Strengthening Design Research Moderating Skills

APRIL 9, 2013 Susan Mercer Senior Experience Researcher [email protected] @susanamercer Boston CHI Monthly Mee>ng STRENGTHENING DESIGN RESEARCH MODERATION SKILLS


Slides from a talk that I gave for the Boston CHI meeting on April 9, 2013. Moderating usability studies and interviewing research participants is more than just reading questions off of a page - it's about having a conversation. In this talk I discuss why it's important to have a conversation with participants and how to do so in a way that encourages them to talk honestly. I also discuss how to maintain neutrality and minimize introducing bias into the conversation.

Transcript of Strengthening Design Research Moderating Skills

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   APRIL  9,  2013        

Susan  Mercer  Senior  Experience  Researcher  [email protected]  @susanamercer  

Boston  CHI  Monthly  Mee>ng  


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Strengthening Moderating and Interviewing Skills

§  Once I learned the basics

§  And ran a couple of studies,

§  Now what?

§  How do I strengthen my skills?


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Story Time

Don’t play the notes on the page…

…play the music

This applies to moderating and

interviewing too.

Don’t just read the questions from the page…

…have a conversation


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The Art of Moderating and Interviewing

§  Not just reading questions

§  It’s also…

§  Building rapport with the participant

§  Creating a smooth conversation

§  Encouraging the participant to talk

§  Remaining objective

§  Listening effectively

§  Being human


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What Is Our Goal?

§  To elicit honest thoughts from participants in an unbiased manner.

§  “Would you like to try one of my chocolate chip oyster and herring brownies? They’re really good!”

§  Sometimes it’s hard to be fully honest


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The Rules of Politeness

Linguistic anthropologists have studied this phenomenon

The Rules of Politeness 1

1.  Don’t Impose

2.  Give Options

3.  Be Friendly

6  Sources: 1 Lakoff, 1976; 2 Tannen, 2005

“Human  beings  are  always  balancing  the  paradoxical  fact  that  they  are  simultaneously  individuals  and  social  creatures.”  

-­‐  Deborah  Tannen  

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How Do We Get Beyond Politeness?

§  In other words, we’re often polite rather than honest to strangers.

§  As human beings we have a need to be socially accepted

Social Acceptance > Honesty

§  We guess what is expected and answer to avoid offending

§  It’s second nature – we’re often not aware we’re doing it


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How Do We Get Beyond Politeness?

Build their trust


Politeness Trust

Strangers Good Friend


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Building Trust in an Interview

1.  Be trustworthy upfront

2.  Build rapport

3.  Engage in comfortable conversation

4.  Stay neutral and accepting


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1. Be Trustworthy Upfront

§  Confidentiality

§  How are you recording what is said?

§  Who is listening?

§  What will you do with the information you collect?

§  Neutrality

§  You’re not emotionally involved in the design/project

§  There are no right or wrong answers

§  Your job is to get honest opinions

§  Consent Form

§  Put it all in writing – using their language

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2. Build Rapport

§  Greeting a Participant

§  Smile

§  Use their name

§  Handshake / Warm phone greeting

§  Make them feel important - sincerely

§  Small Talk – Find Common Ground

§  Safe topics: travel to office, traffic, weather

§  Avoid asking direct questions

§  Listen and look for shared experiences

A  person's  name  is  to  that  person  the  sweetest  and  most  important  sound  in  any  language.  

-­‐  Dale  Carnegie  

Source: Carnegie, 1936.

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2. Build Rapport

§  Be Empathetic

§  Apologize if they had trouble finding the office

§  Show you understand their point of view

§  “Oh, it’s raining there? It is here too. I hate rainy days.”

§  Inject Some Humor

§  Joke about yourself

§  Joke about the situation

§  Don’t joke about them

§  Short version – Show them that you are human too

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3. Engage in Comfortable Conversation

Two schools of usability testing moderating techniques

§  Moderator keeps silent and says “Keep talking” 1

§  Awkward feeling for participant

§  Reminds them that they are in a “study”

§  Moderator creates conversation where participant is primary speaker 2

§  Still accomplishes goals of gathering information

§  Meets the participant’s expectations of a socially acceptable conversation

§  Moderator can still be neutral and minimize bias

13  Sources: 1 Ericsson and Simon, 1980, 2 Boren and Raney, 2000.

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3. Engage in Comfortable Conversation

What is a Comfortable Conversation?

