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Transcript of TEVI RUUKKI

  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Ruukki este expertul n metal pe care v putefli baza oricnd avefli nevoie de produse, componente,sisteme i soluflii metalice complete. Dezvoltm permanent gama de produse i modele pentru a veni nntmpinarea necesitflilor dumneavoastr.

    fievi de oflelSecfliuni tubulare

    Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliunile tubulare profilate sunt ideale pentru diverse structuri din oflel, construcflii de case iaplicaflii de producere a echipamentelor. Forma simplist i proprietflile de rezistenfl excelentepermit creearea unor structuri durabile, uoare i economice. Secfliunile tubulare produse de Ruukkiofer proiectanflilor o gam diversificat de dimensiuni, care, atunci cnd sunt combinate cu gradulcorespunztor de oflel, asigur optimizarea functionalitflii i eficienflei structurilor.


    Structuri pentru cldiri

    Structuri de poduri Balustrade Cadre metalice pentru maini unelte Cadre metalice pentru vehicule de transport Structuri de baz pentru echipamente de ridicare Coloane Piloni

    TP 1.2.1 12.20051

  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliuni tubulare Ruukki EN 10219

    Programul de producflie al Ruukki include secfliunile tubularecirculare, ptrate i rectangulare din benzi de oflel laminat lacald prin formare la rece i sudare.

    Secfliunile tubulare ptrate i rectangulare, precum isecfliunile circulare cu diamentru mic (D 323,9 mm) suntsudate longitudinal prin metoda de sudare cu frecvenfl nalt(HFW). Secfliunile circulare cu diametru mare (D 355,6mm) sunt sudate elicoidal prin metoda de sudare cu arcelectric acoperit (SAW).

    Condiflii tehnice de livrare pentru secfliunile tubulareStardardul european EN 10219 pentru secfliunile tubulareformate la rece a fost acceptat n flrile membre CEN, undeacesta nlocuiete standardele naflionale anterioare (tabel1).Secfliunile tubulare sudate longitudinal1)furnizate de Ruukkirespect cerinflele de baz ale standardului EN 10219,precum i urmtoarele cerinfle suplimentare:Sunt ndeplinite urmtoarele opfliuni ale standarduluiEN 10219 pentru clasele de oflel din tabelele 3 i 4:1.2 Valoarea maxim garantat pentru carbonul echivalent

    al oflelurilor pentru structuri;1.3 Conflinutul elementelor de aliere este menflionat

    n documentul de inspecflie;

    1.4 Valoarea maxim garantat pentru carbonul echivalental oflelurilor cu granulaflie fin;1.5 Pentru clasa de oflel S460, sunt garantate urmtoarele

    procente V + Nb +Ti 0,22% i Mo + Cr 0,30%;1.6 Proprietflile de rezilienfl pentru calitflile JO i JR

    sunt verificate;1.7 Secfliunile tubulare din oflel se preteaz pentru

    galvanizarea la cald;1.8 Nu se efectueaz lucrri de reparaflii de sudur pe

    materialul de baz al secfliunilor tubulare.

    Toleranfla la grosimea peretelui secfliunilor tubulare profilateeste garantat la -5% / +10%, oricum, toleranfla minim

    este 0,2 mm, iar toleranfla maxim este 0,5 mm. n plus,clasa de oflel Ruukki S355J2H are urmtoarele caracteristici:- Valoarea energiei eliberate la impact de 34 J/cm2estegarantat la o temperatur de -40C- Sunt garantate valori mai bune dect cele prevzutede standardul EN 10219 pentru carbonul echivalent icompoziflia chimic (tabelul 2).

    1) Condifliile tehnice de livrare pentru secfliunile tubulare su-date elicoidal vor fi agreate separat pentru fiecare comand.

    Clase de ofleluriPrin contract, Ruukki produce secfliuni tubulare conformstandardului EN 10219 din clase de oflel nealiat (tabelul 3) iofleluri cu granulaflie fin (tabelul 4). Alte clase de oflel suntproduse la comand.

    S355J2H - Clasa standard a oflelurilor Ruukki

    Clasa standard a oflelurilor este S355J2H. Pentru aceastclas, Ruukki garanteaz compoziflia chimic, n conformita-te cu tabelul 2 i proprietflile mecanice, n conformitate cutabelul 3.

    Proprietfli de galvanizare la cald (Opfliunea 1.7)Grosimea stratului de zinc obflinut n timpul galvanizriila cald, ca funcflie a conflinutului de Si a oflelului, esteprezentat n tabelul 5. Oflelul de clas standard S355J2Heste furnizat cu conflinut de siliciu garantat la 0,15 0,25%Si. Dac s-a efectuat o galvanizare la cald adecvat, grosi-mea stratului de zinc (peste 100 m) cel mai des solicitat

    este obflinut datorit acestui conflinut de Si. Codul SI/B seutilizeaz pentru un conflinut de Si de 0,15 0,25% Si nconfirmarea comenzii i pe etichetele de ambalare.

    Prin acord, clasele oflelului pentru secfliunile tubulare (cnd T< 6,3 mm) sunt, de asemenea, disponibile cu un conflinut desiliciu i fosfor de Si + P 0,04%, ceea ce permite obflinereaunui strat de zinc cu o grosime mai redus (sub 100 m)prin galvanizare la cald. Conflinutul de siliciu i fosfor Si +P 0,04% rezult din codul SI/A din confirmarea comenziii de pe etichetele de ambalare. Cerinfla privind conflinutulde siliciu i fosfor trebuie convenit mpreun cu cererea i


    Toleranfle dimensionalePentru secfliunile sale tubulare, Ruukki garanteaz o toleranflmai bun a grosimii peretelui dect se solicit n standardulEN10219. Celelalte toleranfle dimensionale sunt stabilite curespectarea standardului EN 10219, tabelul 6. Alte toleranflemai pot fi aplicate prin contract.

    Certificat de inspecflieSecfliunile tubulare sunt livrate cu un certificat de inspecflieEN 10204, conform celor convenite n contractul decomand. n general, se emite certificatul de inspecflie

    EN-10204:2004-3.1. Analiza pe arj este raportat nconformitate cu standardul EN 10219-1 opfliunea 1.3.

    LungimeLungimile standard sunt 6 i 12 metri, iar pentru secfliuniletubulare ptrate i rectangulare mari (ncepnd de la di-mensiunile de 100 x 100 / 120 x 80 mm) chiar i 18 metri.Secfliunile ptrate i rectangulare sunt disponibile, ca livrridin fabric, n lungimi specificate de pn la 12 metri sau24 de metri, n funcflie de mrime, iar secfliunile circulare, nlungimi specificate de pn la 12 sau 16 metri.

    Protecflie de suprafaflSecfliunile tubulare se livreaz fie fr protecflie de suprafafl(specificaflie: uscat) sau unse uor, conform prevederilorcontractului. Prin acord, secfliunile tubulare pot fi, de aseme-nea, livrate sablate i grunduite.



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219


    Secfliunile tubulare sudate longitudinal de la Ruukki suntmarcate cu o etichet continu de jet de cerneal, careconfline urmtoarele informaflii:- Emblema Ruukki- Dimensiunile produsului- Numrul de identificare pentru a asigura c secfliuniletubulare finite pot fi localizate n datele corespunztoareprivind producfliile i materialele.

    AprobriSistemul certificat ISO 9001 privind calitatea managemen-tului se aplic ntregului lanfl de producflie. Secfliunile tubulare

    profilate au tipul de aprobare SITAC din Suedia (Typgod-kaennandebevis 4828/84), iar producerea acestora estecontrolat de SBS (Svensk Byggstalkontroll).

    Societatea de clasificare Germanischer Lloyd (GL) a certifi-cat c Ruukki poate efectua inspecflia produselor pe propriasa rspundere. Inspecfliile pentru certificatele de testare3.1 C/GL, solicitate pentru clasificarea navelor, precumi tampilarea produselor cu emblema GL pot fi efectuatecu respectarea sistemului de calitate a managementului,fr prezenfla unui inspector independent. Autorizarea estevalabil pentru urmtoarele dimensiuni (n mm):

    - 100 x 100 - 300 x 300- 120 x 80 - 400 x 200- 139,7 - 323,9

    Secfliunile tubulare profilate sunt certificate cu aprobareaUHP, conform reglementrilor germane privind construcfliile,avnd inclusiv dreptul de a utiliza semnul U n etichetareaproducfliei.

    Dimensiunile i proprietflile n secfliunetransversal ale produselor tubulareDimensiunile i proprietflile n secfliunea transversal aleproduselor tubulare sunt menflionate n tabelele 9 12.Proprietflile n secfliunea transversal au fost calculateutiliznd dimensiunile transversale nominale H, B, D i T alesecfliunilor tubulare profilate i raza nominal exterioar decolfl R, care este indicat n partea superioar a tabelelor 9 i

    10 i care este n conformitate cu standardul EN 10219.

    Seriile recomandate sunt indicate cu x n tabele. Aceleasunt dimensiunile pe care Ruukki le produce n mod regulat.Deoarece gama de mrimi existent n depozite poate diferide seriile recomandate, disponibilitatea mrimilor trebuieverificat ntotdeauna nainte la retaileri sau la birourile devnzare ale Ruukki. Secfliunile tubulare sudate elicoidal seproduc numai n baza unui acord separat.

    Compoziflie chimic: comparaflie ntre oflel grad S355J2H Tabelul 2standard Ruukki i oflel grad S355J2H standard EN 10219

    C Si Mn P S Al total CEV

    S355J2H standard Ruukki

    Normal % 0.08 0.18 1.40 0.010 0.006 0.030 0.32

    Maxim % 0.16 0.25 1) 1.60 0.020 0.018 0.020 2) 0.39S355J2H standard EN 10219

    Maxim % 0.22 0.55 1.60 0.035 0.035 0.020 2) 0.45

    1)Conflinutul de Si garantat: 0.15 0.25%.2)Minim %.

    Secfliuni tubulare: standarde pentru dimensiuni, condiflii tehnice de livrare i material Tabelul 1

    Secfliune transversal Standard de dimensiuni Standard de condiflii de livrare Standard de material

    EN 10219-2 EN 10219-1 EN10219-1

    SFS 5001 SFS 5001 SFS 200

    DIN 59411 DIN 17119 DIN 17100

    DIN 2458 DIN 17120 DIN 17120

    SS 21 28 25 SS 21 28 25 SS 14xx xxSS 21 28 35 SS 21 28 35 SS 14xx xx

    Standard EN 10219 nlocuiete standardele naflionale anterioare.


  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Caracteristici mecanice pentru secfliunile tubulare din ofleluri nealiate - EN 10219 Tabelul 3

    Standard ReH


    RmMPa A


    MinimTemperatura test de impact 1)

    CT < 3 3 T 16

    S235JRH EN 10219-1:1997 235 360 510 340 470 24 2) +20S355J2H EN 10219-1:1997 355 510 680 490 630 20 2) -40 3)

    Caracteristicile mecanice pentru flevile rectangulare sunt testate de Ruukki pe partea mai lung a secfliunii transversale.1) Rezilienfla este garantata pentru o valoare de minim 27J pe o epruvet cu crestatura n V de 10x10 mm2conform EN 10045-1.

    2) Pentru flevile cu secfliune ptrat avnd B si H 60 mm i corespunztor pentru flevile rotunde i circulare, valoarea minim pentru alungire este 17%.3) Valoare garantat de Ruukki (conform EN 10219 cerinflele sunt pentru -20 C).

    Valori ale caracteristicilor mecanice pentru secfliunile tubulare Tabelul 4din ofleluri cu granulaflie fin - EN 10219

    Grosimea de perete t 1) ReH

    N/mm2 RmN/mm2 A5 % 2) Temperatura

    Maxim mm Minim test de impact C

    S355MH 12,5 355 450 610 22 -20 3)

    S355MLH 12,5 355 450 610 22 -50 4)

    S420MH 12,5 420 500 660 19 -20 3)

    S420MLH 12,5 420 500 660 19 -50 4)

    S460MH 12,5 460 550 720 17 -20 3)

    S460MLH 10,0 460 550 720 17 -504)

    Caracteristicile mecanice pentru flevile rectangulare sunt testate de Ruukki pe partea mai lung a secfliunii transversale.1) Pentru dimensiuni certe sunt limitri la grosimile de perete.

