The Three SaaS Levers that Drive Growth and Keep You From Plateauing

The Three SaaS Levers that Drive Growth and Keep You From Plateauing Lars Lofgren

Transcript of The Three SaaS Levers that Drive Growth and Keep You From Plateauing

The Three SaaS Levers that Drive Growth and Keep You From PlateauingLars Lofgren


I’ve built Growth Teams at:

1. World-class churn

2. Revenue expansion from each cohort

3. Accelerating acquisition at the right time

3 Fundamental Growth Levers for SaaS

You plateau if all 3 don’t work together

Also plateau if you build in the wrong order

Conquering Churn

• 2-3% or less = on target

• 3-5% = not there yet, double down on product and onboarding

• 5-10% = Major P/M fit gap

• 10% and above = business is on fire

Monthly Churn Benchmarks

• Remove self-service cancellation

• Fix product onboarding

• Push annual plans

• Force annual plans

• Reaching out to inactive accounts

• Downsell campaigns

• Prioritize support for large accounts

• Onboarding programs with 30/60/90 goals

Popular churn reduction ideas

Bad Marginal Major Wins

Remove self-service cancellation Push annual plans Fix product onboarding

Contact inactive accounts

Support ticket prioritization

Improve product value

Downsell campaigns 30/60/90 onboarding programs

Wait, what about forced annual?

If there’s an established norm of forced annual in

your category, use it.

Marketing automation has an established norm

Misapplied, forced annual drops your funnel off a cliff

Improving P/M fit and onboarding are your most reliable levers for churn.

• Very disappointed

• Somewhat disappointed

• Not disappointed (it isn’t really that useful)

The P/M fit question from Sean Ellis:

How would you feel if you could no longer use [product]?

40% of respondents should say “Very disappointed”

51% 72%

Cohort Expansion

As customers grow revenue, so should you

Your expansion revenue depends on the quality of

your pricing metric.

Salesforce seat metric is a cash machine

When seat pricing does NOT work

• Attendees = makes sense, easy upgrades

• Organizers = limits are annoying, resist upgrading

Match your pricing metric as closely to your product

value as you can.

Expansion engine + low churn = negative churn.

What is negative churn?

Revenue from each cohort expands faster than the revenue lost from that


Let’s recap:

• We’ve focused heavily on P/M fit to get super low churn.

• We’ve found the pricing metric that easily convinces customers to pay more.

• Low churn + expansion revenue means we’re stable or growing without any acquisition.

• Now our acquisition is 100% upside.


You should already have steady organic growth by

now from P/M fit.

Lots of lead gen paths:

• Inbound and content funnel

• Cold calling and outbound

• Events

• Partnerships

• Paid marketing

• PR

• Affiliates

• Viral loops

• Social

All of these can work if you get the execution right.

Hence the advice:“double down”

10% month over month lead growth

What happens if we pursue acquisition too early?

Acquisition can’t outrun high churn forever

If the majority of your acquisition goes to

replacing lost MRR every month, you will plateau.

Funnel also suffers: the alligator sales funnel

Leads growing at 10% MOM, new customers constant at 100 per month






Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov Jan Mar May July Sept Nov

Qualified leads New logos

Marketing can dodge a bad product, sales can’t

The alligator funnel is nasty. Marketing and sales will

blame each other.

Usually a product problem. This is why we focus on

churn first.

1. Make sure you have P/M fit and low churn

2. Get cohort expansion in place with a great pricing metric

3. Build your lead gen machine at the right time

Your growth levers, step-by-step

Questions?Lars Lofgren@larslofgren