TELC English B2 2011

English B2 Vizsgalelkesz(to kiinvv z Blelies leladalsor + 4 CD \ [


B2 tests

Transcript of TELC English B2 2011



Vizsgalelkesz(to kiinvv

zBlelies leladalsor + 4CD

\ [

LAN GUAG E--"IlSl~8III8iiVOSIsmerenerieszlo


. ISBN 978-963-412-455-9


Kedves Vizsgaze!

A most kezebe kerulo vizsgafelkeszitf konyv Magyarorszag egyik legnepszeriibbvizsgakozpontjanak, a Tudornanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tarsulatnak (TIT) a kiadvanya,Kiadvanyunkat az a vizsgazoi igeny hozta letre, hogy Magyarorszagon is hozzaferhetolegyen olyan felkeszito konyv, amely minden tekintetben megfelel a Magyarorszagonvizsgaztatott telc English B2 elvarasainak, nehezsegenek es fgy alkalmas mind a felkeszftotanarok, de a vizsgara onalloan felkeszulo jelentkezck munkajanak tamcgatasara is .Konyvunk nyolc teljes feladatsort (Irasbeli es sz6beli vizsgareszt egyarant] tartalmaz,a hozzajuk tartoz6 hanganyagot hordoz6 negy darab CD-vel egyutt,Egy-egy feladatsort egyszerre, de akar feladatonkent, keszsegenkent is meg lehet oldani,a felkeszites celjatol fuggoen, A feladatsorok hosszabb elotesztelesen mentek keresztul,ilyen m6don alkalmasak a vizsgara jelentkezok val6di teljesitmenyenek felmeresere,Kerjuk, minden esetben vegye figyelernbe, hogy a nyelvvizsga mindig az adott pillanatteljesitmenyet meri, tehat onmagaban a vizsgahelyzettel jaro stressz es mas kulsfkorulmenyek is befolyasoljak a vizsgazoi teljesitmenyt,

A kiadvannyal kapcsolatos kerdeseiket, velernenyuket a Tudornanyos IsmeretterjesztoTarsulat reszere kuldjek el:

Tudornanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tarsulat1088 BudapestBr6dy Sander u. [email protected]

TIT-TELC Nyelvvizsgakozpont




A TELC ENGLISH 82 VIZSGA FELEPITESEA 82 szint Magyarorszagon a kozepfoknak felel meg. A vizsga irasbeli es sz6beli reszere

egymas utan, azonos napon kerul sor. A vizsga soran egyaltalan nem lehet szotart hasznalni, Avizsgan ceruzaval kell frni. A magyarorszagi akkreditacio szerint az Irasbeli soran nines szunet(elterden a nemzetkozi honlapon talalhato minta-feladatsort61). Magyarorszagon a levelirasfeladat megelozi a hallott szoveg erteset, A hallott szoveg ertese Magyarorszagon a sz6belivizsgareszhez tartozik. A felkeszuleshez ajanlott irodalom megtalalhato a honlapon.

A meres targya A feladatok leirasa Max. pont Id6

Olvasott szoveg ertese 1.1 Altalanos szovegertesi feladat. 25Cfmek hozzarendeleseosszefuggo szoveghez,

1.2 Szovegertesi feladat felelet- 2590 pere

valasztos teszttel.1.3 Szovegertesi feladat. Inforrnaciok 25

parositasa kulonbozoszovegek alapjan,

Nyelvtani, lexikai ismeretek 2.1 Feleletvalasztos nyelvtani teszt. 15Fogalmazasi keszseg 2.2 Osszefuggo, hianyos szoveg 15Leveliras kiegeszitese megadott nyelvtani,

illetve lexikai elemekkel.30 pere

Fogalmazasi keszseg Hivatalos, felhivatalos ritkan barati 45Leveliras level irasa megadott szempontok


A szobeli vizsga felepitese:

I. Hallas utani szovegertes 3.1 Parosito feladat + 1 kakukktojas 253.2 A meghallgatott szoveg reszleteinek 25megertese .Igaz", .hamis" allitasok alapjan, hozzavetoleg

3.3 Szelektiv szovegertes feleletvalasztos 25 30 pere

allitasok alapjan.

1l.1 Bernutatkozas A vizsgazok parban [paratlan szamuvizsgazo eseteben harrnasaval] rovid, Nembernelegites forrnaju parbeszedet folytatnak ertekeltlegymassal,

Il.2 Prezentacio A prezentacio soran a vizsgazonak bekell mutatnia az altala valasztott ternat amasik vizsgazo szamara, illetve legalabbegy kerdesere valaszolni,

11.3 Velernenykifejtes A vizsgazok olvasott szoveg alapjan 75 pontHozzavetoleg

kifejtik velernenyuket egy adott 15 pere


Il.4 Konszenzuskereses A vizsgazok megprobalnak kozosen egyfeladatot me goldani.




I. Olvasott szoveg ertese (Feleletvalaszt3s. iJletve p3rosit3s)Harem kulonbozo feladat meri a reszleges, teljes es a szelektfv olvasasi keszseget.1. resz: 5 rovid sz6veget kell10 megadott cfm egyikehez rendelni a sz6veg tartalma alapjan2. resz: osszefuggo sz6veg ertese feleletvalaszto kerdesek segitsegevel: 3 lehetseges valasz kozulkell a legmegfelel6bbet kivalasztani3. resz: 10 allitashoz kell a vele tartalmilag osszefuggo hirdetest megkeresni, 12 kozul valaszthata vizsgazo. A harem feladatban 6sszesen 20 kerdes van.Az Olvasott sz6veg ertese a globalis, kornplex, illetve szelektfv szovegertest vizsgalja,

Pontertek 75 pont (40% - 30 pont)

11. Nyelvtanj. lexjkaj jsmeretek (Feleletv3laszt3s es bebelyettesites}1. resz: Tfzelemes feleletvalasztos teszt. Olvasott, .hianyos" szovegbe kell10 helyes valasztbehelyettesfteni, 3-3 javasolt megoldas kozul, A feladatra 15 pontot lehet kapni.2. resz: Egy ugy nevezett .hianyos" sz6veget kell kiegesziteni. A sz6veghez a mellekelt listabantalalhato 15 szobol kell jo megoldaskent 10-et kivalasztani es behelyettesfteni ugy, hogy egy szocsak egyszer szerepeljen. Ez a feladat is 15 pontot er.

Pontertek 30 pontIdotartam: Egyiittesen 90 perc all a vizsgazo rendelkezesere az I. es 11. feladatmegoldasara, melyet sajat belatasa szerint oszt be.

Ill. Levelfr3s - ir3skeszsegLeveliras megadott szempontok alapjanA vizsgazo 2 terna kozul valaszthat: legalabb 3 szempont alapjan hivatalos vagy felhivatalosstllusu levelet kell frnia (elofordul, hogy ket hivatalos jellegfi tema kozul kell valasztani).A feladat informaciokerest, szolgaltatassal kapcsolatos panaszt illetve velernenykifejtesttartalmaz, melyet adott szempontok szerint - a feladatnak megfelel6 level forrnaban - kellmegfrni.Ertekelesnel figyelembe veszik, hogy a level megfelelt-e az iranyitasi szempontoknak, valarnint,

hogy kepes-e vilagosan, megfelel6 szokincshasznalattal, koherens, nyelvtanilag is helyes sz6vegetalkotni.Szavak szarna: 150-200 db.

Pontertek 45 pont (40% - 18 pont)Idotartam: 30 perc.

Az Irasbeli reszen osszesen 150 pont szerezhetd,Az irasbeli resz idotartama maximum 2 ora (120 perc).

Az irasbelit kovetoen kozvetlenul kezdtidik a hallott szoveg ertese (gepi szoveghallgatas),amelya szobeli vizsgareszhez tartozik.




I. "aIJott szoveg ertese (P3rosit3s. igaz - bamis 3IJit3sok. illetvefeleletv3laszt3s)

Ezt a vizsgakeszseget az Irasbeli feladatokat kovetoen, delelott vizsgaztatjuk, Eztfokozottan vegyek figyelembe, akik nem vesznek reszt a teljes vizsgan, csak valamelyreszenl

A vizsgazok harem kulonbozd sz 6veget hallgatnak meg. Az els6 resz a globalis ertest,a masodik a reszletekre kiterjed6 ertest, a harmadik a szelektiv ertest meri. Az egyesszovegreszek rneghallgatasa el6tt 30-60 masodperc all rendelkezesre a szovegertest ellen6rz6kerdesek attekintesere. Az els6 es harmadik szoveg egyszer, a masodik szoveg ketszer hangzikel. Ossz esen 20 allitas kozul kell kivalasztani a helyes valaszt parosito, igaz-hamis allitasok,illetve feleletvalaszto feladatok segitsegevel.A Hallgatott szoveg ertes e a globalis. kornplex, illetve szelekt iv hallas utani erte st vizsgal]a,

Pontertek 75 pont (40% - 30 pont)Idotartam: Maximum 30 perc.

11. Beszedkeszseg merese (4 reszfeladat. ebb61 3 ertekeIt)

6 A beszedkeszseg meresere az irasbelivel azonos napon, delutan keriil sor. A vizsgazokatMagyarorszagon elfire megadott iddpontra hivjuk be beszedkeszseg meresere, A---- beszedkeszseg vizsgabeosztast e-mailben a vizsga elott 2-3 nappal kiildjiik el. Abeosztashoz kepest - a beszedkeszseg vizsga jellege miatt - elfifordulhatnak kisebbcsuszasok, A beosztas automatikus, ettol elterni csak egeszsegugyl nehezsegek eseten,kulon keresre van m6dunk. Az ilyen jellegii igenyeket meg legalabb a vizsga elott 12nappal, de lehetdleg mar a jelentkezeskor kell jelezni.

A beszedkeszseg vizsga 4 reszbol all [ebbfil 3 resz ertekelt]:

A vizsga el6tt 20 perces felkeszules va n, ahol a vizsgazok megkapjak a 3 fela da to t esfelkeszulnek ezek teljesites ere, A vizsgazok kettesevel me nnek be a sz6beli bizottsaghoz(az utols6 parnal, paratl an szarnu vizsgazo ese ten 3 f6 is lehet egyszerre be nt!) . Az alabbiid6keretek az egyes vizsgazok beszedre fordithat6 idejet jel6lik.

Bevezeto resz: KAPCSOLATFELVETEL (kb. 0 .5-1 percj vizsgazo)

Ez id6 ala tt leh etosege van a vizsgazoknak, hogy a vizsga elej en megismerkedjenek egymassa l,igy konnyebben tudnak majd beszelgetni a vizsga soran, Ezt a re sz t te ljes mertekben avizsgazok alakitjak, nincsenek sza rnukra el6 re megadott tem ak, A beszelgetes soran avizsgazok megszokj ak a vizsgaztatok es egyrnas hangjat (ez konnyiti a szovegerte st], lekiizdjeka kezdeti - esetleges - feszultseguket, Ez a resz nem ertekelt l


1. resz: PREZENTACIO (kb. 2.5 perc/vizsgazo)

A beszedkeszseg vizsga els6 reszeben egy valasztott ternat roviden be kell mutatniabeszelgetopartnerenek. A prezentacio utan a masik vizsgazo (beszelgetopartner] altal feltettkerdesekre kell valaszolnia,A ternak listaja, a prezentacios cfmek tfpusai a honlapon talalhatok,A vizsgazo nem zavarhatja meg a vizsgazotarsa eloadasatl

2. resz: VITA j VELEMENYKIFEJTES (kb. 2.5 perc/vizsgazo)

A vizsgazok a felkeszules soran rovid nyomtatott szoveget kapnak kezbe, melyetelolvashatnak.A vizsgazonak a szoveg (vagy a szovegek) ternaja alapjan kell beszelgetnie, amit a felkeszulesiid6 alatt elolvasott (nem kell osszefoglalni a szoveget), A vita folytatasaban a vizsgazoknakel kell mondaniuk sajat erveiket a ternaval kapcsolatban. Vigyazniuk kell arra, hogy a vitabeszelgetes jellege megmaradjon. Csereljek ki erveiket es menjenek bele az egyes ervekmegvitatasaba.

3. resz: PROBLEMAMEGOLDAS j KONSZENZUSKERESES (kb. 2.5 perc/vizsgazo]

A vizsgazoknak egyiitt meg kell tervezniiik valamit. Csak a szituacio adott szarnukra (pI.egy kirandulas vagy egy party szervezese], a terv reszletei rajuk vannak bfzva. At kellgondolniuk, hogy mi mindenre kell figyelniiik a terv elkeszitesekor, el6 kell adniuk otleteiketes tanacsaikat,

Tudnivalok:A vizsgazok a felkeszulesi ido alatt jegyzetet keszithetnek (nem a feladatlapra!), am it a vizsganhasznalhatnak, de nem szabad felolvasniuk (hiszen beszelgetesrol van sz6!).

Az szobeli reszen osszesen 150 pont szerezhetd,A hallas utani ertes idfitartama kb. 30 perc, a beszedkeszseg vizsga Idotartamamaximum 15-25 perc (2 vizsgazo 15 perc, 3 vizsgazo eseteben 25 perc).

Akkor sikeres a vizsga, ha a vizsgazo kulon-kulon eleri a 60%-ot az irasbeli es a szobelivizsgareszen es a keszsegenkeuti 40%-ot is. Csak ezt kovetoen osszesitik a pontszamokat,igy kapja meg a vizsgazo a vegleges pontot (maximum 300 pont), illetve szazalekoseredmenyet, A vlzsgazo ilyenkor sikeres nemzetkozi es allamilag elismert komplexbizonyitvanyt kap.SikerteJen kompJex vizsga eseten nemzetkOzi es magyarorszagi reszbizonyitvanyt iskaphat a vizsgazo (irasbeli vagy szobeli). amennyiben a szobeli vizsgareszen vagy azirasbeli vizsgareszen kUJon-kiilon eJeri a JegaJabb 60%-os teIjesitmlmyt es keszsegenkenta JegaJabb 40%-Qt.




allamilag elismert B1 (alapfok) es B2 [kozepfok] szint


ArEte nyelvvjzsga szerkezete:

Irasbeli maximum: 150 pout. sikeresseg alsO hatara 90 pout (60%)

A meres targya Max. pout Id6

1. OIvasott szoveg ertese 75 pont

2. Nyelvtani, lexikai Delelott 90 perc

ismeretek30 pont

3. Fogalmazasi keszseg 45 pont Delelott 30 perc

8 SZObeli maximum: 150 pout. sikeresseg alsO hatara 90 pout (60%)

1. Hallas utani szovegertes 75 pout Delelott 30 perc

81 822.a. Kapcsolatfelvetel (81) (alapfok) [kozepfok]

2.8eszed-Prezentacio (82) 15 pont 25 pont Delutan

keszsegEgyutt a harem feladat

2.b. Velernenykifejtes 30 pont 25 pont hozzavetoleg 15 perc

2.c. Konszenzuskereses 30 pont 25 pont

A komplex yjzsga teljesiteseuek feltetele:

1. lrasbelin elert legalabb 60%-os teljesitmenya). Olvasott sz6veg ertesen elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmenyb) Levelirason elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmeny

2. Sz6beli vizsgareszen elert legalabb 60%-os teljesitmenyc) Hallas utani ertesen elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmenyd) Beszedkeszseg meresen elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmeny

90 pont30 pont18 pont

90 pont30 pont30 pont

Ha a vizsgazo mindket vizsgareszen elerte a sikeresseg als6 hatarat, tehat az irasbeli reszen:90 pontot es a sz6belin is 90 pontot, valamint az egyes keszsegeknel a legalabb 40%-os hatart,akkor komplex allamilag elismert es nemzetkiizi bizonyitvtinyt kap.



Ha nem sikerult a komplex vizsga vagy valaki nem vett reszt minden feladaton (pi. csakreszbizonyitvanyt kivant szerezni) akkor a kovetkezo feltetelekkel kaphat allarnilag elismert esnemzetkozi reszbizonyitvanyt (Irasbeli vagy sz6beli re sz),

A sikeres irasbeli teljesitesenek feltetele:lrasbelin elert legalabb 60%-os teljesitmeny

a) Olvasott szoveg ertesen elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmenyb) Levelirason elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmeny

A sikeres szobeli teljesitesenek feltetele:Sz6beli vizsgareszen elert legalabb 60%-os teljesitrneny

c) Hallas utani ertesen elert legalabb 40%-os teljesitmenyd) Beszedkeszseg meresen elert legalabb 40 %-os teljesitmeny

Ha valaki a fentiek alapjan valaki jogosult bizonyitvanyra,akkor azt tehat a kovetkezo minosltessel kapja meg:

90 pont30 pont18 pont

90 pont30 pont30 pont

1. Ha az olvasottszoveg+ nyelvtan + leveliraspontosszege ~ 90 pont es teljesul a keszsegenkentilegalabb 40%-os eredrneny, akkor az eredmeny SIKERES iRAsBELI vizsga (bizonyitva ny 9tfpusa: irasbeli]

2. Ha a hallas utani ertes + beszedkeszseq pontosszege ~ 90 pont es teljesul a keszsegenkentilegalabb 40%-os eredrneny, akkor az eredrneny SIKERES SZOBELI vizsga (bizonyitvany tfpusa:sz6beli)

3. Ha a vizsga az ertekelese egyszerre SIKERES SZOBELI es SIKERES iRAsBELI, akkor a vizsgaeredrnenye: SIKERES KOMPLEX vizsga (bizonyitvany tipusa: komplex)

4. Egyeb esetben az eredrneny: SIKERTELEN vizsga





Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

Reading Comprehension (Part 1)First read the ten headlines (a-j). Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goesbest with which headline.Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Violent Attacks

b) Lucky Survival

c) Promising Results

d) Numbers Can Lie

e) Showing More Confidence

f) It's Official

g) Secret Visitors Arrested

h) Cold Forecast

i} Eat Your Veggies

j) Local Customs Helped


1Airlines are scheduling more flights and a few bigger planes this summer andautumn compared with last year. The increases show clear contrast to much of thepast two years when air travel bookings were steadily falling and the airlines wereregularly tightening up with fewer flights and using smaller airplanes wheneverthey could. In July, the airlines scheduled an average of 55,724 passenger seatsflying in and out of Seattle International each day, an increase of 6 percent over theaverage that the airlines offered a year earlier. For August, September and October,the airlines' projection shows that their seat totals will be 4 or 5 percent higherthan last year, and in November and December about 3 percent higher. The airlines'seat tallies don't necessarily mean more passengers. The official count of Julypassengers won't be available for another month. If the additional seats don't sell,they go empty. But by adding more seats, the airlines are signalling that bookingstrends show they'll probably be needed. Ronnie Butler, president of an airlineconsulting company, said the airlines have been reporting encouraging corporateearnings lately but he was still surprised that the projections are so strong forSeattle.If the seats sell, that means about 100,000 more people supporting everythingfrom restaurants to rental car agencies.

2Over the long term, a low-carb diet works just as well as a low-fat diet at takingoff the pounds - and it might be better for your heart, new research suggests. Ina two-year study that included intensive group counseling, both diets improvedcholesterol. But those on the low-carbohydrate diet got a bigger boost in theirso-called good cholesterol, nearly twice as much as those on low-fat. In previousstudies, people on low-carb diets have lost more weight over six-month periods,but longer-term results have been mixed. Furthermore there's been a suggestionof better cholesterol from low-carb eating.The latest test is one of the longest to compare the two approaches. At the end oftwo years, average weight loss was the same for both diets- about 15 pounds or 7percent. The key difference was in HDL, or good cholesterol: a 23 percent increasefrom low-carb dieting compared with a 12 percent improvement from low-fat,said Gary Foster, director of Temple University's Center for Obesity Research andEducation, who led the federally-funded study.

3Mark Fraser had a grin plastered across his face a couple of hours after donning hiswaders, wheeling his blue and white cooler onto the sand and sticking a large netinto the water. The unsuspecting sockeye salmon were soon swimming into his netone after another, and Fraser eventually had a string of fish in the cold water of theworld-renowned Kenai River, Alaska. His catch was the result of a uniquely Alaskanactivity called dip netting. For a few precious weeks in midsummer, residentsobtain free permits to dip homemade nets into the water and catch fish that will filltheir freezers and pantries for the colder months to come. Each head of householdis entitled to 25 fish , with each additional member allowed 10 each. That adds upto hundreds of dollars worth of some of the best wil d salmon on the planet.





4A 31-year old man is very fortunate to be alive today after being struck by lightning on Tuesdaynight last week. He was hiking alone in Denver, Colorado when a violent storm blew up and hetook shelter under a rock. He was then struck in the head by lightning. He does no t rememberthis incident. All he remembered was waking up the day after the incident with a hat on and notknowing that something had happened to his head. His family was shocked when they visitedhim in the local hospital and saw his condition. He suffered a swollen face, numb hands, andburns to his feet, elbow and back.

5The Danish royal family put an end to months of speculation about Princess Mary's baby bump witha brief statement on its website. "Their royal highnesses, the Crown Prince and Crown Princessare happy to announce that the Crown Princess is expecting twins," said the site. "The births areexpected to happen at the Rigs hospital (ho spital in Copenhagen) sometime next spring." PrincessMary,38, who is from Tasmania, already has two children with her husband, Crown Prince Frederik- Prince Christian, four, and Princess Isabella, three. Danish media has been in a tizz about whetherPrincess Mary was expecting a third child. One magazine ran a front page story about Mary makingsecret trips to obstetricians.The princess, who is holidaying at the royal family's summer palace in Grasten, has reportedlybeen wearing loose and baggy clothing as she visited attractions such as Legoland with her twochildren. Her Tasmanian family has endured endless speculation about her having another child.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)

Read the following text, then choose the answers to questions 6-10.

Unfortunately lots of students overlook the value of taking can spend up to eight weeks teaching sporting, arts and

a year off from their studies. Far from being a year wasted, drama activities at camp and have time to travel around

a gap year between school and university could actually North America afterwards. For those who would rather

prove to be very beneficial to your future, especially if work behind the scenes, the KAMP programme places

you make the most of it by working and travelling abroad. students in kitchen and maintenance positions. Both

Not only are you likely to increase your self-confidence by programmes include return transatlantic flights, free

living in another country, the valuable work experience board and lodging and pocket-money. Work Australia

will look great on your CV - a great advantage when it offers 18-25 year olds with more time to spare, the

comes to hunting for a job after college. Taking a year opportunity to work and travel "down under" for up to

or a year-and-a half off does not have to be difficult if 12 months. There are several departures from London or

you do your homework. Although travelling or working Los Angeles throughout August, September and October,

abroad for voluntary organizations may prove expensive so it's an ideal programme for gap-year students or those

if you lack sufficient funds, it is possible to combine your who have just graduated. You can even link it to one of

travels with paid work experience. There are non-profit the North American programmes to get the most out of

organisations, which have enabled thousands of full-time the experience. Patrick Wood bridge spent a year travelling

students to work in different countries, for example the around Australia . Hismost enjoyable job in Australia was as

USA, Canada and Australia each year. There is a wide range a receptionist, cook and cleaner at "Backpack Australia ", a

of programmes to choose from and they are designed to crazy place in Adelaide. He left there with great memories

be self-financing, so you should be able to earn back your and a bursting address book . Over the next month Patrick

initial expenses and have sufficient money to pay for your travelled around in a station wagon with friends. "We

post-work travels . Work America and Work Canada are went diving at the Great Barrier Reef, drove through

open to full time students and those who have postponed sugarcane fields and tropical fruit plantations, watched

their entry and have been accepted to a university for the the sunset over Ayers Rock and lived on cheese and jam

following year. Those taking part in the programme can sandwiches. It was incredible" On the importance of his

get almost any job anywhere for the summer, moreover, year off, Patrick said, "I feel my trip has taught me a lot

there are countries where they can work up to 12 months. - from the importance of tolerance and experiencing

It is even possible to work on a fishing boat on the Pacific new cultures, to how to cook. My self-confidence has

Ocean, if that appeals! Most, however, would tend to work improved amazingly. "Taking a year off does require

in temporary jobs within the tourism industry, mainly in forward planning, so you'll need to apply this October for

restaurants and hotels. Work America Counsellors place next year's summer programme. Work America arranges

both students and non-students at children's summer visas, flights, airport greetings and back-up support for

camps in the USA. Those aged between 19 and 35, with participants, which makes organizing your trip very easy.

relevant experience of working with groups of children, All you have to do is decide where you want to go!




Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answerson the answer sheet.

6. It is advantageous to take a year out because you cana) spend a relaxing period before universityb) gain experience.c) finance your further studies

7. Taking a year off is not necessarily difficult ifa) you work hard during your year out.b) you are a hardworking student.c) you make the right enquiries.

8. Taking time off between school and university isa) better if you go abroad.b) fairly difficult to arrange.c) impossible if you have no money

9. To work with Work America Counsellors you have toa) be able to travel around the country.b) be a full-time student.c) have worked with children before.

10. Patrick says thata) it was a rewarding period.b) the food was not so great.c) the work was very easy.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read the ten situations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide which textgoes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11 -20). In some cases there may be no suitable text.Then markx.

11. You want to have a fairly cheap lunch.

12. You would like to surprise a friend but don't know her well.

13. You want to dine somewhere that is not very popular.

14. You prefer old-fashioned hospitality.

15. You want to go on holiday for more than a week.

16. You want a holiday where you can exercise.17

17. You want to stay in a new hotel.

18. You want a seaside holiday.

19. You would like to buy a unique gift.

20. You want to invite your friends over for dinner.




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Charming new townhouse in closeproximity to Cowes central and a shortwalk to the nearest shops and to a greatstretch of the popular shore is available forrent. This sparkling townhouse has highquality furnishing and gourmet kitchen, italso features a wonderful decked, coveredentertainment area for BBQ in summerand a reverse cycle air conditioner insidefor no matter what time of the year. It hasopen plan living area, sleeps up to 8 peopleand also has a cot in the main bedroom.In addition to the 2 bedrooms, there isa bathroom downstairs with a relaxingbath tub and an en-suite in the bedroomupstairs. There is also a parents retreatupstairs to escape all the action in themain living area. This property has all theamenities to make your stay enjoyable.All bedding is supplied including pillows,covers and blankets.


Just-Eat is a new online ordering and deliveryservice for gourmet salads, sandwiches,and wraps. We are providing our deliveryservice to an expanding population ofdowntown office and work communities. Ourproducts are second to none. We use organicingredients, with everything fresh and hand­picked daily. ...and all of our dressings aremade in-house.We cut no corners. Our website allows forselection, ordering, & payment that is fasterthan by phone with more payment options.Orders may also be placed by phone.We deliver Monday through Friday from11:30 - 3:00. We deliver single orders as wellas catered orders of any size.

d,• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Le Pavilion Hotel piques the imagination in •• a way that even the emperor himself would •• •• applaud. Located in the heart of downtown •• New Orleans, Hotel Le Pavilion sits adjacent •: to the historic French Quarter, only five :• short blocks to the celebrated music clubs of •• •• Bourbon Street and the famous restaurants •• and antique shops of Royal Street. In a world •• •• of steel-and-glass skyscrapers and cookie- •• cutter design, the age of grand hotels seems •: long gone. A rare exception: Le Pavilion Hotel. :• Aplace where guests can instantly conjure the •: days of genteel luxury, romantic evenings and :• glittering nights . We invite you to join us here •: at "the belle of New Orleans". :

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Located in the heart of the city, not far

from the popular sights of the Royal Palace

Quar ter this eatery in the Arlington Hotel

qualifies as one of London's best-kept

secrets. You can enjoy your meal in our

garden with nice umbrella-shaded tables

next to the city 's wonderful Carton Park.

Casual attire is permitted at all times.

Clothing must be neat, presentable and

appropriate for a family environment.

Tank tops or muscle-tees for men are not



The Avalon Hotel & Conference Centre isthe most beautiful and complete hotel inthe city. Located just 15 minutes from theFrench Quarter and the Sports Centre, theAvalon also offers 134 deluxe guest roomsand suites, complete with complimentaryhigh-speed internetaccess in rooms & public

spaces, 27" colour television, iron/board,coffee makers, and Business Class Roomsthat include microwave and refrigerator.The hotel also offers meeting rooms, a fully­furni shed business centre, a large outdoorswimming pool, complimentary continentalbreakfast, and ample free parking (foroversized vehicles also).



r------ ----- ..Welcome to the Zone Cafe, one of the most II romantic restaurants in London! Our guestsI enjoy the intimate atmosphere of our II pict uresque courtyard as they l~sten to. the I

sounds of soft music from our adjacent piano ii bar. Step upstairs to dine on the balcony

I overlooking th is distinctly London courtyard, or II exper ience the charm of the main dining room I

as you savour your meal with a special London II touch. We invite you to learn more about us,I view our menu, make your reservations online I

and send us your feedback! We look forward II to serving you at Zone Cafe the next time youI want to create a memorable dining experience II in London! I

.. _---------_.1


New Zealand is the land of stunning naturalbeauty, action-packed activities & laid backculture. Kick off this ten-day trip in the Bay ofIslands & try some sand dune surfing! In theunderground caves of Waitomo experienceblack water rafting before hitting Rotorua to

trv the Zorb or skyline gondola & end the dayr;laxing in a Polynesian thermal pool. Take ina sunset cruise on Lake Taupo, brave the Rockn Ropes course & head to the land of the Lordof the Rings, Wellington. Finally, the goodtimes must come to an end in Christchurch.






Visit the Sunshine Stat e and stay in thefour and a half star Watermark HotelBrisbane. The hotel is a recent additionto the old downtown area with viewsof the Spring Hill and the Roma StreetParklands, a pool, restaurant, and is closeto some of Brisbane's best shopping andentertainment. Stay for two nights andsave 30 per cent with rooms startingfrom $126 per room per night.



~ ~~ Situated on tranquil Cedar Creek, lSkm ~~ ~~ north of Miami, the Royal Palm Hotel ~~ ~~ offers the ideal holiday combination of a ~~ ~

~ small, intimate hotel with the facilities of a ~~ ~~ large hotel complex just a short ride away. ~~ ~~ Walking through well-tended gardens you ~~ ~

~ will find the hotel's pool bar and sun terrace, ~~ ~

~ which provide a quiet location in which ~~ ~~ to enjoy the sunshine. If you feel really ~~ ~~ energetic, there is the hotel's health club at ~~ ~~ your service. At the Kasr al Bahar meals are ~~ ~

~ taken in the restaurant which is decorated ~

~ in keeping with the hotel's Arabic theme. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.J.~


The Perfect Gift is your one-stop sourcefor quality, name brand gifts at affordable

prices. We are the finest florist in CocoaBeach. We deliver flowers and specialbouquets to the central Brevard area.Find gift ideas for romance, anniversaries,birthdays or any special event. We arelocated near Port Canaveral Cruise Linesand deliver to the Disney Cruise Ships. ThePerfect Gift guarantees satisfaction withevery gift order. If you are not completelysatisfied with your gift or its delivery,please do not hesitate to contact us.


,.11 111111 111 111111 11111111 1111 11111111111111111 111"_ When giving a gift, there's nothing like a ::

gift that says, "You're one of a kind!" For §over 10 years, our company has been §helping create lasting memories with ::perfect, personalized gifts for all of life's §special occasions. You want a gift that §stands out among all others. That's why §

=we offer hundreds of one-of-a-kind gifts ::designed exclusively for you. Add a photo, §date, name, monogram, event name, §special message or many more options ::for a gift that can be enjoyed a lifetime. It §will seem as if you went to a lot of trouble, §but only you need to know how easy it is. §We take care of every detail for you. ::- -

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Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-3 O.

I T~ lrino Pot~ on FamilvVacations 11&..t...a~.a .a.aEl'" '" ~ ",.a.a ... &..t...a.a.a .a.J ......"' ..........a 'JUI' .a~

> Locate pet-friendly accommodations. Not all hotels, motels, rental housesor bed and breakfasts will _21_ you to bring your pet along. You _22_to do a little bit of research before you leave home to assure that your petreceives a warm welcome.

> Travel by car. Ifyou insist _23_ taking a family vacation with your pets,you should consider taking a trip that can be navigated by car. If your pets arein a confined space with you, _24_ than in a crate in a pet compartment,they'll feel more secure and you can be sure to make the necessary _25_ ofstops for relief and fresh air.

> Observe all rules. Make sure that you know what restrictions exist_26_you start out on your vacation. For example, there may be weight restrictionson the dogs that are allowed to stay, or certain accomodations may not welcomescaly or feathered critters.

> Be respectful of your fellow _27_. No matter where you _28_ upstaying, it's important for your pets to be as invisible and as quiet as possiblewhile you're away. The people around you in a rental community or hotel are_29_ vacation, too, and they don't want to hear a barking dog.

> Plan a vacation that's close to home. No matter what mode of transportationyou decide upon, it's easier on the whole family if you keep your _30_within a few hours of travel time.


21. a) permission 23. a) in 25. a) number 27. a) vacationing 29. a) on

b) allow b) of b) many b) vacationers b) at

c) admit c) on c) amount c) vacation c) in

22. a) can 24. a) rather 26. a) before 28. a) keep 30. a) departure

b) need b) better b) while b) finish b) station

c) should c) more c) during c) end c) destination




Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

Taking Vacation Photos• Try not to _31_all photos out of the front window of the car. There areonly so many photos of the windshield wiper that a _32_can see before theireyes glaze over. If possible, take the time to stop along the side of the road, get outof the car and compose a great landscape shot.

Stop at the scenic overlooks _33_the road. These areas were created becausethey are the best spots to view and _34_the landscape.

• Slow down if you can't stop the car, roll down a side window and take a clearphoto.

• Know the limits of your _35_Don't expect to capture the beauty of a darkcathedral ceiling with the small flash of a disposable camera

• Fill the frame with something _36_sky. By getting as close to an object aspossible, the photo will show more detail and be more interesting.

• _37_the angle of the photograph, instead of shooting straight ahead. Bylooking up at something, or down on something, it _38_interest and varietyto your photographs.

• Choose a scenic place to capture the sunset. Acoloured sky with a mountain ortree's silhouette creates a _39_ image that excites viewers rather than boringthem.

• Stay on trails and marked paths and do not _40_ wild animals.












WritingSituation 1:

You see the following advertisement in a magaz ine :

Join the Movie Madness DVD Club now and get 3 DVDs for $1 each with Free Shippingon this order! To get started, simply select your introductory DVDs and sign up in justtwo easy steps. Then, you 'll be able to continue shopping from our vast catalog of titlesas a member! With our unbeatable deals, you' ll always experience great discounts onamazing films. Plus you can preorder the hottest new releases at a great price.No matter what kind of movies you love, you'll get them at a great price at MovieMadness.Try us today Risk Free!Movie Madness DVD ClubCustomer Service Center, PO Box 32654, Little Town, IL 68635

You decide to ask for more information.At least two of the following points should be mentionedin your letter plus one other aspect.

