The POINTER N-ew - University of Wisconsin–Stevens … wl'rk at · WSU Stcnm,1 cvcnu 11rt'parcd...

A FINE · WEEKLY SERVING WISCONSIN'S FINE5T STATE UNIVERSITY 70 Years Of The N-ew POINTER IX a~ber Series To Present rohle Hines On October 18 Monday. Oc1. 18. in the I \'eloping ,·ocnl ta lent n1ade 1hc • Gurncmnnz In rur .. lflll R:i m- .laf.t<u:ium at 8 p.m., the decision for him. and, by the lis In Aldo - all are lllnes .vii and U clures Chamber lime h~ graduated r r o m sr1Ccinltlrs, along with many s will present Je rom e U.C.LA., he had alrcad)' per- other roles. ~ s ol the Metropolitan lormcd wi lh the San Francisco lie has appeared in the C>Jli'a. Opera, with lhc Los Angclcs Wa1:ncr lends at lhc Bayreuth 'Orne Hlncs hH won ac- Philharmonic a11d Ill Hollywood t~cstl\•al. h.111 sung "Boris" tor . Gllilm on four continents as Bo\11. among many other a11- the Runlans in Rusi;lan at the of the most exlraordinary pcarancc1. Bolshoi, appcnred In Handel's crs of our lime. t'rom the ,\ t his home thca1re, the 111•n ·11lo al La Scala in cclc- ropclhan Opera in Ncl'I· Me1ropolitnn, !l ines has suni; hrutk>n of the romposer's 1111• k to the Bo15hoi in Mos- nll the gr e II t role~ in the ni\'crsary. ll 111e~ has performed ·. (l'Om Mil on·~ L.u Sc11l11 rcpcrtory lo consistent cri1i- of1c11 with C\'Cl')' maj,:,r Amcrl• Buenos Afru· Teano Colon ca l ucch1 hn. 111l' tillc p:u·hl can orchcstrn a nd is !I$ TC· hns been h;1\lcd ns nmonJ: in Dun <,lunuml und nor l,i nm,·tll.'<I as IL concert sins.e r a thht':1~-~~t i: :h ~~~~r/assos ~::;1''~' ;:~d ~:1~u~;~!rPhii~ii, I 11 \1~lr~!s a1~1; 11 ::~~•ti~lc:~~ rn in Hollywood, California. Cw-h,, Mc11hi sto11hrll's in f 'uu,t 10 this 11erform11nce at thc a young~1 er, lh~· i inger was I Sarastru ln Thi• ) lus:h: •·1u1,i,, Unhen,i ly Crnll'r. Information torn bl'tl\CC n two k>\·cs-chem- Kini: :\ln1·kr (r\ Tr\,-tan 1111d l:x"!.k ; all seals will be re- kt r)' and musi c. lhs early-de,- 1,,oldr, \\'ollln m Uir W:1l kuro·, J ..e1,,'II. !State Universities . i . llncrease f mployment Because ol the npid enroll- Jl('etcd rnrollment increa~cs. an- , ha\'c In roi~l!ftUlc fro~ ncar- ment gl'Ol1th, fu ll time employ- other 800 te11cht'rs a nd u1hcr by mn1111um11<'s. ment In lhe nine Wisconsin 51~11 .members will be needed. ..,,·c·,·~ m11dc q~ite an _ cf. ,1111e unh·trsl ly cit lu has in- · ~:col~~'. 11 ~l'.,;~rs~:i ~~; 1 ';~ 1 ~~~;" 5 'pr:~ 1 ;~~b\~::rd c: r l'll5t'l:I more than 750 thl~ I.400 olher en111lo)'Cl'S In the Eui;,•111• ll. Md'Ju;.'(', l\lmli.wn. :r e~ :~C ~ ::~ ofr('~~-~=-n\s Of- Sl~i~y u~;~~!:~\!. s~ :~:l~~:;.S and ~~;~10:•hcof gi~::.\7 1 ~- :iv:~!iti:.!: The addltlonaJ jobs a1·e held landlords In 1he uni\'c1·s i1y com- pericncing. It's jusl like csrnl> by l!Ome SO more fa culty munit lr.s stri\'e 10 pro\'ide Ii\'• Ji shlng a new nrnnufact uring ~em~r:s and . 200 more c!assi- Ing qu11r1crs for the large num- p Inn t In each campus city hc-d cl\'t\ ser\1ce state cmplor- ber of new fu culty fomilics c\· cry f:in:· JBROME HI NES ees than wc~c O? pu.yro\\s al arrh•ing each fall. Typically, Followin1; nro lhc nun1bcrs the Slate Unl\'crs1tles last fall. fa culty members who ha\·c ot faculty and classified cfril This yHr, the budget provides been at a university for three scr\'ice pos hions at WSU - b 2 31 w II . for approximalcly 2.360 lacu_lty yearsormorco,.,·ntheirhomes, StC\'l'n.<; Poinl this fall. and Octo er 5- '1 Be members al\d 1,170 supporting while newer members of 1he lhc ar1pro.'liimalc number of :~~pu:~~bers on the nine ~~c~:::rt:!;~~t!~ifr~ 1 ~!~dca':'~;:~ ca;:~\.~: 5 bcp 0 )~:1C(J;sne:~cial~~o. ' Ne" '' "·'"'"' 1,a,;,.ofex- t hem. If they''"''· '""' m,,. 's ''"' 1"a "" 1 "e U's "Greek Week" On Campus Miss Helen Godfrey. N,cxt Wei!k (Oct. 25-31) 1, ,1 11nd for, by tknlngk part in the Tuc!Wht>'· Ocl. 26 ..._ Greek wl'rk at · WSU Stcnm,1 cvcnu 11rt'parcd lor this week. Fra1crnity men wear blazers To Be New Assoc •,ate Poinl. This is an opPortUnity If you h1n•c any desirc to Sorority women wear sorority G , !or all of the s1udents of plc-dgc II lr11tcrni1y or 50rority, ouillt r O WSU to bceomc beltcr IIC· this weck wlll be ot spccinl WcdOC$day, Oc:1. '!7 W quainled \1 lth the lratemllirs lntCrt'St lo you. If )"OU don·1 8 p.m. Skit Ni;;ht D · Of• St d t and 10roritics on campus. 1l1e wish to plcll1;e. comc lo the;<e Thursdn)', Oc:t . 28 • ea n u en s Greek~ will b;u,d toi:eth('r in ncti\'ities 11nyw11y for lhcy Will All Greeks \le:ir swcatshirts Miss Helen Godfrey will join A 1otat of 38.:19"! students are ~lr"atc~:n~nt:~r~~y 1;r~..c~! be lntercsli n~. ; ~~/6~i~it F~dl~, )~1.~~«'~ W«k Dance the \\'SU-Stevens Point student attending the nine Wisconsin the non-Greek 11Uden1s. I sin- Greek Week Chairman S11turd11y, Oct. 30 affairs stall 85 an associate state unlvcrsi1!cs this fall snld crrely hope th111 a ll of the SO IEDULE OF EVENTS 10 a.m. Cttmival (Booths and dea n of students and will joi n t:ugcnc R. McPhcc. Mndlson. students wil\ use this oppar- Monduy. Oct . 25 G11me,l to J 11.m. the Univcrshy as an associate Di rccinr of Stale Unh·ei·sitks. tu_nity to acquaint lhcmscl\' Cli Prince and Princc:-s Contcsl ,\11 Greek.• ill attcnd s11mc ~?¥t.~?t~~ · jf j~J~=;~:~::f: l~;~ A~ ·d" · ~h · ~,;; · ;hi'p '" ; ·at f ;;;"d .... A i' wsu ~aduate 10i·ork 111 the Unh·er- Men otunumber "omen, 22.800 / go r fad~~!~! ~M:t::: to l ~.79:1. . . . A w1ricty of scholarshi1)S and r CrnnJ arc abo awarded from j next .<;J1rlni;. \;ersity of Indiana. While in Tin s falls classes 1ncJudc loans arc a \·all:iblc to studcnis the t 'ounda lion t·und. monc>' Lo.1ns m:,y be madc throu;i1 !~c~ni :i~~!iote a~· 85 as~is7ii~; ~~~11\ ';.~ ~m;~·K)1!: 89 ;,~o:: =~c \:~\~~~·~o ~ tu~:~~a:~: :~~edf;:~1 Si::~~~n:oi:a:.7~: ~~:n::~ 1 7t:: 1 \~;s•:=i~l'~~.c~;: ~: t~sl~ ~~~yh::r~:~~~t. a~~ iors:- 1,0()('· grnduatc students in number to twelvc percent throughout the campus. A por- Departrnent Student Loan Pro- Service Ta * Students * Administration * Faculty 6 PAGES - NO. 3 NEED . HELP? What shou ld a college education mean to a student? Definitely not just a system of classes to attend and assignments to complete. President Albertson states in the 1965 student Handbook: "WSU is committed ·'to the concept that one's education takes place outside ot the classroom as well as in i t." Development of a sLU· de nt's potentials intellectually, culturally, soci all y, and I personally, to mold him int o t h e "total" man, is the μltimate goa1. IL is the d es ire or the university lo assist in this essentia l personal maturing process in wha t~ ever way possi bl e. · With 1he lll'O\vth ' of the uni-~------- \'Crsl1y Increasing so rapidly, the 1tuden1. C\'ery now and then I studcnt Educat!ona l lnforma1lon and m11y begin lo feel that he is academic guidance 11rf' other nothlni: but another s111istic. St"r\•kcs offered. This can he a numlx>r, a permit-to-enter• especinlly \•aluable lo 11ny li! oloss card. The JIC~al ancn- dent who dcclcles to ehan;c his tion and conct'm which a stu- major or one who is cl ass1hc-d dent mny need ond desire be- ,., an "undergraduate major," come, Ob!lcurc. • . , . Help wi lh aci1demic problems, In hop<'H of rnin11n1.:mg tins such /Ill poor study hi,bits or 11. "'problem,'. ' the ~n.~cllng and nttd for rcoding im11ro\·ement P,;yd10loi,:1enl Scn•1ce wa.s or- nrc 11lso!nclud('(!Umon.. thescr- J:1111lU1"i l11st year in th(' Stu· \'lcrs uvnilnhlc. "' dc.nt ,\ ffol r5 u~ca. Now av .. il- Related to c-ducational lnfor- ~~;\~,l~c l~~;; ::~: :t~~~!\~r;::. :t:: .a::o~'.:r i: .. :1:~eln~!('~l~~ ~tee~?