The flow of thoughts –exercise · Tämä tehtäväpaperi on luottamuksellinen, vain sinua...

The flow of thoughts –exercise Camera obscura -project Version 18.12.2019 Name and class Experience is now behind you This exercise is confidential and only meant for you. After you are ready/ finished fold it in half and return to the staff. Written papers will be placed in sealed envelope. You will receive them back from your teacher during the reflection class when they will be opened. The following questions will help you reflect your experience. There are no wrong or right answers, only your experiences and thoughts. Do three exercises 1. exercise Beach of dreams. The first room was the beach of the carefree dreams. What is your dream? Why is it important to hold on to the dreams? Think and write down on this paper. If writing feels difficult at the moment you can also draw. 2. exercise The bridge. At the end of the experience there was a bridge. There was a map under the bridge. In the map was said: You are a treasure yourself. Seeing the map was difficult. There was only a little light and you maybe needed to change the place to see the map. Reading the map wasn’t made easy. Life also isn’t always easy but the map said: You are the treasure. What does it mean that you are the treasure? Write down what kind of a treasure you are to you and your near ones. In your opinion how does it shows if someone doesn’t appre- ciate themselves? Choose one more question to answer from the fol- lowing. You may certainly read the other ones and do them in your mind. Only write from one. If necessary, you can continue the text to the reverse side of the paper. 3A Current of pressure. In the dark cavity it was talked about the pressures that people are facing and about who makes the decisions. Have you felt pressurized in some decisions by other people? How have you op- erated in those situations? Who could really help you to make decisions? 3B Theatre of hopes. In front of a mirror you were able to think what helps success or what are your strengths? Which things help you to succeed? What are your strengths? 3C The stairs You stood on the stairs in which every step you were asked a few questions. What makes you happy when you think about your future? You feel necessary. What has then happened? You feel closeness. Who is the most important person to you?

Transcript of The flow of thoughts –exercise · Tämä tehtäväpaperi on luottamuksellinen, vain sinua...

Page 1: The flow of thoughts –exercise · Tämä tehtäväpaperi on luottamuksellinen, vain sinua itseäsi varten. Kun olet kirjoittanut, taita se kahtia ja palauta oppaalle, se laitetaan

Ajatusten virta -tehtävä (v 1.18) Tunne- ja selviytymistaidot Mielikuvaseikkailu on nyt takanasi Tämä tehtäväpaperi on luottamuksellinen, vain sinua itseäsi varten. Kun olet kirjoittanut, taita se kahtia ja palauta oppaalle, se laitetaan suljettuun kirjekuoreen. Saat täyttämäsi paperin takaisin opettajasi pitä-mällä Purkutunnilla, jolloin kuori avataan. Seuraavat kysymykset auttavat sinua pohtimaan kokemaasi. Nyt ei ole kysymys oikeista tai vääristä vastauksista vaan siitä, mitä sinä koet ja ajattelet. Tee kolme tehtävää: 1. Kuulemasi kertomuksen alussa henkilö koki elämänsä olleen onnellista. Kirjoita (tai piirrä) mil-laisia ovat olleet sinun elämäsi onnelliset ajat ja tapahtumat? 2. Olit synkässä tunnelissa. Kertomuksen henkilö koki vanhempiensa eron vaikeana. Elämää koh-taaviin menetyksiin liittyy yleensä monenlaisia voimakkaita tunteita. Kirjoita (tai piirrä) millaisia menetyksiä sinun elä-mässäsi on ollut? Millaisia tunteita niihin liittyi? 3. Peilin edessä pohdit omia vahvuuksia joilla sel-viät hankalista tilanteista. Minkälaisia pärjäämisen keinoja sinä olet löytänyt? Millaisia olet huomannut toisten käyttävän? 4. Valitse vielä yksi kysymys alla olevista, johon vastaat. Saat toki lukea muutkin ja tehdä ne mie-lessäsi. Kirjoita kuitenkin vain yhdestä. Tarvittaes-sa voit jatkaa tekstiä paperin kääntöpuolelle. A. Yksi pärjäämisen keino hankalissa tilanteissa on pitää kiinni itselle tärkeistä asioista. Mitkä ovat sinulle tärkeitä asioita? Kirjoita niitä tähän: B. Mielikuvareitin lopussa oli silta. Sillan alla oli kartta. Kartassa luki: Lapsella on oikeus olla lapsi. Vanhemman tehtävänä on olla aikuinen. Kartan sanoma oli: Vanhempien kuuluu kantaa vastuuta lapsistaan ja lapsilla on oikeus kumpaankin van-hempaansa. Kirjoita millaista tukea sinä toivoisit vanhemmiltasi enemmän: C. Yleensä vaikeuksista ja ongelmista puhuminen jollekin auttaa. Kuka voisi kuunnella sinua silloin kun tarvitset tukea, nimeä muutama: Ketä sinä voisit tukea tänään kuuntelemalla?

Nimi ja luokka

The flow of thoughts –exercise

Camera obscura -project Version 18.12.2019

Name and class

Experience is now behind you This exercise is confidential and only meant for you. After you are ready/ finished fold it in half and return to the staff. Written papers will be placed in sealed envelope. You will receive them back from your teacher during the reflection class when they will be opened. The following questions will help you reflect your experience. There are no wrong or right answers, only your experiences and thoughts. Do three exercises 1. exercise Beach of dreams. The first room was the beach of the carefree dreams. What is your dream? Why is it important to hold on to the dreams? Think and write down on this paper. If writing feels difficult at the moment you can also draw. 2. exercise The bridge. At the end of the experience there was a bridge. There was a map under the bridge. In the map was said: You are a treasure yourself. Seeing the map was difficult. There was only a little light and you maybe needed to change the place to see the map. Reading the map wasn’t made easy. Life also isn’t always easy but the map said: You are the treasure. What does it mean that you are the treasure? Write down what kind of a treasure you are to you and your near ones. In your opinion how does it shows if someone doesn’t appre-ciate themselves? Choose one more question to answer from the fol-lowing. You may certainly read the other ones and do them in your mind. Only write from one. If necessary, you can continue the text to the reverse side of the paper. 3A Current of pressure. In the dark cavity it was talked about the pressures that people are facing and about who makes the decisions. Have you felt pressurized in some decisions by other people? How have you op-erated in those situations? Who could really help you to make decisions? 3B Theatre of hopes. In front of a mirror you were able to think what helps success or what are your strengths? Which things help you to succeed? What are your strengths? 3C The stairs You stood on the stairs in which every step you were asked a few questions. What makes you happy when you think about your future? You feel necessary. What has then happened? You feel closeness. Who is the most important person to you?