• Information you need in order to decide• Why you would like to join• Your experience with other clubs• Membership costs

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the club, also thereference line, date, salutation and closing formula.You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.



WritingSituation 2:

After seeing the following advertisement, you decided to buy the product advertised:

Yeah, a tasty pizza would taste good right about now, but do you really want to fire upthe oven, wait for it to pre-heat and then put the pizza in? Here's a better way. This handypizza baker will deliver hot cheesy goodness in 8-12 minutes without the hassle andheating up your oven. Just put the pizza (up to 12in. dia.) in, turn on the timer and you'regood to go. It's a simple solution for you, assorted hungry teenagers and anyone elsewho's looking for some short-term gratification. Stainless steel construction; includescrumb tray. 17in.L x 19in.W x 8in.H.


Manufacturer Warranty: 12 months

Midland House88 North Station RoadColchester

However, you are not completely satisfied with it and write to the company to complain.Write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer of the product. At least two of the followingpoints should be mentioned in your letter plus one other aspect.

• Outline the problems you had• Say what you want the company to do• Mention some details from the advertisement• Give your reasons for buying the product

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think points should be includedas well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of thecompany, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.



43 .



a) Increasing Numbers

b) Minor in Control

c) Missing Visitors

d) Protesting Against Changes

e) Secret Purchase

f) Tragedy Avoided




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems . Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.

Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. David was participating in local car races.





26 50.




He came across a course while working for a local architect.

Seeing the winning designs gave him a push to decide about his future.

David began his career by selecting work instead of further education.

Before starting to work for Motor Panels he already knew he would be a car designer.

Not being satisfied made him find another job at Ford.

At Ford he experienced a completely new field of design.

David thinks the complexity of designing has not increased.

54. He drives one of his favourite designs.

55. According to David when choosing a school it is the best to write to as many as you can.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will hear the texts only once. Then you will have time toanswer the question for each text.

Decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear an event announcement on the radio.

The evening reception will take placea) at the Jasmine Palace.b) at the Lavender Garden Suite.c) on the second day of the event.

57 . You hear an advertisement in a store.

According to the announcera) turkey is on sale today.b) baby food costs 50 % less this week.c) you will get a free product with a $25 purchase.

58 . You hear a weather forecast.

The Environment Agency issueda) severe weather alert.b) flood alert.c) heavy rain alert.

59. You call a bank.

You want to open an account. You shoulda) press 1.b) press 2.c) press 5.

60. You hear an announcement about a new radio show.

The show will aira) on Monday on Monday morning.c) every night at 7pm.




SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

You are expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one ofthe following topics.(The prompts in brackets may help you .) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds andyou should answer your partner's questions afterwards.While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think ofthe questions you wouldlike to ask.You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

One of your friends (personality, qualities, hobbies, etc.)


A concert you have seen (where, when, why, etc .)



SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates AjBj(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tellherjhim your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk aboutyour own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.


New Lingua Franca?

The idea that English will become the world language is outdated, with the futuremore likely to see people switching between two or more languages for routinecommunications, a British language expert says in a new analysis.

The share of the world's population that speaks English as a native language isfalling. Instead, English will play a growing role as a second language, as an articlesta tes in the journ al Science.

Amulti-lingual population is already the case in much of the world and is becomingmore common in the United States. Indeed, the Census Bureau reported last yearthat nearly one American in five speaks a language other than English at home,with Spanish leading, followed by Chinese.

And that linguistic diversity, in turn, has helped spark calls to make English thenation's official language.

While it is important to learn English politicians and educators need to realizethat doesn't mean abandoning the native language.

As of 1995, he reports, English was the second most common native tongue in theworld, trailing only Chinese.

By 20 50, he says, Chinese will contin ue its predominance, with Hindi-Urdu ofIndia and Arabic climbing past English, and Spanish nearly equal to it.





SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to organise a special party for your grandmothers who will be 80years old soon.First decide on your ideas for the celebration.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that both grandmothers wouldenjoy.



Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-D. Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goesbest with which headline.Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) National Treasure

b) Still No Signs

c) Severe Conditions

d) Minister in Trouble

32 e) Not an Average Backpacker

f) Critical Changes Forecasted

g) Government Promotes Actress

h) Landmarks Misunderstood

i} Incomplete Journey

j) Smarter Than You Think


1Rescuers are struggling to shore up ventilation ducts th ey hope can be used to reach34 workers trapped in a mine in Chile since an underground collapse two days ago.More than 300 rescue workers are on the scene at the mine on the outskirts of thecity, in the Atacama Desert. They have yet to make contact with the 34 workersmissing since the collapse, which blocked an access road to the mine, and it'sunclear whether the workers have been able to reach an underground shelterstocked with water and food. The Labour Minister, who went to the site on Friday,said the shelter has provisions for about 72 hours. The gold and copper mine,about BOOm above sea level, is cut into a mountain and usually accessed by a rampthat descends in a spiral, but the collapse cut off that route, forcing workers touse the mine's ventilation shafts, which are cut vertically into the rock. He saideverything was ready for rescuers to start descending into the mine and he hopedthe operation could be completed as quickly as possible.

2A British man has become the first person known to have walked the entire lengthof the Amazon River. His epic 6437km journey along the world's longest river tookmore than two years to complete. He started out in the Peruvian Andes and endedhis journey at the beach on the coast of Brazil. During his trip, the former soldiersurvived on a diet of piranha fish, rice, and beans while dodging pit vipers, electriceels, anacondas and scorpions. He was also imprisoned, chased by bow-and-arrowwielding natives and twice wrongly accused of murder. Since the beginning of his 33journey he has suffered an estimated 50,000 mosquito bites and hundreds of waspstings. Writing on his blog, the adventurer said: "The trip has been an extreme testof endurance, both mental and physical.''I've been quite humbled by how much I'vehad to rely on other people and I've benefited greatly from the generosity of thepeople I've met along the way." The adventurer said he hoped his feat would raiseawareness of destruction to the Amazon rainforest but he insisted he was "no eco-warrior". At its heart, he pointed out, the journey was simply a grand expedition ofendurance. "I am simply doing it because no one has done it before," the 34-year-old said.

3One, two, three. That's how high you could count ifyou were a bee. Anew study foundthat honeybees can recognize a pattern based only on the number of elements in it.If the bees learn to recognize three blue dots, then later they can find three yellowstars, three yellow lemons or three purple blobs. For such tiny creatures, that's abig deal. Honeybees are pretty clever. They can tell which items are similar to eachother and which are different. They can even count the landmarks they pass onthe way to get their food. The honeybees may not think about counting "one, two,three" in the same way we do. When they were trained to learn a pattern with threeitems, the bees could distinguish between three and four items, but couldn't do thereverse. Given a four-item pattern, the bees could not tell the difference betweenfour and three. Four was too much to keep track of. Before you decide bees aredumb, you should know that memory studies have suggested that the number ofitems a person can consciously remember at anyone time is around - four.



4The country's most beloved actress is worth £60 million, according to an analysis of hervalue to Britain by economists funded by the government. A formula was developed forassessing the value of a "creative person" to the economy and she was chosen as a testcase for the calculation because she has a strong track record and is well known abroad.The actress has had a cultural impact well beyond the screen-jaguar's chief designeradmitted he had had her curves in mind when thinking up the body of the XK model. The"actress algorithm", as it is jokingly known in political circles, is made up of many factors.The first is the star's salary. Despite the success of Hollywood blockbusters, she prefersto appear in cheaper art-house films. The second economic factor is the "productioninvestment effect", in which a star's high profile helps ensure the film is made in Britain.The rest of the money comes from three sources: first, profit from the "box-office chaineffect", defined as the element of a successful film that marketing firms credit to the actor;second, the tourism boost from her films; and, finally, and more intangibly, the "generalpromotional effect" for Britain.

5A heat wave is causing a sanitary and agricultural crisis in Russia, a top meteorologicalofficial says. The head of weather forecasting agency said that nothing similar had beenobserved in the thousand-year history of the Russian state, which dates back to theacceptance of Christianity by ancient Russia in the late 10th Century."This is a completely unique phenomenon," experts told a televised news conference."There are no observations of this in the archives." Some authorities have claimed thedevastating heat wave kills 700 people a day, amid media reports of a government cover­up. "The mortality rate in Moscow has doubled recently," said the head of the city's healthprotection department. Over the weekend, while temperatures remained at around high30s, the levels of deadly carbon monoxide in the Moscow air varied from three to six timesmore than the acceptable amount. The ministry for emergency situations said over 500forest and peat fires continued to burn across Russia.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)Read the following text, then choose the answe rs to questions 6-10.


The next time you sit down to dinner, really lookat what's on your plate. Where was that chickenraised or those lentils grown? Which farmproduced the green beans, potatoes, or broccoli? Assupermarket foragers, people in the industrialisedworld make fast choices based on a range ofcriteria from nutrition to simple craving. But moreand more are digging a bit further to discoverwhere, and how, their plateload was produced.The answers they unearth have big implicationsfor our environment. The farm-to-fork 'food chain'is a source of the greenhouse gas emissions thatare contributing to pollution - the overarchingenvironmental issue of our time. But we're notjust looking at a plateful of emissions here. Food isa social, political and economic issue too. Today's'balanced' diet involves a lot more than pro tein andcarbohydrates. It's about choosing from a diversityof sources - local to long-distance. By eatingsome imported fruit and vegetables, you couldbe making a choice that supports the livelihoodsof poor farmers half a world away. To get to gripswith food choices, we need to pin down wherefood originates, which can be a complex task.Much of the food consumed by the industrialisedworld is shipped, and that uses much less energythan road or air transport. A 2005 study showedthat sea freight was responsible for only 12 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions associatedwith transport. In fact, transportation accountsfor just 10 per cent of emissions associated withthe UK's food chain, which include those fromfood production, processing and distribution. Onesimple way to measure the environmental impactof produce is to calculate the distance it travelsfrom farm to table. This approach, called 'foodmiles', has become increasingly popular, especiallyin the UK, US and Western Europe, since the early1990s. The 'local is good' mantra has led to a trendfor people to scrutinise every mouthful for its localcredentials, but the actual environmental - andsocietal - impacts of food are more far-reaching.Many researchers and policymakers are beginningto conclude that the food miles approach, evenwhen it accounts for the way food is transported,doesn't provide a robust enough bas is for judgingwhether the contents of your food basket areenvironmentally friendly.

In short, it's a lot more complex t han that sincethere are many other aspects. Take tomatoes. Atomato grown in Essex in the UK is not necessarilymore environmentally friendly than the sametype of tomato grown in Spain and trucked to theUK - if the Essex tomato needed energy-intensegreenhouse cultivation to survive. There are, too,other environmental impacts, such as fertiliseruse and soil degradation. 'Food miles' are notalways a good yardstick. And there is a dimensionhere that's often hidden. The fresh fruits andvegetables you buy sustain you - but they alsohelp to sustain the people who grew them. Andif the farmer in question lives in the developingworld, that transaction at the supermarket tillcan be a crucial one. For a small farmer in Africa,profits from exports can pay for housing and food,as well as medical care and education, for the entirefamily. Farming and exports form a powerful linkbetween Africa and the UK. The UK is the world'slargest destination for food transported by air.Within Europe, it's the biggest importer of freshproduce by air from sub-Saharan Africa by both 1----­weight and value. It is also one of the few countriesfor which the environmental and social costs offood production have been researched. We'veseen that local is not always better. When youbuy African produce that can mean the differencebetween surviving and thriving for a farmer andhis family. But there are several simple stepsthat you, as a consumer can take to significantlycut emissions. Drive less. Cars contribute about40 per cent of the total external costs of foodtransport. You may consider planning out yourfood shopping trips in advance, and consolidatingthem to increase sustainability and save time. Orjoin a shopping rota with friends and neighbours.You may not always find it feasible to walk, bikeor take public transport instead of drive, but evena small effort over time can reduce traffic-relatedemissions. And last but not least, waste less. Some3.6 million tonnes of discarded food are collectedby local authorities in the UK each year. Muchof it goes straight into landfill sites, which arelarge emitters of methane. According to the UKgovernment fruit and vegetables make up 42 percent of household food waste by weight, makingthem the largest single contributor.



Now decide which is the correct answer [a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. People in the industrialized world

a) are increasingly interested in having a more balanced diet.

b) are eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.

c) are facing a complex issue of balance when deciding on what foods to buy.

7. Buying locally grown food

a) is thought to be more environment friendly.

b) supports the small farmers.

c) is a popular choice for environmentally conscious people.

8. Food miles are

a) one factor used when assessing the environmental impact offood.

b) the basis on which the environmental burden oftransported food is calculated.

c) the distance between the farm and the store.

9. Buying imported food at the supermarket

a) will mean less fertilizer use on domestic soil.

b) will compromise the livelihood of local farmers.

c) may mean the possibility of education for poor children.

10. One sensible effort to reduce pollution is

a) sharing cars with neighbours.

b) making shopping trips with friends.

c) using alternative transportation.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

Firs t read th e ten situations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide which text

goes best with which situ ation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11 -20) . In some cases there may be no suitable text.

Then mark x.

11.You want to buy a guide book for a reasonable price.

12.You have been in business for some time but you want to learn.

13.You want a pet which is easy to look after.

14.You prefer illustrated guidebooks.

15.You want to travel but need the most information.

16.You want to study where you get individual attention.

17.You want to travel and need all the latest information.

18.You want a pet with a unique look.

19.You would like an intelligent pet.

20.You want to study but don't need a degree.





These cats have qualities other than thewhimsical ears to make them attractivepets. They are people cats that do not showany of the stereotypical aloofness, andare affectionate without harassing peoplefor attention the way some breeds can,though sometimes they delight in perchingon shoulders and love to pat and nuzzletheir peoples ' faces.They are also noted fortheir affinity with children. While not asactive as other breeds, American Curls areplayful and energetic. They also displaythe typical cat curiosity and want to beright there to investigate any changes intheir environment.


Eyewitness Travel Guides are one of anew generation of guide books that arewell organized and make an excellentcompanion for walking tours of a city. Eachguide includes a good selection and reviewsof hotels and restaurants in all priceranges which are cross-referenced andsummarized in a side-by-side comparisonchart. There's also detailed informationabout shopping and entertainment withplenty of other practical travel tips andan excellent index. Give these stunningvisual guidebooks a try ifyou're headed toFlorence, London, Paris, Prague or Rome.If the Eyewitness Guides have a weakness,it's a tendency to rely too much on imagesat the expense of good travel writing. Butoverall this is a promising new series.


With its user-friendly rounded spine andportable size, The City Guide is a pleasureto handle. It's a joy to use, too, because itpresents the city's main attractions andcultural context in a striking style whileretaining traditional strength of in-depthand elegantly written text. The city is seenthrough the eyes of local writers who knowwhat it's like to live there, not just visit, so it'sright up to date with what's happening locally.As well as providing a wealth of travel tips forvisitors, The City Guide also offers real insightinto the destinations' history, culture, politics,arts and, above all, the people.


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prefer bringing new ideas quickly to life

and applying information systems to

academic advancement. It is also useful

for senior employees, trade professionals

or bookkeepers, and anyone else who

needs to learn entrepreneurial skills and

plans to run their own enterprise in the



The compactness of our Compact Guidemakes it ideal for on-the-spot use. TheTop 10 sights and star attractions in eachdestination are clearly highlighted, factpanels provide extra information andlocations are related precisely to maps.This guide surpasses its competitors inits depth of knowledge and the details itprovides. Listings of hotels and placesto eat are provided, plus a practicaltips section, covering everything fromcustoms and visas, to internet servicesand security.



p-----------.I The Bengal may look like a ~ild cat, but Ibreeders insist that the Bengal IS as lovably I

I friendly and docile as any full-bloodedI domestic cat. Fanciers describe Bengals as II playful, gregarious, and energetic cats that !• have a generous dose of feline curiosity II and that want to be involved with theirI family. Not intimidated by water, they will II sometimes join their family for a swim, as II long as it's on their terms. Altho~gh show- I

quality cats must be four generations awayI from the leopard cat be sure that the cat is II free of temperament problems. I.. _---------_ ..


These cats are natural athletes and loveto investigate counters, bookcases, andthe loftiest peaks of their cat trees. Theyare active and playful and retain theirfun-loving spirit well into adulthood. Butdon't be fooled by the breed's impressivemuscles and all-weather exterior. Theyare sweet, friendly, and family-oriented,and they love their human companions.They would much rather cuddle thanprowl. Nothing surprises them much,either. New people and new situationsdon't mean a challenge for them. Theyare the strong, silent types. They tendnot to bond with one person, but ratherlove everyone unconditionally andenthusiastically.





Our special courses are tratrungcourses that are designed anddeveloped to meet customerrequirements. These courses areparticularly suitable for people withsubstantial work experience or forthose who prefer not to take a year'swork placement as part of the degree.Due to long-range commitment onregularly scheduled courses, specialcourses may require up to four monthsto arrange and schedule. Providingthe following information will allowour Operations Department to meetyour needs at the lowest possible cost.



~ ~~ According to the French breed standard, ~~ ~~ this breed is part monkey, part dog, ~~ ~~ part child, and part cat. They do seem ~~ ~~ to possess some personality traits of ~~ ~

~ each, despite what geneticists might say ~~ ~~ about such a combination. To say these ~~ ~~ cats are lively is an understatement; ~~ ~

~ they perform monkey-like aerialist ~~ ~~ feats from the tops of doorways and ~~ ~~ bookshelves. Very devoted and loyal, ~~ ~~ they follow their humans around, ~~ ~

~ wagging their tails doggy fashion and ~~ ~

~ purring with affection. They demand ~~ ~

~ your unconditional attention and are as ~

~ mischievous (and lovable) as children. ~~ ~~ And despite all that they are completely ~~ ~~ cats, with all the mystery and charm that ~~ ~~ has fascinated humankind for thousands ~~ ~~ of years. ~~ ~~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


Neatly packaged pocket guide compiledby local experts who know Londoninside out. This guide is designed forinformed, experienced travellers andthose on a repeat visit but looking fornew ideas. The selective approach ofthis inspirational guide is ideal forindependent travellers who like to settheir own agenda. The striking coverand elegant interior design are backedby the quality content a clear mapping.The book itself isn't quite free, but at£5.95 is not far off it. A lazy day? Fineart? Family fun? Romance? With aseparate quick reference section allowsreaders to tailor-make itineraries basedon their mood on the day.


" 11 11111 11111111111111111111111111 11111 1111 1111 111

This course offers a route to preparingto British University degree courses.It is particularly suitable for thosestudents who wish to follow a fastprogramme which broadens theirknowledge, develops their practical =skills and provides them with a soundeducation to take their knowledge tothe next level. The course is dividedinto three phases and students willstudy six modules in total, spread overthe duration of the course to providean even workload.

i.111 11 111 11 1111 1111111 11111111111111 11 111111111111,.


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.

The Basics of SailingNew to sailing? Let us help you master the basics with these __21__sailing tips and instructions for beginners. Both novice and experiencedboaters alike can __22__ from a quick review of these beginner sailingbasics!

> Choose calm, uncrowded waters. If you're just starting to master sailingbasics and learn how to sail, __23__ one of the most important beginnersailing tips __24__ is to practice in ideal conditions of light winds andlow traffic.

> Choose a small boat to learn how to sail. It's easier to learn how to sailwith __25__ lines and sails. A small dinghy will be more responsive andeasier to manoeuvre, and is also perfect for __26__ capsizing.

> Begin on a boat rigged with one sail. Beginning on a boat that's riggedwith just one sail will make learning sailing basics easier and __27__complicated.

> __28__ tide, wind and weather conditions. Check the weatherforecast so you can be prepared for whatever the weather might bring. Besure to bring along adequate provisions, clothing and basic weather gear__29__ needed. Boating and sailing basics means always beingprepared.

> Practice makes perfect. Don't try to teach yourself all the sailing basics.__3o__ in a good sailing course, research guides and books, and learnfrom friends with experience.

21. a) usefully 23. a) while 25. a) little 27. a) small 29. a) likeb) perfectly b) then b) fewer b) less b) than

c) handy c) still c) enough c) least c) as

22. a) benefit 24. a) remember to 26. a) exercising 28. a) Research 30. a) Interestb) advantage b) to remembering b) simulation b) Discover b) Investc) bonus c) to remember c) practising c) Inform c) Apply


....'- - -42


Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items


Food on airlinesFood on airlines is about what you would expect, considering that all the foodmust be _31_ ahead of time and served to a large number of people with verydifferent taste preferences. It is amazing that the food is as good as it is, but still , itfrequently will not please you .Some carriers are _32~00d about accommodating standard dietarypreferences, but you have to help them out. If you are vegetarian or keep kosher,tell your travel agent when you _33_ the ticket, and the airlines will usuallyaccommodate you.If you have food allergies, you are probably safest _34_ your own food withyou . Be advised that many countries have import _35_on foods; if you bringfood, be sure that you either finish it all on the plane or make sure that it will clear_36_._37_ travellers suggest never getting on an airplane hungry. You might thinkyou will get a meal shortly, but the _38_ could happen:

o Everyone boards the aircraft, then they decide they have to fix something.They are not sure how long it will take, _39_ nobody is allowed off.

o You take off on a 3 hour flight that has 2-1/2 hrs of turbulence where the_40_ crew is not allowed to serve meals.

o You do not like the food.The best bet is to eat before you get on or take something you can snack on.











Situation 1:

You see the following advertisement in the papers:

Riverwalk Place Banquets, located in Richmond orth Yorksh ire is the perfect place foryour most memorable occasion. We specialize in Wedding Receptions, Class Reunions,Business Functions or any Special Even t .

The Historic Richmond Mill, once a buckwheat flour mill in 1903, has been renovated toreflect a rustic and unique venue. Our Cathedral Ceilings, Original Hardwood Floors andBeautiful Woodwork create a Warm and Charming atmosphere. We can accommodate upto 200 guests. Our on-site catering staff will create a menu that is unique an d tailored toyour needs, or you may hire your own licensed caterer. We guarantee you and your guestswill have an unforgettable experience.

Come discover the perfect union of Elegant Charm and Thoughtful Service.

Maitland Place Banquets2 -4 High Street, Starbeck,Richmond Nor th Yorkshire, England HG2 [email protected] 106

You decide to make a reservation for your class reunion. At least two of the following points

should be mentioned in your letter plus one other aspect.

• Food and drinks you would like

• Special programs and services you need

• Ask about special discounts

• Alternative dates for the party

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula.

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be

included as well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and

the address of the company, also the reference line , date, salutation and closing


You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.

Please write 150-200 words.



WritingSituation 2:

You are looking for a job and see the following advertisements on the internet:


W1>I' _


Want an experienced person to work in a busy cafe/restaurant. Part-time/casualposition to include work every second weekend. Must be skilled in coffee &sandwich making, food preparation.People skills and ability to work as a team member essential.

Please send your resume to Annie McKenzie at 4400 Cedar Street Auckland, Phone40953913.

You decide to apply. At least two of the following points should be mentioned in your letter

plus one other aspect.

• Ask about pay and working hours

• Your experience

• What you can offer to the cafe

• Why you need a job

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting the

letter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as an

appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the cafe, also the

reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.

Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear eac h item on ly once.

Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item .

Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.

4 1.





a) Disaster Strikes

b) Manufacturer in Crisis

c) Quench Your Thirst

d) Attractive Deals

e) Launch Delayed

f) Safety Checks Needed




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and the

items. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.

Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

Now you will have one minute to read the items.




49 .

...50 .


Esther Camp bell created comics for a magazine while he was in college.

His college professor helped Esther find a job as an illustrator.

The editor at his first job did not like Esther's black-and-white drawings.

After graduation Esther needed some time to build up his freelance career.

Esther explains th at popular culture has a great influence on his work.

Esther advises start-up artists to display their work in showrooms.

52. Esther didn't like Judson College at first.

53. Esther studied computer design at [udson College.

54. Keeping up with the deadlines is very important in the illustration business .

55. According to Esther, a successful freelance illustrator should be a good artist and a

good businessman as well.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will hear the texts only once. The n you will have time to

answer the question for ea ch text.

Decide which is the correct an swer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on the

answer sheet.

56. You hear an advertisement of a concert. It is unusual because

a) there will be singers in it .

b) it's at a different location .

c) it is on Saturday.

57. You hear a weather forecast on the radio.

The bad weather will last

a) until tomorrow evening

b) until the day after tomorrow

c) until midday tomorrow

58. You hear this announcement in a supermarket.

The announcer wants th e customers

a) to buy a product.

b) use a particular exit.

c) leave the building now.

59. You hear an announcement about a radio program.

It is

a) a holiday program .

b) a sports program.

c) it is a health program.

60. You hear an advertisement on th e radio.

They advertise

a) a new shop

b) a special offer

c) new products



SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

Youare expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

A place where you have been on holiday (place, how long, etc.)


48:---- Your favourite newspaper or magazine (type of articles, interviews, etc.)


Spe.akingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Technology overload is road danger

FACEBOOK, TV and surfing the internet are making more than half of allcommuter drivers tired and dangerous on our roads.Asurvey to be released today shows 54 per cent of South Australian drivers arehitting the road each day with fewer than seven hours sleep and 41 per centadmit to being tired at the wheel most mornings.A research of 2500 Australian households found nearly four out of five SouthAustralian drivers were staying up later than 10pm most nights.More than 60 per cent said they were glued to TV shows or DVDs late at nightwhile almost a quarter said they were surfing the net, one in 10 was on socialnetworking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter, 6 per cent were catching up onhousework or chores and less than one per cent were talking on the phone ortexting.National road roll statistics show that fatigue is one of the top four killers onour roads along with speed, drink-driving and not wearing a seatbelt.SGIC spokesperson Sue Hawkins said driving while sleep-deprived increasedstress levels and the risk of losing focus at the wheel or having a microsleep,where the driver nodded off."Too many of us are driving while tired each day which means we're increasingour chances of having a collision," she said.As a student and bar worker, Anna Green is used to living on less sleep. Latenights in front of the TV can be compounded by computer use as well."If I'mwatching a movie I'm probably on the computer as well," she said. However,she said she "didn't find it too hard" to stay awake while driving.



SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to organise a 3-day bicycle tour.

First decide on your ideas for the trip .

Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that both of you would enjoy.



Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-j). Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Working on Solutions

b) Announcement Withdrawn

c) Horrible Experience

d) Mixed Reactionstin.

52.... e) Repeated Attempt

f) Star Performance

g) Open Argument

h) Different Viewpoints

i) Meaningless Limits

j) Original Destination

1.City authorities in the capital have decla red "clean car month". Motorists who donot keep their cars clean can be stopped by the police an d have to pay a fine. It isno surprise that this is not popular with car owners. In winter, some owners simplykeep their cars off the streets since blizzards make driving difficult. In spring,vehicles reappear on the roads as if from hibernation, but they're supposed to beclean when they emerge. This is clean car month, and drivers of dirty vehicles riskbeing fined. Motorists argue that the law is only broken if the number plates areobscured by grime. Motoring programmes on radio stations have been informingdrivers of their rights and encouraging them to challenge officers who stop them.The website of a newspaper asked its readers for their views. 46 per cent agreeda car was dirty if the number plate wasn't visible. 22 per cent if the make or thecolour of the car couldn't be determined. A stubborn nine per cent maintained thata car was dirty only if the actual driver was invisible.

2The Prime Minister sometimes tried to dissociate himself from other far rightEuropean politicians by saying that unlike many he didn't advocate sendingimmigrants home, he simply wanted to prevent new arrivals; "The country is full"became one of his catchphrases. His views, and those of many of his counterparts inother European countries, may be unpalatable to the liberal political mainstream,but they clearly struck a chord among a portion of the population which isincreasingly unsettled by the growing number of immigrants to Europe. Aroundten percent of the population of the country is defined as being of non-Westernorigin. After a period of gentle decline during the 1990s, net migration to Europeis on the rise again and governments are struggling to work out policies to addressthe issue. Many are now concentrating on schemes to try to integrate new arrivalsbetter, through language classes and cultural awareness programmes. But thepositive benefits of such schemes take time to filter through, and in the meantime,politicians with anti-immigrant views are gaining ground.

3Daily life in the country will be a lot different as of Friday, the day on which new,stricter anti-smoking regulations come into effect. There will be a partial ban onsmoking in all public spaces: stations, hospitals, public services, schools and colleges,where special areas will be designated for those who light up. The health ministry'scampaign is aimed at protecting the rights of non-smokers. But ministry officialsalso hope their measures will help reduce smoking in this tobacco-producingcountry, where around 50 percent of all people indulge in the habit, and wheresmoking is part of popular culture. As of 1 January, all cafes, bars and restaurantswill be obliged to provide non-smoking areas with the exception of traditionalcafes and late-night clubs. And at the beginning of next year, the ban on tobaccoadvertising will be extended to cover outdoor billboards and cinemas. When thenew measures were announced last spring, the Prime Minister was the first toenforce them, banning smoking during cabinet meetings. But the announcementtriggered different opinions; some business owners have serious doubts about thenew regulations, other cit ize ns appear to accept the need to regulate smoking, butothers thought the new rules would not be enforceable.




4For years money kept roping in to Europe's football clubs. The growth in transferpayments and player salaries seemed limitless. But the climate has changed. TVrights deals in some countries have collapsed and the days of big money transfersare numbered. So now the G14 clubs, as they call themselves, have decided to tightentheir collective belts, At their meeting in Brussels today, members - including clubslike Bayern Munich and Barcelona, as well as the British representatives - agreed toimpose a ceiling for player wage bins. The aim is to keep them to seventy percentor less of total turnover. But can it be enforced? The answer technically is no - it 's avoluntary agreement and there are no penalties for those who don't control wages.However, the G14 group also announced,a-commitment to link pay more closely toperformance on the field . The veiled warning to players was clear - if there's no action,more clubs will struggle or even go bust.



5A millionaire adventurer has successfully taken off from an airfield hoping to becomethe first person to complete a solo balloon navigation of the earth. This is his sixthattempt at capturing the record. After a long and anxious night waiting for just theright conditions for launch, he and his ground crew decided to go ahead and set off.Thousands of cubic metres of helium were pumped into the towering silver canopy ofhis balloon. After meticulous pre-fIight checks and the loading of last-minute supplies,the balloon finally lifted off from the airfield. The man will spend the next fifteen totwenty days living in a tiny capsule suspended beneath the balloon, getting little sleepand eating army rations he describes as disgusting. But the millionaire believes this ishis best chance to capture the record that has eluded him on five previous occasions .Lastyear he was forced to abandon the flight because of deteriorating weather conditions,and in the following year he was lucky to survive when his balloon plummeted intothe sea. So, having safely launched this time, everything now depends on the weather.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)

Read the following text, then choose the answe rs to questions 6..:10._. .DRIVING IN THE SAHARA should bring adequate water to provide ten litres per

i .Driving in the Sahara is top on many romantic person per day in winter - in reality you will use half

adventurers' travel lists. Images of explorers of that - but the extra can make all the difference, if. • • :0

traversing silent dunes, camping among Bedou fn ." necess ry. You should never finish a route with empty,7 ', , • ";

villagers, watching mirages turn to caravans of camels containers, Locally bought bottled water is a good way

and back again make the imagination of the intrepid of gauging your rationing, " ~therwise use purpose-

desert lover swoon. While it is true that the Sahara made tanks. In Tunisia and Morocco, you can pretty, ,

can be unforgiving to the unprepared, driving in th.e /~ much stay in some kind of accommodation every

Moroccan Sahara and other North African countried ' other night, but in the larger countries covering the

can be exhilarating and safe, if travellers take proper interior you must be self-sufficient. In the desert, fruit

precautions. There are two choices for overlanding and vegetables tend to be locally grown and scrawny, ' , J.

the Sahara: renting a four-wheel drive vehicle in your or.truckedIn and expensive. One thing you can get in

destination or bringing your own car from Europe. every village for a few pennies is bread - khobsa in

Obviously, if you plan a short trip in Morocco. Tunisia Arabic. Don't overlook some sweet or savoury snacks

or Egypt, you should consider renting. But if you plan and bring your favourite quality foods. Meals will be

to go nomad in the desert for a longer period or across the highlight of some possibly tiring days . Bottled gas

borders, you need to bring your own car. And that is the most convenient power source for cooking and

takes planning and preparation and a bit of expense. available in larger towns. A twin ring camping stove 55However, once you're actually in the desert, you'll will do, plus a volcano kettle for a quick brew while

spend very little money, and the experience of clear the food cooks. A thermos flask, filled at breakfast will

desert nights, towering dunes and oasis campsites provide a hot drink for lunchtime without the need to

will be worth the effort in getting there. Getting to the set the stove up. Burn whatever garbage you can, and

Sahara is simpler than people imagine. Nevertheless, rush and bury the rest or dump i at edge of town trash

it's what accounts for most of the cost of touring the dumps. The simplistic idea ofthl}:Sahara baking by day.I';~ ~ ..

Sahara (aside from vehicle acquisition or rental and and freezing by night has become. exaggerated over

preparation). If you are flying and planning to rent a the years. In the summer, it's hotaround the clock and\

vehicle, flights to Casablanca and Tunis are available. in winter at high altitudes, nights n:.ay reach freezing.

Connecting flights will take you closer to the desert But the important thing is protection from the sun and

and vehicles can be rented in major towns and cities. wind and repairing or recovering the car, plus a good

If you are planning a longer trip and thinking of night's sleep. Shortpants an~ dresses may be fine in

shipping your vehicle to Africa you 'd be much better the beach resorts, but are not acceptable in the more

off transporting it directly into any North African traditional desert communities. Cover up as locals do

port. Choosing a vehicle for a Saharan journey is to protect your skin and get used to wearing headwear

vital. For the rigors of the Sahara, locals, commercial for the same reason - especially on midday walks when

operators and travellers choose Toyota's Land Cruiser a cooling breeze will disguise the burning sun. You can

or Land Rover, that provide quality and strength sleep inside the car on a platform - secure, but a bit

along with large engines that can keep a fully loaded cramped - or on a roof tent, which is cool, convenient

machine moving in power sapping conditions. Fuel and safe. But lying under the stars with no tent is

and water will account for up to half of your payload. exhilarating - the risk from snakes and scorpions is

You can never carry enough fuel and water, but fuel also much exaggerated. Because don't forget: a good

is the more important as the car is your lifeline. You night's rest from the exertions of the day is vital.



Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. Bringing your own car when you visit the Sahara

a) is very expensive.

b) is advisable if you plan to visit more than one country.

c) is not worth the costs.

7. You will need to bring or rent a tough four-wheel drive vehicle to roam the desert because

a) it can carry a large supply of water.

b) it has enough space to sleep in it.

c) its powerful engine will keep you going even in extreme conditions.

8. If you want to keep track of your available water supply, one method is to

a) have built-in water tanks in your car.

b) stock up on bottled water.

c) use no more than five litres per day.

