Toeic Structure - Tại

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Transcript of Toeic Structure - Tại

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti




  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    NOUN 1 Countable Noun >< Uncountable Noun

    Singular Plural without a/an/ -s a /an/the

    Regular Irregular

    Noun s/ es

    Note 1

    a means/series/species means ..a child childrena foot feeta tooth teetha louse lice

    a person people a goose geese

    a mouse micea man mena woman womenon ox oxena fish fisha carp carpa cod coda salmon salmona deer deer a sheep sheepa crisis crises

    a thesis thesesa diagnosis diagnosesa h!pothesis h!pothesesa parenthesis parenthesesan axis axesan oasis oasesa phenomenon phenomenaa criterion criteriaa memorandum memorandaa curriculum curriculaa "acterium "acteriaa s!lla"us s!lla"ia cactus cactia fungus fungia stimulus stimulia radius radiian appendix appendicesan index indices

    Note 2 # $wel%e nouns ending in f or fe drop the f or fe and ad vesa calf cal%es

    a half hal%es

    a &nife &ni%es

    a leaf lea%es

    a life li%es

    a loaf loa%es

    self sel%es

    a sheaf shea%es

    a shelf shel%es

    a thief thie%es

    a wife wi%es

    a wolf wol%es

    But: a hoof hoo%es/hoofs a roof roofs a cliff cliffs

    a safe safes a hand&erchief hand&erchiefs a "elief "eliefs


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    NOUN 2: Compound Nouns'. Normall! the last word is made plural


    travel agents

    shop windows


    traffic wardens

    river banks

    city streets

    corner shops

    street markets

    spring flowers

    November fogs

    church bells





    (. )ut when man and woman is prefixed "oth parts are made plural

    men drivers women drivers

    *. $he first word is made plural with compounds formed of %er" + er or compoundscomposed of noun + preposition + noun

    lookers-on runners-up sisters-in-law

    NOUN 3: Quant f ers1. Many/several/various/numerous/diverse >< Much

    . ! number of/numbers of >< !n amount of/amounts of ". #!$ few >< #!$ little

    %. &ewer/ the fewest >< 'ess/ the least

    NOUN !: Numbers1. a /two/three( hundred/thousand/million/billion/trillion ) Noun

    . hundreds/thousands/millions/billions ) *& ) Noun". +ompound ad,ectives

    A three year old "o!

    A ',- pa"e "oo&

    %. one/two/three percent #no s$ of Noun ; but a/the percentage of Noun


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    '0 Su"1ect 2 3er" Agreement(0 $enses

    *0 Acti%e 45 Passi%e

    $ransiti%e 3 + 6"1 3 + No 6"1ect /Prepositional phrase "!- in- with70

    80 9orm

    a. &fter modal verb ' Bare nf can- could- ma!- might- shall- should- must- will-

    would- would rather- had "etter- ha%e to- ought to- "e to- "e supposed to0

    #- n" acti%e/ continuous tenses0

    ". After (be) *+ * passi%e0

    c. &fter (,ave) ' *+ * perfect tenses0

    d. erund >< .nf n t ve

    e. n te #erb >< *art c ple Present Participle 45 Past participle0

    *&%&00$0 %UC U%$1+

    2+ and

    3+ but

    !+ or

    4+ e t,er 5or

    6+ ne t,er5 nor

    7+ not onl85 but also

    9+ bot, 5 and

    + rat,er t,an


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    1;+ ,et,er 5 or

    11+ as ell as

    *%ONOUN1+ *ronoun/Noun &"reement the! 45 it/he/she/we

    their 45 its/his/her/our

    them45 it/him/her/us


    who/whom45 which

    that of 0 45 those of0 plural0

    2+ =, c, t8pe

    a. Su"1ecti%e Pronouns I/:ou/;e/She/It/ < *ossess ve &d?ect ve

    =x# @ s sna&e is a reptile.

    ;e de%oted t,e life to science.

    4+ Aouble sub?ect/ob?ect


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    =x# Blac .sland in >ong Island Sound t is surrounded "! cold- dangerous waters.

    6+ Unnecessar8 relat ve pronoun >< Necessar8 relat ve pronoun

    =x# ?ertain t!pes of turtles t,at ma! li%e as long as ' !ears.

    $he woman l ves next door s too nos!.

    =O%A O%

    1+ &d?ect ves

    a. )efore nouns

    $D# an mportant meeting

    b. After @"e and other lin&ing %er"s- be/become

    - look/seem/appear/sound

    - taste/feel/smell

    - stay/remain # continue to be$

    - turn/get/grow/go # become$

    - prove/find

    =x# She loo s angr!.

    c. Some ad1ecti%es end in l!# friendly/costly/cowardly/lovely/lively/


    ly/ uarterly/timely/scholarly/womanly/manly/motherly/fatherly/


    2+ &dverbs

    a. Modif! %er"s# =x# Ann ea"erl8 accepted the challenge.

    b. Modif! ad1ecti%es =x# $ed seemed eDtremel8 curious a"out that topic.

    c. Modif! participles =x# A rap dl8 changing situation / A br ",tl8 colored dress.

    d. Modif! prepositions/ clause mar&ers# soon after / mmed atel8 after/ lon" "efore/s,ortl8 "efore

    e. Modif! ad%er"s# =x# $he accident occurred ncred bl8 Buic&l!.


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    f. Modif! the whole sentence

    general 45 generall!

    "asic 45 "asicall!

    particular 45 particularl!

    possi"le 45 possi"l!

    pro"a"le 45 pro"a"l!

    usual 45 usuall!

    original 45 originall! innate 45 innatel!

