Thick Skinned

Thick skinned A guide to Hutt politics Adventure Era: Rebellion System: Star wars Edge of Empire Plot Summary This is designed to take players along the plans of Bargos the Hutt’s plans for revenge against another Hutt that wronged him. Bargos the Hutt is a NPC from the adventure supplied in with the Edge of Empire Game Masters Kit. It takes the lead from that and creates opportunities for the party to expand working with Bargos to exact his revenge in a way any good crime boss would. Introductions: In short the crime lord (if he can be called that in his current predicament) won a mine, Oridelve Inc, from another crime lord gambling. The other crime lord, Thakba Besadii Diori, had the reports that there were lots of valuable minerals and that the mine was turning a steady profit of 100,000 credits a year. What he neglected to mention was the minerals were far dispersed and difficult to mine and that he had been steadily bleeding the mine dry, selling off equipment and neglecting even the most basic of funding to keep the mine safe and the droids updated. The droids ended up leading a bloody revolt and killing off half the miners before the PC’s (or some other group bargos hired to do it) stopped them and saved the miners and the mine. Bargos is now in deep, he already owes a lot of money to another Hutt 250,000 credits. If the heroes played the previous adventure they may have saved quite a bit of money for Bargos, any amount over 70,000 saved in the last adventure means that they`ll have an operating budget to work with. Any less is used to buy the time they need for Bargos to get his contacts together to get his revenge on the other Hutt that crossed him and pay off his debt. Bargos has a plan, there is a gathering of the local Hutt’s hosted by Thakba. He is showing off one of his most recent investments, a large cargo freighter he just recently commissioned for one of his more legitimate enterprises. Both Bargos and the Hutt Bargos owes money to, Narrta Isslia Diori (a


Thick Skinned

Transcript of Thick Skinned

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Thick skinned – A guide to Hutt politics

Adventure Era: Rebellion System: Star wars – Edge of Empire

Plot Summary This is designed to take players along the plans of Bargos the Hutt’s plans for revenge against

another Hutt that wronged him. Bargos the Hutt is a NPC from the adventure supplied in with the Edge of Empire Game Masters Kit. It takes the lead from that and creates opportunities for the party to expand working with Bargos to exact his revenge in a way any good crime boss would.

Introductions: In short the crime lord (if he can be called that in his current predicament) won a mine, Oridelve

Inc, from another crime lord gambling. The other crime lord, Thakba Besadii Diori, had the reports that there were lots of valuable minerals and that the mine was turning a steady profit of 100,000 credits a year. What he neglected to mention was the minerals were far dispersed and difficult to mine and that he had been steadily bleeding the mine dry, selling off equipment and neglecting even the most basic of funding to keep the mine safe and the droids updated. The droids ended up leading a bloody revolt and killing off half the miners before the PC’s (or some other group bargos hired to do it) stopped them and saved the miners and the mine.

Bargos is now in deep, he already owes a lot of money to another Hutt 250,000 credits. If the heroes played the previous adventure they may have saved quite a bit of money for Bargos, any amount over 70,000 saved in the last adventure means that they`ll have an operating budget to work with. Any less is used to buy the time they need for Bargos to get his contacts together to get his revenge on the other Hutt that crossed him and pay off his debt.

Bargos has a plan, there is a gathering of the local Hutt’s hosted by Thakba. He is showing off one of his most recent investments, a large cargo freighter he just recently commissioned for one of his more legitimate enterprises. Both Bargos and the Hutt Bargos owes money to, Narrta Isslia Diori (a

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cousin of Thakba) are invited. Bargos knows that Thakba has spread word that he suckered Bargos and wants to gloat. Bargos wants to shove it in Thakba’s face. Bargos has spent time and money finding out about a deal between Thakba and Narrta, a highly illicit and valuable deal. Happily for the circumstances the deal is Thakba delivering a payment in the same city.

