Topik Vocabulary - Beginner

 TOPIK Vocabulary - Beginner 가격  price (also )  價格 나무 tree 가구 furniture  家具 day (native Korean) 가구 family  家口  날씨 weather 가방 bag  남산 Namsan 가을 autumn  내년 next year  來年 가족 family  家族  내용 content; substance  內容  price (also 가격)  내일 tomorrow  來日 river  냉면 cold noodle  冷麵 거리 Distance, space  距離 냉장고 refrigerator  冷藏庫 거리 road, street, boulevard  year   걱정 anxiety; worry  노래 song 결혼식 wedding ceremony  누나 male's older sister 경주 race  競走 눈물 tear 경험 experience  經驗 느낌 feeling 계절 season  季節 다음 next 계획 plan  計劃 다음달 next month 고민 distress  苦悶 단어 word; vocabulary  單語 고양이 cat  month 고향 hometown  故鄕 home (honorific)   place  도서관 library  圖書館 공연 performance, show  公演 money 공원 park  公園 동대문 Dongdaemun  東大門 공책 note book  空冊 동생 younger sibling  同生 공항 airport  空港 back of; behind 과일 fruit  드라마 drama 과자 snack; cookies, crackers  菓子 등산 hiking  登山 관심 interest  關心 등산화 hiking shoes  登山靴 교통사고 car accident  交通事故 라디오 radio 구두 dress shoes  러시아 Russia 구입 purchase  購入 맞은편 across from; opposite side  便 그림 picture  머리 head 극장 theater  劇場 모습 figure 근처 neighboorhood, vicinity  近處 모자 hat  帽子 글자 letter, character  무게 weight 금년 this year (Sino-Korea n)  今年 door   기간 time period; interval; term  期間 문구점 stationary store 기분 feelings; mood  氣分 문제 problem; question; issue  問題 김치 kimchi  문화 culture  文化 까만색 black  물건 thing, item, object  物件 flower  미국 The USA  美國 꽃집 flower shop  bottom, lower part 나라 country  바지 pants 박물관 museum  博物館 성격 character; personality  性格 outside  소개 introduce  紹介 (수업) class   소식 news  消息 room   hand 방법 method, manner  方法 손님 customer, guest 방송국 broadcasti ng station  수업 class  授業 ship  수첩 pocket notebook  手帖 NOUNS 명사 / Nouns/Counters


Comprehensive vocabulary set for the TOPIK test - beginner level

Transcript of Topik Vocabulary - Beginner

  • TOPIK Vocabulary - Beginner

    price (also ) tree furniture day (native Korean) family weather bag Namsan

    autumn next year family content; substance price (also ) tomorrow river cold noodle Distance, space refrigerator road, street, boulevard year anxiety; worry song

    wedding ceremony male's older sister

    race tear experience feeling season next plan next month distress word; vocabulary cat month

    hometown home (honorific) place library performance, show money park Dongdaemun note book younger sibling airport back of; behind fruit drama

    snack; cookies, crackers hiking interest hiking shoes car accident radio dress shoes Russia

    purchase across from; opposite side picture head

    theater figure neighboorhood, vicinity hat letter, character weight this year (Sino-Korean) door time period; interval; term stationary store feelings; mood problem; question; issue kimchi culture black thing, item, object flower The USA flower shop bottom, lower part

    country pants

    museum character; personality outside introduce () class news room hand method, manner customer, guest broadcasting station class ship pocket notebook

    NOUNS /


  • TOPIK Vocabulary - Beginner

    pear time actor watch department store market bus city hall number test hospital resturant ball point pen meal (honorific) spring newspaper parent shoe parents (honorific) baby

    part, section, portion bottom, lower part a request, a favor father atmosphere, ambience ice cream

    bulgogi Middle aged man, mister

    rain Middle aged woman, ma'am

    airplane morning bread breakfast

    apple apartment person the inside, interior

    office eye glasses freebie; bonus gift information; guidance dictonary the front photo baseball mountain medicine color pharmacy colors - appointment; promise thought mother

    birthday yesterday life face Seoul woman Seoul Station trip Bookstore history present; gift contact teacher pencil explanation receipt Seoraksan English language movie arrangement; organized beside Jeju Island

    old (as in the past) graduate after a long time week after a long time weekend right (direction) address afternoon owner; landlord this year preparation clothes China foreigner wallet chef last week these days last year

    umbrella subway milk house


  • TOPIK Vocabulary - Beginner

    exercise a tea charge what matter; what reason window upper part book study abroad desk bank cleaning drink soccer food hobby concert getting a job meaning; significance skirt chair friend name bed this (ex. this year) camera strange Canada internet coffee

    work computer

    day male's oldest brother Japan tennis court Japanese language Saturday Sunday bankbook car blue seat party

    bicycle letter last year weekday magazine grape place ticket evening chart, table electronic dictonary goods; items to be sold phone number piano

    lunch need; necessity boarding house

    academy Korea Korean language

    Korean speech general counter; traditional Korean Clothes books; Korean resturant machines; vehicles grandmother animal;

    grandfather people; discount times (ex 3 times) event; occasion bottle; male's older brother people; room number minutes subway line people;

    company age; office worker bunch (fruit, flowers)

    meeting; conference a serving of food; after glass; cup (tea/coffee) holiday paper; hope; wish floor; story effort; strength package; container

