Student Juanpablo Jordan Leal 201511922 j.jordan10 ...

1 Redesign and optimization of a small coffee roasting machine Student Juanpablo Jordan Leal 201511922 [email protected] Advisor: Andres Leonardo Gonzalez Mancera Mechanical engineer, Ph.D. Mechanical engineering department BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA JULY 2020

Transcript of Student Juanpablo Jordan Leal 201511922 j.jordan10 ...

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Redesign and optimization of a small coffee roasting machine


Juanpablo Jordan Leal


[email protected]


Andres Leonardo Gonzalez Mancera

Mechanical engineer, Ph.D.

Mechanical engineering department


JULY 2020

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Cuando me puse a pensar a quienes deseaba expresar mis agradecimientos del trabajo de

grado me salió una lista interminable, por eso quisiera resumir expresando mi gratitud por

su ayuda, sugerencias y esfuerzos en la creación de este trabajo a:

Elvis Jordan, por sus consejos y sus esfuerzos incalculables.

Patricia Leal, por su constante ejemplo y por la gran maestra de vida que es.

Lauren Jordan, por no dejarme caer en momentos difíciles y darme la energía y felicidad

para alcanzar mis objetivos.

Eso si el trabajo de grado no habría podido llegar a ver la luz sin el apoyo constante de

Carmen Martínez.

Infinitas gracias a Andrés Leonardo Gonzalez Mancera que me enseñó y guió en cada una

de las etapas del trabajo.

Y a todas las personas que estuvieron dispuestas a ayudarme en cada uno de los detalles

de este trabajo. A todos, ¡muchas gracias!

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Abstract: This project studies the principal phenomenon of heat and mass transfer during the coffee

roasting process. It is possible to characterize and collect the most important coffee roasting

data using computational tools. Furthermore, during the development of the project, a

mass and color estimation model is introduced and aims to explain the behavior and main

processes of coffee during roasting. Finally, to understand the temperature distribution of

a coffee bean during the coffee roasting process, a finite difference model was introduced.

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Mucilage: a polysaccharide substance extracted as a viscous or gelatinous solution from

plant roots, seeds, etc., and used in medicines and adhesives.

Hulling: verb

1. remove the hulls from (fruit, seeds, or grain).

"a cup of hulled strawberries"

Endocarp: noun: endocarp; plural noun: endocarps

1. the innermost layer of the pericarp which surrounds a seed in a fruit. It may be

membranous (as in apples) or woody (as in the stone of a peach or cherry).

Husk: noun: husk; plural noun: husks

1. the dry outer covering of some fruits or seeds.

"the fibrous husk of the coconut"

Pyrolysis: noun: pyrolysis

1. decomposition brought about by high temperatures.

"steam pyrolysis of hydrocarbons"

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Contents: 1) Introduction ............................................................................................................ 6

2) Objectives: .............................................................................................................. 8

2.1 General objective: ....................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Specific objectives: ...................................................................................................... 8

3) Previous work: ........................................................................................................ 6

4) Coffee process: ........................................................................................................ 8

4.1 Planting: ...................................................................................................................... 8

4.2 Harvesting the cherries: .............................................................................................. 8

4.3 Processing the cherries: ............................................................................................... 9

4.4 Drying the beans: ...................................................................................................... 10

4.5 Threshing the beans: ................................................................................................. 10

4.6 Roasting the coffee: .................................................................................................. 11

4.7 Packaging the coffee: ................................................................................................ 11

5) Heat and mass transfer: ........................................................................................ 13

5.1 Thermal diffusivity: ................................................................................................... 14

5.2 The Heat Equation: .................................................................................................... 15

6) Finite Difference Method: ...................................................................................... 16

6.1 Taylor series expansion: ............................................................................................ 17

6.2 Central difference approximations: ........................................................................... 17

6.3 Noncentral Finite Difference Approximations: ........................................................... 18

7) Python: ................................................................................................................. 18

7.1 Python distributions: ................................................................................................. 19

7.2 Libraries: ................................................................................................................... 19

8) Data acquisition: ................................................................................................... 20

8.1 Raspberry-pi 4: .......................................................................................................... 21

8.2 Raspberry-pi configuration: ....................................................................................... 21

8.3 Anaconda distribution: .............................................................................................. 21

8.4 Sensors: .................................................................................................................... 22

8.5 Assembly: ................................................................................................................. 22

8.6 Coding the sensors: ................................................................................................... 23

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8.7 Saving the data: ........................................................................................................ 23

9) Data processing: ................................................................................................... 23

9.1 Python data uploading: ............................................................................................. 24

9.2 Python data treatment and visualization: .................................................................. 25

9.3 Python image analysis: .............................................................................................. 25

10) Heat transfer Finite difference method: ............................................................. 25

10.1 Geometry: ................................................................................................................. 25

10.2 Polar coordinates and simplifications: ....................................................................... 26

10.3 Finite difference discretization: ................................................................................. 26

11) Analysis and results: .......................................................................................... 26

11.1 Full coffee batch temperature behavior: ................................................................... 26

11.2 5kg coffee batch temperature behavior: ................................................................... 27

11.3 The coffee mass-color model: .................................................................................... 28 11.3.1 100g coffee batch temperature behavior: ........................................................................... 28

11.4 Finite difference simulation: ...................................................................................... 29

12) Validation: ........................................................................................................ 30

13) Conclusions: ...................................................................................................... 31

14) Bibliography: ..................................................................................................... 31

15) Appendix: .......................................................................................................... 34

1) Introduction

Colombia is known for its variety of natural resources; coffee is one of the most important

resources in the country. Ocampo (2017) indicates that 80 percent of Colombian coffee

production is destined for international consumption [1]. At the same time, coffee

represents 16 percent of the national agriculture. However, most of the good quality coffee

is exported as a raw material (green coffee). As a result, the commercial value of coffee

decreases. This is partly caused by the insufficient local knowledge about the roasting

process. To create a solution and make an impact on the Colombian economy, it is necessary

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to set up an efficient coffee roasting process using engineering and automatization that

guarantees a product of high quality.

The roasting method in which the coffee bean is transformed through a heat transfer

process is the best way to improve the profits in the Colombian coffee production. During

this process, coffee goes through different physical and chemical changes that give special

flavors and specific aroma. There are different toasting levels and techniques for each

coffee tester, starting with low roasting for the aroma lovers and high roasting for strong

flavors [2].