    =x# Generall!- I li&e m! class

    3+ Note

    a. fast ad10 fast ad%0

    b. long ad10 long ad%0

    c. hard ad10 hard 45 hardl!

    d. high ad10 high 45 highl! figurati%e meaning0

    e. earl! ad10 earl! ad%0

    f. good ad10 well ad%0

    #$%B NOUN &AE$C .#$ #$%B NOUN &AE$C .#$Ciffer Cifference Cifferent Restrict Restriction Restricti%eIn%ent In%ention In%enti%e ?ulti%ate ?ulture ?ultural?ompete ?ompetition ?ompetiti%e Agriculture Agricultural9ertiliDe 9ertiliDer/fertilit! 9ertile =mpower Power PowerfulCecide Cecision Cecisi%e Importance ImportantProhi"it Prohi"ition Prohi"iti%e Significance SignificantPre%ent Pre%ention Pre%enti%e Anal!De Anal!sis Anal!tical)eautif! )eaut! )eautiful 9amiliariDe 9amiliarit! 9amiliar 6riginate 6rigin 6riginal PopulariDe Popularit! Popular =mphasiDe =mphasis =mphatic ?lassif! ?lassification ?lassifia"leGlorif! Glor! Glorious ?ategoriDe categor! ?ategoricalM!stif! M!ster! M!sterious A"sent A"sence A"sentSocialiDe Societ! Social Interest Interest InterestingGeneraliDe GeneraliDation General )ore )oredom )oringSimplif! Simplicit! Simple 9ascinate 9ascination 9ascinating9ree 9reedom 9ree Produce Production Producti%e?onstruct ?onstruction ?onstructi%e Necessitate Necessit! Necessar!>i%e >ife >i%e/li%ing ?ollect ?ollection ?ollecti%e


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    .$0A *$% ON .$0A *$% ON .$0A *$% ONMusic Musician Surger! Surgeon Centistr! CentistPoetr! Poet Architecture Architect =ngineering =ngineer

    Administration Administrator 9arming 9armer 9inance 9inancier Photograph! Photographer )iolog! )iologist Ph!sics Ph!sicist

    Athletics Athlete $heor! $heorist Science ScientistPhilosoph! Philosopher ?hemistr! ?hemist In%ention In%entor ?reation ?reator Politics Politician ?rime/criminolog



    >aw >aw!er ;umor ;umorist Mathematics mathematician;istor! ;istorian )iograph! )iographer Manufacture Manufacturer =diting =ditor ight >ighten >ightSoftness Soften Soft )rightness )righten )right/"rilliantCepth Ceepen Ceep $hic&ness $hic&en $hic&Ripeness Ripen Ripe Richness =nrich RichSolidit! Solidif! Solid ;umidit! ;umidif! ;umid>ength >engthen >ong 9latness/flat 9latten 9latShortness Shorten Short ;eight ;eighten ;igh

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    =O%A [email protected]$

    1+ =ron" c,o ce of &F$ or AO

    1) &F$ an agreement/ an announcement/ an attempt/an effort/ adecision/a discovery/ an offer/a profit/ a promise/ advances in/ a

    comparison/ a contribution/ a distinction/ a forecast/ a law/ a point/ an

    investment/ a plan/ a prediction/ a sound/ noise/use of/ a choice/ a

    loan/an appointment

    2) &F$ U* O E "e composed of 0F &F$ U* E compose0

    3) AO an assignment/the dishes/ the washing-up/the shopping/ the

    ironing/the cooking/a favor/homework/the laundry/ a paper//research/

    a ob/ one!s work/ business with/ ustice to/ wrong/ a kindness/one!s

    duty/harm/one!s best/a service/damage/ wonder

    2+ =ron" c,o ce of l e/ al e/l e or as

    1) "ike/#nlike $% & ' (erb

    2) $% like/unlike &% ' (erb

    3) $ is like/unlike &

    ) $ and & are alike

    *) "ike ' Noun =x# M! results were much l e Paul s

    +) $s ' ,ub ect '(erb =x# I did m! experiment 1ust as Paul did

    ) $s ' Noun . in the role of)

    0) serve as/ function as/ use sth as/ be used as/ be thought of as/ be

    referred to as) regard/consider/name/choose/elect/select/designate/appoint/declare/

    nominate/proclaim/announce s o/sth .as) s o/sth


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    3+ =ron" c,o ce of so suc, too

    !+ =ron" c,o ce of because or because ofG alt,ou", or n sp te

    of /desp teG ,en/ , le or dur n"


    &dverb clause mar ers ' ' # *repos t on ' Noun/N* because because of/ due to/ on account of

    although/though/even though in spite of/ despite

    when/while/as during

    1) so ' ad ective/adverb ' that ,ub ect ' (erb

    2) so ' many/few ' Noun .c) that ,ub ect ' (erb

    ' much/little ' Noun .u) that ,ub ect ' (erb

    3) so ' ad ective ' a/an ' Noun .c% singular) that ,ub ect ' (erb

    ) such ' .a/an) ' Noun that ,ub ect ' (erb

    *) too ad ective ' .for someone) ' to do something

    +) enough ' noun '. for someone) to do something

    ad ective/adverb ' enou h ' for someone to do somethin

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    4+ =ron" c,o ce of &NO @$% or O @$%

    Another 6ther Ad1ecti%e another + Noun s n"ular 0 other + Noun pluralH

    Ceterminer It,e some an8

    ever8 one noH + other + Noun

    Is n" 0Pronoun another an additional one0

    =x# Gi%e me another.

    the other/the others

    =x# 6f the two teachers- one is

    experienced- and the other is not. Note: each other / one another

    from one 7 to another

    6+ Ot,er ord form problems)= ?AR=9 >

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    13) and/"ut/or

    1 ) "e ali%e 45 li%e + Noun

    1*) old 4 5 of age

    1+) near Eclose to0 45 nearl! Ealmost01 ) some + Noun 45 somewhat + ad1ecti%e

    10) affect so/sth 45 effect of sth on so/sth

    1 ) alread! ad%0 45 "e all read! ad1ecti%e0

    2 ) among * or more0 45 "etween (0

    21) and con1unction0 45 also ad%er"0

    22) "eside Enext to0 45 "esides E in addition0

    23) costume Eclothing0 45 custom traditional practice0

    2 ) farther/further distance0 45 further E more0

    2*) formall! Eofficiall!0 45 formerl! Epre%iousl!0

    2+) hard 45 hardl!

