Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram

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  • 8/12/2019 Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram


    sree krishnaashtottarashatanaamastottram... from


  • 8/12/2019 Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram


  • 8/12/2019 Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram


  • 8/12/2019 Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram


  • 8/12/2019 Srikrishna Ashtotharasatanamastortram Narada Panacharatram



    nandavrajajannand saccidnandavigraha||4

    navtaviliptgo navantanao'naghanavantanavhro mucukundaprasdaka||5

    oaastrsahasresatribhag madhurkti

    ukavgamtbdndugovindo yoginpati||6

    vatsavacaro'nando dhenuksuramarddana

    tktatvartto yamarjjunabhajana||7

    uttlatlabhett ca tamlaymakti

    gopagopvaro yog koisryasamaprabha||8

    ipatiparajyotiydavendro yaddvaha

    vanaml ptavsparijtpaharaka||9

    govarddhancaloddhartt goplasarvaplaka

    ajo nirajanakmajanakakajalocana||10

    madhuh madhurntho dvraknyako bal

    bndvanntasacr tuasdmabhaa||11

    syamantakamaerhartt naranryatmaka

    kubjkbaradharo my paramaprua||12

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    sasravair kasri


    andibrahmacr ca kvyasana karaka

    iuplairaccett duryodhanakulntaka||14

    vidurkrravarado vivarpapradaraka

    satyavk satyasakalpasatyabhmrato jay||15

    subhadrprvajo jiubhmamuktipradyakajagadgururjjaganntho veundavirada||16

    vabhsuravidhvas bsurakarntaka

    yudhihirapratiht barhibarhvatasaka||17

    prtthasrathiravyakto gtmtamahodathi


    dmodaro yajabhokt dnavendravinaka

    nryaaparabrahma pannaganavhana||19


    puyalokastrtthapdo vedavedyo


    sarvatrtthtmakassarvagraharp partpara

    evarkadevasya nmnmaottara


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    kanmmtanma paramnandakraka



    dnarutatapastrtham yatktam tviha

    janmani pahatvatcaiva koikoigua


    ||iti rnradapacartre jnmtasre caturtthertre ummahevarasavde

    rkottaraatanmastotram sampta||

    Meanings of Krishna ashtottaram

    Sree Krishna. He is having that name because he

    is black in colour. His nature is to attract

    everything to him.. a veritable blackhole..

    KamalaanaathaH.. The lord of Kamala, theMahalakshmi.

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    VasudevaH the son of Vasudeva.

    Sanatana the eternal, without any beginning.

    Vasudevaatmaja.. the one born out of the

    Vasudeva..the king ( or the Gods?)

    PunyaH.. the most scared, the one who is born inresponse to the prayer of ever so many virtuous


    LeelaamanushavigrahaH.. He is the being with no

    for but by way of sport of maya he has taken theform of a human being.

    Sreevasta kaustubhadharaH..He wears the mark

    Sreevatsam as on his bosom as birthmark (some

    allude this as the footmark of Bhrigu) and the gem

    Kastubha adorns the garland of precious stones

    worn by him.

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    Yasodhaa vatsalaH. He is the darling of Matha


    HariH..He is Hari.. remover of Sins, he the the

    Divine Lion..

    Chathurbhujaattachkraasi GadhaasankhaadyutaayudhaH..He is holding aloft four

    insignia or weapon. The Discus (Sudarsana, the

    wheel of a chariot..Nandaka the sword . the gadha

    or mace Kaumodhakee, Panchajanya the Conch,

    DevakeenandanaH the beloved son of Devaki

    ShreeshaH The lord of Devi Lakshmi, the Lord all

    the wealth of the Universe

    NandagopapriyaatmajaH The dearest son of


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    Yamuna vegasamharee He stopped the torrential

    flow of River Yamuna while he had to cross over

    from Mathura to Gokula.. Later while playing and

    while dancing on the hoods of the serpent Kaliya,

    Yamuna watched calmly.

    BalabhadrapriyaanujaH.. The younger brother

    close to the heart of Balarama

    PoothanaajeevithaharaH The child who suckled

    the poisoned breast of demoness Poothana anddelivered her of her life..