When the roasting process started to be implemented in the production of coffee, the only

way to assess the level of toasting was by manually checking the color, aroma and flavor of

the bean. [3]. Nowadays, different technological advances enable better ways to measure

the development of bean roasting using different sensors and methods that quantify color,

luminosity, and temperature. There are different techniques and well-defined quality

standards that ensure that all coffee beans are properly toasted. For example, the Agtron

scale has a range from 0 to 100, on which 0 is the carbon coffee color and 100 is the green

bean. On the other hand, temperature scales help to explain how the coffee is losing its

water. Another way to use temperature scales is by analyzing the coffee color at specific

points of temperature and contrasting it with the Agtron scale.

Taking all of this into consideration, the purpose of this project is to create a model of heat

and mass transfer that can explain the behavior of a small coffee roasting machine which

can be modified and replicated in different areas of the country. In addition, all these

solutions have to be practical and efficient for coffee producers.

All the project was developed in Villa Helena’s farm at Ibague Tolima that is one of the 25

companies in Colombia which standardized most of the coffee production by investing in

research and machinery that helps to increment profits in the Colombian economy

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2) Objectives:

2.1 General objective:

The general objective is to study and implement algorithms that improve coffee roasting

in a small quantity and consequently, guaranteeing coffee international standards

2.2 Specific objectives:

• To gather information in specific areas of the coffee process for the analysis of

coffee techniques based on the roasting method.

• To create a coffee heat transfer model that explains the temperature behavior in a

coffee roasting process.

• To explain how temperature impacts the coffee color and taste during the roasting


• To explain how coffee loses weight during the process and how to avoid it.

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3) Previous work:

According to the Advances In Food Process Engineering book (AFPE), coffee emits volatile

organic compounds (VOC) and carbon monoxide (CO) during the coffee roasting process. A

typical roasting machine uses 11.2 ∗ 10!"𝑘𝐽𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 and causes an emission of

7 ∗ 10#(𝑘𝑔_𝐶𝑜)/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟. The coffee roasting process implicates the generation of some

gases like oxygen, combustion products, and CO2, H2O, VOCs, and CO [1].

AFPE demonstrates that coffee changes in its molecular structure while being roasted. Also,

moisture vaporizes internally and diffuses out of the bean in the thermal process and

increments the internal pressure generating the expansion of them. This reaction generated

water vapor that escapes from the beans, causing a loss of mass.

Bean temperature profiles depend on the initial reactant concentration, the variety, and

the source of the bean. An AFPE study indicates that these reactions also depend on how

the temperature varies with time.

Graph 1 temperature profile for a regular roast [2]

Graph 1 shows the temperature profile of a regular roast and the relation between roast

darkness and temperature. Additionally, it specifies the Agtron scale and the roasting loss

in the specific points. This information will be useful to contrast with the experimental data

in a small roasting machine.

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4) Coffee process:

4.1 Planting:

Since a coffee bean is a seed, it could be planted and grown into a coffee tree instead of

being processed.

illustration 1. Coffee tree at Villa Helena farm

Illustration 1 shows the first coffee fruit after four years of being watered frequently. The

fruit is known as cherry. When the cherry gets a shining deep-red color, it is ripe and ready

to be harvest, in Villa Helena farm most of the farmers are alert of the flowering of the

coffee, because most of time the major harvest occurs once a year. In Colombia, there are

two flowerings annually. This phenomenon increments coffee production and opens the

doors for constant exportation of a high-quality product.

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4.2 Harvesting the cherries:

Cherries are stripped off the trees, either by a machine or by hand. It is important to know

that, when cherries are picked up by hand, a good picker could handle approximately 100

to 200 pounds of cherries per day [3]

illustration 2. cherries ready to be stripped at Villa Helena farm

Only 20 to 40 percent of cherries’ weight is transformed into green coffee beans. Villa

Helena workers are paid only for the merit of their work. Usually, the payment for a kilo of

cherries is about 500 COP.

4.3 Processing the cherries:

To avoid the spoilage of the coffee, cherries must be processed in the shortest amount of

time. There are two ways to process the coffee: the dry method and the wet method.

The dry method is an old method and is still used in many countries. This consist in spreading

out the seeds in a clear area to dry under the sun and to avoid the spoiling of cherries,

farmers usually rake and turn them during the day.

In the wet method, cherries are separated by weight using a water container. Usually,

cherries that are on the top are the ones that have problems with the coffee borer beetle.

In comparison this separation method helps to improve the coffee quality and ensure, in

the end, a better cup of coffee.

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illustration 3. The Wet Method (cherries selection) at Villa Helena farm

In the same way, the fresh cherries pass through a screw pump that is a positive-

displacement pump that uses several screws to move solids within a tube. Afterward,

cherries go through a pulping machine to separate the skin and pulp from the bean.

illustration 4. Pulping machine at Villa Helena farm

As a result, cherries are transformed into beans. Then, the beans are separated by weight

as the cherries from the beginning of the selection process. Next, beans are passed through

a size selection machine which separates the beans by size. Finally, beans are transported

to a large water-filled container to be fermented.

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illustration 5. water-filled container at Villa Helena farm

Fermentation is the process where the top layer of mucilage is removed. Water works as a

natural mucilage dissolver. When fermentation is completed, beans are ready for drying.

4.4 Drying the beans:

Because the beans are processed by the wet method, fermented beans are dried to 11

percent moisture to prepare them for storage.

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illustration 6. Dryer machine at Villa Helena farm

4.5 Threshing the beans:

Villa Helena farm uses a hulling machine that removes the endocarp of the dry coffee beans.

This method removes the coffee husk and all strange materials that change the flavor and

aroma at the end of the coffee process.

illustration 7. Hulling and grading machines at Villa Helena farm

Moreover, the grading machine helps to sort out the coffee by different size and weight in

order to categorize it from the best to the worst. Hence, these machines play an important

role in the development of high-quality coffee.

Table 1. coffee size classification taken from

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Usually, coffee sizes are represented on a scale from 8” to 20”. This number represents the

diameter of the holes of the grading machine. In Colombia, the coffee is excelso when its

size is between 15” to 17” and supremo when it is 17” or higher. Finally, imperfect coffee

beans are removed ensuring that only the best coffee is going to be roasted.