    2) Pentru flevile cu secfliune ptrat avnd B i H 60 mm i corespunztor pentru flevile rotunde i circulare, valoarea minim pentru alungire este 17%.3) Rezilienfla este garantat pentru o valoare de minim 40J pe o epruvet cu cresttura n V de 10x10 mm2conform EN 10045-1.4) Rezilienfla este garantat pentru o valoare de minim 27J pe o epruvet cu crestatura n V de 10x10 mm2conform EN 10045-1.

    Galvanizare la cald Tabelul 5

    Grosimea stratului de zinc depus corespunztor conflinutului de

    siliciu la oflelurile galvanizate la cald. Gama de valori a conflinutului

    favorabil de siliciu este colorat cu gri mai nchis pe grafic. n

    interiorul acestei plaje, grosimea i aderarea stratului de zinc poate

    fi bine controlat dac se va folosi o metod adecvat de protecflie.




    0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40

    Conflinut de Si



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliuni tubulare ptrate, rectangulare i circulare. Toleranfle dimensionale Tabelul 6Caracteristici Toleranfle conform EN 10219-2:1997

    Secfliuni tubulare ptrate i rectangulare Secfliuni tubulare circulare

    Dimensiuni exterioare(B, H) 1)

    Pentru B, H < 100 mm: 1%, minim 0.5 mmPentru 100 mm B, H 200 mm: 0.8%Pentru B, H > 200 mm: 0.6%

    Diametru exterior(D) 1) 1%/min. 0.5 mm si maxim 10 mm

    Abaterea circular2) 2% pentru D/T 2002)

    Grosime de perete (T) -5%/+10%, minim 0.2 mm simaxim 0.5 mm

    Pentru D 323.9 mm:-5%/+10%, dar minim 0.2 mm

    i maxim 0.5 mmPentru 355,6 D 406.4 mm: 3)

    10% pentru T 5 mm0.5 mm pentru T > 5 mmPentru D > 406.4 mm: 3)

    10% cu maxim 0.2 mm

    Raza exterioar (R) Pentru T 6 mm: 1.6 x T-2.4 x TPentru 6 mm < T 10 mm: 2.0 x T-3.0 x TPentru T > 10 mm: 2.4 x T-3.6 x T

    Perpendicularitate 90 1

    Concavitate/Convexitate 0.8%, min. 0,5 mm

    Torsiune (V) 2 mm + 0,5 mm/m

    Rectilinitate 0.15% din lungimea flevii 0.20% din lungimea flevii

    Masa (M) 6% pe fleav 6% pe fleav

    Lungime standard 4000 mm: 0 / +50 mm 4000 mm: 0 / +50 mm

    Lungime fix Vor fi agreate la emiterea comenzii Vor fi agreate la emiterea comenzii

    1) Toate dimensiunile exterioare sunt msurate cu minimul distanflei B pentru secfliunile tubulare ptrate i minimul distanflei H pentru cele rectangulare;

    minim distanfla din D cnd ne uitm din capatul secfliunii. Distanfla minim trebuie s fie 100 mm.2) Pentru D/T>100 toleranflele vor fi agreate la emiterea comenzii.3) Supranlflarea maxim a cordonului de sudur de la interiorul la exteriorul secfliunii tubulare ( 355.6 1219 mm) sudate elicoidal prin procedeul de

    sudare sub flux (SAW): 3.5 mm pentru T 14.2 mm si 4.8 mm pentru T>14.2 mm.



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Exemple cu posibilitflile de reducere a greutflii structurilor Tabelul 7utiliznd materiale grad S460MH n loc de S355J2H

    Exemple de ncrcri/ reducerea a Exemple de ncrcri/reducerea a Exemple de ncrcri/reducerea a

    greutflii/structura greutflii/structura greutflii/structura

    ntindere/ 20 30% Forfecare/ 20 30% Curbare/ 20 30%

    Torsiune/ 20 30% Compresie/ 10 30% Compresie/ 10 20%

    F FQ





    Marcajul Ruukki pentru secfliunile tubulare n proiecte i comenzi Tabelul 8

    Secfliuni tubulare Ruukki 18000 - CFRHS - EN 10219 - S355J2H - 300x300x12,5 - Optiuni 1.2, 1.3, 1.7, 1.8 - 3.1.B



    Geometria secfliunii transversale

    Nr. standard EN

    Calitate material

    Dimensiuni exterioare i grosime de perete mm

    Opfliuni cerute conform cu EN 10219-1

    Certificat de calitate conform EN 10204


    CFRHS = secfliuni ptrate sau rectangulare

    CFCHS = secfliuni circulare



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliuni tubulare ptrate - EN 10219 Tabelul 9

    X = serii recomandate Wp= modulul plastic al secfliunii Caracteristicile mecanice au fost calculate

    M = greutate i = raza folosind dimensiunile nominale H, B si T iA = aria secfliunii transversale lv= modul de torsiune raza exterioar R:

    Au= aria exterioar W

    v= modulul de torsiune al secfliunii R = 2.0 x T, pentru T 6.0;

    I = momentul de inerflie Densitatea teoretic = 7.85 kg/dm3 R = 2.5 x T, pentru 6.010.0 mm

    H B T X M A Au Ix = Iy Wx = Wy Wpx = Wpy ix = iy Iv W


    mm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    25 25 2.0 1.36 1.74 0.093 1.48 1.19 1.47 0.92 2.53 1.8025 25 2.5 1.64 2.09 0.091 1.69 1.35 1.71 0.90 2.97 2.0725 25 3.0 x 1.89 2.41 0.090 1.84 1.47 1.91 0.87 3.33 2.2730 30 2.0 1.68 2.14 0.113 2.72 1.81 2.21 1.13 4.54 2.75

    30 30 2.5 2.03 2.59 0.111 3.16 2.10 2.61 1.10 5.40 3.2030 30 3.0 x 2.36 3.01 0.110 3.50 2.34 2.96 1.08 6.15 3.5840 40 2.0 x 2.31 2.94 0.153 6.94 3.47 4.13 1.54 11.28 5.2340 40 2.5 2.82 3.59 0.151 8.22 4.11 4.97 1.51 13.61 6.2140 40 3.0 x 3.30 4.21 0.150 9.32 4.66 5.72 1.49 15.75 7.0740 40 4.0 x 4.20 5.35 0.146 11.07 5.54 7.01 1.44 19.44 8.4850 50 2.0 x 2.93 3.74 0.193 14.15 5.66 6.66 1.95 22.63 8.5150 50 2.5 3.60 4.59 0.191 16.94 6.78 8.07 1.92 27.53 10.2250 50 3.0 x 4.25 5.41 0.190 19.47 7.79 9.39 1.90 32.13 11.7650 50 4.0 x 5.45 6.95 0.186 23.74 9.49 11.73 1.85 40.42 14.4350 50 5.0 x 6.56 8.36 0.183 27.04 10.82 13.70 1.80 47.46 16.5660 60 2.0 x 3.56 4.54 0.233 25.14 8.38 9.79 2.35 39.79 12.5960 60 2.5 4.39 5.59 0.231 30.34 10.11 11.93 2.33 48.66 15.2260 60 3.0 x 5.19 6.61 0.230 35.13 11.71 13.95 2.31 57.09 17.6560 60 4.0 x 6.71 8.55 0.226 43.55 14.52 17.64 2.26 72.64 21.97

    60 60 5.0 x 8.13 10.36 0.223 50.49 16.83 20.88 2.21 86.42 25.6170 70 2.0 4.19 5.34 0.273 40.73 11.64 13.52 2.76 63.96 17.4870 70 2.5 5.17 6.59 0.271 49.41 14.12 16.54 2.74 78.49 21.2270 70 3.0 x 6.13 7.81 0.270 57.53 16.44 19.42 2.71 92.42 24.7470 70 4.0 x 7.97 10.15 0.266 72.12 20.61 24.76 2.67 118.52 31.1170 70 5.0 x 9.70 12.36 0.263 84.63 24.18 29.56 2.62 142.21 36.6580 80 2.0 4.82 6.14 0.313 61.70 15.42 17.85 3.17 96.34 23.1680 80 2.5 5.96 7.59 0.311 75.15 18.79 21.90 3.15 118.52 28.2280 80 3.0 x 7.07 9.01 0.310 87.84 21.96 25.78 3.12 139.93 33.0280 80 4.0 x 9.22 11.75 0.306 111.04 27.76 33.07 3.07 180.44 41.8480 80 5.0 x 11.3 14.36 0.303 131.44 32.86 39.74 3.03 217.83 49.6880 80 6.0 x 13.2 16.83 0.299 149.18 37.29 45.79 2.98 252.07 56.5980 80 6.3 13.5 17.21 0.293 148.51 37.13 46.11 2.94 260.96 57.9090 90 2.0 5.45 6.94 0.353 88.86 19.75 22.78 3.58 138.13 29.6490 90 2.5 6.74 8.59 0.351 108.55 24.12 28.00 3.56 170.26 36.23

    90 90 3.0 x 8.01 10.21 0.350 127.28 28.29 33.04 3.53 201.42 42.5190 90 4.0 x 10.5 13.35 0.346 161.92 35.98 42.58 3.48 260.80 54.1790 90 5.0 x 12.8 16.36 0.343 192.93 42.87 51.41 3.43 316.26 64.7090 90 6.0 x 15.1 19.23 0.339 220.48 49.00 59.54 3.39 367.76 74.1690 90 6.3 15.5 19.73 0.333 221.13 49.14 60.30 3.35 382.33 76.21100 100 2.0 6.07 7.74 0.393 123.01 24.60 28.30 3.99 190.54 36.92100 100 2.5 x 7.53 9.59 0.391 150.63 30.13 34.86 3.96 235.21 45.23100 100 3.0 x 8.96 11.41 0.390 177.05 35.41 41.21 3.94 278.68 53.19100 100 4.0 x 11.7 14.95 0.386 226.35 45.27 53.30 3.89 362.01 68.10100 100 5.0 x 14.4 18.36 0.383 271.10 54.22 64.59 3.84 440.52 81.72100 100 6.0 x 17.0 21.63 0.379 311.47 62.29 75.10 3.79 514.16 94.12100 100 6.3 17.5 22.25 0.373 314.17 62.83 76.38 3.76 536.02 97.02100 100 7.1 19.4 24.65 0.370 340.13 68.03 83.59 3.71 589.17 105.56100 100 8.0 x 21.4 27.24 0.366 365.94 73.19 91.05 3.67 644.51 114.23100 100 10.0 25.6 32.57 0.357 411.08 82.22 105.25 3.55 749.84 130.10

    110 110 2.5 8.31 10.59 0.431 202.38 36.80 42.47 4.37 314.86 55.23110 110 3.0 9.90 12.61 0.430 238.34 43.33 50.27 4.35 373.51 65.07110 110 4.0 x 13.0 16.55 0.426 305.94 55.62 65.21 4.30 486.47 83.63




    H X





  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    H B T X M A Au Ix = Iy Wx = Wy Wpx = Wpy ix = iy Iv Wv

    mm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    110 110 5.0 x 16.0 20.36 0.423 367.95 66.90 79.27 4.25 593.60 100.74110 110 6.0 18.9 24.03 0.419 424.57 77.19 92.46 4.20 694.85 116.47110 110 6.3 19.4 24.77 0.413 430.14 78.21 94.36 4.17 725.81 120.35120 120 3.0 x 10.8 13.81 0.470 312.35 52.06 60.24 4.76 487.72 78.15120 120 4.0 x 14.3 18.15 0.466 402.28 67.05 78.33 4.71 636.57 100.75120 120 5.0 x 17.6 22.36 0.463 485.47 80.91 95.45 4.66 778.50 121.75120 120 5.6 19.5 24.82 0.461 532.25 88.71 105.26 4.63 860.31 133.61120 120 6.0 x 20.8 26.43 0.459 562.16 93.69 111.61 4.61 913.46 141.22120 120 6.3 21.4 27.29 0.453 571.55 95.26 114.22 4.58 955.49 146.19120 120 7.1 23.8 30.33 0.449 623.30 103.88 125.65 4.53 1056.01 160.08120 120 8.0 x 26.4 33.64 0.446 676.88 112.81 137.81 4.49 1162.95 174.58120 120 8.8 28.6 36.48 0.442 719.88 119.98 147.89 4.44 1252.41 186.45

