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.ssai M jnoifrjia t immm fuokmw mot irsi Mi k J .ITTPJint W*t T H * I FREDERICKSBURG. r teeert, 119th W Pierce ith Philip Krants, t l * .. Mm Pennsylvania, j^bs,, Ratoy 706th New York, Abel K Irt.s 2d Vermont, tag. ..lA-JimrS? !-'> ,. .H«J.-S-tspir, •i-***"».#'SBy:a. •(Hi**; fill* I M ! taw >i si 14*11* i < <«,ff i i ) %tt RkJLAB -1 .IKelO»JiM«fKiS S»T . a m b a . ' NEW 'iaSwffvscsar t,ui>fwmt» w. rf, l l l S PB^OnPW Both Calif, Co. £wwi fij 11 m Wm Win**, 4 * YetnMnt,ltot. A. Rob.an«n, 97th *tew York, awnd. 1191* hS*. tub Ponasylvaoto : TUBSDAt, D10SMBBB 16, 184* ~ * *^*» »m*H SMS ^T««SWM ..»> » » *e«Ms«#«a*«*i ««MMHNltw >aa# «.••** ** r*awRa* *dat#tafc„ to* *»«* >,.»**m*«* jffB* t | •• . i ti i mi i Yarney, 2d Makes UthNwYwk.Mri Major Wtalitl, 14th New York, hip. Adjutant 0.8. « U M f lW - Ltat. -»uiCoorga' Ooombs. 244 New Jersey f in E. Stratum, 23d New n. AttBMI) ravel Ofll. m^J^A u ^ ^ . gggtW I*nnynh*nt v . jTWHnPi W#OPB- * i both thighs. ' ffNfr 1 : •4"B**™** eswRnwHawPH 3ae. ("hater Cn. D . l l t h Geo Weber Co D, 11th _ Morr *, 104th H*w York, Ckptewi Reed, Oo. 6,13th " off. 'Lain more extended view of I posuioa; but the condition of above llwfiiil very Bneterielly with b IW Fi»^ A « y cert* WM M I engaged i* the fight, aad 4>n atari had »» opportunity to add vo .u already well a rapoUitea tot soldierly gallantry •«; miwi herd fought > 1 1 — M t m wa* the light of day the scone we* one ef torraae beauty u d snaBBnty. Taw tee en our tide wnnvwry heavy, e»^ eetwe* ee y « h e kJioemwitheecu- rar > The toog hat of Hilled sad w o o d e d , although it tM a eaotety ef those who have fallen. will give the grwtt sacrifice wiiich wae inevitable from i of the sec it K>U bold by the rebels. en. armrarjaui it ar On Thursday evening, daring the heavy triad, General II H.tturftaM, commanding the Fifth Army Corpa, met i gave rise to the report, at one i killed. Hat bone, a nary anlna'. i eery reatim, and the oature of the ground tl. •ad we eoaglenMnaed. eauaed theaaiaaal to : •browtag theCSeneralon hankie,hurting bin arrert. ; te » quite lame, yet at the head Of ti. Tyler, CO. K, 1Mb Cyrealedcera. Oe. P, ldth Majne, Daniel Cronaa, Oo. 0 , l«7th Uwreaea Watch, Co. D, 3»th New York, Aa»tlB.Co.C,ldlh" W A I wood, Co K, Twelfth ChotaaY FaDMT.OD. B, a»U» New York. . SStaat WaTiaoaa. 9»th New York, thigj 8. Plane, Co. K . W t a W W Y « » . »§• Chariea A. Bohw*. to. I . Mah Mww York, a Wilhaaw. Co 0, afftk lteawyr**»l*,*faa Adj. Wiieon 0. Ban, Taylet'• k»ifae>,«k«af ejaf Miller, Ca. C, lwTth Paaaayffmaht, arm. J. D. M. Bodln, atd'Hew J. Barr ,43d New York,»bowlder. K Earl*. 15th New .Teracy, oedy. B. T Bockfel!ow.l5th New Jersey, & W,ikcmber,«thPenMylTania, P. fink, 4th Vermont,ahoulder a. ftmiib, lhtth Peaaaylvaaia, wrtat. 0. HeweU.eOtli.Georfia.la'tarm Dockatakr, I'ilst New York, arm. Nolan. 5th Vermont,head. HargraTe. 23d Hew Jersey Lee. othPenneyl»aaia, face. D. Whitney, 4th Vermon t. foot. Or eat Canfllet. rrrom the Wwhington lntell«encer, Dec 15.] # * We learn that a temmc battle had raged on Saturday tnmt morajBg to night, dui tag which the Union troops had reawatadly attacked the «uemy in his intreoched po —Hon with heroK but unaucoeesful valor, being received with aoah shower* ef lire (rem the hostile batteries and nee pits a« finally to comiwl oar brave battailous to re- cmi with aeware toon in killed and wounded It seems the auafertuae ofeur armies often t<> fight the enemy m bw->>wn shoata and strong positions. But the general reawM of the struggle of Saturday, taking ia the tide of battle ea the whole fleM, aeeaaed, aooardiag ta the de- Ijatehes, to ntTor the 1'nion arms the eagagoaaeat. contrary to what appears to have the general expectation, was not resumed yeater- Tbe—ssny was occupied ia extending and atrength- hw works, aad our army was taking care of iu I buy m* mieh of itts dean as could oe re freaalthe battle held. Humeral Bunt%de war < tataraMrMe/tatdayey Ceaeral ^byri'i rorr* i far delaying another ay* THE CASUALTIES. Addttloiral Mww.ee affKlllwal and Wosaded i a t h e B a t t l e o T P r w d e r t d k s b a r g . to BIUM AM» wotnrngo ra m haaffl aawapr.. I, of the Sixty-amth New York (Irish i the feUowing list ef eaaaaltiea from BWHradel fernhaVs tl ^anaw r^ewangaa. g^B*a^pwsw*w>wr«raa < lb the Bkrty amth New York were wounded— .severely. 91 aga M e w eargw* A •v-^gf ww*aewBBww \f •"" » awawra wSaJt j - laaateaaaa Back ley, mortally. Utpoia Doaavao, morully. Ijnateaaat Maoeer, mortally LMiiteaaat Barke, moruUy Lieuteaaat Kearney, ^ r ^ W r d ' ^ o r k : - i OTaett. oaawnsnding, lost an arm. i Rtehard Moore, the saaaa. i Salltvaa. net dangen usly. Cap tarn Cartwright, kilted. Baywrl gg*_ -**»•—, BSum IM TS« jDdHTT WOBTH HMW TOR*. la Barke, wounded,severely. ihCWk, wounded, severely CILUD AH* WOCNDeaVDi FTtAlfEUN'SOkANB DITISIOK. CornwnU aw^ideoau Co. E, lfifith, Penna. Ivmaia, foot Pawl W« sea, Co. B, 2wlh New York, arm i, Ca. H, Mwtb Paaasyrvaala, head. er, Co. 0,l3dth PenneyIvania, foot. », Co, 1,11th Penney l van ia. ana. a, Co. C, OTth New York, head b. Ca. C. lMh Peaasv^ania, -crotum. Co. B, asth Peaasy Ivania, losa ef ratal arm. - 7W. Barlow, Co. A, lMtb Peoasylvasia, ,0a>B.«3d New York i, Co. B, 13tb Ca. H, Bth New York, chest. Oa. D, Uth Pennsylvania, »' Co. T,»thNew York, foot. VW • \3t | wWiFVaB W WmtOMJ I w waawawa , ,0» L,»3d New York, thigh Co. E. Mh New York, hand i, 1 ( Blah New York Ca. I Mth New York jt.Oo. 1, hath Nam Y e t . , . . , Co. B, Bath New York, leg Os. P,«tb New York 0 T L J. U __ B. Adams, 6th Vermont, hand P. Holden. 5th Vermont, hand r. 1. Yost: 16th New York, leg. A. J. Ferry, 23d New Jersey. J. S. Malaby, 28d New Jersey, D K. Car man ,33d New Jersey, $ 8. Yanness. 15th New Jertey B. <<ratire. 31st New York, thifb. 8. C. Bayataa, 3d Vermont. aide. 8. Pool, 23d New Jersey, hip. M ? . Tniaji, 23d New Jersey. ahwuMer. 8. Coombs, 23d New Jersey, coatusioa. J. E. Straiten. 23d New Jersey, kbee. » J. Cocmbs, 23d New Jersey, head. E A. (.ale, 22d New Jersey.ancle John Kersley cot his own toe off to avoid going to the front. Elias Bar DOB, 2d Vermont, bead. Niles, Co. 6 , driver, 21st New Jersey, finger. \. C. Loom is. 2d Vermont, shoulder. . H. Outton, 3d Vermont, foot. Rongu, 12th PeansyIvania. face and neck tain J. R. Smith. Co. C, 136th Pa., left leg, slightly - Hastings, 2d Vermont,dead. . I). Hovey, 2d Vermont, toot >,. Borton. 22d New York, chest. flnyter. Captain. Co. 0,15tb N. J , leg amputated. W. Cotrell. 23d New Jersey, leg E. C. Quick, lftth New Jersey, left side. J. Witlet.Md Kew Jersey, tog. <'. Broom, 23d New Jersey, heel. W. Allen, 23d New J.T8 ey. abdomen. A. Vamlergrief, 33d New Jersey race. a Horner. 23d New Jersey, arm. J. Reed. 23d New Jersey, contusion. P Callahan. 2d United States artillery, ankle. J. B. Crane. 33d New Jersey, face. a .-" Swan, 23d New Jersey, leg. P. H. R rK-Rfoa, 23d New Jersey J. Totte n, 23d New Jersey, tog. .T. M. Camp, 2d Vermont, arm. J. Kellenbrck. 4th New Jersey, need. M. Webt, i'.h New Jersey, leg colonel Hatch, left thigh, amputated. W. R Been, 2d Vermont, leg. •T. S. Moore. 2d Vermont, tog. 8. H. Joy, 4th Vermcut, rot. J. L. Harris, T2d New York, shoulder. C. Saunders, 2d' Ve> moiit, shoulder. K. Ranri. 2d Vermont, hip. WV8. Matter son. 2d Vermont, writ I. Bobt. Pfae, 4th New Jersey, tog Steshea A Reyaolds, 1st hUaaach-ieetta Morten Nebb, 4th New Jersey. th.gh. Hugh Oaprer, 2td New Jerser, arm Isaac & Moore. 3d Penney Ivania r e s e r v e , - . - . Yyicr H. Jay, 4th Peonsylvan ia reserve, back. Frank Im So inn. 23d New Jersey." MicBaal Dyer, 2d Penneylvaala n Tbeo. Wood, 2d Pennsylvania H tblgh. thigh. Bw«fy Fetrea,Ca, 0, Uth B. PeJeje,Op. H . I t h New • . > , ~ 7 i Pa star. On. A. vth New York, vast Ca. K. Mtsh Peaney rran *, head M. Foley, 2d Vermont, thigh. R Pine, 4th New Jersey, tog. H. CaproD, 3d New Jersey, arm. w. H. Emmons, 3d Vermont, beet. Wm Howe. 61at PennsyIvania.head. P M. Waugh Mb New York Militia, inee, T A. Davis. 4tb Vermont, hip. ! 1. C. Smith, td Vermont, wrist. W. P. Foster, 4th New Jersey, neck. W. Stout, 4th Hew Jersey, bead. P. 8. Andrews, 24th New Jersey, bead. Wm. Wyman, 2d Vermont, head. T. D. Sawn, 4th New Jersey, band. W. C. Cheab, 4th New Jersey tog. 1 P. Leaning, 4th Vermont, bead. W. Spam, 4th Vermont, shoulder. L. ?mith. 16th Maine, side. E. Mayan!, 4th Vermont,foot. 1. Train, 2d Vermont.thigh. R. Vulgan, 15th New Jersey, hip. T« Wood. 2d Vermont, shoulder .1. Q. A. Ditty, 2d Vermont, thigh J Watson, 2d Vermont, face. C. McCready, eth New Jersey, band. Albert A. Graves, 4th Vermont, cootutorj. Ryron Butter field. 2d Vermont, thigh, lieutenant Jat. S. Badd.Co. P. 28d N. J., tbigb, slightly. Hugh Rurns, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, head. Wm. R. Been, 2d Vermont, thigh- Wm. Joans, 141at Pennsylvania, arm. P. A. Smith, 38th New York, neck and face. Wiofleld Howe, Slat Pennsylvania, bead. 1, Campbell, 4th New Jersey, finger J. R. 'Was, 2d Vermont, leg. JJ. Bradford, JQd New York, arm. B. I. Nash, Battery F, 5th artillery. J. R. Wbeehw, 2d Vermont, teg. Warren Wyman. 2d Vermont Wm. D. Lyan, Mh W iacensin, hip. t has. S. Babcock, loth Maine, arm. Lewis A. Davte, 4th Vermont, hip. J. M. Stevens, 2d Vermont, tog. H O. Kent, 4ta> Vermont, ankle. Wm. F. Nice. 1st Pennsylvania artillery, Back. Wm. Hiktretk,4th Vermont, side. Wilhs P. Marker, 4tn Vermoat, tog and knee. a. W. Ridley, SBd North Carolina, root. C. C. Stevens.Id Vermont, shoulder .1. C. Thompson, lath New Jersey, arm. C. B. Brown, Id Vermont, breast. I. L Chap, «th Vermont, pen*. C. Pear. 4th Vermont, thigh. L. 1 add 4th Termont, loot. Cyril wneafcr, Id Vermont, head. Ihoa J. Jaeoalth, 3d Vermoat, thigh. M. C. Palmar. Id Vermont, ant. Ceo. Dane, ith Peaney Ivania reserve, teg. John M. Reeve, lotbjteiae, head, led. M. Sproat,4th Vermont, knee, dead. Chas. A. Sergeant, 4th Vermoat. foot. law. Lemuel Laird,4tb Vermont, ankle. M ich, Dyer, Id Vermoat. braast, CyraJ Batter, Lieut. Oo. K, 11th Pa. ret. Jan. M. Stevens, id Vermont, tog. C. Stever, 2d Vermont, i Thomas 8. Andrews, 23d New F.ancie McCabc .SotU Pe PHttp Lansmg. Ith New Jersey •"** JTrWaTPaanlj Havw >WeBgpBewCOUBB* Wm. Stoat, 4th Maw Jersey. Levi H. Cooper, 1Mb Haw Jersey Wat. SPalr « b New Jersey* .' Bank fete, lath New Jersey, free. Ceorgo Martin, 1Mb Hew Jersey, -*-— CapUmSann.e»Csrr,CO.C, 23d New Jersey, foot. Joshua h. Joyce. Ud Haw Jersey, arm. John Peterson, 23d New Jersey,root. Richard 0. Boigin, ISth New Jersey, W. M. Ackerstoa, 4th New Jersey, r !,iwreaee Trainer, Id Pennsylvania i Thomas D. D. Sawn. 4th New Jersey, CotoaelWm.B. Hatch, 4th New Jersey, i Major Daniel A Sharp, 106th New terk, I John C. Turner, 161 h Maine. hand. Henry 8. Laird. IMth New Terk, arm. Albert Gables, Eighth Pennsylvania reeervs,, Brigadier General Gibbon, band. Edwin Martin, 2d Vermont, arm. Cyras Whitcomb, 4th Vermont, thigh. Rnfus 0. Haywood. 4th Vermont, a m . Wm. Winrate Atb Pennsylvania reserve, arm. M. Elite, 13d New Jertey, 1 Bteasaw pharr, 4th New J« Cherlts Harrow, 4th New Jersey, face, John C. Thomson, 16th New Jersey,arar. Edward McOeatfy, 4th New Jersey, head. Wm. V Foster, 4th New Jersey, sack. Henry Kebbari, 4th Pennsylvania, neck. John Burgoo. Co. I, Ith New York, arm. 8. C. Paul oth New York, arm. Jacob Boyce, co. L, Mth r^nmrylvanla, head. W. S. Plummer, Co. B, lflth Maine, bead. Sherman Sidney, Co. F. 24th New York, facn. Frank Page, Sih New York, wrist. Captain I.evi Carpenter, Mth Hew York,head. John H. Place, Co. E, 12th Maine, bead. J»mes 0. Weaver. C9. G, Ith New York, arm. F. Trask. Co. F, 26th New York, arm. John Gaurden, Co. C. 26th New York.bead. John T. Seeley. Co. B. 26th New York, tog. Albert Peters, Co. K. 11th Pennsylvania, thigh. Jas. (>uelt< n, 105th New York, hand. John W. Piper.Co. A, 104th New York, ana. Jacob Barnes. 94th New York, arm. JacobSbeM, 18th New York. baud. W. J. Campbell, »6th Pennsylvania, leg. Wm. H. Knauas, 2d New Jersey, race. Elias tJibbe, 28d New Jersey, mm haac X. Rrannan,95tb Pennsylvania, arm. Thos, Dtirhini. o.ith Pennsylvania. Tout. Too*. Martin, 1st Pennsylvania cavalry, breast. Antliony S. Andalia, let Pennsylvania cavalry, shoulder. Pat. Cnodln, 96tb Pennsylvania, thigh, t.eo T. Ray bald, Fourth New 'ersey, band. Henry Strlcklen, 88ib Pennsylvania. Toot. Quae. Bocksmith. Second artillery, thigh. First Lieutenant Henry Marker, 36th Pennsylvania, root. t;omtw m R. Parker. 