl1tOV va cnlJlBtl Efp ooov t6 a11J1ErOV EqlapllOris 1iis OUVlshy(1taJleV11s tOOV 50VUIJEooV EupiaKe1al EK16s t(i)v 0~6voov Ax Kal AjI Kal En tis bWpCVEioo XAlIl tuvpoundnoolt

rrdeglt w = P lt 2

np6011)OV tuYXaVEt Oll h tGlv oVWttpw OnOAOYL0Jl(i)V tl 51~ushyeuvmo taD aSloJlOl1lh tv ExOjlE t6 MINK dQI ovpoundltapt11tOs toO E

22 ElllppOq tot OtlOllOt Erd tflo t6crtro~ llo8b1 qA

eo tpsUvf)OO)jlEV EvtaQ9a nola tl buppoi] OStajll)(ii~ ouvoshyIJpound()J~ EV6PYOoo11lt Ent t oO autoD E1ttneOoo 6 btl tis taCffiffil noMs a A OOOj1aros t (ax I) Kal urro nOlav yoovlav cp 8paatwl aih11 y[vstat IJsrlar11

~Av )(aiacojlEv P 1l1v KQtC11C6pucpov aUVlatWaClv tiJs aUVtatClshy)ltvlt tOOV OUVCtjlsO)v V Kat 0 Kal lt 1tlv ct1t6arao lv Tf1s 1OliJo riJlt crovlo1Olev11lt tQUTT)lt IJEtCt tilt AD ano t OO A t6tE 010 rrA6tOlt 11lt OtatOIliJlt AS [aov It titv JlOVaOa Kal JIiJ)(olt L TJ t6mo ToO noMlt A Sa eiVaL

p ( - ~) (100)A P 2

a = L + 6 ----L- - shy

tQUts AD) TO 7tAEOV Ent)ov toD A lCai M e tllV ponilv tnlt

P ltblt rrpOO to C~ t6te hEIOTi Me = P ( 23L -~) SahWIlEV

A MC a =-w- (11)

Brat ~ Taa lOU 7toi56 A YE1I)Cw~ i5lct rVlovaa i5mJa~E G1 )cai 01 Elva tart fJ-euro TtlV TaOIv dc TO atho mlPciQv A ijTC neoshy

ieXerm be jlOv7)r rijl qomj TOtinOV pound0 leo TO OX(]OV Tot

1Zveijvo Ctmiddot

EuvEnOOeliv a KaAeuroaWIlEV tftV taotv taD nooolt A n)v rrposhy

EPXOJlevTlV h ti)v ouv6JlEWV G j Kal OJ Kat O~ Tily tao LV tTJv npoEPXOjlEV11V EK tilt OelCJjllKno OUvaIJEtuo HI t6n tnEloTJ tCJXUEl 6 N6IJltX tilt tna))TlAiae Sa poundxrojJpoundY


1va tl a A ylVTJ jlqlat11 hE10i n a~ dvat atCl6Epa npEnEl

It O~ fiTOl TJ EK tfllt aE1O~IKiJ0 ouv6jlEffiI rrpOEpXOjltVTl taate va yivU ~Eriatll

middotEo~ 6~ox lt1gt npamp C ~ po~ T~ RE Elvac

MC = R~ fl R Ev9p PR tl arr60ta01lt mD C1 ano

T~ R T6teuro MG = RE PR

A MC Rt PR Pft Q degE =- w- = 6 L = 6 --~ (11~)

Iva 1 O~ ytvu jley(CJill pound1tEloil Q Kat L sfval CJTU9Epo 1tpe1tEt to ytV6IJ6VOV PR va rtvu jlEYlatOvel

ToCto 6IJrolt yivEra l j1tYLCJtOV 6tQV 6~qllrrEpOL ol napoyovtEl y(vouv IJpoundYlOtOI

Elval 61JO)s MAX 6 = E the Kai MAX RI = R = euro Q EVt t6 PR yvEtal jlEylOtOv 6tav AaPtI ttlv 9EalV tit (mOtEIVOUshycrTls n Ce toO 6pSoywv(ou tP1YOOVOlgt RI PRo nct middot

Ev TOla6tl] 6~(J)lt nEpmtoocrsl 11 RE L TIC stlt t6 n EnE toil Bt ycov(a nC~A = a Kai llA = w b taD tPlYroVOU ArrC

L mvw rr rrc = - 3- auv (6 __ )- gtgt=0- 2

6tE 6 tunolt Ilf yivE tat

A 4middot Q aUI W iAX aE = - Lshy auv(tl )

Ote Kat TJ (lla) 90 orooTJ to ~poundYlotov ttlt (fA HtOl

A A [IR auvw (11y)MAX a = deg0 + L au (6 - )

~ld 016690 01 OELOjlOO fl = a - 2rr


a) EnELotldeg 0 lt 6 lt n elval Kat EvtaOea npocpaVElt hI

rr rr - 2 lt P lt2 rr rr

Kat 060poundnOTE PI = - T (jIl = 2 816 to)( autoult EV tQ

rrp011yoUjlevl napay pocpQl 2 J 6va(jlEpo~tvOu J6yoUSmiddot

f) Av 6 = lt) T6t6 TJ R so B1Epxsral EIC TOO nooolt A lCal

A 4RMAX a = a~ + L auv w

4R SfI MAX a~ = a + L _ x


591 Itmt~ppIO 1969

y) ITp6oll Ov cal evmD8a TUnaVEL ~n 1) OlEu8uvm -mC aeashycr~o) 0 flv AxoJ1ev 11 MAX cr A ElvQI avpounde~fPrrlrolt TOO middote

1 EppOil TOO auOloO tnl Tfjc rOcno9doCj Kol QYTOmiddot

X ll(YLKWV ~pyWY

31 Io~pokHol

TIplv poundtcrO8W)1EV de 11 av6JttU~lV toO tv J6Y4J 8tjJQtoc 86rop00)1poundV OICOnt)lOV npoc cruvToll(av Kal JtapaamtlK1jv OlEU-1(0]Ul0II laO McrAEtlltOO va 1tpota~ro)Jpoundv til 6vo)Jocrlav Cal tOV 01gtIlPOALltT)J6v tGrll XpqOljJoTtoLTl9nOO)JEVJ)V O1aluciUv )Lpoundshy

)pound8001 I(ui MaX9tVTCllV pound1( tIlt JtapouOI1lt 1lpoundEtTl t lUltOV Kat avVtpoundMcrtUlV ~r (aL tUv a1tllpUttrrrrov YEWjlEtPUC(l)V 010shy

tetro np6r oleuKpiVll0lV oe t01JtroV nappoundX0jlEV IClltrotepw 10 cr1 2 Ka1 3 titOl lltU tU7nICUr OlCllO)lW hoC MooAoU )1pound CashytUKopucpa )dTOlTtCl Kt pound16lt ICprl1tlOOlo(xou flU v 6nolwv etshy611(])lt il napoOcra MeX-E-rTl t~ua~t1 ttlV tucmi9Elav Kat ~vtO~ Xtlv E~ tTtv 1tpoundpirttfilOLV OWJllKilC Bov~opoundwe tOUtrov

OUtro aU)lpo)(lO)lEV lh~

1 Or - T6 Hhov papoe tori Texv OYKoI90u i

2 OT -= To TOlov PUpOt t(i)v yal(i)v i

3 Of = Tf)v lO9T] alV tamp yalli)v tI toO uSatOe

4 n = T~ v Ge~alv MYQl k~ l~ Seapru abullbullbull~v Ttp600eow TGlv TtAoirov

s A = TtJv BuvalHv CtvIDoeroc 100 TO i

6 AT= TtJv OUVCllIV ~vdJoeWt T(U VyCW))v i

7 F = Tn nlpoundolv btl t~ trtHpavelat eSpaoeco~ A6yltp u~ nepujIlooerot 100 KUjJCHOr 1tp6 tori atT]8alou A6tT] 9a Aajlaavpoundtot etlt jltv T6 afllpoundiov B [aT] np6e ttJv 1tleolv b (1tUe)livoe) etr ot t6 A JlTJotvn

B VO = EG + EOr - F - EAf - ZAr Tnv (JUVlcrtashyJlSvflV t(i)v KatQ~OpufProv OUVD)lampltOv QVpoundU OelojJoO