    2 ) imaginar! E not real/fictional0 45 imaginati%e Ecreati%e0

    20) later 45 latter

    2 ) la! laid laid la!ing +6"1ect E put/place0

    lie la! lain l!ing E "e situated/located0

    lie lied lied l!ing E not tell the truth0

    3 ) loose ad10 45 lose %er"0

    31) no45 not45 none

    32) pass %er"0 45 past ad1/noun/preposition0

    Note# pass E go/come past

    33) Buiet ad10 45 Buite ad%0

    3 ) raise + o"1ect/ "e raised passi%e0 45 rise without an o"1ect0

    3*) set + o"1ect Eput/place0 45 sit without an o"1ect0

    3+) thorough ad10 45 through ad%0

    3 ) out 45 out of +Noun


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    30) awa!45 awa! from + Noun

    3 ) out/in preposition0 45 outer/inner ad1ecti%e0

    ) listen to 45 hear

    1) lone/li%e/sleeping + noun 45 "e alone/ ali%e/asleep

    7+ %edundanc8- connect together - repeat again- 1oin together - proceed forward- ad%ance forward

    - onl! uniBue- new inno%ations- reread again- return "ac&- same identical- sufficient enough- separated awa! from-

    incorrect mista&e- progress forward

    - important significant- carefull! cautiousl!- esta"lished founded- protect guard- original first

    - rarel! seldom- transmit send out- single onl!- around

    approximatel!- chief main- such as for example-

    necessar! needed

    .nvers on


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    aH .nvers on of t,e verb after certa n adverbs

    0 2 I ha%en t got a tic&et. Neither/Nor ,ave I.

    Never before ,ad I "een as&ed to accept a "ri"e.

    Not only do the! ro" !ou- the! smash e%er!thing too

    *n no account must this switch "e touched

    *nly by shouting as he a"le to ma&e himself heard.

    *nly in an emergency s,ould !ou use this exit.

    3arely d d this remed! fail

    4o suspicious d d he "ecome that 7

    4o confusing as the map that we had to as& a police officer for directions.

    uc, s the popularit! of the place that the theater is li&el! to "e full e%er! night.

    bH ,e sub?ect and verb of t,e second clause I not t,e f rst clauseH are nverted

    ,en t,e follo n" eDpress ons occur at t,e be" nn n" of a sentence

    0 : Not until he got home d d he realiDe that he had lost it.

    *nly if you study hard can !ou pass the final exam.


    ;ardl! e%er 6n no account

    ;ardl! 7 when 6nl! "!/in/ at/once/recentl!

    In no circumstances 6nl! in this wa!

    Neither/nor Rarel!Ne%er Seldom

    No sooner7 than Scarcel! e%er

    Not onl! Scarcel! 7when

    Nowhere I oH ' ad? or part c ples

    I uc,H ' be ' Noun

    Not until 6nl! if 6nl! until

    6nl! when 6nl! "ecause 6nl! after

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    c0 In written =nglish adverb p,rases ntroduced b8 prepos t on down5 from5 in5 on5

    over5 off5 out of5 round5 up .etc. 0 can "e followed "! verbs nd cat n" pos t on

    crouch5 hang5 lie sit5 stand5 be etc.0- "! verbs of mot on .

    0 2 &rom the rafters ,un" strings of onions.

    6n the door way stood a man with a gun.

    *n a perch beside him sat a "lue parrot

    *ver the wall came a shower of stone.

    6n front of the museum s a statue.

    *ff the coast of +alifornia lie the ?hannel Islands.

    0 2 !cross the 7nited 4tates5 the general mo%ement of air masses is from west to east .

    d0 .f ' ub?ect ' auD l ar8 can "e replaced in formal =nglish "! nvers on of auD l ar8

    and sub?ect t, f om tted .

    0 2 6f 6 were in his shoes 7 E 8ere 6 in his shoes 7

    6f you should r eBuire an!thing7 E 4hould you reBuire an!thing 7

    6f he had &nown 7 E 9ad he &nown7


    Note2 :repositional :hrase 5 4 ) ;

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    Aouble Compar son

    Note: t,e orse Inot t,e orstH t,e less Inot t,e leastH t,e better Inot t,e bestH

    =x# $he more he pla!s- the more he impro%es.

    .ncorrect &rt cle C,o ce a >< an

    =x# A eclipse of the sun ma! "e either total or partial

    a/an >< t,out a/an Iuncountable nounH

    a/an >< t,e

    =x# Rose )ird was a first woman in the histor! of ?alifornia to ser%e on the State Supreme


    a/an/t,e >< t,out a/an/t,e=x# Slag consists of waste material and impurities which rise to top of melted metals.

    $he most asteroids are "e!ond the or"it of the planet Mars. the 45 possessi%e ad1ecti%es

    =x# $he 6Dar& Mountains of Ar&ansas are &nown for the rugged "eaut!



    $he + comparati%e + S + 30- the +comparati%e ' ' I#H

    - a uni%ersit!/ a =uropean/ a one parent famil!/ a union/ a unicorn/ a uniBue character

    - an hour/ an honest man/ an honor/ an heir / an heiress/ an MP/ an 9)I

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    Common clause mar ers #

    a+ me2 after % as% as long as% as soon as% before% by the time% now that%once% since% until% when% while% whenever

    b+ Concess ons/Contrast # although% even though% though% even if%whereas% while% despite the fact that% in spite of the fact that% e4cept


    c+ %eason # as% because% since% in that% in case

    d+ %esults #so that% so 5 that% such5 that

    e+ anner #as if% as though

    f+ *lace #wherever "+ Cond t ons # if- e%en if- onl! if- pro%ided- unless

    Con?unct ons #

    and- "ut- !et- for- so- or Con?unct ve advs "esides- li&ewise- moreo%er- in addition- additionall!

    - howe%er- ne%ertheless- on the other hand- in contrast- in spite of

    this- therefore- as a result- accordingl!- conseBuentl!- otherwise- then- meanwhile


    '. Clause mar er IaH ' #IfH IbH *resent * ' #

    IcH *ast *

    IdH &d?ect ve

    I H '0 Clause mar er

    (. S + 3 + 6"1ect 0 (0Con?unct on ' 3 + 6"1ect0

    G *0con?unct ve adverbs

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    - similarl!- correspondingl!- li&ewise- for example- for instance

    &% .C0$&/&N1+ )efore singular counta"le nouns

    =x# Australia is a continent

    2+ $o introduce a su"1ect that has not mentioned "efore

    =x# I saw a tiger.