4.6 Roasting the coffee:

After threshing the beans and selecting the best ones, coffee is known as green coffee.

Green coffee does not smell or taste like regular coffee and is known as the ‘raw’ stage of

the roasting process.

illustration 8. Green coffee at Villa Helena farm

Green coffee is introduced into the roasting machine. Here, the coffee is transformed into

the classical aromatic beans. Most of the roasting machines work at temperatures that go

from 150º Celsius to 220º Celsius.

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illustration 9. Coffee roasting machine at Villa Helena farm

When coffee reaches an internal temperature of about 180º Celsius, it starts to spread the

aroma and to turn brown. This process is called Pyrolysis and it is the heart of the coffee

production [4].

4.7 Packaging the coffee:

While the coffee is cooling down, the packaging machine starts to warm up. This final stage

is very important because the roasted coffee needs to be sealed properly. If the coffee

package has a hole or something that lets the air in, the coffee probably gets spoiled.

illustration 10. Packaging machine at Villa Helena farm

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In summary, all the steps in the coffee production line are important. However, to make a

high-quality coffee, it is essential to focus on the roasting process. Especially, because in

this step, coffee acquires its particular aroma and color that the consumers desire.

5) Heat and mass transfer:

5.1 Thermal diffusivity:

In the heat transfer analysis, the product 𝜌𝑐$ is frequently encountered and represents the

heat capacity of a material. 𝜌𝑐$ expresses the heat storage per unit volume and its units are %&!𝐾.

Graph 2. Variation of thermal conductivity [8].

In the analysis of transient heat conduction, the thermal diffusivity represents how fast heat

is diffused through a material and it is defined as:

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𝛼 =𝑘𝜌𝑐$

Where 𝑐$ is the specific heat, 𝜌 the density and 𝑘 is the thermal conductivity that represents

how well a material conducts heat. As a result, the thermal diffusivity can be viewed as the

ratio of the heat conducted of a material to the heat stored per unit volume [5].

5.2 The Heat Equation:

In mathematics, a partial differential equation (PDE) is a differential equation with more

than one variable with its partial derivates. PDEs are used to solve problems in which

functions with several variables are involved. Either it can be solved by hand, or by using a

computational model.

A good example of a PDE is the heat equation that describes how the distribution of heat

evolves over time in a solid. This equation was developed and solved by Joseph Fourier in

1822. The heat equation is used in different fields such as in probability, financial

mathematics, and even in quantum physics. Also, the heat equation shapes the behavior of

the temperature inside of a coffee bean.

Heat diffusion equation:

(1) 𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑥" +

𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑦" +

𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑧" =


6) Finite Difference Method:

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6.1 Taylor series expansion:

Based on the forward and backward Taylor series expansion of a function 𝑓(𝑥) about x, the

approximation for the derivates of 𝑓(𝑥) of the finite difference are:

(2) 𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) = 𝑓(𝑥) + ℎ𝑓'(𝑥) +


2! 𝑓''(𝑥) +


3! 𝑓'''(𝑥) +


4! 𝑓())(𝑥) + ⋯

(3) 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ) = 𝑓(𝑥) − ℎ𝑓'(𝑥) +


2! 𝑓''(𝑥) −


3! 𝑓'''(𝑥) +


4! 𝑓())(𝑥) − ⋯

Sum and difference of the series:

(4) 𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) + 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ) = 2𝑓(𝑥) + ℎ"𝑓''(𝑥) +


12 𝑓())(𝑥) + ⋯

(5) 𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) − 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ) = 2ℎ𝑓'(𝑥) +


3 𝑓'''(𝑥) + ⋯

6.2 Central difference approximations:

Equation (5) can be solved for 𝑓 ’(𝑥) and its solution is:

(6) 𝑓'(𝑥) =

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) − 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ)2ℎ −


6 𝑓'''(𝑥) − ⋯

The term − -"

.𝑓'''(𝑥) − ⋯ is the truncation error that behaves as ℎ" and is expressed as

𝒪(ℎ"). As a result, equation (6) is expressed as follows:

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(7) 𝑓'(𝑥) =

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) − 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ)2ℎ + 𝒪(ℎ")

This equation is known as the first central difference approximation for 𝑓 ’(𝑥). Similarly,

equation (4) can be solved for 𝑓''(𝑥) and its solution is:

(8) 𝑓''(𝑥) =

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) − 2𝑓(𝑥) + 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ)ℎ" + 𝒪(ℎ")

6.3 Noncentral Finite Difference Approximations:

Sometimes, central difference approximations are not usable. For example, considering a

function that describes the temperature along a steel bar at n discrete points

𝑥/, 𝑥!, 𝑥", 𝑥(, … , 𝑥0. Because central finite difference uses values of each side of 𝑥, it is

impossible to evaluate the function at the end and in the start. Hence, the noncentral

difference is obtained solving the equations number (2) and (3)[6]

First forward difference approximation:

(9) 𝑓'(𝑥) =

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ) − 𝑓(𝑥)ℎ + 𝒪(ℎ)

First backward difference approximation:

(10) 𝑓'(𝑥) =

𝑓(𝑥) − 𝑓(𝑥 − ℎ)ℎ + 𝒪(ℎ)

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7) Python:

Python is an interpreted, high level, programming language and is designed to be easy to

read and simple to implement in different areas, such as mechanical engineering and

physics. Furthermore, python could be used for scientific computing (data science, machine

learning apps, predictive analytics, etc.)[7]

7.1 Python distributions:

There are many python distributions for different purposes; one of them is the Anaconda

distribution. Anaconda is a free open source distribution for python and it includes data-

science packages and libraries that help to solve diverse engineering problems[8]

7.2 Libraries:

The following Python libraries were used and will be explained below: Numpy, Matplotlib,

Pandas, Scipy, Scikit, Spidev

Numpy is an open source project which facilitates numerical computing on python.

Moreover, numpy helps to vectorize, index and broadcast arrays in a simple way and uses

easy mathematical expressions for data science [9].

Matplotlib is a comprehensive way for creating animated and interactive visualizations in

Python [10].

Pandas is a powerful and fast data analysis library based on the Python programming

language [11].

