Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1...


Transcript of Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1...

Page 1: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜
Page 2: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜
Page 3: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

Table of Contents





Traditional Culture

Traditional Performing Arts

Festivals and Traditional Events

Creation of New Culture


京都の歴史Four Seasons and Living in Kyoto

History of Kyoto





Traditional Industries and Craftsmanship

High-Technology Industry and Venture Companies

Agriculture and Forestry

Tourism in Kyoto







Kyoto's Efforts toward Becoming a City of Universities

Roles of Universities

The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto

Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa

Cooperation between Industry, Academia and Government

Research Institutes





Page 4: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜








Use of Former School Sites

Student City and Finance Park

Experience-Based Learning Project for Developing Students' Future Visions

Kyoto Handicraft Program for Children

Miyako Kodomo Doyo-juku or Saturday program for children

Junior Kyoto Certification Program

Lifelong Learning



福 祉


景 観

環 境


Gakku or School District: A Base Unit for Regional Activities

Disaster Prevention and Crime Prevention


Child-rearing Support



Sports, Culture and Traditional Events






Environmentally Advanced City

Landscape Policy

Improving outdoor advertisements

Efforts for the revitalization of the city

Traffic Policy








Friendship Cities

The League of Historical Cities

International MICE City

Multicultural City


Page 5: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

市街中心部航空写真Aerial photograph ofcentral Kyoto

 Chapter 1

第 1章 はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

Page 6: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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 京都は、三方を山で囲まれた盆地に位置し、1200年を超える悠久の歴史の中で様々な文化を育んできた、日本人の心のふるさとともいうべき都市です。市の中心部には、碁盤の目のように東西南北に大路小路が走り、元離宮二条城をはじめとする 14 箇所の世界文化遺産や 2000 を越える神社仏閣が市内各所に点在しています。南北にかけて帯状に広がる市域の約 4 分の 3 を山林が占める京都市では、残る約 4 分の 1 の面積に、御所を中心とした市街地が広がっています。盆地特有の気候のため、寒暑の差や昼夜の気温差が大きく、四季の変化にも富んでいます。 歴史都市であると同時に、日本中、また世界中から観光客をひきよせる観光都市であり、更には、大学・短期大学をはじめ世界水準の研究機関が集結する学術研究都市、低炭素・循環型まちづくりのモデルを発信する環境先進都市でもある、多彩な魅力を秘めたまち、それが京都です。

◆京都の四季と暮らし 千年の都・京都は、豊かな四季の移ろいとともに時を経てきた、山紫水明のまちです。 平安京の時代より、人々は暮らしの中に四季を取り入れてきました。それは、習慣や文化、料理、年中行事など様々なところに観られます。夏の暑い時期に家の玄関に水をまき、路面の温度を下げる「打ち水」や、川面に張り出すようにして座席を設け、涼をとりながら食事をする「納涼床」、湿度の高い京都の夏を快適に過ごすため、風通しをよくするよう工夫された「京町家」などは、その例です。 また、年中行事の主要なものは祭りですが、京都には、祇園祭・葵祭・時代祭の京都三大祭をはじめ、お盆の精霊送り行事として室町時代から広まったと言われる「五山の送り火」や、秋の鞍馬の里が熱気に包まれる「鞍馬の火祭」など、各地域・各時期において、由緒ある様々な祭りが催される一方、各々の町内で行われる地蔵盆など、宗教的行事の枠を越え、地域社会において住民の絆を深める役割を果たしているものもあります。

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, is situated in a basin

surrounded by mountains on three sides. Through its

long history of more than 1200 years, Kyoto has blended

diverse cultures, and is called the spiritual home of

Japanese people. In central Kyoto, streets and alleys run

east-west and north-south, forming a grid pattern. While

featuring a total of 14 UNESCO World Heritage Sites,

including Nijo Castle, Kyoto is also home to more than

2,000 shrines and temples. Mountains and forests account

for roughly three-quarters of the municipal area, which

extends longitudinally. The remaining fourth of the land

area comprises the urban district, centered on the Imperial

Palace. Due to its basin-specific climate, Kyoto undergoes

drastic temperature changes between day and night, and

between the hottest and coldest periods of the year, so is

renowned for the beauty of its clearly defined seasons.

Kyoto is not only a historic city; it is also a tourist city,

attracting many tourists from throughout Japan and around

the world. Moreover, Kyoto is an academic research city,

being home to universities and junior colleges, as well

as an environmentally advanced city which can be a role

model for low carbon and recycle-oriented society. As

indicated above, Kyoto is a city with a variety of attractive


◆ Four Seasons and Living in KyotoKyoto is an ancient capital with more than a millennium

of history, featuring great scenic beauty highlighted by

enchanting seasonal changes.

Ever since the Heian Period, the people of Kyoto have

enjoyed seasonal changes in their everyday lives, in such

various aspects as customs, culture, cuisine and annual

events. Examples include: Uchi-mizu, i.e., sprinkling water

around a house entrance to lower the temperature on

the road during the summer; Noryo-yuka, or, waterfront

wooden decks on which people can enjoy meals in the

cool evening air near the river; and Kyo-machiya, traditional

wooden townhouses designed to provide sufficient

ventilation for residents’ comfort even on very humid

summer days.

Festivals are a key component of annual events. A variety

of historic festivals are held at various times and places

in Kyoto. Chief among them are the three major festivals

(matsuri ) —Aoi in May, Gion in July, and Jidai in October—,

Page 7: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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◆京都の歴史(1) 平安の都 京都の都市としての歴史は、平安京が造営された西暦 794 年にはじまりました。 唐の都・長安を模して造られた平安京は、東西約 4.5キロメートル、南北約 5.2 キロメートルの規模で、東西南北に大路小路が走る整然とした町並みが形成されていました。これが、今日まで続く京都の町並みの原型です。 平安京における主役は天皇と貴族たちでした。今から 1000 年前に紫式部によって著された「源氏物語」には、平安時代の貴族階級全盛期の頃の大内裏の様子が見事に描かれています。平安京は政治の中心であったのみならず、文化や経済の中心でもありました。かな文字(ひらがな)はこの時代に生まれました。

the Gozan Okuribi (Daimonji Bonfire), which is said to

have become popularized during the Muromachi Period

as a religious event for sending the spirits of departed

ancestors to the other world, and the Kurama Fire Festival,

an exciting event of autumn in the small village of Kurama.

Meanwhile, jizo-bon (a local festival for children) and other

local festivals are held in each community. These local

festivals, going beyond the framework of religious events,

play a role in strengthening ties among local community


◆ History of Kyoto(1) Heian CapitalThe history of Kyoto as a capital city dates back to 794 AD,

when the Heian-kyo Capital was created. Modeled after

Changan, the capital of the grand Chinese Tang Dynasty

(618-907 AD), it measured approximately 4.5 km east-to-

west and 5.2 km north-to-south. The Heian-kyo Capital

was systematically designed in a grid pattern, with streets

running east to west and avenues running north to south.

This early attempt at urban planning can be seen in street

patterns to this day.

In the Heian-kyo Capital, the Emperor and the nobility

played leading roles. The Tale of Genji, written by Murasaki

Shikibu (a court lady) 1,000 years ago, vividly depicts

the circumstances in the daidairi (outer palace precincts)

during the heyday of the Heian Period nobility. Heian-kyo

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 まちなかや鴨川や近くの山を歩いていて、京都がいかに自然と結び付いているかを体験することができます。まちの中のどこからでも大文字が永久のシンボルとして見え、それが、すぐに歩いて行けそうな感じとか、遠くから眺められるところが好きです。東福寺、建仁寺、大徳寺は私の大好きな場所ですが、それらの庭園は本質的な宇宙を表しています。そのひとつひとつが日常を離れた特別な空間です。京都について最も素晴らしいと思うことは、一生のうちにすべて訪問することは無理だと思うぐらい、まだまだ発見されていない場所が無限にあることです。Kyoto has a strong connection with nature that you can experience simply by walking through the town, the kamo river

or the near-by hills. Wherever you are in town, Daimonji is a permanent symbol, I like the way it reminds you that it can

be reached on foot or either observe it from a distance.

Gardens are quintessence of universe, Tofukuji, Kenninji or Daitokuji are my favorite in Kyoto. Each one is a special

space which takes you away from the day-to-day life.

The best feeling about Kyoto is to know there is infinity of hidden places waiting to be discovered and not having

enough with life time to visit them all.

Claire Cocano from France, Kyoto University of Art and Design

クレール・コカノ フランス出身/京都造形芸術大学

Page 8: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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(2) 室町文化 12 世紀の終わりには、政治の実権は武家へと移り、一時、京都は政治の中心ではなくなりますが、 14 世紀のはじめに足利氏が京都に幕府を開いたことで、京都は再び政治の中心へと返り咲きます。この室町幕府の時代に、現在にも伝わる数々の文化や芸術が花開きました。特に幕府により保護された禅宗は茶道、華道、能、書画、文学、日本庭園など様々な日本の伝統文化の精神的支柱となり、日本人の日常生活や美意識に大きな影響を与えました。3 代将軍足利義満、8 代将軍足利義政の時代には、金閣寺に代表される北山文化や、銀閣寺に代表される東山文化が栄えました。 華やかな文化の隆盛の一方で、将軍家をめぐる争いは絶えませんでした。中でも1467 年に始まった応仁の乱により、京都のまちは大規模な戦禍を被りました。ここで、廃墟となった京都を救ったのは、当時の市民である

「町衆」です。「町衆」の力により京都のまちは徐々に復興を遂げ、1500 年には、応仁の乱以来中止されていた祇園祭が復活しました。豪華絢爛な山鉾が都大路を練り歩くこの祇園祭は、町衆の自治の精神やエネルギーとともに、今日まで引き継がれています。

was not just the political center of Japan, it was also the

cultural and economic center. It was during this period as

well that hiragana (the Japanese cursive syllabary) was


(2) Muromachi CultureAt the end of the 12th century, the real political power

passed into the hands of warriors, and the political focus

of the country was temporarily shifted away from Kyoto. In

the early 14th century, however, when the Ashikaga clan

established the seat of the shogunate in Muromachi, Kyoto

regained its status as the political center of Japan. The

age of the Muromachi Shogunate saw the emergence and

development of many cultural arts, to which we can trace

the origins of our present-day culture. Worthy of special

religious note in this regard is Zen Buddhism. Under the

patronage of the Shogunate, Zen served as a spiritual

support for Japanese traditional cultural arts, including the

art of tea ceremony, the art of flower arrangement, Noh,

paintings and calligraphic works, literature and Japanese

gardens, all of which had great impact on Japanese

people’s daily life and sense of beauty. During the reigns

of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (the 3rd Shogun of Muromachi)

and Ashikaga Yoshimasa (the 8th Shogun), Kyoto enjoyed

the prosperity of the Kitayama Culture, represented by

Rokuonji Temple, well known as Kinkakuji Temple (Golden

Pavilion), and the Higashiyama Culture, represented by

Jishoji Temple (Ginkakuji Temple or Silver Pavilion).

Even as its culture flourished, however, Kyoto constantly

suffered wars involving the shogunate family. The

Onin War, which began in 1467, was particularly

destructive, reducing Kyoto to ashes. It was the machishu

(townspeople of the t ime) who saved the ruined

capital of Kyoto. They played a leading role in gradually

reconstructing Kyoto; the Gion Matsuri Festival (Exorcising

Festival), which had been discontinued since the Onin

War, was revived in 1500. This Festival, highlighted by

gorgeously decorated floats called yamahoko making

their way through the city streets, has been handed down

to the modern day, along with the autonomous spirit and

energy of the machishu.

無鄰庵庭園(夏)Murinan Garden (Summer)

Page 9: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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(3)豊臣秀吉の大改造 室町幕府の政治権力が弱まり、戦国時代の混沌とした世を経て、天下統一に成功した豊臣秀吉は、京都のまちの大改造に乗り出します。1587 年、平安京の大内裏跡に金箔瓦を施した居城「聚楽第」を完成させ、1591 年には、京都のまちをぐるりと取り囲む総延長22.5 キロメートル、高さ約 4 ~ 5 メートルの「お土居」が築かれます。これにより、洛中と洛外を区分するとともに、「京の七口」を設けて全国各地へ伸びる道路の要の出入り口としました。更に、平安京以来、碁盤目状の正方形であった区画を、南北の小路を通した短冊形に改め、洛中洛外に散在していた寺院を強制移転させて寺町を形成するなど、様々な改造が行われ、それまでの京都の町並みは一変しました。この秀吉の大改造は、現在の京都の町並みの基礎を形づくることになりました。

(3) Extensive Renovation of Kyoto  by Toyotomi Hideyoshi Following the decline in the political power of the

Muromachi Shogunate, Japan entered the Warring State

Period. Toyotomi Hideyoshi brought the nation out of that

period of chaos, successfully unifying the whole country.

He then launched the extensive renovation of Kyoto. In

1587, he completed the Jurakudai mansion with gold-

foiled roof tiles as his own residence, at the site of the

daidairi (outer palace precincts) in the Heian-kyo Capital.

In 1591, Kyoto was enclosed by an earthen embankment

that was 22.5 km in total length and about 4-5 m in

height. This embankment demarcated an interior Kyoto

city space from the surrounding environs. Toyotomi also

built the seven gates, which served as key entrances to

roads leading to various parts of Japan. Furthermore, he

changed the zoning of Kyoto, which since the inception

of Heian-kyo Capital had been laid out in a square grid

pattern, to a rectangular grid by adding a number of alleys

running north and south. He also forcibly moved temples

previously scattered inside and outside the capital, so as to

鴨川と桜並木(春)Kamo River and row of cherry trees (Spring)

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第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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(4)江戸時代、そして明治維新 17 世紀に入り、将軍となった徳川家康は、政治の舞台を江戸に移します。家康は、京都の価値を認識しており、その知恵と文化を吸収させるため、多くの学者や商人を京都に送りました。 「太平の世」と謳われた江戸時代の間、政治的には静かな時を過ごしてきた京都でしたが、幕末期には尊皇派・佐幕派が入り乱れ、皇居のあった京都は一時的に政治の中心地として甦ります。しかし1869 年、東京遷都により、千年もの間、都として存続してきた京都は名実ともに都の座を失い、人口は 40 万人から20 万人余りに激減しました。沈滞した空気が覆う中、京都は、新しい時代の近代都市へと生まれ変わるために徹底的に動き出します。

南禅寺水路閣(秋)Waterway of Nanzenji Temple (Autumn)

form specific temple districts (Teramachi). Through these

major renovation projects, which radically transformed the

previous city layout, Toyotomi laid the foundations for the

cityscape that is present-day Kyoto.

(4) Edo Period and the Meiji RestorationIn the 17th century, Tokugawa Ieyasu became Shogun and

transferred the nation’s political center to Edo (modern

day Tokyo). Since he recognized the value of Kyoto, he

dispatched many scholars and merchants to the former

capital, in order to have them absorb the wisdom and

culture there.

During the much of the Edo Period (1603 – 1868), also

called the "era of great peace," Kyoto was politically silent,

except for the closing days of the Tokugawa regime. At

the end of the Edo Period, Kyoto, home to the Imperial

Palace, temporarily regained its status as the political

center, drawing both the pro-emperor and pro-Tokugawa

factions. However, in 1869, when Tokyo was made the

capital, Kyoto, the ancient capital with a millennium-long

history, lost its rights as Japan’s capital, in both name and

reality, its population decreasing drastically from 400,000

to 200,000 or so. Although the distressed mood was

widespread, eventually Kyoto began to go all-out in its

efforts to regenerate itself into a modern city of the new


Page 11: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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(5)京都の近代化と「京都策」 明治維新以降、「京都策」と呼ばれるまちづくりが次々と進められました。中でも、明治の一大事業として知られる琵琶湖疏水の開削は、京都に豊かな水をもたらしただけでなく、物資の輸送力を高めました。1891 年には疏水の水を利用した日本初の事業用水力発電所が蹴上に完成し、京都の電気事業は大きく発展していくことになりました。 このほか、西陣織に取り入れられたジャカード織機をはじめとする外国技術の導入、全国に先駆けた小学校の開設など、様々な事業が積極的に進められました。 平安遷都千百年記念祭にあわせて 1895 年に開催された第 4 回内国勧業博覧会は、蹴上発電所の電力を利用した全国初の市街電車の開通や平安京の大極殿を約8 分の 5 に復元した平安神宮の造営、時代祭の創始などといった、京都のまちの復興とエネルギーの象徴を全国に知らしめる好機となりました。その後も、第二琵琶湖疏水事業、水道事業、道路拡張と電気軌道敷設による交通網整備事業の「三大事業」によって、京都は文字通り近代都市として生まれ変わりました。

大原の雪景色(冬)Ohara District coverd with snow (Winter)

(5) Modernization of Kyoto and "Kyoto Policy"After the Meiji Restoration, Kyoto carried out a series

of city development plans, called "Kyoto Policy." Above

all, the construction of the Lake Biwa Canal was known

as an innovative project during the Meiji Period. The

opening of the Canal not only provided Kyoto with

abundant water, but also enhanced the capacity for water

cargo transportation. In 1891, the Keage Power Plant

was completed. It was Japan’s first hydroelectric power

generation plant harnessing water from the Lake Biwa

Canal. The Power Plant’s completion gave momentum to

significant development of the electric power industry in


Kyoto was also vigorous in implementing various

other projects. Examples include the import of foreign

technologies, such as the Jacquard looms employed by

the Nishijin textile industry, and the establishment of

modern elementary schools, the first of their kind in Japan.