Bargos or more specifically Genko, Bargos’ toydarian right hand man, has all the information on

it and has sent the protocol droid C3-P9 to collect the PC’s. It will find them where ever they choose, bar, brothel, space dock, their ship ect. He will be accompanied by a single Gamorrean guard whom seems rather disinterested in whatever they say.

If they are in public he will ask for a private word with them, and then read the following:

If the PC’s have done the previous mission they will know this droid as the one that greeted him

the first time, in almost the exact same fashion. If the PC’s do not have an obligation to Bargos skip to offering them a job (phrase B)

Phrase B –

“He wishes to invite you for an evening a board his private yacht. There is a trifling matter that could be mutually beneficial that he wishes to discuss. He wishes to do this in person and if you are wishing to accept his offerings he assures you it will be very lucrative.”

“He wishes to politely remind you of your obligations, towards him, and would very much like to talk to you about a trifling matter that could resolve some of your debts. If you could meet him at his personal yacht this evening he will be more than happy to brief you on your task in person.”

“Good day to you sirs, I am C3-P9, sentient-droid relations, and an employee of Bargos the Hutt.”

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Bargos does indeed have a yacht; however it falls short of luxury or opulence due to its poor

conditions. It is indeed parked at a spaceport currently being made space worthy. Repair droids are working on it as the PC’s arrive. The gangway is open and extended and there is light from inside. The interior is in slightly better shape. The Hutt slime is being mopped up and the lights where working cast a golden glow over the hallways. Dust is still everywhere, especially in the rooms. It smells like the life support system is struggling to keep up with the high humidity requirement that Hutts enjoy.

Genko will be waiting for them at the top of the gangway stroking his long mustache and checking his datapad, and will lead them down the wide hallways to the lounge where Bargos will be waiting. He will greet them very warmly and invite them to rest on one extra plush cushion around a small table in front of him. The room smells heavily of smoked spices and has a view through the large windows of either side of the spaceport around them. If they did not play the previous adventure read below:

There are two of his hulking Gamorrean guards in the far corners of the room (whom the PCs

may recognize from their prior experience) Genko will fly to his side and C3-P9 waits from a nearby location to translate from. If the PC’s have previously worked for Bargos he will dismiss his guard and they will close the doors behind them. If not he will have them move behind the PC’s, between them in and the door. He will begin in his rumbling Huttese with the protocol droid translating:

Bargos the Hutt is rather different than the image most have of Hutts. He is long and lithe (for a Hutt) and exceptionally slimy. His skin is a pale green color, patterned with mottled bands of dark grey. There are rumors that as a youth Bargos was nearly slain by an assassin armed with a disruptor pistol. As a result his left eye and much of the left side of his face must have been badly maimed, twisted into a lumpy mass of gastropod scar tissue.

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At this point they can begin negotiations; Bargos will let them know that while he doesn`t have

exact specifications of what is being transferred he does know it is very valuable and very illegal. He is open to facilitation of any plans the PC’s have. He will inform him of the invitation to the unveiling of the new freighter that they will be using to cover their reason for being at the location. This is the information that Genko and Bargos know and volunteer readily everything except for Bargo’s payment:

The shipment is going from Thakba to Narrta – This is happening the night before the unveiling of Thakba’s new transport. Thakba is transferring the cargo on the planet and is going to transport it there with a smuggling crew of the Cantina Crawler, a YT-2400 custom.

Thakba has a warehouse already rented for the cargo – Bargos knows where this is and it is the most likely place that Thakba will store his cargo. It is a short distance to the space port. It is relatively innocuous but may have a security system or guards.

Bargos doesn`t know how much the cargo is worth – But he knows that the lengths he has had to go to and the amount the smugglers were paid to get the cargo onboard was immense.

Bargos does not want the cargo turned over to the officials – It would look bad to the other Hutts as it would impede business. Plus he wants the payment himself; he will not divulge this information unless asked about it directly.

Thakba and Narrta are cousin’s – But that doesn`t count for much among Hutts, as long as no bodily harm is done to Thakba there would be no retribution. Business is business after all, and as long as Narrta gets his goods he will be happy (even better if it comes for free as payment from Bargos).

