Vilnius 2013 STUDIJŲ KOKYBĖS VERTINIMO CENTRAS Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinio verslo mokyklos TARPTAUTINĖS PROJEKTŲ VADYBOS STUDIJŲ PROGRAMOS (621N90006) VERTINIMO IŠVADOS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVALUATION REPORT OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS MANAGEMENT (621N90006) STUDY PROGRAMME at International Business School at Vilnius University Grupės vadovas: Team leader: Prof. dr. Pandelis Ipsilandis Grupės nariai: Team members: Prof. dr. Jürgen Bruns Dr. Kristiina Tõnnisson Mr. Remigijus Šeris Mr. Andrius Zalitis Išvados parengtos anglų kalba Report language English

Transcript of TARPTAUTINĖS PROJEKTŲ VADYBOS STUDIJŲ PROGRAMOS … · Studijų kryptis Verslas ir vadyba...

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Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinio verslo mokyklos


PROGRAMOS (621N90006)






at International Business School at Vilnius University

Grupės vadovas:

Team leader: Prof. dr. Pandelis Ipsilandis

Grupės nariai:

Team members: Prof. dr. Jürgen Bruns

Dr. Kristiina Tõnnisson

Mr. Remigijus Šeris

Mr. Andrius Zalitis

Išvados parengtos anglų kalba

Report language – English

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Studijų programos pavadinimas Tarptautinė projektų vadyba

Valstybinis kodas 621N90006

Studijų sritis Socialinių mokslų

Studijų kryptis Verslas ir vadyba

Studijų programos rūšis Universitetinės studijos

Studijų pakopa Antroji

Studijų forma (trukmė metais) 1,5 (nuolatinės studijos)

Studijų programos apimtis kreditais 90

Suteikiamas laipsnis ir (ar) profesinė

kvalifikacija Verslo ir vadybos magistras

Studijų programos įregistravimo data 2010 11 16



Title of the study programme International Project Management

State code 621N90006

Study area Social sciences

Study field Business and Management N900

Kind of the study programme University

Study cycle Second

Study mode (length in years) Full-time 1.5 years

Volume of the study programme in credits 90

Degree and (or) professional qualifications

awarded Master of Business and Management

Date of registration of the study programme 16-11-2010

© Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education

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CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... 3

I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 4

II. PROGRAMME ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 5

1. Programme aims and learning outcomes ................................................................................. 5

2. Curriculum design ................................................................................................................... 6

3. Staff ......................................................................................................................................... 9

4. Facilities and learning resources ........................................................................................... 11

5. Study process and student assessment ................................................................................... 11

6. Programme management ....................................................................................................... 14

III. RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 16

IV. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 17

V. GENERAL ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................... 18

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The International Business School at Vilnius University (VU IBS) is an autonomous public

entity established in 1989 by its sole stakeholder, Vilnius University - the oldest and largest

institution of higher education in Lithuania. VU IBS enjoys economic, financial, organizational

and legal independence.

The main areas of activities of the VU IBS are scientific research, education and executive

training. The study programmes offered by VU IBS are in the business and management fields.

Currently VU IBS offers four (4) first cycle programmes (International Business, International

Business Tourism, Business and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, and Business Finance)

and five (5) second cycle programmes (International Project Management, International

Marketing and Trade (in Lithuanian and English), International Business Finance, International

Business and Law, and Creative Business).

The International Project Management is one of the newest programmes of VU IBS. It was

inaugurated in the academic year 2011-12 and the first cohort of students produced graduates in

February 2013.

Compared to the rest of the programmes offered by VU, the ones offered by the IBS are

academically characterised by their international orientation and organizationally by their

increased independence from the conventional structures of the parent University. The Study

Programme Committees are approved by the VU IBS and appear to have no link to the rest of

the University structures (Faculties and Departments).

The programmes are supported by academic staff from Vilnius University, other Lithuanian and

foreign university as well as industry experts, most of them working part time - on a contract

basis - for the IBS.

As stated in the Self Evaluation Report (SER), the VU IBS has established several autonomous

structures to support its academic activities including: Student Admission and Communication

Centre, Career Centre, Student Information Centre, and Study Centre.

To enhance its international dimension, an International Development Centre for Foreign

Students and Academic Exchange Centre was founded as an alternative to the International

Relations and Foreign Students Centre of the conventional university.

One of the priorities in VU IBS activities is the development of research, in order to enhance its

international competitiveness, entrenchment of innovation and sustainable long-term economic

growth. To help organising the scientific and innovation activities, develop and implement

science and innovation strategy, the VU IBS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre was


Although the specific programme has not yet fully exploited these organizational structures, their

existence provides to the management of the programme with the right supporting tools for

continuous academic development of the programme.

Finally, VU IBS has developed an internal education quality assurance system that was certified

according to ISO 9001 standards in 2012.

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1. Programme aims and learning outcomes


Graduate programmes in Project Management usually aim at preparing students who hold a first

degree, with the Project Management competencies and skills to take up employment and engage

in projects on entering the job market. They focus on contemporary project management

approaches, the development of theories and principles, deepening of and application of

knowledge, skills and abilities to critically analyse and engage actively in the development and

integration of project management as a way of work within organisations. Many international

professional organizations such as the Project Management Institute - PMI (USA), the

Association of Project Management – APM (UK), the International Project Management

Association – IPMA are engaged in defining approaches, methodologies, and skills needed for

professional project managers and effective project management.