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Scipy is a library that provides user-friendly and efficient numerical routines, such as

numerical integration, interpolation, optimization, linear algebra and statistics[12].

Scikit-learn is a collection of algorithms for image processing. Also, it is a simple and

effective tool for data analysis. This library is based on Numpy, Scipy, and matplotlib.

Spidev is a library that contains a python module for interfacing SPI devices.

8) Data acquisition:

8.1 Raspberry-pi 4:

It is important to create a cheap solution for the coffee industry since is very important to

have an accessible technology for all the farmers. For this reason, most of the sensors and

data processing was focus on open sources which helps to reduce costs

Raspberry-pi is a small computer that plugs into a computer monitor or tv and it uses a

standard keyboard and mouse. This computer allows people to code in different

programming languages such as Python. Also, Raspberry-pi has the ability to interact with

the outside world and is commonly used in digital projects.

illustration 11. Raspberry pi 4

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8.2 Raspberry-pi configuration:

Before using the Raspberry-pi, an operating system was installed that works with Python.

Then, the Raspbian Os was chosen as the first alternative because it is easy to configure and

it counted with the last Python distribution.

8.3 Anaconda distribution:

To improve the data analysis and optimize acquisition processes, the Anaconda distribution

was selected to be installed in the Raspberry-pi.

8.4 Sensors:

Thermocouples: are electrical devices that are used to measure temperature. A

thermocouple produces a voltage as a result of the thermoelectric effect.

illustration 12. Thermocouple type K

There are many types of thermocouples, but for this project, it was necessary to select a

thermocouple type K because it is inexpensive, accurate, reliable, and has a temperature

range from -200º Celsius to +1350º Celsius.

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MAX6675: this sensor performs cold-junction compensation and digitalizes the signal from

a type-K thermocouple[13]

illustration 13. MAX 6675 Sensor

8.5 Assembly:

When using the Raspberry-pi GPIO connectors and the MAX6675 sensor, the following

assembly is obtained:

illustration 14. Assembly

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8.6 Coding the sensors:

illustration 15. Visual studio code window image

After all sensors are correctly assembled, it is necessary to code the MAX6675. First, it is

required to call all the libraries to speed up the procedure. Then, all Raspberry-pi GPIO ports

must be configured to enable them. Finally, the sensor signals are read and transformed

into temperature and humidity values. All the code is available in the appendix.

8.7 Saving the data:

All temperatures and humidity values are saved in a .npy archive that is useful for a future

data analysis.

In summary Raspberry-pi was used to connect and interpret the temperature information

from thermocouple and the sensor.

9) Data processing:

9.1 Python data uploading:

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First, to read and extract the data from the temperature files taken from the thermocouple,

it is necessary to work with the NumPy library. Second, the tests were divided and organized

in its specific interval of time.

9.2 Python data treatment and visualization:

All tests were organized in a single array to facilitate the data organization. Following, using

the gaussian_filter1d algorithm of SciPy library, the signal noise of all temperatures is

eliminated to make it easier to study the behavior of the thermal phenomenon. Finally, all

data is reported and visualized with matplotlib library. The whole code is available in


9.3 Python image analysis:

Scikit-image is an image processing library from Scikit. For this project it is necessary to use

a collection of algorithms that provides a utility for converting image colors to data that can

be studied and interpreted. The whole code is available in annexes.

10) Heat transfer Finite difference method:

10.1 Geometry:

The geometry of a coffee is similar to a semi-ellipsoid. As a consequence, to make the study

of the heat transfer inside of a coffee bean easier, this geometry is simplified into a

semicircular geometry.

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illustration 16. Finite difference geometry simplification

10.2 Polar coordinates and simplifications:

To understand and simulate the behavior of coffee roasting, it is important to study the

three-dimensional base form of the diffusion equation:

𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑥" +

𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑦" +

𝜕"𝑇𝑑𝑧" =


According to the engineers Jorge Gallo Navarro and Fernando Jose Zorto Aguilera, the

transitory Heat equation in cylindrical coordinates is [14]:

(11) 𝜕𝑟𝜕𝑟 O𝑟

𝜕𝑇𝜕𝑟P +


𝜕𝜕𝜃 O

𝜕𝑇𝜕𝜃P +

𝜕𝜕𝑧 O

𝜕𝑇𝜕𝑧P =


Using the chain rule and organizing all terms, the diffusion equation is the following:

R𝜕"𝑇𝜕𝑟" +

1𝑟𝜕𝑇𝜕𝑟 +

1𝑟"𝜕"𝑇𝜕𝜃" +

𝜕"𝑇𝜕𝑧"S𝛼 =


1 2 3


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Where 𝛼 is the thermal diffusivity. However, to simplify the finite difference model, the 𝑧 −

𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 are removed because only one slice of a coffee bean is being studied.

(12) R𝜕"𝑇𝜕𝑟" +

1𝑟𝜕𝑇𝜕𝑟 +

1𝑟"𝜕"𝑇𝜕𝜃"S𝛼 =


10.3 Finite difference discretization:

Based on the central finite difference discretization method, the 𝑟 − 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠, and 𝜃 − 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠

are modified and discretized. Hence, the part that depends on the time is discretized with

a forward finite difference method to ensure that the result of temperature is going to be

the next step of time. Finally, the equation (12) is discretized as the following:

(13) R𝑇12!,4 − 2𝑇1,4 + 𝑇15!,4

∆𝑟" +𝑇15!,4 − 𝑇12!,4

𝑟1"2∆𝑟+𝑇1,42! − 2𝑇1,4 + 𝑇(1,45!)

𝑟1"∆𝜃S𝛼 =

𝑇1,405! − 𝑇1,4∆𝑡

Solving the equation number (13) for 𝑇1,405!:

(14) 𝑇1,405! = R

𝑇12!,4 − 2𝑇1,4 + 𝑇15!,4∆𝑟" +

𝑇15!,4 − 𝑇12!,4𝑟1"2∆𝑟

+𝑇1,42! − 2𝑇1,4 + 𝑇(1,45!)

𝑟1"∆𝜃S𝛼∆𝑡 + 𝑇1,4

Equation number (14) is introduced and solved in Python with computational methods. All

the codes will be available in appendix.