They can join Bargos in Thakba’s grand unveiling - Not armed of course, and they better not speak unless spoken to by any of the Hutts present. The party will be lush and they will be expected to wear their best. Thakba and Bargos will not be the highest Hutts present at this, Narrta is higher up the food chain and maintains a large criminal empire, Jabba the Hutt will also be present it is rumored, as he has one of the largest criminal empires. (Jabba shows up via holocast)

Thakba and Narrta will be transferring cargo at another location and will be transporting the goods to and from there – While Bargos wants the cargo, Genko will remind them that stealing from Thakba is business. Stealing from Narrta will be trouble, and they will probably be in deep poodoo if they try to sell it later.

“I, The Great Bargos the Hutt, grant you greetings! I am glad that you accepted my invitation, please make yourselves comfortable if you wish for anything simply speak to Genko and he will see that your needs of food, drink, or other habits are met.”

He shifts his position slightly to lean forwards to speak quieter to them “This business I have is related to a certain Thakba Besadii Diori, the Hutt who paid me a

debt he owed me with a worthless mine. Not only has he failed to pay on his debt as it was no-where near as valuable as he deceived me to believe with falsified records and earnings, but now he has bragged to others of his deception to tarnish my image. This will not stand.”

With a large grin he will motion to Genko. “Genko has formulated a plan with the information I have gathered that Thakba is

delivering a very valuable payment of illicit goods to Narrta Isslia Diori a relation of his. Genko believes that is we relieve Thakba of his goods we shall be able to strike a deal with Narrta that would be most beneficial. I would pay you a fair share of the profits from this endeavor to go towards your debts or personal finances if you would handle the capture and transfer of goods.”

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Imperial Security at the spaceport is focused on incoming goods – There are a lot of goods coming in to the city through the port and those coming in are scrutinized, however those leaving are not subject to any inspections by imperials unless they have reasons to suspect it. Genko will suggest letting the other smugglers of the Cantina Crawler transport the goods to the planet as it is the most risky, then taking it once it arrives.

The captain of the Cantina Crawler will be meeting Thakba’s man at the spaceport – Thakba’s man is a Gerra Il`Farca. (This is usually one of the characters races and similar in looks, usually the talker if you can). He is not high up on the chain and Thakba is using him in case things go bad as expendable. Gerra doesn`t know that of course, he thinks it’s his big chance. Bargos also knows that inside the spaceport security is tight so Thakba will not be sending a large guard force if he sends any at all, as it would just draw undue attention to his cargo and transfer. Genko knows a few cantinas and hotels they might find Gerra at.

Bargos will be happy to pay the group 15% of the profits from this arrangement (a good deal for

smuggling); Bargos will not go higher than 25% (negotiation or charm can get him up to this point). He specifies profits as he will take at least 250,000 credits worth as ‘operating costs’ out of whatever is there. He will not let them know this ahead of time. He doesn`t know exactly how much this cargo is worth but Genko estimates between 300-500,000 credits.

Presuming the group accepts Bargos says he will meet them on the planet in the Hotel Grand

Vista a resort hotel when they have finished the job, or onboard Thakba’s yacht The Jeweled Crab. Bargos will arrive the day before but will want to distance himself from the group until after the job is done. Genko will be available for support via secured comm.

If the group asks for basic supplies Bargos can be talked into a small loan of equipment on the condition that they are returned in functioning condition. He even has an old XP-34 landspeeder that the PC’s can borrow. It is heavily modified with an extended body behind the driver and passenger to accommodate several more passengers, or one Hutt. The repulsor lift has been reinforced to compensate. It is in poor condition due to Bargos order of a new custom flash speeder a few years ago.