The programme under review attempts, fairly so, to enrich this setting with an international

business dimension, given that project management emerges as a new management model in

global businesses. Discussions of the experts with the SER committee confirmed the above.

The overall aims of the programme along with the stated Learning Outcomes (LOs) fit the above

objectives. The aims and LOs are set at proper level for a second cycle programme (according to

Dublin Descriptors), since they focus on extending the knowledge usually acquired at the first

level (i.e. deepening of and application of knowledge specific to project management) and

require students to apply understanding, knowledge and critical thinking in broader and more

complex context. At the same time the aims of the programme fit the purpose of providing

proper research related skills for students who wish to continue on to third cycle studies


Current students, graduates and social partners think positively about the programme confirming

that the market needs for it. Their view is aligned with the views of the Study programme

committee in that the programme is a “sort of alternative ton an MBA” with emphasis in the a

project oriented management approach. Social partners and graduates reported specific success

stories regarding graduates of the programme.

However, the fact that the program intends to provide students with knowledge and skills to act

at international environments is not shown clearly, neither in the objectives (SER § 9) nor in

expected learning outcomes (SER § 10).

In certain places, the LOs of the programme should be stated more concisely (SER § 11.1-11.4),

given that they refer to LOs at programme level – not subject level. This will make the picture

much clearer for prospective students. Part of the details could be included as LOs at subject

level. In addition the use of Bloom taxonomy action verbs can enhance the description of the

outcomes providing more specific descriptors for Knowledge, Comprehension, Application,

Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.

Specific examples of job prospects for graduates can make the programme’s aims clearer for

prospective students and employers and need to be accessible to the public.

No specific data are provided regarding the programme’s position in the Lithuanian market,

neither any relevant information as far as similar programmes in other universities. Given that

many professional organizations in project management have set standards regarding methods,

processes and skills for project management, it is surprising that no benchmarking against the

standards or other similar programmes have taken place.

According to the SER, information regarding the programme’s objectives, expected outcomes,

learning opportunities are published and available for the public. At the time of the review the

team of experts was caught by surprise that no data about the programme exists at the VU IBS

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English language website. It is obvious that a programme which sets its international orientation

as a flagship, should make itself known to the global academic community

As stated at the SER, the programme learning outcomes are reviewed at the end of each

semester, after receiving feedback from students and professors. Although the responsiveness of

the study programme committee is to be appraised, the suggestion of the team of experts is that it

is preferable that this process runs on a longer cycle, so that it reflects real needs as they are

shaped by changes in the environment; otherwise there is a risk to respond to claims that are

mostly related to the delivery of the subjects rather than the structure of the whole programme.

Adjustments to teaching methods and to subject level LOs could be implemented at annual



An innovative postgraduate programme, unique in the Lithuanian market, in a field that is

currently of growing importance to global businesses. Addressing the business needs as they

described by current trend stated as “Managing by Projects”.

The programme is offered by an institution with strong focus in providing higher education

studies with international character.

The programme is well accepted by students, graduates and social partners.

The programme has the potential to attract graduates and professionals with different academic

and professional backgrounds.


Lack of benchmarking against similar programmes in other universities and the requirements of

professional bodies (PMI, IPMA, etc.)

Over detailed, abstruse description of learning objectives. Not clear non-effective

communication of the programme’s main goals.

A tendency to overreact in short term reviews, trying to keep the programme aligned with

student expectations without having accumulated enough information yet while more serious

consideration should be given to benchmarking / market information / professional organization



The management of the programme should take actions to communicate clearly the Programme

aims, Learning outcomes, and Career prospects to prospective students and employees.

Institutional links with the professional communities in project management should be

developed. The requirements of project manager’s certification bodies (PMI, IPMA, APM, and

Prince II) ought to be taken into consideration. The presence of project management professional

certification in the aims of the programme will make it part of a large international community of

PM profession. As the programme matures the management may want to explore the possibility

for its accreditation by relative professional organizations.

The programme’s LOs can be structured in a more concise way. Programme level LOs should be

fulfilled by LOs at subject level which can be described more comprehensively.

2. Curriculum design


The structure of the programme complies with the norms allowed for graduate programmes in

Lithuania, as well as with EU policies in Higher Education as defined in the Bologna process

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policies. The workload of the study programme amounts to 90 ECTS credits, spread equally over

three (3) semesters, with no more than five (5) subjects per semester.

To assess the scope and the appropriateness of the content of the programme on should keep in

mind that a programme in International Project Management provides its graduates

competencies to the level where they will become comfortable with running and managing

projects in diverse international environments. From this perspective, it should focus on both

operational and strategic aspects of project management as well as the integration of the various

general management functions within project organizations, especially in an international


The programme structure and content generally lies within this framework. Three (3) study

subjects, one per semester - amounting to a total of 25 credits, focus on Project Management

methodologies, approaches and strategies at both operational and strategic level, with the one in

the last semester emphasizing especially in aspects related to managing projects in international


Several subjects address general management functions, which are necessary in the processes of

project management, especially to students with no previous management background. In certain

cases (e.g. Project Finance Management) the content of the module is oriented towards the

management of projects. This practice should be followed in the rest of the modules so that the

whole curriculum has a strong orientation towards project management (e.g. topics like

organisational theory - traditional versus modern companies - project organization, leadership,

team-building should be included in Human Resources Management).