9. In Tunisia and Morocco

a) you can buy high quality locally grown vegetables.

b) locals usually use gas stoves for cooking.

c) it is quite easy to find lodging.

10. You should not wear short pants when visiting desert communities because

a) you will get a sunburn.

b) you will freeze when the sun goes down.

c) you might offend local people.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read th e ten situ ations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decid e which text

goes best with whi ch situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11-20). In some cases there may be no suitable text.

Then markx.






Youwant to enjoy true hospitality and the beauty of nature.~~\ ,~ • 4

Youwould like high qU~I1t}i~~~i~e'and a variety of• ~ r/a. ".~. .... ,t' . 4 \ ....... • ,

music programs. "j .:" .\ ~. ;;:~ . ~ .t ': .:1,,1" :-• • l· · ~.." ;.. .. "..

~ . ... - " I' • ., . •

Youare interested in'how traits are passed down through


14. You prefer popular holiday destinations with busy night life.

15. You find sampling local and international cuisine:expensive.

16. The workings of the human mind fascinate you. ,r.

17. You enjoy water sports and other outdoor activities.

18. You would like to learn about the connection between looks

and character.

19. You like endless scenic coastlines and charming old towns.

20. You want to visit a festival that features only well-known artists.





This is the book for anyone who wants tokeep up-to-date with the latest influentialtheories. Did you know, for example , that.whoever our parents may be, we areall united by DNA, which contains ourgenes? And did you know that most of thepopulation of the world may be descend edfrom fewer than 100 people? New andsurprising discoveries like this are beingmade almost every week, which is whygenetics is now at the forefront of twenty­first-century science. Before they'd heard

of genes, people believed that family traitswere carried in the blood. Today we knowthat they were wrong.


This is a mystical island of volcanicmountains. This charming place has baysof deep sand, sky-high mountain sidescovered in dense forestry and wholevalleys of banana groves. The residentsare perhaps the friendliest people inthe Caribbean; they welcome visitorswith a refreshing enthusiasm - and aspicy traditional cuisine. The island isundeveloped as are its roads and services,but while it remains unspoilt, it may spoilyou easily. .,

! " •.~


The country's biggest music festival isdefinitely worth a visit if you don't mindtravelling. It's one of the loveliest festivalsettings you're likely to see. As well as music,there's a lot of other entertainment on thesite. There are comedians who do bizarrestand up comedy; eating contests and youmay even be lucky enough to see somesumo wrestling. There's also the chance toeat noodles, curry, kebabs and rice dishes atextremely reasonable prices. Watch out forfantastic chefs who make great sushi. And, ifyou've got a bit more money to spend,you cantake a helicopter ride over the site.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••: As British as cricket and afternoon tea, as :• historic as piracy on the high seas , as exotic •: as calypso and coral reefs, as Caribbean as :• you could wish, this place is a matchless mix •: of sunshine, sport and sophistication. The :

• sunniest in a sea of tropical treasures, this •• island is blessed with beautiful beaches, •• •• where, centuries ago, smugglers and pirates •

• used to land. The fashionable west coast is •• •• caressed by the cool Caribbean, while the •• eastern shoreline is battered by the crashing •• •• Atlantic surf. Those who enjoy land sports are •• well looked after, with championship golf and •• •• lit tennis courts. On warm evenings the place •

• comes alive with the characteristic music •• •• of steel bands, the cool sound of jazz and the •

• more relaxed Latin American rhythms. Yet •• •• the island preserves a certain charm with its •• classical colonial plantation mansions and old •• •• world values of courtesy. •• ••••••••••••••••••••••


The author in this book introduces us

to the inside of our heads and shows the

kind of enthusiasm about the brain that

other writers reserve for fine arts or

footba!!. The idea of 'intelligence' worries

her, however, because this suggests that a

person's brain power is pre-determined,

She agrees with those who insist that the

brain, which is capable of amazing things,

is constantly developing, and gets better

and better with age, providing you look

after it.


This fascinating book collects togetherthe findings of various scientific studiesconcerning the human face. It seemsthat we are fascinated with faces allthrough life. There have been a numberof psychological tests designed toinvestigate beauty, but their conclusionsonly prove what the Ancient Greeksalways knew - a beautiful face is onewith regular features. The book providessome fascinating insights into how faceshave developed over the years andwhether one can judge a person by theirappearance alone.



p----------- ..I This festival has a reputation of being Imore relaxed than many other European

I festivals. One of the reasons for this II is p~rhaRs·. because it takes place in a II be~litif~l ,pa·~kthai.~ !ull of trees and where I

it's even possible ' to ,swim. The festival,I which lasts ' six day'~, .h~s two main stages II and a refreshmenea~ea. Films are shown II on large our~'o~ · s cre.~h~ :.and there are I

several clubs in the town centre where you II can dance' until the early hours. It's notI possible to camp on\the 'festival grounds, II but the festival has its own campsite two II kilometres from the main festival a~_ea w~th I

buses running to and from the campsiteI every half hour from early in the morning II until late at night. I

.. _---------_ ..


It is said that this isla~d has a &.eachfor every day of the year, and its rockycoastline of deep inlets, lorig peninsulasand natural harbours certainly supportsthe theory. It's a legend that's difficult toprove, but one thing is certain, this coralisland has the finest shores of pink-whitesand in all the Caribbean. Visitors arequicklyIntoxicated with the gentle pace,infectiouscalm and gener~l.,<;o~tentment.Apart from the beach, thereis plenty of

• t ·sightseeing as its uI}.~l;>ph~sticated charmis spellbinding.vl \t~e' capital, woodenbalconies a century old overhang thestreets and the market is a place wheregossip is exchanged with goods.





Woodland and waterfalls, history andtradition, sun and sports, this islandhas it all. The sugar-white sands ofthe north coast resorts are legendaryand bordered with offshore coralreefs, providing a wide base of water­based activity, from snorkelling to jetskiing, scuba diving to parasailing.The landscape too , more than simplybeautiful, lends itself to recreation.You can play golf on a number ofworld class golf courses or go raftingon the river. This is a rich reserve ofholiday experiences.



§ §~ This is a three day concert event ~§ §~ held in June every year, where artists ~§ §~ perform for a fee, with all revenues ~§ §~ donated to charity, The promoters' ~~ ~

~ idea is to provide the best of everything ~~ ~

~ to visitors: Sound equipment, ~~ l ' d' dati ~~ s eepmg an eatmg accommo ations, ~

~ , , . f t ~~ transportation services, on-site irs ~~ ~

~ aid clinic , and on-site security. The ~§ §~ program crosses musical boundaries, ~~ ~

~ mixing folk, blues, jazz, soul, R&B, rock, ~§ §~ psychedelic, pop and classical genres. ~~ ~

~ The weather is blisteringly hot in th e ~~ ~

~ daytime and unnervingly cold at night, ~§ §~ but nevertheless this three day event ~§ , §~ sells 50.000 tickets each day. It s the ~

~ organization that makes the differen ce, ~~ ~

~ from the attention paid to visitors' needs ~§ §~ to the quality of the performers. ~§ §~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


Cleverlyconstructed wi th many am usinganecdotes, this book examines why weuse language and where this abilitycomes from . His personal belief is thatlanguage is as instinctive to us as flyingis to geese. Examples to illustrate thistheory are taken from various sources,including children's conversations,pop culture and politicians' speeches.A clever user of language himself,the author has packed his book fullof original thoughts. Because of this,it does not make for light reading,but it will nonetheless appeal both tospecialists and anyone who is interestedin language and human beings in thewidest sense.


r 11111 11111 111 1111 111 11 11 1111 1111111 11111111111111'

If you like good rock mus ic, hot sun ::and a carnival atmosphere, you'll love §this festival. It features big ba nds that §have achieved international fame as ::well as top local talents. This is the ::place where people go wh en they want §to relax and have a da nce. There are §market stalls everywhere which sell §food, drink, clothes and other trinkets, ::so make sure you bring plenty of §money. However if you are serious §about going to the concert, you'll have §to act quickly; shows are usually sold §

_ out in record time. ::

" 111 111111 1111111111111 111 111 111 11 11 111111111111 .1


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.


TakingVacation Photos• Try not to take all photos out of the front window of the car. There are only somany photos of the windshield wiper that a person can see _21_ their eyesglaze over. If possible, take the time to stop along the side of the road, get out ofthe car and compose a great landscape shot.Stop at the scenic overlooks along the road. These areas _ . 22_ because theyare the best areas or spots to view and photograph the landscape.• Slow down if you can't stop the car, roll down a side window and _23_ aclear photo.• Know the limits of your equipment. Don't expect to capture the beauty of adark cathedral ceiling with the small flash of a disposable camera• Fill the frame _24_something besides sky. Bygetting as close to an objectas possible, the photo will show more detail and _25_ more interesting.• Change the angle of the photograph, _26_ of shooting straight ahead. Bylooking up at something, or down on something, it _27_' interest and varietyto your photographs. ..'• _28_a scenic place to capture the sunset. Acoloured sky with a mountainor tree's silhouette creates a dramatic image that excites viewers rathe.r_29_boring them.• Stay on trails and marked paths and do not _30_ wild animals.



21. a) in front 23. a) take 25. a) going to 27. a) adds 29. a) like

b) before b) make b) be b) puts b) than

c) with c) shot c) will c) gives c) as

22. a) were creating 24. a) from 26. a) because 28. a) chose 30. a) approach

b) were created b) for b) before b) choice b) close

c) created c) with c) instead c) choose c) append


Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-a is missing in items31-40.

Party Planning


62f' _

Whether you're _31_ a big event or a cosy get-together, the basic steps arestill the same. It's up to you to decide how simple or elaborate the details get.The bottom line? A great party takes on a life of its own. All you can do is set thestage, anticipate the _32_ of your guests, and let everyone get on with havinga good time.Communication. Send invitations two weeks _33_ of time (or four weeksahead for major holidays). Let the style and wording set the tone. Include the date,start and end times, location, appropriate attire, RSVP info or stamped returnenvelope (for a formal party). The more _34_ you give the better. _35_ amap.Logistics. If it's a big to-do, do you need to rent a party tent, tables and chairs,a sound system, cups, plates, utensils, coffee urns, chafing dishes, or other partyhardware? Can you _36_help? Can you enlist a couple of friends? Also thinkabout parking, bathrooms, and where to throw the coats. And what _37_yourpets? Does your 80-pound dog like to leap on guests? Is anyone allergic to yourcat?Decorations. Your _38_ will be your guide here, but there's nothing wrongwith keeping it simple. Try fruit and flower centrepieces, fabric or decorativepaper on a buffet table, tea lights along window sills or in jelly jars hu ng frombranches in your garden.Entertainment. Choose your tunes ahead of time and make a party mix. Gamesare _39-, but decide when you want them to happen. Do you break out thevolleyball before, during, or after the barbeque? If kids are coming, keep th em_40_. Hire a couple of babysitters if needed so the adults can re lax.








Wri,tingSituation 1:

. .~.' :- :....."

.. • I .r'

t ~~' : ' ~ ~I' -

Your letter should contain at least two of ~h~-f~Jrow,ing points plus one other aspect.

You and your partner wanted to spend a romantic evening in a restaurant but you were notsatisfied with the place and you decide to write a letter to the manager of the restaurant tocomplain about the situation.

.., "• Mention the problems you had . . ' ' . '-, "• Giveyour reasons why you selected this restaurant• What you expected from the restaurant• Your previous experience in this restau~?nt.

" <

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you t;hink points should be included aswell as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your addr~ss, the reference line, date,salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.




WritingSituation 2:

Yousee the following advertisement in a magazine:

Train for a career in the hotel business!

The South Beach Hotel has vacancies for trainee housekeepers, wa iters/waitresses and front desk assistants.

Applicants should enjoy working with people and have some experience ofworking in hotels.

Two foreign languages is a must!Send your application to:The South Beach Hotel

161 Ocean DriveMiami Beach, FL 33218

You decide to apply. At least two of the following points should be mentioned in your letter---- plus one other aspect.

• Why you are interested• Your experience• Salary and benefits• Your language knowledge

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing for mula. Before start ing theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the hotel, also thereference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.






a) Growing Impatience

b) Back to Basics

c) Great Confusion

d) Unwanted Waste

e) Without Permission

f) Compensation Paid




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear th e interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the st atement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson th e answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.









Sheila's father was a truck driver when she was a child.

She left her government job because it was boring and low paying.

Sheila rarely sees other female truck drivers on the road.

Sheila says she doesn't take more than 3 days off at a time.

Her truck has all the comforts of a hotel room, including a bathroom.

Sheila thinks there is nothing more comfortable than sleeping in afine hotel.

According to Sheila, quality over quantity is the key when it comesto spending time with her family.

53. This is her best paying job ever.

54. Driving a truck is not what she imagines to do in the future.

55. According to Sheila, being a state government employee was the worstjob she ever had.


Listening Comprehensio(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will hear the texts only once. Then you will have time toanswer the question for each text.

Decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear an advertisement of a magazine.It includesa) complementary tickets.b) an extra part.c) free samples.

57. You hear a radio announcement about traffic.Which road has been blocked by a car crash?a) A70b) B636c) M17

58. You hear a weather forecast on the radio.Violent storms are expected ona) the west coast.b) the south coast.c) the east coast.

59. You hear the start of a radio programme about cars.The guest of the programme isa) a historianb) a car designerc) an author

60. You hear an advertisement for a course.

The speaker says .a) it concentrates on your effect on people you will wo rk with.b) you need to take a test before joining.c) the first step is theory then it moves to practical work.




SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

Youare expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds andyou should answer your partner's questions afterwards.While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you wouldlike to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

A book you have read (topic, plot, characters, etc.)


Your favourite season (weather, things to do, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(e)

Read the following text from a magazin e. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tellher/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk aboutyour own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

More teens obsessed with texting

Like many working parents, Allison Barney armed her daughter with a cell phone infifth grade, when the time came for her to venture out alone. At first, it was a great wayto stay in touch.That was then.Now 13, Christina's grades have slipped drastically and she's obsessed with texting,Facebook and her laptop, sometimes falling asleep in her clothes clutching her phone.When her texting exceeded 2,000 messages a day, her parents shut off the functionfrom 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. on school nights, and Sam "just went nuts.""She slammed doors. She accused us of being overly conservative when all of herfriends are able to do things at night," said the mom in Walpole, Mass. "She didn't 69speak to me for three days. She broke things. You're left with the choice of do I makeher a leper because she's not a part of this or do I just spend all of my time fighting."A recent study done by a magazine, a text question answering service, polled about1,500 teens and young adults on their favorite way to communicate. Sixty-eightpercent responded that they prefer SMS (text messaging), as opposed to 10 percentwh o chose mobile calls, 9 percent who opted for social networks, 3 percent selectedinstant messaging and 0.3 percent liked e-rnail.Their study and findings also closely matched one done by research organization Pew.Pew found that not only is texting the preferred method of communication, but 75%of kids 12-17 have a mobile device. It also showed that 50% ofteens send out over 50text messages each day and 33% send out over 100 texts per day!




SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to open a DVD rental shop.First decide on your ideas for the business.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that would make your shop popular.


Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-j). Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Heroic Action

b) Collision Avoided

c) Security Provided

d) Hungry for Success

72 e) Accident Drill

f) New Income Source

g) More Than Expected

h) Recorded Instructions

i) Priorities Summarised

j) Paying Attention Crucial


1A jet carrying 95 passengers and crew and a cargo plane narrowly missed crashing over a busyairport, passing so close to each other that one of the pilots said he heard the other plane's engines,federal officials said Thursday. Immediately after the two planes had taken off from separate runwayson a cloudy morning, the control tower instructed the passenger plane crew to turn left and headwest, putting the plane on a beeline trajectory with the cargo aircra ft, the authority said. Aroundhalf a mile (one kilometre) past the end of one of the runways, the two planes crossed within 50-100

vertical feet (17-30 metres) of each other. Neither pilot saw the other aircraft because they were in theclouds, although one of the captains reported hearing another aircraft pass nearby. The passengerplane had an alert system on board which instructed th e crew to climb to prevent a midair accident.The cargo plane had no such alert system. There were no reports of damage or injuries as a result ofthe incident, and the probe is continuing. The airport is the 12th busiest in the country, serving over25 million passengers last year and handling nearly half a million take-offs and landings.

2A woman's killing of a massive alligator - which weighed in at 1025lb (465kg) and more than13 feet (3.9m) in length - created a global sensation today as photographs and video of the deadgator became online hits. In particular the size contrast between the gator and the hunter ­Mara-Christian, 48 - was drawing comparison, with th e laid-off bank marketing associate, just5ft Sin (165cm) and 1151b (52kg). Mara-Christian had obtained a permit for South Carolina'smonth-long alligator hunting season. Permit rules specify th at a hunter is only allowed to killa single gator and the animal must be brought to the bo at before it can be killed, with alligatorhunting considered to be part fishing, part hunting. The dead gator was a male aged between 60and 70 years, and its skin will go to a taxidermist so Mara-Christian can display it."I came down to South Carolina for a 10-footer and 1just lucked out to get one of the biggest onespeople have ever seen," she said. First reported in the country late Friday, by today photographsand video of the alligator and Mara-Christian were seen across the world.

3An airline's spokesperson announced Wednesday it's now charging between $15 and $29 for"Express Seats" - those spots in the first few rows of coach that include bulkhead seats.

American said the price of the seats includes getting on the plane in the first general boardinggroup of passengers. The seats that will cost extra are in the first two or three rows of the coachcabin, depending on the size of the plane. Travel experts think passengers will see more packagedfees like this in the future - where benefits like free standby or boarding perks are included.The carrier is following in the footsteps of several other airlines who already charge for specialseats. The seats don't give passengers much extra for their mon ey, since most of the other airlines'premium seats offer more legroom, but it is a benefit for passengers to be among the first to boardthe plane.The seats can only be bought at airport kiosks between 24 hours to 50 minutes before the flight fortravel within the country.The airline still provides its elite frequent fliers those seats for no extra charge, but also charges feesfor checked bags, priority boarding,boo king on the phone or in person, "sleep sets," unaccompaniedminors and pets.Airlines collected about $1.9 billion from fees in the first quarter, the most recent period for whichdata is available from the Transportation Department.




4When her father collapsed in their living room the child knew what to do.

The toddler walked two blocks to the fire station, where she told fire fighters her father was"frozen" and needed help. "I've been here over 20 years, it's the first time I've had a 3-year-old

walk up to the fire station," the captain of the told a radio station. "She walked us down to herhouse and there her dad was, sitting in the living room, needing medical care."

According to the report, the girl made it as far as the parking lot behind the fire department whenpedestrians noticed that the toddler looked confused and helped her make it the rest of the way

into the fire station. She may have saved her dad's life. Her father says he accidentally overdosedon prescription medication. "Took a mixture of medication I wasn't supposed to at the time, abedtime dose, and I guess I collapsed," he said.

5Cell phones, screaming children, and loud music all cause distractions for drivers. Now, a new

study from the Automobile Club shows driving under the influence of your dog could be just asdangerous. Some dogs seem like they're born to ride in the car, but their freedom is also a big

distraction for drivers. A study from Automobile Club finds many pet owners are distracted by

their pets in the car, and the danger can lead to crashes. About two thirds of dog owners surveyedroutinely drive while petting or playing with their pooches, sometimes even giving them food orwater.

Safety experts recommend pet restraints found at many pet stores. The harness slides on easilyover the pet, and snaps into the seatbelt and, not to mention, can prevent the dog being hurt.

The Assistant Manager of a pet store says, the main thing is to keep the dog stationary, so they're notdistracting the driver. Pet stores also sell dividers, to separate pets in the backseat from the driver

in the front seat. The pooches might not like being in the back, but a few minutes of frustration isa small price for a safe ride.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)

Read the following text, then choose the ansv ers to questi ons 6-10.


There are many assumptions abou t homelesspeople. Perhaps the most common is that theyare too lazy to work, but for the vast major ity ofhomeless people the assumption that the y areall lazy can be dead wrong. Many homed peoplelook at the horrible lives of the homeless and askwhy on earth a person wouldn't do somethingto help themselves in that situation. They askthe question, "Why don't homeless people justget jobs?" One reason a homeless person maynot be looking for a job is that he may alreadyhave one. Normally, from one third to one halfof the homeless population is employed. Duringthe current economic situation (and due mostlikely to many new homeless from mortgageforeclosures), in many cities well over half oftheir homeless population has jobs. This mightlead you to ask why these people are homeless ifthey have jobs. Many employed homeless peopleare working at minimum wage jobs, jobs whichdon't provide enough to pay for basic livingexpenses in many parts of the country. Also,many of them are underemployed, they don'tget enough hours of work to pay the bills. In fact,some people who work for low wages becomehomeless when company cutbacks reduce theirhours. Other working people are homeless due toalimony, child support, or mandatory insurancepayments for children they don't have custody for- these can easily equal a homeless man 's entireincome when combined. Student loans in defaultcan garnish up to 25% of a person's income.Creditors can also garnish wages for other debts.Homelessness has pretty much replaced debtors'prison in America.So why don't they just get morework, work two or three jobs at a time? Many ofthem do. But a cluster of minimum wage jobs ata few hours a week doesn't generally get themvery far. Getting enough hours with multiple jobscan be difficult as well. To make multiple jobswork, employers have to be willing to work with

a schedule whi ch accommodates their employee'sother ;nh co Findin .... two (much IpSS more]1 JVU J o 11.15 \..WW lJ.IoA.""J.' 1'- ." ....... '" J

employers willing to work around other workschedules is difficult enough but each added jobmakes finding and keeping a balance even moredifficult. A large number of things make homelesspeople less likely to get hired. Lack of an addresscan be a huge factor. Many homeless people donot have a mailing address they can use on jobapplications or have the address to a PO Box,Church, or mission to use. Employers are put offbyirregular addresses on job applications. Don't kidyourself; many employers would never considera homeless person for a job opening. They havethe same misconceptions about homeless peoplethat everyone else does. To get past this problem,some homeless people lie on applications or find ahomed friend to provide an address for them. Butthis presents its own problems. Once caught in thislie, some employers are less than understanding.When choosing between applicants that can becontacted by phone and those that can't, most _employers won't even bother to contact thosewho can't be reached for an interview. This makeshaving a $10 pay-as-you-go phone a life-saverfor many homeless people. I've seen a numberof people on the Internet "loudly" complainingabout homeless people with cell phones. Perhapsif they knew that a cell phone is often a homelessperson's only way to get a job, they might stop thecomplaining. I can almost hear the objections now.I've seen the suggestion that homeless peoplejust don't try hard enough to stay clean and wellgroomed. But ponder this - do you honestly thinkthat you could show up to a job interview with atidy haircut, a pressed suit and tie, shined shoes,a shower fresh smell and a clean shave withouta barber, a bathroom, an iron and a closet? Forhomeless women it's also complicated by socialrequirements to wear make-up to an interview.


Now decide which is the correct answer [a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. The prevailing misconception about homeless people is that

a) they don't have jobs.

b) they are too lazy to find a job.

c) only about 50 % of them are able to find a job.

7. Some people are homeless despite the fact that they have jobs because

a) they have an unreasonably expensive lifestyle.

b) the effects of the current economic situation is harsh on them.

c) the earnings at their jobs "don't cover their basic expenses.

8. Working multiple jobs

a) is very difficult due to time management problems.

b) is not something homeless people are eager to do.

c) is the only way for homeless people to earn enough money for housing."'1_--

76 9. Not being able to provide a mailing address on the job application

a) is not considered a major problem if you have a cell phone number.

b) is the major factor that prevents homeless people from being hired.

c) should not be a problem if you are a member of a church.

10. Homeless people can improve their chances of getting a job by

a) owning a cell phone.

b) trying harder on job interviews.

c) giving false information on the application form.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read th e ten situations (11-20) and then read the tw elve texts (a-I). Decide which text

goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11-20). In some cases there may be no suitable text.

Then mark x.

11. Youare planning a trip and need thorough info.

12. You want to organise a company trip.

13. You are trying to find a place which can deliver its goods.

14. Youare looking for an activity for a disabled friend.

15. You want to travel on a low budget and need help.

16. Youhave some old board games you don't need any more.

17. You need an activity to take a break from normal life.

18. Youare looking for a shop with knowledgeable assistants.

19. Youwant to find a pastime for the whole family.

20. You want to travel and need cultural advice.




You'll find us on the third floor, where

we have flower arrangements to suiteverybody at all prices. Established in1968, International Flowers has branchesall over the country. This means that whenwe say your flowers will be there the nextday, they will be. Whether it's birthdays,weddings, or even the sad times likefunerals, International Flowers is there tomake it easy. We also make paying easy,too, and we accept all major credit cards.For larger items, our monthly paymentscheme is very flexible.


Doyou want to learn some new skills? Are youfed up with the usual routine and want to dosomething a little more exciting than walkingaround the shopping centre? Then get out ofyour armchair and join the circus! Dur ingyoursession atthe country's top circus skills schoo l,you will learn about the physical strengthrequired for different acrobatics and practiceyour coordination skills while juggling. You'llbe learning the basics in no time, so you canimpress all your friend s with your new skillswhen you get home. Participants don't needto be in absolutely tip-top shape. Spectatorsare welcome throughout.




Located in the downtown, The Cliff Oasishas been the place to climb since it openedits doors in 2004 catering to beginners,seasoned veterans, and everyone inbetween, The CliffOasis offers challengesto satisfy every generation on differentclimbing walls in the city. The facilityfeatures 40+ routes, 20+ boulder problemsand is complemented by three boulderingareas and multiple hang boards andcampus boards. Top that off with ourfriendly atmosphere, it makes The CliffOasis the ideal place to build strength,technique, and get into shape fast. We areopen 365 days and easily accessible bypublic transit, car or bicycle.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Written by experienced travellers, this guide •• conta ins absolutely everything you could •• •• ever need to know about the country. It is so •• comprehensive that it is quite clearly intended •• •• to appeal to locals, too. This guide provides a •• wealth of information on various day trips, as •• •• well as suggestions on places to stay and eat •• to suit every single traveller. Whether you •: are interested in historic towns and cities, :• beautiful lochs, cliff-top castles or quiet fishing •: villages along the north-east coast, this book :

• is for you. •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••


Helpfully divided into different sections

for each region of the country, this

guidebook focuses on action and

adventure and is full of ideas about how to

get the most out of your stay in Scotland,

such as where to go, what you can do

there and where to get any equipment you

might need. Written in a humorous tone,

it assumes that the reader is travelling on

a shoestring and would like to have a good

time without breaking the bank.


At Winter Gear Shop you'll find lowprices on top-quality ski equipment andgear for the entire family. We startedover 20 years ago as a small ski tuningshop and over the years the businesshas evolved and become what is nowknown as the Winter Gear Shop all overthe country. Of course, we continue toprovide expert boot fitting services andsales to our customers, but besides thiswe sell new skis and used demo skis,alpine bindings and ski boots, as well astravel equipment such as ski bags, bootbags, or wheeled travel bags. Find greatdeals and low prices on everything youneed for winter activities.


----------- ..A highly info rmative read, this book is a II must for everybody who wants to exploreI th e country. It is loaded with all necessary II information, such " timetables a.nd I

descriptions, and also mcludes useful tips iI on how to fit in with the local way of lifeI and dress suitably for the local weather. II Particularly interesting is the section on I

"art festivals of the month" as well as theI handy phrasebook for those who are brave II enough to try the local language. I

1._---------_ ..


Travel back into the 18th century as youtake a boat ride on the Seafarer, which runsfrom port to port starting in Newcastle.It's the perfect experience for romanticcouples. As you travel, you will dine onsuperb food while sitting at a table withlovely views of the shore and the islands.The boat is an exact replica with beautifuldecorations. When the boat pulls into thelast port you have the chance to shop orsee the local sights. Boats and ports haveramps for wheelchair users. Spectatorsare welcome to see the train depart andmeet it on its return.


v,,- - -




Raising money for the homeless,Shelter Charity shop, between theBakery and Ace Hardware Shop,hopes you'll find time to visit. As wellas our ranges of second-hand goods,we have new, quality products madeby homeless people themselves. Wealso need your donations, so thinkabout us before you throw it away.Donate to Shelter Charity and we canfind your second-hand goods a happynew owner.



~ ~~ More than just a map, this super- ~~ ~~ durable Flexi Map is protected by a ~~ ~

~ laminated finish, which is hard-wearing, ~~ ~

~ scribble-friendly and tear- resistant. ~~ ~

~ The highly successful Flexi Map series ~~ ~~ has grown rapidly to its current range of ~~ ~

~ 130 titles spanning the world, including ~~ ~

~ Kids' Maps and Hikers' Maps. The clear ~~ ~~ cartography has a ready appeal, and it is ~~ ~~ usefully complemented by informative ~~ ~~ text panels and photos describing and ~

~ picturing a destination's top sights and ~~ . ~~ listing useful addresses and essential ~~ ~~ contacts. Above all, the ease of use and ~~ ~

~ durability give them great value-for- ~~ ~~ money appeal. ~~ ~~ ~"'Y////////////// / / / ////////// / / / / / //////////////////////////////////////////////////////...11


Forget the chemical depths of your localswimming pool: wild swimming is themost refreshing, natural way to cool offthis summer. The mercury is soaring,you're desperate for a dip to cool off,but the indoor chlorinated pool justisn't going to hit the spot. At this timeof year, outdoor wild swimming has anenticing appeal. While you may have totravel further to get to a suitable river,lake or cove - and, of course, there arethings to be wary of, such as strongcurrents, getting too cold and so on- nothing beats a cool dip in naturalwater surrounded by beach or grassybanks and wildlife.


~ 111111111111 111111 11 111 111 1111 111111 1111111111111"

Our customers are passionate about ::the sports they pursue-they want §to run faster, hit the ba ll harder, carry §their team to victory, an d more. We ::

- understand the passion and we are §dedicated to providing our customers §with the best shopping experience §

_ possible by consistently providing ::great brands at great values. We are §dedicated to increas ing that value §by providing staff that are players ::themselves, so you know you will get §the best advice. If this is what you have §been looking then you've come to the §

_ right store! ::

"111111111111111111111 11 11 1111 11111111111111111 11~


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-3 O.


Travelling on a Plane Comfortably• Wear loose, comfortable clothing in layers, so that you can remove and additems_21_to the temperature. Airplanes often use excessive air conditioning,so bring one more layer than you think you'll need.• Carry _ 22_ you will need for the flight, including books, magazines,stereo headphones and bottled water, in a small bag.• Chew gum during takeoffs and landings to avoid ear discomfort caused bythe altitude _ 23_• Keep muscles from cramping by stretching before, during and after the trip.Walk _ 24_ the aisles and rotate your neck, shoulders and wrists.• Avoid eating salty foods _25_ airline peanuts, which can cause you toretain water. Eat fruit instead.• Drink double the amount of water you normally _26_.• Apply lotion to your hands and face to avoid excessive dryness from thecirculated air.• _27_ your blood moving while you sit in your seat _28_ raisingyour feet and rotating your ankles.• Eat a light meal before takeoff.• If necessary, take an over -the-counter motion sickness remedy 1/2 to 1 hourbefore _ 29_• Avoid alcoholic beverages _30_ flight. Alcohol contributes to jet lag anddehydration.

11 I ~

21. a) regarding 23. a) stress 25. a) than 27. a) hold 29. a) destinationb) according b) change b) like b) keep b) takeoffc) suiting c) pain c) but c) set c) departuring

22. a) nothing 24. a) here and there 26. a) can 28. a) by 30. a) inb) something b) left and right b) could b) when b) duringc) everything c) up and down c) would c) and c) und er




Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

Shopping Online RisksThe power the Internet has given to the _31_ is far more power than any sellerhas wanted to give. In fact, when the Internet hit its big boom, sales and marketingdivisions had _32_ to rethink their plans. Today, you can find anything onlineat_33_low prices from thousands of different websites. There are some risksinvolved when you shop online, though. Examine these _34_ before you everthink about buying anything online.When you enter a website, you'll want to know that it is secure. When a websiteis secure, it means that all your personal data will stay personal, and no one onthe outside will be able to _35_ this information. This includes your creditcard number, name, address and sometimes your social security number. If yougo shopping on a website that isn't secure, your data may be out in the open for_36_ to pick up and use. Another risk with shopping online is that there aremany website built just to phish account names and _37_. Many times, thesewebsites look identical to _38_ shopping sites like eBay or Amazon. If youenter your name and password on these websites, they will just use it to log intoyour real accounts, buy things, and steal your _39_" You might not notice untilyou look at your credit card bill at the end of the month.Shopping online can be very beneficial, saving you time and money. If you don'tknow how to _40_ yourself and your money, though, you may end up wishingyou had just gone to the nearest big-box branded store instead.






WritingSituation 1:

You are looking for a job and see the following advertisement on the internet:

Rental Sales Agent wanted (part or full time)

• JOB SUMMARY:Responsibilities:o greeting customerso processing rentals and selling optional serviceso answering and receiving telephone callso responding to customer questions and complaintso servicing vehicles for customer rentalso communicating with shuttle drivers for customer pick-ups

• Good organizational skills is an advantage

For more information please contact Joey Tribiano branch manager at:4-Wheels Rent-A-CarParracombe, North Devon, EX314PY

You decide to ask for more information. At least two ofthe following points should be mentionedin your letter plus one more aspect:

• Information you need in order to decide• Why you are an ideal candidate• Your experience• Why part or full time

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the company, alsothe reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.




WritingSituation 2:

You arrived home from your holiday last week by airplane and one of your bags still hasnot arrived.

You decide to write a letter to complain about the situation.Your letter should contain at least two of the following points plus one other aspect.

• What you expect from the airline• Explain to the airline your situation• Why your bag is important• Describe what the airline promised at the airport

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think points should be includedas well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of theairline, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. Youwill hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines .






a) Confused Motorists

b) Wrong Role Model

c) Slight Disagreement

d) Signs of Improvement

e) Uncertain Future

f) Continuous Deveiopment




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. The interviewer says that used car dealers have a bad reputation.

47. Jack Barton explains that a new salesperson's first buyers are usually peoplehe knows.

Jack explains that economic cars are gaining popularity.

Jack suggests salespersons are experts in their field.

According to Jack, dealerships usually provide the best deals on insurance.

Jack explains that non-buying customers make the salespersons pushy.

According to Jack, salespersons can make a good living by selling new cars.

Jack thinks that in the recent economic climate it is wise to replace full sizecars to fuel-efficient ones.




86 51.




54. Dealerships that hire advertising agencies are more successful.

55 . Being a car salesman is the only job Jack has ever had.


Listening Compre e ...... uo. ...........

(Part 3)

You will hear five sh ort texts. You '11 hear the texts only once. Then you will hav e time toanswer th e qu estion for each text .

Decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) for each questio n and mark you r answers on theanswer sheet.

