Three Ways To Collect Enemies

Volksrust Recorder - Column / Rubrieke 10 Recorder 24 July 2015 Change Your Story With Jacques de Villiers Spreek Here want U kneg hoor For further information: Jacques de Villiers [email protected] 082 906 3693 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished 1Sam. 3:10: Toe het die HERE gekom en gaan staan en geroep soos die vorige kere: Samuel, Samuel! En Samuel het geant- woord: Spreek, want u kneg hoor . Samuel se moeder Hanna kon nie kin- ders baar nie en het hom van die Here afgebid en vandaar die naam Samuel. Sy moeder het hom aan die Here opgedra en hy is as jong seun deur haar by Eli gelaat om die Here te dien. As jong man het die Here met Samuel gepraat en hy kon nie die stem van die Here identifiseer nie, totdat Eli vir hom leiding in die verband gegee het. Toe die Here vir ’n derde keer na Samuel roep het Samuel geantwoord; Spreek, want u kneg hoor. Heb. 1:1: Nadat God baiekeer en op baie maniere in die ou tyd gespreek het tot die vaders deur die profete, het Hy in hierdie laaste dae tot ons gespreek deur die Seun. Die Here praat met u en my deur die lewe van Jesus Christus, deur Sy kosbare Woord wat Hy vir ons gegee het en deur die werk van die Heilige Gees (Joh. 14:26). Joh. 1:1-4: In die begin was die Woord, en die Woord was by God, en die Woord was God. Hy was in die begin by God. Alle dinge het deur Hom ontstaan, en sonder Hom het nie een ding ont- staan wat ontstaan het nie. In Hom was lewe, en die lewe was die lig van die mense. Joh. 1:14: En die Woord het vlees geword en het onder ons gewoonen ons het sy heerlikheid aanskou, ‘n heerlik- heid soos van die Eniggeborene wat van die Vader kom— vol van genade en waarheid. 2Tim. 3:16: Die hele Skrif is deur God ingegee en is nuttig tot lering, tot weerlegging, tot teregwysing, tot onderwysing in die geregtigheid. Terwyl die Here se Woord baie duidelik vir ons verseker dat God op verskeie ma- niere met ons praat moet ons ook vir ons- self afvra: Is my oor oop vir die stem van die Here?; As ek Sy stem hoor, doen ek wat Hy vir my sê?; Sê ek “spreek Heer, U dienskneg/diens- maagd luister en doen dan wat Hy sê? God het geen behae in mense wat nie ag- gee op Sy Woord nie. Ons mag Hom nie behandel asof Hy Iemand is wat NIE die moeite werd is om na te luister nie. Mense wat nie na Sy stem luister nie behandel Hom eintlik met minagting wat ge- weldige konsek- wensies inhou. Joh. 3:36: Hy wat in die Seun glo, het die ewige lewe; maar hy wat die Seun onge- hoorsaam is, sal die lewe nie sien nie, maar die toorn van God bly op hom. Jak. 1:23: Want as iemand ‘n hoorder van die woord is en nie ‘n dader nie, dié is soos ‘n man wat sy natuurlike gesig in ‘n spieël sien. Die Here praat met ons! Sal ons nie in hierdie moeilike dae Hom gelyk gee dat Hy die heel beste weet nie en dat ons nodig het dat Hy met ons praat en ons lei. Joh. 10:4: En wanneer hy sy eie skape uitgebring het, loop hy voor hulle uit; en die skape volg hom, omdat hulle sy stem ken. Het u al die Here Jesus aangeneem as Saligmaker en Ver- losser en is Hy nou u Herder, want anders sal u nie Sy stem herken nie. Joh. 10:27: My skape luister na my stem, en Ek ken hulle, en hulle volg My. Spreek Heer, u diens- kneg en diensmaagd luister. Groete in Sy Naam. Ds. Jan Keyser. “This is no time to make new enemies”. These were the last words of French writer and philosopher, Voltaire on his deathbed when asked to foreswear Satan. I, of course, have no problem making new enemies (and upsetting old enemies) on a regular basis. Yes, I know, being arrogant, self-absorbed, difficult, short-tempered and petulant - with a weird (if any) sense of humour doesn’t help my cause at all. Yet, if I were a genius like Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare and Mr. Spock, these character defects would be eccentric (and expected) to mere mortals. Being a mere mortal myself, my frailties aren’t cute and eccentric … they’re just bombastic and rude. Here a three ways I collect enemies. #1 - I’m a shocking listener. I’m that guy. You know the one. That irritating creature who antagonises people by finishing their sentences for them and interrupting them in mid-sentence. And, of course, listens not to understand, but to get my viewpoint across. I promise you … nobody likes a self- opinionated smarty-pants. #2 - If I haven’t got a real enemy, then I make one up. Like I