The resurrection

The resurrection


The resurrection. It all has to do with the cross. Islam definitely denies that Jesus suffered and died on the cross. You know why. They deny atonement. They have no atonement to offer. If Jesus didn’t die …. Then He didn’t have to be resurrected- BUT secular historians said He did die - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The resurrection

The resurrection



It all has to do with the crossIslam definitely denies that Jesus suffered and died on the cross.

You know why. They deny atonement.

They have no atonement to offer.

If Jesus didnt die .Then He didnt have to be resurrected- BUT secular historians said He did die (check it out)

And His disciple signed their testimony to the resurrection with their blood

They were SO SURE .. of all this that- at the peril of martyrdom- they spread the Good News of His kingdom to 10 million souls- ( 20% of the Roman empire) within a mere 66 years.

Answer this: Would they die for a lie? Would you?

You understand . Why they contest this: a resurrected Jesus is # 1 in anyones book also because their book, the Quran seems to indicate that Jesus wasnt crucified Surah 4:157 (translation by Pickthall)

"And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger -they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain". S. 4:157

(In other words, People disagree on this)

They sure do! will want to check this outThe Quran goes on to say God raised Him to Himself (because He was no longer around town- right!) Resurrected- YES!!!!