The lost generation

The Lost Generation lost in meaning and experience Jane Jovanov Charles University Prague

Transcript of The lost generation

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The Lost Generationlost in meaning and experience

Jane JovanovCharles University


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The lost generation

As a phrase, “lost generation” is composed of the adjective “lost” and the noun “generation”

Here are some meaning that these words carry in different dictionaries:

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The lost generation

The phrase “Lost Generation” translates in Macedonian – “Изгубената генерација”.

According to the Digital Dictionary of the Macedonian Language, „изгубен“, „изгуби“ means:

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The lost generation1. Someone left without something of a material nature (Ги изгубив клучевите)2. Someone who is out of reach (biologically) (Го изгубив од вид)3. To lose a capacity to do something or use something(Го изгуби слухот)4. Remain without someone due to death (Изгубивме добар другар)5. To lose a job, entertainment, war etc. (Изгуби на карти)6. To disappear without a trace (Сонцето се изгуби над хоризонтот)7. To faint or to lose mind (Девојката сосема се изгуби)8. To become unreasonable (Во новата ситуација, тој сосема се изгуби)

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The lost generation

The “Digital Dictionary of the Macedonian Language” provides the following meanings for “Generation”:

Generation, offspring, people of common interest, people of the same age, people with similar beliefs and living in some period of time

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The lost generation defines “lost” as follows:

no longer possessed or retained: lost friends. no longer to be found: lost articles. having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place,

direction, etc.: lost children. not used to good purpose, as opportunities, time, or labor; wast

ed: a lost advantage. being something that someone has failed to win: a lost prize. ending in or attended with defeat: a lost battle. destroyed or ruined: lost ships.

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The lost generation defines “generation” as follows: the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time:

the postwar generation. the term of years, roughly 30 among human beings, accepted as the

average period between the birth of parents and the birth of the offspring.

a group of individuals, most of whom are the same approximate age, having similar ideas, problems, attitudes, 

a group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: Chaplin belonged to the generation of silent-screen stars.

a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants.

a form, type, class, etc., of objects existing at the same time and having many similarities or developed from a common model or ancestor (often used in combination): a new generation of anticancer drugs; a third-generation phone.

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The lost generation In the “Dictionary of Russian Language” by

Dmitry Ushakov, printed in 4 parts from 1935 – 1940, there are three meanings of “lost” («потерять»):

1. to lose 2. to be sad 3. one who is without hope

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The lost generation The New Dictionary of Russian Language (Новый

словарь русского языка. Толково-словообразовательный) by Tatyana Efremova, printed in 2000, “lost” comes with a new meaning:

One who hasn’t found his place in life; who doesn’t know what he is doing

One who is mentally disordered

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The lost generation In the “Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Literary

Language” (Речник савременог српског књижевног језика) by Milosh Moskovljevik (published in 2000), under “generation” (поколење) we found the following meaning:

People of the same age Whilst under “lost” (изгубити): To stay without something To forget something To lose a competition, war To lose value To be out of your mind

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The lost generation In “Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika” by Vladimir Anić

(published in 1998), under the term “generacija” we found the following meaning:

Everything that belongs to a certain age or has appeared in roughly the same time on this world

Whilst under the term “izgubjlen”: Someone who is lost One who does not accommodate to

circumstances Helpless, disoriented

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The lost generation In „Речник на думите в българския език“

(, „изгубен“ brought the following synonyms:

загубен, прахосан, разпилян, пропилян, погубен, пропаднал, пожертвуван, провален, неморален,безнадежден, безизходен, отчайващ, заблуден, бездомен, безстопанствен, загинал, умиращ, отслабнал

(Lost, immoral, wasted, scattered, squandered, executed, failed, sacrificed, immoral, hopeless, desperate, homeless, stray, perished, dying, weak

„Поколение“ brought up the same meanings as in other languages.

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Origin and variations The term “generation” is a subject to more

approaches – from biological, social, psychological, historical and political point.

From a biological stand point, all persons born within a specific period of time are considered members of a certain "generation", but the psychological point of view does not define that all persons born in a certain chronological age are part of a a "group“ - only certain individuals. It does not mean that one should be born in a particular year or decade to be a member of a generation. That division can only be conditional. Members of one generation generally have the same outlook on life and worldview.

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Origin and variations We will present the term "generation" as a separate

sociocultural group involving people of the same age, (members of this sociocultural group have common characteristics, such as biological and sociopolitical point of view)

In addition, certain sociopolitical, economic and historical developments can be a "generator" for creating a certain "generation."

Usually under "(lost) generation" today we mean a group of people who have gone through difficulties in life. If we take the historical, economic and sociopolitical developments into account, we can say that there is a "World War II generation", "Tito's generation," "transitional generation", "disco generation", etc.

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Origin and variations We can come to the conclusion that "lost generation"

is used for a generation that is: “run over by circumstances“ “who’s tradition is disrupted” “people who find themselves in difficult social,

economic or political conditions”

We cannot say that virtually all members of a generation are “lost” - only when a certain type of crisis affects most representatives of a particular group.