From here the adventure is very much in the hands of the players. The major plans should have already been decided upon. This adventure can have very different amounts of action depending on player actions. Below will enumerate the possibilities the players can take in order of when they do them and possible complications any fun loving GM will toss upon their well made plans. Feel free to use multiple complications to really get things interesting. Assign extra experience for properly handled complications. All of the complications are rated from minor to major for the level of difficulty they should add and they also have a note as to what type of additional challenge they may bring. Thugs can be adjusted based on character level and party skill set.

Attack the Cantina Crawler and steal the cargo (Not a good idea for any party of players) – This would be very difficult unless the players have a very, very clever tactic, a very powerful ship, and a plan to get the cargo through customs. The crew of the Cantina Crawler should all be rival level, with the captain being nemesis. They have the rough time of arrival for the Cantina Crawler but it is near impossible to guess where they will exit hyper space. Even if they solve these two issues there is an imperial star destroyer on patrol with another pair of them in a nearby system. Even if they succeed they will need to land and avoid customs that inspect every vessel that enters the ports. If they manage all that the cargo is theirs.

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Complications- This shouldn`t need any extra, if they fail to jam the Cantina Crawler it will call for assistance only if they are taking enough damage to merit calling for help. Consider their ship with maximum hardpoints filled. Speed is upgraded; it has an extra missile launcher in addition to its turreted guns. Half the cargo space is hidden in smuggling compartments. They have a crew of 7 plus the captain.

Ambush Gerra and take his place (Best for light combatants, smugglers, and talkers) – Outside the spaceport Gerra has two thugs as his personal guard. Thakba does send backup if Gerra calls for it in the form of multiple groups of minion thugs. As well as alerting the local authority if the thugs are losing. The security will attempt to subdue the PC’s in ever increasing groups. Best bets are to take out the guards quickly, or to separate Gerra from them. Then they can take his place and have the cargo transferred to them. If the group is particularly well armed throw some thugs at them as they are driving away with the cargo. It makes for a nice land speeder chase scene.

Complications – Minor/Moderate: (Skill, Presence) an imperial patrol comes by and wants to do an inspection of the Cantina Crawler and the cargo. They will order all the cargo brought out in front of them. This should be played up to get the PC’s very nervous, if you want have them make cool or discipline checks to not give the imperial officer a reason to search further. The good news: the top quarter of the cargo containers are filled with fermenting yazzak roots. It would take a very very diligent officer to dig deep enough to find the contraband. This officer will take once whiff and then back away.

If things go poorly the officer has 7 minion stormtroopers with him and one sergeant, but the crew of the Cantina Crawler are no push-overs, combine with the players they should easily take them out. The captain will tell the Gerra imposter that they expect to be paid the rest of the money now and hide the bodies before taking off to beat the heat. Leaving the PC’s holding the bag.

Minor (Skill/Roleplaying): Gerra has the other half of the payment for the Cantina Crawler stored at another location, the key is on his person and the PDA has the code. The PDA requires difficult Computers to crack. Players may find other information in it depending on what the GM desires. Finding the location that Thakba’s crew uses as a safe storage requires a little asking around and charming it out of others (Average streetwise, costs 150 credits in bribes; difficult streetwise without). They could also try to get it out of Gerra if he is alive and awake. The safe is located in the back of a cantina and requires the key and the pass code to get into. Inside are 75,000 credits and a PDA with paperwork for yazzak roots.

Moderate: A member of the crew of the Cantina Crawler is familiar with one of the PC’s or the one impersonating Gerra. Have them make a perception checks to notice each other before the other.

Major: The captain of the Cantina Crawler is personally familiar with the person pretending to be Gerra. (For mine I had the captain of the Cantina Crawler being an old fling of the person playing Gerra, then I had the Imperial patrol show up in the middle of their argument.) Hilarity ensues.