~ Carl Wi~m~t 1 tion is 11 lso 11vu1'i'ahlc In help 1118 Ir;~ Yost. ll;:u~:~ .:rt,;in:~ :~u1:;1~n c~l:e~'.°J~~~°:e~lt ci ~!;~: =~r:~Dt'n'n'l;· J;~;~:~lh~;:C;. · ~~-1: Of teitS OI abil!IY are scn•e to supplement the 1Ntch-lS · . _. ~nlm\~f~:~~·iio: c. :i:~::=s : 1 ~~is~· ~: i m~":.:Y 1 ::~ 11 ~-~.1C:~~~~t:\~a;: ctcnt Affairs 11111! in a va ri ety on nwol ntmcnt any time, of wa)'I, strictly a \'O\untary and Personal coun.~eling Is olf,,rcd I con!ldent1a l basis. whh an emJ)hnsls on assistini; The Counseling and Psycho- :::n l~i~,:~:'. ~:t e~aJ~:l;c ~~al ~r\'~1:i~~ ~°:~cd ai: "hat 10 do. Toi.s may include Monday through Friday from any personal or emotional pro!> 8 a.m. till 12 noon and trorn 1cm, which may be bothe ring l p.m. 1m 5 p.m. 1961. she acceptc-d the position and 1175 ~pccinl s1udc111s. of the number of u11perclassmcn. tlon of these are reSf"r\•C(I for grnm. ot associate head counselor and, Ten year~ ago, lhe total en- 111cse arc 11w;1rdcd on the b.1sls s tudents in re~iden~c h~lls. Tu quulif)' [ or H Natio nal _A 3 in 1962, became head counselor rol lmeni tt t the same campuses of the student's cotrcse scholnr- Ap1>lic11 1lons for ' • th1?$e scholnr· Defense Loan, 11 freshman •t , 01 M 1 f=i~:lr~;i:~::it:a·ught psy- w~i:·~~r·s freshman class ;~,:",;,7! l~ads::i': ~:!s ! ::;; ;~:n~;f 1 fa~ ~~i;c, inDc:: h:; h;;~ ;::~ g;::. Ul a j chology a t Ohlo Seate Univer- · IUd 13 -3 lied " .,,.- · sity whcre she was program me cs .. ·'' ~a . ncw i:h·cn. line datC!I will be publish<!<! , uating clau. To have the Joa e ~fng of Miss Anita I Queen Anita wort' a 11 g h t director ot womcn's ttsidcnce freshmen cntcrmg a college ,.. continul'd the second sci.ncstcr. Knaack as Homecoming Qul'Cn blue crc1ie c\·cning ~ dreu \\1th hall9 a nd uslsta nt dean o[ , or unh•ersity for the first time. B B T ttie swdent mus1 earn a j:flldc for 1963 "'as the hi5:hllght uf an l'mplre \\ 11l~l and scoo;, womrn.. Mos t ot them recci\·cd high ota ny y ape paint of 2.5. A freshman 1niay the Homecoming dance t'rklay nf"tk·linc. ?.~a.1ching blue hccls . r.:!~ 11 11 ctam:;t : ~or:rry 1;!:~ · school ~iplom111 . last. ~une. borrow a nnodmum of $150 per nl~:~~s Murilyn lk'cker, lhc :,':: 1 \~~;hh:t:~;h~~~ adcdd ucation~aternity)~ Phi Sigma MISS HELEN GODFREY The lit:i le unwc.i'!illles_ now . . . 1c. mcs1cr. · 196-1 queen. presented thc tlar.i I The decoralions consisted ot rc: . ~:::.11,, ." .::-·;7.N!'~~ I :~:'~~:,,t,W ome"' 0 ""' ;~;;:.,; " , :'~.l ~ro;. ;;.':oo~'. u! !~,ii;·:~ ~~~:.;;'~ :i~;~.:·:r ,;!"}:w"~~iv~r~ ,.~"::,".:;;·~;;,;"",;::::, ·,:' ::.~: : ~.:;~lo: :; , ·;~' .. ;:,h 'mt';( ;,,,~~~"; .. ,;:~:'.';'''~m ";\:: Thc s m11trest ~chool now is silica in this country to adopt the progressive Audio- denee nt lcllsl one scmcst~r the cttnd!drt1cs was prescnled II center. Music 1n1s furnbhcd Dr Hawgood Featured ln 11:cr 1111111 the lttrgC.'lt was Tud ial me thod of botany instruc tion. or qu111iry undc~lrcshman reg- bouque t or loni;-~temmcd roses. b)' the Sonny Raye Orchestra. In 1 960, when Oshkosh enrolled Jnstructlonal tapes, co.ordina l- ulatlons to qualify for a lo.i n. · fl 2.251. Increases ra nge from 21 ed wi1h laboratory manuals 1 11pe pl ayer, earphon('S, and a They m\lil ha\•e earned al\d W'-A~r:JJ:lt Bv Cultural Committee ,,,- ~r cent al Stout .state Uni\'cr- and updated textbooks are sul> hl4:hpower mlcroseope. Boo1hs maintain al least a 2.25 grade,. . / J ' slly nt Menomonie to 33 per 11ituted for ln.structor-gi\ •en let• ::~a~~ ~~:redtha~.~ point 8\'erage at \\'SU. Sopha- 0 e ' "An Englishman Looks a qbttn Professor or Modem His- cent at Oshkosh. lures In the m~thod, currently such ns mounting' Jca\'es al\d mores may borrow up lo $200 the Ame:rican Wesl" wiU be ltory, Unive rsity ot Birmingham, ~. enrollment at Stevcns In Its second year _of ope.ration maklni; required slidcs. per semester and uppercloss· fie fcVJ a b presented Oc:t. 17 at 8 p.m. Ene land. Pomt is 4,526 or which 2,811 at WSU., revised form al A demonstration table whil9t me n may borrow a maxlmun1 L 16 in the Wright Room o( the a r~ men al\d 1,715 arc women. :~~~s' 1 ::c1:~ 1 ~ .... ~ ~: .tag~1 displays bolanieal mqteri~l re- of S 250 per semester. e CLO er ' Uni ve r11ty Center. l111s Ill: an incrt'BSC of 1,061 c rnl assembly hour during ~~t'::1e t~.c~~e Is ta: u 1or~c 5U of Rc.paymrnt of Joans begins . . . . In col lll boralion with the students or 31 per cent. which announccmcnts pertinent plement a nd stlmulat~ stude: one yc11r after leaving college ,The annual mectm.,:: of the I Dr. Hm~·i;ood,. m this coun- WSU Department °' History p I' T 10 the course arc made a nd knowledge. and end., clcvcn > 'cars lrncr. \\lsconsin Anocl111lon ol Teach· try attcndmi:: h1storlcnl · mec1- and lhe CUi turai Committee of eace - 1,0fPS ests ~n~~~~:;~1!11:z ai:.irs!:'~ Al a ll timH the Jab b open, A three per cent per year 1~A~H) ~ . :rr be H ~~o rD; l lngs in :\lontana. is Prof~r the University Center Board, Marine \ SCl"\'CJI 81 a discussion and CX• a ~acuity mcmbc.r or Hudcnt Interest on the un1N1ld Wllanec WSU-StC\'ens Point on Saturday, of ?.!oclcrn H.lsto.ry at thc Uni• . John A. Ha10i·good will dis- To Be '"Held =';,atl~:nni: ~hich.~tu!~t~ :~~1:1'i':! ~arr:~:' :i a::: :N:hnrc~!m':I'::. with the ~~hc;:,otA!':1:~m:~~ry = :nn,~~~~ !: :C~hecon.:i:r1c:i: :=~= . Pcaec ::~;e t~ ~t~N!I via the re- ::::::~ ~:ta~~e:~~asora~ Students applying for a' Wis- cx': t~!or the ha!~r A4o'.i ~!\~?so:~': g\\~nn~~~~ is .forthcoming book on the d l'-ov. 13 at 9 a.m., Pt' · booth reaen·ed for his Uie h\ 'O consin Welfare Studrnt Loan Fs8 J)rlmarllypu= 10 provide varlou!i ca1,acities In th(' Brit· Dr. Hawgood was born In .,::lvcn at the Stcvc..ns Point described and dlscuslCd on thc dents are encouraged to spel\d and Welfare Department rrgard- el(changinK idcas with colleagues IOI a r, besldes his 1cachm1;" ub,lcct. Ban eo.,. Placcment Tests will .IJC pe!f:~~~~. p!:t ~t:;:::· : I hours a week ; h(,\O,·e\·e r. 1tu- arc judged by the Uni\'eTSlly !',n opportunit y for ·m~ling aOO I~ ' Foreli,'l\ Oflice. Since )he: ~~ Of~ c~l :~r.~:in 0 ,7 ;~ 1 ~ tlll>CI, ~ 1 :~~!l :a~e!,ce': ;y ";~ 1 ~h~m,:~.four hours week- Jng nttd and academic paten· ~~i:g~\ t :~~l~~:1\ ~C:/r: !u :~ .~:OCi:~ 11~~ 17 00\~:; and II ci tizen of the United~~~::• u: ~f l l~Y. and Tu~1:~n~;:~:OO o~; elhethatu~:: ~ :c 1 !37ca~ . 11 YTh '; 1 r:~ ; ~=m~i; ,m 0 ~ ut ~ =u~~pt!~ !:t~t:nns~:ta!~a=:~~ f" t~~;~:; Stn 1 cs Is eligible to take ~ e ~ 1 ':n':i~~eng ot a:-t 0 r'::,::;; dcnts are able to procttd at of lnlere:1 Is one per ccnl, of Phi Alpha Theta lthe na• of Congrtts,, a~ a rt'llidcnt !t>I· ~ ~~~a~ \·h~:: :: 't:, ':: ';! :~ tti;up~:::~·tJ•':Y i e:~~;:i ::;:1r 1 •= ~J!; ;::i1~: :c::1.while the student is ~:1J~r:~~~ ~le=~~ t>~~M)' ~ brar) m m the Unh•ersity ol Heidel· P~ 1 ~ de, ·c~;lng countrie1 ;!,~°:al ~ate~:!pu:::~i.: ::e m~;::' cn:Ccanm8i:~ Students and their ~parents ;;;;;, •:i ll abcco~l~=· ~ro!:;.!'"~-~~~k ~: in Polltleal Science and o t 21 a wor · on 8 demonstration table· pre-, comodated by leu faculty. may discuss their loan pot- a talk by the eminent British tltkd "The Study ot Amcri- · ~=~:::::: c · Jt~ :: §'..ff·~ ~\:'~j\~: i'zfrE~~~ · ;:1:AJ; ;;~~ .. ;; S,~:;1~;2~ §~£~1~1/! f]~;f ce Dcpanment ot the For- I talned by writing 10 the Peace Building houses 32 booths. each course for next year JI 380 I may, Ideally, be made. between mltttt o{ the Univenlty Center Englishman at th• OUl ee. Since Dt5 be bu , .: Corpe, Washin&toa, D.C. 20525, pt which a equipped with a 1tudent1, 'Ibanludvln&: and Ouistmu. Board, American WesL · Coming I,