    120 120 10.0 x 31.8 40.57 0.437 776.81 129.47 161.82 4.38 1376.41 202.52140 140 4.0 16.8 21.35 0.546 651.62 93.09 108.15 5.52 1023.32 139.80140 140 5.0 x 20.7 26.36 0.543 790.56 112.94 132.30 5.48 1255.76 169.78140 140 5.6 23.0 29.30 0.541 869.55 124.22 146.25 5.45 1390.71 186.87140 140 6.0 x 24.5 31.23 0.539 920.43 131.49 155.33 5.43 1478.77 197.90140 140 6.3 25.4 32.33 0.533 940.82 134.40 159.62 5.39 1549.60 205.42140 140 7.1 28.3 36.01 0.529 1031.40 147.34 176.27 5.35 1718.74 225.95140 140 8.0 x 31.4 40.04 0.526 1126.77 160.97 194.18 5.30 1900.84 247.69140 140 8.8 34.2 43.52 0.522 1205.03 172.15 209.23 5.26 2055.40 265.79140 140 10.0 38.1 48.57 0.517 1311.67 187.38 230.38 5.20 2273.90 290.85150 150 4.0 18.0 22.95 0.586 807.82 107.71 124.87 5.93 1264.76 161.73150 150 5.0 x 22.3 28.36 0.583 982.12 130.95 152.98 5.89 1554.13 196.79150 150 6.0 x 26.4 33.63 0.579 1145.91 152.79 179.88 5.84 1832.69 229.84150 150 6.3 27.4 34.85 0.573 1173.71 156.49 185.15 5.80 1921.60 238.81150 150 7.1 30.5 38.85 0.569 1289.35 171.91 204.78 5.76 2134.21 263.13

    150 150 8.0 x 34.0 43.24 0.566 1411.83 188.24 225.96 5.71 2364.08 289.03150 150 8.8 36.9 47.04 0.562 1513.12 201.75 243.86 5.67 2560.17 310.72150 150 10.0 x 41.3 52.57 0.557 1652.53 220.34 269.17 5.61 2839.24 340.98150 150 12.5 x 48.7 62.04 0.536 1817.44 242.33 305.58 5.41 3320.84 389.30160 160 4.0 19.3 24.55 0.626 987.17 123.40 142.78 6.34 1541.45 185.25160 160 5.0 23.8 30.36 0.623 1202.36 150.29 175.16 6.29 1896.32 225.79160 160 6.0 x 28.3 36.03 0.619 1405.48 175.69 206.24 6.25 2238.90 264.18160 160 6.3 29.3 37.37 0.613 1442.13 180.27 212.57 6.21 2348.60 274.71160 160 7.1 32.7 41.69 0.609 1587.01 198.38 235.41 6.17 2611.42 303.15160 160 8.0 x 36.5 46.44 0.606 1741.23 217.65 260.14 6.12 2896.58 333.56160 160 8.8 39.7 50.56 0.602 1869.59 233.70 281.12 6.08 3140.82 359.16160 160 10.0 x 44.4 56.57 0.597 2047.67 255.96 310.95 6.02 3490.29 395.10160 160 12.0 50.9 64.86 0.578 2224.36 278.05 346.05 5.86 3996.72 443.13160 160 12.5 52.6 67.04 0.576 2275.04 284.38 355.66 5.83 4113.99 454.58180 180 5.0 27.0 34.36 0.703 1736.87 192.99 224.02 7.11 2724.16 289.81

    180 180 6.0 x 32.1 40.83 0.699 2036.52 226.28 264.35 7.06 3222.65 340.05180 180 6.3 33.3 42.41 0.693 2095.65 232.85 273.09 7.03 3382.71 354.08180 180 7.1 37.2 47.37 0.689 2312.84 256.98 303.07 6.99 3768.11 391.70180 180 8.0 x 41.5 52.84 0.686 2545.86 282.87 335.70 6.94 4188.56 432.21180 180 8.8 45.2 57.60 0.682 2741.73 304.64 363.58 6.90 4550.90 466.57180 180 10.0 x 50.7 64.57 0.677 3016.80 335.20 403.51 6.84 5073.57 515.31180 180 12.5 60.5 77.04 0.656 3406.43 378.49 467.08 6.65 6049.85 600.06200 200 5.0 x 30.1 38.36 0.783 2410.09 241.01 278.87 7.93 3763.30 361.82200 200 6.0 x 35.8 45.63 0.779 2832.75 283.27 329.67 7.88 4458.81 425.51200 200 6.3 37.3 47.45 0.773 2921.53 292.15 341.16 7.85 4682.19 443.52200 200 7.1 41.6 53.05 0.769 3231.60 323.16 379.25 7.81 5222.90 491.61200 200 8.0 x 46.5 59.24 0.766 3566.25 356.63 420.86 7.76 5815.18 543.64200 200 8.8 50.8 64.64 0.762 3849.59 384.96 456.59 7.72 6327.89 588.05200 200 10.0 x 57.0 72.57 0.757 4251.06 425.11 508.08 7.65 7071.73 651.48200 200 12.5 x 68.3 87.04 0.736 4859.42 485.94 593.50 7.47 8501.74 765.47

    220 220 6.0 39.6 50.43 0.859 3813.36 346.67 402.18 8.70 5976.18 520.57220 220 6.3 41.2 52.49 0.853 3939.93 358.18 416.80 8.66 6277.27 543.03220 220 7.1 46.1 58.73 0.849 4366.03 396.91 463.95 8.62 7009.86 602.86




  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    H B T X M A Au Ix = Iy Wx = Wy Wpx = Wpy ix = iy Iv Wv

    mm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3

    x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    220 220 8.0 51.5 65.64 0.846 4828.01 438.91 515.62 8.58 7814.84 667.86220 220 8.8 56.3 71.68 0.842 5221.35 474.67 560.17 8.53 8514.01 723.58220 220 10.0 63.2 80.57 0.837 5782.46 525.68 624.65 8.47 9532.77 803.62220 220 12.5 76.2 97.04 0.816 6673.98 606.73 734.92 8.29 11529.63 950.82250 250 6.0 x 45.2 57.63 0.979 5672.00 453.76 524.45 9.92 8842.52 681.15250 250 6.3 47.1 60.05 0.973 5872.62 469.81 544.43 9.89 9290.29 711.19250 250 7.1 52.8 67.25 0.969 6521.74 521.74 606.97 9.85 10387.69 791.03250 250 8.0 x 59.1 75.24 0.966 7229.20 578.34 675.77 9.80 11597.77 878.18250 250 8.8 64.6 82.24 0.962 7835.39 626.83 735.33 9.76 12652.72 953.27250 250 10.0 x 72.7 92.57 0.957 8706.67 696.53 822.00 9.70 14197.22 1061.80250 250 12.5 x 88.0 112.04 0.936 10161.31 812.91 975.17 9.52 17282.65 1266.25260 260 6.0 47.1 60.03 1.019 6404.54 492.66 568.80 10.33 9969.77 739.48

    260 260 6.3 49.1 62.57 1.013 6634.95 510.38 590.75 10.30 10475.19 772.29260 260 7.1 55.0 70.09 1.009 7372.75 567.13 658.90 10.26 11716.64 859.43260 260 8.0 61.6 78.44 1.006 8178.02 629.08 733.95 10.21 13086.86 954.68260 260 8.8 67.3 85.76 1.002 8869.18 682.24 799.00 10.17 14282.62 1036.86260 260 10.0 75.8 96.57 0.997 9864.65 758.82 893.78 10.11 16035.47 1155.85260 260 11.0 81.9 104.37 0.983 10475.62 805.82 956.45 10.02 17497.85 1246.94260 260 12.5 91.9 117.04 0.976 11547.88 888.30 1062.76 9.93 19553.31 1381.37300 300 6.0 x 54.7 69.63 1.179 9963.67 664.24 764.23 11.96 15433.82 996.78300 300 6.3 57.0 72.65 1.173 10341.99 689.47 794.94 11.93 16218.39 1041.86300 300 7.1 63.9 81.45 1.169 11516.13 767.65 887.94 11.89 18161.09 1161.42300 300 8.0 x 71.6 91.24 1.166 12800.69 853.38 990.67 11.84 20311.84 1292.67300 300 8.8 78.4 99.84 1.162 13910.50 927.37 1080.07 11.80 22194.64 1406.43300 300 10.0 x 88.4 112.57 1.157 15519.37 1034.62 1210.91 11.74 24965.66 1572.02300 300 12.5 x 108 137.04 1.136 18348.13 1223.21 1450.60 11.57 30600.78 1891.80

    Alte dimensiuni sunt disponibile la emiterea comenzii.



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliuni tubulare rectangulare - EN 10219 Tabelul 10

    X = serii recomandate Wp= modulul plastic al secfliunii Caracteristicile mecanice au fost calculate

    M = greutate i = raza folosind dimensiunile nominale H, B si T iA = aria secfliunii transversale l

    v= modul de torsiune raza exterioar R:

    Au= aria exterioar W

    v= modulul de torsiune al secfliunii

    I = momentul de inerflie R=2.0 x T, pentru T 6.0; R =2.5 x T, pentru 6.010.0 mm

    H B T X M A Au Ix Wx Wpx ix Iy Wy Wpy iy Iyv Wvmm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3

    x x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    40 20 2.0 x 1.68 2.14 0.113 4.05 2.02 2.61 1.38 1.34 1.34 1.60 0.79 3.45 2.3640 20 2.5 2.03 2.59 0.111 4.69 2.35 3.09 1.35 1.54 1.54 1.88 0.77 4.06 2.7240 20 3.0 x 2.36 3.01 0.110 5.21 2.60 3.50 1.32 1.68 1.68 2.12 0.75 4.57 3.0040 30 2.0 1.99 2.54 0.133 5.49 2.75 3.37 1.47 3.51 2.34 2.77 1.18 7.07 3.79

    40 30 2.5 2.42 3.09 0.131 6.45 3.23 4.03 1.45 4.10 2.74 3.30 1.15 8.47 4.4640 30 3.0 2.83 3.61 0.130 7.27 3.63 4.61 1.42 4.60 3.07 3.77 1.13 9.72 5.0350 30 2.0 x 2.31 2.94 0.153 9.54 3.81 4.74 1.80 4.29 2.86 3.33 1.21 9.77 4.8450 30 2.5 2.82 3.59 0.151 11.30 4.52 5.70 1.77 5.05 3.37 3.98 1.19 11.74 5.7250 30 3.0 x 3.30 4.21 0.150 12.83 5.13 6.57 1.75 5.70 3.80 4.58 1.16 13.53 6.4950 30 4.0 x 4.20 5.35 0.146 15.25 6.10 8.05 1.69 6.69 4.46 5.58 1.12 16.53 7.7160 40 2.0 x 2.93 3.74 0.193 18.41 6.14 7.47 2.22 9.83 4.92 5.65 1.62 20.70 8.1260 40 2.5 3.60 4.59 0.191 22.07 7.36 9.06 2.19 11.74 5.87 6.84 1.60 25.14 9.7260 40 3.0 x 4.25 5.41 0.190 25.38 8.46 10.53 2.17 13.44 6.72 7.94 1.58 29.28 11.1760 40 4.0 x 5.45 6.95 0.186 30.99 10.33 13.16 2.11 16.28 8.14 9.89 1.53 36.67 13.6560 40 5.0 x 6.56 8.36 0.183 35.33 11.78 15.38 2.06 18.43 9.21 11.52 1.48 42.85 15.6070 50 2.0 3.56 4.54 0.233 31.48 8.99 10.80 2.63 18.76 7.50 8.58 2.03 37.45 12.2070 50 2.5 4.39 5.59 0.231 38.01 10.86 13.16 2.61 22.59 9.04 10.45 2.01 45.75 14.7270 50 3.0 x 5.19 6.61 0.230 44.05 12.59 15.40 2.58 26.10 10.44 12.21 1.99 53.62 17.0670 50 4.0 x 6.71 8.55 0.226 54.67 15.62 19.48 2.53 32.22 12.89 15.41 1.94 68.07 21.19