13th Maine, hand. Henry Ritner, lltb Pennsylvanin. arm. Iiavid Wajrner. Co. H, 80th Pennsylvania, leg off. Sergrast John Hanson, Oo. C. 88th Pennsylvania, arm. Wm R Champney, Co. «, 13th Massaebneetts, arm. Jeremiah usbtun. Co. L,fKh New York, right side. Ltool. J. L. Rockwell. Co. D. 97th New York, foot. John W. Jaques, Ca D, Ith New York, shoulder. Lvfbrd.Co. D. 13th Hassachusetts, tec amputated. Wm. Root, Co. E,88th Ponnsylv:>th ^«"g. Wm. Crualey, Co. A, 13«th peunsy vajiia, tog ampuUted. Lieut. Geo. Fulton, Co C, 86th l't-i.t sy vania, side. S. R. Bean, Co. E, lltb PonnsyIvania, groin. Henry Rishop Co. A, 88th Vennsvlvunia, leg. f> Lieut. Bjrastus Mecklog, Oo. 1.4Sth New York, hand. J. D. Rowelt. Co. D, 4th Vermont, teg. Joshua Oledbell, Co. S 107 th Peaasy Ivania, hand. The whole number ef allied, wounded and missing tat Franklin's grand division te five thiasssi nine hundred end thirty-two. THIRTY SIXTH KEW YORE. Lieutenant Robt. Kirby, Co. P, right forearm. Jno. sharhan, Co.B, thigh, slight, J. J udeun, Co. E, head, serious. Corporal Chas. W. Snell, Co. I, head slight. C- P. Tinell, Co. 1, hip and back severe. FORTY-SECOND NEW YOU. Peter Short, Co. A. slightly. H cole, Co. 1, knee, slightly. C. W.Moore,Co. K. Thoe. Hodge, Co. G. M1KTH NEW YORI-^OMPLITB. JohnMcCaeker.Co. D. woonaga. Sergeant Schannott, Co. B. Sergeant Burke, Co. B. Moran, Co. B. Hamabon,Co. B, John Cook,Co. a JohnGalviB.Oii.l. FIFTY-FIRST NEW YORI-^OJsTLlTB, D B. Brown, Co. A. J. Evans, Co. A. J. MoNulty, Oo. A. M. Knoier, Co. C. J. G. Byram, Co. G. R. B. Jones, Co G. Corporal J. Bowman, Co. H. T McGueU, Co. H. Chas. J. Packer, Co. D. J 8pratt,Co. D. Oo. B . i n s t Pennsylvania, right thigh « y , CVB, m m Pwasayrvaa*. finger aadars, Os. D, 11th Mafcea, back and thMaV Carr. Co. D, 4th P.aasjIiaaW, finger off W. Tyler. Kb New York, ankle iateb.Co. H.eoth New York, ebeek. Won*, O s . « , gejb Peaneyrvanm, aide Wylie, (a. B, llth Maamchoaette, thigh. rsan, Co. C, 99th Pennsylvania, shoulder A. J. Andrews, Co. C, 104th Pennsylvania leg I, Co. B. 47th Psanaylvania, eye and thigh. ~j, Co B. 94th New York, leg. JJahn Cnyte,Oo C, Bgsh PaaasyHrania, ankle. i Rlbt. Ca. D. M Peanayrvanta ran., teg, slight. ,0o. F, with New Yort. thigh. Ca. A. l«4tb New York, eye. , Ca. B, 11th Pennsylvania need. , to, C, itth Pennsylvania, arm. Jaha H Martia, Oo. B, 144th Pennsylvanut. jaw. «%dm J. Laaigaa. Co, A.3d Maine, band. W. Bnana.Oa. B, 94th New York, head, iSmith Co H, 18th Maine, breast n it. Bigatow, Co. 0,14th Maine, teg. W. Evans,Co. C, 11th Maine, shoulder. , Co B, lltb PeansyIvania, root. j at Wads L Co. 1. lfith Maine, teg. B " r i 1 * 5 c *B.MthPwansylVanta, grom. ley Whiu, C*. E. »7th Pennsylvania, teg. toraei Irte T , Co. O.lMhMaiae. chest. Iwaw ftesa. Smith, ca E.Twenty sixth New York,thigh. I[iav at Y Early, t». H, IMth Pennsy I van w. arm. ^ ^ i Conoe.ee. C. Nth Pennsylvania, fix* clatr, 4th Peansy tvaaia. loo . j Jewnaan.Co, L.latMaaae.hea*' an, tftv A , aatb New York, thiga ,0B, L, 49th Peaasy Ivan * •> v .... at Injton, Co. E, 9th New York, shoulder 11. B.Ik«AU.Co M.l«tbMame. ehest " ,m mr - seat B R States, Co P, 34th New York C.Jsnaap*on, Co. A, 13th Massachusetts , Ca. E, l»th Mnasachoaeus. IR Caatter lltb Pewaaytvaaia. tide. Mth New York, tog. Stisana,99th Pennsylvania, tec. , Co. B, 14th htaiae, ana. ' ell, Co. G 24th New York, thigh. S reenter Bowman, Co. D. 24th New York, forehead. . H Vatesa.Ca. A, 14th Maine, thigh. .Co B, 107tb Feansylvana.< Co 1, thigh. STth New York. m\ 3S« w Tor It | b^evd. , 4wHJB M C W Y ClaP» t aaaw0kMWT. 1,43d New York, thigh. M. Stoat, 'aawBsrd" IJnwA. P C ktarwar.Co 6,49thNew York,amputated 1 jeam aaraaaar, ana s«ew Torn, race. «BJL ^Bakar, 49th New York. hip)e<nL jjm Bry<he,9ChNew York MiBtm, teg. .•lightly. Lyman Smith, Mth Maine, side Jeel Bruce, 4th Vermont. back. »«e. thigh, thigh. Ate*. Cam i New York . 4*h Vermont, thigh. Davte, 2d United states artillery, face ., VTwfi 2w9V YCktm, BawajtW. V Ca. C, 24th New York, thigh. a, Co. P, 9th New York, lag. On. P. Mah htmaa, thigh. Co.B.14t»- ,0BVC,1 Alfred Taggart. wttb Peansy Ivania. thigh. E O. smlli van, Id artillery, bath tegs. A. 8. High. 4th New Jersey, head, mortally, Tobias 6. Painter, 11th Pennsvrvania. tog. Ceo. W. Eba, 11th Pennsylvania, breast. Uwreaea Match, 16th New York, ark. Col Coulter. 11th Pennsylvania, left side, severely. Samuel A. Ward, lltb Pennsylvania, right shoulder. Jas. Khafer, 11th Pennsylvania, bead. Jos. H. Low, 11th Pennsylvania, leg John Ayers, 136th Pennsylvania, head. Henry Walker, 136th Pennsylvania, arm. John Van Sand, 11th Pennsylvania, tbigb. William B. Brown, 12th Massachusetts, leg. Chariea C. Bartwell, 2d Vermont, bean. lames Haakina. 119th Pennsylvania, thigh. D L. Eaton, 97th New York, leg. A. B Reck with. 2d Vermont, shoulder. Brooks McCloud. 2d Vermont, face. i First Lieut, P. A Delworth, Co. H, 136th Pennsylvania, face, severely Peter B. Chace, 2d Vermont, hand. Alton Hopeoo,4th Vermont, thigh. James G. Reeves, lfith Maine, face, severely. G. W. Doty,2d Vermont, leg. Orlando Morten, Sash New York. band. Michael Wagoner, 40th New York, leg. G. G. Centre,2d Vermont, shoulder. Rufus Haywood. 4th Vermont, arm. Abram Young, 38th New York, tbigb. Rhodoinhus Clement. 4th Vermont, arm. Wm. Seortati,2d Vermont, arm. S. T. Betas, 26th New York, hand. Jeremiah Pbiluvigr, lltb Pennsylvania, stemaeb. Wm. B Miller, 11th Pennsylvania, ana. " Jones, 2«tb New York, arm. Henry Osgood, 9th New York, hip. Alexander Blair. 26th New York. Lewis Mcpherson, 4th New Jersey, arm Detoe W. Dasator. J21»i New York, arm and ehest. John B> Hovons. 33d New York, tog. David Franklin, 97lh New York, leg Joanna Giadheli. 107th Pennsylvania, finger. Major C C Knight. 119th Pennsylvania, shoulder. Stephen Washington, ;tb Wisconsm. scalp. Edwd. Cunningham, i»i Maine cavalry, face. Philip Suatrow, w7thNew York. arm. Cornelius Bams, 21st New Jersey, side. Samuei Davidson, 136th Pennsylvania, foot. Henry Strickland Satb Pennsylvania, foot. *im.u T. Stewart, 11th Pennsylvania arm. S2M?*!, -^S, 1 : l! 0M *; sd bri « M diT - •ide.m'ly. Joe. W Hnsh, 136th Pennaytonia, head. Gea.N. Seetey, 134th lencsytvania, 44th Kew York, abould< Peat, lad New Jersey, bin. Date*, 14th New Jersey, cnest. ajjaghar, 44th New York, band. ^B^gMNewJer^.arm * *ton«.0a. A, ltth Haw York, l Mt George Yates, 4th Mlel Stewart, let hUahigaa. hm »eA GrnmwaU, Cn. D, Mth J tehatey, Co. K, 17th Herat iT. Lane, Co. K, 3*11 ^ Hoi toeLCh.C,14thl Bd.H.Bwlft.Cn.C,18th: 0. P. IjBAh.Oe.C.lal Lasat. Pnank Btos, Oa A.WUasa,OB.C,lstU„ ThoaasaUvlB.Os.l.BtBl Lienleasit Edwin Bonoott. Cs, B, tht 1 G. Stafe. Co. C.Uth New York, side. Prank Pass, Co. C.lSth New York,« rtergt. T. OrrBoott.Co. K.aEdr B. H. CkliniB.cn. A,23d Maaw M. rjoyss,«k>.A,26th New York, hip. Murray, t^. F, 163d New York, thigh. Pat, knright, Co. G, 22.1 Massacbuaetts, groin. John W. Jones, Co. E, 22d MBiaathasillB. teg. Captain Preach, Co. H, 4th Michigan, hand. P.8. Maaaard,Co. A. n t h Massachusetts, teg. Albert Bjtofcer, On. B, 14th New York, shoulder. o. Milter,Co. A. 14th New York, band. B. Hen HI, On. A, Ust New York. «aa,Co. D, 16th Michigan, head. , CO. P, 44th New York, leg. Imon Patnam, Co. G, 144th Pa., tog and i Pat. Dosewlly, Co. 1,118th Pennsylvania', teg. Pal. CBrteo, Oo. C,lat Michigna, leg. M. Rttta,Oo. 0,17th New Yerk. head. E. Haggorty.Oo.E,83dNew Wk,leg. J. B. Keaoedy.Oo. D,g3dNo.r Yvrk,arm. Jna. D. Oallins, Co. D, 22d htaistacJjagdiig, slightly. 1 - —. . . . . i IwljjalUl jn#^llwtcnt. |Vi TO THR nsrroB or TBYB BB»ULB I Rnd ks ywor rsapar eg yesterday ateraeng, hat or kilted and ...uadad ef the Hksth r«..«ent Haw YorkBUtsHMsMa, the nana* of mysoa. 1 aanejrwaJKdw . il ^ ^ ^ . ( **Jffaw*M falgamg) enggao . ^ A * s W V 4 aaasaal 1 v v l • ajsavPaa UfahsVnn ^ gg.igpgjr hansw .pt.» of hm eosapaay, were all m this city last Friday. which seems ta ha awaflrmed from the tact that #woandwd hi the name of Captain Hendrlckaon, ending Ninth pegimeat Hew York Suta Militia. Asa iber. may 1 ask the saaatls* why these efloers are m aH : ''aw* as: ' ' *"» 1 *»VI k- I I I I I I mmjuummmm MJHW "804 ItATAT- ' -*'7's» . - , * ii i i i . icily? A FATHER. r Gem. KluatMall at W*aa\lnigta». Wawnwoiini, Dee 16,1862 I arrivals here fct tfeat eg General Nathan ktmoail, of Indiana, who was wounded at the burg battle ia the thigh. The wound hi, wtth twenty T h e S e a t t L . t f e G u a r d at FVederleteebwrg. The Fourth regiment New York Vohwteers (First Seott Ltfe Guard) suffered heavily an Satarday At Fredericks burg. OBtaneJJ. D MacgTegor, the commander of there, gimeat, was wounded, end up to the time ef ear advtees the ball had net been extracted. IKwBProJ- : . " -», haw, 13d .New Jersey, bank. ., SM Maw Jersey, tog. wan, BM New Jersey, hand. David B. 0. H. MelSebttry. 33d New Jersey" hand. John P. Brink, 15th New Jersey' hand. Randolph Barte, 15th New Jersey, chest. Cnteher T. Rackafeltow, 15th New Jersey. arm. Frank Sanders, 4tb New Jersey, arm Charles Brisoy 23d New Jersey, shuulder. Wdiiarn Alien. 23d New Jersey, " Jacob Hirah, ith New Jers Oliver Saarte. Mh Vermont Jersey, oa< aout, band. J. Bates, CO. A. Owenlinnegan.Oo B. Wm. Ayree, Co. B. Wilham.Oe B. M. Murphy,Co. B. Corporal Thomaa O'Brien, On, 4V J. Glenn, Co. C. Stephen Malone, Oo. a James Mciiuin, Co. C. George Cook, Co. C. Corporal C. B Trowdet, Cti D, T. Files, Co. D. H. Baker, Oo. D. J.Deway.Ce. D. P Mack, Co. E. E. H.Bationa.Co. B. M. Berger, Co. P. R Regan, CO. F. PolUr.Co. V. Sentor,Oo.f; Windsor, Co. P. Slattay.Oo. F; Corporal Praaklia, Co. Pj J. E.GIbbe,Oo. P. Corporal J. Sawney, On. Qa J. H Grissom.Oo G. H. Gaynor, Ca. (i. Wm Hani. Co G. Corporal J. Lyons, Oo. G. Wm. Scott, Oo. G. H Smith, Co. H. B. English, Co. H. P. English, Ce. H. Quinn.Co. H. Patterson, Oo. B, McAnally Co. H. Corporal FarolaUae, Co. P. Burns, Co. I. J. Taner, Co. I. L. Dolan, Co. I. N, Nellte, Co. I. J. Banker,Co. I. C. SarreU,Co,L S. Woodcock, Co. I. T. Banker, Co. L Sergeant Brown, Co. K. Corporal Anderson, Oo. K. B. Tyson. Co. K. Mathol.co K. Blydenburg, Co. K. M. T. Crane, Co. K. Second Lieutenant B. Keene, Co. P. Second Lieutenant T. Butler, Oo. p. First Lieutenant G. W. Whitmore, Oh. D. Second Lieutenant G. H. Scboonmaker Co P. First Lieutenant J. Buckler, Oo. H. Captain J. Stewart, Co. P. ADDITIONAL NAMES OE IILLED AND WOUNDED IN THE SECOND AHaTY C0*T8. Major General Hancock, slightly. Lieutenant Miller„aid to General Hancock, slightly. Lieutenant Roberta, aid to General Hancock, wounded, lieutenant Parker,aid to General Hancock wounded. Major N. G. Troop, 67th New York. Lieutenant Latty, Adjutant 62d New York, killed Captain Wiekto.commanding 66lh New York, killed. Lieutenant R. 9. Alcoek, 57th New York, arm amputated. Lieutenant Paul M. Pod, 57th New York, killed Captain Bartboll, 64th New York, wounded. Captain Hammlll, 66th New York, wounded' Captain A. H. Wright, 67th New York, slightly. Lieutenant Alvord,General Caldwell's sua. slightly. Lieutenant Smith, Co. K, 72d Pennsylvania slightly. Lieutenant nobleman, 72d Pennsylvania, seriously. Lieutenant Flood, 49th Pennsylvania, slightly. Lieutenant Seymour, Co G, 59th New York killed. Captain Reynolds Co. D, 54tb New York, seriously Lieutenant Helghtman, Co. D, 59th New York, slightly. Lieutenant Peacock, Co. K, 59th New York, ankle Sergeant D. W. Miles, Co. E, 59tb New York, killed. Sergeant P. V. Kelly,Co. A, 59th New York, killed. Lieutenant Colonel Baxter,7th Michigan, shoulder Lieutenant Colonel Giiliely. 5th Michigan, kilted. P1PTS AJBJfT COare—«1N enjFVIN's DIVISION. F, 4th Michigan, leg 0. M. Dotey, Ca. P, i t h MJeJMgM. sho Jobo Father. Co. D,Mb. Michigan,shoulder. C. fulmar, Co. H, 118th Pennsylvania, that*. W. L Harmou.Co. H, 118th PenneyIvauia, back. John Haftua, Co. E. 8Mb Pennsylvania, tog. S. Barn, Co. E. 1st Michigan, tag and shoulders. J. B. Fisher, Co. H, 114th Pennsylvania,arm amputated A Ray,Co. F,«2dPennsylvania,ahoulder. 8. W.Fitu, Co. H,22d Massachusetts, ' N. B Muwget, Co. F, 22d Maasacbusetta, 0. Walker.Co. K, Ud Massachusetta. left H. C Gardner, Co, 0.83d Masamahnsatts, left aid*. R. N. Klaa. Co. F.22d Massachusetts, neek. gargasnaBoek, Co. C, 22d Massachusetts, toft tog. John Hartter, Co. E. 22d Massacbiuwtu. toft breast Pat Inwrtght, Oo. B, 22U Maasaehnsatta, groin. C. G. Llaaoln, Co. C, 2ad Massachusetta. arm. S. 8. Stevens,Co 1,22d Mass., right thigh and arm. Sergeant L. L. Cmae.Co. C. 22d Massachusetu, toft thigh. James Rtonardson. Ci. B, 23d Massachusetts, abdomen. B. P. Brawn, Co. C,22d Massachusetts, left hip. Walter 8. Craft, 2d Co. S. 8 , thigh. LtouL Edwin C. Bennett, Cn. E, 22d Maeeachusettt, fhes. W. C. Craig, Oo. H. 22d Massaehusaua, foot. G. N. Pearce, U d Massachusetts, left teg. WashtegBoa Hasp, On. B, 84th Pennsylvania, thigh. Jacob BSatten, <b. B, Mth Pennsylvania, back. Sergeant W. H. Hilton, Co. K, 62d Pennsylvania, foot. Hiram Keag, Co. H. 20th Maino, band. N. Hemoaway.Co. H. *»l Haaaachusette,ankle. Wm. Dover, Co. H, 47th Michigan, finger. M. Y. Woodworth, Co. H, 1Mb New York, shoulder. Chas. Haskins.Co. F,4th Rhode totead, teg. 9. K. Camaghau.Co A, 62d ronnsylvanla, arm. John P. McCurry, Co. B, 624 i'eunsyIvania, arm. J. C. Hamilton, Co. 1,16th Connecticut. f>. P. Sibley. Co, B, S3d I'ennsy lymiia, cheek. John A. Wisot, Co 1.26th New Jersey, jaw. S s. Richards, Co. K. 20th Maine, htp. - Lieutenant Wm. II. Johnston,fo. C, U2d Pcunsylv'a, head. Jas. Bam, Co. G, 44th New York, finger, os. Orr.Co. I^63d Pennsylvania, head. Wm. H Beads. Co. F. 8»d Pennsylvania, shoulder. Vat. McPariand, Co. F. 62d Pennsylvania, l.