56 . You hear a recorded message.For school enquiries you sh ould pressa) 5b) 3c) 4

57. You hear a radio announcer talking about a program.He is talking abouta) a chat showb) a documentary seriesc) a drama series

58. You switch on the radio and hear this announcem ent.The purpose of the announcement isa) to inform you about holidays.b) to ask you to make donation.c) to inform you about an unusual present.

59 . You hear the following advertisement.They advertisea) a cleaning tools saleb) a house decoration servicec) a house cleaning service

60. You hear a man talking about an exhibition.

He criticisesa) the quality ofthe art pie ces .b) how it is arranged.c) the information provided to visitors.


WV-,- - -



SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

Youare expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think ofthe questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

Your favourite TVyradio programme (topic, characters, channel, etc.)


A traditional dish of your country (recipe, ingredients, flavours, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss th e content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Winning Some or Loosing Much?

For most people, gambling is an occasional and enjoyable part of life. Peopleplay lotteries and bingos, go to casinos, or bet on horse races and sportingevents.Whether it's with their friends at parties, on the Internet, or at school, millionsof teenagers are taking up an ever-more-accessible national past time:gambling. Quite a bit of the action is small-time; dice games, playing cards, andlottery tickets. However, the long term stakes are high because many who startgambling at a young age run the risk of developing addiction problems.Regional surveys are finding that more than 30 percent of all high school

students gamble periodically and one in three high school students gambleson a regular basis, according to the national survey. Poker has moved fromthe smoke-filled back rooms of yesterday to the suburban living rooms andbasements of today. Many of the players arenas are not rough housing grown­ups chomping cigars, but teenagers who have too much time on their hands.One current fad is an old game that has been refreshed for television: no-limitTexas hold'em in which a player can bet all of his money in one risky move.The game has the drama needed to hold a TV audience and to electrify thrill­seeking teenagers.




SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to organise an internet club for people who are looking for penfriends.First decide on your ideas for the club.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that people would like and how youcould organize the club .


Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-D. Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Tempting Visitors

b) Getting Tough

c) Different Reactions

i) Dramatic Result

j) Statistics Modified


1A storm in a teacup ap pears to be brewi ng throughout the capital. The owners of cafeterias acrossthe city have increased the price of a cup of tea by fifty percent. It won't bother the tourists at five­star hotels or the wealthy cit izens who can afford the upmarket cafes, but the rise in the cost of a cupof tea at street cafeter ias is upsetting the lower paid members of this cosmopolitan city. Newspaperssay the rise from the equivalent of 13 to 20 US cents is the first in over 25 years, despite earlierunsuccessful attempts to make an increase. The owners say inflation in the price of tea, plastic cups,tinned milk and gas to heat the water means they have little choice but to increase the cost if they'reto stay in business. For low paid ma le worker s the cafeterias are a social focus - the equivalent of abar or pub in other countries, a place to meet friends and workmates. Many of those who frequent thecafes earn only a few hundred dollars a month and they were protesting against the price increasewith graffiti on the shop windows. The new cost of a cup of tea may be only a few cents more, but it 'sa price rise they're reluctant to swallow.

2A man was arrested after a plane carrying 273 passengers landed safely in an undisclosed airportearly Saturday after a tip-off that a passenger was carrying a bomb. The suspect, who was namedin a call to the authorities, is a Pakistani national with a Canadian passport. The district policespokesman said no explosives were found on him but that his baggage was being searched. TheBoeing 747 was already airborne, from Toronto to Karachi, when officials received the call froma woman using a pay phone. The woman said that a passenger on board the plane was carryingexplosives. Officials alerted the pilot, who requested permission to land at the nearest air facility.The plane landed safely and was held at the end of a landing strip to minimize the risk to theterminals while bomb technicians were sent to check out the aircraft. The passengers have beenevacuated. The airport remained open to air traffic.

3A shortage of parking spaces and the aura of immunity created by diplomatic licence plates haveled some diplomats to rack up huge numbers of parking fines. The worst offender country owesone-point-six-million dollars for more than fifteen-thousand tickets. The Mayor has said that from

Friday they'll start towing illegally parked vehicles from countries that are persistent offenders.But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is worried that such drastic action could lead to reprisals againsttheir diplomats overseas. It's tried to negotiate a compromise based on the model used in othercities - increase the number of parking spots and then withdraw diplomatic registration from carsthat keep breaking the law. That plan was rejected. But just hours before the Mayor's threat is dueto come into force, city and ministry officials are meeting again in an effort to reach a compromise.



4An 18-month-old boy was amazingly lucky after falling seven floors and bouncing off a cafeawning into the arms of a passerby, witnesses said Tuesday. "My son saw a little boy on a balcony.He had gone right outside the railing ... I said to myself I mustn't miss him," the toddler's saviour,a local doctor, told the press, recounting Monday's drama. "I had time to move from side to sideto get in the right position," he added. "The little boy was fine. He cried a little bit but calmeddown straightaway." An official involved in investigating the incident said the boy had been leftalone in the family apartment in northern Paris with his sister by their parents, who were takeninto custody afterwards. "It's a real miracle," said the cafe's barman, who gave his name as Gaby,pointing to a small tear in the awning where the toddler bounced off. "We were closed yesterdaybut the mechanical device for closing the awning wasn't working."

5The Minnesota State Patrol and local police agencies are cracking down on texting and drivingafter a new survey found nearly 9 out of 10 teen drivers do not concentrate on driving as much asthey should. The survey by a teenage magazine and the Automobile Club found nearly 90 percentof teens have texted or talked on a cell phone while driving, although most of them know theiractions increase their risk of crashing. Law enforcement agencies will increase patrols beginningnext week.Drivers who do not pay close attention to driving are the leading factor in crashes in Minnesota,accounting for at least 25 percent of all crashes annually, resulting in at least 70 deaths and

94 350 injuries. Public safety officials say these numbers are vastly underreported since it is verychallenging to determine what contributed to the crash. The distracted driving campaign willaddress all illegal actions behind th e wheel, beyond cell phone use and texting.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)RRead the following text, then choose the answers to questions 6-10.

Travelling in JapanJapan has one of the world's best transport systems, payable) and the rare case where JR trains traveland getting ar ound is usually a breeze, with the on non-JR track. Whereas a single round trip fromtrain being overwhe lmingly the popular option. Tokyo to Osaka costs almost ¥29,OOO, the 7-dayAlthough travelling around Japan is expensive Rail Pass is ¥28,300. The 14-dayj21-day pass iswhen compared with other Asian countries, there ¥45,100j57,700 .This can only be purchased outsideare a variety of passes that can be used to limit of Japan from specific vendors. Upon purchase,the damage. In Japanese cities, a place's address is you are given an Exchange Order, which can beuseful for mail, but it's nearly useless for actually exchanged at most larger JR stations in Japan,getting there. Most places are described in terms of including all of the stations nearest to airports, forthe walking distance from the nearest train station, the Rail Pass itself. At the time of exchange, you willand relative to local landmarks. Business cards very need to have your passport with you, and knowoften have little maps printed on the back to make the date upon which you will want the Rail Pass tonavigation easier (at least if you can read Japanese). start. For travel within big cities, the easiest thingIn addition, many train stations have maps of the to do is to pick up a rechargeable contactless smartlocal area that can help you find a destination if it is card, which will calculate the correct fares for youreasonably close to the station. Japan's railways are automatically. Note that the SuicajPasmo cards canfast, highly efficient and cover the majority of the sometimes be used at places surprisingly far fromcountry, making this the transport mode of choice Tokyo, and also in buses; though it can also happenfor most visitors. The first and most confusing that having entered the system with the card, youaspect of Japan's railway system (especially within find yourself exiting at a point on a private railwaylarge cities like Tokyo) that you will encounter is the where the card doesn't work, and you will have tooverlap of several private railway networks with pay cash for the whole journey, getting a receiptthe JR network. Tokyo also has two separate metro with which you can get your card charged up at asystems to add to the confusion. Being aware of this ticket office the next time you want to use it. But ifone fact will substantially reduce the confusion you you're travelling longer-distance and don't have aexperience trying to understand railway maps and JR pass, or are just passing through and don't wantfind your way around. Tourists from around the a local smart card, then buying a ticket can getworld are usually astounded to find that Japanese more complicated. At major stations there will betrains, like other forms of mass transit, nearly an obvious travel section where you can buy youralways leave and arrive promptly on t ime, foliowing ticket from a human being. Since you probably needthe published schedule to the minute. Ifyou are late, to know the train times and may want to reserve ayou will miss the train! Note that most trains do not seat as well this is a good thing. Generally speakingoperate 24 hours, for example in Tokyo they do not you can make your desires known by means ofhand­run between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM roughly. Ifyou are waving and pointing at destinations if the staff isplanning to be out late and are relying on the train to unable to speak English. Writing down informationget home, be sure to find out when the last train is helps as most Japanese have a much easier timeleaving. Many bars and clubs are open until the first reading English than hearing it. On the other handtrain runs again in the morning, so keep thi s in mind if you are at a local station (or a subway station)as another option. By far the best option for visitors you will have more difficulties as you nearly alwayswho plan to do a lot of travelling is the Japan Rail have to buy it using a machine whose instructionsPass, which allows unlimited t ravel on almost all JR are in Japanese (although newer machines have antrains, including the Shinkansen, for a fixed period of English mode). Most of these machines do not take7,14 or 21 days. The main exceptions are the Nozomi credit cards although many JR East long-distancesuperexpress (not allowed), sleeper seats (surcharge ticket machines do.





Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. Travelling on the railways in Japan

a) is the preferred mode oftransportation in the country.

b) is not as expensive as in other Asian countries.

c) is very safe, but still you can buy insurance with your ticket purchase to cover

damages in case of an unlikely accident.

7. Finding your way around in large cities

a) is easy, since every rail station has detailed maps of the city.

b) is easier if you know the exact postal address of your destination.

c) can be confusing if you are a foreign visitor.

8. Rail passes

a) can substantially lower the costs of travelling.

b) can only be purchased from domestic vendors.

c) are not very popular among locals, because they usually don't work on private railways.

9. Smart cards

a) can be used effortlessly on the whole transportation system.

b) can be tricky when using private lines.

c) have to be charged up at a ticket office prior to each use .

10. When you want to buy ticket at a smaller station

a) you will always have to pay in cash.

b) you will usually have to be dealing with a machine.

c) you can usually use your credit card.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read the ten situations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide which text

goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11-20). In some cases there may be no suitable text.

Then markx.

11. You would like to enjoy a quiet holiday in the fall.

12. You want a new home with an ocean view.

13. Your child wants to visit an adventure park.

14. You like to purchase food straight from the producer.

15. You enjoy old-fashioned activities with your child.

16. You want to rent a four bedroom apartment.

17. You are looking for a hotel with free children programs.

18. You would like to have a playground close to your house.

19. You are looking for a holiday house where your dog is allowed.

20. Your child likes sleepovers.





Stay a fortnight or grab a well earned

weekend short break. With so much

to see and do, Lake Park is the perfect

base to tour and explore the secrets

of Somerset's beautiful coastline and

unspoilt countryside. Or you can of course

simply relax around the pool or the tree­

lined fishing lake. Wind down in one of our

homes and enjoy being entertained every

evening in the super club. What's more, it's

all just a short walk to the High Street of

Burnham's famous seven mile long beach.

Call today to check out our last minute

offers and to receive our free holiday



Hampton Library announces its annual

winter reading nights for children. Come

to the library next week with your child

and listen to old-fashioned classics and

modern stories while enjoying a warm cup

oftea and a selection ofhome made cookies.

Toddler (24-36 months) stories on Tuesday

6pm-7pm. Preschooler (3-5) stories on

Monday and Wednesday 6pm-8pm. Older

children (6 and up) are invited to spend the

night in the library on Friday, listening to

stories and reading to themselves. Sleeping

bags and flashlights are required.


Come to our new rental community and enjoy

the laid-back lifestyle and endless sunshine of

the South. All of our units have unobstructed

waterfront-view, unique and spacious floor

plans, granite countertops, stainless steel

kitchen appliances and washer/dryer. Two

sparkling pools, fitness facility, lavish garden

overlooking the bay, bike storage, 24 hour

on-site maintenance service. Convenient

location, close to downtown and only a

short walk to shopping and dining. Some of

the units have floor to ceiling windows and

spacious balconies.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••: Located just 15 minutes from the city centre, :

• this huge recreation complex features the •: world's largestman-made riverforthe lovers of :

• white-water rafting and kayaking. The centre •

: also hosts Olympic-levelcompetitions that are :

• open to the public. The amenities include 12 •

: miles of hiking and mountain biking trails, :

• one ofthe largest outdoor climbing facilities in •

: the country, teambuilding and ropes courses :

• and access to the Calawa River. Children of all •

: ages will find activities to spend an active day :

• or two at this remarkable place. •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••


Garden Park features one, two and three

bedroom apartment homes for rent.

We are walking distance from parks,

shopping and a weekly farmer's market.

Public transportation is a breeze to

the university campus, Bayhill College.

We have over 100 floor plans to choose

from. Amenities include broad-band

internet access, ceiling fans, microwave,

dishwasher, walk-in closet and garbage­

disposal. Our goal is to provide high­

quality, well-m aintained and affordable

housing. At Garden Park Apartments you

will have exceptional value, peace of mind

and convenience.


If you have ever wanted a true lakesideholiday in a romantic log cabin far fromthe noises of civilization, then cometo our lakeside holiday park. Our 15log houses, built directly on the edgeof our own private 100 acre lake, areequipped with high quality appliancesand furnished with handmade woodenfurniture to provide you with aluxuriously comfortable self-cateringvacation. Some of our cabins havetraditional Finnish wooden outdoorhot tubs. What better way to enjoy yourholiday even in cooler weather thanrelaxing in a warm tub under the bluesky.



----------- ..Our hot winter weekday package include Ithree nights in a two-bedroom, two-bath

I cottage featuring a private deck and grill , II native stone fireplace, two satellite TV, II DVD and VCR players, fantastic lake views I• and fully equipped kitchen. The three II nights package also include a filet mignonI dinner with a decadent chocolate dessert. II The location is just a 30 minute drive from II Iron Mountain and Arkadelphia, which has I

restaurants and unique shops. This package II can not be used in conjunction with otherI offers. Reservations are required. I.. _---------_ ..


The hotel's official mascot, Nature Lilyleads eco-friendly children's programsfor young hotel guests and enlivens thehotel's environmental commitment foryoung guests and the local community.From bringing educational toys andgames on a green wagon to children, toproviding them story-telling, the family­friendly Nature Lily is a highly visiblefigure at the hotel. Priced at $20 per visits,Nature Lily programs must be booked 48hours in advance by contacting the hoteldirectly. Availability is limited and earlyreservations are required.





Take advantage of the casual, relaxedlifestyle afforded by apartmentliving. Our two and three bedroomapartment homes for rent offer manyamenities designed to suit yourneeds. Two sparkling pools and spa,manicured lawn, a huge climbingstructure and swings, centeredaround a giant wooden dinosaur.The apartment complex is locatedacross from primary, intermediateand secondary schools, making it adesirable location for families.



~ ~~ The Heritage Center offers children a ~~ ~~ close-up look at different aspects of ~

~ life in the past. Music is the focus for ~~ preschooler visits to the centre. Children ~~ ~~ can listen to music played on a 1934 ~~ ~~ radio, listen to a local string band on the ~~ ~~ front porch, and can even tryout their ~

~ own singing skills as they join in with ~~ ~~ tunes played on a piano. Kindergarteners ~~ ~~ learn about the importance offamily life ~

~ as they listen to stories of how families ~~ ~~ enjoyed simple pleasures of life and ~~ ~~ what sort of Christmas treats were ~~ ~~ enjoyed by children of generations gone ~~ ~~ by. Each child has the opportunity to ~~ ~~ help decorate the centre's Christmas ~~ ~~ tree by hanging an ornament that they ~~ ~~ decorated for this special program. ~~ ~~ No batteries or video games are here ~~ ~~ and the kids have the opportunity to ~~ ~~ play with antique toys. Active local ~~ ~~ volunteers offer these progra ms that ~~ ~~ provide hands-on history and heri tage ~~ ~~ lessons. ~~ ~~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


Come visit our lakeside horse ranch,where you can enjoy a relaxed, country­style family holiday. Our lakefrontbungalows sleep up to 6 persons andyour family pet is also welcome. Whileyou enjoy a boat ride or a cool drinkon the deck, your children can takehorse riding lessons on one of ourspecially selected, gentle school horses.Safety is the foundation upon whichall horsemanship lessons are taught.Learning to care for the horse is anessential part of becoming a responsiblerider. Children learn about feeding,grooming, anatomy, type of equipment,and other horse related topics. Allstudents are required to wear an ASTM­SEI approved riding helmet, which isprovided by the ranch.


11111111111 1111 11111 11 1111 1111111111 11 11111111111 ,

Enjoy brand new, 2 and 3 bedroom ::apartments for rent on the Miracle ::Mile in Los Angeles. Amenities include §a resort-style swimming pool, fire pit, ::grills, cabanas and rooftop terraces. §

- Enjoy panoramic views of the::Hollywood Hills and L.A. skyline. Live §close to the museums, entertainment ::and everything great in Southern §California. We are a pet-friendly §community. All units are equipped §with A/C, hardwood floor ing, kitchen ::appliances and ceiling fans . §

'-11111111 11111111I 111111 111 111 1111111I 11111 1111111,j


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.

Remembering Things Easily

Most people think that they have a _21_ memory. We think we are stuckwith forgetting things periodically. It must just be part of life.It is too easily accepted that our lack of memory is just a fact. This is usually nota serious concern. Forgetting little things is not life threatening _22_ of thetime.You must keep an active mind. The mind is _23_ by being inactive. It willaffect your being able to recall things that are important to you. Deciding to work_24_ remembering things through repetition is a beneficial activity.In trying to remember things take a tip from advertisers. Keep it simple. Weremember the _25_ of commercial slogan because they are short and easyto remember. Recalling things in short forms is easier.Your long _ 26_ memory will be improved as your short term memoryimproves. Use your visual skills. Pick out details that will jar your memory. Thinkabout how you will use these details to help you remember that item.Everyone wants to remember people that they meet and _27_to meet again.You will want to pay attention _28_ detail. Make connections in your mind_ 29_ the person's face and something else that reminds you of their name.This will help you remember.The basic idea is to keep your mind active. Keeping your mind active will make itless 30



21. a) low 23. a) weaken 25. a) simplest 27. a) except 29. a) to

b) bit b) weakened b) simple b) expect b) by

c) poor c) weakest c) simply c) accept c) for

22. a) most 24 . a) on 26. a) last 28 . a) for 30. a) forgetting

b) all b) in b) time b) by b) forgetful

c) whole c) at c) te rm c) to c) forget


Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

The Story of Chocolate



The Aztecs and the Mayans were the first to use cocoa tree pods to make chocolatedrinks out of them. They called that drink xocoalt.Christopher Columbus introduced cocoa beans to Europe after his fourth trip tothe Americas and _31_ them to King Ferdinand. However, chocolate did notcatch on with the people until some time after this. Europe waited until later onwhen Spanish _32_ Hernando Cortez discovered the powder of chocolate andtook it back to Spain in 1519, following which Spanish people _33_ excitedabout this new product named chocolate.From there, the brown delicacy spread to France, Italy, Germany and England.Back then, chocolate was a very _34_ fancy food. As a matter of fact it was sopricey that it was considered a beverage of the elite class only.The first chocolate factory in the United States was established in Dorchester,Massachusetts in 1765. In the Netherlands in 1828, Conrad Van Houten _35_what is now known as cocoa butter. In 1897, Rodolphe Lindt from Switzerlanddeveloped the grinding and roasting process of the beans called conching, whichgives a silky texture to the chocolate. By that time, chocolate was much cheaperand was becoming something everyone could _36_.Henri Nestle from Switzerland, who was a manufacturer of condensed milk pairedup with Daniel Peter a chocolate maker and created the first milk chocolatebar. Milton Hershey was a _37_ of caramels and recognised the wonderful_38_ of caramel and chocolate. He then installed chocolate machines in hiscaramel_39_ and the love affair between chocolate and caramel was born.Today the world is a big _40_ of chocolate, America and Europe being the twobiggest consumers of the sweet dark candy.














WritingSituation 1:

You see the following advertisement in the Sunday paper:

Lancaster FarmTired of expensive resort vacations that are stressful and exhausting? Take avacation on the slow lane -- visit a farm!

La ncaster Farm offers lodging on our working grass fed beef and sheep farm .Since opening we've hosted ma ny distin guished guests including actors,writers, doctors, ladybugs and spiders.

• Well-mannered children are welcome. Children must be accompanied byan adult on the farm premises.• Check-in: 4-7:30 PM. Check-out: 11 AM .• For the comfort of all guests, no smoking is permitted in the house orbuildings.

• Sorry, we can't accommodate pets.Ifyou have any questions or comments please contact us, we are always atyour service.

You decide to book your holiday here. At least two of the following points should be ment ionedin your letter plus one other aspect.

• What kind of of accommo.dation you need• Your special requests• What you expect from this holiday• Why you want to holiday here

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula .Before starting the letter, de cid e on the order in which you think the points should be includedas well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of thefarm, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to wr ite th e letter.Please write 150-200 words .



WritingSituation 2:

The City Council has built a park in your neighborhood but there are problems thatmake you and other citizens unhappy.

You decide to write a letter to complain about the situation.Your letter should contain at least two of the following points and one other aspect.

• What the council should do• What you think the problem is• Mention what problems people have• If there is any advantage in having this park

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think points should be included aswell as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the CityCouncil, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.



Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.





45 .

a) Secret Supporter

b) Different Viewpoints

c) Activities Monitored

d) Not Only Youngsters

e) Hoping For Quiet

f) Problematic Vehicles\




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

You will hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. On their first travels, Frank and his friends could not afford hotel rooms.

47. Frank had a very good time taking dance lessons from Senegalese girls.

48. Frank was touched by the kindness of Senegalese children.

49. Frank believes that Taiwanese people are the kindest in the world.

106 50. When Frank travelled around Asia with his wife Amy, they visited India and China.

51. Frank is looking for a job right now in Mexico.

52. Frank advises people to have a strict itinerary before leaving for a trip.

53. According to Frank, you should balance your life between freedom and theresponsibilities to society.

54. Keeping up with his travel schedule makes Frank relaxed and comfortable.

55. Frank appreciates all the cultures and people he encounters during his travels.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts . You will hear the texts only once . Then you will have time toanswer the question for each text.

Decide which is the correct ans wer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear a voicemail message.The person isa) denying something.b) describing somebody.c) recommending somebody.

57. You are travelling and hear this announcement.You will arrive at the airporta) by bus.b) by train.c) by special shuttle service.

58. You switch on the radio and hear a part of a programme.The problem they are discussing isa) the pollution caused by cars.b) the problem of parking.c) the danger of speeding.

59. You hear the following announcement.The presenter wants youa) to join a club.b) to buy a product.c) to enter a competition.


60. You are listening to the radio and hear the following.Itis

a) a news report.b) a weather forecast.c) a warning.




SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

You are expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

A public holiday in your country (when, why, where, etc.)


One of your former schools (where, when, experience, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

The Mayor's Big Planting PlanAbout one new tree for every man, woman and child in Seattle.That's what it will take to reach Mayor Greg Nickels' goal for regreening thecity over the next three decades -- the planting of 649,000 trees, plus keepingthe tree cover we already have.Since the early 1970s, Seattle has lost more than half of its tree canopy as morebusinesses and people have moved into the city and smaller homes have givenway to apartments and megahouses. Invasive ivy and blackberry bushes havesmothered and killed native trees.Nickels is looking to reverse that trend, to keep Seattle from becoming "thecity formerly known as emerald." Today he is releasing the draft Urban ForestManagement Plan for public comment. The strategy is expected to be finalizedby the end of the year."It's going to be a huge undertaking," said Steve Nicholas, director of the city'sOffice of Sustainability and Environment. "You're going to see significant newinvestment."The cost of all the new trees is estimated at more than $114 million, plusincreased/annual costs for maintenance."It's good to have the city paying attention to an important issue like this," said[eff Bash, executive director of the Seattle Urban Nature Project, a non-profitgroup that has spent years tracking the amount and variety of trees found onpublic land in the city, raising the alarm about invasive species overrunning thewoods.



SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to organise a charity concert.First decide on your ideas for the musical event.Tellyour partner your ideas and try to agree on something that could raise money for a charity.




Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-j). Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Lost property

b) Increasing Differences

c) Toughening Measures

d) Giant on the Fall~,

112e) Borders Redrawn

f) Different Customs

g) Criminals Wanted

h) Mistake Denied

i) Illegal Entertainment

j) Aborted Attempt


1One of the major bicycle manufacturers has said it expects to post a loss for the first half of this year.The company used to be the world's largest bike exporter. But its problems have become a symbol

for an industry that's facing tough times. The bicycle used to be undisputed king of the road in China.Just a decade or two ago, bikes formed the bulk of the traffic in most places, along with trucks and

buses and the occasional cab. But times have become hard for what used to be an industry with

a captive market. Millions of private cars and taxis now compete for space with the two wheelerson the country's roads. There's more and more competition in the Chinese market from foreign

manufacturers. And there's a glut of bicycles at the cheaper end of the market, which is what China'sbike makers have traditionally focused on. From being the world's top bicycle exporter it's becomeone of the biggest loss makers of any listed Chinese company. It may be too late for it to follow other

Chinese bike makers in seeking different survival strategies.

2The police operation over the weekend netted more than two hundred of the bikes used bythe high-speed racers. They regularly taunt the authorities by racing noisily through the citycentre in District One and the Royal District, watched by crowds which number from hundreds

to thousands. Last weekend, more than eighty traffic police on high-powered bikes joined localpolice units to catch the racers. If they do catch any, the normal procedure is to seize identity

papers and confiscate the bikes until fines are paid. Police says the organisers face a fine of aboutthree thousand dollars. A tenth of that is paid by riders. But many of the racers are the sons and

daughters of influential people. They have money for powerful bikes and for gambling on the racesand are willing to take on the risk of a fine. They also risk injury and death in a country where,despite the law, motorbike helmets are scorned as hot and uncomfortable. Racing provides theseyoung people with an outlet for their new wealth in the country's growing economy and for their

youthful frustrations. Most of the population is young, with urban youth increasingly exposed to

consumer culture and seeking ways to express itself in a tightly controlled society. Racers in thecapital complain that there's not much else for young people to do.

3 /Despite the international outrage there seems to have been no let-up in the activities of the country'speople smugglers. State media said police arrested the so-called snakehead, identified only by his

surname, Wang, as he was attempting to smuggle sixty people across the border last month. He was

said to have been responsible for smuggling three hundred and ninety-six people in four groupslast year. Reports said he was just one of ten snakeheads wanted by police. The authorities have

pledged to cooperate with the international community, and to signal their commitment, policesaid that five hundred snakeheads we re arrested in the area last year and a number of traffickers

were recently jailed for up to 15 years.




4Abig problem during the preparation of the world's largest he lium balloon has forced the mannedballoon altitude record flight to be stopped. The team had hoped to rise forty kilometres abovethe Earth's surface, but it's unlikely that another launch date will be set until next summer at theearliest. Since the early hours of the morning the team had been carrying out final checks andthey'd started inflating the balloon. But as it was being rolled off its drum, the balloon twisted andthe helium at the top of the balloon came under immense pressure, causing a seam to split. Asthere was no spare balloon and not enough helium, the crew had to pull the plug on the mission.The balloon will now be taken back to base and thoroughly checked. Ironically, the expensivetechnical equipment seems intact and the weather conditions are perfect. The team say that astructural failure like this should be overcome, but as they've now missed their weather windowfor this year, they'll have to wait until next summer to try again.

5A survey, comparing prices in 150 major cities, has found that cities in Western Europe havebecome more expensive to live in since the full introduction of the Euro currency a year ago. Thereport also noted a fall in living costs in cities where there are economic or political problemssuch as Buenos Aires in Argentina and Harare in Zimbabwe. The findings are set out in the latestannual worldwide cost of living survey by a business research organisation based in Brussels. Theinformation is intended to help big firms set salaries and other benefits for staffworking away fromtheir home country. The report also says that cities in the Euro zone have become more expensiverelative to other places since the introduction of Euro notes and coins in January last year. Forexample Paris now has the tenth highest costs. It was in fourteenth place. Berlin has gone fromfiftieth to thirty-first place in the ranking. Those findings will fuel the widespread perception thatbusinesses have exploited confusion over the new currency to push up their prices. But as in pastyears the highest costs in Europe are outside the Euro zone. London, for example, is the seventhmost expensive city in the world to live in.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)Read the following text, then choose the answers to questions 6-10.

The SimsMaxis' The Sims is about creating, managing, and familiar with each other, they won't know the othercontrolling the lives of tiny computerized people sims in the neighbourhood. It's usually a good ideawho dwell in miniature homes. The game itself takes for your sims to get acquainted with others, as socialplace entirely within a small suburb just outside interaction is not only required to fulfill your sims'SimCity, and the streets, houses, and fixtures are all social need bar, but it's also the key to advancing incolourful and detailed - and all in a style consistent the ranks of certain professions. Sims will interactwith the SimCity games. Despite the fact that the with each other in entirely different ways dependingactual dialogue among the game's inhabitants is on the situation, and given the many differentmade to sound like complete gibberish, The Sims factors that can affect a situation, your sims can andsounds superb overall. You can't make out exactly will do something to, for, or with others that youwhat they're saying, but you can easily infer their mayor may not have expected. Though sometimesintentions from the tone of their voices. Your sims these situations may end in insubordination orcan get into all sorts of trouble depending on what hostility, it's these exchanges and their results thatchoices you make in their design and actions. You truly make The Sims an interesting game to play.can begin the game with a pre-generated family of The game also has some weaknesses. The flow ofsims or create your own using a number of different time is strange, to say the least. Many of the sims'3D models. Each sim has five personality attributes activities - such as preparing and eating meals or(neat, outgoing, active, playful, and nice) which help using the bathroom - are unduly time-consuming.determine the sim's personality and how compatible However, time itself passes quickly in The Sims,he'll be with other sims. Each sim also has six even on the slowest setting. As such, to make thelearnable skills (cooking, mechanical, charisma, most efficient use ofyour time, you may find yourselfbody, logic, and creativity), which not only affect the awkwardly alternating between pausing the gameway a sim interacts with his fellow sims but also how to catch up the camera to your sims, then speedingwell he can make use of the objects in his house and the game up to skip through a time-consuminghow well he can perform his job. Once you find a job task like eating or bathing. Also, though sims havein the daily paper or online via a computer, your sim several sophisticated routines governed by theirwill be picked up by a carpool at a certain time each personalities and moods, they also occasionallyday. Getting a job is advisable, since it's really the display poor path finding and general artificial­only way for your sims to bring in a steady income to intelligence problems - such as being unable tobuy more stuff One of the most important things to move, or move around, small obstacles. In addition,do in The Sims is to buy things, whether appliances there are instances in The Sims in which the gameor furniture for the inside of your house, or walls, seems limited by its own scope of chroniclingwindows, or even a second story for the outside. For only the happy home lives of its inhabitants. Forinstance, a new mirror will let your sims increase instance, going to work is completely bereft oftheir charisma, and a new stove will help them cook player interaction - your sim jumps in the carpool,more satisfying meals. Building up a good house is disappears for several hours, and barring anyimportant because you'll need it to fulfill your sims' random occurrences, reappears with a pay check. Itneeds. Every sim has eight needs: hunger, comfort, really is best to keep your sims' needs met at leasthygiene, bladder, energy, fun, social, and room, some of the time, since neglecting a sim makes himand each need is indicated by a status bar that fills depressed and often insubordinate. You can keep aup when needs are met, but are constantly being sim productive and responsive to instructions bydrained otherwise. If any of these status bars drops keeping him happy, but you can't do nearly as muchdown significantly, your sims will become agitated with a neglected sim; he can't become a resentfuland unhappy. It is very important to keep your sims outcast shaped into a vengeful drifter by adversehappy, or they'll miss out on the most intriguing part situations - he'll just turn into a self-pitying couchof the game - interaction with other sims. Though potato who'll often ignore you.the sims you start the game with will tend to be




Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. The verbal communication between the Sims

a) is unintelligible.

b) is very expressive and quite easy to understand.

c) is not an important aspect of the game.

7. The personalities of the game's characters

a) are very similar at first, but as they learn and experience different things, their

uniqueness will emerge.

b) are diverse.

c) are controlled by the player.

8. Status bars

a) are used for monitoring professional advancement.

b) are the list of products available for purchase.

c) display the needs of your Sims.

9. The Sims' behaviour in social situations

a) may be unpredictable.

b) is usually hostile.

c) is controlled by the player.

10. When you neglect the needs of your Sim

a) he will get angry and hostile.

b) he will disappear from the screen temporarily.

c) he will just sit around unresponsively.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read th e ten situations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide wh ich text

goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11-20), In some cases there may be no suitable text.

Then mark x.

11. Youare responsible for organising a conference.

12. Youare interested in how people lived generations ago.

13. You want a laid-back, outdoor dining experience.

14. You want to enjoy a family weekend in a scenic location.

15. Youneed a hotel room at an airport hotel.

16. You want to dine in a restaurant where you can see celebrities.

17. You enjoy high rise hotels.

18. Youare interested in ancient history.

19. You are looking for a restaurant that uses organic ingredients.

20. Youwant to visit a museum that stays open at night.





At the base of rainforest clad mountains

the four and a half star Twin Palms Resort

and Country Club is perfect for a family

getaway. The hotel features two swimming

pools, an 18-hole mini-golf course and a

two-acre adventure playground. While

the kids are out playing, adults can enjoy a

round of golf at the renowned Twin Palms

course. At the restaurant guests will be

presented with fantastic cuisine along

with views of the ocean, mountains and

manicured gardens. Stay for two nights

and save 30 percent with rooms starting

from $120 per room per night.


This ghost tour at The Ghost Palace is anatmospheric exploration of the mysterious

corners ofthe palace and some ofits ghostly

stories. It is led by a warder. En route you

will hear about the haunted room, where

the screams ofold residents' ghosts are said

to be heard. The tour takes place indoors

and outside. so appropriate clothing is

advised. This tour is not recommended for

children under 12. Booking is essential.


Red Barn Diner is uniquely situated in historic

wharf buildings right on the water in the

Village of Greenport. The place offers water

views on three sides and open-air dining

on the dock. Enjoy drinks in comfortable

Adirondack chairs outdoors or in the bar

room with windows that look out on a

Greenport boatyard. Although the cuisine is

contemporary American, the chef's Asian and

international background is reflected in many

dishes. Parking is not availa ble on the site.