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Origin and variations Term used to describe the generation of writers active

immediately after World War I. Gertrude Stein used the phrase in conversation

with Ernest Hemingway, supposedly quoting a garage mechanic saying to her, "You are all a lost generation."

The phrase signifies a disillusioned postwar generation characterized by lost values, lost belief in the idea of human progress, and a mood of futility and despair leading to hedonism.

The mood is described by F. Scott Fitzgerald in THIS SIDE OF PARADISE (1920) when he writes of a generation that found "all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken."

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Origin and variations

We find the phrase “Lost Generation” to be used more widely in Europe, than in USA

The Balkans experienced multiple “lost generations” in the XX and the XXI century (Balkan wars, Words War I and II, breakup of Yugoslavia, Serbo-Croat war…)

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Origin and variations In Macedonia people born in the 1980’s and 1990’s

are considered a “lost generation” Reasons for this are found in the dissolution of

Yugoslavia, as well as the continuous economic and political crisis

Soviet Union and Russia recognize as “lost” the children born before and after the start of Perestroika in the Soviet Union

From a biological point of view, the “lost generation” on the Balkans and the former Soviet Union finds itself in a “endogenic psychosis”, a lost of faith in the system and in the future itself, resulting in low birth rates all over the region

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Different experiences The different experiences shared in various countries

and continents leave different marks and meanings of the phrase "lost generation".

In several examples will present how these differences are percepted

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Different experiences Great Britain (The Telegraph, 28.12.2014)

Young people are 'lost generation' who can no longer fix gadgets, warns professor

Young people in Britain have become a lost generation who can no longer mend gadgets and appliances because they have grown up in a disposable world, the professor giving this year’s Royal Institution Christmas lectures has warned.

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Different experiences USA (Bloomberg, 8.10.2009)

The Lost Generation

While unemployment is ravaging just about every part of the global workforce, the most enduring harm is being done to young people who can't grab onto the first rung of the career ladder.

For people just starting their careers, the damage may be deep and long-lasting, potentially creating a kind of "lost generation."

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Different experiences Great Britain (The Guardian, 1.2.2015)

Are we creating a lost generation with no prospects?

New figures reveal that the GCSE gap between rich and poor children is widening. Only one in three disadvantaged children achieved the government’s pass target of five A* to C grade passes, compared to 60% overall. The number of state schools that failed to reach the minimum target has more than doubled from the year before. Teach First, which recruits high-calibre graduates to teach in inner-city schools, and which analysed the statistics, described the situation as “shocking”, saying: “Things are getting worse for poorer children instead of better.”

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Different experiences Al Jazeera (7.9.2014)

Syria's 'lost generation' in Lebanon

Educated, middle-class Syrian refugees are struggling to find jobs under a myriad of restrictions in Lebanon.

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Different experiences World Bank (in Macedonian – 26.5.2014)

Невработeност на младите во Југоисточна Европа: Спречување на изгубена генерација

“Ние сме дел од генерација која стана рекордер во највисоката стапка на невработеност кај младите во Босна и Херцеговина...кои се причините за ваквата состојба и дали имаме шанса за нормален живот?“

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Different experiences - Bulgaria (3.1.2015) Едно изгубено поколение

1. Ние израснахме в години, в които чалгата беше издигната на пиедестал, фолк певиците бяха сложното съчетание между красива и успяла българка. Естрадата миришеше на мухъл, а попът беше умрял. Жоро Илиев не беше мафиот, а религия, на която всички се кланяха. Ние израснахме в години, в които сигурност за бъдещето ти даваше не образованието, а силиконът. Ние сме децата на едно изгубено поколение!;

2. Това са децата на 90-те. Загледайте се хубаво в очите на тези деца. Там ще видите всичко друго, само не вяра и надежда, защото годините, в които израснаха им я отнеха.

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Different experiences Блиц - Бугарија (13.5.2014)

Георги Пирински: Имаме изгубено поколение не само в България, а и в целия ЕС

„Днес имаме цяло изгубено поколение не само тук, в България, а и в целия Европейски Съюз. Поколение без работа, без перспектива и без надежда. За да променим това, имаме нужда от силно представителство в Европейския парламент, което да защитава интересите на хората.„

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Different experiences Delo - Slovenia (25.1.2015)

O prekarnem delu: Izgubljena generacija osemdesetih let

Kako naj se odločamo za prihodnost? Če visoko izobražen človek dobi redno zaposlitev po štiridesetem, s čim naj kupi stanovanje, zgradi hišo?

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Different experiences Slovenske Novice - Slovenia (19.4.2015)

Izgubljena generacija: mladi brez služb in pri starših

Ekonomska kriza, ki Slovenijo hromi že kar nekaj let, najtežje posledice pušča na mladih. Ustvarila je eno celo izgubljeno generacijo.