§  Conversational cues and turn-taking are expected

§  Acknowledgement tokens – “Uh huh”, etc.

§  Encourage the continuation of the other speaker’s talk

§  Usually implies that the other speaker’s prior talk is incomplete

§  Some indicate change of speakership

§  “Yeah” – more than half the time indicates changing turns in speaking

§  “Yeah. I heard that the other day and…”

§  “Oh!” - may indicate noticing something, then transitioning to another topic

§  “Oh! That reminded me…”

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3. Engage in Comfortable Conversation

§  Some may introduce bias

§  “Oh!”, “Interesting” – indicating unexpected answer

§  “Yes”, “Perfect”, “Great” – indicating agreement

§  “Hmmm.”, “Really?” – indicating disagreement

§  Notice that tone is key

§  Neutral is best

§  “Mhmm”, “Uh huh”, “Continue”, “Tell me more”, “OK”

§  “Mhmm” or “Uh huh” vs. silence à interviewees saying 31% more phrases. 1

Source: 1 Matarazzo et. al., 1964

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4. Stay Neutral and Accepting

§  Ask Open-ended Questions

§  Start with Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?

§  Really Listen

§  Pay attention – stay in the moment

§  Look at the participant

§  Take notes if you can

§  Be quiet - give them time to say what they need to

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4. Stay Neutral and Accepting

§  Watch Your Reactions

§  Don’t show surprise

§  May make them think that they are giving a wrong answer

§  Don’t overly agree

§  May make them think that they are giving the right answer

§  Don’t be negative

§  Watch your tone – stay neutral and accepting

§  Try not to laugh

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4. Stay Neutral and Accepting

§  Be yourself

§  No one is perfectly neutral

§  Recover gracefully and move on

§  “Perfect” – “That’s the level of detailed feedback we’re looking for.”

§  “Interesting!” – “I haven’t heard that perspective yet, tell me more.”

§  (something surprising) – “I can understand that.”

§  Interject some Rapport-building comments when needed

§  Quiet or uncomfortable participants

§  “I hate it when that happens.”, “I can imagine that was challenging”, etc.

§  Again, showing that you are human like them

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5. Encourage them to talk

§  Be Quiet!

§  Most agreements happen immediately. Most people delay before disagreeing.1

§  If you don’t respond to their answer, it encourages them to talk more

§  People often delay speaking before disagreeing – give them time

§  Some people are uncomfortable with silence, so they will keep talking

§  The best way to stay neutral J

Source: 1 Goodwin and Heritage, 1990.

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Building Trust in an Interview

1.  Be trustworthy upfront

2.  Build rapport

3.  Engage in comfortable conversation

4.  Stay neutral and accepting

5.  Be Quiet


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1. Identify your improvement areas

§  Watch your videos

§  Have colleagues give you feedback


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2. Learn From Others

§  Watch others moderate

§  Be a participant

§  Listen to talk radio interviews


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3. Practice These Skills in Everyday Life

§  Be quiet and listen in everyday conversations

§  Ask open-ended questions more frequently


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The most important thing is…



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Boren, T. and Ramey, J. (2000) Thinking aloud: reconciling theory and practice. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 43 (3), 261-278.

Carnegie, D. (1936) How to win friends and influence people. Simon & Shuster.

Dumas, J. and Loring, B. (2008) Moderating usability tests, Morgan Kaufman.

Dumas, J. and Redish, J. (1999) A practical guide to usability testing, Intellect Ltd.

Ericsson, K. and Simon, H. (1980) Verbal reports as data. Psychological review. 87 (3), 215-251.

Goodwin, C., & Heritage, J. (1990). “Conversation analysis.” Annual review of anthropology 19 (1990): 283-307.

Matarazzo, J.D.., Wiens, A. N., Saslow, G., Allen, B. V., & Weitman, M. (1064). Interviewer Mm-Hmm and interviewee speech durations. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 1(3), 109.

Tannen, D. (2005). Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk among Friends. Oxford University Press, USA.


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Coming Soon!

New book on Moderating

•  Local Authors

•  Coming this Fall

•  Follow @ModSurvivalUX


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Thank You!        

Susan  Mercer  Senior  Experience  Researcher  [email protected]  @susanamercer