The absence of electives, although understandable given the low enrolment, in terms of the

financial sustainability of the programme, gives no flexibility in responding to diverged student

needs according to their background, and no room for incorporating other relevant topics.

Some of the topics that the study programme committee may consider to add for enhancing the

project management orientation of the programme could be: Management of Procurements /

Contacts / Negotiations (Contract Law was included in the curriculum, but was withdrawn at

students’ demand), Risk Analysis and Management (five (5) hours are allocated for risk,

stakeholder and cost management in the first semester and two hours in the third semester),

Information Systems for Project Management (especially for International Projects with project

team members in various geographical areas), Decision Making.

The team of expert’s believes that the curriculum should be periodically reviewed and necessary

reforms could be made, but this process must be controlled, based on information and evidence

drawn not only from students but from other sources (social partners, professional organizations,

benchmarking studies). For example discussions with students revealed that the reason for

students not preferring the subject Contract Law was not really related to the content of the

subject but more to the fact that an alternative subject was taught by a foreign professor.

Although this is only one incident, it shows the need for a more structured approach in

curriculum reviews and reforms.

A novelty of the programme is that the writing of the Master’s final thesis is developed and

assessed at three stages, throughout the duration of the programme, starting in the first and

second semesters, in the framework of the modules Scientific Research Work I and II and

completing the Master’s Thesis in the third semester. The main reasoning for this feature is that

students consistently work on a chosen theme for all the three semesters and analyse the problem

defined in their thesis from the various theoretical and practical (applied) aspects as they are

presented in the taught module through the duration of the programme. Another gain for the

students is that they acquire the necessary knowledge and tools for research oriented work at an

early stage, which is useful for the work required in the rest of the taught modules. The experts’

team had a chance to review the English language summary of several thesis of students who had

graduated recently, the topics of which referred to international practices in managing projects.

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Teaching some of the modules in English (four at the time the SER is compiled), and the

participation of foreign professors in the delivery of the programme strengthens its international

orientation, and was highly commented by students and graduates. Students were very keen in

having more subjects or even the entire programme taught in English and this is something that

management should also consider.

The learning outcomes of the subjects are clear and specific and linked to student assessment.

The subject descriptors refer to specific teaching methods employed in each subject in order to

achieve the learning outcomes. More than one type of assessment is used in each subject and the

assessment weights are specified but no clear criteria are set for pass / merit / distinction

performance of the students.

Overall the teaching approach and assessment methods include a lot of group and individual

assignments as well as project work in alignment with the aims of the programme to develop

specific competencies of students. Surprisingly enough no utilisation of project management

specific IT tools are explicitly used at all in teaching methods and in assignments.

In almost all subjects there are references to relevant scientific journals and other resources

besides textbooks.


The programme is based on well-designed modules the descriptors of which provide clear

guidance to the teaching staff.

Strong emphasis on active learning of students with emphasis on student’s work through

projects, and group and individual assignments.


There is a lack in explicitly addressing issues related to management of EU Projects. As

management of projects is very important for making effective use of EU funds given to state

members, and overall constitute large part of the economy, there is a market need for related


Not enough emphasis in putting general management functions and skills in the context of

project management.

No subject refers to information systems for managing and controlling projects.


The international orientation of the programme can and needs to be emerged by considering

options such as: subjects in EU project management, more subjects taught in English, writing the

Master Thesis in English).

The structure of LOs in terms of Knowledge and understanding, Cognitive skills, Practical

and/or professional skills, other key skills will help any teacher teaching a subject to align his or

her teaching approach and methods s towards meeting the specific learning outcomes.

The content of general management subjects should be reviewed so that it fits to the context of

project management.

Students must be exposed to reviewing the state of the art in all subjects taught; therefore

assignments should be set in a way that direct them towards this objective.

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3. Staff


The composition of the teaching staff on the study programme International Project Management

fully complies with the requirements set by Lithuanian regulations for second cycle study


It seems that VU IBS enjoys certain flexibility, beyond the conventional department and faculty

regulations, in selecting academic staff to teach in the programmes it offers, thus choosing the

most appropriate staff as it is stated in the SER “with a long-standing experience in teaching and

research, lecturers with academic degrees and (or) those who hold good practice track record

and a good reputation are invited to implement this programme”.

The current roster of teaching staff confirms this statement. It includes eighteen (18) staff

members involved in the delivery of the subjects and the supervision of research work and final

thesis with strong academic and managerial expertise and excellent research records.

Out of the 18 members only one is full time employed by VU IBS, eight (8) of them come from

various departments of Vilnius University (marketing, psychology, mathematics, etc.) and two

(2) from other Lithuanian Universities. Few subjects (3) are taught by highly qualified

practitioners from Industry and Government, and four (4) are visiting professors from other


The composition of teaching staff meets the minimum requirement “20% of the study subjects to

be taught by staff at professors’ level”, since 20-30% of the subjects were taught by professors

for the 2011 and 2012 intake of students, while only two member of the teaching staff, highly

experienced professionals (one from industry and one from government) do not hold a doctoral


The involvement of practitioners from industry adds value to the programme bringing students in

touch with current issues concerning the strategic role of project management in both the private

and public sector, while visiting professors give students the perspectives of different cultures

regarding organizational aspects of project management. Students did express their satisfaction

regarding the involvement of teachers from foreign universities and practitioners in the delivery

of the programme.