9 nt) = E0l + nS Tnv OIJv~(lTOjJSVflV tampv 6Pl~Ovtfcov 00-shyVaJlerov liveu OElOJlOO

10 Q = W + n + F + 1Of + EOr + EAr + EAT TtJv 10eoTu(tJv OuV10l0j1eVflV (ete t6 OUOjJ1K6v KeVTpov n OUVTetaYjJampVIDV In jIn) a1tOOampV TampV livpoundu 0pound10j100 Bu v~Jlerov tvepyouaampv 6jJ~ Ko9s~ trot rtp6r t6 l1t11teBov poundvepyelac tOW XAjI pound[1 t~ ltTT1JlSra sqgtaplloyfjlt trov Kat lCatd TtJV aUTnv Popav

11 8 = OO t jIf+ ndeg jIS+ EjIli + 10 jIf+ 10r jIt +x

+ lAIjI + lAi 1jI = Qljln

8 = lil xr + n xmiddot + FxF + w xl + WI xl + + IAf xi + fAJ xl = QXn

s = SA O1vID Tillt lSeallKIilt ponlilt ltbe np6oiJ d~omiddot lac X Cat jI tampv 11gtlt livw tBpoundOtl1lv Buv~

S = 8 A 11jlQ) jlerov (10) ~v9a Xl Kat Wt of OJVtttashyy~VOl ti1lv O11IlSrov ~qlapjloyf)t troy

12 = Q TtJv OSI0j11KtJV OUVajllV ttJv aV8pshyR t 8t yoOoov ele T6 OEllOjJ1K6v KtVTpov

MAX Rt = R = 8middot Q n (ouvtStaYJ1eVIDV Xn Vn) m6 ywvOV ql mr 1tp6lt t6v 6plovta XAO

13 8 - Qp TtJv p01ttJv tfj~ (SpoundQtlK~r O)vlotashy~v~ Q JJ np6bull bull6A ~vea p = ITA

14 V - V- R ~~~ Af OOVlat~jl8Va~ tlf)v KOTaKOpUshy

n - no + Rt ouvq qlI1lV Kol 6ptovdoov SUVtl)lElrov ~Sta a8~0J1oG

I~ My = tO~ x + Wr Xr T~v pon~v 0aaela dvoo Q810~OG

16 M~ - rot jI + nil jiB + FxF + fA~ xr + 1ATx7 T1v

po1tilv aV(ltp01tfjr I1vw OElOJlOO

17 MI = M~ Tilv pOTtilv e(gtotageiat IJEta ltreI shy


lB M = M~+ M t Tilv pontJv ~vatpo1tt1~ j1et~

OElCj100 ME = So S( + Ex S~ = -Evea ME tJ lm6 Tflt OSIOlIshy

o=t E SA cruv(cp-()) = Kfjt QuvaJlpoundror RE K(lt 1J6vovt R[ p TtpataAOUJ1poundV lt porn ~vu-

tp01tfr (p = 6n60taalr Tfjlt R[ 66 6 Al

MO O[ OoVTpound)poundotai aOqgtuApoundiar ~vavTl 19 Kdeg =- ovoTponie (lVE)) lCai JlpoundTa OEIOIJOOMO



V Ot OIJVtEM(lTol aOqlaJelDt f vavtl20 No = A no

6A109~oeror 5veu Kell JlEta OSIOjlOO v

N = A n

21 O~ a A A aVSU Kat jJf tel OSloJlOri taOsllaquo 1toS6r st~ 6 OTlllpoundIov A ~va p07t~t

22 I ji T6v (J)VtEApoundOTtJV tPI~~t 23 ltIJ = TtJv yrovlav oleu8uvOe~ TOO OSlOj10C ch~ 1r~

t6v alovo AO

24 (vea ~O) = ~ ) T~v yO)v lav ITAIjI

25 e (vea o~e = 2 S 2 ~ n ) TLQ-S T L-Xn

T6v YIDviov AC~n ftv8a C t6 I~KP OV TOO nushypf)volt Tf) SICltOjJ ~t AB 16 rtAtov o1tpoundX OV TOO A

R Q26 u = Vo = ---yo-

R bull QfL = lF=-no

f)1 _ 1-L+U-U1-L1

27 t = bull 1(_ t)

MAX t = I


or nvcotspro tUTtOI dVOl YSV1KOt 016 MlllAov Kol KpT]1tl06tOlshyxov EoveTtampc Kata Tllv MeJEtflV OampOV va Jlfl6cv ICrovtOl at nQshypClOlaaSI~ atnvst slvat liOX6tOl Ttpo T6 Jle1STj1EVOV 8JlYOV

Ta trVIDTEpro YeroJlpoundtplCD O-rolxeTa avaqgtepOVtOl d e ailOfIHlCl OoVTEtaYJltvwv XAjI 1) M SIpoundu9uvOIr toO OfICJ)100 etc oUalTl shyJ1a OAK 61toU b ti~rov AO s[vot tJ ~potKtamlt toO 6PI~OVfloo d1ovOt XA Kal 6 titrov AK 96 tOUtlttltal )Ie -r6v utaK6 puqlov tOlOri-rOV AIfI cbt tel oxi~ata 23

To btlrtsoov tG)v OOOtT]JloTCOV toutrov elV(l KltttlttKOPOqlOV ~t ~PxtJv T6v 1t60a QvOtp01tf)1 tori ~Pyoo Kal TEJlVOV toOtO ICBfa 1t)~TOr ToCto 11tpoundlsYTJ Ko9 600v Il BUaJlpoundvEOTSpltt 1tephCTOlmiddot 01lt SpoOampcolt torgt OSI0J100 t1tt tv6~ AfIEV11C00 ~Pyou sIval ToV tJ OftaJ1l1ctJ SUva)lllt t()ploKEtaL Sl oLavoi)not 9tOlv toO mtlk dbou ~VElPY8rOt tOO bl ToO ~1t11t~OOO tOUtou DIOn aql ~v~ ~v ~ Kaflz ~~Olt 00 fpyoo Slao~~ MYQl ~ylz~~~ 6Opavel 1tote Slv ICVSOV8U8L Kal Ctql 8Tepoo oL6n 81t tflV napl1tT(ooV (lOttJv ~XOJlElV t~ cruvflgelt Bpcboo~ bt tori ~pyou crto1llC~ oov~l-un~ Kal T~ CJpound10J11K~ fOtaOt~ hi toO aOtoO Artl1teSOU

0 l11cov Ax ea AX~ 01869uvOLV mlVtOT8 avt19ttov 1tp6~ t 6ptCovtlolt auvfl98~ aTOt1K~ 8poooCU Anl ToO l pyou 801laquoshyJlElt Kal 6 AjI AK KataK6puq0lt Kal dvtPPoftOti npcX tI)v ~opv ~ Bapufno f~~ T~~ lEv ouvsxsq Kal ICclC6~tv ~v dvwdpca ftpopavOJl8V ~ ttJv Apsuvav tflr ~ftIPPO~t toO OSlCJloO btl tfjr EOCJta98ac 1((11 ~VtOxf1lt MooAou Kat KPTlftL80tolxoo

- -

- -


q Q

I ii Gj

Q - - - 11 II

GY 1 IG~ o o_1 to--- 1- -Y-1- i2

-G Y

Q2 - shy- +- - I -I I fI I - shy A2 HG2

--- - -shy I-+- i t I 1 Ai


- jkRr_ f--- - ---

Qi Tshy




Yny Ay-


- - --Jr~1 p

GI I n

Ir RrI 1 I- - - tl L j 0c ~ C -HI

AEl xf

I tl------ X~ ____L



j _---L---Q

__ pound0_ T100 0

_ ~~_x~__ _ - - - ----f l ~2 1- - - -+-I AI-shyI

I I -- R r

I -shyL -shy

I ~

B 2 ~ C W -Hbn X


I I X F Xi

)(~t---- ---- LI II


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

591 Itmt~ppIO 1969

y) ITp6oll Ov cal evmD8a TUnaVEL ~n 1) OlEu8uvm -mC aeashycr~o) 0 flv AxoJ1ev 11 MAX cr A ElvQI avpounde~fPrrlrolt TOO middote