Transcript of The POINTER N-ew - University of Wisconsin–Stevens … wl'rk at · WSU Stcnm,1 cvcnu 11rt'parcd...




a~ber Series To Present rohle Hines On October 18 Monday. Oc1. 18. in the I \'eloping ,·ocnl ta lent n1ade 1hc • Gurncmnnz In rur .. lflll R:i m­

.laf.t<u:ium a t 8 p.m., the decision for him. and, by the lis In Aldo - all are lllnes

.vii and U clures Chamber lime h~ graduated r r o m sr1Ccinltlrs, along with many s will present Jerome U.C.LA., he had alrcad)' per- other roles.

~ s ol the Metropolitan lormcd wilh the San Francisco lie has appeared in the C>Jli'a. Opera, with lhc Los Angclcs Wa1:ncr lends at lhc Bayreuth

'Orne Hlncs hH won ac- Philharmonic a11d Ill Hollywood t~cstl\•al. h.111 sung "Boris" tor . Gllilm on four continents as Bo\11. among many other a11- the Runlans in Rusi;lan at the ~ of the most exlraordinary pcarancc1. Bolshoi, appcnred In Handel's

crs of our lime. t'rom the ,\ t his home thca1re, the 111•n ·11lo al La Scala in cclc­ropclhan Opera in Ncl'I· Me1ropolitnn, !l ines has suni; hrutk>n of the romposer's 1111• k to the Bo15hoi in Mos- nll the gr e II t role~ in the ni\'crsary. ll 111e~ has performed ·. (l'Om Milon·~ L.u Sc11l11 rcpcrtory lo consistent cri1i- of1c11 with C\'Cl')' maj,:,r Amcrl•

• Buenos Afru· Teano Colon ca l ucch1hn. 111l' tillc p:u·hl can orchcstrn a nd is !I$ TC· hns been h;1\lcd ns nmonJ: in Dun <,lunuml und nor l,i nm,·tll.'<I as IL concert sins.e r

a thht':1~-~~ti::h ~~~~r/assos ~::;1''~';:~d ~:1~u~;~!rPhii~ii, ~'.~~ I 11\1~lr~!s a1~1;

11 ::~~•ti~lc:~~

rn in Hollywood, California. Cw-h,, Mc11histo11hrll's in f 'uu,t 10 this 11erform11nce at thc a young~1er, lh~· i inger was I Sarastru ln Thi• ) l us:h: •·1u1,i,, Unhen,i ly Crnll'r. Information

torn bl'tl\CCn two k>\·cs-chem- Kini: :\ln1·kr (r\ Tr\,-tan 1111d l:x"!.k ; all seals will be re­kt r)' and music. lhs early-de,- 1,,oldr, \\'ollln m Uir W:1lkuro·, J ..e1,,'II.

!State Universities . i .

llncrease f mployment Because ol the npid enroll- Jl('etcd rnrollment increa~cs. an- , ha\'c In roi~l!ftUlc fro~ ncar­

m ent gl'Ol1th, full time employ- other 800 te11cht'rs and u1hcr by mn1111um11<'s. ment In lhe nine Wisconsin 51~11 .members will be needed. ..,,·c·,·~ m11dc q~ite an _cf.

,1111e unh·trslly citlu has in- ~~~g~~;» ·~:col~~'.11~l'.,;~rs~:i ~~;

1 ';~



1;~~-· b\~::rd

c: r l'll5t'l:I more than 750 thl~ I.400 olher en111lo)'Cl'S In the Eui;,•111• ll. Md'Ju;.'(', l\lmli.wn. :re~ :~C ~::~ ofr('~~-~=-n\s Of- Sl~i~y u~;~~!:~\!. s~:~:l~~:;.S and ~~;~10:•hcof gi~::.\71 ~-:iv:~!iti:.!: The addltlonaJ jobs a1·e held landlords In 1he uni\'c1·s i1 y com- pericncing . It's jusl like csrnl>

by l!Ome SO more fa cul ty munit lr.s stri\'e 10 pro\'ide Ii\'• Jishlng a new nrnnufacturing ~em~r:s and . 200 more c!assi- Ing qu11r1crs for the large num- p Inn t In each campus city hc-d cl\'t\ ser\•1ce state cmplor- ber of new fu culty fomilics c\·cry f:in:·

J BROME HINES ees than wc~c O? pu.yro\\s al arrh•ing each fall. Typically, Followin1; nro lhc nun1bcrs the Sla te Unl\'crs1tles last fall . fa culty members who ha\·c ot faculty and classified cfril This yHr, the budget provides been at a university for three scr\'ice poshions at WSU - b

2 31 w II .

for approximalcly 2.360 lacu_lty yearsormorco,.,·ntheirhomes, StC\'l'n.<; Poinl this fall. and Octo er 5- '1 Be members al\d 1,170 supporting while newer members of 1he lhc ar1pro.'liimalc number of