Your best bet is to leave your car at the harbor

parking lot and take a five minute walk.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• The South Wind Hotel and Conference Centre •

• is the most beautiful and complete hotel in •• •• New Orleans. Located just 15 minutes from •

• the French Quarter, Central Business District •• •• and the Superdome, the South Wind offers •

• more than 100 deluxe guest rooms and suites. •• •• complete with complimentary high speed •

• internet access in rooms and public places. 27" •• •• color television, coffee makers, and Business •

• Class Rooms that include microwave and •• •• refrigerator. The hotel also offers meeting •

: rooms, a fully furnished business center, a :

• large outdoor swimming pool, complimentary •

: continental breakfast, and ample free parking :

• even for oversized vehicles. It is a great hotel •

• h·• option for anyone who wis es to stay in a •

• lovely hotel near the City at suburban prices - •• •• with easy Interstate 10 access East and West. •

• ••••••••••••••••••••••


Long Island's premier steakhouse,

SiIverstone is an architecturalmasterpiece that offers an unforgettabledining experience. The steakhouse's

decor is rustic stone war med by therichness of natu ral wood and the glow

of candles and fireplaces. Our menuis truly unique, combining tantalizing

steakhouse classics with amazing newAsian and seafood creations. In addition

to serving the finest prime dry aged beef,

we have our own authentic sushi chefanda fabulous raw seafood bar. Plus, our on­

premise sommelier can help you select

the perfect wine from our extensive list

to complement any meal.


Martha's Kitchen Restaurant's FrenchMediterranean menu changes dailyto showcase the finest seasonalingredients available. They buy producefrom farmers who do not use chemicalson their crops and all of their fish ispurchased daily at the market. Theplace has a rustic, Mediterranean charmwith its stone walls and wrought irondecoration. The food is prepared in anopen kitchen and you can stay at the barwatching your dish to be prepared whileenjoying a glass of fine French winechosen from their extensive list.



p- - - --------.The Coun ty Almshouse Museum consists I

I of a complex of 15 buildings, includingI the main house and dependencies. The II 30 room brick main house was originally I• designed and constructed for use as the I.I -

county almshouse. It is a long two-storyI rectangular structure, nine bays wide at II the first and second floor levels. It features II a simple frame cupola, sheltering a farm I

bell. A separate two-story brick building II with 12 rooms, houses the original summerI kitchen, wash room and baking room, and II may have once housed farm and domestic I

help. The museum provides the public II the opportunity to experience mid-19thI century rural life. I.. _---------_ ..


This hotel is an elegant oasis of space andcalm, that offers spectacular views of thecity from the top 14 floors of its 52 storeybuilding. Conveniently located in theheart of the business and entertainmentdistrict, the hotel is approximately 90minutes from the airport and very closeto the city 's main transportation hub withrail and subwav access to anvwhere in the

~ ~

city. Designed to feel more like a modernprivate residence than a hotel, the 172rooms and suites provide a serene retreatand an efficient private office.





Ballio Restaurant offers new wavedining experience and it claims to setstandard to cuisine, service and style.This is the place to see lots of famousand interesting people. Ballio attractsalmost everyone who was anyonein Hollywood. The kitchen viewedthrough a giant etched glass wallis centre stage for the art of dining.The place provides classic Americancuisine as well as international dishes,and almost anything can be made-to­order.



~ . . . . . ~~ This is an astonishing museum In its ~~ .. . . ~~ scale and size. It is a must-vistt Sight In ~~ ~~ New York.The collection of European Art ~~ ~~ encompasses all ages from the Romans ~~ ~~ to Renoir, with works by all the masters ~~ , hh h.i ~~ on view. The museum s reac , t oug , is ~~ ~~ global: Egypt, Africa, the Middle East and ~~ d h . ~~ Oceania are all represented an t ere is ~

~ . 11 ' f Ameri t ~~ an extensive eo ection 0 mencan ar. ~~ . ~~ In addition to this wonderful collection ~~ ~~ of art there are thousands of artefacts. ~~ , ~

~ You will see fabulous rooms decorated ~~ .. ~~ in medieval or Egyptian style Just to ~~ . d ~~ name a few. Tickets are not require , ~~ .. t d ~~ rather a donation is sugges e . ~~ ~~ ~~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


This luxury boutique hotel is as closeas you can get to staying at the WhiteHouse without a personal invitationfrom the President. All rooms exhibitthe perfect combination of heritage,luxury, contemporary comfort andtechnology. The hotel features astunning view of Lafayette Park andthe White House. Special packagespecifically for children include books,cookies and a smoothie at bedtime. Thehotel offers complimentary access to acomprehensive fitness facility locatedone block from the hotel. It also featuresa large rooftop terrace. Numerousfine dining establishments are locatednearby and the hotel is walking distanceto many museums.



=Tutankhamun's treasures are one of =§ the highlights of the museum, placed §§ in the ma in hall . Many of the other §§ great Egyptian rul ers reside alongside §§ the boy king in the Royal Mummies §:: Room: Rams es 11, Ram ses Ill, and ::§ Queen Hatshepsut are among the nine §§ mummies who rest there. Wonders are §§ displayed he re from the pre-historic §:: age to the Greco- Roman period. For ::§ the privilege of taking pictures you §§ will need to pay an extra fee on top of §§ the entrance fee . §"111111111111 111 111 1111 111 I I I 1111111111111111 11


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.

..A Typical Camp Day

A typical daily programme _21_ the camp follows a routine of rising early,usually before sunrise, drinking hot coffee and biscuits and then leaving the campfor an outing into the wilderness.

The outings are extremely flexible and _ 22_ by the unpredictability of whatcan be found during the outing in combination with the subjects that have tobe covered. The outing could be a game drive following up on the roar of a lionheard _ 23_ the night or a walk learning about the plant species _24_ inthe area. It could be a walk following fresh elephant tracks, learning how to trackthe animal and finding it, or it could be a game drive to a waterhole _25_animals come to drink.

Students return to camp in the late morning for a hearty brunch which is followedby a lecture _ 26_ the subject ofthe day. Study and rest time is then followedby afternoon tea and another outing into the wilderness until sunset, if walking,or until well after dark if doing a game drive.

Aftern oon outings could _27_ night drives looking for nocturnal animalssuch as owls, bush babies and leopards or it _28_ be a walk looking for andlearn ing how to identify interesting birds. It could be time spent _29_ thenight skies or it could be a time for students to test their 4x4 driving skills .

It is then back to camp for dinner, stories _30_ the campfire and then bed.

11 11

21. a) at 23. a) while 25. a) when 27. a) consist 29. a) studyingb) off b) during b) what b) include b) learningc) on c) for c) where c) organise c) exam

22. a) determining 24. a) occurring 26. a) into 28. a) should 30. a) inb) determination b) presenting b) on b) could b) nextc) determined c) happening c) in c) must c) around



Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

Become a Better Cook in Four Easy Steps


Whether you're cooking for a family, friends or just yourself, there is a universaldesire to be better _31_ in the kitchen. If you're just starting out or haveneeded help for many years, these four steps should put you on the _32_ toimproved cooking and tastier food.1) MAKE MORE TIME -Most people get in from work and put off proper cookingbecause of how late they would eating. Equally, many parents have higher_33_than agonising over the perfect meal. What happens is that most people eitherdon't bother and open a tin of beans, or they get themselves in a mess - figurativelyand literally - because they're up against a clock. Why not save your training forthe weekend and practice without the _34_ of a deadline?2) COOK FOR YOURSELF FIRST -It can be daunting trying out your experimentalcooking on loved ones. Partly because there's a pressure to do well and partlybecause you don't want them to be ill because of the food. While it's important youdon't get ill either, you'll feel more _35_ cooking for others if you've made thedish for yourself first.3) GET SOME INSPIRATION -_36_great way to gain more enthusiasm for yourcooking is to read cookery books, watch TV shows and search for re cipes online.And if that doesn't work, why not treat yourself to a meal in a restaurant. _37_the menu and maybe try and recreate their dishes in a more homely _38_.Love food and let that inspire your cooking.4) GET ADVICE FROM YOUR MUM -Unless your mum is a _ 39_ cook, askher for tips. Maybe your gravy isn't working out or you're struggling with gettingyour vegetables just right. Wherever your deficiencies lie and you r mum'sexpertise marries up, absorb her _40_. Don't stop there, either. Ask friends,grandparents, dads, sisters, brothers - everyone!




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WritingSituation 1:

You are looking for a job and see the following advertisement in a magazine:

We are searching for an Event Manager for our Butte rfly Inn in North Devon.If you enjoy working with people and planning events, this could be the fit for

you! Qualified candidates will be able to schedule and plan catering events andgroup-related functions while providing superior guest service with tireless

attention to detail. This individual will be responsible for managing/resolvingevent related problems.Previous catering, sales, event-planning experience is a definite advantage. We

offer a competitive salary and benefits package.If you are interested in working for a growing company that offers advancementopportunities please contact Chris Tempest. senior manager at :

Butterfly Inn

Parracombe , North Devon, EX31 4PY

You decide to ask for more information because you are not sur e whether the job is for you.At least two of the following points should be mentioned in your letter plus one other aspect .

• Information you need in order to decide• Qualification requirements• Your experience• Further carrier opportunities

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the Inn, also thereference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.




WritingSituation 2:

Yousee the following advertisement in a travel magazine:

LagunalnnLocated at the tip of the Monterey Peninsula, Laguna Inn is a quiet haven, minutesfrom all of the Peninsula's many points of interest.Most of the rooms are fully equipped for your convenience.

Parking in front of the rooms.

Special Discounts!If you have any questions or comments please contact us, we are always at yourservice.

Address: 1073 Lighthouse AvenuePacific Grove, California 93950

You decide to spend your holiday in this Inn so you need a room/rooms. At least two of thefollowing points should be mentioned in your letter plus one other aspect.

• Directions to the Inn• Special programs and services• Costs of the accommodation• Special discounts

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula.Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the po ints should be includedas well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the ad dress of theInn, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear each item only once.Decide which headli ne a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.






a) Cancelled Anniversary

b) Strict Rules

c) Lucky Survivors

d) Fire Reported Late

e) Mailman Caught

f) No More Appointments





Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. Ethan Watkins was given a chance to be executive chef at a famous restaurant whenhe was 16.

47. Ethan's mother wanted him to have more than one option for a career.

48. Ethan participated in many culinary contests while he was in high school.

49. Modern appliances are provided for practice at [ohnson & Wales.

50. Ethan explains that the school's instructors helped him find a job.

51. Ethan had the best foods he ever tasted at his culinary school.

52. Ethan often works after school.

53. Ethan believes people should get some restaurant experience before applying toculinary school.

54. Ethan thinks washing dishes in a restaurant is a good starting point for those whowant to be a chef.

55. Ethan wants to open a restaurant in Italy.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will hear the texts only once. Then you will have time toanswer the question for each text.

Decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear a voicemail message .The persona) is aski ng for help.b) is asking for directions.c) is going to be late.

57. You hear a weather forecast on the radio.The weather in the north tomorrow will bea) bright.b) wet.c) windy.

58. You switch on the radio and hear the following advertisement.During the cruisea) the pool is always open.b) you can eat any time.c) you can try navigating the boat.

59. Yo u hear the following recorded message.According to the message you cana) see a show abo ut famous astronomers.b) arrange guided programmes.c) visit it all day between June and September.

60. You hear the following advertisement.You can save on ticketsa) if you go together with friends.b) if purchase many tickets in advance.c) if you reserve the track earlier.



SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

Youare expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

Your favourite place to go out (where, when, with whom, etc.)


128t----- A trip you have taken (where, when, why, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the problems mentioned and possible solutions.

Believe it or Not ...Every day, the average urban dweller consumes over 5,000 advertisementsacross various mediums including television, the Internet, the radio, as well asthe physical space, like billboards and signage. Advertising is a trillion dollarindustry worldwide, and with that kind of money being thrown around, youcan bet those advertisers are going to use every trick at their disposal to findsome way into your wallet.But it seems that customers don't believe advertising messages.There is a massive disconnect with the way that brands think people relate tothem and the reality. A new report found that only 5% of customers (4% in theUK and 6% in the US) trust advertising messages and only 8% believe whatcompanies say about themselves. So, traditional advertising and PR is not aseffective as you think because people are cynical after years of let- downs andpoor customer experiences.The truth is that customers today are more connected, informed and thereforeempowered. 58% of people sampled said that companies are only interested inselling products and services and only 17% thought that companies listened towhat they said. In contrast to that, 84% used some form of internet comparisonsite, including formal and informal sources, (friends, family members, blogs,customer reviews) and 71% sought information from as many places aspossible.So, people understand advertising now, and they don't generally believe themessage, so they will check it out and use their own sources of information.




SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(e)

You and your partner want to help a friend to renovate his/her flatFirst decide on your ideas how you can help.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on what you can do to help.


Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

-First read the ten headlines (a-D. Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Opposite Predictions

b) Monitoring Alcohol Consumption

c) Regulation Relaxed

d) Extending Service

132 e) Households Hints

f) Cleanliness Debate

g) Convenient Bathrooms

h) Impatient Personnel

i) Too Much Confidence

j) Publicly Arranged


1It is a generally accepted practi ce to shower daily. There are fre quent arguments on whether oneshould shower in the morning or evening (or both), but few people would consider only showeringevery other day. Yet, a magazine reported on a trend of people showering far less frequently,combating the clean-inclined culture in which we live. Researchers have revealed that our skin really

needs some forms of bacteria for its overall health. The "good" bacteria fight off "bad" bacteria;

when we wash them both away, our skin can suffer. The environment is also an important factor

to consider when determining how frequently you should shower. According to statistical reports a

third of water usage in the home is from showers. A campaign was launched to encourage people tospend less time in the shower, thus reducing their carbon footprint and taking up less energy. On theother hand, there are many champions of showering daily. They claim it's conventional wisdom that

"the more you shower, the cleaner you are." Ifyou are someone who feels the need or desire to showerdaily, you may also consider using a shower timer, so that you do not spend too much time in there.

2Airbus plans to offer its A320 series of aircraft with an option of more fuel-efficient engines tohelp defend its position in the single-aisle jet market, said a company employee familiar with the

decision. The company may announce the decision as early as tomorrow, said the person, who

spoke on condition of anonymity because the plan has not yet been made public. Airbus wouldoffer the A320 with two new engine options, the person said. Airbus is seeking to keep its best­

selling model in the air before it starts working on an all-new single-aisle aircraft, as companiesall around the world start crowding into the segment and its major competitor considers anupgrade of its model of the same class. The A320 entered service in 1988, and Airbus has said anew model is unlikely before the middle of the next decade.

3One of the largest beer manufacturers says there is no threat to Christmas beer supplies becauseof a planned strike by workers at a plant that provides packaging for the amber fluid. About 400workers at different sites have voted to strike indefinitely from tomorrow over an enterprise

bargaining dispute. The Workers Union said the strike had the potential to disrupt beer suppliesfor Christmas. However, the company's spokeswoman said a small proportion of its product relied

on packaging from the plants where the strike had been called and the shortfall can be coveredby other sites within the network, so at th is time there is no impact on beer supplies. About 500

workers around the country stopped work for 24 hours over the dispute on Monday, calling fora 5 per cent annual pay increas e over three years and no changes to be made to casual worker

conditions. A company spokesman earlier this week said the company's policy was to speakdirectly to employees rather than provide media comment on the negotiations.





4More th an 40 per cent of the citizens cannot name their electricity com pany, don't know whattheir mortgage interest rate is and don't know if their mobile phone plan is good value, a newstudy shows. The report shows people borrowed $274 bill ion through home loans last year andspent $226 billion on their credit cards - but questions how smart their decisions were. It revealsabout 70 per cent of them make irrational decisions about money and are either not sure abouttheir money handling abilities or overwhelmed by money matters or oblivious to sensible financialmanagement. Yet most people, even those who admit to having been in financial difficulties inthe past year, rate themselves as "better than average" money managers, though almost 30 percent of those who describe themselves as "better than average" carry a credit card debt or havemade other basic mistakes. More than half of those who took out home loans recently had notconsidered that they might lose a job or become sick. This false image was a big cause of financialstress and led people to believe they could solve complex financial problems by themselves.

5Airpo rt restrictions on carrying bottled drinks, shampoo and perfume onto flights will be easedfrom next year, although th e majority of passengers will have to wait one more year before themeasures are scrapped. The stringent guidelines on taking liquids through security gates haveirritated passengers and created mounds of discarded cosmetics and water bottles in departurelounges, with some airports confiscating 2,000 tonnes of liquids every year. The transportsecretary confirmed that the first phase in relaxing the ban, which applies to liquids, aerosolsand gels in containers greater than 100ml, will begin in April next year. Transfer passengers fromoutside the EU will be allowed to carry liquids bought in duty free shops on to connecting flightswithin Europe, ending a restriction th at has seen the impounding of duty-free goods. However,those liquids will still have to be carried in clear plastic bags and put through screening machines.The current guidelines will only be scrapped in the future when European airports have acquiredscreening machines that can detect suspicious liquids.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)Read the following text, then choose the answers to questions 6-10.

Old Cars

Improvements in technology, build quality and your own car. Some problems appear or increasemetallurgy mean that cars are living longer and so gradually that you may not even notice them,longer, even in the Rust Belt. And it's not just but they'll stick out like a sore thumb to someoneJapanese cars, either -- domes tics and Europeans are less familiar. And by riding along in the passenger'sgiving reliable service up to, and well past, 150,000 seat, you may spot something you missed whilemiles. With proper care and feeding, virtually any preoccupied with driving. If you're going to keepcar can be kept running as long as the owner wants your car as long as possible, you have to want toto keep it. Here are twelve guidelines to keeping keep it as long as possible. Don't ignore seeminglyyour car alive well into six-figure territory. Though unimportant problems like broken trim bits, tornJapanese cars are generally the most reliable, don't upholstery, or electrical glitches. Little annoyancesdismiss American cars -- their quality is improving tend to add up and can begin to erode your loveaffairand they are often less expensive to repair. European with your old car. Whether or not to use genuinecars are generally the most expensive to fix. Ifyou're manufacturer parts is open to debate, but don'tshopping, talk to owners of similar cars about just opt for the least expensive parts you can find.their experiences. If your car has a "maintenance Discuss options with your mechanic or parts store.minder", use that as a guideline for service, but be Ifa non-wearing part is damaged, consider buying asure to double-check your owner's manual as some used replacement -- you'll get manufacturer qualityitems need to be replaced based on time rather at a more affordable price. Paint does more thanthan mileage. Don't forget the timing belt! Most make your car look good; it protects the materialscars need to have the timing belt replaced every underneath. Wash your car regularly. When water60,000 to 90,000 miles. It's not cheap, but it's far no longer beads on the paint, wax it. If you liveless expensive than the damage it causes if it breaks. where it snows, be sure to wash the car regularly -­Cars do break, and there's nothing like a $1,500 but only ifthe temperature is above freezing. (Belowrepair bill to scare an old-car owner into the new- freezing the salt stays in solution and won't harmcar showroom. Remember, your car would have to the car.) Don't park in a heated garage; melting snowgenerate repair bills of around $5,000 per year for allows embedded salt to attack. Make sure yourat least four years in a row to even approach the cost car wash does not recycle their water -- otherwiseof a new car. In place of your payment, try putting they're just spraying your car with salt from other$100 or $200 per month into an interest-bearing car- people's vehicles. There's no need to baby your car;repair account. That way an unexpected repair or in fact, a little foot-to-the-floor acceleration everymajor maintenance won't disrupt your normal cash once in a while is a good thing, but driving like aflow. Many cars have known problems that tend to wannabe Michael Schumacher in his Formula 1pop up under certain circumstances or after enough Ferrari isn't good for your car (or your nerves). Ifyoumileage/time. Most makes and models have Web enjoy the surprised looks people give you when yousites and forums devoted to them; they can be a gold tell them your car has 150,000 miles on it, wait untilmine of information. Knowing your car is prone to a you see their faces at 200,000. If people chide yougiven problem isn't necessarily a cause to get rid of about your old wheels, chide them about their carit; it just allows you to be prepared. Be on the lookout payments and higher insurance rates. Keepingyourfor new noises, strange smells or anything that just car as longas possible saves you hundreds ofdollarsdoesn't feel right. If something seems amiss, ta lk to per month; keeping it in good repair minimizesyour mechanic or dealership. Don't let them tell you the environmental impact by ensuring that it runs"that's normal" -- ifyou've been drivingyour car long cleanly and efficiently as possible. Feel free to gloatenough, you know best what normal is. E ery h 0 or -- you and your car have earned it!three months ask a friend to take you for a drive in




Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 an d mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. If you want to reduce the financial burden of unexpected repair bills

a) put some money aside every month for such expenses.

b) buy a new car in case your car breaks down frequently.

c) buy a Japanese car.

7. It is worth the effort to gather information about your model's weaknesses,

a) because this way you can avoid certain problems with preventive measures.

b) because this way you can decide on selling the car before problems arise.

c) because you can share it with others at online forums.

8. Taking the passenger seat once in a while in your car

a) will let you enjoy more of the scenery.

b) might make you notice something that otherwise wouldn't catch your attention.

c) will give your friend a chance to drive it.

9. When your car needs replacement parts,

a) always buy high quality name brands.

b) inexpensive used ones will do the job just as well.

c) it is advisable to ask your mechanic's opinion on the options.

10. Old cars

a) are often underrated despite the many advantages they provide.

b) need frequent waxing.

c) can be handled like race cars every once in a while.


Reading Comprehe si 0

(Part 3)

First read th e ten situations (11 -20) and th en read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide wh ich text

goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on th e answer sheet (11 -20). In some cases there may be no su itable text.

Then markx.

11.Youwant to enjoy true hospitality and a perfectly decorated interior.

12.You want to study wildlife and meet local people in Africa.

13.You want to go on a hunting trip.

14.You would like to enjoy all-natural green tea.

15.You want to learn horseback riding.

16.You are interested in jungle tours.

17.You want to go on a river rafting tour.

18.You want to have burgers and tea for lunch.

19.You want a healthy snack with your tea.

20.You want to find a kid-friendly weekend destination.





Honeysuckle Lodge's owners Molly and

Michael Green have lavished an oceanof care on their 18th century house, andcreated a sort ofshowroom for how all Bedand Breakfast hotels might be - providedtheir owners had bottomless pockets anda master's degree in interior design. Itis located in the heart of fashionable oldNorfolk with big-sky beaches. Designedwith flair and confidence, run withpainstaking attention to details, andoffering the kind of sociable welcome thatno hotel could ever match, it is a joy tostay in. And the lack of high-tech gadgetrymakes this place even more enjoyable.


Peony's Tea House is a whimsical placethat welcomes adults and kids alike. Youcan enjoy a health-conscious menu anda variety of unique, fresh teas. Each itemon the menu is made-to-order to ensureits freshness and each tea is brewed toperfection (3-7 minutes), with double­filtered water that is boiled to 180 degrees.The wide assortment ofteas comes from allover the world. This is the perfect place togo if you want to feel rejuvenated, relaxedand cared for.


Tamina's tea house is committed tobringing you the finest teas from various teaplantations in Asia. One of their finest teasis a wild green variety from Korea. This teacomes from the rocky slopes of Mt.Jilee. Thisplant has extremely long roots and drawsmuch more minerals and nutrients from thesoil than its cultivated cousins. The region'scolder climate produces a special tea which isvery rich in antioxidants. Tamina's philosophyis rooted in the tea traditions of Asia, wheretea has been celebrated for centuries, not onlyas an enjoyable beverage, but for its medicinaland spiritual attributes.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Bartlett's B&B's location is on a quiet country •• road near Winchelsea, surrounded by apple •• •• orchards. This is a great base for exploring.• the pretty, small towns nearby as well as •• •• the wide, empty beaches. The place's decor •• is eclectic and farmhousey. In addition to •• •• endless breakfast choices,a five course dinner •• is served daily. Within a 20 minute walking •• •• distance there's a horse farm, where beginner •• riding lessons are offered for children and •• •• adults, on gentle horses. The facility features •• indoor and outdoor arenas with a clean and •• •• comfortable waiting area. The horse farm •• offers a 30% discount for Bartlett's guests. •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••


On Day 1 we are heading east toward our

safari destination, a private lodge, located

beyond the mountains. After arrival you

can visit a nearby cheetah rehabilitation

centre from there, or you can just sit back,

relax and enjoy watching traditional

African dancing at the lodge. On Day2 we

enter the National Park, home to over 500

species of birds, 150 species of mammals

and an abundance of reptiles. Throughout

the day and the next day we enjoy game

tours in the park, and with a little luck,

we may see some of the "Big Fives" ­

elephants, rhinos, lions, leopards and

buffalos - as well as giraffes, antelopes

and zebra.


Ifvelvet drapes and antique four postersdon't get you in the mood for romance,this country hideaway should do thetrick. It is a tower that has been restoredin ultra-contemporary fashion. Though itis normally rented out as a self-cateringproperty (sleeping up to 10), the ownerlet out one suite on a B&B basis - onethat has its own private roof garden,hot tub and sitting room. A private chefis on hand to rustle up any meal youfancy. And the roof garden will envelopeyou with the sweet smells and sights ofcolourful rose bushes and flowerbeds.



r-----------.,On Day 1 we leave town and drive across the II valley, passing traditional settlements, andI lakes inhabited by thousands of flamingos. II There is plenty to see a~ we arriv~ to our I

campsite at a local village durmg the II afternoon. Locals welcome our group withI a selection of traditional food, drinks and a II lively dance around a campfire. On Day 2 I

and 3 we begin our game tours. The placeI encompasses most people's idea of Africa: II rolling green hills, vast open plains, full of II wild animals. On Day 4 we drive back to I

the town, stopping by the colourful localI market that offers produce and a medley of II handmade items. I

~----------_ ..h,

Since opening, [osephine's Tea Salon hasbeen consistently rated the best and mostromantic tea salon in the city. Guestsenjoy a scrumptious five-course tea,consisting of a variety of classic fingersandwiches, fresh-baked scones and alarge selection of fine teas. The Victorianstyle architecture and furnishingsrecreate a time of sublime elegance.Guests can easily envision elegant ladiesentertaining friends at the turn of thecentury. [osephine's tea salon is oftenused for Bridal Teas, small weddings, oras an intimate dining room.





During the 90s, more than 40 artisa nscreated the decorative elements ofourteahouse, including its hand-carvedand hand-painted tables, stools,columns and ceiling. Come and rel axas we serve an elegant afternoon tea,complete with white English-stylelinen. A beautiful three-tiered towerof sweets, cucumber sandwiches andthe chef's special daily creation - allbaked freshly for you - is presentedwith a pot of our premium tea.


~ ~~ On arrival you are transferred to your ~

~ accommodation, which is located at the ~~ ~~ banks of the Zambezi River. We take an ~~ ~~ evening boat tour on the upper stretches ~

~ of the river to enjoy the African sunset ~~ ~~ and the sights of the broad, peaceful river ~~ ~~ as game come around to drink. The next ~~ ~~ day we visit Victoria Falls, where the ~~ ~~ Zambezi River plunges over 100 metres ~~ , , ~~ into the Batoka gorge. Livingstone ~~ ~~ is known as Africa's extreme sports ~~ ~~ capital. The options are almost endless: ~~ , , "~~ white water rafting, bungee jumping, ~

~ . h d I h idi , ~~ scenic fllg ts, an e ep ant n mg, Just ~~ ~~ to name a few. ~~ ~~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


Our destination is a World HeritageSite of dense rainforest, one of the mostbiologically diverse areas on earth. Wetrek into tangled and mist-shroudedforests with experienced guides andtrackers. While the terrain can bechallenging at times, coming face to facewith gorillas in their habitat makes theeffort more than worthwhile. We spendabout an hour with these wonderfulanimals before returning to the parkgates for a late lunch. During theafternoon there is time to relax, or takean easy forest walk with a local guide.Expect to arrive back to the city late inthe evening after our thrilling expresstour.

I,11 1111111 11111111 11111111 111111111 11 11 1111 11 11 11 1

Staying here is like stepping into achildren's picture book. Guests arewelcomed with homemade cakes andpots of cosied tea. They can head outfor the day for nature rambles beforeretreating to a bedroom featuringcabbage-rose-patterned linen and_supplies of homemade cookies.Choose from rooms in the farmhouse,caravans, an old Gypsy wagon orshepherd's hut. A tree house is alsoavailable for the kids.



Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.

How to Prepare for a Nature Walk in a Forest

Do your homework. If you are walking in an unfamiliar forest, research trailsand be aware _21_ any danger you could experience. Steep areas, looserocks, bears and cautions not to walk alone are a _22_ of the dangers thatare highlighted by trail managers. Wear clothing and footwear appropriate forthe trail you choose. Some trails are easy to manage with _23_ tennis shoeswhile others will require hiking shoes or boots. It is also important to dress forweather conditions. Hypothermia and heat exhaustion are common _24_associated with inappropriate clothing choices._25_ sunscreen, and have bug spray and a first aid kit in your bag. Evensimple nature walks on easy trails need to be approached with due caution andhaving these items in a small day pack could _26_ unnecessary problems.Bring water and a snack. Staying hydrated and energized is critical, _27_ onlonger walks.Be a conscientious walker. Pack out trash and stay on the trail. If you are in anational or state park _28_ anything out of the park like rocks or othernature items could be forbidden so check out trail rules before leaving.Bring a camera. Nature _29_ in a forest give you unlimited chances for greatshots. Whether it's a close up of a lichen flower or a curious squirrel you won't_30_ to miss a photo opportunity.

21. a) before 23. a) easy 25. a) hold 27. a) special 29. a) walk

b) of b) light b) wear b) especially b) walking

c) for c) easily c) put c) especial c) walks

22. a) some 24. a) problems 26. a) prepare 28. a) taking 30. a) have

b) many b) problematic b) avoid b) doing b) want

c) few c) problem c) prevent c) making c) get




Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

Buying a used car

In today's _31_ economic times, buying a used car may be the right choicefor you especially if you are in a tight money situation. The key to buying a good_32_ used car is to take your time and check out the vehicles properly. Donot fall in love with one particular car just because it looks pretty and has all thebells and whistles that you want. You must be very _33_ in doing the righthomework in order not to end up with a lemon or a problem vehicle.There are only two different possibilities when looking to buy a used vehicle. Youcan go the dealer route or you can look to buy a car from a private party. There arecertain advantages and disadvantages to both.Buying a car from a private party will_34_ be cheaper than buying a car froma new or used car dealer. This is because private parties do not have the overheadthat a car dealer has. The downside is that you are buying a vehicle without a_35-1 which could be an issue ifthis is a problem vehicle.New and used car dealers will _36_ you more money than a private partybecause that's their business. They need to cover their overhead and make aprofit. But on the other hand, dealers can offer you a warranty and many timescan _37_ minor problems a private party cannot. Certain dealerships offercertified pre-owned vehicles and these cars are typically more expensive but offeryou a certain peace of mind.You should also have the vehicle checked out by your _38_ mechanic tomake sure there are no _39_. Just remember when buying a used vehicle to_40_ sure you are getting what you think you are getting.

n, FIX











WritingSituation 1:

Your children participated in a programme but you were not satisfied with it becausethe camp did not keep what they promised.

A world of discovery awaits!

Have-Fun Day Camp is des igned with a wide range of activiti es gua ranteed toexpand your child's horizons. All offered in a safe and exciting environmentwhere your kids can have fun in small groups, meet new friends and makememories to last a lifetime. All camp programs emphasize core values likecar ing, honesty, respect, responsib ility and faith with camp staff and fellowparticipants.Group and team games, swimming, arts and crafts, and skits in an outdoorenvironment will insure an action-packed day of fun for your 6-8 year old. Ourstaff is trained in First Aid and our most important goal is to meet the needs ofyour child.

Regular Camp Hours: 9:00AM- 4:30PMHave Fun CampsBradwellSouthminsterEssexCEO 6QX

You decide to write a letter to complain about the situation.Your letter should contain at least two of the follo wing points plus on e other as pec t .

• What your children think about the programmes• Give your reasons why you selected this camp• Outline the problems you ha d• Say what you want the company to do.

Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think points should be includedas well as an appropriate introduct ion and close. Include your address and the address of theCamp, also the reference line, date, salutat ion and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to wr ite the letter.Please write 150-200 words.




WritingSituation 2:

You see the following advertisement in a magazine:

Join Our Working Holiday Scheme!

Come and visit us this summer, either on your own or why not organise a group ofyour friends to join you for an unforgettable working holiday.

We have had many helpers come and stay with us from all over the world, helping usto build our site - it is hard work, but we have had many wonderful times together,made so many beautiful friends and have lots of great memories and stories to sharewith all the new people we meet. Ifyou would like to be a part of this great experience- whether it is to learn something new this summer, sharing new ideas or just to meetlike-minded people then we would welcome you to join us and participate in all thatwe do with the building and running of our beautiful unique sites all over the world.

What we promise you is that you will never forget these memorable days and youwill always receive a warm welcome here. We have tented accommodation for up to8 people. We ask that you commit to a minimum of 2 weeks up to a maximum of 4months between the 31st May and the 14th October.

For more details contact:WHS Working Holidays68 Linden Str, Berlin31265 Germany

Youdecide to ask for more information. At least two of the following points should be mentionedin your letter plus other aspect.

• Different kind of work you could do• Cost, Salary and Location• Activities• Why and when you would like to join

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula. Before starting theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address ofthe organization,also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comp rehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. You will hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with each news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 4S seconds to read th e head lines.






a) Celebrating Success

b) Growing Differences

c) Satisfied Personnel

d) Demanding More

e) Another Way to Fortune

f) Beating Expectations




Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

Youwill hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. Laura Williams met her husband in Vienna, when she joined a study abroad program.

47. When Laura returned to the US to finish her degree, her husband stayed with herin California.

48 .



146 SI.





Laura found her first job by applying for a job offer at a private language school.

Laura says she would be happy to move back to California.

Laura feels her husband's English is not good enough to be a journalist in the US.

Laura says that Austrians are very open to the idea of children being raised bilingually.

According to Laura their children speak both languages equally well.

Laura says that one of the things she misses is the cultural diversity of her homeland.

Laura thinks that customer service is much better in the US.

Not being able to have a classic American breakfast at a diner can make Laura homesick.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will he ar the text s only once. Then you will have time toanswer th e qu est ion for each tex t.

Decide which is th e correct answer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear a pharmacy advertisement on the radio.

Their clinic servicea) is appointment-based.b) is open Monday through Friday.c) provides basic physical exams.

57. You hear a traffic announcement on the radio.

According to the announcer, you can enter Magnolia parka) through Highway 19.b) through the main entrance.c) through Maine Street.

58. You call a package delivery service.

You want to send a package abroad. You shoulda) press 3.b) press 5.c) press 6.

59. You hear an event announcement on the radio.

The event will take placea) atthe end of January.b) at 10pm.c) atthe end of December.