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    =x# ,e tiger is the largest cat

    ,e heart pumps "lood


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    % ce is a staple in man! countries. general0

    ,e trees in this par& are mostl! e%ergreens. specific0

    rees pro%ide shade. general0

    11+ ,e ' sub?ect ' of N*

    ub?ect Iused aloneH --> no art cle

    &d?ect ve ' ub?ect --> no art cle

    =x# ,e l terature of the twentieth centur!

    ,e , stor8 of $he nited States.

    )ut# I ma1or in l teratureI stud! &mer can , stor8+

    12 . )efore names of countr es states c t es un vers t es colle"es and sc,ools t,at

    conta n t,e ord JofJ or "efore countries that ha%e a plural name or an ad?ect ve n t,e

    name - eDcept for reat Br ta n

    $D: ,e nited States of America

    ,e Socialist Repu"lic of 3ietnam "ut# 3ietnam0

    ,e State of 9lorida )ut# 9lorida0

    ,e cit! of )oston )ut# )oston0

    ,e ni%ersit! of $exas )ut# )oston ni%ersit!0

    ,e Netherland s / $he Philippin es

    13 . )efore

    a. oceans# =x# ,e pacific 6cean

    ". seas =x# ,e )lac& Sea

    c. gulfs =x# ,e Gulf of Mexico

    d. ri%ers =x# ,e Nile

    e. plural names of mountains =x# ,e Appalachian ounta ns )ut# Mount =%erest0

    f. plural names of islands =x# ,e ;awaiian .slands )ut# Manhattan Island0

    g. plural names of la&es =x# ,e Great 0a es )ut# >a&e Michigan0

    1! . )efore the names of ships- planes- trains and peopleKs famil! names

    =x# ,e $itanic


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    ,e 6rient =xpress

    ,e )rowns

    $%UNA &NA .N .N. .#$

    .+ #$%B ' O .N

    $D: $om wants to become a doctor.Susan pretended to sleep .Ca%id promised not to be late again.

    ..+ #$%B ' OBE$C ' O .N .N. .#$

    $D: $he! "egged us to come+ I warn !ou not to dr ve so fast.

    Note 6 advise/allow/encourage/permit/recommend .1) ' ob ect ' to inf .2) ' (-ing

    $D: ;e doesn t allow smo n" in his house ;e doesn t allow an!one to smo e in his house

    No"od! is allowed to smo e in his house

    ...+ #$%B ' #-.N


    afford "eg expect manage pretend threatenagree care fail mean promise want

    appear consent forget need refuse wisharrange decide hesitate offer seem tr!as& desire hope plan struggle intendattempt deser%e learn prepare swear

    adv se challenge for"id order teach in%iteallo con%ince force perm t tell recommendas& dare hire persuade urge ena"le"eg encoura"e instruct remind want leadcause expect in%ite reBuire warn moti%ate


    admit dela! finish postpone resent missappreciate den! can t help practice resist toleratea%oid discuss &eep Buit ris& in%ol%e

    complete disli&e mention recall stop understandconsider en1o! mind recollect suggest include

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    $D : I disli&e dr v n" long distances I can t help orr8 n" a"out it.

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    I am loo&ing forward to "o n" "ac& to school.

    2+ &AE$C .#$ ' *%$*O . .ON ' #-.N

    $D: She is afraid of "ett n" married now. $o gets used to "ett n" up earl!.

    #..+ *$C.&0 C& $1+ O*

    ;e stopped smo n" ;e ga%e up smo&ingF he is not going to smo&e an! more.0;e stopped to smo e ;e stopped doing something in order to smo&e02+ %K

    %K ' O .N # ma&e an effort to do something $D: I was %er! tire. I tried to eep m! e!es open- "ut I couldn t. %K ' #-.N : do something as an experiment or test

    $D: I %e got a terri"le headache. I tried ta n" an aspirin- "ut it did not help.3+ %$ $ B$%

    %$ $ B$% ' O .N # :ou remem"er to do something "efore !ou do it $D# Please remem"er to post the letter. E Con t forget to post the letter0

    %$ $ B$% ' #-.N # :ou remem"er doing something after !ou do it $D: I clearl! remem"er loc n" the door "efore I left.!+ N$$A

    N$$A ' O .N A?$I3=0 $D: ohn needs to pa nt the door. M! friend needed to learn SpanishN$$A ' #-.N L N$$A ' O B$ AON$ PASSI3=0 $D: $he grass needs cutt n"/ to be cut . $he tele%ision needs f D n"/to be f Ded .

    4+ &F$/0$ /@$ ' OBE$C ' B&%$ .N .N. .#$$D: Sad mo%ies alwa!s ma&e me cr8+ I had the mechanic repa r m! car. I had m! car repaired "! the mechanic M! parents do not let me "o out late at night.

    6+ #$%B O *$%C$* .ON ' #-.N / B&%$ .N .N. .#$

    $D: I saw m! fr end runn n"/run down the street.

    7+ O ' #-.N


    afraid of capa"le of tired of be/"et accustomed tointerested in successful in fond of be/"et used to

    see loo& at listen tonotice o"ser%e smellwatch hear feel

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    $D: M! sister went sa l n" !esterda!

    9+ O .N .N. .#$ can "e used after t,e f rst t,e second5 t,e last t,e onl8 andsometimes after superlati%es.$D: She lo%es parties. She is alwa!s the first to come and the last to leave . ;e is the second man to be lled in this wa!.

    + O .N .N. .#$ can "e used after certain nouns

    =x# ;is a"ilit! to "et on with people is his chief asset. $D: ;e made an effort to stand up.