Major: (Skill/Roleplaying/Combat) Gerra escapes from whatever the PC’s did to him (or if they killed him his assistant shows up), during the middle of the offload from the Cantina Crawler. He will insist that the players are imposters and are trying to trick the captain to give them his goods. Opposing skills should roll off. The winner is who the Captain believes. If the PC’s win Gerra has four thugs with him to try and kill up the PC’s. If the PC’s loose the check they will have to get creative (maybe try another route). On-top of this the PC’s will be ambushed by Gerra’s thugs just outside the spaceport. There will be 6 of them and they will be armed but Gerra wants at least one alive to bring before Thakba.

Ambush Gerra and his thugs as they take off to/from the warehouse (Good for moderate combat, pilots) – This can be rather exciting. Gerra has half a dozen thugs, two in the speeder truck carrying the cargo, four in the land speeder ahead of them. They will drive without concern to the

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warehouse/meeting point, unless they spot the PC’s following them. Then Gerra will make a call and Thakba will tell him to try to lose the PC’s.

If the PC continue following the truck Gerra will have them take a trip to a rundown section of town, then he will break off from the truck and loop around the block to get behind the PC’s. He will have two of the thugs pull weapons and threaten the PC’s to pull over. If they do Gerra doesn`t want to murder them, he will try to intimidate them to give him the key to their speeder, which he will then have one of the thugs take and dispose of several blocks from the spaceport. If a fight breaks out Gerra

will try to keep the PC’s from the truck and will tell his truck drivers to go while he and the thugs try to damage or disable the PC’s speeder.

Complications – Minor: the speeder truck does some aggressive driving. Have them speed up and try to take some hard corners.

Minor: (Skill) The speeder truck breaks hard, the PC’s landspeeder crunches into the back of it and they will become stuck together until the PCs do an Average mechanics (with a setback die for doing it on a racing speeder), or a difficult piloting checks.

Moderate: (Combat) A local criminal organization heard about this transfer as well, and they have the same idea, they want to steal the cargo and pull up in a pair of speeders and attack both the PCs and Gerra’s group.

Go and break into the warehouse (Good for smuggler, thieves, or moderate combatants) – This is not that hard to do, the PC’s know where the warehouse is with the information that Bargos has supplied them. If they insist on tailing, use Gerra’s perception to counter their attempts to tail. After Gerra leaves he can leave behind two minions to

watch the place, they`ll swap out after half the night with another group of two. They`ll be waiting in a speeder across the road from the main entrance and warehouse doors. The front door will be locked (difficult skullduggery), the warehouse doors are easier, only average difficulty. There is indeed a back door, and it has two systems on it. One is a simple digital lock (skullduggery or computers; difficult), another is an alarm system (computers; average). The real problem is that all the crates will not fit through the doors out of the back. Half of them are large enough that they will not fit out no matter how the PCs try, short of cutting a new door.

Complications – Minor: (Roleplaying/Combat) The lights are off. Turning them on will alert the guards outside to the PC’s presence.

Moderate: (Roleplaying) The cargo is very heavy and will take four people (or one loader droid) to move anywhere.

Major: (Combat)The PC’s park near a gang’s territory. They will hide in the shadows then spring out on the PC’s when they are most preoccupied and demand payment for being on their turf.

Try to steal the cargo during the transfer (Good for combat heavies) – Bargos will not go along with this plan as Genko finds it likely to cause issues. The PC’s will have twice the numbers to deal with, in addition to the fact that both groups will be on high alert for local or imperial presence and armed.

Complications – Moderate: (Combat) There are two speeders of thugs covering the entrance and exits for the transfer. They`re there to spot trouble and will communicate with the people inside as soon as they see anything.

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Success! The cargo can be anything that is highly illegal, glitter-stim/weapons/spice/Imperial uniforms

and codes. Any one of these can spark their own different adventure. If a character has an addiction obligation it’s fun to give them a huge cargo of their favorite habit to see if they can resist a case of it for themselves.

If you wish to have a future based off this episode you can place another item amongst the cargo, possibly for Narrta, possibly for Thakba to be used later. I placed an Imperial Hypercomputer, which the Rebels desperately wanted to analyze and the Empire desperately wanted back in the hands of the PC’s. Bargos will want to sell it but that’s only if they PC’s tell him about it. Some other options are the classic data pad with plans for a rebel raid or imperial super weapon or a cryogenically frozen person with latent force powers and a mysterious background.