don’t have enough on my plate to contend with. I’ve conjured up an enemy. Let’s call him Jeb to save me the embarrassment of having to apologise to him later. The Lord knows that the log in my eye is far greater than the splinter in his. Jeb is a professional speaker. Whenever he presents a motivational talk or writes something, I just know it isn’t his own work. But, he claims it as his. It drives me insane. And, it drives me to a froth that his audiences love him and lap up every word he says. I don’t know if it is that they love him or that he makes more money than a small town and me (or a combination of both) that gets me so riled up. Of course, the irony is not lost on me that I might just be projecting my inadequacies onto him. I know I’ve pinched a quote or two or 50 from someone without acknowledging the source. But, here’s the thing, Jeb doesn’t even know that I have an issue. And, even if he did, he wouldn’t change nor care to change. So, Jeb is in effect besting me without even knowing it. The only one who is losing in this self- inflicted drama is I. #3 – Be helpful. That’s a sure fire way of making enemies. I get an A+ in this department. I have a ‘gift’ of being able to spot a grammatical error or spelling mistake with one eye closed, even if I’m in a drunken stupor. Naturally, this gift doesn’t extend to my own work which, more often than not, looks like the love-child of Tourette’s and ADHD. When I point out a mistake (with great humility and tact) I can see the shutters go down and ire rise. It has taken me years to realise that even if people ask for critique, nobody actually likes it. Most of us just want someone to agree with our viewpoint. Criticism hurts for the simple reason that it is probably true and the person being criticised has to come to terms with his or her frailty. So, I don’t critique anybody’s work now unless they ask me to (at least three times) because no good deed goes unpunished. Volksrust Seme Business Column Keeping silent about workplace safety concerns A recent US survey targeting opinions and knowledge about environment, health and safety amongst employees might surprise you. The survey has found a conflict between values and behaviors among employees. See no evil Two-thirds of workers say they value a safe, secure workplace, but more than half would not intervene if they saw an unsafe act. Two-thirds of the respondents value feeling personally safe and secure in the workplace, but nearly the same amount are unaware of the environment, health and safety (EHS) functions in their workplace, according to the new research released on June 24, 2015. The study surveyed 500 U.S.-based respondents working in organisations with more than 5,000 employees. According to the research, there is a disconnect between employees’ understanding of the role EHS plays and how it impacts satisfaction at work. Hear no evil Only half (55 percent) of employees feel comfortable pointing out potentially unsafe behavior to both their peers and superiors; however a majority (64 percent) would appreciate if they were told they were doing something potentially unsafe. Of particular concern, a large percentage (52 percent) likely would not feel obligated to intervene if they saw an unsafe act and a significant percentage (36 and 38 percent) would not appreciate or actually would be offended if they were told they were doing something potentially unsafe. Speak no evil These survey results point to the fact that if employees are not comfortable talking about safety and helping their col- leagues be safe in the workplace, it likely will limit the ef- fectiveness of many company safety programs, such as an incident reporting program, injury and illness prevention program and risk assessment program. Other findings reveal divisions among gender, age and demographic groups on the importance of feeling safe and secure in the work- place. These survey results point to the fact that if employees are not comfortable talking about safety and helping their colleagues be safe in the workplace, it likely will limit the effectiveness of many company safety programs. Across the board, findings show that women value attributes pertaining to EHS more highly than men. For example, women value feeling personally safe and secure in the workplace more so than men (84 percent women vs. 69 percent of men). To page 11