11) Analysis and results:

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To understand the behavior of coffee roasting, it was necessary to make a test with a fully

charged coffee roasting machine, according to the machinery of Villa Helena farm the

maximum capacity of this toaster is 7.5 kg of green coffee. Using the Raspberry-pi assembly

the coffee roasting curve was the following:

11.1 Full coffee batch temperature behavior:

Graph 3. Fully charged coffee roasting machine (7.5kg)

The initial conditions of temperature for every test are approximately 170ºC. However, for

this fully charged test, the temperature was 200ºC. It is clear that the temperature

decreases in the first 2 minutes because of the conductive heat transfer between the cold

coffee and the steel parts of the machine. After 4 minutes, the curve indicates a sudden

increase, at this point the coffee moisture changed significantly and it is important to check

the coffee condition.

When the temperature was about 185ºC the first crack occurred. At this point, coffee

gained volume substantially and all the gases inside of it are released. According to AFPE,

the first crack liberated CO2, H2O, and VOCs. There is a strong possibility that the first crack

started to modify the coffee flavor and aroma with the interaction of the gases. On the

other hand, around 210ºC the coffee suffered the second crack. At this point, all the water

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inside the coffee was evaporated and it turns into carbon-coffee. As a result, it is no longer

fit for consumption.

According to Villa Helena costumers, the coffee that they like the most is the one roasted

at 207ºC. There is a thin line demarking a good coffee from a bad carbon-coffee, so it is so

hard to control it’s quality by hand.

Finally, according to graph 3, coffee changes its color every minute because of the heat

transfer throughout the bean. A camera was used to record how coffee changes its color

every second. This was necessary to classify the color throughout the process.

11.2 5kg coffee batch temperature behavior:

Graph 4. 5kg coffee roasting process (no gaussian filter)

Graph 4 provides information about the coffee roasting process with a batch of 5kg. Also,

Graph 4 explains temperature changes as function of the time. These tests were made to

compare the effect of mass during the roasting process. Based on the result of Graph 4, the

mass affects the heat process because the amount of energy needed to roast the 5kg coffee

batch is lower than the energy used to roast the full batch in graph 3.

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As a result, delta temperature from 𝑇/ to the lowest temperature (𝑇6) of Graph 4 is different

from the delta of Graph 3. In fact, there is a direct relation between the mass and the

temperature behavior. Also, the time of the roasting process depends on the amount of

coffee in the batch.

Graph 5. 5kg coffee roasting process (gaussian filter)

To better understand the data of the 5kg coffee batch, all the data was filtered with a

Gaussian filter. Despite all the tests being made in standard conditions, there is discrepancy

in the temperature curves. There is a good possibility that every time the roaster was

opened a convective effect occurred between the machine and the ambient which

generates a loss of energy and a reduction of the machine's efficiency. This convective

phenomenon could explain the discrepancy in the temperatures. Also, the lack of correct

maintenance of the roaster machine generates big leaks where the energy could escape

and this increases the expenses of the company.

11.3 The coffee mass-color model:

11.3.1 100g coffee batch temperature behavior:

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Graph 6. Coffee roasting process at different temperatures

Graph 6 provides temperature curves for different final conditions; these tests were made

to compare how time and temperature have a relation with the mass loss and the color of

the coffee during the process.

Graph 7. behavior in the loss of coffee mass

According to the results in Graph 6 and the final mass provided in all the tests, Graph 7 was

constructed and it provides information about the coffee roasting process with a batch of

100g. Similarly, Graph 6 shows the coffee mass lost percentage in function of the

temperature. All the data reveals that the most important variable to estimate the loss of

mass in the coffee roasting process is the temperature. It is clear that the data fits correctly

in a linear regression and there is a good possibility to implement this model in the coffee


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One of the most important variables in the coffee industry is the weight, the majority of

products made with coffee are sold by weight. As a result, the linear regression could

improve the profits in the coffee industry by estimating the lowest waste of coffee during

the process.

170ºC 175ºC 180ºC 185ºC 190ºC 195ºC 200ºC 205ºC 210ºC 215ºC

illustration 17. Coffee color scale

illustration 17 displays diverse colors of coffee at different roasting temperatures. The

coffee gets darker while the temperature increases. Furthermore, illustration 17 shows that

the biggest color change occurs between 205ºC and 210ºC, at this point moisture decreased

dramatically and coffee starts to accumulate a lot of energy that burns the bean.

Graph 8. Mass- color model

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Graph 8 is the result of Using computational algorithms and different python libraries. The

given information summarizes most of the coffee process behavior. Graph 8 indicates how

coffee is losing its mass. At the same time, it also provides the coffee color for a specific

temperature point.

According to Graph 6, Graph 7, Graph 8 and illustration 17, it is clear that the loss of coffee

mass is directly proportional to the temperature. Also, there is a good possibility that the

coffee color does not depend on the roasting time. However, the aroma and the flavor of

the coffee directly depend on the time of roasting. All these qualitative variables make the

analysis harder and directly affect the improvement of the coffee industry.

11.4 Finite difference simulation:

The initial conditions of the coffee roasting simulation are the following:

(15) 𝑇(𝑟, 𝜃, 𝑡 = 0) = 25º𝐶

(16) 𝑇(𝑟 = 4.5, 𝜃, 𝑡 = 0) = 200º

(17) 𝑇(0 < 𝑟 < 4.5, 𝜃 = 0, 𝑡 = 0) = 200º𝐶

(18) 𝑇(0 < 𝑟 < 4.5, 𝜃 = 𝜋, 𝑡 = 0) = 200º𝐶

The initial condition inside of the coffee was assumed to be uniform. Also, the temperature

inside of the coffee roasting machine is constant over time.

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Graph 9. Polar coordinates Heat and mass transfer finite difference simulation

Graph 9 illustrates the 3D temperature distribution profile in a coffee bean. Graph 9 is

presented in polar coordinates, so the temperature analysis is complex, and a contour

graph is required to simplify its geometry.


Graph 10. Polar coordinates Heat and mass transfer finite difference simulation (contour)

Graph 10 illustrates the contour of the simulation of the diffusion heat equation.

Nevertheless, the data is represented in polar coordinates and shows how the temperature

is distributed along the radio and theta. The thermal phenomenon is explained in cartesian

coordinates in graph 11.