:~~pu:~~bers on the nine ~~c~:::rt:!;~~t!~ifr~1~!~dca':'~;:~ ca;:~\.~:5bcp0)~:1C(J;sne:~cial~~o. '

Ne" '' "·'"'"' 1,a,;,.ofex- them. If they''"''· '""' m,,. 's''"'1"a""1"e"· U's "Greek Week" On Campus Miss Helen Godfrey. N,cxt Wei!k (Oct. 25-31) 1, , 111nd for, by tknlngk part in the Tuc!Wht>'· Ocl. 26

..._ Greek wl'rk at · WSU Stcnm,1 cvcnu 11rt'parcd lor this week. Fra1crnity men wear blazers

To Be New Assoc•,ate Poinl. This is an opPortUnity If you h1n•c any desirc to Sorority women wear sorority

G , !or all of the s1udents of plc-dgc II lr11tcrni1y or 50rority, ouillt

r O WSU to bceomc beltcr IIC· th is weck wlll be ot spccinl WcdOC$day, Oc:1. '!7

W quainled \1 lth the lratemllirs lntCrt'St lo you. If )"OU don·1 8 p.m. Skit Ni;;ht

D · Of• St d t and 10roritics on campus. 1l1e wish to plcll1;e. comc lo the;<e Thursdn)', Oc:t. 28 • ea n u en s Greek~ will b;u,d toi:eth('r in ncti\'ities 11nyw11y for lhcy Will All Greeks \le:i r swcatshirts

Miss Helen Godfrey will join A 1otat of 38.:19"! students are ~lr"atc~:n~nt:~r~~y 1;r~..c~! be lntercslin~.;~~/6~i~it?· F~dl~,)~1.~~«'~ W«k Dance the \\'SU-Stevens Point student attending the nine Wisconsin the non-Greek 11Uden1s. I sin- Greek Week Chairman S11turd11y, Oct. 30 affairs stall 85 an associate state unlvcrsi1!cs th is fall snld crrely hope th111 a ll of the SO IEDULE OF EVENTS 10 a .m. Cttmival (Booths and dea n of students and will join t:ugcnc R. McPhcc. Mndlson. students wil\ use th is oppar- Monduy. Oct . 25 G11me,l to J 11.m. the Univcrshy as an associate Dirccinr of Stale Unh·ei·sitks. tu_nity to acquaint lhcmscl\'Cli Prince and Princc:-s Contcsl ,\11 Greek.• ~·ill attcnd s11mc

~?¥t.~?t~~ · jf j~J~=;~:~::f: l~;~;· A~·d"· s·~h·~,;;·;hi'p'"; ·at f ;;;"d .... Ai' wsu ~aduate 10i·ork 111 the Unh·er- Men otunumber "omen, 22.800 /

~~; gorfad~~!~!~M:t::: ~~ to l ~.79:1. . . . A w1ricty of scholarshi1)S and r CrnnJ arc abo awarded from j next .<;J1rlni;. \;ersity of Indiana. While in Tins falls classes 1ncJudc loans arc a \·all:iblc to studcnis the t 'ounda lion t·und. monc>' Lo.1ns m:,y be madc throu;i1

!~c~ni:i~~!iote a~·85

as~is7ii~; ~~~11\ ';.~ ~m;~·K)1!:89;,~o:: =~c \:~\~~~·~o ~ tu~:~~a:~: :~~edf;:~1 Si::~~~n:oi:a:.7~: ~~:n::~

17t::1 \~;s•:=i~l'~~.c~;:

~: t~sl~~~~yh::r~:~~~t.a~~ iors:- 1,0()('· grnduatc students in number to twelvc percent th roughout the campus. A por- Departrnent Student Loan Pro-

Service Ta

* Students

* Administration

* Faculty

6 PAGES - NO. 3

NEED . HELP? What shou ld a college education m ean to a studen t ?

Definitely not just a system of c lasses to attend and assignm ents to complete. President Albertson states in the 1965 student H a ndbook: "WSU is committed ·'to the concept that one's education takes place outside ot the classroom as well as in i t." Development of a sLU· dent's potentials intellectually, culturally, socially, and

I personally, to mold him into t he "total" man, is the µltimate goa1. IL is the d esire or the university lo assist in this essentia l personal maturing process in w ha t~ ever way possible. ·

With 1he lll'O\vth ' of the uni-~------­\'Crsl1y Increasing so rapidly, the 1tuden1. C\'ery now and then I studcnt Educat!ona l lnforma1lon and m11y begin lo feel that he is academic guidance 11rf' other nothlni: but another s111istic. St"r\•kcs offered. This can he a numlx>r, a permit-to-enter• especinlly \•aluable lo 11ny li!U·

oloss card. The JIC~al ancn- dent who dcclcles to ehan;c his tion and conct'm which a stu- major or one who is cl ass1hc-d dent mny need ond desire be- ,., an "undergraduate major, " come, Ob!lcurc. • . , . Help wi lh aci1demic problems ,

In hop<'H of rnin11n1.:mg tins such /Ill poor study hi,bits or 11.

"'problem,'. ' the ~n.~cllng and nttd for rcoding im11ro\·ement P,;yd10loi,:1enl Scn•1ce wa.s or- nrc 11lso!nclud('(!Umon .. thescr-J:1111lU1"i l11st year in th(' Stu· \'lcrs uvnilnhlc. "' dc.nt ,\ ffol r5 u~ca. Now av .. il- Related to c-ducational lnfor-

~~;\~,l~c l~~;;::~::t~~~!\~r;::. :t::.a::o~'.:r i: .. :1:~eln~!('~l~~ ~tee~?~ ~· Carl Wi~m~t1• tion is 11 lso 11vu1'i'ahlc In help 1118

Ir;~ Yost. ll;:u~:~ .:rt,;in:~ :~u1:;1~n c~l:e~'.°J~~~°:e~lt ci~!;~:

=~r:~Dt'n'n'l;· J;~;~:~lh~;:C;. ·~~-1: Of teitS OI abil! IY are scn•e to supplement the 1Ntch-lS · . _.

~nlm\~f~:~~·iio:c.:i:~::=s :1~~is~·~: im~":.:Y 1



ctcnt Affairs 11111! in a variety on nwolntmcnt any time, of wa)'I, strictly ~ a \'O\untary and

Personal coun.~eling Is olf,,rcd I con!ldent1al basis. whh an emJ)hnsls on assistini; The Counseling and Psycho-

:::n l~i~,:~:'. ~:t e~aJ~:l;c h~~ ~~al ~r\'~1:i~~ ~°:~cd ai: "hat 10 do. Toi.s may include Monday through Friday from any personal or emotional pro!> 8 a .m. till 12 noon and trorn 1cm, which may be bothering l p.m. 1m 5 p.m.

1961 . she acceptc-d the position and 1175 ~pccinl s1udc111s. of the number of u11pe rclassmcn. tlon of these are reSf"r\•C(I for grnm. ot associate head counselor and, Ten year~ ago, lhe total en- 111cse a rc 11w;1rdcd on the b.1sls s tudents in re~iden~c h~lls. Tu quulif)' [or H National _A 3 in 1962, became head counselor rol lmeni tt t the same campuses of the student's cotrcse scholnr- Ap1>lic11 1lons for ' •th1?$e scholnr· Defense Loan, 11 freshman •t , 01

M1f=i~:lr~;i:~::it:a·ught psy- w~i:·~~r·s freshman class ;~,:",;,7! l~ads::i':~:!s !::;; ;~:n~;f

1fa~ ~~i;c, inDc:: ~~~r~:: h:; h;;~ ;::~ g;::. Ul a j

chology a t Ohlo Seate Univer- · IUd 13 -3 lied " .,,.- · sity whcre she was program me cs .. ·'' ~a . ncw i:h·cn. line datC!I will be publish<!<! , uating clau. To have the Joa e ~fng of Miss Anita I Queen Anita wort' a 11 g h t director ot womcn's ttsidcnce freshmen cntcrmg a college ,.. continul'd the second sci.ncstcr. Knaack as Homecoming Qul'Cn blue crc1ie c\·cning ~dreu \\1th hall9 and uslstant dean o[ , or unh•ersity for the first time. B B T ttie swdent mus1 earn a j:flldc for 1963 "'as the hi5:hllght uf an l'mplre \\ 11l~l and scoo;, womrn.. Most ot them recci\·cd high ota ny y ape paint of 2.5. A freshman 1niay the Homecoming dance t'rklay nf"tk·linc. ?.~a.1ching blue hccls . r.:!~ 11 11

ctam:;t: ~or:rry 1;!:~ · ~ school ~iplom111 . last. ~une. borrow a nnodmum of $150 per nl~:~~s Murilyn lk'cker, lhc :,':: 1\~~;hh:t:~;h~~~ adcdd ucation~aternity)~ Phi Sigma MISS HELEN GODFREY The lit:i le unwc.i'!illles_ now . . . 1c.mcs1cr. · 196-1 queen. presented thc tlar.i I The decoralions consisted ot

rc:.~:::.11,, ." .::-·;7.N!'~~ I :~:'~~:,,t,Wome"' 0""' ;~;;:.,;" ,:'~.l~ro;. ;;.':oo~'. u!!~,ii;·:~ ~~~:.;;'~ :i~;~.:·:r ,;!"}:w"~~iv~r~ ,.~"::,".:;;·~;;,;"",;::::, ·,:' ::.~: :~.:;~lo: :;,·;~' .. ;:,h 'mt';( ;,,,~~~"; .. ,;:~:'.';'''~m ";\:: Thc s m11trest ~chool now is silica in this country to adopt the progressive Audio- denee nt lcllsl one scmcst~r the cttnd!drt1cs was prescnled II cente r. Music 1n1s furnbhcd Dr Hawgood Featured ln 11:cr 1111111 the lttrgC.'lt was Tud ial m ethod of botany instruc tion. or qu111iry undc~lrcshman reg- bouquet or loni;-~temmcd roses. b)' the Sonny Raye Orchestra.

