Top 3 Tips: Feeding the Masses

1 2 3 Know who’s eating. What are the attendee demographics and cultural preferences? Which food and beverages have worked well at past events? Which haven’t? Answers to these questions will help you start building a menu. TOP 3 TIPS FEEDING THE MASSES Use the in-house talent. What cuisine is the chef at the venue best known for? Whether appealing appetizers, exceptional entrées, or decadent desserts, hedge your bets and serve the house specialties whenever possible. Cater outside the box. Think beyond a buffet table lined with heated serving trays. Consider the latest culinary trends, and how you can use them to create a true dining experience for your guests. Food trucks, anyone?.

Transcript of Top 3 Tips: Feeding the Masses

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Know who’s eating.What are the attendee demographics and cultural preferences? Which food and beverages have worked well at past events? Which haven’t? Answers to these questions will help you start building a menu.


Use the in-house talent.What cuisine is the chef at the venue best known for? Whether appealing appetizers, exceptional entrées, or decadent desserts, hedge your bets and serve the house specialties whenever possible.

Cater outside the box.Think beyond a buffet table lined with heated serving trays. Consider the latest culinary trends, and how you can use them to create a true dining experience for your guests. Food trucks, anyone?.