    70 50 5.0 x 8.13 10.36 0.223 63.46 18.13 23.06 2.48 37.20 14.88 18.20 1.90 80.77 24.6480 40 2.0 x 3.56 4.54 0.233 37.36 9.34 11.61 2.87 12.72 6.36 7.17 1.67 30.88 11.0080 40 2.5 4.39 5.59 0.231 45.11 11.28 14.15 2.84 15.26 7.63 8.72 1.65 37.58 13.2480 40 3.0 x 5.19 6.61 0.230 52.25 13.06 16.54 2.81 17.56 8.78 10.16 1.63 43.88 15.2880 40 4.0 x 6.71 8.55 0.226 64.79 16.20 20.91 2.75 21.49 10.74 12.77 1.59 55.24 18.8480 40 5.0 x 8.13 10.36 0.223 75.11 18.78 24.74 2.69 24.59 12.30 15.02 1.54 64.97 21.7480 60 2.0 4.19 5.34 0.273 49.53 12.38 14.73 3.05 31.87 10.62 12.11 2.44 61.22 17.0880 60 2.5 5.17 6.59 0.271 60.13 15.03 18.02 3.02 38.61 12.87 14.81 2.42 75.07 20.7380 60 3.0 x 6.13 7.81 0.270 70.05 17.51 21.16 3.00 44.89 14.96 17.37 2.40 88.35 24.1480 60 4.0 x 7.97 10.15 0.266 87.92 21.98 26.99 2.94 56.12 18.71 22.12 2.35 113.12 30.3280 60 5.0 x 9.70 12.36 0.263 103.28 25.82 32.24 2.89 65.66 21.89 26.38 2.31 135.53 35.6790 50 2.0 4.19 5.34 0.273 57.88 12.86 15.74 3.29 23.37 9.35 10.50 2.09 53.37 15.8890 50 2.5 5.17 6.59 0.271 70.26 15.61 19.25 3.27 28.24 11.29 12.82 2.07 65.30 19.2490 50 3.0 x 6.13 7.81 0.270 81.85 18.19 22.60 3.24 32.74 13.10 15.03 2.05 76.67 22.3690 50 4.0 x 7.97 10.15 0.266 102.71 22.82 28.82 3.18 40.71 16.28 19.09 2.00 97.70 27.9690 50 5.0 x 9.70 12.36 0.263 120.60 26.80 34.41 3.12 47.37 18.95 22.70 1.96 116.47 32.75100 40 2.0 4.19 5.34 0.273 65.38 13.08 16.54 3.50 15.61 7.81 8.69 1.71 41.47 13.89100 40 2.5 5.17 6.59 0.271 79.32 15.86 20.23 3.47 18.78 9.39 10.59 1.69 50.52 16.76100 40 3.0 x 6.13 7.81 0.270 92.34 18.47 23.75 3.44 21.67 10.84 12.38 1.67 59.05 19.39100 40 4.0 x 7.97 10.15 0.266 115.70 23.14 30.26 3.38 26.69 13.35 15.65 1.62 74.53 24.04100 40 5.0 x 9.70 12.36 0.263 135.60 27.12 36.09 3.31 30.76 15.38 18.52 1.58 87.92 27.90100 50 2.0 4.50 5.74 0.293 74.98 15.00 18.50 3.62 25.67 10.27 11.46 2.12 61.59 17.73100 50 2.5 5.56 7.09 0.291 91.20 18.24 22.67 3.59 31.06 12.42 14.01 2.09 75.39 21.49100 50 3.0 x 6.60 8.41 0.290 106.46 21.29 26.66 3.56 36.06 14.42 16.44 2.07 88.56 25.01100 50 4.0 x 8.59 10.95 0.286 134.14 26.83 34.10 3.50 44.95 17.98 20.93 2.03 112.99 31.35100 50 5.0 x 10.5 13.36 0.283 158.19 31.64 40.84 3.44 52.45 20.98 24.95 1.98 134.87 36.80100 50 6.0 x 12.3 15.63 0.279 178.75 35.75 46.90 3.38 58.67 23.47 28.52 1.94 154.20 41.43100 50 6.3 12.5 15.95 0.273 175.68 35.14 46.87 3.32 58.19 23.27 28.63 1.91 158.08 42.07100 60 2.0 4.82 6.14 0.313 84.59 16.92 20.46 3.71 38.60 12.87 14.43 2.51 84.08 21.56

    100 60 2.5 5.96 7.59 0.311 103.09 20.62 25.11 3.69 46.88 15.63 17.68 2.49 103.25 26.23100 60 3.0 x 7.07 9.01 0.310 120.57 24.11 29.57 3.66 54.65 18.22 20.79 2.46 121.67 30.64100 60 4.0 x 9.22 11.75 0.306 152.58 30.52 37.94 3.60 68.68 22.89 26.60 2.42 156.27 38.68100 60 5.0 x 11.3 14.36 0.303 180.77 36.15 45.59 3.55 80.83 26.94 31.88 2.37 187.86 45.75




    H X





  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    H B T X M A Au Ix W

    x W

    px i

    x I

    y W



    Iyv W


    mm mm mm kg/m mm2


    /m mm4



    mm mm4



    mm mm4


    x x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    H B T X M A Au Ix W

    x W

    px i

    x I

    y W



    Iyv W


    mm mm mm kg/m mm2


    /m mm4



    mm mm4



    mm mm4


    x x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    100 60 6.0 x 13.2 16.83 0.299 205.30 41.06 52.54 3.49 91.20 30.40 36.64 2.33 216.44 51.92100 60 6.3 13.5 17.21 0.293 203.38 40.68 52.77 3.44 90.91 30.30 36.92 2.30 223.36 53.00100 80 2.0 5.45 6.94 0.353 103.80 20.76 24.38 3.87 73.87 18.47 20.97 3.26 134.59 29.24100 80 2.5 6.74 8.59 0.351 126.86 25.37 29.98 3.84 90.17 22.54 25.77 3.24 165.84 35.73100 80 3.0 8.01 10.21 0.350 148.81 29.76 35.39 3.82 105.64 26.41 30.40 3.22 196.12 41.91100 80 4.0 x 10.5 13.35 0.346 189.47 37.89 45.62 3.77 134.17 33.54 39.15 3.17 253.79 53.38100 80 5.0 x 12.8 16.36 0.343 225.94 45.19 55.09 3.72 159.61 39.90 47.24 3.12 307.55 63.72100 80 6.0 x 15.1 19.23 0.339 258.39 51.68 63.82 3.67 182.10 45.53 54.67 3.08 357.38 72.98100 80 6.3 15.5 19.73 0.333 258.77 51.75 64.58 3.62 182.81 45.70 55.39 3.04 371.35 74.97120 40 2.0 4.82 6.14 0.313 104.07 17.34 22.28 4.12 18.50 9.25 10.21 1.74 52.32 16.78120 40 2.5 5.96 7.59 0.311 126.71 21.12 27.32 4.09 22.30 11.15 12.47 1.71 63.77 20.27120 40 3.0 7.07 9.01 0.310 148.04 24.67 32.16 4.05 25.79 12.89 14.60 1.69 74.56 23.51120 40 4.0 9.22 11.75 0.306 186.89 31.15 41.21 3.99 31.90 15.95 18.53 1.65 94.23 29.24

    120 40 5.0 11.3 14.36 0.303 220.81 36.80 49.45 3.92 36.93 18.46 22.02 1.60 111.35 34.05120 40 6.0 13.2 16.83 0.299 249.97 41.66 56.89 3.85 40.97 20.49 25.08 1.56 125.97 38.02120 40 6.3 13.5 17.21 0.293 245.44 40.91 56.91 3.78 40.67 20.34 25.22 1.54 128.26 38.45120 50 2.0 5.13 6.54 0.333 117.99 19.67 24.64 4.25 30.28 12.11 13.38 2.15 78.39 21.41120 50 2.5 6.35 8.09 0.331 143.97 23.99 30.26 4.22 36.70 14.68 16.39 2.13 96.03 26.01120 50 3.0 7.54 9.61 0.330 168.58 28.10 35.67 4.19 42.69 17.08 19.26 2.11 112.87 30.32120 50 4.0 9.85 12.55 0.326 213.82 35.64 45.85 4.13 53.43 21.37 24.61 2.06 144.22 38.13120 50 5.0 12.1 15.36 0.323 253.89 42.32 55.20 4.07 62.62 25.05 29.45 2.02 172.44 44.92120 50 6.0 14.2 18.03 0.319 288.99 48.16 63.73 4.00 70.36 28.14 33.80 1.98 197.55 50.76120 50 6.3 14.5 18.47 0.313 286.21 47.70 64.08 3.94 70.30 28.12 34.14 1.95 203.17 51.74120 60 2.0 5.45 6.94 0.353 131.92 21.99 27.00 4.36 45.33 15.11 16.75 2.56 107.88 26.05120 60 2.5 6.74 8.59 0.351 161.23 26.87 33.20 4.33 55.15 18.38 20.56 2.53 132.57 31.75120 60 3.0 x 8.01 10.21 0.350 189.12 31.52 39.18 4.30 64.40 21.47 24.21 2.51 156.34 37.14120 60 4.0 x 10.5 13.35 0.346 240.74 40.12 50.49 4.25 81.25 27.08 31.08 2.47 201.12 47.05120 60 5.0 x 12.8 16.36 0.343 286.97 47.83 60.95 4.19 95.99 32.00 37.38 2.42 242.23 55.85

    120 60 6.0 x 15.1 19.23 0.339 328.01 54.67 70.57 4.13 108.77 36.26 43.12 2.38 279.67 63.60120 60 6.3 15.5 19.73 0.333 326.97 54.49 71.24 4.07 109.16 36.39 43.69 2.35 289.35 65.14120 80 2.0 6.07 7.74 0.393 159.77 26.63 31.72 4.54 86.04 21.51 24.09 3.33 175.00 35.32120 80 2.5 7.53 9.59 0.391 195.75 32.63 39.07 4.52 105.19 26.30 29.65 3.31 215.82 43.23120 80 3.0 8.96 11.41 0.390 230.20 38.37 46.20 4.49 123.43 30.86 35.02 3.29 255.47 50.80120 80 4.0 x 11.7 14.95 0.386 294.59 49.10 59.77 4.44 157.29 39.32 45.23 3.24 331.24 64.93120 80 5.0 x 14.4 18.36 0.383 353.14 58.86 72.45 4.39 187.78 46.94 54.74 3.20 402.27 77.77120 80 6.0 x 17.0 21.63 0.379 406.06 67.68 84.25 4.33 215.03 53.76 63.55 3.15 468.54 89.40120 80 6.3 17.5 22.25 0.373 408.50 68.08 85.57 4.28 217.11 54.28 64.68 3.12 487.82 92.07120 80 7.1 19.4 24.65 0.369 442.06 73.68 93.59 4.24 234.41 58.60 70.68 3.08 535.11 99.99120 80 8.0 x 21.4 27.24 0.366 475.83 79.31 101.97 4.18 251.66 62.92 76.93 3.04 584.04 108.01120 80 8.8 23.1 29.44 0.362 501.79 83.63 108.75 4.13 264.84 66.21 81.97 3.00 623.54 114.33120 80 10.0 25.6 32.57 0.357 534.14 89.02 117.82 4.05 281.14 70.29 88.68 2.94 675.59 122.44120 100 2.5 8.31 10.59 0.431 230.27 38.38 44.95 4.66 174.40 34.88 39.73 4.06 309.43 54.73120 100 3.0 9.90 12.61 0.430 271.27 45.21 53.22 4.64 205.28 41.06 47.03 4.04 367.01 64.47120 100 4.0 13.0 16.55 0.426 348.43 58.07 69.05 4.59 263.24 52.65 60.98 3.99 477.84 82.83120 100 5.0 16.0 20.36 0.423 419.31 69.88 83.95 4.54 316.27 63.25 74.09 3.94 582.86 99.75120 100 6.0 18.9 24.03 0.419 484.11 80.68 97.93 4.49 364.56 72.91 86.38 3.89 682.04 115.29120 100 6.3 19.4 24.77 0.413 490.02 81.67 99.89 4.45 369.56 73.91 88.19 3.86 712.27 119.11140 60 2.5 7.53 9.59 0.391 236.55 33.79 42.29 4.97 63.43 21.14 23.43 2.57 162.67 37.26140 60 3.0 8.96 11.41 0.390 278.08 39.73 49.98 4.94 74.16 24.72 27.63 2.55 191.92 43.64140 60 4.0 11.7 14.95 0.386 355.59 50.80 64.63 4.88 93.81 31.27 35.56 2.51 247.13 55.42140 60 5.0 14.4 18.36 0.383 425.89 60.84 78.30 4.82 111.16 37.05 42.88 2.46 297.97 65.94140 60 6.0 17.0 21.63 0.379 489.19 69.88 91.01 4.76 126.34 42.11 49.60 2.42 344.46 75.29140 60 6.3 17.5 22.25 0.373 490.02 70.00 92.23 4.69 127.41 42.47 50.46 2.39 356.93 77.28140 70 2.5 7.92 10.09 0.411 260.18 37.17 45.72 5.08 89.30 25.51 28.35 2.98 213.11 44.00140 70 3.0 9.43 12.01 0.410 306.24 43.75 54.09 5.05 104.69 29.91 33.49 2.95 251.99 51.66140 70 4.0 x 12.4 15.75 0.406 392.60 56.09 70.07 4.99 133.18 38.05 43.24 2.91 326.02 65.94140 70 5.0 x 15.2 19.36 0.403 471.48 67.35 85.05 4.94 158.71 45.35 52.31 2.86 395.06 78.88