Podatki, ki jih je objavil Eurostat, kažejo, da je med nižje izobraženimi mladimi v Sloveniji 30 odstotkov brezposelnih. Med visokoizobraženimi delež znaša nekaj manj kot 20 odstotkov. To vsekakor vpliva tudi na pozno osamosvajanje. Na Švedskem in Danskem mladi na svoje odidejo že pri starosti 20 let, na Hrvaškem je ta starost v povprečju okoli 33 let in je najvišja med državami EU. V Sloveniji so leta 2013 moški v povprečju dom zapustili pri 30 letih, ženske pa pri 28.

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Different experiences Index - Croatia (18.4.2015)

Izgubljena generacija: Mladi u Hrvatskoj žive s roditeljima i nemaju posao

EKONOMSKA kriza iz koje Hrvatska ne izlazi već sedmu godinu ostavila je teške posljedice na mlađe ljude i stvorila cijelu jednu izgubljenu generaciju. Visoka nezaposlenost mladih rezultirala je demografskim slomom, te imamo pad populacije, starenje stanovništva i sve veće iseljavanje u inozemstvo. Eurostat, statistički ured Europske unije objavio je ovog tjedna istraživanje o mladima koje je otkrilo da su trendovi po tom pitanju u Hrvatskoj, u mnogim aspektima prilično loši.

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Different experiences PlanetSiol.Net - Slovenia (6.6.2014)

Peter Debeljak: Ne maturantje, izgubljena generacija so 30-letniki

V najmanj zavidljivi situaciji so mladi nad 30 leti, ki niso predmet ukrepov. So intelektualna srčika, a jih ne znamo umestiti v družbeni razvoj. Država, ki se tukaj ne odzove, je zame nezrela

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Different experiences Либертас – Macedonia (23.4.2015) Изгубена генерација Генерацијата на која припаѓам и сум особено горд  е т.н.

изгубена генерација.Старото добро време го фативме сосем на крајот,а новото нѐ калеше низ многу неизвесност и проблеми.

Тогаш наша социјална мрежа беше улицата.Некои убави работи за кои само сме чуле од постарите генерации не стасавме да ги искусиме.Тоа веќе беше минато,а ние како генерација бевме на прагот на едно ново,неизвесно време.

Со завршување на осмолетка требаше да се оди на екскурзија низ Југославија.Кога дојде наш ред за екскурзија таа се прекина поради почетокот на југословенската криза.

Така почетокот на средното училиште ни се поклопува со распадот на Југославија, се затворија границите поради војната и крвавиот распад на старата држава...

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Different experiences – Macedonia (14.4.2015) "ПЕЧАЛБАРИТЕ" - ПРИКАЗНА НА ЕДНА


Тешка е судбата македонска, печалбарска е таа, кaко да му било пишано на македонецот да биде во вечна потрага по среќа. „Ех црна и крвава е нашата печалба мајко! Уште покрвава е сиромаштијата што не гони таму! “ – вака напиша Антон Панов во својата „Печалбари“ уште во 1936 година. Речиси осумдесет години подоцна малку се има променето.

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Different experiences Фонд имени Питирима Сорокина "Дети перестройки" как "потерянное


Поколение «детей перестройки» появилось на свет в тот драматичный момент нашей истории, когда «некогда наилучшая страна стала наихудшей». Во времена стремительно меняющегося настоящего, не было времени думать о будущем. Социальная катастрофа, сопоставимая по своей  разрушительной силе с гражданской войной заживо похоронила все достижения советского периода. Во времена хаоса, в условиях полнейшей ценностной дезориентации, учителями молодёжи стали низкопробные западные фильмы, а также «злые улицы», ставшие идеальной кузницей кадров для многочисленных преступных группировок. Поколение 90-х оказалось лишено элементарного представления о том, что такое хорошо, а что плохо. 

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Different experiences Комсомольская правда – Russia (11.4.2014) «Революцию» на Украине сделало «потерянное

поколение» «Мы будем стоять до конца за свою Родину! Мы свободные!»

Прикидываю, сколько лет может быть этим горячим головам - 20? 30? Не больше. Субтильные настолько, что удивляешься, откуда силы берутся устроить такую мясорубку. Верю, что они действительно будут биться до конца. Они не видят другого морального выхода. За свою жизнь они испытали столько унижения и злости, и им кажется — уйдет «неправильное» правительство, и сгинут беды. Пружина терпения не только сжалась, но накалилась до предела. Именно это придает силы «бороться за свое правое дело». Это пока...

На самом деле, сейчас Украина переходит свою точку невозврата, за которой люди, которым сейчас от 15 до 35, будут считаться историками потерянными поколениями. Их станет не много, а очень много. Спасутся только те, кто сохранит рациональность мышления в этом бедламе. А это, в основном, те, у кого крепкая семья и постоянная работа. Много ли таких осталось на Западной  Украине?

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Different experiences РИА Новости – Russia (2.10.2014)

Украина: чего хочет "потерянное поколение“

На Украине подрастает новое поколение, которое должно взяться за восстановление экономики. Но способна ли на это молодежь, которая мечтает о безвизовом режиме с Европой? Кто займется восстановлением страны, если все уедут на заработки?

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Different experiences