To the satisfaction of the experts’ team it was found that two of the practitioners have strong ties

with the professional bodies in project management that are established in Lithuania by PMI and

IPMA and their role in interleaving project management aspects to general management areas is

crucial and should ne encourages and enhanced by the management of the programme.

Overall, this mixture of staff presents a strong advantage for the programme, as it provides a rich

blend of academic, professional, contextual and cultural / ethnical backgrounds that is crucial for

a programme in project management with an international character.

However, to substantiate those benefits the formation of a strong core team of teachers that

ensures continuity is needed, along with the necessary resources to sustain attracting of visiting

staff, while effective coordination and leadership is required to ensure that learning outcomes at

programme and subject level are realized.

Discussions with staff showed the necessity to improve communications between teachers and

the programme’s administration, as well as among the teachers’ group. Although the difficulties

in communications is explainable as most of the staff works part time in the programme - while

having full time obligations elsewhere, nonetheless it raises serious concerns regarding its effect

on the quality of the programme and the students learning experience. Development of a team

spirit is necessary for the programme’s long run sustainability and success.

At the time of review the programme is only at its second year of operation, therefore not enough

information is available regarding staff turnover. Still, the difficulties in sustaining the flow of

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visiting professors is a matter of concern and it would necessitate actions towards the long term

sustainability of the programme.

Professional development of the staff is achieved by participation in research conferences, study

trips, teaching exchange visits and active involvement in consulting activities. At the same time

VU IBS organized several specialized courses in the framework of an ESF financed project to

enhance both didactic and project management competencies of the staff, while the Executive

Training Centre of VU IBS organised training sessions in creativity and innovation in teaching.

Furthermore staff is satisfied about the IBS policies for encouraging and rewarding research


A practice where all staff members are asked to draw up their own professional development

plans, setting specific targets and actions (i.e. participation in research activities, involvement in

international cooperation acts, attending conferences etc.) can intensify the importance of

professional development of the staff.

The review of the staff’s research activity over the last years shows that individual members of

staff have their own research interest and pursue research activities accordingly. However, there

is a lack of research strategy that will aim in creating clusters of staff / researchers focusing on

research and innovation in project management related issues. As stated in the SER “One of the

priorities in VU IBS activities is the development of research, contributing to the enhancement of

international competitiveness, entrenchment of innovation…” The development of common

research interest groups will increase team coherence, enhances the identity of the programme,

enables staff to join research consortiums and exploit research funding that is available at

European level, and will create opportunities for the students.


Flexibility in the selection of qualified staff to deliver the curriculum.

Experienced staff with strong academic and professional background representing a rich blend of

academic, contextual and cultural / ethnical backgrounds.

Participation of visiting professors and industry experts some of whom have strong ties to project

management professional bodies.

VU IBS supports development of staff.


A matrix-type organization, where staff belongs to other departments of VU leads to a two-boss

syndrome and creates difficulties in communications that affect the quality of learning.

Academic research is focused on individual staff research interests; no core project management

research activities that can increase the visibility of the programme both in Lithuania and


Limited availability of visiting professors.


The management should consider to hold regular staff meetings with the whole group of teachers

and to keep the staff more actively involved in programme development activities. Staff may be

asked to submit formal end-of-semester subject reports which together with student inputs are

discussed in the staff meetings.

Since the involvement of foreign professors is an essential element of the programme, the

management team should exploit opportunities offered by Erasmus for having invited professors

to deliver part of a subject in intensive mode, explore opportunities for organizing summer

schools in International Project Management, and generally develop links with similar

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programmes in other universities (EU and abroad). The services of the International

Development Center for Foreign Students and Academic Exchange Center should be exploited.

The engagement of practitioners from project oriented companies as guest lecturers for special

topics within the taught modules should be sustained and their role can be enhanced (joint

projects, support of master thesis, etc.)

4. Facilities and learning resources


The facilities of the VU IBS are used for the delivery of the programme are adequate and

include: 25 classrooms, equipped with multimedia equipment, microphones, and air conditioning

systems, some equipped with interactive boards and computer rooms (54 working places plus 14

in the library). The facilities are fitted for the disabled who can access all relevant areas.

VU IBS provides ICT infrastructure to support learning: Remote and local network services are

continuously supplied for lecturers and students; lecturers can store teaching materials on VU

IBS server, which students can access any time from their place. Student learning is supported by

the virtual learning environment Moodle.

However, no uniform policy is followed regarding the use of a unique virtual learning

environment that supports the entire programme. According to SER and as it was also reported

by staff and students “Some of the lecturers use their own web sites and store all the relevant

material on those sites or use a virtual learning environment Moodle”, which can create

confusion to students. This is convenient for the teachers – given their part-time connection with

the programme and it was not reported as a problem for students, who are given clear

instructions to where supplementary materials can be found during the first meeting of classes.

Even so, the team of experts would like to suggest that the existence of a central repository of all

supplemental materials for the various subjects of the programme creates more leverage, works

towards promotion of good practices among staff, and provides a better picture of the

programme to outsiders.