In 1895 the Fourth National Industrial Exhibition was

held, in conjunction with celebration of the 1100th

anniversary of Heian Sento (the relocation of the

capital). The Exhibition provided a great opportunity to

demonstrate nationwide Kyoto’s regeneration and energy,

which were represented by the opening of Japan’s first

streetcar (powered by electricity from Keage Power

Plant), the construction of Heian Jingu Shrine, a 5/8 scale

reproduction of Daigoku-den (original Palace of the State

Hall in the Heian-kyo Capital), and the commencement

of Jidai Matsuri Festival (Festival of the Ages). This was

followed by the comprehensive "Three Great Works," an

endeavor that undertook a second large-scale Lake Biwa

Canal development project, modernized city waterworks,

and upgraded transportation networks with streetcar

facilities and improved roads. Through these works, the

reconstruction of Kyoto as a modern city was realized.

Page 12: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

(6) 近代京都の誕生と発展 政府によって市制が施行された1889 年、「京都市」が誕生しましたが、この時点では、政治的な重要性から京都市の自治権は制約されていました。これに対し、市民の間で自治権獲得の運動が起こり、その結果、1898年に制約は解除され、ついに京都市は真の自治体としての第一歩を踏み出すこととなりました。 1945 年に終戦を迎えた第二次世界大戦は、日本に大きな傷を残しました。京都は幸い、東京や大阪のような大規模な空爆の被害を受けませんでしたが、火が回るのを防ぐために、多くの家屋が取り壊され、また、多くの人や資源が戦時中に京都から流出しました。 戦後、復興計画が持ち上がり、途絶えていた伝統行事の再興などが実行に移されました。1958 年、京都市は、外国の他都市とのより深い交流によって相互理解を促進させるため、フランスのパリ市と初めての姉妹都市提携(友情盟約)を締結します。1966 年には、国立京都国際会館が開館し、京都は国際会議の地としての役割も担うようになります。更に 1978 年に京都市は、全世界のひとびとがあらゆる相違を超えて平和のうちに集い、自由な文化交流を行うことのできる都市を謳った

「世界文化自由都市宣言」を行い、世界平和に貢献する国際都市を目指して大きな一歩を踏み出しました。 現在、京都市では、京都の持つ魅力の全てを、日本の国の財産として守り、育て、更には次世代へと引き継いでいくための景観・文化・観光を 3 本柱とした「京都創生」の取組を推進しています。住民や訪れる人々にとって魅力あるまちであり続けることはもとより、平和で持続可能な世界の実現に向けて貢献できる、世界の中の京都としての発展を目指して、京都のまちは歩み続けています。

(6) Emergence and Development of Modern KyotoKyoto was reorganized as a city in 1889, when the

Japanese government implemented the municipal system.

At that point, however, the Japanese government imposed

some restrictions on the autonomy of Kyoto, in view of

its political importance. In response, the citizens of Kyoto

conducted a campaign to acquire full autonomy. As a

result, the autonomous restrictions were lifted in 1898,

and Kyoto City finally took its first steps as a true self-

governing entity.

World War II ended in 1945, leaving massive scars in

Japan. It was fortunate for Kyoto that it had not suffered

extensive damage caused by air raids, as had Tokyo and

Osaka. However, to prevent the spread of fires, many

houses and buildings had been demolished in Kyoto, and

many people and resources flowed out of the City during

the war.

After the end of World War II, Kyoto launched its postwar

reconstruction plans, and resumed the traditional events

that had been discontinued during the war. In 1958,

Kyoto City established Japan’s first sister city relationship

(Friendship Pledge) with Paris, France, as part of its

efforts to deepen exchange with other cities in foreign

counties so as to promote mutual understanding with

those cities. In 1966, the Kyoto International Conference

Center was opened, enabling the City to assume an

additional role as venue for international conferences. In

1978, the Declaration of Kyoto as a City Open to the Free

Exchange of World Cultures proclaimed Kyoto a city where

people from all over the world could overcome various

differences, to meet together in peace and freely enjoy

cultural exchange. This marked Kyoto’s major step toward

becoming an international city that contributes to world


Currently, Kyoto City is promoting the initiatives for "Kyoto-

sosei (Revitalization of Kyoto)," in order to protect, develop

and pass on to the next generation as Japan’s assets all

the attractions of Kyoto, focusing on tourism, culture and

landscapes as the three main pillars. Kyoto will continue

to evolve, with the aim of remaining a city that is not only

attractive to residents and visitors, but that also grows as a

cosmopolis that can help realize a peaceful and sustainable


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祇園祭山鉾巡行Yamahoko floats onparade duringGion Matsuri Festival

 Chapter 2第 2章 文化・伝統

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第2章 文化・伝統

 京都の文化は、朝鮮半島や中国大陸から伝えられた仏教と、古くから日本で信仰されてきた神道の影響を強く受けながら1200 年の歴史を土壌に次々と生まれ、受け継がれ、あるいは融合して形を変えながら時代を超えて、現代に息づいています。 市内には、国宝のおよそ 20%、重要文化財のおよそ15%が集中しており、元離宮二条城をはじめとする14箇所が世界文化遺産に登録されています。また、平安中期、政治家として栄華を極めた藤原道長の自筆日記

「御堂関白記」(公益財団法人陽明文庫所有)がユネスコ記憶遺産に登録されています。 室町時代、禅寺の影響を強く受けた武家文化が平安時代から続くみやびやかな貴族文化と融合し、武道や華道、能や狂言といった新たな文化の華が開きました。禅宗ほど今日の日本文化に深い影響を与えている宗教はありません。例えば、お茶を飲む行為に、作法や季節感等の人為的なものを取り入れ、加工し、日常を非日常化したものが、茶道へと発展するなど、禅宗では、日常生活の行為の一つ一つが修行であると考え、日常生活の取り決めを厳しく守ってきました。また、禅寺の書院建築が、現代の日本建築様式の基礎となり、更に、僧侶の「精進料理」といわれる肉食を禁じた食生活から、豆腐など多様な食材が生まれました。 これらが、京都という地域の文化であるのみならず、日本という国全体の文化であるという事実が、京都が日本人の心のふるさとと言われるゆえんです。

Throughout its 1200-year history Kyoto has steadily

developed its culture, under the strong influences of both

Buddhism - introduced from Korea and China - and Shinto,

the indigenous religion of Japan. Over this long history,

Kyoto’s culture has been handed down to the modern day,

while being blended with other cultures.

Kyoto City is home to about 20% of Japan’s designated

National Treasures and about 15% of its Important

Cultural Properties. The ancient capital also has a total of

14 cultural assets, including Nijo Castle, which are listed

as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Midoh Kanpaku-ki, an

autograph diary of Michinaga FUJIWARA, the politician

reaching the height of glory in the middle of Heian Period

was designated as the UNESCO Memory of the World.

During the Muromachi Period (1336 – 1573) the fusion

of the samurai culture, which was strongly influenced

by Zen Buddhism, and the elegant aristocratic culture

that had continued from the Heian Period (794 -1185)

led to the emergence of new cultural arts, such as budo

(Japanese martial arts), the art of flower arrangement,

Noh and Kyogen. Of all religions, Zen Buddhism had the

greatest influence on the Japanese culture of today. In

Zen, each and every activity in daily life is considered to

be training, and followers are required to strictly observe

the prescribed rules in everyday living. To take the art of

tea ceremony as an example, the act of drinking tea was

elaborated into the tea ceremony by incorporating such

artificial elements as the rules of etiquette and certain

seasonal indications. In this manner, Zen played a role

in transforming an ordinary act into an extraordinary act.

Another example is the shoin-style architecture used

in Zen temples, which laid the foundation for modern

Japanese-style architecture. Furthermore, Buddhist

priests’ vegetarian diet, called "shojin cuisine," which

prohibits the consumption of meat, led to the invention of

tofu (soybean curd) and various other foods.

The above cultural elements are not specific to Kyoto

alone, but now pertain to all of Japan. This is why Kyoto is

called the spiritual home of the Japanese.

二条城Nijo Castle

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◆伝統文化(1)茶道 禅寺での喫茶の儀礼をもとに、豊臣秀吉の保護の下、千利休が完成させた「茶道」は、世界平和にも通ずる理念を持つ日本文化として、広く世界に親しまれています。茶道具として用いる漆器や陶磁器、竹細工などの工芸品をはじめ、京料理、京菓子など、茶道は、多くの京都の伝統産業の発展に深く関係しています。

(2)華道 「華道」は、仏教の伝来と発展に伴い、仏前に花を手向ける供花から派生していると言われています。室町時代に京都六角堂の僧侶により確立され、当初は上流階級や武家階級の文化として広まりましたが、江戸時代中期以降は、次第に庶民にも広くたしなまれるようになりました。

(3)書院造り・数寄屋造り 「書院造り」は、僧の住居で書斎として使われていた建築様式に由来し、今日の日本建築の礎を築いたものです。角材を用いて屋内を部屋に区切ったところなどに特徴があります。「数寄屋造り」は、丸太柱を用いるなど自然の趣を取り入れる茶室の要素を書院造りに加えたもので、室町時代に完成したと言われています。京都市の北部で産出される北山杉は、北山丸太として、室町時代中期以降、数寄屋造りの茶室建築に盛んに用いられました。桂離宮などは、数寄屋造りの代表例です。数寄屋造りは、江戸時代以降に住宅や料亭など幅広く広まっていきました。

◆ Traditional Culture(1) Art of Tea CeremonyUnder the patronage of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Sen no Rikyu

completed the art of the tea ceremony, on the basis of

the tea etiquette practiced in Zen temples. The art of the

tea ceremony is popular around the world, as a Japanese

cultural art whose principles also hold true for world

peace. The art of the tea ceremony is deeply related to

the development of many traditional industries in Kyoto,

including those relating to lacquer ware, ceramic ware,

bamboo ware and other craftworks used as tea utensils,

as well as to Kyoto cuisine and confectionaries.

(2) Art of Flower ArrangementThe art of flower arrangement is said to have derived

from the act of offering flowers at Buddhist altars, a

practice that had been popularized in accordance with the

introduction and development of Buddhism. Established

during the Muromachi Period by a Buddhist priest of

Rokkakudo Temple in Kyoto, flower arrangement was

initially disseminated as a cultural art for the upper and

samurai classes. However, since the mid-Edo Period, it has

gradually become widespread among the general public.

(3) Shoin-style/Sukiya-style ArchitectureShoin-style architecture, which or iginated in the

architectural style used for the library or study in a

Buddhist priest’s residence, served as the basis for the

Japanese architecture of today. One characteristic of

shoin-style architecture is the use of square pillars to

divide the interior of a structure into rooms. Sukiya-style

architecture, a variation of the shoin style, is said to have

been established in the Muromachi Period. In addition

to shoin-style characteristics, Sukiya-style buildings

have round pillars and other elements of the Japanese

teahouse, which features a natural atmosphere. From the

mid-Muromachi Period onward, sukiya-style teahouses

were built, frequently with polished logs of Kitayama cedar,

produced in northern Kyoto. Katsura Rikyu Imperial Villa is

a typical example of sukiya-style architecture. During the

Edo Period and later, the sukiya-style began to be widely

employed in residences and Japanese-style restaurants.

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第2章 文化・伝統

(4)京料理 色鮮やかで、見た目にも美しい京料理は、最高の食材と技が生み出す芸術です。食材には、地元で栽培される伝統野菜「京野菜」を中心に、その季節の旬のものが選ばれます。食材の処理や調理方法は、素材の持つ本来の味を最大限に引き出すよう細心の注意を払ってなされ、盛付けも、器との調和を考慮しながら美しく仕上げられます。京料理の源流は茶懐石をはじめ、多様な料理が体系的につながり融合したものです。会席料理や精進料理、家庭のおかず、いわゆる「おばんざい」、京野菜を使った漬物、薄い昆布で酢漬けの鯖と白米を包み込んで作られる鯖寿司など、京都のものとして知られる食べ物はたくさんあります。 山に囲まれた土地柄上、京都では新鮮な魚を手に入れることが困難であったため、日本海から塩漬けにして運ばれる鯖や鯛は大変貴重なものとして扱われました。庶民の家庭では、祝い事があると、鯖寿司が近所にふるまわれたといいます。 平成 25 年(2013 年)12 月 4 日、「和食;日本人の伝統的な食文化」がユネスコ(国際連合教育科学文化機関)無形文化遺産に登録されました。 京都市ではこれまで、京都府や関係機関等と連携し、オール京都で登録への取組を推進してきました。和食には、日本人が大切にしてきた心、多くの知恵が詰まっています。 京都には、長い歴史と四季折々の豊かな自然の中で洗練されてきた京料理や旬の野菜などを使った家庭のおかずなど、さまざまな食文化が根付いており、平成 25 年

(2013 年)10 月には「京の食文化」を市独自の "京都をつなぐ無形文化遺産" に選定しました。今回の登録を機会に「京の食文化」を見つめ直し、世代を越えて受け継いでいきたいものです。

(5)京菓子 貴族の儀式や行楽の際に作られたもの、寺社の儀式でのお供え物、茶道に用いられる茶菓子など、京菓子の歴史は、その時代の人々の暮らしを色濃く反映しています。市内には、数百年もの歴史を持つ店が複数存在しており、

(4) Kyoto CuisineKyoto cuisine, whose colorful appearance provides a

feast for the eyes, is an art created by superb cooking

ingredients and techniques. As ingredients, Kyoto cuisine

mainly uses Kyo-yasai (Kyoto vegetables), which have

been traditionally cultivated in Kyoto, together with other

selected foodstuffs in season. These ingredients are

prepared and cooked with the closest attention, so as

to maximize their natural flavors. Kyoto cuisine is then

beautifully served on bowls and plates that have been

selected for harmony with the foods. Kyoto cuisine

originates from Chakaiseki , a simple meal served at tea

ceremonies and was developed into the current style by

integrating many other cuisines in it. The many other types

of dishes and foods that have originated or developed

in Kyoto include: tea-ceremony dishes; shojin cuisine

(Buddhist vegetarian dishes); home cooking so called

"Obanzai"; and saba-zushi, prepared by wrapping lightly

pickled mackerel and rice in thin sheets of kelp.

Since Kyoto is surrounded by mountains, in the past

Kyotoites had difficulty in obtaining fresh fish. For this

reason, salted mackerel and sea bream transported from

the Sea of Japan to the capital were goods of great value.

It is said that ordinary people used to present saba-zushi to

neighbors on celebratory occasions.

In December 4, 2013, "Washoku; Traditional Dietary

Cultures of the Japanese" was added to UNESCO's

Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

The City of Kyoto has worked together with Kyoto

Prefecture and other concerned parties to the inscription

of Washoku on the list. The heart and wisdom of Japanese

people are embodied in Washoku.

Various types of food culture exist in Kyoto such as Kyo-

ryori and home cooking using fresh seasonal vegetables.

In October 2013, the City of Kyoto designated the "Food

Culture of Kyoto" as the" Intangible Cultural Heritage of

Kyoto". In the wake of the inscription by UNESCO, we

would like to rethink the "Food Culture of Kyoto" and pass

it down to the future generation.

(5) Kyoto ConfectionariesThe history of Kyoto confectionaries clearly reflects the

lifestyles of people living in each age. In some cases,

confectionaries were made for ceremonies and pleasure

trips of the nobility. In other cases, they were used as

offerings in temple and shrine rituals, or served at tea

ceremonies. In the City of Kyoto there are a number of

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◆伝統芸能 世阿弥が完成させた「能」は、禅の思想や茶道の精神性と深い関わりを持つ舞台芸術です。表情を隠す能面と最小限の動きによって表現される世界は、日本古来の芸術の中でも、とりわけ繊細な優美さに満ちています。毎年6月には、屋外に設置された舞台で、薪を燃やす明かりの下、幽玄に舞う「京都薪能」が、平安神宮の境内において催されています。 能とは対照的に、日常的な言葉で演じられる「狂言」は、世の中を風刺する喜劇的な要素を持っており、市民の間で親しまれてきました。 「能」と「狂言」を併せた舞台芸術「能楽」はユネスコの無形文化遺産として登録されています。 宮廷文化をもとに編み出され、江戸中期に発達した「京

Kyoto-style confectionary stores with several hundred

years of history, indicating that Kyoto confectionaries

still maintain close connections with people’s lives, as in

the past. Notably, confections used in the tea ceremony

are assigned names that remind us of each season, and

express seasonal beauty, offering the fine aromas and

flavors produced by high-quality ingredients.

◆ Traditional Performing ArtsNoh, brought to its present form by Zeami, is a performing

art deeply related with the Zen concept and the spirit of

the tea ceremony. The delicate, yet richly elegant world

expressed by an unchanging Noh mask and the minimal

motions of the actors makes Noh especially notable

among the traditional performing arts of Japan. In June of

each year, the Kyoto Takigi Noh (Noh theater performed

at night by firelight) is held in the precincts of Heian Jingu

Shrine. Visitors can enjoy watching Noh actors perform on

an open-air stage, creating an atmosphere of quiet, elegant

beauty, illuminated by the light of flaming braziers.

In contrast, Kyogen, another form of Japanese traditional

theater, is performed in everyday language. Kyogen has

comical elements that satirize society, and has long been

popular among the general public.