Depending on how much money you wish to give your PC’s you can value the cargo whatever you`d like. A profit of 50,000 to 250,000 is likely, remembering Bargos 250,000 operating expenses. Adjust this with your PC’s percentage to a number you like. Bargos might also only offer a portion as straight cash. He might take any damage to his loaned air speeder or equipment out of their pay or offer half or more of the pay as equipment or supplies.

Bargos will take care of the cargo; he has a shuttle that will take it to his yacht. He will immediately congratulate them and offer them a fine selection of drinks while he attends to business, setting up the sale of it to Narrta in the morning. He will try to sell as little of it as possible to pay his debts, he knows that the rest can help him with other investments. As they celebrate, Bargos will even offer to order entertainment if the PC’s would care for that indulgence. He will muse as to what to do with the remaining cargo allowed. If the players are particularly devious they may get into the bonus area below. If they are not just skip the green areas below.


The section below is a beautiful way to get back at Thakba for screwing over Bargos and turning

the mine into a death trap for the PC’s. If the PC’s think of it make sure they are properly rewarded. If not Genko will think of it early in

the morning when talking with Bargos and they will arrange it separate from the PC’s involvement. Thakba has his brand new freighter which he has spent loads of money on, tens of millions of

credits. Bargos has a load of very, very illegal goods that the Empire would love to catch someone with. If the PC’s think of it, Bargos will suggest that if the PC’s discretely deliver some of the cargo into the cargo bay of Thakba’s new freighter Bargos would double their pay. Thakba’s freighter is currently docked in the planet based ship yards and is completely ready to make its maiden voyage. There is a patrol that goes around the doors to the dockyards, but a couple of delivery uniforms and a forged cargo order can easily gain access to load the cargo into the freighter. Barring that they`ll have to break in. Other than sneaking past the doors they`ll need to open the doors. The guards have a key chip for it, or they can use a skullduggery or computer (tough) check to bypass it.

Once the deed is done Bargos will make sure the group is invited to watch the “festivities” on

tomorrow’s launch party.

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Thakba Besadii Diori’s Launch party

At the launch party Bargos will arrive early and will schmoose with the other Hutts. Observant PC’s (easy) will notice that there are two Hutt’s exchanging rather heated words just off from the elevated platform. They will notice that the larger of the Hutts has definitely some problem with the smaller of the Hutts whom is trying to play whatever it is as nothing. The smaller one will take the elevated platform and a protocol droid will begin speaking giving the opening announcement.

Thakba will then take over, thanking himself and his glorious and clever mind and explaining the numbers and profitability of the freighter. The other one (whom must be Narrta) sits back on his lounge area and looks on with thinly veiled contempt for Thakba. Bargos, whom looks very out of place amongst these very hefty and thick Hutts, with a subtle smile will be typing away on a data pad. He will give the data pad to Genko who will give it to one of the PC’s to deliver to Narrta the Hutt. As they approach they will be stopped by guards who will stop them, grab the data pad, scan it, and then give it to Narrta without talking. Narrta will at first ready it with widening eyes, then have an almost violent glare that he shoots at Bargos, whom is smiling contently to himself, seemingly enjoying Thakba’s speech. He will then go back to reading and get a wicked smile looking from Bargos to Thakba and then back to the pad, where he presses a few buttons then hands it back to his guards to hand to the PC’s. The PC’s give it back to Genko whom flies it up to Bargos. Bargos will smile and nod to Narrta and put away the datapad and listen contently to Thakba whom seems to be slightly going from a speech about his great abilities at negotiations and powerful connections, to his ability to pay well and how he will soon be above anyone who doesn`t join his growing trading empire.