Other learning resources available to students via VPN (Virtual Private Network) service include

the Vilnius University Central and Faculty libraries and electronic resources of 54 databases

including Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) Business Source Complete (EBSCO), Web of

Science with full text access of major scientific journals. The electronic resources also include

access to Thomson Gale Business & Company Resource Center database, EUROSTAT, the

European Central Bank, to Lithuanian Legislation, and other statistical and publications of

research papers’ databases.

In addition the IBS library analyzes the information needs of readers, provide services that meet

the needs of IBS students, scientific academic staff and others.


Adequate facilities to support teaching and learning.


Non - availability of essential project management software tools that can support the various

project management functions, not only “hard” processes like, scheduling, cost control and

budget management, and resource allocation, but also collaboration, communication, decision-

making, and project documentation and knowledge management, that is important to students if

they are to work in international environment.

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Make sure that available resources are used in the most efficient way to enhance quality of


5. Study process and student assessment


The admission of students follows the regulations set by the VU IBS council. Different routes of

entry exist. Students with a first degree in management or Business Administration are

considered for entry without any other prerequisite. Holders of degrees in other disciplines must

take supplementary studies or have 30 credits coursework in business / management / economics

or professional experience of 1 (bachelor holders) to 3 (professional bachelor) years. There is no

prerequisite for knowledge of English Language but prospective students are informed and are

aware that some of the subjects are taught in English language.

In the first year of operation, 2011-12 there were 2 student intakes one per semester, Fall 2011

(27 students) and Spring 2012 (10 students), while in the second year only one intake in Fall

2012 (19 students).

No data exist in the SER regarding the number of applications each time, and the profile of the

students applied and those admitted in the programme. Discussions with the management team

and staff showed that most of the students have an engineering or ICT background (first degree).

The fact that 10 out of the 27 students of the first intake abandoned their studies raises some

concern regarding the effectiveness of the admission policies and the monitoring of students’

progression. Teachers verify the need to review the admission rules by stating that “some of the

students are not up to speed” for postgraduate studies.

Significant delays in student progression are noted as well. Only six (6) out of the seventeen (17)

continuing students of the first intake - about one out of three - completed their degree on time.

Several reasons may exist so that students postpone the defence of their thesis (e.g. work

obligations, etc.) More student support may be required, especially towards the last part of their


Since there are only three student intakes (two of them within the same academic year), not

enough data exist to draw conclusions regarding a trend in demand for the programme.

Student assessment for each subject is defined in each subject descriptors. Subject learning

objectives are shown to be linked to the various assessment methods used.

The learning process is enhanced with project work, group or individual assignments, role –

playing exercises, self-assessment, etc. As a consequence large part of the student assessment is

based on project work and group or individual assignments, as it should be at a master’s level.

The experts team noticed the need for a mechanism to ensure that the assessment process verifies

that LOs have been achieved (i.e. moderation of exam questions, review of assignments by peers

or study programme committee).

In addition the subject descriptors should also include a guide that sets the standards of student

achievements for the different level of grades (i.e. pass, merit, distinction). These should be

made clear to students, presented and explained to them during the first class meeting, and be

always accessible electronically by students. The lack of formal feedback after the assignments

and exams (i.e. indicative answers) was also noticed by students and should be taken care of.

The school and the programme management is sensitive about academic integrity and proper

measures to prevent academic dishonesty acts are taken. As part of the quality assurance

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processes, all final works are placed in Vilnius University information system to undergo

plagiarism check (EPAS).

Especially with regard to the master thesis, an elaborate system of methodological guidelines,

procedures is in place and presented to students at the first semester of their studies, while IPM

students receive supplementary support in the form of workshops in addition to personal

consultation by their supervisors.

Students pursue the research for their master thesis progressively over the duration of the

programme in a structured way through appropriate modules at each stage. The list of master

thesis of the students who successfully completed the programme shows that students have

addressed very interesting topics in their area of studies.

Overall students are provided appropriate social and academic support and they stated their

satisfaction regarding the support they receive from the teaching staff in contrast with the

administrative staff that sometimes is not supportive. In certain instances they felt that there was

no clear communication with the administration (i.e. conflict between informal and formal

responses to the same requests, not being aware who the head of the administration is). Students

reported that they need more encouragement by the staff and not only support; care should also

be taken by management to coordinate and balance their workload during the semester.

The department may consider the assignment of personal advisors to incoming students as a

further good practice.

Student mobility is very limited. There is no inward mobility of students while only two students

have participated so far in mobility programmes doing a period of study at a partner university.

Student and teacher’s mobility should be one of the strong points in a programme that claims to

have an international character. VU IBS is committed to increase mobility “The rapid growth of

foreign incoming students as well as the increasing number of outgoing and incoming students

according to exchange programmes an International Development Center for Foreign Students

and Academic Exchange Center was founded instead of International Relations and Foreign

Students Center”. The programme must use the resources of the Academic Exchanges Centre to

widen its partnerships in order to provide more opportunities to the students, determine other

reasons limiting the mobility of students and remove any obstacles that limit it. It is worthwhile

to explore alternative ways to increase student mobility and internationalization of the

programme through the development of Intensive Erasmus Programmes (could be in the form of

Summer Schools) and participation in existing ones so students derive the benefits on an

international perspective.

