TORNt'.Yfi LaOBBAY , ,,, J~HOOTBii. jui,';.-j.iied ihe boy. A boy asked:he rasor-strop man ifhe...


Transcript of TORNt'.Yfi LaOBBAY , ,,, J~HOOTBii. jui,';.-j.iied ihe boy. A boy asked:he rasor-strop man ifhe...

Page 1: TORNt'.Yfi LaOBBAY , ,,, J~HOOTBii. jui,';.-j.iied ihe boy. A boy asked:he rasor-strop man ifhe couldsharpeu-bis appetiteI Tne r.tzor-sirop stropped i-imso severely that iue d-..u

T, TS ?.V MOKNimt AlUf..^'

,r,e ßl«-t'"« hhr*» r* DB._ll«g«»reBBd>w_aaattl-_ lit le truss plot, aatr*

Joi; ,̂,o"^»'f^ru.,maoe &Kiu. **.**&ToX "m. M intuit Naioie Bj4 ***H..,- I- IM4 Edward Tt

b «relnaduel. Thi- *****}** *? Stt\^**nß*A*Mihrse fashionable murder, oa "\u25a0'ground. i-?,ted States Sena-

lo ISID, A. T. Mason, a «»<", ~?-., bUB .\u2666or from Virginia,fo«_.n l *£tC*t%9 sraahand, John MtCßtyi\u25a0 * ,_,,, ,here was BOsrerae to flgiiiia*. n would rtght. IRc-reoesalty t»r II | »?"', ,?a,ied with grape-shot,Oarty named «?"?"*

tnti t tbey would hit headsand so near ,*<_«. This was changedIf they fell ?'?" j.._dtng with bullets, andby the »«3?ShBl ac the distaucs. Mason wasS.S2f nsmnilV, snd McOarty. who had bisi.K..ii"n%l»rok;B, soil U.e. with *******«;"rintl*vrgelown. Hit lia.r turned-white;?i'.n attar .he lighta. to «*«»2^^Js_.melt- Ho has since S^^tJ-S-SaS?eeoodla a duel, bat rafttatß,^J^**i*a\*9with a ..iclgeh-madetohi* wife-o.unit, rktinsf »' %',">""i,e J.1_> bmm waa k.11e.1 la a

In t-RTV l>c»»tor -wduel -en- by Oot?Cd«ra f^^tttS*M w.f.i.iflr.. h-.lh tell «th fhe.r n s.,ci. f.*et of each.oißer .a...1. a. c

lying ou theKriV-c'fr?r immediately, but Barron? YV!,^i'lr."."»'rangers, named L,ega and Se-- Xuuesi-d here, tought, aud Sega was in-Bt-atlt X lie.l The neighk<.'rs only learnedihi* mu.-h ol their name* from the marks gi-.-tes left ou the grouud. Leg* wasdoi hurl

In ~_. Nl_-sR-RM-M IjX'ke wb* killed here.> n clerk vi 'Ue Trea«ury Depantneut,tain dtihfe-M. Tne lri'ier vrss not hurl

il- ii rv I'lav fought(his se.v>udduel)v. i;i J. ti. uau'dolph justacross the Potomac,X . dot,-Il v.referred to die. If at all, on Vir-

.ll il. received Clay's -"hot, aud then\u25a0 i . . he _ir. This was in accordaice

I .vi.i irii.ti made to -ilr. Hen ton, -whoR i.lpb of a call, the eveniug Ik»-

M Clay, ami .-llu.LHi to the .ju'ttt>erc .il itiiJ he repose of the u~o-. . k qutokly replieii:

?l .a...Bu >. iiog to disturb the sleep oftk* child *.it ttMrep >s-e of the mother."i. \u25a0:.-; .i Jeseau, vvh>.e ?uneral 1 attended

last _c-_. trat t'.ay's second.When Rtndolph fired, tie remarked:?I do iiot sii'-'i at you, Mr. Clay,"' and ex-

ti' in. h-ud, ad\ _need tow ir.i Clay, whorui :ied to tneei uira. KandotpU Bhowed t_ay*h.-re hi- twll struck his cat, and Mud lace-ttoaslf ''.Mr. O.ay, jou owe me a coat."

flay- replied :?Thauk God -he debt is no greater!" They\u25a0v. re frinnds 183*, Martia was killed by Carr. Their

lirsi ii-oies are uot remembt-reU Tney weretn rr '.;-.- S-'Uth.

li 1-.V3, or K-y. sen of Frank K.-y, Mt.dto Barton of Sickles notoriety,

met .Mr She--...;'., t_..o ex.t_-t.igrda»tio'. wueuSoerbwrn s.-iio :

?\u25a0M-. Key, 1 Uiive ao desire tokill you.""Nomatter,'1 tatd Key,"l casts to kill you."

V-ry well, u.ei.," s_.d S.erborii, '?! willStili y v." And be did.

1., i-sie, W J. G-rsree, of Keatacky, atsnat-tag -ne qutrrei ol Jas. Wataofl Webb, withJ j laUuta Ciliey. ol >ltine, selected this pi x-eot Oilley's but the parties learning.hat ', wnh two friends, Jackson and-l-rreil. were armed aud in pursuit, for ihe. | >eot a.-5.t -matingCiliey,moved towardthe river, and nearer the city. Their jiur-tusrs -.noved toward the river, but missed thepal-tea and iheu returned to the ciiv, to whichhey were soon followed by Graves aud the. rpse oi l-Jo. a lawyer named Jones, fought with

a id kill. .1 It Johnson.In *- .1 B -V Uoole aud A. J. Dallas hid a.tile meeting here. Dallas w_s sßot.aUieId. ?. t... . '??? v^rea.. La i aud Johnson, two Ki. hm..o.d. .'.-".-> i.eie, wU.l'll .er-

i . .- \u25a0_? \u25a0? \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 _ a w ura -ft as luocii bo.-viif j . \ his _Larp wit as by tusd-... . v i . .!\u25a0 ? ri*. art told ol Bis

hu: r ii :e . a (-yodonaj we do notr.-iueiuor-r io seen it befuie. His pre-vcriptiou t. vueui tue pausßlawsa: *'l_.e[j^ur.-niiiii briu(>ofl ißreeor Hoax puiis of wa-i.rsi.i. pal it a wa-n--i.b: lake off your\u25a0 i.-iii. -, get ...' ;:, .mil from be.ul to fjot rubyourself well with it, ai.-i yuu'li reeoier.'"

* ati\ .i «? .: ;roars --strata like telin p meto wa-u i_viei!,"' .. ud the patient. "Well,"'said Aberuei-tj, "it I* open to ;n.u objection."'

"yi_s. P___aTiKGTOii addre-se. Isaac, whileea'iiig . dish ,i str.iwberrle-i, thu.. _towgi , ..i y-.'ti .i'- n' *n hi tv'nd by y--'.i willwant io liveai I.- h ?-?? -«?* liouse, _ndlive ouumbrella ice en ?- iTou musu't b so gintin-uu*. dear. I dou ike to see a liitle boy wi_h

.\, :\u25a0. ~:\,:I |.-? ? -An Iri.binan, writing :r. m Philadelphiaber day, v afriend iv Ci** old country,

concluded hie letter thus: "Il ivsriumeior-. .- o live till Idy?and God nosewhether. :- >i u_?l'll visitould Ireiana aforeI leavePbllaß-Sdel] by."

A ::.aii. l. it a thousand miles off, oik. a?kedanother who hei.ked tv he..r preach .' "Why, 'said in-, " I like to hear Mr.B. besi. beesate Idon't like any pleaching, and his uome.. thrnssreei tobo pr._cbing of any 1 have everyet beard."It is useless to talk to patriotically :_souti' k"''! l Aineriim heart, when .o much more

ißterestlt 'aken iv the great American sto-liiaeii."L>' you nadsrttsnd me now .'" thuudered

:. teacher loan nrcbin at whose head he threwaii ii ksfu .1. "I've j:oiau i«4iing of what youii. jui,' ;.-j.iied ihe boy.

A boy asked :he rasor-strop man if hecould sharpeu bis appetiteI Tne r.tzor-sirop- stropped i-im so severely that iued -..u int otr.

? .'I-, dear doctor, I suffer a great deal withiry ? ' "Be jai-em, madam, you proba-b y would suiter a. greai vet.l mure withoutthem. 'Why -a petrareli more barbarously tn. .

~is than :tuy bard before orsince bis time! Aus.-B.c.use he was the

1,-.. r.a'e,? - three editors to start apaper in Newv *? te kiLed m a duel, one to die

.- ? \>r, :i..u una tv writs BB obituaryii-;ii .: two.... i.- g_g"d in acats tormented a wit-

th w i h questions that the poor fel-ei .-if for *ater. "There," said the

~. ugttt you'd pump him dry."'an i conversation one evening. '..t k"lam noprophetf" "Tru_,

-c it, "uoprofit toyoursell or

. .ii. , . .v sm. ru* to the store and getin- \u25a0 .r ?' "Excu.. me, ma: I am some-

Ana* itidl.pufted iuis m. rning. Send latber,and *? :i imu i i briii}; me a plugof tobacco."

Woaaa Is like ivy?the more you are ru-ired, the clover -he clings to you. An old. iradds: "Ivy i_ak«womnn?the closer

Hum* t? xm-. t_tamoreToo are ruined."