1 EppOil TOO auOloO tnl Tfjc rOcno9doCj Kol QYTOmiddot

X ll(YLKWV ~pyWY

31 Io~pokHol

TIplv poundtcrO8W)1EV de 11 av6JttU~lV toO tv J6Y4J 8tjJQtoc 86rop00)1poundV OICOnt)lOV npoc cruvToll(av Kal JtapaamtlK1jv OlEU-1(0]Ul0II laO McrAEtlltOO va 1tpota~ro)Jpoundv til 6vo)Jocrlav Cal tOV 01gtIlPOALltT)J6v tGrll XpqOljJoTtoLTl9nOO)JEVJ)V O1aluciUv )Lpoundshy

)pound8001 I(ui MaX9tVTCllV pound1( tIlt JtapouOI1lt 1lpoundEtTl t lUltOV Kat avVtpoundMcrtUlV ~r (aL tUv a1tllpUttrrrrov YEWjlEtPUC(l)V 010shy

tetro np6r oleuKpiVll0lV oe t01JtroV nappoundX0jlEV IClltrotepw 10 cr1 2 Ka1 3 titOl lltU tU7nICUr OlCllO)lW hoC MooAoU )1pound CashytUKopucpa )dTOlTtCl Kt pound16lt ICprl1tlOOlo(xou flU v 6nolwv etshy611(])lt il napoOcra MeX-E-rTl t~ua~t1 ttlV tucmi9Elav Kat ~vtO~ Xtlv E~ tTtv 1tpoundpirttfilOLV OWJllKilC Bov~opoundwe tOUtrov

OUtro aU)lpo)(lO)lEV lh~

1 Or - T6 Hhov papoe tori Texv OYKoI90u i

2 OT -= To TOlov PUpOt t(i)v yal(i)v i

3 Of = Tf)v lO9T] alV tamp yalli)v tI toO uSatOe

4 n = T~ v Ge~alv MYQl k~ l~ Seapru abullbullbull~v Ttp600eow TGlv TtAoirov

s A = TtJv BuvalHv CtvIDoeroc 100 TO i

6 AT= TtJv OUVCllIV ~vdJoeWt T(U VyCW))v i

7 F = Tn nlpoundolv btl t~ trtHpavelat eSpaoeco~ A6yltp u~ nepujIlooerot 100 KUjJCHOr 1tp6 tori atT]8alou A6tT] 9a Aajlaavpoundtot etlt jltv T6 afllpoundiov B [aT] np6e ttJv 1tleolv b (1tUe)livoe) etr ot t6 A JlTJotvn

B VO = EG + EOr - F - EAf - ZAr Tnv (JUVlcrtashyJlSvflV t(i)v KatQ~OpufProv OUVD)lampltOv QVpoundU OelojJoO

9 nt) = E0l + nS Tnv OIJv~(lTOjJSVflV tampv 6Pl~Ovtfcov 00-shyVaJlerov liveu OElOJlOO

10 Q = W + n + F + 1Of + EOr + EAr + EAT TtJv 10eoTu(tJv OuV10l0j1eVflV (ete t6 OUOjJ1K6v KeVTpov n OUVTetaYjJampVIDV In jIn) a1tOOampV TampV livpoundu 0pound10j100 Bu v~Jlerov tvepyouaampv 6jJ~ Ko9s~ trot rtp6r t6 l1t11teBov poundvepyelac tOW XAjI pound[1 t~ ltTT1JlSra sqgtaplloyfjlt trov Kat lCatd TtJV aUTnv Popav

11 8 = OO t jIf+ ndeg jIS+ EjIli + 10 jIf+ 10r jIt +x

+ lAIjI + lAi 1jI = Qljln

8 = lil xr + n xmiddot + FxF + w xl + WI xl + + IAf xi + fAJ xl = QXn

s = SA O1vID Tillt lSeallKIilt ponlilt ltbe np6oiJ d~omiddot lac X Cat jI tampv 11gtlt livw tBpoundOtl1lv Buv~

S = 8 A 11jlQ) jlerov (10) ~v9a Xl Kat Wt of OJVtttashyy~VOl ti1lv O11IlSrov ~qlapjloyf)t troy

12 = Q TtJv OSI0j11KtJV OUVajllV ttJv aV8pshyR t 8t yoOoov ele T6 OEllOjJ1K6v KtVTpov

MAX Rt = R = 8middot Q n (ouvtStaYJ1eVIDV Xn Vn) m6 ywvOV ql mr 1tp6lt t6v 6plovta XAO

13 8 - Qp TtJv p01ttJv tfj~ (SpoundQtlK~r O)vlotashy~v~ Q JJ np6bull bull6A ~vea p = ITA

14 V - V- R ~~~ Af OOVlat~jl8Va~ tlf)v KOTaKOpUshy

n - no + Rt ouvq qlI1lV Kol 6ptovdoov SUVtl)lElrov ~Sta a8~0J1oG

I~ My = tO~ x + Wr Xr T~v pon~v 0aaela dvoo Q810~OG

16 M~ - rot jI + nil jiB + FxF + fA~ xr + 1ATx7 T1v

po1tilv aV(ltp01tfjr I1vw OElOJlOO

17 MI = M~ Tilv pOTtilv e(gtotageiat IJEta ltreI shy


lB M = M~+ M t Tilv pontJv ~vatpo1tt1~ j1et~

OElCj100 ME = So S( + Ex S~ = -Evea ME tJ lm6 Tflt OSIOlIshy

o=t E SA cruv(cp-()) = Kfjt QuvaJlpoundror RE K(lt 1J6vovt R[ p TtpataAOUJ1poundV lt porn ~vu-

tp01tfr (p = 6n60taalr Tfjlt R[ 66 6 Al

MO O[ OoVTpound)poundotai aOqgtuApoundiar ~vavTl 19 Kdeg =- ovoTponie (lVE)) lCai JlpoundTa OEIOIJOOMO



V Ot OIJVtEM(lTol aOqlaJelDt f vavtl20 No = A no

6A109~oeror 5veu Kell JlEta OSIOjlOO v

N = A n

21 O~ a A A aVSU Kat jJf tel OSloJlOri taOsllaquo 1toS6r st~ 6 OTlllpoundIov A ~va p07t~t

22 I ji T6v (J)VtEApoundOTtJV tPI~~t 23 ltIJ = TtJv yrovlav oleu8uvOe~ TOO OSlOj10C ch~ 1r~

t6v alovo AO

24 (vea ~O) = ~ ) T~v yO)v lav ITAIjI

25 e (vea o~e = 2 S 2 ~ n ) TLQ-S T L-Xn

T6v YIDviov AC~n ftv8a C t6 I~KP OV TOO nushypf)volt Tf) SICltOjJ ~t AB 16 rtAtov o1tpoundX OV TOO A

R Q26 u = Vo = ---yo-

R bull QfL = lF=-no

f)1 _ 1-L+U-U1-L1

27 t = bull 1(_ t)

MAX t = I


or nvcotspro tUTtOI dVOl YSV1KOt 016 MlllAov Kol KpT]1tl06tOlshyxov EoveTtampc Kata Tllv MeJEtflV OampOV va Jlfl6cv ICrovtOl at nQshypClOlaaSI~ atnvst slvat liOX6tOl Ttpo T6 Jle1STj1EVOV 8JlYOV

Ta trVIDTEpro YeroJlpoundtplCD O-rolxeTa avaqgtepOVtOl d e ailOfIHlCl OoVTEtaYJltvwv XAjI 1) M SIpoundu9uvOIr toO OfICJ)100 etc oUalTl shyJ1a OAK 61toU b ti~rov AO s[vot tJ ~potKtamlt toO 6PI~OVfloo d1ovOt XA Kal 6 titrov AK 96 tOUtlttltal )Ie -r6v utaK6 puqlov tOlOri-rOV AIfI cbt tel oxi~ata 23