    140 70 6.0 x 17.9 22.83 0.399 543.10 77.59 99.05 4.88 181.44 51.84 60.71 2.82 459.09 90.54140 70 6.3 18.5 23.51 0.393 546.37 78.05 100.65 4.82 183.54 52.44 61.90 2.79 477.38 93.21140 80 3.0 9.90 12.61 0.430 334.40 47.77 58.20 5.15 141.23 35.31 39.64 3.35 317.07 59.69140 80 4.0 x 13.0 16.55 0.426 429.60 61.37 75.51 5.10 180.42 45.10 51.31 3.30 411.60 76.48




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    140 80 5.0 x 16.0 20.36 0.423 517.06 73.87 91.80 5.04 215.94 53.99 62.24 3.26 500.51 91.83140 80 6.0 x 18.9 24.03 0.419 597.00 85.29 107.09 4.98 247.96 61.99 72.43 3.21 583.80 105.83140 80 6.3 19.4 24.77 0.413 602.72 86.10 109.08 4.93 251.42 62.85 73.97 3.19 608.51 109.19150 50 2.5 7.53 9.59 0.391 254.08 33.88 43.52 5.15 45.17 18.07 19.95 2.17 127.74 32.78150 50 3.0 8.96 11.41 0.390 298.55 39.81 51.43 5.12 52.65 21.06 23.49 2.15 150.22 38.28150 50 4.0 x 11.7 14.95 0.386 381.39 50.85 66.47 5.05 66.16 26.47 30.13 2.10 192.14 48.30150 50 5.0 x 14.4 18.36 0.383 456.29 60.84 80.48 4.99 77.87 31.15 36.20 2.06 230.05 57.11150 50 6.0 x 17.0 21.63 0.379 523.47 69.80 93.48 4.92 87.89 35.16 41.72 2.02 263.99 64.77150 50 6.3 17.5 22.25 0.373 522.83 69.71 94.62 4.85 88.47 35.39 42.40 1.99 272.24 66.26150 100 3.0 x 11.3 14.41 0.490 460.64 61.42 73.48 5.65 247.64 49.53 55.76 4.15 507.20 81.40150 100 4.0 x 14.9 18.95 0.486 594.60 79.28 95.67 5.60 318.57 63.71 72.50 4.10 661.63 104.94150 100 5.0 x 18.3 23.36 0.483 719.20 95.89 116.73 5.55 384.02 76.80 88.34 4.05 808.68 126.81150 100 6.0 x 21.7 27.63 0.479 834.69 111.29 136.68 5.50 444.19 88.84 103.30 4.01 948.34 147.07150 100 6.3 22.4 28.55 0.473 848.27 113.10 139.88 5.45 452.66 90.53 105.90 3.98 991.64 152.27150 100 7.1 24.9 31.75 0.469 926.59 123.55 154.05 5.40 493.46 98.69 116.54 3.94 1095.51 166.74150 100 8.0 x 27.7 35.24 0.466 1008.13 134.42 169.16 5.35 535.65 107.13 127.85 3.90 1205.89 181.85150 100 8.8 30.0 38.24 0.462 1073.93 143.19 181.73 5.30 569.53 113.91 137.25 3.86 1298.14 194.22150 100 10.0 x 33.4 42.57 0.457 1161.70 154.89 199.17 5.22 614.41 122.88 150.25 3.80 1425.87 210.96160 70 4.0 13.6 17.35 0.446 549.03 68.63 86.62 5.63 150.62 43.04 48.52 2.95 389.66 75.90160 70 5.0 16.8 21.36 0.443 661.61 82.70 105.41 5.57 179.88 51.39 58.81 2.90 472.53 90.96160 70 6.0 19.8 25.23 0.439 764.83 95.60 123.08 5.51 206.09 58.88 68.39 2.86 549.60 104.60160 70 6.3 20.4 26.03 0.433 772.03 96.50 125.42 5.45 209.19 59.77 69.92 2.83 571.94 107.84160 70 8.0 25.2 32.04 0.426 908.72 113.59 150.70 5.33 243.26 69.50 83.55 2.76 683.68 126.70160 80 3.0 10.8 13.81 0.470 463.81 57.98 71.41 5.80 159.03 39.76 44.26 3.39 380.34 68.59160 80 4.0 x 14.3 18.15 0.466 597.71 74.71 92.86 5.74 203.54 50.89 57.39 3.35 494.10 88.03160 80 5.0 x 17.6 22.36 0.463 721.69 90.21 113.16 5.68 244.11 61.03 69.74 3.30 601.34 105.90160 80 6.0 x 20.8 26.43 0.459 836.01 104.50 132.32 5.62 280.89 70.22 81.31 3.26 702.06 122.27

    160 80 6.3 21.4 27.29 0.453 846.48 105.81 135.11 5.57 285.72 71.43 83.25 3.24 732.25 126.31160 80 7.1 23.8 30.33 0.449 922.59 115.32 148.56 5.52 310.11 77.53 91.39 3.20 805.54 137.76160 80 8.0 x 26.4 33.64 0.446 1001.22 125.15 162.86 5.46 334.95 83.74 99.97 3.16 882.33 149.54160 80 8.8 28.6 36.48 0.442 1063.96 132.99 174.68 5.40 354.52 88.63 107.03 3.12 945.41 159.02160 80 10.0 31.8 40.57 0.437 1146.34 143.29 190.95 5.32 379.81 94.95 116.68 3.06 1030.69 171.57160 90 3.0 11.3 14.41 0.490 500.79 62.60 76.12 5.90 206.79 45.95 51.31 3.79 465.40 77.82160 90 4.0 14.9 18.95 0.486 646.39 80.80 99.10 5.84 265.54 59.01 66.66 3.74 606.16 100.17160 90 5.0 18.3 23.36 0.483 781.77 97.72 120.91 5.79 319.52 71.00 81.16 3.70 739.70 120.86160 90 6.0 21.7 27.63 0.479 907.19 113.40 141.56 5.73 368.91 81.98 94.82 3.65 866.01 139.96160 90 6.3 22.4 28.55 0.473 920.94 115.12 144.79 5.68 375.90 83.53 97.21 3.63 904.70 144.81160 90 7.1 24.9 31.75 0.469 1005.64 125.70 159.42 5.63 409.20 90.93 106.90 3.59 997.94 158.36160 90 8.0 27.7 35.24 0.466 1093.73 136.72 175.02 5.57 443.46 98.55 117.19 3.55 1096.54 172.44160 90 8.8 30.0 38.24 0.462 1164.66 145.58 187.98 5.52 470.82 104.63 125.71 3.51 1178.47 183.91160 120 4.0 16.8 21.35 0.546 792.44 99.06 117.82 6.09 509.97 84.99 96.89 4.89 979.51 136.62160 120 5.0 20.7 26.36 0.543 962.02 120.25 144.16 6.04 617.81 102.97 118.45 4.84 1201.20 165.80

    160 120 6.0 24.5 31.23 0.539 1120.75 140.09 169.28 5.99 718.25 119.71 138.97 4.80 1413.54 193.15160 120 6.3 25.4 32.33 0.533 1144.31 143.04 173.84 5.95 734.61 122.43 142.87 4.77 1480.70 200.42160 120 7.1 28.3 36.01 0.529 1254.80 156.85 191.99 5.90 804.54 134.09 157.72 4.73 1641.29 220.34160 120 8.0 31.4 40.04 0.526 1371.23 171.40 211.50 5.85 877.92 146.32 173.65 4.68 1813.87 241.38160 120 8.8 34.2 43.52 0.522 1466.78 183.35 227.90 5.81 937.96 156.33 187.04 4.64 1960.04 258.87160 120 10.0 38.1 48.57 0.517 1597.00 199.63 250.95 5.73 1019.47 169.91 205.82 4.58 2166.13 283.03180 100 4.0 16.8 21.35 0.546 926.04 102.89 125.89 6.59 373.89 74.78 84.02 4.18 853.85 127.06180 100 5.0 20.7 26.36 0.543 1124.20 124.91 154.02 6.53 451.77 90.35 102.59 4.14 1044.79 153.88180 100 5.6 23.0 29.30 0.541 1236.96 137.44 170.26 6.50 495.69 99.14 113.28 4.11 1155.01 169.10180 100 6.0 24.5 31.23 0.539 1309.61 145.51 180.83 6.48 523.83 104.77 120.22 4.10 1226.68 178.88180 100 6.3 25.4 32.33 0.533 1334.99 148.33 185.54 6.43 535.75 107.15 123.61 4.07 1283.41 185.46180 100 7.1 28.3 36.01 0.529 1463.36 162.60 204.86 6.38 585.55 117.11 136.32 4.03 1419.69 203.52180 100 8.0 31.4 40.04 0.526 1598.49 177.61 225.62 6.32 637.47 127.49 149.93 3.99 1565.24 222.49180 100 8.8 34.2 43.52 0.522 1709.13 189.90 243.05 6.27 679.66 135.93 161.33 3.95 1687.64 238.16180 100 10.0 38.1 48.57 0.517 1859.47 206.61 267.51 6.19 736.41 147.28 177.25 3.89 1858.62 259.61

    180 120 4.0 18.0 22.95 0.586 1049.97 116.66 139.97 6.76 563.81 93.97 106.17 4.96 1160.17 154.55180 120 5.0 22.3 28.36 0.583 1277.37 141.93 171.52 6.71 683.97 114.00 129.95 4.91 1423.83 187.84180 120 6.0 26.4 33.63 0.579 1491.34 165.70 201.71 6.66 796.30 132.72 152.65 4.87 1676.88 219.13180 120 6.3 27.4 34.85 0.573 1525.15 169.46 207.43 6.62 816.14 136.02 157.20 4.84 1757.08 227.56

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    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    180 120 7.1 30.5 38.85 0.569 1675.73 186.19 229.41 6.57 895.15 149.19 173.75 4.80 1949.25 250.49180 120 8.0 34.0 43.24 0.566 1835.33 203.93 253.14 6.51 978.44 163.07 191.57 4.76 2156.35 274.82180 120 8.8 36.9 47.04 0.562 1967.28 218.59 273.19 6.47 1047.00 174.50 206.61 4.72 2332.35 295.13180 120 10.0 41.3 52.57 0.557 2148.80 238.76 301.51 6.39 1140.81 190.13 227.82 4.66 2581.64 323.34180 120 12.5 48.7 62.04 0.536 2352.37 261.37 341.46 6.16 1252.33 208.72 258.45 4.49 3001.38 367.47200 80 4.0 16.8 21.35 0.546 1046.02 104.60 132.36 7.00 249.80 62.45 69.55 3.42 663.60 111.14200 80 5.0 20.7 26.36 0.543 1269.09 126.91 161.87 6.94 300.44 75.11 84.74 3.38 808.38 134.05200 80 6.0 24.5 31.23 0.539 1477.42 147.74 189.99 6.88 346.74 86.69 99.07 3.33 944.77 155.16200 80 6.3 25.4 32.33 0.533 1502.79 150.28 194.73 6.82 354.33 88.58 101.82 3.31 986.03 160.58200 80 7.1 28.3 36.01 0.529 1645.72 164.57 214.90 6.76 385.82 96.45 112.09 3.27 1086.19 175.56200 80 8.0 31.4 40.04 0.526 1795.76 179.58 236.54 6.70 418.23 104.56 123.01 3.23 1191.77 191.11200 80 8.8 34.2 43.52 0.522 1918.00 191.80 254.69 6.64 444.20 111.05 132.09 3.19 1279.19 203.77200 80 10.0 38.1 48.57 0.517 2083.06 208.31 280.08 6.55 478.48 119.62 144.68 3.14 1398.83 220.79200 100 4.0 18.0 22.95 0.586 1199.71 119.97 148.04 7.23 410.78 82.16 91.70 4.23 985.38 141.81200 100 5.0 x 22.3 28.36 0.583 1459.25 145.93 181.37 7.17 496.94 99.39 112.09 4.19 1206.29 171.94200 100 6.0 x 26.4 33.63 0.579 1703.31 170.33 213.27 7.12 576.91 115.38 131.50 4.14 1417.03 200.10200 100 6.3 27.4 34.85 0.573 1739.24 173.92 219.13 7.06 591.15 118.23 135.41 4.12 1482.82 207.60200 100 7.1 30.5 38.85 0.569 1910.04 191.00 242.29 7.01 646.95 129.39 149.52 4.08 1641.19 228.04200 100 8.0 x 34.0 43.24 0.566 2090.84 209.08 267.26 6.95 705.36 141.07 164.65 4.04 1810.72 249.60200 100 8.8 36.9 47.04 0.562 2239.93 223.99 288.34 6.90 753.08 150.62 177.38 4.00 1953.68 267.47200 100 10.0 x 41.3 52.57 0.557 2444.40 244.44 318.08 6.82 817.74 163.55 195.25 3.94 2154.13 292.07200 100 12.5 48.7 62.04 0.536 2658.89 265.89 359.13 6.55 892.15 178.43 220.78 3.79 2473.75 328.83200 120 5.0 23.8 30.36 0.623 1649.42 164.94 200.87 7.37 750.14 125.02 141.45 4.97 1652.00 209.87200 120 6.0 x 28.3 36.03 0.619 1929.20 192.92 236.55 7.32 874.35 145.72 166.33 4.93 1946.73 245.12200 120 6.3 29.3 37.37 0.613 1975.70 197.57 243.54 7.27 897.66 149.61 171.52 4.90 2040.16 254.71200 120 7.1 32.7 41.69 0.609 2174.35 217.44 269.68 7.22 985.77 164.30 189.78 4.86 2264.63 280.65200 120 8.0 x 36.5 46.44 0.606 2385.92 238.59 297.98 7.17 1078.97 179.83 209.49 4.82 2507.04 308.27