I jI.Y GOODS Al A GREAI DIM OURIT.k-I Ciosiß "U the remnining portion of m* . urn

et .-;._?.-.. p evious t.. the iece-.ptof b 11 Goods.Kcco leet. I h-tve no price st a I tor Summer Dress. ooe; suet, as Lawns,, Bi miner Silks,

.\u25a0 n "summer Man'lesam Miawls tires* bargainsan ».' tn ugh' n the al*>ve nientioneo Goods for? .-tir-x 30 d»'s. 1 have al-,.. ? n ti.ii.l a large as-

sartmen of staple Woollen Goods, Blankets, kc.. < .ur-baeed this much l«luw theird MKf, value, and wih be < fl-red at fin .n profits._ ALFR'- D MOSES 63 Miii- st.I OOR ol 1 till. >o _7 .1.1 iISIKI _\T_Is OHE.iT BARGAINS IN CAR FETING-..-Frost»l .iii<. sutil the Ist ofSeptember. 1offerfo» I.- 2 uK) itl.. tun « 4 wide rlouble ehttm. Woolenrii'n.g '.arpets atst.'-nts. worth 60; 12.0 yar.-s

«\u25a0 i i.o iiu'i vVo stsd and W..,»,en Fi l-tng nt 6*l r.onlt cheapat <». Mf yardssxtrs m lity'. .f >«__'itul pat'erns. lor ci'y trade, St iiig elseehe c at S7_,: Impen.l Tnree-ply at 9u cents, w.»nu 41.25; 25 brusseils Car-tet Kugs at _2.V), c. st an>where you bu> them§t6oto#f. A! i a-, usa cill fromone ai.d aU-andreu.3i.'iber trie place, No. 27 Mam sire-.._ JOSEPH STRAUBE.BAKGAINV BARGAIMR!I?DRRR* GOODS. AM-Bf *LOW COST. at.M..VITi'LI-DOK-FER'S.No J2BBROARD ST.- CALL AND rXAM NE ."OURSELVES .-As the season is farhd .i"ied, auu having yet on hand, a la ge ttocl1 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'' "'ls. "f n l*ing determm-

<>_! iii"m _ ab tiazard. I will, from ths1 ' "f August,sell theoi at and belowc " fi.r great iiiducemeult to? ?. Damasks.Toweis. .1 "'?m.-.i . w.icb I have just received fr .m- is o«t S-las of imp tiers. Theare ..ochsaa, vi must be sold Call amiU ' fOSISSivSS. M. MITTLKDOHFKR./'_(!.'..% itmn. "109," A..D___.* \u25a0 1 to- Negligee Collar, "entirely new," thefrhou Cci r,-_ni Shirf, " old but good;" the finestOre** jlaits, pi .in but genteel;" me best fittingLinen Drawers, the whole stock of Clothing andGent'sF-inisiung Goods, adapted to the season,aid going io. ths least sort of a figure We haveall that is aaaaatan for oomiort, and oan makeant t* .» look reut-el for a little money. Ask lor. , 1.5 w« nt' *""\u25a0\u25a0 *? * l! 1? n,-w " immediatelya,l at IU. Mam »ueet. . -Bthsids-SoOTB siDE-f.hii!l door -U>vn l»>t, stre.t

-__ . '" o. TI.KMAN. As'LI>_S_fS : M*,H I* ~**t^V«R!_W,tly n,ts of otb.-r Pu'nsn.og Soods adsp'ed toth« sessoa, er.tirel. BBtr.wellßseorisd a.d,_____snd good, a-dyust the thing inc, .? t^M*>>'w . TUFMAR.Ag tj^» SUIb st.J ho* foriMtaatiy e>aaaiai Rid Giovss./ftai i.,i.,r. uitue articl- bt the Kid Gio^s;-witurer. of (- .anc» to impart that ssrit.Pf ' "n * l«»lls dean fiflt p*u*ttuetbi: Porsaleb, A BOphn.HACO

__P- Apothecaries snd Drug.istsB^^^*«*ARbl_A**.-i^ rthen Buttsrt No \u25a0?iL 1: rr!."V!!.'I_.1_. ¥? f_»f , -__ { >Pc I _fi_F. \u25a0* io, Agerj........ '" »"»»i *,?.,-, triw.


?7.7/i t.« Mam. between ?__and !»th sts.,. Compsay?~_F »<"* -_#T "sin* and airr LODOI N Gr(\"f]S,Till'OHM,Ac, intame building.

au J «\u25a0 . _j OR. Z. s. >i. out oek. of Henri_\u25ba___\u25a0!- .'.., havine takfnan office on h'.ank'iii?fct, fir«t house above Metropolitan Hall,tentiers hiaproleasiona! services to the publio.jy *)-«m

8» VI St. T. B'Vt V. I Clt*»T*lH WlliTß»-___-> HATt-t A ttlllTß-§->ft Al TORNt'.Yfi AT LAW,Practice in all »he Courtsheld in the city of Rich_____the sosBUSs ofHanover, Henrico,Caroline,liooohtan.l and Chesterfield.

SAMUEL T- BAYLY, Com Ml aa io a BB oVPsa... tor all the Mates nnd Territories. Officecornerof 1-th and Frsahha streets, near the StaieCourt House. »? "»-__=?-» HENRY HI'ONALL, _

ATTORNE. AT LAW\u25a0**-*\u25a0 " AND NOTARY PUBLIC,Practioes inall the Courts held in thecit» of Richmend.

«%. Also,practices regumriy in the Connty _ndCifOßif Ossrta of Chesterfield.

Aa Notary, will take Depositions and Acknow«t_t!icnt*. Administer and Certif- Oaths, and pet

form whateverother duties pertain to the office of..ot»r-.Offl.-e at the corner of Bank and 11thstreets, just

leiow the Custom House. jaSl?ly

JT^jr-5* PARKE tOINOt-.TER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RICHMOND,VaIwiIIeractice in the city of Richmond and in the ooun-|:es ot Chesterfield, Powhatan and Amelia.. t___-Offie' in Liale's Hoildin..cornerel Mam antUth atrn«l .»t.._-1«

JOHN \V. (4REEN,?»<-» ATTORNEY AT LAW,W ill practioe in the Courts of the city ol Richmond and county of Henrico. Struit attentionwill be given to aI) business entrusted to hira.Office, tor the present, with ins father. WilliamGreen, southwest uorner Main and 7th 27 dm

§T 2-M LAWRirsffl ES. >lARYE.»>?-» ATTORNEY AT LAW,Practices in the Cosrts of the City of Riehatos.and the Countiesof Hennoo, Hanover and C...He is also Notary I sblio and Commissioner of th?United Slates Court of Claims.The partnership1-etween Mr. Cha'Tai* Wiutiand himself being dissolved, bis office is now oilU_.-.trcft.juat 1-elow t»<Kliiin's Hall. fe U-l-

COAI. 00-ML WOOD, *o. "

'pilE I'NION WOOD V AKO.\u25a0 CI urch Hi.i. on Leigh.24'n and aifh st<.Thesul«crilier navm. made ever* necessary ar-

raiUtfment is now vr-par*.!. ~nd will continue tokeep on hind a Ne. 1 a.ttcle of WOOD PIN..nnd OAK? wmch he would be pleased v. furnis'. tthe c.l i".. of Union and Church Hills, as well asthe mbbo i_enerail» Having l«en a resident oltin.' portion ->f the city nearly twenty years, heflatter* niniseif lhat he knows something of thewants ol tne people, e-p-ciaiiy tn this On., andhopes by etuioa.orinK to pl«aae, Oiat ihe rew entsrptisewill meet with aremunerative patrontge.Price for OAK. $& per crd. and delivered. -trice for Pl__it $4 50 per cord, and deliveredOrders left at he . ard. or at No. 1,b-tsement Bai-lar.i Hi use. wul be attended to.}\ _-lm JAS. M. CARTER.

UEDLITION IN t OK E -The prices olCARBON HILL '"OKE wiil be, until lurther

uoti-ye. as follows:LUMP COah;, for grates. SS per load.STOVE COKE, lor cooking, fee. fs' per

,OH'iOur COKE is of unexceptionable quality this

se ..-on, nnd cannot nil to . ive entiresatislaction.? Cash on delivery.

jsj ts JNO. J. WERTH. A.ent.U'OAL ?The sul .criber wi!l tiiriiish for the next

three months CLOVER HILL HAIL COAL,of the l«est quality,at $4 a load. Also, the CLO-VER HILL LUMP ami ANTHRACITE COAL atthe market prices. M D. WHITING.

je 16?3 mNear the Petersburg Depot.pOA-L.?V> 8AM'L P. HA WES k SON.


A so, a full supply ofOAK and PINE WOOD or.Hand, street. South side ot the Dock.It. 8.-Anthracite Coal sold br weight.EayM 3iiijIX \N U FTN-bTw'OO£)--Seasoned ana a. -ie; sh?lter, for sale at Coke Yards.

?1-»? JNO. .1. WBRTH. At .. 1.1 _ LINER PARTI,New Goods, pretty pattern"

Prap D'r.'e P_nts._<? agitata .arid Frenoh,

?Jiaye Jass.mere Pants.W-irrantcd Fr.nen \u25a0.\u25a0..-Paasy Cassiuiere Psuts.All qualities, ail priceiCottoaads Pasta,

For servants.Coils. S*ci f Halt Saoks,.... -?',?\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0» st> Us. qualities ;. nd p-ices

At .n_Fl._. liAL. \Y ft CO.'B,i.i) Maui st.. lots Tupman ft Hull.

I A ? s. LOOR AT THIS-REAL. BAR-t-e GAINS 6 iflO yardssurer fine EnglishPrints,colored .round-., reat ti-ures. warranted fastcolors, to t>o run oil' tins snd next week, ten > :tn!sCorona dollar itie goods tire cheap, every ia.r>should have a dress : (4)0pair Luier- Sleeves, to benmiri at aninep.noe, worth more tii_.ii double;_ "j viiidi second Mourning Prints, for a foor-i-nc" ; 6,000 bunches bersentine and CrochetBraid, all m..--; 600 Hoop-Skirts,from a ninepen-, c,children's size, to the best 30-spring, foronedol--I.r and .-. qu irt'-r; 2,001) yardssn all fignred I >i

_ aushty, fast coot., warranted, ten yards lorone dollar?cheap, .h-ap. cheap. For the ! estaa - :. oi Dry Goods,be sure toe iiat Num ier Port) one, Main street. Mailert'soldstand, nearly opposite St Charles Hotel.BARGAINS 1.. * SO _ HI.N_.-fn accordance

*itti our usual onstom near trie close of a sea-i in. we ire noSoffenng mam stiles ot SUMMERCLOi RINGat GR.aTI." REftl C D PRICLB!Our determination is tore.iv ye our stock as l..waspossinie, by ode mg sucii inducements as wulmake it to your interest t i anticipa'e your wauls.

KEEN. BALDWIN k WILLI .MS.lii2Main st.

E<l-L»t.__K __ 1..1A..1 FO \t\U_-__~is a ssjeand ell ctua! remedy for Ctioiera Infantum orSummer Complaint, Dysentery, Diarrhofa. anddiseases caused by teething, Ac. Mothers aremucn to blame who let their children suffer andi! c lor want of this valuable medicine. Preparedby A. BODEKER k CO.. Druggists,

No. 10Main street.

rAX X NOTICE.?AII tho-. who feel themselves to I* onthe verge ofsuil..cation, cau t.erelieved t.y callin. at our oifice and procuring one

ofour .Linen or other Summer ..uits, of which werive a fine asaortmeßl at, low prices. Our mottoit. small profits? justiceand perfect-attsta. tion tosi SI.MESON _ MILLER,

119 Main St., Richmond, va.R_El»l'-T_..- STOCK.--Many styles ol U.Bt

BUMM h H CLOTH ING weare determined >oclose <<ut in the next tlnr'- days, and to insure. a .s. we \u25a0 -ffer the GREATEST BARGAINS OF'IHESKAS..N. Ttiestock is choice, and those inwant «f au. kind of ;-ummerClothing, will do welltocall and secure some of the many bargains tote sold in the n__t thinydays.