    "oating dancing 1ogging shopping swimmingO "owling fishing clim"ing sightseeing

    camping hi&ing running s&atingcanoeing hunting sailing s&iing

    ab l t8 demand fa lure reBuestam"ition desire offer schemeanxiet! determ nat on plan ll n"nessattempt eagerness promise wishdec s on effort refusal read ness

    catc,/f nd/leave + 6"1ect + 3 ingspend/ aste + $ime + 3 ing,ave fun/ a "ood t me + 3 ing,ave trouble/d ff cult8 + 3 ing,ave a ,ard t me/ d ff cult t me + 3 ing

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    =O%A $NA.N

    &+ CO ON NOUN I @.N H $NA.N1+ M sm : baptism - criticism - organism% heroism - patriotism - alcoholism -

    barbarism - dwarfism - parallelism

    2+ Mnce : importance% significance% dependence% arrogance% resistance -subsistence

    3+ Mness : bitterness - conceitedness - darkness - hardness - kindheartedness !+ M on : e4cision - damnation - pollution - suggestion - a notion - an action -

    ve4ation - concoction - completion .

    4+ Mment : abridgement - accomplishment - banishment - commencement -embodiment - enhancement - e4citement - fragment - garment - ornament -


    6+ MI Ht8 : purity - authority - dubiety - ma ority - superiority - humidity% cruelty -faculty - honesty - plenty - safety - subtlety

    7+ Ma"e : baggage - carriage - cartage - damage - dotage - hermitage - homage language - luggage - marriage - passage - tillage - tonnage - vicarage -

    village .

    9+ s, p : ambassadorship - citi7enship - headship - professorship - chairmanship -fellowship - scholarship - companionship - friendship - hardship -

    relationship - craftsmanship - entrepreneurship - horsemanship -membership - courtship

    + Mt, : bath - birth - death - oath - growth - stealth% filth- health - length - strength -


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    truth - depth - breadth - wealth .1;+ Mdom : earldom - freedom - kingdom - officialdom - wisdom11+ M,ood : childhood - falsehood% sisterhood% brotherhood% neighborhood%

    likelihood% livelihood 12+ Mure : closure - picture - scripture - legislature - nature - failure - pleasure -


    13+ Mc8 : bankruptcy - captaincy - democracy% privacy% delicacy - advocacy -confederacy - accuracy - obstinacy - piracy% - aristocracy% e4pectancy -

    efficiency - presidency% sufficiency% deficiency

    1!+ MItHr8 : rivalry - ancestry - carpentry - industry% greenery - machinery - scenery -bakery - brewery - bravery - slavery% archery

    14+ Mlo"8 : archaeology - geology - sociology - theology - 7oology 16+ M"rap,8 : bibliography - biography

    B+ CO ON NOUN I*$% ONH $NA.N1+ M or : actor - creator - doctor - monitor - sculptor - successor - guarantor -

    con8ueror - donor - governor - solicitor - tailor - visitor . bachelor

    2+ M er : hatter - geographer - astrologer - cottager - foreigner - "ondoner -New 9orker - northerner - villager - airliner - old-timer - sorcerer

    3+ M ee : employee - payee - devotee - escapee - conferee - absentee - refugee .!+ M st :chemist - dramatist - economist - geologist Fdentist - pianist - tobacconist F

    &uddhist - :arwinist - idealist - ar4ist - racist - optimist% pessimist

    4+ M c an : magician% physician% musician% electrician% beautician% politician - statistician% mathematician% mortician%

    6+ M ant I1; H : assistant% accountant% consultant% contestant% inhabitant

    C+ &AE$C .#$ $NA.N

    1+ M ent : independent% sufficient% absent% ambivalent% ancient% apparent%ardent2+ M ant : arrogant - e4pectant% important% significant % abundant% ignorant%


    3+ M ful : beautiful - graceful - powerful - grateful% forgetful - mournful -$Dcept ons: handful mouthful spoonful are nouns

    !+ M c :civic - classic - historic - artistic - economic -


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    4+ M less : doubtless - fearless - hatless - powerless - countless - tireless% faceless%legless% careless% helpless

    6+ M ve :authoritative - demonstrative - figurative - imitative - 8ualitative -talkative% active% passive% comparative% possessive

    7+ M ous :dangerous - glorious - murderous - viscous - ferocious - hilarious -

    9+ M able : charitable - separable% bearable - reliable - comfortable - suitable .+ M ble :audible - compressible - edible - horrible - terrible

    1;+ M al : central - general - oral - colossal - tropical - tidal $Dcept ons : rival - arrival - proposal - withdrawal - survival are nouns

    11+ M or8 : mandatory - compulsory - predatory - satisfactory $Dcept ons : dormitory - promontory - territory are nouns

    12+ M ar8 : arbitrary - budgetary - contrary - primary% temporary% necessary

    13+ M 8 : angry - happy - icy - messy - milky - tidy - chilly - haughty - slippery%1!+ M l8 : beastly - cowardly - 8ueenly - rascally 14+ M IrHate ' 0 : temperate% accurate% considerate% immediate% literate16+ M s, : boorish - boyish - foolish - womanish - bookish - feverish% bluish - reddish

    A+ CO ON #$%B $NA.N1+ M en/ en M : listen - happen - strengthen% lengthen% shorten% soften% ripen% deepen%

    widen% entrust - enslave - enlighten - entangle - enlarge% encourage%enable% enrich

    2+ M ate : assassinate - associate - fascinate - felicitate - hydrate - separate -vaccinate% evacuate

    3+ M e :characteri7e - idoli7e - agoni7e - apologi7e - sympathi7e - theori7e -authori7e - e4tempori7e - fertili7e - fossili7e - eopardi7e - morali7e - $mericani7e - carboni7e - o4idi7e

    !+ M f8 : pacify - satisfy - petrify - solidify% horrify

    $+ CO ON &A#$%B $NA.N

    1+ M l8 : amusingly - deservedly - firstly - fully - greatly - happily - hourly - truly -firstly - secondly

    2+ M se : crosswise - lengthwise - otherwise% clockwise3+ M a8s : edgeways - endways - lengthways - sideways !+ M ard : backward - homeward - inward - onward - skyward - eastward


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    UBE$C M #$%B & %$$ $N

    &+ B& .C UBE$C M #$%B & %$$ $N'. Singular Su"1ect + Singular 3er"

    (. Plural Su"1ect + Plural 3er"

    =x# M! fr end l ves in )oston.

    ro n" flowers s her ho""!.

    M! fr ends l ve in )oston.