    ShakataasurabhanjanaH The one who shattered

    with a little movement of his tiny legs, a huge

    wooden cart, which in fact was the demon Shakata

    who had come to Gokulam to crush and kill the

    child Krishna

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    Nandavrajajannaandee.. One who gave immense

    happiness to all the living beings in the household

    conglomerate of Nandagopa..

    Satchit ananda VigrahaH One who is the

    embodiment of Sat, Chit and aananda

    NavameethaviliptaangaH ..One whose body is

    completely smeared with butter

    NavaneethanataH.. One who played a lot of pranksand enacted a lot of dramas for butter

    AnaghaH One without any sins

    NavaneethanavaahaaraH.. One who is pleased to

    have fresh butter as food

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    MuchukundprasadhakaH ..One who blessed the

    ancient sagely king Muchukunda (cf. the

    Kaalayavana episode)

    ShodashastreesahasreshaH ..The lord and master

    for sixteen thousand noble ladies

    ThribhangeemadurakrutiH.. One who kindly

    straightened the thrice crooked body hunchback

    girl( who was carrying cosmetics for Kamsa and

    gave those to Krishna) and restored her to her

    sweet beautiful form.

    Shukavag .. Having soft and beautiful tone of a

    Parrot or the one who has given wordsto Shuka

    the son of Vyasa

    Amrutaabheendu.. The moon raising out of the sea

    of Amrutha or nectar ( the moon, according to the

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    puranas emerged from the Ocean of Milk, which

    was churned by Gods and Asuras)

    Govinda.. The protector of Cows.. the master of Go..

    the word, the earth, the Vedas..

    Yoginaam PathiH.. The foremost amongs the

    yogins .. Gita.. Yatra yogeswara KrishnaH,

    Samattwam yoga uchyate, yogaH karmasukausalam etc..

    VatsavaatacharaH.. The boy who roams around the

    mangers where the young calvesare arranged.

    AnanthaH.. The being without end.. The serpent


    Dhenukaasura Mardhana: The annihilator of the


    Dhenukasent by Kamsa to kill the infant Krishna

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    the demon took the form of a ferocious cow and

    attacked the Lord but was killed by the latter.

    Thrineekritha thrinavartho One who blew away

    the demon Tthirnavartha like a piece of grass.

    Thrinavartha was another demon sent to attack

    the child Krishna.. the demon landed upon

    Gokulam in the shape of a cyclone and tried to flyaway with the child but was nullified by Krishna

    and the demon got killed in the process.

    Yamalaarjuna bhanjanaH.. One who uprooted the

    twin Arjuna Trees. The two sons of Kubera,Nalakubara and Manigreeva, stood as arjuna trees

    in the backyard of Nanda..due to a curse from

    Narada.. When Krishna whose tummy was tied to a

    mortar by His mother Yasodha ran around with

    the mortar in tandem and when he pulled the

    ropes sticking the big mortar between the trees,

    the trees got broken and uprooted and the two

    boysgot released from their curse and regained

    their original life.

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    Uttaalataalabhetta.. The one who uprooted the

    huge taala tree.. another demonic manifestation..

    can also allude to the action of Rama in uprooting

    the seven trees with one stroke of arrow to prove

    his prowess before Sugreema.

    Tamaalashyamalaakrithi.. Having the solid dark

    shape and structure of a Tamala Tree..


    GopagopesswaraH the lord of the cowherds, both

    male and female..

    Yogi.. The practitioner of Yoga .. He is the Lordof

    Yoga itself.. and He runs the universe Himself

    being the Parabrahmam, aiding himself with the

    yogamaya created by himself.

    KotisuuryasaamaprabhaH.. Having powerful aura

    or luster of millions of Suns.. the Sun is the

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    apparent source of all energy, butthe lord is

    Himself the energy and the source of such energy..