RRAVA AND BUCHU-For Putant ofthaUrinary Passages. Calculous ..flections, Letieorthata. Dr-ips., J-undtce.'"hronic InfL.iniii .f.ions,anu Ulceraiii.r. of the Kidneys and Bladder, pre-pared and for sa:e oni> by DOVE, k C(>

Wholesale Driugists, Ri-hmond, Va.VOT AT «O_T-Bu* HI" {.Letters his stock ofseasonable Ciothibg so very low that no oneoan complain. lie wans all of his room fur failstock. IRVING HULL, Agent,

94 Man. bt .cor. 14th.Itsxt to Pairo's office.PKRUVIAR BlrHI P: UR. PRUTtLCTCOSOLUTION PROTOXIDE IRON For Dysrepsia, Atiecti nsol tiie Liver, Df ops\, Neuralgia,Bronchitis, Consumptive lendeticies. CutaneousDiseases, and General Debility, tor sale by

LOVE _t CO.. Wholesale Diuggists.L _t_« V" ARTliL X S."- Fine English HairA Brushes, Fancy Shell and Buffalo DressingCombs, E ranch andEnglish i'ooth Brushes ofbestquality,ior sale by

W. PtTERSON k CO.. Druggists,163 Mainstreet.

Hot R A_U souA WATER".-Hook"andSoda, with the usual varietyofchoice Syrups,made from lresh fruits. Also, Fort, MountainDew and Watermelon Syrups atW. PETERSON k CO.'SDrug Store, 166 Mam st.LMm PURL! RO.-Caiery Seed.""Allspice,* Clove.,Ginger, Pepper. Mustard, dace, Nut-megs, Ac, Ail fresh snd pure for sa'e by

L. WAGNER. I ruggist.Corner fith and Hroad sts.

noRSEI* O wTfE R-I'or a he-SB whisk itHide Bound, Wormy, or Lost Lis Appetite,o::ease Surleit, Msncs, or want of Condition.?'J'hi exfensiv-e use of this Powder is theLest guar-antee of us efficiency. Prepared and for sale onlyoy DoVE A CO.. Wholesale Druggistsf |____ fHAKTI.VS _ 11i;11TbV -_l >1A, OK*J CALiSAYA BA RK, a valuable and pleasanttonic cordial, suited to the present season espeCially. F'orsale by L. WAGNE H, Apothecary,

Corner6th and Broad ata.

CiIGARS.? We are in receipt of a choioe lofol' genuine Havana Cigars, of the celebratedi*H-uro, Cabanna.i, Concha and Mount Vsrnonbrands, to whioh we would call the attention ojsmokers who tike a Gob and lull flavored Cigar.

P. JOHNSTON _ BMP.. Druggists.4(U li I PA,HS FARTa-.MORE OR V_iS~-,» r» r*J CsBS-fltStß and Linen. Black. Fanciand White, to which we call attention. We must

..he out fie lot. and to thisend olier inducements.Call oo TUPrVtAN. lU9 Main street, and supply?on.snlvea'\* ll_T*n"REA._T'a FOOD."-Frpn.h mikcoa tine, or "Infant's Food." lnghl« recommendc i _ d "luch used las', summer, ssa whoesome,p-ilatat.le and nutritious article of diet forchildrenand invalids For sals atMEA.__.K ..'k BAKER'S Drugstore,_J8&Main street, cor. above P. 0.1Z..0W ALL URIKR-Tkat tkar aa«MttV make and keep good Pioktea without the pureS___fg Spiceß - w"luh *2T5

WM G. DANDRIr tib'.L..VV _"''. *-' *** *° \u25a0? ll ,ne \u25a0ft* India Rui.i-srRound l. mi <at , the »nee m moststoresis 25: I sun-iii.wr that LEVY sells most all hi.goods at less nan the regular pnoe, and noneabove that of o her stores.I'WO LA H«, E IROi_ TA..k S-Near' y new,» (can be seen at Dr. Htrecker's Drug Store,) wnilie sold i.'he.ip by applying to

WM. h ATTLER k CO., lit Main st

BLKVtHED WINTER UHALEOIL.---6,000 gallons for sale byPtIRCELL. LADD 4; CO., DruggisU.

122. corner Main and l.Hth sts.R°. _ B,K,D"K *LLM MAS*-A fresh sup"a* ply to hand to dsy._ FIBRER k SHKI'HJBRn. Pruttitts.yrnaxi**^^^


D~""liio_.»TlO_f -The psTtnerthft heretoforetEtL«sjtoa6|9> ?»*»-5 «»??name and style o IOHN A. BOV.I-.t # CO., it. .*,_ da. dissolved br mutual consent A. RWhitv.ib k will pay ths debts ofthe aoaeera, and~ alone authorised toreceive debts due t| ? mm.°m"h iw A. R WHII'.MORE.DLSSOI l TIO . OF I O IMRTNERSHIP.

The concern of WM.SaI'TLER k CO. wasdi»solved on the let instant, br nuitu.l consent,Mr A L\ HHO< X retiring. The undersignedhaving puTcnnaed the interest of the retiring partncr, will continue the OIL, Faint, GLASS amiAHTISIS' MATERIALS _Vb.N_____ at the oilstand, where they will be pleased to serve theirfriends and patronsa* heretofore. Thestile ofMiefirm wul rei tain the same. WM. SATTLER,An«ust Ist. l-MQ AD. 10 -IwD'_____ .!"-P_y,«- T*_* \u25a0 _\u25a0 °f biowrirg.

MOORL * CO. wasdissolvel on the first inst.-iii. by mi tu.l consent.All persons havingclsiins against the late _rmwill present tnem to MOORE k D\WSON. whostill oontinu. the AUCTION IILSINESS. at thestand ot Drowning, Moorek Co.. on Franklin st.


Moore A Dawson, late of the firm of Urownillir, Moore k Co.. wilt ooßtisae the AUCTIONDIMNESS at the old stand of Browning, Moorek Co.. on rraakliß street.

tOatefi.t for tiie patronare of their friends tothe latch in of Browning,H 'orek Co , we hope,by strict attention to bssinass, to merit the confi-dence aad support ol our friends and the publicksnerslly. E. o. MOORE.

a_ a-dlw P. 8. DAWSON.| 'O-PARTNERSHIP? 1 have This da» associated with me in the M ERCHAN I' TAI-LORING aid READY MADE CLOTHINO I.U-M.NESS. Mr WM. ti OAItEY. of Boydton,Meciilenburg county. Va ; said co partnership todale Irom July 1, I__) The businesswill hereafterbecon_uct_d under tnename and st.. le of SPf.NCEA. 'AREY. Oratoful f r the .cry lil«ral patronSde I have reoei\ed for the past twenty yeers,would most respectfully ask a c mtinuanoe of thesame to the new concern. E. B.SI'ENCE.No. IBi, corner ofMain and 13thsts.Pti.PARTIt-RSIIIP. -Wehave this day as-*-* sociated with us in the CHINA, OL .SS andEARTHENWARE BUSINESS, Mr. JOHN ti.SNELSON,under the firm ofSTEBBINS, PULLEN k CO.

W_ are grateful tv the public for theirpa*ronage the past twenty years,and solicit acont,n..a?ce.orthenewc..nce in.ijsg & p ... LKN

Ju!yl,lßfio. jy »-«\u25a0.Di__OLI'TION OK fO-I*AKTNEM!»*_IP.

The partnership heretofore existing Iretweenthe undersigned, under the firm of LAIDLEY _KOBINSON, is thisd.v dissolved, by r.iutual con-sent Ihe business of the lat_ ooncern will besettled by EDWARD T. ROBINSON, who willpay all its debt-and receive all that is due to it,excepting such accounts, notes, or other claim* asin.v be specially assign.d by him to .'".EPHlaidlev. Joseph laidley.

epwd t. Robinson.Richmond. June _>th.JB6O. jy 9? tSDl>_<H.l T10..--The concern of POTTS.

FARLEY A CO was dis.olved on the 30thult .Mr H 8. Williams renring. The uider-si -ned tMTiB* purctiased the interest of Mr. H S.Williams, with the books, accoti -t_. nof?». Ac ,vui' continue tbe Wholesale Orocery hesinossalthestand recently occupied by them, where theywill be pleased to serve their fnends and pa-trons as heretofore. Theet*. le of the firm will remam unchanged. F. FOILS.

R. ti. FARLEY.J. B. MARSHALL.RichTiorH..liih ». IfVyL )\ . ts

NOlli t.-Hm innsold my toots, stock in tradeand -ood will to Mr OEO. STARRETT. niy

friend., and customerswill please call on him forany work they may require.


donein the best manner and with dispatch. Estimates furnished for Buildings. Furnaces andRanges of the most approved patterns; always onhand a largeand desirable Rtock from which to seleet. GEO STARRETT,

Belvn's How, Oovernorst



( Fur.:-Main Street, i* American Hotel.This Con.pany takes, inaddition to the ordinary

Fi e and Marine risks. rEKPi- Tl AL insti'snceon buildings Inup. this policy o-e pa-.niwntsecures the property FOREV >\u25a0 Rln* inst loss b. tire

\u25a0? his Con pany receives MO*> hi on deposit, p ijauteres" t.-ereon. and guarantees th« payment ol

Negotiable Notes and Bills ot I-.xeli.n_e.DIBBCTOBt

Wm. H Haof-rland. Pres't Farmers" Kirk.. Warwick,firm ol Warwiei_ & "a ksdale.V. m ti Crenshaw, firtt of Crenshaw a CoWellington G'-ddm, firmol Codein A Apperaon.T. W. UcCano-i.firm 01 Dunlop. Moncure A Co.(r A- Barksdale. firm of WarwicK fc BarksdaleJ .mes H. Grant I ob.cco D Crsßsfcaw. firm ofHaxall. Crenshawfc Co.John L- B .con fii <n oi Bs urn _ Haskervill.R B. Haxall. arm oi Hixail. Crens__w . Co.JohnCnme, Jr., Ship Owner.Wm. B Warwiok,firm oi Warwick* Barksdale.Jjs Alfred Jones.Attorney at Law.!' C. Ei.e't, Builder.F. '~ Kui.ii.. Agriculturist&IM] Manufacturer.K.W MeGruder firm ofS. Mc.Gruder's Sons.W. W. Crumi'. Attorney it Law.Jas. Dun.op. firm ol Dun'op, Moncure k Co.

