Tartil Letters


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Transcript of Tartil Letters

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A famous philosopher said “ what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” . This statement

strengthened me when i faced difficult momment in my life few years ago. Okey, it’s not

about something danger, because in everyone sight may be i am the attached girl. I decided to

left my life in Jayapura to get my study in Malang. But that just a past, and now here i am

standing to pursuing my bachelor of Agroindustrial Enginering.

At first i was so confused about my major in faculty. I’ve realized that the major named

Agroindustrial Engineering study about management or everything about industrial. At the

first time i felt so depressed because i never study about something we can saya “social” , i

am graduated by my school and had a passion in exact.

As long as i lived in Malang, even my lecture told me that i have to strugle for study in the

faculty. Yeah, now it’s proofed by myself, because i really like the lessons in it. One of the

issues that i want to tell about my spesification major. Actually i am not really an

Agroindustrial students, but the Agroindustrial students devided by three part of spesification,

and i chose the best spesification, i think. That is Agroindustrial plantation and forestry. As

long as i learned about that spesification, i found something cool in it.

One Problem that i can combine with my major about vegetable oil. Who don’t know about

it? In Indonesia the farmer of palm oil produced a mass of palm oil for food. But exactly,

there are more benefit except to make a food oil. Actually, if i tell this issues, may be for

another country it’s about an easy thing that have to solve by every country. I don’t mean to

compare my country with another country. But I just want to know about the regulation , and

the process administration, about the new tecnology.

The Problem now is, in Indonesia there are a lot of vehicles which can’t control again by part

of security. So the needed of petrolium in Indonesia definetely increas in every year, it can’t

enough if the data apear in this letter. But i absolutlly think that Indonesia need more

petrolium again, most of statistics media can explain it. The basic thing that we have to know

is the petrolium is made by the fossil, and if the fossil used for make a petrolium, as long as

we can use , the petrolium will decreas and also the price of the petrolium will enhancement.

I don’t want to close the reality that Indonesia have to manage a lot of thing in every stage of

the country, so if the money just for full fill the needed for vehicles, it can’t enough for

recorganize another problem.

AISEC, is one of the media for every young people can exploration their mind with give a

programe about apprentice in another country.I really intersested with this programe because

lot of my friends following this programe for develop their knowledge. I think that the

knowledge not about reading a book, or read some literatures, or journals. Sometimes we

have to share each other about everything especially in our specification. This is one of my

motivation for following this programe. AISEC available more than we need, because the

programe include to train us. Personality, i want to know the systematic of using the alternatif

petrolium in another country.

So i chose this topic, about my major. That i always learn about the vegetable oils. In fact the

palm oils which produced mass by farmer , can make for biodiesel. Yeah, actually the others

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country have used it constantly, that’s really pull my mind to know more , why in another

contry the biodiesel succes, but in my country have to ahead more procedure. If we can

amount the profit to make biodiesel, Indonesia will be the big coorporation if they want to

make it, and also the vehicles do not have to use the petrolium, because the biodiesel can

substitute it, and it save for environtment. I hope after get this experience i can presentation in

front of my friends, it’s really usefull because i can study much

To conclude, attending AISEC Programe will benefit me both as a researcher and a student. I

hope that you can consider me to join this .