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Graph 11. Cartesian coordinates Heat and mass transfer finite difference simulation (contour)

Because of the complexity of polar coordinates, the solution of the heat equation was

transformed into cartesian coordinates. This change of coordinates gives a better

approximation to the coffee geometry. As a result, Graph 11 provides the distribution of

the temperature inside of a coffee bean at the end of the roasting process. The coffee

temperature distribution reveals that the highest temperature is located at the coffee crust

and has a value of 200ºC. On the other hand, the lowest temperature is located inside of

the coffee bean and has a value of 168ºC.

Graph 12. Cartesian coordinates Heat and mass transfer finite difference simulation

Additionally, Graph 12 contains information about the temperatures inside of a coffee bean,

this Transient-state simulation was used to obtain different temperature profiles that help

control the time of the roasting process.

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Graph 13. Internal and external temperature node of the simulation

Graph 13 summarizes all the temperatures throughout the roasting process at different

points. The first node that was located in the inside of the coffee shows a gradual rise of the

temperature profile. On the other hand, the second node or the external node presents the

temperature profile outside of the coffee bean and has a significant change during the

simulation. The simulation data demonstrates that thermal diffusivity plays an important

role in the temperature distribution. It is very likely that the second node has a direct

relation with the lack of moisture at the end of the process. This could control future


Because of the simplification of the coffee geometry and the two changes of coordinates, it

is recommended to implement a finite element simulation in Ansys before starting the

roasting process. Since Ansys has a geometry modeler and a better equation solver, it is

probably one of the best ways to solve this problem.

12) Validation:

The Finite difference method analysis, at different temperature within the range of the

Geisha coffee, is presented below:

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Graph 14. Temperature distribution at 200ºC and 190ºC

According to Graph 14, the distribution of temperature changes considerably with different

Dirichlet conditions. The most representative temperatures are the following:

Dirichlet condition Min Temperature Max Temperature Average Temperature of the whole distribution

190ºC 60ºC 200 178.688ºC 200ºC 156ºC 204ºC 182.047ºC

Table 2. representative condition of geisha simulation.

Equally important, the behavior of the temperature inside of the bean and the temperature

at the surface of the bean were studied for two different Dirichlet conditions:

Graph 15. center and surface temperature variation with time at 200ºC and 190ºC

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Using the average temperature of the two simulations and the Graph 8 to calculate the

biggest loss of mass of the bean, the following results were obtained:

Graph 16.Geisha mass-color model results

According to the simulation temperatures and the mass-color model, the most probable

color of the coffee and the loss of mass are the following:

Condition Lost mass percentage Color Max temperature Dirichlet condition 190ºC


Max temperature Dirichlet condition 200ºC


Average temperature Dirichlet condition 190ºC


Average temperature Dirichlet condition 200ºC


Table 3. lost and color of Geisha coffee

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As expected, the most relevant temperature for the prediction of the coffee color is the

maximum temperature, which provides the most accurate color of a Geisha coffee for these

specific conditions. On the other hand, the average temperature gives a good

approximation of the Geisha mass at the end of the roasting process. In summary, the

correct use of the mass-color model and simulations could predict the final coffee product

before it is toasted.

By applying the results shown in Graph 8 to the Villa Helena production, the increase in the

roasted coffee proportion is shown below:

Villa Helena coffee production in the last month:

Type of coffee

Green coffee (kg)

Temperature range(ºC)

Currently used T_f

Mass-color model

suggested T_f

Mass lost percentage

before Mass-color model


Mass lost percentage after Mass-color model



(ºC) (ºC)

Caturra 1500 200-210 210 200 27% 23% 4% Tabi 50 195-205 206 197 25% 22% 3%

Geisha 35 185-200 195 190 21% 20% 1%

Table 4. Coffee production June 2020

Villa Helena coffee cost:

Type of coffee

Cost per kilogram (COP/kg)

Total cost before Mass-Color model

Total cost after Mass-Color model

Profits using Mass-

Color model

Caturra 6000 $2.430.000 $2.070.000 $ 360.000 Tabi 32000 $ 400.000 $ 352.000 $ 48.000

Geisha 48000 $ 352.800 $ 336.000 $ 16.800 Total $ 424.800

Table cost June 2020

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In summary, the company’s profits increased by 15.4%. This result shows that the model

presented in Graph 8 could play an important role in optimizing the roasting process and

might be expandable to the whole Colombian coffee industry.

13) Conclusions:

Based on the data from the Villa Helena farm. It is clear that the coffee roasting processes

could be improved by implementing the mass and color model. By making a correct

management of temperature curves and the color scale, it was found that the company’s

profit could be improved up to 15.4%.

The finite difference method for the coffee roasting process explains accurately the heat

and mass transfer phenomenon. Moreover, the simulation clarifies how the temperature is

evolving at the exterior of the coffee bean and inside of it. Finally, the finite difference

method along with mass-color model, can predict the final color before proceeding with the

real toasting.

According to Graph 7 which summarizes all the coffee color behavior, it is clear that the

increase in temperature has a direct effect on the coffee bean color. Also, the coffee color

only depends on the temperature in small time intervals.

The most interesting finding during the project was the mass-color model which simplifies

how coffee is roasted. This model eliminates the time variable and only emphasizes the

temperature, mass, and color. In conclusion, the developed model has a great potential to

be implemented in the industry due to its optimization in the roasting process.

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Future work:

• Automatize coffee roasting machine with the data provided in this project.

• Create a 3D simulation of the coffee bean during the roasting process.

• Study the coffee color selection process to automatize the roasting method.

• Implement a quenching method that increments coffee mass during the coffee

roasting process.