BOLLING W. HAXALL. Pres't.O. F Bres__. Secy. __.______?__OLlTboSllNlOlf IftSURARCE UIMPA*

NY.?CAPITAL $200,000 '.*__-('.. cc?No. 42 Main street, under St. Charlesmmm Hotel."**This Company is nowprepared to receive appli-cations lor FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCEon favorable terms-

D'RSCTOK.:Gab. Wortham, John H. Greancr,John Finders, Geo. S. Painter,Sain'l M. I'nce, Win. S. Triplet.B. F. Ladd, 8. C. Tardy,Jno. Stewart Walker, Wm. Currie.Luther R. Spiißian, Jas. R.Crenshaw,Peter C Warwick, John H.Williams,Jas. S- Kent, Mark Downey,Horace P. Edmond, Thomas lones.James M. Taibott, Edwin A. Smith,GriffinB. Davenport, Ro A. Paine,Geo. W. Yancey, Ro. F. Wiiliuins.Jos. Brummel. Wm. P. Ragland.Wm. Brent, Henry C. Cabell,Ro. H. Maury Geo. W. Ro>ster.

ISAAC DAVENPORT, Jk.. Pres't.Chi". R. Wortham. Seo'y. my 19?ts


WHE VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE iNSUR.ANCE COMPANY. No. 131 Main Street.Capitaland Surplus, $230,000 .'Th.sCompany hie the advantage of Cwaßty-ttßtaytars' experience in the Insurance business, andhaving enjoyed the favor of the publio during ali

of that period needs nosperiai recommendation tsthe citizens of Virginia.

It effects Fire incity and oountry, andMarine Insurance to all parts of the world.Its cash oap-tai and surplus are as above,and itsaßairs ar . managed prudently,but liberally, and itsrates are as low as those ofany other good institution. dibscto^s:W. L. Cowardin, J. E. Wsdeworth, Patrick Cuiien,Joseph Ailen, Wm. Beers, Geo.W.Smith,HoraceL. Kent, Thos. Samson, B. L. Winston,Wm. Palmer, Chas. W. Purcell, Jnij.N.Gordon,A 1?... R. Parker, Jos. P. Winston, Arch. Thomas.Jas. A. -aloes, H. A. Claiborne,Apply to tha President or Secretary,in person orby letter. W. L. COWARDIN, President.Wm. Willis, Jr.. Secretary. iet-ts



The Great Diuretic, The Great Diuretio,The Great Diuretic, The Great Diuretio,

A po-iitive and specific remed* for diseases 01 thsBlaJder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy,BlaJder, Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy,Blalder, Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy,BlaJder, Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy,

AND ALL DISEASES OF THESexu il Organs. Sexual Organr, SexualOrgans,

HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCHUis i certain, safe and speedy cure, from whatever

oausi they may haveoriginated,and nomatter ofHjw Long Standing, How Lor? Standing,H3W Long Standing, How Long Standing,Hjw Long Standing, How Long Standing.Itii. takec without Hindrauce fromBusiness, andlittle if an? changeoldiet,Is pleasantin its taste and odor,

.n.i immediate in itsaction.ify mar*(utteringwith any of the abovedistress


HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU,As a medi'iine which must benefit everybody, fromthe simply dehcatoto the confined and despairinginvalid.

NO EQUAL IS TO BE FOUND.NO EQUAL 18 TO BE FOUND.NO EQUAL IS TO BE FOUND.Price $1 per laittle.or six for $6: delivered toany Si/dress. Prepared by H.T. HELMBOLD,

Depot, 104 South Tenth St., below Ctiesnut,For saie wholesale and retail b*

FISHER _ SHEPHERD.Druggists and Apothecaries,

.all?ly 126 Main street.VIEDICALCARD.-Dr. PLL ME <_ers his ser. tl vices to the publicintheireatmentoi all secret

d-ssases. Twenty years' practioe in the aiovebranch gives Dr. P. aclaim to public favor.?OflioeonFranklin street, near the Exchange Hotel, andthird house below Trinity Churoh. ssnie aide. Al-waysonhand, asupplyot the "CHEMICAL EX-TRACT OF FLOWERS;" one of the very bestrenovato*. forweakened parts now known. Medi-cines sen it... order. All commrnioations by letter?r other* ise DroiiiDtlr at.tct.l_i .i. Richmond. Vb

fiLOTII 11.07< LOTIII_.G.-GR _£_.T IN-*- DUCKM __NTB-DAHRACOTI, HARRIS*CO., wul sell, from this time until the close"! thes-.a-.on, all Summer Goods at greatly reducedprices and wouidca Ithe attention of all inwantof reallycheap goods to give them a call, at theyare determined to seil very low


I]E_RY'_ VEttE;_____UeTlN______!fT-t11 A splendid remed,: also.Rock's GoodSamari-tan, aud Dr. Montarde's Miraculous Painkiller, orFriend's Rheumatic Remedy.

LWAGNKR, Druggist,Corner-th and Broad sts.Dr\J RIM I Farina; Colognes; Lubin's Hdkfo -_ixtr& _,: * _'.et Boa,>

~* .00th w"l'e«: ToothPowders; Hair, Shaving.Cloth and Tooth Brushesin great variety. Also. Shaving Creaasand Soa»fcg P-pdya nHKr J&fcfl.

busucbm woticbs.WM. S ROVSTER,


Corner Cary snd Vtrin iastree's,Hi. bin nd. Vs.,Oilers his ssrrioes for the ssle snd purchase ofMerchandise generally;also. Floor. \_ heat Corn,Tonsceo, and all descriptions of County Produce.Refers, by permission, to Lewis Webb. Esq ,

Messrs. Dunlop, Moncure fc Co., Messrs Edmund.Davenport*. Co, Messrs Bacon * Baskeivill,Richmond . Messrs. Bryant. Tinslev fc Holmes,Messrs Scenes _ Keid. Baltimore: Messrs. Twellsfc Co., Philadelphia; Tin... Monahan, Esq . Newl ork. au St-ts|yj A ROLE '" W ORK _7

JACOB vTnCENT,M «.. \u25a0 lltttlll o»Italian .tnd American Marble Monuments,

Tombs, Htad-Pteces, ft.,*/every styleand design.

Thepubi.c _re respectfully invited to call at myYard, i-tweenttli and 6th sts., onMam. tadioining Roger* fc Miller's Marble Yard, land examinemy work, which cannot he exoelled by any otheres aMiahuient, North or South ; which 1 will sailas low as any establishment in this city or else-where __ an 9-3mo o v r~N~r. i~r~


We are now prepared to on the GRAVELROCKING, ofa very superior quality,aither intown or country.

Also, ali kinds of GUTrERS.coNDUcToRgt

andLIGHTNIN^ROIJS...^^^^ap 20? «tn I roti BtoOß. Governorst.


pivfis particularattention to SELLING SLAVF.B,both publicly and privately.H.R. U. JAM E8 has aninterest in the Uusi-

nes. from this .day- ' a »»?oui




tFk. First Prei liums awarded by the VirginiaAincuUnral Societ i and Mechanics Institute.


Solict oe_s.Bßß.Sßta of TOBACCO, WHEAT.CORN. FLOUR, fee, to the sale of which EDWINWOR'I'H AM will give his personal attention.

IB*-. Advances made on consignments.BAGS furnished when required.

CHAFER, U-i.L-.EV* CO«D 110 M A IN STRE ET?(Late Tupmau _ Hull)?

Are receiving, by every steamer, additions totheir stock of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING andfine FURNISHING GOODS, to which we invitethe attention of purchasers.

Fa__y Cassimere Suits made to order.?Shirts made to order.pOTTS "JJlHlSataßwwi ANDFORWARDING MERCHANTS.Nearly opposite-the Columbian Hotel, Cary St..

Richmond, Va. ._?-..-..Special attention given to Oie sale ot iOBAOOO.WHEAT, and all kinds of PRODUCE, and made on consignments.

HENRY 8. WILLIAMS.LatSof NorfolkJAS. B MARSHALL. L_ts ol Petersbert.

BRIDGFORO fc CO., General CommissionandForwardingMeroi'.ants.ontheDock.Richmondv» d- b. hridgford.franklin matthews,n. tinsley pate.

ia:»ifs d. bro mm;..j ornamental iron works.tth street, next to the Mechanics' Institute.


Vault and Cellar DOORS, and every other kind ofIRON WORK for ornamental and buildine pur-poses, manufactured at __ort notioe.

B__ Particular attention .iventoencloeing BurialLots in the city and country. ja__?l2m

Ell. ~_kTn k~E IT& CO.t Oroctrt ernet Com? mission Merchants. No. 6 Cary street, Riohmond, Va., otler their services for the sale ofWheat. Corn, Flour, Tobacco, fco The usualadvances made on consignments.



Richmond and City Point. Va.,Is prepared ta take Goodson STORAGE at CITY.OINT on the most reasonable terms, withoutchime of .raya... eiiher to or from storeap27?l»

, i-ii isi v&vrBBB -t *.__>., wiu give men*\u25a0' cut're attention to theS .LE OF NEGROES.Publicly and privately.

ODD FELLOWS' HALL.Corner Mayo and Franklin streets.R'_-__.>_., Va.

RO H DAVIS.WM. 8. DI.L'PREE.8. R. FONDREN.I? .Fr* G. Maddux. Clerk. je 1-ly

?Y-iiE i .OIK _U....rb have formed a se--1 partnership for the transactionrf aCOMMISSIQR BUSINESS, under the 6rro of LEWISWOB A JOHN G. WADE. They ill give particular attention to the sale of FLOUR, WHEAT.CORNand TOBACCO. They occupy the store andlunit-.r-ho._s3 No. 6.1 Mam street, long occupied byLewis Webo. L XWl9 WEBB,

JOHN G. WADE.Richmond, Va.. Not. 1.1859. no 7?dewftswtsR££Jt _ DAY LS,


Sixth Street, near ihe Armory, Richmond, ViEVERY DESCRIPTION OF

GRANITE WORKExecuted at short notice and in the best manner.

mh 12-1-tm


BELVIDERE MANUFACTURING COMPANYkeeps constantly on hand all descriptionsof ENVELOPE. MANILLA AND WRAPPING PAPER. NEWS AND BOOK PAPER, ofafi qu.ities and sizes, furnished at short notice. Coatpaidfur Fags,

oc 10?<lly GEO. WHITFIELD. Pres'tEDDY A* I OSV* lotteries:Authorized by the Statesof

DELAWARE. MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY,Draw daily, m public,under the superinten-dence of sworn Commissioners.\u25a0__Tne Managers' Offices are locted at Wil-

mington. Del tw .re. and St. Louis. Missouri.'PHIZES VARY FROM*..__ to R100.000!TICKETS FROMR3.30 to 999 lgiving full explanation and the

schemes to be drawn, will liese-nt. free ofexpense,by addressing WOOD. EDDY ft CO ,

Wilmington,Del.,WOOD, EDDY * CO.,

jy 10?ly St Louis, Mo.PT WEI LBACHER. I WM.Ta UL.


and dealers in LEAF TOBACCO,je IS?ly No. 21 Germanst., Baltimore. Md.