To btlrtsoov tG)v OOOtT]JloTCOV toutrov elV(l KltttlttKOPOqlOV ~t ~PxtJv T6v 1t60a QvOtp01tf)1 tori ~Pyoo Kal TEJlVOV toOtO ICBfa 1t)~TOr ToCto 11tpoundlsYTJ Ko9 600v Il BUaJlpoundvEOTSpltt 1tephCTOlmiddot 01lt SpoOampcolt torgt OSI0J100 t1tt tv6~ AfIEV11C00 ~Pyou sIval ToV tJ OftaJ1l1ctJ SUva)lllt t()ploKEtaL Sl oLavoi)not 9tOlv toO mtlk dbou ~VElPY8rOt tOO bl ToO ~1t11t~OOO tOUtou DIOn aql ~v~ ~v ~ Kaflz ~~Olt 00 fpyoo Slao~~ MYQl ~ylz~~~ 6Opavel 1tote Slv ICVSOV8U8L Kal Ctql 8Tepoo oL6n 81t tflV napl1tT(ooV (lOttJv ~XOJlElV t~ cruvflgelt Bpcboo~ bt tori ~pyou crto1llC~ oov~l-un~ Kal T~ CJpound10J11K~ fOtaOt~ hi toO aOtoO Artl1teSOU

0 l11cov Ax ea AX~ 01869uvOLV mlVtOT8 avt19ttov 1tp6~ t 6ptCovtlolt auvfl98~ aTOt1K~ 8poooCU Anl ToO l pyou 801laquoshyJlElt Kal 6 AjI AK KataK6puq0lt Kal dvtPPoftOti npcX tI)v ~opv ~ Bapufno f~~ T~~ lEv ouvsxsq Kal ICclC6~tv ~v dvwdpca ftpopavOJl8V ~ ttJv Apsuvav tflr ~ftIPPO~t toO OSlCJloO btl tfjr EOCJta98ac 1((11 ~VtOxf1lt MooAou Kat KPTlftL80tolxoo

- -

- -


q Q

I ii Gj

Q - - - 11 II

GY 1 IG~ o o_1 to--- 1- -Y-1- i2

-G Y

Q2 - shy- +- - I -I I fI I - shy A2 HG2

--- - -shy I-+- i t I 1 Ai


- jkRr_ f--- - ---

Qi Tshy




Yny Ay-


- - --Jr~1 p

GI I n

Ir RrI 1 I- - - tl L j 0c ~ C -HI

AEl xf

I tl------ X~ ____L



j _---L---Q

__ pound0_ T100 0

_ ~~_x~__ _ - - - ----f l ~2 1- - - -+-I AI-shyI

I I -- R r

I -shyL -shy

I ~

B 2 ~ C W -Hbn X


I I X F Xi

)(~t---- ---- LI II


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

- -

- -


q Q

I ii Gj

Q - - - 11 II

GY 1 IG~ o o_1 to--- 1- -Y-1- i2

-G Y

Q2 - shy- +- - I -I I fI I - shy A2 HG2

--- - -shy I-+- i t I 1 Ai


- jkRr_ f--- - ---

Qi Tshy




Yny Ay-


- - --Jr~1 p

GI I n

Ir RrI 1 I- - - tl L j 0c ~ C -HI

AEl xf

I tl------ X~ ____L



j _---L---Q

__ pound0_ T100 0

_ ~~_x~__ _ - - - ----f l ~2 1- - - -+-I AI-shyI

I I -- R r

I -shyL -shy

I ~

B 2 ~ C W -Hbn X


I I X F Xi

)(~t---- ---- LI II


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng


32 ErnppoT lofl (JeurolGJl-Ofl trd l()fl (JuvuUOlofl oacentlaAda~ ~vnvn ov0-1ponillt Knt uno)oYlopofl lofl MIN K

ZftpoundiTat aj N O tVQEOfj P) btl(oYj lnl YOU OVVyeAe(01) dOltpashykia l vcrvn dvaT(on~~ (J[UJl-lXij JtJVdu~ owv aYrJ neQIOTflEfpeTU XaTo ywvl~v 3800 ampti tov immMou t1) ~ OAK Nrl poundv~eel 1 dltrevv(Jt~ 1Ft taVT1J tOf iv ci aVlshy

tteOT~~ datpaleia evaVH dlaTeomJ~ yive-rot Udxuno Xal 6v TOavlJ1 1rtg mtwaec

y) floia ~ n~ MIN K

H Epwva oUlll elvOl ~eplJn) 1teplTOTOOO1lt lf)lt ~v t$ Keurofp 21 6vQ1ttuXOeuroiOll~ ~vta09a 6~ull 90 euroopeuro9f1 Kct t 6Va)UnKi)~ 0 OLeurotlKOiuVOUcrrt euroIt T6v imotoy0~6v

oJ JC t l aulql ~v6a et = I r(x t) MAX tt 0iI0 1

poundx = I)1l rp Rr = Q poundt SA =Q PEt n

M1 = Mi -= EG7 XI + LG x~

M = M~ + M~ = M~ + 0 (O ~1 + o~ + F~F +

+ O ~r + 1G ~+ LA 01 + EA ltIn+ Ix (pound01 Xl + F+ 0 x + Fx + Gxf + Of xf + A x +AT xn

= M~ - osx + euro)( HI 11

M 11~+I(Sxcrw~+s~~~)

EnelOn 6~OJt

SX = Q0 11 = QPn (fUvu =SA auvu

s=Qxn=QP Il~~ ~ SA ~~

M - M~ + elSA au(ql - u)


I va r6 K yiV lJ poundMlJ10tOV ~f[ElOT1 M~ M~ SA Kat ro eurovat 0ragepa ltpt1tE 16 yw61lEVO V eurot auv(qI - Ul) yo yivlJ IltylOrOV

To[ho O~ltuc yivE1at )liY10TOV Otav 6~cp6reuroPOL ot OPOI roO YlshyVOIlpoundVOU yivouv ~Eyl(nOI Elval O~OJt

MAX = poundet

Kat ~AX (])Y(ltgtI- w=1 ~ Cf1-U=O Kot ltgt=u

middotOOleuro lhav fl (nlo~LKn OUYo~Lt ([Vill Ko9euror0l llp6t t6 nA lCat 6UptOKeurorQl sl~ t 6 llpGlrOv teuro tapr111l6ptOv 616

91 =w

S Eqlql = S (13)




S OtJl ql = 5x


IT Olt~=lt -2shy

t6re 16 K ylve-ral tloXHrt ov Kal )a~p6vpoundL tTJ v 11ll ti v Ou~qgtillshy

v pO liC OXC (12) Ka i (Il)

M~ MIN [( _ --~--shy (H) M~+ sA

Kat al aOVLOrwOat toO E dvat r616

Sx eo = E 0111 =pound - shy poundl( =e (15)


flaearllerlu or

01 uYwtipw TimO t lcul axeOB1 C (3 14 elval 01 at)rot ~pound tot OxtOel~ 8 7 uvttOToIXOJ t (00 Keltoawiou 2 1

np6011iov t tow t uyXoVeuroL Otl n PI fib ~1topeuroT In UtPl1 TCu n

ll~ot 0 Koi T Tva fXro~poundv MIN K

33 Emppon tol) (Jeurola~OO tnt tOU (JtlvnUOtOfl nOtpQApoundiaC EVQU 61urlhlOfWt Kai onolora~o to) MIN N

Z~ttita aj Nrl eVQeuroOfj tmelo~ TOV auvuAsarov aatpoAcla lvavn dAtnOljQw aelaHXmiddotijr dvvdpeurow oral aiJTll npound(f(JYeiqsra r XOTO ywvlav 3600 b ri tov emniootJ tij OA (

f3j NO oVgdJfj ~ O~6VeVV(J CPI ta tttjpound d~ ~v 6 a1)1shyTtpound(JTi]pound dOrpo)ea N 6valTt dhO01jOum yveshyra~ lAoXturo xoi tv TOtatitn n 6]InrWl161

y) floo ~ np~ MIN 11

V NO=AW (16 )

(A [(1 alt I(cnaKoPixpotx Ol)l6~6Lt 9Etncd 96 a~~avroVtQl aL fXOUOol tnV 0Leurou9uvOv rf)~ papUtlltOt 1(01 apvrrnt ct or 0- ( 6pound101

6(1 o~ Tolt 6pl~0tdat 9EtlKal 66 Act~P6Vo)Vta 0[ tXOllOo L 6Jl6pponov ltpopov roO a~ovo~ AO)