-md. Jas. Nettigan.Co. K, 28th Massachusetts, arm amputated. Pergeaat Harrison Kclley, Co. K. 44th New York, arm. Lieutenant Phillip 1). Aloater,Co. C, 14tb N. Y.. chest. Jacob Saul, Co. C, 14tb Now York, arm. Captain A. P- Wilson, Co. » , 2d Maine, head. Jas Rowel. Co. C 44th New York, liack. l-at Bryan,Co B,44th New York.har " Jas. Wejsh, Co. F,44tli New York, IJUVI H. Coteon,Co. K, 20th New York', lung. Captain W. R. Longer. Co C,2d Maine, teg Corroral Anson E. Wakekme, Co. l/ioth Michigan, head. Lieut. Terrence Cook,Co. C,25tb New York. bead. Kdward Thorp. Co. I), 44th New York, hand. chAiincay H Batl.Co. D, 44th NAw York, arm. char lea B. Young, Co. K, 7th Rhbde Island, face. Wm. J. Berden, to. B, 44th N«w^ork, band. Perry Iattham.Co. B, itth New York, finger. Sereouat James A. Young, Co. 1.13th New York, root. >ecoud Lieut A. C. Whitoumb, Co. F, 2d Maine, tog. George So wait, Co. F, 118th Pennsylvania. Sergeant Natt. Weacatt, Co, D, 2Mb Now York, hip. Lewis Labou, Co. B, 1st Michigan,' ley. T. H. Stuart, Co. 0,1st Michigan, shoulder. Sargeas* Rice, Co. F, let Michigan, lag. J. Hatch, Co. G, 1st Michigan head. Alfred Jennings. Co. A, 44th New York, teg. Sergeant Floyd, Co. 1,45th Masanebusetui, band. Chas. H Gardner, Co. D, 10th New Hampshire, arm. Seward Chas. H. Hitter, Co. F, 7lh Rhode Island, tog. Corporal J. K.Holt, Co. K, 4th Michigan, arm. Wm. Patterson, 7th Maine, abdomen Sergeant Field, C 0 . B, 20th Maine, head. Corporal N. Alien, Co. K, 2d Maine, thigh. D. O'Nad, Co. II, 16th Michigan,hand. George Brown, Co. H, 16th Michigan, shoulder. Wm. Jones, Co. D. 25th New York, chest. John Jordan, Co. H, 7th Maine, thigh. John Carter, Co. E, 4th Michigan, back. M. Rosa, Co. I, 4th Michigan, bead. J. Wertgode,0o. D,32dlaasaachuset8, arm. G. Michaels, Co. D. 32d Massachusetta, hand. S. Carr. Co. K, 1st Michigan, side. F. Mitchell, Co. C, 44th New York, leg. E. Pollard. Co. E, 13th New York. teg. J. Mccarty, Co. P. 13th New York, arm. S. A. BonncH, Co. C, 11th Massachusetts, thigh, J. Martin, Co. K.62d Pennsylvania, lung. Captain N. C. Beak, Oo. D,62d Pennsylvania, thigh. J. MoRae, Co. C, 16th Michigan, head. Honry Walker, Co. D, 25th New York, leg. X. K. haloomb, Co. P. 4th Michigan, hand. D Clinton Fair, Co. B, ith Michigan, breast and arm. N. S.Babinson.Co. F.32d Massachusetts, breast, c. H. Hunger, Co. F, 14th New York,face. Sergeant F. G. Palmer, Co. G, let Wilmington, arm C. Carroll,Oo. C, Nth New York, thigh. R. N. ferru, Oo. D, 146th Pennsylvania, tag. W. H. Skinner, Co. D, 145th Pennsy Ivania, legs. Jamee-Osgood, Co. D, 12th New Hampshire, root. Samuel Pussell, Co. 1,12th Rhode Island, neck. Jan. J. Brown, Co. D, 624 Pennsylvania, arm. John Fleming, Co. D, 624 Pennsylvania, face. Dennis Durkajr,Co. B, 9th Massachusetts, leg. Job Bearce, Co. B, 24th Maine, face. Joe. Wcttmore, Co. E, 14&tb Pennsylvania, leg. J.C. Ringer, Co. G, 7th Rhode Island, legs H. C.Btone, Co. B, 4th Michigan, breast. Sergt. dark, Co B, ith Pennsylvania. Cared. IV * . Btoir, Oo. 1,118th Pennsylvania, tag. Sergt. L. M. Harmer.Co. H, 114th Pennaolvania, hack. Jas. T. Couch, Co. H, 624 Pennsylvania. Sergt. N. W. Haines, htoesachuaetu sharpshooters, tog Jan. 8. Wesley, Co. K, 18th New York,arm. John Stoddard, Co. A, 13th New York. arm. N. Glasgow, Oo. A, 18th Raw Yoek, lunge Nelson Marten. Co. P, ltth New York, thigh. Pat Dowatey, Ca. 1,118th Pennsylvania, thigh. N.J. Stack,Co. E, 13th New York,hand. Pred. Protey, oo. B, 18th Hew Terk, shoulder. John H Miller, Co. A, 11th Pennsyrvaala, fane. Otie Me*ennedy. Oo. B, 62d Peaaaylvaaia, arm. Lieutenant Wm. B. MoBlgoaawrp.O*. E, 6*d Pennsylvania, Aid iter ttee ALSAVT, Dee. 15,1462 the seat of war to render gratuitous services ea the battle stotoef Fredericksburg. Haw HAIBW, Conn.. Dec 16,1442. Heat. Ma Cos, of Waterbury. Dr. Ihwasead, of Raw Haven; Dr 8. 8. Salisbury. ef Plymouth, and Ms, Bodge. ef Oniebrook, a committee appamted by the General As scmbly of Connecticut to make wewtekaa for wwanded ^Idiersko Virginia, left New Haven this eveaing for the gamp at Fredericksburg. THE REBEL ACCOUNTS. {From the Rtohmoad Whig, Dec. 12.J latPORTANT FROM PTUtDUUCKastme— ArnbTPT OF TH* IN1HT TO CROS8 TH* RArTAIIANNOCE—TBM FNHT- IMO COMMKNCES. Tho eity was much excited y a m i any by reports that thanhowtloa army had oommaaoad a demoastratioB at Fredarteksburg. and were making an attempt to cress the RappahauiK ck river la fosoe. Bat little information eoaM ha obtained dartag the nay, beyond the fact that a fight was »• >rogrees. sad the anxiety ef the people was sessewh••• l.eved by a report, apparently reliable, that theencii aid bean reps teed with considerable slaaghr • tar. Ti.. radarickabnrg train arrived late m the even - at Wwdaa, North caraitaa, i (oawaa rtvar. jr. the Army of the Stack water, cxatatettog af d arwea, fermmg a grand drvteioa of the army. General rotter will orimmaait the teft 4rv Mieea—fermiag a earns eraraw. General Peek wSi coasnumd the right' c/n* oTermat af three divisions. Gaaaral Aagur win o divtoteaa. GanaraJBaaory will! .a -. W a^H^A a ^ •• • a • • pesea er twerve trusty t -,„ ,,- , tory and two so>tadroct of cavalrv General Banks is already advancing, having fenaed a junction with our troops at dafltaek. General Patter'» army has jatued him by this time. It may he that Weidon wUl be taken immedtatety, kng Petersborg mast fall la a few days, white b^ramde a drtvtog La* hack upon Richmoiwf to reearve the • tesj toss of the terk ' from General Banks as he < retreat to Lynchburg or Danville. General Banks has fall praaeasten ef the Roanoke Railroad, and ate future supplies win by two other rented besides this one. Thus far the movement may he considered a great see. eee*, aad, white Ha asasnralliiag effects ufxm the enemy will be vary great, Ms effect ansa the spirit of ta* Northern people will be most salutary. Expert stirring news from the Army of the Btacfcwatea •*wry. THE AFFAIR AT ZUNL - Important Reettuotssiiiee la Ftrcvv I!,u.*r Brigadier itf DcraJ Ftrry, u tlic BlackWeUere tei'aiii aiiiVXbnnAni' 'ii'wBB Th e Capture of a Kebel Cap tain and Twelve Men. Ou p Lroii Th pee Killed tVounded, .fatal. Sergeeat T. ssnith, 0*. C, 18th Massaahusetts, thigj*. rgesstt WTHUIS, Co.E, gb* Pennsylvania.geat. rparal If. W. KrotU, Co. B.Ofid PenMylvante,haad. aeao. Captaui Huaglaad, 12th New York. Adjutant Clark, ith Michigan. Corporal En- Piatt, ith Massachusetts Battery. Colonel Sweitaar, commanding brigade, slightly Lieutenant Colonel Connor, commanding YwA,— 4Mh Hew , Co. 1,184* Maaeaclsaawlta, G. C. Raymead, Co. C, 4Mb New York,hen. Corporal W. J. Goodman. Co. B, 44th New York, tblgh. at. Haywood, Co. B, ,42d Pennsylvanin, arm. J. Saeat, Oo. B, 4ith New York, hand. Adjutant J. C. Hedges, 18th New York, arm. W. W McMastars, Co. H, 145th Pennsylvania, tag. T. K. Beaay, Co. R, 45th New York, neck W. Smith, Oa. 1,1st Michigan, hand. Color Sergeant Wm. Neal, 25th New York, killed. G. C Bead,Co. C, 1st Michigan, both legs. Corporal W. A. Shepard, Co. A, 89th New York, fingers ampatated. Henry C. Adams, Co. A, 89th New York, hip. Root. Pay,Co. 1,10th New Hampshire, back. Wm. B. Bead, Os. A, 118th Pennsylvania,jaw. Corporal A. Houuston, Oo. G, 25th New York: both thighs. Daniel Heak, Oo. B, 4th Michigan, feet. John Mevdns, Co. K, 44 th New York, finger. Jas. Bsfferman, Co. F, 32d Massachusetts, head. Corporal Thoe. Stokes, Co. 1,2d Maine, hand. John White, Co. 1,1Mb Massachusetts, thigh. Henry Hammersly, Co. B, 62d Pennsylvania, hand. Frank Jonas, to. I, lit* New York, shoulder. Jno. Bock,Co. 1.14th New York, thigh. Sergeant H. A, Horton, Oo. E, 25th New York, side. BenJ. sharp, Co. 1,1st Michigan, abdomen. C Favor, Co. C, 13th New York, font. J. Hoagbman, Oo. D, 83d Pennsylvania, tbigb. Saml. Routb .Co. G, 62d Pennsylvania, shoulder. Ed. McCabe, Co. M,62d Pennsylvania, hand. Color Sergeant Jas. B. Stone, 44th New York, arm. Corporal R. F. Buchanan. 44th New York, shoulder. J. Smith. Co. M, 62d Pennsylvania,face. G. N. Poteom, Oo. 1,36th Massachusetts, bead. Sergeant A. U. Smith,Co. F, 7th Rhode Island, side. CASUALTIES IN SYKKS' DIVISION. Capt. Jas. Lawrence, lltb United States infantry, throat. Lieut. Gensil. ith United States infantry, hip. Capt. HcLandbing, 17th United States infantry, groin. Wm. Stnbhng, Co. A, 24 infantry, bead. Jno. Rich, Co. E, 17th infantry, thigh. Cooley.Co. B,2d infantry, ankle. Nathl. Thomas, Co. A, 17th infamy, hand. Robt. McFeeter, Co. B, 24 United States infantry, side. Taos. Wallace,Co. B, 2d United States infantry, bip. M. MaDoneugb, Co. K, 24 infantry, thigh. John Her tor, Co. G, 11th infantry, ankle. Samuel Bowyer.Oo. G, 19th mfantry, back. R. Pear,Co. B,34 infantry, leg. John Fterc, Co. H, 11th infantry, thigh. Pat. Muliery, Co. A, 11th infantry, thigh. John Hopkins, Co. G, 11th infantry, back. M. Hsato, Co. E.llth infantry, arm. C. W. Bain, lilb infantry, abdomen. Corporal Newton Wolf, to. A. 12th infantry. A. Sauve.Co A,lltb imantry, thigh. Thoe, Nichols, Co. H. 4th infantry, leg. Lieut, Andrew Knight,Co. A, lltb infantry, head. J. Maber, Co. F, ith lntantry, teg. C H. Wilson,Co. G, 5th New York, chest. Thomas Reams, Co. K, 3d infantry, bead. John Muller, Oo. H, 16th infantry, bead. Cbartee Hall, Co. D. 144th New York, teg. C6tatuaba,0o. D, 17th infantry, teg. Corporal J. McNally, Co. 6,6th infantry, head. Jerome Puluski,Co. P, lltb infantry, scalp. Corporal Richard Fitzgerald, Co. B, lltb infantry, Isaac Schmit, Co. H, lltb infantrv, foot. Sergeant W Crampton, Co. K, 7th infantry, shoulder, A. Brooks,6th infantry, bead. *t V u - , . „ Tripp, Co. G. 17th infantry, leg. Brake, Co. C, 3d mfantry, throat. ,Cn. A, I2t* mfantry. lag lag, an.: aaseogers fully the ball bad opened,and that the army of Buraside wae endeavoring to execute the long sinaiteg threat of march- ing upon the "rebel capital." It was Impossible, how- ever, to gather any connected er really intelligible state- ments, as the train left Hamilton Station, five miles this aide of Fredericksburg, before one o'clock P. B.. and the passengers received their information from such soarees as they were enabled te communicate with at that dis- tance. This was, in effect, that the enemy, at five o'clock in the morning, attempted to cross the river at three points, namely:—Knox's mill,above the town; at the railroad bridge, about tbe centre, and at Deep run (AKred Ber- nard's place),a mile and a half or two mites below. They were first discovered in the act of constructing pontoon bridges, and our sharpshooters, stationed la the rifle pKs on this side ot the river, set to work to prevent the execution of this design if possible. We era told that they poured volley after volley into tne Yankees, who were ootnpolled to de-ist trom their operations at the two upper posiuona; but at Does run our soon were di- rectly exposed to the fire of the enemy's artillery, and could do little or nothing to check tho progress of their work. In the course of the morning several shell were thrown into the town of Fredericksburg In m the heights across the river, and battered down a house belonging to George P. King, near the railroad depot. Another house, in tho lower part of the town, owned by a Mr. Vaughn, was set on firo by a shell and destroyed. We bear, also, that Jacob Grotz, acttizen, was killed, and bis brother George wounded. There is also a report of the wounding of a Mr. Scott, and a lady and children; but this is not entirely reliable. The statements of tosses on either side are various. Tho Yankees, from all accounts, suffered heavily frem the fire or our sharpshooters. It the enemy ban succeeded in crossing the river at Deep run, we may hear stirring news frem that direction to-day. [Prom the Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12. | HEAVY PIOKTING AT FUEDBRICKSBTmO. Despatches received by the government from Prejc rickaburg up to half-past twelve o'clock on yesterday, state that at half-past five la the ttoraiug the enemy at- tempted to lay down pontoon bridges at three points—one at the sight ef the railroad bridge, Which apanaed the rfrer at the tower end of the town; another at the ford above the town, ana between It and Ea)mouth, and the third below the mouth of Deep run, which is, pebapa, three mites below the city. The attempts at toe first named points were repulsed with considerable teas to the enemy, our sharpshooters and skirmishers co-operating with the artillery in the affair. At the tower poiaw, the pontoniers were protected frum the fire of our artillery by the river bluff, and the command of the position by the enemy's guns rendered sharpshooters unavailable. At barf-past twelve the bridge was reported as nearly complete. There had, ef coarse, been no attempt at creasing, and the plateau on which the enemy's troops would appear ea ascending the bluff would be swept by our batteries, fa* they should venturfto cross, as It was hoped thev would. The troops engaged were Loastreet's. The caanonad- ng was very severe. Passengers report that several houses were burned during the fight. Any further parti- culars before going to press will be appended P. S A despatch from Fredericksburg, dated at ell o'clock, says that the enemy were than crossing on their pontoon bridge. Reaching the southern bank, they will ha tt* sheltered nook, between the bluff and the river. Twte space as of horseshoe shape, and sntDcienl.pernape, to contain tea thousand man. Above and below it te said