IRON FRONTS, HOUB_ CASTINGS. RAIL-INGS, _c,CornerofCary and9th street, Richmond, Va.ie2-6m A.J BOW ERS. Proprietor.

\l£kkfktk A tc tu.,xTJL (Successors fo Smith k M..b_irx,fPRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS,

Cary street, opposite Columbian Hotel,Richmond, Va.Jas. F Edwart-?, ofKing William,!

W. H. Howard, of York, J Assistants.W. M. Marshall, of Lunenburg, \Guarautee to their friends faithful attention tcail consignments, and orders for goods from pro-

duce customers.Mr. F. V. SUTTON, Jr., it admitted to a in

tcrest in ourbusmecs.le l-dtsfccwtt MADDUX _ CO.A LEXANDER NOTT,A A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSIONMERCHANT,Will attend regularly to the sales of HORSES.

MULES, WAGONS, Ac, at the Horse Lot, ever*SATU RDAY' MORNING, at lOo'clock.

Stock intended tor sale will please lie entered beore the morning of tl,. sale.I*. i _f7___TT__EK k~CO 7,*t IMPORT-*-.. AND riPALKR« 1.1


BRUSHES.?We received by the late steamoraarge supplyof Painters' and Artists' Brushes, otiiipenor «i»_itr, lo whioh we call the attention o_parBtt___g__lOH__; GORDON -k __ON7~~t* Hth Stkuet, bbauthe Excuanub Hotbl,Otter forsale a largeand full us.ortii.ent of IRON,comprising Swede's, American Hammered, PeruHammered, English and EnglishRefined, En-tish.American, Russia and imitafioa Russia SHEETI RON, Hoops, Band and Scroll Iron, Refined PlowIron and Plow Plates. Also, Tin-plateof varioussizes, for tinners i nd manufacturers; Sheet andBolt COPPER, Sheet Zinc, Spelter,aud the Metalsusuallysold in this market. ap 1- tsCM. HOSHER. Sit IKSSOR TO WIL"

? SON k BUSHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, has for sale the following ar-ticles, to which he asks the attention of hisIriends and the public: Rio Lagunyra Java andMocha COFFEES ; Brown and Refined SUGARS,of different grades; Loaf, Pulverized and CrushedSUGARS ; Smoking ar.d Chewing TOBACCO, ofdifferent brands; Old Dominion Nails, of all sizes:country cured Bacon Hams; Western S'des anilShoulders; CottonYarns, a good assortment; HOtis Old Rye Whiskey, old and ...od ; D T.clea-ner s Rye Whiskey, old and good; A. W.Sherman s Rye Whiskey : A. N. Wood's Rye Whiskey, old and good; F. Steams _ Co'sOld RyeWhiskey, two years old; Common Whiskeys, invariety; irenoh Brandy, Madeira Wines, andother articles, toonumerous to mention. Call and". o_.Va.i__:h Oor inhand Maw ata.. oppo

TH,__._!__..* P-EST STORE AND THE1 CHEAPEST GOODS IN THIS CITY-W,potter to ins customers this inornuig-fio piecesofBleached Cottons, a yard in width, -ood q.ia.ty.10eta ; Illeacheu Cottons at 11 and 12>» cts as go.JI* i T_.)"rk thi J*' rarlafna, nearly two yards*,".'-.' ,ti'* crs '?*>do _ Dot'e,J Embroidered Hdklsat is\ cents, agreat b_.gaio;a largelot of Ladies'Sun, very cheap; Lace in front Coratfe?' » c,.n'.? other styles very cheap; Swiss and Cambrio Edgings,Linen and Marseille*, of a hal dozat low prices; Hair Netts; Ho.-pSkirts; Whue Goods of all styles; Mantles; IrishLinens at 37?» and 60 cents, consioered great bar-

gains; Hueksbaok Towels 10 cents; D-welta orsmall Nnpkus,6 cts ; a lull line ol Ladies', Gent'sand Children's Hosiery, some as low as .. cts, and?.?her treat bargains too numerous to mention.X GOLIJSMIT* New an.l CheapStore.17a flro._ street.tfFj._i.Sl oiL 7*m BairsaS para Xft-raV-JIT,

BOOT3, SHOES, ftc.JgmmwA *_,_ .ONABI.E .111 DfAIRA---__-~WV lILF. OOODP.-Perstesmer, 1r..,n Phila-

delphia, we are in receipt of the following verydesirable Goods, via: Ladies' French Morocco andaid Trimmed trippers, _n_ and without heels:Ladies' Fine Ye, vetflippers; Ladies' French Kidand Morocco Huskins; Ladies' Morocco Ki.l. Goatand Calf Boos. with or without heels; Ladies*Plain and Tipped Gaiters, Side-Lace and Con-«re»s. with or without heels; Misses' Morocco andK'd Slippersand Hoots, without heels; Children ''.ingress Heeled Gaiters* Children's Moroc-co. Kid and Gon» Boois. *c. The above is of th*finest clnss goods, and will lie sold at remarkablelot prices. MARCUS, HARRIS fc _KO.,

Next to the American Hotel.\u25a0Hi, LaOBBAY ERENIH ThINK*-ErtWlLa-iies going to the Sprtnrs or cionnirr,

*«l*«wnuld do well to call and get one of thealxive. They are so conveniently arranged lorthem, and will be sold very cheap, at

WM WALSH'S, 13 Main s'reet.Sign of the Big Boot

J~HOOTB ANOt-HOES? GREATREDUCTION IN PRICES- CHAS.-_--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»BEHLE, Broad street, 1-etween Jd and a large stock of Ladies'. Gentlemen a nnd

Servants' Wear cot stantlv on hand, and defiesanybody in Richmond to competewith aim la as he manufactures to order.andsupentilen.ishimself. Oreat bargains in Ladies «nd _J.i«»»Colored GAITER", M 0 ROC 0 O BOOTEES.SLIPPERS and ftUS X IRS. .§?.*'_??___?-I. Wmmade Patent Leather ttA ITERS. OXFORDTIBSand SLIPPERS. 1 will sell m» summer stock otGoods at nnd be'ow cost. Call soon, if JOB With toget stood BEHLE.

jßmml to thk laoies oiith__.<ntfSW__?MON D. - I wish to call your i rirni ion b>my assortment of LADES, MISSES' ANDCHILDREN'S KHO*:S, embracing a great variety of styles, among winch are the following:Ladies' Heeled Kid and Morocco Slippers; La-dies' Heeled Kid and Morocco Bootees; Ladies'Heeled Kid CongrcHs Boots; Ladies' Heeled ClothSailers.severalqualifies ;Ladies' Heeled FrenchBoi ts. new style ; Ladies' Morocco and Kid Boots,without heels; Ladies' Morocco and Kid Buskins,without hpels; Misses' Heeled Moroccoatnl OustBootees ; Misses' Heeled Congressnnd Sub' L.icedGaiters; Misses' Heeled Morocco and Kid Slippcrs: Misses' Hee'cd French Biw.t.s, new style;Children's Heeled Kid and Morocco Slipsand An-kle Ties; Children's Morocco and Goal Bootees,without heels; Children's Copper I'ipt Bootees,without heefs; Children's Frenr-li Boots, newstyle; together with any other Btyle or qualitythat may be needed. A call is solicited, at thefasiiicnableemporium, No. V- Main st.


G. HELLER fc CO.. No. 133 Broad street, arenow decidedly the cheapest "1 the bestquality KOuTS, SlioLS, TRUNKS, fee, in IheState, viz: .... .«,,?-,

Ladies' fine Gaiters, wi'h heels, at 81.25; La-dies'fine Connress Gaiters, with heels, at .$1.50;Ladies' hne quality Morocco Boots, with heels, at?MS. GENILEMEN'B WEAR.

Gent's city made French Calf Boots, at 86:Gent's city-made Erench CalfOxford Ties, $'i ;Gent's city-made French Calf Gaiters, $i; (jent'scity-made French Call Patent Leather Gaiters,94 PEGGED WORK.

The largeststock and the cheapest in the State:Men's fine Brogans, at .$1 apair; Women's Heel-ed Leather Boots, at 75 nenls a pair; Children'sHeeled Le.flier Loots, at 50 cents n pmr.

TRUNKS- BONNET BOXES, Ac,Of the bent and largestmanufacture, only sold atlow prices at G. HELLER fc'CO 'S.Broad St., between sth and Sth."" _? OREATKEOI I TION IN THErRJF PRICE OF HATS AND BOOTS.-LM._Xl From 15to 80 per cent, saved by- ______

'*-- trota J.H. ANTHONY.-rtfi-* Columbian Hotel building.Moleskin Hats of best quality, $S 60: d.- secondatiality, S 00} fashionable Silk Hate, I 60; fine calf

akin sewed Boots. 3 50; CongressGaiterBoots,* 35;sne calf skin sowed Shoes, 2 23.J. H. ANTHONY ha_ made arrangements withoneof the liest makers in tho city ofPhiladelphiatnsupply him .ith handsome and sutwtanti&lcallskin se-.veaBOOTS, which he will sell at the unpre-cedented low price ofTHREE DOLLARS ANDRALF. ootS?dftwrts

MEDICALR/IAIR STREET HOSPITAL FORL"A SLAVBEL?This Hospital is situated near thecorner ol Main and 26th streets, ami is admir .blyadapted inairines., privacy and healthfulneas ofposition, to the purposes for which it ha* been in-stituted, namely : For MEDICAL. SURGICALand OBSTETRICAL treatment of SLAVES.-The rules and regulations tov.rning tins institu-tion hivi already been published. * circular con-tainingfuilparticulars will be furnished those whomay desireflirtlie» information.T'kr_s ?Patients per week. $6 ess than aweek,81 per iiieni; but th 'aggregate shall not exceedthe charge for a full week. Patients attending trie dally examinations (not fit subiectsfor HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT,) charged theregular fee adopted by the iro'ession at large ?