    Na tatra sooryo bhathi

    IlaapathiH.. The lord of Ila Ilas history in

    puranas is very interesting.. She is once

    transformed from female to male.. Lingapuranam,

    Skandam etc have described the story Ila canalso mean Ida one of the two naadis.. Ida and

    pingala which constitute the yogic


    ParamjyothiH The ultimate light and the sourceof it

    Yaadavendra.. The foremost leader of the Yadu or

    Yadava clan

    YadoodvahaH .. One who is the protector of the

    Yadu clan..( And the Yadu clan had gained sin

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    through a curse of Yayati.. but the birth of Krishna

    in that clan sanctified it.

    Vanamaalee.. One who wears galands made of wild


    PeethavaasaaH.. One who wears bright yellowclothes

    Paarijaathaapaharaka.. One who stealthily

    brought the celestial Parijatha tree from heaven to


    govarddhanaachalorddharthaa: the one who lifted

    the mountain Govardhana.. under the advice of

    Krishna, the gopas paid respects to themountain

    Govardhana instead of Indra. The enraged Indra

    retaliated by sending huge torrential rains to

    render the gopas helpless. Krishna lifted the

    Govardhana mountain like an umbrella and

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    protected the gopas for a long time sheltering

    them under the upturned mountain.

    gopalaH the protector of cows, cowherd

    sarvapalakaH.. Protector of all

    ajaH.. One without any birth

    niranjanaH.. spotless, pure

    kaamajanakaH.. the father of Kamadeva..

    Kamadeva, the God of love is the son of Vishnu and

    Lakshmi. Again, Pradhyumna, the son of Rugmani

    and Krishan is the incarnation of Kamadeva.

    KanjalochanaH.. Lotus eyed

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    madhuhaa.. the killer of the demon Madhu

    mathuraanaathaH .. The master of the city


    dwaarakaanaayakaH .. The leader of the city


    Balee.. Immensely powerful

    Brindaavanaanthasanchaaree.. One who happily

    roams around and inside the Brindavan

    ThulaseedhaamabhhushanaH.. One who has

    adorned with a nice garland of Tulasi leaves

    Syamanthakamanerhartra.. who was alleged to bethe thief of the famous gem Syamanthaka.. The

    gem belonged to Satrajit and when Prasena, the

    brother of Satrajit had gone to forest for a hunt

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    and was killed and robbed, Krishna was accused of

    the robbery. Later on the Gem was recovered from

    Jambavan who had got it from a lion which had

    killed Prasena. Krishnas name was cleared and in

    this process, he was married to Satyabhama, the

    daughter of Satrajit, and Jambavati, the daughter

    of Jambavan.

    NaranarayanaatmakaH.. the embodiment of Naraand

    Narayana.. the lord embodied himself as Nara and

    Narayana to fight certain demons and these two

    were manifest as Arjuna and Krishna in the

    Mahabharata time.

    kubjaakrishnaambharadharaH one who wore the

    dress given by a hunchback lady.. during his visit

    to Mathura as summoned by his uncle Kamsa

    Maayee .. Adept is deception, the master of Maya

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    ParmapoorushaH the supereme among men,

    living beings, the exalted Brahman


    the expert wrestler who fought with the demons

    Mushtika and Chaanoora and defeated them.

    Samsaaravairee.. the one who is the arch enemy to

    the woes of existence of the living beings .

    KamsaariH .. the enemy of Kamsa his own uncle

    Murari The enemy and vanquisher of the

    demon Mura

    NarakaanthakaH the one who became the killer

    of Narakaasura.. Naraka is a demon born of Vishnuand Bhoomi..(Krishna and Satyabhama).. However

    on account of the demons misdeeds, he had to be

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    annihilated and that too by his own father. We

    celebrate deepavali on this incident.

    anaadi..the being whose origin can never beknown

    brahmachari.. the celebate or one who is the

    perfect brahmachari in human form he

    performed so many leelas, but the basic divine

    material in him was pure brahmam.. The

    brahmacharyam was proved during the incidence

    of rejuvenation of Pareekshit, Abhimanyus Child,

    who had been affected by the destructive

    Brahmasira arrow applied by Aswathama against

    all the Pandavas.

    KrishnaavyasanakarshakaH.. One who dispelled

    the sorrows of Draupadi, the Krishna Take the

    case of Akshaya patram incident, The disrobing in

    the court of Duryodhana, The protection of

    Pareekshit etc..