14) Bibliography:

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[2] BLOG // Sampo Latvakangas// Helsinki // 30.5.2017, //, B., Sampo Latvakangas// Helsinki, & Sampo Latvakangas

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[8] Cengel, Y. A. (2007). Heat transfer: A practica approach. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

[9] Chapra, S. C., & Canale, R. P. (2015). Numerical methods for engineers. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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15) Appendix:

Full coffee batch code: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import interpolate archivo = pd.read_excel('analisis_curva_temperatura.xlsx',skiprows=1) archivo = np.array(archivo) tiempo = np.zeros(len(archivo)) temperatura = np.zeros(len(archivo)) for i in range(len(archivo)): tiempo[i] = archivo[i][0] temperatura[i] = archivo[i][1] fun= interpolate.interp1d(tiempo,temperatura,kind='cubic') tiempo_new=np.linspace(tiempo[0],tiempo[-1],100) temperatura_new= fun(tiempo_new) #grafico y_ticks= np.arange(140,250,10) #plt.figure(figsize=(43.2,28.8)) plt.plot(tiempo_new/60,temperatura_new) plt.plot(12,fun(12*60),'o',label='Primer_Crack') plt.plot(16,fun(16*60),'o',label='Segundo_Crack') plt.title('Curva_de_tostion_220ºC') plt.xlabel('tiempo ($min$)') plt.xticks([i for i in range (21)]) plt.ylabel('temperatura (ºC)') plt.yticks(y_ticks) plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig('Curva_de_tostion_220ºC.png') #analisis imagenes import skimage import os from skimage import io from skimage.segmentation import slic filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '170.jpg') cafe_1 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '175.jpg') cafe_2 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '180.jpg') cafe_3 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '185.jpg') cafe_4 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '190.jpg') cafe_5 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '195.jpg') cafe_6 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '200.jpg') cafe_7 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '205.jpg') cafe_8 = io.imread(filename)

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filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '210.jpg') cafe_9 = io.imread(filename) filename = os.path.join(skimage.data_dir, '215.jpg') cafe_10 = io.imread(filename) cafe_total=np.array([cafe_1,cafe_2,cafe_3,cafe_4,cafe_5,cafe_6,cafe_7,cafe_8,cafe_9,cafe_10]) for cafe in cafe_total: color=np.average(np.average(cafe,axis=0),axis=0) print(color) print(len(mean_18))

5kg coffee batch code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import pandas as pd from scipy import interpolate from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d #datos #prueba_0 temperatura_prueba_19m_0=np.load('temperatura_prueba_19m.npy') temperatura_prueba_19m_0=temperatura_prueba_19m_0[60:1930] #delta=np.abs(temperatura_prueba_19m_0[0]-180) #temperatura_prueba_19m_0=temperatura_prueba_19m_0-delta #prueba_1 temperatura_prueba_19m_1=np.load('temperatura_prueba_19m_2.npy') temperatura_prueba_19m_1=temperatura_prueba_19m_1[80:1705] #delta=np.abs(temperatura_prueba_19m_1[0]-180) #temperatura_prueba_19m_1=temperatura_prueba_19m_1-delta #prueba_2 temperatura_prueba_19m_2=np.load('temperatura_prueba_19m_3.npy') temperatura_prueba_19m_2=temperatura_prueba_19m_2[50:1840] #delta=np.abs(temperatura_prueba_19m_2[0]-180) #temperatura_prueba_19m_2=temperatura_prueba_19m_2-delta #prueba_3 temperatura_prueba_19m_3=np.load('temperatura_prueba_19m_4.npy') temperatura_prueba_19m_3=temperatura_prueba_19m_3[50:1930] #delta=np.abs(temperatura_prueba_19m_3[0]-180) #temperatura_prueba_19m_3=temperatura_prueba_19m_3-delta #array temperaturas pruebas=np.array([temperatura_prueba_19m_0,temperatura_prueba_19m_1,temperatura_prueba_19m_2,temperatura_prueba_19m_3]) #calculos #sin filtro for i in range (len(pruebas)-1): i=i+1 tiempo=np.linspace(0,len(pruebas[i]),len(pruebas[i]))*0.2 #sec tiempo=tiempo/60 #min plt.plot(tiempo,pruebas[i],label='prueba_'+str(i)+',T0='+str(np.round(pruebas[i][0],2))+',Tf='+str(np.round(np.max(pruebas[i]),2))) plt.title('Proceso_tueste_cafe_sin_filtro') plt.xlabel('Tiempo_($min$)') plt.ylabel('Temperatura_($ºC$)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig('pruebas_19m_sin_filtro.pdf') #con filtro for i in range (len(pruebas)): i=i tiempo=np.linspace(0,len(pruebas[i]),len(pruebas[i]))*0.2 #sec

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tiempo=tiempo/60 #min pruebas[i]=gaussian_filter1d(pruebas[i],7) plt.plot(tiempo,pruebas[i],label='prueba_'+str(i)+',T0='+str(np.round(pruebas[i][0],2))+',Tf='+str(np.round(np.max(pruebas[i]),2))) plt.title('Proceso_tueste_cafe_con_filtro') plt.xlabel('Tiempo_($min$)') plt.ylabel('Temperatura_($ºC$)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig('pruebas_19m_con_filtro.pdf') archivo = pd.read_excel('analisis_curva_temperatura.xlsx',skiprows=1) archivo = np.array(archivo) tiempo = np.zeros(len(archivo)) temperatura = np.zeros(len(archivo)) for i in range(len(archivo)): tiempo[i] = archivo[i][0] temperatura[i] = archivo[i][1] fun= interpolate.interp1d(tiempo,temperatura,kind='cubic') tiempo_new=np.linspace(tiempo[0],tiempo[-1],100) temperatura_new= fun(tiempo_new) #grafico #y_ticks= np.arange(140,250,10) #plt.figure(figsize=(43.2,28.8)) plt.plot(tiempo_new[3:80]/60/2.1,temperatura_new[3:80]) #plt.plot(12,fun(12*60),'o',label='Primer_Crack') #plt.plot(16,fun(16*60),'o',label='Segundo_Crack') plt.title('Curva_de_tostion_220ºC') plt.xlabel('tiempo ($min$)') #plt.xticks([i for i in range (21)]) plt.ylabel('temperatura (ºC)') #plt.yticks(y_ticks) plt.legend() plt.grid() #plt.savefig('Curva_de_tostion_220ºC.png')