60. You hear a weather forecas t.

According to the announcer, an accident happeneda) near the airport.b) on a highway.c) because the road wa s closed.




SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(e)

You are expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you .) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interrupt your partner during her/his presentation.

The area where you live (environment, people, etc.)


A tourist attraction in your country (where, when, why, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the ideas mentioned and possible solutions.

High School Recess: Why Can't Teenagers Play Too?

In the last decade or two, many school districts felt that in order to provide moreinstructional time, it was necessary to eliminate breaks between lessons fromthe school day. Some districts went so far as to build new elementary schoolswithout playgrounds. Not only did this not improve academic performance, butit is believed that it was a contributing factor in the current childhood obesityepidemic. The pendulum is now swinging back the other way and elementaryschool children are once again playing on the swings in breaks.

High school is another story, however. Why should teenagers need breaks? Itseems they need it just as much or more than their younger siblings. Teenagershave more difficult subjects to learn, are under more social stresses, and oftenhave multiple extra-curricular commitments. Ifwe do not provide an acceptableoutlet for them to relax and unwind, they will find unacceptable ways to do so.

According to a proposal from some enthusiastic parents high schools wouldhave groups of 50 to 100 students in a "playroom" or gym for recess. Therewould be an option for physical play and one for relaxing with different games,toys or puzzles. Students could opt for one of several recess rooms each quarterso as to have a variety available.We know that eEO's and other executives benefit from down time. The "work­aholic" is no longer the ideal employee. We know that elementary schoolchildren benefit from a play break in their school day. Surely it is not such astretch to accord that same need to teenagers.




SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/B/(C)

You and your partner want to show the most interesting sights in your country to a group offoreign visitors.First decide on your ideas for the program.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that would be enjoyable for allvisitors.



Reading Comprehension(Part 1)

First read the ten headlines (a-j). Then read the five texts (1-5) and decide which text goes

best with which headline.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet in the boxes 1-5.

a) Expectations Surpassed

b) Congestion Charges

c) Permanently Grounded

d) Testing Postponed

152 e) Natural Protectors

f) Misfortune in Water

g) Education Scandal

h) Battle in the Air

i) Upgrading for Less

j) Recording Taken Off


1A group of sw immers has described how a pod of dolphins saved them from a great white shark notfar from the coast. The lifeguards were on a training swim when they encountered a three-metreshark before the dolphins raced in to help. The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for fortyminutes before they were able to make it safely back to the beach. It was an uncomfortable experience

as they were circled by a great white shark, which came within a couple of metres of them. One of theswimmers said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and herded the swimmers together.The mammals swam in tight circles to create a defensive barrier as the great white lurked underthe surface. The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly slapped thewater with their tails, presumably to try to deter the predator as it cruised nearby. It's a day they'llnever forget, especially for one who was on her first day as a volunteer. They have no doubt thatthe dolphins acted deliberately to help them. Researchers have said they're not surprised. A marinebiologist insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most intelligent mammals,"like to help the helpless."

2Opinions are mixed over the success or failure of the scheme where drivers have to pay fivepounds to enter the centre of the capital city. The fee which is imposed from early in the morninguntil mid-evening certainly reduced the number of vehicles going into the centre. However,because more cars than expected stayed outside the pay zone it has raised less money than waspredicted for city coffers. One hundred and twenty million pounds was collected rather thanthe two hundred and thirty million hoped for. The money is supposed to be spent on improvingpublic transport.

3More than eighteen hundred school students are suspected of taking part in an organised cheatingoperation during university entrance exams. The police say many of the students used mobilephones to send and receive answers to exam questions. The revelations of mass cheating haveshaken a nation where education is an obsession - and entry to a good university can set you upfor life. Acting on a tip off - the police tried to raid a hall where students were taking the collegeentrance exam last month. They were blocked by teachers but later confiscated mobile phonesthat had been smuggled into the room - and uncovered what they said was an elaborate cheatingsystem. The brightest students known as "players" finished their multiple choice papers quicklythen sent off the answers by text message to younger students outside the hall. They forwardedthe information to others who paid up to a thousand dollars to take part. The police have sinceinspected hundreds of thousands of text messages sent at the time of the exam. The ministry hasalready cancelled the exam results of more than two hundred cheaters.




4Airlines have announced that the supersonic airliner, Concorde, is to be withdrawn from servicebefore the end of this year. The statement said this was for commercial reasons. Among thebulbous jumbo jets on the tarmac in London or Paris, Concorde always looked astonishinglysmall; its slim elegant lines still the most stylish in the airport, even though the design is nowmore than twenty five years old. And it has always been the most prestigious way to fly theAtlantic. Some of the airlines have managed to make some money from the supersonic airlinerindirectly, using the lure of a free upgrade to Concorde to persuade businessmen to insist onpremium class tickets. But the plane has never paid its way, and its crash three years ago was afinancial disaster; millions of dollars were spent on safety modifications and when the Concordefleet did come back into service it ran into an economic downturn.

5Footage of a playful pillow fight among passengers aboard a flight has become an Internet sensation.The aerial pillow fight broke out among dozens of passengers who grabbed the complementarycomfort items and laughingly pelted each other and the stewardess, before the entire cabin tossedtheir pillows into the first class cabin. A roughly 90 -second video of the pillow fight has become animmediate online hit. The airborne pillow battle was a special service provided by the airline to agroup of frequent flyers whose views are sought by airlines. Back in August, a similarly silly pillowfight broke out on a different flight when passengers good-naturedly pelted a stewardess withpillow as she tried to hand them out. The footage of that incident became a YouTube smash, withmore than a million hits to date.


Reading Comprehension(Part 2)Read the follo w ing text, then choose the answers to questions 6-10.

Listen and Learn

If you want to learn anything at school, youneed to listen to your teachers. Unfortunately,millions of kids can't hear what their teachersare saying. And it's not because these studentsare goofing off. Often, it's the room's fault. Faultyarchitecture and building design can create echo­filled classrooms that make hearing difficult. Inrecent years, scientists who study sound have beenurging schools to reduce background noise, whichmay include loud air-conditioning units and clangingpipes. They're also targeting outdoor noises, such ashighway traffic. Experts at the Speech-Language­Hearing Association have created guidelines thatdescribe how much noise is too much. Althoughthere are no laws to enforce these recommendationsyet, a growing number of schools are taking themseriously. For example, some schools are changingexisting classrooms to make them quieter. Andnew schools are being built with the most advancednoise-eliminating technology available. Childrenwith hearing impairments suffer most from noisyclassrooms, studies show. They sometimes can'thear questions that other students ask in class.Compared with kids with healthy hearing, they havea harder time picking up new vocabulary words byoverhearing them in conversation. Tests show thatkids with hearing loss have more trouble learning toread than kids who can hear well. They also have aharder time behaving correctly in social situationsbecause they don't always hear how people norm allytell stories or respond to questions.And backgroundnoise makes it even harder for them to hear what 'sgoing on. Tests show that even kids with normalhearing have a harder time in the classroom whenthere's too much noise.Younger children in particularhave trouble separating important sounds-like ateacher's voice-from backgrou nd noise, such as thehum of traffic on a nearby highway. That 's becau setheir brains haven't yet developed the ability todifferentiate sounds as well as tee nage and adultbrains do. Kids with learning disabilities and speechimpediments and kids for whom English is a secondlanguage also have a harder time learning in noisysituations.

The Speech-language-Hearing Associationguidelines recommend that the background noisein classrooms be no higher than 35 decibels. That'sabout as loud as a whispering voice 15 feet away.Many classrooms are much louder than that, and ,unfortunately,manyschools don'thave the resourcesto correct the problem.The noisier a room is to beginwith the louder kids and teachers have to talk to heareach other. So, sound levels just keep going up andup. The loud hum of heating and air-conditioningunits is the biggest sound problem in many schools .The scraping of chairs on the floor adds noise. Sodoes the background whirr of classroom computersand the hum of traffic outdoors. It costs a lot ofmoney to turn a loud building into a quiet one, butmore and more school districts are making sound apriority. Furthermore people who are planning newschools are also paying attention to acoustics. Thenew Forest Junior High School has been built withthick , solid walls between classrooms to preventsounds from leaking through. Sounds create echoesas they ping-pong off hard, parallel surfaces, suchas ceilings and floors, so room s at Forest have tiltedceilings, to help stop the effect. Ventilations systemsare quiet. Teachers wear microphones, and a built­in speaker system enhances everything they say.The Forest School opened in the fall of 2006, andresearchers are eagerly awaiting the results of thestandardized tests the students took last spr ing.They hope that test scores will rise when kidscan hear more of what's going on. There is reasonto be optimistic. When a major airport changedlocations in Germany, students in schools locatednear the new airport started performing worse onvocabulary and reading tests. Students at schoolsnear the closed airport, on the other hand , starteddoing better in the same subjects. Quiet roomsappeal to teachers who don't like raising their voicesto teach. Kids seem to like quieter rooms, too, andnot just because they're learning more. Whenteachers have to raise their voice, they sound angry.The general level of ease is enhanced with a betterroom. Everyone wins.




Now decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) to the items 6-10 and mark your answers

on the answer sheet.

6. Many children can't hear what the teachers are saying in the classroom because

a) they are not paying enough attention.

b) they have hearing problems.

c) of the high level of background noise.

7. More and more schools

a) are open to the idea of enforcing noise reduction laws.

b) acknowledge the importance of noise reduction.

c) are building new classrooms for hearing-impaired children.

8. Noisy classrooms mean an even greater difficulty

a) for non-native children.

b) for kids with brain developmental problems.

c) for kids with behavior problems.

9. The most common background noises

a) are coming from outside sources.

b) are significantly reduced when quieter air conditioning and heating systems

are installed.

c) are significantly reduced when teachers stop shouting in the classrooms.

10. Quieter classrooms not only improve students' performances

a) they also make teachers less angry.

b) they also create a more pleasant environment for teachers and kids a like.

c) they make children more optimistic.


Reading Comprehension(Part 3)

First read the ten situations (11-20) and then read the twelve texts (a-I). Decide which text

goes best with which situation. Each text can be used only once.

Mark your answers on the answer sheet (11- 20). In some cases there may be no suitable text

Then mark x.

11. You collect handmade treasures.

12. You enjoy dinners at unusual places.

13. You would like to have a vegetarian dish.

14. You are planning for a ski trip.

15. You want to go on a Mediterranean cruise.

16. Picturesque islands are your favourite destinations.

17. You would like to have seafood for dinner.

18. You enjoy winter fishing.

19. Your hotel's restaurant serves fondue.

20. You like restaurants with live entertainment.





You will have a one-of a kind dining

experience in this Shanghai restaurant.

First, to get inside, you are expected to

put your hand into a metal structure on

the right side of the front door. As the door

opens, you will see a white villa surrounded

by bamboo. The inside of the villa - which is

actually the restaurant floor - is designed

like a maze. It's really dark inside, so your

eyes will need some time to adjust. You

can order classic dishes as well as local

specialties. The food is really high quality,

the service is impeccable and the place is

anything but ordinary. The washroom has

some unexpected twists too .


Cyprus, the largest Mediterranean island

state and the third largest Mediterraneanisland, basks year-round in the light of its

warm sun. Come and discover for yourself

the quiet treasures of Cyprus. Its Neolithic

settlements, Greek temples and Roman

theatres, restored Crusades castles,

Venetian fortresses and early Christian

monasteries, its old mountain villages ,

beautiful beaches, unique local cuisine and

renowned Cypriot wines.


Reward your wallet and your taste buds

with our special business lunch or supper

offer at Dabba. Enjoy 30% off on lunch

Monday through Thursday. Our restaurant

serves contemporary Asian food in a vibrant

atmosphere. Unlike most Asian restaurants

in the city, Dabba features specialties from

all over Southeast Asia. Indulge in dishes like

Laksa, Nasi Goreng, Thai curries and Chinese

classics like Dim Sum. Sample delicacies at

our duck oven and steamer station. Enjoy a

selection of more than 50 fish dishes in our

fish bar. To wash it all down, we also offer a

wide selection of iced teas and fruit punches.

Open till midnight.


• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Casa Marilla is ideal for those who want •

• to avoid busy places . Here you will find •• •• tranquillity and a lovelyview of the mountains •

• and the Atlantic. Yetyou are justa few minutes •• •• drive from the most beautiful beaches and •

• well-known attractions of the island. Siam •• •• Park, Europe's largest water park, the Jungle •

• Park and Finca del Arte with its great cultural •• •• programs are all located nearby. For those •

: who are planning an active vacation, the :

• possibilities are also endless: golf, tennis, •

: horseback-riding, mountain biking, diving, :

• wind-surfing, sailing, deep-sea fishing,.

: swimming, climbing are just a few of the :

• options this place has to offer. •• •• ••••••••• •••• •••••••••


Now th ere is an even more exciting way

to enjoy fondue: while travelling through

Scuol in a heated, horse-drawn carriage.

During the ride in the tarp aulin-covered

carriage, guests are served cheese fondue

accompanied by a good glass of wine.

Besides traditional offers like horseback­

riding, sledding and trekking, the Riding

Farm and Saloon offers this new and

extraordinarily pleasant experience for

the lovers of Switzerland's snow-covered

mountains. Reservations are required, at

least four people per ride, approx. 1.5-2



Herbal Palace restaurant serves dishesthat are skilful compositions of highquality ingredients and traditionalChinese medicinal herbs. The food isserved in handmade pottery with alarge pot of all-natural green tea. Themenu mainly consists of meatlessdishes, but non-vegetarians will alsofind many options to choose from. Theplace's si-gn~ture dishes include mouthwatering golden Chinese yam, pine nutballs, herbed asparagus soup, and melonand yogurt pudding.



r----- - - - -- - ..Lefkara., a village with traditional II architecture, is world-renowned for itsI local lace and silverware products. Wander II through its narrow winding stree.t~ and I

admire its antique sto:e h?uses. VISIt the II Handicraft Center with Its workshopsI of traditional folk art and crafts such as II pottery, basketry, copperware, wo?~- I

carving embroidery and lace. Lefkosia sI Famagusta Gate and Monument of Freedom II are also worth a visit. There's a recently II restored 19th century quarte:, di~playing I

traditional architecture, WhICh IS nowI home to charming restaurants, shops and II craft markets. I

.._---------_ ..


The town of Churchill is indeed the world'spolar bear capital and each fall thousandsof tourists enjoy the antics of the bearsthrough all-terrain buses called "tundra­buggies". North Star is unique amongnorthern outfitters in that their lodgesare far removed from the town and theirsuperb guides take you on trekking on the

, .. .. I ~~rl ~~_~~~~I , ..; .. J..tundra to gel Up-Close dllU 1-'Cl:>UlIdl VV llll

arctic wildlife. Bears are the stars, butarctic foxes, lemmings, snow owls, snowgeese, arctic wolves and caribou makeoccasional appearances too .





Winter brings a whole new way toenjoy Colorado Parks. Snap on yoursnow shoes to crunch through a trailof fresh powder on more than 500miles of trails. Take the kid s out forsnow tubing or sledding or give themthe experience of skating amongtowering pines on natural surfaceponds and lakes. Bundle up and grabyour rod and tackle box for some greatspots. Discover Colorado wildlife suchas moose and lynx or take up birdwatching.



~ . ~~ DIscover the Jura of Lake Geneva with ~~ hi ~~ t IS three-day package. For CHF 165 ~~ ~~ per person you can stay two nights in ~~ ~~ one of the following 3-star hotels: the ~~ ~~ Franco-Suisse in La Cure, the Hotel de ~~ Ville in L'Abbaye or the Hotel de France ~~ . S' C ' ~~ In alnte- rOlx. ~~ . . ~~ In addition to breakfast, the offer also ~~. Id' . ~~ mc u es tram tickets between Saint- ~~ ~~ Cergue and La Cure, daily train and bus ~~ ~~ passes around Lake [oux as well as a ~~ bl' ~~ pu IC transport pass between Sainte- ~~ C . ~~ roi x and Les Rasses. Rentals of ski ~~ . ~~ equipment for two full days are also ~~ ~~ included. ~~ ~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~


The island to wn of Santorini looks like atalented artist's rendering of perfection.With lagoons of cobalt blue, sands ofbrick red, and buildings of dove white,visitors to this tranquil destination inGreece might feel like they've steppedinto a painting. Winery tours, horsebackriding, scuba diving, and enjoyingSantorini's energetic nightlife combatthe desire to just lay back and take inone of the prettiest sunsets you'll eversee. Santorini, also known as Thira, washome to a thriving Minoan populationbefore the volcanic island explodedaround 1650 B.C. Many theorize theisland is home to Plato's Atlantis...thedescription makes it fairly compelling.Today, the island's towns cling to theedges of th e cliffs along the rim of theresulting crater.


~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 "

:: The restaurant is superbly decorated =§ with sculpted wooden furnishings §§ and a crystal chandelier. The cuisine is §§ authentic Indonesian. There is plenty §:: to choose from on the menu from ::§ bamboo rolls to spicy ginger chicken, §§ or chicken cooked in banana leaves. §§ Many dishes are served in delightful §:: bamboo baskets and the discreet::§ waiting staff is dressed in traditional §§ outfits. On Friday nights you can enjoy §§ a dance show performed by authentic §s Bali dancers, with wind inst ru ments s:: and drums. ::"11 11 1111 111 111 111 11 111 11111111111111111111 1111111 j


Language Elements(Part 1)

Read the following letter and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing in items 21-30.

11 Dear Sir or Madam,

After successfully using your agency for many years, I _21_ experienced aterrible problem. I am writing to demand compensation for a huge mistake forwhich I believe your firm is responsible.

On September 1, I used Star Travel to book my honeymoon trip to Hawaii. Youragent made all of the arrangements for us, _22_booking my husband and meonto a flight to Honolulu (Flight 218) on September 14, which was scheduled toarrive at 6 am on the morning of September 15.

Upon _23_ arrival at the airport we discovered that our reservations had notbeen confirmed and the airline had overbooked the flight. Sadly,we were unableto get seats on the plane, which was the last flight to Hawaii that day.

The bottom-line is that we missed our flight to Hawaii, _24_ with our tourgroup's departure the next morning in Honolulu. _25_ of lying on a tranquilbeach, we spent our first _26_ days in the Airport Hotel, trying to sort outthis mess. We were unable to speak with Ms. Adams until Monday, September16, _27_ was two days after our scheduled departure. She was extremelyapologetic, but could not explain what had caused the problem. She was unableto book us onto an alternative flight to Hawaii at such short notice. She _28_us no further explanations or compensation.

Because your agency caused the problems, we expect you to work _29_ us toobtain a satisfactory resolution.

I look forward _30_ from you.

Yours faithfully



21. a) nowadays 23. a) our 25. a) rather 27. a) what 29. a) for

b) again b) us b) instead b) when b) to

c) recently c) ours c) better c) which c) with

22. a) example 24. a) before 26. a) married 28. a) recommended 30. a) to hear

b) such as b) along b) wedding b) offered b) to hearing

c) as for c) through c) marriage c) suggested c) to explain


Language Elements(Part 2)

Read the following text and decide which of the words or phrases a-o is missing in items 31-40.

Learning a Language


Most people can learn most languages if they work_31_ with a sensible methodfor a reasonable period. Although it is true that some people are really bad atlearning languages, there are very few of these. Rather, there are many people whowere discouraged by bad experiences in school and who believe that if they don'tspeak French or German with any fluency after having _32_ 10 years in school_33_ it, this is because they are not gifted. It is my strong opinion that mostpeople can learn foreign languages if they do it the right way. Actually, everybody,gifted or not, with a good or bad memory, learns his mother tongue effortlessly. Ofcourse adults learn differently (and a lot more quickly) than children, but the pointis that it does not take special skills to be an _34_ language learner, just anefficient method. There are certainly more difficult languages and easier languages.But have you ever heard of a language which was impossible to learn? The differenceis the time it _35_ and the dedication you need to reach the desired level. Theeasiest languages are those _36_ to your mother tongue or to another languageyou already speak. Learning a language with more than 80% of "common" wordswith your mother_37_ can be done in three months parttime ifyou're efficient,6 months as a maximum. Other, more remote languages, or those with more innercomplexity can take you 2 to 3 years to reach a reasonable fluency. Anyway, onething is certain: people learning on their _ 38_ can learn much more quicklythan people taking classes or _39_ school.

The important is to set useful and _40_ goals (the first step is to understand andbe understood) and then measure yourself against them to know where you stand.














WritingSituation 1:

You would like to study abroad and see the following advertisement in a magazine:

One Wish Foundation is comm itted to making studying abroad easily accessibleand affordable to everybod y and has started to offer a special scholarship to

help applicants who go study t hrough One Wish Foundation and who get intotemporary financial difficulties.

Eligible applicants:

• Applicants going to study abroad through One Wish Foundation andbeginning their studies abroad in the season 2010/11 or later

• The scholarship is available for students who successfully finish the 1stsemester of their studiesScholarships are meant for students who:

• have good study results and attendance• have temporary financial difficultiesMaximum grant: €SOO

• You will receive an answer quickly - within days rather than weeks.

• You can apply only once during your studies.


One Wish Foundation, P.O. Box 3846 7S004 Paris, France

You decide to apply. At least two of the following points should be mentioned in your letterplus one other aspect.

• Information about your situation• Qualification requirements• What and why you would study• Why you want this scholarship

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitabl e clos ing formula. Before starting theletter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as well as anappropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the foundation,also the reference line, date, salutat ion and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write th e letter.Please write 150-200 words.




WritingSituation 2:

You see the following advertisement in a travel magazine:


Discover the mighty Zambezi River, and witness the vast herds of game thatcongregate on the lush river banks. Matetsi Private Game Reserve sits just 38km above the world-famous Victoria Falls, one of the world's greatest naturalwonders. Enjoy 3 nights at Beyond Matetsi, set right on the edge ofthe Zambezi.With 15 km of exclusive river frontage, Matetsi offers an unrivalled riverexperience, with romantic sundowner cruises and peaceful canoe excursions.

• Family friendly accommodation• Wildlife safari adventures for young and old• The luxury of memorable times spent as a family

Hurry up, do not miss this great opportunity!Reserve your holiday at:WILDSAFARI, 246 Benmore, Johannesburg, 2018, South Africa

You decide to reserve a holiday for 4 people. At least two of the following points should bementioned in your letter plus one other aspect.

• Transportation arrangements• What you expect from the holiday• Special requests you have• Why you would like to go

Write the letter using a suitable greeting and a suitable closing formula.Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be includedas well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of theTravel Agent, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula.

You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter.Please write 150-200 words.

Listening Comprehension(Part 1)

You will hear five news items. Youwill hear each item only once.Decide which headline a-f goes with eac h news item.Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Now you will have 45 seconds to read the headlines.






a) Facing Charges

b) Rejected Offer

c) Free Admission

d) Misunderstanding Cleared

e) Temporary Suspension

f) Large Purchase





Listening Comprehension(Part 2)

You will hear a radio interview. First you will have one minute to read the introduction and theitems. Then you will hear the interview. You will hear the interview twice.Decide if the statement for each of the items is true (+) or not true (-) and mark your answerson the answer sheet.Now you will have one minute to read the items.

46. Stephanie C. Cannon did not like her grandmother's black tea when she wasa child.

47. Stephanie tasted her first cup of really delicious tea in her teen years.

48. Stephanie thinks that her sociable personality helped her succeed at thenewspaper she worked for.

49. During the years she worked at the newspaper, Stephanie was dreaming ofstarting her own business.

50. Stephanie had identified her target market before she decided on whatproduct to sell.

51. Stephanie says she decided on growing tea as a business while working forAgriculture Canada.

52. Upon arriving in Hawaii, Stephanie wanted to start her tea business right away.

53. Stephanie had her first nine seeds of tea plant sent to her from Canada.

54. Stephanie considers herself lucky to have this farm.

55. According to Stephanie, tea farming became a very common business onthe islands.


Listening Comprehension(Part 3)

You will hear five short texts. You will hear the texts only once. Then you will have time toanswer the question for each text.

Decide which is the correct answer (a, b or c) for each question and mark your answers on theanswer sheet.

56. You hear a weather forecast on the radio.

The cold front isa) moving east.b) moving south.c) moving toward Central Florida.

57. You hear an advertisement in a supermarket.

The baby gear departmenta) offers you a free gift with purchase.b) offers you price reduction.c) offers you "buy one get one free" deals.


16758. You call your paediatrician's office after hours.

The message on their answering machine instructs youa) to call back later during opening hours.b) to contact the message centre in case of emergency.c) to press 1 if you want to leave a message.

59. You hear an announcement about a radio program.

Itisa) a new art program.b) an interactive show.c) a program about healthy living.

60. You hear a traffic announcement.

Highway 44a) has increased traffic.b) is partially closed.c) is being repaired.



SpeakingPart 1:Presentation

Candidates A/B/(C)

You are expected to give a short presentation to your partner(s) on one of the following topics.

(The prompts in brackets may help you.) Your presentation should take about 90 seconds and

you should answer your partner's questions afterwards.

While your partner is giving his/her presentation, listen and think of the questions you would

like to ask.

You should not interru pt your partner during her/his presentation.

A sporting event you have seen or attended (when, where, why, etc.)


168---- A person you would like to meet (why, where, questions, etc.)


SpeakingPart 2:Discussion

Candidates A/B/(C)

Read the following text from a magazine. Discuss the content of the text with your partner. Tell

her/him your opinions, give reasons and personal examples to support your ideas. Talk about

your own experience with the ideas mentioned and possible solutions.

New Trends in Art

Most people think art has to involve a brush, paint and a canvas. But todaythere are so many more forms of art. Practices that utilize digital technologyfor a range of artistic works are called Digital Art. Other names for this are newmedia art, computer art and multimedia art. This trend all began in the 70swith the use of personal computers for artistic creations.

This new media art has transformed traditional activities of painting, drawingand sculpture. To put it simply, a digital artist is anyone who uses the computerto enhance, embellish or create his or her art. Digital art is a contemporary artterm used to create prints or other digital media.

Anyone can draw a picture, scan it into the computer and then colour it orput special filters onto it to create a unique masterpiece. Some critics arguethat a computer program is the one that made the art, but others believe thatthe artist is the one who decides when they have actually created a work ofart, rather than the computer. This is still quite a controversial subject. Somedigital artists can create a masterpiece created in a similar fashion to a non­digital painting on their computer, actually using digital brushes and digitalpaints and then printing it on canvas. Some people cannot tell the difference.

It is interesting that digital photography and digital printing is now anacceptable medium of creation and presentation by major museums andgalleries. Some museums have begun to accept digital art printed on canvas.Perhaps one reason why the art community finds it difficult to accept digitalart is the erroneous perception that digital prints can be reproduced endlessly.To appease the masses, some artists erase the image file after the first print soit is truly a unique artwork.




SpeakingPart 3:Task

Candidates A/H/(C)

You and your partner want to visit a famous tourist attraction in a foreign countryFirst decide on your ideas for the travel.Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that both of you would en joy.



Test 1Part 1

41.Around one billion people in the world don't have enough healthy food to eat, according toa new report. The Global Hunger Index shows that child malnutrition is one of the biggestcauses of lifelong ill health worldwide. Recent years have seen the figures creep up, with thedata from last year showing more than one billion hungry people. The most recent statisticsfrom this year isn't yet complete but experts expect even more alarming data. Twenty-ninecountries - mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia - have levels of hunger described asalarming or extremely alarming. The global food price crisis and the worldwide recession havecontributed to this rise, the report says .

42.One of the most powerful storms in years has killed at least 13 people in Taiwan. Thetyphoon has left Taiwan , but the number of people dead is just beginning to rise. Thirteenbodies have been dug up from the rubble of collapsed buildings, but there are still no clearsigns of a busload of tourists. The 19 tourists, their tour guide and the driver are believed tohave been travelling on a coastal highway, when rockslides and heavy rain caused portionsof the road to collapse. More than 200 search and rescue workers continue to comb a steepmountainside and rocky coastal area for signs of the bus and its occupants. They are searchingon foot, from helicopters and in vessels in the sea.

43.Campaigners have spoken out against a multi-million dollar ski resort planned in the country'smost remote areas though the government says fifty million dollars will be spent on revampingthe region. Now, the wave of construction has reached one of th e more isola ted areas in theMountains. The President recently announced that he wants a ski-resort bu ilt in the pine­brushed valleys, and the builders are already hard at work, under orders to get it ready in timefor the winter season. It is one of the poorest regions in the country and many locals anticipatepositive economic change but the huge project may continue to sp lit the community.

44.A new record for the highest price ever paid for a doll has been set at a charity auction.The doll wore a diamond necklace and was sold for US$210,7S0.In the packed auction room the bidding was brisk for a doll quite un like any you have everseen. This blonde toy was dressed in a black evening dress, with a pink dia mond necklacematching her pink peep-toe stiletto heels. It was the diamonds wh ich drove th e doll's price upto US$302,SOO. Who bought her? An anonymous bidder. The prices of diamonds an d colouredjewels have gone up 20% over th e past year, according to the auction house. Proceeds from thesale of the bejewelled toy will go to a charity foundation.


45.Officials are investigating how a child was apparently allowed to direct planes at a majorairport.He had been brought along to work by his father at one of the largest airports in the country,handling nearly a thousand take-offs and landings a day. According to the recordings checkedby the authorities, the boy was speaking to a Boeing-737 preparing for a transcontinentalflight. The child 's father, who is a certified controller; brought his son to work and then put himto work as well. The young boy continued directing pilots for several take-offs, pilots appearingto be more amused than worried.The Aviation Administration is investigating the controller, as well as his supervisor and bothhave been relieved of their duties.

Part 2

intro musicCON (Car Design News): So how does one become a car designer? It's a question we are askedquite often at Car Design News. I'm sure many of you have either asked it, or answered it, atsome point in your life or career.

We asked David Cole of the Academy of Art College to help provide you with some answersabout a career in automotive design...

David, welcome to the show. Can you provide a brief summary of your educational andprofessional experience to date as background for our listeners who may not be familiar withyour work?

DC: I grew up and went to school in Northern Ireland where I developed a strong interest forlocal motorsports, which were basically almost entirely run on public roads. At the same timeI was a keen artist; maybe a talent inherited from my father and I suppose the combination ofthe two interests is what steered me towards car design.CON: How did you find out that there was a profession called automotive design?

DC: Well, while at high school nobody could help me finding a car design course, so mycareer advisor suggested that I should aim for a career in architecture. In the summer breakI arranged to work in an architect's office, but I left after only two weeks because I realizedit just wasn't for me. I felt it was too technical, far too many technical drawings for my liking.And in the following school year I came across a car design competition in a British magazineand at the end of the article there were two schools listed. I applied to one of them and wasaccepted. Later, the winning des igns from students and professionals were published, andthe artwork just blew me away. There were brightly coloured sketches and renderings usingmarker, airbrush and chalk unlike any drawings I had seen before. I knew then, or at least I hada feeling then, that this was for me.




CON: So, from that moment on you were just on the right track, were you? What happenednext?DC: Next I moved to Coventry, England to study Industrial Design and Transportation atCoventry Polytechnic. This was a four year BA Honours Degree that included a 6-monthinternship. Upon graduation I was offered both a sponsored position at the Royal College ofArt's MFA program in London, and a job at Motor Panels Ltd. of Coventry. I was hungry tostart work and so I decided to spend the next two years working, as opposed to going on tofurther education. After one year at Motor Panels I moved on to Ford's exterior design studioin Cologne, Germany where I worked for the following four and a halfyears. That was followedby seven years at various Volkswagen design studios in Germany, Spain and California. Andmost recently I moved to San Francisco to work at the Academy of Art College in 1997.

CON: And when did you know you wanted to be an automotive designer?

DC: Well, it was not until I began working at my first job with Motor Panels that I discoveredthat I wanted to be an automotive designer. I enjoyed the large-scale truck and bus projectsthere, though I soon found commercial vehicle design to be somewhat limited, and that's whenI decided to design cars.

CON: Was there a specific milestone or turning point towards your career as an automotivedesigner?

DC: first job at Motor Panels gave me a lot of freedom, but the work was limitedin terms of creativity. That's when I decided to get into automotive design, and after a year atMotor Panels I had put together a new portfolio and earned a position at Ford's design studioin Cologne.CON: Well, I guess working for a major manufacturer means a big cha nge, doesn't it?

DC: Oh yes, I learned a great deal while at Ford, and it was there th at I got my first taste ofcomputer-aided design. Along the way I worked on a number of projects including the Scorpioand Mondeo. In 1991 I moved to VoIkswagen's new Californian design studio and assumed theposition of senior designer. One of my first tasks was to set up a computer studio within thedesign studio, and as it turned out I was practically the only user of the 20 and 3Dsystems thatwere installed.

CON: What is your vision of automotive design change in the future?

DC: Well there are many different areas that influence automotive design, but most of all infuture, interior design will play a more important role due to the ever-increasing populationand traffic. Safety is also a big issue that has seen cars develop enormous bumpers, side impactbeams, and multiple airbags over the years, and these are just a few of the requirements, whichhave to be incorporated into a new car's design, and that's what makes designing a car todayso challenging.CON: What is your top favourite all-time automotive design and why?

DC: Well, it would be difficult to pick just one and call it the best, ermm....may I pick two?

CDN: All riDC: Well,The veryand thereclassic thatransport.


ahead.2 significant designs that I th ink were very influential:bo rghini Countach was a one-of-a-kind design of outrageous proportion,

bly never be another car like it. And more recently the Audi TT is a modern.. boliz es Audi's design philosophy, and also happens to be my current mode ofea ention to detail inside and out is incredible.

CD N: And las , hat would you recommend to prospective students when they considerchoosing a ne school?

DC: It's qui e easy for students specialising in automotive design to choose a school, becausethere are very few institutes where they can study. The Academy where I'm the Director inSan Francisco is a good choice. But every time they have an opportunity, prospective studentsshould visit the sch ool they wish to go to, and create a personal impression of the place and itsstaff. It' s important to feel comfortable with your choice, since, don't forget, you'll be spendinga lot of time there.CDN: David, than ks for talking to us today.DC: My pleasure. Thank you very much for having me on the show.Closing music

Part 3

56.You hear an event announcement on the radio.Celebrate spring at the Fourth Annual Theme Park Spring Festival hosted by Lavender GardenPark on Saturday and Sunday, March 25-26. This two day event gets bigger and bigger everyyear with more and more spring surprises. Enjoy an evening reception at the Jasmine Palace,receive your new, limited edition DVD with tons ofvintage and new park footage and be ready forbig su rprises. Tickets are available in advance. Free parking and discounted accommodationsare available at the Lavender Garden Suites. Reservations must be made before February 25.