V= vo - (O + 0 + F + Gf + GT + A + + An = vo - ex Q

t1 helOT) Ix = t[ 11fJqI

V - VO - ex Q fJ1lltgt

0= 0 0 + 0 (07 + 0 + F i EG7 + Gr + + LA + rAn=no ~ fo Q

11 ~1l610n EO = e ITUY tpt

n = no + poundt Q cruvrp 6t euro n (16) yi Veurol Ol

V - t Q ~~l N=) n = ) 0 0+ Qavv~ (160)

middotfva 6 N )ivl] tMXlOtO~ 81teurolOit Yo no Kat Q eurol val ata6Epoi cipe~o( npthteurot allltPOtEpa to Ylv6~eva euroL llJlfp Kui El OtlVIp va yishyvouv ~eYIOTa KarQ tTV auniv XPOVLKnV Ony~tiv E1t euroI Oti 6~ugtc MAX eurol = pound Koi b~euroloij ~ ywvia ~ oioouOo ~ Ey tolOV E~ 10 1lPWtOV ytV61lEVOV E[~ t6 oeuroi lt europ ov O[OEI e)QXLarov 1tPE1tEI va euroupeuro9n 1) yoovio qgt ~nt 9ci SlOlJ rt~v el~ T6 N V oX LOrTjV

dN dNnA _OOTO Hptnsl -- - 0 Kat - - gt 0 d~ - d~

A 9 eQ Rv eOO)~ev va= To = I Kat

t6reuro (16a) y[ VpoundWl

N = N l -vW~ (17) deg1 + fJ ovYltp

d N = No ~7jfJip - UOllCP - fJtJ = onppound1teuroL Ao1t6v d~ (I + ~avv~)

fJ 001 1il~ g~10amp06~ t aUtllt (I + ~OUVltP 0 KOS Ocrov

olit GUV P _ _ 1- 6 runot (1 7) OlOeuroL N = 00 ft nepi1ncool ~

oe autll osv jJ0 c tvoLarpfp6l) oloeuro I 000 ywvlalt tij~ ltp ftOl

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

ICfTTt~ppIOt 1969 S9S

~ + I U- 71JLI91 =u 11 + U2 l1Ji fgt = o 1) - 0

1 _ I 1 _ 0 001 ~I = Ji 1) + 0 1 Koi OUlI9 =-lL _


fvOa 1) = Ji ll + u - JLt 02 (1 7a l

Aa~D6v((ltnv 2av lIopa ywyov Ti~ N flllt oUI ~~ = 0 AoJ1pamiddot

VEl tliV J10pQ)llv

d~N U 1)rmiddot9 -- tL au -- 11 bull bull - shyd~ (1 + ~ y ~ )

diN t (1) +- ul

o ~6 ip = ipl -- = - --) gt 0d~ ~ ~ + j diN No ( l1 + u

0111 ~ = ~ - - = - - - - ) lt 0dq~ Ij 71 + 1

EK tG)v aVOOtEPW ttPOKutttEl 6tl cov6ptlCl~ N tXEt tA6xl9 atov 010 ltP ltPI

~ + 1 l1JLqgt = u l1 -+ ul

t - 11 auvqgt = JL -- shy (18 )

+ )

1 -v (19 )MINN = No- shy1 + l1

At OlV1Ctl)COt toC E tL t~v mptttt6lC1V fp = ltPI 6u fXO~EV 6 MIN N elvaL

1 - j Eo = eJL -_ shy

Yj + omiddot (20)

d ~eeevv1o~ t W V TVJfWV (170) (18) (19)

a) npoltPOvCr to(lO VEI 6tt

R U= Vb O

R JL = ni~ O

middot[va uttO PXtl tMiXlcrtov fltOl ti lli va lOluOUV ot tOttOl (18) Kol (19) otov 61t~ ttAlPol)tal ttUV(OtE 11 oxtOI(

1)1 = JL + ut -It ~ 0 (21)

Eov etc taott]v 9tawllEoI Il = U ~- t6tE hOIlEv )

~ ~ ( ~o) u (u + I + (~J ) ( u - 0VI + (~J )~

I va [aXotl fl QVlllTCpW uVla6tllt AaJ1BaVOVTE~ 6tt miV10tt Elva I u gt 0 Stov OllUgtC

(22 )olt ~ lt y1+ ( ~ ) O ~1)

B) (va umiPX(l Eooto9ElO OeuroOV 6 rimae (19) va llAllPol tilv Kamiddot TWtepOO uxtOLv

1 - uN= N -I-- gt 1 (23)

+ ~

EnEloi) 1 gt 0 I(al bpoundIOi) TO N dVQl 61twOoinoTE SEnKov 1tptnEI 0 ~ u S I (24)

VitO TTlv rtpoOn6SEOlil TaUTl V 1l QV100TIlC (23) yivETal

N~ (1+ ~) (u-I) (U+ l)(u + A N~ ) ( u -No 1 +AI

- A~~) lt O N o 1 i

i QvlaOTl~ aUfl Q1lSEUEt 0 10

u ~ - 1 1 ( middot 1) __ A(N - l)

u _ II 1 -of A 110 11 + A

Al OVWfE OVL(6f~tt (21) (22) (21) al (24) va)~ee(Jouv

O lt u lt 11110- 1) 6ft al No I + )


(26)0 0

0 lt Q O ~I~= (No-I) ~ 1 + )

y) -Av 0 -= 0 16tE 0 = JI = 1 = R = E = 0 fltol otv (maPlE I CEIltJ)16~

0) -Av ywvia ltPI = 0 t6tE l1J ltPI = 0 1 + = 0 ~+o

Ot t ~ 0 = 0 ~ ~ + I = 0 tttpl1ttWal~ U = 0 ItpOUltOSe1El t = 0 1 ItEpiltt(OOI 1 = - I otv dvat oovan) w~ 1tpoKOntE~ h TftC aVlaoTT)toc (25)

tooltrtG) oUlibtotc Sf 6pICovnov OpoundI0J16v 10 N Elvol OOVOTOV va y ivu VUlIOtOV cipa PI =f 0

E) bull A v ywVia tpl = ~ tOlpound aov middot fP I = 0 6TE

~~ = O~o = F 1

i nEpirnO)(JlI Ii = 0 ItpoUnoStTu E = 0 i 1tEpinlwOt~ JI = plusmn I otv ElvOt oovan) ax rtPOlCUllTpoundl h tftc ltvta6TlTOlt (25) KOS oOov

1 ( shy



IuvEnGu Kol 61( liaTuK6 pupov OpoundlcrJLOV ouoonOtpound to N Elva1 ouvo16v va r Vij tMixtatov

II 6pa ~ 01

E V pound Jf OJ ~ Po rrltoXJ MIN N i(oi J1EUAVUeOV 00

TiK Jwvcido rreirrpoundl n

0lt gtgt lt01 A(N - I ) Oltult

N 1 + ) Nn - t

Olt~ lt (28)fT+)i

Olt~ 00lt R lt --i~ (No - I)


596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

596 lmTt~ppos 1969

34 Ernppoi ton 0101106 btl lf~ tOOEOO~ To6 TCOOO~ Kul ushy0AoYI0)amp0 d MAX a

Z1Juimt oj NO eV(Jpound8[i ry bueeo~ hl rill taaswl tOU no6d A aWJul ov~dusco ora~ aD] aC(ecperat ora yw~iav 3600 btl rov enmeoov 17) OAK

fJ) NO eV(JefJfj 1 o~eV8VV(J~i fJl aonj elr ~) nnia rot nooo A ytvcral fI8yar1l Ifai euro~ WlOtJln rumiddot emTwau

Ay) TIola ~ HI~ MAX a

H rcupoDcra ~pEUva eIVal )1ePLKTj rcepl1ttooO1lt 1i1lt EV t(p KEtp 22 UvuTtTuX8Eionlt poundvtaD8a 6)1ffilt an poundEtCtcr8fj etBuc(O( oui to Aquvuco epya 6VOAUtlcO)lt

Etrtoo AB = L 11 aOOllt OTTJpl~eox Kat GIC II to oKpala anshy)leta toD TCUpIjVOlt tlje 010tOImiddot1fCmiddot

Tote 1) tame crA 6vaA6yooc tfle 8tcreul fie OuvlOta)1tVllC tGlv OlWQ)1EOOV tvt~ t poundKtOl toD nupflvoc Blaual unO tGlv KOteoshyttPUl tU1tOOV aVfIOtoiXox


cruVLOtOlJtvnlt Kal 1) urcocrtamc 1OUt11lt ureo tOv naSa A

ea E~Et6aoollfv KatrotEp(O I01DltEpltUC bCf(JtllV 1tEphnpoundOO1v

L 2L 341 n ee l] r W (f 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ft CJUvlataJLtvll Eigtshy

pkncEtal Evt6lt toO 1tUpfvOt

npoltpav~ 1(1 ~olaquol hO)1EV all tunouc (lOa) Kat (II)

