Ties and Open Education

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June 15th 2013 TIES Workshop http://www.cccties.org/event/e20130615/

Transcript of Ties and Open Education


2. Agenda TIES TIES 1 3. TIES 1996 833 2 4. TIES e- GP ASP 20123 5. 20124 Udacity Coucera EdX MOOC of the year 4 6. Large Scale Online CourseCloud ComputingUser Authentication ApplicationUserInterfaceHigh Performance ComputingHigh-speed Internet servicesBrowserLMSGakuninHigh Speed Networke-book 7. Global Education MarketEducation Market by real GDPgrowth rate(2000-2011)Developed country EmergingCountryMichiyo Sakai, Mitsui Global Strategic Studies Institute, 8. Khan Academy2006EducationforEveryone2001 FathomOCW OER2002/72008 MOOC ,, 150 MOOCs2012MOOC Start PromotersMITx 2012.3MITUdacity 2012.4Coursera 2012.4edX 2012.9MIT 9. MOOCs2001 Fathom2008 MOOCKhan Academy2006OCW OER20022012EducationforEveryone/8TIES1996JOCW2005SOI1997 10. for EducationHighLargeLowSmollGrowthShareWorldwide MarketStarOpen EducationProblem Childe-learningInformation EducationDogsJapanese MarketCash CowTIESMOOCs 11. ProMAC2012 2012103(105 Hawaii Convention Center TIES e-Portal2.0 Trials for MakingInnovations in Open Education Masumi Hori, Seishi Ono, Shinzo Kobayashi,Kazutsuna Yamaji 10 12. E-book by GakuNin 11GakuNinAcademic Access Management Federation inJapanAdding DOIeLearningsystemOn-CampusSystemIssuea certificatevarious functionsE-libraryE-Journal Publishersvarious contents 13. E-ResourcesConclusion: Open EducationInfrastructure12QualityAssurance ofEducationMicroLecturee-booksGakuNinEducationforEveryoneOpen EducationInfrastructure 14. 2012 20121115()1116() Shibboleth 13 15. GakuNinSINET TIESV8TIESV8eJournalServiceeBookServiceeLibraryServiceTIESV8TIES V8VODShibbolethOSS1TIESV8e NPOCCC-TIES SmileNC mokhaTIES V8 SP SPTIES V8GPLProduced by NPOCCC-TIES7-1-1 52F 16. Cousera Stanford University 2013315(321 Andrew NG (Cousera) Mitchell Stevens(Center for EducationalResearch) Amy Collier(the Office of the Vice Provostfor Online Learning)15 17. 2013 TIME 100 16TIME presents its annual list of the 100 mostinfluential people in the world, from artists andleaders to pioneers, titans and iconsPioneers 18. 17 19. Further Evolution of MOOCs withAcademic Partnerships andMOOC2Degree Launch 20. 19 21. CSEDU2013 20135658 One-on-One Approach for Open OnlineCourses ---Focusing on Large-Scale OnlineCourses--- Masumi Hori, Seishi Ono, KazutsunaYamaji , Shinzo Kobayashi CHiLO Book20 22. CHiLO BookCHiLO Books DatabaseCHiLO Books Classify Educational Resources in WWWEducational Resources in WWWWebContentsLocalContentsiBooksOpen Contents Online-coursesSeparationLeaning ToolsPortfolioAdditional ResourcesStudy GroupCore ResourcesCustomizedResources 23. CHiLO BookCore ServicesDevices/HardwaresApplications/SoftwaresOther Tools& Services CHiLO Book Platform and ToolsCreateDiscoveryLearningLocal ArrangementPortfolioAccountClassroomMAC PCiPad/iPad miniiBooks AuthoriBooksKeynoteiMovieQuicktimeWeb ServerStorage MediaApp StoreiBooks CHiLO BooksDatabaseiPad/iPad miniiPad/iPad minWeb ServeriBooksLocal WidgetsWeb BrowseriBooksHTMLWidgets(IdP)Identity Provider(SP)Service ProviderOther Web DevicesOpenWebServices 24. Device and the Structure of OnlineCoursesSuitablePC Tablet PCAccess Sluggish UbiquitousWindow Multiple SingleOperation Simultaneous Step by StepFlexibility High LowSection 1Lecture VideoTestAssignmentTestLecture NoteLecture VideoSection 3Lecture SlidePeer GradeAssignmentAssignmentLecture SlideLecture VideoStart EndSection 2 Section 4Tree StructureSection 1LectureVideoTestAssignmentTestLectureVideoLectureNoteSection 3LectureSlidePeerGradeAssignment AssignmentLectureSlideLectureVideoSection 2 Section 4CourseFishbone StructureSuitable 25. Component of the CHiLO BookPlatformTablet/Smartphone & PCCHiLO BookDiscoveryof ResourcesLearningCHiLO BookPlatformLearningProcessBook CatalogueOutcomeBook ListLocal Widgets OpenWeb ServicesCHiLO BooksDatabaseResourcesApplicationsDevicesE-BookID FederationHTML WidgetsCHiLO PortfolioBookshelf ReputationHistory of learningCommunityCourses Classroom 26. The Realization of One-on-oneApproachin Large ScaleLearners become Educational Connoisseurbased on their acquired new knowledge. One-on-one approach in a small group or classroom. Integration of information according to their learners level. Educational Connoisseurs reputation is their outcomes.CHiLO Book demonstrates great potential as theCenter Core for the Learning CommunitiesLearnerConnoisseur ConnoisseurConnoisseurLearner LearnerService Provider (SP)ID Provider (IdP) 27. 26 28. Obstacles Facing Japanese MOOCs Barriers at Higher Education Institutions Unemployment Unrest No Opportunity of the Second Chance forFear of Failure Japanese Language as Non-tariffImpediments Import: Done little Export: Poorly Developed on Business 29. Galpagos Syndrome Live in Idleness Only Blame Each Other on Sinking Ship Particularly Happy-go-lucky at HigherEducation Evolution in Our Own Particular Way Small and Slow Roundabout Procrastination Black Ships such as Smart Phone andDOS/V PC 30. About the MOOCs Export Japanese Culture New Technology for Large Scale OnlineCourse Original Contents New Idea of Teaching Method forEducation cMOOCs: Absence of Accreditation xMOOCs: Unstable System Operation forNumerous Learners Traditional Teaching Methods of MOOCs Japanese Language Japanese Indigenous Culture MOOCs as Black Ships Effective Translator Resistance of Teachers No funds Business Speed 31. 30