57.You hear an advertisement in a store.Our great deals this week include whole chickens for 57 pence a pound, fresh cantaloupe for 29pence a pound, Gold Ribbon ham for £1.79 a pound. Visit our fruit and vegetables departmentfor more savings on selected fresh products. Allnappies and bab y food 50% off only today. Andour special offer this week is a free gallon of Butterfarm milk with a £25 purchase.




58.You hear a weather forecastNearly an inch of rain fell in an hour leading to deep standing water on several roads, makingthem impassable for a time. There are no reports of flooding to properties, but police havewarned motorists to take extreme care driving through flood water. The Environment Agencyhas flood alerts on a number of rivers in the country. Expect long delays on the A390 in Tresilian.The A3058 between Mennah and Brighton Cross is impassable. Detour signs are being postedto advise motorists.

59.You call a bank.Thank you for calling EasyBank. Please select from the following menu options: For accountinformation, press 1. For opening a new account, press 2. Lost credit cards, press 3. Onlinebanking technical support, press 4. To talk to one of our representatives, press 5, or stay on theline and we'll be with you shortly.

60.You hear an announcement about a new radio show.Listen to K99FM on Monday at 7pm. Our new show, hosted by [onah Williams will bring youthe latest on news, politics and culture; with an engaging guest list of folks who make Californiaone of the most dynamic states in the US. The goal of the show is to make our city a placewhere people can talk about important subjects and issues that are affecting our lives, boththe good and the bad, and how all these changes will impact the community at large. You areencouraged to call us in at 619-777-5411.


Test 2

Part 1

41.Recent floods cut off access to the country's top tourist attractions and inaccessibility is costingthe tourism industry at least a million dollars a day. Last month around 4,000 tourists werestranded for up to five days after flash floods and mud slides damaged the railway. Since thenthousands of foreign tourists have cancelled their holidays. Now domestic tourists are beingoffered half-price flights and hotel rooms but the government is considering making a similaroffer to international visitors to boost its tourism revenue. The Tourism Ministry predicts theattractions will be reopened at the beginning of April.

42.Environmentally-friendly people in the city can now drink free fizzy water from a new publicfountain. The capital is trying to reduce the use of plastic bottles because these require a lotof oil to manufacture and produce thousands of tonnes of waste. The fountain offers ordinarytap water, chilled to seven centigrade, and infused with carbon dioxide to give it bubbles. Thesupply is unlimited and there are separate taps for still, refrigerated or unrefrigerated. Thewater company says it wants to show that the citizens' love of bottled water does not need toinvolve large amounts of oil and packaging. If the fountain in the park is a success, the idea isto open more in other public spaces.

43.Hundreds of fires continue to burn in several different regions of the country including thecapital. The dense smog has lifted for the first time in almost a week, being replaced by sunshineand then some rain, a welcome relief for the population which has been suffering from veryhigh levels of pollution. More than fifty people have been killed in the fires, while the numberof people dying every day is now twice the normal rate due to the heat and toxic smog. All thishas led to much anger with the authorities, both local and federal, who have been accused ofnot being prepared for this kind of crisis and of doing too little too late.

44.Even though billboards around the city proclaimed its imminent arrival, the first issue of anew newspaper has been postponed after three of its senior editors resigned. It was meantto be delivered to stands last Monday, but the departure of those senior staff and top editorshas caused serious problems in the eleventh hour. Senior staff issued a statement saying thatit would not be proper nor professional to speak out about the reasons for standing down, butit's understood disagreements between management and staff about editorial content may bebehind the move.




45.Officials have declared an official state of emergency following a massive earthquake thatcaused extensive damage to the country's second largest city.As the clean-up operations begin,officials say many buildings remain unsafe. The working week has begun but people in manyparts of the city speak of an eerie quiet, with the streets still strewn with rubble and shatteredglass. No buses are running and thousands of people are offwork because the central businessdistrict remains cordoned off; some 90 buildings in this area have yet to be declared safeand police say there's a risk from falling masonry and glass. Some residents are still withoutanywhere to stay; around 275 people had to spend another night in welfare centres.

Part 2

intro music

Interviewer: Esther Campbell is a London-based freelance illustrator who has created imageryfor toy manufacturers, publishers, and marketers across Europe. Her clients have includedrestaurants, electronics stores, magazines, amongst others.Here, she shares how she got "hooked" on illustration, and what it takes to make a living as anindependent artist.Esther, welcome to our programme.EC: Thank you.Interviewer: So, did you discover you wanted to be an illustrator?EC: Well, it was sort of by accident. While I was in college, I was browsing through the libraryand I came across some illustration annuals in the art section. Hundreds of illustrators andphotographers advertising in these books, and seeing this vast array of different art styles forthe first time was both inspiring and fascinating. I'd always drawn and created comics for myown amusement, but up till then I hadn't realized how to make a living as an independent artist.I knew right away that this is what I wanted to do with my life.Interviewer: OK, so but how did you actually break into your freelance career?EC: I was taking a drawing class, actually, when I made my "discovery" about illustration. So Italked to my professor and asked him if he knew where I could land some illustration work.He put me in contact with the editor of a small publication associated with the school, and Iborrowed a portfolio case, I put together whatever drawings I had at the time -- mostly pencildrawings and some black-and-white cartoon art.Amazingly, the editor saw a spark of potential in that work there and gave me my first "serious"editorial illustration assignment. I made $80 (err...which seemed like so much money to me atthe time) and I had a great time creating the artwork, I loved it! My first concept, of course, wasrejected - it's a funny story, but too long to explain here - but the second draft was a hit and itwent into print a month later. And then, I was hooked.After graduation I was incredibly busy with illustration work, but I wasn't earning enough tomake a living from it. So I took a graphic design job and moonlighted as an illustrator. It took afew years, but eventually I found clients that commissioned work on a regular basis.At that pointI quit my design job and became a full-time freelance illustrator. It was one of the best moves Iever made.


Interviewer: Very good. Errm ...what do you enjoy most about your career?EC: Well, I definitely enjoy the freedom of being my own boss, and the freedom to choose onlythe projects that I th ink I'll enjoy working on. I never liked the routine of 9 to 5, and I'm sureyou understand that, choosing my own hours suited me really well. It's also gratifying toknow that the work I create reaches a pretty large audience, and the books that I illustrate couldpotentially be around for years to come. It's great being able to contribute something of my ownto popular culture, and also receive some recognition for creating something unique.Interviewer: So err...what sorts of projects do you work on? What are you working on these days?EC: These days I'm illustrating a lot of children's books for publishers and occasionally do mealboxes for famous fast food restaurants and other kid-related projects. In the past I've donetechnical illustration for a model kit maker, and illustra yeah! and illustrated and designedhundreds of consumer products like sleeping bags, err back packs, err...tents, wall borders,.... I've done it all! I also did, err...magazine illustration and book design for years.Interviewer: So, well, what advice would you give someone embarking on their own freelanceillustration career?EC: You know, I would, I would advise anyone to develop your own personal style. Collectartwork and objects that you like, and use those for inspiration.You know, err...following the work and career of some of your favourite artists can really giveyou a lot to learn from. If you can't find freelance work at first, try to find full time work in arelated field so you can keep honing your art skills as you build your own client list. Secondly,don't forget to advertise or at least to have a portfolio ready in case there's an opportunity toshow it. And, the simplest idea - create a portfolio website with your name on it!Interviewer: So where did you actually go to school, and how did you choose that school?EC: Well, when I knew I wanted to pursue an art career, I began to look for an art school. At therecommendation of my art professor, I visited [udson College. It had a very small pleasant schoolenvironment, and was situated near London with its many publishing opportunities. Although itwasn't a major design school at the time, I immediately had a good feeling about it and knew it wasright for me. The art staff was small but very accessible and helpful as I learned my future trade.Interviewer: Errm ...which classes did you take as part of your degree?EC: Well, illustration classes, of course. Also, errm...painting, drawing, art history, graphic design,typography, err...I took a lot of classes and learned a lot. know, at the time I graduated in1991, desktop publishing was very new, so I still had some more to learn about computer design,even after all that. However; I got on that job immediately after college, and over the years I'veworked at keeping up with the newest versions of different products as they come out.Interviewer: So finally, what is the most important thing a graphic design or illustration studentshould learn?EC: Besides knowing the artistic basics of illustration and graphic design, I think it's veryimportant to learn the business side of illustration as well. Knowing how and where to find yourwork, how to price your jobs correctly, how to ask questions so you can meet your customer'sneeds with the right solution is very important. Clients value dependability, so always know yourdue date and be sure to deliver on time. Developing a good business sense that complimentsyour artistic vision will ensure a long and fruitful career in illustration.Interviewer: OK, that's about all we have time for today Esther. Thanks very much for coming inand being interviewed.EC: Well, thank you.

closing music




Part 3


You hear an advertisement for a concert.Next Saturday evening the Town Orchestra will be joined for their regular monthly concert,starting at 9 o'clock, at the Festival Hall, by singers from the district schools and the City MusicSociety, for a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni. I'm sure an occasion not to be missed.

57You hear the weather forecast on the radio.And here is a warning of severe weather conditions affecting the whole country. Startingtonight, violent storms will reach all northerly regions by the end of tomorrow morning andelsewhere in the country by the end of the day. They will continue for a further 24 hours atleast, with high winds and very heavy rain. Storm damage is likely in hilly areas and driversof high-sided vehicles should avoid exposed roads and bridges. So do take care on thosedangerous roads, won't you?

58You hear this announcement in a supermarket.We would like to inform all customers that our opening hours are from 7am to 9pm every dayand that we will shortly be closing. There is still time for you to take advantage of the numerousbargains and special offers available throughout our store, such as our freshly squeezed orangejuice, and we hope that you will do so. Please leave through the doo r behind the checkouts, asthe other doors are about to be locked. Thank you.

59You hear an announcement about a radio program.Feeling run down? Not getting enough exercise? Need a break? Then you'd better listen to"Getting away from it all" at 9:30 on Wednesday, where you will get all sorts of ideas for doingsomething about it. From a gentle round of golf to a weekend of inte nsive workout at a healthclub, we'll be covering places to suit all pockets. And also, there will be a special feature onbargain destination for late bookings. Don't miss it!

60You hear an advertisement on the radio.Hurry on down to j-Mart. As well as our usual sensational prices, we've got somethingcompletely new for you! Our brand new range of the very latest television and DVD equipmentbeats anything you will find anywhere else in town. For visual and audio quality at affordableprices, there's never been anything like it . So come along to I-Mart , everyone's favourite store!


Test 3Part 1

41.The President and his girlfriend are suing a car rental company over a picture of the couple itused in an advert. The advertisement, which showed a photograph of the presidential couplewithout their approval, appeared in a newspaper earlier this week as part of a promotion forspecial offers. The President's girlfriend -a former model- is suing the airline for half-a-millionEuros. Her lawyers told the court this is the amount she could charge for the use of her picturein an advertising campaign. The president is asking for a symbolic one Euro in damages. Thecourt will deliver its ruling next Tuesday.

42.Flight cancellations at the new Terminal 5 of the airport look set to continue for several days.The chaos is due to problems with the baggage handling system. About 15,000 bags arestranded across all terminals. The fourth day of its short life and yet again Terminal five isproving an embarrassment. Major airlines cancelled 52 flights on Friday to ease the strain onthe baggage system. Behind the scenes, 350 volunteers were working to clear a huge backlog.Fifteen thousand bags, mostly belonging to transit passengers, are piling up all over theairport. Reuniting them with their owners could cost millions of Euros and even more if those 181passengers take their business elsewhere.

43.For years evidence has been mounting that night working causes ill health, from disturbedsleep patterns to increased accidents. But these are the first government payments to womenwho've developed breast cancer after long spells on the night-shift, for example flight attendantsand petrol station attendants. The authorities acted following a decision by the InternationalAgency for Research and Cancer. The agency now ranks night working as a probable cancerrisk, just one category below known carcinogens like asbestos.

44.Protesters on the Mediterranean islands are challenging the government's attempts totransport to their islands rubbish from the neighbouring city where the streets are stinking,piled with thousands of tonnes of rotting rubbish. 'Not in my backyard' is becoming the mottofor millions of citizens being asked to accept trash from the area. Up to two hundred thousandtons of stinking household trash is being bulldozed by the army and loaded onto cargo shipsand freight trains to destinations in various parts of the country because locallandfills are allfull.

45.Teenagers are to receive com pulsory cooking lessons in schools. The idea is to encouragehealthy eating to combat the country 's spiralling obesity rate. It is feared that simple cookingand food preparation skills are being lost as parents turn to pre-prepared convenience foods.



The new lessons are due to start in September but some schools without kitchens will be givenlonger to adapt. There is also likely to be a shortage of teachers with the right skills, since thetrend has been to teach food technology rather than practical cooking. Also the compulsorylessons for hands on cooking will be only one hour a week for one term.

Part 2

intro music

Presenter: Welcome to the lunchtime interview! And today Sheila Roxx has kindly climbeddown from the cab of her truck to give us the scoop on the life of a professional truck driver.Sheila , thanks very much for coming in.

Presenter: It looks like you only recently gave up your government job to become a trucker.What made you do it?

SR: Well, honestly, I had the idea of trucking nestled in the back of my mind since I was young.My grandfather was a truck driver and my dad did it for a short while before I came into theworld. I also had a best friend in my pre-teen years whose dad drove a truck, for the samecompany I am working for now (and he's still here as well). I was working a nice governmentjob when I made up my mind to change my life. I had great benefits and worked just blocksaway from home. However, there wasn't much adventure in walking or riding my bike to andfrom work every day. Plus, it was simple work, for very simple pay. It was mind numbing andboring - I needed something more. I'd say my main motivators for change were adventure andpay. I knew that going over the road was going to be quite interesting and adventurous. And Iknew I would nearly double my salary. (And this isn't saying much, 'cos you haven't seen mypaychecks from the government job.)

Presenter: Anyway, what percentage of professional truck drivers would you say are women?Do you meet a lot of other women truck drivers on the road?

SR: Well, I honestly don 't know of any factual statistics of men vs. women on the road. But I dosee a LOT of women out here in big trucks. If I had to guess... I'd say it's creeping up to 25-30%.[Presenter: that much?] Yeah. But not all of them are solo drivers, like me. I see a lot of femaleteam drivers, which seem more often than not to be the female half of a husband-wife team.[Presenter: that's quite cosy.] But, I've met quite a few lady truckers since I've been out on ournation's highways. But honestly, I see more guys than gals. I always have to give a big smile toany other lady I see getting down out of a big rig's drivers' seat. It makes me feel very proud tobe part of the female trucking revolution (so to speak).

Presenter: Aha. And how many days are you usually away from home at a time?SR: Well,up until this month I've bee n going out for two to two-and-a-half weeks and going homefor two to three days at a time, which works out real well since I'm able to keep rolling more thansitting still. I only make money when I'm tracking on miles, you see . And if you take more thantwo or three days off in a row, I'm not making anything! I'm given five days a month off by my


company, so I try to use that as efficiently as I can.Presenter: Five days! It's not very generous, is it? And where do you stay when you're on theroad?

SR: Huh! When on the road, I live in my truck. I eat, I sleep and entertain myself in my truckdaily. If only I had a private bathroom in this thing! I do have a lot of awesome conveniences inmy truck though, so don't feel sorry for me. I've made it much like my own rolling dorm room.I have a fairly comfortable bed (actually two, but I only need one for myself). I've got it piled upwith pillows and a soft comforter. I have a small 12-volt fridge and a 12-volt cooker on whichI can prepare my own hot meals. I also have a closet in which to hang my clothes, lots of littlecubby holes to store all my various bits of necessities in. It's very homely. Actually, however,it's nice to put myself up in a hotel for a night. There's nothing quite like going home to my bedand bath.

Presenter: Sure. And what would you say is the biggest drawback to the job?

SR: The biggest drawback for me is being away from my friends and family. When I get mytime off at home, I'm always rushing to get things done like laundry, shopping and visiting thefamily. It's always tough to get everything I want to get done just in a couple of days. I makethe most of the time I do with my family and friends, so that drawback has its benefits. Qualityover quantity, for sure.

Presenter: I see. What are the biggest perks?---1/183

SR: Biggest perks...they're just too many to add to the list, really. But I gotta give you some idea "of my personal perks: Waking up in a new city or state every day. Seeing places I may havenever had the opportunity to see otherwise. Learning that I'm capable of doing the things Inever thought I could do or that I need to do. Discovering myself through inner reflection onlong road trips. Making the best pay checks I've ever seen in my life. Being able to pay bills,stay afloat financially, and know I gotta real place in this career field. I could keep going, butthese are the most important.

Presenter: Well Sheila, you really seem to love your job. Can you see yourself doing this for thelong term, then?

SR: Yes, I can, indeed! Some days I find myself wondering what I was thinking in makingthis drastic career move. But those are generally the days that I find myself fatigued and notperforming at my top level. Thankfully, however, most days are good days. And it's the gooddays when I'm experiencing something new and exciting or overcoming some obstacle thatI'm reminded of why I do this.

Q) Sheila, you're a real advert for job satisfaction. How many other jobs have you had in yourlifetime?

SR: Oh, geeze. I have lost count. Let me see, I was errm...I was a cashier at a local breakfastjoint, a bagger at a grocery store, a video rental clerk, a secretarial assistant at the university I



attended. I was also a property manager at a real estate rental company, for two days I workedat a jewellery counter at a military exchange... mmm...I worked as a department store fittingroom attendant (probably one of the worst jobs on my list). [Presenter: Really?] Ooooh! and asa state government employee. That was ...second on the list. But now I'm a professional truckdriver and a private residential rental owner. So there.Presenter: Wow! There can't be too many graduate truck drivers on the road. Anyway, Sheila,thank you very much for coming into the studio, and good luck with the rest of your career.SR: Thank you and anytime.

closing music

Part 3

56You hear an advertisement for a magazine.Get this month's issue of Sports Magazine. It's better than ever! As usual, you can find ourtrademark features and our ever-popular Competition of the Month, where this time the mainprize is four tickets to an event of your choice among the advertised programs in this month'sissue. Our special feature is an interview with Chris Evert-LIoyd. And since the new seasonis approaching, this month's issue includes a pull-out insert section containing all the year'smajor sporting events - a fantastic reference, which you can keep, and you can even record theresults with it. So rush to your newsagent and get your copy of Sports Magazine today!

57You hear a radio announcement about traffic.And now our traffic bulletin. The police have issued a warning about long delays on the M17heading south, between junctions 26 and 27, caused by an accident involving 2 cars, 3 lorriesand a tanker carrying dangerous materials on the A70, just before junction 15, where theA36 and the B717 intersect. The incident on the A70 has produced a long tailback. Delays areexpected for the next three or four hours while rescue services secure the scene and clear theroad, and police are advising motorists to avoid the area if at all possible. And on the railways ...

58You hear a weather forecast on the radio.As the day proceeds, we'll see storm clouds building up here on the west coast, moving graduallyacross the country and bringing temperatures down to well below the seasonal average .Scattered showers over on the west coast will die down during late afternoon. The east coastcan expect to get the worst of the bad weather, with very heavy storms hitting during the lateevening and in the early part of the night, though the south coast won't escape this entirely;we're forecasting gale-force winds in some areas.


59You hear an announcement about a radio program.Good afternoon, an d welcome to today's special edition of 'Riding and Driving', devotedthis wee k 0 e issue of car security and the recent changes in fuel prices. Why is there anincrease in e number of vehicles being stolen, despite technological advances in securitysystems? a cars are the most popular amongst thieves? Can a stolen vehicle be trackedand electronically? Do steering wheel locks and other protective gadgets really work? And lastbut not least, will the ever increasing fuel prices result in empty roads? And with me to discussthese issues is Alan Thompson, designer of the new Voltera GP, the car which was recentlynominated car of the year.

60You hea r an advertisement for a course.Our more popular than ever Personal Instructor course will help you gain the professionalskills and knowledge you need to get the best out of people and help them reach their personalfitness goals. On successful completion of the course, you'll be able to take the practicalassessment test to prove that you've reached a recognized standard in working with people ofdiffere nt fitness levels and abilities. As well as studying anatomy and physiology, you'll learnabout the imp ortance of customer care and proper exercise technique.




Test 4

Part 1

41.It is being claimed that the millionth word in the English language is about to be created. Acompany which follows the use of language on the internet has made the prediction. Thecompany makes money telling organisations how often their name is mentioned in new media,such as the internet. What they can also do is search for newly coined words. Once a wordhas been used 25,000 times on social networking sites and such like, they declare it to be anew word. By their calculations a new word is created in English every 98 minutes, hencethe estimate that the millionth word is about to be created. However traditional dictionarymakers aren't so sure. If you talk to dictionary professionals, they tell a slightly different story.Dictionaries have tighter criteria about what constitutes a new word, for example, it has to beused over a certain period of time.

42.The country's biggest metropolis is notorious for its overcrowded roads, irregular drivingpractices and rickety old vehicles, but also for its air pollution. In recent months though,environmental studies show that samples and their statistics indicate a positive change in thequality of air. That's due in part to the removal of many of the capital's antiquated black andwhite taxis. Most of those dating back to the 1960s and 70s were in a poor state of repair. Afternew legislation demanded their removal from the roads, a low interest loan scheme was set upwith three banks so drivers could buy new cars. The government pays about £900 for old onesto be scrapped and advertising on the vehicles helps cover repayments.

43.Father Christmas should get off his sleigh and walk, layoff the mince pies and go easy on thebeer and brandy, says research from a popular university. Santa Ciaus, it says, is one of the mostwidely recognised figures in the world, and it 's about time he started looking after his health.The traditional image of him as a jolly little man with a fat belly promotes the view that obesepeople are happy. The research isn't intended entirely seriously says one of the scientistsbehind it, but there's still a good point to make about public health . In fact, says the research,he should find a healthier way to deliver presents - like jogging.

44.Five years ago the president set out his lofty vision of sending astronauts back to the Moon bythe year 2020. It was meant to be the staging post for the next frontie r - a man ned landing onMars. Now a panel of space experts say the current human spaceflight programme appearsto be loosing its priority. It suggests that the only way forwa rd is to increase the funding bybillions of dollars, or to co-operate with private companies now embarking on commercialspace flights.The attention might shift towards visits to Near-Earth Objects such as asteroids, and accordingto the panel it would be far more realistic too.


45.Commuters had a nasty surprise on Monday when they found one of the main routes into thecapital was blocked. Drivers heading the other way were confronted with "no entry" signs inall directions. For two days there was chaos among bemused drivers at the point where thetwo rival systems converged, with all traffic forced down one side road.According to one unlucky driver caught in the jam it was a real mess for a lot of people, whoset off for work by car but were forced to turn around and find an alternative route. Suchcommuters lost between 15 or 20 minutes per day.The crazy traffic situation followed a decision by the mayor who wanted to introduce a one­way system to free up traffic through his borough.

Part 2

Interview with a Used Car Salesman

intro music

Presenter: Hello, and welcome to the drivetime interview. Today we have Jack 8arton ofConsolidated Auto in London, and he's with us to answer all my questions, even the slightlysnarky ones. Hi Jack, welcome to our programme.J8: Good morning, happy to be here.

Presenter: First of all, a few words about your profession. I'm sure I'm not telling you anythingyou don't know when I say that most people have an extremely negative impression of carsalespeople -- especially ones who sell used vehicles.

J8: Well, car buying is something that a person doesn't do very often so it's unfamiliar andtherefore challenging. The salesperson is working on a commission, you have to see. If hedoesn't sell cars, he earns nothing. A typical new car store has a turnover rate in salespeople ofabout 30-40% per month. The new salesperson is hired and has a quota to make every month.He sells cars to his family, his friends and acquaintances. After those sales it gets harder. If thestore can allow 10 salespeople to earn a good living, the store will hire 15 of them or more.That way they have to work harder for every sale.

Presenter: Well, that sounds all very well, but I, personally, have had nothing but unpleasantencounters with them. Do you feel that the typical person who sells cars is extremely pushyand untrustworthy? If so, why is that?

J8: Well, the salesperson is in an uncomfortable position between a manager that is threateninghim if he doesn't sell cars and the customer who looks and mayor may not want to buy a cartoday. Most dealerships, you see, work on an "up" system, as we call it. As customers come in,there's a rotation so every salesperson will get the same number of "ups" or chances to sell a




car. [Presenter: Aha.] Ifthat customer's only looking, that salesperson has to wait until another15 or 20 customers come in before he has another chance. [Presenter: Aah, I see.] This is whatwill make the average salesperson come across as a bit pushy. [Presenter: Aha.]So the untrustworthiness comes in more with the finance department employees. [Presenter:Oh yes?] This is the person who actually does most of the paperwork and gets your dealapproved. He's the one who'll say, "I know that your credit isn't the best, but if you makepayments on time for a year we can refinance the car at a lower rate." More profit can often bemade in the finance department than on the sale of the car itself. This is where the warranties,insurance products, and accessories come in. If the finance guy can sell these, he makes moneytoo.

Presenter: Right, and would you say that most people who sell cars actually know about cars?I don't generally get that sense.JB: Most people end up selling cars because they are looking for a job to do. The new car storehas a training program that teaches them about the line of cars that they're selling, but theaverage second-hand car salesperson doesn't have a lot more knowledge about cars than theaverage person on the street. The longer he's in the profession, though, the more he learns, butmost people don't stay in the job too long.

Presenter: What...what advice, Jack, what advice would you give someone who is car shoppingto get the most out of their experience and not get taken advantage of?

JB: Well, firstly, the more information you have, the better equipped you are. If you've got atrade-in there are a number of Internet sites that'll give you your current car's approximatevalue so you know ifthe salesperson is trying to low ball you on the value of your trade.Secondly, you can go to your own bank before shopping for a car. When you ask the salespersonfor a car with a trade-in that's worth £4,000 and you've already got approval at your bank fora loan for the difference, it makes things a lot easier.Thirdly, warranties and insurance from the dealer can be had from other sources for less, forless money and probably with better coverage.

Presenter: So the message is "do your homework first".JB: Yeah, yeah.Presenter: Err...You talk a little about how fuel prices are impacting upon your business. Err...Do you see a trend towards customers wanting more fuel efficient cars?

JB: Well, I'm telling you, right now, the car market is in turmoil. Everyone is thinking fueleconomy and getting rid of the full size cars, SUVs, and vans. Depending on the vehicle rightnow it might only be worth half the book value, and it's, it's the really fuel efficient cars thatare selling at a premium. [Presenter: Half the book value?] Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I've got anexample. I heard of someone wanting to get rid of a big SUv. He sold the car for half of what heowed on his loan, and took a personal loan for the balance in order to pay it off. And if you'regoing to lose five grand or more when you sell this car, think of how much fuel that that moneycan buy.


sol utely.And what standards do you have for extending credit to car buyers?...time on the job, address, and the area, and we look at their income andow that most of the banks and finance companies have tightened up theire last month or two. People who could have easily got a car six months ago

~=:':'g into problems getting the car at the price and terms they want. But most- e we're entering into a relationship with the buyer for the next few years, we

re the buyer feels comfortable and will be able to complete the transaction.

PresenJB: Weabili tyrequirementsare no

Presen , I see. So did you end up in this business?

JB: ou 0

me ntiotodaybu siness..

ea r old father, he started this business in 1942. I went to work for him when Ischool and have been in the business ever since. That was 40 years ago as you

resenter : A long time.] I still enjoy the work and the customers. I see people'e've been dealing with for 20 or more years. We rely a lot on repeat and referrale best advertising is word of mouth from a satisfied customer.

Pre sen e . agree, it usually is. And how many jobs have you held in your life?Well, I' elling you, I'm probably one in a million. I grew up in a family business and endedup takins i 0 er. I do have some other interests, but this is my career and what I enjoy doing.Presen er: Jack, thanks very much for coming into the studio, and errm...I hope the err...carsal es con inue to go along well.JB: Than . ~ ou very much.Closing music


Part 3

56You hear a recorded message.You have re ached the Local Government Helpline. Our business hours are9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. For general inquiries, press 1. For tax and financeenquiries, press 2. For planningenquiries, press 3. For school and further education enquiries,press 4. For road and highway enquiries, press 5. If you would like to speak to the operator,please press O. To hear this list again, please press 6 ....

57You hear a radio announcer talking about a program.On Saturday at 10.45, it's the second instalment of the Corner Office. In the first episodewe were introduced to some of the people that we'll be following in the rest of the series asthe programme shows us the workings of a major multinational company from the inside.Saturday's programme focuses on the working lives and the private lives of some of the toppeople there. How do they get on with each other? How does their work affect life at home?What kind of lifestyle do they have? They talk honestly about the pleasures and the pressures.That's Saturday, at 10.45.



58Youswitch on the radio and hear this announcement.Are you at your wits' end looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift for the man or woman whohas everything? Then the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society may have just the answerfor environmentally-minded lovers. For a mere $100 you can adopt a dolphin on behalf of yourloved one and name the animal after him or her. He or she will receive a photograph of theirnamesake and have the chance to visit it as it swims in its summer habitat off the coast of theislands.

59You hear the following advertisement.What's better than getting four hours of full service done by skilled professionals? Yes, gettingthis fantastic and reliable service for a fraction of the price. Hiring two housekeepers fromExpress Maid for two hours would normally cost £59, but for today we've mopped up the floorwith that price and we're offering you this incredible deal at £29 . Share this one with friends,family, and anyone else you know in need of sprucing up their home because with enoughtakers the deal gets even better at £25. With 10 years of experience we'll bring superior serviceto every corner of your home. So if you want a house in tip-top shape, give us a call.

60You hear a man talking about an exhibitionDon't get me wrong. It's mostly worthwhile stuff they've got there. It's just the way it's beenorganised that I don't like. I mean, it would be much better if all the works were grouped insome kind of logical way - you know, according to period, theme or whatever. You can't argue

____ with the amount of background information available, which is very thorough, but if all youwant to do is see a particularly brilliant painting or watercolour or whatever, you've got to gopast all this other stuff to get to it. Some people will be exhausted by the time they're half wayround, if you ask me.



Part 1

41.Many lottery winners choose to splash their money on fast cars and swanky vacations. Butone anonymous lottery player recently decided they'd spend their $10,000 in winningson a far worthier cause: funding their local hospital. The executive director of the hospitaldiscovered the surprise gift when she was opening her mail late last month. It was a verynondescript envelope that was in the p.a. Box, no return address. Inside the envelope was astate lottery ticket, and an unsigned note saying: "Please accept this gift for the good work youdo. God Bless!" And the money couldn't have arrived at a better time. The hospital is currentlyundergoing an $ll-million renovation funded entirely by private donation.

42.A major car manufacturer says the number of vehicles and models that will be recalled inEurope is still being investigated. It is said in some rarer cases the accelerator pedal mechanismcould become worn and stick when pressed down. The same problem, which may cause a carto speed out of control, has led to the recall of 2.3 million vehicles in North America. Saleshave been suspended of eight models there. Production will be stopped for at least a week inthe company's factories overseas. In a separate move, the factory is recalling over 5 millionvehicles in the United States to replace accelerators which are potentially faulty. 191

43.Researchers found 1.3 million people online on just one file-sharing network on a weekdayand worked out that over a year, they were getting free access to material worth 120 billionpounds. The report says seven million people who download illegally in the UK can't all bestudents, older people must also be involved. But it says there's uncertainty about what is oris not illegal, and the fact that so much on the internet is free only adds to the confusion. Thereport warns the government that criminalising downloaders could have a huge economiccost and might not even work.

44.A major airline has been under investigation for years, following an inspection of theiroperations at the airport, which showed they'd failed to register 170 employees to the localauthorities. The airline is accused of breaking strict labour laws and is now being pursuedby the state prosecutor for millions of Euros in unpaid social security and health insurancecontributions. The airline insists that its staff were hired under foreign contracts and thereforenot subject to French rules. The airport, it claims, was merely a resting area for its workers andit was the planes themselves, and not the country that served as their workplaces. The localauthorities point out however that most of the staff lived and paid their taxes here and manywere working solely on domestic flights.



45.Drivers in the city are being asked to observe a city-wide 'No Honking Day' to mark WorldHealth Day. The initiative is an attempt to educate the business hub's 750,000 drivers to bemore considerate. Mumbai's traffic police are hoping to convince the city's drivers to avoidusing their horns this Monday. They've distributed over a hundred thousand stickers in Englishin an attempt to raise the drivers' awareness. It's the first time a campaign like this is beingheld in the country and over 400 policemen have been deployed to enforce the initiative, alongwith 1000 community workers. Many say that's because driving in the city without honking isnext to impossible. It's one of the only ways to ensure that drivers don't run over pedestrians,and it helps prevent many accidents.

Part 2

intro music

Presenter: Good day everyone, welcome to the show.Today we have Frank here, who was born in Chicago, raised in Spain and has lived in Australiaand Belgium. Travelling is in his blood. He's been to an impressive number of countries so farand is preparing for his next travel adventure. Now we have a chance to talk to Frank and askhim about his travels.

What moment in your life made you decide to travel so much?Frank: Well, it all started because of surfing, around 15 years ago. I wanted to surf new waves,travel somewhere far where I'd feel that I was somewhere other than on my home patch, andwhy not explore countries other than my own? Myfirst trips were done with friends and neverlasted more than 10 or 15 days (either we ran out of money or we had school to attend) and thefirst trips usually involved sleeping in the car or camping illegally. Once I got my first decentpaying job I bought a backpack (which I'm still using, in fact!) and I made my way to Costa Rica.That was my first backpacking trip and I've been hooked ever since.Presenter: What have been the most memorable moments on your journeys so far?Frank: Well there are several that come to mind - in fact most of the moments I remember ofany new place I reach are beloved and very special. But let me think. .. Reaching Machu Pichu 7years ago was like reaching the moon; I was finally walking in the same place that I had seen inso many magazines and text books since I was a kid. I sat on the grass and allowed some timeto myself - the place deserves it anyhow. And then in Southern Senegal I was amazed by thegenerosity of everybody despite their obvious poverty, and I had a blast with a group of littlegirls that were trying to teach us their local dance moves. I'm a horrible dancer, of course, butwe all made good friends. And when saying bye-bye the oldest of the group, who was aboutseven, walked up to me, grabbed my hand, kissed it, smiled, waved good bye again, and took acouple of steps back to let us walk through. I was left speechless. Ohh, and the generosity andkindness of Taiwanese people is second to none in the world- I don't think I've ever been madeto feel more welcome in any other country.Presenter: What made you pick some of the countries you've been to?Frank: Well I covered most of South and Central America while I was living in the US becauseof money - it was closer and cheaper, yet incredibly appealing, too . When in Europe I visited



near h , M .--ofanbe he3? I do -Prese ter: at advice would you give to people thinking of travelling for an extended period?Fran " ink about doing it. Pretend that you've already made your decision and plan it.Plan s somehow, and get excited. Read travel blogs. Imagine visiting the places you'vealwa ted to see, and imagine meeting all sorts of interesting people who are willing tomeet . agine not having a schedule whatsoever and imagine that home is wherever youare a oment. Life's too short, and dedicating your life to your job is pointless. Thereare m jobs, but there's only one life you can live. This is the topic I chose to discuss inthe ho e ge of my blog: taking a step in the direction YOU want to go, not in the direction"normal- society expects you to.Presente r: nd lastly, can you describe how travelling makes each of you feel personally?Frank: imple.Travelling makes me I don't have to pretend to be anybody or anything,no imase to portray or slogan to carry, no schedule to keep up. In fact it's when I feel mostcomfortable, and my wife has certainly noticed it. When on the road I'm focused on enjoying _where I am and where I want to be next, sharing my discoveries with Amy and learning fromall the fantastic people I meet along the way. I take pictures of these places, of us, of the peoplewhose cultu res are so different to mine. It really is easy: when I travel I feel free.Presenter: Thank you very much for coming on the show. It was a pleasure to have you here.Frank: You' re welcome. Thank you very much.