    B+ *$C.&0 C& $


    $D# $he actor and the singer are coming.

    ean and Ca%id are coming "ac& to Australia.


    Sing Su"1ect ' and Sing Su"1ect ( + Plural 3er"

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    Note # ;owe%er- phrases connected "! and can "e followed "! singular %er"s if we thin& of them as

    ma&ing up a single item.

    $D: Meat pie and peas is $om s fa%orite at the moment

    &ish and chips is m! fa%orite food


    $D: One of m! friends s here.

    Kou together with $om are responsi"le for this failure.


    $D: Neither ohn nor , s fr ends are going to the "each


    $D: $here s a "oo& on the shelf

    $here are three "oo&s on the shelf


    $D# ;ere comes the Oueen.

    ;ere l e man! un&nown soldiers.


    of in addition to with

    ub?ect 1 + together with + ub?ect 2 + #erb along with as well asno less than li&e/ unli&e

    =ither or + ub?ect 1 + + ub?ect 2 + #erb

    Neither nor

    $here + "e + Noun

    $here/ ;ere + 3er" + Noun

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti



    $D: =ach "o!/ each of the "o!s has a gift.

    Note: =ach "o! and each girl s to do this exercise.


    $D: =%er!one ,as his or her own idea.

    9+ a+

    $D: A num"er of refugees ,ave "een turned "ac& at the "order.

    Plent! of potatoes are grown here.

    None of the answers are correct.



    =%er! Noun singular0=ach + + n"ular #erb=ither of the Noun plural0


    =%er!one Something No"od!=%er!"od! An!one Nothing=%er!thing An!"od! + n"ular #erbSomeone An!thingSome"od! No one

    A/the ma1orit! of A num"er of A lot of + *lural Noun + *lural #erbPlent! ofSome of None of ;alf of No

    ,e number of + Plural Noun + n"ular #erb

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    $D: $he num"er of "oo&s in the li"rar! has risen to o%er fi%e million.


    $D: &ll the furniture as destro!ed in the fire.


    =x# $he team s winning. the team as a group0

    $he team are going "ac& to their homes. meaning indi%idual mem"ers of the



    $D# $he pants are in the drawer.

    A pair of pants s in the drawer0


    &n8 of None of

    ,e ma?or t8 of & lot of ' ncounta"le Noun ' n"ular #erb*lent8 of &ll IofH

    ome IofH

    council compan! go%ernment staff n"ular #erb if the!association crowd group team are referred to as a group0

    audience department 1ur! uni%ersit!class electorate orchestra facult!clu" enem! population choir college famil! press gang *lural #erb if the! are seencommittee firm pu"lic couple as a collection of indi%idual0communit! generation school ca"inet

    "elongings riches glassesclothes sa%ings plierscongratulations stairs pantsearnings surroundings + *lural #erb

    goods than&souts&irts scissorsparticulars shortspremises 1eans

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti



    $D# $he police are loo&ing for the missing child .


    $D# Ph!sics s difficult.$he news s alarming.

    13+ $he t tles of boo s pla8s mov es etc.- alwa!s ta&e a s n"ular verb

    $D: $he >os Angeles $imes s on the des&.

    Gulli%er s $ra%els s a well &nown children s "oo&.

    14. Nouns stating an amount of t me mone8 or measurement alwa!s ta&e a singular %er"

    $D: 9i%e minutes s not enough to do this exercise.

    $hirt! fi%e dollars s too much for this shirt.

    9our hundred miles s too much to dri%e in one da!.


    $D: $he poor need help.


    lu ds


    policepeople + *lural #erbcattlepoultr!

    news measles ra"iesph!sics statistics dia"etespolitics mathematics g!mnastics + n"ular #erbmumps ph!sics athleticseconomics phonetics linguistics

    ,e + &d?ect ve + *lural #erb

    Uncountable Noun + n"ular #erb

    "aggage clothing eBuipment food fruit furnituregar"age hardware 1ewelr! 1un& luggage machiner!mail ma&eup mone! cash change postage

    water coffee tea mil& oil soupgasoline "lood

    ice "read "utter cheese meat goldiron sil%er glass paper wood wool

    steam air ox!gen nitrogen smo&e pollution

    rice chal& corn dust grass hair pepper dirt salt sand flour wheat

    "eaut! confidence courage education en1o!ment funhappiness health help honest! hospitalit! importanceintelligence 1ustice &nowledge laughter music luc&patience peace pride progress recreation sleeptruth %iolence wealth 7

    ad%ice information news e%idence proof timespace energ! homewor& wor& grammar slang%oca"ular!

    dri%ing swimming tra%eling wor&ing

    "ase"all soccer tennis chess

    weather dew fog hail heat humidit!lightning rain sleet snow thunder winddar&ness light sunshine electricit! fire gra%it!

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    ol ds


    *art cles

    &bstract on

    &ct v t es


    $D: Smo&ing is harmful to !our health.

    *%$*O . .ON

    1+ *%$*O . .ON O . $


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    &+ .n centur8 n the twent! first centur!0

    decade n the ' sF in the nineties0

    8ear n ( 0

    season n the summer0

    mont, n ul!0

    parts of t,e da8 n the morningF n the afternoonF n the e%ening0

    t,e past/ future

    amounts of t me n/ t, n an hour0

    B+ On date on Septem"er ''0

    da8 on Monda!F on Sunda! morning0

    C+ &t t me of da8 at #( 0

    n ",t/ m dn ",t/ noon /da n/dus /sunr se/sunset/t,e moment/t,e same

    t me/present/ f rst/last

    A+ Aur n"

    uring is used with periods of time

    It snows a lot in Montreal during the winter

    ;is compan! grew rapidl! during the ' J s

    uring is NO used with dates or da!s of the wee&.

    $+ Unt l

    7ntil is used with points of time to indicate that an action continues up to that point

    ;elen practiced the piano until noon

    $he! won t arri%e until tomorrow

    + rom 5+ o/unt l and bet een 5 and$hese phrases are used with starting points and ending points

    &rom 1== to/until 1==" - Mr. Nolan was in charge of the sales di%ision.