Transcript of Three Ways To Collect Enemies

Page 1: Three Ways To Collect Enemies

Volksrust Recorder - Column / Rubrieke10 Recorder 24 July 2015


With Jacques de Villiers

Spreek Here

want U

kneg hoor

For further information: Jacques de [email protected] 906 3693

No Good DeedGoes Unpunished

1Sam. 3:10: Toe hetdie HERE gekom engaan staan en geroepsoos die vorige kere:Samuel, Samuel! EnSamuel het geant-woord: Spreek, wantu kneg hoor .Samuel se moederHanna kon nie kin-ders baar nie en hethom van die Hereafgebid en vandaardie naam Samuel. Symoeder het hom aandie Here opgedra enhy is as jong seundeur haar by Eligelaat om die Here tedien. As jong manhet die Here metSamuel gepraat en hykon nie die stem vandie Here identifiseernie, totdat Eli vir homleiding in die verbandgegee het. Toe dieHere vir ’n derde keerna Samuel roep hetSamuel geantwoord;Spreek, want u kneghoor. Heb. 1:1: NadatGod baiekeer en opbaie maniere in dieou tyd gespreek hettot die vaders deurdie profete, het Hy inhierdie laaste dae totons gespreek deur

die Seun.Die Here praat met uen my deur die lewevan Jesus Christus,deur Sy kosbareWoord wat Hy virons gegee het endeur die werk van dieHeilige Gees (Joh.14:26). Joh. 1:1-4: Indie begin was dieWoord, en die Woordwas by God, en dieWoord was God. Hywas in die begin byGod. Alle dinge hetdeur Hom ontstaan,en sonder Hom hetnie een ding ont-staan wat ontstaanhet nie. In Hom waslewe, en die lewe wasdie lig van die mense.Joh. 1:14: En dieWoord het vleesgeword en het onderons gewoon—en onshet sy heerlikheidaanskou, ‘n heerlik-heid soos van dieEniggeborene watvan die Vader kom—vol van genade enwaarheid. 2Tim.3:16: Die hele Skrifis deur God ingegeeen is nuttig tot lering,tot weerlegging, totteregwysing, tot

onderwysing in diegeregtigheid.Terwyl die Here seWoord baie duidelikvir ons verseker datGod op verskeie ma-niere met ons praatmoet ons ook vir ons-self afvra: Is my ooroop vir die stem vandie Here?; As ek System hoor, doen ekwat Hy vir my sê?; Sêek “spreek Heer, Udienskneg/d iens-maagd luister endoen dan wat Hy sê?God het geen behaein mense wat nie ag-gee op Sy Woord nie.Ons mag Hom niebehandel asof HyIemand is wat NIE diemoeite werd is om nate luister nie. Mensewat nie na Sy stemluister nie behandelHom eintlik metminagting wat ge-weldige konsek-wensies inhou. Joh.3:36: Hy wat in dieSeun glo, het dieewige lewe; maar hywat die Seun onge-hoorsaam is, sal dielewe nie sien nie,maar die toorn vanGod bly op hom. Jak.

1:23: Want asiemand ‘n hoordervan die woord is ennie ‘n dader nie, diéis soos ‘n man wat synatuurlike gesig in‘n spieël sien. DieHere praat met ons!Sal ons nie in hierdiemoeilike dae Homgelyk gee dat Hy dieheel beste weet nie endat ons nodig het datHy met ons praat enons lei. Joh. 10:4: Enwanneer hy sy eieskape uitgebringhet, loop hy voorhulle uit; en dieskape volg hom,omdat hulle sy stemken. Het u al die HereJesus aangeneem asSaligmaker en Ver-losser en is Hy nou uHerder, want anderssal u nie Sy stemherken nie. Joh.10:27: My skapeluister na my stem, enEk ken hulle, enhulle volg My.Spreek Heer, u diens-kneg en diensmaagdluister.Groete in Sy Naam.Ds. Jan Keyser.