South rl:::.2::.:::a occasional long haul trips, too. And my latest 10 month trip has beenth rou South East Asia, a part of the world that has always fascinated me. And I nowshare or travel with my wife Amy, and I was sure she'd also love the cultures andpeopl part of the world which I had already partly visited - you really feel you'reexplo . _~--" ~''' l ing very different. I can't wait to visit India and China, the two big countriesI still n to.Prese ere are you now? What have you done there and what do you plan to do next?WeB I' ly in Mexico's Pacific coast, trying to find some income and set plans for the

- sreat because there's very consistent surfing very close to my house fact avill reach the shores starting tomorrow! But frankly I cannot say how long I'll

.u.......oecause I don't know. Three months have gone by so might be another 2 or

closing music

Part 3

56You hear a voicemail message.I find him a bit strange to be honest. Because no matter what happens, he keeps on smiling.He's had all sorts of problems in his life, but he never seems to get miserable at all. Most peoplewouldn't be like that. He seems to think that things are always going to be OK in the end, sohe never worries. It must be great to have such a positive attitude. Maybe that's why he's sopopular - it's good to be with people who have that kind of attitude.



57You are travelling and hear this announcement.This is the delayed 11.10 for Woking, Swindon, Salisbury and London Paddington. Weapologize for the late arrival of this service, which was due to engineering works on the linesouth of Bristol. Passengers for Oxford, please change at Salisbury where a special shuttleservice is being arranged, passengers for Heathrow, change at Reading where a Railair coachwill take you on to the airport. A buffet car, serving hot and cold drinks and light refreshmentsis situated towards the middle of the train.

58You switch on the radio and hear a part of a programme.... and it is the policies of this current and also the past government which are to blame. Aswith the attempt to lower the speed limit on motorways, the Prime Minister has shown againthat he just doesn't have the power to get things done. Unless he can deal effectively with thisrelatively simple matter of providing enough spaces, he has no hope of tackling the widerproblems of motoring, like pollution. Construction has to start immediately across the countryand we have to start approving schemes for building areas underneath centres or we'll veryquickly find ourselves ...

59You hear the following announcement.Hello, this is Radio Club FM, here to keep you company while you 're working, relaxing orexercising... Now, how would you like the chance to win a couple of tickets for the SummerJazz Festival, which is being held at Lake Meldon Park? Each ticket is worth $25. All you have

____ to do is tell me, on a postcard or by email, the name of two famous performers who had a jointperformance at last year's festival. We've got 30 tickets to give away! And even if you don't win,we'll send you our guide to the festival, FREE, and also a special mystery gift, so there's nothingyou can lose really...

60You are listening to the radio and hear the following.Violent storms swept across the north-eastern coast today, causing widespread damage toproperty. Torrential rain and gale-force winds lashed seaside towns and several people hadto be evacuated from their flooded homes by rescue services since waves, as high as a three­story house filled the homes with seawater and caused extensive damage. One man in Bognornarrowly escaped death as the car he was driving was crushed by a falling tree, which hadbeen struck by lightning.


Test 6

Part l

A1.... .L.

People could soon be getting med ical advice from nu rses through their tele visions withoutthe need or a visit to the doctor's office. In a scheme to be tried in 75.000 homes people willbe able 0 ae t medical help 24 hours a day. The service will be available through the Lifestylechannel bu t participants will need Digital TVs with interactive services. When a viewer needsto get advi ce, the TV computer system will ask them to call the special telephone numberwhere th e swi tchboard will allocate a nurse but the nurse will be unable to see the caller. Thescheme is due to be launched in a few years, if the scheme is successful.

42.Dozens of teams of officers have been out on the streets of the city carrying out random checkson motoris ts and at least one car has already been seized. It's been confiscated under theprovisions of old laws which allow the government to seize vehicles used in crimes. The driverwill only get it back if he or she is cleared of drink-driving. Otherwise, it'll be sold at auctions,with the selli ng price going into city coffers. This zero-tolerance of drink-driving is the late stinitiati e introduced in the highly successful zero-tolerance crime policy after more than sixthousand peo ple were arrested for drink-driving in New York last year.

43.A foreign-b orn working for a local courier company has been accused of failing to delivermore than 7,500 letters and parcels. The police say the man , who'd been working for a leadingcourier company, had failed to deliver post for over a year - choosing instead to hoard it athome in his flat. A neighbour spotted him disposing of lots ofletters and called the authorities.When police raided his apartment, they discovered an enormous pile of undelivered parcels.It's thought the postman had failed to deliver more than twenty thousand items. When thepolice asked him why he'd done it, he claimed he'd had a lot on his plate - he'd been attendingevening classes and hadn't had time to deliver the post.

44.Police and the Aviation Authorities say it was a miracle that four people stayed alive after theirplane crashed 2,000ft up a mountain in poor weather conditions. The four-seater Cessna 172,with three men and one woman on board, went down at 2,000ft in the mountains early thisafternoon.Rescuers in a helicopter discovered the group after spotting hands waving from the snow onthe mountain. An AA spokesman said that it was a miracle to either crash land or control alanding at 2000ft up in the mountains in the middle of winter and walk away. They went to thescene and assisted in airlifting the four to hospital.




45.The organisers of the famous Summer Festival have cancelled this year's event because ofconcerns about crowd numbers.The music festival, which would have celebrated its 25th birthday this year, had been under firefrom the local authority over alleged breaches of the festival licence last year after thousandsof fans sneaked into the 2-week-long extravaganza. Tens of thousands of people are thought tohave scaled fences, tunnelled in or simply knocked fences down to gain entry without ticketslast year. In a statement the organizers announced that they decided not to run the festival thisyear, however, they added that the show is not over forever. The show will be back next year,but people have to understand that the growing culture of fence-hopping has to be stopped.

Par t 2

intro music

Presenter: Hello listeners! Today we have Ethan here for you today. Ethan Watkins is a 20-year­old who has lived in Virginia Beach, VA all his life. Virginia Beach is a beautiful resort city anda great place to grow up. Tourism is big and there are a lot of great restaurants to work in.Before attending culinary school Ethan started out working as a dishwasher at the age of 15with very little training. Then he worked his way up at some of the most popular fine diningrestaurants as a line cook. At 16, he was given a great opportunity from a famous local chef to

____ apprentice at his new restaurant. He taught him everything there is to know about opening anew restaurant from scratch.Welcome Ethan....Ethan: Thank you .Presenter: So, at what age did you decide you wanted to go to culinary school and become aprofessional chef?Ethan: Well ever since the age of five, I've loved to cook. And although I grew up in a family of"foodies" who had a passion for cooking, it wasn't until I was 15 years old, that a culinary classI took in high school gave me the inspiration to want to go to culinary school and become aprofessional chef. Even though I'd enjoyed cooking with my family, I had originally wanted tobecome an air force pilot. But my mother wanted me to have another profession to fall backon, in case I didn't get into the Air Force Academy. She suggested I try the C-CAP, the Careersthrough Culinary Arts Program in high school and the rest is history.Presenter: Wow! Great! So did you take any classes in high school that may have helped youprepare for a culinary education?Ethan: In high school, the C-CAP, Careers through Culinary Arts Program, had the greatestimpact on me and gave me the foundation towards my career as a chef. I cannot speak highlyenough of how great this program is! This culinary program that was taught at my school is anexcellent program for students interested in pursuing a culinary career. Not only do you receivehigh school credit, but you gain skills that give you an enormous head start before attendingculinary school. The program also offers scholarships through culinary competitions that helpa lot. I won many scholarships in these competitions as well as gaining a lot of experience.



Presenter: How did you decide which was the right school for you?Ethan: Well originally I wanted to attend the Culinary Institute of America. But after beingse lected as a finalist in [ohnson & Wales University's National Top Teen Chef culinarycompetition, I knew that I'd made the right choice in selecting [ohnson & Wales as the bestculinary school for me. Not only did I receive a large, renewable scholarship, but the school isclose r to my home state. It has not only a new campus, but also state of the art culinary labsand is in a great location. The staff that I met during the culinary contest were friendly andhelpful as well.Presente r: Right. So what should prospective students look for in a culinary arts school?Etha n: Well, culinary school is very expensive. So before selecting a school to attend, makesure that it has a great curriculum, good reputation and is accredited. Students should alsocheck out that it offers certified instructors and that it's going to help in job placement aftergraduation. Location is very important, too when you're living out of state. And last of all, afteryou apply, check which school offers the best financial package. Even though culinary school isexpensive, there are usually more grants, scholarships and aide than for other public colleges.Presenter: Can you think back to your very first day of school and tell us what that was like foryou?Ethan: Phooo! The first day of culinary school was tough. You're starting out from scratch andyou have to prove your cooking skills to the chefs. There are talented students from all overthe country each showing their different talents. Culinary school is fun, though, as well. Whereelse can you learn about cooking skills and eat and be exposed to the best food samplingimaginable! I've eaten some of the best food there is.Presenter: I know every day is different, but can you describe to us what a typical day is like foryou? I'm sure some of the listeners would love to know.Ethan: Well, a typical day starts very early in the morning and may last until 2 o'clock in the _afternoon. You need to be dressed in your culinary dress uniform. And the classes might belong and usually I would stay after classes and volunteer for special events and clubs. That'swhere you get a lot of public experience.Presenter: And what are you finding most challenging about culinary school?Ethan: Phooo! That's a tough question! Well, I found that the advanced dining room class wasperhaps the most challenging of all my classes in culinary school. Probably because I'd neverworked in that capacity and it was completely new to me.Presenter: vVell lots of young people ask me for advice about going to culinary school. Whatadvice would you give them before they make a commitment?Ethan: The main advice Iwould give new students before they commit to culinary school wouldbe to try and get a job in a restaurant and gain "hands on experience" first. A lot of kids startculinary school and have never been exposed to what it truly is like to work in a restaurant.The good, the bad, the long hours and the hard sweat.Presenter: Sowhat can someone interested in going to culinary school do to prepare themselveswhile in high school to be successful?

Ethan: While in high school, prepare yourself by taking culinary vocational classes if offered,this helps and gives a huge head start. Taking chemistry believe it or not is helpful as well. Ifyou can, work part time in a restaurant even if it's dishwashing. Hey, everyone has to start fromsomewhere. Even the best chefs in the world started out as dishwashers! Also, read everythingthere is to read about cooking and ifyou can, train your palate by eating at unusual restaurants.



Presenter: And, what would you like to do in the culinary field after you graduate from schooland where do you see yourself 5 years from now?Ethan: Well, after culinary school I plan to work in a variety of restaurants, gain a lot ofexperience and travel to places like Northern Italy, France & Spain. In five years time, I planto be much worldlier in my travels and to have gained a lot of experience in the restaurantindustry. I hope to meet more new and exciting fellow chefs.Presenter: Well, thanks so much for doing this interview and good luck on your culinary careeradventures.Ethan: Thank you very much.

closing music

Part 3

56You hear a voicemail message.Hi Brenda, this is Mike, Mike Sorensen. Listen, I'm afraid I can set off only around 5 o'clock.The trip takes about two or two and a half hours, which means I should get to the PerformanceCentre at around six. I really hope it's not too late , but anyway, will you or anybody else fromthe office be able to meet me and help find the necessary pictures for the exhibition? I know Iwrote it down on a piece of paper but we could save a lot of time. I'd appreciate it if you'd callme back on my mobile. Thanks very much.

57You hear a weather forecast on the radio.....with the top temperature of 21-22 degrees. Tomorrow, very much like today, in fact, withmost of the country including the southern areas will still be enjoying the sunshine we've beenexperiencing over the last two or three days. Expect some gales in the North, however, so holdon to your hats toward mid-morning, and it'll probably be a bit more cloudy there than it isdown south, too, but it should remain dry. In the evening the western areas, opposite to North,will see some showers so don't forget your umbrellas......

58You switch on the radio and hear the following advertisement.At Briggs Cruise Line, also known as BCL, we operate ships that are classy, comfortable andeasy to navigate. Our Freestyle Cruising concept has made a big splash with cruisers of allages, giving guests the freedom to dine whenever, wherever and however they want. Everyship has a long list of dining venues. Activities on BCL include everything from bowling torock climbing, and in the evening you can enjoy a Broadway-style production or try your luckat one of the best casinos at sea. Action packed or low-key and relaxing, you 'll find the rightcombination of activities to fit your individual style. Take advantage of our Briggs Cruise Linediscounts and experience Freestyle Cruising for yourself.


59You hear the following recorded message.Thank you for calling the Planetarium. Unfortunately we are closed at the moment. Our openinghours are lOam to lpm and 2pm to 6.30pm Monday through Friday. From June to August,the Planetarium is open every day except Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Our attractionsinclude a spectacular visual show, and an exhibition of the equipment used by astronomers inboth the past and present to view the planets and the stars. Guided visits can be pre-bookedfor anyone who would like to get more detailed information. Our outdoor landscaped park isalso open to the public. We look forward to welcoming you to the Planetarium soon.

60You hear the following advertisement:Pedal to the floor, throttle wide open, tires squealing around a hair-pin turn - no, this isn'ta scene from an action film," it's your next trip to Speed Circuit Indoor Kart Racing. Back bypopular demand, Speed Circuit is open for an adrenaline rush every night of the week. The funand friendly atmosphere is also perfect for an adventurous date, birthdays for both the youngand old, or bonding with your buddies. Share the need for speed with your eo-workers: youcan even reserve the whole track in advance for company get-togethers! Bring along two ofyour buddies or two other family members and save another £2 on your next round. So Grabsome friends, the kids, or your sweetheart and compete for the best lap time. Best of all- youget 100% ofthe fun at a fraction of the price.




Test 7

Part 1

41.As this year's major tennis championships get underway, a row is growing about prize money.The players want more, butthe organisers are justas keen to retain their profits. The ProfessionalAssociation is the governing body of the men's game. It stunned the chairmen of the four majorchampionships with a demand for additional payments totalling 60 million dollars. The largestportion would go into the players' pockets, but the package included payments into a players'pension account, better promotional activities and a donation to selected charities.

42.Tickets for a new Euro lottery go on sale this weekend, offering jackpots which could reach50 million pounds. The game is described by the operator of the National Lottery, as its mostambitious game since the launch of the National Lottery ten years ago. The new game, calledEuro Millions is being run in conjunction with lottery operators in Germany, Spain and France,and more countries could join next year. Tickets will go on sale on Saturday and the drawwill take place every Friday evening, starting on February the 13th. The starting jackpot isestimated at ten million pounds, but could grow to fifty million or more.

43.A Frenchman has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days,beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark that will be difficult to beat. Before he setoffin November, there were fears that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEe.But he has smashed all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of his hometown.The sailor was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats for recordbreaking assaults, they may find that he has raised the record to a level that will be unbeatablefor some time to come.

44.At the beginning of this tournament no-one in the country in their wildest dreams had everimagined that their team would hold the cup aloft at the end of the final match. It was alreadya major step forward for the national team just to qualify for the tournament. Now not onlyhave they won the final, but on the way to the final the team has beaten some of the best teamsin Europe, including former champions. It's a total transformation for a team which had beenregarded as something of a joke even by its own fans. When the players and coach arrive backlater today they'll be greeted as national heroes and will be given a public welcome in thestadium where the first modern Olympics were held more than one hundred years ago.


45.A survey, comparing prices in 150 major cities, has found that cities in Western Europe havebecome more expensive to live in since the full introduction of the Euro currency a year ago. Thereport also noted a fall in living costs in cities where there are economic or political problemssuch as South American or African countries. The information is intended to help big firms setsalaries and other benefits for staff working away from their home country. As in last year'ssurvey, the two Japanese cities of Tokyo and Osaka were found to be the most expensive placesto live. The report also says that cities in the euro zone have become more expensive relativeto other places since the introduction of euro notes and coins.

Part 2

intro music

Presenter: Errrn.Good day everybody, and today we have Laura Williams joining us, she's 32,was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Orange County, California. She has an undergraduatedegree in Literature with a minor in German from California State University. In 1988 shemarried an Austrian journalist and has resided in Vienna since January 1989.

Hey Laura, welcome to the show, it's nice to have you here. So, just how did a Californian girlend up in Vienna, Austria?LW: It's not such a strange story. Some other American girlfriends of mine here have betterstories on how they met their husbands. During college I took a 2-month trip to Europe and wasjust fascinated with this area. A few years later I went on a private study abroad program to theUniversity of Graz. And it was there I met my husband, Gilnter. I returned home to California tofinish my undergraduate degree and in the meantime Gilnter came out to California and stayedduring my last semester. After I finished school we decided to return to Austria. I have to admitthat in addition to being head over heels in love with Gilnter, I was fed up with California, so Iwas anxious for a change of scenery, and interested in carving out a new life somewhere else(you know, those crazy thoughts you have when you're in your early 20s!). Gilnter also hada job offer from Vienna so we decided to take it and, and move there. We figured if it didn'twork out well, the world is our oyster and we could just go and do whatever we want to! Andwe're still here in Vienna, my husband is still at the same paper and things are going great. Wehappily enlarged our family with a daughter, [essica, and a son, Jeremy.Presenter: Congratulations. How did you get your first job and your present job?LW: Well, I got my first job at a private language school by just writing and inquiring aboutthe possibilities of teaching English. As I later found out, there is a great demand for nativeEnglish speakers to teach English courses and I was able to get courses at the adult educationcentres quite easily. In many cases they do not even require proper qualifications as a teacheror instructor; it's just sufficient just to have English as a mother tongue. I was very lucky to




get the job at the university. I found out about the position from another American who wasoffered the job but she couldn't take it. She referred me to the institute and I was hired.Presenter: Do you ever have thoughts about moving back to the Il.S?LW: Well, I would love to, but the problem is that we are rather financially dependent here. Idon't think we could make the move back to the States. I wouldn't mind going back becausenow with the kids, I find it's terrible being so far away from my family. My parents adore thekids, obviously, and my kids LOVE their Granny and Grandpa as well as my sister and herhusband. So it's hard. But I truly believe my husband would never find a job that pays himwhat he earns now (much less with all the benefits of 38 days paid vacation a year, etc. etc.)My husband is a journalist with a newspaper in Vienna, and while his English is very good, hefeels it's not good enough to be a journalist in the U.S., (so meaning writing and reporting inEnglish). He honestly feels there is nothing he could do job-wise in the u.s..Presenter: Are your two children being raised bilingually?LW: Yes! That is something that is extremely important to me! My husband and I use the OneParent-One Language method at home. I speak only English with them and my husband onlyspeaks German. So my children know that I can speak German because I speak it with familyand friends here as well as when we're running errands in town, but they also know I won'tspeak German with them. I have found many Austrians surprisingly receptive to the idea andthey find it wonderful that the children speak two languages fluently. My daughter is currentlyin an English pre-school in town where the emphasis, however, is on both languages. Myhusband was a little worried because my daughter's English was much stronger and betterthan her German. But since she's been in pre-school her German has improved greatly.Presenter: Do you miss certain things in the States? Or what are some of the things you missthe most?LW: On one hand I miss big things that are important to me like my family and my friendsbecause that separation is hard. I miss the ethnic diversity of the population. Having grownup in southern California I am used to a wide variety of ethnic cultures. And I also miss thecultural diversity of the US.

On the other hand I also miss little things that don't seem so important but sometimescontribute to an overall feeling of being homesick. So those little things would include havinggroceries packed for me at the supermarket (here in Austria not only do you have to provideyour own bag, you also have to pack groceries yourself!), good customer service in stores (itseems like they've never heard of 'The Customer is King' policy - it's more like THEYare doingYOU a favour by helping you in the store...), and I miss foods and treats that I enjoy in the US (soMexican food, Sushi, steak restaurants, seafood, going to breakfast at a diner for a big pancake­egg-omelette, bagels, things like that). I know these things seem unimportant, but when yousuddenly don't have them anymore it makes you feel homesick. But, when we have a chance tovisit my family overseas I always try to stock up on foodstuffs to bring back to Austria.Presenter: Well, that's very interesting. Thank you very much for err...spending time with ustoday.LW: Thanks for having me.

closing music


Part 3

56You hea r a pharmacy advertisement on the radio.Whe n you and your family need affordable, convenient healthcare, think of AndersonPha rmacy's mini clinic. At every location, you'll find caring nurse practitioners or physicianassistants who are able to diagnose common illnesses and minor injuries - and prescribemedication for treatment when necessary. You can even stop in for wellness care such assports physicals and screenings. This service is open seven days a week and sees patients on awalk-in basis, no appointment necessary.

57You hear a traffic announcement on the radio.On Highway 19 they are continuing work at Orange Blossom Bay and Magnolia Park. Bothareas are down to one lane and signals and pilot cars are in place. Expect 10 minute delays atboth locations. Speed limits are 45 mph through these areas. Crews will be working 24 hoursat these locations. The main entrance to Magnolia Park remains closed. Use the north entranceon Maine Street to enter the park.

58You call a package delivery service.Welcome to Land Parcel Company. Please choose from the following menu options: To setup an account, press 1. For Billing, press 2. To track a package, press 3. To schedule a pickup,press 4. For international services, press 5. For technical support, press 6. To talk to one of ourrepresentatives, press 7.

59You hear an event announcement on the radio.The Tradition Automobile Museum which is home to the country's oldest car collection willcelebrate the season with its annual Winter Party. The party will take place on January 28 from6pm to 10pm. Tickets for the event are available at the 1-800-TRADITION phone number, andthey include dinner and a glass of wine. There will also be a cash bar for beer and cocktails. Weare filling up quickly, so please phone our toll-free number to reserve your ticket.

60You hear a weather forecast.Warnings of heavy snow have been issued for northern parts of Scotland. The Highlands,Western Isles , Orkney and Shetland will be worst affected on Thursday. There's a possibilityof 10cm of snow in places, particularly over higher ground. Parts of the A8 are still closed dueto a seven vehicle crash between Glasgow and Edinburgh. The airport will be closed for twohours in the early morning to allow the runways to be cleared of snow. High for tomorrow is2C, low is around -le.




Test 8

Part 1

41.A famous pop star could be sentenced to up to two years in prison after a fight broke out where thesinger lost two front teeth in a bust-up at a hotel over the weekend. The police have launched aninvestigation into the attack. Heresay has it that the celebrity hit a policeman, and four other bandmembers were also involved.The musician was arrested after the brawl along with two other bandmembers and two security guards. After questioning they were all released. The band is currentlyon tour in Europe, though they have had to cancel three gigs because of the incident.

42.Over 60 national parks will be open to the public the weekend of June 14 and 15 and, as partof a government scheme to try to make these parks more popular, visitors don't have to paythe usual entrance fees. In addition, many national park concessionaries have other specialsfor the weekend with discounts and coupons for rooms, tours and products. Two more similarspecial days are scheduled for the fall: Sept. 22 and Nov. 08.

43 .The global airline industry has yet to recover from the slump in passenger numbers thatfollowed the events of September 11. Econoair is one of the very few airlines in a position tobuy new jets. It will take delivery of new passenger planes over the next eight years. It hasplaced a firm order for 75, and has an option to buy a further 25. The deal would be wortharound nine billion dollars at the manufacturer's official prices, but Econoair paid far less thanthis. Its business is booming - passengers have flocked to take advantage of fares on routesthat are up to ten times cheaper than standard economy tickets from the big name airlines.

44.A speedboat collided with a ferry on the river yesterday, trapping five people when the boatbecame wedged under the ferry's hull. Rescue workers battled to free the injured speedboatpassengers from the wreckage after the accident on the river just after 5.30pm. Witnesses saythey heard the screams and blasting horns moments before the accident. One woman sufferedserious head and neck injuries and five people were taken to hospital with minor injuries.Police say authorities have revoked the captains' licenses until the end of the investigation.

45.The first national fire fighters ' strike in 25 years has begun, with the armed forces attendinghundreds of call-outs within the first few hours. Across the country, fire fighters emerged fromtheir stations at 6pm to begin a 48-hour picket. Fire fighters have refused an 11% raise, combinedwith changes to working practices, which had been recommended by an independent review.The fire fighters, who want 40%, accused the review of being unfair and biased since it had beencommissioned by the government. Emergency cover during the strike is being provided by thearmed forces, however, thousands of retained fire fighters are also available, since they haveopposed strike action.


Part 2

intro music

Presenter: Good afternoon, and welcome to the food programme. Today, I'm really pleased tohave Stephanie C. Cannon with us, a tea farmer running a small eco-organic tea farm producingKilinoe and other tea varieties.Stephanie, you have a busy life - as we 'll gather from the interview - so I'm very grateful,that you took the time out to share with us your personal journey towards becoming a teafarmer, and your thoughts on the future of the Hawaiian tea industry.So tell me, when did you start drinking tea?SCC: Well, my first memory of drinking tea was at my Scottish grandmother's. She served us teaand toast for breakfast. The toast was slathered in butter and dunked into black tea sweetenedheavily, whi te with milk. It was such a treat. During my late teens I found herbal teas and stillsip peppermint and other herbal infusions for late in the day. But my first really delicious cupof tea was tasted in Holland. When I spent time in Holland in my early twenties, my father-in­law introduced me to the fine whole leaf tea. I remember him standing poised with his bonechina teacup, having just ceremoniously savoured a sip of tea declaring, " the drink ofGods!"Presenter: And how right he was. So, what did you do before you grew tea?SCC: I was a single mother for 11 years, and in that time, I sold advertising for a newspaper inVancouver, which is in Canada. That career was 100% commission based! With good instinctsfor demographic trends, a love of the visual and graphic arts, a gregarious personality and akeen desire to offer my daughters a role model for developing healthy social skills, I found asuccessful niche in marketing and advertising. During my 11-year stint at the newspaper Iimagined myself eventually having my own product to sell. I knew who my market was evenbefore I knew I wanted to grow tea , and that was Baby Boomers. I knew that if I could find aproduct that captured the whim of this group, itwould be a guaranteed success. Ihad witnessedthe rise of so many so-called "health food products". What kind of product could I produce tofill the need of these people?Presenter: And when did you get the spark?SCC: Well, I floated with this fantasy for 10 years while I worked the trenches of printadvertising. I should mention that I have been an avid backyard horticulturist most of my adultlife. So I studied landscape architecture, geography, soil and plant science at Uni. Before havingchildren, I also worked as a commercial gardener for Agriculture Canada. When my new foundhusband was offered a job at the University of Hawaii in 1999, I realized it was time to start myown business. Myhusband is my partner in Big Island Tea as well as a professor in the Biologydepartment. So in the fall of 2001 I read an article in a local newspaper profiling a researcherwho was announcing his findings about a 5-year project studying the viability of growing teain Hawaii. Well, I practically jumped off my seat knowing that I had found my muse.Presenter: And what inspired you to grow tea in Hawaii?SCC: Well,when I first arrived in Hawaii I couldn't work, as I'm a Canadian citizen. I had decided





that I wanted to start a flower farm and then ship flowers to Vancouver. So I did an orchidgrowing course. But I learned very quickly that I was unwilling to spray dangerous pesticideson the flowers. I chose the bugs and worms over the chemicals. So, when I read that articleabout tea lds viability in Hawaii, the researcher mentioned a special type of tea that you don'thave to spray. It thrives on Hawaii fls acidic volcanic soil and crazy amount of rainfall on theeast side of Big Island. I lived near a volcano where one of the research stations was havingsuccess with tea . I knew then that tea was the plant for me!I called the researcher, he sent me 9 seeds, and I now have about 6000 plants.Presenter: You started with 9 and now you have 6000! That's amazing! Was it really that simple?SCC: No. Over 8 years, we have selected plants that are best suited to the 3000 feet slope ofMauna Loa volcano. And, it's an on-going project, about how to grow healthy tea plants andprocess the most delicious tea possible. I am always inspired by my love of the tea plant. It'sbeautiful to look at, it's hardy, yet it requires many hours of care and attention. Every dayI get to work outside on the tea, I just can't believe my luck at finding myself creating sucha fulfilling project! When I finish hand-picking, hand-rolling each batch of tea, I know thatdrinkers will taste the amazing taste of this upland tropical paradise. My hands smell like teaafter each processing, and I am always intoxicated by that smell without even drinking it. Irecently brought a sample of our green tea to Canada to share, and the comment made wasthat it smells like your farm, sweet, light and citrussy.Presenter: And are there many other tea farms in Hawaii?SCC: There are approximately 6 farms that are now processing tea. There are new farmersjoining the ranks but everyone has the same obstacle, acquiring plant material. The agriculturaloutreach centre and the Hawaii Tea Society offer clones to those who can wait as they aredistributed in a limited fashion. There are also now farms on the other Hawaiian Islands thatare starting up, so it's a pioneer industry.Presenter: Stefanie, thank you very much again for coming into the studio today.SCC: Thanks for having me.

closing music

Part 3

56You hear a weather forecast on the radio.The cold front will continue to push southward across East Central Florida th is afternoon. Thethreat for lightning and strong wind gusts has ended. Clearing skies will spread southwardbehind the front this afternoon. Tomorrow will be partly sunny with a high near 70.

57You hear an advertisement in a supermarket.At Lavender's you'll find the widest selection and lowest prices on some of the season's mostsought-after holiday gifts. This week everything in the baby gear departme nt is 30% off. Atthe cosmetics department choose from a variety of "buy one, get one free " deals. Spend $50or more in the electronics department and the December issue of Home Decorating Ideasmagazine is yours free with your purchase.


58You call your paediatrician's office after hours:.We would like to inform all patients that our opening hours are from 7am to 2pm Mondaythrough Friday and 7am to lOam on Saturday. To leave a message for your doctor, please press1. If you need to consult the physician on duty, please press 2 to contact our message centreand leave your name and phone number. The physician on duty will call you back as soon aspossible. If it is an emergency, please call 911.

59You hear an announcement about a radio program.John Lawrence, the son of renowned artist Peter Lawrence has launched a twice weekly radioshow which airs on KBRS 92 FM in San Diego, California. The program will air live each Tuesdayand Thursday 10.00 to 11.00, and will be archived online. John is a psychologist specializing inrelationship issues. Next week's topic for discussion is constructive parenting. Call in numberis (619) 677-9112.

60You hear a traffic announcement.Expect longer delays at the intersection of Highway 57 & 70. Increased traffic at this location isdue to trucks hauling construction material to the new sport stadium at Winter Park. Highway44 between 86th and 98th street remains closed. It will be maintained for emergency vehicles,but all other traffic will be detoured to High Mountain Road.




Reading Comprehension and Language Elements

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 81 E B H B C D F E

2 C E A G F I D B

3 J J D F B C A G

4 B A I A E J I C

5 F C E J G B C H

6 B C B B A A A C

7 C C C C C B A B

8 A A B A A C B A

9 C C C B B A C B

10 A C C A B C A B

11 X J c D G D A F

12 A I K X B F F A

13 E A A A D B X G

14 D C D H E A B K

15 H G X E K X D X

16 K D E I X I J J17 I B I B X H K B

18 C X G L I L X I

19 L H H C J G C X

20 B E X F C X L L

21 B C B B C A B C

22 B A B C A C C B

23 C B A B B B B A

24 A C C C A A A B

25 C B B B A C B B

26 A C C C C B C A

27 B B A B B B B C

28 C A C A C B A B

29 A C B B A A C C

30 C B A B B C B B

31 L D D G F E C D

32 H K K 0 I G K K

33 C F 0 M 0 L I G

34 J A E C B 0 B I

35 D J M J D D 0 F

36 A N H F E N H A

37 I 0 J I H M N B

38 B E G B J K A L

39 K C B N M A M 0

40 E I I E G J F H

Listening Comprehension


Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 TestS Test 6 Test 7 Test 841 A D E C A F D B

42 C C C D F B E AA" n. A F D n L' F r't.1 u D I.J' L ...44 E E D E B C A F

45 B F B A E A B E

46 - - - + + - - -

47 - + + + + + - -48 + - - - + + - +49 + + + - + + + +50 - - - - - - - +51 + - - - + - + -52 + - + + - + - -53 - - + - - + + -54 + + - - - + + +55 - + - + + - + -

56 A A B C B A C B

57 C B A B A C C B

58 B B C C B B B C

59 B C B C C B A B

60 A C A B A A B B










TEST1 11

TEST2 31

TEST3 51

TEST4 71


TEST6 111

TEST7 131

TEST8 151


TEST1 172

TEST2 177

TEST3 181

TEST4 186

TEST5 191

TEST6 195

TEST7 201

TEST8 204

Reading Comprehension and Language Elements 208

Listening Comprehension 209



telc English B2 vizsgafelkeszito konyv

Felkeszito k6l).YV a telc English B2 vizsgahoz nyolc feladatsorral es 4 CD-vel

© Tudornanyos lsrueretterjeszto Tarsulat, Budapest, 2011.

[elen feladatsor a Tudornanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tarsulat kizarolagos szellemi tulajdona.

Sokszorositasa vagy tovabbi felhasznalasa kizarolag a Tudornanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tarsulat

Irasos hozzajarulasaval lehetseges,

Szerzo: Toth Laszlo

A hanganyag elkesziteseben kozrerrnikodott: Hum Zsofia, Marton Sander; Esther Holbrook,

Leslie Nicholson, Miguel Sarabia, Wayne Brett, Kate Coyer, Huw Dangerfield

Kiadja a Tudornanyos Ismeretterjeszto Tarsulat

Felelos kiado: Piroth Eszter igazgato

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Brody Sander u. 16.


E-mail: [email protected]

ISBN 978-963-412-455-9

'udornanyos Ismeretterjeszt6 Tarsulat - TELC Nyelvvizsgak6zpont088 BIJcI;::H:lA~t B r.' l Sil t:lr. ltr-~ j ~ Ialaft:\r::\' s:gU:>'l;; A ~ _ _....-...c _h uc.l

t..JemLetkoLi, honosfthat6 nyelvvizsqak:francia, olasz, orosz,spanyol, torok (81, 82)

Az orszaq tobb mint 80 pontian

Allamilag elismert nyelvvizsqak:angol, nernet (81, 82, C1)