    ?etween 1== and 1==" - Mr. Nolan was in charge of the sales di%ision.


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    + nce/ or

    4ince and for are generall! used with a perfect tense

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    3+ O @$% CO ON *%$*O . .ON CO B.N& .ON

    &+ .n clot,es in a gra! suit0

    lan"ua"e written in 3ietnamese0

    boo in the ?@A< 0

    ne spaper in the Anternational Berald->ribune 0

    ma"a ne in >imes 0

    department in the sales department0

    f eld in computer science0

    one)s op n on in her opinion 0

    a car / a taD IK%e left m! "agin the car )

    trouble I thin& IKmin trouble with Cad.0

    dan"er of $he "ridge was in danger of collapsing.0

    part $he failure of the pro1ect was due in part to his lac& of leadership.

    front of ;e wal&ed along in front of me- holding the lantern.0

    t,e m ddle of o was standing in the middle of the room.0 t,e bac of $wo men were sitting in the back of the car.0

    t,e rear a passenger tra%eling in the rear of a car0

    l ne $he &ids were standing in line waiting for their teacher.0

    t,e process of $he compan! is in the process of mo%ing to new offices.0

    B+ On a ve, cle # on a bus@ on a train@ on a plane 0

    foot It ta&es a"out * minutes on foot - or ' minutes "! car.0

    a tr p

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    sc,edule $he ma1orit! of holida! flights depart and arri%e on schedule .0

    t me ac& was worried a"out whether heKd "e a"le to get there on time .0

    It,eH telev s on/rad o >ater that e%ening we watched it all on television again.0

    t,e p,one )ridgetKson the phone all da! long.0

    a farm oe had wor&ed on the farm all his life.0

    t,e ot,er ,and IKd li&e to eat out- "uton the other hand I want to sa%e mone!.0

    purpose 9ire in%estigators "elie%e the fire was set on purpose .0

    C+ BK

    ?y is used "efore a point of time to indicate the latest time. ?y - in this case- means Ano

    later thanB . A will be home by noon .

    ?y can mean Q ne t to

    She is standing by her friend.

    ?y is used after passi%e %er"s to identif! the agent of the action.

    $his report was written by Peter.

    ?y is used with means of transportation and communication

    by car/plane/e-mail

    Note2 in a/my car@ on a plane


    ?y chance/ hand/ far/check/credit card/ means of

    A+ = t,

    8ith is used to express the idea of accompaniment or ownership

    I went to the restaurant with !ndrea .

    $he man with the briefcase is the %ice president.

    8ith is also used to indicate the tool or instrument used to complete something

    ;e opened the door with his &e!.

    ;e paid for the "ill with a credit car

    $+ = t,out


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    8ithout means Q not ha%ing- experiencing or showing something F Qnot in the compan!

    of someone or Qnot doing the action mentioned $he! had gone two da!s without food .

    ;e found the place without difficulty.

    She spo&e without much enthusiasm.

    ConKt gowithout me .

    I donKt &now what IKd dowithout you .

    $he rest of the group set off without him .

    ConKt go out without your coat .

    ;e left without saying goodbye .

    :ou canKt ma&e an omelet without breaking eggs .

    Suddenl! and without any warning - the arm! opened fire.

    ;e had gone out without his parentsC permission .

    + = t, n

    8ithin can mean Aduring a particular period of timeB

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    ?eyond can mean Amore or greater than a particular amount5 level5 or limitB

    More people are choosing to wor& beyond retirement age .

    Inflation has risen beyond the DE level .

    Such tas&s are far beyond the scope of the a%erage school &id.

    =xpensi%e luxuries that are beyond the reach of ordinar! people

    ?eyond can "e used to sa! that Asomething is impossible to doB

    ScottKs eBuipment was damaged beyond repair .

    $he town centre had changed beyond all recognition .

    Cue to circumstances beyond our control the performance has had to "e cancelled.

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    %$&A.N %& $ .$

    1. O#$%#.$= QU$ .ON$he most common o%er%iew Buestion as&s a"out the purpose or ma n top c of the passage. 6ther

    o%er%iew Buestions as& a"out the r ter of t,e passa"e or t,e reader of t,e passa"e .

    8hat does this article/the memo mainly discuss C

    8hat is this form C

    Dhat is the purpose of this letter/announcement/notice5C

    8hy was this notice/letter written C

    6n what business is the writer of the passageC

    8hat kind of business is r EEEEEEEE probably inC

    8ho issued/wrote this noticeC

    8hat is the authorFs opinion of EEEEEEC

    8ho were these instructions written for C8ho would be most interested in the information in this announcementC

    &or whom is this advertisement/notice intendedG

    - Con t answer the n t al o%er%iew Buestions until !ou ha%e answered the other



  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    - suall! focus on t,e t tle and t,e f rst sentence s0 of each paragraph for the

    topic and main ideaF also focus on t,e last sentence for the conclusion and a

    possi"le restatement of the topic and main idea.- S&im read %er! Buic&l!0 the rest of the passage for the &e! words that will

    confirm the topic and main idea.- Read the answer choices and eliminate the distractors which ma! ha%e one of

    these characteristics#

    a. too general

    ". too specific detailed0

    c. incorrect

    d. irrele%ant not mentioned0

    ..+ A$ &.0 QU$ .ON1. .nformat on/ actual Quest ons often "egin with the phrases QAccording to the

    passage/the author- wh- uestions ...

    2. Ne"at ve Quest ons contain the words NO $PC$* or 0$&- 9ocus on one or two &e! words in the Buestion- Scan the passage loo&ing for the &e! words or related words s!non!ms- word

    famil!0- ?arefull! read the sentence in which the &e! words occur. :ou ma! ha%e to read

    the sentence preceding or following that sentence as well.0- ?hoose the correct answer

    ...+ %$ $%$NC$ QU$ .ON1. . A

    - Initial position 4 usuall! read the pre%ious sentence and find the noun that the

    referent replaces2. A


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    - Middle/9inal Position 4 usuall! read the whole sentence in which the referent

    occurs3. , s/ ,at usuall! refer to the whole pre%ious sentence or phrase. So- read the pre%ious

    sentence or phrase and summariDe it.4. &not,er 4 >oo& forOne ' Noun5. Ot,ers 4 >oo& forome/ an8 ' Noun6. ,e former/t,e later/ respect vel8

    .#+ #OC&BU0&%K .N CON $P1. 0oo for s8non8ms in the passage "ecause the author ma! a%oid repeating the

    same word.