La~ = G~ ( 23 _ () = ~~c (Mt ~ pon~ lao61y

lIw 6Uyij10lV iJ ftpigt 6 C)

6M~ oA a 0 + o~ = o~ + ---rt (M~ = it ponit tfl~ cret-

O~IKO 6uva~ RE iJ npigt 6 C)

Bn6~ 6t

fie = ~ __OJ~ Kat 3 v (6 - raquo


ITC (6 ) 2L vw~~(6-~)Pit ~ 1 ~~ - ~ - - 3- (6 wi

GR PR 4R auy w ~~ (6 -~)opound~ LI - L- CNV(e w) shy


~ 16-w) ~~(e-~)

rl va yvu t6 a A 1J8ytatOV tnelS1l a Cftogep6vnptnEt it at vQ ytVij lJBylCJt11

H apound 5IJDlI A1tE151l LQoo ral9alval 0tClgepa 90 ylvTlllEytOtll 6-rav t6 Ylv6~vov Et 111J (9 - cp) y(vU llSyLOtOV TO)to 01l0l~ ylVETal )18Y1crtOV 6tav Q)1ltp6fEpOl cl OPOL toO YWOIl~VOU ylvoov tdY1CJtOl

A)M MAX lOt _ C

MAX ~~(6-~)=1

~ ~=e- ~

XA A cruvw MA a = + v (6-w)

luvEramp~ lhav ll ODlalJlK1l 56valJtr elval X09Et0lt E1tl tflv TIC Kat ElgtplcrKftal Elr t6 1tpGltOV ti tetaptov tEtaptTlll6plOV o middottf

IT ~=6-T

s ~ e= 2------- shy (31)

3 LQ-S

s ~e ~T

bull IT IT

-Tlt ~ltT

t6tE [xOIJEV tnv IJEylatTtV taatv 1t 06~

AX A A 4 R _c=7i-V--In 0=0+ -shy(32)o L Ol)y(6-w)

IT EK tGlv (31) lIPOKUntEl Ott cp - T Kal +1I

2 dVUl li~ 6vEl6ptTltolt lflt tv-rQoe~ E

middot08poundv al ouvtOtGlaal toO e Kat 11 cm6OtaOtlt ~ h -rQ ltEPl7tlOOshyOEt lautO ElVQl


e =-I cruy6 (33 )

M1 - M~ -S A ~~ (6- w) t = vo + R auv a

L34 2 nEe l n r Wpound1 t ~ lt 3 f)tOl fI oUVlata~ll11 Eupi-

OKEta poundKt6lt [0) nupfvoc

Elc titv 1tEphttOlaiV taUtV an hrollev paOEt TOO tintou (33raquo) 6

M - M~ + ltSA ~~( -61 L ~ ~ -----i------e-------- ltV + R auv6 3

6tamp 6 tlntOC (30) 51(1 yoovav ltp UrcO)O-YlOIJEvTW unO -rGlv tv tOOv (31) lillipound1 tflv IlByio-r11V taolv

MAX A ~ 2(V + R -AlJ a g~

~v8a to ~ OTtooytstQ paoEI toO tunou (33)


Katootepro 5[oolJev tPOl ecpaplloYfv 860 rrapaoslYlJata unoshyAoYLOIlOO ~v6C KPll1t150tolxou Kat hoc npOOTWEIJOU Mooou IlE Ka-ral(6pucpa IJEtrona

lov flaedoEYfAO

Z7]toiJvra~ d MIN K d MIN N ltal t1 MAX (fA T I1 OWTOuij~ TDV KQT1tIoorolxoti rov OXt1lwro~ 4 o~d t~v QVau61EGTeeaV OIE1JOVVOII ~al tpogcho oeuJpofJ 1eoouboa

0) Et6K6v pope TO ~ cnpoM~aalt ~a ~ dyeu I-Ierov y ~ 23 tiM

p) E18tlt6y papo ral61v Ateopp61v yY - 18 t M

y) El6tltoy papo eaa(~ y - 10 tM

6) middotOpLlovla f)~ 6opa 0 ~ I tiM

e) IUYI-~ TPtP~ TO Aeoppm61v topa I- ~ 060

err) MhO1OC 08tOJllKOr a)vtEiE(Jtf)C pound - 012

1) nopplt1l6 eopp61y n = 035

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

-- --


I t 200q 2t m 2 0 6

bl03 4 2 ~ 350

011302 t y l

0 plusmn 000 LOJ +- 020b2096 -

02 233l IA~ )12 - ~OO

~02b3 137

440 t 033151 Y=KtA~

- 00Gj b 4 78 ~


I W~04 3971 - 600I 04

0 C


bS 119 C A 0 Br- - L 400 I

EX 4 iltatOIl1 )(rpJ7tlr5oro[xov Pd8o~ - 600

A Yno1loyollol QVpoundU OElOIlOU

I noO(U yQLWV 01

xi = 390 )1 n = 0142 i 096 2 = loo

096 + 2 X 0342) = 68 = 600 + 200 ( lit 3 096 + 0342 4 ~ X~ = 390 )l

n = 096 ~ 137 2 = 2330 137 -I- 2 X 096w_ 400+ 200 = 494 ~IV2 - - 3shy 137 + 096 xj = 480 )l n_ 137 ~ 178 2 = 3 150 200 178 + 2 X IJCflJ- 200 + - 3- = 296 ~

137 X 178

t~ = 440 IJ n ~ 178 ~ 219 2 = 3970 u 200 219 +2x 1~ = 097 II = -3 1 78 + 21 9 ~

bull bull 0 401-10x =n = 1000 = 1000 jJ1S = 800 ~

nO= m + n6 =- J175

1 161Q +opTla 01

O = 350 x 180 x 100 x 23 = 1449 X = 2IS~ 1 = 710 ~

G~ = llO X 220 X 100 X 23 = 1771 X~ = 21 l~ ~= SIO ~

Gg = 440 x 200 X 100 X 23 = 202A X~ = 260~ ~ = 300 ~

G~ = 400 X 200 X 100 x 23 = 1840 X~ w 200 IJ IV~ = 100 IJ

OT - 090 X 400 X 100 X 18 - 648 XT = 4ll~ T = 600 ~

GO = Wr + Ear - 77n 1 4uvb bullullj ilvwlt1cwC A

A = 000

A~ I 350 X 200 x 100 X 100 = 700 x~ IV 215)l V~ = 500 IJ

A = 440 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 880 X~ = 260~ ~ = 3OO~

2 400 x 200 X 100 X 100 = 800 x2 = 200 IJ middot IV~ = 100 )l

AT ~ 090 X 200 X 100 X 100 ~ 180 XT = 43l~ T = 5OO~ A = tA + fAJ = 2560

bull 2c )QaolJ IQPC~ ~(fDOl 6 IopMer I = )$ H OpS Hl-l Itr odlo ~ elvClI AT _ 09 x 200 x 100 X 100 (1 bull OH) =- 11

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

598 ICnTtlJ~pOC 1969

4 Ponol 6uylltampLolv


I 0 130 0 2ll 0 315 O 397 0 8 100

I 1175 I 0 1449

0 1771

GO 2024

GO 1840

GTI 648

I 7732 I AO 000

AO 700

AO 3 8SO

AO 800

AT 180

I 2560 I


390 390 480 440 040











1 W

684 494 296 097 800

I 710





I _shy











M~ M~ Au XVI I Au X XI

889 889 507 1151 1151 909 932 932 151 2 385 385 1747 800 800 040

I I I 3 U5 10288 31 1 5

3808 903 2 3808

5262 6072 5262

3680 1840 3680

2819 3888 281 _shy

I I I - -

1505 3500 1505

2288 2640 2288

1600 800 1600 883 900 783

18684 I IOJJJ I 4JI17 I 29575

nate 09 _ L lt 400ev 6 0 - - 2- - ~o = -2- - 161 = 039 M Cl) O ampreOl 89 toO KEep 31 S[oouv