that the bluff approaches the river,and tne channel the southern shore, so that the enemy cannot march up er down the river under cover of the bluffs. Their only course te to ascend the bluffs, when they win he covered by our batteries. We shall not be surprised to learn that this ascent of the bluffs was made under cover of last night's darkness, and that the attempt brought on a Bight battle. The house of Wm. B. Vaughan, on the river road, was set on fire by n shell aad burned: also that of George King, near the depot. Shells passed through the house of Rev. Dr Broad us, and that Of Mr. J. P. Scott The steeple of the Baptist church was shot away, and some anuses m the upper part of the town destroyed Jacob Grotx, an old citisen, was killed, and bis brother George waaadsd, by the explosion of a shell. Ahsat thirty of ear wounded men, wa understand. were brought dawn teat night an the tram TNE QUNBOAT FIQHT AT PORT ROYAL. i and en the opposite number of rifle pita a much Oaur Acewmmt aai tike Aceoamt of Ratal ike Affair. Wimnseioa, Dec 16,1868. On Wednesday evening ear ganheats at Pert Royal, about twenty-seven miles from Fredericksburg, ware Bred lato by a rebel battary rrom the shore, supposed u> num. her twenty heavy guns. One or the rebel ahottMruck a coal schooner, wounding who has tinea died. shot struck she Cumtuck no the larboard side, pushing Into th* engme room and wounding H. P. Smith, of Rhode leland, who has since died, also wounding Jere- miah Dmiy dangeroualy, and two ethers slightly. The Bring was very rapid and continued until sundown, when the rebel batte rtes were silenced. Two schooners at the commencement of the fight were lying directly in range of the rebel guns near the shore, but were brought off safely by the Teaser Onr gunboats laidnoff the shore until morning, when they again opened upon the rebel battery, but met with no response. The Rebel Account. [From the Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12.J THE 8HBLLINO OF POST HOTiL. 0" Thursday evening test our batteries, stationed hot j above and below tne town, opened fire on the gunboats, which were anchored tn toe stream, Just opposite, con- sisting or the Freeborn, the Anacosta, Live Yankee and Resolute. The firing lasted about an hour and a half, and was very rapid. During the bombardment eleven bouses were struck—four of which were completely riddled, and were, if anything, the best in the village, being the resi- dences of Dr. Drquhart, Mrs. Lucy Thornton, R. H Pen- dleton and Mrs. Parker. No one was hurt, though grape wae fired upon the women and children as they were leaving tne town. It ia proper to say that no notUte&iion was given by the abolitionists of their intention to shell. After the bombardment they dropped down the stream some seven miles. It ia thought the gunboats were struck several tunes. The tieople of the town are now scattered, like those or Fredericksburg, in the farm bouses and cabins of the adiacent country. During the night many of the women and children who bad been driven out had no other shel- ter than the woods. ^ IMPORTANT RUMORS. T t e e P n l l s u l e l P i a l m R e p o r t s o f B a a k i and AH ttee Ottaer Oeoarinls. [From the Philade^hia Press, Dec. 15.1 ODK TBOOFB LAND*!) AT WINTtW-JPNCTION WITH THE ARMY OF TH» BLACkWATER. lmnortant movemeota are on foot In Eastern North CarobnV Twelve raiment, left Newborn on Saturday Some thms their destination is Wilmington; but the more «neral belief is that they demgn an attack on Wttdan and ^taSundey two transports^aod five gnaboau ascended thaCnowan river,and a land force of ten thousand men w "re seen in motion from SiBolk, indicating a move on W Tbe 3, Ratoigfa Proem* announced the landing of a large federal force in Gates county, ir ibis be true aa ;nim*- im ^ mack oa Weldon may lie etpet-iad. ASMT OF TH* BI-ACEWATKR—4BJHBB8AB BAKES riCK AND FOi-TKIt i' IK* A JtNOVtOW—TBI WHOLE aaMT IN MOTION -«' CPOSKD DSSTINATION, F»- TKKtfBl'HO - WsaaawaTCw*, Dec 1 4 , 1 4 6 2 . During the day the city was filled with rumors in re- gard to Banks expedition. Some reported that it had been landed at the bead ef the York river, and all asaasjj that tt bad not gone sooth of Hatteraa. I have iust received Informauoa from good authorlty E leper* OftYr S u f f o l k Correspondence. BcFfout, Va., Dec. 13,1162. On Thursday noon last a column under the conwnand ef Brigadier General Parry left bare for the purpose ef en- gaging the attanUoa of the enemy at the BUckwater Ttee column consisted ef cavalry, artillery and eight i ef infantry. A pontoon train, made of old canal 1 rrom the canal which rasa through the rhesus! was also Mine hat ta the expedition. The column proceeded on the South Quay halted for supper about six o'clock, having tkaa advanced about tan miles. They next moved on towards the Black water, which tbey expected to reach about two Ceteek next morning, but the wagons were laden so heavily with the pontoon boats that a detention of several hours waa caused by their sinking deep into the muddy cypress swamp, through which a portion of the road tay. It was •teemed important that the column should reach the Black water before daylight, and the pontoon tram would have been left behind to enable it la do so, but the road being exceedingly narrow, with deep ditches on each side, it was found impossible for the cavalry and infantry, which were behind them, to pass, and in some cases a delay of two hours would ensue. Day- light, there;ore, revealed the advancing feros to too enemy, it not arriving at the Black water before tux o'clock yesterday morning This afterwards proved to be of little account, as the rebels must have had timely warning of our approach at least two days previously. The passage of the river had been perfectly free of obstructions, white now pitas of timber and CAWMMS ale frm lay ia it, side a heavy block house and a targe bad baa* constructed to assist in repelling an mvedmg enemy. To add to ijie difficulty of fording tne river tn* water, which twb days pre vteusly had not been more than irem two to thret feat deep, had now risen to twic* that depth, so that the cavalry, instead of walking acrees, were canape Wed to swim over to the opposite side m tbo face of n prepared enemy. But for these difficulties a plan, first suggested by Gea Ferry, and afterwards ordered by Gen. Peck, must have succeeded admirably. It was this to mount two or three companies of infantry behind the cavalry, ford the rtvar* dismount the infantry, drtva the enemy from the heavy underbrush, and hold hint la check until the pontoon bridge was lain across. By this plan a crossing of the Blachwater would have been effected without the aid ef artillery, as it was believed the heavy guns wauto the enemy at Wakefield and Franklin, and, superior faros being at both these ptaosa, a rapid reinforcement could hare been sent by railroad, and the fresh troops being than precipitated in over-* whelming numbers upon onr force would compel them to rail back. This afterwards proved correct. Two companies of the Thirteenth Indiana were an* mounted behind the cavalry, and the whole attempted to crow, but were met witto such severe voUles of musketry and artillery from tbe opposite bank, which, added to the unexpected depth af the water, rendered the crossing impossible without serious loss of life. The whole were, therefore, recalled. Three pieces of artillery, under the command of Captain Howard, were now ordered up, and. cboosiagA favorable position for tbe guns, a heavy Are of shell and canister waa opened upon the rebels, which soon drove them rrom the bank, and, tbe firing still ceatiae- ing, tbey retreated aad fell beck out of range to the thick woods and undergrowth beyond. White the Bring was going on our pickets opposite Zuni, about a mite and a naif up the river, reported that tbe enemy were at- tempting to areas at the railroad bridge, and that the Union pickets had been fired upon by bothtto/antry aad artillery, who ware assembling at that point in large num- bers, evidently with the intention of outflanking as. Gen Kerry at once ordered hat Adjutant Gaaaral. Cant. lvee. with a regiment of infantry and a aection of artillery, to this point for the purpose of dispersing them, grilling there, Capt Ives round the enemy in plain sight, not more than ast eighth of a mite distant, their battery hi fail view, and the infantry showing themselves on the out- aide of the works with apparent impunity Tbe aectmn saigas tbe laaniiianrtnf 1 Jem easel Beecher, af the Feoish United State* artillery, sow na*aawasen a galMnglre, under the cover of which a company of the Fifty emhtb Pennsylvania deployed as akirmiahers to lbs wanks af the river tor the purpose of picking off the eaemy's arttltery DMBB OB UM.Ofppoat*4j stuM iurea ateHJ slntM battery, aad a dosen mere dostreyei the and drove the enemy away, they taking wrtfe thorn a I gna which bad been mounted an a trunk and ran from place to place upas the satiroad track, and which tbey Brad vary rapidly, dosag, however, bat Matte eaaentma Tbe party under Captaia Ives saw iwearaed to tbe mas body, when Umarlag had bcaagotog oarer tbreo or loor boars, driving tha enemy back a* enVotnally that three companies of the Thirteenth ladtena crossed she Stack water in the Biatasa boats. Col Dodge also erisaai ever in the face of a large force of tbe enemy, who had 4ceat teas been attracted by the firing, and had arrived to rem force their comrades, having, as waa aaanaand, reached tbe place ia the cars from Wakefield. As the expedition we* partially a diversion m favor or ether and more important military movements av our forces, and as Gea. Parry bed received ardors m be par ticuterty cautions ant to bring oa an engagement, our ana were recalled from the opposite side, and returned with a captain and twelve men whom tbey had captured. Tbe whale now mode preparations to retrace their steps, end at haK past ton o'clock this morning the test of tha column passed through Suflolg on their way to the ramie The rebel captain was wounded so seriously that it waa necessary to bring htm in an ambulance. Our toes Is three killed and eleven wounded Tne ene- my s was much greater, the prisoners reporting aa aaany as mirty killed end wounded by onr artillery fire at tbe crossing. We were compelled to leave and destroy one old wae. n which stuck so deeply in tbe mud that It was found im- possible to extricate it. Tbe contents were taken sn* before setting it os fire. Before the bead of tbe returning cilumn bad rea.t-1 here and I believe even before they started bomewarl secession report* of a disastrous defeat, of a captufd SacaTtraaTs bloody repulse while craving the mer and a hasty retreat spread like lightning, both hut nixb* ami this morning, and as our gallant fellows march*** throut-b the village tbey were greeted *with jeermat smiles from tbe male secossioniau and a psora demcti- atrative evidence of tattslaciion fr'.m the female* Ore HI #id woman, waied her hinds as our soldiers paMsed! ^r dwelling, and said. " I prayed to God all teal s i f t * that y«u might never live to cross the BUckwater, at.dl oow my prayers have been answered, ft* yon were drives* asct wbeu you tried to cross, and have come back farer than you went. Another, seeing s>me men who Ladi bi-eti manning tbe battery walking be*'md the arulte y, and supposing that Because they bad n* m i»k#t« tL»y bad been thrown away to aid them in their light c r <1 out, " Where's your guns'' Tbe n. xt time you hear tbtm tbey will be turned against you,' Ac- The following is s list of our loss, as far as I « . , id o i - led it up to tbe time for tbe train to leave for Norfolk —» snxap Lieut. Jcha Robinson.6th MasFach"°etu. I i-ot Barr, On. L 6th Masaachucatu One of the lltb Fennsylvanla cavalry. aWaaaaaw* A Sergeant of the Mounted RiM<~ Private McFarland. 13th Indiana leg shot off rnona "y. iTrvate Hintoc, Oo. F. 13th Ir.diaca Private Brady. Co. C,68th Pennsylvania.m lb* * fc tjr a shell Private Cox, Co C. 6*th Pennsylvania, » tbe leg pv a efa»H. 'fnWwn* ''' -: **at emg^Agj|smSjjaai T'JAJWJPB* TUC ** I WW taw wealrs? 41 be.-- a<wwmi^ww'• staRr* Prederick Gen awR to H» % rim- a *r jglC .wJrnt I V . ggasj - * •»• dftf t l * W# SAtr MlfcCBLL-ARKOVa. A OOOD»lU*BAD,*6REAM, <,'* » M 1 *»" lsF A ain*a-<5aiwa.7ieaaul^»»L*aria,tooenttl.U^ cvlers. 38 cental.Oil. All kind* Book, Job and *«»»»* I P i m u ^ ^ o a l l y tow. at T. B, DAW LEY 8 n,w «**« r 1 u« establishment, earner BAaae and Centre auveta A DAMANTKAN WHITE FILLINGS OF GOLD A A Plauaa. cbeaoicaily combined, entir-lypunn-w t f IiactdorToTfalla out. E»ery«liinf warranted $1 otber^iteBlilnfa. to eema. Warrant*! aemwf Arf*- Tacts id le B E PainUaa attracting. (MBee I Twntx-aeceDd street, wear Lea lag .on tyTMBASr Dea-» gttr 4» « ADDITK 1ST a** ,< Spec TB»*3 Dew Rjhfi ws* "ftm - •tplfiidid gtfi THE LAST MO - ntaV8 VBJJOf 44 •' ( wm awBdMiitBA) 1 iteanthl » * TIE B Aevdlttana.1 gjle-Tta. "tl i ? » t u Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of .ssai M -1 si - Fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 14/New York NY Herald....ssai M...