    2. 0oo for eDamples- for example, for instance, such as

    3. 0oo for contrast- but, yet, still- however, nevertheless, on the other hand,

    in contrast, in spite of this- although, even though, though, even if,

    whereas, while, despite the fact that, inspite of the fact that, except that

    - not- rather than, instead of


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    4. ocus on t,e "eneral conteDt and see if context clues in the sentence or in thesentences "efore or after can help !ou guess the meaning

    - 0 teral ean n" >< "urat ve mean n"$Dample # ;e grasped m! hand firml!

    I don t thin& !ou ha%e Buitegrasped the seriousness of the situation.

    #+ .N $%$NC$ QU$ .ONAnference Fuestions usually include such words as G infer5 imply5 suggest5 guess5 probably5 or

    likely H or such phrases as G 8hy ( mention CH G 8hat (. to do ne t CH G 8hich of these (.. is

    probably true CH and G8hat (..probably doGB

    Answer choices to inference Buestions reBuire students to

    1. understand what the Buestion is as&ing and &now where to find the answer in thepassage

    2. relate the information in the answer choice to a s!non!m or paraphrase of information in

    the passageF and3. determine what is true and not true in the answer choices

    Note # Answer choices that contain such words as al a8s never

    all and onl8 are usuall! NO correct.


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    0. $N.N %& $ .$

    *&% 1: trate" es for sentences about p,oto"rap,s

    '. Alwa!s complete each item as Buic&l! as possi"le so that you can preview the photographfor the ne t item . Con t wait for the statement that sa!s- QNow loo& at photograph num"er

    222222(. If !ou are pre%iewing a photograph that in%ol%es a person or people- as& !ourself these

    Buestions8hat are the people doingG

    8here are theyG

    8ho are theyG Is there a uniform or a piece of eBuipment or an!thing else that indicates

    their profession or roleL08hat distinguishes themG Is there a hat- a mustache- a purse- a pair of glasses- a tie or

    an!thing else that differentiates the peopleL0


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    8hat do the peopleFs e pressions tell youG Co the! loo& happ!L nhapp!L =xcitedL

    )oredL psetL0*. If !ou are pre%iewing a photograph of an o"1ect- as& !ourself these Buestions

    8hat is itG

    8hat is it made ofG

    8hat is it used forG

    8here is itG

    8. I If !ou are pre%iewing a photograph of a scene- as& !ourself these Buestions8here is itG

    8hat is in the foreground the front of the picture0L

    8hat if anything is happeningG

    8hat is in the background the distant part of the picture0L

    T. Con t mar& an answer until !ou ha%e heard all four choices. 8hen you hear a choice that you think is correct5 rest your pencil on that oval on your answer sheet . If !ou change!our mind and hear a sentence that !ou thin& is "etter- mo%e !our pencil to that choice. 6nce!ou ha%e heard all four sentences- mar& the o%al that !our pencil is resting on. $his techniBuehelps !ou remem"er which choice !ou thin& is "est.0

    ,. $r! to eliminate choices with pro"lems in4ound


    4ound H Meaning

    . Never leave any blanks. Alwa!s guess "efore going on to the next item.J. As soon as !ou ha%e finished mar&ing the answer- stop loo&ing at and thin&ing a"out the

    photograph and mo%e on to the next item.

    *&% ..: trate" es for Quest ons/%esponses

    1+ .dent f8 n" t me

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    8hen will the ad%ertising seminar"eginL8hen is Maria s "irthda!L8hen was Mr. ?hen "ornL8hen will m! laundr! "e read!L8hen does Mr. Gusta%son predict theconstruction of the "uilding will "efinishedL9ow long will this session lastL9ow long has the photocop!ingmachine "een out of orderL8hat time does !our flight lea%eL8hat time is the news on tele%isionL

    !t two o cloc& sharp

    *n March ".6n ' T*.6n a"out two hours.6n a"out a month.

    &or another hour- perhaps.4ince ' # this morning.

    !t #* .It s onat 11 .

    2+ .dent f8 n" people

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    compan! usesL8hat are !our total production figures for thisfactor!L8hat do you plan to do when school isfinishedL8hat do you estimate !our firm s profit will"e in Cecem"erL

    *ver 1 units a week .

    8ork for my father .

    6ptimisticall! spea&ing- about percent .

    !+ .dent f8 n" an op n on

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    evening LCo !ou want milk or sugar in !our coffeeLShould I wait here at the counter or follow

    you "ac& to the warehouseL

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    8hat about %isiting the flower show o%er the wee&endL

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    id you as& them what time their flight wouldarri%eL:our managing director resigned !esterda!-

    didnFt heG

  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti



  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    Stage/cast/scene/"ox office/ ,eater

    ?hain/ring/nec&lace/"racelet Ee elr8


    Menu/terminal/&e!"oard Computer


    )ulldoDer/hard hat/crane

    Construct on s te




    *ost off ce

    Account/"alance/statement /chec&"oo& /deposit/credit/loan/ interest rates


    Surf/towel/um"rella/wa%e/sun"athe Beac,

    >aw!er/1udge/witness/defendant/plaintiff/ 1ur! Courtroom

    Spectators/ cheer/ clap/ match/ pla!er

    tad um

    >ane/dri%er/exit ree a8

    Suite/front des&/reser%ation/ room/receptionist/room ser%ice/ house&eeper


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    &t ,at t me5 @o lon"5 A. Monda!


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    =,at s t,e man/ oman

    concerned/ orr ed about =,at s t,e man/ oman)s

    problem =,at s bot,er n" t,e

    man/ oman

    the "oo& on la"ordispute.


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti


    . 4ee the strategies for part )

    C+ .nference Quest ons

    Quest ons act cs $Damples et s

    chec& it out for lunch


  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti



  • 8/10/2019 Toeic Structure - Ti