京懐石Kyo-kaiseki cuisine

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第2章 文化・伝統

舞」は、少ない動きの中に豊かな表現を見せる踊りです。京舞は、毎年 4 月に催される芸舞妓の舞踊公演「都をどり」でも観ることができます。春の風物詩として知られるこの

「都をどり」は、東京遷都で衰退した京都に活気を取り戻すべく1872 年に始められたものです。 さらに、宮廷音楽として現在まで継承されている「雅楽」は、これら舞台芸術と切り離すことのできない存在です。雅楽は、中国・朝鮮半島から伝えられたものが民謡など日本独自の文化と融合して形作られ、平安京の時代から続く世界最古のオーケストラとも言われています。

◆祭と伝統行事 京都には、人々の暮らしの中で徐々に形成され、自然の美しさのなかで育まれた、多くの無形の文化があります。とりわけ、京都の7 月の調べとも言える祇園囃子と華やかな山鉾で知られる「祇園祭」は、ユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されており、また東京の神田祭、大阪の天神祭とともに日本三大祭のひとつに数えられ、ほぼ一月を費やして、京都の都心一帯で繰り広げられます。祇園祭は、今から約1100 年前、平安時代に流行した疫病退散を祈って、日本全国の国の数に準じた 66 本の鉾をたてて神輿を神泉苑に送ったのが始まりとされています。 その他、平安貴族の優美な世界に人々を誘う「葵祭」や、各時代の一行が列を連ねる「時代祭」、そして疫病退散を

鞍馬の火祭Kurama Fire Festival

Nôgaku Theatre, encompassing both Noh and Kyogen, has

been included on the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural


Kyomai (Kyoto-style dance), created on the basis of court

culture, developed in the middle of the Edo Period. It

features understated movements that impart a richness

of expression. Kyomai dancing is staged in April each year

in the Miyako Odori, a dance performance presented by

geiko and maiko (apprentice geisha). This famous event

is symbolic of spring in Kyoto. The Miyako Odori began in

1872 as a means of revitalizing Kyoto, which was then in

a distressed mood following the transfer of the capital to


Gagaku, the traditional music of Japanese imperial

court that has been handed down to the modern day,

is inseparable from the performing arts named above.

Gagaku was formed through the fusion of music

introduced from China and Korea with Japanese folk

songs and other cultural arts unique to Japan. Originating

in the era of the Heian-kyo Capital, gagaku is said to be the

world’s oldest orchestral art.

◆ Festivals and Traditional EventsIn Kyoto there is a various types of culture that have

gradually formed though people’s daily lives, developing

in a beautiful natural environment. Above all, the Gion

Matsuri Festival is renowned for the lavishly decorated

floats, called yamahoko, and for Gion-bayashi music,

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◆新たな文化の創造 京都では、永い年月を人々が努力によって受け継いできたこれらの伝統行事や伝統芸能を、未来の世代にも引き継いでいきたいとの思いから、保全と後継者育成の試みが続けられています。 京都市は、京都に集積している日本の伝統芸能を生み出してきた人、物、作品、場を国内外の人々に情報発信し、また、訪れて体感してもらい、更に継承、創造するための拠点として、「国立京都伝統芸能文化センター(仮称)」の整備を目指しています。これまで、このセンターの機能として想定している事業をモデル事業として、能、狂言、邦舞、邦楽等の分野や流派を超えた創作公演を 2007 年から実施してきました。 新たな文化を創造するため、この取組にとどまらず、京都における伝統芸能の集積をいかした新たな舞台公演の更なる実施により、伝統を重んじながらも常に時代に先駆けて新しいものを生み出し続けてきた京都の、創造力と独創性を発信しています。

which symbolizes Kyoto in July. This Festival is inscribed

on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

of Humanity. Also it ranks among the three major festivals

of Japan, along with the Kanda Festival in Tokyo and the

Tenjin Festival in Osaka. The Festival goes on for about a

month in the entire area in down town Kyoto. The Gion

Festival began approximately 1100 years ago (during the

Heian Period) when an epidemic spread throughout the

country. To pray for an end, the emperor ordered that 66

hoko (halberds), representing the 66 provinces of Japan at

the time, be arranged in the Shinsen-en Garden and that

portable shrine parade be held. This is believed to have

been the origin of the Gion Festival.

Other world-famous festivals also enliven the ancient

capital of Kyoto. Typical among them are: Aoi Matsuri

Festival, which enables visitors to savor the ambience

of the elegant world of Heian court nobles; Jidai Matsuri

Festival, which features processions of people wearing

accurate costumes from each historical era; Gozan Okuribi

fire festival or Obon send-off bonfires, which is said to

have originated when the priest Kobo-Daishi (Kukai) lit the

character representing 'large' in flame, to repel a plague.

◆ Creation of New CultureIn Kyoto, through people’s endeavors, the above-

mentioned traditional events and performing arts have

been handed down over the generations to the present

day. In hope of passing these assets on to future

generations, Kyoto continues striving to preserve these

traditions and nurture their successors.

The City of Kyoto is making effort to urge the Government

to establish "National Traditional Performing Art Center" (a

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 私が京都を愛す理由は、京都が伝統的なものを維持しながら近代的な影響を受けた文化都市であることです。京都の料理、寺、人が好きです。これらの要素が一つになって素晴らしい都市を形成しています。京都は住むのに良いまちです。もう何年か住み続けたいと思っています。The reason why I love Kyoto is because of it is a very cultural city where modern influence is present

while still maintaining its traditional values. I love Kyoto’s food, Kyoto’s temple and its people. All of

these elements become one, creating an amazing city. Kyoto is a lovely place to live in. I hope I can continue living here

for some more years.

Nadya Azzahra from Indonesia, Doshisha University

ナディア・アッザフラ インドネシア出身/同志社大学

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第2章 文化・伝統

(1)京都市立芸術大学 京都市立芸術大学は、1880 年に日本初の公立の絵画専門学校として開設された京都府画学校を母体とする日本でもっとも長い歴史を持つ芸術大学です。この画学校を起源とする1950 年創立の市立美術大学と、全国初の公立音楽大学として1952 年に創立された京都市立音楽短期大学が 1969 年に統合し、京都市立芸術大学となりました。これまで、竹内栖鳳や上村松園などの京都画壇に代表される優れた日本画家、洋画家、版画家、陶芸家、染織家、デザイナー、音楽家、現代美術作家、研究者を輩出し、芸術文化はもちろん、京都の地場産業にも貢献してきました。近くでは中国や韓国など、遠くではイギリスやフランスなどから留学生を受け入れています。 また、現在、芸術大学は、施設の老朽化や狭あい化、耐震不足等の課題を抱えており、その解決を図るとともに、大学の発展はもとより、京都全体のまちづくりの進展や都市の魅力向上につなげるため、大学を現在の西京区から京都駅東の下京区崇仁地域に移転整備する取組を進めます。

(2)美術館・博物館 1933 年、東京都美術館に次いで全国で二番目の公立大規模美術館として開館した京都市美術館は、市民の熱意と努力、そして多額の寄付によって建てられた美術館として市民生活の中に溶け込んでいます。市美術館は、京都画壇をはじめ、京都にゆかりの作家たちによる日本画、洋画、工芸、書、版画、彫刻など約 3000 点の作品を所蔵しており、毎年一定のテーマに則したコレクション展や

temporary name) in Kyoto. This center will play the role

of spreading at home and abroad the information about

people, objects and places that are involved in the creation

of traditional performing arts which has accumulated here

in Kyoto. The City hopes that the center would also incite

people to visit Kyoto and feel these traditional performing

arts in person and function as a cradle for creating and

nurturing new types of performing arts. In order to monitor

the programs which are expected to be executed in this

center, an experimental performance started in 2007. This

event includes Noh, Kyogen and Japanese dance; and

other performances that are not bound by field or school.

In order to create a new culture, we host not only

the above mentioned programs, but also new stage

performances which have their origin in the accumulated

traditional performing arts of Kyoto. Thus, we are

disseminating the creativity and uniqueness of Kyoto

where new thing is constantly created while highly

esteeming the traditional ones.

(1) Kyoto City University of ArtsKyoto City University of Arts (KCUA), the most traditional

art university in Japan, has two main faculties: Art and

Music. Its forerunner, the Kyoto Prefectural School of

Painting, was inaugurated in 1880 as Japan’s first public

college of painting, which in turn became the Kyoto City

College of Arts in 1950. The Kyoto City Junior College

of Music was founded in 1952. These institutions were

integrated into Kyoto City University of Arts in 1969.

Thus far, the University has produced many artists and

researchers including outstanding Japanese-style painters,

such as Seiho Takeuchi and Shoen Uemura, who represent

Kyoto painting circles, as well as excellent Western-style

painters, printmakers, ceramic artists, dyeing and weaving

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都で暮らしながら感じたことは、京都の人々は誇りを持って古い伝統を守り続けているということです。一年中京都のあちこちで長い歴史を持つ伝統行事が開かれます。また、京都の多くの老舗では伝統的な方式で作った色々な物があって興味深いです。私は「京都に来てよかった!」といつも感じています。I sense that the people of Kyoto are proud of their tradition and make efforts to protect it. Traditional

events with long history are held in many places of Kyoto throughout the year.

Kyoto has also got many time honored shops which make various products using traditional methods. I always feel that

"I was lucky to come to Kyoto".

LEE YOON HA from South Korea, Kyoto University of Education

李潤夏 イ ユンハ 韓国出身 京都教育大学

Page 21: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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国内外美術作品の特別展を開催しております。また、日展や京展をはじめとする公募展、各種市民団体の展覧会、芸術系大学及び高等学校等の学生の卒業制作展など、市民活動の発表の場としての役割も担っています。 市内には、この他にも、国立近代美術館、国立博物館、京都府京都文化博物館、茶道資料館、京菓子資料館、京都国際マンガミュージアムなど、様々な資料を展示している文化施設が多数あります。更には、西陣織、京友禅、京焼・清水焼などの伝統工芸の体験ができる施設、江戸時代の日本のまちのセットの中を歩ける映画村など、展示作品を鑑賞するだけでなく、実際に手に触れて見る機会を提供している施設も多く存在し、こうしたものも合わせると、市内の文化施設の数は約160に上ります。

artists, designers, musicians and modern artists. The

University has thus contributed to the development not

only of arts and culture, but also of Kyoto’s local industry.

Meanwhile, the University has accepted students from

foreign countries both near and far, such as China and

South Korea, as well as the United Kingdom and France.

At present, Kyoto City University of Arts is facing many

problems such as aging buildings, lack of space and

shortage of earthquake resistance measures. In order to

solve these problems, we plan to relocate the university

from Nishikyo Ward to Shimogyo Ward (the west of

JR Kyoto Station). We expect that this will improve the

function of the university and also contribute to increasing

the charms and function of Kyoto as a whole.

(2) Art and Other MuseumsIn 1933, the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art opened as

Japan’s second largest public art museum, following the

Tokyo Municipal Museum of Art. Established thanks to

the enthusiasm and efforts of Kyoto City residents who

donated generously, the Museum has many visitors. Its

collection comprises approximately 3,000 works, including

Japanese-style paintings, Western-style paintings,

craftworks, prints and sculptures, created by artists from

the painting circles of Kyoto and other artists associated

with Kyoto. The regular exhibition of the collections of the

museum and special exhibitions of Japanese and foreign

artworks are held every year. Moreover, the Museum

holds various exhibitions, including Nitten, Kyoten and

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 私は日本に来る前に、日本の文化を考えた時「やはり京都だ」と思いました。そのため、京都に留学することにして、今でもその考え方は変わっていません。なぜかというと、京都に留学している間、日本語を勉強するだけではなく日本の伝統的な都市の雰囲気を味わえるからです。京都のお寺や神社に行ったら日本の歴史や文化に触れることができます。しかし、京都は伝統だけではなく娯楽や若さがあふれており、ショッピングをはじめ、様々な居酒屋やカラオケも楽しむこともできます。伝統的な京都で四季の変わりの美しさに感動しながら、楽しい留学生活を送りたいと思います。Before coming to Japan, I thought that Kyoto is the right place to enjoy Japanese culture. Therefore, I decided to study

in Kyoto and I have never thought of other place until today. Because I can enjoy not only studying Japanese language,

but also the traditional atmosphere of the city. When I visit temples and shrines, I can touch the history and tradition of

Japan. Not only the tradition, Kyoto can provide entertainments and is filled with youthfulness. You can enjoy shopping,

colorful eateries and karaoke bars. I would like to enjoy my school life while appreciating the seasonal beauty of

traditional city, Kyoto.

Anastasia Rainone from Italy, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies

アナスタシア・ライノネ イタリア出身 京都外国語大学

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第2章 文化・伝統

(3)京都の音楽文化 1956 年、日本で初めての自治体直営オーケストラとして、京都市交響楽団が誕生しました。古都京都の新しい文化を切り開く一大事業として設立されたこのオーケストラは、現在も全国トップ水準を誇り、定期演奏会の他に、国内外の他都市へのツアー、子どものためのコンサート、楽器講習会、音楽鑑賞教室、福祉施設への訪問演奏などの積極的な取組を通じて、青少年の成長と市民の音楽文化の振興に貢献しています。 左京区にある京都コンサートホールでは、京都市交響楽団の各種演奏会の他、国内外の一流オーケストラや演奏家の演奏を楽しむことができ、更には、市民活動の発表の場としての役割も持っています。市内には他にも、一流の総合舞台芸術の公演等が可能なロームシアター京都やいくつもの文化会館があり、コンサートや演劇の公演を鑑賞・開催することができます。また、近年では、寺社の境内や地域の商店街、複合商業施設などでも、ジャズやポップミュージックなどを含め様々なジャンルのコンサートが行われています。

茶道Tea ceremony

other public entry exhibitions, exhibitions organized by

various civic organizations, and exhibitions of graduation

works by students of art colleges/universities and high

schools, thus serving as a venue for displaying works

produced by citizens.

Kyoto City is also home to many other cultural facilities

and museums, which display various types of exhibits.

These include the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto,

the Kyoto National Museum, the Museum of Kyoto, the

Chado Research Center Galleries, the Kyoto Confectionary

Museum and the Kyoto International Manga Museum. In

addition, Kyoto City has many facilities where visitors can

not only appreciate exhibits, but can also enjoy hands-

on experience. Among these are facilities and workshops

that allow visitors to experience the processes of creating

traditional craftworks, such as Nishijin textile, Kyo-yuzen

textile dyeing, Kyo-yaki pottery, and Kiyomizu-yaki pottery.

Also, visitors to the Japanese Movie History Museum

can walk around in a film set that replicates a Japanese

town of the Edo Period. Including these facilities, cultural

facilities located in Kyoto City total approximately 160.

(3) Music Culture in KyotoThe Kyoto Symphony Orchestra (KSO) was founded in

1956. As an orchestra under the direct management of

a municipal government, it was the first of its kind in

Japan. Established under a major project for creating a

new culture in the ancient capital of Kyoto, KSO is one of

the nation’s top-ranked orchestras. In addition to regular

concerts, KSO makes concert tours to other cities in Japan

and abroad; it also holds concerts for children, workshops

on musical instruments and music appreciation seminars,

and visits welfare facilities to give performances. Through

such vigorous activities, KSO contributes to youth

education and promotion of music culture for the residents

of Kyoto.

At the Kyoto Concert Hall in Sakyo Ward, audiences

can enjoy concerts by KSO and performances given

by first-class orchestras and musicians from Japan and

overseas. The Hall also provides residents of Kyoto with

opportunities to stage their own performances. ROHM

Theatre Kyoto where the high rank concerts and theater

arts can be performed exist with many other cultural halls

in Kyoto. Moreover, in recent years, concerts of various

musical genres, including jazz and pop, have been held in

shrine and temple precincts, and on river banks.

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西陣織Nishijin textile weaving

 Chapter 3第 3章 産 業

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第3章 産 業


◆伝統産業と匠の技 機能と見た目の美しさの両方を兼ね備えた伝統的工芸品は、日本人の考える美を日々の生活の中にも見出すことができるよう、生活様式の変化と世の需要に対応しながら知恵と熱意を込めて制作活動を続けてきた京都の職人たちの努力の賜です。 伝統的工芸品の代表的なものには、5 ~ 6 世紀が起源とされている西陣織、江戸中期に発展を遂げた京友禅、日本の代表的な陶磁器である京焼・清水焼などが挙げられます。これらを含む 17 品目が国から伝統的工芸品の指定を受けていますが、それ以外にも、京都には、歴史と伝統に育まれた伝統産業が数多くあります。伝統産業は京都の人々の生活と深い関わりを持っており、工房や店舗が街中の至る所で見られます。京都市勧業館「みやこめっせ」内にある「京都伝統産業ふれあい館」では、様々な伝統産業製品とその製作過程を見ることができます。

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都に住んで 1 年が経ちましたが、初めては京都に来た時に、「これが日本の文化だな!」と心から思ったことを今でも覚えています。今は京都で世界の文化遺産に囲まれて、日本の文化に触れながら学習でき、毎日が充実しています。また、桜、紅葉、雪という日本の季節の特徴を一か所で満足できるのも京都にしかないユニークな特色だと思います。One year has passed since I came to Kyoto. When I arrived here, I remember that I wholeheartedly

thought "This is Japanese culture". Now I study every day while surrounded by the cultural heritages of the world, and

contacting with Japanese culture. I also think Kyoto is the only and unique place where you can enjoy the characteristic

of Japanese seasons such as cherry blossoms, autumn leaves and snow in one place.

Phyo Yin Win from Myanmar, Kyoto University

ピョーインウィン ミャンマー出身 京都大学

Kyoto served as the nation’s capital for more than a

millennium. This ancient capital has evolved as a city with

a variety of industries, both traditional and cutting-edge, by

combining reliable techniques elaborated throughout its

long history with excellent human and cultural resources.