“This is no time to make new enemies”. Thesewere the last words of French writer andphilosopher, Voltaire on his deathbed whenasked to foreswear Satan.I, of course, have no problem making newenemies (and upsetting old enemies) on aregular basis. Yes, I know, being arrogant,self-absorbed, difficult, short-tempered andpetulant - with a weird (if any) sense ofhumour doesn’t help my cause at all.Yet, if I were a genius like Ernest Hemingway,Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, WilliamShakespeare and Mr. Spock, these characterdefects would be eccentric (and expected) tomere mortals.Being a mere mortal myself, my frailties aren’tcute and eccentric … they’re just bombasticand rude.Here a three ways I collect enemies.#1 - I’m a shocking listener. I’m that guy. Youknow the one. That irritating creature whoantagonises people by finishing theirsentences for them and interrupting them inmid-sentence. And, of course, listens not tounderstand, but to get my viewpoint across.I promise you … nobody likes a self-opinionated smarty-pants.#2 - If I haven’t got a real enemy, then I makeone up. Like I don’t have enough on my plateto contend with. I’ve conjured up an enemy.Let’s call him Jeb to save me theembarrassment of having to apologise to himlater. The Lord knows that the log in my eyeis far greater than the splinter in his. Jeb is aprofessional speaker. Whenever he presentsa motivational talk or writes something, I justknow it isn’t his own work. But, he claims itas his. It drives me insane. And, it drives meto a froth that his audiences love him and lap

up every word he says. I don’t know if it isthat they love him or that he makes moremoney than a small town and me (or acombination of both) that gets me so riledup.Of course, the irony is not lost on me that Imight just be projecting my inadequacies ontohim. I know I’ve pinched a quote or two or 50from someone without acknowledging thesource.But, here’s the thing, Jeb doesn’t even knowthat I have an issue. And, even if he did, hewouldn’t change nor care to change. So, Jebis in effect besting me without even knowingit. The only one who is losing in this self-inflicted drama is I.#3 – Be helpful. That’s a sure fire way ofmaking enemies. I get an A+ in this department.I have a ‘gift’ of being able to spot agrammatical error or spelling mistake with oneeye closed, even if I’m in a drunken stupor.Naturally, this gift doesn’t extend to my ownwork which, more often than not, looks likethe love-child of Tourette’s and ADHD.When I point out a mistake (with greathumility and tact) I can see the shutters godown and ire rise. It has taken me years torealise that even if people ask for critique,nobody actually likes it. Most of us just wantsomeone to agree with our viewpoint.Criticism hurts for the simple reason that it isprobably true and the person being criticisedhas to come to terms with his or her frailty.So, I don’t critique anybody’s work nowunless they ask me to (at least three times)because no good deed goes unpunished.

Volksrust SemeBusiness ColumnKeeping silent about workplacesafety concerns

A recent US surveytargeting opinionsand knowledge aboutenvironment, healthand safety amongstemployees might

surprise you. Thesurvey has found aconflict betweenvalues and behaviorsamong employees.

See no evilTwo-thirds of workerssay they value a safe,secure workplace, butmore than half wouldnot intervene if theysaw an unsafe act.Two-thirds of therespondents valuefeeling personallysafe and secure in theworkplace, but nearlythe same amount areunaware of theenvironment, healthand safety (EHS)functions in theirworkplace, according

to the new researchreleased on June 24,2015.The study surveyed500 U.S.-basedrespondents workingin organisations withmore than 5,000employees.According to theresearch, there is adisconnect betweenemployees’ understanding of therole EHS plays andhow it impactssatisfaction at work.Hear no evil

Only half (55 percent)of employees feelcomfortable pointingout potentiallyunsafe behavior toboth their peers andsuperiors; however amajority (64 percent)would appreciate ifthey were told theywere doing somethingpotentially unsafe. Ofparticular concern, alarge percentage (52percent) likely wouldnot feel obligated tointervene if they sawan unsafe act and as i g n i f i c a n tpercentage (36 and 38percent) would notappreciate or actuallywould be offended ifthey were told theywere doing something

potentially unsafe.Speak no evilThese survey resultspoint to the fact thatif employees are notcomfortable talkingabout safety andhelping their col-leagues be safe in the

workplace, it likelywill limit the ef-fectiveness of manycompany safetyprograms, such as anincident reportingprogram, injury andillness preventionprogram and risk

assessment program.Other findings revealdivisions amonggender, age anddemographic groupson the importance offeeling safe andsecure in the work-place.

These survey results point to the fact that if employees are notcomfortable talking about safety and helping their colleagues be safein the workplace, it likely will limit the effectiveness of many companysafety programs.Across the board, findings show that women value attributespertaining to EHS more highly than men. For example, women valuefeeling personally safe and secure in the workplace more so than men(84 percent women vs. 69 percent of men).

To page 11