    200 120 8.8 39.7 50.56 0.602 2561.86 256.19 321.99 7.12 1156.05 192.67 226.18 4.78 2713.55 331.40200 120 10.0 x 44.4 56.57 0.597 2805.73 280.57 356.08 7.04 1262.14 210.36 249.82 4.72 3007.03 363.69200 120 12.5 52.6 67.00 0.576 3099.00 310.00 406.00 6.80 1397.00 233.00 285.00 4.57 3514.00 416.00220 120 5.0 25.4 32.36 0.663 2082.19 189.29 232.23 8.02 816.31 136.05 152.95 5.02 1884.69 231.92220 120 6.0 30.2 38.43 0.659 2439.12 221.74 273.78 7.97 952.40 158.73 180.01 4.98 2221.88 271.11220 120 6.3 31.3 39.89 0.653 2500.98 227.36 282.17 7.92 979.19 163.20 185.85 4.95 2328.69 281.86220 120 7.1 35.0 44.53 0.649 2756.35 250.58 312.79 7.87 1076.39 179.40 205.81 4.92 2586.02 310.83220 120 8.0 39.0 49.64 0.646 3029.40 275.40 346.02 7.81 1179.49 196.58 227.41 4.87 2864.35 341.73220 120 8.8 42.5 54.08 0.642 3257.58 296.14 374.31 7.76 1265.09 210.85 245.75 4.84 3101.90 367.69220 120 10.0 47.5 60.57 0.637 3575.79 325.07 414.65 7.68 1383.47 230.58 271.82 4.78 3440.33 404.05250 100 5.0 26.18 33.36 0.683 2553.76 204.30 258.51 8.75 609.85 121.97 135.84 4.28 1620.11 217.08250 100 6.0 31.11 39.63 0.679 2992.34 239.39 304.85 8.69 709.63 141.93 159.70 4.23 1904.54 253.15250 100 8.0 40.23 51.24 0.666 3714.08 297.13 385.37 8.51 875.06 175.01 201.45 4.13 2438.66 317.41250 100 10.0 49.11 62.57 0.657 4384.17 350.73 462.00 8.37 1021.08 204.22 240.25 4.04 2909.59 373.27250 150 5.0 x 30.1 38.36 0.783 3304.18 264.33 319.76 9.28 1507.95 201.06 225.48 6.27 3284.54 336.90

    250 150 6.0 x 35.8 45.63 0.779 3885.56 310.84 378.05 9.23 1768.35 235.78 266.28 6.23 3885.80 395.65250 150 6.3 37.3 47.45 0.773 4001.43 320.11 390.90 9.18 1824.59 243.28 275.68 6.20 4077.70 412.18250 150 7.1 41.6 53.05 0.769 4426.62 354.13 434.51 9.13 2014.87 268.65 306.24 6.16 4542.75 456.33250 150 8.0 x 46.5 59.24 0.766 4885.79 390.86 482.17 9.08 2219.25 295.90 339.56 6.12 5050.45 503.96250 150 8.8 50.8 64.64 0.762 5274.44 421.96 523.07 9.03 2391.51 318.87 368.11 6.08 5488.32 544.47250 150 10.0 x 57.0 72.57 0.757 5825.01 466.00 582.00 8.96 2634.20 351.23 409.17 6.02 6120.70 602.08250 150 12.5 x 68.3 87.04 0.736 6632.67 530.61 678.30 8.73 3002.33 400.31 477.46 5.87 7314.55 704.10260 140 6.0 35.8 45.63 0.779 4081.53 313.96 385.92 9.46 1567.27 223.90 251.81 5.86 3646.18 382.52260 140 6.3 37.3 47.45 0.773 4201.51 323.19 398.95 9.41 1617.02 231.00 260.69 5.84 3824.98 398.39260 140 7.1 41.6 53.05 0.769 4647.40 357.49 443.43 9.36 1784.54 254.93 289.50 5.80 4258.54 440.82260 140 8.0 46.5 59.24 0.766 5128.80 394.52 492.03 9.30 1964.15 280.59 320.90 5.76 4731.08 486.51260 140 8.8 50.8 64.64 0.762 5536.06 425.85 533.73 9.25 2115.26 302.18 347.78 5.72 5137.89 525.31260 140 10.0 57.0 72.57 0.757 6112.65 470.20 593.78 9.18 2327.67 332.52 386.38 5.66 5724.07 580.38260 140 12.5 68.3 87.04 0.736 6949.76 534.60 691.51 8.94 2648.36 378.34 450.50 5.52 6820.62 677.15260 180 6.0 39.6 50.43 0.859 4855.87 373.53 446.88 9.81 2763.43 307.05 347.87 7.40 5565.69 501.44

    260 180 6.3 41.2 52.49 0.853 5012.66 385.59 462.88 9.77 2856.31 317.37 360.63 7.38 5844.33 522.95260 180 7.1 46.1 58.73 0.849 5555.85 427.37 515.26 9.73 3162.31 351.37 401.28 7.34 6522.55 580.26260 180 8.0 51.5 65.64 0.846 6145.21 472.71 572.67 9.68 3493.23 388.14 445.78 7.29 7266.68 642.43260 180 8.8 56.3 71.68 0.842 6647.10 511.32 622.15 9.63 3774.33 419.37 484.10 7.26 7911.95 695.64

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    mm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103




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    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    260 180 10.0 63.2 80.57 0.837 7363.31 566.41 693.78 9.56 4174.13 463.79 539.51 7.20 8850.30 771.94300 100 5.0 30.1 38.36 0.783 4065.22 271.01 348.15 10.29 722.77 144.55 159.59 4.34 2043.80 262.23300 100 6.0 x 35.8 45.63 0.779 4776.79 318.45 411.43 10.23 842.35 168.47 187.90 4.30 2403.46 306.21300 100 6.3 37.3 47.45 0.773 4906.80 327.12 424.88 10.17 868.12 173.62 194.45 4.28 2515.18 318.32300 100 7.1 41.6 53.05 0.769 5422.43 361.50 472.02 10.11 953.92 190.78 215.47 4.24 2787.39 350.74300 100 8.0 x 46.5 59.24 0.766 5977.86 398.52 523.47 10.05 1044.77 208.95 238.25 4.20 3080.34 385.24300 100 8.8 50.8 64.64 0.762 6446.06 429.74 567.55 9.99 1120.18 224.04 257.63 4.16 3329.01 414.15300 100 10.0 57.0 72.57 0.757 7106.03 473.74 630.91 9.90 1224.41 244.88 285.25 4.11 3681.00 454.51300 100 12.5 68.3 87.04 0.736 8009.59 533.97 731.85 9.59 1373.92 274.78 330.16 3.97 4291.50 521.17300 150 6.0 40.5 51.63 0.879 6073.51 404.90 499.63 10.85 2079.57 277.28 309.48 6.35 4988.47 478.60300 150 6.3 42.2 53.75 0.873 6265.59 417.71 517.39 10.80 2150.03 286.67 320.94 6.32 5234.42 498.91300 150 7.1 47.2 60.15 0.870 6946.90 463.13 576.09 10.75 2377.98 317.06 357.01 6.29 5834.16 553.01300 150 8.0 52.8 67.24 0.866 7683.57 512.24 640.27 10.69 2622.95 349.73 396.36 6.25 6490.59 611.52300 150 10.0 64.8 82.57 0.857 9209.37 613.96 775.91 10.56 3125.03 416.67 479.17 6.15 7878.65 732.81300 150 12.5 78.1 99.54 0.836 10594.23 706.28 911.53 10.32 3594.78 479.30 563.39 6.01 9451.90 861.80300 200 6.0 x 45.2 57.63 0.979 7370.23 491.35 587.83 11.31 3962.19 396.22 446.07 8.29 8115.23 651.24300 200 6.3 47.1 60.05 0.973 7624.39 508.29 609.91 11.27 4103.82 410.38 463.19 8.27 8523.54 679.80300 200 7.1 52.8 67.25 0.969 8468.59 564.57 679.98 11.22 4553.17 455.32 516.21 8.23 9524.48 755.67300 200 8.0 x 59.1 75.24 0.966 9389.27 625.95 757.07 11.17 5041.67 504.17 574.46 8.19 10626.50 838.38300 200 8.8 64.6 82.24 0.962 10178.28 678.55 823.81 11.12 5459.26 545.93 624.85 8.15 11585.67 909.54300 200 10.0 x 72.7 92.57 0.957 11312.70 754.18 920.91 11.05 6057.73 605.77 698.08 8.09 12987.13 1012.19300 200 12.5 x 88.0 112.04 0.936 13178.86 878.59 1091.22 10.85 7059.94 705.99 827.88 7.94 15767.68 1204.48400 100 6.0 45.2 57.63 0.979 10131.91 506.60 669.59 13.26 1107.79 221.56 244.30 4.38 3421.26 412.35400 100 6.3 47.1 60.05 0.973 10446.83 522.34 693.63 13.19 1145.10 229.02 253.48 4.37 3579.24 429.07400 100 7.1 52.8 67.25 0.969 11587.16 579.36 772.76 13.13 1260.90 252.18 281.43 4.33 3968.10 473.48400 100 8.0 59.1 75.24 0.966 12827.00 641.35 859.69 13.06 1384.18 276.84 311.85 4.29 4387.40 520.94400 100 8.8 64.6 82.24 0.962 13884.35 694.22 934.77 12.99 1487.28 297.46 337.89 4.25 4744.19 560.91

    400 100 10.0 72.7 92.57 0.957 15395.99 769.80 1043.74 12.90 1631.08 326.22 375.25 4.20 5251.00 617.07400 200 6.0 54.7 69.63 1.179 14789.35 739.47 905.99 14.57 5091.63 509.16 562.47 8.55 12068.52 877.05400 200 6.3 57.0 72.65 1.173 15329.74 766.49 941.66 14.53 5286.10 528.61 585.22 8.53 12672.84 916.17400 200 7.1 63.9 81.45 1.169 17067.90 853.40 1051.71 14.48 5874.74 587.47 653.17 8.49 14169.41 1019.86400 200 8.0 x 71.6 91.24 1.166 18974.42 948.72 1173.29 14.42 6517.08 651.71 728.06 8.45 15820.22 1133.29400 200 8.8 78.4 99.84 1.162 20619.13 1030.96 1279.03 14.37 7068.92 706.89 793.11 8.41 17259.78 1231.25400 200 10.0 x 88.4 112.57 1.157 23002.65 1150.13 1433.74 14.30 7864.40 786.44 888.08 8.36 19368.49 1373.21400 200 12.5 x 108 137.04 1.136 27100.50 1355.02 1713.94 14.06 9260.46 926.05 1062.25 8.22 23594.07 1644.04

    Alte dimensiuni sunt disponibile la emiterea comenzii.