The above charges include board, medicine, medi-cal attendance and nursn.g. Surgical operationscharted according to rules of other Hospitals ofthe city. For further information appU to thePhysician tesident at the Hospital, or to either ofMie undersigned Piivsiciansarid Proprietors.

FRS. W. HANCOCK. M. D..Mam st.. Let. 3d ar.dtfh.or No. 130 Main st.

BT. GEO. PEACHY. M. D.,Exchange Hotel, or Grace St.. bet. sth and Bth.

R. S. VEST, M. D . Franklin st.,Near Ballard House, orcor- Main and7th sts.

I-HILIP 8. HANCOCK- M. 1)..Resident Fh-ssician

CYRUS BROOKS.aplfl--lv Resident Assistant

BELLEVUE HOSFIT.VL.?This Institution,which lias been in successful operation seven

tears, is situated on Cbaroh Hill, Richaaond,Virginia, in a deligiit.iii, airy p.-ition. and isfurnished with every convenience conducive tthe comfort of patients aad the sssossafultrsslment of medioa! and surgical diseases.

Rooms have been nicely furnished, suitable tothe ;.?\u25a0-'! mniodation <>f gentleHieu who ssaj 6b Iitlaoonvementto be treated at tneir private u.ig-

Partk_t__ attention will be paid to tne lying inwords,which are rsrj commodious.

H vie- t-een heretofore liber.llypatronised byownsrtoi slaves, both in the city andeountrv. wecan. witta mere-used confidence, rp.ll their atten-ten .on to the great advantages afforded by our"Hospital,'" for tne! and surgical treat-ment of SLAVES,and promise to spare no pains tofurnish them proper txcoHiinodatious and everynecessary attention.

I.RS.:(Payable onthe removal of the Patient.)White Patients, per week ?. ..??SB

" ir Private Rooms,per week..97to 918Slavesper week -- -<For fr-ctions of a week, after the first week, at

the same rates, i c. 71 cents per day.)For (ess than aweek, (except in private rooms.)

91 per any, providei that the aggregate shall notexceed the charge for a full wsek.

Tins includes all charges forhoard, Medical At-tendance. Nursingand Medicine. By an arrangement with the Infirmary of the -Medical College, as nail additional fee, ranging from 92 to __0. willbe oharredforSargidaleases. The particularsummaybe ascertained before band by applicationtooneof the attending Physicians.

No Small-Poxadmitted.All patientsare under our immediate care, one

of us visiting the wards once a day, and oftener-when necessary ;and in cases ofdifficulty, a con-sultation of all the ptivsiotns is held, without ex-tra charge to the patie.t. A resident Physician,two Students and a Matron, have the patients un-der their immediate supervision, and personallyadminister ail medicines ordered.

When requested, weeklyreports Will lis given olthe condition of patients.

Persons in the country, wishing to send patientsto our Hospital, may address either of the Physioians, or the Resident Physician.

When desired, we will send a comfortable coyered vehicle to any part cf the city forpatients.?For this purpose, a nies.aee left at.the Hospital,or a iMr.T_.os.Pesabartos's.oa .Main, between17thand 18thstreets,will be attended to.


ar.dsth.THOMAS POLLARD, M. D? Governor St., Ist

door above Richmond House.O. A. CRENSHAW. M. D? oppositeAmerican

Hotel.WM. W. PARKER. M. D., Law Huildmt.corncr of Uth and Franklin sts.

CM. HL'N tkr. M. D., Resident Physician.Mrs. V* . E. PERKINS, Matron,

ia I?lrINFIHMARY OF THE MEDICAL COL-A LEGE.?This Institution, situated at the cornerof Marshall and College streets, is fully providedfor the accommodation of both WHITE PERSONS afid NEGROES, re.uinng medical treat-ment.White Person* who desire it, can be furnishedwith PRIVATE ROOMS, where they will enjoyevery comfort and convenience.Theaccommodations forSLAVES,asheretofore,areample, and the attention ofowners ofnegroes,both in the city nnd country, is again nvited tothe ereßt advantagesafforded by the Infirmary forthe Medicaland Surgical treatment of this classol patients.

I.V ING-IN WOMEN are alsoreoeiyedandoare-aHv attended to.All pat. ents .ire under the care ofthe Professorsol the College, who visit the wards daily, aided byanefficient corps of assistants. In ca-es of diffi-culty, a consultation of the Professors is held,without extracharge to the patient.

The charges for Medio a! Attendance. Hoard,Nursing and Medicine areas follows:White Persons Sf 6 per week.*' " in private rooms ..J7t0515 "Slavesand other colored patients \u25a0 $6 "For less thin aweek, (except in private rooms,)

$1 per day?provided that the aggregate shall notexceed tho charge fora full weelt.

For Surgical Ope.ra,ttons. hy agreement with theproprietors of the Bellevue Hospital,asmall extracharge will be made, varying from $2 to $3k>, ac-cording to the dithcultv and importanceof theop-eration.All oharget payable on the removal ot the pa-tient.NO CASE OF SMALL POX, or any other in-

fectious disease,nor any cast of In*ani:y, will beadmitted.Attending Physimana-Proft. TUCKER CONWAY sjidMrCAW.At tendint-.urgsons-Profs. GIBSON. PETICOLAS and WELL. ORD.Resident I .lyaici&n-DrTIIOB. L. HUNTER.Steward-F. M. PARRISH.President -Dr. L. 8. JOYNE3.Persons inthe country, desirous of sending pa-tients to the Infirmary,may address thePresident,Steward, orany ofths Professors of the College.ja 12-ly


words of all who have been to LEVY '9 Store andseen those fine Swiss .Muslin Collars at 6) cents,that are well worth $1. Those who have not yetpurchased, and who require any ol the above-meutioued article, should go immediately snd proaure all they may need,as goods marked down atauoh very low prioea must insure rapid sals.CIGARS FOR THK SPRINGS...We bars

s lot ofthe finest Havana Cigars, in boxes of60 Cigars eaoh, making aoonvement package forgentlemengoing t.< the Springs.MEAHF. A BAKER, Druggists.

IM Main st.,oi>r. above P. o._LEONARD'S It. -TANT RKLIKF, Mc

Lane's, Fahnestook's and Perry's vermifuge,Bilker's Cocoaand fir.una, for sale by

L. WAGNKR, Druggist,Corner «h and Broad streets.

Another lot of Reach Poison lust to head. r

HATS, Ac.Tn THE J \PA.--E_E Ot.tE HAT. ,?-

oe*** Just reoeived at 78 Main street, the JA ?**PANES h OUNCE HAT, something nice and lightX tll. g**B9B. Calland.tt9f^gg*nn*B*n**l

Sucoeatorto Binford, Diokinson * Weisiger.Jt«- «s

7Z TH. W "RTVI.-SB.-WM.~t~.Vfo<)RE *L__LCO.i »I 7Broad utreet, are now in receiptor at9m, iien\i supply of HATS. CAPS and 8 T R A WOO'tDS for Summer wear, aim rig which ii tbe?'CHAMPION HAT," and other neat sad fashionable styles, A large Kupply of Planters' andHarvest H_ATS. DRESS IfATH made to order.WM. T. MOORE * CO.. _T7 Mroadst.7m~ THE OKf.ATERT IRVEfBTiai. <»F\AtHE AGE, "The Pstent Sweat Proor'HOFTELLETT fc WEISIGER'S.

No. 187 Main street.


EOR 8 A h E - I hive for saie "L__T>-ar -W-- privately,a nice HACK and v

?air of good HORSES, which will be sold low, ifimmediate application be made fojy 4- ts R. L. DICKINSON, 78 Main st.

.______*\u2713 **'B SALE-A secocd hand TOPlll'Gfj V, in perfect orif.r. arid anex-ifi==S»=cellent set of DOUBLE HARNESB-

-to be sold a bargainApply at EARNEST'S Stable, on 18th street,

between Franklin and Grace, or at this office.jeW-ts

' AHRIAHEJ*, « ARRIAf.l_ ..--hnson band,at his Coach?i*C::r:Bt-MaKing t>tabiishment,on Lombard Al-ley, between Main and Cary,(l3th and 14th sts.,)near the Columbia. Hotel. COACHES, CHARIOTEES.BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, with and with-out tops,and SULKIES?aII of his own mnke, ofthe best material and workmanship?all of whiohwill be sold as low asgood work of thekind canI>ein the oity of Richmond, and I respectfully ask aoall from those in want of an/ article in the Car-nage line, as 1 am determined to make toorderandto sell at the lowest prices possible; and ali worktold that is new,warranted. ... ...,...\u25a0.

f> as?rl»m MfCAJAH MANGUM.

DBHTISTRY.«JRO_t«_B a. ?_-_.\u25a0_£

DENTIST.**« PrP Olhcs and Residence Sonthside of Main,l*tween 7th and .th sts., five doors above Cren

\u25a0 haw* New Hotel Richmond, Va.Having an experienceol ten years in ms pro/es-»ion, he feels confident of giving satisfaction tothose who may favor him with their patronage.

mh 1»? bnf7a7jkTKICMfess SURGEON DENTIST.'r T Office on Main, below Pe.arl street, next

door to P. Morton Reach \u25a0 trimmingstore, and twodoorr a'Kjve Messrs. Thos. R. Pnoe fc Co.'s DryGoods store.

The subscriber havmi removed to the abovehouse, would le pleased to see those with whom hehas engagements, and has made extensivepreparations to serve the pufiic generally. All operationsperformed tn the mostapproved and scientificstyleknown to the Profession, and all work donebr him warranted bs give satisfaction. loc IS?ly


*9 CHARLES 1.1" MSUKN has opened aAtr*\ ver-, fine stock of fine WATCHES and(ES 3 JEWELRY, at No. 9ti Main street, Rich-BS iTS* I« STILI. ITvES-W.J. BARTHOLO-MEW. tiie well-known and practical£-3 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKER, nextrr lew 1 to Kent, Paine«fc Co. Watches,

CloeKß, Jewelry, fee , repaired equal to any housein the city. A call is solicited.


THE t ORNLIOFIA.?All who have not jetpurchased their supplies of SUM MERCLOTHING, can do so now on more favorableterms than ever before Our stock is completewith every article of Ger.tle.i en's Wearing Ap-parel, the whole of which we are seliin. at suchreduced prices as have never lieen nor can heequalled, for the purp.>ne of making room for theapproaching ( Fall > season. The following is acondensed catalogue of our stock :Black Cloth Dres-. Suits of all qualities.

Fancy Cass. Business Suits.ofevery description.Beautiful M . i.v .lies Vent... ir endless variety.

Black Silk Ve.sts. figured and plain.Alpacaand Drap d'Fte('oats. Parts and Vests.