• In 1960, when Oshkosh enrolled Jnstructlonal tapes, co.ordina l- ulatlons to qualify for a · fl • • 2.251. Increases range from 21 ed wi1h laboratory manuals 111pe player , earphon('S, and a They m\lil ha\•e earned al\d W'-A~r:JJ:lt Bv Cultural Committee ,,,- ~ r cent al Stout .state Uni\'cr- and updated textbooks are sul> hl4:hpower mlcroseope. Boo1hs maintain al least a 2.25 grade,. . /

J ' ~ slly nt Menomonie to 33 per 11ituted for ln.structor-gi\•en let• ::~a~~ ~~:redtha~.~ point 8\'erage at \\'SU. Sopha- 0 e ' "An Englishman Looks aqbttn Professor or Modem His- cent at Oshkosh. lures In the m~thod, currently such ns mounting ' Jca\'es al\d mores may borrow up lo $200

the Ame:rican Wesl" wiU be l tory, University ot Birmingham, ~. enrollment at Stevcns In Its second year _of ope.ration maklni; required slidcs. per semester and uppercloss· fie fcVJ a b presented Oc:t. 17 at 8 p.m. Ene land. Pomt is 4,526 or which 2,811 at WSU. , ~ revised form al A demonstration table whil9t men may borrow a maxlmun1 L 16 in the Wright Room o( the a r~ men al\d 1,715 arc women. :~~~s'1::c1:~1~ .... ~ ~:.tag~1 displays bolanieal mqteri~l re- of S250 per semester. • e CLO er ' Univer11ty Center. l111s Ill: an incrt'BSC of 1,061 c rnl assembly hour during ~~t'::1e t~.c~~e Is ta: u 1or~c 5U of Rc.paymrnt of Joans begins . • . . .

In col lllboralion with the students or 31 per cent. which announccmcnts pertinent plement and stlmulat~ stude: one yc11r after leaving college ,The annual mectm.,:: of the I Dr. Hm~·i;ood,. m this coun-WSU Department °' History p I' T 10 the course arc made and knowledge. and end., clcvcn >'cars lrncr. \\lsconsin Anocl111lon ol Teach· try attcndmi:: h1storlcnl· mec1-

and lhe CUitura i Committee of eace -1,0fPS ests ~n~~~~:;~1!11:z ai:.irs!:'~ Al a ll timH the Ja b b open, A three per cent per year 1~A~H) ~ .:rr be H ~~o rD; l lngs in :\lontana. is Prof~r the University Center Board, Marine \ SCl"\'CJI 81 a discussion and CX• a ~acuity mcmbc.r or Hudcnt Interest on the un1N1ld Wllanec WSU-StC\'ens Point on Saturday, of ?.!oclcrn H.lsto.ry at thc Uni•

. John A. Ha10i·good will dis- To Be '"Held =';,atl~:nni:~hich.~tu!~t~ :~~1:1'i':! ~arr:~:' :ia::: :N:hnrc~!m':I'::. with the ~~hc;:,otA!':1:~m:~~ry = ~~a~ :nn,~~~~ !: :C~hecon.:i:r1c:i: :=~= . Pcaec ::~;e t~~t~N!I via the re- ::::::~ ~:ta~~e:~~asora~ Students applying for a' Wis- cx':t~!or the ha!~rA4o'.i ~!\~?so:~':g\\~nn~~~~ 1~~

is . forthcoming book on the d l'-ov. 13• at 9 a .m., Pt' · booth reaen·ed for his Uie h\'O consin Welfare Studrnt Loan Fs8 J)rlmarllypu= 10 provide varlou!i ca1,acities In th(' Brit·

Dr. Hawgood was born In .,::lvcn at the Stcvc..ns Point described and dlscuslCd on thc dents are encouraged to spel\d and Welfare Department rrgard- el(changinK idcas with colleagues IOI a r, besldes his 1cachm1;" ub,lcct. • Ban eo.,. Placcment Tests will .IJC pe!f:~~~~. p!:t ~t:;:::· : I hours a week ; h(,\O,·e \·e r. 1tu- arc judged by the Uni\'eTSlly !',n opportunity for ·m~ling aOO I~ ' Foreli,'l\ Oflice. Since )he:

~~Of~c~l :~r.~:in0

,7;~1~ tlll>CI, ~ 1:~~!l :a~e!,ce': ;y ";~1~h~m,:~.four hours week- Jng nttd and academic paten· ~~i:g~\ t:~~l~~:1\ ~C:/r: ! u:~ .~:OCi:~ 11~~ 1700\~:;

and II ci tizen of the United~~~::• u: ~f l l~Y. and Tu~1:~n~;:~:OO o~;elhethatu~:: ~~ ~ :c1!37ca~ .11YTh';