Always with an enterprising spirit, always staying at the

forefront of the age, Kyoto has now become one of the

world’s major manufacturing cities, and continues to


◆ Traditional Industries and CraftsmanshipKyoto’s traditional crafts, which combine functionality and

beauty, are the fruits of generations of artisans. These

artisans today continue their creative activities with

enthusiasm and wisdom, while accommodating modern

lifestyle changes and customer demand, so that Japanese

people can enrich their daily lives with items of traditional


Typical examples of Kyoto’s traditional crafts include:

Nishijin textile, which is believed to be invented during 5th

to 6th century; Kyo-yuzen textile dyeing, which developed

during the Edo Period (1603-1867); and Kyo-yaki/Kiyomizu-

yaki pottery, Japan’s representative ceramic ware. A

total of 17 items, including these examples, have been

designated Traditional Craft Products of Japan by the

ministry concerned. In addition, Kyoto has many traditional

industries that have grown out of the ancient capital’s

long history and tradition. These traditional industries are

deeply related to daily life in Kyoto; workshops and stores

offering traditional crafts can be found in every corner of

the City. The Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts, located

within the Miyako Messe Kyoto International Exhibition

Hall, displays a variety of traditional industrial products and

their manufacturing processes.

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(1) 西陣織 西陣織は、先に染めた糸を使って模様を織りだす織物で、約 1200 年前に平安京に設けられた、朝廷の織物を作る役所が基となっています。西陣織という名前は、応仁の乱後、西軍の本陣跡であった現在の上京区を中心に発展してきたことに由来しています。都が東京へ遷された明治時代以降は、京都の活性化を願う町衆の思いもあって、いち早く技術者をヨーロッパに送り、新しい装置を取り入れるなど、日本の近代化とともに機械化が積極的に進められました。西陣織の中でも、とりわけ色糸を使った絢爛豪華なものが広く知られており、帯の他、きものやネクタイなども生産しています。 西陣織が織り上がって製品になるまでには、多くの工程が必要であり、各工程をそれぞれの専門職人が担当する分業により、生産がなされています。

(2) 京友禅 江戸時代中頃、扇絵師の宮崎友禅斎が模様染めをデザインしたのが始まりと伝えられています。友禅は、布地にあらゆる模様を華麗に染める技術であり、刷毛や筆を使って模様を描き染めていく「手描友禅」と、型紙を使って染めていく「型友禅」があります。一枚の白生地から友禅ができあがるまでには、多くの工程が必要であり、西陣織と同様に、各工程をそれぞれの専門職人が担当する分業により、生産がなされています。

(3) 京焼・清水焼  京都の焼物は、8 世紀ごろ、現在の東山区の辺りで窯を使った土器の製造から始まりました。室町時代に入り、釉薬による新しい技法が中国から伝来し、これにより、京焼・清水焼の基となる色鮮やかな色絵陶器が誕生しました。これらは、茶道の普及によって広く使われるようになり、江戸時代になるといっそう盛んに作られ

Moreover, in present-day Kyoto, new products are being

created in pursuit of both functionality and beauty, by

blending traditional techniques and high technology.

(1) Nishijin TextileNishijin textile, a figured fabric woven with yarn-dyed

threads, was first produced at a workshop set up in the

Heian-kyo Capital about 1200 years ago to manufacture

textile for use in the Imperial Court. The name Nishijin was

given to the textile because it was developed after the

Onin War, mainly in present-day Kamigyo Ward, which had

been the headquarters of the west camp, or Nishijin, at

the time of the War.

After the Meiji Period (1868 - 1912), when the nation’s

capital was transferred from Kyoto to Tokyo, the Nishijin

textile industry was actively mechanized to keep pace with

Japan’s modernization and to fulfill Kyoto townspeople’s

wish to revitalize the former capital. Specifically, the

industry was quick to dispatch technicians to Europe for

training, and to import new weaving equipment. Among

Nishijin textile products, multicolored figured cloth is

particularly famous, featuring the use of colored threads

to produce gorgeous patterns. Much of this cloth is made

into obi, as well as kimono and neckties.

Many processes are involved in the production of

Nishijin brocades and each process must be applied by a

specialized craftsman.

(2) Kyo-Yuzen Textile DyeingKyo-yuzen textile dyeing is said to have originated with

Miyazaki Yuzensai, a popular fan painter during the mid-

Edo Period, who adapted his painting style to his dyeing

design. Yuzen is a technique for dyeing cloth in various

beautiful patterns. Yuzen is divided into two basic types,

tegaki (hand-painted) yuzen, in which patterns are manually

drawn and dyed with brushes, and kata (stencil-painted)

yuzen, which uses stencils to dye the cloth. To produce

a yuzen dyed fabric from a piece of white cloth many

processes are required, just like Nishijin brocade. Each

of these processes should be carried out by a specialist


(3) Kyo-Yaki/Kiyomizu-Yaki PotteryPottery making in Kyoto began in earnest around the 8th

century, with the manufacturing of unglazed earthenware

that was fired in ki lns located in the present-day

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第3章 産 業


(4) 京都迎賓館 2005 年、京都御苑内に完成した国立の京都迎賓館は、伝統に根ざしながらも現代的な感性と最新の技術で作り上げられた現代和風建築です。国公賓などの賓客に「和のくつろぎ」を体感していただくため、数寄屋大工、左官、建具、截金等の伝統技術と、調度品としての蒔絵・螺鈿、西陣織などの技能が数多く使われています。

京都・嵐山花灯路Kyoto Arashiyama Hanatouro (Lighted Flower Lane)

Higashiyama Ward. When Japan entered the Muromachi

Period (1336-1573), new techniques using glaze were

imported from China, leading to the birth of beautifully

painted porcelain, which was the origin of Kyo-yaki/

Kiyomizu-yaki pottery. The porcelain became popular as

the tea ceremony developed, its manufacture becoming

more widespread during the Edo period (1603-1867). It is

said that Kiyomizu-yaki pottery was so named because it

was often manufactured in the area near Kiyomizu Temple.

(4) Kyoto State Guest HouseThe Kyoto State Guest House, completed in 2005 within

the Kyoto Imperial Palace Side National Garden, is a

modern Japanese-style building that incorporates state-

of-the-art technologies and contemporary taste, while

honoring tradition. To ensure that state and official guests

can enjoy authentic Japanese hospitality, many artisans,

including Sukiya-style carpenters, plasterers, joiners and

metal foil cutters, collaborated on special techniques that

are recognized as traditional accomplishments in Kyoto.

The interior of the House features fittings created using

various traditional techniques, such as makie (metal

powder-sprinkled lacquer decoration), raden (mother-of-

pearl inlay) and Nishijin textile weaving.

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◆ハイテク産業とベンチャー企業 悠久の歴史都市・京都は、液晶・半導体や電子部品、ゲーム機器、情報・通信機器、バイオテクノロジー等の先端産業においても、独創性と高付加価値を有する製品で高い市場シェアを獲得している世界的企業が数多く存在する都市です。 三方を山で囲まれるという地形的理由から大規模な工場建設は難しい等の不利な点もあるものの、多くの大学・短期大学が集積し産学連携がしやすいことや、陶磁器などの伝統産業において培われた技術と先端産業との融合により、京都では、こうした世界にも通用するハイテク企業が次々と育ってきました。 また、京都は、先人の伝統を守り受け継ぐ一方で、創造性豊かな自治の精神にも通ずる進取の気風に富み、数多くの日本を代表する起業家を輩出してきた、全国でも類いまれな「ベンチャーの都」でもあります。 市内には、桂イノベーションパークなどの産学公連携による研究開発及び新産業創出のための拠点や、京都市産業技術研究所や京都高度技術研究所などの支援機関があり、大学をはじめとする研究機関の「知」と、創造性に富んだ産業の「技」を最大限に活用した、「ものづくり都市・京都」の一層の活性化が進められています。

京都市産業技術研究所(京都リサーチパーク内)Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture (in Kyoto Research Park)

◆ High-Technology Industry and   Venture CompaniesKyoto, the ancient capital with a long history, is also

home to many global enterprises in advanced industrial

fields, such as liquid crystal, semiconductors, electronic

components, game instruments, information and

communication equipment, measurement and analytical

instruments, and biotechnology. These enterprises create

original and high-value-added products, which earn them a

large market share.

Since Kyoto is surrounded by mountains on three sides,

it is difficult to construct large-scale factories in the City.

Despite this geographical disadvantage, however, Kyoto

has fostered many world-class high-tech firms, as a city

with many universities and junior colleges, making it easier

to encourage university-industry cooperation. Another

contributing factor is the application of pottery and other

techniques, nurtured by Kyoto’s traditional industries, to

advanced industries.

In addition, Kyoto is natively rich in the enterprising spirit,

which is also reflected in the City’s creative autonomy,

while preserving the traditions inherited from our

ancestors. As the nation’s unique "city of ventures," Kyoto

has thus produced many of Japan’s leading entrepreneurs.

There are many institutes in Kyoto that promote the

development of industries such as Katsura Innovation Park

where industry, academia and government work together

on research & development and creation of new industries;

Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology

and Culture; and Advanced Scientific Technology &

Management Research Institute of Kyoto. Efforts are

under way to further develop Kyoto as a manufacturing

city, making maximum use of the knowledge accumulated

by the City’s universities and research institutes, and the

technologies developed by its highly creative industries.

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第3章 産 業

◆農林業 大都市であるにも関わらず、京都は森林が市域の約4 分の 3 を占めており、室町時代以来、茶室や数寄屋建築に欠かせない材木として用いられてきた北山杉の産地です。また京都では、京料理や京漬物などの食材となる京野菜をはじめとした多種多様な野菜が生産されています。近年では、健康面でも注目される京野菜の改良をはじめとする研究が、大学等と共同で進められています。

◆京都観光京都市は、国内外から年間 5000 万人もの観光客が訪れる国際観光都市です。京都市では、新たな夜の風物詩「京都・花灯路」や「京の七夕」といった魅力的なイベントの開催や、多言語ウェブサイトによる京都の魅力発信等に取り組んでいます。併せて、観光客の不満をゼロにし、より深い感動を味わっていただけるよう、誰にでも見やすく分かりやすい案内標識や無料無線 LAN スポット「KYOTO_WiFi」の設置、宿泊施設や災害現場における外国語対応を円滑にするための24 時間対応の多言語コールセンターの運営、ムスリム対応レストランの情報の英語・アラビア語・トルコ語・マレーシア語での発信等を行っています。

◆ Agriculture and ForestryAlthough Kyoto is a large city, roughly three-quarters of

its municipal area is comprised of forests. Kyoto is also

the source of Kitayama cedar, which has been used since

the Muromachi Period as timber indispensable for the

construction of tea houses and sukiya-style buildings.

As well, Kyo-yasai (Kyoto vegetables) and other various

vegetables are cultivated in Kyoto. These vegetables are

used as ingredients in Kyoto cuisine and for Kyoto pickles.

Recent years have seen industry-academia collaboration

on research to develop improved varieties of Kyo-yasai,

whose health effects have attracted much attention.

◆ Tourism in KyotoKyoto is known as an international tourist city which

attracts more than 50 million visitors from home and

abroad annually. The city has created new attractions

such as the evening events called "Kyoto Hanatouro (Light

Flower Lane)" and "Kyo no tanabata". It has also launched

a multilingual website to disseminate the charms of

Kyoto. In order to minimize the complaints from tourists,

and to give them more pleasant impressions of Kyoto,

the city has launched various programs such as easy- to-

understand guideboards, free Wifi service called "Kyoto

Wifi", a round-the-clock operating multilingual call center

for emergency, tourist information, and information about

restaurants for Muslim tourists in English, Arabian, Turkish

and Malay.

京野菜Kyo-yasai (Kyoto vegetables)

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京都学生祭典Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa

 Chapter 4第 4章 大学のまち・学生のまち

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第4章 大学のまち・学生のまち

 京都市内には現在、日本の大都市の中でも東京(23区)に次ぐ多くの大学・短期大学があります。そこで学ぶ学生数は約 14 万人。京都市全人口の実に1割に当たります。 大学のまち京都の歴史は、平安遷都の際に設置された、官僚育成機関である大学寮にまで遡り、1600 年代の僧侶を育成する学校から、明治維新以降の官民あげて設立した教育・研究機関へとつながります。 京都においては、1872 年の国の教育システム成立に先駆ける小学校の設立に始まり、画学校や女学校の設立、初等から高等教育まで網羅する仏教界、キリスト教会による教育機関、殖産興業のための研究機関や試験場がいち早く立ち上がります。更に、明治中期には、京都大学の前身・第三高等学校、京都帝国大学が設置されました。こうした進取の気風が、多くの京都にゆかりのあるノーベル賞受賞者の誕生にもつながり、京都は、


◆京都市の取組 京都市においては、1985 年に策定した京都市基本計画に、「大学・学術機関の充実」を掲げて以来、大学政策を京都市の重要な施策と位置付けました。 1993 年に、全国の自治体の先駆けとなる大学政策ビジョン「大学のまち・京都21プラン」を策定し、1998年には、我が国で初めての大学コンソーシアムである「財団法人大学コンソーシアム京都」を、産学公連携のもと設立しました。更に、2000 年には、「大学のまち」のシンボルとも言える「京都市大学のまち交流センター

(キャンパスプラザ京都)」を建設するなど、他都市に例を見ない「大学のまち」を創り出しました。 また、2014 年 3 月策定の「大学のまち京都・学生のまち京都推進計画 2014-2018」においては、京都にしかないオリジナリティ豊かな学びと研究の場にあふれ、多様な学生・研究者が集い、羽ばたく拠点となる、世界に誇る「大学のまち」「学生のまち」の実現を目指しています。そのため、「学生が学ぶ環境の充実」、「大学・学生の国際化の推進」、「学生の進路・社会進出の支援」、

Currently, Kyoto City has many universities and junior

colleges, a figure second only to Tokyo (23 wards) among

large cities in Japan. There are approximately 140,000

students studying at universities or colleges in Kyoto,

which is equivalent to 10% of the City’s entire population.

The history of Kyoto as a city of universities began with

the Daigakuryo, a training institution set up at the creation

of the Heian-kyo Capital to educate students who were

to be government officials. In the 1600s, a number of

schools for training priests were founded. After the Meiji

Restoration, education and research institutes were

established under public-private partnerships.

Prior to establishment of the nation’s educational system

in 1872, Kyoto was the first city in the country to create

modern elementary schools. Kyoto was also home

to Japan’s first public painting school and first girls’

school. In addition, the City saw the early emergence of

Buddhist and Christian educational institutes covering

primary to higher education, as well as research institutes

and experiment stations for the promotion of industry.

Furthermore, in the mid-Meiji Period, the Third High School

(Dai San Kou) and Kyoto Imperial University, the precursors

of Kyoto University, were founded. The enterprising spirit

exemplified in these achievements has nurtured many

Nobel laureates associated with Kyoto, helping establish

Kyoto’s reputation as a city of universities.

◆ Kyoto’s Efforts toward   Becoming a City of UniversitiesIn 1985 Kyoto City formulated the Master Plan of

Kyoto City, one of the goals being the development of

universities and academic institutes. Since then, Kyoto has

made university-related measures an important part of its


In 1993, Kyoto City announced its university-related policy

vision, titled "Daigakuno-Machi, Kyoto 21 Plan," the first of

its kind in Japan. In 1998, the Consortium of Universities in

Kyoto was organized as Japan’s first university consortium,

through cooperation between industry, academia and

government. Furthermore, in 2000 Kyoto set up the

University City Kyoto Center for Cultural Exchange

(Campus Plaza Kyoto), which can be said to symbolize

Kyoto as a city of universities. By these means, Kyoto has

established its position as a unique city of universities.

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◆大学の役割 京都は、大学のまちとして常に教育・研究の先端を歩んできたまちであり、未来への大きな可能性をもつ研究成果を蓄積し、優れた人材を育成・輩出してきました。現在では大学の持つ知的資源を市内の企業や行政と結びつけることで、産業の発展にも大きく寄与しています。歴史と伝統、文化芸術、そして様々な伝統技術と先端科学技術の息づく京都は、大学生活を送るにあたり理想的な場所です。 市内の大学は、そのほとんどが海外の大学と交流協定を締結して姉妹校提携を行っており、海外からも多くの留学生や研究者が集まっています。現在ではアジア各国を中心に、120 を超える国と地域から約 6,700 人の留学生が京都の大学に在籍しています。 近年では、市民向けの公開講座の開催、図書館やスポーツ設備の開放など、生涯学習の分野のみならず、地域課題の解決や地域活性化においても大学の貢献が期待されており、大学と地域との結びつきが深まっています。

Jimmy Lee Price Jr. from United States, Doshisha University

ジミー・リー・プライス・ジュニア アメリカ出身 同志社大学

"Kyoto Promotion Plan for the City of Universities and

Students 2014-2018" was formulated in March 2014

aiming at transforming the Kyoto into a world famous

city of universities and students where a unique and rich

environment for study and research will be created so that

various types of students and researchers could gather

and study actively. In order to achieve this, the city is

implementing measures in line with six pillar policies such

as "Improving environment for students" "Internationalizing

universities and students" "Supporting students for their

future plan and social progress" "Revitalizing economy,

culture and communities of Kyoto with the cooperation of

students" and "Strengthening of promotion strategy".

◆ Roles of UniversitiesAs a city of universities, Kyoto has always been at

the leading edge of education and research, while

accumulating research findings of great future potential

and nurturing and producing excellent human resources.