A large supplyof Linen and Maiaei'les Goods.A full assortment ol Eumishißi Goods.

Boys' Clothing nt low srices.All of the above 1 1- _»* guarantee to l-e per-fect in every respect. N. WALKER fc CO.,

If I, .:\u25a0 ri nri.t 14th streets.B__ RAMI t -T.I. H» RI His now .rTmy

***A enip'.i.y ts 1 CUTTER, at.d desires his for-mer friends and patron < to call and exatn-%*\u25a0& me tha lacrt sad varied assortment oi"ia CLOTHS. CABBIMEH ES aad VESTINGB,as well as Ready-Made Clothing, which he is nowprepared to tarnish them ra ss Rood termsand inas good styleas tny similar in rlie State

Wit. !«.. SVill'H. 114 Mam St.




Wholesale Druggists, No. Itt, corner of Mam andThirteenth streets,Richmond, Va.,

Kre now receiving and will shortly have in store,their Frail siirpl!.-. -.f DRUGS, MEDICIN.S,i'a 1 n rs. oils. vriNDow glass, dye81 UFFB, fee. Ac, selected in person h> oiic..)1 v i--.ii. v.:ti 1 a specin! refersnes to th- w.aUot'he f .ade. Country merchantiando herswil Scdii to iheir nterest to examine osrstook. is we areoonftdenl we can furnish (oodsoi l>est qualityaslow u.B they can he hong lit in any r.i.'kstPLKCE'L, LaD!> * CO.,

W!i<iler;;ie I'rng-ists.t* E. T. K4»HI>. i\u25a0-._,«. GRADUATE OF THE PHILADELPHIA\M COLLEGE OF PHARMACY,

Z3A (strccassoa to LatiLKt * bobissos.lFourtn and Franklin Street*. Richmond,

Has in store a I-<rge, fiesh, and well selectedstock of MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PEREL'MERY. FANCY ARTICLES. 4c. which heoffers at low prices Strict personal attention »illbe given to all the departments of the business.

Oraers forshipmentwill to promptly attendedtoand most carefully packed.

\u25a0~is~jT W. VKA __.fc.K-GO* APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST-Y7S lfta street, between Graceand Broad,/m Riciimom . Va.."Keeps constantly onhand a well-selected stockof PURE ar.d RELIABLE DRUGS. MEDI-CINES. CHEMICALS, PAINT**, OILS, DYE-STL'FFS. WINDOW-GLASS, PUTTY, ALCO-HOL. BURNING PLOID, _ARD_.N SEEDS.PERFUMERY, SOAPS. COMBS, BRUBHES ofever. kind. TOBACCO, SNLFF and CIGARS olvarious brands, all tha popularPATENT MEDI-CINES of the day?everything, in fact, usuallyfound in DRUG S'fORES-wloch will 1* sold onthe mostreasonii'.le terms. POLLARD'SNERVE AND B<>:,E LINIMENT.

PHYSICIANS ami others can rely on havingtheir PRESCRIPTIONS accurately and carefullycompounded,at all hoursof the DAY and NlOlii.

J. W. FRAYBER,Apothecary and Druggist,

my 11?ts 17th, between Grace and Broad sts._ti A. HOUKkKKfc t and

Dm, t .s's, No. 10 Mam street, near O.dYW Market. Richmond. Va.,wili keep on handageneral assortment of pure Drugs. Medi-

cines, Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Window Glass,Putty. Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Brushes ofall kinds. Surgical Appliances, BurningFluid, Alcnhi'l. Soaps,Ferfuniery, E'lincy Articles, GardenSeeds. Glue. Sand Paper, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff,Medicinal Liquors, fee.

Prescriptions prepared at all hours, with specialcare, by members of the firm alone.

Physicians' orders fn m the country executedpromptly, and tiie most reliable medicines fur-nished.__/_\u25ba d v v c -tTifoT.?55X# WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS,\K No. 83 MainStrket, Richmond,_J_l We call the attention of the trade ol Vir-

ginia and North Carolina and Tennessee to outSpringstock, which has beer, bought on the bestterms,and which we aresellingas low as they canbe bought in any Northern city, consisting in pari



AGENTS FOR THE BEST COAL OIL.C_.lland examine our stook. DOVE: fc CO.TO TR A V E L E R _ FOR

«_Lf3*-i SPRINGS.-M. J.FRANK«*""* *" ""LIN ft CO., Opticians, MSMailstreet, (City Savings Bank.) Richmond, Vs., artprepared to supply people leaving for water miplaces,with their splendid MARINE GLASSRiand TELESCOPES, possessing high power ar- 'givinga clear and distinct sight for distant objecton land or water; STEREOSCOPES and Sl'EREOSCOPIC VIEWS-the entertaining instruincut. changingthe tedious and monotonous tint1at the Springs to enjoyment and delight?are turnished at most reasonable rates. The woridrenowned PERIBCOPD. SPECTACLES are correcti* suited onlt by M J. . HaNKI.IN > OO

LOOR AT Till!.. -The undersigned havmsustained asevere loss by the late fire on thei

premises, respectfu'ly inform ttie public that ti.ehave again ro'uti t, and solicit the wort of ouformer customers, friends, and the public geuerally, promising to use every exertion on our parto give general satisfaction to all who may favouswith their orders.

ROGERB * MILLER. Manufacturers ofMarble Moaaatents.Tomns, Mantles,

Building W.nh, Ac . Mam street,lei?Pro l-88-ille *l llaefist



mg* if .. tin'l Ai'tV. .'KE MOUNTAI-- WHlth_Y.~

BO bbls. X CSJ_l___>HrV ;AO ?« Ailagh-ny IL L HiSKKY ;S " Pittsburg extra Rl E WIiiSKRYja " MAGNOLIA WIUSKIiY'U " B-iit iii'-rs purs GIN ;»?? Pro-f BRANDY;

For sale by PARKS * MIN ER.tot -ts Uth street.( J-iJS.. H At*\* l -"*, _, - ««mmer" CASBI-JT M ER PS. for Meu aud Boys.

A full BSBBItIBtBt of NetroCLOTHlNtt.A large qusniity of Boya' COAIS and SACKS.A number ol spring aud Fall OVERCOA PSA splendid lot of Summer 0ASRIMfill PANTIfor loth Men and Boys.The above-named toods ws will sell st exces.l

>??_ low priest for j»a'i..or to pßuijtua l

FARE %2-i)INNER ftXTflr,!?. awill he prepared oa ihe R,., , "r-'»*f«,» lOn ».«_r... MONDAY. f Jitra1B«1 wrl»l t.sve Richmond da |» i. p»*n» k-dais.)at 7 «.cloo-A.M..s;ob, n/, .. , "*»*l_. 1.nsla st > air Oabs. Meado. .%^.'' fl jJaasta-Ps. indi.n r< wn Cohoi* I. _ .' "?ntsi,.coke.and arrive at «*s,§yueen Court Hobss ~-nding M.r.!..?days snd P rt__.s. ~ «,. A*v" '"'**»«. *r »<iZ !lthe cars at West Point, snd \u25a0~.?_

nr,,*c,l «»£ lionly at «'lifton. Water F-n.- hII'I% " b !_!_.'*House. Noodr's. CaJpah__?.-. h*J;" ,:",,'« WJ*«fcU.wn and OtosessteiP'n" An-u.r,'!'« r ?? Vi. I-.12 P. M. ar.d Norfolk at V Fn 'Vl"'ve «'J-^CBReturning, the Nte.merwl' le»*v_> v ? \u25a0days. Thnrsdays. and t-at o da.. aJT.o'"*** IOld Point atH IB A. M' A' « * 1c nnecfingat W^P? intWl ,hth ' 1and arrive in Richmond ai S P. M"-\u25a0"?« l ..f 1No Boat landingsn vie.Freight received Mnndava W+a- _FndsTsat Rirhmnnd unWßP^T^ n »- 'Tuesd'iys. Thur.aay. and R.^?**-,Fare from King and Oneen C \u25a0 »-,j_,lor, IS* iattaaoai.Ui Norfolk .. """'\u25a0fc*!11. 01 \u25a0 : ? ll|'Prooi Richmond to Norfolk ItJ*7 "* . . _, X\u25a0 H. T-Si.pLit.'fcJ-

OFFiCE RICHM'Dfc PET'O R v r-.1 -'\u25a0-HlllMo.M, V,. jStl.WM _JITS___________________D . *"im B "*< ?Rer'tkuJ "^Pssteneers will leave nt 1 S, »*-*_\u25a0l.reakfast in Peterthurg. and reach B__.____alo .W A M Return tig. ,ei-.e Nerfo.kat.i _n p _and nrrive in Richmond nt 630 P M "**'r-lJ% *- 7 '"' THO.s H. w;*N.HK.i.l|p ,(_E ___________________B THKUIGH TU *i..£&2&uV**g* KRA ..? tick,?,*'-- w* ptocuredat the T.ok». ri*of the RICHMOND, FREDERICKiiifR, **POTOMAC RAILROAD, to LRb »4ELMIRA.BUFFALO,

WILLIAMSPORT. sn^NIA'JARa 1-AI IB Ih*9-*M saSi-l rl-th 4;i I

£&3B_M___E;ani ;. a n IHrji_-___. \u25a0»_ *S-» ?Ra IL ROAD.- SI MVKR .'ifRANGEMENT.-TOTHE VIRGINIA *ft. \_!AND THE BOOTH AND SOUTHWEST. "Leave Richmond, uaily (Sunday's except.,. ...A. M ,lor Junction.! I'urkeville,) Lynchburr, B_.tol, Knoxvi'ie, Dalton, Cliattan.-igv A.?Nashville Grand Junction, Meniph «.ry. Motile, Jnckson, Vickstrurgand New ()r"»-;Leave Richmond daily, (except Sun I_»|o'clock. A- M-- for Danville. Va.. and f.reen»i_l, WN. C. Also, for the Montgomery White, ____\u25a0Sulphur. Alleghany, Sweety Red Sweet. '~.??Sulphur,Salt Sulphurand Red Sulphur g«, - 'BBTVBB-881Leave Danville daiiy, (except Rtiridi.-. i ,-,o'clock A. M., and Junction i Hurkevni.'.'nt«, ,'Id., and arrive in Richmond at 1.10 P. \J *"\u25a0

The Mail and Passenger Trains rnatssl __aways with the South-Side Rat'road to «b_from the Southwest at the Junction, anc wi_,t_JKichmond, Fredericksburg and Potpnac R»ii ro 2 .trains, to and from the North at Richmond ?__with the York River Railroad. Alto, with __James River S»eanil-oats to Norfolka'idol_P_.'.7