Page 1: .ssai M -1 si - Fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 14/New York NY Herald....ssai M jnoifrjia timmm fuokmw mot irsi Mi kJ .ITTPJint W*t TH * I • FREDERICKSBURG. r teeert,

.ssai M jnoifrjia timmm fuokmw mot irsi

Mi kJ

. ITTPJint W*t T H *



r teeert, 119th W Pierce i t h

Philip Krants, t l *

. . M m Pennsylvania, j ^ b s , , Ratoy 706th New York, Abel K I r t . s 2d Vermont, tag.


!-'> ,. .H«J.-S-tspir,

•i-***"».#'SBy:a. • ( H i * * ; f i l l * I M ! taw >i si 14*11*

i < <«,ff

i i ) %tt

RkJLAB -1 . IKelO»JiM«fKiS S » T

. • a m b a . '


'iaSwffvscsar t , u i > f w m t »

w . rf, l l l S PB̂ OnPW Both Calif, Co. £ w w i f i j 11 m Wm Win**, 4 * YetnMnt,ltot. A. Rob.an«n, 97th *tew York, awnd.

1191* hS*.

tub Ponasylvaoto : • •

TUBSDAt, D10SMBBB 16, 184* ~

* *̂ *» »m*H SMS ̂ T««SWM • ..»> » » *e«Ms«#«a*«*i ««MMHNltw

> a a # «.••** ** r*awRa* *dat#tafc„

to* *»«* >,.»**m*«* jffB* t |

•• . i t i i mi i

Yarney, 2d Makes U t h N w Y w k . M r i

Major Wtal i t l , 14th New York, hip. Adjutant 0 . 8 . « U M f l W -

Ltat. -»uiCoorga'

Ooombs. 244 New Jersey

f in E. Stratum, 23d New n. A t t B M I ) ravel Ofll.

m^J^A u ^ ^ . gggtW I*nnynh*nt

v . j T W H n P i W#OPB- * i

both thighs. ' ffNfr1: •4"B**™** eswRnwHawPH

3ae. ("hater Cn. D . l l t h Geo Weber Co D, 11th

_ Morr * , 104th H*w York, Ckptewi Reed, Oo. 6,13th "


' L a i n • more extended view of

I posuioa; but the condition of above l l w f i i i l very Bneterielly with b I W Fi»^ A « y cert* W M M I engaged i* the fight, aad 4>n atari had »» opportunity to add vo . u already well

arapoUitea tot soldierly gallantry • • « ; m i w i herd fought

> 1 1 — M t m wa* the light of day the scone we* one ef torraae beauty u d snaBBnty. Taw tee en our tide wnnvwry heavy, e»^ eetwe* ee y « h e kJioemwitheecu-rar > The toog hat of Hilled s a d w o o d e d , although it

t M a eaotety ef those who have fallen. will give the grwtt sacrifice wiiich wae inevitable from

i of the sec it K>U bold by the rebels. e n . armrarjaui i t ar

On Thursday evening, daring the heavy tr iad, General II H.tturftaM, commanding the Fifth Army Corpa, met

i gave rise to the report, at one i killed. Hat b o n e , a nary anlna'.

i eery reatim, and the oature of the ground tl. •ad we eoaglenMnaed. eauaed theaaiaaal to :

•browtag theCSeneralon hankie ,hurt ing b i n arrert . ; t e » quite lame, yet at the head Of ti.

Tyler, CO. K, 1Mb Cyrealedcera. Oe. P , ldth Majne, Daniel Cronaa, Oo. 0 , l«7th Uwreaea Watch, Co. D, 3»th New York,

A a » t l B . C o . C , l d l h " W A I wood, Co K, Twelfth

ChotaaY FaDMT.OD. B, a»U» New York. . S S t a a t WaTiaoaa . 9»th New York, t h i g j 8. Plane, Co. K . W t a W W Y « » . »§• Chariea A. Bohw*. to . I . Mah Mww York,

a Wilhaaw. Co 0 , afftk lteawyr**»l*,*faa Adj. Wiieon 0 . B a n , Taylet'• k»ifae>,«k«af ejaf

Miller, Ca. C, lwTth Paaaayffmaht, arm.

J. D. M. Bodln, atd'Hew J. Barr ,43d New York,»bowlder. K Earl*. 15th New .Teracy, oedy. B. T Bockfel!ow.l5th New Jersey, & W,ikcmber,«thPenMylTania , P. fink, 4th Vermont,ahoulder

a. ftmiib, lht th Peaaaylvaaia, wrtat. 0 . HeweU.eOtli.Georfia.la'tarm Dockatakr, I'ilst New York, arm. Nolan. 5th Vermont,head. HargraTe. 23d Hew Jersey

Lee. othPenneyl»aaia, face. D. Whitney, 4th Vermon t. foot.

O r eat Canf l let . rrrom the Wwhington lntell«encer, Dec 15.]

# • * • • • We learn that a t e m m c battle had raged on Saturday

tnmt morajBg to night, dui tag which the Union troops had reawatadly attacked the «uemy in his intreoched po —Hon with heroK but unaucoeesful valor, being received w i t h aoah shower* ef lire (rem the hostile batteries and n e e pits a« finally to comiwl oar brave battailous to re-cmi with aeware toon in killed and wounded It seems the auafertuae ofeur armies often t<> fight the enemy m bw->>wn shoata and strong positions. But the general reawM of the struggle of Saturday, taking ia the tide of battle ea the whole fleM, aeeaaed, aooardiag ta the de-Ijatehes, to ntTor the 1'nion arms

t h e eagagoaaeat. contrary to what appears to have the general expectation, was not resumed yeater-Tbe—ssny was occupied ia extending and atrength-hw works, aad our army was taking care o f i u

I b u y m* mieh of itts dean as could oe re freaalthe battle held. Humeral Bunt%de war

< t a t a r a M r M e / t a t d a y e y Ceaeral ^byri'i rorr* i far delaying another


THE CASUALTIES. A d d t t l o i r a l Mww.ee a f f K l l l w a l a n d W o s a d e d

i a t h e B a t t l e o T P r w d e r t d k s b a r g . t o BIUM AM» wotnrngo ra m haaffl aawapr..

I, of the Sixty-amth New York (Irish i the feUowing list ef eaaaaltiea from BWHradel fernhaVs tl

^anaw r̂ ewangaa. g^B*a^pwsw*w>wr«raa <

lb the Bkrty amth New York were wounded— .severely. 91 aga M e w eargw*


•v-^gf • ww*aewBBww \f • " " » awawra wSaJt j -

laaateaaaa Back ley, mortally. Utpoia Doaavao, morully. Ijnateaaat Maoeer, mortally LMiiteaaat Barke, moruUy Lieuteaaat Kearney,

^ r ^ W r d ' ^ o r k : -i OTaett. oaawnsnding, lost an arm.

i Rtehard Moore, the saaaa. i Salltvaa. net dangen usly.

Cap tarn Cartwright, kilted.

Baywr l gg*_ -**»•—,



la Barke, wounded,severely. ihCWk, wounded, severely

CILUD AH* WOCNDeaVDi FTtAlfEUN'SOkANB DITISIOK. CornwnU aw^ideoau Co. E, lfifith, Penna. Ivmaia, foot Pawl W« sea, Co. B, 2wlh New York, arm

i , Ca. H, Mwtb Paaasyrvaala, head. er, Co. 0 , l 3 d t h PenneyIvania, foot.

», Co, 1,11th Penney l van ia. a n a . a , Co. C, OTth New York, head b . Ca. C. lMh Peaasv^ania, -crotum. • Co. B, asth Peaasy Ivania, losa ef ratal arm. - 7W. Barlow, Co. A, lMtb Peoasylvasia,

,0a>B.«3d New York i , Co. B, 13tb Ca. H, Bth New York, chest. Oa. D, U t h Pennsylvania, »' Co. T,»thNew York, foot.

V W • \3t | wWiFVaB W WmtOMJ I w waawawa ,

, 0 » L,»3d New York, thigh Co. E. Mh New York, hand i, 1 ( Blah New York

Ca. I Mth New York jt.Oo. 1, hath Nam Y e t . , . . , Co. B, Bath New York, leg

Os. P ,« tb New York

0 T L J. U __ B. Adams, 6th Vermont, hand P. Holden. 5th Vermont, hand r. 1. Yost: 16th New York, leg. A. J. Ferry, 23d New Jersey. J . S. Malaby, 28d New Jersey, D K. Car man ,33d New Jersey, $ 8 . Yanness. 15th New Jertey B. <<ratire. 31st New York, thifb. 8. C. Bayataa, 3d Vermont. aide. 8. Pool, 23d New Jersey, hip. M

?. Tniaji, 23d New Jersey. ahwuMer. 8. Coombs, 23d New Jersey, coatusioa.

J. E. Straiten. 23d New Jersey, kbee. » J. Cocmbs, 23d New Jersey, head. E A. (.ale, 22d New Jersey.ancle John Kersley cot his own toe off to avoid going to the front. Elias Bar DOB, 2d Vermont, bead.

Niles, Co. 6 , driver, 21st New Jersey, finger. \ . C. Loom is. 2d Vermont, shoulder. . H. Outton, 3d Vermont, foot.

Rongu, 12th PeansyIvania. face and neck tain J. R. Smith. Co. C, 136th Pa., left leg, slightly

- Hastings, 2d Vermont,dead. . I). Hovey, 2d Vermont, toot

>,. Borton. 22d New York, chest. flnyter. Captain. Co. 0 , 1 5 t b N. J , leg amputated.

W. Cotrell. 23d New Jersey, leg E. C. Quick, lftth New Jersey, left side. J. Witlet.Md Kew Jersey, tog. <'. Broom, 23d New Jersey, heel. W. Allen, 23d New J.T8 ey . abdomen. A. Vamlergrief, 33d New Jersey race. a Horner. 23d New Jersey, arm. J. Reed. 23d New Jersey, contusion. P Callahan. 2d United States artillery, ankle. J. B. Crane. 33d New Jersey, face. a .-" Swan, 23d New Jersey, leg. P. H. R rK-Rfoa, 23d New Jersey J. Totte n, 23d New Jersey, tog. .T. M. Camp, 2d Vermont, arm. J. Kellenbrck. 4th New Jersey, need. M. Webt, i'.h New Jersey, leg colonel Hatch, left thigh, amputated. W. R Been, 2d Vermont, leg.

•T. S. Moore. 2d Vermont, tog. 8. H. Joy, 4th Vermcut, r o t . J. L. Harris, T2d New York, shoulder. C. Saunders, 2d' Ve> moiit, shoulder. K. Ranri. 2d Vermont, hip. WV8. Matter son. 2d Vermont, writ I.

Bobt. Pfae, 4th New Jersey, tog Steshea A Reyaolds, 1st hUaaach-ieetta Morten Nebb, 4th New Jersey. th.gh. Hugh Oaprer, 2td New Jerser, arm Isaac & Moore. 3d Penney Ivania r e s e r v e , - . - . Yyicr H. Jay, 4th Peonsylvan ia reserve, back. Frank Im So inn. 23d New Jersey." MicBaal Dyer, 2d Penneylvaala n Tbeo. Wood, 2d Pennsylvania


tblgh. thigh.

Bw«fy Fetrea,Ca, 0 , U t h B. PeJeje,Op. H . I t h New • . > , ~ 7 i Pa star. On. A . vth New York, vast

Ca. K. M t s h Peaney rran * , head

M. Foley, 2d Vermont, thigh. R Pine, 4th New Jersey, tog. H. CaproD, 3d New Jersey, arm. w. H. Emmons, 3d Vermont, beet. Wm Howe. 61at PennsyIvania.head. P M. Waugh Mb New York Militia, inee , T A. Davis. 4tb Vermont, hip. ! 1. C. Smith, td Vermont, wrist. W. P. Foster, 4th New Jersey, neck. W. Stout, 4th Hew Jersey, bead. P. 8. Andrews, 24th New Jersey, bead. Wm. Wyman, 2d Vermont, head. T. D. Sawn, 4th New Jersey, band. W. C. Cheab, 4th New Jersey tog.

1 P. Leaning, 4th Vermont, bead. W. Spam, 4th Vermont, shoulder. L. ?mith. 16th Maine, side. E. Mayan!, 4th Vermont,foot. 1. Train, 2d Vermont.thigh. R. Vulgan, 15th New Jersey, hip. T« Wood. 2d Vermont, shoulder .1. Q. A. Ditty, 2d Vermont, thigh J Watson, 2d Vermont, face. C. McCready, eth New Jersey, band. Albert A. Graves, 4th Vermont, cootutorj. Ryron Butter field. 2d Vermont, thigh, lieutenant Jat. S. Badd.Co. P. 28d N. J., tbigb, slightly. Hugh Rurns, 1st Pennsylvania artillery, head. Wm. R. Been, 2d Vermont, thigh-Wm. Joans, 141at Pennsylvania, arm. P. A. Smith, 38th New York, neck and face. Wiofleld Howe, Slat Pennsylvania, bead. 1, Campbell, 4th New Jersey, finger

J. R. ' W a s , 2d Vermont, leg. JJ. Bradford, JQd New York, arm.

B. I. Nash, Battery F, 5th artillery. J. R. Wbeehw, 2d Vermont, teg. Warren Wyman. 2d Vermont Wm. D. Lyan, Mh W iacensin, hip. t has. S. Babcock, loth Maine, arm. Lewis A. Davte, 4th Vermont, hip. J. M. Stevens, 2d Vermont, tog. H O. Kent, 4ta> Vermont, ankle. Wm. F. Nice. 1st Pennsylvania artillery, Back. Wm. Hiktretk,4th Vermont, side. Wilhs P. Marker, 4tn Vermoat, tog and knee. a. W. Ridley, SBd North Carolina, root. C. C. Stevens.Id Vermont, shoulder .1. C. Thompson, lath New Jersey, arm. C. B. Brown, Id Vermont, breast. I. L Chap, «th Vermont, pen*. C. Pear. 4th Vermont, thigh. L. 1 add 4th Termont, loot. Cyril wneafcr, Id Vermont, head. Ihoa J. Jaeoalth, 3d Vermoat, thigh. M. C. Palmar. Id Vermont, a n t . Ceo. Dane, i t h Peaney Ivania reserve, teg. John M. Reeve, lo tbj te iae , head, led. M. Sproat,4th Vermont, knee, dead. Chas. A. Sergeant, 4th Vermoat. foot. law. Lemuel Laird,4tb Vermont, ankle. M ich, Dyer, Id Vermoat. braast, CyraJ Batter, Lieut. Oo. K, 11th Pa. ret. Jan. M. Stevens, i d Vermont, tog.

C. Stever, 2d Vermont, i

Thomas 8. Andrews, 23d New F.ancie McCabc .SotU Pe PHttp Lansmg. Ith New Jersey • " * * JTrWaTPaanlj Havw >WeBgpBewCOUBB*

Wm. Stoat, 4th Maw Jersey. Levi H. Cooper, 1Mb Haw Jersey Wat. SPalr « b New Jersey* .' Bank fete, la th New Jersey, free. Ceorgo Martin, 1Mb Hew Jersey, -*-— CapUmSann.e»Csrr,CO.C, 23d New Jersey, foot. Joshua h. Joyce. U d Haw Jersey, arm. John Peterson, 23d New Jersey,root. Richard 0 . Boigin, ISth New Jersey, W. M. Ackerstoa, 4th New Jersey, r ! , iwreaee Trainer, Id Pennsylvania i Thomas D. D. Sawn. 4th New Jersey, CotoaelWm.B. Hatch, 4th New Jersey, i Major Daniel A Sharp, 106th New t e r k , I John C. Turner, 161 h Maine. hand.