Currently, universities make great contributions to the

industrial development of Kyoto by linking their intellectual

resources with corporate and governmental activities in

the City. Kyoto is characterized by its rich history, tradition,

culture, arts, and a variety of traditional and cutting-edge

technologies. The City is therefore an ideal place to lead a

student life.

Most universities in Kyoto City have established sister

school relationships with overseas counterparts, and

accept many students and researchers from foreign

countries. At present, approximately 6,700 international

students from more than 120 countries and regions,

mainly Asia, are studying at universities in Kyoto.

In recent years, to meet the expectations of local

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都は伝統と現代性が釣り合った都市として知られています。 ただ、もう一つ美しいところがあります。京都には数多くの大学もあり、大学の町とも言えます。  毎日、様々な国から来ている若くて才能のある人々と出会い、有益な関係を築くことが出来ます。このユニークな特徴を持つ京都は、将来の指導者をはぐくむ完璧な環境だと信じています。Kyoto is well known as a city that keeps harmony between tradition and modernity.

The presence of many universities is another beauty of the city. Therefore we can say that Kyoto is

a city of universities. Every day, I can meet many talented young men from all over the world, and can have a valuable

relation with them. I believe that this unique feature provides Kyoto a perfect environment to raise future leaders.

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第4章 大学のまち・学生のまち

◆公益財団法人大学コンソーシアム京都 大学と地域社会及び産業界との連携、大学間の連携の強化による我が国の高等教育の改善・発展を目指し、1998 年に我が国で初めて産学公連携により設立された、「財団法人大学コンソーシアム京都(2010 年に公益財団法人に移行)」には、京都地域約 50 の大学及び短期大学が加盟しており、大学連携のスケールメリットや各大学のもつ多様な強みと特色を活かし、単位互換やインターンシップ、生涯学習などの様々な取組を推進することにより、大学のまち京都の魅力をより強固なものにしています。

◆京都学生祭典 京都では、大学の枠を越えた学生同士の交流が活発に行われています。2003 年に始まった「京都学生祭典」もその一つです。これは、京都の大学に在学する学生を中心に、学生が企画から運営までを行い、大学、経済界、地域、行政が支援する「大学のまち京都・学生のまち京都」ならではのイベントです。毎年 10 月の「京都学生祭典」当日には、色とりどりの衣装を身につけた学生が踊りを披露する「おどりコンテスト」をはじめ様々な催しを開催し、伝統のまちに学ぶ若者たちのエネルギーがまちを満たします。また、地域での交流活動など年間を通した活動も展開しています。

◆産学公の連携 京都では、京都ならではの伝統産業と先端産業の技法・技能の融合による「新たなブランド」の創出や、大学等の研究機関を核に、地域内外の企業等も参画して技術革新を生み出すシステムの構築など、産学公の連携による、京都ならではのものづくり産業の振興や、京都経済の活性化の取組が進められています。こうした産学公連携の取組が、企業の研究開発の促進やベンチャー企業の創出につながり、京都産業の活力を一層高めていきます。

communities, universities have served in the field of

lifelong learning by organizing extension courses for,

and making libraries and sports facilities open to, the

public. Such contributions have led to the promotion of

community-based universities.

◆ The Consortium of Universities in KyotoIn 1998, the Consortium of Universities in Kyoto was

established as Japan’s first university consortium, through

cooperation between industry, academia and government.

The purposes of the Consortium are to improve and

develop the nation’s higher education through cooperation

between universities, local communities and industries,

and between university themselves. Some 50 universities

and junior colleges in the Kyoto region participate

in the Consortium. Taking advantage of the scale of

interuniversity cooperation and the various strengths

and features of respective universities, the Consortium

has promoted the credit exchange system, internship,

lifelong learning and other various projects. Through

such activities, the Consortium has further reinforced the

attractions of Kyoto, a city of universities.

◆ Kyoto Intercollegiate Festa In Kyoto, recent moves to promote exchange among

s tudents have t r anscended the bounda r ies o f

universities and colleges. One example is the Kyoto

Intercollegiate Festa, which commenced in 2003. This

is a comprehensive festival, in which music and dance

contests and other various events are organized mainly

by students of universities and colleges in Kyoto. Held in

October every year, the Festa attracts more than 200,000

spectators. On Festa days, students in colorful costumes

can be seen on every corner of Kyoto and the City is filled

with an energetic atmosphere produced by young people

who enjoy learning in this traditional city.

◆ Cooperation between Industry,   Academia and GovernmentKyoto has promoted initiatives to encourage its unique

manufacturing industry and revitalize its economy, through

cooperation between industry, academia and government.

Specifically, programs are under way to create a new

Kyoto brand through the fusion of techniques and

technologies of Kyoto’s unique traditional and advanced

industries, and to establish a system for achieving

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◆研究機関 京都には、大学が持つ研究機関に加え多くの研究機関があります。例えば、下京区の京都リサーチパークには、京都高度技術研究所や京都市産業技術研究所をはじめ、ハイテク分野のベンチャー企業や各種研究施設が集まっており、ものづくり都市の大きな拠点となっています。また、西京区の国際日本文化研究センターでは、国際的・学際的・総合的な観点から、国内外からの様々な分野の研究者による日本文化に関する共同研究が行われており、次代の研究者養成にも力を注いでいます。

京都市立芸術大学キャンパス風景Campus of Kyoto University of Arts

technological innovations through collaboration led by

university research laboratories and other institutes, also

involving enterprises located inside and outside of the

region. These industry-academia-government partnerships

will promote the research and development activities of

enterprises and the starting of venture companies, thereby

furthering the industrial revitalization of Kyoto.

◆ Research InstitutesKyoto is home to many university research institutes and

other research centers. For example, Kyoto Research

Park in Shimogyo Ward serves as a major hub for the

manufacturing city of Kyoto, with a cluster of high-

tech venture companies and various research institutes,

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第4章 大学のまち・学生のまち

キャンパスプラザ京都(京都市大学のまち交流センター)Campus Plaza Kyoto ("Kyoto-University City" Communication Center)

including the Advanced Software Technology and

Mechatronics Research Institute of Kyoto and the Kyoto

Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture. At

the International Research Center for Japanese Studies,

located in Nishikyo Ward, joint researches on Japanese

culture are conducted by both Japanese and foreign

researchers in various fields, from the international,

interdisciplinary and comprehensive perspectives. The

Center also focuses on nurturing researchers of the next


留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都で暮らして8年も経ちますが、京都での生活に今も恋しています。やはり京都の大学に留学し、生活してよかったなと常に思います。京都はお寺や神社をはじめ様々な歴史建造物や伝統文化があるため、日本の文化に触れる機会が多く、日本語だけではなく日本文化についても理解を深めることができました。また現代の町並びも混在しているため、ロマンチックな雰囲気が漂い、ぶらり散策やショッピングする、色々な国のお料理を楽しめるのができるから魅力に感じます。自然に関しても、桜、新緑、紅葉、雪景色と四季の移ろいによって変わる景色もとても美しく、心が和みます。バスと自転車があればある距離のところまで行けるので、生活の点でも暮らしやすい都市とも思います。このような恵まれた環境で生活しているからこそ、帰国せずにずっと京都に住みたいと思っています。Eight years have passed since I arrived in Kyoto. I am still in love with my life in Kyoto. I always think that I was right to

choose to live and study in Kyoto. Since Kyoto has many temples, shrines and many other historical architectures and

traditional culture, I have had many opportunities to encounter with Japanese culture and learn about it, in addition to

Japanese language. Kyoto has also modern streets with romantic atmosphere. These streets are wonderful to walk on,

shop and enjoy foods from many other countries. As for the nature of Kyoto, I am comforted by the beautiful sceneries

created by the change of seasons such as cherry blossoms, young green leaves, autumn leaves and snow. Since the

city is easily accessible by busses and bicycle, Kyoto is also easy and comfortable to live in. It is because of this good

environment of Kyoto that I continue staying in Kyoto and not returning home.

Arong Gaowa from China, Kyoto University

アロン ゴワ 中国出身/京都大学

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第 5章 教 育

小学校における京料理の学習Elementary school children learning firsthand how to prepare Kyoyo cuisine

 Chapter 5

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第5章 教 育

 京都の人々は、伝統を守ると同時に、常に、最も良いもの、最も新しいものを求め、努力を重ねてきました。その熱意は、教育の分野にも表れています。西暦 828年、真言宗の開祖空海弘法大師は、一般の庶民を対象とした初めての学校を開きました。平安時代以降、様々な学問が京都にもたらされ、教育研究分野は京都のまちの大切な一部となってきました。1869 年の東京遷都に伴い、京都が「都」の地位を失ったとき、京都の住民は、国の教育システム制度成立に先駆け、日本で初めての学区制小学校を作りました。64 校あったこれらの学校は、開設及び運営管理のための費用を町衆が負担するなど、地元住民の力によって支えられていました。その後も、1870 年に中学校、1872 年に女学校、1880 年に公立絵画専門学校である京都府画学校 ( 現京都市立芸術大学及び京都市立銅駝美術工芸高等学校 )、 1875 年に幼稚園が開設されました。これらはいずれも日本で初めてのものであり、いかに京都人が学ぶことに対し熱心であるかが見て取れます。

Metha Yaikwawong from Thailand, Kyoto University

メーター ヤイクワーウオン タイ出身 /京都大学

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 日本人が京都とここの文化を誇り高きに思っている理由は、自分が実際に京都にきて生活してから少しずつその意義が伝わりました。京都は日本伝統を受け継ぐ都市だと考えていたことは単純な思考にすぎませんでした。自然の豊かな景観、興味をそそる歴史、生きている文化が融合し、美しい京都を創ったのではないかと考えています。京都の路地、寺院と神社、大きな木々、そして、京町屋がときを止めるように存在します。世界遺産に登録されていないところでも、それぞれ高レベルで素晴らしい保存状態で人々を魅了し、日本の代表的な文化都市として発展していくのでしょう。京都に対する印象は自分の記憶から消えません。I'm deeply impressed by Kyoto. Before I came here, I had only a vague idea about the reason why Japanese people are so proud of Kyoto culture. I simply thought that Japanese like Kyoto because it is a traditional city. However, after I lived and studied here, I realized the beauty of Kyoto. Japanese culture and history has accumulated in Kyoto so much that it is manifested everywhere in Kyoto streets; in temples, in shrines, in big trees, and traditional houses standing with old black wooden columns. I was attracted even by those cultural assets that are not designated as World Heritage. I guess Kyoto's impression will last long in my memory so much that I will always think that the best thing that happened to me was Kyoto itself.

While honoring their traditions, the people of Kyoto have

also been constant in seeking to obtain the best and

newest things. Such enthusiasm for innovation can be

seen as well in the field of education. In 828, the priest

Kukai (Kobo Daishi), the founder of the Shingon sect of

Buddhism; opened Japan’s first school for the general

public. During the Heian Period (794 – 1185), a variety of

knowledge was brought into Kyoto. Since then, education

and research activities have formed an integral part of

the City. In 1869, Kyoto lost its status as the nation’s

capital when the capital was relocated to Tokyo. In that

year, however, the residents of Kyoto created Japan’s

first modern School zone system elementary schools,

in advance of establishment of the nation’s education

system. At that time, a total of 64 elementary schools

were set up, supported by town’s people, who covered

the expenses for founding and managing the schools.

Subsequently, Kyoto saw various kinds of educational

establishments inaugurated for the first time in Japan: the

first junior-high school in 1870; the first public girl’s school

in 1872; the first public art school, i.e., Kyoto Prefectural

Art School of Painting (now Kyoto City University of Arts

and Kyoto City Doda High School of Arts and Crafts) in

1880; and the first kindergarten in 1875. The establishment

of these first schools and kindergarten in the nation

reflects the extent of the Kyoto public’s enthusiasm for


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◆学校跡地活用 少子化などにより学校の小規模化が進む中、京都市では、子どもたちにより良い教育環境を目指した地域住民や保護者の方々の議論・検討を尊重し、その意向を反映しながら課題解決を図る" 地元主導 " の学校統合を推進しています。学校の統合に伴い生じた跡地は、地域の皆様の力により生まれた学校跡地であり、また、本市が所有する貴重な財産であることから、本市の活性化や地域振興に資するよう最大限の有効活用を図ることとしています。 2006 年に開館した「京都国際マンガミュージアム」

(元龍池小学校)も、こうした活用例の一つです。このミュージアムは、博物館的機能と図書館的機能を併せ持った新しい文化施設であり、明治の雑誌や戦後の貸本などの貴重な歴史資料から、現代の国内外の人気作品に至るまでを幅広く保有しています。他にも、福祉やまちづくりをはじめとする様々な分野のボランティア活動や NPO 活動など市民による自発的な社会貢献活動を推進・支援する拠点施設「ひと・まち交流館 京都」(元菊浜小学校)、古い教科書や元小学校保有の美術工芸作品等の展示により京都の教育と学校の歴史を今に伝える「京都市学校歴史博物館」(元開智小学校)、多様な芸術に関する活動を支援し、芸術に関する情報を広く発信するとともに、芸術を通じた市民と芸術家等の交流を図る「京都芸術センター」(元明倫小学校)、その他子育て支援施設や高齢者福祉施設など、幅広い分野で有効活用されています。

◆ Use of Former School SitesThe City of Kyoto esteems highly of the opinions of

those local residents and parents who want to improve

the educational environment for children. To reflect their

opinion and to solve the educational problems, the city

is promoting school merging project with the initiative

of local citizens. Kyoto City considers the sites resulting

from merging schools through generous cooperation from

local residents, to be valuable assets of Kyoto. Kyoto has

therefore decided to make optimal use of these properties

in facilitating development and revitalization of the

communities and the city as a whole.

Here are several examples of such efforts. The Kyoto

International Manga Museum, opened in 2006 on the

former site of Tatsuike Elementary School, is a new type

of cultural facility that combines museum and library

functions. Its collection covers a wide range, from precious

historical materials such as magazines published during the

Meiji Period and kashihon manga (rental comics) published

during the postwar period, to contemporary popular works

produced by Japanese and overseas manga artists. On

the former site of Kikuhama Elementary School is the Hall

for Town and Resident Exchanges, Kyoto. This is a center

for promoting and supporting social contribution activities,

including volunteer and NPO activities in the welfare,

community building and various other fields. Another

example is the Kyoto Municipal Museum of School

History, built on the former site of Kaichi Elementary

School. The Museum displays old textbooks and artistic

handicrafts that were once possessions of the former

elementary schools, thereby conveying the history of

Kyoto’s education and schools to the people of today. The

Kyoto Art Center, established on the former site of Meirin

Elementary School, supports various artistic activities,

spread the information related to arts, and promote inter

action between the citizens and artists through art. In

addition to these examples, former elementary school

sites have been effectively used for child-rearing support

centers, welfare facilities for the elderly and various other


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第5章 教 育

◆スチューデントシティ・ファイナンスパーク 京都市では、小・中学校段階から子どもたちの将来の社会的・職業的自立を目指す体験型学習を産学公連携の下に実施しています。子どもたちは、銀行、新聞社等からなる「街」を再現した「京都まなびの街生き方探究館」の中での会社員役や消費者役などの体験学習を通じて、自らの生き方を探究し、働くことの意味や社会、経済の仕組み、社会と自分の関わりなどを学びます。

◆生き方探究・チャレンジ体験推進事業 京都市では、市立の中学校及び総合支援学校の生徒が、それぞれの興味・関心に応じて、3 日以上の職場体験活動に取り組む「生き方探究・チャレンジ体験推進事業」を実施しています。1万人を超える生徒が約 3,700の事業所での体験学習を通じて、集団や社会の一員として自らを見つめ、生き方について考えを深めながら自ら学ぶ力など「生きる力」を育んでいます。

◆京都こどもモノづくり事業 子どもたちのモノづくりについての体験が日常から遠ざかり、興味・関心が希薄になりつつある中、伝統産業から先端技術産業までが共生し、相互にきめ細かく支えあう「モノづくり都市・京都」の特性を生かし、産学公連携・市民ぐるみにより、小中学生がモノづくりを学び・体験する機会を創出しています。

◆みやこ子ども土曜塾 「みやこ子ども土曜塾」とは、完全学校週5日制を契機とし、土曜日・日祝日、夏休み等の学校休業日において、子どもたちに豊かな学びと育ちの場を提供する取組です。企業や大学、博物館、神社仏閣、NPO 法人などの市民ボランティアが、伝統芸能やスポーツ、自然体験など、京都ならではの多様な学習資源を生かした学びの場を提供しています。

◆ Student City and Finance ParkThrough cooperation between industry, academia and

government, Kyoto City has promoted experience-

based education for elementary school and junior-high

school students designed to raise them as socially and

professionally independent people. As part of these

efforts, the Kyoto Manabi-no Machi Ikikata Tankyu

Museum was opened. This is an education facility where

an extensive simulated town is reproduced, comprising

banks, newspaper companies and other businesses. In

this artificial town, students can pretend to be company

employees, consumers etc. Through such role-play

learning, students can consider their future career plans

and learn about the meaning of work, social and financial

systems, and their own relationship with society.

◆ Experience-Based Learning Project for Developing Students’ Future Visions

Kyoto City has implemented the Experience-Based

Learning Project for Developing Students’ Future Visions.

Under this Project, students at municipal junior-high

schools and schools for children with special needs are

given opportunities to experience workplace activities at

least three days, according to their respective interests.

Annually, more than 10,000 students experience working

at some 3,700 workplaces. Through such experience-

based learning, students can reconsider themselves as

members of a group and of society, and can think about

their own future visions, so as to develop their abilities to

lead an independent life.