    H B T X M A Au Ix W

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    Iyv W


    mm mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 x 104 x 103

    Secfliuni tubulare circulare sudate longitudinal - EN 10219 Tabelul 11

    X= serii recomandate W= modulul secfliunii Caracteristicile mecanice au fost calculate M= greutate W

    p= modulul plastic al secfliunii folosind dimensiunile nominale D si T

    A= aria secfliunii transversale lv= modul de torsiune

    Au= aria exterioar i= raza Densitatea teoretic= 7.85 kg/dm3

    I= momentul de inerflie Wv= modulul de torsiune al secfliunii

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    p i I

    v W


    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103

    26.9 2.0 1.23 1.56 0.085 1.22 0.91 1.24 0.88 2.44 1.8126.9 2.5 1.50 1.92 0.085 1.44 1.07 1.49 0.87 2.88 2.1426.9 2.6 1.56 1.98 0.085 1.48 1.10 1.54 0.86 2.96 2.2033.7 2.0 1.56 1.99 0.106 2.51 1.49 2.01 1.12 5.02 2.9833.7 2.5 1.92 2.45 0.106 3.00 1.78 2.44 1.11 6.00 3.5633.7 2.6 x 1.99 2.54 0.106 3.09 1.84 2.52 1.10 6.19 3.6733.7 3.0 2.27 2.89 0.106 3.44 2.04 2.84 1.09 6.88 4.0833.7 3.2 x 2.41 3.07 0.106 3.60 2.14 2.99 1.08 7.21 4.2842.4 2.0 1.99 2.54 0.133 5.19 2.45 3.27 1.43 10.38 4.90


    D X




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    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103

    42.4 2.5 2.46 3.13 0.133 6.26 2.95 3.99 1.41 12.52 5.9142.4 2.6 x 2.55 3.25 0.133 6.46 3.05 4.12 1.41 12.93 6.1042.4 2.9 x 2.82 3.60 0.133 7.06 3.33 4.53 1.40 14.11 6.6642.4 3.0 2.91 3.71 0.133 7.25 3.42 4.67 1.40 14.49 6.8442.4 3.2 3.09 3.94 0.133 7.62 3.59 4.93 1.39 15.24 7.1942.4 4.0 3.79 4.83 0.133 8.99 4.24 5.92 1.36 17.98 8.4848.3 2.0 2.28 2.91 0.152 7.81 3.23 4.29 1.64 15.62 6.4748.3 2.5 2.82 3.60 0.152 9.46 3.92 5.25 1.62 18.92 7.8348.3 2.6 x 2.93 3.73 0.152 9.78 4.05 5.44 1.62 19.55 8.1048.3 3.0 x 3.35 4.27 0.152 11.00 4.55 6.17 1.61 22.00 9.1148.3 3.2 3.56 4.53 0.152 11.59 4.80 6.52 1.60 23.17 9.5948.3 4.0 x 4.37 5.57 0.152 13.77 5.70 7.87 1.57 27.54 11.4060.3 2.0 x 2.88 3.66 0.189 15.58 5.17 6.80 2.06 31.16 10.3460.3 2.5 3.56 4.54 0.189 18.99 6.30 8.36 2.05 37.99 12.6060.3 2.9 4.11 5.23 0.189 21.59 7.16 9.56 2.03 43.18 14.3260.3 3.0 x 4.24 5.40 0.189 22.22 7.37 9.86 2.03 44.45 14.7460.3 3.2 4.51 5.74 0.189 23.47 7.78 10.44 2.02 46.94 15.5760.3 4.0 x 5.55 7.07 0.189 28.17 9.34 12.70 2.00 56.35 18.6960.3 5.0 x 6.82 8.69 0.189 33.48 11.10 15.33 1.96 66.95 22.2176.1 2.0 3.65 4.66 0.239 31.98 8.40 10.98 2.62 63.96 16.8176.1 2.5 x 4.54 5.78 0.239 39.19 10.30 13.55 2.60 78.37 20.6076.1 2.9 x 5.24 6.67 0.239 44.74 11.76 15.55 2.59 89.48 23.5276.1 3.0 5.41 6.89 0.239 46.10 12.11 16.04 2.59 92.19 24.2376.1 4.0 x 7.11 9.06 0.239 59.06 15.52 20.81 2.55 118.11 31.0476.1 5.0 8.77 11.17 0.239 70.92 18.64 25.32 2.52 141.84 37.2876.1 6.0 10.4 13.21 0.239 81.76 21.49 29.56 2.49 163.52 42.9776.1 6.3 x 10.8 13.81 0.239 84.82 22.29 30.78 2.48 169.64 44.58

    88.9 2.0 4.29 5.46 0.279 51.57 11.60 15.11 3.07 103.14 23.2088.9 2.5 x 5.33 6.79 0.279 63.37 14.26 18.67 3.06 126.75 28.5188.9 3.0 x 6.36 8.10 0.279 74.76 16.82 22.15 3.04 149.53 33.6488.9 3.2 6.76 8.62 0.279 79.21 17.82 23.51 3.03 158.41 35.6488.9 4.0 x 8.38 10.67 0.279 96.34 21.67 28.85 3.00 192.68 43.3588.9 5.0 x 10.4 13.18 0.279 116.37 26.18 35.24 2.97 232.75 52.3688.9 6.0 12.3 15.63 0.279 134.94 30.36 41.31 2.94 269.88 60.7288.9 6.3 x 12.8 16.35 0.279 140.24 31.55 43.07 2.93 280.47 63.10101.6 2.0 4.91 6.26 0.319 77.63 15.28 19.84 3.52 155.26 30.56101.6 2.5 6.11 7.78 0.319 95.61 18.82 24.56 3.50 191.22 37.64101.6 3.0 x 7.29 9.29 0.319 113.04 22.25 29.17 3.49 226.07 44.50101.6 3.6 x 8.70 11.08 0.319 133.24 26.23 34.59 3.47 266.47 52.46101.6 4.0 9.63 12.26 0.319 146.28 28.80 38.12 3.45 292.57 57.59101.6 5.0 x 11.9 15.17 0.319 177.47 34.93 46.70 3.42 354.94 69.87101.6 6.0 14.2 18.02 0.319 206.68 40.68 54.91 3.39 413.35 81.37

    101.6 6.3 14.8 18.86 0.319 215.07 42.34 57.30 3.38 430.13 84.67108.0 2.0 5.23 6.66 0.339 93.58 17.33 22.47 3.75 187.15 34.66108.0 2.5 x 6.50 8.29 0.339 115.35 21.36 27.83 3.73 230.69 42.72108.0 3.0 7.77 9.90 0.339 136.49 25.28 33.08 3.71 272.98 50.55108.0 3.6 x 9.27 11.81 0.339 161.06 29.83 39.25 3.69 322.11 59.65108.0 4.0 10.3 13.07 0.339 176.95 32.77 43.29 3.68 353.91 65.54108.0 5.0 x 12.7 16.18 0.339 215.06 39.83 53.09 3.65 430.12 79.65108.0 6.0 15.1 19.23 0.339 250.91 46.46 62.50 3.61 501.81 92.93108.0 6.3 15.8 20.13 0.339 261.23 48.38 65.24 3.60 522.46 96.75114.3 2.0 x 5.54 7.06 0.359 111.27 19.47 25.23 3.97 222.53 38.94114.3 2.5 6.89 8.78 0.359 137.26 24.02 31.25 3.95 274.52 48.03114.3 3.0 x 8.23 10.49 0.359 162.55 28.44 37.17 3.94 325.10 56.88114.3 3.6 x 9.83 12.52 0.359 191.98 33.59 44.13 3.92 383.97 67.19114.3 4.0 10.9 13.86 0.359 211.07 36.93 48.69 3.90 422.13 73.86114.3 5.0 x 13.5 17.17 0.359 256.92 44.96 59.77 3.87 513.84 89.91

    114.3 6.0 16.0 20.41 0.359 300.21 52.53 70.45 3.83 600.42 105.06114.3 6.3 x 16.8 21.38 0.359 312.71 54.72 73.57 3.82 625.43 109.44127.0 2.0 6.17 7.85 0.399 153.44 24.16 31.25 4.42 306.87 48.33127.0 2.5 7.68 9.78 0.399 189.53 29.85 38.76 4.40 379.06 59.70



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219


    127.0 3.0 9.17 11.69 0.399 224.75 35.39 46.14 4.39 449.50 70.79127.0 4.0 x 12.1 15.46 0.399 292.61 46.08 60.54 4.35 585.23 92.16127.0 5.0 x 15.0 19.16 0.399 357.14 56.24 74.46 4.32 714.28 112.48127.0 6.0 17.9 22.81 0.399 418.44 65.90 87.92 4.28 836.88 131.79127.0 6.3 18.8 23.89 0.399 436.22 68.70 91.86 4.27 872.44 137.39133.0 2.0 6.46 8.23 0.418 176.61 26.56 34.32 4.63 353.21 53.11133.0 2.5 8.05 10.25 0.418 218.27 32.82 42.58 4.61 436.54 65.64133.0 3.0 9.62 12.25 0.418 258.97 38.94 50.71 4.60 517.93 77.88133.0 4.0 12.7 16.21 0.418 337.53 50.76 66.59 4.56 675.05 101.51133.0 5.0 15.8 20.11 0.418 412.40 62.02 81.96 4.53 824.81 124.03133.0 6.0 18.8 23.94 0.418 483.72 72.74 96.85 4.50 967.43 145.48133.0 6.3 19.7 25.08 0.418 504.43 75.85 101.22 4.49 1008.86 151.71139.7 3.0 x 10.1 12.88 0.439 301.09 43.11 56.07 4.83 602.18 86.21139.7 4.0 x 13.4 17.05 0.439 392.86 56.24 73.68 4.80 785.72 112.49139.7 5.0 x 16.6 21.16 0.439 480.54 68.80 90.76 4.77 961.08 137.59139.7 6.0 19.8 25.20 0.439 564.26 80.78 107.33 4.73 1128.52 161.56139.7 6.3 x 20.7 26.40 0.439 588.62 84.27 112.20 4.72 1177.24 168.54139.7 8.0 x 26.0 33.10 0.439 720.29 103.12 138.93 4.66 1440.58 206.24139.7 10.0 x 32.0 40.75 0.439 861.89 123.39 168.55 4.60 1723.79 246.78152.4 3.0 11.1 14.08 0.479 393.01 51.58 66.07 5.28 786.03 103.15152.4 4.0 14.6 18.65 0.479 513.73 67.42 88.11 5.25 1027.46 134.84152.4 5.0 18.2 23.15 0.479 629.54 82.62 108.68 5.21 1259.08 165.23152.4 6.0 21.7 27.6 0.479 740.56 97.19 128.67 5.18 1481.13 194.37152.4 6.3 22.7 28.92 0.479 772.96 101.44 134.56 5.17 1545.92 202.88159.0 3.0 11.5 14.70 0.500 447.42 56.28 73.02 5.52 894.84 112.56159.0 4.0 15.3 19.48 0.500 585.33 73.63 96.12 5.48 1170.67 147.25159.0 5.0 19.0 24.19 0.500 717.88 90.30 118.62 5.45 1435.75 180.60

    159.0 6.0 22.6 28.84 0.500 845.19 106.31 140.53 5.41 1690.37 212.63159.0 6.3 23.7 30.22 0.500 882.38 110.99 146.98 5.40 1764.76 221.98168.3 3.0 12.2 15.58 0.529 532.28 63.25 81.98 5.85 1064.57 126.51168.3 3.2 x 13.0 16.60 0.529 565.74 67.23 87.24 5.84 1131.47 134.46168.3 4.0 x 16.2 20.65 0.529 697.09 82.84 108.00 5.81 1394.18 165.68168.3 4.5 x 18.2 23.16 0.529 777.22 92.36 120.77 5.79 1554.43 184.72168.3 5.0 x 20.1 25.65 0.529 855.85 101.70 133.38 5.78 1711.69 203.41168.3 6.0 x 24.0 30.59 0.529 1008.69 119.87 158.12 5.74 2017.39 239.74168.3 6.3 25.2 32.06 0.529 1053.42 125.18 165.42 5.73 2106.84 250.37168.3 8.0 x 31.6 40.29 0.529 1297.27 154.16 205.74 5.67 2594.54 308.32168.3 10.0 x 39.0 49.73 0.529 1563.98 185.86 250.92 5.61 3127.97 371.71193.7 4.0 18.7 23.84 0.609 1072.79 110.77 143.97 6.71 2145.58 221.54193.7 5.0 x 23.3 29.64 0.609 1320.23 136.32 178.08 6.67 2640.46 272.63193.7 6.0 27.8 35.38 0.609 1559.72 161.05 211.46 6.64 3119.45 322.09193.7 6.3 x 29.1 37.09 0.609 1630.05 168.31 221.33 6.63 3260.09 336.61