1r:~; ~=m~i;,m0~ ut~ =u~~pt!~ !:t~t:nns~:ta!~a=:~~f" t~~;~:; Stn1cs Is eligible to take ~ e ~ 1 ':n':i~~eng ot a:-t0r'::,::;; dcnts are able to procttd a t of lnlere:1 Is one per ccnl, of Phi Alpha Theta lthe na• of Congrtts,, a~ a rt'llidcnt !t>I·

~~~~a~\·h~:: :: 't:, ':: ';! :~ tti;up~:::~·tJ•':Y ie:~~;:i ::;:1r1•= ~J!; ;::i1~: :c::1.while the student is ~a:u~~~ ~:1J~r:~~~ ~le=~~ t>~~M)' ~ brar) m

m the Unh•ersity ol Heidel· P~ 1~ de,·c~;lng countrie1 ;!,~°:al ~ate~:!pu:::~i.: ::e m~;::'cn:Ccanm8i:~ Students and their ~parents ;;;;;, •:ill abcco~l~=· ~ ~ro!:;.!'"~-~~~k ~: in Polltleal Science and o t 21 a wor · on 8 demonstration table · pre-, comodated by leu faculty. may discuss their loan pot- a talk by the eminent British tltkd "The Study ot Amcri-

·~=~:::::: c · Jt~::§'..ff·~ ~\:'~j\~: i'zfrE~~~ ·;:1:AJ; ;;~~ .. ;; S,~:;1~;2~ §~£~1~1/!f]~;f ce Dcpanment ot the For- I ~~~~~~~~;I talned by writing 10 the Peace Building houses 32 booths. each course for next year JI 380 I may, Ideally, be made. between mltttt o{ the Univenlty Center Englishman ~ at t h •

OUlee. Since Dt5 be bu , .: Corpe, Washin&toa, D.C. 20525, pt which a equipped with a 1tudent1, 'Ibanludvln&: and Ouistmu. Board, American WesL ·




Poge 2

Photo Crodll-'I

Robert Flehweg

Robert Holden

.. • • where do 1 put my X

this crowd is full of s11irit(s) , ,

... . , anti if elcclcd

the· atudeots' choice •

THE POINTER October 14, 1961


shadeH or Poe r l'Om Dcltu. Zeta art, art, Pointers • • •


.. , • , 1, 2, S, 1, 2, S. whoops. Sorryl •• •

, Temouth bursbt through to score , • •

\ ., - ii' \

\ ~

the belle oi the ball •

Ute BaklwlD: bug • • •



1otompin' up a storm

• • • Hyer "b.i.Uraisers" Lake lint •••

\; • I ,

• a jungle gem • •

• •• Sig Tau's bede\·iled the Dales and took fin* • • •

11ointing toward ,·ictory

l>fOCriaioa. plus •••

.Teket rise to new height.


Page 3

Photo Credlts to

Ronald Sindric

Point -Journal

• • wat.cll out for manhole. • • •

"~acabre on Parade"

1tledford marches oa


.allico' olviotolJ.


,; .'511 u .•. "' ~ " ,t,

. u ,~

" 1Jt.:

" ·1• d,

"' lln >R

' <h

'" "" ,. "' <h

'" to, <h

'"' ,~ <h ...




. I

Page 4' THE POIHTf.ll __ ___ ........ --·-·---·· _ __ _.:. ______ ___ Oc;__•ob="- 7:..c·_•:_:9~6'

" The- only dignity which is genuine is that n of diminished by the indil/r,rence of other!." . -Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961)

THE PODIUM Homecoming- A Strong

Declorotion What About The R 'ighteous-R'idiculous ;g,;:~;,;;:·~;'. ~ Parade Judging?


:J/ie rJew Poinler W isconsin State Univers ity

Kaleidoscope Negroes Revolt

The causea lie deep. Hungu. · Yearning of sou\1, Crin for frttdom and joy. The Causes lie deep.

To Keats O'Adonail, Shelly'• child, I would--.:..

have moum,d thee were I there. But e'en thourh now, yura ten

,core past I deeply 1rlove thy Jou. Ah a1eleu 1011 above hla head.

Tired - · protect as best thee may M11.1eles ach_lng to work, · In Ufe the alr forsake him breatb ~dseti~:'1~1~ ~~~e~e - and, mark well when h& died, flght _ ' . ln youth, 1earce four and twenty, Building ho!>" to reaUtitt, undefiled, unclaimed yet, nay, Walking pathways of hate - The air spake when he Hked The Cause, lie deep - t~r life. Spirits - Thou c:ruel and pitiless medium, Shools to keep · ali\'C, In prlmo 1htt stole him as his shepherd Tearing this chaolie fi ght. tailed him.

JOi',"l STASZAK Come rich, dark earth enfold him now as faithful Severn held him In his,

Held him dying in hi1 arms and heard him 1peak his last. Ah" trie-rid.

Dear, true Joseph, Adonalii mus t have Jo\•cd thei!. Thtne, the coun1enance

Last looked upon. revered and Imprinted lndcllbly on his mind

For alt etornlly • Appreciatively now would he gaze upon

the daisies fair As, nourished by a cottln long since

crumbled, they push through the green mound

Tha t marks !he resting place or one reposed.

Solitude Adon11is sought and solitude In repose was cauRht ·

When from llre's agony and suf.terinJ was he trce'd

By Death's slow hand. Ah, )'OUth nlppe<: thus: so premature

and &eemlngly wasteful and wanton; • without appar&nt purpose,

Seems to deny His presence and an existence of faith .

How thou;h are we, unassuming u mor:tals ar!!, to know

What Elysia11 fields Adonats

enchimtsf'lelds rrown to' lnflnltia with peuonlried simplicity - a re,gality -

0 1 dal51es .

ober 14, 196:5

Pointers .::. ~~~~~: : :e~e:nol>it~ta~~~ ~~~~~/. 1'beil the Dales missed the extra point after their finit touchdown. _..-

tbe~~rsic~f~~~h1:1a!~:!n~n sc~!.t:Uiiv~v$3u~:u:~~

' ~~ o;a~:~ ~~ ~~.:r'!i~:~{~5~; ~:~d~a;r~a9~~j~

hll familiar defensive position he intercepted a pass late in the second quarter halting a Hillsdale drive.

Halfll'ay through th(' fi rsl l

= ~t:;li:~u~a~c~redTi;;::~ 1.ntramural ~ ~s~~~itra:.:: ~:m~~ Football Fowler, tlK' Dales· All-St!\le end.

: : 1~-\~~ !:rt~~(' r1c:i11t· ~~n; Ends

th Dain a temporary 6-0 ad. In tile final game• ot the

Point iOI on lhe sc:orehoard lntramurlal footbnll season, I early in 1he 1ttond quarter thrtt teams shut out tlltlr o~ ••ith Temou1h running the final ponen·t.s tn roi.ue 1o league tham•

~ In~·=~ ': %:i!:~ir~.h~e 0~~: plonships: three otller out-

na1ed on the Hlllsdc\le 4:;, scorM thl'i r 011ponenl8: 11nd ·,n••, Pl'ttrs kicked the C'Xlrlt point JI.he l'rnyllawks.tiedU1C'lrrivnl gll'ing \\'SU a i-6 Jead which 10 win in their league. ~~Yh~;;;\km~~to the locker room Sigma Phi Epsi!Qll look lint

Both teams threitened In the In lhe Hors, League by ,105>

third quarter but IOI I the ball ping lhe Sim.1 Warhawks 6-0. on lumblcs. The Dales got IO ln the Hog League, the Smith the Pointer II btlOl't gi\'lng Proc:rastinaton topped Slastfis u11 lhe bn~I when Brute Mc- 18-0. The Si11,~efis had \ll'O t1e1


Curtail Hillsdale P.oge

Pointers Prepare For Warhawk Attack 1be Polnfen dlrttt their at- 1«1rlnJ before · las t wttk' I

tentlon to lhe Whltewate.r War- game. • hawks this Saturday night as 1lle Polnlers may be In they Invade Goerke Field 111 pretl)' good , h11pe for Satur-7 :30 p.m. The Warhawks are day's game but there are on, or the top teams In the ,1111 some doubts. Da\'e Ander­league with a ~1 conforente son, Dennis Robichaud and tttord. They !led River f'a\ls Mike worked out a t 21.n. Mot1day night's llrai;ke. iiY

Leading the w , rttawks wlll I Grabski Is ,tlU out and Mike be quarterback Robert Berezo- Slivinski, a defensive back has witz, a lll lb. junior . from been ordered out of 1port.1 Milwaukee Boys Tech. The permanently by doctors. He ha.1 Warhawks ha\'e the number T a spinal defect that was actlv, rusher in tl1c nation (small ated when he was clipped by college), In the person of Vil- Hillsdale's Ron Tumquest. nl1 E:zerins, a 1enlo r lrom George Tieges will be at tha Union Grove, He Is 6'2", :?18 qu1rterbatk spot a!1er leadini' lbs. and hu 378 )'ds , In !12 the Pointers Spturday. Ron rushes (not counting the O!;h, Tcmouth ~ill 1gain be at half· kosh eame) and an avenige back. His two touchdown$ and or 1 plwi yards per carry. 11 plu1 a\·eragc yds. per carry Warh,wk end Jim Ganoung wll! highlighted the Polmen' !led foi' ninth In the nation in tack.

Basketball · Meeting Next Wednesday

!(;;r~~a~ ";!\e~~~:. ~~:!u~: prel'lously. Slms Kris11y Krlt-WSU ijOt to !ht Hlllsd:lle 6 lers ~k . the Cow . League before the ball JIO\)flt'd from OrnmJ_llonsh111 by stoppm~ the Temouth's grasp 11.nd 1n1o the B11ldwm ~th Flyers, 6-0. Tiie .,,:ailing arms of the Dales' Pr11y De1·1ls c a m e u11 "ith Jerry Simmons fh·e touchdown, lo down Slmt

POl~Tt.:RS SPRINT downfie ld for pUnt cove rage I Gary Gloekc, (53), Aubrey Fish (11), and Bill . ~~'~!~e ~~:c: 0~;~~~':;. ~c ~:::.Ci!~;~ a tP'T~,15 P~:;,~ as Jim Farrell (S2), nioves in on the ball. Identifiable Ferge (71). tlonal mtttlng for 11 11 rnen tr)'· Coach Krueger abo want.I

WSO Basketball coach, Bob I Ed Buflding. Ali Freshmen are

Pointers are Dan Sa\~3), Dave Dehlinger (72), ~ -~-------------l~~11:1 f: l~~es'!/oiC::: :~.t=~ea~a;~ ;l•;!po~~

In the founh quarter lhe Bombers, 30-12 •. In the Chicken

:f1~1~Ja1c'x:::n:e1irs~\'n ~ ~::;r 30Th~:~:r -~{or::~~ ~~ • ~~t!:a ~~/!:1h!~I~ ~'.~s::~: ~un~~~~lrd~~eJO.t~r~~ay ~:::

r ight end and' stunned the :d Sl:!or~~:= ~1•rst ~~11~~ cru"i:l by r:imbllng 7~ yards HRw:s (2.0.ll took '· th, Goat

:: ::k 1::~~. ~r:J ~;s~ Le~gue Championship 01·t r their

d11le led 13-7. !~ma"'1t~;11c!,.().21 ;~C:rd. 1i!:~r

Sims Warhawks Horseshoe Champs

20, In room 130 In the Phy to this meeting.

Tht Sims l.\'11rhawks downed a sophomore from Madison; Sigma Phi Ep,s ilon in I he and Jim Murray, ! lreshmaJ' (innls of the intramural horse- lrom Denmark. I

~1t:kst~•~o~~~s::;i::· t1~~a~~::: l;::======;;;:;II


DAILY 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. The Pointers. howe1·er, were champions.hip l'ilh a forfeit not to be headed. Aller Gun• \'ittor;1· Ol'er PIJIY Cou1,11rs In derson returned the kkkolr to the Rabbit League.

!~; ~:e;:~~ =· ~~l~a~hd~ W~te p~!~m&a:d:~::g ti~

lost the third, und won lile GWIDT'S r ~~;t:~.a~~n:!.*;!':'. ,:.:, ,7ii~d ~:; DRUG STORE FE A T URlhlG :

aid of . some grellt blocking. lheir se11ison lasi week are J,nd some good NMlng on h~s now competing In a s I ~ g I e

:\111:a~~l b~nht h~e to~~~ :u~::: !=~ent to lind the 79 yard distance to the end :wrie for the 1c:ore. Ptltrs added 1he m11rgin of ,·ktory State University :!~: ~~nt. again kicked lhe Football Standings

An lnten::eptlon by Jim Lie- Tum bensttin stopped o n , Dale La Crone ___ 3 O O 88 J.& drive and lhe Pointer de(ense Stout -·- 2 O O 28 2~