Besides the assessment of individual courses during the study programme, an overall assessment

of the programme’s learning outcomes and objectives takes place at the completion of the

programme by students. According to the 2013 results (first student intake completed three

semesters), all subjects assessed highly by students.

IBS has implemented a QA system that has received ISO 9001. Given that the IPM programme

(and perhaps most of the IBS programmes) runs as a matrix type organizations (staff has

“permanent” positions in other VU departments, other universities, or organizations, the need of

formal processes, like the ISO 9001 ones, are necessary for QA. What is not clear, is the process

for quality improvements and the involvement / contribution of the different stakeholders

(management, staff, students, graduates, employers). In this direction the establishment of

periodical alumni surveys can also provide valuable input with regards to trends in the job

market, skills demand etc. that can be taken into consideration during programme revisions.


A formal QA system for monitoring and control of the teaching process is implemented across


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There are clear procedures for student admission, progress, teaching and assessment of subjects,

and master thesis.

Students receive sufficient academic support that must be further improved across all parties

involved in the teaching learning process.


Low interest for international exchanges and mobility of students.

High failure / attrition rate (at least in the first student intake).

Some non-uniformity in the use of learning resources by teachers.

No concrete processes to go from QA to Quality Improvements.


The international dimension of the programme can be enhanced by intensifying student mobility

actions which will work towards providing students more international experience.

The management ought to investigate the academic and non-academic reasons for high student

failure / attrition rates (programme aims, admissions, and study process) and take action


Consideration may be given to part-time studies in order to make the programme more attractive

to working students and at the same time spread the cost over longer time.

Consider the establishment an alumni association (some support may be necessary). Alumni can

help the programme in monitoring career paths of graduates and collecting information valuable

for the programme reviews; also to support new graduates.

The Programme Committee should think about providing incentives to students for publishing

the outcomes of the research done as part of the master thesis. A depository of Master thesis at

the VU IBS library may help in increasing the visibility of the programme. Additional actions

could include special conferences where graduate student research is presented to companies and

other interested parties.

6. Programme management


VU IBS has implemented a Quality Management System ISO 9001 including management

processes as well as processes for programme development and delivery. As described in the

SER decisions regarding the development, review and implementation of the International

Project Management study programme reside at different levels of the management hierarchy as

it is defined by VU IBS Regulations.

The SER states that “Study programmes are constantly being improved and renewed”, but it is

not clear how this process takes place, what are its inputs, how often it is done. Since the

programme is still new, there is evidence of only one change in the curriculum that of removing

the subject of Contract Law, which according to the experts’ team opinion it is not an example of

good practice, as explained earlier in the report (section 2).

Data are collected regularly including subject and teachers’ assessment by students, and a set of

key indicators has been established to monitor the quality of the programme but it is not clear

how the data are used. For example, there is no specific reaction and response of the managing

team regarding the handling of the problem of the large number of student failures and planning

for measures to avoid it in the future.

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Lecturer assessment so far was only based on students’ feedback, while a more holistic system is

introduced. It is not clear how decisions about hiring of lecturer’s are made, what is the role of

the students’ assessment and how this flexibility regarding the workforce is managed so that it

works to the benefit of the programme.

A major drawback is that there is no formal body where all academic staff can participate and

discuss matters regarding the improvement of the quality of the learning process, and the

development of the programme, at least once per semester.

This leads to poor communications between the teachers and the managing team as well as a lack

of coordination and communications among the teachers (reported in section 3). In an

environment that lacks the formalities of an academic department and most of the teachers of the

programme are employed as part-timers, the managing team should pay a lot of attention to

assure that communications are clear and all staff share the vision and work towards the

achievement of the aims and objectives of the programme.

The managing team should also take actions to increase the visibility of the programme and

promote it actively. For example:

Make the programme appear in the English language pages of VU IBS, could attract the interest

for potential cooperation of similar programmes and academics in EU and elsewhere.

Developing institutional links with the international professional Project Management bodies

and/or associations that are established in Lithuania can help make the programme known to the

professional world, attract more students, and also provide international standards for

programme curriculum.

The stakeholders’ active participation in the Study Programme Committee and also in Master

Thesis defence commissions is highly commented.

Students are formally represented in the Study Programme Committee and express their views

about the programme.


A formal Quality Assurance system in place that can provide the basis for Quality


Active participation of stakeholders and students in the Study Programme Committee.


Communications among teachers seems to be poor – lack of a core team – and also between

teachers and the programme management committee.

Promotion and publicity of the programme is inadequate. Institutional links to project

management professional associations do not exist, visibility to the rest of the international

academic community is unacceptable for a programme with international orientation, neither

organization nor participation in national conferences / events.

A sense of loose management in both teachers and students.

Issues that relate to students performance and problems in completing their degree, and also to

declining student enrolment have not been analysed and no response measures were taken.

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Detailed recommendations are listed under each section of the report.

The following are some general / overall recommendations related mainly to the management of

the course.


Management should take actions to increase the visibility of the programme to the international

academic world so that to attract teaching staff from foreign universities, increase the prospects

for international cooperation with similar programmes and academics in both teaching and

research, thus giving students more opportunities to get international experiences.


Be part of the world of project management. Besides institutional links with professional

associations, staff and students should be encouraged to join professional PM associations and

watch closely the developments and trends in the field. The programme must provide the means

for graduates to be certified as professional project managers by PMI / IPMA.