HIL. For ThroughTickets further inform..tion. apply at the Tickei Office.ietl-te ALEX. WORRALL. Gen ISii'i«-7- -__4__JMfl6t_». ' (\u25a0..«._ i VHI ,tfl'-v. MOST ECONOMICAL ROUTEM_l!""VIRGINIA SPRINGS, VIA THE {?>«'MOND AND DANVILLE, SOUTH-"II)K VviVIRGINIA fc TENNESSEE RAILROAD.,*'..OPPOSITION LINES OF STAGES, insurir. vtbe trsveler ample room,attention .nd lowKmFor Greenbrier White Sulphur and tht BmSprings, tickets to Bonsack's Depot. 969t':;},,.'by opposition lines of iB-CSS lo the Bweet__r_Jby the present rat' of Stage far. 1)2. t7>to the Greenbrier White Suiphur. 52 50 .mffß.__ to the Sweet nnd ,940 to the ,r._!bner White Sulphur Springs. There are alio-.position lines ofstages running frum Balsa depotvia the Roanoke Red Sulphur Sprm*s.snd * .it.f stages from the Montgomery White {htrpkaSprings, via the Mountain Lake nnd SuipttarSprints to fhe Greenbrier White Suirhur _

j'icaFot Comer's Springs, purchase tickets to fio_sack's Depot, price .690For Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, putt-bistickets to Salem Depot, price$7 40

Eor Alleghany Springs, purchase tick.v \*.. hawsville, price 98.98.For Montgomery White Sulphur Spring., tickets to Big Tunnel, price _. 29For Yellow "-'tilplair Springs puroha-e ticieutoChri_.i_nsl.iirg Depot, price j84_.

For Old Red Sulphur Springs, purchase tic.ruto Dublin Depot.price $9 20 E. Il ( 19?3 m Ge-'i Sup't Va. A Term. R R,

THE NORTH -1860, 1Gi .? >\u25a0 oRTH FR N CENTRAL 'R A I L W A .'.-Trait.* leave Calvert Btstwa,Baltimore, daily, (except Surd .v.' a] SU A.M.,and at _ Do P- M.. for N.agara Falls, (fare<>b!t tstdollars.) Huffalo. Owego, Oswego. Tonsit... H _»-ilton, all parts of Western New York ai,d Oiuiwi,for De'roit. Chicago.Cincinnati, St. Lotus and of the West. Northwest and .outhweit.Travelers c .it go to Detroit. Chicago. Miiws..kie. Ac . viaNiagara Falls, at the same tealvi ?sat otherroute.

A new route to New York is now open tl ~ 1Road, via Hamsbitrg and Jersey Clty.sitt o* ,onechange of cars. Fare 36. Take the. SS.. Vtrnin and go through by day'trht o.wrfr_- vaRoads and throunh abeautiful conntiv. Tn it

13k. Buy tickets only to B.itimoteJAS. C. CLARKE, __._t

John T Rif.N.T, Assistant S ip't _____"*'OFFICE RICH", fc PET El- »B G R. I ' ? \u25a0.< "

Rin.m. n.. va . A ~->'?.. l.n (t HANOI-' .!> IfOURi.--->--M_l__f_s____a( nand after Mo..DAY,xT* N__T________tn.--F_ int.. the Traiaa on real

Wil 188 SS follows:train-; utava auniitoßß fo. FSTts'srss

Exprc-*. daily.ie_cept Sundays,'at? ...10 A. _.Arcomniodatior. daily, (except Sundays'

at .7 00 A. M..ail daily, (except Sundays,) st 1.1 P X.

TRAINS LEAVB PBTBBfBrae 808 81C1*..-'It IExpress, daily at ._?. ...AW A-_Aecon.modation daily, (exoeptSundays,)

at - ?__-.7.U A.JMail,daily, (except Sundajrs.)at I_o P Mapß-ts THOS. H. WYNNE. Superinte_i__.------ *' i wwi % I 4 ('ENTR.U

___y_i__s HE HAII. HO A D -fp» I).?"\u25a0 1___-_. «________?.. 1 A I 1. and 'I'KAIN wil' leave Ricnmond Daily. »t C.Sit A. _~

for GORDONS'/ iI.LE. CHARLOTTESV'ILU,.TAUNTON. LYNCHBURG. ALEX. TiPß'.f.,BRIBTOL. KNOXVILLE. and all points i-*J«Southwest and daily (exoept Sundays. forJAvtSON 8 RIVER and intermediate Btati \u25a0.»-..:,.;Charlottesville. STAGES for the SPKl___<. 1nert Wi'h the Train at Btßßßtoa. Hillbsre ar.tJackson's River For particulars, inquire it tvTicket Othte. WM- F. ADCOCK. I ic-->! .in

"?m mi NOTitK. . IS6O.RANGEMENT.?IMPORTANT TO TH.VtL-E-.5.-THROL'GH TICKETS AND THROI'jHCHECKS.-GREAT NIrRTHERN ROi Tl_-C'.r-rymg the great United Stitos Mail. Twice .!. J(Suiiday night exceptedl t_tween Ru-hmord, A«andna, Washington. Baltimore, Ehiladslphis.r"!York., and all important points West, via Ac. t_»Creekand Washington, over the Richmond, rr.c-ericks.mrg fc Potomac Railroad, to the F.'to«*»iriver. 78 miles, and by splendid and KBBUrtaNtsteamers .hence to Washington.M nines, II an IBmiles in seven hours; being s comfortableand ye;-fecily safe rate of speed. ~.,_.Hours ofdeparture: »_O, A. IL,and 7, P. M.

BAtO.AGE. under charge of Specia. Ai.a.CHECKEDTHROL'GH toWashington,Baiunwrt,Philadelphiaand New York. , . ?___T_RoroH Ticbbts oaa be secured at the .ouosintrates _. -ToBaltimore. 1< 00 To Washington... PR

Phil_ufe.pfiia--.-9to Newport \u25a0 »Cincinnati 22 60 St. Lou.s »«Columhiis .. ..-Wit fc'-'0 **0 SsLndianapolia ... as 00 l«*Cairo -3 40 Louisville »*Dafton a» e«» tu. -52Jerfersonvil:e...» 76 Newark . - »»Rock Island.... MOO Vi-oeun-S \u25a0»Zatietville 18 SO I . ~..,.»«

Passengers braakftatand tupat Asn-ar.J tatinponboard ths comfortable steamer l-twe«a A-t_*Creek ami ~,,,,__*

\u25a0s. For furtner *tta_i «?»"?B--.aU stre.t, Sh.vckoe Rill. .______.. »..«m JAS- B. WlNSTON,Gen'iTiOketAl't

a-MLRcjH.SusMU _ _. -____."-_-?-+ *- O_ ' » Lli-tfE.-PKfcJ''. IfejteßSa BOATS to LYNCRbiRuTMCB\u25a0trnrnr rnu:. a w_.k--IJ--L*a»*'TBI -lOAVBMt SATURDAYS

b-.M TEMPEST, Capt.T_.oa. E_ittb .m V XROMANT. Capt. Gbo. 0. L-T.t.I m BRISTOL, Capt. Cha*. J. Jot"""* _.bit J J- IRHY.t'ipt.Ws. 1 . Cmvx-A» FAME.Capt. wit. H- Paatoat.So .1 OLIVIA,Capt J.J.nrasae. -«^'J r.e It \u25a0: ts ire all otthe IrtHa* f-gfgS

by jsrtfal aad expsriennsd CsptaiM,aad »ffl.01 .v..av0".,t,-_t_

At lb»ff__*.. PVORft..RI w^trfß-RtJtttWaw*"CHINA, OX-ASS, &c

' _l .10VAL.-i.l-0 MW*«JJ' JKK/C-".. :\u25a0\u25a0!' i""te. *, aud V. ;<? c*i ' \u25a0 ?> *%WM[),yo i CHIN*. \u25a0-\.y*\ .**«'-.'\u25a0JLY V A'" hi_IIOL'SEPI. R N'»» '5UgTkTDS. respcctiu'.iv aansaa-S lo tht *y irvN

the* have removed t» their Bts no?. -^- BUILDINGS. Governor »:.. were *'"''.?\u25a0,i increased facilities for I tnntw.

l.tvorcd with a continuance of 'Me ?*-Wf___s>. rouses bestowed upoa them st their «»»! The% have ,H.w on hand a very lar*eami ? w? n, stock, winch they otter to the trad* *?"*., ,? _.1 i i. a* favorable terms as any re.u\u25a0» f.t-*'l'~ '"j -.

country. Importingour own go. ds J'''l.l *,r.<_» large .uautities, we are ft*-*' ,|Lgrsitt luduceiuents to ***gjj

Iron Front BuUd Bt*. Governorat*W*_ till* A A_D ULAWW IH,1 V --REMOVAL Gr; SCII A"'\k*W !\u25a0".!.. GANT-?-...?_ OP Cd N-\. -H-vi9g\T WARK. AND HOI Sh r I **?*".,?\u25a0 *g7_7ds FROM 7« MAIN M.. TO rNER OF BROAD AN t» Till RD 9 Icompelled to give in.s-essi-n ot oar aiora mTrailers' U.ttk on the Md of June, "*?!%aueatly have still a very heavy ttoot ./,.concluded to sell for a few days at *?'?*'_? ..,._?tuest a call of al! housekeepers inwant m yn?.article at a very low figure Oursusp!" °«per. Tea and Chamfwr Sets. Silver-1la^o- \u25a0 g,,.;Bnttauia. Japaaned and Block fi =\J?r"lTu..-?»Cases.Carrißses. snd thousands ol otn*r »* w ...userul and ornamental is ooßiplew aa,'; ?? " ,in say estai lTshinsnt iv this city- <-fci i* ,aislyat SCHAAP * CO-'S.cor Broad ?*?.*--*****gr\ R»_K_KE * F.tßH'!* a**?*K H.V\rfkJ-_E.STO.NK WARK FRL'ITJARB»';V r _Ii9*gWi Stoppers. Air Tishi. for Preaerviu* _,JgW Fruit, Outers. Miuoe Meat. *-? w*:-.,.i

a very lane assort-west tf ths shove Jui*£,Jars, iif all a sea stvety low prices, st oar »"?

ry. corner Uth and Can streets _h___________KEKSEE A PARH. Mtß-ts*?***

SOLA SRWARE--C."mpr.sini,^'Tumblers. Wiues,Chauj|-_»u«»: l ??«.,??Prsssrve Dishes, Wuu *,wl*,^*M

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