Henry 8. Laird. IMth New Terk, arm. Albert Gables, Eighth Pennsylvania reeervs, , Brigadier General Gibbon, band. Edwin Martin, 2d Vermont, arm. Cyras Whitcomb, 4th Vermont, thigh. Rnfus 0 . Haywood. 4th Vermont, a m . Wm. Winrate Atb Pennsylvania reserve, arm. M. Elite, 13d New Jertey, 1 Bteasaw pharr, 4th New J « Cherlts Harrow, 4th New Jersey, face, John C. Thomson, 16th New Jersey,arar. Edward McOeatfy, 4th New Jersey, head. Wm. V Foster, 4th New Jersey, sack. Henry Kebbari, 4th Pennsylvania, neck. John Burgoo. Co. I, I th New York, arm. 8. C. Paul oth New York, arm. Jacob Boyce, co . L, Mth r^nmrylvanla, head. W. S. Plummer, Co. B, lflth Maine, bead. Sherman Sidney, Co. F. 24th New York, facn. Frank Page, Sih New York, wrist. Captain I.evi Carpenter, Mth Hew York,head. John H. Place, Co. E, 12th Maine, bead. J»mes 0 . Weaver. C9. G, I th New York, arm. F. Trask. Co. F, 26th New York, arm. John Gaurden, Co. C. 26th New York.bead. John T. Seeley. Co. B. 26th New York, tog. Albert Peters, Co. K. 11th Pennsylvania, thigh. Jas. (>uelt< n, 105th New York, hand. John W. Piper.Co. A, 104th New York, a n a . Jacob Barnes. 94th New York, arm. JacobSbeM, 18th New York. baud. W. J. Campbell, »6th Pennsylvania, leg. Wm. H. Knauas, 2d New Jersey, race. Elias tJibbe, 28d New Jersey, mm haac X. Rrannan,95tb Pennsylvania, arm. Thos, Dtirhini. o.ith Pennsylvania. Tout. Too*. Martin, 1st Pennsylvania cavalry, breast. Antliony S. Andalia, l e t Pennsylvania cavalry, shoulder. Pat. Cnodln, 96tb Pennsylvania, thigh, t.eo T. Ray bald, Fourth New 'ersey, band. Henry Strlcklen, 88ib Pennsylvania. Toot. Quae. Bocksmith. Second artillery, thigh. First Lieutenant Henry Marker, 36th Pennsylvania, root. t;omtw m R. Parker. 13th Maine, hand. Henry Ritner, l l t b Pennsylvanin. arm. Iiavid Wajrner. Co. H, 80th Pennsylvania, leg off. Sergrast John Hanson, Oo. C. 88th Pennsylvania, arm. Wm R Champney, Co. « , 13th Massaebneetts, arm. Jeremiah usbtun. Co. L,fKh New York, right side. Ltool. J. L. Rockwell. Co. D. 97th New York, foot. John W. Jaques, Ca D, I th New York, shoulder. — Lvfbrd.Co. D. 13th Hassachusetts, tec amputated. Wm. Root, Co. E,88th Ponnsylv:>th ^«"g. Wm. Crualey, Co. A, 13«th peunsy vajiia, tog ampuUted. Lieut. Geo. Fulton, Co C, 86th l't-i.t sy vania, side. S. R. Bean, Co. E, l l t b PonnsyIvania, groin. Henry Rishop Co. A, 88th Vennsvlvunia, leg.

f> Lieut. Bjrastus Mecklog, Oo. 1.4Sth New York, hand. J. D. Rowelt. Co. D, 4th Vermont, teg. Joshua Oledbell, Co. S 107 th Peaasy Ivania, hand.

The whole number ef allied, wounded and missing tat Franklin's grand division te five t h i a s s s i nine hundred end thirty-two.

THIRTY SIXTH KEW YORE. Lieutenant Robt. Kirby, Co. P, right forearm. Jno. sharhan, Co.B, thigh, slight, J. J udeun, Co. E, head, serious. Corporal Chas. W. Snell, Co. I, head slight. C- P. Tinell, Co. 1, hip and back severe.

FORTY-SECOND NEW Y O U . Peter Short, Co. A. slightly. H cole, Co. 1, knee, slightly. C. W.Moore,Co. K. Thoe. Hodge, Co. G.


JohnMcCaeker.Co. D. • woonaga.

Sergeant Schannott, Co. B. Sergeant Burke, Co. B.

Moran, Co. B. Hamabon,Co. B,

John Cook,Co. a JohnGalviB.Oii . l .


D B. Brown, Co. A. J. Evans, Co. A. J. MoNulty, Oo. A. M. Knoier, Co. C. J. G. Byram, Co. G. R. B. Jones, Co G. Corporal J. Bowman, Co. H. T McGueU, Co. H. Chas. J. Packer, Co. D. J 8pratt,Co. D.

Oo. B . i n s t Pennsylvania, right thigh « y , C V B , m m Pwasayrvaa*. finger aadars, Os. D, 11th Mafcea, back and thMaV Carr. Co. D, 4th P.aasjIiaaW, finger off W. Tyler. Kb New York, ankle iateb.Co. H.eoth New York, ebeek. Won*, O s . « , gejb Peaneyrvanm, aide Wylie, (a . B, l l t h Maamchoaette, thigh.

rsan, Co. C, 99th Pennsylvania, shoulder A. J. Andrews, Co. C, 104th Pennsylvania leg I, Co. B. 47th Psanaylvania, eye and thigh.

~ j , Co B. 94th New York, leg. JJahn Cnyte,Oo C, Bgsh PaaasyHrania, ankle.

i Rlbt. Ca. D. M Peanayrvanta ran., teg, slight. , 0 o . F, with New Yort. thigh. Ca. A. l«4tb New York, eye. , Ca. B, 11th Pennsylvania need. , t o , C, i t t h Pennsylvania, arm.

Jaha H Martia, Oo. B, 144th Pennsylvanut. jaw. «%dm J. Laaigaa. Co, A.3d Maine, band. W. Bnana.Oa. B, 94th New York, head,

iSmith Co H, 18th Maine, breast n it. Bigatow, Co. 0 , 1 4 t h Maine, teg. • W. Evans,Co. C, 11th Maine, shoulder.

, Co B, l l t b PeansyIvania, root. j a t WadsLCo. 1. lfith Maine, teg. B" r i 1* 5

c*B.MthPwansylVanta, grom. ley W h i u , C*. E. »7th Pennsylvania, teg.

toraei IrteT, Co. O.lMhMaiae. chest. Iwaw ftesa. Smith, ca E.Twenty sixth New York,thigh. I[iav at Y Early, t» . H, IMth Pennsy I van w. arm. ^ ^

i Conoe.ee. C. Nth Pennsylvania, fix* clatr, 4th Peansy tvaaia. loo .

j Jewnaan.Co, L.latMaaae.hea*' an, tftv A , aatb New York, thiga

, 0 B , L, 49th Peaasy Ivan * •> v . . . . at Injton, Co. E, 9th New York, shoulder

11. B.Ik«AU.Co M.l«tbMame. ehest ",m™mr-seat B R States, Co P, 34th New York C.Jsnaap*on, Co. A, 13th Massachusetts

, Ca. E , l»th Mnasachoaeus. IR Caatter l l t b Pewaaytvaaia. tide.

Mth New York, tog. Stisana,99th Pennsylvania, tec. , Co. B, 14th htaiae, ana . '

ell, Co. G 24th New York, thigh.

Sreenter Bowman, Co. D. 24th New York, forehead. . H Vatesa.Ca. A, 14th Maine, thigh.

.Co B, 107tb Feansylvana.< Co 1, thigh.

• STth New York. m\ 3S« w Tor It | b^evd.

, 4wHJB M C W Y ClaP» t aaaw0kMWT.

1,43d New York, thigh.

M. Stoat,


IJnwA. P C ktarwar.Co 6 ,49 thNew York,amputated 1

jeam aaraaaar, ana s«ew Torn, race. «BJL ^ B a k a r , 49th New York. hip)e<nL jjm Bry<he,9ChNew York MiBtm, teg.


Lyman Smith, Mth Maine, side Jeel Bruce, 4th Vermont. back.

»«e. thigh, thigh.

Ate*. Cam

i New York . 4*h Vermont, thigh.

Davte, 2d United states artillery, face ., VTwfi 2 w 9 V Y C k t m , BawajtW. V

Ca. C, 24th New York, thigh. a, Co. P , 9th New York, lag. On. P . Mah htmaa, thigh.

C o . B . 1 4 t » -, 0 B V C , 1

Alfred Taggart. wttb Peansy Ivania. thigh. E O. smlli van, Id artillery, bath tegs. A. 8. High. 4th New Jersey, head, mortally, Tobias 6 . Painter, 11th Pennsvrvania. tog. Ceo. W. Eba, 11th Pennsylvania, breast. Uwreaea Match, 16th New York, ark. Col Coulter. 11th Pennsylvania, left side, severely. Samuel A. Ward, l l t b Pennsylvania, right shoulder. Jas. Khafer, 11th Pennsylvania, bead. Jos. H. Low, 11th Pennsylvania, leg John Ayers, 136th Pennsylvania, head. Henry Walker, 136th Pennsylvania, arm. John Van Sand, 11th Pennsylvania, tbigb. William B. Brown, 12th Massachusetts, leg. Chariea C. Bartwell, 2d Vermont, bean. lames Haakina. 119th Pennsylvania, thigh. D L. Eaton, 97th New York, leg. A. B Reck with. 2d Vermont, shoulder. Brooks McCloud. 2d Vermont, face. i First Lieut, P. A Delworth, Co. H, 136th Pennsylvania,

face, severely Peter B. Chace, 2d Vermont, hand. Alton Hopeoo,4th Vermont, thigh. James G. Reeves, lfith Maine, face, severely. G. W. Doty,2d Vermont, leg. Orlando Morten, Sash New York. band. Michael Wagoner, 40th New York, leg. G. G. Centre,2d Vermont, shoulder. Rufus Haywood. 4th Vermont, arm. Abram Young, 38th New York, tbigb. Rhodoinhus Clement. 4th Vermont, arm. Wm. Seortati,2d Vermont, arm. S. T. Betas, 26th New York, hand. Jeremiah Pbiluvigr, l l t b Pennsylvania, stemaeb. Wm. B Miller, 11th Pennsylvania, ana . " Jones, 2«tb New York, arm. Henry Osgood, 9th New York, hip. Alexander Blair. 26th New York. Lewis Mcpherson, 4th New Jersey, arm Detoe W. Dasator. J21»i New York, arm and ehest. John B> Hovons. 33d New York, tog. David Franklin, 97lh New York, leg Joanna Giadheli. 107th Pennsylvania, finger. Major C C Knight. 119th Pennsylvania, shoulder. Stephen Washington, ;tb Wisconsm. scalp. Edwd. Cunningham, i» i Maine cavalry, face. Philip Suatrow, w7thNew York. arm. Cornelius Bams, 21st New Jersey, side. Samuei Davidson, 136th Pennsylvania, foot. Henry Strickland Satb Pennsylvania, foot. *im.u T. Stewart, 11th Pennsylvania arm.

S2M?*!, - ^ S , 1 : l!0M*;sd bri« M diT- •ide.m'ly. Joe. W H n s h , 136th Pennaytonia, head. Gea.N. Seetey, 134th lencsytvania,

44th Kew York, abould< Peat, lad New Jersey, bin. Date*, 14th New Jersey, cnest. ajjaghar, 44th New York, band.

^ B ^ g M N e w J e r ^ . a r m


*ton«.0a. A, l t t h Haw York, l Mt George Yates, 4th Mlel Stewart, l e t hUahigaa. hm

»eA GrnmwaU, Cn. D, M t h J tehatey, Co. K, 17th Herat

iT. Lane, Co. K, 3*11 ^ Hoi toeLCh.C,14thl Bd.H.Bwlf t .Cn.C,18th: 0 . P. IjBAh.Oe.C.lal Lasat. Pnank Btos, Oa A.WUasa ,OB.C, l s tU„ ThoaasaUvlB.Os . l .BtBl Lienleasit Edwin Bonoott. Cs, B, t h t 1 G. Stafe. Co. C . U t h New York, side. Prank Pass, Co. C. lSth New Y o r k , « rtergt. T. OrrBoott.Co. K . a E d r B. H. C k l i n i B . c n . A,23d Maaw M. rjoyss,«k>.A,26th New York, hip.

Murray, t^. F, 163d New York, thigh. Pat, knright, Co. G, 22.1 Massacbuaetts, groin. John W. Jones, Co. E, 22d MBiaathasillB. teg. Captain Preach, Co. H, 4th Michigan, hand. P . 8 . Maaaard,Co. A. n t h Massachusetts, teg. Albert Bjtofcer, On. B, 14th New York, shoulder.

o. Milter,Co. A. 14th New York, band. B. Hen H I , On. A, U s t New York.

«aa ,Co. D, 16th Michigan, head. , CO. P, 44th New York, leg. Imon Patnam, Co. G, 144th Pa., tog and i

Pat. Dosewlly, Co. 1,118th Pennsylvania', teg. Pal. CBrteo, Oo. C, la t Michigna, leg. M. Rttta,Oo. 0 ,17th New Yerk. head. E. Haggorty.Oo.E,83dNew W k , l e g . J. B. Keaoedy.Oo. D,g3dNo.r Yvrk,arm. Jna. D. Oallins, Co. D, 22d htaistacJjagdiig, slightly.



— . . . . . i

IwljjalUl j n # ^ l l w t c n t . |Vi TO THR nsrroB o r TBYB BB»ULB

I Rnd ks ywor rsapar eg yesterday ateraeng, hat or kilted and ...uadad ef the Hksth r«..«ent Haw YorkBUtsHMsMa, the nana* of mysoa. 1 aanejrwaJKdw

. • i • l ^ ^ • ^ . • • (

**Jf faw*M falgamg) enggao . ^ A * s W V 4 aaasaal 1 v v l • ajsavPaa UfahsVnn ^ gg.igpgjr hansw

.pt.» of hm eosapaay, were all m this city last Friday. which seems ta ha awaflrmed from the tact that

#woandwd hi the name of Captain Hendrlckaon, ending Ninth pegimeat Hew York Suta Militia. Asa iber. may 1 ask the saaatls* why these efloers are m

• aH:''aw*

a s : ' ' *"»1 *»VI k-


mmjuummmm MJHW

"804 ItATAT-

' -*'7's» . -, *

i i i i i .

icily? A FATHER.

r G e m . K l u a t M a l l a t W * a a \ l n i g t a » .

Wawnwoiini, Dee 16,1862 I arrivals here fct tfeat eg General Nathan

ktmoail , of Indiana, who was wounded at the burg battle ia the thigh. The wound hi,

wtth twenty

T h e S e a t t L.tfe G u a r d a t F V e d e r l e t e e b w r g .

The Fourth regiment New York Vohwteers (First Seott Ltfe Guard) suffered heavily an Satarday At Fredericks burg. OBtaneJJ. D MacgTegor, the commander of there , gimeat, was wounded, end up to the time ef ear advtees the ball had net been extracted.





-», •

haw, 13d .New Jersey, bank. ., SM Maw Jersey, tog. wan, BM New Jersey, hand. David B.

0 . H. MelSebttry. 33d New Jersey" hand. John P. Brink, 15th New Jersey' hand. Randolph Barte, 15th New Jersey, chest. Cnteher T. Rackafeltow, 15th New Jersey. arm. Frank Sanders, 4tb New Jersey, arm • Charles Brisoy 23d New Jersey, shuulder. Wdiiarn Alien. 23d New Jersey, " Jacob Hirah, i t h New Jers Oliver Saarte. Mh Vermont

Jersey, oa< aout, band.

J. Bates, CO. A. Owenlinnegan.Oo B. Wm. Ayree, Co. B.

Wilham.Oe B. M. Murphy,Co. B. Corporal Thomaa O'Brien, On, 4V J. Glenn, Co. C. Stephen Malone, Oo. a James Mciiuin, Co. C. George Cook, Co. C. Corporal C. B Trowdet, Cti D, T. Files, Co. D. H. Baker, Oo. D. J.Deway.Ce. D. P Mack, Co. E. E. H.Bationa.Co. B. M. Berger, Co. P. R Regan, CO. F.

PolUr.Co. V. Sentor,Oo.f;

— Windsor, Co. P . Slattay.Oo. F;

Corporal Praaklia, Co. P j J. E.GIbbe,Oo. P. • • Corporal J. Sawney, On. Qa J. H Grissom.Oo G. H. Gaynor, Ca. (i. Wm Hani. Co G. Corporal J. Lyons, Oo. G. Wm. Scott, Oo. G. H Smith, Co. H. B. English, Co. H. P. English, Ce. H.

Quinn.Co. H. Patterson, Oo. B, McAnally Co. H.