V _ 7732 - 2560 = 5172 t a~ = V (1 + 6eo )_ 5172 (1+ 6x 039) = L L - 400 4000 = = 1175 t

= 2050 tiMP) 01 Tonol 1~ 16 TOC Ke~ 3_1 0(80uv

~ ~ = 205 kg ern M~ = 18684 rot

M~ = 103 33 mt B YlTOAOYIOoi nel OEIOOU

y) 0 tuno 11 100 KEqI 31 BiSEL 7 rLVIKo OTOIXlia

S = 431l7mt a) EuplcrICOJ1EV oUJ CoD lUltOU 24 t oO KEQl 31 S = 29575 mt SO 29575

t~Ul= S = 43117 - 06859 ~TOI Ul = 34455)0 lUnDlt 10 TOO KEep 3 1 810pound1 X

Q = 175 + 7732 +- 2560 = 11467 6amp TUI (U = 05657

auv ro = 082465 luvnlpound[JTol QaMda~ iQYTl QYClTpOTTf~ Kol 6)shyo9fJaampt)(j ~) EI( TampV lUltCUV I t toO KECJI 31 exOJ1EV ta~ (]uvtpoundtay~valt

toO cr13UJJllKOO htpou n18684 10333 = 181 gt 150 S 29575

Xn = Q = 11467 258 ~-vo 51 72

N= l no = 060 117 5 = 264 gt 150 S 43117I - - = = 376~

n - Q 11467 6 T6ou no6cui A

43117 ~ExojJSv 08246 = 52288 mt

18684 - 10333 y) Otpound tK lOO MOU 25 lOO Kelp 31 ho~svlo = 5172

Wn 376 3768351 6 L 400 e - 2L - 2---==--- = 00) = = 5172 == I I gt T = 300 = 133 m -3- Xn -3- 400 - 258

IuvenGgt 1 ICQlalC6pucpo~ cruvlOtG)cra til~ OUVUJta~v1lt tlOv = 41 78 e = 88 63 BuvQ)lsrov pound)p(oKeuU tvt6~ to rrupvo~ KOJ ~~ B = 09997 auv e = 002J5

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

- ------------ -

599 rmTt~~pOI 1969 Ttxvlfca XPOVlKO

Enicrl1lt EK toov torerov 12 K(1I 13 tol) Kpound~ 31 ~70IJCv n + I 116 + I o n + u = 0266 116 + 0266 R = 012 x 11467 = 1376 l

S A 52288 = 0266 x~ = 0 4667 Pn = Q = 11467 ~ 456~ 1231

CPl = 27 Q8E) ~ liAOU at TUnOt 26 TOC KEqI 3 1 5[00uv I u 1 - 0266

= ~= 1376 = 0266 OlV(jlI=)J 1 11 71 ------shyu vo 5172 n+ u 116 + 0266

~tOI TrATlPOr TtlV axtaw tGlv timrov 28 tOO KCql 33 _ 1171 X 0929 = 08837 1231

o ~ u (No - 1)- 0)2 No fl + i Kai 6 TUftOlt 19 toO KEqI 3) lHOEI t6

I - O266 t = ~ -~= 1171 MIN N= N I-u 264 1135 lt 125~ n 1175 bull 1+ n 1+ 116

fli = u~ + Jll - U2Jli = 1345 Tl = 116

8 middotYlTo~oYlao~ TOU MIN K A[ CJl)VIOTcJ)crQl toC E dvm

= OI2 x 08837= 011601 tUnOI 13 tOO 32 SiSouv ltPI= ro = 34deg45 Kal (JlJVE1t(j)(

t)( = 012 x 04667 = 00561)~ qgt = 1)~ OJ = 05657

auv qll = ltJJV ro = 08246 10 Yo~oyl(~~S Tfls MAE 0 or t(n[Q~ 14 TOO KeqI 32 OlOE~

0 t1JttOl 33 toO KEqI 34 oioEt

MIN K = __~_ = 18684 18684 - 10333 - 0 12 X 52288nJ1 (8863- 3445) M~ -- SA 10333 + 012 X 52288 ~= 5172 + 1376 cruv B863

18684 = 16607 = 1125 lt 125 = 3263 = 063 lt 5204 3

(averrplt~ Ii OO~~ ) luvpound1tlbc KCltClK6plXpoo cruvLcrTG)aQ t~o Ol)VlOraIlEVno fellVKat at cruVtcrtltiKJOt toO E 60 eva~ bUytljttugtv poundOp(mpoundTQl ~K[6o ltUpijvOC Kat OOVE7tJ)( 6 TU1tOC 34

e = 012 X 08246 ~ 0099 toO Kpoundfp 34 SUiel TnV

ex = 012 X 05657 = 0068 A 2(5172 + 1376 cruv 8863) 10408

MAX a E 3 X 063 1899 YnoAOYlo6fi TOO MIN N

= 551 liM ~ ot riHtOl toO Keep 33 otooov lilv yrovLClv CPl Ele fly ~Xo~v to MIN N ~o MAX a A = 551 h~cm~

I- 2 00-1 J7OO

GO r L0 r

I-- 300 1100I i 000Vm 2-- _ ~-=- 5AQ bull

~ -~-- -- shy 1 G

0 h I 0 shy 1I I YRr


I ~ bn - 410 -12A 0 C I ~ c shyIm A -H a


- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

- - -


TOII Toii MWAoV TOt (TXTjlI(JtO~ J dla T~V 6vupcVt(JtEeO 6tru shyH yroVlQ (PlOt f1v hOJ-lEV TO MAX erA 5(0poundTOI ff( lettV TU1tCllY (ll) tOO Kpound~ 34 ~tOI OV1UtV ai poeav ae~afloij

n d e60pba ~~ 6 - = 886l - 90= - 1372 1 EtS Bapot TO 11 cncupOO W JJpoundttt il avtu AiOoov

Kai ar cruvIOtc1l0Gt to) E O[OOTOI (mO tGiv tlm OOV 33 Tofl )0 l1 t I MK~ 34

c _ 012 X 09997 = 01199 2 hb Bap~ uSotOt QoJncrcT]t (0 = JOO LIM c - 0 12 X (-ltlD23 5) = - 00027

) EOYUAEaTftC tptPi1o TO At8oppmG)v soPOOpoundOOt A - 060 eO Ii flall0 OcLYJ10

Zfoiillrot 0 MIN l( amp MIN N ai 1) IltfA3 aA 71 Jlamiddot 4 MtYIOTOO cnlcr~11C6t cruvuMcrl E = 008


I OBfaampt (l6QTOt 01 Kala Bahflou

I xr - 1400~ n = T 540 X 600 x 100 1620 1

IIIr = 1240 + - 3- 600 == 144o~

x~ = 1400 In a T (540+ 410) 1240 X 100 = 5890 ~ 1240 4 lo X2 x 540 = 642 ~ III - - 3- 4 10 T 540

no-=- ~nl = 75 10

2 IGa +opTla G

400 - 300 + 300 x 200 + 200 _ 12731 X middot 3(lOO 200) ~

0deg = - (200 + 3 00) 4 00 x 2 3 = 2300 + 2 0 _ 1540+ 400 l OO + 2 x 200 1727

III I 3 3()O + 200 - ~

= 495 88 X~ = 700 ~ 01 1540 x 1400 x 23 1fI~= 77o~

o = to - 518H8

l 4uv6lpoundI~ ilvwoampwtj AI

A~ = 000

A~ = 1240 x 1400 x 100 = ]7360 X = 700~ III = 620 ~

41 4C1vQlu nlta~w~ F nu~QvdQi t6paolwc AB

F l F= 2 ~10 )lt 14 00 = 28 7 X = 933~ ~ = 0

S Pona 6uv6Juwv

I s S6YNAMIl MOX 4- IEll t 1uv X X1uv X ltI MO

23328 22680n 1400 233281620 1400 n 37814 82460642 378 145890 1400


0 0 292792)00 29279 397211273 1727I

3471163471 16 381828495880bulldeg 700 770


AO 17360 700 620 121520 107632 121520


2870Fshy 933 0 26777 267770

2870 376395 209439 590323 629832I II



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng



Cl) ot TOrtOl 89 tof) Kelp 31 Bioouv

Vmiddot ~ 51888 - 17360 - 28 70 ~ 31658

0deg= ~ 7510 t

~) or TUrtOI 1516 TOC KEql J t 8i8ouv

M~ = 376395 mt

M~ ~ 209439 m t

r) 0 tunoc 11 toO Keip 31 MOEI

S ~ 590323 m t

S ~ 629835 mt

5) 0 t U1tOC 10 toO Keuro(p 31 5(0pound1

Q ~ 7510 + 51888 + 17360 + 2870 ~ 79628

6 ZUVTlACOTQ 6o+oAdotj lOVTI 6vcuponft leol 6AIshyo8fJatwtj

K ~ M~ ~ 3763 9 5 = 180 gt 150 M~ 209439

V 31658 No == ) no = 060 7510 253 gt 150

7 ToOuj TToamp6 A


M1 - M ~ 376395 - 209439 166956 ~ ---V---= 31 658 =


~527 gt~ ~467 3

UVErtG)C 1 QUV1 0fCllJeVT] TGlV KCllClKOplHprov c5UV(qJEOOV Eupi shyOKEtnl tVl6lt TOO ltUPfvOC