    193.7 8.0 36.6 46.67 0.609 2015.54 208.11 276.05 6.57 4031.07 416.22193.7 10.0 x 45.3 57.71 0.609 2441.59 252.10 337.79 6.50 4883.18 504.20193.7 12.5 55.9 71.16 0.609 2934.31 302.97 411.07 6.42 5868.62 605.95219.1 4.0 21.2 27.03 0.688 1563.84 142.75 185.09 7.61 3127.67 285.50219.1 4.5 x 23.8 30.34 0.688 1747.24 159.49 207.27 7.59 3494.48 318.98219.1 5.0 26.4 33.63 0.688 1928.04 176.00 229.24 7.57 3856.08 351.99219.1 6.0 x 31.5 40.17 0.688 2281.95 208.30 272.54 7.54 4563.89 416.60219.1 6.3 33.1 42.12 0.688 2386.14 217.81 285.37 7.53 4772.28 435.63219.1 8.0 x 41.7 53.06 0.688 2959.63 270.16 356.68 7.47 5919.26 540.33219.1 10.0 x 51.6 65.69 0.688 3598.44 328.47 437.56 7.40 7196.88 656.95219.1 12.5 x 63.7 81.13 0.688 4344.58 396.58 534.20 7.32 8689.16 793.17244.5 6.0 35.29 44.96 0.768 3198.53 261.64 341.37 8.43 6397.07 523.28244.5 8.0 46.66 59.44 0.768 4160.45 340.32 447.63 8.37 8320.89 680.65244.5 10.0 57.83 73.67 0.768 5073.15 414.98 550.24 8.30 10146.29 829.96244.5 12.5 71.52 91.11 0.768 6147.42 502.86 673.45 8.21 12294.83 1005.71

    273.0 4.0 26.5 33.80 0.858 3058.25 224.05 289.47 9.51 6116.50 448.09273.0 5.0 x 33.1 42.10 0.858 3780.81 276.98 359.16 9.48 7561.63 553.97273.0 6.0 x 39.5 50.33 0.858 4487.08 328.72 427.81 9.44 8974.17 657.45273.0 6.3 41.4 52.79 0.858 4695.82 344.02 448.20 9.43 9391.64 688.03

    D T X M A Au I W W

    p i I

    v W


    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103



  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    Secfliuni tubulare circulare sudate elicoidal - EN 10219 Tabelul 12

    X= serii recomandate W= modulul secfliunii Caracteristicile mecanice au fost calculate M= greutate Wp= modulul plastic al secfliunii folosind dimensiunile nominale D si T

    A= aria secfliunii transversale lv= modul de torsiune

    Au= aria exterioar i= raza Densitatea teoretic= 7.85 kg/dm3

    I= momentul de inerflie Wv= modulul de torsiune al secfliunii

    D T M A Au I W W

    p i I

    v W


    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103

    355.6 5.6 48.3 61.58 1.117 9431.12 530.43 686.06 12.38 18862.23 1060.87355.6 6.0 51.7 65.90 1.117 10070.55 566.40 733.39 12.36 20141.10 1132.80355.6 6.3 54.3 69.13 1.117 10547.20 593.21 768.75 12.35 21094.41 1186.41355.6 10.0 85.2 108.57 1.117 16223.50 912.46 1194.73 12.22 32446.99 1824.92355.6 12.0 102 129.53 1.117 19139.47 1076.46 1417.31 12.16 38278.94 2152.92355.6 12.5 106 134.74 1.117 19852.17 1116.55 1472.12 12.14 39704.34 2233.09406.4 6.0 59.3 75.47 1.277 15128.32 744.50 961.99 14.16 30256.64 1489.01406.4 6.3 62.2 79.19 1.277 15849.43 779.99 1008.59 14.15 31698.86 1559.98406.4 8.0 78.6 100.13 1.277 19873.89 978.05 1269.95 14.09 39747.78 1956.09406.4 10.0 97.8 124.53 1.277 24475.81 1204.52 1571.66 14.02 48951.62 2409.04406.4 12.0 117 148.69 1.277 28937.01 1424.07 1867.19 13.95 57874.02 2848.13406.4 12.5 121 154.68 1.277 30030.66 1477.89 1940.12 13.93 60061.32 2955.77457.0 6.0 66.7 85.01 1.436 21618.10 946.09 1220.48 15.95 43236.20 1892.18457.0 6.3 70.0 89.20 1.436 22654.16 991.43 1279.81 15.94 45308.31 1982.86457.0 8.0 88.6 112.85 1.436 28446.36 1244.92 1612.98 15.88 56892.71 2489.83457.0 10.0 110 140.43 1.436 35091.32 1535.73 1998.42 15.81 70182.63 3071.45457.0 12.0 132 167.76 1.436 41556.29 1818.66 2376.88 15.74 83112.58 3637.31457.0 12.5 137 174.55 1.436 43144.80 1888.17 2470.40 15.72 86289.59 3776.35508.0 6.0 74.3 94.62 1.596 29811.53 1173.68 1512.10 17.75 59623.06 2347.36508.0 6.3 78.0 99.30 1.596 31246.48 1230.18 1585.81 17.74 62492.96 2460.35508.0 8.0 98.7 125.66 1.596 39279.95 1546.45 2000.17 17.68 78559.91 3092.91508.0 10.0 123 156.45 1.596 48520.24 1910.25 2480.37 17.61 97040.47 3820.49508.0 12.0 147 186.99 1.596 57536.07 2265.20 2952.77 17.54 115072.14 4530.40508.0 12.5 153 194.58 1.596 59755.39 2352.57 3069.65 17.52 119510.78 4705.15559.0 6.0 81.8 104.24 1.756 39850.85 1425.79 1834.93 19.55 79701.70 2851.58559.0 6.3 85.9 109.39 1.756 41775.84 1494.66 1924.59 19.54 83551.67 2989.33559.0 8.0 109 138.48 1.756 52564.93 1880.68 2428.98 19.48 105129.87 3761.35559.0 10.0 135 172.47 1.756 65001.13 2325.62 3014.34 19.41 130002.26 4651.24

    559.0 12.0 162 206.21 1.756 77163.51 2760.77 3591.08 19.34 154327.02 5521.54559.0 12.5 168 214.61 1.756 80161.80 2868.04 3733.93 19.33 160323.60 5736.09610.0 8.0 119 151.30 1.916 68551.34 2247.58 2899.40 21.29 137102.68 4495.17610.0 10.0 148 188.50 1.916 84846.55 2781.85 3600.33 21.22 169693.09 5563.71


    D X

    D T X M A Au I W W

    p i I

    v W


    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103

    273.0 8.0 x 52.3 66.60 0.858 5851.71 428.70 561.97 9.37 11703.43 857.39273.0 10.0 x 64.9 82.62 0.858 7154.09 524.11 692.02 9.31 14308.18 1048.22273.0 12.5 x 80.3 102.30 0.858 8697.45 637.18 848.90 9.22 17394.90 1274.35323.9 4.0 31.6 40.20 1.018 5143.16 317.58 409.37 11.31 10286.33 635.15323.9 5.0 39.3 50.09 1.018 6369.42 393.30 508.53 11.28 12738.85 786.59323.9 6.0 x 47.0 59.92 1.018 7572.47 467.58 606.43 11.24 15144.93 935.16323.9 6.3 49.3 62.86 1.018 7928.90 489.59 635.56 11.23 15857.79 979.18323.9 8.0 x 62.3 79.39 1.018 9910.08 611.92 798.51 11.17 19820.16 1223.84323.9 10.0 x 77.4 98.61 1.018 12158.34 750.75 985.67 11.10 24316.68 1501.49323.9 12.5 x 96.0 122.29 1.018 14846.53 916.74 1212.78 11.02 29693.05 1833.47

    Alte dimensiuni sunt disponibile la emiterea comenzii.




  • 5/22/2018 TEVI RUUKKI


    Secfliuni tubulare. Secfliuni tubulare EN10219

    D T M A Au I W W

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    mm mm kg/m mm2 m2/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm4 mm3x 102 x 104 x 103 x 103 x 10 104 x 103

    610.0 12.0 177 225.44 1.916 100813.67 3305.37 4291.82 21.15 201627.35 6610.73610.0 12.5 184 234.64 1.916 104754.71 3434.58 4463.23 21.13 209509.43 6869.16610.0 14.2 209 265.79 1.916 118003.87 3868.98 5041.64 21.07 236007.75 7737.96660.0 8.0 129 163.87 2.073 87087.93 2639.03 3401.00 23.05 174175.85 5278.06660.0 10.0 160 204.20 2.073 107870.49 3268.80 4225.33 22.98 215740.98 6537.61660.0 12.0 192 244.29 2.073 128267.01 3886.88 5039.42 22.91 256534.02 7773.76660.0 12.5 200 254.27 2.073 133306.38 4039.59 5241.35 22.90 266612.77 8079.17660.0 14.2 226 288.10 2.073 150263.04 4553.43 5923.17 22.84 300526.09 9106.85711.0 8.0 139 176.68 2.234 109162.13 3070.66 3953.84 24.86 218324.26 6141.33711.0 10.0 173 220.23 2.234 135301.38 3805.95 4914.34 24.79 270602.76 7611.89711.0 12.0 207 263.52 2.234 160990.61 4528.57 5863.79 24.72 321981.22 9057.14711.0 12.5 215 274.30 2.234 167343.21 4707.26 6099.43 24.70 334686.42 9414.53711.0 14.2 244 310.85 2.234 188735.19 5309.01 6895.48 24.64 377470.39 10618.01762.0 8.0 149 189.50 2.394 134682.98 3534.99 4548.30 26.66 269365.95 7069.97762.0 10.0 185 236.25 2.394 167028.32 4383.95 5655.37 26.59 334056.64 8767.89762.0 12.0 222 282.74 2.394 198854.76 5219.29 6750.58 26.52 397709.53 10438.57762.0 12.5 231 294.33 2.394 206730.95 5426.01 7022.53 26.50 413461.90 10852.02762.0 14.2 262 333.60 2.394 233271.18 6122.60 7941.66 26.44 466542.37 12245.21813.0 8.0 159 202.32 2.554 163900.51 4031.99 5184.37 28.46 327801.03 8063.99813.0 10.0 198 252.27 2.554 203363.86 5002.80 6448.42 28.39 406727.72 10005.60813.0 12.0 237 301.97 2.554 242234.53 5959.03 7699.79 28.32 484469.06 11918.06813.0 12.5 247 314.36 2.554 251860.29 6195.83 8010.65 28.31 503720.58 12391.65813.0 14.2 280 356.35 2.554 284314.84 6994.21 9061.71 28.25 568629.68 13988.43813.0 16.0 314 400.62 2.554 318221.66 7828.33 10164.71 28.18 636443.32 15656.66914.0 10.0 223 284.00 2.871 290147.09 6348.95 8172.49 31.96 580294.19 12697.90914.0 12.0 267 340.05 2.871 345889.61 7568.70 9763.82 31.89 691779.21 15137.40914.0 12.5 278 354.02 2.871 359708.33 7871.08 10159.43 31.88 719416.65 15742.16

    914.0 14.2 315 401.41 2.871 406344.38 8891.56 11497.84 31.82 812688.75 17783.12914.0 16.0 354 451.38 2.871 455141.71 9959.34 12903.83 31.75 910283.42 19918.671016.0 10.0 248 316.04 3.192 399849.58 7871.05 10120.69 35.57 799699.17 15742.111016.0 12.0 297 378.50 3.192 476984.45 9389.46 12096.77 35.50 953968.89 18778.921016.0 12.5 309 394.07 3.192 496122.95 9766.20 12588.30 35.48 992245.91 19532.401016.0 14.2 351 446.91 3.192 560761.86 11038.62 14252.12 35.42 1121523.73 22077.241016.0 16.0 395 502.65 3.192 628479.25 12371.64 16001.37 35.36 1256958.50 24743.281219.0 10.0 298 379.82 3.830 694014.28 11386.62 14617.14 42.75 1388028.57 22773.231219.0 12.0 357 455.03 3.830 828716.10 13596.65 17482.76 42.68 1657432.20 27193.311219.0 12.5 372 473.79 3.830 862180.91 14145.71 18196.18 42.66 1724361.82 28291.421219.0 14.2 422 537.47 3.830 975333.95 16002.20 20612.87 42.60 1950667.90 32004.401219.0 16.0 475 604.69 3.830 1094091.08 17950.63 23156.71 42.54 2188182.16 35901.27

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