Corporal FarolaUae, Co. P. Burns, Co. I. J. Taner, Co. I. L. Dolan, Co. I. N, Nellte, Co. I. J. Banker,Co. I. C. SarreU,Co,L S. Woodcock, Co. I . T. Banker, Co. L Sergeant Brown, Co. K. Corporal Anderson, Oo. K. B. Tyson. Co. K.

Mathol.co K. Blydenburg, Co. K.

M. T. Crane, Co. K. Second Lieutenant B. Keene, Co. P. Second Lieutenant T. Butler, Oo. p . First Lieutenant G. W. Whitmore, Oh. D. Second Lieutenant G. H. Scboonmaker Co P. First Lieutenant J. Buckler, Oo. H. Captain J. Stewart, Co. P. ADDITIONAL NAMES OE IILLED AND WOUNDED IN THE

SECOND AHaTY C0*T8. Major General Hancock, slightly. Lieutenant Miller„aid to General Hancock, slightly. Lieutenant Roberta, aid to General Hancock, wounded, lieutenant Parker,aid to General Hancock wounded. Major N. G. Troop, 67th New York. Lieutenant Latty, Adjutant 62d New York, killed Captain Wiekto.commanding 66lh New York, killed. Lieutenant R. 9. Alcoek, 57th New York, arm amputated. Lieutenant Paul M. Pod, 57th New York, killed Captain Bartboll, 64th New York, wounded. Captain Hammlll, 66th New York, wounded' Captain A. H. Wright, 67th New York, slightly. Lieutenant Alvord,General Caldwell's s u a . slightly. Lieutenant Smith, Co. K, 72d Pennsylvania slightly. Lieutenant nobleman, 72d Pennsylvania, seriously. Lieutenant Flood, 49th Pennsylvania, slightly. Lieutenant Seymour, Co G, 59th New York killed. Captain Reynolds Co. D, 54tb New York, seriously Lieutenant Helghtman, Co. D, 59th New York, slightly. Lieutenant Peacock, Co. K, 59th New York, ankle Sergeant D. W. Miles, Co. E, 59tb New York, killed. Sergeant P. V. Kelly,Co. A, 59th New York, killed. Lieutenant Colonel Baxter,7th Michigan, shoulder Lieutenant Colonel Giiliely. 5th Michigan, kilted.


F, 4th Michigan, leg 0 . M. Dotey, Ca. P, i t h MJeJMgM. sho Jobo Father. Co. D,Mb. Michigan,shoulder. C. fulmar, Co. H, 118th Pennsylvania, that*. W. L Harmou.Co. H, 118th PenneyIvauia, back. John Haftua, Co. E. 8Mb Pennsylvania, tog. S. Barn, Co. E. 1st Michigan, tag and shoulders. J. B. Fisher, Co. H, 114th Pennsylvania,arm amputated A Ray,Co. F,«2dPennsylvania,ahoulder. 8. W . F i t u , Co. H,22d Massachusetts, ' N. B Muwget, Co. F , 22d Maasacbusetta, 0 . Walker.Co. K, U d Massachusetta. left H. C Gardner, Co, 0 . 8 3 d Masamahnsatts, left aid*. R. N. K l a a . Co. F.22d Massachusetts, neek. gargasnaBoek, Co. C, 22d Massachusetts, toft tog. John Hartter, Co. E. 22d Massacbiuwtu. toft breast Pat Inwrtght, Oo. B , 22U Maasaehnsatta, groin. C. G. Llaaoln, Co. C, 2ad Massachusetta. arm. S. 8. Stevens,Co 1,22d Mass., right thigh and arm. Sergeant L. L. Cmae.Co. C. 22d Massachusetu, toft thigh. James Rtonardson. Ci. B, 23d Massachusetts, abdomen. B. P. Brawn, Co. C,22d Massachusetts, left hip. Walter 8. Craft, 2d Co. S. 8 , thigh. LtouL Edwin C. Bennett, Cn. E, 22d Maeeachusettt, fhes. W. C. Craig, Oo. H. 22d Massaehusaua, foot. G. N. Pearce, U d Massachusetts, left teg. WashtegBoa Hasp, On. B, 84th Pennsylvania, thigh. Jacob BSatten, <b. B, Mth Pennsylvania, back. Sergeant W. H. Hilton, Co. K, 62d Pennsylvania, foot. Hiram Keag, Co. H. 20th Maino, band. N. Hemoaway.Co. H. *» l Haaaachusette,ankle. Wm. Dover, Co. H, 47th Michigan, finger. M. Y. Woodworth, Co. H, 1Mb New York, shoulder. Chas. Haskins.Co. F , 4 t h Rhode totead, teg. 9. K. Camaghau.Co A, 62d ronnsylvanla, arm. John P. McCurry, Co. B, 624 i'eunsyIvania, arm. J. C. Hamilton, Co. 1,16th Connecticut. f>. P. Sibley. Co, B, S3d I'ennsy lymiia, cheek. John A. Wisot, Co 1.26th New Jersey, jaw. S s . Richards, Co. K. 20th Maine, htp. -Lieutenant Wm. II. Johnston,fo. C, U2d Pcunsylv'a, head. Jas. Bam, Co. G, 44th New York, finger,

os. Orr.Co. I^63d Pennsylvania, head. Wm. H Beads. Co. F . 8»d Pennsylvania, shoulder. Vat. McPariand, Co. F. 62d Pennsylvania, l.-md. Jas. Nettigan.Co. K, 28th Massachusetts, arm amputated. Pergeaat Harrison Kclley, Co. K. 44th New York, arm. Lieutenant Phillip 1). Aloater,Co. C, 14tb N. Y.. chest. Jacob Saul, Co. C, 14tb Now York, arm. Captain A. P- Wilson, Co. » , 2d Maine, head. Jas Rowel. Co. C 44th New York, liack. l-at Bryan,Co B,44th New York.har " Jas. Wejsh, Co. F,44tli New York, IJUVI H. Coteon,Co. K, 20th New York', lung. Captain W. R. Longer. Co C,2d Maine, teg Corroral Anson E. Wakekme, Co. l / i o t h Michigan, head. Lieut. Terrence Cook,Co. C,25tb New York. bead. Kdward Thorp. Co. I), 44th New York, hand. chAiincay H Batl .Co. D, 44th NAw York, arm. char lea B. Young, Co. K, 7th Rhbde Island, face. Wm. J. Berden, to . B, 44th N«w^ork, band. Perry Iattham.Co. B, i t t h New York, finger. Sereouat James A. Young, Co. 1.13th New York, root. >ecoud Lieut A. C. Whitoumb, Co. F, 2d Maine, tog. George So wait, Co. F, 118th Pennsylvania. Sergeant Natt. Weacatt, Co, D, 2Mb Now York, hip. Lewis Labou, Co. B, 1st Michigan,' ley. T. H. Stuart, Co. 0 , 1 s t Michigan, shoulder. Sargeas* Rice, Co. F, l e t Michigan, lag. J. Hatch, Co. G, 1st Michigan head. Alfred Jennings. Co. A, 44th New York, teg. Sergeant Floyd, Co. 1,45th Masanebusetui, band. Chas. H Gardner, Co. D, 10th New Hampshire, arm. Seward Chas. H. Hitter, Co. F, 7lh Rhode Island, tog. Corporal J. K.Holt, Co. K, 4th Michigan, arm. Wm. Patterson, 7th Maine, abdomen Sergeant Field, C0. B , 20th Maine, head. Corporal N. Alien, Co. K, 2d Maine, thigh. D. O'Nad, Co. II, 16th Michigan,hand. George Brown, Co. H, 16th Michigan, shoulder. Wm. Jones, Co. D. 25th New York, chest. John Jordan, Co. H, 7th Maine, thigh. John Carter, Co. E, 4th Michigan, back. M. Rosa, Co. I, 4th Michigan, bead. J. Wertgode,0o. D,32dlaasaachuset8, arm. G. Michaels, Co. D. 32d Massachusetta, hand. S. Carr. Co. K, 1st Michigan, side. F. Mitchell, Co. C, 44th New York, leg. E. Pollard. Co. E, 13th New York. teg. J. Mccarty, Co. P . 13th New York, arm. S. A. BonncH, Co. C, 11th Massachusetts, thigh, J. Martin, Co. K.62d Pennsylvania, lung. Captain N. C. Beak, Oo. D,62d Pennsylvania, thigh. J. MoRae, Co. C, 16th Michigan, head. Honry Walker, Co. D, 25th New York, leg. X. K. haloomb, Co. P . 4th Michigan, hand. D Clinton Fair, Co. B, i t h Michigan, breast and arm. N. S.Babinson.Co. F.32d Massachusetts, breast, c. H. Hunger, Co. F, 14th New York,face. Sergeant F. G. Palmer, Co. G, l e t Wilmington, arm C. Carroll,Oo. C, N t h New York, thigh. R. N. f erru , Oo. D, 146th Pennsylvania, tag. W. H. Skinner, Co. D, 145th Pennsy Ivania, legs. Jamee-Osgood, Co. D, 12th New Hampshire, root. Samuel Pussell, Co. 1,12th Rhode Island, neck. Jan. J. Brown, Co. D, 624 Pennsylvania, arm. John Fleming, Co. D, 624 Pennsylvania, face. Dennis Durkajr,Co. B, 9th Massachusetts, leg. Job Bearce, Co. B, 24th Maine, face. Joe. Wcttmore, Co. E, 14&tb Pennsylvania, leg. J .C. Ringer, Co. G, 7th Rhode Island, legs H. C.Btone, Co. B, 4th Michigan, breast. Sergt. dark , Co B, i t h Pennsylvania. Cared. IV * . Btoir, Oo. 1,118th Pennsylvania, tag. Sergt. L. M. Harmer.Co. H, 114th Pennaolvania, hack. Jas. T. Couch, Co. H, 624 Pennsylvania. Sergt. N. W. Haines, htoesachuaetu sharpshooters, tog Jan. 8 . Wesley, Co. K, 18th New York,arm. John Stoddard, Co. A, 13th New York. arm. N. Glasgow, Oo. A, 18th Raw Yoek, lunge Nelson Marten. Co. P, l t t h New York, thigh. Pat Dowatey, Ca. 1,118th Pennsylvania, thigh. N . J . Stack,Co. E, 13th New York,hand. Pred. Protey, oo. B , 18th Hew Terk, shoulder. John H Miller, Co. A, 11th Pennsyrvaala, fane. Otie Me*ennedy. Oo. B, 62d Peaaaylvaaia, arm. Lieutenant Wm. B. MoBlgoaawrp.O*. E, 6*d Pennsylvania,

A i d i t er t t e e

ALSAVT, Dee. 15,1462

the seat of war to render gratuitous services ea the battle stotoef Fredericksburg.

Haw HAIBW, Conn.. Dec 16,1442. Heat. Ma Cos, of Waterbury. Dr. Ihwasead, of Raw

Haven; Dr 8. 8. Salisbury. ef Plymouth, and Ms, Bodge. ef Oniebrook, a committee appamted by the General As scmbly of Connecticut to make wewtekaa for wwanded ^Idiersko Virginia, left New Haven this eveaing for the gamp at Fredericksburg.

THE REBEL ACCOUNTS. {From the Rtohmoad Whig, Dec. 12.J

latPORTANT FROM PTUtDUUCKastme— ArnbTPT OF TH* IN1HT TO CROS8 TH* RArTAIIANNOCE— TBM FNHT-IMO COMMKNCES. Tho eity was much excited y a m i any by reports that

thanhowtloa army had oommaaoad a demoastratioB a t Fredarteksburg. and were making an attempt to cress the RappahauiK ck river la fosoe. Bat little information eoaM ha obtained dartag the nay, beyond the fact that a fight was »• >rogrees. sad the anxiety ef the people was sessewh••• l.eved by a report, apparently reliable, that theencii aid bean reps teed with considerable slaaghr • tar. Ti.. radarickabnrg train arrived late m the even -

at Wwdaa, North caraitaa, i (oawaa rtvar.

j r . the Army of the Stack water, cxatatettog af d arwea, fermmg a grand drvteioa of the army.

General rotter will orimmaait the teft 4rv Mieea—fermiag a earns eraraw.

General Peek wSi coasnumd the right' c / n * oTermat af three divisions.

Gaaaral Aagur win o divtoteaa.

GanaraJBaaory wil l ! — .a -. W a ^ H ^ A a ^ •• • a • • •

pesea er twerve trusty t - , „ , , - , tory and two so>tadroct of cavalrv

General Banks is already advancing, having fenaed a junction with our troops at dafltaek. General Patter'» army has jatued him by this time.

It may he that Weidon wUl be taken immedtatety, kng Petersborg mast fall la a few days , white b^ramde a drtvtog La* hack upon Richmoiwf to reearve the • tesj toss o f the terk ' from General Banks as he < retreat to Lynchburg or Danville.

General Banks has fall praaeasten ef the Roanoke Railroad, and ate future supplies win by two other rented besides this one.

Thus far the movement may he considered a great see. eee*, aad, white Ha asasnralliiag effects ufxm the enemy will be vary great, Ms effect ansa the spirit of ta* Northern people will be most salutary.

Expert stirring news from the Army of the Btacfcwatea •*wry .


-Important Reettuotssiiiee la Ftrcvv

I!,u.*r Brigadier itf DcraJ Ftrry, u tlic BlackWeUere

tei'aiii a i i i V X b n n A n i ' 'ii'wBB

Th e Capture of a Kebel Cap tain and Twelve Men.

Ou p Lroii Th pee Kil led tVounded,


Sergeeat T. ssnith, 0*. C, 18th Massaahusetts, thigj*. rgesstt W T H U I S , Co.E, gb* Pennsylvania.geat. rparal If. W. KrotU, Co. B.Ofid PenMylvante,haad.


Captaui Huaglaad, 12th New York. Adjutant Clark, i t h Michigan. Corporal En- Piatt, i t h Massachusetts Battery.

Colonel Sweitaar, commanding brigade, slightly Lieutenant Colonel Connor, commanding

YwA,— 4Mh Hew

, Co. 1,184* Maaeaclsaawlta, G. C. Raymead, Co. C, 4Mb New York,hen. Corporal W. J. Goodman. Co. B , 44th New York, tblgh. at. Haywood, Co. B, ,42d Pennsylvanin, arm. J. Saeat, Oo. B, 4 i th New York, hand. Adjutant J. C. Hedges, 18th New York, arm. W. W McMastars, Co. H, 145th Pennsylvania, tag. T. K. Beaay , Co. R, 45th New York, neck W. Smith, Oa. 1,1st Michigan, hand. Color Sergeant Wm. Neal, 25th New York, killed. G. C Bead,Co. C, 1st Michigan, both legs. Corporal W. A. Shepard, Co. A, 89th New York, fingers

ampatated. Henry C. Adams, Co. A, 89th New York, hip. Root. Pay,Co. 1,10th New Hampshire, back. Wm. B . Bead, Os. A, 118th Pennsylvania,jaw. Corporal A. Houuston, Oo. G, 25th New York: both thighs. Daniel Heak, Oo. B, 4th Michigan, feet. John Mevdns, Co. K, 44 th New York, finger. Jas. Bsfferman, Co. F, 32d Massachusetts, head. Corporal Thoe. Stokes, Co. 1,2d Maine, hand. John White, Co. 1,1Mb Massachusetts, thigh. Henry Hammersly, Co. B, 62d Pennsylvania, hand. Frank Jonas, t o . I, l i t * New York, shoulder. Jno. Bock,Co. 1.14th New York, thigh. Sergeant H. A, Horton, Oo. E, 25th New York, side. BenJ. sharp, Co. 1,1st Michigan, abdomen. C Favor, Co. C, 13th New York, font. J. Hoagbman, Oo. D, 83d Pennsylvania, tbigb. Saml. Routb .Co. G, 62d Pennsylvania, shoulder. Ed. McCabe, Co. M,62d Pennsylvania, hand. Color Sergeant Jas. B. Stone, 44th New York, arm. Corporal R. F. Buchanan. 44th New York, shoulder. J. Smith. Co. M, 62d Pennsylvania,face. G. N. Poteom, Oo. 1,36th Massachusetts, bead. Sergeant A. U. Smith,Co. F, 7th Rhode Island, side.

CASUALTIES IN SYKKS' DIVISION. Capt. Jas. Lawrence, l l t b United States infantry, throat. Lieut. Gensil. i t h United States infantry, hip. Capt. HcLandbing, 17th United States infantry, groin. Wm. Stnbhng, Co. A, 24 infantry, bead. Jno. Rich, Co. E, 17th infantry, thigh.