◆ Kyoto Handicraft Program for ChildrenNowadays children seldom have the opportunity to make

something, and their interest toward manufacturing is

disappearing. Kyoto is called "The city of manufacturing"

as it has both traditional and advanced industries which

interact with each other creating a unique industry.

Kyoto Handicraft Program for Children provides children

of elementary and junior high schools the opportunity

to learn how to make things and then they make them

by themselves. This program is carried out by the

collaboration between various sectors such as industry,

academia, city government, and citizens.

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◆ジュニア京都検定 京都市では、京都の暮らしに息づく優れた文化を守り、次代へ継承していく子どもたちを育むために、「歴史都市・京都から学ぶジュニア京都検定」を実施しています。幅広い市民の協力の下、子どもたちが知識と共に体験を通して学ぶことができるよう様々な創意工夫が行われています。また、検定で優れた成績を修めた子どもたちを「ジュニア京都観光大使」に任命し、大使の体験活動を通して広く京都の魅力を発信しています。

京都国際マンガミュージアムKyoto International Manga Museum

◆ Miyako Kodomo Doyo-juku or Saturday   program for childrenMiyako Kodomo Doyo-juku or Saturday program for

children was commenced in response to the needs arising

from adoption of the five-day school week. Under the

Program, companies, universities, museums, temples

and shrines, NPOs and other civic volunteers offer

various learning experiences in such fields as traditional

performing arts, sports and outdoor activities, making

effective use of the various learning resources unique to

Kyoto. The aim is to provide children with valuable outside-

school learning opportunities on school holidays, including

Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and summer


◆ �Junior�Kyoto�Certification�ProgramThe City of Kyoto holds "Junior Kyoto Certification Test"

in order to raise children who can protect the excellent

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第5章 教 育

◆生涯学習 京都市では、子どもからお年寄りまで、全ての市民を対象に、芸術・文化、野外活動、健康など幅広く生涯学習を推進しています。生涯学習総合センター(京都アスニー)では、多くの皆さんに学びを楽しんでいただけるよう、日本の古典文化をはじめ多彩なジャンルにわたる講演会やセミナー、趣味・実技の講座、また、京都市交響楽団楽員等のプロの演奏家等によるコンサートを低料金で毎月開催しています。更には、「平安京創生館」を開設し、平安時代の貴族の衣装を着たり、平安京復元模型をはじめ、平安京にちなんだ展示を通して京都の歴史を体感し、学んでいただけます。

living culture of Kyoto and pass them down to the next

generation. Children are given chance at school to learn

about the culture of Kyoto and participate in hands on

programs by the cooperation of many people. Those

children who get high marks are appointed as "Junior Visit

Kyoto Ambassador" to disseminate the charms of Kyoto in

the world.

◆ Lifelong LearningKyoto City also emphasizes lifelong learning programs,

in order to provide all residents, ranging from children

to elderly, with opportunities to enjoy artistic/cultural

activities, outdoor pursuits, health improvement, and so

on. The Kyoto City Life-Long Education Center (Kyoto

Asny) organizes various programs offering many residents

opportunities of finding the joy of learning. These programs

include lectures and seminars on Japanese classic culture

and various other themes, as well as classes where

residents can share hobbies and learn practical skills.

Kyoto Asny also holds monthly concerts by professional

performers invited from the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra

etc., for a small fee. In addition, Kyoto Asny opened

"Heiankyo Soseikan" where objects related to Heiankyo

such as garments for the aristocrats and the scale model

of Heiankyo capital are exhibited so that visitors can learn

and feel the history of Kyoto.

陶芸の体験事業Experiencing pottery making

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子ども安全見守り隊Child Protection Troupe

第 6章 市民によるまちづくり Chapter 6

陶芸の体験事業Experiencing pottery making

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第6章 市民によるまちづくり

 京都は古くから、自分たちのまちは自分たちでつくろうという、自治意識の高いまちです。市内には、自治会や町内会などに代表される地域活動がたくさんあります。これらの多くは、「学区」単位で行われています。活動の範囲は、防災・防火活動、子どもや高齢者の見守り活動などの安心安全な生活のために必要なものから、スポーツ大会や文化展などのレクレーション活動に至るまで、多岐にわたります。 京都市では、将来にわたって地域住民が支え合い、安心して暮らせる地域社会の実現に向けて、「京都市地域コミュニティ活性化推進条例」を制定し、自治会・町内会とはじめとする地域コミュニティの活性化のための取組を推進しています。

◆地域活動の単位「学区」 京都市内には「学区」と呼ばれる地域活動単位があります。「学区」というと小学校の通学区域のことを指すように思われますが、必ずしも小学校の通学区域と一致しているものではなく、「元学区」と呼ばれることもあります。 この地域活動単位は、明治時代初期には「番組」と呼ばれ、1869 年には、番組ごとに住民が資金を出し合い、日本で最初の学区制小学校である 64 の番組小学校を発足させました。「番組」は小学校運営の基盤であるとともに、戸籍、保健、警察、消防などの行政事務単位でもあり、教育、治安、防火など地域の自治を支えていました。 現在でも、京都の地域自治活動は「学区(元学区)」を中心に行われています。

Residents of Kyoto City have traditionally had a strong

sense of autonomy, in the strong awareness that they

should autonomously build up their own communities.

Kyotoites participate in various regional activities in

the City, through resident associations, neighborhood

associations, and other similar organizations. Many of

these activities are conducted in units of gakku, or school

districts. The scope of regional activities ranges widely,

from promoting disaster and fire prevention, ensuring

local residents’ safety and security by watching over the

elderly and children, and by other means, to organizing

recreational events such as sports meetings and cultural


In order to realize a community where people live safely

through mutual support, the City of Kyoto enacted the

"Local Community Revitalization Ordinance". The objective

is to reinvigorate and promote activation of "Local

Autonomous Council", "Neighborhood Association".

◆ Gakku or School District:   A Base Unit for Regional ActivitiesIn Kyoto City, regional activities are conducted in units

of gakku, or school districts. People might think that the

current "School Zones" correspond to the elementary

school zone, however, some of them follow the old school

zone nomenclature.

The regional activity unit was originally called "bangumi"

during the Early Meiji Era. In 1869, a total of 64 bangumi

shogakko (district elementary schools), the first of their

kind in Japan, were inaugurated using donations by

residents of each bangumi. Bangumi was not only the

base for elementary school management, it was also

the administrative unit for family registration, healthcare,

police, firefighting and other services, supporting local

autonomy in terms of education, security, fire prevention


Even now regional activities in Kyoto are carried out based

on the gakku (former gakku).

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◆防災・防犯 京都では、住民が交代で地域の見回りを行う「安心安全パトロール」、高齢者や子どもの見守り活動、災害時の避難場所などを定めた防災・安全マップの作成、防犯のための啓発活動など、住民の助け合いによる安心安全のまちづくりに向けた取組が盛んです。 なかでも、朝夕、通学路となっている街角に立ち、子どもたちの登下校を見守る「子ども見守り隊」の活動は、交通事故防止だけでなく、挨拶を通じた子どもたちと地元住民との交流及び連帯感の創出にも役立っています。 また、文化財が多く残る京都特有の事例として、お寺の職員と近隣住民が協力し、緊急時に消火活動や仏像搬出等を行えるよう定期的に訓練を行っているという例もあります。 京都市では、毎年防災週間に「京都市総合防災訓練」を実施し、外国籍の方々等と通訳ボランティアが参加し、地域住民と共に訓練等を行っております。 また、災害時に地元住民が一時的に避難生活を営む避難所では、避難所ごとに、行政と地元住民が協働で、地域の実情に沿った避難所開設・運営マニュアルの作成を進めるとともに、地域住民が主体となった迅速かつ円滑な避難所開設・運営体制が構築できるよう取り組んでいます。 さらに、災害時に帰宅が困難となった観光客等が、ターミナル駅等に集中し、二次災害が発生する恐れがあることから、多くの観光客が集まる観光地や京都駅周辺等を対象に、地元の商店街や観光施設、観光関連団体

◆ Disaster Prevention and Crime PreventionIn Kyoto, residents are active in maintaining the safety and

security of local communities through mutual cooperation.

Specifically, local residents take turns patrolling the

area to ensure its safety and security; conduct activities

for watching over the elderly and children; create

disaster-prevention/safety maps that indicate areas to

which residents can evacuate in the event of disaster;

and promote activities to enhance crime prevention


Especially noteworthy are the activities of local residents’

groups that are organized to stand along the streets and

watch over children going to and from school. The groups’

effect is not limited to protecting children from traffic

accidents. Through the daily exchange of greetings, these

activities also contribute to better communication between

children and adult residents, and to the development of a

sense of community solidarity.

As examples specific to Kyoto, which has many cultural

properties, we can cite disaster drills regularly held to train

temple staff and neighborhood residents, so that in the

event of emergency they can work together to extinguish

fires or carry Buddhist images and other important assets

out of temples to safety.

Every year, the city organize "Kyoto City Disaster Drill"

during the Disaster Prevention Week. Foreign residents

and volunteer interpreters join community residents to

participate in the drill.

At the local evacuation area where people would stay

temporary in time of disaster, local residents work together

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 近年、日本のみならず世界の国々でも様々な災害が発生しています。私は学生消防サポーターとして緊急の際に学んだ知識を活用し、安全を確保する上で、なるべく近隣や友達などを助ければ有意義なことだと思います。京都は古い歴史を持ち美しい町です。勉強よりはまず日本の文化と美しい自然に興味を持っています。Recently, many countries of the world including Japan are suffering from various disasters. As I am

a student firefighting supporter, I have learned the knowledge of observing safety in time of disaster. Therefore, it is so

meaningful to save friends and neighbors. Kyoto is a beautiful historical city. I am more interested in Japanese culture

and beautiful nature rather than study.

XIONG TAO from China, Doshisha University

熊 焘 クマ トウ 中国出身/同志社大学

Page 44: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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第6章 市民によるまちづくり

with the city staff to create the manual for opening the

evacuation center and its operation. Following this manual,

the local people will practice establishing an evacuation

center and its operation without the help of the city staff.

Also, in order to solve the problem of congestion at main

stations where many stranded tourists and citizens would

gather at the time of disaster, the city will establish the

evacuation spaces in the popular tourist spots and ask

the cooperation of local shops and tourist facilities to help

those stranded people improve the situation.

防災訓練Disaster-prevention drill


Page 45: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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◆福祉 全国的に注目を集めている市民の手によるまちづくり活動の一つに、高齢者の在宅福祉活動を中心とした地域住民相互のふれあいネットワーク構築を目指す取組があります。これは、少子高齢化と核家族による急速な変化に危機感を覚えた地元住民がはじめたもので、一人暮らしや寝たきりの高齢者などへの訪問活動、学区内の配食サービス、健康チェック、更には多世代間のコミュニケーションを促すふれあい事業など、様々な地域福祉活動が展開されています。

◆子育て支援 京都のまちは、地蔵盆や各地域の祭り、伝統行事に象徴されるように、子どもを大切にする文化を誇りとしています。「まちづくりは人づくりから」と市民が私財を出し合って全国に先駆けて小学校を創設した精神は、地域住民が運営に参画するなど、地域社会を基盤にした、子育てと人づくりを担う自治の精神に脈々と生き続けています。 このような伝統を受けつぎ、子どもを社会の宝として、愛し、慈しみ、健やかで心豊かに育む社会を築くために、家庭、地域、学校、企業、行政など社会のあらゆる場で、人と人の絆を結び、共に生きるうえでの大人のための行動規範として、「子どもを共に育む京都市民憲章」を定めており、憲章の理念に基づく実践行動の輪は着実に広がっています。

◆ WelfareCitizen-led community development activities in Kyoto

have attracted nationwide attention. One such activity is

an initiative to establish communication networks among

local residents, focusing on home-care service for the

elderly. This initiative was commenced by local residents,

who were concerned about the need to accommodate the

rapid changes resulting from the declining birthrate and

aging population, and from the trend toward the nuclear

family. Various regional welfare activities now under way

include visiting care for elderly persons who live alone or

are bed-ridden, meal delivery services within the school

district, health checkups for residents, and programs

for promoting intergenerational communication among


◆ Child-rearing SupportKyoto citizens are proud of their culture of valuing children.

This culture is manifest in Jizo-bon Festival and other local

traditional festivals and events. They think that community

development must start from human development.

They financed and established elementary schools for

the first time in Japan for their communities. This spirit

of autonomy has been inherited from the past. Citizens

participate in the community activities and play their roles

in raising children.

We must maintain this culture of regarding children as a

treasure of society, and create a society where they are

loved and raised rich minded healthy individuals. In order

to achieve this, the city of Kyoto drew the "Kyoto Citizens’

Charter for raising children by the collaboration of all".

This charter provides adults the knowledge of how to

form bonds between people and live harmoniously with

other people, at home, community, school, workplace and

government. The number of people who approve of this

concept is surely increasing and they abide by the charter.

Page 46: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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第6章 市民によるまちづくり

◆景観 現在も多くの京町家が残る市内中心地域では、京都らしい美しい町並みを保全するため、エアコンの室外機のカバーを北山杉の間伐材を利用した千本格子調のデザインにしたり、電線の地中埋設化といった努力がなされています。 また、大通りから一歩入れば、生活感溢れる細街路や多くの史跡が顔を覗かせるというまちの特徴を活かし、古い町並みが残る細街路に手作りの行灯を並べて歴史都市の風情を体感してもらうなど、町並み保全を観光につなげることで、少子高齢化に伴い活気を失いがちであるまちに人を呼び込もうという試みもいくつかの地域で行われています。京都らしい景観を利用したこれらの取組は、建築、美術、伝統文化、光学技術、空間デザインなど、様々な発想が融合した新しい芸術の創造・発表の場ともなっています。

◆ LandscapesIn central Kyoto, where many Kyo-machiya (traditional

wooden townhouses) still remain, various endeavors

are under way to preserve the beautiful cityscape

characteristic of Kyoto. For example, air conditioners’

outside unit covers are designed to look like slatted

wooden frames called senbon-goshi (thousand-slat lattice),

using trees obtained in the thinning out of Kitayama cedar

forests. For another example, electric wires are buried


In Kyoto, by walking a little way inward from a main street,

you will find narrow lanes that convey the atmosphere

of local residents’ lives, and many historic sites. Taking

advantage of this characteristic of the City, several

districts seek to link townscape preservation with tourism.

Specifically, hand-made paper-covered lamp stands are

arranged along narrow lanes in old towns, so as to enable

tourists to enjoy the historic mood of the city. This is

part of the efforts to attract people to the towns, which

tend to diminish in vitality as the birthrate declines and

the population ages. Such efforts, using Kyoto’s unique

landscapes, also provide opportunities for creating new

arts through the fusion of architecture, art, traditional

culture, optical techniques, space design and various other

concepts, and for demonstrating them nationwide and


留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 僕は1年間だけの短期交換留学生ですが、たった 1 年間だけで、京都の春から冬まで色々なお祭りに出られて本当に幸せだと思います。特に、京都三大祭の祇園祭と時代祭です。そして、京都の春の桜と秋の紅葉が全国で一番綺麗だそうで、京都に住んでいて桜ともみじを楽しめて良かったです。去年の秋に永観堂でアルバイトをしたのは僕にとっては留学期間で一番美しく忘れられない思い出です。最後に、僕の最も気に入った京都の観光地はやはり祇園です。賑やかで京都らしいお店とお土産屋さんがいっぱいの場所です。舞妓さんを一度見られたい方にはおすすめです。I am an exchange student and the period of my stay is only one year. However, within this period, I could participate

in several festivals during spring and winter and I feel so happy about it. Among such festivals, Gion Festival and Jidai

Festival, two of the three big festivals of Kyoto were my favorites. People say that cherry blossoms and autumnal

leaves in Kyoto are the most beautiful in Japan. I was so lucky to see both of them in Kyoto. I worked at Eikando

Temple last autumn and this experience was the most beautiful and unforgettable memory of my life. Lastly my

favorite place in Kyoto is Gion where streets are busy and many souvenir shops are there. I recommend this place for

those who want to see Maiko girls.

Lam Cam Binh from Vietnam, Bukkyo University

ラムカムビン ベトナム出身/佛教大学

Page 47: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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清掃活動Cleaning activity

◆環境 京都では、昔から市民が毎朝自宅前を清掃する「門掃き」や、町内会や自治会等の単位で一斉に自分の住んでいるまちを清掃する「一斉清掃」等の活動が暮らしに根付き、市民の力でまちが美しく保たれており、このようなボランティア清掃への参加者は、年間延べ 22 万人を超えています。 なかでも、6月と11月には、市民、事業者及び行政が協働して、清掃活動を実施するとともにまちの美化を呼び掛ける「世界の京都・まちの美化市民総行動」を実施しており、11月の活動には毎年 4 千人近くが参加されます。 こうした取組により、京都を訪れる外国人観光客にも


◆ EnvironmentSince olden days, citizens of Kyoto have the custom of

sweeping the front portion of their houses. Also many

local communities hold a large scale cleaning event in

which all residents take part, thus keeping the city clean.

About 220,000 people participate in the volunteer cleaning

annually. One of the largest of these events is "All Citizens

Cleaning Event" which is held in June and November with

the participation of 4,000 citizens.