    Sisupaalashirachchetta.. The beheader of

    Shishupala.. Jaya and Vijaya, the Lords

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    gatekeepers were cursed to be born thriceas

    enemies of the Lord and attain moksham after

    getting killed at the hands of the Lord. Their first

    birth, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu was

    handled by the Lords incarnation as Varaha and

    Narasimha. Their second birth as Ravana and

    Kumbhakarna was dealt with the Lords

    Incarnation of Rama. During Krishnaavataram,

    they were born as Shishupaala and Dantavaktra.Shishupala, though a cousin of Krishna was an

    enemy, and always spread scandals about

    Krishna.. Shishupala created problem at the

    marriage ceremony of Rugmani with Krishna..

    During thee Rajasooya yajna conducted by

    yudhistira, all the elders were unanimous thatKrishna should be given the primal respects and

    oblations. But Shisupaala opposed it and talked

    very nasty things about the Lord. Krishna, after

    being patient for long enough had to behead

    Shishupala with his discus, to save the situation

    DuryodhanakulaanthakaH.. the terminator of the

    clan of Duryodhana ultimately, it was the

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    presence and actions of Krishna which caused the

    destruction of Kauravas and won the

    mahabharatha was for the Pandavas

    ViduraakrooravaradhaH the Lord who honoured

    Vidura and Akroora with boons When Krishna

    was visiting Hastinapuram as the envoy of the

    Pandavas, the ruling house was not very friendly

    with the Lord. The lord chose to spend his night at

    the house of Vidura, the great scholar, devotee and

    the half-brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra.. The

    ardent devotee that was vidura, could not observe

    the proprieties of hospitality and it is said that he

    fed the Lord with the peelings of banana whilethrowing away the kernals.. But Krishna was

    captivated by the devotion and was an eternal

    beneficiary for Vidura. Akrua was a relative, and

    he was commissioned by Kamsa to bring Krishna

    and Balarama from Brindaban to Madura (of

    course with cruel intentions).. Akrura, the staunch

    devotee, enjoyed the hospitality of the Lord and

    was also accorded with Divya Vaikunta

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    Darshanam.. before the two brothers came to

    Mathura and confronted Kamsa.

    Vishwaroopa pradarshakaH.. The Lord who

    exhibited his Cosmicform In fact he did it twice.

    Once to convince Arjuna in the battlefield and once

    in the court of Duryodhana, when the evil king

    tried to arrest and capture him through force.

    Satyavaak.. One who always makes only true

    words To see it from another angle, only what he

    talks is truth. Cf. satya-vratam satya-param tri-

    satyam, satyasya yonim nihitam ca satyesatyasya

    satyam rta-satya-netram, satyatmakam tvam

    saranam prapannahSrimad Bhagavatam 10.2.

    SatyasankalpaH: Whose thought process is truth

    and nothing but truth.

    SatyabhaamarataH: One who is greatlyaffectionate to Satyabhaama

    Jayee: One who is ever victorious.

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    SubhadraapoorvajaH.. the one born elder to


    Jishnu: One who is always bent on success, one

    who is always successful in all that he engages

    himself in

    Bheeshmamuktipradaayaka: The one who

    granted Moksha to Bheeshapitaamaha.. Even

    though bound by duty to fight against the Lord,

    Bheeshma was dearer to Him, maybe ever greater

    that the Pandavas and Arjuna. There was in fact a

    tussle between the Lord and the Warrior.. Whilethe Lord said he would never take any arms in the

    Mahabharatha battle, Bheeshma challenged that

    he would make Krishna wield a weopon.

    Ultimately, the circumstances contrived in such a

    way that the Lord charged towards Bheeshma with

    a chariot wheel in hand to protect Arjuna.. Here

    Krishna wanted to make the promise of Bheeshma

    true even by negating his own promise. Bheeshma

    chanted the hundred names of the Lord in His

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    presences, and he could not help calling the lord

    Rathangapaani.. one who is having a chariot-wheel

    in his hands.

    Jagadguru: The preceptor of the World.. The

    aacharya who gave us Gita. We call three persons

    Jagatguru..Krishna, Shankara and Lord

    Dakshinamoorthy himself.