Cooley.Co. B,2d infantry, ankle. Nathl. Thomas, Co. A, 17th infamy, hand. Robt. McFeeter, Co. B, 24 United States infantry, side. Taos. Wallace,Co. B, 2d United States infantry, bip. M. MaDoneugb, Co. K, 24 infantry, thigh. John Her tor, Co. G, 11th infantry, ankle. Samuel Bowyer.Oo. G, 19th mfantry, back. R. Pear,Co. B , 3 4 infantry, leg. John Fterc, Co. H, 11th infantry, thigh. Pat. Muliery, Co. A, 11th infantry, thigh. John Hopkins, Co. G, 11th infantry, back. M. Hsato, Co. E . l l t h infantry, arm. C. W. Bain, l i l b infantry, abdomen. Corporal Newton Wolf, t o . A. 12th infantry. A. Sauve.Co A , l l t b imantry, thigh. Thoe, Nichols, Co. H. 4th infantry, leg. Lieut, Andrew Knight,Co. A, l l t b infantry, head. J. Maber, Co. F, i t h lntantry, teg. C H. Wilson,Co. G, 5th New York, chest. Thomas Reams, Co. K, 3d infantry, bead. John Muller, Oo. H, 16th infantry, bead. Cbartee Hall, Co. D. 144th New York, teg. C6tatuaba,0o. D, 17th infantry, teg. Corporal J. McNally, Co. 6 , 6 t h infantry, head. Jerome Puluski,Co. P , l l t b infantry, scalp. Corporal Richard Fitzgerald, Co. B, l l t b infantry, Isaac Schmit, Co. H, l l t b infantrv, foot. Sergeant W Crampton, Co. K, 7th infantry, shoulder, A. Brooks,6th infantry, bead.



u - , . „ Tripp, Co. G. 17th infantry, leg. — Brake, Co. C, 3d mfantry, throat.

,Cn. A, I2t* mfantry. lag

lag, an.: aaseogers fully the ball bad opened,and that the army of Buraside wae endeavoring to execute the long sinaiteg threat of march­ing upon the "rebel capital." It was Impossible, how­ever, to gather any connected er really intelligible state­ments, as the train left Hamilton Station, five miles this aide of Fredericksburg, before one o'clock P . B . . and the passengers received their information from such soarees as they were enabled te communicate with at that dis­tance.

This was, in effect, that the enemy, at five o'clock in the morning, attempted to cross the river at three points, namely:—Knox's mill ,above the town; at the railroad bridge, about tbe centre, and at Deep run (AKred Ber­nard's place),a mile and a half or two mites below. They were first discovered in the act of constructing pontoon bridges, and our sharpshooters, stationed la the rifle pKs on this side ot the river, set to work to prevent the execution of this design if possible. We era told that they poured volley after volley into tne Yankees, who were ootnpolled to de-ist trom their operations at the two upper posiuona; but at Does run our soon were di­rectly exposed to the fire of the enemy's artillery, and could do little or nothing to check tho progress of their work.

In the course of the morning several shell were thrown into the town of Fredericksburg In m the heights across the river, and battered down a house belonging to George P. King, near the railroad depot. Another house, in tho lower part of the town, owned by a Mr. Vaughn, was set on firo by a shell and destroyed. We bear, also, that Jacob Grotz, acttizen, was killed, and bis brother George wounded. There is also a report of the wounding of a Mr. Scott, and a lady and children; but this is not entirely reliable.

The statements of tosses on either side are various. Tho Yankees, from all accounts, suffered heavily frem the fire or our sharpshooters. It the enemy ban succeeded in crossing the river at Deep run, we may hear stirring news frem that direction to-day.

[Prom the Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12. | HEAVY PIOKTING AT FUEDBRICKSBTmO.

Despatches received by the government from Prejc rickaburg up to half-past twelve o'clock on yesterday, state that at half-past five la the ttoraiug the enemy at­tempted to lay down pontoon bridges at three points—one at the sight ef the railroad bridge, Which apanaed the rfrer at the tower end of the town; another at the ford above the town, ana between It and Ea)mouth, and the third below the mouth of Deep run, which i s , pebapa, three mites below the city.

The attempts at toe first named points were repulsed with considerable teas to the enemy, our sharpshooters and skirmishers co-operating with the artillery in the affair. At the tower poiaw, the pontoniers were protected frum the fire of our artillery by the river bluff, and the command of the position by the enemy's guns rendered sharpshooters unavailable. At barf-past twelve the bridge was reported as nearly complete. There had, ef coarse, been no attempt at creasing, and the plateau on which the enemy's troops would appear ea ascending the bluff would be swept by our batteries, fa* they should venturfto cross, as It was hoped thev would.

The troops engaged were Loastreet's. The caanonad-ng was very severe. Passengers report that several

houses were burned during the fight. Any further parti­culars before going to press will be appended

P. S — A despatch from Fredericksburg, dated at e l l o'clock, says that the enemy were than crossing on their pontoon bridge.

Reaching the southern bank, they will ha tt* sheltered nook, between the bluff and the river. Twte space as of horseshoe shape, and sntDcienl.pernape, to contain tea thousand man. Above and below it te said that the bluff approaches the river,and tne channel the southern shore, so that the enemy cannot march up er down the river under cover of the bluffs. Their only course te to ascend the bluffs, when they win he covered by our batteries.

We shall not be surprised to learn that this ascent of the bluffs was made under cover of last night's darkness, and that the attempt brought on a Bight battle.

The house of Wm. B . Vaughan, on the river road, was set on fire by n shell aad burned: also that of George King, near the depot. Shells passed through the house of Rev. Dr Broad us, and that Of Mr. J. P. Scott The steeple of the Baptist church was shot away, and some anuses m the upper part of the town destroyed

Jacob Grotx, an old citisen, was killed, and bis brother George waaadsd, by the explosion of a shell.

Ahsat thirty of ear wounded men, wa understand. were brought dawn teat night an the tram


i and en the opposite number of rifle pita

a much

Oaur A c e w m m t a a i t i k e Aceoamt of R a t a l i k e A f f a i r .

Wimnse ioa , Dec 16,1868. On Wednesday evening ear ganheats at Pert Royal,

about twenty-seven miles from Fredericksburg, ware Bred lato by a rebel battary rrom the shore, supposed u> num. her twenty heavy guns.

One or the rebel ahottMruck a coal schooner, wounding who has tinea died.

shot struck she Cumtuck no t h e larboard side, pushing Into th* engme room and wounding H. P. Smith, of Rhode leland, who has since d ied , also wounding Jere­miah Dmiy dangeroualy, and two ethers slightly.

The Bring was very rapid and continued until sundown, when the rebel batte rtes were silenced.

Two schooners at the commencement of the fight were lying directly in range of the rebel guns near the shore, but were brought off safely by the Teaser

Onr gunboats laidnoff the shore until morning, when they again opened upon the rebel battery, but met with no response.

T h e R e b e l A c c o u n t . [From the Richmond Enquirer, Dec. 12.J

THE 8HBLLINO OF POST HOTiL. 0" Thursday evening test our batteries, stationed hot j

above and below tne town, opened fire on the gunboats, which were anchored tn toe stream, Just opposite, con­sisting or the Freeborn, the Anacosta, Live Yankee and Resolute.

The firing lasted about an hour and a half, and was very rapid. During the bombardment eleven bouses were struck—four of which were completely riddled, and were, if anything, the best in the village, being the resi­dences of Dr. Drquhart, Mrs. Lucy Thornton, R. H Pen­dleton and Mrs. Parker. No one was hurt, though grape wae fired upon the women and children as they were leaving tne town. It ia proper to say that no notUte&iion was given by the abolitionists of their intention to shell. After the bombardment they dropped down the stream some seven miles. It ia thought the gunboats were struck several tunes.

The tieople of the town are now scattered, like those or Fredericksburg, in the farm bouses and cabins of the adiacent country. During the night many of the women and children who bad been driven out had no other shel­ter than the woods. ^


T t e e P n l l s u l e l P i a l m R e p o r t s o f B a a k i a n d A H t t e e O t t a e r O e o a r i n l s .

[From the Philade^hia Press, Dec. 15.1 ODK TBOOFB LAND*!) AT WINTtW-JPNCTION WITH

THE ARMY OF TH» BLACkWATER. lmnortant movemeota are on foot In Eastern North

CarobnV Twelve ra iment , left Newborn on Saturday Some thms their destination is Wilmington; but the more «neral belief is that they demgn an attack on Wttdan and

^ t a S u n d e y two transports^aod five gnaboau ascended thaCnowan river,and a land force of ten thousand men w "re seen in motion from SiBolk, indicating a move on

WTbe3,Ratoigfa Proem* announced the landing of a large federal force in Gates county, ir ibis be true aa ;nim*-im^ m a c k oa Weldon may lie etpet-iad.


WsaaawaTCw*, Dec 14,1462. During the day the city was filled with rumors in re­

gard to Banks expedition. Some reported that it had been landed at the bead ef the York river, and all asaasjj that tt bad not gone sooth of Hatteraa.

I have iust received Informauoa from good authorlty

E leper*

OftYr S u f f o l k C o r r e s p o n d e n c e . BcFfout, Va., Dec. 13,1162.

On Thursday noon last a column under the conwnand ef Brigadier General Parry left bare for the purpose ef en­gaging the attanUoa of the enemy at the BUckwater Ttee column consisted ef cavalry, artillery and eight i ef infantry. A pontoon train, made of old canal 1 rrom the canal which rasa through the rhesus! was also Mine hat ta the expedition.

The column proceeded on the South Quay halted for supper about six o'clock, having tkaa advanced about tan miles. They next moved on towards the Black water, which tbey expected to reach about two Ceteek next morning, but the wagons were laden so heavily with the pontoon boats that a detention of several hours waa caused by their sinking deep into the muddy cypress swamp, through which a portion of the road tay. It was •teemed important that the column should reach the Black water before daylight, and the pontoon tram would have been left behind to enable it la do so, but the road being exceedingly narrow, with deep ditches on each side, it was found impossible for the cavalry and infantry, which were behind them, to pass, and in some cases a delay of two hours would ensue. Day­light, there;ore, revealed the advancing feros to too enemy, it not arriving at the Black water before tux o'clock yesterday morning

This afterwards proved to be of little account, as the rebels must have had timely warning of our approach a t least two days previously. The passage of the river had been perfectly free of obstructions, white now pitas of timber and CAWMMS ale frm lay ia it,

side a heavy block house and a targe bad baa* constructed to assist in repelling an mvedmg enemy. To add to ijie difficulty of fording tne river t n * water, which twb days pre vteusly had not been more than irem two to thret feat deep, had now risen to twic* that depth, so that the cavalry, instead of walking acrees, were canape Wed to swim over to the opposite side m tbo face of n prepared enemy.

But for these difficulties a plan, first suggested by Gea Ferry, and afterwards ordered by Gen. Peck, must have succeeded admirably. It was this to mount two or three companies of infantry behind the cavalry, ford the rtvar* dismount the infantry, drtva the enemy from the heavy underbrush, and hold hint la check until the pontoon bridge was lain across. By this plan a crossing of the Blachwater would have been effected without the aid ef artillery, as it was believed the heavy guns wauto

the enemy at Wakefield and Franklin, and, superior faros being at both these ptaosa,

a rapid reinforcement could hare been sent by railroad, and the fresh troops being than precipitated in over-* whelming numbers upon onr force would compel them to rail back. This afterwards proved correct.

Two companies of the Thirteenth Indiana were a n * mounted behind the cavalry, and the whole attempted to crow, but were met witto such severe voUles of musketry and artillery from tbe opposite bank, which, added to the unexpected depth af the water, rendered the crossing impossible without serious loss of life. The whole were, therefore, recalled. Three pieces of artillery, under the command of Captain Howard, were now ordered up, and. cboosiagA favorable position for tbe guns, a heavy Are of shell and canister waa opened upon the rebels, which soon drove them rrom the bank, and, tbe firing still ceatiae-ing, tbey retreated aad fell beck out of range to the thick woods and undergrowth beyond. White the Bring was going on our pickets opposite Zuni, about a mite and a naif up the river, reported that tbe enemy were at­tempting to areas at the railroad bridge, and that the Union pickets had been fired upon by bothtto/antry aad artillery, who ware assembling at that point in large num­bers, evidently with the intention of outflanking as. Gen Kerry at once ordered hat Adjutant Gaaaral. Cant. lvee. with a regiment of infantry and a aection of artillery, to this point for the purpose of dispersing them, g r i l l i n g there, Capt Ives round the enemy in plain sight, not more than ast eighth of a mite distant, their battery hi fail view, and the infantry showing themselves on the out-aide of the works with apparent impunity Tbe aectmn saigas tbe laaniiianrtnf 1 Jem easel Beecher, af the Feoish • United State* artillery, sow na*aawasen a galMnglre, under the cover of which a company of the Fifty emhtb Pennsylvania deployed as akirmiahers to lbs wanks af the river tor the purpose of picking off the eaemy's arttltery DMBB OB UM.Ofppoat*4j stuM iurea ateHJ slntM battery, aad a dosen mere dostreyei the and drove the enemy away, they taking wrtfe thorn a I gna which bad been mounted an a trunk and ran from place to place upas the satiroad track, and which tbey Brad vary rapidly, dosag, however, bat Matte eaaentma Tbe party under Captaia Ives saw iwearaed to tbe m a s body, w h e n Umarlag had bcaagotog oarer tbreo or loor boars, driving tha enemy back a* enVotnally that three companies of the Thirteenth ladtena crossed she Stack water in the Biatasa boats. Col Dodge also erisaai ever in the face of a large force of tbe enemy, who had 4ceat teas been attracted by the firing, and had arrived to rem force their comrades, having, as waa aaanaand, reached tbe place ia the cars from Wakefield.

As the expedition we* partially a diversion m favor or ether and more important military movements av our forces, and as Gea. Parry bed received ardors m be par ticuterty cautions ant to bring oa an engagement, our ana were recalled from the opposite side, and returned with a captain and twelve men whom tbey had captured. Tbe whale now mode preparations to retrace their steps, end at haK past ton o'clock this morning the test of tha column passed through Suflolg on their way to the ramie

The rebel captain was wounded so seriously that it waa necessary to bring htm in an ambulance.

Our toes Is three killed and eleven wounded Tne ene­my s was much greater, the prisoners reporting aa aaany as mirty killed end wounded by onr artillery fire at tbe crossing.

We were compelled to leave and destroy one old wae. n which stuck so deeply in tbe mud that It was found im­possible to extricate it. Tbe contents were taken sn* before setting it os fire.

Before the bead of tbe returning cilumn bad r e a . t - 1 here and I believe even before they started bomewarl secession report* of a disastrous defeat, of a c a p t u f d S a c a T t r a a T s bloody repulse while craving the m e r and a hasty retreat spread like lightning, both hut nixb* ami this morning, and as our gallant fellows march*** throut-b the village tbey were greeted *with jeermat smiles from tbe male secossioniau and a psora demcti-atrative evidence of tattslaciion fr'.m the female* Ore HI #id woman, waied her hinds as our soldiers paMsed! ^ r dwelling, and said. " I prayed to God all teal s i f t * that y«u might never live to cross the BUckwater, at.dl oow my prayers have been answered, ft* yon were drives* asct wbeu you tried to cross, and have come back f a r e r than you went. Another, seeing s>me men who Ladi bi-eti manning tbe battery walking be*'md the arulte y , and supposing that Because they bad n* m i»k#t« tL»y bad been thrown away to aid them in their l ight c r • <1 out, " Where's your guns'' Tbe n. xt time you hear tb tm tbey will be turned against you,' Ac-

The following is s list of our loss, as far as I « . , id o i ­l e d it up to tbe time for tbe train to leave for Norfolk —»

snxap Lieut. Jcha Robinson.6th MasFach"°etu. I i-ot Barr, On. L 6th Masaachucatu One of the l l t b Fennsylvanla cavalry.

aWaaaaaw* A Sergeant of the Mounted RiM<~ Private McFarland. 13th Indiana leg shot off rnona "y. iTrvate Hintoc, Oo. F. 13th Ir.diaca Private Brady. Co. C,68th Pennsylvania.m lb* * fc t jr

a shell Private Cox, Co C. 6*th Pennsylvania, » tbe leg pv a


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