~~~:d b~WOH~::1/11

~\'~tu~ Whitewater _ 2 O 1 91 42 sttonds remaining-. tht Polnters El\u Claire .. - 2 2 0 81 67 look over 1he ball · Rnd ran StC\'tns Point - l l O 20 20 out the clock. preseNing the Rl\•er Falls __ 1 l 1 44 40 victory. Oshkosh ___ l 2 0 u ~1

Pl111te\•llle __ o 3 o 14 66 ----- ------~-_:_--I

Pointer Statistics Superior --- o J o 28 SJ l~-------,.-------~1 Point 111119 Weekend Result.

First do1111s ·- 7 H Whitewater 30, Oshkosh T ~:: !::s ~!~~~~g _ .. l ~ ~ (J;vens Point 14, Hillsdale U

Total net yards ,.,_ 205 264 Eau Claire 27, Superior 1

:::::: :~;~::: : ~ 1~ I ~u~5:

1~;~ :~~\~e~~lle O

Pauu Int. by ·-- 2 2

~:~~· ~ 0;~ni;-: ~ 7-5~ Football Tourney Punli ;;;:,g

1e ;:;:;:~' 1-11·

1 In final Stages Point --·-·-·- O 1 I 1-14 Only four teams remain In


Discount for Teachers HAROLD "Blf.L" BRUSO

Phone J •lil.(;.151



22iiasi1f1~ 1:i~~~UE


c ome on over! Good food - Good coffee! Across the street from "Old Moin."

"~~·:co·rin;: ~e:O:th1-;;~ ::n:~,~~~~~~a~

00~~;~~,;o~:~· Tlfe Campus Cafe ; ~~:rs~i :tt~ac~~~-n~~T - ~~f::;~~· Pr

1:; ~:~. Le~r~ I'----------,-------'

ll~~!:alepa:ori1':!m - T:>~~·~~~ ~0e1:"1"::;,red&~. ga~~., ~~~;!~--------------~ Md~nna (TS.yard run). PAT - :'~~;"·a ~ :~:ry 0e;1~: HAN NON OleJar. 1 (by pl11ttmenl1. the s m Ith Proc:rastlnators. \

Poln:n~l~~~:~n~ in 9 ~~~~o!:.redTh:~i=a~:··,e~: (·PHARMACY, INC. ~~~: .~~~g!:~1~) Jn 2: ;~//~~ :~~,b~~ f;~th~~~;c ~rt~~~ WALGREEN AGENCY

:ere.:_m;~n4 ~01; 2\~cn;i!i~,~~ ::· ,:.! ur=.c~~.~eil~;r ~~ Downtown Pharmacy 344-2290

II in 5 for 1.6; Blrkel - minus victors. The Hyer Lowers "l)ll Northpoint Pharmacy 344-3314 g :ril~ale - Mci..enn, - ) f,O J:e.· J;.~~ll~odOa\::. U":~':: Stc¥en1 Point, Wis. in 19 for SA: Patterson - J.& Ludke hauled In a long pus PRESCR IPTION . PHARMACY In ll for J.1: Simmons - 16 In and stomped Into the end wne FREE PICK,UP & DELIVERY SERVICE

~o:~/~~i/:ic:so;h~2~~r i;,57 ~%~ .:In~' iam, tor the Lo~··1 '------.,.------------' :~;-J \~ i. for 1.5; Tay~r be Th~u:.:~~m~t 1:alt will

!Mnlf!r P-inr

(~it;~t50p_:1Pg'.7-~~0,(J~d1., 'm)

Polnler lteeeh·lnt P,>o., l 'd11., TD)

lleimerl - 1~. Bitkel - 1-2-0.

lllllsd&Jel'rwoln ,:

(All .. Comp. , Int., Yila,. TO)

Taylor - 10-5-1-71-1. Blv ,•m-1~1-0-0.

11111,idalc ReceMng (So., Yd.., TD)

FO\.l•ler - 4·51-1. Bamell-1-26-0.

Attention · Wrestlers

An organlzallorn,,I meeting for all mtn wishing to try out for the WSU Wrestllng team ~·Ill be held In room 130 of the Phy Ed Building on Mon-

• d11y, Oct. 18 a l 7:30 p.m., Coach Bill Burns llMOUDC:ed Mond11y.


Whitewater Saturday

Goerke Field 7:30

GRAHAM LANE MUSIC SH .,-,--. 113 Strongs A¥e,

Phone 344-1841


Sheet I Music

All Music Suppl ies

HOLT DRUG COMPANY Cosmetics • Fenny Former· Condies

- WE PJCK & D~ PBtl3CBIPTIONS -Oowntown-1320 SIJ'Onp Ave. Eutllde-Park Rldp

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• IMP\.ICITY • PRICE• "ROM ••oo TO . ,1100

thrifty prices, •• tasty food .

Delicious Hamburgers ••. 15c Hot Tasty French Fries .• . J~.c Triple Thick Shakes ••• )






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October 1.4, 196,

• Page 6

55.0' s Outdo Themselves Main Street Cafe WISCONSIN SHOE SHOP

1307 Strongs Avenue

The ~ ·s once 11s;aln oot.dld lr------"-----------, th<'mseh·es In the11nnual Home,. eoming P;ir11de. All 1hr \·ets wish 10 say ··n111nk Yau" 10 the Jl{lrade eommlure for pine· Ing the 550 rlo:it Ill the end

Well, Sport ... - .43 Yeor.s o f Quality Shoe Repai r -

While shopping slop 11)5~~::::,:-~---a;;-'aaa-;;;~aa=::::aE:~~~ for a snack.

:~s~~~e \~;e~ .~.:;:~t!.•i~g v:h~ l'------".;.' _,_n_K_E_T_•_o_v _____ _. l bt-st '.o; I~~· t VeL~ ml'I by )like Troy

wi~\hrir Rd\·;~::e Dr. Gwrge 011:1~~ ;!f~1t{rs~d:~u~aa~\ ':~~~ ~!~e~n~onfe~~~ ~~t0~'!t~

Dixon, at the L.ei:mn ~!all. amt Ins; l'\·e e\·or seen. All ihe 11la)'ers can be commended for n excr~ed great t' llorts 1.n b<>hn_lf fine show of sµo rts manshiJ1. 100. I notlC'Cd a couple of In• of \\ SU and 1.lomccornmg. Thu1 smnccs where II Jittlr extra al'll\•lty hy 1he Dales was almost yN1r. !he 550 s put S\\eat and com p]t'lel)' lgnonod b)' tht• Pointers. Tho most outs tandlns; hlood m!O makm~ Hom("C(Jm- ln frac-1ion. I thought. cam(' jusl ,~ the game rndcd. The D.lles· ln,i;:: 11 n o,·crwhclmmi: suctcss. defensive ('lld w11lk('d ao:ro,,:s 1ho Jin(' and hl t an unidenti fied Their 51)iriL~ were ne\·rr luck-


Polnl('r. J us t 10 be dlmactk, lhe re ft>rce lhl'C'W hi! flag. but

I lni;: 11nd ('X~ll)('nmce or doing not hing reall )' c-ame of It. It seems lhat whllo Coach Frank ,-0mC'thing line nnd r,li:ht . f.or Waters was bulldlni;: a great football tradi tion at lllllsdale, he ::e ,!:~°':~ c;::;;!/;~~~i::~f;,r'ts should ha\'e !m·1:1ted spor1sm::ns hh1. * TOrtl llBRGHUIS tries vainly to haul in n pass deep

The 550"i. 1111:e e\·e11·onc to I'd like to commend the 550·:;: for oq;anl:tlng an cxcclknt in Dale territory as lime was running out in the first ?.·atch for the upcom1ni; chRmp- C'heocini; seclion. They were heard all over the 1m1dium. ll half. · ion1hip football game: A meet- would be nke !or dorms and Olher ori; ions to get 10· --- -------------