L 1400 eo = 2 - ~o = - 2-- 527 = 1731-1 Kezi

bull V ( 6e ) 31658 (1 + 6 x 173 ) = cr = L 1+ - L = 1400 1400

55129 _ 394 11M 1400

0 = ) 94 kgCOl

8 rEVileD OTolxpoundia

a) EbpOJrCOI-iEV Sui r oO T(IftOO 24 toO KeQl 31

S 629832 tcp co - S == S90323 = 1067 ro = 46deg85

6 ~~ ~ 07296

auv til = 06840

~) EK tot Tunau II toCl Kelp 31 EopiOICOI-iEV tnv SA Kal tdC cruvT6tayJLtvnc toO 11

8 11 629832 Xn = Q = 79628 ~ 791

S 590323 741 ~ljIn = ~= 79628

s -~ - 590323 = 863045 ml A - ltJlV CIJ - 0684

Y) middotOu 6 tmo~ 25 tOO KElp 31 Mou

~9 = ln 741 741 2

) L-Xn 2

) 1400-791 142

~ 5218 e = 7915 Kat

~~ 9 = 09818 auve = 01900

0) En[all~ h T~V tlHtWV 1213 tOO Keql 31 ho)Uv

R ~ Q = 008 X 79628 = 6370 I

SA 863045 Pn ~ Q = 79628 = 1984

euro) E~ liAMgt U O[ Tunal 26 TOO Keuroqgt 3 1 Sloouv

u = -~a = 3~~~~ = 0201 frrol 1tAllPoT TTiV crxtaw tOO roshy~ (N- 1)

tau 28 Keltp )1 0 u = 0310N (I+ ~

R 6370 ~ = n ~ 7SiO = 0848

111 = u~ + J1 - UIJ11 = 00404 + 0719 - 0029 = 073 ~ ~ 0854


ot ronal 13 mc KEltp 32 SI50uv ltPI = ro = 46 deg85

lllJ Cll) - TJJ1 w - 07296 cruv epl = auv w ~ 06840

6 5t T()1tO~ 14 toO Keltp 32 S(Sel t6

Mmiddot 376395 MIN K - Mg SA = 209439 + 008 )(863045 shy

376395 135gt 125


Kat at croVtataoUl toO E ea dvUl

008 x 06840 = 0055 ~ 008 x 07296 - 0058

10 middotYTToAoYIlt7J1(U TOO MIN N

ot tll1tOl 18 toO Keltp 33 5Souv Tllv lco iav PI Ei~ fjv hOJ1EV MIN N

0854 + I 0373~~~ = u ~ = 0201 0854 + 0040 = 0894 - shy

= 0417 ltPI = 24deg65

cnJV ltPI = 09088

11 + umiddot

0 tmo~ 19 toO KEep 33 oi5eurol 1 _ uf 1- 0040 243

MIN N = N T+1i = 253 1 + 0854 = U54 shy= 131 gt 125

AI cnJvlltJtc1laQl tOn e elval

_ 008 x 09088 = 0073 = 008 x 0417 = 0033

AII middotYrroAoYLaJ16~ ri1~ MAX a

0 tlntO~ 33 coO KEltp 34 S15EL

M-M~ - SA ~~ (9 - OJ) ~= VO+ ROuve -- ~

376395 209439 - 008 x 863045 ~ (7915 - 4685) 31658 + 6370 v7915

130059 3 96 lt ~ ~ 4 67 32858 3

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng

602 TcxvUCQ X p OV l KG tllTt~PPIO~ 1969

tIlVC1tamp fl KUtaK6puqlolt CJJvLawOu t it~ aull(Jta~V I I fQI flu-shyvujltoov Eupiol(E1QL poundK1O toG Jrup fvolt Kat aovrna 6 tono~ 34 1OU KEep 34 0(6EI

2 (V 1- Rcruv 9) 2(3 16Sl+6370 v7915)MAXcrA= J~ 3 x 396 =

~ ~~8 6 = 55 II tn 594

MAX (J A ~ 553 KG I ~1

bullH ywvia PI 81 1v EX0JlEV 6 MAX cr A Sl6if(u tK CoCi t ooO11 31 toC KEep 34 f)tOL

~ ~ 9 -2n ~ 7915 - 90 - - 1085

Kal at (J)vmt(UcrCu toO E oiooV1cn Utto Tilly TUlHOV 33 taD KEep 34

~~9 ~ 008 x 09818 = 0078

- v9 = - 008 x 0190 ~ -1)01 5

5~ XunLF-oOTAQTG n ClpClTllPiJO~I

Ell t~ t IlYIDlEPOO tPEGVTl~ JtPOKU1ttEl on

51 l1 criO I1 Ju I1(OV ipyov 17rcl(lXtl ampv (]T)Jj5~O)l n 01lE(l 6xa )((JulSV fJEU1JW(11 xeruov

To cnULElov mota ampupt9Tl On elVUL 10 KEvtpOV tcpap~LoYf~ TijC cruV ldtU~V T1~ too btl toO l p)olJ cnlC]ltKtlH QUIU)ltWI poundIVa( M 1i~aptTltOv roC OE1CJjlOU tlaplWllCVOV JlOVOV tK Tcilv trri ro f) ~pyou hcpyouoGw OuvTi9wv OtQlIKcDV OUVQjJ swv

Ocrov to Ol1U~rOv toGtO 1t)110L6~ampl rrp6~ 1lV pocnv crtl1pi~c6lo TOt) (P)OlL L600v tom~ rtJijllCTUL poundK tOO 0610IJOO 0ryGJl8pO V Kat r60uv -0 epyov clvul QOfIoJOtEpov

52 Kutaotppound1ttV(ompoc OELOIlC)( oev 90 dvQL eKclvoc 6 01[01egtlt 90 ~Xl 1lV IlpoundYQ)utpoundpav ~vmCJLv t(lV otv poundEp)TiOU ()ft0 OOPlshya~vllv olpoundu9uVOLV Kat ltpopov at 61[010t imo or~ovtot ovwshyltpw

5 3 A1tOralllIT~ tirrolE[tlll 1 yvUlOU TO) JLpoundyatou aEIOJLLshyICO) CfUvrcitaTo) AoloO aE10~oO

Earthquake influence on stability bulland resistance In harbour works

Iy 1m Dalkalaklmiddot


The present study researches the influcncr upon (he stability and rClmt tance of harbor work~ of un I arth middot quako acting upon the proj ec t by any angle That is it detormines the earthquake influen ce upon lhe safe ty factors of harbor works agajnst overturn and slippage and tho foot tension when the earthquako force ac ts

under ltlny angle iurtillrmore it ealculales llie worst directions under which should an earthquake force act it would strike and strain tILe pruject lllOre than any othor earthquakc shock of the same int(nsity

FinallY in the lallor case calculations are mado or minimum $3(0 Iy ra~lors Llgain~t overturn and slipfage as well 9B tho maximum foot tension devcloped

Born In f racllon CImiddotcle III 19~O In IIHi4 gJhluatell from the lil t posi tion or Chid Engineer rC81iO nJIbie fo r tbe d ~lgn and l upet_ Nallonal Technlcal UnhCf$lty or ALbclI~ rmiddot l)r the IHUlL Lwehc vlslOIl or cons traction or HarlJor Wa rill yean be hae worked for the lracllon Harbor Committee occupylng