Bargos then gives Genko a signal and Genko moves away and makes a call. In a few short

minutes the Iridescent Pearl can be seen leaving its port. It is not particularly beautiful, it is however remarkable as it is a very large freighter that can actually fly down to a planet and back, opening up many markets.

“Greetings fellow Hutt’s and investors. Today marks a great day in the Honorable Thakba Besadii

Diori’s continued wealth. He has cleverly invested in his markets and has earned the respect of his

peers by building the massive freighter Iridescent Pearl. It will be launching for its maiden voyage to

the core worlds were it will bring profits to all its investors and most to the Great Thakba Besadii

Diori. Please join in the celebration of this momentous occasion.”

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Irridecent Pearl

Within a few minutes of its lumbering voyage to the sky a series of flashing lights will be following it up from the planets docks. The local authorities have been alerted to the possible escape of a vessel carrying illicit cargo. The next sound the hear is of a squadron of tie fighters flying close over head as they zoom to assist the local authorities in apprehending the freighter. Amongst the gasps and rumblings from the crowed the PA system picks up and you can hear the voice of an imperial officer addressing Thakba:

“Thakba Besadii Diori, this is imperial customs frigate captain Rycc Infontan. Your freighter has

been impounded for a thorough inspection due to the smuggling of illicit cargo. Return to port immediately and submit to the imperial officers waiting for you at the dock. This is your only warning.”

The party is now over, all of the Hutts want to avoid imperial entanglement as much as possible,

the depart with little fuss as Thakba now tends to his bruised ego and finances as he calculates how much it will cost him to get out of this mess. Bargos gloats heavily in Huttese as the groups retreat to their private transports. Narrta seems to be in a better mood and discusses future business arrangements with Bargos and schedules a meeting with Bargos shortly in the future. Bargos is overwhelmed with gratitude to the PC’s and not only will double their pay but becomes a steadfast ally and treats them very well in any future business transactions. He will gift them his old speeder if they want it.

Epilogue- The next time the PC’s are called into the mansion of Bargos the Hutt he seems a

much happier Hutt. There are more guards now, and there are even a few local business men or associates hanging around the lobby. Bargos himself looks better, still thin and lithe he has a new, better fitting patch over his eye and newly remodeled office. The room smells of spice and drinks as a servant girl in a sheer outfit tends to the Hutt and the PC’s. If they ask about Thakba, Bargos will let them know that between Narrta and the deal Bargos made with him Thakba should be shoveling poodoo for years before he is a threat. Bargos becomes an almost trustworthy friend and ally and will help the PC’s with any issues he can, not for free of course he may be bad at being a Hutt but he`s still a Hutt.

Bargos will let them know that Thakba will probably be having a Hutt firesale and then disappearing shortly. If Narrta doesn`t get him then the other Hutts that invested will. Bargos will be greatly indebted to the PC’s and can relieve them of much of their obligations to him (5-10 obligation). Not only that but they`ve now made connections to much of the Hutt Cartel.

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Gerra Il`Farca [-Rival-]

Brawn: 2 Agility: 2 Intellect: 3 Cunning: 3 Willpower: 2 Presence: 3

Soak: 3 Wound Threshold: 12 M/R Defense: 0/0 Skills: Negotiation 1, Ranged Heavy 2, Ranged Light 2, Vigilance 1 Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: Heavy clothing, datapad, 500 credits, Comlink Weapons: Heavy blaster pistol; Damage 7, Critical 3, Ranged Medium, Stun setting Vibroknife; Damage 5, critical 3, ranged engaged, pierce 2, vicious 1

Thakba`s Thugs [-Minion-]

Brawn: 3 Agility: 2 Intellect: 2 Cunning: 2 Willpower: 1 Presence: 1

Soak: 3 Wound Threshold: 6 M/R Defense: 0/0 Skills [Group Only] : Brawl, Coercion, Melee, Ranged (Light) Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: Comlink Weapons: Blaster Pistol; Damage 6, critical 3, range medium, stun setting Brass Knuckles; Damage 4, critical 4, ranged engaged, disorient 3