Talk_Wifi Shield (Fi250) - Wiki

 T alk:Wifi S hield (Fi25 0) From Wiki 来自痴How to use Wifi Shield(Fi250) on Arduino UNO 1. Reset the module as factory default. Press the function three times at fast speed; 2. Upload sketch “Blink” to Wifi Shield(Fi250); 3. Connect WIFI_TX to D1 and WIFI_RX to D0 with jumper hats on shield; 4. Open Serial Port Tool, then send “AT+USET=baud rate,N,8,1,N”(Baud rate should be lower than 115200). For example, “AT+USET=38400,N,8,1,N”, and you will see “OK” returned. 5. Change the jumper hats t o connect WIFI_TX wi th D6 and WIFI_RX with D7. 6. Upload the code below. 7. Open serial monitor, and you will see it successfully joins wifi with the Red LED lit. #include <Arduino.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include "WizFi250.h" #define SSID "Your-SSID" #define KEY "Password" #define AUTH "WPA2" #define spi_CS 8 SoftwareSerial uart(6, 7); WizFi250 wizfi250(&uart); void setup() { Serial.begin(38400); //change to the right baud rate TOP 1 http:/ /www.seeedstudio .com/wi ki/ Tal k: Wifi _Shield _(F i2 50)


Talk_Wifi Shield (Fi250) - Wiki

Transcript of Talk_Wifi Shield (Fi250) - Wiki

  • Talk:Wifi Shield (Fi250)From Wiki

    How to use Wifi Shield(Fi250) on Arduino UNO

    1. Reset the module as factory default. Press the function three times at fast speed;2. Upload sketch Blink to Wifi Shield(Fi250);3. Connect WIFI_TX to D1 and WIFI_RX to D0 with jumper hats on shield;4. Open Serial Port Tool, then send AT+USET=baud rate,N,8,1,N(Baud rate should be lower than 115200).For example, AT+USET=38400,N,8,1,N, and you will see OK returned.

    5. Change the jumper hats to connect WIFI_TX with D6 and WIFI_RX with D7.6. Upload the code below.7. Open serial monitor, and you will see it successfully joins wifi with the Red LED lit.

    #include #include #include "WizFi250.h"

    #define SSID "Your-SSID"#define KEY "Password"#define AUTH "WPA2"

    #define spi_CS 8

    SoftwareSerial uart(6, 7);WizFi250 wizfi250(&uart);

    void setup() {Serial.begin(38400); //change to the right baud rateTOP


  • uart.begin(38400); //change to the right baud rate

    pinMode(spi_CS,OUTPUT);digitalWrite(spi_CS,HIGH);Serial.println("--------- WIZFI250 TEST --------");// wait for initilization of Wizfi250// wizfi250.reset(); delay(1000); Serial.println("Join " SSID ); delay(10); if (wizfi250.join(SSID, KEY, AUTH)) { Serial.println("Successfully join " SSID); } else { Serial.println("Failed join " SSID); } wizfi250.clear(); Serial.println("*************send command to get Wizfi250 status******************"); wizfi250.sendCommand("AT+WSTAT\r"); //delay(10); char c; while (wizfi250.receive((uint8_t *)&c, 1, 100) > 0) { Serial.print((char)c); }

    }void loop() { while (wizfi250.available()) { Serial.write(; } while (Serial.available()) { wizfi250.write(;}}

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