These efforts of citizens are rewarded by the warm

praising words of foreign tourists of the cleanliness of


Page 48: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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第6章 市民によるまちづくり

◆スポーツ・文化・伝統行事 一年を通じ、市内では、地域のにぎわい創出と、ふれあいネットワーク構築のための住民の手による様々な事業が催されています。中でも、学区民体育祭は、秋になると市内の至るところで地元の小学校のグラウンドなどを利用して盛大に開催され、多世代間の交流の場となっています。 また、「京都マラソン」では、国内外から参加する16,000 人のランナー、沿道で応援する人、大会を支えるボランティア、スタッフ等の約 50 万人もの「走る人、応援する人、支える人」が一体となって、京都のまちに賑わいとうるおいを創出しています。 さらに、子どもの守り神である地蔵菩薩に感謝を捧げる「地蔵盆」や、正月の餅つき大会など、地域の催しは、生活に根ざした伝統文化を次世代に受け継ぐという重要な役割も担っています。

◆ Sports, Culture and Traditional EventsThroughout the year, various projects are organized by

local residents of Kyoto, to revitalize the region and build

up the communication networks. Above all, athletic

festivals are held by each school district as major events in

autumn, at the sports grounds of local elementary schools.

These festivals serve as occasions for local residents to

deepen intergenerational exchange.

Kyoto Marathon is an event that bestows a pleasant

atmosphere to Kyoto city through the cooperation of

500,000 participants consisting of 16,000 runners,

cheering spectators and volunteer supporters.

Moreover, local events such as jizo-bon, i.e. an event

honoring the Guardian Deity of Children, and rice-cake

pounding events, play the important role of handing down

to the next generation the traditional culture that has long

taken root in people’s everyday lives.

京都マラソンKyoto Marathon

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京都・東山花灯路Kyoto Higashiyama Hanatouro(Lighted Flower Lane)

 Chapter 7

第 7章 未来を見据えたまちづくり〜環境・景観・交通〜

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◆環境先進都市 1997 年 12 月、京都で開催された「気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約第 3 回締約国会議(COP3)」で、先進国における温室効果ガス排出量の削減率を定めた

「京都議定書」が採択されました。 京都市は、京都議定書誕生の地として、また自然と共生してきた日本の歴史や伝統を今も大事にしているまちとして、市民、事業者、各種市民団体、観光客と協力しながら、全国及び世界をリードする先進的な地球温暖化防止の取組を進めています。

(1)「DO YOU KYOTO?」 世界では「DO YOU KYOTO ?」が「環境にいいことしていますか?」という意味で使われるなど、京都議定書誕生のまち・京都の名は、環境の面でも国内外に広く知られています。京都市では、京都議定書の発効された 2 月 16 日にちなみ、毎月 16 日を「DO YOU KYOTO? デー(環境に良いことをする日)」とし、市民・事業者・京都市が一体となって温室効果ガス排出量の削減に取り組んでいます。 具体的には、毎月16 日に「ノーマイカーデー」や「ライトダウン」、ろうそくやランプ等の灯でディナーを楽しみつつ地球環境を想ってもらう「京灯ディナー」などの環境にいい取組を実施しているほか、16 日に限らず市民や事業者の皆様が主体的に節電・省エネなどを実践する取組を推進しています。 今後も「DO YOU KYOTO ?」を合言葉に京都からエコの輪を広げていきます。

(2)環境にやさしいライフスタイルへの転換 地域活動の単位である「学区」ごとに、地域ぐるみでエコ活動を行う「エコ学区」の取組を進めています。

As birthplace of the Kyoto Protocol, and as a historical

city with over a millennium of tradition and culture, Kyoto

promotes policies that take a hard look at what the City

can do now and what it should do in the future.

◆ Environmentally Advanced CityIn December 1997, Kyoto hosted the Third Session of

the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3), at

which the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. The Kyoto Protocol

set the greenhouse gas emission reduction rates to be

achieved by advanced countries.

Through cooperation with citizens, businesses, civic

organizations and tourists, Kyoto City leads the world in

implementing advanced approaches to global warming

prevention, as the city where the Kyoto Protocol was born

and as a city that always honors the history and tradition of

Japan, which has evolved in harmony with nature.

In January 2009, the Japanese government designated

Kyoto one of the Eco-Model Cities for the Low Carbon

Society—cities that have set ambitious targets for

realizing a low-carbon society and have taken progressive

approaches to achieve them.

(1) "DO YOU KYOTO?"As the phrase "DO YOU KYOTO?" is being used around

the world, meaning "Are you doing anything good for

the environment?" Kyoto, the birthplace of the Kyoto

Protocol, is widely known both in Japan and abroad as an

environmental city. In Kyoto City, the 16th day of every

month is designated "DO YOU KYOTO? Day," the Kyoto

Protocol having come into force on February 16, 2005.

On this day, residents, businesses and the municipal

government of Kyoto work together to carry out activities

for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The many events held on the 16th day of each month

include "No car day" "lights down," or putting out the lights in

advertising signs of businesses; and "Kyotou (Kyoto lantern)

dinners," or enjoying dinner by candlelight or lamplight

while thinking about global environmental protection. Kyoto

residents and businesses also voluntarily conduct eco-

friendly activities on a daily basis, not just on the 16th day.

Under the motto "DO YOU KYOTO?" the City will continue

to encourage eco-friendly activities around the world.

第7章 未来を見据えたまちづくり 〜環境・景観・交通〜

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(3)木の文化を大切に 京都市は温暖で湿潤な気候で、里山とその背後に位置する豊かな森林に囲まれています。この立地条件を活かし、京都人は、自然と共生する「木の文化」を育んできました。 この「木の文化」により築かれた優れた景観を保全すると共に、低炭素型のまちづくりを進めるため、京都の伝統的家屋である京町家の知恵を現代の住まいに引き継ぎ、現代の新しい技術と融合させた住まいである「平成の京町家」などの取組を推進しています。

(2) Transforming lifestyle into an eco-friendly oneThe residents of a school zone are encouraged to work

together to implement an eco-friendly lifestyle. All

elementary schools of Kyoto have "Eco-life Challenge

Project for Children" which aims encouraging children to

rethink their own lifestyle and learn and practice the eco-

friendly lifestyle at home.

(3) Valuing wood cultureKyoto is surrounded by mountains that are covered by

woods. Its climate is mild and humid. Taking advantage

of this condition, people have nurtured "wood culture"

which is suitable with the nature. In order to conserve the

outstanding landscape which has been created by wood

culture, and to achieve a low carbon lifestyle, the City of

Kyoto recommends "Heisei Kyo-machiya". These are town

houses created by the application of new techniques to

the traditional town house which is the fruit of the wisdom

of traditional lifestyle.

打ち水Uchi-mizu (sprinkling water around building entrance)

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(4)バイオディーゼル燃料化事業 京都市では、地元住民団体等が主体となって、家庭から出る使用済てんぷら油を回収し、バイオディーゼル燃料に精製して市のごみ収集車や市バスで利用する、バイオディーゼル燃料化事業を行っています。 バイオディーゼル燃料化事業は、バイオマス資源の活用推進や排水への環境負荷の低減と同時に二酸化炭素排出量削減に寄与する取組です。京都市では、今後も、市民、事業者、行政の連携を強化しながら循環型社会の形成に力を入れていく方針です。

(5)環境分野における国際的連携 地球温暖化対策の模範となる取組を世界に発信し行動の輪を広げることは、京都議定書誕生の地としての国際的な使命です。京都市は、世界の自治体と連携して地域レベルでの取組を推進するため、 1996 年 9 月から「イクレイ-持続可能性をめざす自治体協議会」に加盟しており、京都市長が 2012 年 5 月から東アジア地域理事に就任するなど、イクレイの運営に積極的に参画しています。 また、2005 年 12 月には、前京都市長がイクレイの支援を受け、気候変動に積極的に取り組む首長ネットワーク組織として「気候変動に関する世界市長・首長協議会 (WMCCC)」を設立するなど、低炭素で持続可能な社会の実現に向け、環境分野において国内外の自治体と連携を図っています。

(4) Biodiesel Fuel Production ProjectThe Biodiesel Fuel Production Project which was initiated

by the local communities is in progress in Kyoto. In the

Project, used tempura oil (waste edible oil) from ordinary

households and commercial facilities, such as restaurants,

is collected and refined for recycling into biodiesel fuel for

use in the City’s waste-collection vehicles and municipal


The Biodiesel Fuel Production Project encourages

the effective use of biomass resources, alleviates the

environmental impact of discarded cooking oil, and

reduces CO2 emissions. Kyoto City is determined to

continue its focus on realizing a recycling-based society,

while reinforcing cooperation among citizens, businesses

and government.

(5) International cooperation on environmental issues As the birth place of Kyoto Protocol, it is our mission to

design measures that could be a role model for global

warming, spread them throughout to the world and

promote their implementation. City of Kyoto has been

collaborating with other local governments of the world

to implement the measures for global warming by joining

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives

(ICLEI- Local Government for Sustainability) since

September 1996. In May 2012, the Mayor of Kyoto was

appointed as the East Asia Regional Executive Committee


By the support of ICLEI, the former mayor of Kyoto

established Word Mayors Council on Climate Change

(WMCCC) in Dec. 2005. Thus, Kyoto collaborates with

other local governments of the world to address the

environmental issues and materialize a sustainable low

carbon society.

第7章 未来を見据えたまちづくり 〜環境・景観・交通〜

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◆景観政策 三方を山に囲まれた盆地の中央に位置する京都では、四季折々の豊かな自然の移ろいの中で、精神文化が育まれ、人々の生活が営まれてきました。そうして築かれた、京都のまちの景観を、かけがえのない財産のひとつとして守り育て未来に継承するため、2007 年、市では、画期的な新景観政策をスタートさせました。 これは、歴史的市街地を中心とする高さ規制の強化、地域ごとにふさわしい建築物等のデザイン基準への見直しと規制エリアの拡大、38 の視点場からの眺望景観の保全、屋外広告物規制の強化、歴史的町並みの保全策の更なる推進を図り、同時に市民とのパートナーシップによる景観まちづくりの推進や既存不適格建築物となるマンションの維持管理や建替の支援策などを盛り込んだものです。この新景観政策には、移り行く時代のニーズに対応するため、各制度に市民からの提案制度も盛り込まれており、市民とともに、京都の風土に根差した京都らしい景観づくりに取り組んでいくこととしています。

◆ Landscape PolicyLocated at the center of a basin and surrounded by

mountains on three sides, Kyoto features natural beauty

that changes from season to season. In this enchanting

landscape, the people of Kyoto have enjoyed daily living

while nurturing a spiritual culture. To preserve Kyoto’s

landscape as one of the City’s precious assets, and to pass

it on to future generations, Kyoto City launched its new

landscape policy in 2007.

The new policy focuses on: regulating building heights,

mainly in the historic area of the City; revising building

design criteria for suitability to each district; enlarging

areas subject to regulations; preserving scenic beauty as

viewed from 38 specific locations; reinforcing regulations

on outside advertisement; and further implementing the

historic townscape preservation measures. The policy

also includes measures to create a more beautiful city

through government-citizen partnerships, and programs

to provide support to existing condominiums that cannot

meet the new regulations for renovation, maintenance

and replacement. This new policy for scenery preservation

incorporates a system for inviting proposals from citizens,

in order to cope with the changing needs of the times, and

to ensure that the City will continue to work together with

citizens to create a landscape that is unique to Kyoto and

suitable for its climate.

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都に来たのは偶然ですが、京都に住み始めて、以前トルコで読んだ川端康成の「古都」という小説を思い出しました。自分が今、本の世界と同じ世界にいることに気付き、何だか不思議な気持ちです。日本の高い教育レベルと日本人の国民性の良さは、トルコにいる私の家族を安心させています。Coming to Kyoto was just a coincidence, but after I started living here I recalled a novel called "The

Old Capital" by Yasunari Kawabata, which I had previously read in Turkey. Realizing I am in the same world as the one

written in that book gives me a strange feeling. The high education level of Japan and good national characteristics of

the Japanese people reassured my family in Turkey.

Sultan Lulecioglu from Turkey, Doshisha University

スルタン・ルレジオウル トルコ出身/同志社大学

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◆屋外広告物の適正化 京都市では、歴史都市・京都をかたちづくる重要な要素として位置付けている屋外広告物について、美しい品格のある都市景観を形成するものとなるよう、屋上屋外広告物の全面禁止をはじめ、地域の特性に応じた「面積」「色彩」「高さ」等全国でも例を見ないきめ細やかな基準を設定し、規制を行っています。 平成 24 年度からは、屋外広告物制度の定着促進、違反広告物の是正のための指導の強化と支援策の充実、京都にふさわしい広告物の普及促進を柱に、屋外広告物対策の取組を抜本的に強化して取り組んでいます。 今後も市民、事業者とともに、京都にふさわしい景観を創り、京都の都市格を高め、皆様に京都のまちの良好な景観を実感していただくため、取り組んでいきます。

◆まち再生の取組~密集市街地・細街路対策、空き家対策~ 京都市では、平安建都以来 1,200 年以上にわたり都市としての営みを継承し、まちやすまいの文化を形成してきた歴史があります。このような歴史を引き継ぎ、京都ならではの「都市の持続可能性」を高めるため、これまで培われてきた地域コミュニティの力を活かし、まちの安心・安全や活力の維持・向上を図る「まち再生」の取組を進めています。

◆ Improving outdoor advertisements The City of Kyoto regards the outdoor advertisements

as one of the crucial components of landscape of the

historical city, Kyoto. In order to maintain a beautiful

and elegant streetscape, the city has prohibited putting

up signboards on the top of buildings. The city has also

enacted a regulation which restricts the size, color and

height of the signboards. Kyoto is the only city in Japan

which has such detailed restrictions. From FY2012

onwards, the city has been working on the dissemination

of this regulation, intensification of instruction against

violators, and supporting the improvement of outdoor

advertisements. In order to upgrade the image and let the

visitors feel the exquisite quality of its landscape, the City

of Kyoto with the cooperation of enterprises will continue

creating a landscape which is quite appropriate for the city.


◆ Efforts for the revitalization of the city:  measures for congested urban area and  narrow streets, and for empty houses.Kyoto has been a prosperous city for more than 1200

years since Heian-kyo, the capital of Japan was founded in

Kyoto. During this period, urban architectural culture was

developed. In order to protect this culture and history, and

to increase the "sustainability of the city", the power of

local people must be used to improve safety and increase

energy of their communities.

第7章 未来を見据えたまちづくり 〜環境・景観・交通〜

まち並みに調和した広告物Advertisements matching the cityscape

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(1)密集市街地・細街路対策 京都市には、都心部を中心に「路地」や「辻子」と呼ばれる細街路が多く存在しています。これらの細街路は、京町家が立ち並び、古くからのコミュニティが息づくなど固有の風情をたたえ、歴史都市京都の魅力のひとつとなっていますが、その一方で、災害時には避難や救助に支障をきたすとともに、特に「密集市街地」と呼ばれる細街路の集中するエリアでは、火災時の延焼拡大のおそれがあるなど、都市防災上の課題を有しています。 こうした細街路や密集市街地について、京都独自の制度構築や地域との協働を通して、歴史性を維持・継承しつつ、災害に強く安心して住み続けられるためのまちづくりを進めています。

(2)空き家対策 近年、空き家の増加が全国的な課題となっています。ここ京都においても例外ではなく、京町家を含め、長期にわたり利用されない空き家が増えてきており、これらの空き家が十分に手入れされないまま放置されることにより地域の生活環境に悪影響を及ぼすことはもとより、まちの活力の低下につながるなど、まちづくりを進めるうえでの課題となっています。 このため、京都独自の条例を制定し、市民や事業者との連携のもと、空き家を地域コミュニティの資源として活用することをはじめ、予防や適正な管理の推進等、総合的な空き家対策を進めています。

◆交通政策 ~歩いて楽しいまちづくり~ 京都市では、「人が主役の魅力あるまちづくり」を強力に推進するため、健康、環境、公共交通、子育て・教育、コミュニティ、景観、観光、経済などの幅広い観点から、公共交通優先の「歩いて楽しいまち」の実現を目指し、取組を進めています。

(1)「歩くまち・京都」総合交通戦略 京都にふさわしい交通政策のマスタープラン「「歩くまち・京都」総合交通戦略」に基づき、「既存公共交通」

(1) Measures for congested urban area and narrow streets

Narrow streets called "Rogi" or "Zushi" are concentrated

in downtown area of Kyoto. These streets are lined

with traditional town houses called Kyo-machiya and

the interaction between the community residents is still

alive here. Thus, such streets have become a part of the

charms of Kyoto. On the other hand, these streets are

so narrow that it makes it difficult to escape or evacuate

victims during disasters and emergencies. Moreover, fire

spreads fast in congested urban area. Thus these areas

have many problems regarding disaster prevention. In

order to solve these problems, the City of Kyoto makes

efforts to transform such areas into a disaster resistant

and safe place by establishing a unique system and asking

cooperation from local residents.

(2) Measure for empty housesRecently an increasing number of empty houses is causing

a serious problem in Japan. Kyoto is no exception. Many

traditional town houses called Kyo-machiya and other

buildings have not been used and left unattended for

a long time. This brings adverse effects on the living

environment and depresses the communities. In order

to solve this problem, the City of Kyoto passed a special

ordinance in which the city asks for the cooperation of

citizens and enterprises to utilize the empty houses as a

resource of local communities. Also the city supports the

proper management of these empty houses and works to

prevent the occurence of this phenomenon.