    JagannathaH ; The master of the world He

    shines for in that form in Puri.. Natha hare

    jagannatha hare.

    VenunaathavisaarathaH. . Adept in playing the

    flute The cows and calves, the gopis and gops,

    the trees and tendrils, the birds and animals, the

    animate and the inanimate things, all were

    captivated by the music played by Krishna.

    Vrishabhaasura vidhwamsee.. one who destroyed

    the demon Vrishabha in the shape of a bull.. this

    happened during the childhood pranks of Krishna

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    Baanaasura KaraanthakaH.. The one who cut off

    the arms of Banaasura.. Bana, an asura and a

    devotee of Shiva, had a beautiful daughter Usha..A

    romance developed between Usha and Aniruddha

    the grandson of Krishna, and Aniruddhawas

    abducted.A fierce battle followed and Bana was

    defeated and all of his 999 pairs of arms were

    chopped off.. however, Usha and Aniruddha wereunited.

    YudhisTirapratishTaathaa: One who regained

    Suzerainty to Yudhistira, the elder pandava in

    Mahabharatha war.

    Barhibarhaavatamsaka: One who adorns himself

    with the beautiful feathers of a peacock.

    PaarthasaarathiH.. the charioteer to Arjuna

    AvyakthaH.. One who cannot be understood


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    GeethamruthamahodhadhiH.. the ocean of nectar

    that is fill with the ambroscia of Geetha apart

    from Him, from whence can the Geetha come?


    ajaH.. One whose lotus feet are brightened by the

    luster emanating from the manikya gems adorning

    the myriad heads of the venomous snake Kaliya.

    Kaliya occupied the Kalindi and was poisoning theenvironments and causing hazards to the life and

    welfare of the occupants of Brindaban. One day the

    dark lad Krishna jumped into the place where the

    furious snake was spewing his venom andstarted

    dancing over the snakes many hoods.. The snake

    could not do any harm to the child but was nearing

    his death unable to bear the footfalls of the child.

    Ultimately, the kind Lord pardoned the snake and

    sent him to an island Ramanaka.

    DamodharaH..One with a rope around his belly

    The naughty boy proved impossible for Yasodha

    and she simply tied across his belly to a mortar

    with a long rope. The boy ran around and hit two

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    trees and broke them and gave moksham to two

    sons of kubera.. Strange, the immeasurable,

    uncontrollable parabrahmam was tied by that

    mother with the rope of love..

    Yajnabhoktaa.. the one who partakes in the

    offerings made in yajnaas. In fact the

    Rishipatnees gave the food meant for yajna to the

    black child and his naughty colleagues.

    Daanavendravinasaka.. Annihilator of the leader

    of demons.. Kamsa?

    Naarayana .. The dweller of water.. the one who

    floats over water.. and this word is beyond


    Parabrahma.. The ultimate Soul

    PannagaashanavaahanaH.. He has Garuda the

    Vainateya who feasts on snakes, as his mount

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    .. The one who snatched away stealthily theclothes of the Gopis who had all come to a bathing

    ghat in Yamuna for a watery sport.

    PunyashlokaH.. the praiseworthy one.. the praise

    of whom brings punyam to us

    Teerthapaado.. who is having water at his feet..

    from his lotus feet flows the river gangaa


    VedhavedhyaH.. The one who is understood only

    through Vedaas

    DayaanidhiH .. The treasure of compassion for the


    SarvateerthaatmakaH.. The inherent divinity

    found in all holy waters and holy places

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    Sarvagraharoopee: Who manifests himself in the

    shape of all planets and celestial bodies

    Paraatpara.. Supreme of all that is supreme.

    Thus is the 108 names of Lord Krishna

    It is called Krishnanaamaamrutham. It is the

    source of supreme ecstasy. It prevents all evils

    and attacks. It helps in increasing ones longevity.

    Whatever is given, heard, done inpilgrimage, or

    done in this life in these names, for who read, who

    hear them, the results will be Million-fold.

    This is from Jnaanaamritasaaram of Narada

    Pancharathra..Discourse between Uma and

    Maheswara.. On the fourth night