100g coffee batch and mass loss code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import pandas as pd from scipy import interpolate from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d from sklearn import datasets, linear_model from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score #prueba_1 no valida #prueba_1=np.load('prueba_4_julio_1_1.npy') #prueba_1=prueba_1[1:1900] #prueba_2 prueba_2=np.load('prueba_4_julio_1_2.npy') prueba_2=prueba_2[1:1520] #prueba_3 prueba_3=np.load('prueba_4_julio_3.npy') prueba_3=prueba_3[1:1400] #prueba_4 prueba_4=np.load('prueba_4_julio_4.npy') prueba_4=prueba_4[1:1400] #prueba_5 prueba_5=np.load('prueba_4_julio_5.npy') prueba_5=prueba_5[1:1310] #prueba_6 prueba_6=np.load('prueba_4_julio_6.npy') prueba_6=prueba_6[1:1310] #prueba_7 prueba_7=np.load('prueba_4_julio_7.npy') prueba_7=prueba_7[150:1270]

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#prueba_8 prueba_8=np.load('prueba_4_julio_8.npy') prueba_8=prueba_8[74:970] #prueba_9 prueba_9=np.load('prueba_4_julio_9.npy') prueba_9=prueba_9[50:780] #prueba_10 prueba_10=np.load('prueba_4_julio_10.npy') prueba_10=prueba_10[1:720] pruebas=np.array([prueba_2,prueba_3,prueba_4,prueba_5,prueba_6,prueba_7,prueba_8,prueba_9,prueba_10]) index=np.arange(0,len(pruebas),1) temperaturas_finales=[] for prueba in pruebas: prueba=gaussian_filter1d(prueba,50) time=np.linspace(0,len(prueba),len(prueba))*0.2/60 plt.plot(time,prueba) plt.plot(time[-1],prueba[-1],'o') temperaturas_finales.append(prueba[-1]) plt.title('Temperature_vs_time_100_grams') plt.xlabel('Time_($min$)') plt.ylabel('Temperature_($ºC$)') plt.grid() plt.savefig('pruebas_100.png') temperaturas_finales=np.array(temperaturas_finales) temperaturas_finales=temperaturas_finales.reshape(-1,1) #perdida de peso peso=np.array([70,79,77,79,77,80,83,86,86])/100 #Create linear regression object regr = linear_model.LinearRegression() # Train the model using the training sets,peso) # Make predictions using the testing set temperatures_y_pred = regr.predict(temperaturas_finales) plt.plot(temperaturas_finales,peso,'o') plt.plot(temperaturas_finales,temperatures_y_pred) plt.xlabel('Temperature_($ºC$)') plt.ylabel('$Coffee/(Green-Coffee)$') plt.grid() plt.savefig('perdida_peso_cafe.png',dpi=550)

finite difference code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import as cm %matplotlib inline nr = 30 nteta = 30 nt = 10000#3900 dr = 9 / (nr - 1) dteta = np.pi/ (nteta - 1) dt = 1000 alpha=1.875e-6 radio = np.linspace(0.0001, 4.5, nr) tetax = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nteta) T = np.ones((nteta, nr))*25 # create a 1xn vector of 1's

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Tn = np.ones((nteta, nr))*25 T[-1]=200 T[0]=200 #T[0:,0]=25 T[0:,-1]=200 #T[0,0:]=200 T[0:,0:3]=200 #T[0,0]=200 t_mid=[] t_sup=[] for t in range (nt+1): for i in range(1,len(radio)-1): for j in range(1,len(tetax)-1): #T[i,j]=T[i,j]+alpha*dt*((T[i+1,j]-T[i-1,j])/(2*radio[i]*dr)+(T[i-1,j]-2*T[i,j]+T[i+1,j])/(2*dr**2)+(T[i,j-1]-2*T[i,j]+T[i,j+1])/(radio[i]*dteta**2)) #T[i,j]=T[i,j]+alpha*dt*(1/dr**2*(T[i-1,j]-2*T[i,j]+T[i+1,j])+1/(2*radio[i]*dr)*(T[i+1,j]-T[i-1,j])) #T[i,j]=T[i,j]+(alpha*dt)*(((T[i-1,j]-2*T[i,j]+T[i+1,j])/(dr**2))+((T[i+1,j]-T[i-1,j])/(radio[j]*2*dr))+((T[i,j-1]-2*T[i,j]+T[i,j+1])/(0.1**2 T[i,j]=T[i,j]+(alpha*dt)*((T[i,j-1]-2*T[i,j]+T[i,j+1])/(dr**2)+(T[i,j+1]-T[i,j-1])/(radio[j]**2*2*dr)+(T[i-1,j]-2*T[i,j]+T[i+1,j])/(radio[j]**2*dteta)) T[-1]=200 T[0]=200 #T[0:,0]=25 T[0:,-1]=200 T[0:,0:3]=200 #T[0,0]=200 t_mid.append(T[16,11]) t_sup.append(T[-2,13]) T #T[0:,0]=200 x=radio y =tetax X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = T fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contourf(Y, X, Z, cmap=cm.jet) plt.xlabel('teta') plt.ylabel('radio') plt.colorbar(ax.contourf(Y, X, Z, cmap=cm.jet)) plt.savefig('contorno_polar_final.pdf') fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.jet) ax.set_xlabel('radio') ax.set_ylabel('teta') ax.set_zlabel('temperatura') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('superficie_polar_final.pdf') #plt.polar(Y,X,'ro') #para Andres diaz # gracias perro por toda la ayuda y colaboracion en la tesis, basicamente la escribiste conmigo, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de revisarla, entenderla y tenerme una paciencia gigante. Que pena interrumpir tus peliculas con la teacher. Recuerda que eres de mis grandes amigos. Te debo unos buenos 10 six packs de pola!!!

fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create the mesh in polar coordinates and compute corresponding Z. R, P = np.meshgrid(radio, tetax) Z = T # Express the mesh in the cartesian system. X, Y = R*np.sin(P), R*np.cos(P) # Plot the surface. ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.jet) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('temperatura ºC') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('superficie_final.pdf') #contourf

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fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contourf(Y, X, Z, cmap=cm.jet) plt.colorbar(ax.contourf(Y, X, Z, cmap=cm.jet)) plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('x') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('lineas_contorno_final.pdf') time=np.linspace(0,600,len(t_mid)) plt.plot(time,t_mid,label='Temperatura en el centro del grano') plt.plot(time,t_sup,label='Temperatura en la superficie del grano') plt.ylabel('Temperatura ºC') plt.xlabel('Tiempo (s)') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('curva_temperatura_grano_cafe_final.pdf')