◆ Traffic�Policy—Development of a City That Is Fun to Walk Around in—

Kyoto City seeks to grow as an attractive, people-centered

city. In vigorous pursuit of this aim, the City has focused

on becoming a city that promotes the use of public

transportation and that is fun to walk around in. Efforts

to develop in this way involve a broad range of concerns,

such as health, environment, public transportation, child-

raising and education, community, landscape, tourism, and


(1) Comprehensive Transportation Strategy to Develop Kyoto as a City That Is Fun to Walk Around in

Based on the comprehensive transportation strategy called

"Pedestrian Friendly City Kyoto", we are implementing

the transportation policies from three viewpoints:

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第7章 未来を見据えたまちづくり 〜環境・景観・交通〜


(2) 公共交通ネットワークの連携強化(「既存公共交通」  の取組) 京都に住まい、また京都を訪れるすべての人が、快適、便利に利用できる公共交通の実現に向け、バス・鉄道の交通事業者等と連携し、市内ほぼすべての公共交通が乗り放題となる企画乗車券の発売や、複数の公共交通が結節するターミナルにおいて、円滑な乗継に配慮したダイヤの改正や案内表示の充実等を実施することにより、既存公共交通の利便性向上を図る取組を進めています。

(3)歩いて楽しいまちなか戦略の推進(「まちづくり」  の取組) 京都の活力と魅力が凝縮した歴史的都心地区(四条通、河原町通、御池通、烏丸通に囲まれた地区)において、

「自動車に必要以上に依存しない歩行者と公共交通優先の空間」を実現し、住民、買い物客などの皆様が安心・安全に暮らし、50 年後も100 年後もすべての人々を魅了しつづけるまちであるよう、「歩いて楽しいまちなか戦略」を推進しています。

(4) モビリティ・マネジメントの推進(「ライフスタイル」  の取組) 市民の意識と行動に直接働きかけ、過度なクルマ利用を控え、歩くこと、公共交通等を利用することへの転換を促す取組であるコミュニケーション施策(モビリティ・マネジメント)を推進し、市民のライフスタイルの中で交通行動の変化を意識づけるため、あらゆる機会を捉え、重層的・複合的に、動機付けとなる情報の提供やコミュニケーション・アンケート等を実施しています。

"conventional public transportation", "town development"

and "improvement of lifestyle". To this end, we are

implementing measures that integrate a wide range

of administrative fields. Such as: establishing a new

public transportation network from users’ perspectives;

a new public transportation system that combines both

eco-friendliness and great convenience; ideal future

transportation systems for each district; ideal ways

of sharing road functions; and citizen-led initiatives to

promote lifestyles involving less use of private cars.

(2) Enhancement of collaboration by the public transportation network (Conventional public transportation)

In order to transform the conventional transportation

system in a way that everyone living in or visiting

Kyoto would feel comfortable and convenient, we

collaborate with other public transportation companies.

We are implementing measures for the convenience of

passengers such as issuing tickets that can be used by

all transportation companies functioning in Kyoto city,

improving the guideboards of main terminal stations and

adjusting the time tables for the smooth transfer.

(3) Promoting the "Enjoy Walking in the City" Strategy (Town development)

Kyoto’s vitality and attractions are concentrated in the

historic area of central Kyoto (area bordered by Shijo-dori,

Kawaramachi-dori, Oike-dori and Karasuma-dori Streets). In

this area, the "Enjoy Walking in the City" Strategy has been

carried out so as to create a space where priority is given

to pedestrians and public transportation, enabling people

avoid depending unnecessarily on automobiles. Through

this Strategy, Kyoto intends to continue evolving as a city

that ensures the safety of residents and visitors—including

shoppers—and that is attractive to all people, even 50 or

100 years from now.

(4) Mobility management (Improvement of lifestyle)We encourage citizens to walk or use public transportation

and reduce the usage of automobiles. We take every

opportunity to provide the citizens information on mobility

management and to conduct surveys in order to raise

awareness of individuals for their travel behavior and to

encourage the change in their lifestyle.

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国際青少年みらい環境会議 2007 in 京都InternationalYouth Conference onthe Enviromenment 2007in Kyoto

 Chapter 8第 8章 国際都市・京都

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第8章 国際都市・京都

 千年以上の永きにわたり日本の中心であった京都は、歴史に育まれた伝統を大切に継承してきました。そこには、朝鮮半島や中国などのアジアの国々をはじめ、世界中から学問、芸術、技術等が集まり、多様な文化が共生してきました。 1978 年の「世界文化自由都市宣言」において、京都市は、全世界のひとびとが人種、宗教、社会体制の相違を超えて、平和のうちに自由に集い、交流を行う都市を、都市の理想像として掲げました。この理想に近づくため、京都市では、姉妹都市提携や世界歴史都市連盟等の活動を通じ、諸外国との交流促進に努めているほか、国籍・民族・文化的背景に関わらず、全ての住民にとって暮らしやすい社会の実現に向け、多文化共生の取組を推し進めています。

◆友好交流都市 1958 年にパリ市(フランス)と友情盟約を締結して以来、京都市では、歴史、文化、伝統を有する、ボストン市(アメリカ)、ケルン市(ドイツ)、フィレンツェ市(イタリア)、キエフ市(ウクライナ)、西安市(中国)、グアダラハラ市(メキシコ)、ザグレブ市(クロアチア)、プラハ市(チェコ)の 9 つの都市と姉妹都市・友好都市提携を行い、代表団による相互訪問や文化事業の実施をはじめ、学校間における子どもたちの交流や、経済や文化・スポーツの分野における市民レベルでの交流、更には水や大気等の環境分野における技術協力など、様々な形で相互理解の促進と都市間の関係の維持発展に努めてきました。 また、民間団体が主体となって学術研究や教育などの限定した分野での交流を行う「パートナーシティ」として、晋州市(韓国)、コンヤ市(トルコ)、青島市(中国)、フエ市(ベトナム)、イスタンブール市(トルコ)と交流を行っています。

Kyoto, which served as Japan’s capital for more than a

millennium, cherishes traditions built up over a long history.

From the Korean Peninsula, China, other parts of Asia and

from the rest of the world, a variety of knowledge, arts,

and techniques have converged on Kyoto, where diverse

cultures have coexisted in harmony.

In 1978, in the Declaration of Kyoto as a City Open to

the Free Exchange of World Cultures, Kyoto proclaimed

that an ideal city is one where people of any country may

assemble freely and in peace, regardless of race, creed or

social system, for the purposes of cultural exchange. To

attain that ideal, Kyoto strives to promote exchange with

other countries by establishing sister city relationships

and by conducting activities pertinent to the League

of Historical Cities. Kyoto City also works to realize a

multicultural society that is friendly to all residents,

irrespective of nationality, race and cultural background.

◆ Friendship CitiesIn 1958, Kyoto City established its sister city relationship

(Friendship Pledge) with Paris (France). This was followed

by subsequent sister- or friendship-city affiliations with

other foreign cities characterized by rich histories,

cultures and traditions: Boston (United States), Cologne

(Germany), Florence (Italy), Kiev (Ukraine), Xi’an (China),

Guadalajara (Mexico), Zagreb (Croatia) and Prague (Czech

Republic). With these nine cities, Kyoto has deepened

mutual understanding in various forms, while working

to maintain and develop better intercity relations,

by organizing programs to mutually dispatch/accept

delegations, promote cultural interchange and encourage

communication between Kyoto schoolchildren and their

counterparts abroad. Person-to-person exchanges with

sister/friendship cities are also promoted in the fields of

economy, culture and sports. Moreover, technological

cooperation is ongoing, to help resolve water, air and other

environmental problems.

In addition, Kyoto has established a partner city tie with

Chinju (South Korea), Konya (Turkey), Qingdao (China), Hue

(Vietnam) and Istanbul (Turkey). Private organizations take

the initiative in promoting exchange with the partner city in

such fields as academic research and education.

Page 59: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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◆世界歴史都市連盟 1987 年、世界の歴史都市が積み重ねてきた貴重な経験を持ち寄り、その成果を互いに交流し、21 世紀に向けた人類の繁栄と文化の向上のために都市が果たすべき役割を探ることを目的として、京都市長の呼びかけにより「世界歴史都市会議」が京都で開催されました。更に、1994 年、第 4 回世界歴史都市会議が再び京都で開催されたのを機に、歴史都市という共通の絆で結ばれた都市が世界平和の達成に貢献できることを願い、将来にわたり交流を促進することを目的とした「世界歴史都市連盟」が設立されました。 世界歴史都市連盟では、原則として 2 年に 1 回、世界歴史都市会議を会員都市のどこかで開催するほか、年4 回の機関紙(英文)の発行や、インターネットを通じた情報の受発信などを行っています。京都市は、本連盟発足以来の会長都市であり、事務局も務めています。

◆国際MICE 都市 1966 年に日本で最初の国立会議施設として国立京都国際会館が開設されて以来、京都では、京都議定書が採択された1997 年の気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約第 3 回締約国会議(COP3)や、2003 年の第 3 回世界水フォーラム、2005 年のアジア欧州会合(ASEM) など、重要な国際会議が開催されてきました。また、2008 年に主要国首脳会議(北海道洞爺湖サミット)の外相会合が開催された際には、国賓等の宿泊施

◆ The League of Historical Cities In 1987, Kyoto hosted the 1st World Conference of

Historical Cities, in response to the request made by

the Mayor of Kyoto. The purpose of the Conference

was to share and exchange the precious experience and

knowledge acquired by all historical cities around the

world, and to explore the roles that should be played by

cities to encourage the well-being of the human race and

the enrichment of its culture toward the new century.

Furthermore, in 1994 the 4th World Conference of

Historical Cities was again held in Kyoto. On that occasion,

the League of Historical Cities (LHC) was inaugurated,

building on the common foundation of historical cities, to

continue deepening mutual exchange in the future, in the

hope that these cities can contribute to the realization of

world peace.

Once every two years, in principle, the LHC organizes

the World Conference of Historical Cities in one of the

member cities. The League also publishes its quarterly

journal (in English), and transmits and receives information

through the Internet. Since the LHC’s inception, Kyoto has

served as its President City and secretariat.

◆ International MICE CityThe Kyoto International Conference Center opened

in 1966 as Japan’s first national conference facility.

Since then, Kyoto has served as venue for important

international conferences, including the Third Session

of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations

Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3), which

adopted the Kyoto Protocol in 1997; the Third World Water

Forum in 2003; and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 京都に来てから 6 年が経ちましたが、驚くほどこの町の生活に飽きません。日本の伝統文化はもちろんのこと、その上に花見や紅葉などの四季の変化を楽しめる機会が京都にはたくさんあります。季節感は食文化にも京都人の生活にも強く表れており、京都の魅力はそういった生き生きとした春夏秋冬の変化にあると感じています。Six years have passed since I came to Kyoto, and surprisingly I do not get tired of the life in this city.

In addition to the traditional Japanese culture, Kyoto can provide many opportunities for us to appreciate the beauty of

four seasons such as cherry blossoms and autumnal leaves viewings. Such a sense of seasons is strongly reflected

in the food culture and lifestyle of Kyoto citizens. I think that the charms of Kyoto attributes to the vivid change of four


Victor Gorshkov from Russia, Kyoto University

ビクトル •ゴルシコフ ロシア出身/京都大学

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第8章 国際都市・京都

設を備えた、2005 年建設の京都迎賓館が、主要会場として使用されました。 設備の整った会議場に加え、ほかにも、市内には、小規模のセミナーから国際会議まで、多様な会議に対応できる公立及び私立の文化会館やホールが多数あり、国内外から集まる政治家や研究者等に議論・発表の場を提供しています。 2010 年 3 月には、国際会議のみならず、ミーティング、インセンティブ、コンベンション、イベント/エキジビションの総称である「MICE」を積極的に誘致していこうと、全国の自治体で初となる「京都市 MICE 戦略」を策定しました。 また、寺社仏閣や庭園、博物館・美術館等といったユニークべニューでのレセプション、エクスカーションなど、京都ならではの魅力を活用した MICE の開催にも力を注いでいます。 さらに、2013 年 6 月には、観光庁が MICE 誘致の潜在能力が高い都市を集中的に支援し、国際競争力を有する都市の育成を図る「グローバル MICE 戦略都市」に選定されました。

京都市国際交流会館Kyoto InternationalCommunity House

2005. When Kyoto hosted the Foreign Minister’s Meeting

of the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in 2008, the Kyoto State

Guest House was used as the main venue of the Meeting.

The Guest House, newly established in 2005, is equipped

with accommodation facilities for state and official guests.

In addition to the fully equipped conference hall, Kyoto

City is also home to many cultural centers and halls, both

public and private, where various meetings can be held,

from small-scale seminars to international conferences.

With these well-equipped conference facilities, Kyoto

offers presentation and discussion opportunities for

statespersons and researchers from inside and outside


In March 2010, we formulated "Kyoto MICE Strategy" to

attract not only the international conferences to Kyoto

but also MICE which stands for Meeting, Incentive,

Convention, Event and Exhibition.

We encourage using temples, shrines, gardens, museums

and other unique venues for receptions and excursions

and other events related to MICE. In June 2013, the

Tourism Agency designated Kyoto which has a strong

potential of attracting MICE as "Global MICE Strategy City"

in order to give intensive support to the city to be more

internationally competitive.

Page 61: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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◆多文化共生のまち 1989 年、平安建都 1200 年記念事業の一環で、市民レベルの幅広い国際交流活動を推進する拠点として、


世界歴史都市会議World Conference of Historical Cities

◆ Multicultural CityKyoto International Community House (KICH) was

established in 1989, as part of the Commemorative Events

of the 1200th Anniversary of Kyoto Heian-kyo Capital. As a

hub for promoting a wide range of international exchange

at the person-to-person level, KICH is where various

programs are implemented to furnish comprehensive

livelihood support for international residents in Kyoto,

and to encourage exchange between Japanese and

international residents. Specifically, KICH hosts Japanese

language classes by voluntears, offers information and

consultation services for international residents, and

holds lectures in which participants can experience the

tea ceremony or other Japanese traditional cultural arts.

In addition to residential assistance and international

留学生から一言 Comments trom International Students

 名高い観光地を抱え、日本千年の華麗なる歴史を誇る古都京都。ここで一年間住んでいると、華やかさより飾らない美しさに心が奪われました。春に鴨川のほとりに佇んでいる枝垂桜、秋に黄金に輝く銀杏の木々、庭の壁からあふれ出す楓やゆずの枝、街角に静かに座っている地蔵様、黒ずんだ古めかしい老舗の看板などなど。京都の日常の街並みに出会った数々の飾らない美しさに感心しています。 After living in Kyoto for one year, I am more touched by its beauty of the in daily life instead of the gorgeous beauty

endowed by the worldwide famous attraction spots and a thousand-year history. Weeping cherry trees standing

along the banks of Kamogawa River in the spring, ginkgo trees shining goldenly in the autumn, maple trees and citrus

trees spilling over walls, small statues of Jizou(a guardian deity) sitting quietly in the street corner, slightly blackened

signboards of long-established stores. My heart is deeply moved by these daily beauties without decoration in the

streets of Kyoto.

Chen Isabelle from China, Kyoto University

陳慕薇 チン ボビ 中国出身/京都大学

Page 62: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

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第8章 国際都市・京都

 現在、京都市には、130 を超える国の 4 万人以上の外国籍市民が暮らしています。これは住民の約 3%を占め、このうちの 9 割以上がアジア諸国の人々です。 京都市では、外国籍市民からの意見も市政に反映させるため、地域における多文化共生の推進に関する事項について調査し、審議する会議を定期的に開催するなど、住民全てが、安心して心豊かな生活を送ることのできる「多文化共生社会」の実現に向け、市民とともに取り組んでいます。 事業の一つに、地域のイベントや団体研修などに多様な国籍や文化的背景をもつ方を派遣し、多文化交流の活動を行っていただくプログラム「京都市国際文化市民交流促進サポート事業」があります。これは、母国の料理、楽器、舞踏の披露などの文化紹介や講演を通して、市民が外国の文化や生活習慣に触れる機会を増やすとともに、外国籍市民等が活躍できる機会を提供していくというものです。

student support, KICH provides communication support

in the fields of medicine and administration services.

Moreover, various seminars are offered, to help deepen

understanding of the history and present situations of

Korean residents in Japan.

Currently, more than 40,000 foreign residents from

over 130 countries/regions are living in Kyoto City; they

comprise about 3% of all Kyoto residents. More than 90%

of Kyoto’s foreign residents come from Asian countries.

To reflect opinions from foreign residents in its municipal

administration, Kyoto City holds meetings on a regular

basis to research and discuss the matters to promote

multicultural symbiosis in the communities. Through

such activities, Kyoto works together with its residents to

realize a Multicultural Society where all can enjoy spiritually

rich lives in peace of mind.

One of the projects to promote multicultural symbiosis is

"Kyoto City Support Program for Promoting International

Cultural Exchange". This program is to dispatch those

people with various cultural background and nationalities

to the local study program and other events to introduce

foreign cultures such as cuisines, music and dances to

the citizens in order to provide them more opportunities

to contact with foreign culture and customs. It also aims

at increasing opportunities of international citizens playing

active roles in their communities.

多文化紹介イベント風景Event introducing diverse cultures

Page 63: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜

発  行:京都市総合企画局国際化推進室 京都市印刷物第 253230 号

表紙写真:源氏物語車争図屏風(部分) [京都市歴史資料館蔵]

Published by International Relations Office, General Planning Bureau,City of Kyoto, Printing No. 253230Cover : Protion of Folding Screens of The Tale of Genji, The Story of The Competing Carriages (housed in the Kyoto City Library of Historical Documents)

Page 64: Table of Contents - Kyoto...市街中心部航空写真 Aerial photograph of central Kyoto Chapter 1 第1章はじめに 〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都 第1章 はじめに〜山紫水明の歴史都市・京都〜