The management team should recognize that the flexibility of selecting a special team of

teachers that fit the needs of the programme is an advantage to the programme but at the same

time special care should be taken for establishing communications channels that facilitate

effective and clear flow of communications among staff and between staff and management. At

the academic side, there is a need for coordination of teachers regarding the delivery of the

subjects with a clear orientation to project management context.


Internationalization of the programme should be enhanced in several dimensions. Addressing the

management of EU projects and programmes in the curriculum, introducing English language for

thesis research and perhaps for more subjects, participation in international projects (teaching /

research / technology transfer), and increasing mobility of staff and students are some


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Positive Aspects

An innovative and unique programme, with great potential that meets the market needs, as

project management is an emerging new approach in the management of business and

organizations especially in developing economies, where the success of projects funded by

foreign funds (EU and others) play a vital role in the development of economy and society.

The programme is offered by the VU IBS, a distinct academic entity, which focuses in education

and research with international orientation and has developed appropriate structures to support

its aims, including an International Development Centre for Foreign Students and Academic

Exchange Centre plus Student Admission and Communication Centre, Career Centre, Student

Information Centre, and Study Centre.

Flexibility in selecting appropriate academic staff from Lithuanian and foreign Universities and

also highly qualified practitioners from public and private sector that, who can adequately

support the special needs of the programme.

Administration recognizes the importance and significance of LOs as the cornerstone of the

development and delivery of the programme and put a great effort to build a solid base for future


VU IBS has implemented a Quality Management System ISO 9001 that defines processes for

programme management as well as processes for programme development and delivery.

The programme has access to excellent facilities to support teaching and learning for its students.

Negative Aspects

A diverse team of teachers most of whom work on a part-time basis in the programme leads to

two-boss syndrome, difficulties in communications and lack of a core team that will assume the

main responsibility for the further development of the programme. Under these conditions it is

difficult for the programme to establish a research agenda that focuses in project management

related issues.

The international dimension of the programme must be further enhanced. Concerns exist about

the sustainability of the scheme for inviting foreign teachers, while other actions as stated in the

previous section should be implemented so that the aims of the programme to produce graduates

to be employed in a much globalized field can be met.

Improvements in programme promotion and publicity of the programme are urgently needed.

Especially, links to project management professional associations should be institutionalized,

and the programme’s visibility to the rest of the international academic community should be


More attention to student’s needs is needed since no measurements or any action was taken to

look at the causes and address the issues of high attrition rate and the delays in students’

academic progress. Management should ensure that students are encouraged and supported by all

parts of the academic community involved in teaching and administration of the programme.

A steep decline in number of applicants for the programme creates serious concern for its long

term sustainability.

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The study programme International Project Management (state code – 621N90006) at

International Business School at Vilnius University is given positive evaluation.

Study programme assessment in points by evaluation areas.

No. Evaluation Area Evaluation Area

in Points*

1. Programme aims and learning outcomes 3

2. Curriculum design 3

3. Staff 3

4. Material resources 3

5. Study process and assessment (student admission, study process

student support, achievement assessment) 3

6. Programme management (programme administration, internal quality

assurance) 2

Total: 17

*1 (unsatisfactory) - there are essential shortcomings that must be eliminated;

2 (satisfactory) - meets the established minimum requirements, needs improvement;

3 (good) - the field develops systematically, has distinctive features;

4 (very good) - the field is exceptionally good.

Grupės vadovas:

Team leader: Prof. dr. Pandelis Ipsilandis

Grupės nariai:

Team members: Prof. dr. Jürgen Bruns

Dr. Kristiina Tõnnisson

Mr. Remigijus Šeris

Mr. Andrius Zalitis

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Vertimas iš anglų kalbos







Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinio verslo mokyklos studijų programa Tarptautinė projektų

vadyba (valstybinis kodas – 621N90006) vertinama teigiamai.



Vertinimo sritis




1. Programos tikslai ir numatomi studijų rezultatai 3

2. Programos sandara 3

3. Personalas 3

4. Materialieji ištekliai 3

5. Studijų eiga ir jos vertinimas 3

6. Programos vadyba 2

Iš viso: 17

* 1 - Nepatenkinamai (yra esminių trūkumų, kuriuos būtina pašalinti)

2 - Patenkinamai (tenkina minimalius reikalavimus, reikia tobulinti)

3 - Gerai (sistemiškai plėtojama sritis, turi savitų bruoţų)

4 - Labai gerai (sritis yra išskirtinė)



Teigiami aspektai

Tai naujoviška ir unikali programa, turinti didelį potencialą, atitinkantį rinkos poreikius, kadangi

projektų vadyba – tai atsirandantis naujas poţiūris į verslo ir organizacijų vadybą, ypač

besivystančios ekonomikos šalyse, kuriose uţsienio fondų lėšomis (ES ir kitų) finansuojami

projektai yra gyvybiškai svarbūs ekonomikos ir visuomenės vystymuisi.