1 in11: for 1111 old and nrw mcm• g~ther and r('all)' rip it up. There was some of this at the St d t T I T G th ' ~r~ ;~~1 :b<>R:f%d11h~~cn~t .:i~j bas~(' tball game:, last year, ~oo. * u en s rave O u ne

Homemade Pies, Cookies.



be lrom ··the land of $ky,bJuc Thl!I WcC'kood the Poinler.; wilt be out for their st"cond con• watrr,," ,\ II Vets of s ix ferem:c, win against a real 1oui;h Whitewa ter team. If the Tite Speech l)(,1111rtmcnt is lup with the secretary In !he I months or more acth·e dul)', crowd backs lhrm as thry did last w~kend. ma)'be another I sponsoring II tri11 10 the Tyro- Speech Dcpa.rtment oJlice, room

:;e a~rg:!ts~~r!t~~i;in 5~

11tP:~ ::~~e~=h \\~~~i~ ;:t~.:ehkecn~.foQ~a~t~~.~~=r~;w!:11 .P::! ne ?ulhrit' TI1 r11'.cr In Minne- UJ, Old . Main and make a fff'Ullll.-...i-.,.,

i:nniwtior, and to wa tch the sophomore George T1i;:grs who ]('d thci Polnlcrs well 11gamst 11pohs on Wcdnesda)'. Oct. ?7. 1$5 dt'r,os1t by F'rldn)', Oct. 15, ~ ' I 5.'iO bullt'1!n bo:,rd . lllllsdale .• Coach ~ounsell s llll llsls. 11 few koy men 11.s d.oubt· to see Bcrlolt Brecht,) <'Pie or see Mr. Kramer ln room I DR. MEDl(Q =

• fuJ sta rters. Mo1e a bout tha t i~ the other artlc(~· Lets a ll ! O,lncse fHbl e. Th., (.,\luca,.lun 022-D. Ticket'! a re a11a llable on 5 ii

Art And History gN out 1here nod back the MI GHTY POINTERS. Otalk _Clr.-1,:. C.'rit l::' hn\·e h? il· a first<0me. fl rst-sen.·cd basis. i Pipes lift.____.,. iii

I · · h1· h d ....... ,i,, .. .. """"'"'I • - ii· . Cara Bow H1g 19 te ~:::•00;~~r.. 1':'"~Go~h;:~ LOUIE'S Barbe, Shop ! ~- -- ' Lectures Coming ~"""'" '"'"°' ol Tb, """' Looi• W,oblew,kl. P,op. ! -- $'195 I

I N• k I d F'I I•;:~ ~';;~ lof $10 include, 2 Jbrber11 To :-.Cr\·e \ 'on ! I .The depanmen1s of Al't and n IC e O eon I m round • 1ri11 trans110rtat ion hy 1305 Strongs, Stevens Point I'-- ,ad u i

~:;: a11

)lllb1~t~~t~/: :~ The ~ iekekxloon Suies will 1hough to make them her ' a ~c'i!'!:~~~ ~: ~:~~ ~a~~e'\': __ o_laJ 3"'1-225.5 I ~ p J de~onstrat'?"·. ~~~hmques of present Clara U.,,..• In O:inrlng hie. Cl:,ra Bow·s de:,t'h came e11mpus :,t :? :~3 p.m. on , :,,11a1\U\IIIUIR•1--

~1~~~e e~.:~~;l:·or a~~rs~·1:;: ~!,~:~er~.uri~t~he fi~niii:r ~:~ ju~\ ~ast ';'°11th, soil i' wilh ~~:~~;"~:1St~\.: 51· p~~t ~~~n~: SMART SHOP

~!- :!I. in the Frank . Lio.yd nnd 1ht• ro"dui: W's. Clar;o 's tlu~ m mmd that ~..J11X'!lent atcl)' afll·r lhc s p .m. J>l'I'- Exc:lu!ilve \~ri i; lu Room of lht U111\'t'l'S LIY \iv:idou~ l>l' ll, whll:h ~..:iuhl dis- lhm,·111.:- c\l u11,..u. A short sub- formnnce. Licll<'s Wearlni: Appart•l Center. f . . sol,·e il'llo 1cndcmeu w sml- ject cn1itlet1 llarn,•y Oldfl.-ld'11 Due 10 1he IJOSIUl:i rily C)f 1040 Moin Street

h;,'~r. ~~::ih~:!~}eof f;:: ~!:i>'.thi:;' \\;~;)' a "l~~h ,~;~ ~~~:;eu~·or F~~I IJJ;te;,:~~ M:~~ ~.1u~~;1; 1~ ~~,l~\'a~::~~:'. :~ri Ste,en~ Point, Wis. Kong. n \\ell•known collcclor hapl)l,' homt'-lile. Cl.m, threw M:1bcl N'onn:md tas lhe i;al --- -- ------ I of JIOTMJlar ?iinese block-prints herself into her mQ\·les wi1h 1he \"lllinns 11e to Ille railroad -~nnd J:~ a


111 soi;.;.le no~~ a' tremendous t'nthusiasm. a.s trm.:ks) will also be $hown. Sporting Equipment - S~oes - Clo thing • Oressweor

Ch; · ", " w · POINT SURPLUS STORE u~~i:: :~0~if d;r:: Newman Presents Dr. Schuler ON TIIE MAH~g~u~~\~i-:Ow~t~ Seroml Strnet lec1ures 11nd l)ll int lng dt>mon- Pholl(' 3-M-9!}.19 Stewns Pol/11, Wis.

; :,Y~~t:.15P:;t11·:1;U:hi~t:! m'?: ~~~:tin Oc~;es:~1 N;: ::eln::f;:nc~ u:,f:t~o =i!"'--"'-"'-"'-=============;,J

J ~~j~:::::/~ olol\\"i~~s!~a~. M~~: Sthu!er. of the Philosophy De- t~cl i'~a ,hcr Thoma1. Da\·id ison, and t'lsrwhere. 1llC put,.. partment. "ho wm spC'ak on Nelson. or Mike McMahon at ~ab~lou.~ Gif1.1 .•• 8~ George! The most persuaSi\·e fragrance lie is cordially in\·ited to •t· ··Why docs an)·thini: exist 11t Newman !fall. is his ... By Georr:e1 cologne or after shave. His private reserve tend. all!" The program will be pm, in handsome si~teen ounce decanter and black leather case; --------1~11ted in the Nicolet-Marquelle completew1thpmates!ock 1ockand key.A1ter5have ... S8.'1S, HERO of rnE WEEK Room in the Center. The · Cologne . . . s 10.ou. Also incitrus-lresh Lyme, ByGeorge!

The TI..E who Admitted h<' No,.•, 5 and 6, 11. leadership

·; ;~Id really rather be a Phi ~i:~";::lr::t:l~d~:: ~QJNTER -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:; pie trom the Newman chap-~ ltrs throughout Wlseonsih and

UppC'r Michigan will attend. needs YOU L I B R A.. R Y _ :;:;;:1n ,:::~:;:. ·~:: 0~

Psychology at Marquette Unl­

HOURS Monday to· ·Friday

8 A.M. to 10:30 P.M.

Saturday 8 A.M. to S P.M.

Sunday 2 P.M. to 10:30 P.M.



rt.,I Junior and I

Junior Teens !

\•tnity. The Slt\·ens Point Nt\l'· man Oiapter Is now k:dcini; ror representatives to send to

Come lo . Pointer Orrtee

2nd • ·1oor In Union






$1.75 DEllVERY CHARGE 25c

PHONE 344-9557




How_ Much HAM

Is There You?


RICH COlOGNES Mt>1110<oble oncl lo119,la11in11 iol lhe d i,1ine1iv1 Pritlce Maldtot..llil crown bold• • • • Wind Son9,, B.eloved,5trodiworf, Abono,vt Prop~. $2,50 lo $!1i.OO


~ Your Advance Shopping List

Available NOW! s.aveT!,.t- Clle<k •N wc,11rl tmily ntffllhisccn•_,,t_y. Av oidWtitin&-Ci.clYlllll'Oldi!r itt no• - W.a<101 111e crowd1. • An11re Savini1-Your0<dtr 1spr1-plf<'d orly .. n,le stoc~s irt tomplttt,

ll•U.,ice all PIUS I PINlll!


If you are ot ol.1


interested in "SHOW

·THANK YOtJ ...._ -The management and staff of the

University Stare, University Center, wish

to express their appreciation for the pati­

ence and understanding displayed in large

measure by both students and faculty

during the· period of textbook distribution.

you ore cordially invited to

information meeting of the the general

"COMMUNITY CAPERS OF 1965" on Sunday, October . 17, second floor of

th~ Universi ty Center, at 2 P.M. Enthusiast ic

talent of ALL Kinds is needed.

Let's show · StevenJ Point that we are

the BEST Pointers! ,.




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