Šią programą siūlo Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinio verslo mokykla (VU TVM), atskiras

akademinis subjektas, didţiausią dėmesį skiriantis tarptautinės pakraipos švietimui ir

moksliniams tyrimams, sukūręs atitinkamas struktūras jos tikslams paremti, įskaitant

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Tarptautinio vystymo centrą uţsienio studentams ir Akademinių mainų centrą, Studentų

priėmimo ir komunikacijos centrą, Karjeros centrą, Studentų informavimo centrą ir Studijų


Lankstumas pasirenkant tinkamą akademinį personalą iš Lietuvos ir uţsienio universitetų ir dar

aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistai iš viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus, galintys tinkamai remti

specialius programos poreikius.

Administracija pripaţįsta studijų rezultatų, kaip programos tobulinimo ir dėstymo pagrindo,

svarbą ir reikšmę, ir įdėjo daug pastangų, kad sukurtų tvirtą bazę būsimai plėtrai.

VU TVM įdiegė Kokybės vadybos sistemą ISO 9001, apibrėţiančią programos vadybos

procesus, taip pat ir programos tobulinimo bei pristatymo procesus.

Šiai programai prieinamos puikios priemonės, padedančios studijuoti.

Neigiami aspektai

Dėstytojų komanda įvairi, daugelis jų dirba ne visu etatu, taigi atsiranda „dviejų darbdavių“

sindromas, bendravimo sunkumų ir nėra komandos branduolio, kuris prisiimtų pagrindinę

atsakomybę uţ tolesnį programos tobulinimą. Tokiomis sąlygomis sunku nustatyti programos

mokslinių tyrimų darbotvarkę, orientuotą į su projektų vadyba susijusius klausimus.

Būtina toliau stiprinti tarptautinį programos aspektą. Susirūpinimą kelia uţsienio dėstytojų

kvietimo schemos tvarumas, nors kiti veiksmai, kaip nurodyta ankstesnėje dalyje, turėtų būti

atliekami taip, kad būtų pasiektas programos tikslas – parengti absolventus, kurie įsidarbins daug

globalesnėje srityje.

Būtina skubiai didinti programos reklamavimą ir viešinimą. Visų pirma reikėtų oficialiai

nustatyti ryšius su projektų vadybos profesiniais susivienijimais, stengtis, kad programa būtų

matoma tarptautinei akademinei bendruomenei.

Daugiau dėmesio reikia skirti studentų poreikiams, nes nebuvo imtasi jokių priemonių ar

veiksmų, kad būtų ištirtos studentų skaičiaus maţėjimo ir ilgai siekiamos paţangos moksle

prieţastys ir išspręstos problemos. Vadovybė turėtų uţtikrinti, kad studentai būtų skatinami ir

remiami visos programą dėstančios ir ją administruojančios akademinės bendruomenės.

Didelis norinčiųjų studijuoti šią programą skaičiaus maţėjimas kelia rimtą susirūpinimą dėl

programos ilgalaikiškumo.

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Kiekviename šių vertinimo išvadų skyriuje pateiktos išsamios rekomendacijos.

Bendrosios rekomendacijos, daugiausia susijusios su studijų programos vadyba.


Vadovybė turėtų imtis veiksmų, kad padidintų programos matomumą tarptautiniam

akademiniam pasauliui, siekiant pritraukti uţsienio universitetų dėstytojus, padidinti tarptautinio

bendradarbiavimo su panašiomis programomis ir akademikais dėstymo ir mokslinių tyrimų

srityje perspektyvas, taip suteikdama studentams daugiau galimybių įgyti tarptautinės patirties.


Būti pasaulio projektų vadybos dalimi. Be institucinių ryšių su profesiniais susivienijimais,

darbuotojai ir studentai turėtų būti skatinami stoti į profesines projektų vadybos asociacijas ir

atidţiai stebėti pasiekimus bei tendencijas šioje srityje. Ši programa turi uţtikrinti jos

absolventams priemones, padėsiančias absolventams gauti Projektų valdymo instituto (angl.

PMI) / Tarptautinės projektų valdymo asociacijos (angl. IPMA) patvirtinimą, jog jie yra

profesionalūs projektų vadovai.


Vadovų grupė turėtų pripaţinti, kad lankstumas atrenkant konkrečią dėstytojų komandą,

atitinkančią šios programos poreikius, yra šios programos pranašumas, tačiau kartu reikėtų ypač

pasirūpinti, kad būtų sukurti ryšių kanalai, uţtikrinsiantys veiksmingą darbuotojų tarpusavio ir

darbuotojų bei vadovų keitimąsi informacijos srautais. Akademinėje srityje būtina koordinuoti

dėstytojų darbą, turint omenyje dalykų dėstymą neabejotinai orientuojantis į projektų vadybos



Reikėtų labiau internacionalizuoti šią programą keliais aspektais: programoje nagrinėti ES

projektų ir programų vadybą, vartoti anglų kalbą rašant baigiamuosius darbus, atliekant

mokslinius tyrimus ir galbūt daugiau dalykų dėstant anglų kalba, dalyvaujant tarptautiniuose

projektuose (mokymo, mokslinių tyrimų, technologijų perdavimo) ir didinant darbuotojų bei

studentų judumą. Tai tik keli pasiūlymai.

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Paslaugos teikėja patvirtina, jog yra susipaţinusi su Lietuvos Respublikos baudţiamojo kodekso1

235 straipsnio, numatančio atsakomybę uţ melagingą ar ţinomai neteisingai atliktą vertimą,


Vertėjos rekvizitai (vardas, pavardė, parašas)

1 Ţin., 2002, Nr.37-1341.